Ошибка mv91xx sys

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Дата и время изменения файла: 2019:11:15 17:43:42+00:00
Тип файла: Win32 EXE
Тип MIME: application/octet-stream
Тип компьютера: Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Метка времени: 2011:10:12 05:53:35+00:00
Тип PE: PE32
Версия компоновщика: 9.0
Размер кода: 230912
Размер инициализированных данных: 301568
Размер неинициализированных данных: 0
Точка входа: 0x7c03e
Версия ОС: 6.1
Версия образа: 6.1
Версия подсистемы: 6.0
Подсистема: Native
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Маска флагов файлов: 0x003f
Флаги файлов: Private build
Файловая ОС: Windows NT 32-bit
Тип объектного файла: Driver
Подтип файла: 7
Код языка: English (U.S.)
Набор символов: Unicode
Наименование компании: Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
Описание файла: Marvell magni Windows Driver
Версия файла: built by: WinDDK
Внутреннее имя: mv91xx.sys
Авторское право: Copyright (c) Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.
Название продукта: Marvell magni
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Фрагменты данных файлов предоставлены участником Exiftool (Phil Harvey) и распространяются под лицензией Perl Artistic.

Проблемы mv91xx.sys типа «синий экран смерти» обычно возникают из-за повреждения драйвера для C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD или из-за неисправности оборудования соответствующего устройства. Как правило, решить проблему можно заменой файла SYS. В качестве дополнительного шага по устранению неполадок мы настоятельно рекомендуем обновить все устаревшие драйверы устройства, которые могут способствовать возникновению подобных сообщений об ошибках mv91xx.sys.

Формат Windows System File, известный как собственный формат Системные файлы, чаще всего имеет расширение SYS. Загрузите новую версию mv91xx.sys для %%os%% в списке файлов ниже. Также доступны варианты для других версий Windows (при необходимости). К сожалению, в настоящее время в нашей базе могут отсутствовать некоторые версии файлов mv91xx.sys, но их можно запросить, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос). Если ниже отсутствует необходимая вам версия, мы рекомендуем обратиться непосредственно к Super Micro Computer, Inc..

Правильное расположение файла mv91xx.sys является решающим фактором в успешном устранении ошибок подобного рода. Однако, не будет лишним выполнить быструю проверку. Затем вы можете повторно открыть C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD, чтобы проверить выводится ли сообщение об ошибке.

Mv91xx.sys Описание файла
Формат файла: SYS
Категория: Boot disk,Drivers
Новейшие программы: C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD
Версия: Revision 1.00
Программист: Super Micro Computer, Inc.
File: mv91xx.sys  

Размер (в байтах): 266544
SHA-1: 7dc7aaf8da2dd3a0fda3b538a21a6d0938d3627a
MD5: cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae
CRC32: de57c786

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Имя MD5 Размер файла Загрузить
+ mv91xx.sys cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae 260.30 KB
App C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD Revision 1.00
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Linux
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 266544
MD5 cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae
ША1 7dc7aaf8da2dd3a0fda3b538a21a6d0938d3627a
CRC32: de57c786
+ mv91xx.sys 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f 296.30 KB
App C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD Revision 1.00
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Linux
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 303408
MD5 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f
ША1 3b024e60c9055da613a8b91469166fc57324901a
CRC32: f99a818a
+ mv91xx.sys cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae 260.30 KB
App C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD Revision 1.00
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Windows 10
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 266544
MD5 cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae
ША1 7dc7aaf8da2dd3a0fda3b538a21a6d0938d3627a
CRC32: de57c786
Расположение каталога файлов C:WindowsSystem32
+ mv91xx.sys 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f 296.30 KB
App C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD Revision 1.00
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Windows 10
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 303408
MD5 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f
ША1 3b024e60c9055da613a8b91469166fc57324901a
CRC32: f99a818a
Расположение каталога файлов C:WindowsSystem32
+ mv91xx.sys cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae 260.30 KB
App SUPERMICRO C7 Series Motherboards Bootable DVD c. 2010
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Linux
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 266544
MD5 cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae
ША1 7dc7aaf8da2dd3a0fda3b538a21a6d0938d3627a
CRC32: de57c786
+ mv91xx.sys 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f 296.30 KB
App SUPERMICRO C7 Series Motherboards Bootable DVD c. 2010
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Linux
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 303408
MD5 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f
ША1 3b024e60c9055da613a8b91469166fc57324901a
CRC32: f99a818a
+ mv91xx.sys cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae 260.30 KB
App SUPERMICRO C7 Series Motherboards Bootable DVD c. 2010
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Windows 10
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 266544
MD5 cf6526e41d6bc5afe84f32fb5466adae
ША1 7dc7aaf8da2dd3a0fda3b538a21a6d0938d3627a
CRC32: de57c786
Расположение каталога файлов C:WindowsSystem32
+ mv91xx.sys 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f 296.30 KB
App SUPERMICRO C7 Series Motherboards Bootable DVD c. 2010
Разработчик Super Micro Computer, Inc.
Версия Windows 10
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
Размер 303408
MD5 38b4c95e821528fb91df16a78e04450f
ША1 3b024e60c9055da613a8b91469166fc57324901a
CRC32: f99a818a
Расположение каталога файлов C:WindowsSystem32

Типичные ошибки Mv91xx.sys

Проблемы Mv91xx.sys также известны как ошибки синего экрана смерти (BSOD):

  • «Windows неожиданно завершает работу из-за проблемы с mv91xx.sys. «
  • «: (Ваш компьютер столкнулся с проблемой с mv91xx.sys и должен перезагрузиться сейчас. «
  • «СТОП 0x000000D1: IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL — mv91xx.sys»
  • «STOP 0x0000001E: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED – mv91xx.sys»

Большинство ошибок mv91xx.sys BSOD происходят после новой установки нового оборудования или программного обеспечения (C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD). Как правило, ошибки mv91xx.sys возникают во время процесса установки оборудования или программного обеспечения, связанного с C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVDs, во время загрузки драйвера, связанного с Super Micro Computer, Inc., или во время завершения работы или запуска Windows. Отслеживание того, когда и где возникает ошибка STOP, является важной информацией при устранении проблемы. Notating при возникновении ошибок mv91xx.sys STOP имеет первостепенное значение для поиска причины проблем, связанных с C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVDs, и сообщая о них за помощью.

Корень проблем Mv91xx.sys

Ошибки синего экрана Mv91xx.sys могут быть вызваны различными проблемами с оборудованием, прошивкой, драйвером или программным обеспечением. Связанное с Super Micro Computer, Inc. оборудование или сам C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD может привести к этим проблемам.

В частности, ошибки, связанные с mv91xx.sys, создаются:

  • Поврежденный, устаревший или неправильно настроенный драйвер устройства (mv91xx.sys).
  • Повреждение реестра Windows из-за недавнего изменения программного обеспечения (установка или удаление), связанного с mv91xx.sys.
  • Mv91xx.sys или файлы, связанные с C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVDs, повреждены вирусной инфекцией.
  • Конфликт оборудования, связанного с установкой оборудования OFSuper Micro Computer, Inc. или mv91xx.sys.
  • Поврежденные системные файлы (например, mv91xx.sys) после неудачной установки драйвера или C7 Series Motherboards Device Drivesr for Windows/Linux Platform Super Doctor II & III Bootable DVD.
  • Повреждение диска, вызывающее ошибку mv91xx.sys STOP.
  • Поврежденная оперативная память/память из mv91xx.sys Синий экран смерти.

I bought a new computer a couple of weeks ago. It is a high end machine. Windows 7 64-bit, i7-2600K


Asus P8Z68-V Pro


C: — 64 GB Crucial M4 Series SATA III Gaming MLC Solid State Disk (128GB (64GBx2) Raid 0)

D: — 2TB SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 64M Cache 7200RPM Hard Drive (Single Hard Drive)  


1000watt Power Supply

I initially started investigating when I had a BSOD when the computer seemed idle (I’m unable to recall if a backup was taking place, but I think not). Upon analysing the BSOD:

* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

A driver is causing an inconsistent power state.
Arg1: 0000000000000003, A device object has been blocking an Irp for too long a time
Arg2: fffffa800d3f7050, Physical Device Object of the stack
Arg3: fffff80000b9c3d8, Functional Device Object of the stack
Arg4: fffffa8010ecc560, The blocked IRP

Debugging Details:


IMAGE_NAME: mv91xx.sys



FAULTING_MODULE: fffff880012eb000 mv91xx






fffff800`00b9c388 fffff800`03544cd2 : 00000000`0000009f 00000000`00000003 fffffa80`0d3f7050 fffff800`00b9c3d8 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff800`00b9c390 fffff800`034e25fc : fffff800`00b9c4c0 fffff800`00b9c4c0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000002 : nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string’+0x34a90
fffff800`00b9c430 fffff800`034e2496 : fffff800`03673f50 00000000`0005a06e 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiProcessTimerDpcTable+0x6c
fffff800`00b9c4a0 fffff800`034e237e : 0000000d`64c99d3f fffff800`00b9cb18 00000000`0005a06e fffff800`03650048 : nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+0xc6
fffff800`00b9caf0 fffff800`034e2167 : 00000004`72a14fc2 00000004`0005a06e 00000004`72a14f7a 00000000`0000006e : nt!KiTimerExpiration+0x1be
fffff800`00b9cb90 fffff800`034ce96a : fffff800`0364ce80 fffff800`0365acc0 00000000`00000000 fffff880`00000000 : nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x277
fffff800`00b9cc40 00000000`00000000 : fffff800`00b9d000 fffff800`00b97000 fffff800`00b9cc00 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiIdleLoop+0x5a



FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0x9F_3_disk_IMAGE_mv91xx.sys

BUCKET_ID: X64_0x9F_3_disk_IMAGE_mv91xx.sys

Followup: MachineOwner

This made me query the driver:

‘Marvell SATA 6G AHCI Driver V1.0.0.1045 for Windows XP/Vista/7 32bit & 64bit’

I have the latest version (updated end of 2010).

This hasn’t occurred again yet. However I have also been unable to successfully do a Windows Backup. I backup my C: (SSD Raid) , at around 58% or 62%, at the point it comes to creating an image for the C: I believe it sits at this percentage. In the
system event logs I see:

‘The device, DeviceScsimv91xx1, did not respond within the timeout period.’

Upon then trying to stop the backup, it remains permenantly in a state of stopping and gives more of these system errors in the event viewer. If I try to restart the machine at this point it will hang at shutting down. It’s like the backup process becomes
unkillable. I’ve tried killing SDRSVC.

If I don’t bother backing up, I have no issues. I haven’t noticed the errors in the event log at these times and have no issue restarting. I’m unable to identify if this is a problem with the driver or one of my SSDs. I have run chkdsk and seen
no issues. Am I following the wrong path of investigation? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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    Saturday, October 15, 2011 1:30 PM

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  • #1

Hi everyone,

About a month ago I built a desktop with the following components:

MoBo: Intel DX58S02
CPU: Intel i7-990x
GPU: Evga GeForce GTX 570
SSD: Intel 510 120GB (running Win7)
HD: WD Caviar Green 1TB

When it runs, it works like a charm, but unfortunately it seems prone to BSOD’s. I seem to get about one or two BSOD’s a day, and occassionally it freezes without BSODing while trying to read from the cache. I traced through the BSOD dump files, and while the errors are frequently slightly different, they all seem to be based around mv91xx.sys. A few key excerpts from the dump files are below:

«BugCheck 3D, {fffff8800311b0a0, 0, 0, fffff8800133b67b}

Unable to load image SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSmv91xx.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for mv91xx.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for mv91xx.sys
Probably caused by : mv91xx.sys ( mv91xx+3267b )»


«BugCheck 9F, {3, fffffa800fd99050, fffff800055de748, fffffa80136f5010}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for mv91xx.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for mv91xx.sys
Probably caused by : mv91xx.sys»

I have updated all my system drivers, along with all the appropriate firmware and Bios, but the BSOD’s persist.

Does anybody know how I might be able to solve this problem?


the great randini

  • the great randini

    the great randini

  • Jan 18, 2012
it looks like it is caused by «Marvell 9123 Disk Controller».
found a link http://elmaskubilay.blogspot.com/2011/03/mv91xxsys-bsod-repair-windows-7-x64.html
i would not recomend downloading drivers from sites i did not know.

you did not include your memory speed and type. i bet your using ddr3 1600 (pc 12830 ) this seems to be a problem for some 1333 is recomended even though intel claims to support higher speed.

what color or did you connect your hd’s to? remember that blue is 6.0 and black is 3.0 verify what speed drives you have.
and no a sata 3.0 will not run faster in a sata 6.0.
no srt support for solid state drives some times the problems went away reloading os to standard drive from the ssd.

  • #2

Is anybody having the same or similar issues?

the great randini

Dec 23, 2011




  • #3

it looks like it is caused by «Marvell 9123 Disk Controller».
found a link http://elmaskubilay.blogspot.com/2011/03/mv91xxsys-bsod-repair-windows-7-x64.html
i would not recomend downloading drivers from sites i did not know.

you did not include your memory speed and type. i bet your using ddr3 1600 (pc 12830 ) this seems to be a problem for some 1333 is recomended even though intel claims to support higher speed.

what color or did you connect your hd’s to? remember that blue is 6.0 and black is 3.0 verify what speed drives you have.
and no a sata 3.0 will not run faster in a sata 6.0.
no srt support for solid state drives some times the problems went away reloading os to standard drive from the ssd.

  • #4

Best answer selected by wba4493.

  • #5

Good guess, and thank you for your help! Yes, I’m running ddr3 1600. I went to the link and downloaded the drivers from the site you recommended, and so far no BSOD’s, but I suppose unfortunately only time will tell whether the problem has been solved or not. If it appears that the BSOD’s start coming back, then I will look into the possible RAM issues (run memtest and some other diagnostics) and consider switching out the 1600 for a slower speed.

And in answer to your question, my WD Caviar Green HD is plugged into a SATA 3.0 port, but because the Intel 510 SSD supports SATA 6.0, I have it plugged into one of the blue SATA 6 ports. While theoretically this shouldn’t be a problem, if after trying driver and RAM fixes the BSOD’s persist, I will have to look at shuffling around my HD’s to see if maybe it’s a SATA 6 issue, or just an issue running the OS from an SSD.

Thanks again for your response! It was hugely helpful!

the great randini

Dec 23, 2011




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Mv91xx.sys BSOD Repair – Windows 7 X64

I recently had a problem with this driver (mv91xx.sys) with a fresh install Windows 7 Ultimate X64. After a quick search I could find out what was causing the blue screen from time to time during the boot of my computer. It was the “Marvell 9123 Disk Controller” driver in conflict with some other drivers. So I had to find the latest drivers for this controller which was not provided from the supplier (Asus) but from a third party! This is really frustrating, because companies who sell worldwide should keep their drivers section always up-to-date!!!  I managed somehow downloading the needed drivers from a third-party driver website (http://www.station-drivers.com/). I’m happy that I found such a good site like this one where we can have the latest versions of drivers. Especially, the ones that we all have problems with… So, I ended up downloading the latest drivers and update the drivers on my computer, I did not see any BSOD (Bluescreen of Death) after this update. And also, I used to have a 2-3 second freezes during the normal usage of my system. I was thinking that this was related to the same problem and after the driver update, guess what… The freeze goes away too. I now have a perfect system. I wanted to share my experience so if you guys are suffering from the same problem.

Please right click on the link and choose “save as” in order to download the latest drivers of

Marvell MV-91xx (88SE91xx) Ahci/Raid Controller

(PCIVEN_1B4B&DEV_90xx&CC_ & PCIVEN_1B4B&DEV_91xx&CC_)

In order to install these drivers, you have to extract the content of the .exe file into a folder with a compression application such as (WinZip, 7Zip, WinRAR) and go to “device manager” under the “Computer Management” and expand the “Storage Controller” section to see all the controllers installed in your computer. You should see the Marvell’s controller too, right-click on the “Marvell’s Controller” and choose “update driver software”. You should than point the right folder who has the latest versions of the new driver and load the new drivers. Do not forget to restart your computer after the setup.

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