Ошибка с0840 куосера

C0030 Системная ошибка в управлении факсом Обработка при помощи программного обеспечения факса была отключена из за проблем с оборудованием Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить систему управления факсом PWB C0070 Обнаружена несовместимость платы управления PWB Обнаружена несовместимость при первичной инициализации системы управления факсом PWB. Никакие команды связи не проходят. Дефект программного обеспечения факса Установить программное обеспечение для факса C0100 Ошибка при резервном копировании памяти устройства Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0120 Ошибка данных MAC адреса Неисправность в плате управления PWB Заменить плату управления PWB C0130 Ошибка чтения/записи при резервном копировании Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0140 Ошибка при резервном копировании данных Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0150 Ошибка EEPROM платы управления PWB Обнаружена ошибка связи PWB EEPROM (U17) Неправильная установка PWB EEPROM (U17) Проверить установку EEPROM (U17) и при необходимости исправить C0170 Ошибка счетчика 1. Неисправность control PWB.

2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)

1. Заменить плату управления PWB.

2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания

C0180 Номер аппарата не совпадает Основной номер и номер двигателя не совпадают 1. Основная PWB или PWB двигателя была заменена.

2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)

1. U004 Задать номер.

2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания

C0420 Ошибка связи с системой подачи бумаги Ошибка коммуникации между платой PWB  и дополнительным устройством подачи бумаги 1. Неправильная установка устройства подачи бумаги

2. Повреждение провода между платой PWB (YC30) и интерфесным разъемом устройства подачи, либо разъем подключен неправильно.

3. Неисправен кабель между PF основной PWB и подачей бумаги, либо разъем не вставлен. Плата PF неисправна.

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Еще раз внимательно прочитайте инструкцию по установке.

2. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден.Заменить печатную плату.

4. Заменить плату управления PWB.

C0830 Ошибка контрольной суммы прошивки FAX control PWB Произошла ошибка контрольной суммы программы управления FAX control PWB 1. Дефект программного обеспечения факса.

2. Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB

1. Установить программное обеспечение для факса.

2. Заменить плату управления факсом PWB

C0840 Неисправность RTС Расхождение во времени между RTC  и текущим пять и более лет. 1. Неисправность control PWB

2. Отсоединена батарея.

1. Заменить плату управления PWB.

2. Визуально проверить и при необходимости исправить.

C0870 Проблема передачи данных большой емкости между FAX control PWB и control PWB Не выполняется передача данных между FAX control PWB и control PWB, даже при повторе через заданный промежуток  Неправильная установка  FAX control PWB Переставить FAX control PWB C0920 Ошибка файловой системы факса Резервное копирование данных не производится по причине ошибки файловой системы флеш-памяти Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить плату управления факсом PWB C2000 Ошибка главного двигателя Главный двигатель не выходит на готовность в течение 2 секунд после включения 1. Неисправен кабель между основным двигателем (CN1) и платой PWB (YC17) или разъем вставлен неправильно.

2. Неисправен привод основного двигателя.

3. Неисправен двигатель.

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.

2. Проверьте плавность вращения роликов и шестерней. При необходимости смажьте. Убедитесь в отсутсвии разрывов передач.

3. Заменить.

4. Заменить.

C2610 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 2 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4).  Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C2620 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 3 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4). Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C3100 Ошибка исходного положения ISU 1. Неисправность FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Неисправность FFC между control PWB (YC6) и сканера WPB (YC103) или неправильная установка FCC.

3. Неисправность датчика исходного положения.

4. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем ISU и сканером PWB (YC104) или разъем вставлен неправильно.

1. Заменить блок сканера ISU

2. Переставить FFC. Проверить на разрыв, при необходимости заменить.

3. Заменить датчик.

4. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.

C3200 Ошибка лампы экспозиции Лампа экспозиции не включается 1. Повреждения FFC между сканером PWB (YC103) и control PWB (YC6), либо некорректная установка FFC.

2. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

3. Неисправен кабель между CCD PWB (YC3) и LED приводом PWB (YC1) либо разъем не подключен.

4. Неисправен кабель между LED приводом PWB (YC2) и лампой экспонирования.

5. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.

6. Неисправен светодиодный привод.

1. Переустановите FFC. Проверьте целостность, при необходимости замените.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

4. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

5. Заменить лампу.

6. Заменить привод.

C3300 Ошибка AGC 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.

3. Неисправность CCD PWB

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Заменить блок сканера.

2. Заменить лампу.

3. Заменить CCD PWB

4. Заменить control PWB

C3500 Ошибка связи CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB) Обнаружен код ошибки 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Неисправность CCD PWB.

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Заменить блок сканера (ISU).

2. Заменить CCD PWB

3. Заменить control PWB

C4000 Ошибка полигон-мотора (блока лазерного сканера) Полигон-мотор не выходит на готовность после 6 секунд после включения. 1. Поврежден кабель между полигон-мотором и control PWB (YC10) или разъем не вставлен.

2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

3. Заменить control PWB

C4200 Ошибка BD  (блока лазерного сканера) 1. BD датчик не обнаруживает лазерный луч из-за скопления конденсата на зеркале.

2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.

1. Выключите питание машины минимум на 30 минут, затем снова включите, если это не помогает необходимо менять блок сканера.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

C6000 Выход из строя термо-элемента (фьюзера) Температура фьюзера не поднимается после включения устройства. 1. Плохой контакт клемм термистора фьюзера.

2. Плохой контакт в местах подключения нагревателя термоблока.

3. Термисторы фьюзера установлены неправильно.

4 . Срабатывает термореле

5. Нагреватель фьюзера установлен неправильно

6. Выход из строя термо-элемента

1. Проверьте контакты.

2. Проверьте контакты.

3. Заменить блок закрепления

4. Заменить блок закрепления

5. Заменить блок закрепления

6. Заменить блок закрепления

C6020 Слишком высокая температура фьюзера Термистор фьюзера обнаружил аномально высокую температуру. Пробой термистора фьюзера Заменить блок закрепления C6030 Поврежден шлейф термистора термоэлемента Значени на входе термистора равно 0 1. Плохой контакт в клеммах термистора.

2. Неисправен шлейф термистора

3. Термистор установлен некорректно

4. Срабатывает термореле

Проверить контакты

Заменить блок закрепления

C6400 Ошибка пересечения нуля Сигнал пересечения нуля не достигает контрольной платы за указанное время 1. Неисправен кабель между PWB высокого напряжения(YC202) и control PWB (YC23) или разъем не вставлен

2. Дефект соединения между источником питания PWB (YC103) и PWB высокого напряжения (YC201)

3. Неисправен источник питания PWB

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.

2. Переподключите коннектор

3. Заменить источник питания

4. Заменить control PWB

C7990 Бункер отработки переполнен Датчик тонера обнаружил, что бункер для отработки переполнен 1. Бункер отработки драм-юнита переполнен.

2. Неисправен датчик отработки

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла замените драм-юнит.

2. Замените датчик.

3. Заменить control PWB

4. Очистите драм юнит (инструкция по очистке бункера отработанного тонера)

F000 Ошибка связи control PWB — панель управления PWB 1. Неисправность соединения панели управления PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC7).

2. Неисправность панели управления

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.

2. Замените панель.

3. Заменить control PWB

F020 Ошибка контрольной суммы RAM control PWB 1. Неисправность основной микросхемы памяти (ОЗУ) на главной плате управления PWB

2. Неисправность платы расширения памяти (DIMM)

1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

2. Замените плату расширения (DIMM)

F040 Ошибка связи control PWB двигателя Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB F041 Ошибка связи между гланой платой управления и платой управления сканером Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправна главная плата управления или управления сканером Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB или scanner PWB F050 Ошибка контрольной суммы платы управления двигателем 1. Такие ошибки могут происходить при обновлении прошивки control PWB

2. Неисправность control PWB

1. Скачайте прошивку снова

2. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

F186 Ошибка управления видеоданными главной панели управления Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB
C0030 Системная ошибка в управлении факсом Обработка при помощи программного обеспечения факса была отключена из за проблем с оборудованием Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить систему управления факсом PWB C0070 Обнаружена несовместимость платы управления PWB Обнаружена несовместимость при первичной инициализации системы управления факсом PWB. Никакие команды связи не проходят. Дефект программного обеспечения факса Установить программное обеспечение для факса C0100 Ошибка при резервном копировании памяти устройства Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0120 Ошибка данных MAC адреса Неисправность в плате управления PWB Заменить плату управления PWB C0130 Ошибка чтения/записи при резервном копировании Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0140 Ошибка при резервном копировании данных Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0150 Ошибка EEPROM платы управления PWB Обнаружена ошибка связи PWB EEPROM (U17) Неправильная установка PWB EEPROM (U17) Проверить установку EEPROM (U17) и при необходимости исправить C0170 Ошибка счетчика 1. Неисправность control PWB.2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17) 1. Заменить плату управления PWB.2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания C0180 Номер аппарата не совпадает Основной номер и номер двигателя не совпадают 1. Основная PWB или PWB двигателя была заменена.2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17) 1. U004 Задать номер. 2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания C0420 Ошибка связи с системой подачи бумаги Ошибка коммуникации между платой PWB  и дополнительным устройством подачи бумаги 1. Неправильная установка устройства подачи бумаги2. Повреждение провода между платой PWB (YC30) и интерфесным разъемом устройства подачи, либо разъем подключен неправильно.3. Неисправен кабель между PF основной PWB и подачей бумаги, либо разъем не вставлен. Плата PF неисправна.4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Еще раз внимательно прочитайте инструкцию по установке.2. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден.Заменить печатную плату.4. Заменить плату управления PWB. C0830 Ошибка контрольной суммы прошивки FAX control PWB Произошла ошибка контрольной суммы программы управления FAX control PWB 1. Дефект программного обеспечения факса. 2. Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB 1. Установить программное обеспечение для факса.2. Заменить плату управления факсом PWB C0840 Неисправность RTС Расхождение во времени между RTC  и текущим пять и более лет. 1. Неисправность control PWB 2. Отсоединена батарея. 1. Заменить плату управления PWB.2. Визуально проверить и при необходимости исправить. C0870 Проблема передачи данных большой емкости между FAX control PWB и control PWB Не выполняется передача данных между FAX control PWB и control PWB, даже при повторе через заданный промежуток  Неправильная установка  FAX control PWB  Переставить FAX control PWB C0920 Ошибка файловой системы факса Резервное копирование данных не производится по причине ошибки файловой системы флеш-памяти Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить плату управления факсом PWB C2000 Ошибка главного двигателя Главный двигатель не выходит на готовность в течение 2 секунд после включения 1. Неисправен кабель между основным двигателем (CN1) и платой PWB (YC17) или разъем вставлен неправильно. 2. Неисправен привод основного двигателя. 3. Неисправен двигатель.4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.2. Проверьте плавность вращения роликов и шестерней. При необходимости смажьте. Убедитесь в отсутсвии разрывов передач.3. Заменить.4. Заменить. C2610 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 2 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4).  Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C2620 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 3 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4). Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C3100 Ошибка исходного положения ISU 1. Неисправность FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).2. Неисправность FFC между control PWB (YC6) и сканера WPB (YC103) или неправильная установка FCC.3. Неисправность датчика исходного положения.4. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем ISU и сканером PWB (YC104) или разъем вставлен неправильно. 1. Заменить блок сканера ISU 2. Переставить FFC. Проверить на разрыв, при необходимости заменить. 3. Заменить датчик. 4. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля. C3200 Ошибка лампы экспозиции Лампа экспозиции не включается 1. Повреждения FFC между сканером PWB (YC103) и control PWB (YC6), либо некорректная установка FFC.2. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).3. Неисправен кабель между CCD PWB (YC3) и LED приводом PWB (YC1) либо разъем не подключен.4. Неисправен кабель между LED приводом PWB (YC2) и лампой экспонирования.5. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.6. Неисправен светодиодный привод. 1. Переустановите FFC. Проверьте целостность, при необходимости замените. 2. Заменить блок сканера.3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.4. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.5. Заменить лампу.6. Заменить привод. C3300 Ошибка AGC 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).2. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.3. Неисправность CCD PWB4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Заменить блок сканера. 2. Заменить лампу. 3. Заменить CCD PWB4. Заменить control PWB C3500 Ошибка связи CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB) Обнаружен код ошибки 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).2. Неисправность CCD PWB.3. Неисправность control PWB  1. Заменить блок сканера (ISU).2. Заменить CCD PWB3. Заменить control PWB C4000 Ошибка полигон-мотора (блока лазерного сканера) Полигон-мотор не выходит на готовность после 6 секунд после включения. 1. Поврежден кабель между полигон-мотором и control PWB (YC10) или разъем не вставлен.2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.3. Неисправность control PWB 1. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.2. Заменить блок сканера.3. Заменить control PWB C4200 Ошибка BD  (блока лазерного сканера) 1. BD датчик не обнаруживает лазерный луч из-за скопления конденсата на зеркале.2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера. 1. Выключите питание машины минимум на 30 минут, затем снова включите, если это не помогает необходимо менять блок сканера.2. Заменить блок сканера. C6000 Выход из строя термо-элемента (фьюзера) Температура фьюзера не поднимается после включения устройства. 1. Плохой контакт клемм термистора фьюзера.2. Плохой контакт в местах подключения нагревателя термоблока.3. Термисторы фьюзера установлены неправильно.4 . Срабатывает термореле5. Нагреватель фьюзера установлен неправильно6. Выход из строя термо-элемента 1. Проверьте контакты. 2. Проверьте контакты.3. Заменить блок закрепления 4. Заменить блок закрепления 5. Заменить блок закрепления 6. Заменить блок закрепления C6020 Слишком высокая температура фьюзера Термистор фьюзера обнаружил аномально высокую температуру. Пробой термистора фьюзера Заменить блок закрепления C6030 Поврежден шлейф термистора термоэлемента Значени на входе термистора равно 0 1. Плохой контакт в клеммах термистора.2. Неисправен шлейф термистора3. Термистор установлен некорректно4. Срабатывает термореле Проверить контакты Заменить блок закрепления C6400 Ошибка пересечения нуля Сигнал пересечения нуля не достигает контрольной платы за указанное время 1. Неисправен кабель между PWB высокого напряжения(YC202) и control PWB (YC23) или разъем не вставлен2. Дефект соединения между источником питания PWB (YC103) и PWB высокого напряжения (YC201)3. Неисправен источник питания PWB4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден. 2. Переподключите коннектор  3. Заменить источник питания 4. Заменить control PWB C7990 Бункер отработки переполнен Датчик тонера обнаружил, что бункер для отработки переполнен 1. Бункер отработки драм-юнита переполнен.2. Неисправен датчик отработки3. Неисправность control PWB 1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла замените драм-юнит.2. Замените датчик.3. Заменить control PWB4. Очистите драм юнит (инструкция по очистке бункера отработанного тонера) F000 Ошибка связи control PWB — панель управления PWB 1. Неисправность соединения панели управления PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC7).2. Неисправность панели управления3. Неисправность control PWB 1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.2. Замените панель.3. Заменить control PWB F020 Ошибка контрольной суммы RAM control PWB 1. Неисправность основной микросхемы памяти (ОЗУ) на главной плате управления PWB2. Неисправность платы расширения памяти (DIMM) 1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB2. Замените плату расширения (DIMM) F040 Ошибка связи control PWB двигателя Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB F041 Ошибка связи между гланой платой управления и платой управления сканером Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправна главная плата управления или управления сканером Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB или scanner PWB F050 Ошибка контрольной суммы платы управления двигателем 1. Такие ошибки могут происходить при обновлении прошивки control PWB2. Неисправность control PWB 1. Скачайте прошивку снова2. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB F186 Ошибка управления видеоданными главной панели управления Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

C0030 Системная ошибка в управлении факсом Обработка при помощи программного обеспечения факса была отключена из за проблем с оборудованием Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить систему управления факсом PWB C0070 Обнаружена несовместимость платы управления PWB Обнаружена несовместимость при первичной инициализации системы управления факсом PWB. Никакие команды связи не проходят. Дефект программного обеспечения факса Установить программное обеспечение для факса C0100 Ошибка при резервном копировании памяти устройства Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0120 Ошибка данных MAC адреса Неисправность в плате управления PWB Заменить плату управления PWB C0130 Ошибка чтения/записи при резервном копировании Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0140 Ошибка при резервном копировании данных Неисправна флеш память Заменить плату управления PWB C0150 Ошибка EEPROM платы управления PWB Обнаружена ошибка связи PWB EEPROM (U17) Неправильная установка PWB EEPROM (U17) Проверить установку EEPROM (U17) и при необходимости исправить C0170 Ошибка счетчика 1. Неисправность control PWB.2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17) 1. Заменить плату управления PWB.2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания C0180 Номер аппарата не совпадает Основной номер и номер двигателя не совпадают 1. Основная PWB или PWB двигателя была заменена.2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17) 1. U004 Задать номер. 2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания C0420 Ошибка связи с системой подачи бумаги Ошибка коммуникации между платой PWB  и дополнительным устройством подачи бумаги 1. Неправильная установка устройства подачи бумаги2. Повреждение провода между платой PWB (YC30) и интерфесным разъемом устройства подачи, либо разъем подключен неправильно.3. Неисправен кабель между PF основной PWB и подачей бумаги, либо разъем не вставлен. Плата PF неисправна.4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Еще раз внимательно прочитайте инструкцию по установке.2. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден.Заменить печатную плату.4. Заменить плату управления PWB. C0830 Ошибка контрольной суммы прошивки FAX control PWB Произошла ошибка контрольной суммы программы управления FAX control PWB 1. Дефект программного обеспечения факса. 2. Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB 1. Установить программное обеспечение для факса.2. Заменить плату управления факсом PWB C0840 Неисправность RTС Расхождение во времени между RTC  и текущим пять и более лет. 1. Неисправность control PWB 2. Отсоединена батарея. 1. Заменить плату управления PWB.2. Визуально проверить и при необходимости исправить. C0870 Проблема передачи данных большой емкости между FAX control PWB и control PWB Не выполняется передача данных между FAX control PWB и control PWB, даже при повторе через заданный промежуток  Неправильная установка  FAX control PWB  Переставить FAX control PWB C0920 Ошибка файловой системы факса Резервное копирование данных не производится по причине ошибки файловой системы флеш-памяти Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB Заменить плату управления факсом PWB C2000 Ошибка главного двигателя Главный двигатель не выходит на готовность в течение 2 секунд после включения 1. Неисправен кабель между основным двигателем (CN1) и платой PWB (YC17) или разъем вставлен неправильно. 2. Неисправен привод основного двигателя. 3. Неисправен двигатель.4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.2. Проверьте плавность вращения роликов и шестерней. При необходимости смажьте. Убедитесь в отсутсвии разрывов передач.3. Заменить.4. Заменить. C2610 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 2 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4).  Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C2620 Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 3 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4). Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции) C3100 Ошибка исходного положения ISU 1. Неисправность FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).2. Неисправность FFC между control PWB (YC6) и сканера WPB (YC103) или неправильная установка FCC.3. Неисправность датчика исходного положения.4. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем ISU и сканером PWB (YC104) или разъем вставлен неправильно. 1. Заменить блок сканера ISU 2. Переставить FFC. Проверить на разрыв, при необходимости заменить. 3. Заменить датчик. 4. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля. C3200 Ошибка лампы экспозиции Лампа экспозиции не включается 1. Повреждения FFC между сканером PWB (YC103) и control PWB (YC6), либо некорректная установка FFC.2. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).3. Неисправен кабель между CCD PWB (YC3) и LED приводом PWB (YC1) либо разъем не подключен.4. Неисправен кабель между LED приводом PWB (YC2) и лампой экспонирования.5. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.6. Неисправен светодиодный привод. 1. Переустановите FFC. Проверьте целостность, при необходимости замените. 2. Заменить блок сканера.3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.4. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.5. Заменить лампу.6. Заменить привод. C3300 Ошибка AGC 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).2. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.3. Неисправность CCD PWB4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Заменить блок сканера. 2. Заменить лампу. 3. Заменить CCD PWB4. Заменить control PWB C3500 Ошибка связи CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB) Обнаружен код ошибки 1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).2. Неисправность CCD PWB.3. Неисправность control PWB  1. Заменить блок сканера (ISU).2. Заменить CCD PWB3. Заменить control PWB C4000 Ошибка полигон-мотора (блока лазерного сканера) Полигон-мотор не выходит на готовность после 6 секунд после включения. 1. Поврежден кабель между полигон-мотором и control PWB (YC10) или разъем не вставлен.2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.3. Неисправность control PWB 1. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.2. Заменить блок сканера.3. Заменить control PWB C4200 Ошибка BD  (блока лазерного сканера) 1. BD датчик не обнаруживает лазерный луч из-за скопления конденсата на зеркале.2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера. 1. Выключите питание машины минимум на 30 минут, затем снова включите, если это не помогает необходимо менять блок сканера.2. Заменить блок сканера. C6000 Выход из строя термо-элемента (фьюзера) Температура фьюзера не поднимается после включения устройства. 1. Плохой контакт клемм термистора фьюзера.2. Плохой контакт в местах подключения нагревателя термоблока.3. Термисторы фьюзера установлены неправильно.4 . Срабатывает термореле5. Нагреватель фьюзера установлен неправильно6. Выход из строя термо-элемента 1. Проверьте контакты. 2. Проверьте контакты.3. Заменить блок закрепления 4. Заменить блок закрепления 5. Заменить блок закрепления 6. Заменить блок закрепления C6020 Слишком высокая температура фьюзера Термистор фьюзера обнаружил аномально высокую температуру. Пробой термистора фьюзера Заменить блок закрепления C6030 Поврежден шлейф термистора термоэлемента Значени на входе термистора равно 0 1. Плохой контакт в клеммах термистора.2. Неисправен шлейф термистора3. Термистор установлен некорректно4. Срабатывает термореле Проверить контакты Заменить блок закрепления C6400 Ошибка пересечения нуля Сигнал пересечения нуля не достигает контрольной платы за указанное время 1. Неисправен кабель между PWB высокого напряжения(YC202) и control PWB (YC23) или разъем не вставлен2. Дефект соединения между источником питания PWB (YC103) и PWB высокого напряжения (YC201)3. Неисправен источник питания PWB4. Неисправность control PWB 1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден. 2. Переподключите коннектор  3. Заменить источник питания 4. Заменить control PWB C7990 Бункер отработки переполнен Датчик тонера обнаружил, что бункер для отработки переполнен 1. Бункер отработки драм-юнита переполнен.2. Неисправен датчик отработки3. Неисправность control PWB 1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла замените драм-юнит.2. Замените датчик.3. Заменить control PWB4. Очистите драм юнит (инструкция по очистке бункера отработанного тонера) F000 Ошибка связи control PWB — панель управления PWB 1. Неисправность соединения панели управления PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC7).2. Неисправность панели управления3. Неисправность control PWB 1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.2. Замените панель.3. Заменить control PWB F020 Ошибка контрольной суммы RAM control PWB 1. Неисправность основной микросхемы памяти (ОЗУ) на главной плате управления PWB2. Неисправность платы расширения памяти (DIMM) 1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB2. Замените плату расширения (DIMM) F040 Ошибка связи control PWB двигателя Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB F041 Ошибка связи между гланой платой управления и платой управления сканером Обнаружена ошибка связи Неисправна главная плата управления или управления сканером Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB или scanner PWB F050 Ошибка контрольной суммы платы управления двигателем 1. Такие ошибки могут происходить при обновлении прошивки control PWB2. Неисправность control PWB 1. Скачайте прошивку снова2. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB F186 Ошибка управления видеоданными главной панели управления Неисправность control PWB Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

Системная ошибка в управлении факсом
Обработка при помощи программного обеспечения факса была отключена из за проблем с оборудованием
Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB
Заменить систему управления факсом PWB

Обнаружена несовместимость платы управления PWB
Обнаружена несовместимость при первичной инициализации системы управления факсом PWB. Никакие команды связи не проходят.
Дефект программного обеспечения факса
Установить программное обеспечение для факса

Ошибка при резервном копировании памяти устройства

Неисправна флеш память
Заменить плату управления PWB

Ошибка данных MAC адреса

Неисправность в плате управления PWB
Заменить плату управления PWB

Ошибка чтения/записи при резервном копировании

Неисправна флеш память
Заменить плату управления PWB

Ошибка при резервном копировании данных

Неисправна флеш память
Заменить плату управления PWB

Ошибка EEPROM платы управления PWB
Обнаружена ошибка связи PWB EEPROM (U17)
Неправильная установка PWB EEPROM (U17)
Проверить установку EEPROM (U17) и при необходимости исправить

Ошибка счетчика

1. Неисправность control PWB.

2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)

1. Заменить плату управления PWB.

2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания

Номер аппарата не совпадает
Основной номер и номер двигателя не совпадают
1. Основная PWB или PWB двигателя была заменена.

2. Повреждения данных PWB EEPROM (U17)

1. U004 Задать номер.

2. Обратиться в сервис обслуживания

Ошибка связи с системой подачи бумаги
Ошибка коммуникации между платой PWB  и дополнительным устройством подачи бумаги
1. Неправильная установка устройства подачи бумаги

2. Повреждение провода между платой PWB (YC30) и интерфесным разъемом устройства подачи, либо разъем подключен неправильно.

3. Неисправен кабель между PF основной PWB и подачей бумаги, либо разъем не вставлен. Плата PF неисправна.

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Еще раз внимательно прочитайте инструкцию по установке.

2. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден.Заменить печатную плату.

4. Заменить плату управления PWB.

Ошибка контрольной суммы прошивки FAX control PWB
Произошла ошибка контрольной суммы программы управления FAX control PWB
1. Дефект программного обеспечения факса.

2. Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB

1. Установить программное обеспечение для факса.

2. Заменить плату управления факсом PWB

Неисправность RTС
Расхождение во времени между RTC  и текущим пять и более лет.
1. Неисправность control PWB

2. Отсоединена батарея.

1. Заменить плату управления PWB.

2. Визуально проверить и при необходимости исправить.

Проблема передачи данных большой емкости между FAX control PWB и control PWB
Не выполняется передача данных между FAX control PWB и control PWB, даже при повторе через заданный промежуток
 Неправильная установка  FAX control PWB

Переставить FAX control PWB

Ошибка файловой системы факса
Резервное копирование данных не производится по причине ошибки файловой системы флеш-памяти
Неисправность в системе управления факсом PWB
Заменить плату управления факсом PWB

Ошибка главного двигателя
Главный двигатель не выходит на готовность в течение 2 секунд после включения
1. Неисправен кабель между основным двигателем (CN1) и платой PWB (YC17) или разъем вставлен неправильно.

2. Неисправен привод основного двигателя.

3. Неисправен двигатель.

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.

2. Проверьте плавность вращения роликов и шестерней. При необходимости смажьте. Убедитесь в отсутсвии разрывов передач.

3. Заменить.

4. Заменить.

Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги
Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 2 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения.
Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4).
 Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции)

Ошибка дигателя устройства подачи бумаги
Двигатель устройства подачи бумаги лотка 3 не выходит на готовность более чем через 2 секунды после включения.
Неисправность кабеля между двигателем устройства подачи бумаги и control PWB (YC4).
Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля (Обратитесь к инструкции)

Ошибка исходного положения ISU

1. Неисправность FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Неисправность FFC между control PWB (YC6) и сканера WPB (YC103) или неправильная установка FCC.

3. Неисправность датчика исходного положения.

4. Неисправность кабеля между двигателем ISU и сканером PWB (YC104) или разъем вставлен неправильно.

1. Заменить блок сканера ISU

2. Переставить FFC. Проверить на разрыв, при необходимости заменить.

3. Заменить датчик.

4. Вставьте разъем. Проверьте целостность кабеля.

Ошибка лампы экспозиции
Лампа экспозиции не включается
1. Повреждения FFC между сканером PWB (YC103) и control PWB (YC6), либо некорректная установка FFC.

2. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

3. Неисправен кабель между CCD PWB (YC3) и LED приводом PWB (YC1) либо разъем не подключен.

4. Неисправен кабель между LED приводом PWB (YC2) и лампой экспонирования.

5. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.

6. Неисправен светодиодный привод.

1. Переустановите FFC. Проверьте целостность, при необходимости замените.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

3. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

4. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

5. Заменить лампу.

6. Заменить привод.

Ошибка AGC

1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Лампа экспонирования вышла из строя.

3. Неисправность CCD PWB

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Заменить блок сканера.

2. Заменить лампу.

3. Заменить CCD PWB

4. Заменить control PWB

Ошибка связи CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB)
Обнаружен код ошибки
1. Повреждения FFC между CCD PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC8).

2. Неисправность CCD PWB.

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Заменить блок сканера (ISU).

2. Заменить CCD PWB

3. Заменить control PWB

Ошибка полигон-мотора (блока лазерного сканера)
Полигон-мотор не выходит на готовность после 6 секунд после включения.
1. Поврежден кабель между полигон-мотором и control PWB (YC10) или разъем не вставлен.

2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Убедитесь, что разъем подключен, а кабель не поврежден. При необходимости — замените.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

3. Заменить control PWB

Ошибка BD  (блока лазерного сканера)

1. BD датчик не обнаруживает лазерный луч из-за скопления конденсата на зеркале.

2. Неисправен блок лазерного сканера.

1. Выключите питание машины минимум на 30 минут, затем снова включите, если это не помогает необходимо менять блок сканера.

2. Заменить блок сканера.

Выход из строя термо-элемента (фьюзера)
Температура фьюзера не поднимается после включения устройства.
1. Плохой контакт клемм термистора фьюзера.

2. Плохой контакт в местах подключения нагревателя термоблока.

3. Термисторы фьюзера установлены неправильно.

4 . Срабатывает термореле

5. Нагреватель фьюзера установлен неправильно

6. Выход из строя термо-элемента

1. Проверьте контакты.

2. Проверьте контакты.

3. Заменить блок закрепления

4. Заменить блок закрепления

5. Заменить блок закрепления

6. Заменить блок закрепления

Слишком высокая температура фьюзера
Термистор фьюзера обнаружил аномально высокую температуру.
Пробой термистора фьюзера
Заменить блок закрепления

Поврежден шлейф термистора термоэлемента
Значени на входе термистора равно 0
1. Плохой контакт в клеммах термистора.

2. Неисправен шлейф термистора

3. Термистор установлен некорректно

4. Срабатывает термореле

Проверить контакты

Заменить блок закрепления

Ошибка пересечения нуля
Сигнал пересечения нуля не достигает контрольной платы за указанное время
1. Неисправен кабель между PWB высокого напряжения(YC202) и control PWB (YC23) или разъем не вставлен

2. Дефект соединения между источником питания PWB (YC103) и PWB высокого напряжения (YC201)

3. Неисправен источник питания PWB

4. Неисправность control PWB

1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.

2. Переподключите коннектор

3. Заменить источник питания

4. Заменить control PWB

Бункер отработки переполнен
Датчик тонера обнаружил, что бункер для отработки переполнен
1. Бункер отработки драм-юнита переполнен.

2. Неисправен датчик отработки

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла замените драм-юнит.

2. Замените датчик.

3. Заменить control PWB

4. Очистите драм юнит (инструкция по очистке бункера отработанного тонера)

Ошибка связи control PWB — панель управления PWB

1. Неисправность соединения панели управления PWB (YC1) и control PWB (YC7).

2. Неисправность панели управления

3. Неисправность control PWB

1. Переподключите коннектор.Убедитесь что кабель не поврежден.

2. Замените панель.

3. Заменить control PWB

Ошибка контрольной суммы RAM control PWB

1. Неисправность основной микросхемы памяти (ОЗУ) на главной плате управления PWB

2. Неисправность платы расширения памяти (DIMM)

1. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

2. Замените плату расширения (DIMM)

Ошибка связи control PWB двигателя
Обнаружена ошибка связи
Неисправность control PWB
Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

Ошибка связи между гланой платой управления и платой управления сканером
Обнаружена ошибка связи
Неисправна главная плата управления или управления сканером
Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB или scanner PWB

Ошибка контрольной суммы платы управления двигателем

1. Такие ошибки могут происходить при обновлении прошивки control PWB

2. Неисправность control PWB

1. Скачайте прошивку снова

2. Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

Ошибка управления видеоданными главной панели управления

Неисправность control PWB
Перезагрузите машину кратковременным выключением питания, если ошибка не исчезла, замените control PWB

Оборудование оснащено функцией самодиагностики. При обнаружении проблемы, аппарат блокируется, на дисплее отображается код вида С#### с указанием характера проблемы. Также появляется сообщение необходимости обслуживания. После устранения проблемы, ошибку можно сбросить тумблером питания, выключив и включив аппарат.


C0030 FAX control PWB system error Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem. Defective FAX control PWB.
Replace the FAX control PWB
C0070 FAX control PWB incompatible detection Error Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted. Defective fax software. Defective FAX control PWB.
Install the fax software. Replace the FAX control PWB
C0100 Backup memory device error
Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB.
Replace the control PWB
C0120 MAC address data error
Defective flash memory.
Replace the control PWB
C0130 Backup memory read/write error
Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB
Replace the control PWB
C0140 Backup memory data error
Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB.
Replace the control PWB
C0150 Control PWB EEPROM error Detecting control PWB EEPROM (U17) communication error. Improper installation control PWB EEPROM (U17). Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).
Check the installation of the EEPROM (U17) and remedy if necessary. Replace the control PWB.
C0170 Billing counting error
Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).
Replace the control PWB
C0180 Machine number mismatch Machine number of main and engine does not match. The main PWB or the engine PWB were exchanged. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).
U004 Setting the machine number.
C0420 Paper feeder communication error Communication error between control PWB and optional paper feeder. Improper installation paper feeder. Defective harness between control PWB (YC30) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. Defective control PWB. Defective harness between PF main PWB (YC5) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. Defective PF mainPWB.
Follow installation instruction carefully again. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the control PWB. If none, remedy or replace the harness (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
C0830 FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB. Defective fax software. Defective FAX control PWB.
Install the fax software. Replace the FAX control PWB
C0840 Faults of RTC The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed. Defective control PWB. The battery is disconnected from the control PWB.
Replace the control PWB. Check visually and remedy if necessary.
C0870 FAX control PWB to control PWB high capacity data transfer problem High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the control PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times. Improper installation FAX control PWB. Defective FAX control PWB or control PWB.
Reinstall the FAX control PWB. Replace the FAX control PWB or control PWB and check for correct operation.
C0920 Fax file system error The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB. Defective FAX control PWB.
Replace the FAX control PWB.
C2000 Main motor error The main motor ready input is not given for 2 s during the main motor is ON. Defective harness between main motor (CN1) and control PWB (YC17), or improper connector insertion. Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Defective main motor. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any. Replace the main motor. Replace the control PWB.
C2610 PF paper feed motor error (paper feeder) The PF paper feed motor of cassette 2 ready input is not given for 2 s during the PF paper feed motor is ON. Defective harness between PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC4), or improper connector insertion. Defective PF paper feed motor drive transmission system. Defective PF main motor. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any. Replace the PF main motor. Replace the control PWB.
C2620 PF paper feed motor error (Paper feeder) The PF paper feed motor of cassette 3 ready input is not given for 2 s during the PF paper feed motor is ON. Defective harness between PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC4), or improper connector insertion. Defective PF paper feed motor drive transmission system. Defective PF main motor. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any. Replace the PF main motor (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Replace the control PWB.
C3100 ISU home position errorr.
Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective FFC between control PWB (YC6) and scanner PWB (YC103), or improper FFC insertion. Defective home position sensor. Defective harness between ISU motor and scanner PWB (YC104), or improper connector insertion. Defective ISU motor.
Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Reinsert the FFC. Also check for continuity within the FFC. If none, remedy or replace the FFC. Replace the home position sensor. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the ISU motor.
C3200 Exposure lamp error The exposure lamp is not turned on. Defective FFC between scanner PWB (YC103) and control PWB (YC6), or improper FFC insertion. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective harness between CCD PWB (YC3) and LED drive PWB (YC1), or improper connector insertion. Defective harness between LED drive PWB (YC2) and exposure lamp, or improper connector insertion. Defective exposure lamp.sensor. Defective LED drive PWB. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the FFC. Also check for continuity within the FFC. If none, remedy or replace the FFC. Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the exposure lamp. Replace the LED drive PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C3300 AGC error After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CCD. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective exposure lamp.sensor. Defective CCD PWB. Defective control PWB.
Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Replace the exposure lamp. Replace the CCD PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C3500 CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB) communication error An error code is detected. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective CCD PWB. Defective control PWB.
Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Replace the CCD PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C4000 Polygon motor (laser scanner unit) error The polygon motor ready input is not given for 6 s during the polygon motor is ON. Defective harness between polygon motor and control PWB (YC10), or improper connector insertion. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector har- ness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the laser scanner unit. Replace the control PWB.
C4200 BD error (laser scanner unit) error
BD sensor does not detect laser beam due to condensation on the polygon mirror. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB.
Turn machine power off for at least 30 minutes, then turn machine on again. If not cured, replace the laser scanner unit. Replace the control PWB.
C4700 VIDEO ASIC device error Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Replace the control PWB.
C6000 Broken Fuser heater wire The fuser temperature does not rise after the Fuser heater has been turned on. Poor contact in the fuser thermistor connector terminals. Poor contact in the Fuser heater connector terminals. Fuser thermistor installed incorrectly. Fuser thermal cutout triggered. Fuser heater installed incorrectly. Broken Fuser heater wire.
Reinsert the connector. Replace the fuser unit.
C6020 Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature Fuser thermistor detects abnormally temperature. When the temperature of a fuser thermistor detects 195 °C or more at the time of heater OFF and 155 °C or more. Shorted fuser thermistor. Defective control PWB.
Replace the fuser unit. Replace the control PWB.
C6030 Broken fuser thermistor wire Input from fuser thermistor is 0 (A/D value). Poor contact in the fuser thermistor connector terminals. Broken fuser thermistor wire. Fuser thermistor installed incorrectly. Fuser thermal cutout triggered. Fuser heater installed incorrectly. Broken Fuser heater wire.
Reinsert the connector. Replace the fuser unit.
C6400 Zero cross signal error The zero cross signal does not reach the control PWB for specified time. Defective harness between high voltage PWB (CN202) and control PWB (YC23), or improper connector insertion. Defective connection between power source PWB (YC103) and high voltage PWB (CN201). Defective power source PWB. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Reinsert the connector. Replace the power source PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C7990 Waste toner full The waste toner sensor has detected that the waste toner reservoir (drum unit) is full. Waste toner reservoir (drum unit) is full. Defective waste toner sensor. Defective control PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace the drum unit. Replace the waste toner sensor. Replace the control PWB.
F000 Control PWB — Operation panel PWB communication error
Defective harness between operation panel PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC7), or improper connector insertion. motor is ON. Defective operation panel PWB. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the operation panel PWB. Replace the control PWB.
F020 Control PWB RAM checksum error
Defective main memory (RAM) on the control PWB. Defective expanded memory (DIMM).
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB. Replace the expanded memory (DIMM).
F040 Control PWB engine communication error A communication error is detected. Defective control PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB.
F041 Control PWB — scanner PWB communication error A communication error is detected. Defective control PWB or scanner PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB or scanner PWB.
F050 Control PWB engine checksum error
Some error may have occurred when downloading the firmware of the control PWB. Defective control PWB.
Download the firmware of the control PWB again. Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB.
F186 Control PWB video data control error
Defective control PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB.

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  • Code: C0030
  • Description: FAX PWB system error
  • Causes: The FAX processing cannot be continued due to the FAX firmware error.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The FAX PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware.
    3 Replacing the FAX PWB The FAX PWB is faulty. Replace the FAX PWB.
  • Code: C0060
  • Description: Engine PWB communication error
  • Causes: Error was detected at the initial communication of the engine PWB
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not properly connected. Clean the engine PWB connector (YC17) and reconnect it.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0070
  • Description: FAX PWB incompatible detection error
  • Causes: Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility in the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the FAX PWB The incompatible FAX PWB is installed. Install the FAX PWB for the applicable model.
    2 Firmware upgrade The FAX firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware.
    3 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0100
  • Description: Backup memory device error
  • Causes: An abnormal status is output from the flash memory.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the main PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the main PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace them. If not resolved, replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0120
  • Description: MAC address data error
  • Causes: The MAC address data is incorrect.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the MAC address The MAC address is incorrect. Replace the main PWB when the MAC address is not indicated on the network status page.
  • Code: C0130
  • Description: Backup memory reading/writing error
  • Causes: The reading or writing into the flash memory is unavailable.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the main PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the main PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace them. If not resolved, replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0150
  • Description: Engine EEPROM reading / writing error
  • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5ms or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.
    2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.
    3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM on the engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Reinstalling the EEPROM The EEPROM is not properly attached. Reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB.
    3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. 1. Print Maintenance Report at U000 beforehand. 2. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB. C0180 appears when turning the power on. Execute U004 at that state. 3. Then, print Maintenance Report at U000. Compare the setting values with Maintenance Report printed before and change the different values. (Target maintenance mode: U051, U065, U067, U100, U101, U161, etc.) 4. Check the output image and adjust the image at U410, etc. if necessary.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0160
  • Description: EEPROM data error
  • Causes: The data read from the EEPROM is judged as abnormal.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM on the engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Executing U021 The storage data in the EEPROM on the engine PWB is faulty. Execute U021. 3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. 1. Print Maintenance Report at U000 beforehand. 2. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB. C0180 appears when turning the power on. Execute U004 at that state.
    3. Then, print Maintenance Report at U000. Compare the setting values with Maintenance Report printed before and change the different values. (Target maintenance mode: U051, U065, U067, U100, U101, U161, etc.)
    4. Check the output image and adjust the image at U410, etc. if necessary. 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0170
  • Description: Charger count error
  • Causes: 1. Errors are detected in both backup memory of the engine PWB charge counter and main PWB charge counter.
    2. Main PWB counter data and engine PWB counter date are faulty
  • Remedy: 1 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB and execute U004.
    2 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. 1. Print Maintenance Report at U000 beforehand. 2. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB. C0180 appears when turning the power on. Execute U004 at that state. 3. Then, print Maintenance Report at U000. Compare the setting values with Maintenance Report printed before and change the different values. (Target maintenance mode: U051, U065, U067, U100, U101, U161, etc.) 4. Check the output image and adjust the image at U410, etc. if necessary.
    3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0180
  • Description: Machine serial number mismatch
  • Causes: The machine serial Nos. in the main PWB and the EEPROM on the engine PWB mismatch when turning the power on.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the machine serial No. of the main PWB The main PWB for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct main PWB if the MAIN No. differs.
    2 Checking the machine serial No. in the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct EEPROM on the engine PWB if the ENGINE machine serial No. differs.
    3 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. When the MAIN machine serial No. differs at U004, replace the main PWB and execute U004.
    4 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. If the machine serial number on the engine PWB is different at U004, reattach the EEPROM. If not repaired, replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB. 1. Print Maintenance Report at U000 beforehand. 2. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB. C0180 appears when turning the power on. Execute U004 at that state. 3. Then, print Maintenance Report at U000. Compare the setting values with Maintenance Report printed before and change the different values. (Target maintenance mode: U051, U065, U066, U067, U100, U101, U161, etc.) 4. Check the output image and adjust the image at U410, etc. if necessary.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0350
  • Description: Operation panel PWB communication error (Electronic volume I2C communication error)
  • Causes: Since NACK was received during the I2C communication, the retry was repeated 5 times and the initial command was transmitted, and then the retry was repeated 5 times again. After that, NACK was also received.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Operation panel 1 — Main PWB
    3 Replacing operation panel PWB 1 Operation panel PWB 1 is faulty. Replace operation panel PWB 1.
    4 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0500
  • Description: Engine firmware drive lock
    Remarks: excluding the case of maintenance mode in process
  • Causes: The main motor drive continued 60 minutes or more during the engine steady control.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0510
  • Description: High voltage remote control error
  • Causes: Only the high voltage remote signal is on when the drum is stopped.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0520
  • Description: Developer control error
  • Causes: The developer bias on is detected when the main charger bias is off.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0530
  • Description: Backup task error
  • Causes: No operation 30s or more when monitoring the backup task operation
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0540
  • Description: Engine firmware unanticipated control detection 1
  • Causes: The feed-shift solenoid turns on for the specified time
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0550
  • Description: Engine firmware unanticipated control detection 2
  • Causes: Detecting the main charge control failure when the drum is stopped
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0560
  • Description: Engine firmware unanticipated control detection 3
  • Causes: Event watch process is come to time-out at start-up.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C0570
  • Description: Engine firmware unanticipated control detection 4
  • Causes: Time-out of each function control is detected during warm-up.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)]. [CONFIDENTIAL
  • Code: C0640
  • Description: Hard Disk error
  • Causes: Hard disk (HDD) cannot be accessed normally.
  • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Reset the partial operation at U906.
    2 (In case of HDD non-standard machine) replacing the SSD When installing the 8GB HDD mistakenly, it tries to access the HDD. At that time, the error appears if the HDD is not installed in the main units . Replace with the correct 32GB SSD.
    3 (When abnormal sounds occur) Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD.
    4 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly. The SATA cable or the wire is faulty. Reconnect the below SATA cable and connector of the wire. If there is no continuity, replace SATA cable or the wire. • HDD — main PWB
    5 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format).
    6 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD.
    7 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Step
  • Code: C0650
  • Description: FAX image storage pair-check error
  • Causes: The SSD (FAX image storage) used in other main unit is installed.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the SSD The SSD (FAX image storage) already used in other unit is installed. When installing the SSD used once, replace with the correct SSD.
    2 Executing U671 The SSD (FAX image storage) already used in other unit is reused without executing U671. When installing the SSD used once, execute U671 [FAX Data CLEAR].
    3 Reinstalling the SSD The SSD (FAX image storage) is not properly installed. Be sure to install the SSD to the connector on the main PWB.
    4 Replacing the SSD The SSD (FAX image storage) is faulty. Replace with the new SSD.
    5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0660
  • Description: Hard Disk encryption key error
  • Causes: 1. The encrypted password entered when replacing the main PWB is not correct.
    2. Install SSD which is used in the other machine.
  • Remedy: 1 (When the issue occurs after replacing the main PWB) Executing U004 The encryption key after replacing the main PWB is faulty. Execute U004 when this issue occurs after replacing the main PWB.
    2 Replacing the HDD (abnormal sounds) The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly. The SATA cable or the wire is faulty. Reconnect the below SATA cable and connector of the wire. If there is no continuity, replace SATA cable or the wire. • HDD — main PWB
    4 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format).
    5 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD.
    6 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0670
  • Description: Hard Disk overwriting error
  • Causes: The SSD (FAX image storage) used in other main unit is installed.
  • Remedy: 1 Replacing the HDD (abnormal sounds) The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly. The SATA cable or the wire is faulty. Reconnect the below SATA cable and connector of the wire. If there is no continuity, replace SATA cable or the wire. • HDD — main PWB
    3 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format).
    4 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD.
    5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0680
  • Description: SSD error
  • Causes: SSD cannot be accessed or an error occurs when accessing SSD.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the SSD (if lit after replacing the SSD) An SSD out of specification is installed. Install the SSD matching the memory capacity specification.
    2 Resetting the main power The SSD is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    3 Reinstalling the SSD The connection with the main PWB is faulty. Reinstall the SSD on the main PWB.
    4 Initializing the SSD The data stored in the SSD is faulty. Retrieve data stored in the SSD at U026 and initialize the SSD at U024.
    5 Replacing the SSD The SSD is faulty. Retrieve data stored in the SSD at U026 and replace the SSD .
    6 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0800
  • Description: Image processing error
  • Causes: The print sequence jam (J010x) is detected 2 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the image data The image data is faulty. When this issue occurs only when handling the certain image data, check if the image data is faulty.
    2 Checking the situation The printing operation of the certain file is faulty. Acquire the job’s log if the phenomenon can be reproduced by specifying the job when the error was detected.
    3 Checking the main PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the main PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace them. If not resolved, replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0830
  • Description: FAX PWB flash program area checksum error
  • Causes: The program stored in the flash memory on the FAX PWB is broken so it cannot perform.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The FAX PWB is not connected properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5s passes, reinstall the FAX PWB, and then turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware.
    3 Initializing the fax The data in the FAX PWB is faulty. Execute U600 to initialize the FAX.
    4 Replacing the FAX PWB The FAX PWB is faulty. Replace the FAX PWB.
  • Code: C0840
  • Description: RTC error
  • Causes: <Check at the start up>
    • Setting value of RTC has returned to the past.
    • The power has not turned on more than 5 years.
    • Setting value of RTC is older than 00:01 January 1st, 2000.
    <Check regularly (each 5 minutes) after start up>
    • Setting value of RTC has returned to the past which is older than the time previously checked. After detecting C0840, reset the main power to go into disable function and [Time for Maintenance] is displayed.
  • Remedy: 1 Executing U906 The backup battery on the main PWB is faulty, and so, the RTC settings are erased after unplugging the power cord. Execute U906 and reset the display [Maintenance T]. After that, set the date and time (RTC) through System menu. (It is necessary to perform this process every time when unplug/plug the power cord.)
    2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty, or the backup battery runs out. The user call regarding C0840 is frequent even if performing the previous treatment, replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C0870
  • Description: Image data transmission error
  • Causes: Data was not properly transmitted even if the specified times of retry were made when the large volume data is transmitted between the FAX PWB and the main PWB.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The FAX PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5s passes, reinstall the FAX PWB, and then turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Initializing the fax The data in the FAX PWB is faulty. Execute U600 to initialize the FAX.
    3 Firmware upgrade The FAX firmware is faulty. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the FAX PWB The FAX PWB is faulty. Replace the FAX PWB.
    5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
    6 Executing U024 The data stored in the SSD is faulty. Execute U024 [SSD Format].
  • Code: C0920
  • Description: FAX file system error
  • Causes: The backup data could not be stored since the file system of the flash memory is faulty.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The FAX PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5s passes, reinstall the FAX PWB, and then turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Initializing the fax FAX control values are incorrect. Execute U600 to initialize the FAX.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware.
    4 Replacing the FAX PWB The FAX PWB is faulty. Replace the FAX PWB.
  • Code: C0950
  • Description: FAX job stay error
  • Causes: Print processing of the received FAX could not be executed and the job continues staying.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The printing process is not properly executed. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5s passes, reinstall the FAX PWB, and then turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware does not properly activate. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
  • Code: C0980
  • Description: 24V power interruption detection
  • Causes: 24V power off signal is detected for 1s continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The firmware installed in the engine PWB does not operate correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Low voltage PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. When the +24V generation from the low voltage PWB is not stable, and it lowers, replace the low voltage PWB.
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C1010
  • Description: Lift motor 1 error
  • Causes: Cassette 1 lift motor 1 over-current is detected 5 times continuously. The lift sensor not turning on 5 times continuously when passing 15s after loading cassette 1.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the lift plate The lift plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the lift plate when it does not move vertically.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Lift motor 1 — Engine PWB • Lift sensor 1 — Engine PWB
    3 Checking lift motor 1 Lift motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach lift motor 1. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking lift sensor 1 Lift sensor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach lift sensor 1. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C1020
  • Description: Lift motor 2 error
  • Causes: Cassette 2 lift motor 2 over-current is detected 5 times continuously. The lift sensor not turning on 5 times continuously when passing 15s after loading cassette 2.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the lift plate The lift plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the lift plate when it does not move vertically.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Lift motor 2 — Engine PWB • Lift sensor 2 — Engine PWB
    3 Checking lift motor 2 Lift motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach lift motor 2. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking lift sensor 2 Lift sensor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach lift sensor 2. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C1030
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error
    Target: Paper feeder (500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: The PF lift sensor 1 on is not detected 5 times continuously when passing 15s after loading cassette 3.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the lift plate The lift plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the lift plate when it does not move vertically.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PF lift motor 1 — PF PWB • PF lift sensor 1 — PF PWB
    3 Checking PF lift motor 1 PF lift motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift motor 1. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking PF lift sensor 1 PF lift sensor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift sensor 1. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 PF firmware upgrade The PF firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
  • Code: C1040
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error
    Target: Paper feeder (500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: The PF lift sensor 1 on is not detected 5 times continuously when passing 15s after loading cassette 4.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the lift plate The lift plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the lift plate when it does not move vertically.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PF lift motor 2 — PF PWB • PF lift sensor 2 — PF PWB
    3 Checking PF lift motor 2 PF lift motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift motor 2. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking PF lift sensor 2 PF lift sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift sensor 2. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 PF firmware upgrade The PF firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
  • Code: C1100
  • Description: PF lift motor 1 error
    Target: Large capacity paper feeder (1,500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: • The PF lift sensor 1 not turning on is detected 5 times continuously when passing 23s after loading cassette 3. (detection time at the 2nd time and later: 2s)
    • The lift over-current protection monitor signal is detected for 1s or more 5 times continuously during the motor operation. (however, this is not detected for 1s when starting up PF lift motor 1)
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the lift plate The lift plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the lift plate when it does not move vertically.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PF lift motor 1 — PF PWB • PF lift sensor 1 — PF PWB
    3 Checking PF lift motor 1 PF lift motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift motor 1. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking PF lift sensor 1 PF lift sensor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift sensor 1. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 PF firmware upgrade The PF firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
  • Code: C1110
  • Description: PF lift motor 2 error
    Target: Large capacity paper feeder (1,500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: • The PF lift sensor 2 not turning on is detected 5 times continuously when passing 23s after loading cassette 3. (detection time at the 2nd time and later: 2s)
    • The lift over-current protection monitor signal is detected for 1s or more 5 times continuously during the motor operation. (however, this is not detected for 1s when starting up PF lift motor 2)
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the lift plate The lift plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the lift plate when it does not move vertically.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PF lift motor 2 — PF PWB • PF lift sensor 2 — PF PWB
    3 Checking PF lift motor 2 PF lift motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift motor 2. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking PF lift sensor 2 PF lift sensor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift sensor 2. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 PF firmware upgrade The PF firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
  • Code: C1800
  • Description: Paper Feeder communication error
    Target: Paper feeder (500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the paper feeder The paper feeder is not properly installed. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the paper feeder and main unit and reinstall the paper feeder.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly or, the wire or drawer connector is faulty. Check the connection. Repair and clean the terminal. Insert the connector all the way. If there is no continuity or the drawer connector is faulty, replace it.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C1800
  • Description: Paper Feeder communication error
    Target: Large capacity paper feeder (1,500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the paper feeder The paper feeder is not properly installed. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the paper feeder and main unit and reinstall the paper feeder.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly or, the wire or drawer connector is faulty. Check the connection. Repair and clean the terminal. Insert the connector all the way. If there is no continuity or the drawer connector is faulty, replace it.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C1900
  • Description: Paper Feeder EEPROM error
    Target: Paper feeder (500-sheet x 2) For internal count
  • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 4 times continuously when writing.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly or, the wire or drawer connector is faulty. Check the connection. Repair and clean the terminal. Insert the connector all the way. If there is no continuity or the drawer connector is faulty, replace it.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C1900
  • Description: Paper Feeder EEPROM error
    Target: Large capacity paper feeder (1,500-sheet x 2) For internal count
  • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 4 times continuously when writing.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly or, the wire or drawer connector is faulty. Check the connection. Repair and clean the terminal. Insert the connector all the way. If there is no continuity or the drawer connector is faulty, replace it.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2000
  • Description: Main motor steady state error
  • Causes: The main motor steady state off is detected 1s continuously after becoming the steady state.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Main motor — Engine PWB
    3 Checking drive unit 1 Drive unit 1 is faulty. Execute U030[Main] and check if the gear in drive unit 1 rotates normally. If there is a load in rotation, clean the gear and bushing and apply grease. If not repaired, replace drive unit 1.
    4 Checking the main motor The main motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the main motor and execute U030[Main]. If not operating normally, replace it.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2010
  • Description: Main motor startup error
  • Causes: The main motor is not in the steady state within 3s after start-up.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Main motor — Engine PWB
    3 Checking drive unit 1 Drive unit 1 is faulty. Execute U030[Main] and check if the gear in drive unit 1 rotates normally. If there is a load in rotation, clean the gear and bushing and apply grease. If not repaired, replace drive unit 1.
    4 Checking the main motor The main motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the main motor and execute U030[Main]. If not operating normally, replace it.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2101
  • Description: Developer motor steady state error
  • Causes: Developer motor steady state off is detected 1s continuously after becoming the steady state.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Developer motor — Engine PWB
    3 Checking drive unit 1 Drive unit 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Execute U030[DLP] and check if the gear in drive unit 1 rotates normally. If there is a load in rotation, clean the gear and bushing and apply grease. If not repaired, replace drive unit 1.
    4 Checking the developer motor The developer motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the developer motor and execute U030[DLP]. If not operating normally, replace it.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2111
  • Description: Developer motor start-up error
  • Causes: The developer motor is not in the steady state within 3s after start-up
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Developer motor — Engine PWB
    3 Checking drive unit 1 Drive unit 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Execute U030[DLP] and check if the gear in drive unit 1 rotates normally. If there is a load in rotation, clean the gear and bushing and apply grease. If not repaired, replace drive unit 1
    4 Checking the developer motor The developer motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the developer motor and execute U030[DLP]. If not operating normally, replace it.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2300
  • Description: Fuser motor steady state error
  • Causes: The fuser motor steady state off is detected 1s continuously after becoming steady state.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser motor — Engine PWB
    3 Checking drive unit 1 Drive unit 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Execute U030[Fuser] and check if the gear in the drive unit 1 rotates normally. If there is a load in rotation, clean the gear and bushing and apply grease. If not repaired, replace drive unit 1.
    4 Checking the fuser motor The fuser motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the fuser motor ad execute U030[Fuser]. If not operating properly, replace the fuser motor.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2310
  • Description: Fuser motor start-up error
  • Causes: The fuser motor is not in the steady state within 3s after start-up.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser motor — Engine PWB
    3 Checking drive unit 1 Drive unit 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Execute U030[Fuser] and check if the gear in the drive unit 1 rotates normally. If there is a load in rotation, clean the gear and bushing and apply grease. If not repaired, replace drive unit 1.
    4 Checking the fuser motor The fuser motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the fuser motor ad execute U030[Fuser]. If not operating properly, replace the fuser motor.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C2600
  • Description: PF drive motor error
    Target: Paper feeder (500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: An error signal was received for 2s continuously when the PF drive motor is driven.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PF drive motor — PF PWB
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Checking the PF drive motor The PF drive motor is faulty. Replace the PF drive motor.
    4 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
  • Code: C2610
  • Description: PF feed motor error
    Target: Large capacity paper feeder (1,500-sheet x 2)
  • Causes: An error signal was received for 2s continuously when the PF feed motor is driven.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PF feed motor — PF PWB
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Checking the PF feed motor The PF feed motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PF feed motor and execute U247 [LCF] > [Motor] > {On]. If not operating properly, replace the PF feed motor.
    4 Replacing the PF PWB The PF PWB is faulty. Replace the PF PWB.
  • Code: C3100
  • Description: Carriage error
  • Causes: The home position sensor is off and does not turn on when passing the specified time at initialization and it does not turn on at retry once.
  • Remedy: 1 Unlocking the primary mirror unit The primary mirror unit is not unlocked. Unlock the primary mirror unit.
    2 Checking the lamp unit operation There is a load at the lamp unit slide motion. Execute U073[Scanner Motor] and check the lamp unit operation. If there is an excess load applied, clean the scanner wire, scanner wire drum, scanner rail, etc.
    3 Checking the scanner wires The scanner wire is dirty or comes off. Clean the scanner wires. If the wires come off, reattach the scanner wires.
    4 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Scanner motor — Engine PWB • Home position sensor — Engine PWB
    5 Checking the scanner motor The scanner motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. The belt tension is not enough. Reattach the scanner motor and adjust the belt tension properly. Execute U073[Scanner Motor] and if it does not operate normally, replace the scanner motor.
    6 Checking the home position sensor The home position sensor is not attached properly or faulty. Reattach the home position sensor. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C3200
  • Description: LED error
  • Causes: The white reference data obtained by turning on the LED lamp is lower than the specified value.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp does not light. Execute U061 [CCD] and check if the LED lamp turns on. If it does not turn on, replace the LED unit and execute U411[Table(ChartA)].
    2 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the FFC terminal and reconnect it. If the FFC terminal is deformed or FFC wire is broken, replace the FFC. • LED drive PWB — CCD PWB • CCD PWB — Main PWB
    3 Replacing the LED unit The LED drive PWB is faulty. Replace the LED unit.
    4 Replacing the lens unit The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the lens unit and execute U411.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C3210
  • Description: CIS lamp error
    Target: Dual scan DP
  • Causes: The input data did not exceed threshold for 5s when lighting the CIS lamp.
  • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Reset the partial operation at U906.
    2 Checking the DPCIS The CIS lamp does not light. Execute U061 [CIS] and check if the CIS lamp turns on. If the CIS lamp does not turn on, replace the DPCIS and execute U091, U411.
    3 Cleaning the CIS glass and the CIS roller The CIS glass or the CIS roller is dirty. Clean the CIS glass and the CIS roller.
    4 Reconnecting the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS.
    5 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DPSHD PWB — DP PWB • DP PWB — Engine PWB
    6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    7 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    8 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
    9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C3300
  • Description: CCD AGC error
  • Causes: The white reference data after adjustment is not within the target range
  • Remedy: 1 Cleaning the backside of the contact glass The white reference sheet is dirty. Clean the white reference sheet at the backside of the contact glass.
    2 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp is broken. Execute U061 [CCD] and check if the LED lamp turns on. If it does not turn on, replace the LED unit and execute U411[Table(ChartA)].
    3 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the FFC terminal and reconnect it. If the FFC terminal is deformed or FFC wire is broken, replace the FFC. • LED drive PWB — CCD PWB • CCD PWB — Main PWB
    4 Replacing the LED unit The LED drive PWB is faulty. Replace the LED unit.
    5 Replacing the lens unit The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the lens unit and execute U411.
    6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C3310
  • Description: CIS AGC error
    Target: Dual scan DP For internal count
  • Causes: The DPCIS could not acquire the correct white reference value while AGC process was executed.
  • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Execute resetting the partial operation at U906.
    2 Cleaning the CIS glass and the CIS roller The CIS glass or the CIS roller is dirty. Clean the CIS glass and the CIS roller.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Reconnecting the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS.
    5 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DPSHD PWB — DP PWB • DP PWB — Engine PWB
    6 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    7 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS then execute U091 and U411.
    8 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
    9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C3500
  • Description: Scanner AISC communication error
  • Causes: Readback values are different 4 times continuously during communication between the scanner and ASIC
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the terminals of the FFC and reconnect if. If the FFC terminal is deformed or FFC wire is broken, replace the FFC. • Main PWB — Engine PWB
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
    4 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C3600
  • Description: Scanner sequence error
  • Causes: • The mail box buffer overflow is detected.
    • The software sequence error is detected.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the terminals of the FFC and reconnect if. If the FFC terminal is deformed or FFC wire is broken, replace the FFC. • Main PWB — Engine PWB
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
    4 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: C3800
  • Description: AFE error
  • Causes: When writing, writing data and reading data does not match 3 times continuously. There is no response from AFE for 100ms.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the FFC terminals of the following FFC and reconnect them. If the FFC terminal is deformed or broken, replace the FFC. • CCD PWB — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the lens unit The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the lens unit and execute U411.
    3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C3900
  • Description: Backup memory reading/writing error (Engine PWB)
  • Causes: Read value and write value are different
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C4001
  • Description: Polygon motor synchronization error
  • Causes: The polygon motor does not become steady state when passing 10s after starting the drive
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Polygon motor — Engine PWB
    2 Checking the polygon motor The polygon motor does not rotate properly. Check the rotation sound of the polygon motor, and reattach or replace the LSU if it does not rotate properly.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C4011
  • Description: Polygon motor steady-state error
  • Causes: Steady state off is detected 1s continuously after the polygon motor is in the steady state
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Polygon motor — Engine PWB
    2 Checking the polygon motor The polygon motor does not rotate properly. Check the rotation sound of the polygon motor, and reattach or replace the LSU if it does not rotate properly.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C4101
  • Description: BD initialization error
  • Causes: BD is not detected within 1s after the polygon motor is in the steady state
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • LSU (APC PWB) — Engine PWB
    2 Checking the LSU The APC PWB does not operate normally. Reattach or replace the LSU.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C4201
  • Description: BD initialization error
  • Causes: The BD signal is not detected during the laser lighting.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • LSU (APC PWB) — Engine PWB
    2 Checking the LSU The APC PWB does not operate normally. Reattach or replace the LSU.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C4701
  • Description: VIDEO ASIC device error 1
  • Causes: Communication with VIDEO ASIC has fails 10 times continuously. (After writing to VIDEO ASIC, read from same address and the error occurred that the value does not match)
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ASIC operation on the engine is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C5101
  • Description: Main high voltage error
  • Causes: When measuring the rush-in current by changing the Vpp in 3 steps at the Vpp adjustment, the difference between zero current value and the third step current value is 5 or less.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum does not rotate normally with a excess load. Check if the drum is rotated manually. If not, replace the drum unit.
    2 Checking the main charger unit Since foreign objects adhere to the main charger high voltage contact, it is deformed or damaged, proper current does not flow. Check the high voltage contact of the main charger unit and clean it if foreign objects adhere. If deformed or damaged, replace the main charger unit and execute U930.
    3 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the terminals of the FFC and reconnect if. If the FFC terminal is deformed or FFC wire is broken, replace the FFC. • High voltage PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Replacing the high voltage PWB The high voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the high voltage PWB.
    5 Checking the main motor The main motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the main motor and execute U030[Main]. If not operating normally, replace it.
    6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6000
  • Description: Broken fuser heater 1 error
  • Causes: 1. The fuser thermopile does not detect 100°C/212°F within 20s after starting warm-up
    2. During warm-up, the temperature detected by the fuser thermopile does reach the edge ready temperature within 60s after detecting 100°C/212°F.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heater 1 — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermostat — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser thermopile The fuser thermopile does not detect temperature correctly. Replace the fuser thermopile.
    4 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser heater, fuser thermistor or other is faulty. Replace the fuser unit.
    5 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6020
  • Description: Fuser thermopile error
  • Causes: The fuser thermopile detects high temperature 1s continuously
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the fuser thermopile The fuser thermopile does not detect temperature correctly. Replace the fuser thermopile.
    3 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6030
  • Description: Broken fuser thermopile error
  • Causes: 1. During warm-up, the fuser thermopile detected the abnormal outer temperature output value for 1s.
    2. During warm-up, the fuser thermopile detected the abnormal target output value for 1s.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the fuser thermopile The fuser thermopile is faulty. Replace the fuser thermopile.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6050
  • Description: Fuser thermopile low temperature error
  • Causes: The fuser thermopile detected 100°C/212°F or less 1s continuously during printing
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heaters — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermostat — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the fuser thermopile The fuser thermopile does not detect temperature correctly. Replace the fuser thermopile.
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser heater, fuser thermistor or other is faulty. Replace the fuser unit.
    4 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6200
  • Description: Broken fuser heater 2 error
  • Causes: 1. The fuser thermistor does not detect 35°C/95°F within 30s after starting warm-up
    2. During warm-up, the temperature detected by the fuser thermistor does reach the edge ready temperature within 60s after detecting 100°C/212°F.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heater 2 — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermostat — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser heater 2, fuser thermistor or other is faulty. Replace the fuser unit.
    4 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6220
  • Description: Fuser thermistor high temperature error
  • Causes: The fuser thermistor detected high temperature 1s continuously
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heaters — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermostat — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser thermistor does not detect normal temperature. Replace the fuser unit.
    4 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6230
  • Description: Broken fuser thermistor error
  • Causes: The fuser thermistor detects 10°C/50°F or more while the fuser thermopile detects 100°C/212°F or more during war-up.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heaters — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermostat — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser thermistor is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. 4 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)]. [CONFIDENTIAL
  • Code: C6250
  • Description: Fuser thermistor low temperature error
  • Causes: The fuser thermistor detected 60 degree C or less 1s continuously during printing
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heaters — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermostat — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser thermistor is faulty. Replace the fuser unit.
    4 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6400
  • Description: Zero-cross signal error
  • Causes: The zero-cross signal did not enter 3s continuously during the fuser heater control.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Low voltage PWB — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6410
  • Description: Uninstalled fuser unit
  • Causes: The fuser pressure release sensor signal was not detected and the fuser thermistor AD value was 252 or more for 3s continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heaters — Low voltage PWB • Fuser thermistor — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB • Fuser press-release motor — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser thermistor is faulty. Replace the fuser unit.
    4 Replacing the low voltage PWB The low voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the low voltage PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C6610
  • Description: Pressure release error
  • Causes: 1. The fuser pressure release sensor changing from on to off is not detected when passing 10s after starting the fuser pressure decrease.
    2. The fuser pressure release sensor changing from off to on is not detected when passing 10s after starting the fuser pressure increase.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit There are foreign objects in the drawer contact terminal of the fuser unit. Clean the drawer connector terminal of the fuser unit. Check if the pin of the drawer connector is not bent, and replace the fuser unit if it is bent. If it is normal, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector is securely connected.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser heaters — Low voltage PWB • Fuser press-release motor — Engine PWB • Fuser press-release sensor — Fuser unit (Drawer connector) — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty at the fuser pressure release mechanism or the fuser pressure release sensor . Replace the fuser unit. Step
  • Code: C6650
  • Description: Fuser thermopile EEPROM error
  • Causes: 1. Access to the thermopile EEPROM is not available.
    2. Data in the thermopile EEPROM is abnormal.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Fuser thermopile — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the fuser thermopile The fuser thermopile does not detect normal temperature. Replace the fuser thermopile.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7200
  • Description: Broken inner thermistor error
  • Causes: The input sampling value of the sensor is at the reference value or more.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit so that the connector connects securely.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Developer relay PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the developer unit The sensor on the developer PWB is faulty. Replace the developer unit.
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the developer relay PWB The developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the developer relay PWB.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7210
  • Description: Inner thermistor short-circuited
  • Causes: The sensor input sampling value is at the reference value or less
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit so that the connector connects securely.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Developer relay PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the developer unit The sensor on the developer PWB is faulty. Replace the developer unit.
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the developer relay PWB The developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the developer relay PWB.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7401
  • Description: Developer unit type mismatch error
  • Causes: There is mismatch between the main unit and developer unit.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer unit The different type of the developer unit is installed. Install the correct developer unit.
    2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit so that the connector connects securely.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Developer relay PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the developer relay PWB The developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the developer relay PWB.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7411
  • Description: Drum unit type mismatch error
  • Causes: There is mismatch between the main unit and drum unit.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The different drum unit is installed. Install the proper drum unit.
    2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinsert the drum unit connector for secure connection.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Drum relay PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the drum relay PWB The drum relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum relay PWB.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7800
  • Description: Broken outer thermistor error
  • Causes: The input sampling value of the sensor is at the reference value or more.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Temperature/humidity sensor — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the temperature/ humidity sensor The temperature/humidity sensor is faulty. Replace the temperature/humidity sensor.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7810
  • Description: Outer thermistor short-circuited
  • Causes: The sensor input sampling value is at the reference value or less
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Temperature/humidity sensor — Engine PWB
    2 Replacing the temperature/ humidity sensor The temperature/humidity sensor is faulty. Replace the temperature/humidity sensor.
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7901
  • Description: Drum unit EEPROM error
  • Causes: 1. Five times consecutive detection of no response from the device for more than 5ms on reading / writing.
    2. Data read in 2 places does not match 8 consecutive times.
    3. Writing data and reading data does not match 8 consecutive times.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinsert the drum unit connector for secure connection.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Drum relay PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Replacing the drum unit The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace the drum unit.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the drum relay PWB The drum relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum relay PWB.
    7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C7911
  • Description: Developer unit EEPROM error
  • Causes: 1. Five times consecutive detection of no response from the device for more than 5ms on reading / writing.
    2. Data read in 2 places does not match 8 consecutive times.
    3. Writing data and reading data does not match 8 consecutive times.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit so that the connector connects securely.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Developer relay PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Replacing the developer unit The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the developer relay PWB The developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the developer relay PWB.
    7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C8010
  • Description: PH motor error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit, 1,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: 1. The PH home position sensor does not turn on even 200ms passed when the PH motor drives.
    2. The pulse plate does not count the specified pulse even if passing 300ms after the punch operation is started.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit does not move manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH cam drive parts The PH cam drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH cam drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH motor — PH PWB • PH home position sensor — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PW
    4 Checking the PH motor The PH motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the PH home position sensor The PH home position sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH home position sensor and execute U241 [Punch] > [Punch HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version.
    7 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    8 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8020
  • Description: PH motor error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit, 1,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: The positioning alignment of the home position is not completed within 3s when initializing or waiting the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit does not move manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH cam drive parts The PH cam drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH cam drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH motor — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PWB
    4 Checking the PH motor The PH motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8030
  • Description: PH motor error 3
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit, 1,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: The home position detection does not turn off within 50ms when initializing the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit does not move manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH cam drive parts The PH cam drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH cam drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH motor — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PWB
    4 Checking the PH motor The PH motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8090
  • Description: DF paddle motor error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher, 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. The DF paddle sensor does not turn on when passing 1s while the DF paddle motor drives.
    2. The DF paddle sensor does not turn off when passing 1s from the on condition.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive parts The DF paddle drive parts are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF paddle motor — DF PWB • DF paddle sensor — DF PWB
    3 Checking the DF paddle motor The DF paddle motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Beat]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Lead Paddle]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8100
  • Description: DF exit release motor error
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. The DF paper bundle eject switch does not turn on after passing 1s when the DF eject release motor drives.
    2. The DF paper bundle eject switch does not turn off when driving for 1s from the on condition.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF bundle exit unit The exit guide in the DF bundle exit unit is deformed. If the eject guide, etc., of the DF bundle eject unit is deformed, repair or replace it.
    2 Checking the DF bundle exit unit drive parts The DF bundle exit unit drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF bundle exit unit drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF exit release motor — DF PWB • DF bundle exit switch — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF exit release motor The DF exit release motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF exit release motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Eject Unlock(HP)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the DF bundle exit switch The DF bundle exit switch is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF bundle exit switch and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Bundle Eject HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8100
  • Description: DF exit release motor error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. The DF paper bundle eject sensor does not turn on after passing 1s when the DF eject release motor drives.
    2. The DF paper bundle eject sensor does not turn off when driving for 1s from the on condition.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF bundle exit unit The exit guide in the DF bundle exit unit is deformed. If the eject guide, etc., of the DF bundle eject unit is deformed, repair or replace it.
    2 Checking the DF bundle exit unit drive parts The DF bundle exit unit drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF bundle exit unit drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF exit release motor — DF PWB • DF bundle exit sensor — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF exit release motor The DF exit release motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF exit release motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Eject Unlock(HP)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the DF bundle exit sensor The DF bundle exit sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF bundle exit sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Bundle Eject HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8110
  • Description: DF shift motor 1 error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. DF shift sensor 1 does not turn on when passing 3s while DF shift motor 1 drives.
    2. DF shift sensor 1 does not turn off when passing 3s while DF shift motor 1 drives.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the front shift guide The front shift guide is not assembled properly. If the front shift guide does not move manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the front shift guide drive parts The front shift guide drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the front shift guide drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF shift motor 1 — DF PWB • DF shift sensor 1 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF shift motor 1 DF shift motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift motor 1 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Sort Test]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF shift sensor 1 DF shift sensor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift sensor 1 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Shift Front HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8120
  • Description: DF shift motor 2 error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. DF shift sensor 2 does not turn on when passing 3s while DF shift motor 2 drives.
    2. DF shift sensor 2 does not turn off when passing 3s while DF shift motor 2 drives.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear shift guide The rear shift guide is not assembled properly. If the rear shift guide does not move manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the rear shift guide drive parts The rear shift guide drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the rear shift guide drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF shift motor 2 — DF PWB • DF shift sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF shift motor 2 DF shift motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift motor 2 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Sort Test]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF shift sensor 2 DF shift sensor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift sensor 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Shift Tail HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8130
  • Description: DF shift release motor error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. The DF shift release sensor does not turn on when driving the DF shift release motor for 3s in the direction of HP detection.
    2. The DF shift release sensor does not turn off when driving the DF shift release motor for 3s in the direction of HP detection off.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear shift guide The rear shift guide is not assembled properly. If the rear shift guide does not move manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the rear shift guide drive parts The rear shift guide drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the rear shift guide drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF shift release motor — DF PWB • DF shift release sensor — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF shift release motor The DF shift release motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF shift release motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Sort Test]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the DF shift release sensor The DF shift release sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF shift release sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Shift Unlock HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8140
  • Description: DF tray motor error 1
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The DF tray sensor or DF tray upper level sensor turning on is not detected when passing 30s while the DF tray is ascending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF tray drive parts The DF tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF tray sensor 1 DF tray sensor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 1 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray U-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray Top]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8140
  • Description: DF tray motor error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The DF tray sensor or DF tray upper level sensor turning on is not detected when passing 30s while the DF main tray is ascending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF main tray drive parts The DF main tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 2 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF tray sensors 1, 2 DF tray sensor 1, 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 1, 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray U-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray Top]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8150
  • Description: DF tray motor error 2
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The DF tray sensor or DF tray upper level sensor turning on to off is not detected when passing 30s while the DF main tray is descending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF tray drive parts The DF tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF tray sensor 1 DF tray sensor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 1 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray U-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray Top]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8150
  • Description: DF tray motor error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The DF tray sensor or DF tray upper level sensor turning on to off is not detected when passing 30s while the DF tray is descending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF main tray drive parts The DF main tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 2 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 1 — DF PWB • DF tray upper surface sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF tray sensors 1, 2 DF tray sensor 1, 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 1, 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray U-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensor 1, 2 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray Top]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8160
  • Description: DF tray motor error 3
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The DF tray sensor 3 on is not detected when passing 30s at the DF tray descending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF tray drive parts The DF tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 3 -DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF tray sensor 3 DF tray sensor 3 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 3 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray L-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8160
  • Description: DF tray motor error 3
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The DF tray sensor 4 on is not detected when passing 60s at the DF main tray descending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF main tray drive parts The DF main tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB • DF tray sensor 4 -DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF tray sensor 4 DF tray sensor 4 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 4 and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Tray L-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8170
  • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 1
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF adjusting plate The DF front adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the front DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF front adjusting plate drive units The DF front adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF front adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 1 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 1 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 1 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Front HP]. If DF side registration sensor 1 does not operate properly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8170
  • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF adjusting plate The DF front adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the front DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF front adjusting plate drive units The DF front adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF front adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 1 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 1 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 1 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Front HP]. If DF side registration sensor 1 does not operate properly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8180
  • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 2
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: J6810/J6811/J6812 (Front DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF adjusting plate The DF front adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the front DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF front adjusting plate drive units The DF front adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF front adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Replacing the front DF side registration guide drive parts The front DF side registration guide drive parts are faulty. Replace the front DF side registration guide drive parts.
    4 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 1 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 1 — DF PWB
    5 Checking DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 1 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Front HP]. If DF side registration sensor 1 does not operate properly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8180
  • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: J6810/J6811/J6812 (Front DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF adjusting plate The DF front adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the front DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF front adjusting plate drive units The DF front adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF front adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Replacing the front DF side registration guide drive parts The front DF side registration guide drive parts are faulty. Replace the front DF side registration guide drive parts.
    4 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 1 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 1 — DF PWB
    5 Checking DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 1 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Front HP]. If DF side registration sensor 1 does not operate properly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8190
  • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 1
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF adjusting plate The DF rear adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the rear DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF rear adjusting plate drive units The DF rear adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF rear adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 2 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 2 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Tail HP]. If DF side registration sensor 2 does not operate properly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8190
  • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF adjusting plate The DF rear adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the rear DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF rear adjusting plate drive units The DF rear adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF rear adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 2 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 2 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Tail HP]. If DF side registration sensor 2 does not operate properly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8200
  • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 2
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: J6910/J6911/J6912 (Rear DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF adjusting plate The DF rear adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the rear DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF rear adjusting plate drive units The DF rear adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF rear adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 2 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 2 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF width adjustment sensor 2 is not installed properly. Or, it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Tail HP]. If DF side registration sensor 2 does not operate properly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8200
  • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: J6910/J6911/J6912 (Rear DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF adjusting plate The DF rear adjusting plate is not assembled correctly. If the rear DF adjusting plate does not move manually, repair the position where there is stuck.
    2 Checking the DF rear adjusting plate drive units The DF rear adjusting plate drive parts are not attached properly, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF rear adjusting plate drive parts. If not resolved, replace the parts.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF side registration motor 2 — DF PWB • DF side registration sensor 2 — DF PWB
    4 Checking DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration motor 2 and execute U240 [Motor] > [Width Test(A3)] or [Width Test(LD)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF width adjustment sensor 2 is not installed properly. Or, it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2, then execute U241 [Finisher] > [Width Tail HP]. If DF side registration sensor 2 does not operate properly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8210
  • Description: DF slide motor error
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The home position is not be detected after passing 3s when replacing to the home position at the initial operation.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple unit does not move front and back manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF staple unit drive parts The DF staple unit drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF staple unit drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF slide motor — DF PWB • DF slide sensor — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF slide motor The DF slide motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF slide motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Staple Move]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the DF slide sensor The DF slide sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF slide sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Staple HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8210
  • Description: DF slide motor error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The home position is not be detected after passing 3s when replacing to the home position at the initial operation.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple unit does not move front and back manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF staple unit drive parts The DF staple unit drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF staple unit drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF slide motor — DF PWB • DF slide sensor — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF slide motor The DF slide motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF slide motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Staple Move]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the DF slide sensor The DF slide sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF slide sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Staple HP]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8230
  • Description: DF staple motor error 1
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: DF staple jam is detected twice continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple can’t be done without paper jam, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF staple unit — DF PWB
    3 Replacing the DF staple unit The DF staple motor is faulty. Execute U240 [Motor] > [Staple]. If the DF staple motor does not operate properly, replace the DF staple unit.
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8230
  • Description: DF staple motor error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: DF staple jam is detected 2 times continuously. (The condition of jam detection for the second time: after the DF staple motor (staple unit) is started, home position can’t be detected even 600ms passed.)
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple can’t be done without paper jam, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF staple unit — DF PWB
    3 Replacing the DF staple unit The DF staple motor is faulty. Execute U240 [Motor] > [Staple]. If the DF staple motor does not operate properly, replace the DF staple unit.
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8240
  • Description: DF staple motor error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: DF staple jam is detected 2 times continuously. (The condition of jam detection for the second time: during the DF staple motor (staple unit) operation, the lock detection signal level is 1V or more for 500ms continuously.)
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple can’t be done without paper jam, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF staple unit — DF PWB
    3 Replacing the DF staple unit The DF staple motor is faulty. Execute U240 [Motor] > [Staple]. If the DF staple motor does not operate properly, replace the DF staple unit.
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8250
  • Description: DF main tray error 4
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: The lock detection signal level is 0.7V or less for 10s continuously during the DF tray motor motion.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the DF tray drive parts The DF tray drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF tray motor — DF PWB
    4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF tray motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Tray]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8260
  • Description: DF middle motor HP detection error
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: Home position is not detected when passing 1s or more after driving the DF middle motor.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive parts The DF paddle drive parts are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach or replace the DF paddle drive parts.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF middle motor — DF PWB • DF paddle sensor — DF PWB
    3 Checking the DF middle motor The DF middle motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF middle motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Middle(H)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Lead Paddle]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8260
  • Description: DF middle motor HP detection error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: Home position is not detected when passing 1s or more after driving the DF middle motor.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive parts The DF paddle drive parts are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach or replace the DF paddle drive parts.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF middle motor — DF PWB • DF paddle sensor — DF PWB
    3 Checking the DF middle motor The DF middle motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF middle motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Middle(H)]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle sensor and execute U241 [Finisher] > [Lead Paddle]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8410
  • Description: PH slide motor error 1
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: The PH slide sensor does not turn on after shifting 30mm when relocating to the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section does not move front and back manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH drive parts The PH drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH slide motor — PH PWB • PH slide sensor — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PWB
    4 Checking the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch Move]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the PH slide sensor The PH slide sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide sensor. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8410
  • Description: PH slide motor error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: The PH slide sensor does not turn on after shifting 30mm when relocating to the home position.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section does not move front and back manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH drive parts The PH drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH slide motor — PH PWB • PH slide sensor — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PWB
    4 Checking the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch Move]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the PH slide sensor The PH slide sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide sensor. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB. Step
  • Code: C8420
  • Description: PH slide motor error 2
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: The paper edge cannot be detected even if shifting 30mm when detecting the paper edge.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section does not move front and back manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH drive parts The PH drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH slide motor — PH PWB • PH paper edge sensor 1 — PH PWB • PH paper edge sensor 2 — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PWB
    4 Checking the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch Move]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the PH paper edge sensors 1, 2 PH paper edge sensor 1 or 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the sensor and execute U241 [] > []. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8420
  • Description: PH slide motor error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: The paper edge cannot be detected even if shifting 30mm when detecting the paper edge.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section does not move front and back manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the PH drive parts The PH drive parts are not attached properly, or faulty. Reattach the PH drive parts. If not repaired, replace them.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH slide motor — PH PWB • PH paper edge sensor 1 — PH PWB • PH paper edge sensor 2 — PH PWB • PH PWB — DF PWB
    4 Checking the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide motor and execute U240 [Motor] > [Punch Move]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Checking the PH paper edge sensors 1, 2 PH paper edge sensor 1 or 2 is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the sensor and execute U241 [] > []. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    7 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8430
  • Description: Main program error / Punch unit communication error
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: 1. The punch unit main program is faulty at power-up.
    2. Communication is unavailable after establishing the connection with the punch unit.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The PWB malfunctions. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH PWB — DF PWB
    3 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8430
  • Description: Main program error / Punch unit communication error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Punch unit
  • Causes: 1. The punch unit main program is faulty at power-up.
    2. Communication is unavailable after establishing the connection with the punch unit.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The PWB malfunctions. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • PH PWB — DF PWB
    3 Replacing the PH PWB The PH PWB is faulty. Replace the PH PWB.
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8500
  • Description: Main program error / Mail Box communication error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Mail box
  • Causes: 1. The mail box main program is faulty at power-up.
    2. Communication is unavailable after establishing the connection with the mail box.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The PWB malfunctions. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • MT PWB — DF PWB
    3 Replacing the MT PWB The MT PWB is faulty. Replace the MT PWB.
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
  • Code: C8510
  • Description: MB conveying motor error 1
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Mail box
  • Causes: MT home position sensor on is not detected for 5s continuously at the initial operation.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the MT conveying roller The MT conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the MT conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • MT conveying motor — MT PWB • MT home position sensor — MT PWB
    3 Checking the MT conveying motor The MT conveying motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the MT conveying motor and execute U240 [Mail Box] > [Conv]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking the MT home position sensor The MT home position sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the sensor and execute U241 [] > []. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the MT PWB The MT PWB is faulty. Replace the MT PWB.
  • Code: C8520
  • Description: MB conveying motor error 2
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Mail box
  • Causes: MT home position sensor on is not detected for 1s continuously at the standby operation.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the MT conveying roller The MT conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the MT conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the MT conveying roller drive parts The MT conveying roller drive parts are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the MT conveying roller drive parts.
    3 Replacing the MT conveying roller drive parts The MT conveying roller drive parts are faulty. Replace the MT conveying roller drive parts.
    4 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • MT conveying motor — MT PWB • MT home position sensor — MT PWB
    5 Checking the MT conveying motor The MT conveying motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the MT conveying motor and execute U240 [Mail Box] > [Conv]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    6 Checking the MT home position sensor The MT home position sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the sensor and execute U241 [] > []. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    7 Replacing the MT PWB The MT PWB is faulty. Replace the MT PWB.
  • Code: C8800
  • Description: Main program error / communication error between the engine and DF.
    Target: 1,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. The main program is faulty at power-up.
    2. Communication is unavailable after establishing the connection with the finisher.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The program does not start up properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the DF firmware to the latest version.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C8800
  • Description: Main program error / communication error between the engine and DF.
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher
  • Causes: 1. The main program is faulty at power-up.
    2. Communication is unavailable after establishing the connection with the finisher.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The program does not start up properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the DF firmware to the latest version.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DF PWB — Engine PWB
    4 Replacing the DF PWB The DF PWB is faulty. Replace the DF PWB.
    5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C8990
  • Description: Finisher setup error
    Target: 3,000-sheet finisher + Bridge unit, 1,000-sheet finisher + Bridge unit
  • Causes: 1. The relay conveying unit is not installed while the finisher is connected.
    2. The relay conveying unit is installed while the finisher is not connected.
  • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the bridge unit The bridge unit is not connected properly. Clean the connecting terminal of the bridge unit and reconnect it to the main unit.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • BR PWB — Engine PWB • DF PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the BR PWB The BR PWB is faulty. Replace the BR PWB.
    4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C9000
  • Description: DP communication error
    Target: Document processor
  • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The main unit firmware and the document processor firmware mismatch. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DP PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
    4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C9040
  • Description: DP lift motor ascend error
    Target: Document processor
  • Causes: Unable to detect turning on the DP lift upper limit sensor continues specified times or more when passing 500 pulses while the DP lift motor is ascending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The original lift plate is not attached properly. Or, the fulcrum located at the back side of the machine for the original lift plate is broken. If the original lift plate does not move up and down manually, repair the position where there is stuck. If damaged, replace it.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DP lift motor — DP PWB • DP lift upper limit sensor — DP PWB
    3 Checking the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift motor and execute U243 [Lift Motor]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking the DP lift upper limit sensor The DP lift upper limit sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift upper limit sensor and execute U244 [Lift U-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
  • Code: C9050
  • Description: DP lift motor descend error
    Target: Document processor
  • Causes: Unable to detect turning on the DP lift lower limit sensor continues specified times or more when passing 500 pulses while the DP lift motor is descending.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The DP original lift plate is not properly attached. If the original lift plate does not move up and down manually, repair the position where restricts the operation.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DP lift motor — DP PWB • DP lift lower limit sensor — DP PWB
    3 Checking the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift motor and execute U243 [Lift Motor]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    4 Checking the DP lift lower limit sensor The DP lift lower limit sensor is not attached properly, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift lower limit sensor and execute U244 [Lift L-Limit]. If it does not operate correctly, replace it.
    5 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
  • Code: C9060
  • Description: DP EEPROM error
    Target: Document processor
  • Causes: The writing data and the reading data into the EEPROM mismatch.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the EEPROM The EEPROM is not properly installed. Reattach the EEPROM on the DP PWB.
    2 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
    3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the DP PWB, then execute U411.
  • Code: C9070
  • Description: DP — SHD communication error
    Target: Dual scan DP
  • Causes: The communication error between the DP PWB and the DP SHD PWB is detected during the communication.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DPSHD PWB — DP PWB
    2 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    3 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
  • Code: C9080
  • Description: LED failure detection
    Target: Dual scan DP For internal count
  • Causes: After 4 blocks of the LED lamps of the DPCIS are lit when turning on the power, the acquired peak value of some blocks is the reference value or less.
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Execute U061 [CIS] and confirm the LED lamp of the DPCIS does not turn on. Then, go to the next step.
    2 Reconnecting the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminal of the following wire connectors and reconnect the connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DPSHD PWB — DP PWB
    4 Executing U411 DP scanning is not properly adjusted. Execute U411 [DP FD(ChartB)] and [DP FD(ChartA)].
    5 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS then execute U091 and U411.
    6 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
  • Code: C9180
  • Description: DP feed-shift motor error
    Target: Mechanically reversed DP with the DP feed belt
    Remarks: When detecting the DP feed-shift motor error (C9180) (up to 2 times), display J9002.
  • Causes: HP can’t be detected even after the retrying process for the HP detection of the DP feed-shift guide for 3 times continuously.
    * HP detection of the DP feed-shift guide: When the DP feed-shift motor moves to HP, if HP can’t be detected even driving the DP feed-shift motor for 1 round, the retry is done.
  • Remedy: 1 Removing the original The original accordion jam in the guide between the DP reversing tray and the DP registration roller. (The position is not visible when the DP upper cover is opened.) Remove the original which is stuck in the guide between the DP reversing tray and DP registration roller.
    2 Cleaning the DP conveying guide. Sticky foreign objects adhere to the DP conveying guide. Clean the DP conveying guide.
    3 Resetting the main power The DP feed-shift motor is not controlled correctly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    4 Checking the DP feed-shift motor The DP feed-shift motor is not rotated correctly. Or, there is an excess load. After removing the DP feed-shift motor and repair it by rotating the drive section manually, reattach it.
    5 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the connector terminal of the wire and reconnect. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • DP feed-shift motor — DP PWB • DP feed-shift sensor — DP PWB
    6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    7 Replacing the DP feed-shift motor The DP feed-shift motor is faulty. Replace the DP feed-shift motor.
    8 Checking the DP feed-shift sensor The DP feed-shift sensor is not attached properly or faulty. Reattach the DP feed-shift sensor. If not repaired, replace it.
    9 Replacing the DP PWB The DP PWB is faulty. Replace the DP PWB.
  • Code: C9500
  • Description: Image processing circuit error (Scanner)
  • Causes:
  • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection FFC is not connected properly. Or it is faulty. Clean the terminals of the FFC and reconnect if. If the FFC terminal is deformed or FFC wire is broken, replace the FFC. • Main PWB (YC64, YC65)- Engine PWB (YC37, YC3)
    2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
    3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: C9510
  • Description: Image processing circuit error (DP)
    Target: Dual scan DP
  • Causes:
  • Remedy: 1 Reattaching the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is not properly attached. Reattach the DP relay PWB.
    2 Checking the connection The SATA cable is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the connector of the following SATA cable. If there is no continuity, replace the SATA cable. • DP SHD PWB — DP relay PWB
    3 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    4 Replacing the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is faulty. Replace the DP relay PWB.
    5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: F000
  • Description: Main unit CPU communication error (Controller — Panel)
  • Causes: The panel cannot be detected since the CPU communication between the main PWB and operation panel PWB 1 is unavailable.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The communication between the main PWB and the operation panel PWB 1 is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly. Or, the wire or the SATA cable is faulty. Clean the terminal of the wire and SATA cable connector and reconnect them. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Main PWB — Operation panel main PWB 1
    3 Executing U021 The backup RAM data is faulty. Execute U021 to initialize the backup RAM data.
    4 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
    5 Replacing operation panel PWB 1 Operation panel PWB 1 is faulty. Replace operation panel PWB 1.
  • Code: F010
  • Description: Program read error (SSD)
  • Causes: Data corruption is detected at the program read
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The communication between the main PWB and the operation panel PWB 1 is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the SSD The SSD is not installed properly. Clean the SSD terminals and reinstall the SSD. If the SSD terminals are faulty, correct or replace it.
    3 Checking the SSD (if lit after replacing the SSD) An SSD out of specification is installed. Install the SSD matching the memory capacity specification.
    4 (When the service call error appears after replacing the SSD) Replacing the SSD along the correct procedures SSD was replaced without installing the USB memory storing the release firmware set in the main unit. Install the USB memory storing the release firmware set in the main unit and turn the power off and on to upgrade the firmware. (For regular procedures, refer to Service Manual Chapter 4 [SSD replacement procedures when SSD replacement message appears])
    5 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly. Or, the wire or the SATA cable is faulty. Clean the terminal of the wire and SATA cable connector and reconnect them. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. • Main PWB — Operation panel main PWB 1
    6 Executing U021 The backup RAM data is faulty. Execute U021 to initialize the backup RAM data.
    7 Replacing the SSD The SSD is faulty. Replace the SSD. (For regular procedures, refer to Service Manual Chapter 4 [SSD replacement procedures when SSD replacement message appears])
    8 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
  • Code: F020
  • Description: System memory error (RAM read/write error, CPU memory error)
  • Causes: The error appears during the reading/writing check of the RAM for the CPU when the main unit starts up.
  • Remedy: Resetting the main power The communication between the main PWB and the operation panel main PWB is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Executing U021 The backup RAM data is faulty. Execute U021 to initialize the backup RAM data.
    3 Checking the main PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the main PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace them. If not resolved, replace the main PWB.
  • Code: F021
  • Description: System memory error (RAM read/write error, ASIC memory error)
  • Causes: Error occurred when checking read/write of RAM for main PWB ASIC at start up.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The main PWB does not properly start up. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Executing U021 The backup RAM data is faulty. Execute U021 to initialize the backup RAM data.
    3 Checking the main PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the main PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace them. If not resolved, replace the main PWB.
  • Code: F022
  • Description: System memory error (RAM read/write error, ASIC memory error)
  • Causes: Error occurred when checking read/write of RAM for DP relay PWB ASIC at start up.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The main PWB does not properly start up. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Executing U021 The backup RAM data is faulty. Execute U021 to initialize the backup RAM data.
    3 Checking the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is not properly connected or attached. Or, it is faulty. Reattach the DP relay PWB and tighten the screw. If not repaired, replace the DP relay PWB.
  • Code: F040
  • Description: Communication error between the main unit CPU (Communication error between the controller and engine)
  • Causes: There is an error in the communication between the main PWB and the engine PWB.
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power There is an error in the communication between the main PWB and the engine PWB. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector or FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire or FFC is faulty. Reconnect the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. If the FFC terminal section is deformed or FFC is broken, replace the FFC. • Main PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: F041
  • Description: Communication error between the main PWB and the scanner engine
  • Causes: There is an error in the communication between the main PWB and the engine PWB (Scanner).
  • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The communication between the controller and the scanner is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    2 Checking the connection The connector or FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire or FFC is faulty. Reconnect the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. If there is no continuity, replace the wire. If the FFC terminal section is deformed or FFC is broken, replace the FFC. • Main PWB — Engine PWB
    3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version.
    4 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB.
    5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB and then execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: F050
  • Description: Engine program error
  • Causes: The engine program cannot start up.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version.
    2 Resetting the main power The engine firmware checksum is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    3 Reinstalling the EEPROM The EEPROM is not properly attached. Reattach the EEPROM.
    4 Checking the engine PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the engine PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace it. If not resolved, replace the engine PWB and execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: F051
  • Description: Scanner engine program error
  • Causes: The scanner program cannot start up
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version.
    2 Resetting the main power The scanner engine RAM checksum is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    3 Reattaching the SSD The SSD is not installed properly. Reinstall SSD.
    4 Checking the engine PWB The connector or the FFC is not connected properly. Or, the wire, FFC, the PWB is faulty. Clean the terminal of the connectors on the engine PWB, reconnect the connector of the wire, and reconnect the FFC terminal. If the wire or the FFC is faulty, repair or replace it. If not resolved, replace the engine PWB and execute U411 [Table(ChartA)].
  • Code: F052
  • Description: Panel engine program error
  • Causes: The panel program cannot start up.
  • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the panel firmware to the latest version.
    2 Resetting the main power The panel RAM checksum is faulty. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5 seconds, turn on the main power switch and the power switch.
    3 Checking the connection The connector is not connected properly, or the wire is faulty. Clean the terminals of the operation panel PWB 1 connector and reinsert the wire connector. If there is no continuity, replace the wire.
    4 Replacing operation panel PWB 1 Operation panel PWB 1 is faulty. Replace operation panel PWB 1.

Оборудование оснащено функцией самодиагностики. При обнаружении проблемы, аппарат блокируется, на дисплее отображается код вида С#### с указанием характера проблемы. Также появляется сообщение необходимости обслуживания. После устранения проблемы, ошибку можно сбросить тумблером питания, выключив и включив аппарат.


C0030 FAX control PWB system error

Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware problem. Defective FAX control PWB.
Replace the FAX control PWB
C0070 FAX control PWB incompatible detection Error

Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility In the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted. Defective fax software. Defective FAX control PWB.
Install the fax software. Replace the FAX control PWB
C0100 Backup memory device error
Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB.
Replace the control PWB
C0120 MAC address data error
Defective flash memory.
Replace the control PWB
C0130 Backup memory read/write error
Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB
Replace the control PWB
C0140 Backup memory data error
Defective flash memory. Defective control PWB.
Replace the control PWB
C0150 Control PWB EEPROM error

Detecting control PWB EEPROM (U17) communication error. Improper installation control PWB EEPROM (U17). Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).
Check the installation of the EEPROM (U17) and remedy if necessary. Replace the control PWB.
C0170 Billing counting error
Defective control PWB. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).
Replace the control PWB
C0180 Machine number mismatch

Machine number of main and engine does not match. The main PWB or the engine PWB were exchanged. Data damage of control PWB EEPROM (U17).
U004 Setting the machine number.
C0420 Paper feeder communication error

Communication error between control PWB and optional paper feeder. Improper installation paper feeder. Defective harness between control PWB (YC30) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. Defective control PWB. Defective harness between PF main PWB (YC5) and paper feeder interface connector, or improper connector insertion. Defective PF mainPWB.
Follow installation instruction carefully again. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the control PWB. If none, remedy or replace the harness (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Replace the PF main PWB (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder).
C0830 FAX control PWB flash program area checksum error

A checksum error occurred with the program of the FAX control PWB. Defective fax software. Defective FAX control PWB.
Install the fax software. Replace the FAX control PWB
C0840 Faults of RTC

The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed. Defective control PWB. The battery is disconnected from the control PWB.
Replace the control PWB. Check visually and remedy if necessary.
C0870 FAX control PWB to control PWB high capacity data transfer problem

High-capacity data transfer between the FAX control PWB and the control PWB of the machine was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times. Improper installation FAX control PWB. Defective FAX control PWB or control PWB.
Reinstall the FAX control PWB. Replace the FAX control PWB or control PWB and check for correct operation.
C0920 Fax file system error

The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the FAX control PWB. Defective FAX control PWB.
Replace the FAX control PWB.
C2000 Main motor error

The main motor ready input is not given for 2 s during the main motor is ON. Defective harness between main motor (CN1) and control PWB (YC17), or improper connector insertion. Defective drive transmission system of the main motor. Defective main motor. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any. Replace the main motor. Replace the control PWB.
C2610 PF paper feed motor error (paper feeder)

The PF paper feed motor of cassette 2 ready input is not given for 2 s during the PF paper feed motor is ON. Defective harness between PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC4), or improper connector insertion. Defective PF paper feed motor drive transmission system. Defective PF main motor. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any. Replace the PF main motor. Replace the control PWB.
C2620 PF paper feed motor error (Paper feeder)

The PF paper feed motor of cassette 3 ready input is not given for 2 s during the PF paper feed motor is ON. Defective harness between PF paper feed motor and PF main PWB (YC4), or improper connector insertion. Defective PF paper feed motor drive transmission system. Defective PF main motor. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Check if the gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any. Replace the PF main motor (Refer to the service manual for the paper feeder). Replace the control PWB.
C3100 ISU home position errorr.
Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective FFC between control PWB (YC6) and scanner PWB (YC103), or improper FFC insertion. Defective home position sensor. Defective harness between ISU motor and scanner PWB (YC104), or improper connector insertion. Defective ISU motor.
Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Reinsert the FFC. Also check for continuity within the FFC. If none, remedy or replace the FFC. Replace the home position sensor. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the ISU motor.
C3200 Exposure lamp error

The exposure lamp is not turned on. Defective FFC between scanner PWB (YC103) and control PWB (YC6), or improper FFC insertion. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective harness between CCD PWB (YC3) and LED drive PWB (YC1), or improper connector insertion. Defective harness between LED drive PWB (YC2) and exposure lamp, or improper connector insertion. Defective exposure lamp.sensor. Defective LED drive PWB. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the FFC. Also check for continuity within the FFC. If none, remedy or replace the FFC. Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the exposure lamp. Replace the LED drive PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C3300 AGC error

After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CCD. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective exposure lamp.sensor. Defective CCD PWB. Defective control PWB.
Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Replace the exposure lamp. Replace the CCD PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C3500 CPU — ASIC (CCD PWB) communication error

An error code is detected. Defective FFC between CCD PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC8). Defective CCD PWB. Defective control PWB.
Replace the image scanner unit (ISU). Replace the CCD PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C4000 Polygon motor (laser scanner unit) error

The polygon motor ready input is not given for 6 s during the polygon motor is ON. Defective harness between polygon motor and control PWB (YC10), or improper connector insertion. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector har- ness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the laser scanner unit. Replace the control PWB.
C4200 BD error (laser scanner unit) error
BD sensor does not detect laser beam due to condensation on the polygon mirror. Defective laser scanner unit. Defective control PWB.
Turn machine power off for at least 30 minutes, then turn machine on again. If not cured, replace the laser scanner unit. Replace the control PWB.
C4700 VIDEO ASIC device error

Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. Replace the control PWB.
C6000 Broken Fuser heater wire

The fuser temperature does not rise after the Fuser heater has been turned on. Poor contact in the fuser thermistor connector terminals. Poor contact in the Fuser heater connector terminals. Fuser thermistor installed incorrectly. Fuser thermal cutout triggered. Fuser heater installed incorrectly. Broken Fuser heater wire.
Reinsert the connector. Replace the fuser unit.
C6020 Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature

Fuser thermistor detects abnormally temperature. When the temperature of a fuser thermistor detects 195 °C or more at the time of heater OFF and 155 °C or more. Shorted fuser thermistor. Defective control PWB.
Replace the fuser unit. Replace the control PWB.
C6030 Broken fuser thermistor wire

Input from fuser thermistor is 0 (A/D value). Poor contact in the fuser thermistor connector terminals. Broken fuser thermistor wire. Fuser thermistor installed incorrectly. Fuser thermal cutout triggered. Fuser heater installed incorrectly. Broken Fuser heater wire.
Reinsert the connector. Replace the fuser unit.
C6400 Zero cross signal error

The zero cross signal does not reach the control PWB for specified time. Defective harness between high voltage PWB (CN202) and control PWB (YC23), or improper connector insertion. Defective connection between power source PWB (YC103) and high voltage PWB (CN201). Defective power source PWB. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Reinsert the connector. Replace the power source PWB. Replace the control PWB.
C7990 Waste toner full

The waste toner sensor has detected that the waste toner reservoir (drum unit) is full. Waste toner reservoir (drum unit) is full. Defective waste toner sensor. Defective control PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace the drum unit. Replace the waste toner sensor. Replace the control PWB.
F000 Control PWB — Operation panel PWB communication error
Defective harness between operation panel PWB (YC1) and control PWB (YC7), or improper connector insertion. motor is ON. Defective operation panel PWB. Defective control PWB.
Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector harness. If none, remedy or replace the harness. Replace the operation panel PWB. Replace the control PWB.
F020 Control PWB RAM checksum error
Defective main memory (RAM) on the control PWB. Defective expanded memory (DIMM).
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB. Replace the expanded memory (DIMM).
F040 Control PWB engine communication error

A communication error is detected. Defective control PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB.
F041 Control PWB — scanner PWB communication error

A communication error is detected. Defective control PWB or scanner PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB or scanner PWB.
F050 Control PWB engine checksum error
Some error may have occurred when downloading the firmware of the control PWB. Defective control PWB.
Download the firmware of the control PWB again. Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB.
F186 Control PWB video data control error
Defective control PWB.
Turn the power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace control PWB.

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