Ошибка ora 00060

I have a series of scripts running in parallel as a nohup on an AIX server hosting oracle 10g. These scripts are written by somebody else and are meant to be executed concurrently. All the scripts are performing updates on a table. I am getting the error,

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while
waiting for resource

As I googled for this, I found,

Even though the scripts are performing updation on the same table concurrently, they are performing updates on different records of the table determined by the WHERE clause with no overlaps of records between them.

So would this have caused the error?.

Will this error happen regardless of where the updates are performed on a table?.

Should I avoid concurrent updates on a table at all times?.

Strangely I also found on the nohup.out log,
PL/SQL successfully completed after the above quoted error.

Does this mean that oracle has recovered from the deadlock and completed the updates successfully or Should I rerun those scripts serially?

starball's user avatar


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asked Jun 19, 2010 at 8:00

wowrt's user avatar

I was recently struggling with a similar problem. It turned out that the database was missing indexes on foreign keys. That caused Oracle to lock many more records than required which quickly led to a deadlock during high concurrency.

Here is an excellent article with lots of good detail, suggestions, and details about how to fix a deadlock:

answered Oct 25, 2010 at 14:55

benvolioT's user avatar


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You can get deadlocks on more than just row locks, e.g. see this. The scripts may be competing for other resources, such as index blocks.

I’ve gotten around this in the past by engineering the parallelism in such a way that different instances are working on portions of the workload that are less likely to affect blocks that are close to each other; for example, for an update of a large table, instead of setting up the parallel slaves using something like MOD(n,10), I’d use TRUNC(n/10) which mean that each slave worked on a contiguous set of data.

There are, of course, much better ways of splitting up a job for parallelism, e.g. DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.

Not sure why you’re getting «PL/SQL successfully completed», perhaps your scripts are handling the exception?

answered Jun 19, 2010 at 12:57

Jeffrey Kemp's user avatar

Jeffrey KempJeffrey Kemp

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I ran into this issue as well. I don’t know the technical details of what was actually happening. However, in my situation, the root cause was that there was cascading deletes setup in the Oracle database and my JPA/Hibernate code was also trying to do the cascading delete calls. So my advice is to make sure that you know exactly what is happening.

answered Feb 3, 2011 at 2:54

DaShaun's user avatar


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I was testing a function that had multiple UPDATE statements within IF-ELSE blocks.

I was testing all possible paths, so I reset the tables to their previous values with ‘manual’ UPDATE statements each time before running the function again.

I noticed that the issue would happen just after those UPDATE statements;

I added a COMMIT; after the UPDATE statement I used to reset the tables and that solved the problem.

So, caution, the problem was not the function itself…

answered Apr 7, 2019 at 7:23

10110's user avatar


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ORA-00060: вовремя ожидания ресурса обнаруживается тупиковая ситуация


Вы и другой пользователь, каждый из вас ждет ресурса, а он заблокирован одним из вас. Такое событие известно под названием тупиковая ситуация «deadlock». Для разрешения данной ситуации ваш оператор посылается обратно, чтобы другой пользователь мог продолжить работу.


Выполните снова все операции, или подождите несколько минут, а затем пошлите снова на выполнение ваш вернувшийся оператор.

May 10, 2021

I got ” ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource ”  error in Oracle database.

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

Details of error are as follows.

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

Cause: Transactions deadlocked one another while waiting for resources.

Action: Look at the trace file to see the transactions and resources involved. Retry if necessary. 

deadlock detected while waiting for resource

This ORA-00060 error is related with the Transactions deadlocked one another while waiting for resources

Look at the trace file to see the transactions and resources involved. Retry if necessary.

What is a Deadlock?

A deadlock occurs when a session (A) wants a resource held by another session (B) , but that session also wants a resource held by the first session (A). There can be more than 2 sessions involved but the idea is the same.

Example of Deadlock

The following example demonstrates a deadlock scenario.


create table eg_60 ( num number, txt varchar2(10) );
insert into eg_60 values ( 1, 'First' );
insert into eg_60 values ( 2, 'Second' );

select rowid, num, txt from eg_60;

ROWID                     NUM TXT
------------------ ---------- ----------
AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAA          1 First
AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAB          2 Second

Session #1:

update eg_60 set txt='ses1' where num=1;

Session #2:

update eg_60 set txt='ses2' where num=2;
update eg_60 set txt='ses2' where num=1;

Session #2 is now waiting for the TX lock held by Session #1

Session #1:

update eg_60 set txt='ses1' where num=2;

Session #1 is now waiting  on the TX lock for this row.

The lock is held by Session #2.

However Session #2  is already waiting on Session #1

This causes a deadlock scenario so deadlock detection kicks in and one of the sessions signals an ORA-60.

Session #2:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

Session #1 is still blocked until Session #2 commits or rolls back as ORA-60  only rolls back the current statement and not the entire transaction.

Diagnostic information produced by an ORA-60

ORA-60 error normally writes the error message in the alert.log together with the name of the trace file created. The exact format of this varies between Oracle releases. The trace file will be written to the directory indicated by the USER_DUMP_DEST or BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST, depending on the type of process that creates the trace file.

The trace file will contain a deadlock graph and additional information similar to that shown below. This is the trace output from the above example which signaled an ORA-60 to Session #2:

DEADLOCK DETECTED ( ORA-00060 ) [Transaction Deadlock]
The following deadlock is not an ORACLE error. It is a
deadlock due to user error in the design of an application
or from issuing incorrect ad-hoc SQL. The following
information may aid in determining the deadlock:

Deadlock graph:
---------Blocker(s)-------- ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name process session holds waits process session holds waits
TX-00050018-000004fa 22 132 X 19 191 X
TX-00070008-00000461 19 191 X 22 132 X

session 132: DID 0001-0016-00000005 session 191: DID 0001-0013-0000000C
session 191: DID 0001-0013-0000000C session 132: DID 0001-0016-00000005
Rows waited on:
Session 132: obj - rowid = 00012B82 - AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAA
(dictionary objn - 76674, file - 4, block - 2215, slot - 0)
Session 191: obj - rowid = 00012B82 - AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAB
(dictionary objn - 76674, file - 4, block - 2215, slot - 1)
----- Information for the OTHER waiting sessions -----
Session 191:
sid: 191 ser: 5 audsid: 340002 user: 88/USER1 flags: 0x45
pid: 19 O/S info: user: USER1, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 3163
image: oracle@<NAME>.xx (TNS V1-V3)
client details:
O/S info: user: USER1, term: pts/3, ospid: 3097
machine: <Name>.xx program: sqlplus@<Name>.xx (TNS V1-V3)
application name: SQL*Plus, hash value=3669949024
current SQL:
update eg_60 set txt='ses1' where num=2
Information for THIS session:
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=13b96yk6y5zny) -----
update eg_60 set txt='ses2' where num=1

What does the trace information mean ?

You can use the following document to help diagnose common causes of deadlocks:

Document 1550091.2 Troubleshooting Assistant: Oracle Database ORA-00060 Errors on Single Instance (Non-RAC) Diagnosing Using Deadlock Graphs in ORA-00060 Trace Files

The following article provides information on how to detect and identify different deadlock types:

Document 1507093.1 How to Identify ORA-00060 Deadlock Types Using Deadlock Graphs in Trace

Section 1: Deadlock Graph

Deadlock graph:

                      ---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits
TX-00050018-000004fa        22     132     X             19     191           X
TX-00070008-00000461        19     191     X             22     132           X

session 132: DID 0001-0016-00000005     session 191: DID 0001-0013-0000000C
session 191: DID 0001-0013-0000000C     session 132: DID 0001-0016-00000005

This shows which process was holding each lock, and which process was waiting for each lock.
For each resource there are 2 parts each giving information on the relevant process:

  • Blocker(s)
  • Waiters(s)

The columns in the graph indicate:

  • Resource Name: Lock name being held / waited for.
    Resource Name consists of  3 parts: Lock Type-ID1-ID2 where the information contained in id1 and id2 are different depending on the lock type
    Using the example above : TX-00050018-000004fa:
    Lock Type: TX
    ID1 (00050018) and ID2 (000004fa) point to the rollback segment and transaction table entries for that transaction.
  • process              V$PROCESS.PID of the Blocking / Waiting session
  • session               V$SESSION.SID of the Blocking / Waiting session
  • holds                  Mode the lock is held in
  • waits                  Mode the lock is requested in (waiting for)

So in this example:
SID 132 (Process 22) is holding TX-00050018-000004fa in eXclusive mode and is requesting TX-00070008-00000461 in eXclusive mode.

SID 191 (Process 19) is holding TX-00070008-00000461  in eXclusive mode and is requesting  TX-00050018-000004fa in eXclusive mode.

The important things to note here are the LOCK TYPE, the MODE HELD and the MODE REQUESTED for each resource as these give a clue as to the reason for the deadlock.

Section 2: Rows waited on

Rows waited on: 
Session 132: obj - rowid = 00012B82 - AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAA (dictionary objn - 76674, file - 4, block - 2215, slot - 0) 
Session 191: obj - rowid = 00012B82 - AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAB (dictionary objn - 76674, file - 4, block - 2215, slot - 1)

If the deadlock is due to row-level locks being obtained in different orders then this section of the trace file indicates the exact rows that each session is waiting to lock for themselves. Ie: If the lock requests are TX mode X waits then the ‘Rows waited on’ may show useful information.
For any other lock type / mode the ‘Rows waited on’ is not relevant and usually shows as “no row”.

In the above example:

SID 132 was waiting for ROWID ‘AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAA’ of object 76674
SID 191 was waiting for ROWID ‘AAASuCAAEAAAAinAAB’ of object 76674

This can be decoded to show the exact row/s.
Eg: SID 132 can be shown to be waiting thus:

SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM dba_objects WHERE object_id = 76674;

---------- ---------- ----------
USER1       EG_60      TABLE


      NUM TXT
---------- ----------
        1 ses1

Section 3: Information on OTHER waiting session(s)

----- Information for the OTHER waiting sessions ----- 
Session 191: sid: 191 ser: 5 audsid: 340002 user: 88/USER1 flags: 0x45 
pid: 19 O/S info: user: USER1, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 3163 
image: [email protected] (TNS V1-V3) 
client details: 
O/S info: user: USER1, term: pts/3, ospid: 3097 
machine: xxxxx.xx program: [email protected] (TNS V1-V3) 
application name: SQL*Plus, hash value=3669949024 
current SQL: 
update eg_60 set txt='ses1' where num=2

This section displays information regarding the other sessions (apart from the session that produced the ORA-60 deadlock trace) that are involved in the deadlock. The information includes:

  • session details
  • client details
  • Current SQL
    In this case: update eg_60 set txt=’ses1′ where num=2

Section 4: Information for this session

Information for THIS session: 
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=13b96yk6y5zny) ----- 
update eg_60 set txt='ses2' where num=1 

Displays the current sql for the session that creates the ORA-60 trace as well as a complete PROCESS STATE for the session.

Avoiding Deadlock

The above deadlock example occurs because the application which issues the update statements has no strict ordering of the rows it updates.Applications can avoid row-level lock deadlocks by enforcing some ordering of row updates. This is purely an application design issue.
Eg: If the above statements had been forced to update rows in ascending ‘num’ order then:

Session #1:          update eg_60 set txt='ses1' where num=1;

Session #2:          update eg_60 set txt='ses2' where num=1;

> Session #2 is now waiting for the
TX lock held by Session #1

Session #1:          update eg_60 set txt='ses1' where num=2;

> Succeeds as no-one is locking this row

> Session #2 is released as it is no longer waiting for this TX

Session #2:          update eg_60 set txt='ses2' where num=2;

The strict ordering of the updates ensures that a deadly embrace cannot occur. This is the simplest deadlock scenario to identify and resolve. Note that the deadlock need not be between rows of the same table – it could be between rows in different tables. Hence it is important to place  rules on the order in which tables are updated as well as the order of the rows within each table.

Other deadlock scenarios are discussed below.

Different Lock Types and Modes

The most common lock types seen in deadlock graphs are TX and TM locks. These may appear held / requested in a number of modes. It is the lock type and modes which help determine what situation has caused the deadlock.

Lock Mode Mode    Requested Probable Cause
TX X (mode 6) Application row level conflict.
Avoid by recoding the application to ensure  rows are always locked in
a particular order.
TX S (mode 4) There are a number of reasons that a TX lock may be requested in
S mode. See Document 62354.1 for a list of when TX locks are requested in mode 4.
TM SSX (mode 5)
S (mode 4)
This is usually related to the existence of foreign key constraints where the columns are not indexed on the child table. See Document 33453.1
for how to locate such constraints. See below for locating the OBJECT being waited on

Although other deadlock scenarios can happen the above are the most common.
The following article provides common cause information for the various types of deadlocks most frequently encountered based upon deadlock graphs found in trace:

Document 1507093.1 How to Identify ORA-00060 Deadlock Types Using Deadlock Graphs in Trace

TM locks – which object ?

ID1 of a TM lock indicates which object is being locked. This makes it very simple to isolate the object involved in a deadlock when a TM lock is involved.

The TM lock id is in the form TM-00012B85-00000000  where 00012B85 is the object number in hexadecimal format.

  1. Convert 00012B85 from hexadecimal to a decimal number
    Hexadecimal 00012B85 is  Decimal 76677
  2. Locate the object using DBA_OBJECTS
    SELECT owner,object_name,object_type 
    FROM dba_objects 
    WHERE object_id= 76677; 
    ---------- ---------- ---------- 
    USER1      EMP        TABLE

This is the object id that the TM lock covers.
Note that with TM locks it is possible that the lock is already held in  some mode in which case the REQUEST is to escalate the lock mode.

How to obtain Additional Information

If you are still having problems identifying the cause of a deadlock Oracle Support may be able to help. Additional information can be collected by adding the following to the init.ora parameters:

event=”60 trace name errorstack level 3;name systemstate level 266″

or by setting events using alter system in which case the event will be set for the life of the Oracle instance and only for new sessions:

ALTER SYSTEM SET events ’60 trace name errorstack level 3;name systemstate level 266′;

NOTE: This can generate a very large trace file which may get truncated unless MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE is large enough to accommodate the output.

When this is set any session encountering an ORA-60 error will write information about all processes on the database at the time of the error.This may help show the cause of the deadlock as it can show information about both users involved in the deadlock. Oracle Support will need all the information you have collected in addition to the new trace file to help identify where in the application you should look for problems.

It may be necessary to run the offending jobs with SQL_TRACE  or 10046 event enabled to show the order in which each session issues its commands in order to get into a deadlock scenario.

Do you want to learn Oracle Database for Beginners, then read the following articles.

Oracle Tutorial | Oracle Database Tutorials for Beginners ( Junior Oracle DBA )

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About Mehmet Salih Deveci

I am Founder of SysDBASoft IT and IT Tutorial and Certified Expert about Oracle & SQL Server database, Goldengate, Exadata Machine, Oracle Database Appliance administrator with 10+years experience.I have OCA, OCP, OCE RAC Expert Certificates I have worked 100+ Banking, Insurance, Finance, Telco and etc. clients as a Consultant, Insource or Outsource.I have done 200+ Operations in this clients such as Exadata Installation & PoC & Migration & Upgrade, Oracle & SQL Server Database Upgrade, Oracle RAC Installation, SQL Server AlwaysOn Installation, Database Migration, Disaster Recovery, Backup Restore, Performance Tuning, Periodic Healthchecks.I have done 2000+ Table replication with Goldengate or SQL Server Replication tool for DWH Databases in many clients.If you need Oracle DBA, SQL Server DBA, APPS DBA,  Exadata, Goldengate, EBS Consultancy and Training you can send my email adress [email protected].-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Oracle DBA, SQL Server DBA, APPS DBA,  Exadata, Goldengate, EBS ve linux Danışmanlık ve Eğitim için  [email protected] a mail atabilirsiniz.

In this guide, we will explore the ORA-00060 error, the root causes behind it, and the steps to resolve the deadlock issue in Oracle Database. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide valuable and relevant information for developers and administrators who are dealing with this error.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding ORA-00060 Error
  2. Common Causes of Deadlocks
  3. Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving ORA-00060
  4. FAQs
  5. Related Links

Understanding ORA-00060 Error

The ORA-00060 error occurs when Oracle detects a deadlock situation while waiting for a resource. A deadlock is a situation in which two or more competing actions are waiting for each other to finish, and neither can proceed. The error message typically looks like this:

ORA-00060: Deadlock detected while waiting for resource.

Oracle Database automatically detects deadlocks and resolves them by rolling back one of the involved transactions, which releases the resources held by that transaction and allows other transactions to proceed.

Common Causes of Deadlocks

There are several common causes of deadlocks in Oracle Database:

Circular wait: This occurs when two or more sessions are waiting for resources held by each other. For example, session A holds a lock on resource 1 and is waiting for a lock on resource 2, while session B holds a lock on resource 2 and is waiting for a lock on resource 1.

Unindexed foreign keys: If a foreign key constraint is not indexed, it can lead to a deadlock situation during concurrent DML operations on the parent and child tables.

Poorly designed application logic: Applications that do not properly manage locks or use inappropriate locking mechanisms can cause deadlocks.

  1. Incorrect use of explicit locks: Explicitly locking tables or rows using the LOCK TABLE, SELECT FOR UPDATE, or DBMS_LOCK package can lead to deadlocks if not used correctly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving ORA-00060

Follow these steps to resolve the ORA-00060 error:

Step 1: Analyze the Deadlock Trace File

When Oracle detects a deadlock, it creates a trace file with detailed information about the deadlock. The trace file is located in the USER_DUMP_DEST directory and has a .trc extension. You can use the DBMS_UTILITY package to find the location of the trace files:


Once you locate the trace file, open it and analyze the information. The trace file contains the SQL statements and objects involved in the deadlock, as well as the sessions and resources involved.

Step 2: Identify the Cause of the Deadlock

Based on the information in the trace file, identify the cause of the deadlock. Check for circular waits, unindexed foreign keys, poorly designed application logic, or incorrect use of explicit locks.

Step 3: Implement the Solution

Depending on the cause of the deadlock, implement the appropriate solution:

Circular wait: Reorder the SQL statements or redesign the application logic to avoid circular waits. For example, ensure that all sessions lock resources in the same order.

Unindexed foreign keys: Create indexes on foreign key columns to prevent deadlocks during concurrent DML operations.

Poorly designed application logic: Review and modify the application logic to ensure proper lock management and avoid deadlocks.

  1. Incorrect use of explicit locks: Review the use of explicit locks in the application and ensure proper usage to prevent deadlocks.

Step 4: Test the Solution

After implementing the solution, test the application to ensure that the deadlock issue is resolved.


How does Oracle resolve deadlocks automatically?

Oracle automatically detects deadlocks and resolves them by rolling back one of the involved transactions. This releases the resources held by that transaction and allows other transactions to proceed.

What are the common causes of deadlocks?

Common causes of deadlocks include circular waits, unindexed foreign keys, poorly designed application logic, and incorrect use of explicit locks.

How can I prevent deadlocks in Oracle Database?

To prevent deadlocks in Oracle Database, ensure proper lock management in your application, create indexes on foreign key columns, and avoid circular waits and incorrect use of explicit locks.

What is a circular wait?

A circular wait occurs when two or more sessions are waiting for resources held by each other, creating a cycle of dependency that prevents any of them from proceeding.

Can I use Oracle’s built-in packages to detect and resolve deadlocks?

Oracle provides the DBMS_LOCK package to help manage locks in your application. However, proper lock management and application design are essential to avoid deadlocks in the first place.

  1. Oracle Database Documentation
  2. Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide
  3. DBMS_LOCK Package
  4. Oracle SQL Developer

This page gave an overview how to analyze an oracle deadlock. The idea behind this topic is to gave you an short guide to analyze an ORA 00060 error, to find the relevant information in the ST22 dump and analyte the oracle alert.log and most important the oracle deadlock trace file.


An dump was generated in ST22, database error text contains «ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource»



1 ) Analyze the dump from ST22

From the header of the dump you got the information that the deadlock have he following timestamp:  10.02.2014 16:36:27

2) Analyze the oracle alert.log

The next step is to analyze the oracle alert.log

From the alert.log you get the information that you can find more information in the created trace file(called deadlock trace)
See line
Mon Apr 10 16:36:27 2014
ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/diag/rdbms/sm0/<SID>/trace/<SID>_ora_19088.trc.

3) Analyze the oracle deadlock trace

Now you should check the <SID>_ora_19088.trc

To analyze this file the following note is really helpful 84348 — Oracle deadlocks, ORA-00060

In our example the following deadlock trace was generated

[Transaction Deadlock]
The following deadlock is not an ORACLE error. It is a deadlock due to user error in the design of an application or from issuing incorrect ad-hoc SQL. The following information may aid in determining the deadlock:
Deadlock graph:
                        ---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)--------- 
Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits 
TX-0015001c-00821cbe       870    6428     X             35    2213           X 
TX-0080000d-0034ddcc        35    2213     X            870    6428           X
session 6428: DID 0001-0366-00000002 session 2213: DID 0001-0023-000007C1  
session 2213: DID 0001-0023-000007C1 session 6428: DID 0001-0366-00000002
Rows waited on:
   Session 6428: obj - rowid = 001C9D47 - AAHJ1HANDAAA3fbAAH
   (dictionary objn - 1875271, file - 835, block - 227291, slot - 7)
   Session 2213: obj - rowid = 001C9D47 - AAHJ1HAIFAAAl9SAAF
   (dictionary objn - 1875271, file - 517, block - 155474, slot - 5)
----- Information for the OTHER waiting sessions ----- 
Session 2213:   sid: 2213 ser: 91 audsid: 16371551 user: 19/SAPATL
     flags: (0x1000041) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
     flags2: (0x40009) -/-/INC
   pid: 35 O/S info: user: oraprl, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 16552
     image: oracle@****
   client details:
     O/S info: user: <SID>adm, term: , ospid: 17034
     machine: ino program: dw.sap***_D07@ino (TNS V1-V3)
     client info: 0::RSM13000
     application name: SAPLSBAL_DB_INTERNAL, hash value=1574545675
     action name: 318, hash value=1531935596
   current SQL:
----- End of information for the OTHER waiting sessions -----
Information for THIS session:
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=774fy14dwxfya) -----

At first you should take a closer look in the deadlock graph and check the column «holds waits». If an ‘X’ is displayed instead at this point in the graph, it is NOT an Oracle deadlock.
In our case this is an application generated deadlock.
To find the application which generate the deadlock you have to take a look on «client details» in the trace .
There you get the application name. In our example the application «SAPLSBAL_DB_INTERNAL» generate the deadlock. If this is an SAP application you have to open an support ticket on the component which is responsible for this application. You can find the component via transaction SE38. Enter the name of the application and select the field «Attributes»

Example Screenshot SE38:

Press «Display»

The next winodws shows some additional information about the program

To find the component double click on the package name. A new window will open and under application component you find the responsible SAP component.

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