So I attempted the virtual camera tutorial animation on the adobe webpage for Animate CC.
When the animation was complete, I tried to export it as a .mov file.
However, I was greeted with the message: «Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall flash.»
So I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Flash Player for my default browser(Firefox), but nothing.
I was told to delete and recreate/modify the jvm.ini file in my Configuration folder in the install directory, so I did. I changed -Xmx256m to -Xmx1024m to -Xmx128m and back to -Xmx256m; I deleted it and restarted Animate CC, I moved it from C:UsersmyUsernameAppdataLocalAdobeAnimate CC 2017en_USConfigurationActionScript 3.0 to my install directoryCommonConfigurationActionScript (which did not already have it for some reason- is this normal?) and to the en_USConfigurationActionScript 3.0 folder in the install directory, then copied it around and put it in half of the folders in the install directory. Still nothing.
I tried running the application as an administrator. This had no effect.
Someone else advised me to install the 2010 and 2008 Microsoft C++ Redistributable Packages- this does not make sense to me as I already have the more recent 2012 packages, which I don’t want to remove in fear of disrupting other applications I frequent that require them.
This seems to be a problem caused by ActionScript ONLY, as there was no error message when I removed the Camera and tried exporting (hence I put it here and not in General.)
Does anyone have a solution? This problem has been tearing at my sanity for 2 days now, I haven’t been able to move on to other projects as I have a feeling all ActionScript documents will suffer the same fate, preventing me from using any camera, 3D or code at all. I would hate to have to move to other animation software because of this tiny error message. I can provide additional information too- any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Hi ,
I’m triying to to export my animation as a movie but I keep getting this error » error initializing java runtime environment. you may need to reinstall flash«
Test scene also give this error message . ( I’m on animate cc 2019 by the way)
This happen only when I use the camera tool with the plateform type «Action Script 3.0» .
After spending hours and hours on the net trying to find how to fix this issue here’s what I tried :
I already tried to reinstall animate cc
I already tried to change the value of the jvm . ini file
I already tried to delete jvm . ini
I also tried to repair all my Microsoft Visual C++ packages
I check my anti-virus nothing
I tried to reinstall old version of java , then the most recent one
I updated flash player
I tried all those things and nothing works
(sorry if there are grammatical mistakes English is not my native language)
Any expert here to help me ?
Finally I got near to roots of that mysterious Error
«Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash.»
So here is what I’m found out + Bugfix
JavaPatch for Adobe Flash CS5 / CS6... Ver #1 [ 21.01.2014 ]
This is the fix the bug in Flash tell you all the time that
Java could not be loaded. The effect of this error is that
Actionscript will not work.
Flash gives a little misleading error messages that tells you that
"There is no Actionscript in the current Project"
background information:
The problem is that the Java Virtual Machine.dll demands on startup
250MB huge contiguous memory blocks, but the 2GB-Virtual address
space of the Flash.exe process is already filled with various loaded dll's
BEFORE you continue ensure that you install/copied JRE 1.8.0 update 31 to
For testing check if ...AdobeCS5jrebinjava.exe starts
(and shows a help about available commands)
The Patch is for 32-bit version only!
(however the problem is probably not in the 64-Bit Version — since there a process has a much large more ‘space’)
Well SIMPLE FIX / Workaround:
Use 64-Bit version of Adobe Flash !
Java’s JVM.dll loaded in Ollydebug — The patched / change bytes are red. |
^-Note that String ASCII «NUMA page alloc…» — will be a great ‘link’ to easily find that location in other JVM-versions to applied the patch there. Open jvm.dll in Ollydebug open String Ref. Windows and search for the string…
Download instructions: |
-> My creative solution for that A-Dope-board missing ‘Attach file feature’
with Adobe Flash CS5 + JRE 1.8.0 update 31
More Techstuff:
Some of my notes that might be useful:
Note the memory is not real allocated in the way it can be use since to write or read from it is just allocated as
MEM_RESERVE like you see in the screenshot above. And freed just a little alter.
It seems that java just checks if it could possible the maximal the JVM is made for.
Note the problem is not that you have to less physical RAM installed.
It’s more related how memory is organise.
Well in 32 Bit each process has 4GB (or well practically Windows limits this to 2GB).
0x00000000 to 0x7FFF0000
This space is virtual and not actually claimed (else you would very quickly run out of RAM) but it a kind of potential or Adress system. Na sorry that’ll be to offtopic to explain all the basic’s about memory.
Adobe Flash CS5 calls
jvm.dll!JNI_CreateJavaVM( OUT **p_vm, OUT **p_env, IN *vm_args);
The ‘vm_args’
typedef struct JavaVMInitArgs {
jint version; 00010004
1. /* user classes */
-D java.class.path=
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS5CommonConfigurationActionScript 3.0;
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS5CommonConfigurationActionScript 3.0asc_authoring.jar;
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS5Common"...
2. /* set native library path */
-D java.library.path=
-D java.Home=C:ProgramDataAdobeCS5jre
4. classpath append
-X bootclasspath/a:
5. Headless mode is a system configuration in which the display device, keyboard, or mouse is lacking. Headless mode support has been available since the J2SE 1.4 platform.
-D java.awt.headless=true
jboolean ignoreUnrecognized; 1
} JavaVMInitArgs;
So for any further exploration about this Java problem setting a breakpoint to ‘JVM.dll!JNI_CreateJavaVM‘ will be a great startpoint
Finally I got near to roots of that mysterious Error
«Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash.»
So here is what I’m found out + Bugfix
JavaPatch for Adobe Flash CS5 / CS6... Ver #1 [ 21.01.2014 ]
This is the fix the bug in Flash tell you all the time that
Java could not be loaded. The effect of this error is that
Actionscript will not work.
Flash gives a little misleading error messages that tells you that
"There is no Actionscript in the current Project"
background information:
The problem is that the Java Virtual Machine.dll demands on startup
250MB huge contiguous memory blocks, but the 2GB-Virtual address
space of the Flash.exe process is already filled with various loaded dll's
BEFORE you continue ensure that you install/copied JRE 1.8.0 update 31 to
For testing check if ...AdobeCS5jrebinjava.exe starts
(and shows a help about available commands)
The Patch is for 32-bit version only!
(however the problem is probably not in the 64-Bit Version — since there a process has a much large more ‘space’)
Well SIMPLE FIX / Workaround:
Use 64-Bit version of Adobe Flash !
Java’s JVM.dll loaded in Ollydebug — The patched / change bytes are red. |
^-Note that String ASCII «NUMA page alloc…» — will be a great ‘link’ to easily find that location in other JVM-versions to applied the patch there. Open jvm.dll in Ollydebug open String Ref. Windows and search for the string…
Download instructions: |
-> My creative solution for that A-Dope-board missing ‘Attach file feature’
with Adobe Flash CS5 + JRE 1.8.0 update 31
More Techstuff:
Some of my notes that might be useful:
Note the memory is not real allocated in the way it can be use since to write or read from it is just allocated as
MEM_RESERVE like you see in the screenshot above. And freed just a little alter.
It seems that java just checks if it could possible the maximal the JVM is made for.
Note the problem is not that you have to less physical RAM installed.
It’s more related how memory is organise.
Well in 32 Bit each process has 4GB (or well practically Windows limits this to 2GB).
0x00000000 to 0x7FFF0000
This space is virtual and not actually claimed (else you would very quickly run out of RAM) but it a kind of potential or Adress system. Na sorry that’ll be to offtopic to explain all the basic’s about memory.
Adobe Flash CS5 calls
jvm.dll!JNI_CreateJavaVM( OUT **p_vm, OUT **p_env, IN *vm_args);
The ‘vm_args’
typedef struct JavaVMInitArgs {
jint version; 00010004
1. /* user classes */
-D java.class.path=
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS5CommonConfigurationActionScript 3.0;
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS5CommonConfigurationActionScript 3.0asc_authoring.jar;
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS5Common"...
2. /* set native library path */
-D java.library.path=
-D java.Home=C:ProgramDataAdobeCS5jre
4. classpath append
-X bootclasspath/a:
5. Headless mode is a system configuration in which the display device, keyboard, or mouse is lacking. Headless mode support has been available since the J2SE 1.4 platform.
-D java.awt.headless=true
jboolean ignoreUnrecognized; 1
} JavaVMInitArgs;
So for any further exploration about this Java problem setting a breakpoint to ‘JVM.dll!JNI_CreateJavaVM‘ will be a great startpoint
I get this error starting up Flash Professional CS5 (on 32-bit XP). I don’t even have to create/open a Flash file. I already reinstalled, but to no avail. Any suggestions?
214k54 gold badges452 silver badges464 bronze badges
asked Sep 10, 2010 at 16:18
I had this problem too, and thought: what if this EXE cannot reach the Java runtime environment because of a permission problem? And it is!
So, if you’re running Windows 7 or Vista, make sure to open Flash by running it as an Administrator. This solved the problem for me.
214k54 gold badges452 silver badges464 bronze badges
answered Mar 9, 2012 at 16:35
I also got this when I launched Flash CS5 and found that it was due to recent JAVA upgrade. Fortunately, I backed up my HD files using Time Machine and went back and found an earlier preference file. Here’s what I did.
On the Mac I replaced the JAVA Preference version 13.6.0 with an earlier version of 13.5.0 located at:
- local_HD/Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences
After replacing this file, the error message went away. I’m using a MacBookPro and OS 10.6.8.
22.4k28 gold badges80 silver badges88 bronze badges
answered Aug 16, 2011 at 1:03
In my case, it was Software Restriction Policy which I configured to block everything except application directories.
Adobe installs its JRE in ProgramData folder. So, I added a path rule for C:ProgramDataAdobeCS5jre
to my Additional Rules.
If you do not have Software Restriction Policy configured, then this solution does not apply to you.
41.1k62 gold badges237 silver badges324 bronze badges
answered Apr 12, 2011 at 9:14
i had the same issue with flash professional cs5 on a mac (10.5.8). for me, it was caused by updating java, and changing the system’s CurrentJDK symlink to 1.6. reverting the symlink to 1.5 made the issue go away. for those on a mac, here are the steps i followed in the terminal:
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
sudo ln -fhsv 1.5 CurrentJDK
(requires that you’ve unlocked root access for your mac)
for windows, you might also try this adobe knowledge-base article:
answered Apr 13, 2011 at 1:44
colin moockcolin moock
99810 silver badges15 bronze badges
Я получаю эту ошибку при запуске Flash Professional CS5 (в 32-разрядной версии XP). Мне даже не нужно создавать/открывать файл Flash. Я уже переустанавливал, но безрезультатно. Какие-либо предложения?
4 ответы
У меня тоже была эта проблема, и я подумал: что, если этот EXE-файл не может получить доступ к среде выполнения Java из-за проблемы с правами доступа? И это!
Итак, если вы используете Windows 7 или Vista, обязательно откройте Flash, запустив его от имени администратора. Это решило проблему для меня.
Создан 16 июн.
Я также получил это, когда запустил Flash CS5 и обнаружил, что это связано с недавним обновлением JAVA. К счастью, я сделал резервную копию своих HD-файлов с помощью Time Machine, вернулся и нашел более ранний файл настроек. Вот что я сделал.
На Mac я заменил JAVA Preference версии 13.6.0 на более раннюю версию 13.5.0, расположенную по адресу:
- local_HD/Приложения/Утилиты/Настройки Java
После замены этого файла сообщение об ошибке исчезло. Я использую MacBookPro и ОС 10.6.8.
Создан 14 ноя.
В моем случае это было Политика ограничения программного обеспечения который я настроил, чтобы заблокировать все, кроме каталогов приложений.
Adobe устанавливает свою JRE в папку ProgramData. Итак, я добавил правило пути для C:ProgramDataAdobeCS5jre
на мой Дополнительные правила.
Если у вас не настроена политика ограниченного использования программ, это решение к вам не относится.
Создан 24 ноя.
у меня была такая же проблема с flash professional cs5 на mac (10.5.8). для меня это было вызвано обновлением java и изменением символической ссылки CurrentJDK системы на 1.6. возврат символической ссылки на 1.5 устранил проблему. для тех, кто на Mac, вот шаги, которые я выполнил в терминале:
1) компакт-диск /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
2) sudo ln -fhsv 1.5 CurrentJDK
(требуется, чтобы вы разблокировали root-доступ для вашего Mac)
для Windows вы также можете попробовать эту статью базы знаний Adobe:
ответ дан 13 апр.
Не тот ответ, который вы ищете? Просмотрите другие вопросы с метками
or задайте свой вопрос.
Я получаю эту ошибку при запуске Flash Professional CS5 (в 32-разрядной версии XP). Мне даже не нужно создавать / открывать файл Flash. Я уже переустанавливал, но безрезультатно. Какие-либо предложения?
2010-09-10 16:18
У меня тоже была эта проблема, и я подумал: а что, если этот EXE не может достичь среды выполнения Java из-за проблем с разрешениями? И это!
Итак, если вы используете Windows 7 или Vista, обязательно откройте Flash, запустив его от имени администратора. Это решило проблему для меня.
2012-03-09 16:35
Я также получил это, когда я запустил Flash CS5 и обнаружил, что это произошло из-за недавнего обновления JAVA. К счастью, я сделал резервную копию своих файлов HD с помощью Time Machine и вернулся к предыдущему файлу настроек. Вот что я сделал.
На Mac я заменил версию 13.6.0 JAVA Preference на более раннюю версию 13.5.0, расположенную по адресу:
- local_HD / Приложения / Утилиты / Настройки Java
После замены этого файла сообщение об ошибке исчезло. Я использую MacBookPro и ОС 10.6.8.
2011-08-16 01:03
В моем случае это была Политика ограниченного использования программ, которую я настроил для блокировки всего, кроме каталогов приложений.
Adobe устанавливает JRE в папку ProgramData. Итак, я добавил правило пути для C:ProgramDataAdobeCS5jre
к моим дополнительным правилам.
Если у вас не настроена Политика ограниченного использования программ, то это решение к вам не относится.
2011-04-12 09:14
У меня была такая же проблема с Flash Professional CS5 на Mac (10.5.8). для меня это было вызвано обновлением java и заменой системной символической ссылки CurrentJDK на 1.6. возвращение символической ссылки на 1.5 заставило проблему исчезнуть. для тех на Mac, вот шаги, которые я следовал в терминале:
1) cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
2) sudo ln -fhsv 1.5 CurrentJDK
(требует, чтобы вы разблокировали root-доступ для своего Mac)
для Windows, вы также можете попробовать эту статью базы знаний Adobe:
2011-04-13 01:44
Другие вопросы по тегам
I’ve been having some trouble tonight with flash, I’m trying to make some avatars for an online game called «Whirled»
My only issue is, whenever I go to publish it I get a popup that says «Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash.» I used to make this avatars YEARS ago and have never run into an issue like this before, so I’m stuck! I looked up some solutions earlier and was trying to figure it out for an hour, but alas, nothing has worked. I figured I should turn to the forums for help instead — perhaps someone here has had a similar issue?
Screenshot of the issue; Screenshot 246