Installing a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate on your WordPress site enables it to use HTTPS to ensure secure connections. Unfortunately, there are a variety of things that can go wrong in the process of confirming a valid SSL certificate and making a connection between your site’s server and a visitor’s browser.
If you’ve encountered an “SSL Handshake Failed” error message and are confused as to what it means, you’re not alone. It’s a common error that doesn’t tell you much on its own. While this can be a frustrating experience, the good news is that there are simple steps you can take to resolve the issue.
In this post, we’ll explain what the SSL Handshake Failed error is and what causes it. Then we’ll provide you with several methods you can use to fix it.
Let’s get started!
An Introduction to the SSL Handshake
Before we dig deeper into what causes a TLS or SSL handshake failure, it’s helpful to understand what the TLS/SSL handshake is. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are protocols used to authenticate data transfers between servers and external systems such as browsers.
SSL certificates are needed in order to secure your website using HTTPS. We won’t get too in-depth about the difference between TLS vs SSL since it’s a minor one. The terms are often used interchangeably, so for simplicity’s sake, we’ll use “SSL” to refer to both.
With that out of the way, an SSL handshake is the first step in the process of establishing an HTTPS connection. To authenticate and establish the connection, the user’s browser and the website’s server must go through a series of checks (the handshake), which establish the HTTPS connection parameters.
Let us explain: the client (typically the browser) sends a request for a secure connection to the server. After the request is sent, the server sends a public key to your computer and checks that key against a list of certificates. The computer then generates a key and encrypts it, using the public key sent from the server.
To make a long story short, without the SSL handshake, a secure connection won’t be made. This can pose a significant security risk. Plus, there are a lot of moving parts involved in the process.
That means there are many different opportunities for something to go wrong and cause a handshake failure, or even lead to the “your connection is not private” error, causing visitors to leave.
Confronted with the ‘SSL Handshake Failed’ error? 🤝 Get a grip on how to solve it with these 5 methods ⤵️Click to Tweet
Understanding What Causes SSL Handshake Failures
An SSL Handshake Failure or Error 525 means that the server and browser were unable to establish a secure connection. This can happen for a variety of reasons.
Generally, an Error 525 means that the SSL handshake between a domain using Cloudflare and the origin web server failed:
However, it’s also important to understand that SSL errors can happen on the client-side or the server-side. Common causes of SSL errors on the client-side include:
- The wrong date or time on the client device.
- An error with the browser configuration.
- A connection that is being intercepted by a third party.
Some server-side causes include:
- A cipher suite mismatch.
- A protocol used by the client that isn’t supported by the server.
- A certificate that is incomplete, invalid, or expired.
Typically, if the SSL handshake fails, the issue can be attributed to something wrong with the website or server and their SSL configurations.
How to Fix the SSL Handshake Failed Error (5 Methods)
There are several potential causes behind the “SSL Handshake Failed” error. So there’s no simple answer when it comes to how you should fix it.
Fortunately, there are a handful of methods you can use to begin exploring potential issues and resolving them one by one. Let’s take a look at five strategies you can use to try and fix the SSL Handshake Failed error.
1. Update Your System Date and Time
Let’s start with one of the more unlikely causes, but one that is incredibly easy to correct if it is the problem: your computer’s clock.
If your system is using the wrong date and time, that may interrupt the SSL handshake. When the system clock is different than the actual time, for example, if it’s set too far into the future, it can interfere with the SSL certificate verification.
Your computer’s clock might have been set incorrectly due to human error or simply due to a glitch in your settings. Whatever the reason, it’s a good idea to check and make sure your system time is correct, and update it if it’s not.
Of course, if your clock is showing the correct information, it’s safe to assume that this isn’t the source of the “SSL Handshake Failed” issue.
2. Check to See If Your SSL Certificate Is Valid
Expiration dates are placed on SSL certificates, to help make sure their validation information remains accurate. Generally, the validity of these certificates lasts for anywhere between six months and two years.
If an SSL certificate is revoked or expired, the browser will detect this and be unable to complete the SSL handshake. If it’s been more than a year or so since you installed an SSL certificate on your website, it might be time to reissue it.
To view the status of your SSL certificate, you can use an SSL certificate checker tool such as the one offered by Qualys:
This tool is both reliable and free to use. All you need to do is input your domain name into the Hostname field, and then click on Submit. Once the checker is done analyzing your site’s SSL configuration, it will present you with some results:
On this page, you can find out if your certificate is still valid and see if it has been revoked for any reason.
In either case, updating your SSL certificate should resolve the handshake error (and is vital for keeping your site and your WooCommerce store secure).
3. Configure Your Browser for the Latest SSL/TLS Protocol Support
Sometimes the best way to determine the root cause of an issue is by process of elimination. As we mentioned earlier, the SSL handshake failure can often occur due to a browser misconfiguration.
The quickest way to determine whether a particular browser is the problem is to try switching to a different one. This can at least help narrow down the problem. You may also try disabling any plugins and resetting your browser back to its default settings.
Another potential browser-related issue is a protocol mismatch. For example, if the server only supports TLS 1.2, but the browser is only configured for TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, there’s no mutually-supported protocol available. This will inevitably lead to an SSL handshake failure.
How you can check to see if this problem is occurring varies based on the browser you’re using. As an example, we’ll look at how the process works in Chrome. First, open your browser and go to Settings > Advanced. This will expand a number of menu options.
Under the System section, click on Open your computer’s proxy settings:
This will open up a new window. Next, select the Advanced tab. Under the Security section, check to see if the box next to Use TLS 1.2 is selected. If not, check that option:
It’s also recommended that you uncheck the boxes for SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0.
The same applies to TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 since they are being phased out. When you’re done, click on the OK button, and check to see if the handshake error has been resolved.
Note that if you’re using Apple Safari or Mac OS there isn’t an option to enable or disable SSL protocols. TLS 1.2 is automatically enabled by default. If you’re using Linux, you can refer to the Red Hat guide on TLS hardening.
4. Verify That Your Server Is Properly Configured to Support SNI
It’s also possible that the SSL handshake failure is being caused by improper Server Name Indication (SNI) configuration. The SNI is what enables a web server to securely host several TLS certificates for one IP address.
Each website on a server has its own certificate. However, if the server isn’t SNI-enabled, that can result in an SSL handshake failure, because the server may not know which certificate to present.
There are a few ways to check and see whether a site requires SNI. One option is to use Qualys’ SSL Server Test, which we discussed in the previous section. Input your site’s domain name, and then click on the Submit button.
On the results page, look for a message that reads “This site works only in browsers with SNI support”:
Another approach for detecting if a server is using SNI is to browse the server names in the ‘ClientHello’ message. This is a more technical process, but it can offer a lot of information.
It involves checking the extended hello header for a ‘server_name’ field, to see if the correct certifications are presented.
If you’re familiar with using tools such as the OpenSSL toolkit and Wireshark, you might find this method preferable. You can use openssl s_client
with and without the -servername
# without SNI
$ openssl s_client -connect host:port
# use SNI
$ openssl s_client -connect host:port -servername host
If you get two different certificates with the same name, it means that the SNI is supported and properly configured.
However, if the output in the returned certificates is different, or the call without SNI cannot establish an SSL connection, it indicates that SNI is required but not correctly configured. Resolving this issue may require switching to a dedicated IP address.
5. Make Sure the Cipher Suites Match
If you still haven’t been able to identify the cause of the SSL handshake failure, it might be due to a cipher suite mismatch. In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, ‘cipher suites’ refer to a set of algorithms, including ones for key exchange, bulk encryption, and message authentication code, that can be used for securing SSL and TLS network connections.
If the cipher suites that a server uses don’t support or match what’s used by Cloudflare, that can result in an “SSL Handshake Failed” error.
When it comes to figuring out whether there is a cipher suite mismatch, Qualys’ SSL Server Test proves yet again to be a useful tool.
When you input your domain and click on Submit, you’ll see a summary analysis page. You can find the cipher information under the Cipher Suites section:
You can use this page to discover which ciphers and protocols the server supports. You’ll want to look out for any that display the ‘weak’ status. In addition, this section also details the specific algorithms for the cipher suites.
To correct this issue, you can compare the results against what your browser supports by using the Qualys SSL/TLS Capabilities of Your Browser tool. For more extensive information and guidance about cipher suites, we also recommend checking out the ComodoSSLStore guide.
Confused by the ‘SSL Handshake Failed’ error message? This guide explains what it is and, most importantly, 5 ways to fix it 🙌Click to Tweet
One of the most perplexing yet common types of SSL-related problems is the “SSL Handshake Failed” error. Dealing with this error can be stressful since it has many potential causes, including both client- and server-side issues.
However, there are some reliable solutions you can use to identify the problem and resolve it. Here are five ways you can use to fix the SSL Handshake Failed error:
- Update your system date and time.
- Check to see if your SSL certificate is valid (and reissue it if necessary).
- Configure your browser to support the latest TLS/SSL versions.
- Verify that your server is properly configured to support SNI.
- Make sure the cipher suites match.
Интернет сделал для нас удобным находить любую необходимую информацию. Вы можете посещать веб-сайты напрямую или использовать поисковую систему, например Google, для доступа к различным типам данных. Однако бывают случаи, когда мы не можем открывать веб-страницы, и этому может быть несколько причин. В некоторых случаях это может быть связано с вашим сетевым подключением. С другой стороны, еще одна распространенная проблема, которая вызывает эту проблему, — это сбой установления связи TLS.
Теперь вы можете спросить: «Что означает рукопожатие TLS?» TLS означает Transport Layer Security, протокол шифрования. Связь по этому протоколу остается конфиденциальной и безопасной. В этом посте мы собираемся объяснить, что происходит при рукопожатии TLS. Таким образом, вы лучше поймете концепцию. Более того, мы научим вас, как исправить ошибку сбоя установления связи TLS.
Как мы все знаем, когда есть форма переговоров или приветствия между двумя людьми, мы скрепляем это рукопожатием. Точно так же, когда два сервера обмениваются данными и подтверждают друг друга, они формируют рукопожатие TLS. Во время этого процесса серверы проходят проверку. Они устанавливают шифрование при обмене ключами. После подтверждения подлинности всех деталей начнется обмен данными. Вот четыре этапа рукопожатия TLS:
- Указывает версию TLS, которая будет использоваться для связи.
- Выбор алгоритма шифрования для связи.
- Открытый ключ и цифровая подпись эмитента сертификата SSL будут использоваться для проверки подлинности.
- Будут созданы сеансовые ключи, которые затем будут обмениваться между двумя серверами.
Чтобы упростить задачу, обе стороны сначала скажут «привет». Затем сервер предоставит сертификат, который клиент проверит. После того, как будет подтверждена подлинность сертификата, начнется сеанс. Перед этим будет создан ключ, который позволит обмениваться данными между серверами.
Как исправить проблемы с рукопожатием TLS
К сожалению, если проблема связана с сервером, вы ничего не можете сделать. Например, если сертификат с сервера не может быть аутентифицирован, тогда это уже не в ваших руках. Однако, если у вас возникли проблемы с браузером, который вы используете, вы все равно можете попробовать множество обходных путей. Кроме того, если вы имеете дело с несоответствием в протоколе TLS, вы можете исправить проблему в браузере.
Сбой рукопожатия TLS может быть по разным причинам. Прежде чем пытаться решить проблему, убедитесь, что вы действительно имеете дело с ошибкой рукопожатия TLS. В большинстве случаев можно соблюдать следующие правила:
- Попробуйте посетить другие сайты и посмотрите, сохраняется ли проблема.
- Если вы используете сеть Wi-Fi, попробуйте переключиться на проводную.
- Попробуйте другие сетевые подключения. Например, используйте другой маршрутизатор или переключитесь на общедоступную сеть.
После того, как вы установили причину проблемы, вы можете спросить: «Следует ли мне отключить квитирование TLS в моем браузере?» Мы понимаем ваше разочарование, но не рекомендуем этого делать. В конце концов, протокол TLS — один из лучших способов обеспечить безопасный просмотр. Действительно, вы можете продолжить просмотр веб-сайта даже с недействительным сертификатом. Однако вы никогда не должны совершать с ним какие-либо операции. Например, не отправляйте учетные данные пароля и не используйте свою кредитную карту.
С другой стороны, бывают случаи, когда сбой подтверждения TLS возникает из-за проблем с вашим браузером. В этом случае вы можете решить проблему, изменив некоторые настройки в вашем браузере. Ниже мы расскажем о некоторых из лучших обходных путей.
Решение 1. Обеспечение правильного системного времени
В большинстве случаев рукопожатие TLS не удается из-за неправильных настроек системного времени. Имейте в виду, что системное время является жизненно важным фактором при проверке того, действительно ли сертификат действителен или просрочен. Итак, если время на вашем ПК не совпадает со временем на сервере, то может показаться, что сертификаты больше не действительны. Поэтому мы рекомендуем вам установить системное время на «автоматическое». Вот шаги:
- На клавиатуре нажмите Windows Key + I. Откроется приложение «Настройки».
- В приложении «Настройки» выберите «Время и язык».
- Перейдите на правую панель и установите переключатель в разделе «Автоматически устанавливать время» в положение «Вкл.».
- Перезагрузите компьютер, затем попробуйте снова зайти на сайт, чтобы убедиться, что ошибка подтверждения TLS исчезла.
Решение 2. Изменение протокола TLS в Windows 10
Возможно, проблема связана с версией TLS, которую использует ваш браузер. Стоит отметить, что в Windows 10 и более ранних версиях операционной системы централизованы настройки протокола. Вы можете получить доступ к свойствам Интернета, чтобы переключиться на другую версию TLS. Для этого следуйте этим инструкциям:
- Запустите диалоговое окно «Выполнить», нажав клавиши Windows + R на клавиатуре.
- В диалоговом окне «Выполнить» введите «inetcpl.cpl» (без кавычек), затем нажмите «ОК».
- В окне свойств Интернета перейдите на вкладку «Дополнительно».
- Прокрутите вниз, пока не дойдете до раздела «Безопасность», где вы можете добавить или удалить протоколы TLS.
- Если веб-сайт, к которому вы пытаетесь получить доступ, требует TLS 1.2, вам необходимо его выбрать.
- Нажмите «Применить» и «ОК», чтобы сохранить внесенные изменения.
- После изменения версии TLS попробуйте снова получить доступ к тому же веб-сайту.
Когда дело доходит до протоколов TLS, IE, Chrome и Edge используют возможности Windows. Между тем Firefox управляет собственной базой данных сертификатов и протоколами TLS. Итак, если вы хотите изменить версию TLS в Firefox, выполните следующие действия:
- Запустите Firefox, затем введите «about: config» (без кавычек) в адресной строке.
- Нажмите Enter, затем щелкните поле поиска.
- Введите «TLS» (без кавычек), затем найдите security.tls.version.min.
- Вы можете изменить это на любое из следующего:
Установите TLS 1 и 1.1, введя 1 и 2.
Включите TLS 1.2, введя 3.
Установите максимальный протокол TLS 1.3, введя 4.
Решение 3. Удаление базы данных сертификатов или профиля браузера
Браузеры хранят базу данных сертификатов. Например, профили Firefox поддерживают файл cert8.db. Есть один способ узнать, что ошибка установления связи TLS связана с локальной базой данных сертификатов. Вы можете попробовать удалить файл cert8.db в Firefox. Если ошибка исчезает при перезагрузке компьютера и браузера, значит, вы определили причину.
Для Edge за обработку сертификатов отвечает диспетчер сертификатов. Вы можете удалить сертификаты, выполнив следующие действия:
- Откройте Edge, затем введите в адресной строке «edge: // settings / privacy» (без кавычек).
- Щелкните параметр «Управление сертификатами и настройками HTTPS / SSL», затем удалите сертификаты.
Если у вас возникли проблемы с поиском базы данных сертификатов, лучше всего удалить профиль браузера. Как только вы это сделаете, вы можете снова попытаться получить доступ к веб-сайту, чтобы узнать, исчезла ли ошибка TLS.
Решение 4. Сброс настроек браузера
Если ни одно из исправлений, которыми мы поделились, не может решить проблему TLS, то последнее средство — сбросить настройки браузера. Лучший способ сделать это — удалить и переустановить браузер. Как только вы это сделаете, вы можете снова попытаться получить доступ к веб-сайту, чтобы проверить, исчезла ли ошибка TLS.
В некоторых случаях время установления связи TLS истекает, и вы не можете посетить веб-сайт. Когда это происходит, вы, естественно, спросите: «Сколько времени занимает рукопожатие TLS?» Что ж, это займет несколько секунд. Если это занимает больше минуты или двух, возможно, у вас медленное сетевое соединение. С другой стороны, также возможно, что ваш браузер перегружен расширениями, надстройками и прочим мусором.
Когда это происходит, вы должны использовать надежный очиститель нежелательной почты с ПК, например Auslogics BoostSpeed. Вы можете использовать этот инструмент, чтобы легко избавиться от ненужных файлов браузера. Более того, BoostSpeed имеет функции, которые позволяют настраивать неоптимальные настройки браузера, обеспечивая плавную и быструю работу.
Какое из решений помогло вам решить проблему с подтверждением TLS?
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Setting up a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for your website has never been easier. You can generate certificates for free, and many hosting providers will even set them up for you. However, if you don’t configure your certificate properly, you may encounter errors such as “SSL handshake failed”.
The “SSL handshake failed” error shows up when your browser and the server can’t establish a secure connection. This article will explain what an SSL handshake is and what to do if you fail to establish one.
Let’s get to it!
What Is an SSL Handshake? -
What Causes the “SSL Handshake Failed” Error -
How to Fix the “SSL Handshake Failed” Error (5 Ways)-
1. Update Your Local Device’s Date and Time -
2. Ensure That Your Browser Supports the Latest TLS Protocol -
3. Make Sure Your SSL Certificate Is Valid -
4. Check Your Server’s Server Name Identification (SNI) Configuration -
5. Pause Cloudflare to Test Your SSL Certificate
What Is an SSL Handshake?
As you may know, an SSL certificate validates your website’s “identity”. It does that using a cryptographic key that your browser checks to make sure the certificate is valid. Once you establish a connection, your browser can decrypt the content that the server sends it.
This process is called a “handshake”. Here’s how it works in more detail:
- You visit a website with an SSL certificate and your browser sends a request for data.
- The server sends the browser an encrypted public key.
- Your browser checks that key and sends its encrypted key back to the server.
- The server decrypts the key and sends encrypted content back to your browser.
- Your browser decrypts the content (hence completing the handshake).
All of this happens in seconds. SSL certificates and the HTTPS protocol enable your website to transmit data securely, without negatively impacting performance. That makes an SSL certificate vital for any website. However, like any element of your site, it can occasionally create unique problems.
What Causes the “SSL Handshake Failed” Error
The “SSL handshake failed” error tells you precisely what the problem is. It shows up when your browser fails to establish a connection with a website that has an SSL certificate:
In this example from a website using Cloudflare, you can see that the “SSL handshake failed” error corresponds to the “525” code. Thus, the error can stem from both server- and client-side problems.
The most common causes of the “SSL handshake failed” error include:
- Your local device has the wrong date or time
- The browser doesn’t support the latest SSL protocol
- Your SSL certificate is invalid
- There’s a problem with your Server Name Identification (SNI) configuration
- There’s an issue with your Content Delivery Network (CDN), such as Cloudflare
That list includes two local issues, two that are related to your website’s server, and one that’s specific to a third-party service. In the next sections, we’ll explore how to tackle each of them.
How to Fix the “SSL Handshake Failed” Error (5 Ways)
Here, we’re going to start by showing you how to fix the client-side issues that can cause the “SSL handshake failed” error. Those solutions are pretty simple. In case they don’t work, however, we’ll then move on to more technical solutions you can try.
1. Update Your Local Device’s Date and Time
When your browser tries to establish an SSL handshake, it verifies the certificate against your computer’s date and time. It does this to verify that the SSL certificate is still valid.
If your local device’s date and time are off, that can lead to errors during the verification process (i.e., no handshake). Fortunately, this is an issue with a simple fix.
On a Windows device, open the Start menu and type in Date & Time settings. Select the option that appears, and a new window will pop up. Enable the setting Set time automatically, and ensure that your time zone is correct:
Verify that your date is now correct, and then try to reload the website.
Here’s how to fix your date and time on other Operating Systems (OSs):
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
If fixing the date and time on your local device doesn’t do the trick, you can move on to the next fix.
2. Ensure That Your Browser Supports the Latest TLS Protocol
In some cases, you may run into the “SSL handshake failed” error due to problems with your browser. The most common issue is that your browser doesn’t support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol that your certificate uses.
To put it simply, both SSL and TLS are authentication protocols, and your certificate may use either one. Modern browsers support both protocols, but their older versions might not.
The easiest way to determine whether your browser is causing the issue is to use another one. If the “SSL handshake failed” error doesn’t appear in other browsers, the original one may be the problem.
To fix this issue in Windows, open the Start menu and type in Internet Options. Select the option that appears and go to the Advanced tab. Scroll down the list of settings until you find the options that correspond to SSL and TLS settings:
Ideally, you should un-check the box for SSL 3 and 2 (if you see those options). You only need to check the boxes for TLS 1, 1.1, and 1.2.
Then save the changes to your internet options and try re-accessing the website. Note that if you’re using macOS or iOS, TLS 1.2 should be enabled by default.
3. Make Sure Your SSL Certificate Is Valid
SSL certificates have expiration dates. That’s a built-in function that forces you to renew the certificate at some point, and validate your domain ownership.
If your SSL certificate expires, your browser won’t be able to establish a handshake. Depending on who your SSL certificate provider is, you’ll probably receive notifications well before it expires so you can renew it.
Even so, it doesn’t hurt to check if you’re not sure about your certificate’s expiration date. You can use a tool such as SSL Server Test to do so:
The service will return a lot of information about your website’s SSL certificate. If the certificate expired, you’ll see when its validity ran out:
In this case, you’ll need to re-issue and install the SSL certificate on your website. Depending on who your hosting provider is, they might be able to help with that process.
4. Check Your Server’s Server Name Identification (SNI) Configuration
If you’re using a shared server to host your website, you can run into issues with multiple SSL certificates. Hosting providers use proper Server Name Identification (SNI) configuration to ensure that when visitors try to access your site, they get the correct SSL certificate (and not one from another property).
Generally speaking, most reputable hosting providers won’t present any issues with SNI configuration. Additionally, if you’re not using a shared server, you can move on to the next fix.
If you want to be 100% sure that your hosting provider isn’t presenting any issues with SNI configuration, you can contact its support for help. On a shared server, you won’t be able to access this configuration directly. If this turns out to be the problem, you may want to consider upgrading to a more robust hosting plan.
5. Pause Cloudflare to Test Your SSL Certificate
If you’re using Cloudflare, the “SSL handshake failed” error can be due to a problem with its connection to your website. The easiest way to test this is by temporarily disabling it.
Fortunately, Cloudflare offers a “pausing” feature you can use to disable the service at any time. Once you do this, we recommend clearing your browser’s cache before trying to access your website again.
If the SSL handshake error is gone, you’ll want to contact Cloudflare to see what the problem might be. While you wait for a response, keep the CDN disabled so other users can also access your website. On the other hand, if the SSL error persists, that means it’s probably due to an error with your server’s configuration (see above).
The “SSL handshake failed” error is relatively easy to fix, as long as you’re aware of what its potential causes are. The error might be due to an issue with your local device’s settings, your server’s configuration, or your CDN.
Here’s what you might need to do to fix the “SSL handshake failed” error:
- Update your local device’s date and time.
- Ensure that your browser supports the latest TLS protocol.
- Make sure your SSL certificate is valid.
- Check your server’s SNI configuration.
- Pause Cloudflare to test your SSL certificate.
Do you have any questions about how to fix the “SSL handshake failed” error? Let’s talk about them in the comments section below!
Featured Image via vladwel /
Ошибка «ssl handshake failure» при использовании Haproxy Автор Vladislav Fomichev, Last modified by Vladislav Fomichev на 08 августа 2022 03:55 PM |
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Пример настройи для AK: frontend airkey_server mode http |
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SSL/TLS Handshake Failed error occurs when the client or server fails to establish a secure connection.
Has your SSL handshake failed? For someone who isn’t quite adept in technology, the term ‘SSL handshake’ might seem cryptic or out of the context. If you are in that zone and know nothing about why this error is popping up on your system, then read until the end.
In this article, we shall not only discuss what an SSL handshake is, but we shall also delve deeper into why this error shows up and what you can do to fix it.
What is an SSL/TLS handshake?
The SSL handshake involves algorithm agreement, certificate exchange, and the exchange of keys using the shared algorithm. So, the ‘SSL handshake’ is the name given to a securely devised process that helps encrypt client-server communication through cryptographic keys. These keys are exchanged between the server and the client using one out of the two shared algorithms that both the server and the client mutually agreed upon. So, if any glitch occurs during this process, then the ‘SSL handshake failed’ error shows up.
Why does the ‘SSL/TLS handshake failed’ error occur?
An SSL handshake error, also known as error 525 occurs when the two endpoints (server and client) are unable to establish a secure connection. This can happen due to several issues, which might be on the server side or the client side. If you are experiencing this error, there is not much to worry about and no matter what’s causing it, we’ll help you fix it in no time. Let us now discuss some ways in which you can fix the SSL handshake error.
How to Fix the “SSL/TLS Handshake Failed” Error?
#1. Check your system’s time and date
Before you try any other fix for your SSL handshake error, we strongly recommend that you try correcting your system’s date and time. Silly as it may seem, this works for most people experiencing this sort of error. So, don’t undermine the power of your system’s date and time setting, which might be wrong due to many reasons.
It could be wrong due to pure neglect, a software glitch caused by malware, or simply because you are using a server located in another time zone through a VPN. If you are using a VPN, then it is recommended that you configure the date and time according to the server’s time zone. This refers to the date and time of the location in which the server is located, and not your physical location.
Windows user can reset the date and time in the following manner:
- Click on the ‘Windows’ button.
- Type ‘Date and Time Settings’ and choose the relevant option.
- If you wish to set the time automatically, toggle the ‘set time automatically’ button.
- If you are using a VPN or wish to set the time manually for any other reason, click on the ‘Set the date and time manually’ option.
On Mac, the same can be done by navigating to ‘Menu’ and then to ‘System Preferences’. You will find similar settings for all other Operating Systems.
#2. Update your Web Browser
At all times, you must keep your Operating System and applications up to date. This alone can prevent many errors, including the ‘SSL handshake failed’ error. Chrome users can check that by opening the Chrome browser and clicking on the three vertical dots in the top-right hand corner. Next, click on ‘More Tools’ and if your Chrome browser needs an update, then you’ll find one here. If you don’t, it only means that your Chrome browser is up to date.
#3. Deactivate recently installed plugins or extensions
Most browser plugins and extensions come from unknown developers and could very well be packed with malicious code. So, if you recently installed one of those and have been experiencing the SSL handshake error, then try uninstalling it and clearing your cache and cookies. After you’ve done that, try reconnecting to the same website and check if you can now establish a secure connection.
Chrome users can uninstall the extension by following the below mentioned steps:
- Click on the three vertical dots on the top-right corner
- Click on ‘Settings’
- Select ‘Extensions’
- Choose the extension you recently installed and click on remove
#4. Protocol Mismatch
Many people face the SSL handshake issue due to a protocol mismatch between the server and the client. Basically, there are multiple versions of the SSL/TLS protocol available and for a successful handshake, it is essential that the web server and the browser support the same version.
Often, the SSL handshake error shows up when the server runs on a protocol version that is much higher than that of the client computer. For instance, if the server uses the TLS 1.3 version but the browser’s using the TLS 1.1, then the SSL handshake is likely to fail because servers do not support previous versions. You can fix this by resetting your browser to its default settings and using it without any extensions.
To reset the browser settings to default on your Chrome browser, click on the three vertical dots on the top-right hand corner, choose ‘Settings’ and then ‘System’. Finally, click on the ‘reset settings to original default’ option and you are done.
#5. Expired Certificate
You could be facing the handshake issue simply because you are trying to access a website that does not have a valid SSL certificate. Use our free SSL Certificate checker tool to validate your SSL certificate.
We have discussed some of the most effective solutions for the SSL handshake problem, which might occur due to the browser or the system settings. In most cases, correcting the time and date settings or removing the trouble-causing extensions from the browser solves the issue.
For server-related concerns, it is only the website owner or administrator who can fix the ‘SSL handshake failed’ problem. Some of the common server-side issues are an invalid SSL certificate, a free SSL certificate from a fraudulent website, problems with the cipher suite, and incorrect installation of the SSL Certificate. In that case, it is recommended that you contact the website owner or administrator for an effective resolution.
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