Ошибка на пс3 8002а537

При подключении к серверу произошла ошибка.

Если возникает эта ошибка на PlayStation®3, возможно, у вас проблемы с подключением к серверу из-за сбоя на сервере или ошибки сетевого подключения.
Попробуйте решить проблему следующими способами:
  1. Проверьте статус PlayStation™Network – возможно, сервер недоступен или на нем проводятся технические работы.
  2. Выйдите из PSN на XMB™ и выполните вход заново.
  3. Проверьте, можете ли вы выполнить вход с другого устройства.
  4. Выключите модем и маршрутизатор и подождите около 5 минут, затем перезапустите их.
  5. Возможно, вскоре ошибка исчезнет. Повторите попытку позже.

Судя по куче отзывов, прямо сейчас владельцам игровых консолей PlayStation снова довелось наблюдать нечастую, но крайне неприятную ошибку с кодом 8002a537,..

… которая, в свою очередь, знаменуют собой не что иное, как проблему со входом в PlayStation Network (PSN).

В этот раз, похоже, имеет место быть просто очередной сбой на стороне серверов PSN. Так что, особо суетится вроде как и нет необходимости. Надо всего лишь немножко подождать, пока саппорт Sony Interactive Entertainment причину неполадок выявит и всё пофиксит.

Собственно, на этом можно было бы этот наш пост благополучно и завершить.


Однако считаем своим долгом напомнить, что в прошлый раз (а было это не далее как в прошлом году), служба поддержки тоже сначала советовала не переживать и спокойно дождаться, пока серверы заработают нормально.

А потом оказалось, что пользователям надо не просто ждать, но и немножко поучаствовать в устранении ошибки со своей стороны.

В общем,..

если PS выдает ошибку с кодом 8002a537

… и ожидание как-то затянулось (или ждать не хочется), то для разнообразия переповеряем текущий статус серверов PSN — вот [ССЫЛКА] — и если там уже всё уже ОК, тогда делаем следующее (как в прошлы раз рекомендовала служба поддержки PlayStation):

  • выключаем PS;
  • затем её включаем, но в Безопасном режиме, а для этого:
    • жмем и держим нажатой кнопку включения питания до третьего звукового сигнала (первый будет через 10 секунд), после чего консоль включится и выключится;
    • после того, как PS выключиться, снова жмем и держим нажатой кнопку включения питания до второго звукового короткого! сигнала (первый будет через 7 секунд);
    • после второго и после того, как на экране появится надпись «Подключите контроллер через USB и нажмите кнопку PS«, кнопку отпускаем, подключаем геймпад через USB-кабель и жмем кнопку «PS».
    • в меню Безопасного режима выбираем «Восстановить настройки по умолчанию» (п.2) и перезагружаем консоль.
  • после завершения перезагрузки пробуем зайти в PSN.

Должно заработать. В противном же случае, снова перепроверяем статус сервера PSN, и таки ждем, пока саппорт порешает всё на той стороне.

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11 Apr 2023 8:06 AM +00:00 UTC

With these tips, get rid of the PS3 error code 8002A537 and sign into the PSN service without issues

PS3 error code 8002A537 - how to fix PSN sign in issue

If you are encountering PS3 error code 8002A537 while trying to sign into PSN, we can help!

Like any gaming console, PS3 is not immune to technical issues, and error code 8002A537 is one of the most common ones affecting PSN sign-in. This error can be as frustrating as error code 80029509 for gamers, as it prevents them from accessing online features.

In this article, we will discuss the causes of PS3 error code 8002A537 and provide you with some effective solutions to resolve the PSN sign in issue.

What is PS3 error code 8002A537?

PS3 error code 8002A537 is a common issue that PlayStation 3 (PS3) users face when trying to sign in to the PlayStation Network (PSN). This error code is an indication of a network issue that prevents the console from connecting to the PSN service.

While one of the reasons for this error could be scheduled maintenance, there are several other factors that could cause it. For instance, the PSN service may be down in your region or there may be other technical difficulties with the PlayStation servers.

Identifying the root cause of the error is crucial in finding an effective solution to fix it and regain access to the online features of your games. With that in mind, let’s explore your options for troubleshooting the PSN sign in issue.

How to fix PS3 error code 8002A537

When you encounter the PS3 error code 8002A537, the best course of action is to wait until the PSN services are restored. As it is a server-side issue, there isn’t much we can do but hope that Sony will get the services back up and running soon.

You can go here to check the status of the PSN service and see if the service is back up and running in your region. Also, you can follow Ask PlayStation on Twitter to get updates on any ongoing maintenance or service disruptions.

Encounter error code 8002A537 on PS3 can be frustrating as it prevents you from accessing your online games and other PSN services. However, exercising patience and waiting until the PSN services are back online will get you back to playing your favourite games online.

While you wait, you can entertain yourself with the latest TikTok trends.

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ps3 error code 8002a537

The PlayStation Network has been problematic for a few PlayStation 3 users over the past 24 hours (PSN). The same problem prevented users from logging into their PSN accounts. Users presently logged into their PSN accounts to play PS3 games are unlogged when they run into the PSN issue 8002a537. The article discusses the PS3 Error Code 8002a537.

You can fix PS3 Error Code 8002a537 by Checking the internet connection, Attempting to restart your PS3, Trying to exit your PSN account, Trying to clear the PS3’s network settings, and Attempting to reach Sony customer service.

The PlayStation Network issue will only be fixed if Sony Interactive Entertainment accepts responsibility and takes steps to address the server fault. Nevertheless, as this problem has also come up before, PlayStation Help has offered a list of remedies that you can apply to fix PSN error 8002a537 on your end. Read below to learn more about PS3 Error Code 8002a537.

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  • 1 How To fix PS3 error code 8002a537?
    • 1.1 Check the internet connection 
    • 1.2 Attempt to restart your PS3
    • 1.3 Try exiting your PSN account
    • 1.4 Try clearing the PS3’s network settings
    • 1.5 Attempt to reach Sony customer service.
  • 2 Additional Unique Elements Of PS3
  • 3 FAQs
    • 3.1 How can I resolve a PS3 connectivity issue?
    • 3.2 How can I fix a PS3 PSN failure?
    • 3.3 How can I tell if the PS3 power supply is defective?
    • 3.4 Do you need a PSN account for PS3?
    • 3.5 Does the PS3 still support online gaming?
    • 3.6 How do I obtain a permanent IP address?
  • 4 Can the PS3 handle gaming?
  • 5 Conclusion

How To fix PS3 error code 8002a537?

As a result, when you try to connect to the Playstation server, another unexpected Error Code 8002a537 can show up.

error codeFollow these steps to fix PS3 Error Code 8002a537.

Check the internet connection 

On your PS3, go to the “Settings” menu, select “System,” then “Network,” and make sure the “Connection” setting is set to “Good.” 

  1. On the main menu, choose “Options” then “System Settings.”system settings
  2. Select “Network Settingsselect network settings
  3. Restart your ps3 and reset the network settings.restart ps three

See Also: Top 13 Best DNS Server For PS4 In 2023

Attempt to restart your PS3

Follow these steps to restart your PS3 to fix PS3 psn error 8002a537.

  1. First, by pushing and holding the power button for approximately ten seconds, switch off your PS3.shut down
  2. Remove the power cord and give your PS3 around five minutes to cool down after it fully shuts down.remove the power cord
  3. Reconnect the power cord after your PS3 has cooled off, then press the power button to turn it back on.reconnect the power cord

Try restarting to use PS3 controller once more if the problem code persists.

See Also: 2 Ideal Ways On How To Use PS3 Camera On PC

Try exiting your PSN account

Follow these steps to exit your PSN account and re-enter it to fix PS3 Error Code 8002a537.

  1. First, After entering your PSN username and password, select “Sign Out.sign out
  2. then try logging in to your PSN account home screen’s “Sign In” tab. sign in or create new account

Try clearing the PS3’s network settings

Reset Network Settings” may be found under Settings>Network. Reset the network settings by adhering to the on-screen instructions.

select network settings

Repeat the reset network settings procedure to fix the PS3 psn issue 8002a537. Here’s how you can receive wifi signal from a long distance.

Attempt to reach Sony customer service.

If your PlayStation 3 still needs to be turned off, try restarting it first for psn error 8002a537. If that still doesn’t fix it, try contacting Sony customer service. The service or model number of your PlayStation 3, the problem code you’re seeing, and your contact details are all required. You must submit your PlayStation 4’s serial number if you have a problem with that device.

sony customer serviceThe issue is related to Sony’s PSN framework components. Now that this fix publishes, more users reportes the server issue. Therefore Sony will immediately recognize the issue and fix it. However, if you use the above workaround, you can continue playing your favorite game.

Additional Unique Elements Of PS3

Here are some additional unique elements Of PS3

ps three

  • PlayStation 3 HD-TV: The PS3’s integrated Blu-ray High-Definition disc player was one of the system’s key selling factors. New HD Blu-ray movies, PS3 games, CDs, and DVDs may all be played on the PS3. Even your existing DVD collection can be “upscaled” to look better on an HDTV. You must purchase an HDMI cable to use the HD capabilities of the PS3. Both versions offer complete HDTV support.
  • PlayStation 3 Network: The PlayStation 3 was the first home console to provide internet connectivity and multiplayer gameplay. This was accessible over the PlayStation Network. Online gaming, game downloads, game and music purchases, and game transfers from the PS3 to the PSP are all options.

On the PS3, the PlayStation Network is freely available and now offers various services, such as streaming video and game rentals. Any USB keyboard, including the Sixaxis, can communicate and access the Internet on the PS3 sign in error 8002a537.

See Also: How To Use PS3 Controller On Switch In 2023


How can I resolve a PS3 connectivity issue?

Disable the PS3’s proxy server to solve this problem. Disabling the PS3 Proxy Server entails: Choosing Settings > Network Settings from the PS3’s main menu. Choose Custom under Network Options, then select Proxy Server from the list under Internet Connection Settings (advanced settings).

How can I fix a PS3 PSN failure?

The PS Network server is down for maintenance. Users of PS devices will see ‘PlayStation Network Sign-In: Failed’ on their screens when the service is undergoing maintenance. Go to Setting > Network > Test Internet Connection and follow the on-screen instructions to make sure your console can connect to the internet.

How can I tell if the PS3 power supply is defective?

One cause of the PlayStation 3 not starting is a defective power supply. Replacement is necessary if the power supply malfunctions. Due to a defective power supply, the PS3’s yellow light will only occasionally become visible.

Do you need a PSN account for PS3?

To utilize PlayStation Network features, you must have an account. Please enter your birthdate accurately. It is necessary for security precautions.

Does the PS3 still support online gaming?

In contrast to the PS4, you can play games online for free without a PS Plus subscription as long as you can discover one whose servers are still up and functioning.

How do I obtain a permanent IP address?

You must request a static IP address from your ISP (Internet Service Provider) in person. Then, in Windows settings, you can modify your default IP address and create a static one.

Can the PS3 handle gaming?

The PS3 Still Provides Excellent Gameplay. There are a ton of RPGs available if you like playing by yourself. The PS3 offers a ton of gaming options. You will undoubtedly find a fun game to play among its large selection.


It is all about how to fix PS3 Error Code 8002a537. When playing a PS3 game, the PS3 Error 8002a537 problem prohibits you from login into your existing PSN account. When attempting to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the computer freezes and shows the 8002a537 error. So, you can rapidly fix Error Code 8002a537 by following the methods in this article.

Sourabh Kulesh

Sourabh Kulesh is a Chief Sub Editor at TechiePlus. He has worked in a national daily newspaper, a news agency, a magazine and now writing technology news online. He has knowledge on a wide gamut of topics related to cybersecurity, enterprise and consumer technology.

There are new updates that have been added to the bottom of the story…

Original story (published on April 11, 2019) follows:

We’re seeing a large number of reports about Sony PlayStation 3 users getting error 8002A537. The issue rears its ugly head when users try to login, effectively preventing them from logging in, which – needless to say – is a completely unacceptable situation.

Just to give you an idea about how widespread the situation is, Twitter is flooded with complaints from around the world. Following are some samples:


Head here to access the complete list of complaints on Twitter.


Aside from social networking platforms, users are discussing about the problem on Reddit as well.


For some, the issue started popping up today, while there have also been users who say the problem has been affecting them for the past whole week.

All this while, PlayStation support has been suggesting users to start the PS3 in safe mode and select option 2, which is Restore Default Settings. We’re not sure if anyone has had their problem resolved with this workaround.

Fix in works

Finally, Sony has acknowledged the problem, with official PlayStation Twitter handle confirming the company is aware of the issue and are working to fix it.

Hello! We’ve been made aware that some users are experiencing this issue, and are working to resolve it. Thank you for your patience as our engineers resolve this. ^AS

— Ask PlayStation UK (@AskPS_UK) July 19, 2018

Sadly, there’s currently no information on exactly how much time it will take for Sony to resolve the problem. Nevertheless, it’s good the issue has been officially acknowledged. Here’s hoping the good news arrives for affected PS3 users sooner than later.

Update 1 (April 11 2019)

We’re again seeing reports of this issue.

@AskPlayStation I just got signed out of PSN. Was working fine today and now saying I have been signed out. Error 8002A537. Please help!!

— Robert V (@r19rcv20) April 11, 2019

@AskPlayStation having error code 8002A537 on ps3. Can’t log in can’t use vue. Works on ps4, iPad etc. have tried a reboot and it’s up to date.

— Chief T, MD (@organizedcarbon) April 11, 2019

@AskPlayStation Hello, on my PS3, I am unable to log onto my PSN. My system gives me the error 8002A537. Can you please help?

— Jaime Sanche (@Sheepzombie1981) April 11, 2019

We’re looking for more info, and will update the story with more info as and we find something newsworthy.

Update 2 (April 11 2019)

Sony’s official portal for PSN status here says all services are up and running. So it’s difficult to say whether or not the company is aware of this problem.

However, rest assured, we’ll update the story with relevant info soon.

Update 3 (April 11 2019)

Sony has officially acknowledged the issue. Here’s what the company says:

Affected Platforms: PS3™
Affected Services: You may have some difficulty signing in or creating an account on PlayStation™Network. Our engineers are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible, and we thank you for your patience

Update 4 (April 11 2019)

Sony says the issue has been fixed.

Update 5 (May 28, 2021)

10:49 am (IST): It appears that some Sony PS3 users are once again getting the error 8002A537 message and have been signed out. Sony is yet to acknowledge the issue.



Woke up this morning to find I can not sign into my account. I’m still using my ps3 and I am getting error code 8002A537 (Source)

I guess PSN is down on PS3??? I dunno, mum can’t sign in even though it was a fine a few minutes ago. (Source)

There aren’t a huge number of reports, which indicates that the problem might not be widespread. However, since the issue only started popping up within the past couple of hours, we’ll have to wait and see if it’s a large-scale problem.

05:35 pm (IST): Turns out, the error is indeed affecting most PS3 users across the globe. Hundreds of reports have been flooding Twitter over the past few hours, but for some reason, Sony hasn’t acknowledged it.

Moreover, the company’s official PSN Service Status site shows that everything is working as expected.



We’re actively tracking all developments regarding the issue. So stay tuned to PiunikaWeb for further information.

08:00 pm (IST): Sony — via its Ask PlayStation UK account on Twitter — had confirmed that the PS3 and PS Vita devices are undergoing scheduled maintenance and that services would be restored after 1 pm BST. However, it’s clearly not working still.

The company has also finally updated its official PSN Service Status website to reflect the issue and has also confirmed that they’re working to resolve it as soon as possible.



We’ll post an update once the issue has been fixed or if there are any other developments.

10:04 pm (IST): Sony Japan has confirmed that the maintenance has been extended to May 29 till 3:00 am local time. So it seems you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get back to playing on the PS3.



10:50 pm (IST): Reports in the comments section below as well as the all clear sign on the PSN Service Status site suggest that the issue has finally been fixed. Feel free to drop a comment below letting us know if you’re still facing the same problem.

Update 6 (April 11, 2023)

09:34 am (IST): Some users are again reporting (1, 2) that they are getting error 8002A537 on their PS3 units.

06:06 pm (IST): Lack of reports indicate that the recent issue where users were getting error 8002A537 has now been fixed.

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