Обзор ошибки замятие в ризографе
В прошлом обзоре мы познакомили вас с возможными типами ошибок, возникающих на ризографе и их идентификацией. Теперь мы рассмотрим индикаторы типов ошибок более подробно.
Первым в нашем списке будет индикатор замятия листов бумаги в том или ином месте ризографа. По-английски этот тип ошибки звучит как «JAM», т.е. замятие.
Для идентификации ошибки, связанной с замятием бумаги вам необходимо взглянуть на дисплей ошибок, на котором вы увидите номер в кружочке, который описывает место положения возникшей ошибки, а на дисплее тиражей собственно ее код. Далее вам нужно найти высветившийся номер ошибки в таблице с описанием, узнать причину, которая повлекла ошибку и выполнить указания по ее ликвидации.
Код ошибки А-01/34 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Данная проблема вызвана не верной установкой мастера в узел изготовления.Устранение.
Для устранения данной ошибки достаточно разблокировать узел изготовления мастера, извлечь его и заново установить рулон мастер-пленки, при этом необходимо убедиться, чтобы мастер-пленка не провисала. Вернуть узел обратно. -
Код ошибки А-02 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Неправильно намотанный кадр мастер-пленки на красящий цилиндр.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр из ризографа. Далее вам необходимо разблокировать барабан при помощи рычага слева и повернуть барабан до тех пор, пока сверху не окажется металлический зажим мастера.Далее, нажав на рычаг этого прижима, вам нужно поддеть за край и снять весь кадр мастер-пленки с цилиндра.
После того, как вы сняли мастер, вам необходимо провернуть барабан до совмещения меток и установить его обратно в ризограф. После этого разблокируйте узел изготовления мастера и извлеките его, произведите повторную установку мастера в узел и задвиньте узел изготовления обратно. Далее повторите процедуру по изготовлению нового мастера на ризографе.
Код ошибки А-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Снятый кадр мастер-пленки не был загружен в контейнер для отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр и удалить с него кадр мастера. Далее верните барабан обратно в аппарат и нажмите кнопку «старт». -
Код ошибки А-05 (место положения 5, контейнер отработанных мастеров)
Подобная ошибка говорит о застревании бумаги в узле отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сперва нужно извлечь контейнер отработанных мастеров с помощью нажатия специального рычага справа от контейнера.Далее удалить застрявший мастер и произвести установку контейнера в обратном порядке.
Код ошибки А-06 (место положения 1, подающий стол)
Под лотком или на бумаге имеются посторонние объекты.Устранение.
Для исправления данной проблемы вам необходимо проверить подающий лоток, под ним и на бумаге на наличие посторонних предметов и при их наличии удалить. -
Код ошибки J-08 (место положения 6, узел подачи бумаги)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для исправления ошибки надо извлечь застрявшую бумагу и заправить лоток бумагой заново, далее для сброса ошибки нажать кнопку «сброс». -
Код ошибки А-16 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема со снятием мастера с барабана.Устранение.
Вам необходимо повторить все описанные действия по снятию кадра мастер-пленки с барабана, которые описаны выше к ошибке А-02 и повторить процедуру изготовления нового кадра мастера. -
Код ошибки А-17 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Неправильно отрезан кадр мастер-пленки.Устранение.
Нужно извлечь узел изготовления мастера и повторить заново установку рулона мастер-пленки. -
Код ошибки J-01 (место положения 8, узел автоматической подачи бумаги)
Если на вашем ризографе установлен АПО и горит данная ошибка, значит в АПО произошло застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для удаления проблемной бумаги из АПО необходимо потянуть рычаг разблокировки оригинала вправо и вытащить бумагу. Если же бумага застряла дальше данного узла, то надо поднять крышку ризографа вверх и провернуть ролик разблокировки АПО для удаления бумаги. -
Код ошибки J-02 (место положения 6, узел приемного лотка)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Извлечь бумагу из зоны застревания и сбросить ошибку нажатием кнопки «сброс». -
Код ошибки J-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема с застреванием листов бумаги в красящем цилиндре.Устранение.
Извлеките цилиндр из ризографа, проверьте его на наличие замятой бумаги и при необходимости удалите ее.
Таким образом мы познакомили вас с ошибками ризографа, которые прямым образом связаны с застреванием мастера или бумаги в разный агрегатных узла аппарата. В следующем обзоре мы рассмотрим ошибки, связанные с индикатором активной функции.
Type |
Point |
Description |
A01 |
201 |
Master-positioning sensor does not go ON even after the write pulse motor is activated during the master-positioning, master-cut, or master-loading operation. |
A01 |
202 |
Master-positioning sensor does not go OFF even when the write pulse motor is reversed during the master-positioning or at start of master-making operation. |
A01 |
206 |
Timeout error during master-making operation |
A01 |
211 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON during standby. |
A01 |
214 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON at the start of master making. |
A01 |
215 |
Faulty gate-array control for the write pulse motor (motor does not stop within set time) |
A02 |
509 |
Master-loading sensor was OFF when the master was checked at a specified drum angle during the master-loading operation. |
A04 |
303 |
Master-disposal jam sensor was OFF at both 120 and 180 degrees drum angle. |
A04 |
314 |
Master-disposal error (recovery error). |
A05 |
304 |
Master-disposal jam sensor was ON at the completion of the master-disposal operation. |
A05 |
312 |
The master-disposal jam sensor was ON at the start of master-making operation. |
A05 |
315 |
The master-disposal jam sensor was ON when the master disposal box was set in the machine. |
A06 |
403 |
Paper-feed-tray upper or lower safety switch is OFF. |
A07 |
409 |
Paper-ejection sensor was OFF when the paper should have arrived, and the paper sensor was ON when the machine stopped (Paper misfeed). |
A07 |
412 |
Paper sensor was OFF three times in succession when a paper misfeed was detected (paper misfeed). |
A07 |
413 |
Paper sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper sensor (long-length paper mode error). |
A07 |
418 |
The paper sensor was ON at the start of machine operation when the START button was pressed. |
A07 |
429 |
Paper feed error (recovery error). |
A07 |
432 |
Paper sensor was ON when the machine went into paper feed retry movement after a paper misfeed. |
A08 |
410 |
Paper-ejection sensor was OFF when paper should have arrived, and the paper sensor was OFF when the machine stopped (paper jam on the print drum). |
A08 |
421 |
Paper sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper sensor during feeding of long paper in long-length paper mode (paper longer than 555 mm). |
A08 |
430 |
Paper jam on print drum (recovery error). |
A09 |
411 |
Paper-ejection sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper-ejection sensor. |
A09 |
417 |
Paper-ejection sensor was ON at the start of machine operation when the START button was pressed. |
A09 |
431 |
Paper-ejection error (recovery error). |
A10 |
102 |
Original-registration-sensor remaining jam |
A10 |
103 |
Original-IN-sensor remaining jam |
A10 |
105 |
Original-registration-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
106 |
Original-IN-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
107 |
Original-OUT-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
109 |
An original feed error occurred, due to opening the AF. |
A10 |
162 |
No original in AF during AF master making. |
A16 |
525 |
Waiting for the master to be removed. |
A17 |
209 |
Cutter home-position switch is OFF at the start of master-making or master-set operation. |
A34 |
218 |
Request to resetting the master. |
B01 |
730 |
Keycard counter: No card |
B22 |
721 |
With the «Tape separation» function set ON, no power is supplied to the job separator when start key is pressed. |
B22 |
727 |
After cluster-A signal turned ON, BUSY-signal stayed «L» more than 7 seconds (power to job separator was turned OFF while the tape is being ejected. |
B23 |
722 |
With the «Tape separation» function set ON, no tape detected in the job separator when the start key is pressed. |
B23 |
723 |
No tape remains in job separator upon completion of the tape-ejection operation. |
B24 |
724 |
Tape jam detected when the start key is pressed with the «Tape separation» function set to ON. |
B24 |
725 |
Job separator tape-jam detection signal is «H» within 1,200 milliseconds after the cluster-A signal turns ON (tape misfeed). |
B24 |
726 |
Job separator tape-jam detection signal is «L» when the BUSY signal changes from «L» to «H» (or after 7 sec. at «L») after the cluster-A signal goes ON (tape misfeed). |
B31 |
916 |
Network cable is not connected when the machine is powered ON. |
B32 |
917 |
Communication error on the network. |
B32 |
920 |
Error detected by Network Interface Card (NIC) — NAK (negative acknowledgement was received). |
B33 |
931 |
DHCP server is not found with DHCP ON. |
B34 |
919 |
Error detected on the locally connected printer. |
C01 |
512 |
The ink sensor did not go ON even when inking was performed for the preset period. |
C01 |
563 |
Ink remaining amount is zero. |
C01 |
574 |
Inkless error was detected 5 times consecutively on one same ink bottle. |
C02 |
200 |
The master end was detected twice in succession at 10-milliseconds intervals during master transport. |
C02 |
240 |
Master remaining amount is zero |
C02 |
253 |
Masterless error was detected twice consecutively on one same master-roll. |
C03 |
308 |
Compression detection position was reached before the master-compression-motor encoder-sensor count reached the specified level, after the master compression motor turned ON in the compression direction. |
C03 |
313 |
Master removal box full detected by the master removal count. |
C04 |
402 |
Paper detection sensor is OFF (no paper on the feed tray). |
D01 |
526 |
Print drum is not set in the machine (drum connection signal, drum safety switch, and drum-lock sensor is OFF. |
D01 |
527 |
Print drum connection signal is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine. |
D01 |
528 |
Print drum safety switch is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine. |
D01 |
529 |
Print drum lock sensor is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine (time-out: 5 seconds). |
D01 |
530 |
Print drum connection signal does not go OFF within 5 seconds after the print drum safety switch went OFF when the print drum was pulled out. |
D02 |
532 |
Incorrect print drum is used. |
D03 |
533 |
Ink cartridge set sensor is OFF. |
D04 |
534 |
Incorrect ink cartridge is used. |
D04 |
560 |
Ink TAG is not detected on ink bottle. |
D04 |
561 |
Ink cartridge communication error (communication with the ink cartridge was interfered by noise). |
D04 |
562 |
Wrong ink cartridge information. |
D04 |
564 |
Detected a mismatch in ink cartridge information |
D05 |
210 |
Master detection sensor is OFF (not detecting master). |
D07 |
310 |
Disposal-box safety switch is OFF. |
D08 |
224 |
Master making unit is not set (both the safety switch and lock sensor are OFF). |
D08 |
226 |
Master making unit safety switch is still OFF when the master making unit is set in position. |
D08 |
227 |
Master making unit lock sensor is still OFF when the master making unit is set in position (timeout: 5 seconds). |
D08 |
228 |
Master making unit lock sensor is still ON even after the master making unit safety switch went OFF, when the master making unit was pulled out of the machine. |
D09 |
212 |
Master-making-unit set sensor is OFF (sensor light path is free). |
D11 |
535 |
Front cover set switch is OFF. |
D13 |
9 |
The rear cover is opened (serviceman safety switch is OFF). |
D17 |
236 |
Incorrect master roll. |
D17 |
237 |
Master roll undetected. |
D17 |
238 |
Master roll communication error. |
D17 |
239 |
Wrong master roll detected. |
D17 |
241 |
Detected a mismatch in master roll information. |
D18 |
522 |
Print drum ready for release (solenoid is ON). |
D19 |
223 |
Master making unit ready for release (solenoid is ON). |
D22 |
540 |
Error in access to the Drum PCB (unable to read from or write on the Drum PCB). |
D22 |
542 |
Abnormal data on Drum PCB. |
E01 |
10 |
Battery voltage was less than 2.5 V when the power was switched ON (weak battery: time to replace battery). |
E02 |
11 |
Master counter reached the value set for the maintenance call (value set by test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
E02 |
12 |
Copy counter reached the value set for the maintenance call (value by set test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
E02 |
22 |
Maintenance counter inside the print drum reached the value set for the maintenance call (value set by test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
F01 |
15 |
There is no master on the print drum at the start of printing. |
F02 |
18 |
Paper size does not match with the image size on the print drum at the start of printing. |
F03 |
16 |
Multi-up was selected using custom size paper. |
F05 |
19 |
In master making, the print quantity selected is less than the minimum print quantity. |
F10 |
21 |
Paper size does not match with the size of image on the print drum when test print is selected and activated. |
F21 |
32 |
Next original is not in placed on AF for multi-up operation. |
F22 |
33 |
Next original is not placed on flatbed for multi-up operation. |
F37 |
50 |
Original was set on the AF with book mode selected, when master making is activated. |
F50 |
910 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled due to error on linked printer. |
F54 |
923 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled due to no paper in the linked printer. |
F55 |
924 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled while receiving print data from PC. |
F58 |
927 |
Cannot print from linked printer (Initializing NET-C). |
H1 |
566 |
Requesting ink color information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H2 |
567 |
Requesting print density information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H3 |
568 |
Requesting test printing print density information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H4 |
242 |
Requesting master-making density information input (Master-TAG related). |
H5 |
243 |
Requesting Print density information input (Master-TAG related). |
H6 |
244 |
Requesting test printing print density information input (Master-TAG related). |
P01 |
520 |
Main encoder sensor does not go ON/OFF within 10 milliseconds after the main motor activates. |
P01 |
521 |
B-positioning sensor status does not change even after 3,033 pulses after the main motor activates. |
P01 |
524 |
Clamp unit is not at the home position while the print drum is in operation (except during master disposal). |
P01 |
537 |
Print drum failed to stop at position B. (over-run) |
P01 |
538 |
Print drum is not locked during operation. (Print-drum lock position sensor: OFF) |
P02 |
400 |
Both the upper and lower limit sensors were ON at the same time. |
P02 |
401 |
Overload current was detected in the elevator motor. |
P02 |
404 |
The lower-limit sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the raising direction from the lower-limit position. |
P02 |
405 |
The upper-limit sensor does not go ON within 12 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the raising direction. |
P02 |
406 |
The upper-limit sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the lower direction from the upper-limit position. |
P02 |
407 |
The lower-limit sensor does not go ON within 12 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the lowering direction. |
P02 |
408 |
The upper-limit sensor is OFF continuously for over 2 seconds during operation of the elevator servo action to raise the feed tray. |
P03 |
500 |
Clamp sensor A is OFF after the completion of the clamp unit initialization or home positioning movement. |
P03 |
501 |
Clamp sensor B does not change within 1 second from the time the clamp motor operates in the correct direction. |
P03 |
502 |
Clamp sensor B does not change within 1 second from the time the clamp motor operates in the reverse direction. |
P03 |
503 |
Clamp sensor A does not go ON within 3 seconds when the clamp unit makes initialization movement. |
P03 |
504 |
At the start of Clamp plate open/close action, the the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
505 |
At the start of print drum Positon-A compensation movement, the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
506 |
At the start of Clamp unit Home-positioning movement, the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
507 |
Clamp sensor A is ON after the clamp release action is completed. |
P03 |
508 |
Clamp sensor A is ON after the A-position compensating movement is completed. |
P03 |
545 |
Clamp unit is not in the home position while the print drum is in movement (cause due to the clamp motor). |
P04 |
513 |
The overflow sensor was ON for a set number of times in succession during the 10-millisecond-interval overflow-sensor check. |
P05 |
603 |
The vertical-centering sensor does not switch ON even when the vertical-positioning pulse motor activated in the image-down direction for 5 seconds during vertical home positioning movement. |
P05 |
604 |
The vertical-centering sensor does not switch OFF even when the vertical-positioning pulse motor activated in the image-up direction for 5 seconds during vertical home positioning movement. |
P05 |
605 |
Even though the vertical positioning motor stopped according to the vertical centering sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P05 |
612 |
The one-step-positioning key was pressed with vertical-print-position information undefined. |
P08 |
951 |
Print job executed was not in correct RisoRinc format. |
P11 |
600 |
Print pressure HP sensor does not switch ON within 3.9 seconds after the print pressure pulse motor activated towards higher pressure during home positioning operation. |
P11 |
601 |
Print pressure HP sensor does not switch OFF within 4.6 seconds after the print pressure pulse motor activated towards lower pressure during home positioning operation. |
P11 |
602 |
Even though the print pressure control pulse motor stopped according to the print pressure HP sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P12 |
301 |
Master compression motor lock when moving compression plate up. |
P12 |
305 |
Master compression sensor does not go ON within 6.5 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the return direction. |
P12 |
306 |
Master compression sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the compress direction. |
P12 |
307 |
Master compression plate maximum position is not detected within 6.5 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the compress direction. |
P12 |
309 |
Master-compression-motor encoder sensor count did not change as the master compression motor activated in the compress direction and moved out from the home position. |
P12 |
316 |
Master-compression-motor encoder sensor count did not change within 10 milliseconds after the master compression motor activated. |
P12 |
300 |
Overload current was detected in the master removal motor. |
P13 |
203 |
Cutter HP switch does not go OFF within 100 milliseconds after the cutter motor is activated. |
P13 |
204 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 300 milliseconds after the cutter motor is activated. |
P13 |
205 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON when the print drum rotates through the preset angle following master cutting. |
P13 |
221 |
Both the cutter HP switch and cutter stop position switch are ON at the same time. |
P13 |
222 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 450 milliseconds after the cutter home positioning operation started. |
P13 |
231 |
Cutter HP switch does not go OFF within 500 milliseconds after the cutter moved out from the home position. |
P13 |
232 |
Cutter stop position switch does not go ON within 2 seconds after the cutting operation started. |
P13 |
233 |
Cutter stop position switch does not go OFF within 500 milliseconds after the cutter activates to move from the stop position to the home position. |
P13 |
234 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 2 seconds after the cutter home positioning operation started. |
P14 |
114 |
Incorrect main-unit data. |
P14 |
115 |
The scanner operation is not completed within the set time. |
P14 |
116 |
Timeout error for black shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
117 |
Timeout error for white shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
123 |
Offset adjustment not completed within set time. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
124 |
Gain adjustment not completed within set time. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
125 |
Offset adjustment not completed. |
P14 |
126 |
Gain adjustment not completed. |
P14 |
135 |
Malfunction detected during offset adjustment. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
136 |
Malfunction detected during offset adjustment. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
137 |
Malfunction detected during black shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
138 |
Malfunction detected during white shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
170 |
Even though the read pulse motor stopped according to the sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P15 |
4 |
Communication error with AF-CPU. |
P15 |
110 |
ABC (auto-base-control) timeout. The original does not move from the ABC scanning position on the AF unit. |
P15 |
111 |
Operation command was made to the AF unit without 24 volts supplied to the AF unit. |
P15 |
130 |
Timeout error in receiving reply from the AF unit after command signal was sent from the Riso printer to the AF unit. |
P15 |
131 |
Riso printer received an undefined command from the AF unit. |
P15 |
132 |
Riso printer detected communication sequence error from the AF unit. |
P15 |
133 |
Communication error with AF unit (ACK or NAK error). |
P15 |
134 |
Riso printer could not send command to the AF unit within the set time. |
P15 |
160 |
AF unit detection signal went OFF while the AF unit is in operation. |
P17 |
20 |
Solenoid counter is not connected. |
P18 |
531 |
Print drum lock sensor is still ON even after 100 milliseconds after the print drum lock solenoid is activated. |
P19 |
207 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the decompressing direction, or during home positioning operation. |
P19 |
208 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go ON within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the decompressing direction. |
P19 |
216 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go OFF within 500 millisecond after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the compressing direction. |
P19 |
217 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go ON within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the compressing direction. |
P20 |
415 |
Paper-ejection-wing home sensor does not go OFF within 7,000 milliseconds after the paper ejection wing motor activates in the counterclockwise direction from the home position. |
P20 |
416 |
Overload current was detected in the paper-ejection motor. |
P20 |
437 |
Paper-ejection encoder sensor status does not change within 10 milliseconds after the paper-ejection motor is activated. |
P24 |
539 |
Inking-motor encoder sensor status does not change within 20 milliseconds after the inking-motor is activated. |
P25 |
26 |
Battery voltage was below 2.3 volts (too low) when the power is turned ON. |
P92 |
570 |
EEPROM on the print drum PCB was being accessed while the print drum was in releasing action from the machine. |
P93 |
932 |
No reply from the NET-C network interface card while accessing to the network interface card. |
P93 |
933 |
No response from NET-C for 90 seconds during NET-C initialization. |
P94 |
225 |
TPH code does not match with the machine code when the power is turned ON with the master-making unit in operating position or when the master-making unit is inserted in operating position while the power is ON. |
P95 |
59 |
Machine serial-number information sent from SH-PCB does not match with the machine serial number information in the MCTL PCB. |
P96 |
171 |
TPH resistance value not input. |
P96 |
172 |
Scanner adjustment not completed. |
P96 |
433 |
Paper size width potentiometer test-mode setting is not completed. |
P96 |
569 |
Either the print drum color information or ink category information is still not input. |
P96 |
613 |
Print pressure data missing. |
P98 |
2 |
No reply from Mini-Rosa PCB when the machine power is turned ON even though the Rosa connection signal is ON. |
P98 |
5 |
Hardware error. |
P98 |
6 |
FRAM checksum error. |
P98 |
7 |
Mini Rosa PCB not connected. |
P98 |
38 |
Machine data on EEPROM does not match with that on the SH-PCB. |
P98 |
39 |
Improper EEPROM on the SH-PCB. |
P98 |
46 |
The DIMM capacity does not match. |
P98 |
51 |
Touch-panel communication error |
P98 |
53 |
Failure in calling out the saved Memory settings (program, mode, user paper information). |
P98 |
54 |
Failure in saving the Memory settings (program, mode, user paper information). |
P98 |
55 |
Machine type code from SH-PCB does not match with the machine information on the H8-PCB. |
P98 |
63 |
The test-mode memory data stored was outside the adjustment range. |
P98 |
64 |
An undefined command was sent in communication between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB. |
P98 |
65 |
Communication error 01 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
67 |
Communication error 03 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
68 |
Communication error 04 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
69 |
Communication error 05 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
70 |
Communication error 06 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
71 |
Communication error 07 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
72 |
Communication error 08 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
73 |
Communication error 09 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
74 |
Communication error 10 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
75 |
Communication error 11 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
76 |
Communication error 12 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
77 |
Communication error 13 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
78 |
Communication error 14 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
79 |
Communication error 15 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
80 |
Communication error 16 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
81 |
Communication error 17 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
82 |
Communication error 18 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
83 |
Communication error 19 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
84 |
Communication error 20 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
98 |
Machine serial number information on the SH-PCB EEPROM does not match with that in the FRAM. |
P98 |
119 |
Image processing PCB trouble. |
P98 |
120 |
Scanner communication problem. (RZ3 series only) |
P98 |
129 |
Faulty Scanner GA PCB. (RZ3 series only) |
P98 |
245 |
Master transfer time-out error during master making (Write pulse motor error). |
P98 |
246 |
Master transfer time-out error during master making (Load pulse motor error). |
P98 |
614 |
Vertical print position data missing. |
P98 |
934 |
Main read/write communication error (detected by read/write side). |
P98 |
935 |
Main read/write communication error (detected by machine side). |
P98 |
937 |
Serial number data missing. |
P98 |
938 |
FRAM version-down. |
P98 |
947 |
24V-A does not go ON (a possible burnt 24-volt group-A fuse). |
P98 |
948 |
24V-B does not go ON (a possible burnt 24-volt group-B fuse). |
P98 |
949 |
24V-A does not go OFF. |
P98 |
950 |
24V-B does not fo OFF. |
P98 |
952 |
Checksum error on the ROSA flash-memory. |
P98 |
953 |
Unsuccessful writing on the ROSA flash-memory. |
P99 |
936 |
Software error |
Как устранить ошибку А16-525
Данные ошибки связаны с застреванием мастера при подаче его на барабан. Нужно осмотреть зону подачи мастера на предмет застрявшего мастера, проверить ролики подачи мастера, резак, датчики и планку захвата мастера.
Попробуйте надеть мастер вручную, потом смотать рулон, не закрывая сканер, выключить и включить с ресетом, на экране появятся дальнейшие инструкции, выполнить их.
Задайте свой вопрос
Чтобы задать вопрос, Вам необходимо авторизоваться
Обзор ошибки замятие в ризографе
В прошлом обзоре мы познакомили вас с возможными типами ошибок, возникающих на ризографе и их идентификацией. Теперь мы рассмотрим индикаторы типов ошибок более подробно.
Первым в нашем списке будет индикатор замятия листов бумаги в том или ином месте ризографа. По-английски этот тип ошибки звучит как «JAM», т.е. замятие.
Для идентификации ошибки, связанной с замятием бумаги вам необходимо взглянуть на дисплей ошибок, на котором вы увидите номер в кружочке, который описывает место положения возникшей ошибки, а на дисплее тиражей собственно ее код. Далее вам нужно найти высветившийся номер ошибки в таблице с описанием, узнать причину, которая повлекла ошибку и выполнить указания по ее ликвидации.
Код ошибки А-01/34 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Данная проблема вызвана не верной установкой мастера в узел изготовления.Устранение.
Для устранения данной ошибки достаточно разблокировать узел изготовления мастера, извлечь его и заново установить рулон мастер-пленки, при этом необходимо убедиться, чтобы мастер-пленка не провисала. Вернуть узел обратно. -
Код ошибки А-02 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Неправильно намотанный кадр мастер-пленки на красящий цилиндр.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр из ризографа. Далее вам необходимо разблокировать барабан при помощи рычага слева и повернуть барабан до тех пор, пока сверху не окажется металлический зажим мастера.Далее, нажав на рычаг этого прижима, вам нужно поддеть за край и снять весь кадр мастер-пленки с цилиндра.
После того, как вы сняли мастер, вам необходимо провернуть барабан до совмещения меток и установить его обратно в ризограф. После этого разблокируйте узел изготовления мастера и извлеките его, произведите повторную установку мастера в узел и задвиньте узел изготовления обратно. Далее повторите процедуру по изготовлению нового мастера на ризографе.
Код ошибки А-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Снятый кадр мастер-пленки не был загружен в контейнер для отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр и удалить с него кадр мастера. Далее верните барабан обратно в аппарат и нажмите кнопку «старт». -
Код ошибки А-05 (место положения 5, контейнер отработанных мастеров)
Подобная ошибка говорит о застревании бумаги в узле отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сперва нужно извлечь контейнер отработанных мастеров с помощью нажатия специального рычага справа от контейнера.Далее удалить застрявший мастер и произвести установку контейнера в обратном порядке.
Код ошибки А-06 (место положения 1, подающий стол)
Под лотком или на бумаге имеются посторонние объекты.Устранение.
Для исправления данной проблемы вам необходимо проверить подающий лоток, под ним и на бумаге на наличие посторонних предметов и при их наличии удалить. -
Код ошибки J-08 (место положения 6, узел подачи бумаги)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для исправления ошибки надо извлечь застрявшую бумагу и заправить лоток бумагой заново, далее для сброса ошибки нажать кнопку «сброс». -
Код ошибки А-16 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема со снятием мастера с барабана.Устранение.
Вам необходимо повторить все описанные действия по снятию кадра мастер-пленки с барабана, которые описаны выше к ошибке А-02 и повторить процедуру изготовления нового кадра мастера. -
Код ошибки А-17 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Неправильно отрезан кадр мастер-пленки.Устранение.
Нужно извлечь узел изготовления мастера и повторить заново установку рулона мастер-пленки. -
Код ошибки J-01 (место положения 8, узел автоматической подачи бумаги)
Если на вашем ризографе установлен АПО и горит данная ошибка, значит в АПО произошло застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для удаления проблемной бумаги из АПО необходимо потянуть рычаг разблокировки оригинала вправо и вытащить бумагу. Если же бумага застряла дальше данного узла, то надо поднять крышку ризографа вверх и провернуть ролик разблокировки АПО для удаления бумаги. -
Код ошибки J-02 (место положения 6, узел приемного лотка)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Извлечь бумагу из зоны застревания и сбросить ошибку нажатием кнопки «сброс». -
Код ошибки J-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема с застреванием листов бумаги в красящем цилиндре.Устранение.
Извлеките цилиндр из ризографа, проверьте его на наличие замятой бумаги и при необходимости удалите ее.
Таким образом мы познакомили вас с ошибками ризографа, которые прямым образом связаны с застреванием мастера или бумаги в разный агрегатных узла аппарата. В следующем обзоре мы рассмотрим ошибки, связанные с индикатором активной функции.
Type |
Point |
Description |
A01 |
201 |
Master-positioning sensor does not go ON even after the write pulse motor is activated during the master-positioning, master-cut, or master-loading operation. |
A01 |
202 |
Master-positioning sensor does not go OFF even when the write pulse motor is reversed during the master-positioning or at start of master-making operation. |
A01 |
206 |
Timeout error during master-making operation |
A01 |
211 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON during standby. |
A01 |
214 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON at the start of master making. |
A01 |
215 |
Faulty gate-array control for the write pulse motor (motor does not stop within set time) |
A02 |
509 |
Master-loading sensor was OFF when the master was checked at a specified drum angle during the master-loading operation. |
A04 |
303 |
Master-disposal jam sensor was OFF at both 120 and 180 degrees drum angle. |
A04 |
314 |
Master-disposal error (recovery error). |
A05 |
304 |
Master-disposal jam sensor was ON at the completion of the master-disposal operation. |
A05 |
312 |
The master-disposal jam sensor was ON at the start of master-making operation. |
A05 |
315 |
The master-disposal jam sensor was ON when the master disposal box was set in the machine. |
A06 |
403 |
Paper-feed-tray upper or lower safety switch is OFF. |
A07 |
409 |
Paper-ejection sensor was OFF when the paper should have arrived, and the paper sensor was ON when the machine stopped (Paper misfeed). |
A07 |
412 |
Paper sensor was OFF three times in succession when a paper misfeed was detected (paper misfeed). |
A07 |
413 |
Paper sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper sensor (long-length paper mode error). |
A07 |
418 |
The paper sensor was ON at the start of machine operation when the START button was pressed. |
A07 |
429 |
Paper feed error (recovery error). |
A07 |
432 |
Paper sensor was ON when the machine went into paper feed retry movement after a paper misfeed. |
A08 |
410 |
Paper-ejection sensor was OFF when paper should have arrived, and the paper sensor was OFF when the machine stopped (paper jam on the print drum). |
A08 |
421 |
Paper sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper sensor during feeding of long paper in long-length paper mode (paper longer than 555 mm). |
A08 |
430 |
Paper jam on print drum (recovery error). |
A09 |
411 |
Paper-ejection sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper-ejection sensor. |
A09 |
417 |
Paper-ejection sensor was ON at the start of machine operation when the START button was pressed. |
A09 |
431 |
Paper-ejection error (recovery error). |
A10 |
102 |
Original-registration-sensor remaining jam |
A10 |
103 |
Original-IN-sensor remaining jam |
A10 |
105 |
Original-registration-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
106 |
Original-IN-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
107 |
Original-OUT-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
109 |
An original feed error occurred, due to opening the AF. |
A10 |
162 |
No original in AF during AF master making. |
A16 |
525 |
Waiting for the master to be removed. |
A17 |
209 |
Cutter home-position switch is OFF at the start of master-making or master-set operation. |
A34 |
218 |
Request to resetting the master. |
B01 |
730 |
Keycard counter: No card |
B22 |
721 |
With the «Tape separation» function set ON, no power is supplied to the job separator when start key is pressed. |
B22 |
727 |
After cluster-A signal turned ON, BUSY-signal stayed «L» more than 7 seconds (power to job separator was turned OFF while the tape is being ejected. |
B23 |
722 |
With the «Tape separation» function set ON, no tape detected in the job separator when the start key is pressed. |
B23 |
723 |
No tape remains in job separator upon completion of the tape-ejection operation. |
B24 |
724 |
Tape jam detected when the start key is pressed with the «Tape separation» function set to ON. |
B24 |
725 |
Job separator tape-jam detection signal is «H» within 1,200 milliseconds after the cluster-A signal turns ON (tape misfeed). |
B24 |
726 |
Job separator tape-jam detection signal is «L» when the BUSY signal changes from «L» to «H» (or after 7 sec. at «L») after the cluster-A signal goes ON (tape misfeed). |
B31 |
916 |
Network cable is not connected when the machine is powered ON. |
B32 |
917 |
Communication error on the network. |
B32 |
920 |
Error detected by Network Interface Card (NIC) — NAK (negative acknowledgement was received). |
B33 |
931 |
DHCP server is not found with DHCP ON. |
B34 |
919 |
Error detected on the locally connected printer. |
C01 |
512 |
The ink sensor did not go ON even when inking was performed for the preset period. |
C01 |
563 |
Ink remaining amount is zero. |
C01 |
574 |
Inkless error was detected 5 times consecutively on one same ink bottle. |
C02 |
200 |
The master end was detected twice in succession at 10-milliseconds intervals during master transport. |
C02 |
240 |
Master remaining amount is zero |
C02 |
253 |
Masterless error was detected twice consecutively on one same master-roll. |
C03 |
308 |
Compression detection position was reached before the master-compression-motor encoder-sensor count reached the specified level, after the master compression motor turned ON in the compression direction. |
C03 |
313 |
Master removal box full detected by the master removal count. |
C04 |
402 |
Paper detection sensor is OFF (no paper on the feed tray). |
D01 |
526 |
Print drum is not set in the machine (drum connection signal, drum safety switch, and drum-lock sensor is OFF. |
D01 |
527 |
Print drum connection signal is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine. |
D01 |
528 |
Print drum safety switch is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine. |
D01 |
529 |
Print drum lock sensor is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine (time-out: 5 seconds). |
D01 |
530 |
Print drum connection signal does not go OFF within 5 seconds after the print drum safety switch went OFF when the print drum was pulled out. |
D02 |
532 |
Incorrect print drum is used. |
D03 |
533 |
Ink cartridge set sensor is OFF. |
D04 |
534 |
Incorrect ink cartridge is used. |
D04 |
560 |
Ink TAG is not detected on ink bottle. |
D04 |
561 |
Ink cartridge communication error (communication with the ink cartridge was interfered by noise). |
D04 |
562 |
Wrong ink cartridge information. |
D04 |
564 |
Detected a mismatch in ink cartridge information |
D05 |
210 |
Master detection sensor is OFF (not detecting master). |
D07 |
310 |
Disposal-box safety switch is OFF. |
D08 |
224 |
Master making unit is not set (both the safety switch and lock sensor are OFF). |
D08 |
226 |
Master making unit safety switch is still OFF when the master making unit is set in position. |
D08 |
227 |
Master making unit lock sensor is still OFF when the master making unit is set in position (timeout: 5 seconds). |
D08 |
228 |
Master making unit lock sensor is still ON even after the master making unit safety switch went OFF, when the master making unit was pulled out of the machine. |
D09 |
212 |
Master-making-unit set sensor is OFF (sensor light path is free). |
D11 |
535 |
Front cover set switch is OFF. |
D13 |
9 |
The rear cover is opened (serviceman safety switch is OFF). |
D17 |
236 |
Incorrect master roll. |
D17 |
237 |
Master roll undetected. |
D17 |
238 |
Master roll communication error. |
D17 |
239 |
Wrong master roll detected. |
D17 |
241 |
Detected a mismatch in master roll information. |
D18 |
522 |
Print drum ready for release (solenoid is ON). |
D19 |
223 |
Master making unit ready for release (solenoid is ON). |
D22 |
540 |
Error in access to the Drum PCB (unable to read from or write on the Drum PCB). |
D22 |
542 |
Abnormal data on Drum PCB. |
E01 |
10 |
Battery voltage was less than 2.5 V when the power was switched ON (weak battery: time to replace battery). |
E02 |
11 |
Master counter reached the value set for the maintenance call (value set by test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
E02 |
12 |
Copy counter reached the value set for the maintenance call (value by set test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
E02 |
22 |
Maintenance counter inside the print drum reached the value set for the maintenance call (value set by test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
F01 |
15 |
There is no master on the print drum at the start of printing. |
F02 |
18 |
Paper size does not match with the image size on the print drum at the start of printing. |
F03 |
16 |
Multi-up was selected using custom size paper. |
F05 |
19 |
In master making, the print quantity selected is less than the minimum print quantity. |
F10 |
21 |
Paper size does not match with the size of image on the print drum when test print is selected and activated. |
F21 |
32 |
Next original is not in placed on AF for multi-up operation. |
F22 |
33 |
Next original is not placed on flatbed for multi-up operation. |
F37 |
50 |
Original was set on the AF with book mode selected, when master making is activated. |
F50 |
910 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled due to error on linked printer. |
F54 |
923 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled due to no paper in the linked printer. |
F55 |
924 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled while receiving print data from PC. |
F58 |
927 |
Cannot print from linked printer (Initializing NET-C). |
H1 |
566 |
Requesting ink color information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H2 |
567 |
Requesting print density information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H3 |
568 |
Requesting test printing print density information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H4 |
242 |
Requesting master-making density information input (Master-TAG related). |
H5 |
243 |
Requesting Print density information input (Master-TAG related). |
H6 |
244 |
Requesting test printing print density information input (Master-TAG related). |
P01 |
520 |
Main encoder sensor does not go ON/OFF within 10 milliseconds after the main motor activates. |
P01 |
521 |
B-positioning sensor status does not change even after 3,033 pulses after the main motor activates. |
P01 |
524 |
Clamp unit is not at the home position while the print drum is in operation (except during master disposal). |
P01 |
537 |
Print drum failed to stop at position B. (over-run) |
P01 |
538 |
Print drum is not locked during operation. (Print-drum lock position sensor: OFF) |
P02 |
400 |
Both the upper and lower limit sensors were ON at the same time. |
P02 |
401 |
Overload current was detected in the elevator motor. |
P02 |
404 |
The lower-limit sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the raising direction from the lower-limit position. |
P02 |
405 |
The upper-limit sensor does not go ON within 12 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the raising direction. |
P02 |
406 |
The upper-limit sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the lower direction from the upper-limit position. |
P02 |
407 |
The lower-limit sensor does not go ON within 12 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the lowering direction. |
P02 |
408 |
The upper-limit sensor is OFF continuously for over 2 seconds during operation of the elevator servo action to raise the feed tray. |
P03 |
500 |
Clamp sensor A is OFF after the completion of the clamp unit initialization or home positioning movement. |
P03 |
501 |
Clamp sensor B does not change within 1 second from the time the clamp motor operates in the correct direction. |
P03 |
502 |
Clamp sensor B does not change within 1 second from the time the clamp motor operates in the reverse direction. |
P03 |
503 |
Clamp sensor A does not go ON within 3 seconds when the clamp unit makes initialization movement. |
P03 |
504 |
At the start of Clamp plate open/close action, the the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
505 |
At the start of print drum Positon-A compensation movement, the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
506 |
At the start of Clamp unit Home-positioning movement, the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
507 |
Clamp sensor A is ON after the clamp release action is completed. |
P03 |
508 |
Clamp sensor A is ON after the A-position compensating movement is completed. |
P03 |
545 |
Clamp unit is not in the home position while the print drum is in movement (cause due to the clamp motor). |
P04 |
513 |
The overflow sensor was ON for a set number of times in succession during the 10-millisecond-interval overflow-sensor check. |
P05 |
603 |
The vertical-centering sensor does not switch ON even when the vertical-positioning pulse motor activated in the image-down direction for 5 seconds during vertical home positioning movement. |
P05 |
604 |
The vertical-centering sensor does not switch OFF even when the vertical-positioning pulse motor activated in the image-up direction for 5 seconds during vertical home positioning movement. |
P05 |
605 |
Even though the vertical positioning motor stopped according to the vertical centering sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P05 |
612 |
The one-step-positioning key was pressed with vertical-print-position information undefined. |
P08 |
951 |
Print job executed was not in correct RisoRinc format. |
P11 |
600 |
Print pressure HP sensor does not switch ON within 3.9 seconds after the print pressure pulse motor activated towards higher pressure during home positioning operation. |
P11 |
601 |
Print pressure HP sensor does not switch OFF within 4.6 seconds after the print pressure pulse motor activated towards lower pressure during home positioning operation. |
P11 |
602 |
Even though the print pressure control pulse motor stopped according to the print pressure HP sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P12 |
301 |
Master compression motor lock when moving compression plate up. |
P12 |
305 |
Master compression sensor does not go ON within 6.5 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the return direction. |
P12 |
306 |
Master compression sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the compress direction. |
P12 |
307 |
Master compression plate maximum position is not detected within 6.5 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the compress direction. |
P12 |
309 |
Master-compression-motor encoder sensor count did not change as the master compression motor activated in the compress direction and moved out from the home position. |
P12 |
316 |
Master-compression-motor encoder sensor count did not change within 10 milliseconds after the master compression motor activated. |
P12 |
300 |
Overload current was detected in the master removal motor. |
P13 |
203 |
Cutter HP switch does not go OFF within 100 milliseconds after the cutter motor is activated. |
P13 |
204 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 300 milliseconds after the cutter motor is activated. |
P13 |
205 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON when the print drum rotates through the preset angle following master cutting. |
P13 |
221 |
Both the cutter HP switch and cutter stop position switch are ON at the same time. |
P13 |
222 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 450 milliseconds after the cutter home positioning operation started. |
P13 |
231 |
Cutter HP switch does not go OFF within 500 milliseconds after the cutter moved out from the home position. |
P13 |
232 |
Cutter stop position switch does not go ON within 2 seconds after the cutting operation started. |
P13 |
233 |
Cutter stop position switch does not go OFF within 500 milliseconds after the cutter activates to move from the stop position to the home position. |
P13 |
234 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 2 seconds after the cutter home positioning operation started. |
P14 |
114 |
Incorrect main-unit data. |
P14 |
115 |
The scanner operation is not completed within the set time. |
P14 |
116 |
Timeout error for black shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
117 |
Timeout error for white shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
123 |
Offset adjustment not completed within set time. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
124 |
Gain adjustment not completed within set time. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
125 |
Offset adjustment not completed. |
P14 |
126 |
Gain adjustment not completed. |
P14 |
135 |
Malfunction detected during offset adjustment. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
136 |
Malfunction detected during offset adjustment. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
137 |
Malfunction detected during black shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
138 |
Malfunction detected during white shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
170 |
Even though the read pulse motor stopped according to the sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P15 |
4 |
Communication error with AF-CPU. |
P15 |
110 |
ABC (auto-base-control) timeout. The original does not move from the ABC scanning position on the AF unit. |
P15 |
111 |
Operation command was made to the AF unit without 24 volts supplied to the AF unit. |
P15 |
130 |
Timeout error in receiving reply from the AF unit after command signal was sent from the Riso printer to the AF unit. |
P15 |
131 |
Riso printer received an undefined command from the AF unit. |
P15 |
132 |
Riso printer detected communication sequence error from the AF unit. |
P15 |
133 |
Communication error with AF unit (ACK or NAK error). |
P15 |
134 |
Riso printer could not send command to the AF unit within the set time. |
P15 |
160 |
AF unit detection signal went OFF while the AF unit is in operation. |
P17 |
20 |
Solenoid counter is not connected. |
P18 |
531 |
Print drum lock sensor is still ON even after 100 milliseconds after the print drum lock solenoid is activated. |
P19 |
207 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the decompressing direction, or during home positioning operation. |
P19 |
208 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go ON within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the decompressing direction. |
P19 |
216 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go OFF within 500 millisecond after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the compressing direction. |
P19 |
217 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go ON within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the compressing direction. |
P20 |
415 |
Paper-ejection-wing home sensor does not go OFF within 7,000 milliseconds after the paper ejection wing motor activates in the counterclockwise direction from the home position. |
P20 |
416 |
Overload current was detected in the paper-ejection motor. |
P20 |
437 |
Paper-ejection encoder sensor status does not change within 10 milliseconds after the paper-ejection motor is activated. |
P24 |
539 |
Inking-motor encoder sensor status does not change within 20 milliseconds after the inking-motor is activated. |
P25 |
26 |
Battery voltage was below 2.3 volts (too low) when the power is turned ON. |
P92 |
570 |
EEPROM on the print drum PCB was being accessed while the print drum was in releasing action from the machine. |
P93 |
932 |
No reply from the NET-C network interface card while accessing to the network interface card. |
P93 |
933 |
No response from NET-C for 90 seconds during NET-C initialization. |
P94 |
225 |
TPH code does not match with the machine code when the power is turned ON with the master-making unit in operating position or when the master-making unit is inserted in operating position while the power is ON. |
P95 |
59 |
Machine serial-number information sent from SH-PCB does not match with the machine serial number information in the MCTL PCB. |
P96 |
171 |
TPH resistance value not input. |
P96 |
172 |
Scanner adjustment not completed. |
P96 |
433 |
Paper size width potentiometer test-mode setting is not completed. |
P96 |
569 |
Either the print drum color information or ink category information is still not input. |
P96 |
613 |
Print pressure data missing. |
P98 |
2 |
No reply from Mini-Rosa PCB when the machine power is turned ON even though the Rosa connection signal is ON. |
P98 |
5 |
Hardware error. |
P98 |
6 |
FRAM checksum error. |
P98 |
7 |
Mini Rosa PCB not connected. |
P98 |
38 |
Machine data on EEPROM does not match with that on the SH-PCB. |
P98 |
39 |
Improper EEPROM on the SH-PCB. |
P98 |
46 |
The DIMM capacity does not match. |
P98 |
51 |
Touch-panel communication error |
P98 |
53 |
Failure in calling out the saved Memory settings (program, mode, user paper information). |
P98 |
54 |
Failure in saving the Memory settings (program, mode, user paper information). |
P98 |
55 |
Machine type code from SH-PCB does not match with the machine information on the H8-PCB. |
P98 |
63 |
The test-mode memory data stored was outside the adjustment range. |
P98 |
64 |
An undefined command was sent in communication between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB. |
P98 |
65 |
Communication error 01 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
67 |
Communication error 03 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
68 |
Communication error 04 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
69 |
Communication error 05 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
70 |
Communication error 06 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
71 |
Communication error 07 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
72 |
Communication error 08 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
73 |
Communication error 09 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
74 |
Communication error 10 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
75 |
Communication error 11 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
76 |
Communication error 12 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
77 |
Communication error 13 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
78 |
Communication error 14 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
79 |
Communication error 15 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
80 |
Communication error 16 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
81 |
Communication error 17 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
82 |
Communication error 18 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
83 |
Communication error 19 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
84 |
Communication error 20 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
98 |
Machine serial number information on the SH-PCB EEPROM does not match with that in the FRAM. |
P98 |
119 |
Image processing PCB trouble. |
P98 |
120 |
Scanner communication problem. (RZ3 series only) |
P98 |
129 |
Faulty Scanner GA PCB. (RZ3 series only) |
P98 |
245 |
Master transfer time-out error during master making (Write pulse motor error). |
P98 |
246 |
Master transfer time-out error during master making (Load pulse motor error). |
P98 |
614 |
Vertical print position data missing. |
P98 |
934 |
Main read/write communication error (detected by read/write side). |
P98 |
935 |
Main read/write communication error (detected by machine side). |
P98 |
937 |
Serial number data missing. |
P98 |
938 |
FRAM version-down. |
P98 |
947 |
24V-A does not go ON (a possible burnt 24-volt group-A fuse). |
P98 |
948 |
24V-B does not go ON (a possible burnt 24-volt group-B fuse). |
P98 |
949 |
24V-A does not go OFF. |
P98 |
950 |
24V-B does not fo OFF. |
P98 |
952 |
Checksum error on the ROSA flash-memory. |
P98 |
953 |
Unsuccessful writing on the ROSA flash-memory. |
P99 |
936 |
Software error |
Серия RC | |||
Call Service |
Код Описание |
Т1 Блокировка основного мотора |
T2 Блокировка двигателя подъемного стола |
T3 Ошибка зажимной пластины |
T4 Перелив краски |
T5 Блокировка мотора позиционирования оттиска |
T6 Плохой контакт между печатными платами |
T7 Плохой контакт с планшетом редактирования |
T8 Плохой контакт с интерфейсом |
T9 Плохой контакт с сортировщиком |
T10 Нарушение работы датчика магнита А в барабан |
T11 Блокировка мотора прижима |
T12 Блокировка мотора отрезания мастера |
Серии RA, GR, FR
Call Service
Код Описание
Т1 Блокировка основного мотора
T2 Блокировка двигателя подъемного стола
T3 Ошибка зажимной пластины 1
T4 Перелив краски
T5 Блокировка мотора позиционирования оттиска
T6 Неисправности датчика наличия прижима
T7 Плохой контакт с планшетом редактирования
T8 Плохой контакт с интерфейсом
T9 Плохой контакт с сортировщиком
T10 Неисправность Trimming PCB
T11 Блокировка мотора прижима
T12 Плохой контакт между платами
T13 Блокировка мотора отрезания мастера
T14 Ошибка зажимной пластины 2
T15 Блокировка шагового мотора планшетного сканера
T16 Неисправность датчика положения С
T17 Заменить батарею
T18 Ошибка сортировщика
T19 Блокировка мотора прожига термоголовки
T20 Блокировка мотора крыльев выхода
Серии TR, CR
Call Service
Код Описание
E1 Блокировка основного мотора
E2 Блокировка мотора подъемного лотка
E3 Блокировка мотора зажима
E4 Перелив краски
E5 Блокировка мотора позиционирования оттиска
E6 Неисправности датчика положения А
E7 Блокировка мотора прессования мастера
E8 Плохой контакт с периферией
E10 Ошибка теневой компенсации
E13 Блокировка мотора отрезания мастера
E14 Блокировка мотора снятия мастера
E15 Блокировка мотора пластины натяжения мастера
E16 Блокировка мотора помпы
E20 Блокировка мотора выдачи бумаги
E50 Подключить счетчик копий/мастеров
E77 Нет сигнала от термоголовки
E78 Ошибка выбора модели ризографа
Серии RN, RP
Call Service
Код Описание
Т1 Блокировка главного мотора
T2 Блокировка мотора перемещения лотка
T3 Мотор зажима
T4 Перелив краски
T5 Блокировка мотора вертикального позиционирования оттиска
T6 Блокировка мотора горизонтального позиционирования оттиска
T7 Плохой контакт с планшетом редактирования
T8 Плохой контакт с интерфейсом
T9 Ошибка дополнительного оборудования (выход бумаги)
T10 Ошибка дополнительного оборудования (подача бумаги)
T11 Блокировка мотора прижима
T12 Блокировка мотора съема мастера
T13 Блокировка мотора отрезания мастера
T14 Ошибка планшетного сканера
T15 Ошибка АПО
T17 Не подключен соленоид счетчика
T19 Блокировка мотора прижима термоголовки
T20 Блокировка мотора крыльев выхода
T22 Ошибка барабана
T23 Сканер не блокирован
T24 Блокировка мотора краски
T25 Нет сигнала батареи
T95 Ошибка платы MCTL PCB
T96 Ошибка записи данных барабана
T98 Системная ошибка плат, контактов, переключателей, контрольных сумм
Обзор ошибки замятие в ризографе
В прошлом обзоре мы познакомили вас с возможными типами ошибок, возникающих на ризографе и их идентификацией. Теперь мы рассмотрим индикаторы типов ошибок более подробно.
Первым в нашем списке будет индикатор замятия листов бумаги в том или ином месте ризографа. По-английски этот тип ошибки звучит как «JAM», т.е. замятие.
Для идентификации ошибки, связанной с замятием бумаги вам необходимо взглянуть на дисплей ошибок, на котором вы увидите номер в кружочке, который описывает место положения возникшей ошибки, а на дисплее тиражей собственно ее код. Далее вам нужно найти высветившийся номер ошибки в таблице с описанием, узнать причину, которая повлекла ошибку и выполнить указания по ее ликвидации.
Код ошибки А-01/34 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Данная проблема вызвана не верной установкой мастера в узел изготовления.Устранение.
Для устранения данной ошибки достаточно разблокировать узел изготовления мастера, извлечь его и заново установить рулон мастер-пленки, при этом необходимо убедиться, чтобы мастер-пленка не провисала. Вернуть узел обратно. -
Код ошибки А-02 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Неправильно намотанный кадр мастер-пленки на красящий цилиндр.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр из ризографа. Далее вам необходимо разблокировать барабан при помощи рычага слева и повернуть барабан до тех пор, пока сверху не окажется металлический зажим мастера.Далее, нажав на рычаг этого прижима, вам нужно поддеть за край и снять весь кадр мастер-пленки с цилиндра.
После того, как вы сняли мастер, вам необходимо провернуть барабан до совмещения меток и установить его обратно в ризограф. После этого разблокируйте узел изготовления мастера и извлеките его, произведите повторную установку мастера в узел и задвиньте узел изготовления обратно. Далее повторите процедуру по изготовлению нового мастера на ризографе.
Код ошибки А-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Снятый кадр мастер-пленки не был загружен в контейнер для отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр и удалить с него кадр мастера. Далее верните барабан обратно в аппарат и нажмите кнопку «старт». -
Код ошибки А-05 (место положения 5, контейнер отработанных мастеров)
Подобная ошибка говорит о застревании бумаги в узле отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сперва нужно извлечь контейнер отработанных мастеров с помощью нажатия специального рычага справа от контейнера.Далее удалить застрявший мастер и произвести установку контейнера в обратном порядке.
Код ошибки А-06 (место положения 1, подающий стол)
Под лотком или на бумаге имеются посторонние объекты.Устранение.
Для исправления данной проблемы вам необходимо проверить подающий лоток, под ним и на бумаге на наличие посторонних предметов и при их наличии удалить. -
Код ошибки J-08 (место положения 6, узел подачи бумаги)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для исправления ошибки надо извлечь застрявшую бумагу и заправить лоток бумагой заново, далее для сброса ошибки нажать кнопку «сброс». -
Код ошибки А-16 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема со снятием мастера с барабана.Устранение.
Вам необходимо повторить все описанные действия по снятию кадра мастер-пленки с барабана, которые описаны выше к ошибке А-02 и повторить процедуру изготовления нового кадра мастера. -
Код ошибки А-17 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Неправильно отрезан кадр мастер-пленки.Устранение.
Нужно извлечь узел изготовления мастера и повторить заново установку рулона мастер-пленки. -
Код ошибки J-01 (место положения 8, узел автоматической подачи бумаги)
Если на вашем ризографе установлен АПО и горит данная ошибка, значит в АПО произошло застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для удаления проблемной бумаги из АПО необходимо потянуть рычаг разблокировки оригинала вправо и вытащить бумагу. Если же бумага застряла дальше данного узла, то надо поднять крышку ризографа вверх и провернуть ролик разблокировки АПО для удаления бумаги. -
Код ошибки J-02 (место положения 6, узел приемного лотка)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Извлечь бумагу из зоны застревания и сбросить ошибку нажатием кнопки «сброс». -
Код ошибки J-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема с застреванием листов бумаги в красящем цилиндре.Устранение.
Извлеките цилиндр из ризографа, проверьте его на наличие замятой бумаги и при необходимости удалите ее.
Таким образом мы познакомили вас с ошибками ризографа, которые прямым образом связаны с застреванием мастера или бумаги в разный агрегатных узла аппарата. В следующем обзоре мы рассмотрим ошибки, связанные с индикатором активной функции.
Type |
Point |
Description |
A01 |
201 |
Master-positioning sensor does not go ON even after the write pulse motor is activated during the master-positioning, master-cut, or master-loading operation. |
A01 |
202 |
Master-positioning sensor does not go OFF even when the write pulse motor is reversed during the master-positioning or at start of master-making operation. |
A01 |
206 |
Timeout error during master-making operation |
A01 |
211 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON during standby. |
A01 |
214 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON at the start of master making. |
A01 |
215 |
Faulty gate-array control for the write pulse motor (motor does not stop within set time) |
A02 |
509 |
Master-loading sensor was OFF when the master was checked at a specified drum angle during the master-loading operation. |
A04 |
303 |
Master-disposal jam sensor was OFF at both 120 and 180 degrees drum angle. |
A04 |
314 |
Master-disposal error (recovery error). |
A05 |
304 |
Master-disposal jam sensor was ON at the completion of the master-disposal operation. |
A05 |
312 |
The master-disposal jam sensor was ON at the start of master-making operation. |
A05 |
315 |
The master-disposal jam sensor was ON when the master disposal box was set in the machine. |
A06 |
403 |
Paper-feed-tray upper or lower safety switch is OFF. |
A07 |
409 |
Paper-ejection sensor was OFF when the paper should have arrived, and the paper sensor was ON when the machine stopped (Paper misfeed). |
A07 |
412 |
Paper sensor was OFF three times in succession when a paper misfeed was detected (paper misfeed). |
A07 |
413 |
Paper sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper sensor (long-length paper mode error). |
A07 |
418 |
The paper sensor was ON at the start of machine operation when the START button was pressed. |
A07 |
429 |
Paper feed error (recovery error). |
A07 |
432 |
Paper sensor was ON when the machine went into paper feed retry movement after a paper misfeed. |
A08 |
410 |
Paper-ejection sensor was OFF when paper should have arrived, and the paper sensor was OFF when the machine stopped (paper jam on the print drum). |
A08 |
421 |
Paper sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper sensor during feeding of long paper in long-length paper mode (paper longer than 555 mm). |
A08 |
430 |
Paper jam on print drum (recovery error). |
A09 |
411 |
Paper-ejection sensor was ON when the paper should have left the paper-ejection sensor. |
A09 |
417 |
Paper-ejection sensor was ON at the start of machine operation when the START button was pressed. |
A09 |
431 |
Paper-ejection error (recovery error). |
A10 |
102 |
Original-registration-sensor remaining jam |
A10 |
103 |
Original-IN-sensor remaining jam |
A10 |
105 |
Original-registration-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
106 |
Original-IN-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
107 |
Original-OUT-sensor non-arrival jam |
A10 |
109 |
An original feed error occurred, due to opening the AF. |
A10 |
162 |
No original in AF during AF master making. |
A16 |
525 |
Waiting for the master to be removed. |
A17 |
209 |
Cutter home-position switch is OFF at the start of master-making or master-set operation. |
A34 |
218 |
Request to resetting the master. |
B01 |
730 |
Keycard counter: No card |
B22 |
721 |
With the «Tape separation» function set ON, no power is supplied to the job separator when start key is pressed. |
B22 |
727 |
After cluster-A signal turned ON, BUSY-signal stayed «L» more than 7 seconds (power to job separator was turned OFF while the tape is being ejected. |
B23 |
722 |
With the «Tape separation» function set ON, no tape detected in the job separator when the start key is pressed. |
B23 |
723 |
No tape remains in job separator upon completion of the tape-ejection operation. |
B24 |
724 |
Tape jam detected when the start key is pressed with the «Tape separation» function set to ON. |
B24 |
725 |
Job separator tape-jam detection signal is «H» within 1,200 milliseconds after the cluster-A signal turns ON (tape misfeed). |
B24 |
726 |
Job separator tape-jam detection signal is «L» when the BUSY signal changes from «L» to «H» (or after 7 sec. at «L») after the cluster-A signal goes ON (tape misfeed). |
B31 |
916 |
Network cable is not connected when the machine is powered ON. |
B32 |
917 |
Communication error on the network. |
B32 |
920 |
Error detected by Network Interface Card (NIC) — NAK (negative acknowledgement was received). |
B33 |
931 |
DHCP server is not found with DHCP ON. |
B34 |
919 |
Error detected on the locally connected printer. |
C01 |
512 |
The ink sensor did not go ON even when inking was performed for the preset period. |
C01 |
563 |
Ink remaining amount is zero. |
C01 |
574 |
Inkless error was detected 5 times consecutively on one same ink bottle. |
C02 |
200 |
The master end was detected twice in succession at 10-milliseconds intervals during master transport. |
C02 |
240 |
Master remaining amount is zero |
C02 |
253 |
Masterless error was detected twice consecutively on one same master-roll. |
C03 |
308 |
Compression detection position was reached before the master-compression-motor encoder-sensor count reached the specified level, after the master compression motor turned ON in the compression direction. |
C03 |
313 |
Master removal box full detected by the master removal count. |
C04 |
402 |
Paper detection sensor is OFF (no paper on the feed tray). |
D01 |
526 |
Print drum is not set in the machine (drum connection signal, drum safety switch, and drum-lock sensor is OFF. |
D01 |
527 |
Print drum connection signal is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine. |
D01 |
528 |
Print drum safety switch is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine. |
D01 |
529 |
Print drum lock sensor is OFF when the print drum was inserted in the machine (time-out: 5 seconds). |
D01 |
530 |
Print drum connection signal does not go OFF within 5 seconds after the print drum safety switch went OFF when the print drum was pulled out. |
D02 |
532 |
Incorrect print drum is used. |
D03 |
533 |
Ink cartridge set sensor is OFF. |
D04 |
534 |
Incorrect ink cartridge is used. |
D04 |
560 |
Ink TAG is not detected on ink bottle. |
D04 |
561 |
Ink cartridge communication error (communication with the ink cartridge was interfered by noise). |
D04 |
562 |
Wrong ink cartridge information. |
D04 |
564 |
Detected a mismatch in ink cartridge information |
D05 |
210 |
Master detection sensor is OFF (not detecting master). |
D07 |
310 |
Disposal-box safety switch is OFF. |
D08 |
224 |
Master making unit is not set (both the safety switch and lock sensor are OFF). |
D08 |
226 |
Master making unit safety switch is still OFF when the master making unit is set in position. |
D08 |
227 |
Master making unit lock sensor is still OFF when the master making unit is set in position (timeout: 5 seconds). |
D08 |
228 |
Master making unit lock sensor is still ON even after the master making unit safety switch went OFF, when the master making unit was pulled out of the machine. |
D09 |
212 |
Master-making-unit set sensor is OFF (sensor light path is free). |
D11 |
535 |
Front cover set switch is OFF. |
D13 |
9 |
The rear cover is opened (serviceman safety switch is OFF). |
D17 |
236 |
Incorrect master roll. |
D17 |
237 |
Master roll undetected. |
D17 |
238 |
Master roll communication error. |
D17 |
239 |
Wrong master roll detected. |
D17 |
241 |
Detected a mismatch in master roll information. |
D18 |
522 |
Print drum ready for release (solenoid is ON). |
D19 |
223 |
Master making unit ready for release (solenoid is ON). |
D22 |
540 |
Error in access to the Drum PCB (unable to read from or write on the Drum PCB). |
D22 |
542 |
Abnormal data on Drum PCB. |
E01 |
10 |
Battery voltage was less than 2.5 V when the power was switched ON (weak battery: time to replace battery). |
E02 |
11 |
Master counter reached the value set for the maintenance call (value set by test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
E02 |
12 |
Copy counter reached the value set for the maintenance call (value by set test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
E02 |
22 |
Maintenance counter inside the print drum reached the value set for the maintenance call (value set by test mode). [The message appears when either the power is turned ON, the unit is reset, or when the machine operation ended.] |
F01 |
15 |
There is no master on the print drum at the start of printing. |
F02 |
18 |
Paper size does not match with the image size on the print drum at the start of printing. |
F03 |
16 |
Multi-up was selected using custom size paper. |
F05 |
19 |
In master making, the print quantity selected is less than the minimum print quantity. |
F10 |
21 |
Paper size does not match with the size of image on the print drum when test print is selected and activated. |
F21 |
32 |
Next original is not in placed on AF for multi-up operation. |
F22 |
33 |
Next original is not placed on flatbed for multi-up operation. |
F37 |
50 |
Original was set on the AF with book mode selected, when master making is activated. |
F50 |
910 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled due to error on linked printer. |
F54 |
923 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled due to no paper in the linked printer. |
F55 |
924 |
Auto-printer-selection is disabled while receiving print data from PC. |
F58 |
927 |
Cannot print from linked printer (Initializing NET-C). |
H1 |
566 |
Requesting ink color information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H2 |
567 |
Requesting print density information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H3 |
568 |
Requesting test printing print density information input (Ink-TAG related). |
H4 |
242 |
Requesting master-making density information input (Master-TAG related). |
H5 |
243 |
Requesting Print density information input (Master-TAG related). |
H6 |
244 |
Requesting test printing print density information input (Master-TAG related). |
P01 |
520 |
Main encoder sensor does not go ON/OFF within 10 milliseconds after the main motor activates. |
P01 |
521 |
B-positioning sensor status does not change even after 3,033 pulses after the main motor activates. |
P01 |
524 |
Clamp unit is not at the home position while the print drum is in operation (except during master disposal). |
P01 |
537 |
Print drum failed to stop at position B. (over-run) |
P01 |
538 |
Print drum is not locked during operation. (Print-drum lock position sensor: OFF) |
P02 |
400 |
Both the upper and lower limit sensors were ON at the same time. |
P02 |
401 |
Overload current was detected in the elevator motor. |
P02 |
404 |
The lower-limit sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the raising direction from the lower-limit position. |
P02 |
405 |
The upper-limit sensor does not go ON within 12 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the raising direction. |
P02 |
406 |
The upper-limit sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the lower direction from the upper-limit position. |
P02 |
407 |
The lower-limit sensor does not go ON within 12 seconds after the elevator motor operates in the lowering direction. |
P02 |
408 |
The upper-limit sensor is OFF continuously for over 2 seconds during operation of the elevator servo action to raise the feed tray. |
P03 |
500 |
Clamp sensor A is OFF after the completion of the clamp unit initialization or home positioning movement. |
P03 |
501 |
Clamp sensor B does not change within 1 second from the time the clamp motor operates in the correct direction. |
P03 |
502 |
Clamp sensor B does not change within 1 second from the time the clamp motor operates in the reverse direction. |
P03 |
503 |
Clamp sensor A does not go ON within 3 seconds when the clamp unit makes initialization movement. |
P03 |
504 |
At the start of Clamp plate open/close action, the the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
505 |
At the start of print drum Positon-A compensation movement, the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
506 |
At the start of Clamp unit Home-positioning movement, the detection sequence of clamp-sensors A & B is abnormal. |
P03 |
507 |
Clamp sensor A is ON after the clamp release action is completed. |
P03 |
508 |
Clamp sensor A is ON after the A-position compensating movement is completed. |
P03 |
545 |
Clamp unit is not in the home position while the print drum is in movement (cause due to the clamp motor). |
P04 |
513 |
The overflow sensor was ON for a set number of times in succession during the 10-millisecond-interval overflow-sensor check. |
P05 |
603 |
The vertical-centering sensor does not switch ON even when the vertical-positioning pulse motor activated in the image-down direction for 5 seconds during vertical home positioning movement. |
P05 |
604 |
The vertical-centering sensor does not switch OFF even when the vertical-positioning pulse motor activated in the image-up direction for 5 seconds during vertical home positioning movement. |
P05 |
605 |
Even though the vertical positioning motor stopped according to the vertical centering sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P05 |
612 |
The one-step-positioning key was pressed with vertical-print-position information undefined. |
P08 |
951 |
Print job executed was not in correct RisoRinc format. |
P11 |
600 |
Print pressure HP sensor does not switch ON within 3.9 seconds after the print pressure pulse motor activated towards higher pressure during home positioning operation. |
P11 |
601 |
Print pressure HP sensor does not switch OFF within 4.6 seconds after the print pressure pulse motor activated towards lower pressure during home positioning operation. |
P11 |
602 |
Even though the print pressure control pulse motor stopped according to the print pressure HP sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P12 |
301 |
Master compression motor lock when moving compression plate up. |
P12 |
305 |
Master compression sensor does not go ON within 6.5 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the return direction. |
P12 |
306 |
Master compression sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the compress direction. |
P12 |
307 |
Master compression plate maximum position is not detected within 6.5 seconds after the master compression motor operates in the compress direction. |
P12 |
309 |
Master-compression-motor encoder sensor count did not change as the master compression motor activated in the compress direction and moved out from the home position. |
P12 |
316 |
Master-compression-motor encoder sensor count did not change within 10 milliseconds after the master compression motor activated. |
P12 |
300 |
Overload current was detected in the master removal motor. |
P13 |
203 |
Cutter HP switch does not go OFF within 100 milliseconds after the cutter motor is activated. |
P13 |
204 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 300 milliseconds after the cutter motor is activated. |
P13 |
205 |
Master-positioning sensor is ON when the print drum rotates through the preset angle following master cutting. |
P13 |
221 |
Both the cutter HP switch and cutter stop position switch are ON at the same time. |
P13 |
222 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 450 milliseconds after the cutter home positioning operation started. |
P13 |
231 |
Cutter HP switch does not go OFF within 500 milliseconds after the cutter moved out from the home position. |
P13 |
232 |
Cutter stop position switch does not go ON within 2 seconds after the cutting operation started. |
P13 |
233 |
Cutter stop position switch does not go OFF within 500 milliseconds after the cutter activates to move from the stop position to the home position. |
P13 |
234 |
Cutter HP switch does not go ON within 2 seconds after the cutter home positioning operation started. |
P14 |
114 |
Incorrect main-unit data. |
P14 |
115 |
The scanner operation is not completed within the set time. |
P14 |
116 |
Timeout error for black shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
117 |
Timeout error for white shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
123 |
Offset adjustment not completed within set time. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
124 |
Gain adjustment not completed within set time. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
125 |
Offset adjustment not completed. |
P14 |
126 |
Gain adjustment not completed. |
P14 |
135 |
Malfunction detected during offset adjustment. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
136 |
Malfunction detected during offset adjustment. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
137 |
Malfunction detected during black shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
138 |
Malfunction detected during white shading compensation. (RZ3 series only) |
P14 |
170 |
Even though the read pulse motor stopped according to the sensor detection, the stopping position does not correspond with the programmed position. (GA control error). |
P15 |
4 |
Communication error with AF-CPU. |
P15 |
110 |
ABC (auto-base-control) timeout. The original does not move from the ABC scanning position on the AF unit. |
P15 |
111 |
Operation command was made to the AF unit without 24 volts supplied to the AF unit. |
P15 |
130 |
Timeout error in receiving reply from the AF unit after command signal was sent from the Riso printer to the AF unit. |
P15 |
131 |
Riso printer received an undefined command from the AF unit. |
P15 |
132 |
Riso printer detected communication sequence error from the AF unit. |
P15 |
133 |
Communication error with AF unit (ACK or NAK error). |
P15 |
134 |
Riso printer could not send command to the AF unit within the set time. |
P15 |
160 |
AF unit detection signal went OFF while the AF unit is in operation. |
P17 |
20 |
Solenoid counter is not connected. |
P18 |
531 |
Print drum lock sensor is still ON even after 100 milliseconds after the print drum lock solenoid is activated. |
P19 |
207 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go OFF within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the decompressing direction, or during home positioning operation. |
P19 |
208 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go ON within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the decompressing direction. |
P19 |
216 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go OFF within 500 millisecond after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the compressing direction. |
P19 |
217 |
TPH pressure sensor does not go ON within 2 seconds after the thermal-pressure motor activates in the compressing direction. |
P20 |
415 |
Paper-ejection-wing home sensor does not go OFF within 7,000 milliseconds after the paper ejection wing motor activates in the counterclockwise direction from the home position. |
P20 |
416 |
Overload current was detected in the paper-ejection motor. |
P20 |
437 |
Paper-ejection encoder sensor status does not change within 10 milliseconds after the paper-ejection motor is activated. |
P24 |
539 |
Inking-motor encoder sensor status does not change within 20 milliseconds after the inking-motor is activated. |
P25 |
26 |
Battery voltage was below 2.3 volts (too low) when the power is turned ON. |
P92 |
570 |
EEPROM on the print drum PCB was being accessed while the print drum was in releasing action from the machine. |
P93 |
932 |
No reply from the NET-C network interface card while accessing to the network interface card. |
P93 |
933 |
No response from NET-C for 90 seconds during NET-C initialization. |
P94 |
225 |
TPH code does not match with the machine code when the power is turned ON with the master-making unit in operating position or when the master-making unit is inserted in operating position while the power is ON. |
P95 |
59 |
Machine serial-number information sent from SH-PCB does not match with the machine serial number information in the MCTL PCB. |
P96 |
171 |
TPH resistance value not input. |
P96 |
172 |
Scanner adjustment not completed. |
P96 |
433 |
Paper size width potentiometer test-mode setting is not completed. |
P96 |
569 |
Either the print drum color information or ink category information is still not input. |
P96 |
613 |
Print pressure data missing. |
P98 |
2 |
No reply from Mini-Rosa PCB when the machine power is turned ON even though the Rosa connection signal is ON. |
P98 |
5 |
Hardware error. |
P98 |
6 |
FRAM checksum error. |
P98 |
7 |
Mini Rosa PCB not connected. |
P98 |
38 |
Machine data on EEPROM does not match with that on the SH-PCB. |
P98 |
39 |
Improper EEPROM on the SH-PCB. |
P98 |
46 |
The DIMM capacity does not match. |
P98 |
51 |
Touch-panel communication error |
P98 |
53 |
Failure in calling out the saved Memory settings (program, mode, user paper information). |
P98 |
54 |
Failure in saving the Memory settings (program, mode, user paper information). |
P98 |
55 |
Machine type code from SH-PCB does not match with the machine information on the H8-PCB. |
P98 |
63 |
The test-mode memory data stored was outside the adjustment range. |
P98 |
64 |
An undefined command was sent in communication between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB. |
P98 |
65 |
Communication error 01 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
67 |
Communication error 03 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
68 |
Communication error 04 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
69 |
Communication error 05 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
70 |
Communication error 06 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
71 |
Communication error 07 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
72 |
Communication error 08 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
73 |
Communication error 09 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (MCTL PCB side). |
P98 |
74 |
Communication error 10 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
75 |
Communication error 11 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
76 |
Communication error 12 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
77 |
Communication error 13 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
78 |
Communication error 14 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
79 |
Communication error 15 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
80 |
Communication error 16 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
81 |
Communication error 17 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
82 |
Communication error 18 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
83 |
Communication error 19 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
84 |
Communication error 20 between SH-PCB and MCTL PCB (SH-PCB side) |
P98 |
98 |
Machine serial number information on the SH-PCB EEPROM does not match with that in the FRAM. |
P98 |
119 |
Image processing PCB trouble. |
P98 |
120 |
Scanner communication problem. (RZ3 series only) |
P98 |
129 |
Faulty Scanner GA PCB. (RZ3 series only) |
P98 |
245 |
Master transfer time-out error during master making (Write pulse motor error). |
P98 |
246 |
Master transfer time-out error during master making (Load pulse motor error). |
P98 |
614 |
Vertical print position data missing. |
P98 |
934 |
Main read/write communication error (detected by read/write side). |
P98 |
935 |
Main read/write communication error (detected by machine side). |
P98 |
937 |
Serial number data missing. |
P98 |
938 |
FRAM version-down. |
P98 |
947 |
24V-A does not go ON (a possible burnt 24-volt group-A fuse). |
P98 |
948 |
24V-B does not go ON (a possible burnt 24-volt group-B fuse). |
P98 |
949 |
24V-A does not go OFF. |
P98 |
950 |
24V-B does not fo OFF. |
P98 |
952 |
Checksum error on the ROSA flash-memory. |
P98 |
953 |
Unsuccessful writing on the ROSA flash-memory. |
P99 |
936 |
Software error |
Dislikes: 0
- Rep Power
- 21
Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
It’s me…again…(I’m not a lucky Risoguy).
I recently got another Riso RP 3700 in not-so-great conditions. After so (much) time I’ve cleaned all the machine and changed some parts (some rollers, screws, rubber belts etc..).
Well:- The machine starts, makes all the correct riso-mechanical-adjustment noises
- the scan works well
- the paper tray detect if there’s paper or not
- if there’s a drum inside with master on the machine do as many copies as you want
- if you tell it to make a master, it unrolls and burn the master correctly
It gives this kind of ERROR CODE: A16-525 (Master remains on print drum) even if there’s no master on the drum.
So you’ll find the new master (with the image perfectly burned on it) all shrunken in the master disposal box.What I tried manually:
- searched a lot on google/forums but found nothing helpful
- power ON/OFF the machine multiple times
- removed and changed (with a functioning one) the Master Loading Sensor(C)+Master Positioning Sensor(D)+MasterMaking Unit Sensor(E) [Fig A attached]
- removed and changed the Sensor Bracket (B) [Fig B attached]
- Removed and changed the Position-B Sensor Ass’y [Fig. C attached]
What I tried in Test Mode:
- Test Mode 080 (Clear Error Status Data); 081 (Clear User Memory); 082 (Clear Test-Mode Data Startup)
- Test Mode 580 (drum rotation angle): I read in the manual that the Master Loading Sensor can read the light reflected on the drum, so can understand if there’s a master or not when the drum rotates at 35�. In Test Mode the angle is set to 0�. I can put whatever angle except 35. Don’t know what it means.
- Test Mode 200 (Master Positioning Sensor): long beep [sensor detected]
- Test Mode 202 (Master Detection Sensor): short beep [sensor detected]
- Test Mode 205 (Master Making Unit Sensor): short beep [sensor detected]
- Test Mode 300 (Master Disposal Jam Sensor): long beep [sensor detected]
- Test Mode 506 (Master Loading Sensor): short beep [sensor detected]
So: the machine able to see if there’s a master on a drum (and consequently can print perfectly) BUT if there’s no master on the drum it say there is one (so produces a new master but is unable to put it on the drum).
Hope what I’ve written can help you to help me.
Thank you,Marco
A -Riso MasterLoadingSensor.jpgB — Riso SensorBracket.jpgC- Riso PositionBSensorAssy.jpg
Re: Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
Open the unit (scanner up), cheat the safety switches, punch in to do a confidental master, watch what it does. Does the clamp open and eject the old master? Does it error after that? Does it put the new master on and then remove it? Good luck.
Re: Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
Just clockwise from the master clamp, there is a black area on the drum. Make sure that is in good shape, as that is where the machine looks to see if the master removing process has completed properly.
Re: Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
Be sure your clamp is working properly as well. Shouldn’t be any ink under it at all. This will cause it to stick.
Color is not 4 times harder… it’s 65,000 times harder.
They call it «TECH MODE» for a reason. I have manual’s and firmware for ya, course… you are going to have to earn it.
Re: Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
And I forgot to mention, check the white rollers on the clamp. No cracks or broken off.
Junior Member
- Rep Power
- 0
Re: Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
On the the drum its self there is a black felt part# 030-16241-104 light absorber sheet if that is missing the Riso will think that the master sheet is still on the drum, check to see if that’s there they sometimes fall off the drum.
Re: Risograph RP 3700 A16-525 Master Probl.
Originally Posted by Riso Tecky
On the the drum its self there is a black felt part# 030-16241-104 light absorber sheet if that is missing the Riso will think that the master sheet is still on the drum, check to see if that’s there they sometimes fall off the drum.
Yeah, like I said earlier. Still, good call on the part number.
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В прошлом обзоре мы познакомили вас с возможными типами ошибок, возникающих на ризографе и их идентификацией. Теперь мы рассмотрим индикаторы типов ошибок более подробно.
Первым в нашем списке будет индикатор замятия листов бумаги в том или ином месте ризографа. По-английски этот тип ошибки звучит как «JAM», т.е. замятие.
Для идентификации ошибки, связанной с замятием бумаги вам необходимо взглянуть на дисплей ошибок, на котором вы увидите номер в кружочке, который описывает место положения возникшей ошибки, а на дисплее тиражей собственно ее код. Далее вам нужно найти высветившийся номер ошибки в таблице с описанием, узнать причину, которая повлекла ошибку и выполнить указания по ее ликвидации.
Код ошибки А-01/34 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Данная проблема вызвана не верной установкой мастера в узел изготовления.Устранение.
Для устранения данной ошибки достаточно разблокировать узел изготовления мастера, извлечь его и заново установить рулон мастер-пленки, при этом необходимо убедиться, чтобы мастер-пленка не провисала. Вернуть узел обратно. -
Код ошибки А-02 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Неправильно намотанный кадр мастер-пленки на красящий цилиндр.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр из ризографа. Далее вам необходимо разблокировать барабан при помощи рычага слева и повернуть барабан до тех пор, пока сверху не окажется металлический зажим мастера.Далее, нажав на рычаг этого прижима, вам нужно поддеть за край и снять весь кадр мастер-пленки с цилиндра.
После того, как вы сняли мастер, вам необходимо провернуть барабан до совмещения меток и установить его обратно в ризограф. После этого разблокируйте узел изготовления мастера и извлеките его, произведите повторную установку мастера в узел и задвиньте узел изготовления обратно. Далее повторите процедуру по изготовлению нового мастера на ризографе.
Код ошибки А-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Снятый кадр мастер-пленки не был загружен в контейнер для отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сначала вам нужно извлечь красящий цилиндр и удалить с него кадр мастера. Далее верните барабан обратно в аппарат и нажмите кнопку «старт». -
Код ошибки А-05 (место положения 5, контейнер отработанных мастеров)
Подобная ошибка говорит о застревании бумаги в узле отработанных мастеров.Устранение.
Сперва нужно извлечь контейнер отработанных мастеров с помощью нажатия специального рычага справа от контейнера.Далее удалить застрявший мастер и произвести установку контейнера в обратном порядке.
Код ошибки А-06 (место положения 1, подающий стол)
Под лотком или на бумаге имеются посторонние объекты.Устранение.
Для исправления данной проблемы вам необходимо проверить подающий лоток, под ним и на бумаге на наличие посторонних предметов и при их наличии удалить. -
Код ошибки J-08 (место положения 6, узел подачи бумаги)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для исправления ошибки надо извлечь застрявшую бумагу и заправить лоток бумагой заново, далее для сброса ошибки нажать кнопку «сброс». -
Код ошибки А-16 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема со снятием мастера с барабана.Устранение.
Вам необходимо повторить все описанные действия по снятию кадра мастер-пленки с барабана, которые описаны выше к ошибке А-02 и повторить процедуру изготовления нового кадра мастера. -
Код ошибки А-17 (место положения 4, узел изготовления мастера)
Неправильно отрезан кадр мастер-пленки.Устранение.
Нужно извлечь узел изготовления мастера и повторить заново установку рулона мастер-пленки. -
Код ошибки J-01 (место положения 8, узел автоматической подачи бумаги)
Если на вашем ризографе установлен АПО и горит данная ошибка, значит в АПО произошло застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Для удаления проблемной бумаги из АПО необходимо потянуть рычаг разблокировки оригинала вправо и вытащить бумагу. Если же бумага застряла дальше данного узла, то надо поднять крышку ризографа вверх и провернуть ролик разблокировки АПО для удаления бумаги. -
Код ошибки J-02 (место положения 6, узел приемного лотка)
Обозначает, что в данном узле есть застревание бумаги.Устранение.
Извлечь бумагу из зоны застревания и сбросить ошибку нажатием кнопки «сброс». -
Код ошибки J-04 (место положения 3, красящий цилиндр)
Проблема с застреванием листов бумаги в красящем цилиндре.Устранение.
Извлеките цилиндр из ризографа, проверьте его на наличие замятой бумаги и при необходимости удалите ее.
Таким образом мы познакомили вас с ошибками ризографа, которые прямым образом связаны с застреванием мастера или бумаги в разный агрегатных узла аппарата. В следующем обзоре мы рассмотрим ошибки, связанные с индикатором активной функции.
🤍Riso CV/cz error code
p-13-205 error code solution
A-16-525 error code solution
d-04-534 error code solution
2023-05-09 05:11:27
Second hand dupicator kidaikkuma
lungelo tembe
2023-03-09 10:55:23
My errors are p-13 and 205 machine is riso 200e
Sanjay Chourasia
2023-03-02 13:26:09
Jor se to bolo
2023-02-16 03:32:20
naseeb studio
2023-02-14 10:20:02
Sir West mastar ka error aa raha he help me
Harish Kalligudd
2023-02-01 08:07:50
Hi cz 180 maintenance call no 2 and ink red light on both light on please help?
Nisha Kumari
2023-01-21 15:29:41
Sir master jaam nahi hat Raha hai
Janvi Sharma
2023-01-21 15:20:20
Paramjeet Kumar
2023-01-21 15:08:12
Very helpful 👍
Sujit Kumar prasad
2023-01-15 07:13:31
Sujit Kumar prasad
2023-01-15 07:07:39
Good 👍
الله اكبر
2022-12-22 19:53:29
Daniel Riame
2022-11-30 22:02:33
Sir can you come and repair my printer
I will pay you sir.
Assam Guwahati
Daniel Riame
2022-11-30 05:45:34
P-03-502 error
Daniel Riame
2022-11-19 01:09:03
Sir. Cylinder locked can’t open what should I do?
Riso cz 180
2022-11-01 14:07:46
Nithya sri. S
2022-10-07 14:40:14
C-02 and-253 errors came what’s the problem plz help
ไชยภพ ใจแสน
2022-10-06 13:17:06
ไชยภพ ใจแสน
2022-09-29 08:31:18