IPf 770 ошибка 2F51
2F51 и отказ печати теста дюз
| Сообщение #1
Отправлено 16 марта 2021 — 05:21
День добрый!
Небольшая вводная — есть Ipf 770, покупался новым для печати чертежей и иногда цветных плакатов, пробег за 4 с лишним года — 455 квадратов, но последние 2 года использовался как запасной с нечастой печатью пару чертежей и плакатов раз в 3 недели. Недавно начал ругаться на памперс, приобрели новый, заменили и продолжили дальше понемногу печатать.
Вчера напечатав пару чертежей, поставили новый рулон, бумага при выходе с печати начала сворачиваться в трубу и если первый чертеж придерживали, то второй уже нет. И после второго он выдал ошибку 03130031-2f51 и отказался печатать. В журнале ошибок затесалась еще 03800300-2832 перед ошибкой 2f51. Что пробовали делать — прочистка дюз способ А (при этом в конце проверки он выдавал ошибку), сброс через сервис меню памперса, сброс ошибок, сброс пг, при этом самое паршивое что плоттер не может запустить любую печать, даже проверки дюз, выдает ошибку 2F51. Покурив форум сложилось впечатление, что замена на новую ПГ очень вероятно не решит проблему, так как почти во всех темах связанных с этой ошибкой тест дюз из сервисного меню выполняется.
Просьба подсказать, может кто нибудь сталкивался с подобным…
- Наверх of the page up there ^
| Сообщение #2
Отправлено 31 марта 2021 — 20:01
ошибка связана с утечкой чернил, зачастую вызвана хреновыми ПЗК или ушатаными картриджами — клапана текут. Решать вопрос с картриджами — и прошивать (сбрасывать) голову.
- Наверх of the page up there ^
| Сообщение #3
Отправлено 25 июля 2022 — 08:30
Столкнулся с такой же проблемой. Те же ошибки. 2 дня безуспешных попыток, менял голову (на старую), результат тот же. Плоттер постоял в выходные, в понедельник утром синий ПЗК был пуст под ноль, как-то раз уже было с ним такое, возможно в нем и дело. Голову не сбрасывал не прошивал, все заработало само собой. Может кому информация будет полезна.
- Наверх of the page up there ^
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EC21-2F51 error on Canon 4000 (imagePROGRAF PRO-4000)
Is there anything I can do first to avoid buying a new printhead?
So, I use a Canon 4000 at a maker space and I came in this morning to find it had an un-numbered error on the screen. It said there was an internal error and that I should shut it off and restart. However it didn’t respond to the power button or any buttons near the screen and the touchscreen itself didn’t respond to my touch. I unplugged the machine and waited about a minute to restart.
It went through some weird fast slapping noises and other strange sounds I’ve never heard, along with the regular wooshing…about two long cycles… claiming to be preparing the printhead, only to serve me in the end that same error from before. Only this time there was a history button which I could touch. There were «hardware» errors and «recoverable» errors. The hardware error was a list of four EC21-2F51 (4801) errors and the 5th error was EC21-2F53 (1478).
Basic high level Googling came up with Canon’s regular response that it might be a printhead issue and to call them to diagnose. The maker space captain called Canon and they said it’s most likely a printhead that needs replacing.
I own a bunch of large format printers already that have hit hardware errors I have yet to fix (Canon 8300, Epson 9890, 7900 and 4880). I managed to save the 9890 and extend its life 18 months a few years back so I’m aware that sometimes there are some deeper more «lower level» things we regular folks can do to resurrect our printers. I’m hoping maybe someone has some advice besides just getting the new printhead.
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Re: EC21-2F51 error on Canon 4000 (imagePROGRAF PRO-4000)
Hi there,
These errors are normally indicative of the print head, yes. However, updating your firmware may resolve this issue but you will have to get a technician in to do this otherwise you may not get any help should something go wrong.
Most likely it is your print head unfortunately
Re: EC21-2F51 error on Canon 4000 (imagePROGRAF PRO-4000)
Ink in the tubes going to the printhead?
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What If Print Head Replacement Doesn’t Work
In the event that a print head replacement does not clear the 2F51 error code, the next few steps can get pricey, and we recommend contacting Canon tech support to see if it’s cheaper and smarter to repair your printer or see if we are running any promotions that will make a brand new printer a better option.
In some cases, replacing the main controller is the next item on the list. For other models, the carriage relay PCB would be the right fix.
Lastly, other potential items to consider are the flat cables.
Final Notes
To recap, this error can be as simple as a reboot or can be as extensive as replacing 2 print heads, a carriage relay PCB, main controller, and a flat cable. There is much to consider when this error code comes into play, especially when thinking about the age of the printer. Older printers may not be compatible with computer operating systems now or in the future, meaning a few thousand dollar repair now may be meaningless in the very near future. In some cases, it may be better to replace the printer with a brand new model and get the accompanying warranty.
Related Error Codes
The 2F48, 2F49, and 2F50 error codes are all similar and apply to the print heads as well. The codes are active links here, so simply click whichever applies and you will be moved to that page.
2F51 isn’t my error code!
If 2F51 is not the error code displayed on your screen, please see our blog post that lists all the possible 03133310 error codes so you can learn more about your specific error.
Как сбросить памперс Canon TM-200 видео инструкция
Как войти в сервес меню на Canon TM-200
Прописываем таблетку от жадности: продажа пластиковой коробочки (mc-31) за почти 6тр. это вверх жадности со стороны Canon.
Просто сбрасываем уровень через меню, через 2-3 сброса, промываем коробку от остатков чернил.
1. Зажимаем нижнюю левую четверть экрана.
2. Не отпуская экран нажимаем и держим питание.
3. После появления надписи CANON, не отпуская кнопки питания, нажимаем по очереди внизу справа экрана — вверху слева экрана — вверху справа экрана и отпускаем кнопку питания.
4. Индикатор загорается оранжевым цветом — вы попали в сервисное меню..
Как сбросить «памперс» Canon TM-200
Эта инструкция для пользователей, кому нужна не залповая работа начальных A1 моделей от кэнон, а в приоритете сохранение работоспособности печатающей головки на срок 2-3 года. Стоить иметь в виду, что сбрасывая «памперс» через меню, или отключая слежение чернил, вы запускается отложенный процесс блокировки ПГ.
После отключения слежения, или программного сброса памперса, система пристально следит за встроенным тестом ПГ, и, при определённом пороговом значении, блокирует вполне рабочую печатающую головку.
Если у вас эпизодическая печать малых объёмов, используйте одноразовые чипы для памперса и картриджей. Наш опыт показывает, что принтеры IPF серии, которые использовались эпизодически, отлично печатали при использовании одноразовых чипов более 3 лет. И сразу же заблокировали вполне рабочие ПГ при смене чипов на пустые и отключении уровня чернил.
Сообщение на экране Код ошибки Проблема Способ устранения проблемы Ink Level: Check 0180104-1000 BK ink tank near-empty Renew the ink tanks. Ink Level: Check 0180101-1001 Y ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180102-1002 M ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180103-1003 C ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180106-1006 MBK ink tank near-empty Ink Level: Check 0180106-1007 MBK2 ink tank near-empty Problem with Printhead.
Check printing results 01800500-1010 Number of non-discharging nozzles in printhead: Warning level Clean the printheads. Renew the printheads. Identify the head management sensor unit. Prepare for maint cart replacement. 01841001-281A Maintenance cartridge near-full Replace the maintenance cartridge. Prepare for parts replacement.
Call for service. Parts counter W1 level Check the parts counter in service mode. Parts replacement time has passed.
Call for service. Parts counter W2 level After checking the parts counter in service mode, replace any part whose counter is nearing the error value. GARO W1221 01341221-1030 GARO (image mode): Unknown command Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. GARO W1222 01341222-1031 GARO (image mode): Invalid parameter count (no parameters) GARO W1223 01341223-1032 GARO (image mode): Required parameter missing GARO W1225 01341225-1034 GARO (image mode): Other warning GARO W1226 01341226-103A GARO (image mode): Image processing table error GARO W1231 01341231-1035 GARO (setup): Unknown command GARO W1232 01341232-1036 GARO (setup): Invalid parameter count GARO W1233 01341233-1037 GARO (setup): Required parameter missing GARO W1234 01341234-1038 GARO (setup): Data out of bounds GARO W1235 01341235-1039 GARO (setup): Other warning End of paper feed. Cannot feed paper more. Forced feed limit Check the remaining quantity of roll media. This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/2. 01860006-1015 Non-support paper of HP-GL/2 Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2. GL2:W0501
The memory is full. 01340501-1040 Memory full (HP-GL/2) Check if there is the non-image area of the print. Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. GL2:W0904
The memory is full. 01340904-1048 Overflow of Polygon buffer (HP-GL/2) GL2:W0903
The memory is full. 01340903-1047 Overflow of replot buffer (HP-GL/2) GL2:W0502
The parameter is out of range. 01340502-1041 Invalid parameter (HP-GL/2) Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. GL2:W0504
This command is not supported. 01340504-1043 Invalid command (HP-GL/2) Mail box nearly full.
Delete unwanted data 011A1001-2901 The free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk does not have more than 1 GB, combined. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. Mail box full.
Now printing without saving data. 01861003-2902 100 jobs are stored in the Personal Box. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxs. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810103-1003 C ink tank near-empty Renew the C ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810102-1002 M ink tank near-empty Renew the M ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810101-1001 Y ink tank near-empty Renew the Y ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810106-1006 MBK ink tank near-empty Renew the MBK ink tank. Not much ink is left.
Prepare to replace the ink. 01810104-1000 BK ink tank near-empty Renew the BK ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810303-1403 C ink tank empty Renew the C ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810302-1402 M ink tank empty Renew the M ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810301-1401 Y ink tank empty Renew the Y ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810306-1406 MBK ink tank empty Renew the MBK ink tank. Ink tank is empty.
Replace the ink tank. 01810304-1400 BK ink tank empty Renew the BK ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810103-1413 C ink tank removal Attach the C ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810102-1412 M ink tank removal Attach the M ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810101-1411 Y ink tank removal Attach the Y ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810106-1416 MBK ink tank removal Attach the MBK ink tank. No ink tank loaded.
Check ink tank. 01810104-1410 BK ink tank removal Attach the BK ink tank. The paper is too small. 013200D2-1051 Size clip error Check the media size check. Change the media size. Maximum jobs stored.
Delete unwanted data. 011A1006-2907 Saved jobs exceed the Personal Box capacity. Press the stop button to cancel the print job. Delete print jobs from the queue.
Delete unneeded jobs stored on the hard disk. PHead needs cleaning.
Press Online to clear error. 03800500-280C Printhead found to have many non-discharging nozzles during a non-discharging inspection (printing paused) Clean the printhead. Identify the nozzles in a nozzle check pattern. Replace the printhead. Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-200C Unable to detect the leading end of paper Check the leading end of paper. Reload the paper. Leading edge detection error.
Lift the release lever and align leading edge with orange line. 03010000-200D Unable to detect the trailing end of cut sheet Check the sheet length. Check to see if paper has not jammed. Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-2017 Paper (right) edge detection error Check the right edge of paper. Check the paper type. Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-2018 Paper (left) edge detection error Check the left edge of paper.
Check the paper type. Cannot adjust printhead.
Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead. 03863000-2820 Printhead registration unadjustable Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Clean the printhead. Cannot adjust printhead.
Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead. 03863000-2821 LF unadjustable Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Clean the printhead. Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace paper with A4/ LTR (vertical) or larger. 03010000-2E1F Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A4 or larger) Replace with A4/Letter or any larger-sized paper. Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace paper with A3/ Ledger (vertical) or larger. 03010000-2E1F Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A3 or larger) Replace with A3/11″x17″ or any larger-sized paper. Cannot print as specified.
Lift the release lever and replace roll with 10 in. wide or larger roll. 03010000-2E1F Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (roll media) Replace with roll media at least 10 inches in width. Cannot detect paper
Remove paper and press Load/Eject. 03010000-2E25 Paper jam while feeding/ejecting/printing Remove the paper jam and reload the paper. Cannot feed paper
Lift the release lever and reload paper. 03010000-2E27 Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection Reload the paper. This paper cannot be used.
Check supported paper sizes. 03010000-200E Undersized paper (cut sheets/roll media) Replace with larger-sized paper. This paper cannot be used.
Check supported paper sizes. 03010000-200F Oversized paper (cut sheets/roll media) Replace with smaller-sized paper. Use another paper.
Press Online to clear the error. 03010000-2F33 Unadjustable because of transparent media Replace with adjustable media. Paper loaded askew.
Lift the release lever. 03016000-2010 Skew Correct the skew in the paper and reload it. Paper size not detected.
Reload paper. 03010000-200A Unable to detect the paper width (Paper loaded at an improper position) Reload the paper Paper jam.
Press Load/Eject and reload the paper. 03010000-2E27 Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection Reload the paper Paper size not detected.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03010000-200C Roll media loading size detection failure Reload the roll media. Cannot adjust eccentric.
Press Online to clear the error. 03863000-2822 Eccentricity correction disabled Check to see if paper has not jammed. Sheet printing is selected.
Press Load/Eject and load sheets. 03860002-2E02 Data with a cut sheet specification has been received but no cut sheets are loaded. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. Roll printing is selected, but sheets are loaded.
Press OK, remove the sheets, and load a roll. 03860002-2E0A Data with a roll media specification has been received when a cut sheet tray is loaded. Replace with roll media. Roll printing is selected.
Press Load/Eject and load a roll. 03060A00-2E00 Data with a roll media specification has been received but no roll media are loaded. Load roll media. No Roll Feed Unit.
Turn printer off and install roll feed unit. 03060A00-2E0E Roll media unit not installed Install the roll media unit. The roll is empty.
Lift the release lever and replace the roll. 03060A00-2E1B Roll media end Renew the supply of roll media. Wrong paper feed slot for this paper type.
Press Load/Eject and reload the paper. 03061000-2E15 Paper type mismatch Check the type of paper that can be fed and reload the paper. Manual printing is selected, but a roll is loaded.
Press Load/Eject and remove the roll. 03860001-2E0C Data with a cut sheet specification has been received when roll media are loaded. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2E23 Cutter unit failure Check the cutter unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F14 Writing to the ASIC register disabled Replace the main controller PCB Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F16 Mist fan error Check the mist fan. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F17 Suction fan lock detection error Check the suction fan. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F20 Purge motor cam position error Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F22 Pump travel timeout Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F23 Purge motor error Pump inoperable Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F25 Unable to detect the carriage motor home position Check the carriage unit. Check the linear encoder for smears. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F26 Carriage inoperable Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F27 Carriage travel timeout Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F1F Pump cam sensor error Check the purge unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F2A Unable to detect the feed roller home position Check the feed roller encoder and surrounding part. Check to see if paper has not jammed. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03010000-2F29 Feed motor timeout (Roll media) Check the roll feed unit. Check roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed in the printer. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F2E Roll travel timeout Check the roll feed unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-4027 Lift travel timeout error Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F13 A/D converter external trigger output stop detection hardware error 1 Replace the new printhead. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F32 Multi sensor error Check the environment for interferences from outside light.
Replace the multi sensor unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F3A Valve motor error Check the ink supply unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F3B CS communication error Remove the ink tanks and then reload them. Check the main controller PCB. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-260E Gap detection error Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Replace the main controller PCB. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2618 VH voltage error Check the power supply unit. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-260F Gap reference surface error Replace the reference surface sheet. Roll feed unit error
Turn off printer and check roll feed unit 03060B00-2E24 Roll feed unit failure Replace the roll feed unit. Unknown file. Check file format.
Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again. 03900001-4049 ROM data for another model has been transferred. Transmit valid ROM data. Unknown file. Check file format.
Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again. 03900001-4042 MIT data transfer failure Verify the validity of MID data before transferring it. Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F2B LF operation failure Check to see if paper has not jammed. Check the feed motor and feed roller. Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the printhead. 03800200-2802 Invalid printhead installed Replace printhead Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the right printhead. 03800300-2801 Printhead DI compensation failure Replace printhead Printhead error
Open top cover and replace the right printhead. 03800400-2803 Printhead EEPROM error Replace printhead Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03800500-2F2F Non-discharging error Identify the head management sensor unit
Replace the head management sensor unit
Replace the printhead Hardware error.
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03800500-2F30 Non-discharging position adjustment error Identify the head management sensor unit
Replace the head management sensor unit
Replace the printhead Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810104-2500 Bk ink tank empty Renew the Bk ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810101-2501 Y ink tank empty Renew the Y ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810102-2502 M ink tank empty Renew the M ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810103-2503 C ink tank empty Renew the C ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810106-2506 MBk ink tank empty Renew the MBk ink tank Ink tank is empty.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810106-2507 MBk2 ink tank empty Renew the MBk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810204-2580 Low on the Bk ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810201-2581 Low on the Y ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810202-2582 Low on the M ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810203-2583 Low on the C ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810206-2586 Low on the MBk ink tank (as during cleaning) Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810204-2590 Low on the Bk ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810201-2591 Low on the Y ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810202-2592 Low on the M ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810203-2593 Low on the C ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank Ink insufficient.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03810206-2596 Low on the MBk ink tank (during pre-printing checks) Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830204-2540 Bk ink tank ID error Replace with a valid Bk ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830201-2541 Y ink tank ID error Replace with a valid Y ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830202-2542 M ink tank ID error Replace with a valid M ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830203-2543 C ink tank ID error Replace with a valid C ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830206-2546 MBk ink tank ID error Replace with a valid MBk ink tank Ink tank error.
Press OK and replace ink tank. 03830206-2547 MBk2 ink tank ID error Replace with a valid MBk ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830104-2520 BK ink tank not installed Install a Bk ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830101-2521 Y ink tank not installed Install a Y ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830102-2522 M ink tank not installed Install a M ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830103-2523 C ink tank not installed Install a C ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830106-2526 MBK ink tank not installed Install a MBk ink tank No ink tank loaded.
Press OK and check ink tank. 03830106-2527 MBK2 ink tank not installed Install a MBk ink tank Top cover is open.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. 03031000-2F38 Top cover abnormally open Close the top cover and turn on the printer again. Ink tank cover is open.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. 03031000-2E10 Ink tank cover abnormally open Close the ink tank cover and turn on the printer again. Maintenance cartridge full.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841001-2819 Maintenance cartridge full Renew the maintenance cartridge. No Maintenance
Cartridge capacity.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841001-281B Not enough space in the maintenance cartridge prior to cleaning Replace the maintenance cartridge. Maintenance cartridge problem.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841201-2816 Maintenance cartridge EEPROM error Renew the maintenance cartridge. Maintenance cartridge problem.
Replace the maintenance cartridge. 03841201-2817 Maintenance cartridge ID error Renew the maintenance cartridge. Borderless printng not possible.
Check roll position.
Online: Print Load/Eject:
Change Paper 03861001-2405 Paper loaded at a position inaccessible for borderless printing Check to see if a borderless printing spacer is installed. Reload the paper. Borderless printng not possible.
Check paper size setting.
Online: Print
Load/Eject: Change Paper 03861001-2406 Data unfit for borderless printing Check the paper size. Change the paper size. Insufficient paper for job
Online: Print
Stop: Stop Printing
Load/Eject: Change Paper 03862000-2E09 Not enough roll media on remaining roll media quantity detection Renew the supply of roll media. Cannot cut paper.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03870001-2015 Cutting failure Cut paper manually. Check the cutter. Cannot adjust optic axis.
Press Online to clear the error. 03863000-2824 Optical axis error Check the multi sensor.
Check the head management sensor. This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2.
Online: Print
Stop: Stop Printing
Load/Eject: Change Paper 03061000-2E15 Non-support media of HP-GL/2 Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting. Mail box full.
Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing.
Press Stop to cancel printing. 031A1001-2905 The job store executed when the free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk is full. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. Mail box full.
Cannot save. Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing.
Press Stop to cancel printing. 031A1006-2906 The store executed when 32 jobs are stored in the Personal Box. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. Hard disk error.
Press OK to reformat 031A1002-2908 Hard disk format error Press the [OK] button to start reformatting the hard disk. When formatting is finished, the printer automatically restarts. File read error.
Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again.
Invalid files will be deleted. 031A1002-2909 Hard disk file error Restart the printer. Only the corrupted files will be deleted, and the printer will restart. Hardware error. 03800500-2F31
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03800500-2F31 Non-discharge detection optical axis error Check the head management sensor. Replace the head management sensor. Replace the printhead. Hardware error. 03130031-2F3C
Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. 03130031-2F3C LF pressure error Check the pinch roller and surrounding part. Replace the pinch roller pressure drive unit. No printhead
Install printhead. 03800100-2800 Printhead not installed Install the printhead. Wrong printhead. Open top cover and replace the printhead. 03800200-2811 Printhead version error Replace the printhead. No maintenance cartridge.
Check the maintenance cartridge. 03841101-2818 Mauntenance cartridge not installed Install the maintenance cartridge. This type of media is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2. 03860006-2825 Paper type mismatch at HP-GL/2 printing Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting. Cannot cut paper.
Lift the release lever and reload the paper. 03870001-2019 Cut failure (during jam occure) Check the cutter unit and surrounding part. Replace the cutter. Insufficient paper for job 03862001-2E31 Not enough roll media Renew the supply of roll media. Paper jam.
Manually rewind roll all the way and press OK. 03010000-2E3A Madia load failure Check the pick-up unit and roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed. Sheet printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load sheets. 03060100-2E02 Cut sheet in not set Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. Borderless printng not possible. Check supported paper. 03861001-2408 Borderless printing disabled (unsupported size) Check the media size. Change the media size. Borderless printng not possible. Paper stretched or shrank.
Confirm usage cond. of the paper. 03861001-2407 Borderless printing disabled (engine detection) Reload the paper. Roll printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load a roll. 03060A00-2E35 Roll media is not loaded for internal printing. Reload the roll media.
Came across an error condition tonight and could use some help / advice.
Canon Pro-2000 printer. Getting a few hardware errors: EC21-2F53 and EC21-2F51. Got this after installing Canon PGY and a B PFI-1700 carts in the printer. Pulled and cleaned (gently) the head surface (a good bit of ink on the substrate plate holding the heads) and reinstalled. Still not budging. Did order a new PF-10, but hoping that there may be a few things to do in the mean time.
Got a used Pro-2000 from a guy that was moving onto other hobbies. About 2000-ish prints (per the printer status panel). He had been using 3rd party ink refilling the PFI-1100 carts and telling the printer to ignore the chip warning. Did several sample prints and all seemed to be fine at the time. Moved the printer to my house, set it up, several 8.5×11 prints later (using the USB printing the PDI chart) showed that the printer was functional.
Weighing all the carts showed that there was some ink in all carts EXCEPT the CO tank. It was dry.
Over the past weeks I�ve been ordering and installing PFI-1700 Canon official inks and finally got the last two in today. I agitated the tanks before putting them in the printer, and loaded a 24� RC Luster roll in ready to start a few more tests (and to help flush out the old ink). That�s when the fun started.
Upon starting the printer, I got the EC21-2F51 error. So I did as instructed � printer off, waited for about 3 minutes, printer back on � same error. After a couple of other restarts, I tried to print another sample image from the USB stick and now I get the EC21-2F53 error.
I pulled the print head, gently cleaned the print head surface (not touching the print nozzle areas), inspected the metal contacts, reseated the print head and the 2F53 error now constantly appears.
Googling around and looking at the forums on DP Review, Luminous-Landscapes, and the JToolman FB group, I did not find similar hits or issues.
What I am thinking is this:
1) Did Air get in the lines from me agitating the ink and putting it in the printer and then trying to get a test print out quickly? (BTW, when I did select to �change the head�, it did an ink purge, and this did not reset the issue)
2) Given that there was non-OEM ink in the immediate reservoirs, would there have been some reactions (gelling, interactions) that may have interfered with the printhead?
3) is there any other �resuscitation� processes that I can to do clean the head, or further purge the lines?
4) is there any other service menu that I can get into that may help diagnose or reset the issue?
Any and all advice is welcomed!
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your quick reply.
I forgot to mention. My custommer used compatible cartridges because every time he started the printer and every print job, a lot of ink was consumed by the cleaning process he did every time. I hope the compatible ink is not the cause of the error.
Did your printer have print quality issues before?
Now the print head is so clogged because in service mode, print nozzle check was only in black and red.
I’m glad everything’s fine with your printer.
Good luck!
Коды ошибок, актуальные для Canon imagePROGRAF iPF670, iPF605, iPF770, iPF750, iPF710, iPF650, iPF700, iPF785, iPF610, iPF765, iPF680, iPF760, iPF510, iPF780, iPF600, iPF500, iPF685, iPF720, iPF670e, iPF671, iPF671e (для картриджей PFI-102, PFI-104, PFI-107).
Группы ошибок
Code | Diagnosis | Что значит |
0181xxxx-xxxx | Ink warning | Некритичная ошибка чернил |
0180xxxx-xxxx | Printhead warning | Некритичная ошибка печатающей головки |
0184xxxx-xxxx | Maintenance cartridge warning | Некритичная ошибка картриджа |
0134xxxx-xxxx | GARO warning | Некритичная ошибка растрового драйвера |
0303xxxx-xxxx | Cover error | Ошибка крышки принтера |
0301xxxx-xxxx 0306xxxx-xxxx 0386xxxx-xxxx |
Media error | Ошибки загрузки носителя (например, бумаги) |
0313xxxx-xxxx | Sensors, fans, motors error | Ошибки датчиков, моторов и вентиляторов |
0380xxxx-xxxx | Printhead error | Ошибки печатающей головки |
0381xxxx-xxxx 0383xxxx-xxxx |
Ink error | Ошибки чернил |
0384xxxx-xxxx | Maintenance cartridge error | Ошибки картриджа отработки |
0387xxxx-xxxx | Cutter unit error | Ошибки резака |
0389xxxx-xxxx | Media take-up unit error | Ошибки устройства приёма носителя |
0390xxxx-xxxx | Firmware error | Ошибки прошивки |
Exxx-xxxx | Service call error | Ошибки сервисного режима |
Ошибки с кодами и расшифровкой
Сообщение на экране | Код ошибки | Проблема | Способ устранения проблемы |
Ink Level: Check | 0180104-1000 | BK ink tank near-empty | Замените картриджи. |
Ink Level: Check | 0180101-1001 | Y ink tank near-empty | |
Ink Level: Check | 0180102-1002 | M ink tank near-empty | |
Ink Level: Check | 0180103-1003 | C ink tank near-empty | |
Ink Level: Check | 0180106-1006 | MBK ink tank near-empty | |
Ink Level: Check | 0180106-1007 | MBK2 ink tank near-empty | |
Problem with Printhead. Check printing results |
01800500-1010 | Number of non-discharging nozzles in printhead: Warning level | Очистите печатающие головки. Замените печатающие головки. Проверьте датчики печатающих головок. |
Prepare for maint cart replacement. | 01841001-281A | Maintenance cartridge near-full | Замените картридж обслуживания. |
Prepare for parts replacement. Call for service. |
Parts counter W1 level | Проверьте датчик деталей в меню обслуживания. | |
Parts replacement time has passed. Call for service. |
Parts counter W2 level | After checking the parts counter in service mode, replace any part whose counter is nearing the error value. После проверки датчика деталей в сервисном меню, замените деталь, указанную в ошибке. |
GARO W1221 | 01341221-1030 | GARO (image mode): Unknown command | Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. Проверьте загруженные данные перед повтором печати. |
GARO W1222 | 01341222-1031 | GARO (image mode): Invalid parameter count (no parameters) | |
GARO W1223 | 01341223-1032 | GARO (image mode): Required parameter missing | |
GARO W1225 | 01341225-1034 | GARO (image mode): Other warning | |
GARO W1226 | 01341226-103A | GARO (image mode): Image processing table error | |
GARO W1231 | 01341231-1035 | GARO (setup): Unknown command | |
GARO W1232 | 01341232-1036 | GARO (setup): Invalid parameter count | |
GARO W1233 | 01341233-1037 | GARO (setup): Required parameter missing | |
GARO W1234 | 01341234-1038 | GARO (setup): Data out of bounds | |
GARO W1235 | 01341235-1039 | GARO (setup): Other warning | |
End of paper feed. Cannot feed paper more. | Forced feed limit | Check the remaining quantity of roll media. Проверьте количество бумаги. |
This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/2. | 01860006-1015 | Non-support paper of HP-GL/2 | Замените бумагу на совместимую. Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2. |
GL2:W0501 The memory is full. |
01340501-1040 | Memory full (HP-GL/2) | Проверьте, нет ли области печати без изображения. Проверьте загруженные данные перед повтором запуска печати. Check if there is the non-image area of the print. Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. |
GL2:W0904 The memory is full. |
01340904-1048 | Overflow of Polygon buffer (HP-GL/2) | |
GL2:W0903 The memory is full. |
01340903-1047 | Overflow of replot buffer (HP-GL/2) | |
GL2:W0502 The parameter is out of range. |
01340502-1041 | Invalid parameter (HP-GL/2) | Проверьте загруженные данные перед повтором печати. Verify the transmitted data before reprinting. |
GL2:W0504 This command is not supported. |
01340504-1043 | Invalid command (HP-GL/2) | |
Mail box nearly full. Delete unwanted data |
011A1001-2901 | The free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk does not have more than 1 GB, combined. | Удалите ненужные задания в личных блоках заданий. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. |
Mail box full. Now printing without saving data. |
01861003-2902 | 100 jobs are stored in the Personal Box. | Удалите ненужные задания в личных блоках заданий. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxs. |
Not much ink is left. Prepare to replace the ink. |
01810103-1003 | C ink tank near-empty | Замените синий картридж. Renew the C ink tank |
Not much ink is left. Prepare to replace the ink. |
01810102-1002 | M ink tank near-empty | Замените пурпурный картридж Renew the M ink tank. |
Not much ink is left. Prepare to replace the ink. |
01810101-1001 | Y ink tank near-empty | Замените желтый картридж. Renew the Y ink tank. |
Not much ink is left. Prepare to replace the ink. |
01810106-1006 | MBK ink tank near-empty | Замените матовый черный картридж. Renew the MBK ink tank. |
Not much ink is left. Prepare to replace the ink. |
01810104-1000 | BK ink tank near-empty | Замените фото-черный картридж. Renew the BK ink tank. |
Ink tank is empty. Replace the ink tank. |
01810303-1403 | C ink tank empty | Замените синий картридж. Renew the C ink tank. |
Ink tank is empty. Replace the ink tank. |
01810302-1402 | M ink tank empty | Замените пурпурный картридж. Renew the M ink tank. |
Ink tank is empty. Replace the ink tank. |
01810301-1401 | Y ink tank empty | Замените желтый картридж. Renew the Y ink tank. |
Ink tank is empty. Replace the ink tank. |
01810306-1406 | MBK ink tank empty | Замените матовый черный картридж. Renew the MBK ink tank. |
Ink tank is empty. Replace the ink tank. |
01810304-1400 | BK ink tank empty | Замените фото-черный картридж. Renew the BK ink tank. |
No ink tank loaded. Check ink tank. |
01810103-1413 | C ink tank removal | Вставьте синий картридж. Attach the C ink tank. |
No ink tank loaded. Check ink tank. |
01810102-1412 | M ink tank removal | Вставьте пурпурный картридж. Attach the M ink tank. |
No ink tank loaded. Check ink tank. |
01810101-1411 | Y ink tank removal | Вставьте желтый картридж. Attach the Y ink tank. |
No ink tank loaded. Check ink tank. |
01810106-1416 | MBK ink tank removal | Вставьте матовый черный картридж. Attach the MBK ink tank. |
No ink tank loaded. Check ink tank. |
01810104-1410 | BK ink tank removal | Вставьте фото-черный картридж. Attach the BK ink tank. |
The paper is too small. | 013200D2-1051 | Size clip error | Проверьте формат загруженной бумаги. Замените бумагу. Check the media size check. Change the media size. |
Maximum jobs stored. Delete unwanted data. |
011A1006-2907 | Saved jobs exceed the Personal Box capacity. | Нажмите кнопку “стоп” чтобы отменить задание. Удалите задания из очереди. Удалите ненужные задания, хранящиеся на жестком диске. Press the stop button to cancel the print job. Delete print jobs from the queue. Delete unneeded jobs stored on the hard disk. |
PHead needs cleaning. Press Online to clear error. |
03800500-280C | Printhead found to have many non-discharging nozzles during a non-discharging inspection (printing paused) | Очистите печатающую головку. Проверьте состояние дюз через сервисное меню. Замение печатающую головку. Clean the printhead. Identify the nozzles in a nozzle check pattern. Replace the printhead. |
Paper size not detected. Lift the release lever and reload the paper. |
03010000-200C | Unable to detect the leading end of paper | Проверьте край бумаги. Перезагрузите бумагу. Check the leading end of paper. Reload the paper. |
Leading edge detection error. Lift the release lever and align leading edge with orange line. |
03010000-200D | Unable to detect the trailing end of cut sheet | Проверьте длину листа. Проверьте, нет ли замятия. Check the sheet length. Check to see if paper has not jammed. |
Paper size not detected. Lift the release lever and reload the paper. |
03010000-2017 | Paper (right) edge detection error | Проверьте правый край бумаги. Выберите верный тип бумаги. Check the right edge of paper. Check the paper type. |
Paper size not detected. Lift the release lever and reload the paper. |
03010000-2018 | Paper (left) edge detection error | Проверьте левый край бумаги. Выберите правильный тип бумаги. Check the left edge of paper. Check the paper type. |
Cannot adjust printhead. Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead. |
03863000-2820 | Printhead registration unadjustable | Проверьте бумагу на отсутствие пятен. Проверьте, нет попадает ли солнечный свет на отпечаток. Прочистите печатающую головку. Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light. Clean the printhead. |
Cannot adjust printhead. Press Online to clear the error and readjust printhead. |
03863000-2821 | LF unadjustable | Проверьте бумагу на отсутствие пятен. Проверьте, нет попадает ли солнечный свет на отпечаток. Прочистите печатающую головку. Check the paper on which a pattern is printed for smears. Check the environment for interferences from outside light. Clean the printhead. |
Cannot print as specified. Lift the release lever and replace paper with A4/ LTR (vertical) or larger. |
03010000-2E1F | Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A4 or larger) | Замените бумагу на формат A4/Letter или любую большего формата. Replace with A4/Letter or any larger-sized paper. |
Cannot print as specified. Lift the release lever and replace paper with A3/ Ledger (vertical) or larger. |
03010000-2E1F | Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (A3 or larger) | Замените бумагу на формат A3/11″x17″ или любую большего формата. Replace with A3/11″x17″ or any larger-sized paper. |
Cannot print as specified. Lift the release lever and replace roll with 10 in. wide or larger roll. |
03010000-2E1F | Undersized paper loaded for internal printing (roll media) | Замените бумагу на рулон шириной не меньше 10 дюймов. Replace with roll media at least 10 inches in width. |
Cannot detect paper Remove paper and press Load/Eject. |
03010000-2E25 | Paper jam while feeding/ejecting/printing | Устраните замятие и перезагрузите бумагу. Remove the paper jam and reload the paper. |
Cannot feed paper Lift the release lever and reload paper. |
03010000-2E27 | Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection | Перезагрузите бумагу. Reload the paper. |
This paper cannot be used. Check supported paper sizes. |
03010000-200E | Undersized paper (cut sheets/roll media) | Замените бумагу на больший формат. Replace with larger-sized paper. |
This paper cannot be used. Check supported paper sizes. |
03010000-200F | Oversized paper (cut sheets/roll media) | Замените бумагу на меньший формат. Replace with smaller-sized paper. |
Use another paper. Press Online to clear the error. |
03010000-2F33 | Unadjustable because of transparent media | Замените бумагу на совместимую. Replace with adjustable media. |
Paper loaded askew. Lift the release lever. |
03016000-2010 | Skew | Исправьте наклон бумаги и перезагрузите ее. Correct the skew in the paper and reload it. |
Paper size not detected. Reload paper. |
03010000-200A | Unable to detect the paper width (Paper loaded at an improper position) | Перезагрузите бумагу. Reload the paper |
Paper jam. Press Load/Eject and reload the paper. |
03010000-2E27 | Paper jam during feeding/printing/ejection | Перезагрузите бумагу. Reload the paper |
Paper size not detected. Lift the release lever and reload the paper. |
03010000-200C | Roll media loading size detection failure | Перезагрузите рулонный носитель. Reload the roll media. |
Cannot adjust eccentric. Press Online to clear the error. |
03863000-2822 | Eccentricity correction disabled | Проверьте, нет ли замятия бумаги. Check to see if paper has not jammed. |
Sheet printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load sheets. |
03860002-2E02 | Data with a cut sheet specification has been received but no cut sheets are loaded. | Загрузите листы бумаги в лоток. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. |
Roll printing is selected, but sheets are loaded. Press OK, remove the sheets, and load a roll. |
03860002-2E0A | Data with a roll media specification has been received when a cut sheet tray is loaded. | Замените рулонный носитель. Replace with roll media. |
Roll printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load a roll. |
03060A00-2E00 | Data with a roll media specification has been received but no roll media are loaded. | Загрузите рулонный носитель. Load roll media. |
No Roll Feed Unit. Turn printer off and install roll feed unit. |
03060A00-2E0E | Roll media unit not installed | Загрузите рулонный носитель. Install the roll media unit. |
The roll is empty. Lift the release lever and replace the roll. |
03060A00-2E1B | Roll media end | Загрузите новый рулон. Renew the supply of roll media. |
Wrong paper feed slot for this paper type. Press Load/Eject and reload the paper. |
03061000-2E15 | Paper type mismatch | Проверьте тип бумаги и перезагрузите ее. Check the type of paper that can be fed and reload the paper. |
Manual printing is selected, but a roll is loaded. Press Load/Eject and remove the roll. |
03860001-2E0C | Data with a cut sheet specification has been received when roll media are loaded. | Загрузите листы бумаги в лоток. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E23 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2E23 | Cutter unit failure | Проверьте резак. Check the cutter unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E14 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F14 | Writing to the ASIC register disabled | Замените главную плату контроллера. Replace the main controller PCB |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E16 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F16 | Mist fan error | Проверьте вентилятор. Check the mist fan. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E17 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F17 | Suction fan lock detection error | Проверьте всасывающий вентилятор. Check the suction fan. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E20 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F20 | Purge motor cam position error | Проверьте блок очистки. Check the purge unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E22 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F22 | Pump travel timeout | Проверьте блок очистки. Check the purge unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E23 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F23 | Purge motor error Pump inoperable | Проверьте блок очистки. Check the purge unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E25 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F25 | Unable to detect the carriage motor home position | Проверьте каретку. Проверьте датчики на наличие пятен. Check the carriage unit. Check the linear encoder for smears. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E26 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F26 | Carriage inoperable | Проверьте каретку и окружающие ее части. Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E27 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F27 | Carriage travel timeout | Проверьте каретку и окружающие ее части. Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E1F Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F1F | Pump cam sensor error | Проверьте блок очистки. Check the purge unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E2A Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F2A | Unable to detect the feed roller home position | Проверьте датчики ролика подачи бумаги и окружающие его части. Проверьте, не замята ли бумага. Check the feed roller encoder and surrounding part. Check to see if paper has not jammed. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E29 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03010000-2F29 | Feed motor timeout (Roll media) | Проверьте ролик подачи бумаги. Проверьте рулон бумаги. Проверьте, нет ли замятия бумаги. Check the roll feed unit. Check roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed in the printer. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E2E Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F2E | Roll travel timeout | Проверьте ролик подачи бумаги. Check the roll feed unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-4027 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-4027 | Lift travel timeout error | Проверьте каретку и окружающие ее части. Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2E13 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F13 | A/D converter external trigger output stop detection hardware error 1 | Попробуйте очистить ленту энкодера, а также очистите направляющую каретки. Эта ошибка распространена на широкоформатных принтерах Canon и обычно устраняется путем очистки направляющей и ленты. Направляющая каретки (рельс) должен быть сухим.Если это не поможет – нужно менять печатающую голову. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F32 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F32 | Multi sensor error | Проверьте, не попадает ли свет на устройство. Замените мультисенсорный блок. Check the environment for interferences from outside light. Replace the multi sensor unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F3A Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F3A | Valve motor error | Проверьте блок подачи чернил. Check the ink supply unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F3B Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F3B | CS communication error | Вытащите чернильные картриджи, затем снова вставьте их. Проверьте главную плату контроллера. Remove the ink tanks and then reload them. Check the main controller PCB. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F70 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F70 | Ошибка заполнения промежуточных чернильных ёмкостей. | Как устранить |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F71 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F71 | Ошибка заполнения промежуточной чернильной ёмкости (левой). | Как устранить |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F72 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F72 | Ошибка заполнения промежуточной чернильной ёмкости (правой). | Как устранить |
Hardware error. 03130031-260E Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-260E | Gap detection error | Проверьте каретку и окружающие ее части. Замените главную плату контроллера. Check the carriage unit and surrounding parts. Replace the main controller PCB. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2618 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2618 | VH voltage error | Проверьте блок питания. Check the power supply unit. |
Hardware error. 03130031-260F Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-260F | Gap reference surface error | Replace the reference surface sheet. |
Roll feed unit error Turn off printer and check roll feed unit |
03060B00-2E24 | Roll feed unit failure | Замените блок подачи рулона. Replace the roll feed unit. |
Unknown file. Check file format. Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again. |
03900001-4049 | ROM data for another model has been transferred. | Загрузите верные данные. Transmit valid ROM data. |
Unknown file. Check file format. Turn off printer, wait a while, then turn it on again. |
03900001-4042 | MIT data transfer failure | Проверьте данные перед загрузкой. Verify the validity of MID data before transferring it. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F2B Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F2B | LF operation failure | Проверьте, не застряла ли бумага. Проверьте двигатель подачи и ролик подачи.Check to see if paper has not jammed. Check the feed motor and feed roller. |
Printhead error Open top cover and replace the printhead. |
03800200-2802 | Invalid printhead installed | Замените печатающую головку. Replace printhead |
Printhead error Open top cover and replace the right printhead. |
03800300-2801 | Printhead DI compensation failure | Замените печатающую головку. Replace printhead |
Printhead error Open top cover and replace the right printhead. |
03800400-2803 | Printhead EEPROM error | Замените печатающую головку. Replace printhead |
Hardware error. 03800500-2F40 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03800500-2F40 | The non-discharge of all colors and chips(A/B, EVEN/ODD) and nozzles is detected (проблема с поступлением чернил в/из печатающей головки.) | Проверьте трубки для чернил и окружающие детали. Проверьте блок очистки печатающей головки и окружающие детали. Проверьте датчик управления головкой и окружающие детали. Убедитесь, что печатающая головка установлена правильно. Если визуально все чисто и корректно подключено, нужно пробовать: Заменить датчик управления головкой. Заменить главную плату контроллера. Замените печатающую головку. Замените каретку. |
Hardware error. 03800500-2F2F Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03800500-2F2F | Non-discharging error | Проверьте датчик управления печатающей головкой. Замените датчик управления печатающей головкой. Замените печатающую головку. Identify the head management sensor unit Replace the head management sensor unit Replace the printhead |
Hardware error. 03800500-2F30 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03800500-2F30 | Non-discharging position adjustment error | Проверьте датчик управления печатающей головкой. Замените датчик управления печатающей головкой. Замените печатающую головку. Identify the head management sensor unit Replace the head management sensor unit Replace the printhead |
Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810104-2500 | Bk ink tank empty | Замените картридж BK Renew the Bk ink tank |
Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810101-2501 | Y ink tank empty | Замените картридж Y. Renew the Y ink tank |
Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810102-2502 | M ink tank empty | Замените картридж M. Renew the M ink tank |
Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810103-2503 | C ink tank empty | Замените картридж C. Renew the C ink tank |
Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810106-2506 | MBk ink tank empty | Замените картридж MBK. Renew the MBk ink tank |
Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810106-2507 | MBk2 ink tank empty | Замените картридж MBK. Renew the MBk ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810204-2580 | Low on the Bk ink tank (as during cleaning) | Замените на заполненный картридж BK Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810201-2581 | Low on the Y ink tank (as during cleaning) | Замените на заполненный картридж Y Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810202-2582 | Low on the M ink tank (as during cleaning) | Замените на заполненный картридж M Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810203-2583 | Low on the C ink tank (as during cleaning) | Замените на заполненный картридж C Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810206-2586 | Low on the MBk ink tank (as during cleaning) | Замените на заполненный картридж MBK Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810204-2590 | Low on the Bk ink tank (during pre-printing checks) | Замените на заполненный картридж BK Replace with a fully replenished Bk ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810201-2591 | Low on the Y ink tank (during pre-printing checks) | Замените на заполненный картридж Y Replace with a fully replenished Y ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810202-2592 | Low on the M ink tank (during pre-printing checks) | Замените на заполненный картридж M Replace with a fully replenished M ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810203-2593 | Low on the C ink tank (during pre-printing checks) | Замените на заполненный картридж C Replace with a fully replenished C ink tank |
Ink insufficient. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03810206-2596 | Low on the MBk ink tank (during pre-printing checks) | Замените на заполненный картридж MBK Replace with a fully replenished MBk ink tank |
Ink tank error. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03830204-2540 | Bk ink tank ID error | Замените картридж BK на подходящий. Replace with a valid Bk ink tank |
Ink tank error. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03830201-2541 | Y ink tank ID error | Замените картридж Y на подходящий. Replace with a valid Y ink tank |
Ink tank error. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03830202-2542 | M ink tank ID error | Замените картридж M на подходящий Replace with a valid M ink tank |
Ink tank error. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03830203-2543 | C ink tank ID error | Замените картридж C на подходящий. Replace with a valid C ink tank |
Ink tank error. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03830206-2546 | MBk ink tank ID error | Замените картридж MBK на подходящий. Replace with a valid MBk ink tank |
Ink tank error. Press OK and replace ink tank. |
03830206-2547 | MBk2 ink tank ID error | Замените картридж MBK на подходящий. Replace with a valid MBk ink tank |
No ink tank loaded. Press OK and check ink tank. |
03830104-2520 | BK ink tank not installed | Установите картридж BK. Install a Bk ink tank |
No ink tank loaded. Press OK and check ink tank. |
03830101-2521 | Y ink tank not installed | Установите картридж Y. Install a Y ink tank |
No ink tank loaded. Press OK and check ink tank. |
03830102-2522 | M ink tank not installed | Установите картридж M. Install a M ink tank |
No ink tank loaded. Press OK and check ink tank. |
03830103-2523 | C ink tank not installed | Установить картридж C. Install a C ink tank |
No ink tank loaded. Press OK and check ink tank. |
03830106-2526 | MBK ink tank not installed | Установите картридж MBK. Install a MBk ink tank |
No ink tank loaded. Press OK and check ink tank. |
03830106-2527 | MBK2 ink tank not installed | Установите картридж MBK. Install a MBk ink tank |
Top cover is open. Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. |
03031000-2F38 | Top cover abnormally open | Закройте верхнюю крышку и включите принтер заново. Close the top cover and turn on the printer again. |
Ink tank cover is open. Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. |
03031000-2E10 | Ink tank cover abnormally open | Закройте крышку картриджного отсека и заново включите принтер. Close the ink tank cover and turn on the printer again. |
Maintenance cartridge full. Replace the maintenance cartridge. |
03841001-2819 | Maintenance cartridge full | Замените картридж обслуживания. Renew the maintenance cartridge. |
No Maintenance Cartridge capacity. Replace the maintenance cartridge. |
03841001-281B | Not enough space in the maintenance cartridge prior to cleaning | Замените картридж обслуживания. Replace the maintenance cartridge. |
Maintenance cartridge problem. Replace the maintenance cartridge. |
03841201-2816 | Maintenance cartridge EEPROM error | Замените картридж обслуживания. Renew the maintenance cartridge. |
Maintenance cartridge problem. Replace the maintenance cartridge. |
03841201-2817 | Maintenance cartridge ID error | Замените картридж обслуживания. Renew the maintenance cartridge. |
Borderless printng not possible. Check roll position. Online: Print Load/Eject: Change Paper |
03861001-2405 | Paper loaded at a position inaccessible for borderless printing | Проверьте, установлен ли ограничитель для печати без полей. Перезагрузите бумагу. Check to see if a borderless printing spacer is installed. Reload the paper. |
Borderless printng not possible. Check paper size setting. Online: Print Load/Eject: Change Paper |
03861001-2406 | Data unfit for borderless printing | Проверьте размер бумаги. Замените бумагу. Check the paper size. Change the paper size. |
Insufficient paper for job Online: Print Stop: Stop Printing Load/Eject: Change Paper |
03862000-2E09 | Not enough roll media on remaining roll media quantity detection | Возобновите подачу бумаги. Renew the supply of roll media. |
Cannot cut paper. Lift the release lever and reload the paper. |
03870001-2015 | Cutting failure | Отрежьте бумагу вручную. Проверьте нож. Cut paper manually. Check the cutter. |
Cannot adjust optic axis. Press Online to clear the error. |
03863000-2824 | Optical axis error | Проверьте мультидатчик. Проверьте датчик управления печатающей головкой. Check the multi sensor. Check the head management sensor. |
This type of paper is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2. Online: Print Stop: Stop Printing Load/Eject: Change Paper |
03061000-2E15 | Non-support media of HP-GL/2 | Замените бумагу на совместимую с HP-GL/2. Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting. |
Mail box full. Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing. Press Stop to cancel printing. |
031A1001-2905 | The job store executed when the free hard disk space left for Personal Boxes in the printer’s hard disk is full. | Удалите ненужные задачи из личного блока заданий. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. |
Mail box full. Cannot save. Delete unwanted data on your computer to resume printing. Press Stop to cancel printing. |
031A1006-2906 | The store executed when 32 jobs are stored in the Personal Box. | Удалите ненужные задачи из личного блока заданий. Delete unneeded jobs stored in Personal Boxes. |
Hard disk error. Press OK to reformat |
031A1002-2908 | Hard disk format error | Нажмите кнопку ОК для форматирования жесткого диска. Когда форматирование будет завершено, принтер автоматически перезагрузится. Press the [OK] button to start reformatting the hard disk. When formatting is finished, the printer automatically restarts. |
File read error. Turn off printer, wait a while, and turn it on again. Invalid files will be deleted. |
031A1002-2909 | Hard disk file error | Перезагрузите принтер. Только поврежденные файлы будут удалены, и принтер перезагрузится. Restart the printer. Only the corrupted files will be deleted, and the printer will restart. |
Hardware error. 03800500-2F31 Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03800500-2F31 | Non-discharge detection optical axis error | Проверьте датчик управления печатающей головкой. Замените датчик управления печатающей головкой. Замените печатающую головку. Check the head management sensor. Replace the head management sensor. Replace the printhead. |
Hardware error. 03130031-2F3C Turn off printer, wait, then turn on again. |
03130031-2F3C | LF pressure error | Проверьте прижимной ролик и окружающие его части. Замените узел привода прижимного ролика. Check the pinch roller and surrounding part. Replace the pinch roller pressure drive unit. |
No printhead Install printhead. |
03800100-2800 | Printhead not installed | Установите печатающую головку. Install the printhead. |
Wrong printhead. Open top cover and replace the printhead. | 03800200-2811 | Printhead version error | Замените печатающую головку. Replace the printhead. |
No maintenance cartridge. Check the maintenance cartridge. |
03841101-2818 | Mauntenance cartridge not installed | Установите картридж обслуживания. Install the maintenance cartridge. |
This type of media is not compatible with HP-GL/ 2. | 03860006-2825 | Paper type mismatch at HP-GL/2 printing | Замените бумагу на совместимую с HP-GL2 перед возобновлением печати. Exchange for the compatible paper to HP-GL/2 before reprinting. |
Cannot cut paper. Lift the release lever and reload the paper. |
03870001-2019 | Cut failure (during jam occure) | Проверьте резак и окружающие его части. Замените резак. Check the cutter unit and surrounding part. Replace the cutter. |
Insufficient paper for job | 03862001-2E31 | Not enough roll media | Возобновите подачу бумаги. Renew the supply of roll media. |
Paper jam. Manually rewind roll all the way and press OK. |
03010000-2E3A | Madia load failure | Проверьте блок захвата и подачи бумаги. Проверьте, нет ли замятия бумаги. Check the pick-up unit and roll media. Check to see if paper has not jammed. |
Sheet printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load sheets. | 03060100-2E02 | Cut sheet in not set | Загрузите листы бумаги в лоток. Load cut sheets at the paper tray port. |
Borderless printng not possible. Check supported paper. | 03861001-2408 | Borderless printing disabled (unsupported size) | Проверьте размер носителя. Check the media size. Change the media size. |
Borderless printng not possible. Paper stretched or shrank. Confirm usage cond. of the paper. |
03861001-2407 | Borderless printing disabled (engine detection) | Перезагрузите бумагу. Reload the paper. |
Roll printing is selected. Press Load/Eject and load a roll. | 03060A00-2E35 | Roll media is not loaded for internal printing. | Перезагрузите рулог бумаги. Reload the roll media. |
Ошибки в сервисном режиме
Code | Description | Action |
E141-4046 | Number of recovery rotations reaching 50,000 or more | Замените комплект очистки, затем обновите счетчик деталей в сервисном режиме. Replace the purge kit, and then clear the parts counter in the service mode. |
E146-4001 | Borderless/flow idle ejection/mist recovery count error | Замените блок для отработанных чернил или вентилятор тумана или поглотитель отработанных чернил или мультисенсор, а затем обновите счетчик запчастей в сервисном режиме. Replace the waste ink tank unit or mist fan or waste ink absorber or multi sensor reference, and then clear the parts counter in the service mode. |
E161-403E | Abnormal temperature rise in printhead | Замените печатающую головку. Replace the printhead. |
E194-404A | Non-discharging nozzle count error | Замените блок датчика управления головкой, а затем очистите счетчик деталей в сервисном режиме.Replace the head management sensor unit, and then clear the parts counter in the service mode. |
E196-4040 | Checksum error | Замените главную плату контроллера. Replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-4041 | Flash memory erase error | Замените главную плату контроллера. Replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-4042 | Flash memory write error | Замените главную плату контроллера Replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-4045 | EEPROM write error | Замените главную плату контроллера. Replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-404C | Serial number mismatch between boards | Execute PCB replacement mode or replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-404D | Machine ID mismatch between boards | Замените главную плату контроллера Replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-404E | EEPROM read error | Замените главную плату контроллера. Replace the main controller PCB. |
E198-401C | RTC error | Замените литиевую батарею или замените главную плату контроллера.Replace the lithium battery or replace the main controller PCB. |
E198-401D | RTC low battery error | Замените литиевую батарею или замените главную плату контроллера.Replace the lithium battery or replace the main controller PCB. |
E198-401E | RTC clock stop | Замените литиевую батарею или замените главную плату контроллера.Replace the lithium battery or replace the main controller PCB. |
E199-404B | Temperature/humidity sensor board connector out of position | Проверьте разъем платы датчика температуры / влажности или замените плату.Check the temperature/humidity sensor board connector or replace the board. |
E602-401A | HDD failure | Замените жесткий диск. Replace the HDD unit. |
E602-401B | HDD connection error | Проверьте разъем жесткого диска. Замените жесткий диск. Check the HDD connector/Replace the HDD unit. |
E144-4047 | Number of carrriage scan operation is full | Замените рулонный блок, затем обновите счетчик деталей в сервисном меню. Replace the tube unit, and then clear the parts counter in the service mode. |
E144-4048 | Printhead ink filling failure | Замените печатающую головку. Replace the printhead. |
E196-4043 | Memory error | Выполните обновление прошивки или замените главную плату контроллера.Execute firmware update or replace the main controller PCB. |
E196-4044 | Firmware size error | Выполните обновление прошивки или замените главную плату контроллера.Execute firmware update or replace the main controller PCB. |
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- Rep Power
- 21
EC21-2F51 error on Canon 4000 (imagePROGRAF PRO-4000)
Is there anything I can do first to avoid buying a new printhead?
So, I use a Canon 4000 at a maker space and I came in this morning to find it had an un-numbered error on the screen. It said there was an internal error and that I should shut it off and restart. However it didn’t respond to the power button or any buttons near the screen and the touchscreen itself didn’t respond to my touch. I unplugged the machine and waited about a minute to restart.
It went through some weird fast slapping noises and other strange sounds I’ve never heard, along with the regular wooshing…about two long cycles… claiming to be preparing the printhead, only to serve me in the end that same error from before. Only this time there was a history button which I could touch. There were «hardware» errors and «recoverable» errors. The hardware error was a list of four EC21-2F51 (4801) errors and the 5th error was EC21-2F53 (1478).
Basic high level Googling came up with Canon’s regular response that it might be a printhead issue and to call them to diagnose. The maker space captain called Canon and they said it’s most likely a printhead that needs replacing.
I own a bunch of large format printers already that have hit hardware errors I have yet to fix (Canon 8300, Epson 9890, 7900 and 4880). I managed to save the 9890 and extend its life 18 months a few years back so I’m aware that sometimes there are some deeper more «lower level» things we regular folks can do to resurrect our printers. I’m hoping maybe someone has some advice besides just getting the new printhead.
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50+ Posts
- Rep Power
- 17
Re: EC21-2F51 error on Canon 4000 (imagePROGRAF PRO-4000)
Hi there,
These errors are normally indicative of the print head, yes. However, updating your firmware may resolve this issue but you will have to get a technician in to do this otherwise you may not get any help should something go wrong.
Most likely it is your print head unfortunately
Re: EC21-2F51 error on Canon 4000 (imagePROGRAF PRO-4000)
Ink in the tubes going to the printhead?
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resetter для печатающих головок pf-03 и памперса
Рвем китай, создаем рессетер вместе
| Сообщение #101
Отправлено 08 февраля 2020 — 19:09
Всем привет, задаром отдали несколько динозавров ipf710 с PF-03, есть желание перешить голову, вопрос! Есть ли у кого прошивка головы PF-03?
- Наверх of the page up there ^
| Сообщение #102
Отправлено 15 марта 2020 — 20:43
Если кому интересно.
Прошиваю головы PF-03 и PF-04 — 800руб.
Диагностика ПГ (тест на КЗ по дюзам) — 500 руб.
Промывка щадящая для добавления в чернила (1л) — 1000 руб.
кому интересно пишите на WhatsApp 8951бб995O5
- Наверх of the page up there ^
| Сообщение #103
Отправлено 14 декабря 2020 — 16:58
ошибка 2f51 HV leak (ipf670)
первая голова проработала около 2 лет выдала ошибку 2f51, перепрошить получилось но не помогло, сразу выдовал ошибку не делая никакого теста дюз или очистку, поменял… через год таже ситуация… прочитал на какойта зарубежный форум про солвентых принтеров мимаки кажется что хв леак из за некачественных чернил бывает часто лечится хорошей промывкой. никакой специальной промывки под рукой небыло прочисли средством дезинфекций спиртом воняет сильно (ковид все же) и обычном шприцом примерно по 10-15 мл/цв. поставил принер начал качать обратно чернила в голову минут 10 чистил проверял дюзы и вуаля… тест дюз идеален… первая голова простояла год но после прочистки тоже заработала так что 2f51 может еще не приговор головке
- Наверх of the page up there ^
| Сообщение #104
Отправлено 22 декабря 2020 — 13:27
2F51 не приговор ни разу, но!!! Надо снять и промыть а не гонять в плоттере очистку, иначе труп — забитые дюзы не выпускают краску, голова температурная т.е. внутри нагревы, и получаем высокую температуру внутри головы и следствие пробой и сгоревшая ПГ….
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| Сообщение #105
Отправлено 10 февраля 2021 — 04:44
В теме не раз мелькали вопросы «после прошивки ПГ плоттер выдает что ПГ не найдена, хотя s/n в сервис меню он ее видит, пробоя нет», кто-то нашел причину данной проблемы и решение?
вчера столкнулся с тем же вопросом, прошивки пробовал разные. В чем может быть причина?
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| Сообщение #106
Отправлено 10 февраля 2021 — 14:24
Причину нашел самостоятельно….над устранением еще кумекаю…
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| Сообщение #107
Отправлено 11 февраля 2021 — 12:54
Подскажите, что с этим делать? Замена ПГ?
Прочистка не помогла.
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| Сообщение #108
Отправлено 12 февраля 2021 — 17:57
Встроенная и не поможет, только снимать, нежно мыть, а потом прошивать, НО быть готовым к замене, так как может и это не помочь, а 770й еще по отзывам к шитым головам не очень хорошо относится.
Показания термистров какие? Сервисное меню — function — head chk — temp
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| Сообщение #109
Отправлено 15 февраля 2021 — 09:28
25 25 25 T 25
25 25 25 t 26
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| Сообщение #110
Отправлено 19 февраля 2021 — 06:51
Показания термистров в норме, подгарания по тестам тоже не видно, теоритически промывка со снятием должна помочь, но тут есть другой ньюанс, шанс что плоттер при снятии запишет голову как снятую и не примет её назад присутствует.
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| Сообщение #111
Отправлено 16 февраля 2022 — 21:24
Всем доброго времени суток.
У кого есть дамп прошивки головки PF-06 &
У меня ошибка головки EC21-2F53? ,было пару раз EC21-2F51
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| Сообщение #112
Отправлено 06 марта 2022 — 18:17
у меня есть все дампы, от 03, до 06. 51 ошибка часта связана с тем что забиты каппы (чернила плохо уходят и остаются на башке), желательно менять их хоть иногда.
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| Сообщение #113
Отправлено 11 марта 2022 — 11:59
Александр П
Уважаемые коллеги, кто может поделиться прошивкой головки PF-06 для плоттера Canon TX-2000. Голова встала по ошибке EC21-2F53
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| Сообщение #114
Отправлено 14 марта 2022 — 09:36
Александр П
Правильнее будет сказать, что у меня есть 04 голова рабочая, в нее хочется залить дамп 06 головы и попробовать ее в работе.
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| Сообщение #115
Отправлено 07 июня 2022 — 12:24
Доброго времени суток форумчане! Подскажите пожалуйста распиновку подключения головки к программатору ch341a, пробовал как в первом посте но PonyProg2000 не считывает. Если есть возможность скинуть фото распиновки (подключения) программатора на почту stas . pavlov @ mail . ru. Скиньте пожалуйста, очень надо. Заранее спасибо кто откликнулся
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| Сообщение #116
Отправлено 08 июня 2022 — 12:24
Разобрался, программатор читает головку. Попробовал дамп с топика https://forum.resett…ndpost&p=408989 головка не запускается. Если есть у кого рабочий дамп дайте пожалуйста.
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| Сообщение #117
Отправлено 12 декабря 2022 — 12:49
Прошивал голову PF-06 разными прошивками, а все равно не меняется количество напечатанных количество точек. Где в прошивке эта информация, не понятно.
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| Сообщение #118
Отправлено 15 марта 2023 — 23:50
Парни. Поделитесь плз прошивкой новой головы pf06.. заблокировалась голова видимо по пробегу. Печать была идеальная. Принтер видел в своей жизни только оригинал.
Попробую прошить.
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| Сообщение #119
Отправлено 14 мая 2023 — 14:45
Поделитесь плиз дампом PF-06
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