Горит такая ошибка, якобы с ближним светом что то не так. Ближний свет горит. Предыдущий владелец когда купил машину, на ней стоял ксенон, родные фары были в багажнике, он ксенон снял, поставил родные и загорелась эта ошибка, так и горит с тех пор. Я так понимаю, когда ставили ксенон, где то вставили резисторы, чтобы компьютер ксенон признал, а когда ксенон сняли, резисторы эти не трогали, вот и получается сейчас неправильное сопротвиление в цепи. Прав ли я? Если прав, то где они могут быть? Не хочется что-нибудь лишнее отломать.
Каждый раз, при включении фар ближнего света, появляется ошибка LOW BEAM, т.е. нам говорят, типа не горит одна из фар ближнего света…Ошибка может возникать если:
1.Глючит корректор фар (отключить его)
2.Блок контроля исправности фар, стоит под капотом где все релюхи и преды.
В моем случае стоит ксенон, на ближний…всё исправно работает, но появляется эта ошибка постоянно…Итак достаем блок LKM-B, достаём саму плату и пропаиваем все контакты под катушками, а их аж 4 штуки…Со временем пайка отваливается и появляются микротрещины, т.к. сама пайка холодная…Берём паяльник и канифоль + олово и пропаиваем все контакты не жалея припоя, там они в два ряда…Вот что получилось :
Чем могу…
RELEASE PARKINGBRAKE-Отпустить стояночный тормоз
CHECK BRAKE FLUID-Проверить уровень тормозной жидкости
STOP! ENGINE OILPRESS-Стоп! Низкое давление масла в двигателе
COOLANT TEMPERATURE-Температура охлаждающей жидкости
BOOTLID OPEN-Открыт багажник
DOOR OPEN-Открыта дверь
CHECK BRAKE LIGHTS-Проверить стоп-сигналы
CHECK LOWBEAM LIGHTS-Проверить ближний свет
CHECK TAIL LIGHTS-Проверить свет задних фонарей
CHECK PARK LIGHTS-Проверить габаритный свет
CHECK FRONT FOGLAMP-Проверить свет пер. противотуманных фар
CHEK REAR FOGLAMP-Проверить свет задн. противотуманн. фар
CHECK NUMPLATE LIGHT-Проверить освещение номерных знаков
CHECK TRAILER LIGHTS-Проверить фонари прицепа
CHECK HIGHBEAM LIGHT-Проверить дальний свет
CHECK REVERSE LIGHTS-Проверить фонари заднего хода
TRANS. FAILSAFE PROG-Аварийная программа АКПП
CHECK BRAKE LININGS-Проверить тормозные колодки
WASHER FLUID LOW-Долить воды в бачок омывателя
CHECK ENGINE OIL LEV-Проверить уровень масла в двигателе
IGNITION KEY BATTERY-Заменить аккумулятор ключа зажигания
CHECK COOLANT LEVEL-Прверить уровень охлажд. жидкости
LIGHTS ON?-Включен свет?
CHECK STEERING FLUID LEV-Проверить масло гидропривода р/управл-яОПЦИОНАЛЬНО:
TYRE DEFECT- Дефект шины, немедленно сбавьте скорость и остановитесь, не делая резких движений р/колесом
EDC INACTIVE-Система электронной регулировки жесткости амортизаторов не активна
SELFLEVEL SUSP. INACT-Система саморегулирования дорожного просвета неактивна
FUEL INJECT. SYS.-Проверьте инжектор в СТОА Дилера BMW!
SPEED LIMIT-Вы превысили установленный Вами на бортовом компьютере лимит скорости
PRE-HEATING-Не запускайте двигатель, пока не погаснет данная надпись (работает предпусковой подогреватель)
FASTEN SEAT BELTS-Пристегните ремни безопасности
ENGINE FAILSAFE PROG-Аварийная программа двигателя, обратитесь к Дилеру BMW!
SET TYRE PRESSURE-Установите предписанное давление воздуха в шинах
CHECK TYRE PRESSURE-Проверьте давление воздуха в шинах, при необходимости доведите до нормы
TYRE CONTROL INACTIVE-Неисправность в системе контроля давления в шинах, система неактивна
KEY IN IGNITION LOCK-Вы оставили ключ в замке зажигания
Bremsflussigkeit [BREAK FLUID LOW] — уровень тормозной жидкости приближается к минимуму
Oeldruck Motor [ENGINE OIL PRESS] — недостаточное давление масла в двигателе. Появляется, если после пуска масленка не гаснет в течение примерно 5 секунд (случаи пробития поддона опускаю). Мануал требует немедленной остановки двигателя, однако если попробовать его сразу завести — помогает. Стоит задуматься о следующем масляном фильтре «подешевле»-
Kuhlwassertemp [COOLANT TEMP] — перегрев. Печку на полную, двигатель заглушить.
Handbremse losen [PARKING BREAK] — с ручника сними, дурень!
Kein Bremslicht [NO BREAK LIGHT] — отсутствует стоп-сигнал. Редко лампы горят по две.
Bremsli. Elektrik [BREAK LT CIRCUIT] — покрылся предохранитель или цепи стоп-сигнала.
Speed Limit [SPEED LIMIT] — превышена вами же заданная скорость
Не очень плохие сообщения
Getriebeprogramm [ХЗ] — кончина АКПП (подробнее не могу, у меня РКПП)
Bremsbelage [BREAK LININGS] — стерлись колодки и сработал датчик. И то и другое менять.
Waschwasserstand [WASHER FLUID LOW] — недостаточный уровень жидкости в бачке омывателя (заканчиваются вошерные флюиды). Долить.
1 Bremslicht [BREAK LIGHT] — покрылся один стоп-сигнал. Меняем лампочку.
Abblendlicht [DIP BEAM (LOW BEAM)] — покрылся ближний свет. См. предыдущий пункт.
Rucklicht [TAIL LIGHT (PARK LIGHT)] — один из задних габаритов не горит. См. предыдущий пункт.
Kennzeichenlicht [LIC PLATE LT] — одна или обе лампы подсветки номера не горят. См. предыдущий пункт.
Anhangerlicht [ХЗ] — что-то не работает в световой сигнализации прицепа.
Не очень хорошие сообщения
Oelstandmotor [ENGINE OIL LOW] — уровень масла в двигателе приближается к минимуму. Долить.
Kuhlwasserstand [COOLANT LEVEL] — уровень ОЖ приближается к минимуму. Долить.
Oeldruck Sensor [OIL PRESS SENSOR] — неисправность датчика давления масла.
Sensor Oelstand [OIL LEVEL SENSOR] — — неисправность датчика уровня масла.
Check Control [CHECK CONTROL]- аналог из лексикона Microsoft: General Protection Fault. Немедленно покинуть автомобиль путем катапультирования. Для запуска системы катапультирования открыть люк и как следует пукнуть на предварительно нагретый прикуриватель.
Licht an? [LIGHT ON?] — открыта водительская дверь при включенных габаритах.
Нейтральные сообщение
Standlicht [HIGH BEAM]- дальний свет
Nebellicht vorn [FOG LIGHT] — противотуманки передние
Nebellicht hint. [ХЗ] противотуманки задние
Betriebsanleitung [OWNER’S HANDBOOK] читайте инструкцию к автомобилю
Koffenraum Offnen [TRUNKLID OPEN] начато движение с открытым багажником
Tur Offnen [DOOR OPEN] — начато движение с открытой дверью
Ежели на доске горит +, то БК жалуется более, чем на одну проблему. Прочитать можно по очереди, нажимая Check Control. Замечание: у меня иногда, со слов БК, накрываются все стоп-сигналы, габариты и подсветка номера. Лечится выключением зажигания и повторным запуском двигателя. VERIF.FEUX AR — это не работает лампочка габарита c зади
VERIF.FEUX STOP — это неработает лампочка стопа
VERIF.ANTIBROUIL.AV — это не работает противотуманка с переди
VERIF.ECL.IMMAT — Проверьте уровень охлаждающей жидкости (скорей всего кондиционера)
RELEASE PARKINGBRAKE-Отпустить стояночный тормоз
CHECK BRAKE FLUID-Проверить уровень тормозной жидкости
STOP! ENGINE OILPRESS-Стоп! Низкое давление масла в двигателе
COOLANT TEMPERATURE-Температура охлаждающей жидкости
BOOTLID OPEN-Открыт багажник
DOOR OPEN-Открыта дверь
CHECK BRAKE LIGHTS-Проверить стоп-сигналы
CHECK LOWBEAM LIGHTS-Проверить ближний свет
CHECK TAIL LIGHTS-Проверить свет задних фонарей
CHECK PARK LIGHTS-Проверить габаритный свет
CHECK FRONT FOGLAMP-Проверить свет пер. противотуманных фар
CHEK REAR FOGLAMP-Проверить свет задн. противотуманн. фар
CHECK NUMPLATE LIGHT-Проверить освещение номерных знаков
CHECK TRAILER LIGHTS-Проверить фонари прицепа
CHECK HIGHBEAM LIGHT-Проверить дальний свет
CHECK REVERSE LIGHTS-Проверить фонари заднего хода
TRANS. FAILSAFE PROG-Аварийная программа АКПП
CHECK BRAKE LININGS-Проверить тормозные колодки
WASHER FLUID LOW-Долить воды в бачок омывателя
CHECK ENGINE OIL LEV-Проверить уровень масла в двигателе
IGNITION KEY BATTERY-Заменить аккумулятор ключа зажигания
CHECK COOLANT LEVEL-Прверить уровень охлажд. жидкости
LIGHTS ON?-Включен свет?
CHECK STEERING FLUID LEV-Проверить масло гидропривода р/управл-яОПЦИОНАЛЬНО:
TYRE DEFECT- Дефект шины, немедленно сбавьте скорость и остановитесь, не делая резких движений р/колесом
EDC INACTIVE-Система электронной регулировки жесткости амортизаторов не активна
SELFLEVEL SUSP. INACT-Система саморегулирования дорожного просвета неактивна
FUEL INJECT. SYS.-Проверьте инжектор в СТОА Дилера BMW!
SPEED LIMIT-Вы превысили установленный Вами на бортовом компьютере лимит скорости
PRE-HEATING-Не запускайте двигатель, пока не погаснет данная надпись (работает предпусковой подогреватель)
FASTEN SEAT BELTS-Пристегните ремни безопасности
ENGINE FAILSAFE PROG-Аварийная программа двигателя, обратитесь к Дилеру BMW!
SET TYRE PRESSURE-Установите предписанное давление воздуха в шинах
CHECK TYRE PRESSURE-Проверьте давление воздуха в шинах, при необходимости доведите до нормы
TYRE CONTROL INACTIVE-Неисправность в системе контроля давления в шинах, система неактивна
KEY IN IGNITION LOCK-Вы оставили ключ в замке зажигания
Bremsflussigkeit [BREAK FLUID LOW] — уровень тормозной жидкости приближается к минимуму
Oeldruck Motor [ENGINE OIL PRESS] — недостаточное давление масла в двигателе. Появляется, если после пуска масленка не гаснет в течение примерно 5 секунд (случаи пробития поддона опускаю). Мануал требует немедленной остановки двигателя, однако если попробовать его сразу завести — помогает. Стоит задуматься о следующем масляном фильтре «подешевле»-
Kuhlwassertemp [COOLANT TEMP] — перегрев. Печку на полную, двигатель заглушить.
Handbremse losen [PARKING BREAK] — с ручника сними, дурень!
Kein Bremslicht [NO BREAK LIGHT] — отсутствует стоп-сигнал. Редко лампы горят по две.
Bremsli. Elektrik [BREAK LT CIRCUIT] — покрылся предохранитель или цепи стоп-сигнала.
Speed Limit [SPEED LIMIT] — превышена вами же заданная скорость
Не очень плохие сообщения
Getriebeprogramm [ХЗ] — кончина АКПП (подробнее не могу, у меня РКПП)
Bremsbelage [BREAK LININGS] — стерлись колодки и сработал датчик. И то и другое менять.
Waschwasserstand [WASHER FLUID LOW] — недостаточный уровень жидкости в бачке омывателя (заканчиваются вошерные флюиды). Долить.
1 Bremslicht [BREAK LIGHT] — покрылся один стоп-сигнал. Меняем лампочку.
Abblendlicht [DIP BEAM (LOW BEAM)] — покрылся ближний свет. См. предыдущий пункт.
Rucklicht [TAIL LIGHT (PARK LIGHT)] — один из задних габаритов не горит. См. предыдущий пункт.
Kennzeichenlicht [LIC PLATE LT] — одна или обе лампы подсветки номера не горят. См. предыдущий пункт.
Anhangerlicht [ХЗ] — что-то не работает в световой сигнализации прицепа.
Не очень хорошие сообщения
Oelstandmotor [ENGINE OIL LOW] — уровень масла в двигателе приближается к минимуму. Долить.
Kuhlwasserstand [COOLANT LEVEL] — уровень ОЖ приближается к минимуму. Долить.
Oeldruck Sensor [OIL PRESS SENSOR] — неисправность датчика давления масла.
Sensor Oelstand [OIL LEVEL SENSOR] — — неисправность датчика уровня масла.
Check Control [CHECK CONTROL]- аналог из лексикона Microsoft: General Protection Fault. Немедленно покинуть автомобиль путем катапультирования. Для запуска системы катапультирования открыть люк и как следует пукнуть на предварительно нагретый прикуриватель.
Licht an? [LIGHT ON?] — открыта водительская дверь при включенных габаритах.
Нейтральные сообщение
Standlicht [HIGH BEAM]- дальний свет
Nebellicht vorn [FOG LIGHT] — противотуманки передние
Nebellicht hint. [ХЗ] противотуманки задние
Betriebsanleitung [OWNER’S HANDBOOK] читайте инструкцию к автомобилю
Koffenraum Offnen [TRUNKLID OPEN] начато движение с открытым багажником
Tur Offnen [DOOR OPEN] — начато движение с открытой дверью
Ежели на доске горит +, то БК жалуется более, чем на одну проблему. Прочитать можно по очереди, нажимая Check Control. Замечание: у меня иногда, со слов БК, накрываются все стоп-сигналы, габариты и подсветка номера. Лечится выключением зажигания и повторным запуском двигателя.
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Ну и на что у тебя ругается?
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народ подскажите какие лампочки в подсветке номера у е60? пробовал 5и и 10-и ватные, все равно ругается и выдает ошибку license left или rite lamp malfunction. у кого нить было так?
Вообще это там есть, если чо
На Е34 тоже комп иногда ругался на все задние стопари. Причем ошибка висела приоритетно и можно было не увидеть другие. Проблема в выключателе стоп-сигналов. Подгорают контакты. (там двойные)
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- Регистрация:
- 16 апр 2009
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Было дело в прошлом году поставил ксенон.
Катался катался, через 5 месяцев начало выдавать ошибку LOW BEAM FAILURE.
Подумал что из-за ксенона.
В этом месяце менял фары и вставил стандартные лампочки, ошибка не пропала.
Все лампочки горят, всё работает. На что ругается ?
Разве эта ошибка не должна пропадать сама ? -
- Регистрация:
- 13 окт 2008
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- Род занятий:
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- Адрес:
На Е34 ошибка пропадает сама. Скорее всего что-то с блоком LCM.
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- 16 апр 2009
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- Адрес:
Разве с лампочками ошибки не пропадают сами после устранения причины их появления? Например менял лампочку стопника — перестало показывать ошибку, так-же и с подсветкой номерного знака.
- Регистрация:
- 8 сен 2008
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- Адрес:
Хорошо,отключил подушку безопасности-загорелась ошибка, подключил — сбросилась? Если бы так…
Дуба дал,действительно должна сама сбрасываться…
- Регистрация:
- 14 сен 2008
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- Адрес:
Скорее всего чтото с блоком ССМ, у е36 нет LCM.
Но сначала попробуй зделать компу ресет в 21 тесте, или отключить от него фишку(и). -
- Регистрация:
- 16 апр 2009
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- Адрес:
По подробнее можно ? Как ресет сделать ? Дабы в сервис не ехать.
- Регистрация:
- 16 апр 2009
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- Адрес:
Всё горит хорошо. Не моргает. Ошибка загорается сразу после включения ближнего света. На габаритах всё ок. На дальний не ругается.
+1 ошибки света в компе Е36 скидываются сами, как лампочку поменяешь, проверенно неоднократно.
Автору: По моему, ошибки показывает, когда напряжение не правельное становится, отличающееся от норм прошитых в бортовом компе. Найди какое напряжение должно быть с завода и проверь напругу у себя, этим ты снимишь подозрение со своего компа или наоборот, узнаешь что может быть в компе проблема. -
- Регистрация:
- 15 ноя 2007
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- Адрес:
если он говорит что ошибка высвечивается только тогда когда вклбчает ближний свет, то дело скорее всего в проводке… или в блоке, но не в самом компе. Чтото мне подсказывает что гдето контакт плохой, который отвечает за свет!
Так как тебе бортовой комп узнает о ошибке света, если свет не включать, это же не датчик омывательной жидкости.
А с проводкой +1 может случилось что. -
- Регистрация:
- 30 окт 2009
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- Адрес:
После установки ксенона появилась та-же ошибка, только пишет ее на немецком. Сразу после включения ближнего вылетает эта ошибка. Но я не обращаю на нее внимания. Думаю ничего криминального там нет.
Rucklicht — lampa zadnego xoda, prover ejo
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Тема в разделе «Сервис и обслуживание», создана пользователем bukake, 9 фев 2009.
Member- Регистрация:
- 12 сен 2008
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Борт. комп выдаёт вот такую ошибку, при4ем как то временами, то пишет, то нет…1 раз появилось месяц назад, и вылазила пару раз, и вот по прошествии месяца опять, где копать? 4то за дела? может кто сталкивался…? Електроншики, помогите пожалуиста…
bukake,9 фев 2009
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по логике противотуманка
Rouper,9 фев 2009
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контакт гдето плохои
? или как ето обьяснить
bukake,9 фев 2009
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копнул форум, нашел 4то ето проблема с ближним, но в 4ем прикол?? как обяснить то 4то ето раз в месяц появляецца и ис4езает?
bukake,9 фев 2009
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контакт где-то окислелся или плохой просто..посмотри контакты к лампочкам и фарам которые подходят..пошевели их, может наидёшь пречину..
а вообще такие поломки хуже некуда.. лучше бы вообще не горела или сломалась..хоть было бы проще искать пречину..#5
Mixer,9 фев 2009
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Поставь ссылку в закладки на будущее, вдруг комп опять «ругаться» будет, в нашей теме твоей неисправности что-то не нашёл
Vincent,9 фев 2009
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у меня такая трабла была… 1-я часть балета: вылетел блок розжига ксенона… вторая часть — плохой контакт который на лампочке ближнего светаюю почистил.. проблема улетучилась
Finnman,9 фев 2009
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LOW BEAM — ближний свет
FOG LIGHT — противотуманка (на Е36 через CHECK CONTROL не проверяеться)#8
SickFinga,9 фев 2009
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хорошенько подергал за шнур, который к лампе идет, свет загорелся, но вот на долго ли
контакт у лампы не кислый, 4истый, проверял….
bukake,9 фев 2009
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так может и не в самой лампе дело бытьююююю масса или провод где то прогнил…..
defuser,10 фев 2009
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BMW is a leader in the luxury car segment the world over. Buying a Bimmer guarantees you luxury, class, and reliability. Whether a one-series BMW or seven series, you can rest easy knowing that BMW has used top artistry and the best materials to make your car. But like every make or model of vehicle, there are one or two issues the owners of this make can expect to encounter.
Our article today looks at the left low beam malfunction message in BMW. This problem affects a sizeable number of Bimmer owners. We will look into what this CC-ID 120 error means. We will also explore how one can fix this problem. To better get a grasp of the issue, we will take a look at what are the known causes of this problem.
When the diagnostic OBD II scanner is used to help solve the above BMW problem, you will get the CC-ID 120 error code. While in Europe, it will give you the BMW dipped beam left failure code, in the USA, the error is coded as ‘BMW left low beam malfunction’. This problem can be caused by a single factor or a combination of factors.
Low beam meaning
Every BMW is equipped with low and high-beam lights. These lights are a legal requirement and are meant to make driving safe for yourself and other road users. Low beam lights are of lower intensity and are meant to only reach a few meters in front of the vehicle.
The low beam lights limit the amount of light shone on other drivers’ eyes. You should use these lights at night to avoid blinding other drivers and pedestrians. The other instances when low beam lights are used include when there is fog, heavy snow, and rain. The low beam light is ideal in such situations because it doesn’t get reflected back to your eyes like the high beam lights. High beams cause a glare in bad weather and also make the visibility of other drivers difficult.
On the other hand, high beams cover a wide area of between 350 and 400 feet. The light directed onto the oncoming drivers is unlimited, which is why such a bright beam of light is reserved for dark roads where traffic is meager. The high beam headlights are designed to not only see further but also wider or the sides of the road.
Left low beam malfunction in BMW
The left low beam malfunction icon will flash on the dashboard whenever the left low beam has a problem. Though this can be alarming, especially for a new driver, you should take your time to diagnose the problem first. This is because the issue could be as simple as replacing the bulb or as serious as the BMW TMS Headlight Control Module breaking down.
Low-beam headlights play a critical role in your driving at night and in severe weather. Your BMW car has a right, and a left low beam. The left low beam is located in the middle of the left turn signal, and the left headlight flasher.
To get to the root cause of the Left Low Beam Malfunction issue, you will need to understand how the headlights of your BMW work. Here are the leading causes of this malfunction error message on your dashboard;
1) Damaged bulb
Even though the Xenon HID bulbs installed in your BMW are power efficient and much brighter than the competition, they do have an end-of-life date. These BMW lights can last up to 2,500 hours, and when the gas inside the bulb is no longer effective in making the bulb light up, your low beam will no longer work.
BMW cars usually come fitted with Xenon HID 35W D1S and D2S bulbs. For those with halogen bulbs, which last for up to around 1,000 hours, the H7 477 2 PIN type with reflector type headlamp units are used.
Correcting the damaged bulb issue requires you to install the recommended BMW bulbs. In the instances where these original components are unavailable, you can go for reliable brands such as Philips, GE, or Osram. However, ensure that you get the right fitting socket for the aftermarket bulbs.
2) Damaged power connector plug
When the Xenon control unit of your BMW has a power issue or the cables to the bulb fail to work, you will get the ‘left low beam malfunction’ message. Cables do get worn out after being in use for a long time. This problem can also arise after an accident. The harness is prone to damage, and you should always check the entire wiring system after the car has been involved in an accident.
3) A faulty Xenon light control unit
A faulty xenon control unit can cause your BMW to have a left low beam malfunction issue. This small rectangular unit is attached to the headlight housing. To know whether the xenon control unit is faulty, use a new bulb on either side and if on both sides it doesn’t work, then check the unit.
A faulty xenon headlight control unit has some symptoms, including flickering, blinking, and suddenly lights going dark. You should check at the earliest opportunity because the bulb can stop flickering and completely shut off anytime.
4) A blown fuse
A blown fuse makes both headlights go off simultaneously. This is not a left low beam issue but an issue with the whole headlight circuit. If the circuit has a fault where the wattage or the current is excessively high, then the fuse is the likely casualty. If you experience a headlight issue more frequently than expected, it is time to check the whole headlight circuit.
5) Low light quality
You may notice that your low left beam is not working as expected. The malfunction error message may fail to appear on the dash, yet the light is giving you a difficult time, especially on roads with a lot of traffic. Bad air quality inside the headlamp housing will prevent the light illuminating from the bulbs to be minimal and of very low quality. Low air quality in the headlamps will affect both the low and the high-beam light.
How to fix left low malfunction in your BMW
Fixing the left low beam malfunction problem should be simple and inexpensive. When you use the OBD II scanner, you should have an easy time locating the source of the problem. Whether your car uses xenon or halogen bulbs, the equipment used to diagnose and solve the left low beam malfunction may change slightly.
If the cause of the malfunction is the bulb, which is usually the cause, changing it should be easy and relatively cheap since you will only need to buy the bulb. Here are the steps you should follow to replace the bulb:
- Start by turning the wheel inwards to allow you have access to the low beam bulb via the wheel arch.
- Remove the wheel housing cover to get access to the bulb. Turn the bulb cap anticlockwise.
- Disconnect the headlamp wiring and then remove the bulb. Replace the old bulb with a new one.
The low-beam bulb is usually accessed much more easily than the high-beam bulbs. The high beam bulb requires you to open the hood and work your way through. It should take less than 10 minutes to replace the bulb and get back on the road. Replacing a low beam will typically stay under $150.
If the control module is the one with the problem, you will need to take the car to a BMW dealership to have it repaired. In most cases, however, when the unit gets damaged, a replacement is recommended.
It is worth noting that the diagnostic machine will not tell you whether the gas is leaking from the bulbs or if the ballast has an issue. The OBD scanner will give you a general error code, and it is for you to trace where the problem originates.
The good thing about BMW beam lights is that you can replace them if you are a DIY person. Unlike some cars, you don’t need to remove the whole headlight to have access to the low-beam bulb. You can buy the bulb online or from a BMW dealership and replace it yourself. Being proactive regarding low beam issues is advisable because you can get into a serious accident if you neglect it. Don’t forget having a nonfunctioning low beam in your Bimmer is also illegal.
On the other hand, if the headlight housing has an issue or the control needs to be looked at, you should visit a professional to solve the problem. If the case proves to be more serious than just replacing the bulb, the bumper will need to be removed to give you access to the housing. This requires some expertise and can cost you a few hundred dollars, so you will need an expert.
Headlights are like the eyes of your car. You turn them on at night to lighten the road ahead, but you also use them to signal other drivers in some situations. But what happens when the low-beam light malfunctions?
- What Does Low Beam Malfunction Warning Indicate?
- What Causes Low Beams to Not Work?
- 01. Faulty Headlight Bulb
- 02. Faulty Xenon Light Control Unit
- 03. Bad Fuse
- 04. Faulty Headlight Relay
- 05. Faulty Headlight Switch
- 06. Faulty Dimmer Switch
- 07. Connections In the Light Socket Might Have Gone Bad
- How Much Does It Cost to Fix BMW Low Beam Malfunction?
- Is It Safe to Drive My BMW with A Low Beam Malfunction?
The high beam and low beam lights are separate circuits in your car. That is why the low beam can malfunction, but the high beam continues to work as usual. Unfortunately, you cannot use a high beam all the time. It annoys other road users and can cause temporary blindness, possibly resulting in accidents.
So, what causes the low beam to malfunction, and how can you fix it? Read on for detailed information.
What Does Low Beam Malfunction Warning Indicate?
The Low Beam Malfunction warning can appear on your dashboard when you turn on the ignition or are already driving. It simply alerts you that the low beam headlight won’t operate when you turn on the ignition switch. There is likely a problem in its circuit that causes the beams to fail.
You will see the Low Beam Malfunction on the central information display if the headlight bulbs are faulty, but there are other causes. It can also result from a malfunctioning xenon light control circuit, faulty fuse, dimmer switch, headlight relay, and connection problems.
You should address the Low Beam Malfunction before dusk if you plan a night trip. Check the headlights and fix any faulty lamp, even if it is just one side. Driving with only one side headlight functioning can cause you to be pulled over.
What Causes Low Beams to Not Work?
The causes are many, but only one will be responsible for the Low Beam Malfunction in your BMW at any given time. The warning message is triggered by a fault with any of the components in the low beam circuit system, and they include the following:
01. Faulty Headlight Bulb
Burned-out or faulty headlight bulbs are the most common cause of Low Beam Malfunction in BMW cars and other brands. These bulbs have a definite lifespan, rated in hours. They will blow out when they reach the end of their service life.
In many cases, only one side of the headlights will burn out. It, however, does not mean the other one is still in good condition. When one bulb burns out, the other one will also follow soon. The advice is to replace both headlight bulbs if you don’t want the problem to repeat soon after fixing it. It is also the only way to ensure you have the same brightness from both headlights.
It is easy to single out faulty headlight bulbs as the cause of Low Beam Malfunction. If only one is blown out, interchange them to see if the working one lights in the same socket as the faulty one. If it doesn’t, the problem lies somewhere else. But if it does, buy a pair of headlight bulbs and fix them.
02. Faulty Xenon Light Control Unit
A faulty xenon control unit can also be a common problem if your car is fitted with xenon headlights. This unit, also known as the ballast, is often attached to the side or bottom of the headlight housing. It is a rectangular or square box.
To know if the faulty xenon light control unit is the cause of the Low Beam Malfunction, replace the bulbs. If they don’t light up, the problem is with the ballast.
A faulty xenon light control unit will show other signs before it goes out completely. The headlights begin to blink and flicker and shut down later after turning them on. The lights can also go out suddenly when in use. These signs indicate your xenon light control unit is faulty and should be replaced.
The diagnostic trouble code will not show you if your xenon light control unit has failed. It will be just a generic code telling you that the low beam has malfunctioned.
03. Bad Fuse
If the headlight bulbs and control unit are working as they should, the likely culprit is the fuse. Every electrical system in your car is protected by a fuse, and low-beam headlights are not exception. This protective device is designed to cut off the excessive flow of electric current into the circuit, protecting the circuit components.
The fuse can blow out if the wrong headlight bulbs are fitted into the headlight sockets or if there is a short circuit in the system. It blows to protect wiring and other circuit components, keeping damage to a minimum.
Open the fuse box under the hood or behind the dashboard. Identifying the specific fuse responsible for the headlight circuit can be challenging if you are not experienced with the auto wiring system. Fortunately, you can refer to your owner’s manual for this information.
Visually inspect the fuse if you can see the damage inside. But the surest way of testing a fuse is using a multimeter. If it is indeed blown, replace it with another of the same current ratings.
An underlying electrical problem should be addressed if the fuse blows off again. Contact a technician or take your car to the dealership for help.
Related content: What Are ATC Fuses Used For?
04. Faulty Headlight Relay
The headlight switch on the dashboard or steering column is a low-voltage device that switches on another high-voltage circuit. The low-voltage circuit makes it safe to be used inside the cabin. When you flip it to turn on the headlight, it operates a relay that completes a high-voltage circuit for driving your headlights. The headlight relays are also located in the fuse box.
Unfortunately, the headlight relay has a solenoid that can wear over time or develop electrical problems such as open circuits. When it fails, the headlights remain off even when you flip the switch to turn them on.
Most vehicles have two headlight relays; one for low beams and the other for high beams. The signal goes to the body control module (BCM) if you activate the low beam switch. The BCM turns the relay on, which closes the low beam headlight contact switch to turn on the headlights. A faulty headlight relay won’t respond to the BCM commands.
The headlight relay is faulty if the headlights won’t turn on or off when you flip the switch. You can confirm this by listening to the clicking sound that usually comes from the relay when it closes the contact. Replace the relay if you hear nothing. That should resolve the problem.
05. Faulty Headlight Switch
The headlight switch is usually part of a multifunction switch attached to the steering column. It also controls the turn signals. The contact position can wear out over time. Flipping it to turn the headlights on will not signal the BCM to operate the relay.
Unlike the faulty relay, a defective headlight switch will cause intermittent operation. That is because wear and tear do not occur all of a sudden. If you have to operate the switch more than once to turn on or off the headlights, it may be the problem. Replacing the faulty headlight switch is the appropriate solution.
06. Faulty Dimmer Switch
As the name suggests, a dimmer switch controls the light intensity of your headlights. Vehicles equipped with this functionality can dim the headlight and cause low-beam warnings. The dimmer switch controls the electrical power flowing to the headlight bulbs.
A faulty dimmer switch can cut off the power, causing the control computer to display the warning message on the instrument cluster.
07. Connections In the Light Socket Might Have Gone Bad
The last possible cause of low beam headlight malfunction is poor connections at the bulb connector plug. That can be caused by corrosion if moisture gets into the headlight housing.
Check for corrosion and try to clean them out. Also, ensure the connector plug is fitted in tightly to see if that fixes the problem. If it doesn’t, consider replacing the unit with a new one.
Related BMW Warning: What Does Parking Lamp Malfunction Mean?
How Much Does It Cost to Fix BMW Low Beam Malfunction?
The cost of fixing the low beam malfunction is not universal. It varies significantly depending on the car model, the part to be fixed, and your location. You can save a few bucks if you can fix it in your garage. But if you call a mechanic, installing a halogen bulb will cost you about $50 in labor fees and about $20 for a new bulb.
The cost of replacing a high-intensity discharge bulb is much higher than that of a halogen one. You can plan with about $100 or more. But if you want to replace the entire headlight assembly, the total cost ranges from $250 to $700.
The chart below gives information on the cost of buying OEM aftermarket parts for fixing the BMW low beam malfunction warning. The labor fee is not included here.
Replacement part | Cost Estimate |
Headlight bulb | $20 – $350 |
Headlight assembly | $250 – $3,200 |
Headlight fuse | $10 – $20 |
Headlight relay | $10 – $30 |
Xenon light control unit | $30 – $50 |
Headlight switch | $25 – $430 |
Headlight dimmer switch | $150 – $350 |
Is It Safe to Drive My BMW with A Low Beam Malfunction?
It is safe to drive your BMW with a low beam malfunction warning message as long as you do it during the daytime. However, the functionality of your headlight will be compromised. And since you need it for more than just lighting the road ahead, you should fix the problem immediately. Don’t take your chances!
If you must drive with a low beam malfunction at night, use your high beams and pay extra attention to other vehicles on the road. While this is not ideal, as you will be blinding oncoming drivers, it is better than driving with a malfunctioning low beam.
Добрый день,
Сегодня пришёл на стоянку (морозец -14), завёл и вот сюрприз
машинка выдала «CHECK LOWBEAM LIGHTS» . Проверил, ближний свет не горит. Так и поехал на габаритах на работу. Что смотреть?
Не горит только одна лампа.
Последний раз редактировалось mackd 13 мар 2013 13:54, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
BMW —> Designed by GOD
mackd - Завсегдатай
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mackd » 13 мар 2013 11:29
P.S. Лампы Xenon меняли в сервисе в прошлом месяце.
BMW —> Designed by GOD
mackd - Завсегдатай
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- Автомобиль: x5 4.6IS
AlexE53 » 13 мар 2013 18:29
поменяй лампы местами,чтобы исключить их…,а может и блок мозги парит
все болячки от старости…
- AlexE53
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zetmpower » 13 мар 2013 21:39
Ну здесь вариантов не много, либо лампа либо блок. Ну в самом крайнем случае разъем.
zetmpower - Завсегдатай
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mackd » 13 мар 2013 22:56
Разьём примёрз…разобрали, почистили, покрыли лаком и закрутили обратно…
BMW —> Designed by GOD
mackd - Завсегдатай
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- BMW Models
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- 1988 — 1996 (E34)
- E34 HID low beam error fix
E34 HID low beam error fix-bulbs & resistors
E34 HID low beam error fix
There has been a lot of discussion over how to eliminate the low beam error we see on many e-34s when we convert to HID lighting. The following techniques worked for me on my 95 BMW e34 built January 95. Your experience may be different. I am beginning to suspect the later models are subject to this error more than some of the earlier models. Also, the error may be very dependent on the brand of HID system. I just do not know. FYI, I purchased my HID 55w 4500k 9006 system from http://www.ddmtuning.com/. Very good price, very good pre and post sale service with a lifetime warranty. Call them rather than e-mail.Key is to be prepared in case you get the error. IMO, I would discuss your concern with your HID vendor BEFORE you purchase the lights. If you buy the ultra cheap light on e-bay, you may not get very good pre-sale or even post sale advice.I understand some HID vendors sell products that may eliminate the low beam error problem. This may be your best solution. However, they do not always work on every car. Therefore you may need to DIYI have experimented with two low beam fix techniques and both worked for me. The ideas for these techniques came from several postings on the various BMW forums. Many postings left a lot to the imagination on how to complete the task or were complicated with relays, LKM hacks, capacitors and/or extra wiring. If you are not well versed in automotive wiring and/or electronics you just might hesitate.Technique One-use a small light bulb
The first technique is very simple in concept. Install a light bulb to simulate a bulb (filament) in the circuit for each headlight to fool the Light control module (LKM) into thinking there is a real low beam halogen bulb in the circuit. HIDs do not have filaments. I learned of the bulb idea from bo525i at http://www.bimmernut.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39714&highlight=side+marker+hid. I simply soldered 22 gauge wires to a 5 watt side marker wedge bulb (2825 or 2825LL) and connected it across the headlight connector on each side (positive & negative). See bo525i’s illustration in his post. The 9006 bulb connector looks a bit different. Same concept This creates a parallel circuit with the side marker bulb and the normal headlight circuit… Actually, I think even a lower wattage bulb will work.
If you have access to extra side marker light wiring with a bulb connector, possibly any small bulb connector would work, use it. As the e34s side marker bulbs will only last 300-600 hours, a socket will enable you to replace without re soldering.I covered the bulb with shrink wrap so not to have any light under the hood area and to somewhat insulate the area from the hot bulb while protecting the bulb from water. Now you can connect the device several ways.
First you can use 3M red Scotchlok “tap on” connectors and not modify the wiring except the insulation is cut. No insulation needed, especially if you use some sort of water resistant connector.Second technique is to trim insulation off the headlight connector wires and solder in a connection to the side marker light. Tape or insulate as needed Third technique is to insert your side marker wires into each side the female portion of the headlight plug and then connect the male portion of the plug. If you use the 22 gauge wire you can barely press fit the plug to get a good connection. May need to use insulation tape to insure a water resistant connection. The last technique is what I did to test a “proof of concept”. It worked for me. No modifications to any of the existing wiring.Technique Two-use a resistor
Same as technique one, expect use a 100 ohm 10 watt ceramic power resistor from Radio Shack pack of 2 was about $1.99. I covered all the wiring and resistor with shrink wrap. Advantage is no light and very little heat from the resistor. I also think the resistor has a very long life. It worked for me. From other postings, other resistor values may work as well.Plug and play with connectors
After I decided to go with the resistor technique, I decided to make it plug and play with no wire cutting or tap-on connections. I acquired two male and female 9006 plug connectors and made up two plug and play watertight connectors that make up an in-series or in-line connection from the headlight plug/connector to the HID wiring. You can purchase plug connectors from http://www.autolumination.com/. They sell all sorts of automotive and home related lighting products.My solder connections are a bit messy as I found it difficult to mechanically connect solid wire of the resistors to twisted strand wire. After insulation with shrink wrap and RTV silicon and 3m rubber insulation tape I cover the entire wiring package in shrink wrap to further insulate and hide my ugly solder work.Not sure this offers much more detail on the how-to than others have posted, but it should be helpful for those who want to fix the low beam error on their own. It works for me on my e34.added photos 11/01/08
First photo is how I inserted wires into the headlight bulb connector without altering OE wiring to test «proof of concept».Second photo is to show how I managed the side marker bulb alternative.Third photo shows the «plug and play» final product with resistor before shrink wrap.Last edited by Russellc; 11-01-2008 at 03:05 PM.
1995 BMW 525iA, M50TU, build date 1/95, Oxford Green/Parchment/leather/wood, EAT chip, Continental CD head unit, ASC+t, heated seats, lumbar support, HID & premium package abt 243k miles, rebuilt trany
great write up imma buy some HID’s now
I bet you could use that small bulb referenced in Technique One as your «city light» if you dont have euro trim…two birds with one stone I suppose?
nice write up! maybe include pictures of technique three?
You could use the little bulb from your euro smiley’s as well. If I have this problem, it’s what I’ll be doing.
A word of Internet Forum wisdom: Disregard any advice that begins with «I’ve heard…»
97 M3/4 — S54, TRM Coilovers, UUC SSK/Sways/LTW Flywheel
I would hate to bug you, but do you have pics, im more a visual learner and person, thanks.
Great write up to!
Added photos this morning
1995 BMW 525iA, M50TU, build date 1/95, Oxford Green/Parchment/leather/wood, EAT chip, Continental CD head unit, ASC+t, heated seats, lumbar support, HID & premium package abt 243k miles, rebuilt trany
Thanks for this write up. I am planning on doing this very soon because I just installed mine the message is driving me nuts.
(Sold) 95′ 525 — ZF320 5-speed swap, 3.46LSD rear, Raceland headers + straight pipe
(Current) 2012 Scion tC 6-spd M/T — slow
I think you should make up a bunch of those plug and plays and sell them for 10 bucks a set
Just made a set of harness’s for myself. They work and they do not get all that hot!
(Sold) 95′ 525 — ZF320 5-speed swap, 3.46LSD rear, Raceland headers + straight pipe
(Current) 2012 Scion tC 6-spd M/T — slow
that looks very clean. Nicely done.
«Health is merely the slowest form of death.»
Originally Posted by tonyroc14
that looks very clean. Nicely done.
Russell did a good job as well for not being able to solder well.
Thanks though!
(Sold) 95′ 525 — ZF320 5-speed swap, 3.46LSD rear, Raceland headers + straight pipe
(Current) 2012 Scion tC 6-spd M/T — slow
For future reference, when you solder the resistor to the wire, all you do is cut off about 1.5cm’s of insulation on the wire and twist the end of the resistor over the wire. I twisted it just enough so that it will stay on while I soldered it.
(Sold) 95′ 525 — ZF320 5-speed swap, 3.46LSD rear, Raceland headers + straight pipe
(Current) 2012 Scion tC 6-spd M/T — slow
Where do you guys buy the 9006 connectors?
Last edited by sqitis; 11-10-2008 at 06:52 AM.
540/6-Alpinwei�III: Naked Polished M-Systems w/spare, JC Software, 3.15 LSD, E60/UUC SSK, Euro Smileys w/5k HID & French High Beams, Euro Trim, Pioneer P800PRS, Focal 5.25 mids, More to come soon!
Excellent write-up! I have installed HIDs in all my cars and I have 3 E34s. I have never encountered an OBC error message before. Perhaps I am just lucky? All of them are Euro cars, don’t know if that has anything to do with it.
i try this on my 05 mini cooper
and it work for 10sec and turn off again!
what to do what to do !
Originally Posted by Thesum
i try this on my 05 mini cooper
and it work for 10sec and turn off again!
what to do what to do !How would we know? This is a BMW forum, and you’ve posted in the subforum specifically for the 5 series model, 1989-1995. I’d try a mini-cooper specific forum.
Go ahead and bite. Plenty for everyone.
Hi Guys — thanks again for this write up, it is a confidence boost for me to get the new set of HIDs and actually install them in my Smileys.
A couple of questions though. From what I can tell / see, you installed the resistors into the harness going into the ballast? Is that correct? According to EDD, that will void your lifetime warranty. They suggested installing them into the wiring that goes into the car’s harness instead.
Will this make a difference? Better or same results? Also, do different wattage capacitors make a difference? I got 20w 8 Ohms capacitors.
Or modify the LKM and do away with the resistor install.
www.b i m m e r b o a r d.com/forums/posts/794856
Originally Posted by CO535i
Elegant solution. However, I doubt if the original poster wants to try this on his only LKM.
1995 BMW 525iA, M50TU, build date 1/95, Oxford Green/Parchment/leather/wood, EAT chip, Continental CD head unit, ASC+t, heated seats, lumbar support, HID & premium package abt 243k miles, rebuilt trany
e34 HID Low Beam Error
Originally Posted by JMI
This worked for me. Jim
I realize that I’m a bit late in adding my two cents worth but here goes.The reason why for some individuals the 100ohm resistor or relay method doesn’t work for some e34’s is the headlight module is looking for a certain voltage drop from the current monitor.The standard halogen lamp is about .9 ohms or about 14.4 amps of current draw per lamp.The 100 ohm resistor will only draw .13 amps so the feedback circuit will still show a faulty low beam.Same goes for a 12VDC relay that is about 330 ohms across the coil, not enough to fool the circuit.What does work is a 1 ohm 50 to 100 watt resistor wired in parallel across the feed to the HID ballast.Plug and play method works the best you just have to find the right interface plugs.Heat shrink is a must but seal the components with silicone or purchase heat shrink that has a sealant already applied also available from Mouser…I use Mouser because I hate dealing with the geniuses at Stereo Hut.If you’re really daring you can pull the control module, find the current monitoring resistors and change the feed back value.To do this you need to see the value of the resistor in the feed back circuit, calculate what the current value through the resistor is Then measure the resistance of the input of the HID ballast calculate what the current draw is and based on that you should be able to calculate the resistor value needed to get the low beam monitor to work.Use: E/IR to calculate your replacement resistor, use P/IE to calculate the wattage of the resistor needed.For those that don’t know the formulas, E=Volts, I=Current in Amps, R=Resistance in Ohms and P=Watts..basic electronics 101.Both methods will work each and every time.My e34 525 isn’t as finicky as my e34 540 and the 1 ohm resistor worked like a charm in the 540 and the 525.Did try the light bulb method, the 525 worked fine the 540 didn’t, and the HID error eliminators were a joke and did absolutely nothing because the r/c value is wrong.I do like the resistor method because the minimal amount of heat generated from the resistor, I by the way am using an aluminum cased wire wound resistor, three bucks at Mouser.
Originally Posted by rswapp
I realize that I’m a bit late in adding my two cents worth but here goes.The reason why for some individuals the 100ohm resistor or relay method doesn’t work for some e34’s is the headlight module is looking for a certain voltage drop from the current monitor.The standard halogen lamp is about .9 ohms or about 14.4 amps of current draw per lamp.The 100 ohm resistor will only draw .13 amps so the feedback circuit will still show a faulty low beam.Same goes for a 12VDC relay that is about 330 ohms across the coil, not enough to fool the circuit.What does work is a 1 ohm 50 to 100 watt resistor wired in parallel across the feed to the HID ballast.Plug and play method works the best you just have to find the right interface plugs.Heat shrink is a must but seal the components with silicone or purchase heat shrink that has a sealant already applied also available from Mouser…I use Mouser because I hate dealing with the geniuses at Stereo Hut.If you’re really daring you can pull the control module, find the current monitoring resistors and change the feed back value.To do this you need to see the value of the resistor in the feed back circuit, calculate what the current value through the resistor is Then measure the resistance of the input of the HID ballast calculate what the current draw is and based on that you should be able to calculate the resistor value needed to get the low beam monitor to work.Use: E/IR to calculate your replacement resistor, use P/IE to calculate the wattage of the resistor needed.For those that don’t know the formulas, E=Volts, I=Current in Amps, R=Resistance in Ohms and P=Watts..basic electronics 101.Both methods will work each and every time.My e34 525 isn’t as finicky as my e34 540 and the 1 ohm resistor worked like a charm in the 540 and the 525.Did try the light bulb method, the 525 worked fine the 540 didn’t, and the HID error eliminators were a joke and did absolutely nothing because the r/c value is wrong.I do like the resistor method because the minimal amount of heat generated from the resistor, I by the way am using an aluminum cased wire wound resistor, three bucks at Mouser.
Impressive. Someone must be an electrical engineer or similar.
1995 BMW 525iA, M50TU, build date 1/95, Oxford Green/Parchment/leather/wood, EAT chip, Continental CD head unit, ASC+t, heated seats, lumbar support, HID & premium package abt 243k miles, rebuilt trany
Just crack open the LKM and tap the mux, easy peasy.

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