Ошибка microsoft jet database engine

Microsoft Access could not able to find the object in the database due to an incorrect path. However, it can occur due to several other reasons. This blog discusses the causes of the “The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object: Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly” error and its possible solutions. It also outlines the Stellar Repair for Access to fix the error if it is due to corrupted objects in a database.

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  • Error – Microsoft Jet database engine fails
  • Reasons behind the occurrence of this error
  • Common solutions to the problem
  • Sure-Shot Solution

MS Access is plagued by mysterious errors like Microsoft Jet database engine fails which can get a bit too tough for everyday users to resolve; especially those who don’t have a strong technical background. Thus, in order to continue working with Access without any interruption, knowing how to deal with minor complications every now and then is essential for its users.

In this blog, we’re shedding light on a particularly annoying Access error and also sharing the secret to resolving it.

Error – Microsoft Jet database engine fails

A database engine is a crucial underlying component of a database that is used to create, read, update and delete data from a database. The Microsoft Jet Database Engine is the database engine on which several Microsoft products have been built.

As is clear from its definition, the Jet Database Engine needs to function without any glitches for MS Access to keep running smoothly. However, sometimes, this database engine faces unexpected errors giving rise to problems. As such, when a user tries to open or make a reference to a linked table in Access, he may receive the following error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object ‘objectname’. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.

Image of Jet database engine fails error window

Reasons behind the occurrence of this error

  • The file cannot be read by the Microsoft ODBC Text Driver due to problems such as multiple periods or slashes in the file name.
  • Access cannot find the object in the database because its link points to an external file that does not exist, or the external file has been moved to a new location.
  • A deleted or renamed object (table or query) is referenced on the Lookup tab of another object (table).
  • You are trying to access an object which is damaged and cannot be recognized by Access.

Common solutions to the problem

Depending upon the exact trigger behind it, there can be several ways to solve this Jet database engine issue:

  • Rectify the erroneous file names causing the issue. Correct any other obvious syntax errors too.
  • If you have moved the object to a new location, use the Linked Table Manager to update the link information.
  • Check to ensure that the object exists. If it does not exist, you can remove all references to it, or if it is missing, re-import or re-link it.
  • If none of the above solutions is able to solve the error, it means the object you’re trying to access is damaged. To repair damages within the Access database file use a professional Access recovery tool.

Sure-Shot Solution

  1. Stellar Repair for Access software fixes all major or minor database errors and issues of MS Access 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, and 2000.
  2. The software repairs corrupt or damaged Access database files and saves the repaired database to the default location or any other user-specified location.
  3. The software successfully restores tables, queries, indexes, relations, reports, forms, macros, and modules stored within damaged Access files and it comes equipped with a ton of other features that are beneficial for Access users.
  4. The software’s free demo version allows users to scan corrupt ACCDB and MDB database files and preview recoverable data without paying anything.
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  1. Also, it is laced with an easy-to-use interactive user interface which makes working with it a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) task. With a wide compatibility extending to Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003, and XP, this product is the ultimate savior from MS Access troubles.

About The Author

Priyanka Chauhan

Priyanka is a technology expert working for key technology domains that revolve around Data Recovery and related software’s. She got expertise on related subjects like SQL Database, Access Database, QuickBooks, and Microsoft Excel. Loves to write on different technology and data recovery subjects on regular basis. Technology freak who always found exploring neo-tech subjects, when not writing, research is something that keeps her going in life.

80004005 is a Jet Database Engine error which occurs in MS Access. The error does not allow the user to access the data file. The error is not a result of a corrupted database but, is a combination of several inconsistency issues. The most common reason for occurring error ‘80004005’ is aiming to use a shared folder of Virtual box. The recurrent error interrupts the progress of a database file. So, Let’s take a look at how Microsoft Jet Database Engine 0x80004005 Error looks like:

 looks like:

 You may receive a message like “Provider error ‘80004005’”


“Unspecified error”


“Database Connection (OLEDB) Exception. Unspecified error”

Causes Of Microsoft JET Database Engine 0x80004005 Error :

  • MIIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server) account, comprises incorrect Windows NT permission. This malfunction prevents the user from accessing the database file/folder.
  • The name and file of data sources are noticeably Exclusive.
  • And MS Access database files are being accessed by multiple users and programs.
  • The error ‘80004005’ sometimes occurs due to delegation defaults. One must always examine the authentication method before accessing the MS Access database. The naming convention field is used to fix a permanent path with the help of a connection string.
  • Sometimes, the error occurs due to the local database accessing the database linked to the global server.

How to fix Microsoft Jet Database Engine 0x80004005 Error?

Have a look over the multiple run-time error 80004005 messages a user can receive while working on the database file.  Let’s take look what a particular message means and how to resolve them.

Message 1: The search key was not found in any record, Microsoft JET Database Engine 0x80004005 Error.

If users notice an unusual error that states the Access database has been corrupted. To solve this error, one might need to fix the database file. Follow the below-mentioned steps to repair the database file, if the database lies on the outlying server. 

  • In Microsoft Access, open the corrupted database and go to the Tools menu. Next, choose Database Utilities, and then hit the Compact and Repair Database.
  • After fixing the server via file transfer protocol, reload the database to the server.

Message 2: General error unable to open registry key, “Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x6cc Thread 0x78c DBC 0x144cfc4 Jet”. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers.

  • However, there is no such reason for the occurring of the above error but, it can sometimes occur due to incorrect path details. 
  • To repair the error, examine whether the given path details are correct or not.

Message3: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver]. The Jet database engine cannot open the file. You need permission to view this data or it is already opened by another user. Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC Drivers error “80004005”

  • Due to accessing the local Access database table which is linked to an Access database table on the internet server. 
  • Both file and data sources are distinguished Exclusive.
  • Delegation issue can be the reason this occurring message so, always choose a certified method (if available). Try using the casual validated method, if naming convention is used for path like- C:Mydata Data.mdb.it.

Message 4: Object or Database is Read-only. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error “80004005”.

  • The error usually occurs, when an update is initiated in the database or file insertion is in progress. This indicates that the user doesn’t have the authorization to edit the MS Access database.
  • Re-assure that the database id uploaded to the Database folder is placed at the same directory level as WWW.

Message 5: It may not be a database that your application recognizes, Microsoft JET Database Engine error “8000405”. The file may be corrupt or cannot Open Database.

This error message usually occurs in a basic server situation. It often occurs due to many clients using the network server at once. Let’s take a look at the solution to solve the error.

  • Convert your database file to a SQL database file.
  • If your database is not updated yet, update it to Acess 2000 version and then re-upload your database file. 

Message 6: Microsoft JET Database Engine error “80004005”, Table “tblTable” is exclusively locked by users on Machine “My Machine”.

  • This error enables the user to view the database table or the table is already open in the Design view in your MS Access. 
  • Exit Access database and reopen it.

If the portable approach does not give you the appropriate results than choosing a  third party utility instead is the relevant option. One such solution is the MS Access Database Recovery. The utility claims to restore BLOB data, offers dual modes of recovery, compatible with all versions of Windows OS, highly supports MS access 2013, 2016, 2019, and earlier versions promise to repair database contents like tables, reports, queries, index, and forms efficiently.


We conclude that resolving Error 80004005 is a difficult task overall. But, everything that seems difficult it doesn’t mean impossible. The Above mentioned solutions are appropriate enough to solve a recurrent Microsoft Jet Database Engine 0x80004005 Error.

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Exchange Jet Database Engine Errors – Quickly Repair & Fix

This Exchange Jet Database Engine errors can be a great hurdle in between the work and can affect the productivity of the business. Moreover, the resolution is not easy as it seems to be and users have to face certain challenges. Nevertheless, from now onwards it will not be tough to repair these issues. As we have come up with some resolutions tips along with a trouble free trick to fix those errors.

Exchange Server is a major platform for business continuity, and the crashing of it is like a nightmare. Exchange Jet Database Engine provides its core facilities through ESE storage technology, which is also famous as JET Blue. Extensible Storage Engine performs many crucial functions, but the most important one is to collect and spread the data by using a sequential or indexed method.

JET Blue is basically, a default configured technology, which comes with the necessities for the retrieval of crashed data of Microsoft Exchange 2013, 2010 etc. In addition, it acts a chief booster in the performance of the application. However, sometimes users have to encounter with Microsoft Jet database engine error.

Quick Fix: If you want to fix and repair corrupt Exchange database in an instant way with no data loss, then it is recommended to use Exchange Recovery Software which provides scan mode option i.e. Quick and Advance scan that easily recover & repair corrupt EDB files automatically without using any command.

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Responsible Factors behind Microsoft Exchange Jet Database Engine Errors

Among different factors, one of the major reasons behind Jet Engine problems is the corruption or damage in MS Exchange 2010, 2013 database or application. These are different types of jet engine errors. Some of the major issues are mentioned in the upcoming section.

1. 1022 jet_errdiskio Disk IO Error

The reason behind the occurrence of error 1022 jet_errdiskio is the restrictions by the disk Input/Output process to the application for accessing the targeted page in its database.

Apart from this, Exchange Jet error 1022 can happen due to a corrupted file. This is possible when the user tries to access the page number that is more than the number of pages. Corruption can also occur because of inefficient activities of transaction log replay.

2. 1019 jet_errpagenotinitialized Blank Database Page

Users can encounter this 1019 jet_errpagenotinitialized error when the page which is requested is either empty or uninitialized in Exchange Jet Database Engine. Now, it is to be noted that damage in file system ultimately leads to the corruption in Server. This gradually arises the Jet error 1019.

3. 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure Checksum Error

This ESEUTIL error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure occurs when an incorrect checksum or incorrect page number is encountered during page read step. The Server finds that the checksum value of the stored page and the final recalculated checksum are not same in the page read process. Also, the variance in the physical location and page number of a page may ultimately lead to the corruption of the EDB file system due to jet error 1018 active directory.

4. Few Other Exchange Database Issues

Along with the above mentioned error messages, there are several issues that a user may encounter while handling application database. This is the list of few more errors associated with corrupted EDB files:

  • The Jet VBA file failed to initialize when called
  • jet_errdatabasecorrupted
  • Unable to initialize dao/jet db Engine Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, XP
  • jet_errrecordnotfound the key was not found
  • The Jet VBA file vbajet32.dll failed to initialize
  • Exchange jet_errattacheddatabasemismatch
  • jet_errfilenotfound
  • jet_errfileaccessdenied

After understanding the reason behind these flaws, let us move to solution part to fix these jet engine errors. There are many more issues namely, Exchange Jet error 1032, 1811, 1206, 528, 1003, 515 etc.

Resolution of Microsoft Exchange Jet Database Engine Corruption

Troubleshooting flaws in Microsoft Jet database engine is not an easy task. It requires an expert advice and the users have to follows one-step after the other cautiously. Two major things that are included in this process are:

Backup Exchange Database

Archive of database is very important, as we all know. It helps the user at the time when the user needs it very much. Therefore, this is one the major part to begin the resolution of Jet engine errors associated with the account. Users can take the backup of the entire database by using NT Backup programs or Windows Server backup.

1. Use ESEUTIL to Repair Database

Microsoft Exchange 2010, 2013 etc. brings forth, different command line systems that can be used for the analysis and restoration of multiple errors as well as corruptions. Therefore, to initiate this procedure, you can launch the command prompt & type in the required ESEUTIL command. Each different command performs a different function. These are some command along with their functionality given below:

  • ESEUTIL /c :– This command is for the execution of hard recovery in the database.
  • ESEUTIL /m :– Input the earlier command if you desire to abandon information of the header of the database.
  • ESEUTIL /D :– State this command for the facilitation of offline re fragmentation associated with the database.
  • ESEUTIL /y :–Use this command for the execution of copy operation on enormous mailboxes of Exchange Server database.
  • ESEUTIL /g :– Use this command to perform the integrity examination of data files.
  • ESEUTIL /p :– Put this command at the time you wish for the recovery of the damaged database.
  • ESEUTIL /R :– With this, command you can perform precious recovery functions on Exchange database.
  • ESEUTIL /k :– Execution of this command can be done to initiate the investigation of checksum values.

In case, these commands fail to recover the Microsoft Exchange Jet Database Engine error all the information in the server may get lost. These solutions are not safe for a user who is not aware of the technical concepts of Exchange account. Because these manual methods to fix Exchange Server errors are confusing to the users.

Alternative Solution to Resolve Exchange Server Quickly

There are chances when the above-discussed solution may fail to work efficiently. In such cases, the users can opt for Exchange Database Recovery software which recover and repairs the severely damage or corrupted offline/dismounted Exchange database file in an efficient way. This utility provides dual scanning mode (Quick and Advance scan) that fix Exchange database corruptions.

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Also, the advance scanning mode recovers hard deleted Exchange database mailboxes and items from loaded offline Exchange EDB file.  The software can easily export data to Office 365, Live Exchange Server and different file formats after successfully recovery of mailboxes.

User can export mailbox from EDB to PST, EML, HTML, MBOX, PDF, MSG file to keep the data safe & secrure. After conversion, the software automatically generates the export report  in CSV file forrmat which contains the success and fail count of exported Exchange mailbox data.

Key Features Of Automated Wizard

  1. Support Microsoft Exchange EDB and STM file
  2. Extract mailbox data from offline/dismounted Exchange database
  3. Preview Exchange mailbox items before conversion
  4. Maintains original folder hierarchy and keep metadata intact
  5. Remove (SMIME/OpenPGP) email encryption from Exchange mailboxes
  6. Convert EDB mailbox data items via categories & date filter option
  7. Compatible with Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook, and Windows OS versions

To Sum It Up

Without any doubt, every platform that is used for storage of data or for another proposes is vulnerable or prone to corruption. This is the reason that we have enlightened the users about the error message encountered by them due to corruption issue in Exchange. These problems are known as Exchange Jet Database Engine errors. Considering the challenges, faced by users to resolve EDB data file, we have discussed some commands. Moreover, if it does not work then users can use a third-party utility.

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  • Question

  • Dear all,

    I am trying to import data from an excel spreadsheet which is save on application sharing server. When I try to save same file locally (On my desktop) my package has no problem to read it.  Problem comes when I change the file path to the share location
    I am getting below error message,

    «Version 11.0.2100.60 for 32-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.    Started:  13:26:46  Error: 2014-12-05 13:26:50.30     Code: 0xC0202009     Source: Incremental MasterStyle DL
    Connection manager «Excel Connection Manager»     Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.  An OLE DB record is available.  Source: «Microsoft JET Database
    Engine»  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: «The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ».  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.».  End Error  Error:
    2014-12-05 13:26:50.30     Code: 0xC020801C     Source: Data Flow Task 1 Excel Source [36]     Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection
    manager «Excel Connection Manager» failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.  End Error  Error: 2014-12-05 13:26:50.30
        Code: 0xC0047017     Source: Data Flow Task 1 SSIS.Pipeline     Description: Excel Source failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.  End Error  Error: 2014-12-05 13:26:50.30     Code: 0xC004700C
        Source: Data Flow Task 1 SSIS.Pipeline     Description: One or more component failed validation.  End Error  Error: 2014-12-05 13:26:50.30     Code: 0xC0024107     Source: Data Flow Task 1    
     Description: There were errors during task validation.  End Error  DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).  Started:  13:26:46  Finished: 13:26:50  Elapsed:  3.401 seconds.  The package execution
    failed.  The step failed.»

    I am trying to run this package as an sql server agent job and  server is installed on my Machine. I have created proxy account with my own credential to execute it. I have full excess to the spread sheet and can open it in an excel program. Please
    suggest what could be the reason why sql job is not able to access this spreadsheet. I can think of below reasons

    1. File is password protected and I am not using its password to unlock it?
    2. My domain account is a part of It Admin group with high previllages
    3. when I installed my SQL server I installed it as a standalone instance of SQL server?

    please advise.




  • Hi Jahangir,

    Based on the error message that «The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ».  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.», there are two causes:

    • The account that SQL Agent is using does not have the correct permissions for the file or for the folder that contains the file.
    • Another process or user has the file open.

    The following resolutions correspond to the previous list of causes:

    • Since you use a network path to the file (UNC), check the account permissions on the share, the file, and the folder.
    • The «another user» may be Microsoft Visual InterDev. Close any Visual InterDev projects that contain a data connection to the file. Please close all instances of excel file and re-run the package.

    Besides, we can use a tool like
    SQL Server Profiler to see what is happening when you run the package.

    Katherine Xiong

    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

    • Edited by

      Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:34 AM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:52 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Katherine Xiong
      Friday, December 12, 2014 11:40 AM

Experts in data recovery from corrupt Exchange mailboxes, SQL database, and Outlook emails.

Published: 2018-06-24

Browse All Articles > [Error Solved] The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Stopped the Process

“The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process…” while working with a Microsoft Access database. The database may be saved as MDB or ACCDB file depending on the Access version that you used to create the database file.

As a technology professional, you are possibly here to find out the solution for fixing the error:
“The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process…” while working with a Microsoft Access database. The database may be saved as MDB and ACCDB file depending on the Access version that you used to create the database file.

All about the Access database error

What is the error?

The complete error message is The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

Why the error occurs?

The cause for the occurrence of this error is the Jet Database Engine cannot correctly read the ‘long value page’ from the pointer that is present in the data row. This error generally, but not always, signifies corruption in the Access database MDB or ACCDB file, thereby making the files inaccessible.


Follow the methods explained below until your Access database file becomes repaired and you stop receiving the ‘Jet Database Engine Stopped’ or ‘Microsoft Jet Database Engine Stopped’ error while working with the Access database saved as ACCDB or MDB file. It is also essential to be aware that the capability of each of the methods depends on type and level of corruption. The methods that you can attempt are as follows:

  • Use ‘Compact and Repair Database’ – It is an inbuilt utility in MS Access application that can repair the damaged Access database MDB and ACCDB file. If you have Access 2013, Open Access, click ‘DATABASE TOOLS’ menu, click ‘Compact and Repair Database’to select and subsequently repair the damaged Access database file. For other versions of MS Access, the steps are similar.
  • Restore the Access database from a previously created backup – If you have a backup copy of the Access database, you can try restoring it to recover the stored data that became inaccessible because of corruption in the database MDB or ACCDB file, as the case may be. Nonetheless, this method is possible only if you have a previously created backup file.
  • Import all data into a new Access database file — Create a new database in MS Access application. Next, import all the data such as tables, forms, reports, queries, macros, data access pages, modules and other objects in the newly created database file from the damaged database file.
  • Decompile the Compiled VBA Code – You can try fixing the error by removing the existing VBA codes from the Access database.
  • Use a professional ‘Access database file repair’ tool – A good deal of third-party software to repair damaged Access database MDB and ACCDB files. You can use one to check if the error gets fixed. Stellar Phoenix Access Database Repair is a professional tool known for repairing the Access database files efficiently and successfully. Recovery of deleted records in addition to other objects is an advantage. Plus, it can be commonly used for all Access database versions including Access 2016.
  • Open the Access database file in another environment – Try to open the Access database file on different local systems, especially if you are working with a database on a system that is connected to the network. If the database file opens, file corruption may not be the reason for the error to occur.


MS Access database files are vulnerable to corruption issues. Therefore, on encountering ‘Jet Database Engine Stopped’ error while working on an Access database MDB and ACCDB file, you can try to fix it by: using the inbuilt ‘Compact and Repair Database’ utility, restoring the backup of Access database, moving all database objects into a newly created Access database, decompiling the compiled VBA code with a specific command all of which can be categorized as the manual ways, or using professional Access database file repair software that can be placed in the category of an automated method.

However, if you prefer to pick a quick, effective, secure and user-friendly solution, avoid the manual methods and use a software solution instead. You can fix several other errors, such as ‘Unexpected error 35012’, ‘Unrecognized database format’, ‘The VBA project in this database is corrupt’, etc. using the solutions explained in this article.

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