RLL Пользователь Сообщений: 19 |
Всем привет. Возникает ошибка в запросе. Файл по ссылке: пример Софт Excel 2013 Power Query. В чем причина? |
PooHkrd Пользователь Сообщений: 6602 Excel x64 О365 / 2016 / Online / Power BI |
#2 25.10.2018 12:53:46 Не только лишь все могут выгрузить ваш файл в рабочее время, мало кто может это сделать.
Изменено: PooHkrd — 25.10.2018 13:13:40 Вот горшок пустой, он предмет простой… |
Anton555 Пользователь Сообщений: 746 |
#3 25.10.2018 14:33:42 вам выше все правильно сказали
Изменено: Anton555 — 25.10.2018 14:33:50 |
Anton555 Пользователь Сообщений: 746 |
#4 25.10.2018 14:49:31 чтобы подсократить кол-во строк
и для чего вы такой большой диапазон для «таблицы1» выбрали? с А1 и до А1ххххххх ? Изменено: Anton555 — 25.10.2018 14:49:39 |
RLL Пользователь Сообщений: 19 |
Так как у меня нет опыта в программировании, вы не могли бы подробнее разъяснить свои действия? |
PooHkrd Пользователь Сообщений: 6602 Excel x64 О365 / 2016 / Online / Power BI |
Откройте ваш запрос, перейдите на второй по счету шаг с названием «Измененный тип» потом нажмите на кнопку в левом верхнем углу столбца как на скриншоте и выберите тип данных для столбца «Текст». Все должно наладиться. Изменено: PooHkrd — 25.10.2018 16:15:41 Вот горшок пустой, он предмет простой… |
Anton555 Пользователь Сообщений: 746 |
#7 25.10.2018 17:00:18 без этой строки
не наладится, т.к. таблица1 имеет диапазон до самого конца листа и будет выдавать ошибку — что-то типа excel не может загрузить все строки, т.к. они не помещаются в диапазон листа |
RLL Пользователь Сообщений: 19 |
Спасибо всем, я так и сделал. Администратор, возможно ли удалить файл, так как в нем содержатся личные сведения? |
vikttur Пользователь Сообщений: 47199 |
Удалил, но боты не дремлют, страница уже могла быть проиндексирована… И здесь-то удалено, а сами по ссылке файл оставили. |
RLL Пользователь Сообщений: 19 |
КБМ Пользователь Сообщений: 16 |
#11 07.05.2021 15:35:03
У меня подобная ошибка вышла даже при типе данных всех столбцов текст. Причина оказалась в ошибке в некоторых ячейках (error). Пришлось заменять ошибки на null, но это делать тоже надо аккуратно, — понимать что явилось причиной, что бы не потерять данные. Изменено: vikttur — 07.05.2021 15:46:11 |
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I have a simple query that appends 2 queries and has a column that contains 10 digit numbers. A preview of the query loads in the editor with no issues. When I try to load the query to the data model I get the error «Expression.Error: We cannot convert
the value 2468999999 to type text». I have tried changing the column to type text in the power query editor but still get the error.I was also getting the error in one of the queries that is appended when I tried to sort by another column, until I removed that step.
I do not understand why a conversion to text is happening, can anyone help please?
Edit to add: I appear to have found a solution. The source data is a folder of Excel files. In one of these files the problem column was formatted as Number, in the others it was formatted as text. I changed the format to text in that file and the error
no longer appears.However, I still do not understand why the error was appearing and why using the power query editor to explicitly change the data type to either integer or text did not work?
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Friday, August 30, 2019 9:51 AM
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It’s difficult to say exactly what’s going on without seeing your file, but I would definitely recommend you convert the column in the Transform File query, rather than downstream.
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Thursday, September 5, 2019 3:32 PM
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Power Query Error Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value .. to type Text
Hi All,
I’ve imported a number of excel sheets into a Power Query Table. All seems to appear ok until I load the data. Of the 15k rows around 2k have a similar error where it cannot convert an integer to type string as below exampleExpression.Error: We cannot convert the value 40 to type Text.
Type=TypeThe columns in question are all of integer type, I’ve looked through the M query and there is no conversion to string taking place
The values where we don’t get the error are also integers hence the intriguing question is why does the error occur on a subset and not the others. I suspect there is a limit to the number of errors also somewhere internally M query is converting the column
to text for some reason….Has someone experience the same issue? Thank you for your help John
Hi John,
I’ve had a confusion like that before. Solved it by explicitely applying a Data-type Transformation to integer (Home — Transform — Data Type).
So when you say that the columns in question are all of integer type — does that mean you’ve explicitely converted them to integer in PQ or are they «only» formatted as integer in your source system?
Otherwise please try to identify to which step/expression your error message belongs and post it here again. It might be that one of your expressions requires an input as text format & therefore would do an indirect transformation to text (sort
of :-)).
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Monday, July 20, 2015 9:20 AM
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015 5:14 PM
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I am trying to combine some queries into one by using the Table.Combine() function.
If I explicitly write the name of each query (e. g., Table.Combine({#»Name of query 1″, #»Name of query 2″})) and then apply the changes, everything works fine.
However, since I want to make it dynamic, instead of writing a list of names, I pass the function a list of tables generated in a previous step:
So after I get this table, the next step is: = Table.Combine(PreviousStep[Value]). Note that Value is the name of the column that contains the tables. Apparently, by doing so this column of a table containing tables is converted to a list containing tables. This works fine (I can preview the resultset) until I hit that Apply changes button. When I do it, this message pops up:
I had a look at these threads: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/We-cannot-convert-the-value-null-to-type-Table/td-p/391064, https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/We-cannot-convert-the-value-null-to-type-table/m-p/346056, but it didn’t work. I’ve tried other approaches as well.
Further information:
- Power BI Desktop version: 2.106.582.0 64-bit (June 2022)
- Data source: combining existing queries that come from a single Excel file.
- Steps followed to get that list of tables that I pass the Table.Combine() function:
Origen = #sections[Section1],
#"Convertido en tabla" = Record.ToTable(Origen),
#"Errores quitados" = Table.RemoveRowsWithErrors(#"Convertido en tabla", {"Value"}),
Personalizado1 = Table.SelectRows(#"Errores quitados", each Text.StartsWith([Name], "COMPRAS Y GASTOS")),
Personalizado2 = Table.Combine(Personalizado1[Value])
I access all the queries I have (with the #sections keyword), convert it to a table, remove possible errors, filter to get the queries I want (the ones starting by «COMPRAS Y GASTOS») and then try to combine the queries).
What I wanted to do was merge tables that came from an Excel file, each of them referring to a year (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022). But I also wanted the combined table to update when new sheets were added on Excel (2023, 2024…).
I’ve tried many different approaches, like generating a dynamic list (from 2019 until the current year)… but for some reason none of them worked, even though the code apparently is correct.
So my new approach has been to create a sufficient amount of Excel sheets for the coming years (that are now empty, but when the new year comes the information will be filled in there), to create the queries referring to those sheets (they return empty tables) and merging those existing (but empty) tables with the ones from 2019-2022. This way, when data from 2023 is filled in in the sheet, the query is updated and it works.
It’s a shame I couldn’t actually solve the original problem I had, but this approach works.
I’m working in an ERP reporting project and I have relatively complex PBI and PQ set with dozens of tables and processing steps.
Everything were fine until yesterday when I started to get error Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value null to type Number from several different phases of the processing steps. What makes no sense is that the phases where the error occurs is not how it normally is.
So, this is the end result from one of the tables I’m processing
In the middle of the process eveything works fine. Here is the column item list I suspect is the reason for the errors:
No problems there. This is the applied step #16
The next step #17 is about filtering some rows based on completely other column and which does not have anything to do with the salesorderItem column:
«= Table.SelectRows(#»Added invoicingPeriodWorkingDays», each [invoicingPeriodStarts] <= [invoicingPeriodEndDate])»
And now, when I look at the salesorderItem column after the step #17 I get :
There it is.
Anyone having seen similar behavior? Is this a memory related problem? Is there any way to get better insight what could cause this?