Ошибка no start signal detected forcing start


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Помогите с подключением Cr-10 к repetier host, после нажатия кнопки подключить выводит ‘No start signal detected — forsing start’

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Home Repetier-Host Windows

Connection Problems — No start signal detected — forcing start

I am trying to connect my printer to the host and am having connection issues.
The baud rate in the firmware and RH is set to 115200. I have tried the baud rate in device manager at 9600 and 115200 with no difference between them. Just to be sure I tried every other baud rate to no avail. 
I am on PC running Windows 7 but the same problems were observed on my mac.
Any advice would be appreciated please


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Статья относится к принтерам:

Проблема заключается в том что принтер не получает сигналы от компа. Программа только сообщает ‘ожидание команды 1’

ТО ЧТО ОПИСЫВАЛОСЬ ТУТ http://3dtoday.ru/questions/printer-ne-reagiruet-na-repetier-host/

мне конкретно не помогло.

Принтер Принтер Prusa i3 из китая

вот что выдает программа после подключение принтера

16:16:59.747 : No start signal detected — forcing start

16:16:59.748 : N1 M110*34

16:16:59.748 : N2 M115*36

16:16:59.748 : N3 M105*36

16:16:59.748 : N4 M114*35

16:16:59.787 : N5 M111 S6*98

16:16:59.790 : N6 T0*60

16:16:59.790 : N7 M20*22

16:16:59.791 : N8 M80*19

16:16:59.791 : N9 M105*46

16:17:02.805 : N10 M105*22

16:17:42.880 : Communication timeout — reset send buffer block

16:17:42.880 : N11 M105*23

16:17:45.611 : N12 M105*20

16:17:48.673 : N13 M105*21

16:17:51.730 : N14 M105*18

16:17:54.784 : N15 M105*19

16:17:57.841 : N16 M105*16

16:18:00.904 : N17 M105*17

16:18:03.958 : N18 M105*30

16:18:07.015 : N19 M105*31

16:18:47.089 : Communication timeout — reset send buffer block

16:18:47.089 : N20 M105*21

16:18:49.821 : N21 M105*20

16:18:52.883 : N22 M105*23

16:18:55.940 : N23 M105*22

16:18:58.994 : N24 M105*17

16:19:02.056 : N25 M105*16

16:19:05.113 : N26 M105*19

16:19:08.168 : N27 M105*18

16:19:11.226 : N28 M105*29

16:19:51.299 : Communication timeout — reset send buffer block

16:19:51.299 : N29 M105*28

16:19:54.031 : N30 M105*20

16:19:57.092 : N31 M105*21

16:20:00.150 : N32 M105*22

16:20:03.206 : N33 M105*23

16:20:06.261 : N34 M105*16

16:20:09.324 : N35 M105*17

16:20:12.378 : N36 M105*18

16:20:15.435 : N37 M105*19

16:20:55.512 : Communication timeout — reset send buffer block

16:20:55.512 : N38 M105*28

16:20:58.243 : N39 M105*29

16:21:01.298 : N40 M105*19

16:21:04.355 : N41 M105*18

16:21:07.416 : N42 M105*17

16:21:10.473 : N43 M105*16

16:21:13.529 : N44 M105*23

16:21:16.589 : N45 M105*22

16:21:19.646 : N46 M105*21

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Есть какие либо.


Ну так программа же Вам ясно пишет:
>>No start signal detected — forcing start
>>Communication timeout — reset send buffer block
Либо у Вас не верно выставлена скорость подключения, либо косячная прошивка (сам принтер вообще работает без компа?)
Попробуйте другой софт как вариант, например проинтерфейс. Если и с ним косяк, значит дело не в софте. Конечно, может быть и железо, но, вероятнее всего, что не правильная скорость указана, либо в репитере, либо в прошивке не стандартная.

Может быть еще поддельный чип на материнке.

Дело вот в чём; китайцы часто используют поддельные чипы FT232 — для связи с компьютером грубо говоря. А производители это не любят и в официальных драйверах встроили проверку на подлинность чипа. И с какого-то момента при обновлении драйверов миллионы устройств по всему миру перестали работать.
Если попробовать подключиться при помощи стандартного telnet на com-порт принтера то в таком случае мы увидим постоянно повторяющуюся строку что-то типа ‘USEORIGINALHARDWAREONLY’ — за точность не поручусь но общий смысл понятен.

Так что попробуйте для начала пообщаться с принтером напрямую, через telnet и увидите отвечает он вам взаимностью или нет =)
Если увидите такие вот глупости вместо строки приветствия — значит нужно менять драйвера. Удалять из системы все что были установлены и, если с принтером шли в комплекте — ставить их. Или искать старые версии. но это уже практически тема для статьи =)

Для написания комментариев, пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь.

Обзор 3d принтера Tinyboy

С тех пор, как появились первые 3d принтеры, очень хотелось получить оный в собственность, но цена первых моделей отпугивала. Прошло несколько лет, модели стали лучше и дешевле, что позволило купить один из них — TinyBoy. О нём и пойдёт речь.

Принтер заказывался с hobbyking, где он стоит 180$. С доставкой 64$, растаможкой 50 евро + 20% НДС (244$) и услугами по заполнению таможенной декларации получается около 370$, что делает его приятной покупкой.

Принтер поставляется в замечательной коробке, плотно упакованным и полностью собранным.

Производитель позиционирует продукт как учебное устройство, которое может помочь студентам постичь азы 3d печати. Открытая платформа, небольшие размеры и низкая стоимость играют в этом не последнюю роль.

Размеры устройства составляют 15x15x22 см, область печати 8x8x8 см. Печать осуществляется PLA и ABS нитью сечением 1.75мм.

  • Адаптер питания
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  • Руководство пользователя

Руководство красочно описывает необходимые шаги для настройки принтера к печати.: подключение кабелей, процесс установки программ и их настройки. Для печати используется Repetier-Host.

Настройка принтера не обошлась без проблем. Сразу же возникла ошибка: «No start signal detected — forcing start». После небольших поисков оказалось, что проблема в настройке подключения — нужно было явно указать порт, к которому подключен принтер (в моём случае был COM4, его можно подсмотреть в списке всех устройств).

Первые попытки что-то распечатать были комом. После настройки высоты сопла над столом и подбора параметров температуры (210 градусов и 60-70 для скорости) печать стала более сносной. Сразу был заметен недостаток — плохое сцепление нити со столом, поэтому не получается хорошо распечатать модели на малом основании — слои сбиваются в кучу. Лучше выбирать модели, у которых основание широкое или постамент.

Другой небольшой проблемой является отсутствие какого-либо крепления бобины с нитью — нужно придумывать своё решение.

В целом впечатления от принтера положительные, можно смело рекомендовать как начальное устройство для ознакомления детей и студентов с азами печати.

I am trying to get my new Boxzy up and running. I followed all of the instructions in the guide. I double checked that I followed all the instructinos in the guide.

The issue occurs when I try to connect Boxzy Interface V 1.6.0 to the Boxzy machine. I hit the connect button and the softare log gives me the following message.

«No Start Signal Detected — Forcing Restart» and after about 30 seconds I get Communication Timeout — reset send buffer block»

If I disconnect the USB cable, the exact same thing occurs. Obviously my computer is not connecting with the machine.

I know the power is on because the green light is on on the power supply. The fan on the power supply is running, the fan on the back of the machine is running.

I have tried 3 different USB cables. I have tried two different computers. I have tried several different USB ports on my computer, both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. The same thing happens each time.

Under printer configuration in the Boxzy Interface software, I am using the default values. Serial Communication, 250000 baud rate, autodetect the transfer protocol, etc. I also tried all of the other possible baud rates.

I am using the correct COM port, COM9, verified by looking at my computers device manager. The device manager does see am Adruino Mega 2560 on COM9.

At this point one of two things is happening. I am missing something very basic and will feel stupid or I have a lemon. Any help would be appreciated?

Is there any way to contact Boxzy directly other than their website which promises a 5 day response time?

V1 Engineering Forum


RepRap forum

Last night I had a small problem that snowballed;

My extruder stepper wasn’t turning, though it was working the day before. I figured it’s probably a loose connection, so I shut everything down, checked the plug at the RAMPS board. Still no extruder.

Now here’s where the fun begins;

I decided I would try swapping out the stepper driver with a spare I had lying around. I plugged it in… err, backwards. Went from DRV8825 to A4988 and forgot that the pot is on the other end. DOH! confused smiley After powering up and not getting any extruder action I noticed my error and tried another stepper driver. However, my RH stopped talking to the control board. By that I mean it would connect but it says «1 Command Waiting» and nothing else will work. Thinking I really screwed the works, I swapped out the Arduino, loaded the firmware I’ve been using for the last several months, fired it up and still got the same message. I then swapped out the entire assembly, arduino, RAMPS, drivers… Same thing. I swapped USB ports, nothing changed. I had a brief glimmer of hope, I plugged into the board on my latest build (which isn’t finished being wired) and RH connected and said «Idle» and gave extruder and bed temps. Woohoo! I moved the whole works over to my other machine, plugged in the same USB cable… and «1 Command Waiting»! Argh!

I went into the Printer settings and tried disabling the Reset on Connect. Nope. I uninstalled, including the registry, and re-installed RH. Nope.

I’ve swapped and reloaded firmware on 4 different arduinos, tried combinations of old RAMPS boards on new arduinos, vice versa, and in all cases I get «1 Command Waiting».

I’m a bit baffled by what’s going on here. Any ideas?

I’m using RH 1.0.6.


I forgot to mention, in one of my many attempts, it did actually connect but only for a few seconds before disconnecting. I didn’t see any error codes in the log, that I recall.

I reflashed the firmware with the change for EEPROM from 1 to 2. It worked…. for about 2 minutes. I was able to home once, then I homed Z and the endstop LED didn’t light up, and kept driving the hot end down, so I hit emergency stop. I was able to reconnect, did an M119 and all endstops reported L, I pressed the Z endstop and it reported H, even though the LED wasn’t lit. I powered cycled everything, again. The Z endstop LED comes on again, but the printer won’t connect. Back to where I started.

With Reset on Connect disabled I get: 16:47:25.208 : w-Hx?,7mx?,7Mx?,7mhx?MHx??N~?|??H7Mx??N~?|??H7Mx??n?6?~H?}M?V?I?N?6?>QH?M??I?N?v?~Q|H?]
With it set to DTR low — high — low I get: 16:48:38.421 : No start signal detected — forcing start

And of course the «1 Command Waiting».

This has been very frustrating. I don’t want to bash Repetier for their work, but I’ve been having some real connection problems with the host lately, with the same settings I used for months, no, years. It seems sporadic and you never know when it’s going to happen. I’ve used Repetier for almost 3 years now without any problems and all of a sudden, as soon as I update to the latest build, this happens. I might try going back to 0.95F or 1.0.1 and see if that changes anything.

Tried re-installing 0.95F, that didn’t do it. Re-loaded firmware starting from scratch, re-installed RH 1.0.6, and again it worked for about 2 minutes, but then Z stopped responding. Shut it all down and tried a new stepper driver. When I tried to reconnect I got the «1 command waiting» and «no start signal detected — forcing start».

Looking at my Windows update history I did get a handful of updates and I’m wondering if that’s the issue. I’m going to try uninstalling them and see how that goes.

Other than that I’m really at a loss as to what I can try next.

The strange part is that it worked for 2 minutes. That means your settings were correct. Reinstalling on windows side should not change anything in this case.

With such problems always enable logging to see what is going on.

Your errors x waiting.. mean there is no response from firmware. Hitting reset on board should at least show up «start» if not firmware has the hang.

One thing that can be really hard is a watchdog loop preventing firmware form starting up. Have you compiled firmware with watchdog enabled? If yes, the big question remaining is why z moves can enable watchdog.

Repetier-Software — the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
Repetier-Server — the solution to control your printer from everywhere.
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I’ve rebuilt the firmware from the configurator with and without using any options, no watchdog and didn’t even change steps. Still nothing. Hitting the reset button doesn’t change anything in the log, it still says «no start signal detected — forcing start» without updating. I removed all windows updates going back to before I started having problems. And as I’ve said before, I’ve tried connecting several different arduinos.

If you have set 115200 baud you can also use arduino ide serial console to see if any communication goes on.

Have you tried other usb ports in case the usb port on your pc is defect. I also had an arduino where I had blown the usb connector, but having the same problem with several arduinos makes it unlikely that it is the arduino end.

Repetier-Software — the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
Repetier-Server — the solution to control your printer from everywhere.
Visit us on Facebook and Twitter!

Opened Serial Monitor and get:


I get a new character or three about every second. So, it’s talking, but I still get the «1 command waiting» and the «No start signal detected — forcing start» in the RH log.

I’m running Win 7 64bit, but I tried it on an old laptop with Vista 32, and I’m getting the same thing. I’ve tried different cables, different USB ports on the front and the back. There has to be some setting somewhere that I’m overlooking. I’ve never had this kind of trouble before.

Funny, that I had just programmed a board for a friend with the same firmware I’ve been running for years and it’s working great for him, just before my printer died.

So, I don’t know why it worked, but I flashed the original build of my firmware that was working a couple weeks ago (and suddenly stopped), rebooted everything… AND IT WORKS! I’m printing as I write this.

Boy, am I glad that’s over… knock wood, cross fingers. I really wish I knew what the issue was. This is a different board, so maybe I’ll reload the firmware on the old board and see if it plays nice.

Spoke too soon. After my print finished, and a lovely print it was, I clicked disconnect and tried reconnecting and I got the «1 command waiting» again.

Tried a reboot of the entire system, tried connecting, hit reset on control board, tried connecting again, nothing, again. I’m convinced there is an issue with the host software not wanting to talk to the firmware unless it’s in the mood. The issue isn’t in the firmware nor the hardware.

I shouldn’t have disconnected after that print, but I wanted to know if the connection was stable. I can’t have intermittent functionality.


open | download —
1 command waiting.png
(19.3 KB)

I guess we should go back to arduino serial monitor. If you get every second a few chars it is the firmware sending


and since they don’t look like wait the serial baudrate compiled (or from eeprom) is different then the one set in serial console (which starts with 9600 baud so you need to change this). So please change eeprom mode and set baudrate to 115200 and retry that and then when you see «wait» continue with the host, which then should also work. But as long a sit gets garbish it also not understand.

Repetier-Software — the home of Repetier-Host (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and Repetier-Firmware.
Repetier-Server — the solution to control your printer from everywhere.
Visit us on Facebook and Twitter!

Out of curiosity, what does «wait» look like?

Ok, so I derped pretty hard last night. After I reloaded the firmware last night I imported the EEPROM settings and failed to notice in those settings the baudrate was changed to 250000, and I failed to make the change in the printer settings. I double checked it tonight and that was the issue. Again, all is better. Sorry.

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