Ошибка принтера а1 4111

Ошибка лазерного принтера Samsung C1860 и метод её устранения

(Error A1-4111)

  • Эта проблема связана c размягчением поролоновых демпферов на соленоидах, демпфер прилипает к якорю, соответственно не проходят тайменги по операциям, и принтер становится недовольным.
  • В идеальном случае необходимо соленоиды (причем все что есть в принтере) заменить на новые, но есть бюджетный и проверенный вариант восстановления соленоидов. Удолять демпферы нельзя, якорь будет прилипать и намагничиваться и снова не пройдут нужные тайменги, но можно просто поверх плоскости демпфера наклеить обыкновенный кусочек скотча, эту операцию необходимо произвести на всех демпферах и на всех соленоидах в принтере. 
  • Удачи в ремонте!!!

Introduction: Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair

UPDATE: October 2022, the pad slipped again, it was working fine for 3 years. I put a spot of Gorilla urethane glue under the pad (since it is much less sticky now) and it is good to go again. Cheers!

Uh Oh!

Your Samsung Laser Printer is beeping and spitting out Error #A1-4111 on the display screen.

I had to do quite a bit of searching to find the simple fix here: http://jimlund.org/blog/?p=747 for a different printer model. The fix worked but I thought an Instructable with pictures would be helpful.


Phillips screwdriver

Step 1: Remove the Right Side Panel

1. Before starting, turn off the power with the power switch next to the power cord then disconnect the power cord.

2. Remove any data cables since you will be spinning it all around.

3. On my printer (other models may vary) there are 5 screws that need to be removed first:

Facing the front, open the large lower front cover and remove the three screws on the front right

Turn to the back and open the back cover. Remove the two screws on the left. Notice any screws that are different and remember their position.

4. Slide the right side cover towards the back. It should come away easily. Set it aside.

Step 2: Solenoid Fix

This problem is with the small blue solenoid in the upper left corner. A pad slips or falls off and the printer gets unhappy.

Remove the retaining screw and pull it out a bit to work on.

If yours is missing, look around for it. If it or the stickiness is gone, a few layers of masking tape cut in a small square can fix it.

In my case the small foam pad had just slipped. So I could just lift it with an X-acto knife carefully and reposition it then make sure it was stuck well right under the tab.

Step 3: Test and Reassemble

Reinstall the solenoid.

If you promise not to touch any open electronics, plug in the power cord and see if the error now goes away. Watch the motors and solenoid to see that they spin and click on power up sequencing.

Take out the powercord so you can put the side panel back on. A stack of post-its underneath to tilt it up makes it easier to engage all of the tabs on the side panel.

Reverse the steps of disassembly. Be sure to put the different screw in the correct hole. The tiny screw goes in the lower position in the back on my model printer.

Plug in and enjoy.

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Introduction: Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair

UPDATE: October 2022, the pad slipped again, it was working fine for 3 years. I put a spot of Gorilla urethane glue under the pad (since it is much less sticky now) and it is good to go again. Cheers!

Uh Oh!

Your Samsung Laser Printer is beeping and spitting out Error #A1-4111 on the display screen.

I had to do quite a bit of searching to find the simple fix here: http://jimlund.org/blog/?p=747 for a different printer model. The fix worked but I thought an Instructable with pictures would be helpful.


Phillips screwdriver

Step 1: Remove the Right Side Panel

1. Before starting, turn off the power with the power switch next to the power cord then disconnect the power cord.

2. Remove any data cables since you will be spinning it all around.

3. On my printer (other models may vary) there are 5 screws that need to be removed first:

Facing the front, open the large lower front cover and remove the three screws on the front right

Turn to the back and open the back cover. Remove the two screws on the left. Notice any screws that are different and remember their position.

4. Slide the right side cover towards the back. It should come away easily. Set it aside.

Step 2: Solenoid Fix

This problem is with the small blue solenoid in the upper left corner. A pad slips or falls off and the printer gets unhappy.

Remove the retaining screw and pull it out a bit to work on.

If yours is missing, look around for it. If it or the stickiness is gone, a few layers of masking tape cut in a small square can fix it.

In my case the small foam pad had just slipped. So I could just lift it with an X-acto knife carefully and reposition it then make sure it was stuck well right under the tab.

Step 3: Test and Reassemble

Reinstall the solenoid.

If you promise not to touch any open electronics, plug in the power cord and see if the error now goes away. Watch the motors and solenoid to see that they spin and click on power up sequencing.

Take out the powercord so you can put the side panel back on. A stack of post-its underneath to tilt it up makes it easier to engage all of the tabs on the side panel.

Reverse the steps of disassembly. Be sure to put the different screw in the correct hole. The tiny screw goes in the lower position in the back on my model printer.

Plug in and enjoy.

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Видео Samsung CLP 415N ошибка A1-4111 / Samsung CLP-415N error A1-4111 (автор: Michael Kosharsky IL)07:53

Samsung CLP 415N ошибка A1-4111 / Samsung CLP-415N error A1-4111

Видео Samsung CLP-415N A4 Colour Laser Printer (автор: Printerland)01:41

Samsung CLP-415N A4 Colour Laser Printer

Видео Samsung CLP-415NW,CLX- 4195FW vs Brother 3075cw,9325cw *Overview* (автор: SamsungPrint UK)09:12

Samsung CLP-415NW,CLX- 4195FW vs Brother 3075cw,9325cw *Overview*

Видео SAMSUNG Color Laser Printer Toner Refill - CLP-415NW C1810W (автор: dial2fast)07:15

SAMSUNG Color Laser Printer Toner Refill — CLP-415NW C1810W

Видео Reset Samsung CLP 680 415 - fix firmware cip resoftare no more chips necessary (автор: eReset)11:20

Reset Samsung CLP 680 415 — fix firmware cip resoftare no more chips necessary

Видео Samsung Laser Printer Toner Refill CLT-K504S for CLP-415NW C1810W (автор: dial2fast)07:38

Samsung Laser Printer Toner Refill CLT-K504S for CLP-415NW C1810W

Видео Papierstau beim Samsung CLP 680 DW / CLX 6260 beheben (автор: Rudolf Wiegand und Partner GmbH)01:52

Papierstau beim Samsung CLP 680 DW / CLX 6260 beheben

Видео How to flash firmware on printer SAMSUNG CLP-415NW (автор: Rosen Tenev)04:14

How to flash firmware on printer SAMSUNG CLP-415NW



Полезные сведения о меню настройки


Некоторые меню могут не отображаться на дисплее в зависимости
от параметров или моделей. Это значит, что данные функции
недоступны для этого устройства (см. «Обзор меню» на стр. 30).

Чтобы изменить параметры меню:

Нажмите кнопку


Меню) > Сеть на панели управления.

Эту функцию можно настроить в приложении SyncThru™ Web

Откройте браузер на компьютере, подключенном к сети, и

введите IP-адрес устройства. Когда откроется окно SyncThru™
Web Service,

щелкните Настройки > Параметры сети (см.


Настройка сообщения SyncThru™ Web Service» на стр. 245).




Позволяет выбрать нужный протокол и установить
параметры сетевой среды (см. «Установка IP-
адреса» на стр. 148).

В этом меню пользователь может задать
множество параметров. Если вы
недостаточно знакомы с процессом
настройки, оставьте все значения, как есть,
или обратитесь к системному


Позволяет настроить протокол IPv6 для сетевого
подключения (см. «Конфигурация IPv6» на стр.

Скор. Ethernet

Настройка скорости передачи данных по сети.

После изменения этого параметра
выключите и включите питание.


Выбор аутентификации пользователя для
передачи данных по сети. Для получения
дополнительной информации обращайтесь к
администратору сети.





Полезные сведения о меню настройки


Этот параметр позволяет настроить для
использования беспроводную сеть (см.

Настройка беспроводной сети» на стр. 163).

Сброс настроек

Восстановление сетевых настроек по умолчанию.

Включите и выключите питание.

Конфигур. сети

В данном списке отображаются сведения о
сетевом подключении и конфигурации устройства

см. «Печать отчета о конфигурации сети» на стр.


Включение сети

Включение или выключение сетевого интерфейса

После изменения этого параметра
выключите и включите питание.

Включение HTTP

Включение или отключение сервиса SyncThru™
Web Service.

После изменения этого параметра
выключите и включите питание.




Вы можете настроить сервер WINS.
WINS(Windows Internet Name Service)
используется в ОС Windows.

После изменения этого параметра
выключите и включите питание.


Вы можете настроить SNMP (Simple Network
Management Protocol).

Администратор может

использовать SNMP для наблюдения за сетью и
управления ею.


Вы можете настроить SNTP (Simple Network Time
Protocol) settings. SNTP


системное время компьютера через Интернет

чтобы при обмене данными не было

разницы во времени.


Вы можете настроить протокол UPnP (SSDP).

После изменения этого параметра
выключите и включите питание.


Вы можете настроить параметры mDNS (Multicast
Domain Name System).







Полезные сведения о меню настройки


Вы можете настроить параметры SetIP.


Вы можете настроить параметры SLP (Service
Location Protocol).

Этот протокол позволяет хост-

приложениям находить службы в локальной сети
без предварительных настроек.

После изменения этого параметра
выключите и включите питание.






Полезные сведения о меню настройки

Управление USB

Некоторые меню могут не отображаться на дисплее в зависимости
от параметров или моделей. Это значит, что данные функции
недоступны для этого устройства (см. «Обзор меню» на стр. 30).

Если вы хотите воспользоваться этой функцией, вам необходимо
подключить устройство памяти USB в разъем USB принтера.

Чтобы изменить параметры меню:

Нажмите кнопку


Меню) > Управление USB на панели

управления (см. «Использование флэш-накопителя USB» на стр.





Хранящиеся на флэш-накопителе USB файлы
можно выводить непосредственно на печать.

Управ. файлами

Файлы изображений, хранящиеся на накопителе

можно удалять по одному либо удалить все

сразу путем форматирования устройства.

Провер. место

Можно узнать объем свободной памяти, доступной
для сохранения документов.

Управление usb



Полезные сведения о меню настройки

Управ. задан.

Некоторые меню могут не отображаться на дисплее в зависимости
от параметров или моделей. Это значит, что данные функции
недоступны для этого устройства (см. «Обзор меню» на стр. 30).

Чтобы изменить параметры меню:

Нажмите кнопку


Меню) > Управ. задан. на панели управления.



Текущее задан.

В этом меню отображаются задания печати,
ожидающие своей очереди.

Защищ. задание

В этом меню отображаются задания печати,
сохраненные на диске.


В этом меню отображаются задания печати,
сохраненные на диске.


Если память уже содержит файл с таким же
именем, как и имя нового файла, этот файл можно
будет переименовать или перезаписать.

Управ. задан




В это главе описываются специальные функции печати.

Поправка на высоту


Ввод различных символов


Функции принтера


Использование дополнительных устройств.238

Сведения, приведенные в этой главе, в основном относятся к операционной
системе Windows 7.

В некоторых моделях для перехода к меню нижнего уровня может потребоваться
нажать кнопку



Специальные функции



Специальные функции

Поправка на высоту

На качество печати влияет атмосферное давление, которое
определяется высотой расположения устройства над уровнем моря.
Следующие инструкции помогут добиться наилучшего качества

Перед тем, как задать значение высоты, необходимо определить
высоту расположения устройства над уровнем моря.


Высоко 3


Высоко 2


Высоко 1



Высоту можно настроить в меню Параметры устройств программы
Samsung Easy Printer Manager program.

Для пользователей ОС Windows и Mac: настройка в меню

Samsung Easy Printer Manager >


переход в расширенный

режим) > Параметры устройств, см. «Параметры устройств» на
стр. 251.

Если ваше устройство подключено к локальной сети, можно
настроить высоту над уровнем моря с помощью службы

SyncThru™ Web Service (



Настройка сообщения SyncThru™

Web Service»

на стр. 245).

Высоту можно также настроить с помощью дисплея в меню

Настр. сист. (см.


Основные параметры устройства» на стр.



4,000 m

(13,123 ft)

3,000 m

(9,842 ft)

2,000 m

(6,561 ft)

1,000 m

(3,280 ft)





Поправка на высоту

Ввод различных символов, Ввод буквенно-цифровых символов, Буквы и цифры клавиатуры

Страница 218

  • Изображение
  • Текст



Специальные функции

Ввод различных символов

Только модели CLP-68xND Series/CLP-68xDW Series.

При выполнении различных задач может потребоваться ввод имен и


Ввод буквенно-цифровых символов

Нажимайте ее, пока нужный символ не появится на дисплее.
Например, чтобы ввести букву O, нажимайте кнопку «6» с буквами

Каждый раз при нажатии кнопки «6» на дисплее по очереди

появляются символы «M», «N», «O» (в верхнем и нижнем регистре) и,
наконец, «6». Для поиска нужной буквы см. «Буквы и цифры
клавиатуры» на стр. 218.

Для ввода пробела дважды нажмите клавишу 1.

Чтобы удалить последнюю цифру или символ, нажмите на


Буквы и цифры клавиатуры

В зависимости от модели и комплектации набор специальных
символов устройства может отличаться от иллюстраций в
данном руководстве пользователя.

В зависимости от выполняемого задания некоторые значения
могут быть недоступны.



Назначенные цифры, буквы и символы


@ / . ’ 1


A B C a b c 2


D E F d e f 3


G H I g h i 4


J K L j k l 5


M N O m n o 6


P Q R S p q r s 7


T U V t u v 8


W X Y Z w x y z 9


& + — , 0

Ввод различных символов, Ввод буквенно-цифровых символов, Буквы и цифры клавиатуры

Ввод различных символов



Специальные функции


* % _ ~ ! # $ ( ) [ ]


Эти символы доступны для ввода при сетевой авторизации)


# = | ? » : { } < > ;


Эти символы доступны для ввода при сетевой авторизации)



Назначенные цифры, буквы и символы

Ввод различных символов

Функции принтера, Изменение стандартных параметров печати, Выбор устройства по умолчанию

Страница 220

  • Изображение
  • Текст



Специальные функции

Функции принтера

Основные функции печати описаны в

Краткое руководство (см.


Основные операции печати» на стр. 49).

Функции и комплектация устройств могут различаться в
зависимости от модели (см. «Функции различных моделей» на
стр. 8).


Изменение стандартных параметров печати


В ОС Windows войдите в меню Пуск.


Выберите Панель управления > Устройства и принтеры.


Щелкните значок устройства правой кнопкой мыши.


Выберите Настройка печати.

Если элемент Настройка печати помечен значком ▶, то для этого
принтера можно выбрать другие драйверы.


Задайте нужные параметры на каждой вкладке.


Щелкните ОК.

Изменить настройки для всех заданий печати можно в окне
Настройка печати.


Выбор устройства по умолчанию


В ОС Windows войдите в меню Пуск.


Выберите Панель управления > Устройства и принтеры.


Выберите устройство.


Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по устройству и выберите
пункт Назначить принтером, используемым по умолчанию.

Если элемент Настройка печати помечен значком ▶, то для этого
принтера можно выбрать другие драйверы.

Функции принтера, Изменение стандартных параметров печати, Выбор устройства по умолчанию


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Samsung laser multifunction fixed. Error A1-4111

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Dec 28, 2017

Not open for further replies.
  • #1

I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem

I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure.

Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the back and two at the front and slide it backwards — the manual just says «Remove right cover»!!!). Found this,

Side View.jpg

I identified the broken bit from an internet post that indicated it was the blue relay type thing in the top left corner. I found that if I «helped» this relay during the switch on sequence the error went away.
I then noticed the foam pads on the relay, one on the coil and one on the actuator arm.

Actuator before.jpg

Notice that the one on the top of the actuator is not under the stop. These appear to be small self adhesive pads that can slide around and mine had sliden away from the stop.
A little shoving with a screw driver moved it back where it belonged under the stop.

Actuator after.jpg

And Voila, all fixed.

Hoping this will help someone else in the future.



  • #2

I had a similar problem where the pad had gone sticky. Not a foam pad like yours, a much thinner one. Replaced it with a bit of tape. Worked fine ever since. That solenoid should have a sibling somewhere, probably yellow. I think they control the timing of when the paper goes through, pretty important job, so first place to look if print is high or low on the page.

  • #3

Thanks for your help Pommie, could you please put an arrow on the picture? Because I have the same problem, but I don’t understand what you moved in your fix

  • #4

It’s the little foam pad that should sit under the metal stop but moves along.

Actuator after2.jpg

I’ve circled it above. If you compare that to the above «before» photo you will see the difference.


  • #5

Now it is perfect
Thanks so much!

  • #6

I have a Samsung CLX-4195 with the same issue, and its been driving me nuts. Thank You so much for posting this and for the detailed pictures!

  • #7

Joined this forum just so my husband and I could say «Thank you.»
Fixed our Samsung C1860F in less than 10 minutes thanks to your solution.

  • #8

Just glad that it has helped a few people. It’s obviously a design flaw that they’ll hopefully fix.



  • #9

I think it is something common to many makes of laser printer — they all seem to have these solenoids, presumably they suffer the same kinds of issue.

  • #10

I’ve posted this here so a google search might help future owners with this problem

I have a Samsung C1860FW multifunction colour laser and yesterday it errored with error A1-4111 — Actuator Motor Failure.

Check manual and removed the right hand cover ( to remove unscrew 4 screw, two at the back and two at the front and slide it backwards — the manual just says «Remove right cover»!!!). Found this,
View attachment 109840

I identified the broken bit from an internet post that indicated it was the blue relay type thing in the top left corner. I found that if I «helped» this relay during the switch on sequence the error went away.
I then noticed the foam pads on the relay, one on the coil and one on the actuator arm.
View attachment 109841
Notice that the one on the top of the actuator is not under the stop. These appear to be small self adhesive pads that can slide around and mine had sliden away from the stop.
A little shoving with a screw driver moved it back where it belonged under the stop.
View attachment 109842

And Voila, all fixed.

Hoping this will help someone else in the future.


I was about to toss it. Awesome fix thank a bunch!


  • #11

hmmm… i hate to say it, but it looks as if the foam pad was either a «fix» for a problem discovered after production began, or to save assembly time (applying the foam pad takes less time than adjusting the stop). they could have used a solid rubber pad there, but used foam which will wear out (foam pads tend to crumble after several years). the foam pad on the face of the solenoid coil suggests the foam was originally a noise reduction measure

  • #12

Whatever the reason, I’mjust happy I’ve been able to help a few people tonfix the problem.


  • #13

Which four screws did you unscrew??

  • #14

There are two screws behind the front cover and two behind the back cover.


  • #15

So, I’d finally figured it out right before you answered, so I felt stoopit.
However, I followed your instructions to fix…took a while…but, I am now copying away!
If I knew your address, I’d come over and give you the best kiss you’ve ever experienced!
I don’t, so I won’t.
Big, big, big thanks instead!

  • #16

Glad the post was helpful.


  • #17


I totally owe you a beer. I applied your fix to my printer (C1810W) and it worked! Thanks!

  • #18

OH MY GOODNESS Mike, thank you so much for this helpful post. Thought I might have to buy a new laser printer, but woohoo, saved. An IT lady in training..ha. Thanks again.

  • #20

As more people post how this helped, I’m more glad I made the effort to post this here.


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  1. 07-01-2020


    Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    Hi Guys, hope your all doing as good as possible with the Covid-19 fiasco.

    one site said that it was a sticking solenoid in the upper left corner inside the right side cover
    well, i removed and fixed that one. same thing.
    then i found the fuser pressure release drive solenoid was also sticking, and wasn’t turning that shaft.
    i removed that solenoid and clutch. cleaned the clutch and shimmed the solenoid.

    that seems to be working, but the error is still there.

    another source, manualslib service manual said it was an issue with the transfer roller engagement not working, and to check contacts from main drive unit to main board. otherwise suspect both of those.

    the 2nd TR roller on the back door doesn’t appear to index, so it must be in the ITB belt unit.
    that i couldn’t get out, without forcing it.

    i did remove the waste toner container, and i do see the metal bar on the rear frame that needs to be removed to get it out, but i cant even get it to budge. i had the drum drawer pulled, as well as the paper cassette.

    does anyone have any advice or input on this issue??

    thank you very much, and i hope you all have a safe 4th of July.

  2. 07-02-2020


    Re: Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    ok, i found so far the ITB removal process, darn thing.

    still looking to see what the solenoid does that i repaired since it didn’t fix it, and i told customer it had been obviously fixed before, and he told me, he did it.

    that’s always the first red flag…


  3. 07-02-2020


    Re: Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    Hi Guys,

    i studied the parts book. i only see one solenoid on the main drive unit.
    but there is another shown in the right frame.

    does anyone know if this unit uses a solenoid to cycle/ index the ITB transfer belt transfer rollers?

  4. 07-02-2020


    Re: Samsung Xpress C1810W error #A1-4111

    so, the darn thing.
    i got the ITB out. couldn’t find any other solenoids anywhere without removing the main drive unit.

    but i did find that the ITB has a shaft that rotates to raise or lower the transfer rollers. and for the life of me, i cant find anything that drives that gear on the shaft. and i can’t see anything inside the belt that would power it. nor, could i find any sensor that would look for the wheel notch on the opposite side as the drive gear.
    i tried it in the other position thinking that it ships new in the retracted position, and rotates from the belt movement?? but it didn’t for me doing it manually.

    screwy. and of course i re seated all the P/Js to the main board, oh, except the ribbon cables.

    and at $160 for the drive unit, it don’t seem to make sence. the solenoid on the drive unit is spared separately, but i got it working by removing the offending rubber pad.

    have a nice evening.

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Сообщение pc-porta » Сб окт 12, 2019 12:07 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Samsung CLX-4195fw ошибка a1-4111 или a1-4112

1) снимаете крышку правую боковую если стоять лицом к принтеру.
2) с лева вверху есть электро-магнит он притягивает железную площадку. На электро-магните и на железной площадке есть приклеенная резинка.
3) а дальше – классика. Удаляем резинки и на якорь электро-магнита 2 слоя термо-усадочной трубки. И делаем потуже пружинку или ставим новую/бушную потуже. :-ok-:


то-же самое у ми сдеся :


Introduction: Samsung C1860 Laser Printer Error A1-4111 Repair

UPDATE: October 2022, the pad slipped again, it was working fine for 3 years. I put a spot of Gorilla urethane glue under the pad (since it is much less sticky now) and it is good to go again. Cheers!

Uh Oh!

Your Samsung Laser Printer is beeping and spitting out Error #A1-4111 on the display screen.

I had to do quite a bit of searching to find the simple fix here: http://jimlund.org/blog/?p=747 for a different printer model. The fix worked but I thought an Instructable with pictures would be helpful.


Phillips screwdriver

Step 1: Remove the Right Side Panel

1. Before starting, turn off the power with the power switch next to the power cord then disconnect the power cord.

2. Remove any data cables since you will be spinning it all around.

3. On my printer (other models may vary) there are 5 screws that need to be removed first:

Facing the front, open the large lower front cover and remove the three screws on the front right

Turn to the back and open the back cover. Remove the two screws on the left. Notice any screws that are different and remember their position.

4. Slide the right side cover towards the back. It should come away easily. Set it aside.

Step 2: Solenoid Fix

This problem is with the small blue solenoid in the upper left corner. A pad slips or falls off and the printer gets unhappy.

Remove the retaining screw and pull it out a bit to work on.

If yours is missing, look around for it. If it or the stickiness is gone, a few layers of masking tape cut in a small square can fix it.

In my case the small foam pad had just slipped. So I could just lift it with an X-acto knife carefully and reposition it then make sure it was stuck well right under the tab.

Step 3: Test and Reassemble

Reinstall the solenoid.

If you promise not to touch any open electronics, plug in the power cord and see if the error now goes away. Watch the motors and solenoid to see that they spin and click on power up sequencing.

Take out the powercord so you can put the side panel back on. A stack of post-its underneath to tilt it up makes it easier to engage all of the tabs on the side panel.

Reverse the steps of disassembly. Be sure to put the different screw in the correct hole. The tiny screw goes in the lower position in the back on my model printer.

Plug in and enjoy.

4. Alignment and Troubleshooting

► Error Code



► Error message

Error #A1-4112 Call for service

► Symptom

The transfer roller can’t move the engage/disengage position.

► Troubleshooting method

1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.

2) Remove the right cover.

3) Check if the connection between main board and Feed drive unit are correct.

4) If the connection is OK, replace the step motor of the Feed drive unit.

5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.

► Error Code


► Error message

Error #A1-4310 Call for service

► Symptom

The motor for ITB unit does not operate normally.

► Troubleshooting method

1) Turn the machine off then on. If the error persists, turn the machine off again.

2) Remove the right cover.

3) Check if the connection between main board and the main drive unit are correct.

4) If the connection is OK, replace the main drive unit.

5) If the problem persists, replace the main board.


Copyright© 1995-2013 SAMSUNG. All rights reserved.

Your Samsung Laser Printer has an Error #A1-4111 on the display screen.

1. Before starting, turn off the power with the power switch next to the power cord then disconnect all cords from the unit.

2. On my printer (other models may vary) there are 5 screws that need to be removed first:

Facing the front, open the large lower front cover and remove the three screws on the front right

Turn to the back and open the back cover. Remove the two screws on the left. Notice any screws that are different and remember their position.

4. Slide the right side cover towards the back. It should come away easily. Set it aside.

This problem is with the small blue solenoid in the upper left corner. A pad slips or falls off and the printer doesn’t like it.

Remove the retaining screw and pull it out a bit to work on.

If yours is missing, look around for it. If it or the stickiness is gone, a few layers of masking tape cut in a small square can fix it.

In my case the small foam pad had just slipped. So I just carefully pushed it back down right under the tab with a flat head screwdriver.

Reinstall the solenoid.

Reverse the steps of disassembly.

I found these helpful directions from http://jimlund.org/blog/?p=747 and https://www.instructables.com/id/Samsung-C1860-Laser-Printer-Error-A1-4111-Repair/

Step 1 – Solve Printer Error A1-4111

Is Printer Error A1-4111 appearing? Would you like to safely and quickly eliminate actuator motor failure which additionally can lead to a blue screen of death?

When you manually edit your Windows Registry trying to take away the invalid samsung printer error a1-4112 keys you’re taking a authentic chance. Unless you’ve got been adequately trained and experienced you’re in danger of disabling your computer system from working at all. You could bring about irreversible injury to your whole operating system. As very little as just 1 misplaced comma can preserve your Pc from even booting every one of the way by!

Troubleshooting actuator motor failure a1 4111 Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 & 10

Simply because this chance is so higher, we hugely suggest that you make use of a trusted registry cleaner plan like CCleaner (Microsoft Gold Partner Licensed). This system will scan and then fix any Printer Error A1-4111 complications.

Registry cleaners automate the entire procedure of finding invalid registry entries and missing file references (including the Error error) likewise as any broken hyperlinks inside of your registry.

Issue with actuator motor failure samsung

Backups are made immediately prior to each and every scan providing you with the choice of undoing any changes with just one click. This protects you against doable damaging your pc. Another advantage to these registry cleaners is that repaired registry errors will strengthen the speed and performance of one’s procedure drastically.

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  • http://errorh.com/error-a1-4111/
  • http://comphelp.org/guide/samsung-error-a1-4111/
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjO7pMqnz7Q

Cautionary Note: Yet again, for those who are not an state-of-the-art consumer it’s very encouraged that you simply refrain from editing your Windows Registry manually. If you make even the smallest error within the Registry Editor it can result in you some serious issues that may even call for a brand new set up of Windows. Not all difficulties attributable to incorrect Registry Editor use are solvable.

Fixed: clx-6260

Symptoms of Printer Error A1-4111
“Printer Error A1-4111” appears and crashes the energetic method window.
Your Personal computer routinely crashes with Printer Error A1-4111 when running the exact same system.
“Printer Error A1-4111” is shown.
Windows operates sluggishly and responds little by little to mouse or keyboard input.
Your computer periodically “freezes” for the number of seconds in a time.

Will cause of Printer Error A1-4111

Corrupt obtain or incomplete set up of Windows Operating System software program.

Corruption in Windows registry from a new Windows Operating System-related application adjust (install or uninstall).

Virus or malware infection which has corrupted Windows method documents or Windows Operating System-related application data files.

Another method maliciously or mistakenly deleted Windows Operating System-related files.

Mistakes this sort of as “Printer Error A1-4111” can be brought about by several different elements, so it really is important that you troubleshoot every of the achievable brings about to forestall it from recurring.

Simply click the beginning button.
Variety “command” inside the lookup box… Will not hit ENTER nonetheless!
Although keeping CTRL-Shift in your keyboard, hit ENTER.
You’re going to be prompted that has a authorization dialog box.
Click on Of course.
A black box will open having a blinking cursor.
Variety “regedit” and hit ENTER.
Within the Registry Editor, choose the samsung printer error a1-4112 connected key (eg. Windows Operating System) you wish to back again up.
Within the File menu, choose Export.
Inside the Preserve In list, pick out the folder in which you wish to save the Windows Operating System backup key.
Inside the File Title box, sort a reputation for the backup file, these types of as “Windows Operating System Backup”.
From the Export Vary box, ensure that “Selected branch” is selected.
Click on Help you save.
The file is then saved by using a .reg file extension.
You now use a backup within your actuator motor failure a1 4111 related registry entry.

Solution to your samsung support problem

There are actually some manual registry editing measures that can not be talked about in this article due to the high chance involved for your laptop or computer method. If you want to understand more then check out the links below.

Additional Measures:

One. Conduct a Thorough Malware Scan

There’s a probability the Error Printer A1-4111 error is relevant to some variety of walware infection. These infections are malicious and ready to corrupt or damage and possibly even delete your ActiveX Control Error files. Also, it’s attainable that your Printer Error A1-4111 is actually connected to some element of that malicious plan itself.

2. Clean Disk Cleanup

The a lot more you employ your computer the extra it accumulates junk files. This comes from surfing, downloading packages, and any sort of usual computer system use. When you don’t clean the junk out occasionally and keep your program clean, it could turn into clogged and respond slowly. That is when you can encounter an Error error because of possible conflicts or from overloading your hard drive.

Once you clean up these types of files using Disk Cleanup it could not just remedy Printer Error A1-4111, but could also create a dramatic change in the computer’s efficiency.

Tip: While ‘Disk Cleanup’ is definitely an excellent built-in tool, it even now will not completely clean up Printer Error discovered on your PC. There are numerous programs like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Office and more, that cannot be cleaned with ‘Disk Cleanup’.

Since the Disk Cleanup on Windows has its shortcomings it is extremely encouraged that you use a specialized sort of challenging drive cleanup and privacy safety application like CCleaner. This system can clean up your full pc. If you run this plan after each day (it could be set up to run instantly) you are able to be assured that your Pc is generally clean, often operating speedy, and always absolutely free of any A1-4111 error associated with your temporary files.

How Disk Cleanup can help

1. Click your ‘Start’ Button.
2. Style ‘Command’ into your search box. (no ‘enter’ yet)
3. When holding down in your ‘CTRL-SHIFT’ important go ahead and hit ‘Enter’.
4. You will see a ‘permission dialogue’ box.
5. Click ‘Yes’
6. You will see a black box open up plus a blinking cursor.
7. Variety in ‘cleanmgr’. Hit ‘Enter’.
8. Now Disk Cleanup will start calculating the amount of occupied disk space you will be able to reclaim.
9. Now a ‘Disk Cleanup dialogue box’ seems. There will be a series of checkboxes for you personally to pick. Generally it will likely be the ‘Temporary Files’ that consider up the vast majority of your disk area.
10. Verify the boxes that you want cleaned. Click ‘OK’.

How to repair

3. System Restore can also be a worthwhile device if you ever get stuck and just desire to get back to a time when your computer system was working ideal. It will work without affecting your pics, paperwork, or other crucial information. You can discover this option with your User interface.

Printer Error



Operating System

Printer Error A1-4111

4.5 out of

based on
36 ratings.


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