Ошибка odbc sqlstate 42000 номер ошибки 4060

CA WAAE Scheduler and Application server services fail to start with error: CAUAJM_E_18601 SQLSTATE: 42000, Native error: 4,060, Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database «AEDB» requested by the login. The login failed.


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE — Business Agents (AutoSys)

CA Workload Automation AE — Scheduler (AutoSys)

Workload Automation Agent


CA WA AutoSys Edition (AE) Scheduler and Application server services fail to start.The Scheduler log (event_demon.%AUTOSERV%) and the Application Server log (as_server.%AUTOSERV%) under %AUTOUSER%out directory shows the following errors repeatedly.

CAUAJM_E_18600 Database function call <SQLDriverConnect> failed in <connect SQLDriverConnect Failed> with return code: -1
CAUAJM_E_18601 SQLSTATE: 42000, Native error: 4,060, Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database «AEDB» requested by the login. The login failed.
CAUAJM_E_10649 Server <MSSQLServerHost>,1433:AEDB was not available during connection operation.


CA Workload Automation AutoSys Edition (AE) 11.3 or higherOperation System: Microsoft Windows 2008 or higherDatabase: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher


The Microsoft SQL Server Native error / message 4060 means that the login «autosys» was unable to connect to the database AEDB. The most common causes for this error include:

  • The Microsoft SQL Server Engine is not configured for mixed-mode authentication (SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode)
  • The SQL Server login «autosys» is not mapped to the AEDB database (autosys user) and/or the «ujoadmin» role membership for AEDB is not granted. This could happen after a AEDB database delete-and-restore activity or relocation AEDB database from one SQL Server to another.

We can confirm the error using the MS SQL Server command-line interface sqlcmd, like so:

C:>sqlcmd -U autosys -P <password> -d AEDB
Msg 4060, Level 11, State 1, Server <MSSQLServerHost>, Line 1
Cannot open database «AEDB» requested by the login. The login failed.
Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Server <MSSQLServerHost>, Line 1
Login failed for user ‘autosys’.


1. Confirm that the Microsoft SQL Server is configured with mixed-mode authentication.

  • Connect to the SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio using Windows Authentication (Administrator user).
  • Right-click on the Server name and click Properties.
  • On the Server Properties window, click on the Security page.
  • Select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode under Server Authentication.
  • Click OK button

2. Map the «autosys» SQL Server login to the AEDB database and grant ujoadmin role membership.

  • Connect to the SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio with Windows Authentication or as «sa» user (SQL Server Authentication)
  • Expand the Security tree under the SQL Server
  • Expand the Login sub-tree under Security
  • Right-click on the «autosys» login and select Properties
  • On the Login Properties — autosys window, click on the User Mapping page.
  • Select (Tick) the Map check-box next to AEDB database (User column should be autosys and Schema column should be dbo)
  • Select (Tick) the ujoadmin role under Database role membership for AEDB section.
  • Click OK.







SQL error 4060 “Server rejected the connection; Access to the selected database has been denied” is a common error usually seen after website migration in Windows servers.

The reasons for this error include permission issues, firewall restrictions, etc.

As a part of our Server  Management Services, we help our customers to fix SQL related errors regularly.

Let’s today discuss the possible causes and fixes for this error.

What causes SQL error 4060?

Often after a migration, some users notice SQL error 4060 while applications or websites. This error states that the “Server rejected the connection; Access to the selected database has been denied“. As the error message states, access to the database was denied as the server rejected the connection.

SQL error 4060

To list out, the common reasons for this error include:

  • No permission to access the database using the credentials
  • Protocol not enabled
  • Firewall blocking access

Lets us now look into each of these reasons in detail and the possible fix for them.

Lack of Permission

The most common reason for the error 4060 is the lack of permission for the user to access the database. After migration, it is important to ensure that all the users in the previous environment are set up in the new environment as well with the required privileges. However, this is often a frequently missed point.

Correct permissions can be granted to the users with a proper TSQL command. A general format of the command is

GRANT <permission> [ ,...n ]
TO <database_principal> [ ,...n ] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]
[ AS <database_principal> ]

For instance, to grant SHOWPLAN permission on the Example database to application role Moderator, TSQL command to be used is:

USE Example;

Similarly, we could grant the required privileges to the user after comparison with that of the permission in the old environment.

Protocol not enabled

To connect to SQL Server Database Engine you must have a network protocol enabled. If those are not enabled, it may trigger the error 4060.

The steps to enable them are:

  • First, select Start, and in your list of programs, select SQL Server Configuration Manager.

  • Next, navigate to SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for <machine instance>.

    SQL error 4060

  • Then, double-click Named Pipes. The Named Pipes Properties screen appears.

  • From Enabled, select Yes. Then click OK.

    SQL error 4060

  • Similarly to enable TCP/IP, we can select TCP/IP as in step 2. The TCP/IP Properties screen appears.

  • Next, on the Protocol tab, ensure Yes is selected for Enabled. On the IP Addresses tab, ensure that Yes is selected for the appropriate IP Address. Also, ensure that the appropriate TCP Port is indicated. Then click ok.error 4060

  • Finally, from SQL Server Management Studio, restart the server instance.

    SQL error 4060

Firewall blocking Access

Firewall restrictions can also trigger the error 4060. To fix it, we need to allow access in firewall. Generally, a closed port is the most common restriction that Firewall places. To fix it, we need to open the port in the firewall for the client.

Apart from the common reasons mentioned above, some other reasons can also trigger this error. In a rare case scenario, this error could also indicate that the corresponding database is not copied over to the new environment. Thus it is not a bad idea to cross-check if the database is actually copied over before we go for any other complex fixes.


[Need help to fix SQL errors? We are available 24×7]



In short, lack of permission for users to access database, firewall restriction etc trigger the error 4060. Today, we discussed how our Support Engineers fix the error “Server rejected the connection; Access to the selected database has been denied”.


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  1. «Fatal SQL Error 4060» occurs when you try to log on to a new application database in Microsoft Dynamics SL
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  4. Resolution
  5. Hotfix information for Microsoft Dynamics SL
  6. File information
  7. При попытке войти в новую базу данных приложения в Microsoft Dynamics SL появляется сообщение «Неустранимая ошибка SQL 4060»
  8. Проблемы
  9. Причина
  10. Решение
  11. Сведения об исправлении для Microsoft Dynamics SL
  12. Сведения о файлах
  13. Sql server error 4060 cannot open database requested login
  14. Asked by:
  15. Question
  16. All replies
  17. SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database
  18. How to fix database SQL server error 4060?
  19. How do I resolve database error 4060 in SQL Server?
  20. Cause for SQL Server Error 4060
  21. Solution for SQL Server 4060 Error
  22. No valid credentials supplied or credentials have no permission
  23. 2. To resolve Network protocol error for sql server 4060, follow these steps:
  24. 3.Firewall Blocking issue

«Fatal SQL Error 4060» occurs when you try to log on to a new application database in Microsoft Dynamics SL


In Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011, you try to log on to a new, Windows authenticated, Microsoft Dynamics SL application database. However, when you try to log on, you receive the following error message:

Fatal SQL Error 4060 Occurred during Company login


This problem occurs when the user ID that you use to log on to Microsoft Dynamics SL is not mapped to the new application database in Microsoft SQL Server.


Hotfix information for Microsoft Dynamics SL

A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft. However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix might receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next Microsoft Dynamics SL Service Pack that contains this hotfix as specified in the «Status» section in this article.

To resolve this problem, click the «View and request hotfix downloads» link at the top of this article to obtain the hotfix.

Note If additional issues occur or any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for this specific hotfix. To create a separate service request, visit the following Microsoft website:

File information

The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later file attributes) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time item in Control Panel.


При попытке войти в новую базу данных приложения в Microsoft Dynamics SL появляется сообщение «Неустранимая ошибка SQL 4060»


В Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 вы пытаетесь войти в новую базу данных приложения Microsoft Dynamics SL с проверкой подлинности Windows. Однако при попытке входа в систему появляется следующее сообщение об ошибке:

Произошла неустранимая ошибка SQL 4060 при входе в компанию


Эта проблема возникает в том случае, если идентификатор пользователя, который вы используете для входа в Microsoft Dynamics SL, не сопоставлен с новой базой данных приложения в Microsoft SQL Server.


Сведения об исправлении для Microsoft Dynamics SL

Поддерживается исправление, выпущенное корпорацией Майкрософт. Однако это исправление предназначено для устранения только проблемы, описанной в этой статье. Применяйте это исправление только для систем, в которых наблюдаются указанные выше проблемы. Это исправление может получать дополнительное тестирование. По этой причине корпорация Майкрософт рекомендует во всех случаях, когда проблема не представляет особой важности, дождаться следующего пакета обновления для Microsoft Dynamics SL, содержащего это исправление, как указано в разделе «состояние» этой статьи. Чтобы устранить эту проблему, щелкните ссылку «просмотреть и запросить исправления» в верхней части этой статьи, чтобы получить исправление. Примечание Если возникнут дополнительные проблемы или необходимо устранить неполадки, возможно, потребуется создать отдельный запрос на обслуживание. Для дополнительных вопросов и проблем, которые не могут быть неполными для данного исправления, действуют стандартные затраты на поддержку. Чтобы создать отдельный запрос на обслуживание, посетите веб-сайт Майкрософт по следующему адресу:

Сведения о файлах

Английская версия данного исправления содержит атрибуты файлов (или более поздние версии), указанные в приведенной ниже таблице. Дата и время для этих файлов указаны в формате всемирного координированного времени (UTC). При просмотре сведений о файле они преобразуются в местное время. Чтобы узнать разницу между временем по ГРИНВИЧу и местным временем, используйте вкладку Часовой пояс в элементе » Дата и время » на панели управления. Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011


Sql server error 4060 cannot open database requested login

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Asked by:


Problem: see JPEG image attached regarding the error message I get when I try to insert a single row in a table. SQL Error 4060.
I can access this database, CutSysDB, in Sql Server Management Studio, SSMS, and insert values in each of the five tables that comprise
the database which runs under Windows 7, Visual Studio 2008 Standard SP1, SQL Server Express 2008 R2 SP1.

When I try to add the first row in the empty table with my VS2008/Visual Basic 2008 project under Debug, I get the 4060 sql error.
Before you expend to much effort on this, you should first look at the following thread that Cathy is suggesting may be due to a
VS2008 SP1 install problem: Terry01 Thread — Studio Setup and Installation/Visual Studio 2008/devenv.exe

Login to SQL Server using Management studio and go to Security. Select ‘Terry-HPTerry’ login, in newly opened screen of Login Properties you will have User Mapping section. In that window give permission to databases in which this user required permission. On the lower screen, click the role db_owner. Click OK.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

I believe I followed your instructions, but to no avail. My Login Properties screen is included as a JPEG for your review. Where do I go from here?

By the way, when I try to create a new login I get the above screen but the master, model, msdb, tempdb and db owner check boxes are unchecked. Where do i go from there? I’ve tried a number of different combinations and none of them seem to work. I get an error message quite a bit about dbo object creating an error and login update fails.

The following is the screen I see when I try a new login as you suggested. Nothing I’ve tried will work. I can’t get a database to show in «Map Database listbox.

I could not see that the user ‘Terry-HPTerry’ is mapping with database CutSysDB. Is C:VISUAL STUDIO the database CutSysDB?

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

Maggie, that is my question. How do I get the database into the new login? And, if I do, with your answer, what do I use as the user id, the same as the current one ‘Terry-HPTerry’?

Here is another try at trying to change my login. This happens no matter what I chose, only the object changes.

A valid user account within a database is required to access that database. User accounts are specific to a database. All permissions and ownership of objects in the database are controlled by the user account. SQL Server logins are associated with these user accounts. A login can have associated users in different databases, but only one user per database.

Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

Maggie, you are not reading or interpreting my replies to you. I ask a question and I get some info to read. I don’t mind the reading, but I expect a direct answer to my question. If you need more infor to answer it, ask.

Maggie, I’m getting more than frustrated, because nothing you’ve suggest works or makes sense to me!
I have two SSMS login ids, and none of them work. I’ve read most articles available on this subject,
including the ones you suggested. None appear to help me.
My two Login IDs are:Terry-HPTerry which is computerme as administrator and only user of this pc, and

You aren’t helping me, only delaying the resolution. I believe I’ve done everything you’ve suggested,
and nothing works. What do I need to give you to get this issue resolved?


SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database

March 13, 2009 at 1:35 pm

[298] SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database «TestDB» requested by the login. The login failed. [SQLSTATE 42000]

[298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user ‘DOMAINAdministrator’. [SQLSTATE 28000]

The problem is: I deleted that TestDB a day ago. It does not exist anymore!

What am I missing?

March 13, 2009 at 1:54 pm

Do you have any Jobs, Scheduled tasks or something running that connects to that DB?

March 13, 2009 at 2:07 pm

Thank you, that solved issue. I overlooked that sharepoint installation created job CDW_SHAREPOINT for that database.

March 13, 2009 at 2:10 pm

Glad I could help.. 🙂

January 31, 2022 at 3:25 am

SQL Server Strange behavior:

I have been Getting the following error massages non stop after full backup fails. this massage gets generated for each databases in this Availability Group. The job runs every night, and it call SSIS package. Both the SSIS and Job seems okay and the tricky part is that job fails once in a while like once in 10 days or so.

[298] SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database «testDB» requested by the login. The login failed. [SQLSTATE 42000]

[298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user ‘Testtest-user-sql’. [SQLSTATE 28000]

  • Server; SQL Server 2016 AG with 2 replica synchronized.
  • More than 10 databases configured in this AG
  • Backup preference; any replica

    Did I miss something here?

    January 31, 2022 at 10:00 am

    You had better started a new forum post ! Whenever I see new answers to old Questions, I skip it


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    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly .
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

    press F1 for solution, press shift +F1 for urgent solution 😀

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    How to fix database SQL server error 4060?

    Table of Contents

    How do I resolve database error 4060 in SQL Server?

    If you use a SQL database, you may encounter SQL Error 4060 following a database migration. This is one of the many SQL Errors that administrators must deal with. SQL Error 4060 occurs on the server. As a result, the client has little control over the situation. You require an immediate solution. We’ll show you how to fix SQL Error 4060 here.

    1. sql server error 4060 cannot open database
    2. sql state 08004 sql server error 4060 or sql state 08004 error 4060
    3. fatal sql error 4060 occurred during company login
    4. unable to open the specified server database 4060
    5. error number 4060 state 1 class 11 or error number:4060,state:1,class:11
    6. server rejected the connection; access to selected database has been denied

    Cause for SQL Server Error 4060

    After migrating a website or application, users may encounter SQL Error 4060, which reads “Connection Failure: Server Rejected the Connection, Access to Selected Database Denied.” This error appears because:

    1. There were insufficient valid credentials to access the database, so access was denied
    2. Network Protocol was not enabled
    3. Access was blocked by a firewall

    Solution for SQL Server 4060 Error

    No valid credentials supplied or credentials have no permission

    The most serious problem with error 4060 in sql server is that the user did not have permission to view the database objects. They did not face this problem prior to migration because they had the necessary permission. As a result, after migration, you, as an administrator, should grant them permission.

    You must use the Transact-SQL or TSQL command to grant the privileges. This command appears to be:

    Similarly, you can grant permissions to other users based on their roles.

    This should resolve the issue. If not, move on to the next solution.

    All connections to the SQL Server Database Engine require a network protocol, which should be enabled. If not, the database will generate the 4060 error.

    For example if you encounter below error

    SQLDriverConnect: RETCODE=-1, State=37000, Native
    Error=4060 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open
    database required.

    Resolving the SQL 4060 above is to set database to “Single User” or permissions issue. To resolve these errors:

    1. SQL 4060 above can occur when database is in “Single User” access, so set it back to Multi user access. To remove single user mode in sql server is achieved with the ALTER DATABASE statement as follows:


    2. Make sure no server roles are enabled for the application login in Server Roles but only database permissions list by application provider correctly like read, write, execute etc…

    2. To resolve Network protocol error for sql server 4060, follow these steps:

    • Go to the programme’s list by clicking on “Start”
    • From the list, select “SQL Server Configuration Manager”
    • Then navigate into SQL Server Network Configuration and Protocols for machine instance>.
    • Double click on “Named Pipes”. This will open the Named Pipes Properties tab
    • Select “Yes” for the Enabled option and then OK to confirm.

    Also like the above, you also need to enabled TCP/IP.

    • Go to the list of programs by click on Start and select “TCP/IP”.
    • From the properties screen, select “Yes” on the Enabled parameter.
    • Now go to the IP Addresses tab and select “Yes” for the IP address.
    • Also check for the correctness of TCP Port.
    • Finally click “OK

    3.Firewall Blocking issue

    If neither of the preceding solutions resolves the problem, it is more likely that a firewall is preventing access to the database. To fix this, simply instruct the firewall to grant the user access. Navigate to the firewalls that have been installed and look for permissions. If it hasn’t already been granted to the user, do so.

    SQL Error 4060 can also be caused by other problems. A corresponding database, for example, may not have been properly copied into a new environment. There are also issues with rows and objects. Although these are uncommon, we recommend that you investigate them if the SQL 4060 error persists.


  • getting error:

    » Connection failed:
    SQLState: ‘42000’
    SQL Server Error: 4060
    Cannot open database requested in login ‘Recurrent’. Login Fails «

    Am running a small VB 6.0 application on XP using MSDE and continue to get the above error message. I can log into the server with the command »  osql -U sa  » then enter password and allowed access, but when doing this through the VB application the error message persists. Can anyone suggest a sequence of steps for resolution? Key items to look for? Reference material/websites? Thank you.  

    Microsoft SQL Server


    04.10.12 — 21:07

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘order’

    Возникает при попытке чтения данных с SQL Server 2008 (пользую внешние источники данных). Подключение происходит, поля таблицы вижу, данных нет.

    Где руки поправить?


    1 — 04.10.12 — 21:30

    на сервере вот такой для БД collation «SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS»


    2 — 04.10.12 — 21:56

    текст запроса в студию.


    3 — 04.10.12 — 21:59

    да нет никакого запроса. Создал элемент метаданных «Внешний источник данных». На форму вывалил несколько полей. Подключение происходит, поля отображаются верно (как на сервере). Однако ж талбица на форме пуста, при попытке сортирнуть данные — имеем ашипко.

    Как-то так.


    4 — 04.10.12 — 22:07

    насколько я помню, внешние источники работают через odbc.

    попробуйте воспользоваться odbc трассировщиком.

    или трассировщиком субд ms sql (sql profiler) коли collation «SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS»


    5 — 04.10.12 — 22:39

    пилять, вообще ничего не понимаю. Изначально от ODBC требовал все поля таблицы (>дохера). Если существенно ограничить количество полей — взлетает, сука. Нешто ограничение 8-ка имеет на такой случай?

       Живой Ископаемый

    6 — 04.10.12 — 22:41

    нет, 8-ка не имеет потому что сообщение от ОДБС.


    7 — 04.10.12 — 22:54

    (5) 42000 Syntax error or access violation

    может тупо прав на поля нет или идёт попытка чтения Блоб-а


    8 — 04.10.12 — 23:05

    (7) блобов нету, читаю от sa


    9 — 04.10.12 — 23:07

    (8) прицепись через ADODB поверх ODBC и протестируй,

    получишь ответ где ODBC ломается


    10 — 04.10.12 — 23:18

    (9) ниасилит 8ка ADODB. Или я крепко ошибаюсь?

    PS Читать данные нужно из конфиги. Хотелось бы еще и писать, еще лучше — выполнять хранимки на сервере. Может что-то дельное почтенная публика присоветует?



    11 — 04.10.12 — 23:32

    (10)[ ниасилит 8ка ADODB. Или я крепко ошибаюсь? ]



    нет с ADODB и ADOX у 1С ни каких проблем

    Программист всегда исправляет последнюю ошибку.

    How do I resolve database error 4060 in SQL Server?

    If you use a SQL database, you may encounter SQL Error 4060 following a database migration. This is one of the many SQL Errors that administrators must deal with. SQL Error 4060 occurs on the server. As a result, the client has little control over the situation. You require an immediate solution. We’ll show you how to fix SQL Error 4060 here.

    Errors include

    1. sql server error 4060 cannot open database
    2. sql state 08004 sql server error 4060 or sql state 08004 error 4060
    3. fatal sql error 4060 occurred during company login
    4. unable to open the specified server database 4060
    5. error number 4060 state 1 class 11 or error number:4060,state:1,class:11
    6. server rejected the connection; access to selected database has been denied

    After migrating a website or application, users may encounter SQL Error 4060, which reads “Connection Failure: Server Rejected the Connection, Access to Selected Database Denied.” This error appears because:

    1. There were insufficient valid credentials to access the database, so access was denied
    2. Network Protocol was not enabled
    3. Access was blocked by a firewall

    Solution for SQL Server 4060 Error

    1. No valid credentials supplied or credentials have no permission

    The most serious problem with error 4060 in sql server is that the user did not have permission to view the database objects. They did not face this problem prior to migration because they had the necessary permission. As a result, after migration, you, as an administrator, should grant them permission.

    You must use the Transact-SQL or TSQL command to grant the privileges. This command appears to be:

    GRANT <permission> [] TO <database_principal> [] [ WITH GRANT OPTION] [AS <database_principal>  As you can see, the first line of code grants the required permission, and the second line to a specific user.

    Similarly, you can grant permissions to other users based on their roles.

    This should resolve the issue. If not, move on to the next solution.

    All connections to the SQL Server Database Engine require a network protocol, which should be enabled. If not, the database will generate the 4060 error.

    For example if you encounter below error

    SQLDriverConnect: RETCODE=-1, State=37000, Native
    Error=4060 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open
    database required.

    Resolving the SQL 4060 above is to set database to “Single User” or permissions issue. To resolve these errors:

    1. SQL 4060 above can occur when database is in “Single User” access, so set it back to Multi user access. To remove single user mode in sql server is achieved with the ALTER DATABASE statement as follows:

    2.  Make sure no server roles are enabled for the application login in Server Roles but only database permissions list by application provider correctly like read, write, execute etc…

    2. To resolve Network protocol error for sql server 4060, follow these steps:

    • Go to the programme’s list by clicking on “Start”
    • From the list, select “SQL Server Configuration Manager”
    • Then navigate into SQL Server Network Configuration and Protocols for machine instance>.
    • Double click on “Named Pipes”. This will open the Named Pipes Properties tab
    • Select “Yes” for the Enabled option and then OK to confirm.

    Also like the above, you also need to enabled TCP/IP.

    • Go to the list of programs by click on Start and select “TCP/IP”.
    • From the properties screen, select “Yes” on the Enabled parameter.
    • Now go to the IP Addresses tab and select “Yes” for the IP address.
    • Also check for the correctness of TCP Port.
    • Finally click “OK

    3.Firewall Blocking issue

    If neither of the preceding solutions resolves the problem, it is more likely that a firewall is preventing access to the database. To fix this, simply instruct the firewall to grant the user access. Navigate to the firewalls that have been installed and look for permissions. If it hasn’t already been granted to the user, do so.

    SQL Error 4060 can also be caused by other problems. A corresponding database, for example, may not have been properly copied into a new environment. There are also issues with rows and objects. Although these are uncommon, we recommend that you investigate them if the SQL 4060 error persists.


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