Ошибка p0014 trailblazer

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P0014 Положение распределительн ого вала
P0014 Положение распределительн ого вала В — повышенное опережение ( ряд цилиндров1 )

Общее описание кода ошибки

Система плавнорегулируе мого газораспределен ия (CVVT) установлена на звездочке распределительн ого вала выпускных клапанов. Нет изменения газораспределен ия распределительн ого вала выпускных клапанов, так как он приводится в действие зубчатом ремнем. Такты распределительн ого вала впускных клапанов изменяются вследствие взаимодействия крыльчатки CVVT с корпусом. Контроллер CVVT корректирует угол распределительн ого вала впускных клапанов в зависимости от давления масла, поступающего через клапан контроля масла (OCV). В результате удается достигнуть оптимального взаиморасположе ния распределительн ого и коленчатого валов, повышается крутящий момент двигателя, снижается расход топлива и улучшаются экологические показатели с помощью изменения тактов открытия/закрытия клапанов распределительн ого вала впускных клапанов.

Описание диагностическог о кода неисправности

Оценивается отклонение положения распределительн ого вала от целевой точки при стабильных условиях движения. Блок PCM накапливает значение отклонения за определенный период и, если суммарное значение слишком большое, регистрирует код неисправности P0014. Целевая точка положения распределительн ого вала задается предварительно, в зависимости значений частоты вращения коленчатого вала и угла поворота дроссельной заслонки, находящихся в блоке PCM.

Проверка регулятора масла (OCV) и фильтра
1. Проверьте сопротивление регулятора масла (OCV).(1) Выключите зажигание.
Отсоедините разъем регулятора масла (OCV) для распределительн ого вала впускных клапанов.
Измерьте сопротивление между выводами питания и управления регулятора масла (OCV) (на стороне компонента)

ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ: Прибл. 6,9~7,9 Ом при 20°C(68°F)

2. Проверьте работу регулятора масла (OCV).(1) Запустите двигатель и дайте ему поработать на холостом ходу.
Не подсоединяя разъем OCV, подайте 12 В на вывод питания и «массу» — на вывод управления в разъеме OCV (на стороне компонента).

3. Проверьте регулятор масла (OCV) и фильтра.(1) Выключите зажигание.
Проверьте фильтр регулятора масла на предмет загрязнения.
Снимите регулятор масла и осмотрите его золотник на предмет загрязнения.

4. Подайте 12 В на вывод питания и «массу» — на вывод управления в разъеме OCV (на стороне компонента).
При подаче напряжения АКБ должен раздаться щелчок.
Чтобы убедиться в надежности функционировани я регулятора масла, повторите эту процедуру 4 или 5 раз

Проверка узла системы плавнорегулируе мого газораспределен ия (CVVT)
1. Снимите узел CVVT. См. раздел «Порядок снятия» в Руководстве по ремонту.
2. Убедитесь, что узел CVVT заблокирован.
3. Одно (верхнее) из двух отверстий на шейке распределительн ого вала предназначено для опережения, другое (нижнее) для запаздывания. Закройте малярной лентой отверстия всех каналов масла, кроме отверстия опережения («B»)

4. Для освобождения стопорного штифта CVVT оберните лентой наконечник переходника канала сжатого воздуха и подайте на открытый порт распределительн ого вала низкое давление, прибл. равное 150 кПа (1,5 кг/см2, 21 фунт/дюйм2). Оберните узел CVVT технической салфеткой или ветошью, поскольку после применения давления воздуха из него может пролиться оставшееся масло.
5. Продолжая подавать низкое давление воздуха, поверните узел CVVT в направлении «ОПЕРЕЖЕНИЕ»

6. Вращайте узел CVVT в направлениях «ОПЕРЕЖЕНИЕ» и «ЗАПАЗДЫВАНИЕ», чтобы убедиться в его свободном вращении (перемещение должно быть плавным в пределах 20°).
7. Вручную поверните узел CVVT и убедитесь, что он блокируется в угловом положении, соответствующем максимальной задержке.
8. Правильно ли функционирует узел CVVT?

Многие сбои в электрической системе бывают вызваны неисправностью жгутов проводов и клемм. Кроме того, причиной сбоев могут быть помехи со стороны других электрических систем, а также механические и химические повреждения.
Тщательно проверьте разъемы на предмет ослабленных или ненадежных соединений, а также наличия согнутых контактов, коррозии, загрязнения, износа или повреждения.

P0014 OBD2 Code Diagnosis

P0014 is a relatively common trouble code for vehicles that have Variable Valve Timing (VVT). This includes the Chevy Trailblazer. 

VVT adjusts the position of the camshaft(s) to maximize the combustion efficiency of the motor. P0014 means that the camshaft position is too far advanced from where it should be in relation to normal operating specs.

Before doing anything, check your Trailblazer’s oil level. Low oil is the number one cause of P0014.

P0014 Quick Reference Table

Chevy Trailblazer P0014

P0014 Definition “B” Camshaft Position Timing Over Advanced or System Performance (Bank 1)
Symptoms Stalling, decreased MPG, rattling, engine running rough, check engine light
Common Causes Low oil, wrong oil viscosity, faulty camshaft actuator, timing chain/belt jumped
Breakdown Risk Not usually, but in rare cases, the underlying causes can damage the engine. Don’t drive with P0014.
Repair Cost (Parts Only) Usually well under $200

Chevy Trailblazer: P0014 Definition

The technical definition of P0014 for the Trailblazer is “B” Camshaft Position Timing Over Advanced or System Performance (Bank 1). Here it is separated into its three main pieces, with a quick explanation of each.  

“B” Camshaft Position

P0014 Meaning

Engines equipped with VVT use camshaft actuators (they’re often called phasers) to adjust the position of the cam. Adjusting the camshaft timing allows an engine to have a better power curve and better fuel economy (the automotive equivalent of having your cake and eating it too).

Depending on the vehicle, the “B” camshaft is the exhaust, right or rear camshaft

Over Advanced or System Performance

VVT allows an engine to act as though it has different camshaft profiles at different RPMs; this is great for both power and fuel economy. It can advance or retard the timing at will. Sometimes, the system will get stuck in an over-advanced position.  

When this happens, your Chevy Trailblazer will store trouble code P0014.

Valve timing control methods can be quite different for every engine, even from the same manufacturer, but the basics are the same.

Camshaft actuators or phasers change how long the intake and exhaust valves stay open. They are hydraulic, which means that they use the vehicle’s engine oil to change the intake valve timing.

Some simpler systems change the cam timing, while others change cam profiles entirely. Here’s a detailed write-up on exactly how VVT works if you’re interested in learning more.

Bank 1

Bank one is the side of the engine with the first cylinder. If your Trailblazer has an inline engine, you don’t need to concern yourself with this.  

But, if your Trailblazer has a “V” engine, it’ll have two cylinder heads.  You’ll need to look up which side is bank 1. It’s usually the cylinder head closer to the front of the engine.

Symptoms of P0014

P0014 OBD2 Code Symptoms

When the cam timing is off, it can cause some issues with the motor. Here are some of the typical symptoms of P0014 in the Chevy Trailblazer:

  • Poor Idle Quality– If the “B” camshaft actuator fails while it is too far advanced, it’ll idle roughly.
  • Rattling Sound– You may hear the camshaft actuator rattling at idle speed since it’s not where it’s supposed to be. A rattling sound can also indicate the timing chain jumped a tooth.
  • Decreased Gas Mileage– Now that your Trailblazer’s engine can no longer adjust its cam timing on the fly, it will no longer be able to produce optimum combustion, which causes poor economy.
  • Lost Power– Your truck’s engine will not be able to produce as much power; this is because the cam profile will not allow it to run a performance power curve when you need more power.
  • Service Engine Soon Light– Most of the time, you’ll be able to feel or see one of the above symptoms, but if you can’t, the check engine light will come on and let you know something is wrong.
  • Hard to Start– With the timing too far advanced, it won’t be easy to start the motor, especially when it is warm.

P0014 Causes

Here are the most common causes of the P0014 code in your Chevy Trailblazer. Start by checking your vehicle’s oil level.

Here are the most common causes, presented in order from the easiest thing to check to the most difficult:

Engine Oil

The first thing you should do is check your Trailblazer’s oil. There are three ways that it can cause P0014:

  • Low Oil: The most common cause of P0014 is low oil. The oil level needs to be low enough to lower the engine’s oil pressure (dangerously low).  If oil flow slows down enough to throw the p0014 code, It’s likely low enough to lock up the engine.
  • Dirty Oil: If the oil and/or oil filter haven’t been changed in a long time, sometimes it can cause the camshaft actuator to clog up with sludge.
  • Wrong Viscocity (Too Thick or Too Thin):  If you recently had an oil change and your Trailblazer now has this code, change the oil again, and verify that the shop used the right oil.

Bad Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator or Actuator Solenoid

The actuator solenoid can go bad over time. You certainly don’t want to start here since, a lot of the time, it’ll be something else that causes the P0014 to appear. Here’s a good video that explains how to test the camshaft actuator using a scan tool:

Engine Timing

If your Trailblazer’s camshaft(s) are no longer synced to the crankshaft properly (such as if the timing chain jumped a tooth), it can cause the engine timing to be off enough to throw the P0014 (probably P0011, too), even though it’s not the actuator’s fault. 

Wiring Issues

The wiring from the solenoid to the ECM can become damaged or broken, this will throw the P0014 OBDII code. The wiring harness to the intake camshaft position sensor may also develop a poor connection—YouTube: How to Find an Open or Short the Fast Easy Way.

Bad ECM (highly unlikely)

If your Trailblazer’s engine controller goes bad, it may throw this code along with other issues. Here’s how to tell if you have a bad ECM Autoblog: Symptoms of a Bad ECM.

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Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.

Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.

Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у Chevrolet Trailblazer:

Симптомы ошибки P0014: тяжёлый старт двигателя, некорректная (неровная) работа двигателя, некорректный холостой ход, остановка двигателя, также могут присутствовать другие симптомы

Ошибка P0014 возникает в случае превышения допустимой нормы суммарного отклонения положения распределительного вала от целевой точки при стабильных условиях движения. Целевая точка положения распределительного вала задается в зависимости от частоты вращения коленчатого вала и угла открытия дроссельной заслонки. Так же к причинам P0014 относятся следующие: непрерывный поток масла в поршневую камеру VCT, неисправен электромагнитный клапан управления газораспределительным механизмом (застрял в открытом положении).

В первую очередь рекомендуется посмотреть руководство (специализированную литературу) по обслуживанию и ремонту вашего автомобиля.

Ошибка P0014 является результатом механической неисправности блока VCT или связанных с ним компонентов

Необходимо проверить на работоспособность компоненты блока VCT ((жгут проводов / проводку) в электромагнитной системе управления клапаном газораспределения, электромагнитный клапан управления газораспределительным механизмом).

What Does Chevrolet Trailblazer Code P0014 Mean?

  • Chevrolet Trailblazer P0014 definition: Exhaust Camshaft Timing- Over-Advanced Bank 1
  • Issue Severity: SEVERE – Stop driving immediately.
  • Repair Urgency: Fix this code immediately (same-day if possible) to avoid damage to multiple internal engine components.
  • Diagnosis: This trouble code severely impacts the drivability of your vehicle. The most common problems consist of increased engine stalling, rough engine idle, lowered fuel economy, and rattling/knocking noises from the engine.

The variable valve timing system increases fuel economy and engine performance by regulating when the intake and exhaust valves are opened and closed. The camshaft(s) is(are) adjusted by the engine computer through the use of an oil control valve(s) (OCV), also called variable valve timing control solenoid valves. When trouble code P0014 is set, it means that the exhaust camshaft in Bank 1 is more advanced than the engine computer has told it to be.

Most Likely Repair And Cost For Chevrolet Trailblazer P0014 By Year

The chart below shows the most likely repair and cost range for Trailblazers for all of the years that FIXD has data on.

Year Most Likely Repair Cost Range
2009 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531
2007 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531
2006 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531
2005 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531
2004 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531
2003 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531
2002 Variable Camshaft Timing (VCT) Solenoid $1016 – $1531

Chevrolet Trailblazer P0014 Causes

There are many potential causes of code P0014. Some are easy to check and correct yourself, such as old engine oil, or not having enough oil in the engine. Other causes are more complicated, such as malfunctioning components in the variable valve timing system itself.

  • Engine oil is dirty
  • Engine oil is too low
  • Engine oil is incorrect viscosity
  • Camshaft variable timing solenoid failure
  • Camshaft phaser is seized in the advanced position
  • Continuous oil flow to Variable Camshaft Timing chamber
  • P0014 is one of the top 5 trouble codes for the Chevrolet Trailblazer.

Chevrolet Trailblazer P0014 Symptoms

  • Check Engine Light
  • Hard start of the engine
  • Rough running engine
  • Stalling
  • Rattling/Knocking from engine
  • Decreased fuel economy
  • Failed emissions test

How Do I Fix Chevrolet Trailblazer Code P0014?

With a variable valve timing fault, the first step is to get it diagnosed to figure out what is causing the problem.

If your vehicle has this fault and you’re not comfortable diagnosing this issue at home, we recommend finding a RepairPal certified shop nearby to pinpoint the problem and give an accurate estimate for repairs.

These shops can not only help you figure out what’s going wrong before you waste time and money on the wrong parts, but they also offer a minimum 12-month, 12,000-mile warranty and stand behind all their estimates with guaranteed fair pricing.

> Find a RepairPal Certified Shop Near You

How Much Does It Cost to Fix Chevrolet Trailblazer Code P0014?

P0014 can be caused by anything from old or low oil to catastrophic engine failure. It’s impossible to give an accurate estimate without properly diagnosing the issue first.

If you take your car to a shop for diagnosis, most shops will start with an hour of “diag time” (the time spent in labor diagnosing your specific issue). Depending on the shop’s labor rate, this typically costs somewhere between $75-$150. Many, if not most, shops will apply this diagnosis fee to any required repairs if you have them perform the repairs for you. From there, a shop will be able to give you an accurate estimate for repairs to fix your P0014 code.

Other Possible Repairs for Chevrolet Trailblazer Code P0014

Once properly diagnosed, P0014 may require one or more of the following repairs to resolve the underlying issue. These prices are based on national averages and include parts and labor. Your cost may differ depending on your location and type of vehicle.

  • Oil Change $20-$60
  • Oil Control Valve/Variable Valve Timing Control Solenoid $300-$400
  • Engine $3000-$4000

DIY Steps to Diagnose Chevrolet Trailblazer Code P0014

Engine code P0014 could be caused by a number of things, including old oil, the camshaft variable timing solenoid, the camshaft phaser, and more. If you’d like to try to fix code P0014 at home without throwing money at parts, you’ll want to follow the steps below for proper diagnosis. Keep in mind this is an intermediate-level diagnosis and repair and not recommended for beginners. Diagnosis beyond oil level and condition requires more specialized equipment beyond what the FIXD Sensor can provide and it can be a time and labor-intensive process for inexperienced DIYers.

DIY difficulty level: Intermediate

This repair requires mechanical knowledge and is not recommended for beginners.

Tools/parts needed:

  • FIXD
  • Basic hand tools
  • Fused jumper wires
  • Vehicle-specific service manual


Use FIXD to scan your vehicle to verify P0014 is the only code present. If other codes are present, they must be addressed first.


If the oil level is low, adjust to spec and test drive to see if the concern is resolved. If it’s dirty, change the oil and filter and test drive to see if the concern is resolved.


Remove the oil cap and/or the valve cover and inspect the valve train for sludge. If there is sludge, there is a good chance the engine will need to be replaced due to sludge blocking the oil passages to the Oil Control Valve(s).


If there isn’t any sludge, consider checking the Bank 1 Exhaust Camshaft Oil Control Valve for proper function. You can do this by removing the Oil Control valve and supplying power and ground to the solenoid quickly using a pair of fused jumper wires. (Do not leave power applied for more than a second or two) If the valve is functioning properly, it should click, and you may even be able to see the valve move based on the design of your specific valve. If it doesn’t click or move, replace the tested oil control valve and test drive to see if the concern is resolved.

If at this point the concern persists, there could be internal engine issues, and you should have a shop diagnose the concern to avoid replacing the engine unnecessarily.

Common Chevrolet Trailblazer P0014 Diagnosis Mistakes

Replacing sensors or components without any indication of a problem with the sensors or components.

Still Need Help Fixing Chevrolet Trailblazer Code P0014?

If you’ve followed the steps above and are still experiencing Chevrolet Trailblazer check engine code P0014, please contact the FIXD Mechanic Hotline if you’re a FIXD Premium subscriber or find a RepairPal certified shop near you to get the right repairs at a fair price.

Fixed It But The Check Engine Light Is Still On?

Check engine light sometimes need to be reset manually, check out our article:

How to Reset Your Check Engine Light | 4 Ways To Clear It (With or Without a Scanner)

FIXD Research Team

At FIXD, our mission is to make car ownership as simple, easy, and affordable as possible. Our research team utilizes the latest automotive data and insights to create tools and resources that help drivers get peace of mind and save money over the life of their car.

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