Ошибка ora 00936 missing expression oracle

Select /*+USE_HASH( a b ) */ to_char(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as LABEL,
ltrim(rtrim(substr(oled, 9, 16))) as VALUE,
from rrfh a, rrf b,
where ltrim(rtrim(substr(oled, 1, 9))) = 'stata kish' 
and a.xyz = b.xyz 

The «from » (3rd line) part of the above query is giving me ORA-00936 Missing EXPRESSION error. Please Help me

NOTE :: rrfh table contains no data.

Aruna's user avatar


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asked Aug 28, 2012 at 9:29

user1466466's user avatar


Remove the comma?

select /*+USE_HASH( a b ) */ to_char(date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as LABEL,
ltrim(rtrim(substr(oled, 9, 16))) as VALUE
from rrfh a, rrf b
where ltrim(rtrim(substr(oled, 1, 9))) = 'stata kish' 
and a.xyz = b.xyz

Have a look at FROM

SELECTING from multiple tables You can include multiple tables in the
FROM clause by listing the tables with a comma in between each table

answered Aug 28, 2012 at 9:32

Adriaan Stander's user avatar

Adriaan StanderAdriaan Stander

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This answer is not the answer for the above mentioned question but it is related to same topic and might be useful for people searching for same error.

I faced the same error when I executed below mentioned query.

select OR.* from ORDER_REL_STAT OR

problem with above query was OR is keyword so it was expecting other values when I replaced with some other alias it worked fine.

answered Jul 3, 2018 at 7:35

Kishor m n's user avatar

Kishor m nKishor m n

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set pd.practice_name = (
    AND PRSQ.PRAD_ID = pd.provider_id
    AND PRSQ.PRAD_TYPE = pd.prov_addr_type
    AND ROWNUM = 1

david's user avatar


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answered Oct 10, 2013 at 7:44

user2412576's user avatar


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This happens every time you insert/ update and you don’t use single quotes. When the variable is empty it will result in that error. Fix it by using ''

Assuming the first parameter is an empty variable here is a simple example:


nvl( ,0)


nvl('' ,0)

Put your query into your database software and check it for that error. Generally this is an easy fix

answered Feb 19, 2019 at 12:43

csandreas1's user avatar


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In my previous article, I have explained about the most common errors in Oracle. In This article, I will try to explain another most common error, which has been searched approximately 15000 times in a month by DBAs and developers. When you forget the actual syntax of the oracle select statement then the ORA-00936 missing expression error will come. While working with databases I have frequently faced ORA-00936: missing expression and struggled to solve and debug this issue. This kind of error will occur when user miss the syntax of SQL expression.

ORA-00936: missing expression is very common oracle error occurred due to the syntax of oracle statement.

Why ORA-00936 error will come?

Some Oracle mistakes are not nearly as intimidating to resolve, as the error message would seem to indicate. The ORA-00936 is the perfect example of such a case. This error provides an excellent case where thinking too hard about the answer will cost you far more time and effort than needed.

Reason for this error:

The ORA-00936 message is a missing expression error in Oracle. That entire ‘missing expression’ means is that when attempting to operate a query, a particular part of the clause necessary for it to function was omitted in the text. Stated simply, you left out an important chunk of what you were trying to run. This is most common error occurred during the syntax of SQL statement. If user failed to write or omit something in SQL query then ‘Missing Expression’ error will come.

Missing Information in Select Statement:

  If user forgets to write the columns in the select statement then missing expression error will come.


Select * from Employee;

Select from Employee;   —Error of missing expression will come.

From Clause is Omitted:

If user forgets to write the ‘from clause’ in select statement then missing expression error will come.




Select * from Employee;

Select * Employee;   —Missing Expression error will come

 Resolution of the error:

As I have explained that missing expression error will come due to the bad syntax of ‘Select statement’ user needs to check the select statement is properly written or not. While working with huge queries then it is not easy for the user to find out where the actual error is. So finding out where the error is coming is important.

Resolution 1:

User needs to check the missing information from select statement. Most of the time the column names are missing in select statement.User needs to check that all columns are there in select statement.User needs to check the columns using desc command and make changes in the select statement.

Example :

Select from Employee;

It will fire that error so user needs to check the columns in Employee table using following statement:

Desc Employee;

Select Employee_Name,Employee_Number from Employee;

Resolution 2 :

Add from Clause in select statement

User needs to add ‘From’ clause at proper place in select statement.

Select * Employee;

Resolution Query :

Select * from Employee;

So these kind of errors are very easy to solve just user needs to concentrate on syntax of select statement.


ORA-00936 : missing expression is one of the common error everybody working in Oracle SQL must have faced some time. This generally happens when you omit important thing in the Sql statement i.e you left out an important chunk of what you were trying to run

ORA-00936 missing expression

Reference : Oracle documentation

This Oracle error is mainly related to the SQL SELECT statements. One obvious reason is select column list is missing or expressions in the selected columns are incomplete.

Check list to run to resolve the ORA-00936 missing expression error

(1) It happens when you forget to list the column  in the select statement

Select from mrp_details;

select from mrp_details;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00936: missing expression

The correct way would be list the column you want to select

Select col1,col2 from mrp_details; 

(2) We sometimes makes mistake in the usage of Distinct statement. Following statement will fail with ORA-00936

select distinct a, b,c,d, distinct e from tab_example
where b=’ABCD’ and c =1 and d= ‘JOHN’
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00936: missing expression

Having two distinct clause does not make sense and give error

Another example

select a, b,c,d, distinct e from tab_example
where b=’ABCD’ and c =1 and d= ‘JOHN’
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00936: missing expression

distinct can be used in the starting only

So correct statement would be

select distinct a, b,c,d, e from tab_example
where b=’ABCD’ and c =1 and d= ‘JOHN’

(3) This error is caused when part of the expression is omitted , some examples are

select 2**8 from dual; 
select 2**8 from dual;
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00936: missing expression

** operators works in PLSQL but not in SQL, We need to use Power function for it, So correct way would be

select power(2,3) from dual;

(4) Another example

select dept_name||' '|| from dept;
select dept_name||' '|| from dept
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00936: missing expression

Here you forget to mention column name after the concatenation operator, the correct SQL would be

select dept_name||' '||dept_no from dept;

(5) When you add extra commas in the list of column

select dept_no, dept_name, ,dept_location from dept_table;
select dept_no, dept_name, ,dept_location from dept_table;
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00936: missing expression

So we need to double check the SQL statement when we hit this error and make sure we are doing the common mistake

(6) This error will also come if you omit the From in the SQL statement

select dept_no, dept_name, ,dept_location where dept_name like ‘A%’;
select dept_no, dept_name, ,dept_location where dept_name like ‘A%’;
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00936: missing expression

Here we missed to mention the from clause.SELECT statement has three parts: to wit: “SELECT->FROM->WHERE
You can omit where clause but select and from are necessary

select dept_no, dept_name, ,dept_location from dept_table where dept_name like ‘A%’;

(7) It can also occurs in insert statement like below

insert into table1 (col1,col2) values as select col1,col2 from table2;
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00936: missing expression

We don’t need values as in this statement

insert into table1 (col1,col2) select col1,col2 from table2;

 (8) We can sometimes  mix up user-defined functions and Oracle functions, and doing so can lead to confused syntax that would result in an error message.So avoid them

(9) There are Oracle some bugs also
(a) Bug:4567818 base Bug#:4192148 – unpublished on 9207
(b) Bug:4212516 (unpublished) on oracle
With these bugs, ORA-00936 error is thrown when the SELECT ON view fails. Basically, ORA-00936 is thrown when a SQL view is created from “create or replace view MY_VIEW as select t.*,other_tab_col from tab t, other_tab”.This creates a view definition that is incorrect in the DBA_VIEWS, thus throwing ORA-00936 and possible core dumps.In order to fix the bugs and resolve ORA-00936, MetaLink offers these solutions for the appropriate version:
Fix for :Patch 4192148 is available for Solaris (64bit) and AIX5L Based Systems (64-bit).Fix for :
Patch 4212516 is available for most of the platforms.

In nutshell, ORA-00936 missing expression can be resolved by carefully checking your SQL statement.

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I have this query

    SELECT ticket.id AS "DAL_ID",  ROWNUMBER ( Order By ticket.id  )  AS "DAL_ROWNUMBER" 
    FROM ticket_table ticket 
    WHERE ( ticket.type = N'I' ) 
        ticket.tenant IS NULL OR ticket.tenant IN 
            SELECT  * FROM 
                SELECT tenant_group_member.tenant_id 
                FROM tenant_group_member 
                WHERE tenant_group_member.tenant_group = HEXTORAW('30B0716FEB5F4E4BB82A7B7AA3A1A42C') 
                ORDER BY ticket.id 

What is the problem with the allow query that is throwing ORA-00936 missing expression? anyone? Any help will be appreciated…Error thrown at column:80 which is at the beginning of first order by:

asked Mar 22, 2014 at 19:00

garuda's user avatar


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ORA-00936 usually indicates a syntax error.

ROWNUMBER is not an Oracle function. Unless you have a user-defined function of that name I suspect the function you’re looking for is ROW_NUMBER().

answered Mar 22, 2014 at 19:08

APC's user avatar


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Your query can be much simplified. It has things like extra layers of subqueries and an unnecessary order by in an in subquery. What you want to do with rownumber you can do with just rownum:

FROM (SELECT ticket.id AS "DAL_ID" 
      FROM ticket_table ticket 
      WHERE (ticket.type = N'I' ) AND 
            (ticket.tenant IS NULL OR
             ticket.tenant IN (SELECT tgm.tenant_id 
                               FROM tenant_group_member tgm
                               WHERE tgm.tenant_group = HEXTORAW('30B0716FEB5F4E4BB82A7B7AA3A1A42C') 
      ORDER BY ticket.id
WHERE rownum <= 21;

answered Mar 22, 2014 at 19:34

Gordon Linoff's user avatar

Gordon LinoffGordon Linoff

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Did you get an ORA-00936: missing expression error? Learn what it means and how to resolve it in this article.

ORA-00936 Cause

The error you’ve gotten is this:

ORA-00936: missing expression

Oracle’s official “cause and action” that appears along with the error is:

Cause: A required part of a clause or expression has been omitted.
For example, a SELECT statement may have been entered without a list of columns or
expressions or with an incomplete expression.
This message is also issued in cases where a reserved word is misused, as in SELECT TABLE.

Action: Check the statement syntax and specify the missing component.

So, in summary, the query is missing some clause that it needs in order to run.

To resolve the ORA-00936 error:

  1. Check that your column names are all listed correctly in the SELECT clause
  2. Ensure you have a FROM clause in your SELECT statement. Even if you aren’t selecting from a table, you still need FROM in Oracle SQL, so you could use the DUAL table (LINK)
  3. Remove any commas that shouldn’t be in your query

Missing Columns

The ORA-00936 error often occurs when you leave out the columns in the SELECT clause.

For example:

FROM students;
ORA-00936: missing expression

This is because you need to list the column names after the word SELECT and before the word FROM.

This query should work:

SELECT student_id, first_name, last_name
FROM students;

Missing FROM

This error can also occur if you don’t have a FROM keyword in your SELECT statement.

For example, this query will display an error:

SELECT first_name, last_name
WHERE student_id = 5;

There is no FROM clause in this query, so you’ll get an error.

Correct the query to add the FROM clause, so it knows which table to query.

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM students
WHERE student_id = 5;

Remove Commas

Sometimes you have all of the right keywords, but you’re still getting the ORA-00936: missing expression error.

For example this query gives an error:

SELECT first_name, last_name,
FROM students
WHERE student_id = 5;

The reason for this is because there is a comma after the final column “last_name”, and then there is the FROM keyword.

Commas should only be used when you want to specify another column or table, and not before a keyword like we have in this example.

To correct it, remove the comma.

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM students
WHERE student_id = 5;

ORA-00936 in UPDATE Statement

If you’re getting an ORA-00936: missing expression in an UPDATE statement, then the same steps can be taken:

  1. Check that you have all the keywords that are required (UPDATE, SET)
  2. Check there are no extra commas where there shouldn’t be.
  3. If you’re using a subquery inside the UPDATE statement, then ensure that subquery has all the right keywords and no extra commas as mentioned earlier

ORA-00936 in INSERT Statement

Just like the UPDATE statement, you can also get an ORA-00936: missing expression in an INSERT statement.

The same steps can be taken:

  1. Check that you have all of the required keywords.
  2. Check there are no extra commas
  3. Check that the number of values and the number of columns are the same
  4. If you’re using a subquery inside the INSERT statement, then ensure that subquery has all the right keywords and no extra commas as mentioned earlier

So, that’s how you resolve the ORA-00936 error in your SQL query. If you have any questions on this error, leave a comment below.

Lastly, if you enjoy the information and career advice I’ve been providing, sign up to my newsletter below to stay up-to-date on my articles. You’ll also receive a fantastic bonus. Thanks!

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