Ошибка с1101 мерседес

Сярожа))): ↑21 ноя 2018, 16:52
В том то и дело!Что такой спец!!!Взял почитал ошибки,а где что находиться не знает!((((И говорит типо ищи инфу в инете,а по реле клапана в инете ничего не нашёл((((

Думаю, что не в «спеце» дело а скорее в том смогли-ли Вы выслушать и понять что говорил диагност)))
1) Проводка датчика: как правило, проводка датчика подключается напрямую к блоку управления ABS. Соответственно, диагностическое оборудование будет указывать на то, что на контактах ЭБУ АБС для этого датчика есть зафиксированная аномалия, которая выражается в коде неисправности для этой цепи контактов Блока АБС
2)Код ошибки С1011-xxx (Liter-x/x) может определяться как и реле клапана в том числе, которое может находиться как в самом блоке модулятора ABS (силовые реле блока ABS) , так и снаружи (зависит от схемотехники и функций). В том числе и выходных каскадов для клапанов (силовые управляющие транзисторы для клапанов), в том числе и аномалии входного силового питания (включая массу (31) всё для этого же блока.
Однако, здесь важно определение номера после тире и буква (liter) со своим номером.. К примеру, могу привести пример расшифровки кода ошибки C-1101 вот таким образом:
— C-1101 L6/2 (Right Speed Sensor)…
или влт так:
— C-1101-006 L6/2 (Right front speed sensor) Implausauble wheel speed
А диагност, скорее всего, решил сэкономить Вам деньги, так как поиск по критериям неисправности, по результатам компьютерной диагностики универсальным прибором возможен! НО! Придется «шерстить» всё, что относится к этому коду ошибки С-1101 а это уже будет шок для Вашего кошелька. Так что, не так уж и неразумно поступил диагност.
Иногда целесообразно обратиться к официалам для диагностики при таком коде ошибки…. но и там испытаете шок от ценника на диагностику))) Вам решать, конечно)))

Описание C1101 ошибки автомобиля Mercedes. В нашем справочнике имеется следующая информация:

На русском языке:

Датчик вакуума тормозного усилителя 

На английском языке:

Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Performance 

Выберите модель для возможности более детального просмотра информации по этой ошибке:

Найти причину   >>> 

Принимая во внимание тот факт, что OBD2 ошибки работы электронных систем автомобиля не всегда на прямую указывают на неработающий элемент, а чаще дают всего лишь общую информацию о неисправности, мы пришли к следующему выводу:

В разных марках и моделях автомобилей одна и также ошибка может возникать как следствие неисправности абсолютно разных элементов.

Стало понятно, что просто необходим ресурс в котором можно найти не только общую информацию об OBD2 ошибке, а практические данные по конкретному автомобилю.

Опыт автоэлектриков показал, что если рассматривать определенную марка-модель автомобиля, то в подавляющем большинстве случаев причина возникновения какой либо ошибки одна и также.

Мы создаем, не без вашей помощи, справочник причинно-следственной связи возникновения той или иной OBD2 ошибки у конкретного автомобиля (марка и модель). Если на Ваш автомобиль не найдено описание (причинно-следственной связи) ошибки, то не стесняйтесь задавайте вопрос.

Если у вас есть опыт в устранении той или иной ошибки — делитесь опытом с другими пользователями. Так мы сможем сформировать полезный ресурс. По капле от каждого и всем будет полезно.

Возможно будет интересно:

Если ошибка указывает на неверные параметры (высокие или низкие значения) какого нибудь из датчиков или анализаторов, то вероятней всего этот элемент исправен, а проблему надо искать так сказать «выше по течению», в элементах работу которых анализирует датчик или зонд.

Если ошибка указывает на постоянно открытый или закрытый клапан, то тут надо подойти к решению вопроса с умом, а не менять бездумно этот элемент. Причин может быть несколько: клапан засорен, клапан заклинил, на клапан приходит неверный сигнал от других неисправных узлов.

Автомобили с каждым днем становятся все более сложными, но и более диагностируемыми. Наш форум создан для всех, от простых автолюбителей до профессиональных автоэлектриков.

Коды ошибок Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Ниже приведены коды ошибок, выдаваемые электронными системами, грузового автомобиля Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6. В справочном видео Вы можете увидеть где их можно найти. Все коды разбиваются (генерируются) блоками управления. К примеру АСМ — Блок управления системы нейтрализации отработанных газов, МСМ — блок управления двигателем, и так далее. Найти свою ошибку ниже из списка можно при помощи нажатия двух клавиш CTRL+F, введя код ошибки в появившейся области для поиска, однако не забывайте сверять блок управления, которому этот код ошибки принадлежит. Удачи!

Да поможет Гугл переводчик Вам!

Коды ошибок блока управления ACM 02T

Якорь 1

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_01 —>

<!— 010209 (0x010209 0x00): Actual Tourque Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 011103 (0x011103 0x00): Diffuser Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 011103 (0x011103 0x00): Diffusor heating for the urea air assited system -short to battery —>

<!— 011103 (0x011103 0x00): Dosing Unit Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 011104 (0x011104 0x00): Diffuser Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 011104 (0x011104 0x00): Diffusor heating for the urea air assited system -short to ground —>

<!— 011104 (0x011104 0x00): Dosing Unit Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 011105 (0x011105 0x00): Diffuser Heater Open Circuit —>

<!— 011105 (0x011105 0x00): Diffusor heating for the urea air assited system -Open Loop —>

<!— 011105 (0x011105 0x00): Diffusor heating for the urea air assited system -Open load —>

<!— 011105 (0x011105 0x00): Dosing Unit Heater Open Circuit —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_02 —>

<!— 021103 (0x021103 0x00): Line Heater #1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 021103 (0x021103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 021103 (0x021103 0x00): Urea Line heating 1 — Short to battery —>

<!— 021104 (0x021104 0x00): Line Heater #1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 021104 (0x021104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 021104 (0x021104 0x00): Urea Line heating 1 — Short to ground —>

<!— 021105 (0x021105 0x00): Line Heater #1 Open Circuit —>

<!— 021105 (0x021105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #1 Open Circuit —>

<!— 021105 (0x021105 0x00): Urea Line heating 1 — Open load —>

<!— 021105 (0x021105 0x00): Urea Line heating 1 — Open loop —>

<!— 02F0EE (0x02F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_03 —>

<!— 031103 (0x031103 0x00): Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 031103 (0x031103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 031103 (0x031103 0x00): Urea Line heating 2 — Short to battery —>

<!— 031104 (0x031104 0x00): Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 031104 (0x031104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 031104 (0x031104 0x00): Urea Line heating 2 — Short to ground —>

<!— 031105 (0x031105 0x00): Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 031105 (0x031105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 031105 (0x031105 0x00): Urea Line heating 2 — Open load —>

<!— 031105 (0x031105 0x00): Urea Line heating 2 — Open loop —>

<!— 03F0EE (0x03F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_04 —>

<!— 04100D (0x04100D 0x00): MCM/ACM Software Not Compatable —>

<!— 04100D (0x04100D 0x00): MCM/ACM Software Not Compatible —>

<!— 041103 (0x041103 0x00): Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 041103 (0x041103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 041103 (0x041103 0x00): Urea Line heating 3 — Short to battery —>

<!— 041104 (0x041104 0x00): Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 041104 (0x041104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 041104 (0x041104 0x00): Urea Line heating 3 — Short to ground —>

<!— 041105 (0x041105 0x00): Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 041105 (0x041105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 041105 (0x041105 0x00): Urea Line heating 3 — Open load —>

<!— 041105 (0x041105 0x00): Urea Line heating 3 — Open loop —>

<!— 04F0EE (0x04F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_05 —>

<!— 051103 (0x051103 0x00): Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 051103 (0x051103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 051103 (0x051103 0x00): Urea Line heating 4 — Short to battery —>

<!— 051104 (0x051104 0x00): Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 051104 (0x051104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 051104 (0x051104 0x00): Urea Line heating 4 — Short to ground —>

<!— 051105 (0x051105 0x00): Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 051105 (0x051105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 051105 (0x051105 0x00): Urea Line heating 4 — Open load —>

<!— 051105 (0x051105 0x00): Urea Line heating 4 — Open loop —>

<!— 05F0EE (0x05F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_06 —>

<!— 061103 (0x061103 0x00): DEF General Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 061103 (0x061103 0x00): Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 061103 (0x061103 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Short to battery —>

<!— 061104 (0x061104 0x00): DEF General Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 061104 (0x061104 0x00): Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 061104 (0x061104 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Short to ground —>

<!— 061105 (0x061105 0x00): DEF General Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 061105 (0x061105 0x00): Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 061105 (0x061105 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Open load —>

<!— 061105 (0x061105 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Open loop —>

<!— 06F0EE (0x06F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_07 —>

<!— 07F0E1 (0x07F0E1 0x00): MU_RESERVE_04 —>

<!— 07F0EE (0x07F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_08 —>

<!— 081102 (0x081102 0x00): Rationality check for t_scr —>

<!— 081103 (0x081103 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 081104 (0x081104 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 081108 (0x081108 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_50 —>

<!— 081108 (0x081108 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 08110A (0x08110A 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 08110E (0x08110E 0x00): MU_SCR_T_CAT_PLAUS —>

<!— 08110E (0x08110E 0x00): rationality check for t_SCR —>

<!— 08110E (0x08110E 0x00): Rationality check for t_scr —>

<!— 08110F (0x08110F 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature High —>

<!— 081114 (0x081114 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Drift High in Range —>

<!— 081115 (0x081115 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— 08F0EE (0x08F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_09 —>

<!— 08F0F1 (0x08F0F1 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_01 —>

<!— 08F0F1 (0x08F0F1 0x00): MU_LO_DIA_NQV_PRE_DEBOUNCE —>

<!— 090402 (0x090402 0x00): ACM2.1 engine hours data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 090402 (0x090402 0x00): MU_ISP_ACM_TIME_RAT_ERROR —>

<!— 09F0EE (0x09F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_10 —>

<!— 0AF0EE (0x0AF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE1 —>

<!— 0B1100 (0x0B1100 0x00): Exothermie in the SCR —>

<!— 0B1100 (0x0B1100 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature High —>

<!— 0B1100 (0x0B1100 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Too High —>

<!— 0B1103 (0x0B1103 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0B1104 (0x0B1104 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0B1107 (0x0B1107 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Out of Range High —>

<!— 0B1108 (0x0B1108 0x00): Gradient of change for t_scr_out —>

<!— 0B1108 (0x0B1108 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_49 —>

<!— 0B1108 (0x0B1108 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 0B110A (0x0B110A 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 0B1114 (0x0B1114 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Drift High in Range —>

<!— 0B1114 (0x0B1114 0x00): SCR Temperature Drift — Inlet Low/Outlet High —>

<!— 0B1115 (0x0B1115 0x00): SCR Oulet Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— 0BF0EE (0x0BF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE2 —>

<!— 0C1101 (0x0C1101 0x00): SCR NOX Conversion Efficiency Very Low —>

<!— 0C1101 (0x0C1101 0x00): SCR NOX Coversion Efficiency Very Low —>

<!— 0C1101 (0x0C1101 0x00): SCR NOX Coversion Efficienty Very Low —>

<!— 0C110E (0x0C110E 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_33 —>

<!— 0C110E (0x0C110E 0x00): SCR catalyst nox conversion rate check —>

<!— 0C1112 (0x0C1112 0x00): SCR NOX Conversion Efficiency Low —>

<!— 0C1112 (0x0C1112 0x00): SCR NOX Coversion Efficiency Low —>

<!— 0C1112 (0x0C1112 0x00): SCR NOX Coversion Efficienty Low —>

<!— 0C111F (0x0C111F 0x00): MU_NOX_MON_SCR_EFF_LOW —>

<!— 0CF0EE (0x0CF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE3 —>

<!— 0D0400 (0x0D0400 0x00): DPF HC Absorption Very High —>

<!— 0D040F (0x0D040F 0x00): DPF HC Absorption Warning —>

<!— 0D0410 (0x0D0410 0x00): DPF HC Absorption High —>

<!— 0D0E03 (0x0D0E03 0x00): Actuator and Sensor Supply — Side 1 — Short to battery —>

<!— 0D0E03 (0x0D0E03 0x00): High Side Digital Output 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0D0E04 (0x0D0E04 0x00): High Side Digital Output 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0DF0EE (0x0DF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE4 —>

<!— 0E0E03 (0x0E0E03 0x00): Actuator and Sensor Supply — Side 2 — Short to battery —>

<!— 0E0E03 (0x0E0E03 0x00): High Side Digital Output 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0E0E04 (0x0E0E04 0x00): High Side Digital Output 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0EF0EE (0x0EF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE5 —>

<!— 0F0E03 (0x0F0E03 0x00): Actuator and Sensor Supply — Side 3 — Short to battery —>

<!— 0F0E03 (0x0F0E03 0x00): High Side Digital Output 3 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0F0E04 (0x0F0E04 0x00): High Side Digital Output 3 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0FF0EE (0x0FF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE6 —>

<!— 10F0EE (0x10F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE7 —>

<!— 12F0EE (0x12F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_P_BACK_SRH —>

<!— 13F0EE (0x13F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_SCR_PIPE_LEAK —>

<!— 14F0EE (0x14F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_EXG_PIPE_LEAK —>

<!— 151500 (0x151500 0x00): Regeneration Frequency Error — Severe —>

<!— 15150B (0x15150B 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very late in zone 0 —>

<!— 15150E (0x15150E 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very early in zone 0 — it is a smoky engine —>

<!— 151510 (0x151510 0x00): Regeneration Frequency Error — Moderate —>

<!— 15151F (0x15151F 0x00): DPF Regen Too Often —>

<!— 15151F (0x15151F 0x00): MU_DPF_ZONE0_DUR_ERR —>

<!— 15F0EE (0x15F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_DPF_PLUG_HIGH —>

<!— 161100 (0x161100 0x00): check of relation between pump speed and pressure: pump speed too high for given pressure —>

<!— 161100 (0x161100 0x00): Under pressurized DEF system —>

<!— 161101 (0x161101 0x00): check of relation between pump speed and pressure: pump speed too low for given pressure —>

<!— 161101 (0x161101 0x00): Over pressurized DEF system —>

<!— 161102 (0x161102 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_SPD_DIFF_SMALL —>

<!— 161102 (0x161102 0x00): pump speed difference between high and low dosing amounts is to small —>

<!— 161102 (0x161102 0x00): Too small difference of DEF pump speed at low respectively at high dosing amounts —>

<!— 161102 (0x161102 0x00): Too small difference of urea pump speed at low respectively at high dosing amounts —>

<!— 161103 (0x161103 0x00): pump speed signal over measurement range —>

<!— 161104 (0x161104 0x00): pump speed signal below measurement range —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): DEF pump is not running synchronous —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): DEF system is not being controlled as expected —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): difference between requested and actual DEF pump speed —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_DEF_SPD_INVAL —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_UREA_SPD_INVAL —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): Urea pump is not running synchronous —>

<!— 16F0E3 (0x16F0E3 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_38 —>

<!— 16F0E4 (0x16F0E4 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_37 —>

<!— 16F0E5 (0x16F0E5 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_39 —>

<!— 16F0EE (0x16F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_DPF_CRACK —>

<!— 16F0EE (0x16F0EE 0x00): Pressure drop accross the filter too low —>

<!— 171103 (0x171103 0x00): Air Assited pump- Short to battery —>

<!— 171103 (0x171103 0x00): DEF Pump Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 171104 (0x171104 0x00): Air assited pump- Short to ground —>

<!— 171104 (0x171104 0x00): DEF Pump Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 171105 (0x171105 0x00): Air assisted pump — Open load —>

<!— 171105 (0x171105 0x00): Air assisted pump — Open loop —>

<!— 171105 (0x171105 0x00): DEF Pump Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 171106 (0x171106 0x00): Current to the urea pump is too high (air assisted system) —>

<!— 171106 (0x171106 0x00): Current to the urea pump is too high — air assisted system —>

<!— 171106 (0x171106 0x00): DEF Pump Supply Current High —>

<!— 171510 (0x171510 0x00): MU_DPF_HC_QUANT_DEF_OP —>

<!— 17151F (0x17151F 0x00): Display HC burn-off request —>

<!— 17151F (0x17151F 0x00): MU_DPF_HC_BRNOFF_REQ —>

<!— 17F0EE (0x17F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_DPF_PLUG_LOW —>

<!— 17F0EE (0x17F0EE 0x00): Pressure drop accross the filter too high — lowest level —>

<!— 190E03 (0x190E03 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 190E03 (0x190E03 0x00): DPF Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 190E04 (0x190E04 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 190E04 (0x190E04 0x00): DPF Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Signal Spike — sporadic defect on p dpf in sensor —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): DPF In Pressure sensor sporadic defect —>

<!— 190E0A (0x190E0A 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Sensor Stuck —>

<!— 190E15 (0x190E15 0x00): DPF Inlet Pressure — Drift Low —>

<!— 191100 (0x191100 0x00): NH3 slip check for Euro VI SCR fault identification —>

<!— 191100 (0x191100 0x00): SCR Outlet NOx High — Non Fueling —>

<!— 1A0E00 (0x1A0E00 0x00): DPF System Back Pressure Too High —>

<!— 1A0E02 (0x1A0E02 0x00): DPF Inlet/Outlet Pressure not Plausible (KEY ON ENGINE OFF) —>

<!— 1A0E02 (0x1A0E02 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— 1A0E02 (0x1A0E02 0x00): p_dpf_out sensor rationality check —>

<!— 1A0E03 (0x1A0E03 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1A0E04 (0x1A0E04 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1A0E07 (0x1A0E07 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure High —>

<!— 1A0E07 (0x1A0E07 0x00): HWL deposit can not be totally removed. —>

<!— 1A0E08 (0x1A0E08 0x00): DPF Out Pressure sensor sporadic defect —>

<!— 1A0E08 (0x1A0E08 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Signal Spike — sporadic defect on p dpf out sensor —>

<!— 1A0E08 (0x1A0E08 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— 1A0E0A (0x1A0E0A 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Stuck —>

<!— 1A0E0E (0x1A0E0E 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_SCR_PIPE_LEAK —>

<!— 1A0E0F (0x1A0E0F 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_P_BACK_SRH —>

<!— 1A0E15 (0x1A0E15 0x00): DPF Oulet Pressure — Drift Low —>

<!— 210D00 (0x210D00 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Stuck Open —>

<!— 210D00 (0x210D00 0x00): DEF Pressure Duty Cycle High —>

<!— 210D01 (0x210D01 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Stuck Closed —>

<!— 210D01 (0x210D01 0x00): DEF Pressure Duty Cycle Low —>

<!— 210D03 (0x210D03 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 210D03 (0x210D03 0x00): Urea dosing valve air assisted system- Short to battery —>

<!— 210D04 (0x210D04 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 210D04 (0x210D04 0x00): Urea dosing valve air assisted system- Short to ground —>

<!— 210D05 (0x210D05 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 210D05 (0x210D05 0x00): Urea dosing valve air assisted system — Open loop —>

<!— 210D05 (0x210D05 0x00): Urea dosing valve air assisted system — Open load —>

<!— 210D07 (0x210D07 0x00): Clear partial clogging —>

<!— 210D07 (0x210D07 0x00): DEF Unit — Unable to clear Restriction —>

<!— 210D08 (0x210D08 0x00): Air assisted doser unclogging —>

<!— 210D08 (0x210D08 0x00): DEF Metering Unit — Exceeded Unclog Attempts —>

<!— 210D0D (0x210D0D 0x00): DEF Dosing Correction Factor Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 210D1F (0x210D1F 0x00): Dosing Unit Error —>

<!— 210D1F (0x210D1F 0x00): dosing unit is defect (possibly flooded by DEF) —>

<!— 230D00 (0x230D00 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature — High —>

<!— 230D01 (0x230D01 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature — Low —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): DEF Coolant Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): Urea Tank Heating- Short to battery —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): DEF Coolant Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): Urea Tank Heating- Short to ground —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Coolant Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): Urea Tank Heating- Open load —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): Urea Tank Heating- Open loop —>

<!— 230D07 (0x230D07 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Too Low —>

<!— 230D07 (0x230D07 0x00): Tank Heating Valve Stuck Closed —>

<!— 230D07 (0x230D07 0x00): Urea Tank Heating valve stucked closed —>

<!— 230D1F (0x230D1F 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Too High —>

<!— 230D1F (0x230D1F 0x00): Tank Heating Valve Stuck Open —>

<!— 230D1F (0x230D1F 0x00): Urea Tank Heating valve stucked open —>

<!— 23F0E5 (0x23F0E5 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_36 —>

<!— 240D00 (0x240D00 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_MLIT_CASE3 —>

<!— 240D01 (0x240D01 0x00): DEF Quality Warning (Speed Limit Imposed) —>

<!— 240D01 (0x240D01 0x00): Improper DEF Quality Final Warning —>

<!— 240D01 (0x240D01 0x00): urea quality check —>

<!— 240D01 (0x240D01 0x00): urea quality check Final —>

<!— 240D01 (0x240D01 0x00): urea quality check final warning —>

<!— 240D02 (0x240D02 0x00): Improper DEF Quality —>

<!— 240D11 (0x240D11 0x00): DEF Quality Warning —>

<!— 240D11 (0x240D11 0x00): Improper DEF Quality Warning —>

<!— 240D11 (0x240D11 0x00): urea quality check —>

<!— 240D11 (0x240D11 0x00): urea quality check Warning —>

<!— 240D11 (0x240D11 0x00): urea quality check warning —>

<!— 240D12 (0x240D12 0x00): Improper DEF Quality Drate —>

<!— 240D12 (0x240D12 0x00): Improper DEF Quality Warning —>

<!— 240D13 (0x240D13 0x00): MU_ISP_DISC_SENS_ERR —>

<!— 25F0EE (0x25F0EE 0x00): MU_SCR_DUMMY_01 —>

<!— 27F0ED (0x27F0ED 0x00): Fuel Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 28F0E9 (0x28F0E9 0x00): NOx Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 29F0E9 (0x29F0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_HEARTBEAT_CAN2 —>

<!— 29F0ED (0x29F0ED 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_CAN_SNA —>

<!— 2AF0ED (0x2AF0ED 0x00): DEF Dosing Correction Factor Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 2DF0EE (0x2DF0EE 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_MLIT_CASE1 —>

<!— 2EF0EE (0x2EF0EE 0x00): MU_ISP_KM_PARITY_ERR —>

<!— 2FF0E3 (0x2FF0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_1_SRH —>

<!— 2FF0E4 (0x2FF0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_1_SRL —>

<!— 30F0E3 (0x30F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_2_SRH —>

<!— 30F0E4 (0x30F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_2_SRL —>

<!— 31F0E3 (0x31F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_1_SRH —>

<!— 31F0E4 (0x31F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_1_SRL —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_2_SRH —>

<!— 32F0E4 (0x32F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_2_SRL —>

<!— 330004 (0x330004 0x00): Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 330004 (0x330004 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_03_SRL —>

<!— 33F0E3 (0x33F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_3_SRH —>

<!— 33F0E4 (0x33F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_3_SRL —>

<!— 34F0E3 (0x34F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_SOOT_SENS_SRH —>

<!— 34F0E4 (0x34F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_SOOT_SENS_SRL —>

<!— 35F0E3 (0x35F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_01_SRH —>

<!— 35F0E4 (0x35F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_01_SRL —>

<!— 36C403 (0x36C403 0x00): MU_UPS_DUMMY_01 —>

<!— 36C404 (0x36C404 0x00): Def Acumulator Failure —>

<!— 36C404 (0x36C404 0x00): Urea pressure out of working range (air assisted system) —>

<!— 36F0E3 (0x36F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_02_SRH —>

<!— 36F0E4 (0x36F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_02_SRL —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_DPF_SRH —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_DPF_SRL —>

<!— 39F0E4 (0x39F0E4 0x00): MU_SCR_T_CAT_IN_3_SRH —>

<!— 39F0E4 (0x39F0E4 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature High —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): DEF pump is blocked —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): EDU DEF pump is blocked —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): EDU urea pump is blocked —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_DEF_BLOCKED —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_UREA_BLOCKED —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): Non DEF flow situation —>

<!— 3BF0EE (0x3BF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_Q_DOT_DOCB_ERR —>

<!— 3CF0EE (0x3CF0EE 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 4 Condition —>

<!— 3CF0F2 (0x3CF0F2 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_MLIT_CASE2 —>

<!— 3CF0FF (0x3CF0FF 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 5 Condition —>

<!— 3D1103 (0x3D1103 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_SCR_SRH —>

<!— 3D1104 (0x3D1104 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_SCR_SRL —>

<!— 41F0F2 (0x41F0F2 0x00): HC Slip is too high —>

<!— 41F0F2 (0x41F0F2 0x00): MU_DPF_HC_SLIP_HIGH —>

<!— 42F0EE (0x42F0EE 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_40 —>

<!— 431500 (0x431500 0x00): DPF HC Absorption Very High —>

<!— 43150F (0x43150F 0x00): DPF HC Absorption Warning —>

<!— 431510 (0x431510 0x00): DPF HC Absorption High —>

<!— 44F0EE (0x44F0EE 0x00): ATS Not Started Up —>

<!— 44F0EE (0x44F0EE 0x00): MU_PAR_ATS_START_NOT_EFFECT —>

<!— 45F0EE (0x45F0EE 0x00): ACM Not Parameterized —>

<!— 45F0EE (0x45F0EE 0x00): MU_PAR_ACM_NOT_PARAMETRIZED —>

<!— 4DF0E8 (0x4DF0E8 0x00): Input Signal Spike 1 — Sporadic Defect —>

<!— 4DF0E8 (0x4DF0E8 0x00): Input Signal Spike 1 —>

<!— 4DF0E8 (0x4DF0E8 0x00): Sporadic defect of ADC sensor in ISP40 (MU1) —>

<!— 4EF0E8 (0x4EF0E8 0x00): Input Signal Spike 2 — sporadic defect —>

<!— 4EF0E8 (0x4EF0E8 0x00): Input Signal Spike 2 —>

<!— 4EF0E8 (0x4EF0E8 0x00): Sporadic defect of ADC sensor in ISP40 (MU2) —>

<!— 55F0FF (0x55F0FF 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_TIME_EST_INT —>

<!— 56F0F1 (0x56F0F1 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_EURO6_Z3 —>

<!— 56F0F2 (0x56F0F2 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_EURO6_Z4 —>

<!— 57F0E2 (0x57F0E2 0x00): EDU DEF temperature sensor signal drift —>

<!— 57F0E2 (0x57F0E2 0x00): EDU urea temperature sensor signal drift —>

<!— 57F0E2 (0x57F0E2 0x00): MU_EDU_TEMP_DEF_SDRF —>

<!— 57F0E2 (0x57F0E2 0x00): MU_EDU_TEMP_UREA_SDRF —>

<!— 57F0E3 (0x57F0E3 0x00): EDU Temperature Sensor Signal Failed High —>

<!— 57F0E3 (0x57F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_T_DEF_SRH / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 57F0E4 (0x57F0E4 0x00): EDU Temperature Sensor Signal Failed Low —>

<!— 57F0E4 (0x57F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_T_DEF_SRL / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 58F0E3 (0x58F0E3 0x00): EDU Pressure Sensor Signal Failed High —>

<!— 58F0E3 (0x58F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_P_DEF_SRH / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 58F0E4 (0x58F0E4 0x00): EDU Pressure Sensor Signal Failed Low —>

<!— 58F0E4 (0x58F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_P_DEF_SRL / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 59F0E3 (0x59F0E3 0x00): EDU sensor supply signal range high. —>

<!— 59F0E3 (0x59F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_SENS_SUPPLY_SRH / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 59F0E3 (0x59F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_SENS_SUPPLY_SRH —>

<!— 59F0E4 (0x59F0E4 0x00): EDU sensor supply signal range low. —>

<!— 59F0E4 (0x59F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_SENS_SUPPLY_SRL / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 59F0E4 (0x59F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_SENS_SUPPLY_SRL —>

<!— 5AF0E3 (0x5AF0E3 0x00): EDU urea injector valve shortcut to battery. Urea injector team plans to block the urea injection. —>

<!— 5AF0E3 (0x5AF0E3 0x00): EDU Dosing Valve Signal Failed High —>

<!— 5AF0E3 (0x5AF0E3 0x00): EDU urea injector valve shortcut to battery. Urea injector team plans to block the urea injection. —>

<!— 5AF0E3 (0x5AF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_DOS_VALVE_SC_UBAT / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5AF0E4 (0x5AF0E4 0x00): EDU Dosing Valve Signal Failed Low —>

<!— 5AF0E4 (0x5AF0E4 0x00): EDU urea injector valve shortcut to ground. —>

<!— 5AF0E4 (0x5AF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_DOS_VALVE_SC_GND / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5AF0E5 (0x5AF0E5 0x00): EDU dosing valve open load —>

<!— 5AF0E5 (0x5AF0E5 0x00): EDU Dosing Valve Signal Failed Open —>

<!— 5AF0E5 (0x5AF0E5 0x00): MU_EDU_DOS_VALVE_OL / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5BF0E3 (0x5BF0E3 0x00): EDU DEF heater shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5BF0E3 (0x5BF0E3 0x00): EDU urea heater shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5BF0E3 (0x5BF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_HEATER_SC_UBAT / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5BF0E3 (0x5BF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_HEATER_SC_UBAT —>

<!— 5BF0E4 (0x5BF0E4 0x00): EDU DEF heater shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5BF0E4 (0x5BF0E4 0x00): EDU urea heater shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5BF0E4 (0x5BF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_HEATER_SC_GND / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5BF0E4 (0x5BF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_HEATER_SC_GND —>

<!— 5BF0E5 (0x5BF0E5 0x00): EDU urea heater open load —>

<!— 5BF0E5 (0x5BF0E5 0x00): Heater of EDU open load —>

<!— 5BF0E5 (0x5BF0E5 0x00): MU_EDU_HEATER_SC_OL / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5BF0E5 (0x5BF0E5 0x00): MU_EDU_HEATER_SC_OL —>

<!— 5CF0E3 (0x5CF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 -pump and heater- shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5CF0E3 (0x5CF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 (pump + heater) shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5CF0E3 (0x5CF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 -pump and heater- shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5CF0E3 (0x5CF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_HS1_SC_UBAT / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5CF0E3 (0x5CF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_HS1_SC_UBAT —>

<!— 5CF0E4 (0x5CF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 -pump and heater shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5CF0E4 (0x5CF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 (pump + heater) shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5CF0E4 (0x5CF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 -pump and heater shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5CF0E4 (0x5CF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_HS1_SC_GND / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5CF0E4 (0x5CF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_HS1_SC_GND —>

<!— 5DF0E3 (0x5DF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 2 (pump + heater) shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5DF0E3 (0x5DF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 2 -pump and heater- shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5DF0E3 (0x5DF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_HS2_SC_UBAT / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5DF0E3 (0x5DF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_HS2_SC_UBAT —>

<!— 5DF0E4 (0x5DF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 2 (pump + heater) shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5DF0E4 (0x5DF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 2 -pump and heater- shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5DF0E4 (0x5DF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_HS2_SC_GND / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5DF0E4 (0x5DF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_HS2_SC_GND —>

<!— 5EF0E3 (0x5EF0E3 0x00): EDU battery signal range high —>

<!— 5EF0E3 (0x5EF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_UBAT_SRH / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5EF0E3 (0x5EF0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_UBAT_SRH —>

<!— 5EF0E4 (0x5EF0E4 0x00): EDU battery signal range low —>

<!— 5EF0E4 (0x5EF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_UBAT_SRL / Dave’s Text needed —>

<!— 5EF0E4 (0x5EF0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_UBAT_SRL —>

<!— 5F0402 (0x5F0402 0x00): Air fuel ratio rationality check —>

<!— 5F0402 (0x5F0402 0x00): Nox Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 5F041F (0x5F041F 0x00): Air fuel ratio rationality check —>

<!— 5F041F (0x5F041F 0x00): Nox Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 5FF0E9 (0x5FF0E9 0x00): ACM DM1 Message Not Received at Dash Cluster —>

<!— 5FF0E9 (0x5FF0E9 0x00): Dashboard doesn’t recieve ACM DM1 / Dave’s text needed —>

<!— 600F07 (0x600F07 0x00): Incomplete Regeneration —>

<!— 600F07 (0x600F07 0x00): zone 5 regeneration is interrupted — incomplete regeneration —>

<!— 600F11 (0x600F11 0x00): MU_DPF_EFF_CHECK —>

<!— 600F12 (0x600F12 0x00): DPF Efficency Error —>

<!— 600F12 (0x600F12 0x00): DPF Pressure — Out of Range Low — Broken DPF —>

<!— 600F12 (0x600F12 0x00): DPF Pressure — Out of Range Low —>

<!— 60F0FF (0x60F0FF 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_25 —>

<!— 60F0FF (0x60F0FF 0x00): Obsolete MU3 —>

<!— 61F0E3 (0x61F0E3 0x00): EDU DEF pump schortcut to battery —>

<!— 61F0E3 (0x61F0E3 0x00): EDU urea pump schortcut to battery —>

<!— 61F0E3 (0x61F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_DEF_SC_UBAT —>

<!— 61F0E3 (0x61F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_UREA_SC_UBAT —>

<!— 61F0E4 (0x61F0E4 0x00): EDU DEF pump schortcut to ground —>

<!— 61F0E4 (0x61F0E4 0x00): EDU urea pump schortcut to ground —>

<!— 61F0E4 (0x61F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_DEF_SC_GND —>

<!— 61F0E4 (0x61F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_UREA_SC_GND —>

<!— 61F0E5 (0x61F0E5 0x00): EDU DEF pump open load —>

<!— 61F0E5 (0x61F0E5 0x00): EDU urea pump open load —>

<!— 61F0E5 (0x61F0E5 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_DEF_OL —>

<!— 61F0E5 (0x61F0E5 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_UREA_OL —>

<!— 620103 (0x620103 0x00): Relative Humidity Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 620104 (0x620104 0x00): Relative Humidity Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 62F0F1 (0x62F0F1 0x00): EDU DEF filter service requirement —>

<!— 62F0F1 (0x62F0F1 0x00): EDU urea filter service requirement —>

<!— 62F0F1 (0x62F0F1 0x00): MU_EDU_FILT_DEF_SERV —>

<!— 62F0F1 (0x62F0F1 0x00): MU_EDU_FILT_UREA_SERV —>

<!— 62F0F2 (0x62F0F2 0x00): EDU DEF filter life time expired — service routine —>

<!— 62F0F2 (0x62F0F2 0x00): EDU urea filter life time expired — service routine —>

<!— 62F0F2 (0x62F0F2 0x00): EDU urea filter life time expired (service routine) —>

<!— 62F0F2 (0x62F0F2 0x00): MU_EDU_FILT_DEF_LT_EX —>

<!— 62F0F2 (0x62F0F2 0x00): MU_EDU_FILT_UREA_LT_EX —>

<!— 63F0E0 (0x63F0E0 0x00): EDU DEF pump speed too high —>

<!— 63F0E0 (0x63F0E0 0x00): EDU urea pump speed too high —>

<!— 63F0E0 (0x63F0E0 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_SPD_HI —>

<!— 63F0E1 (0x63F0E1 0x00): EDU DEF pump speed too low —>

<!— 63F0E1 (0x63F0E1 0x00): EDU urea pump speed too low —>

<!— 63F0E1 (0x63F0E1 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_SPD_LO —>

<!— 63F0E2 (0x63F0E2 0x00): Too small difference of DEF pump speed at low respectively at high dosing amounts —>

<!— 63F0E2 (0x63F0E2 0x00): Too small difference of urea pump speed at low respectively at high dosing amounts —>

<!— 63F0E7 (0x63F0E7 0x00): EDU DEF pump is blocked —>

<!— 63F0E7 (0x63F0E7 0x00): EDU urea pump is blocked —>

<!— 63F0F3 (0x63F0F3 0x00): DEF pump is not running synchronous —>

<!— 63F0F3 (0x63F0F3 0x00): Urea pump is not running synchronous —>

<!— 64F0EE (0x64F0EE 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very early in zone 0 it is a smoky engine —>

<!— 64F0EE (0x64F0EE 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very early in zone 0 — it is a smoky engine —>

<!— 64F0EE (0x64F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_SOOT_DP_DEV_HI —>

<!— 64F0FF (0x64F0FF 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very late in zone 0 —>

<!— 64F0FF (0x64F0FF 0x00): MU_DPF_SOOT_DP_DEV_LO —>

<!— 65F0EC (0x65F0EC 0x00): EDU ECU internal fault —>

<!— 65F0EC (0x65F0EC 0x00): MU_EDU_ECU_TRAP —>

<!— 65F0ED (0x65F0ED 0x00): EDU memory check failed —>

<!— 65F0ED (0x65F0ED 0x00): MU_EDU_ECU_MEM_CHK_ERR —>

<!— 66F0E7 (0x66F0E7 0x00): MU_EDU_PRESS_REL_VLV_DEF —>

<!— 66F0E7 (0x66F0E7 0x00): Pressure relief valve is stuck closed —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): EDU pump speed signal range low. —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_DEF_SPD_INTRP —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): MU_EDU_PUMP_UREA_SPD_INTRP —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): EDU dataset is not valid —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): MU_EDU_DATASET_NOT_VALID —>

<!— 69F0E9 (0x69F0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_HEARTBEAT_CAN1 —>

<!— 6AF0E9 (0x6AF0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_HEARTBEAT_CAN3 —>

<!— 6BF0E9 (0x6BF0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_HEARTBEAT_CAN4 —>

<!— 6C000D (0x6C000D 0x00): Ambient Air Pressure Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 6CF0EE (0x6CF0EE 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_TDOC_IN_FIN_RAT —>

<!— 6CF0EE (0x6CF0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_01 —>


<!— 6D1603 (0x6D1603 0x00): MU_DPS_UBAT —>

<!— 6D1604 (0x6D1604 0x00): MU_DPS_SHORT_CIRC —>

<!— 6D1609 (0x6D1609 0x00): MU_DPS_DIA_CAN_SNA —>

<!— 6D160C (0x6D160C 0x00): MU_DPS_SELF_DIAG —>

<!— 6D160D (0x6D160D 0x00): MU_DPS_DIA_SENS_SNA —>

<!— 6D160F (0x6D160F 0x00): MU_DPS_IDE_NEG —>

<!— 6D1610 (0x6D1610 0x00): MU_DPS_IDE_NEG_ON —>

<!— 6D1611 (0x6D1611 0x00): MU_DPS_IDE_POS —>

<!— 6D1612 (0x6D1612 0x00): MU_DPS_IDE_NEG_OFF —>

<!— 6D1613 (0x6D1613 0x00): MU_DPS_SNA —>

<!— 6DF0EE (0x6DF0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_02 —>

<!— 6DF0EE (0x6DF0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_EMISSION_DOS_SRL —>

<!— 6E0009 (0x6E0009 0x00): Coolant Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 6EF0EE (0x6EF0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_03 —>

<!— 6EF0EE (0x6EF0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_EMISSION_ROH_SH —>

<!— 6FF0EE (0x6FF0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_04 —>


<!— 701503 (0x701503 0x00): DEF General Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 701503 (0x701503 0x00): SCR Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 701503 (0x701503 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Short to battery —>

<!— 701504 (0x701504 0x00): DEF General Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 701504 (0x701504 0x00): SCR Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 701504 (0x701504 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Short to ground —>

<!— 701505 (0x701505 0x00): DEF General Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 701505 (0x701505 0x00): SCR Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 701505 (0x701505 0x00): Urea Line heating 5 — Open load —>

<!— 70F0EE (0x70F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_05 —>

<!— 70F0EE (0x70F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_EMISSION_SENSOR_DEF —>

<!— 710202 (0x710202 0x00): CPC Message not Received or Stopped Arriving —>

<!— 710202 (0x710202 0x00): MU_CAN_CPC_NO_COM —>

<!— 710209 (0x710209 0x00): MU_ISP_HEARTBEAT_CAN1 —>

<!— 710209 (0x710209 0x00): PT-CAN Heartbeat Missing —>

<!— 71F0EE (0x71F0EE 0x00): Euro 5 SCR fault identification Level 1 SR —>

<!— 71F0EE (0x71F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_06 —>

<!— 71F0EE (0x71F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_LEVEL1_SR —>

<!— 72F0EE (0x72F0EE 0x00): Euro 5 SCR fault identification Level 2 HWL Quali SR —>

<!— 72F0EE (0x72F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_07 —>

<!— 72F0EE (0x72F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_LEVEL2_HWL_QUALI_SR —>

<!— 73160C (0x73160C 0x00): MU_DPS_HTR_DIAG —>

<!— 73160F (0x73160F 0x00): MU_DPS_HTR_ON —>

<!— 731611 (0x731611 0x00): MU_DPS_HTR_OFF —>

<!— 73F0EE (0x73F0EE 0x00): Euro 5 SCR fault identification Level 2 MIN DOS SR —>

<!— 73F0EE (0x73F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_08 —>

<!— 73F0EE (0x73F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_LEVEL2_MIN_DOS_SR —>

<!— 74020E (0x74020E 0x00): ECU Software Error —>

<!— 74020E (0x74020E 0x00): MU reserve —>

<!— 740703 (0x740703 0x00): Air lock valve for the urea air assited system -short to battery —>

<!— 740703 (0x740703 0x00): DEF Air Lock Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 740704 (0x740704 0x00): Air lock valve for the urea air assited system -short to ground —>

<!— 740704 (0x740704 0x00): DEF Air Lock Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 740705 (0x740705 0x00): Air lock valve for the urea air assited system -Open Loop —>

<!— 740705 (0x740705 0x00): Air lock valve for the urea air assited system -Open Load —>

<!— 740705 (0x740705 0x00): DEF Air Lock Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 74F0EE (0x74F0EE 0x00): Euro 5 SCR fault identification — Level 2 SR —>

<!— 74F0EE (0x74F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_DUMMY_09 —>

<!— 74F0EE (0x74F0EE 0x00): MU_NOX_LEVEL2_SR —>

<!— 75020C (0x75020C 0x00): ACM Internal Error —>

<!— 75F0FF (0x75F0FF 0x00): DOC/DPF (for 2-leg sysetm) presence detection —>

<!— 75F0FF (0x75F0FF 0x00): DOC/DPF for 2-leg sysetm presence detection —>

<!— 75F0FF (0x75F0FF 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_DOCBDPFB_PRES —>

<!— 760202 (0x760202 0x00): Powerlatch of last driving cycle not completed —>

<!— 76020A (0x76020A 0x00): Loss of non-volatile data —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): E2P Hardware Error —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): Fault to write to the e2p —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): MU_E2P_RW_ERR —>

<!— 76020D (0x76020D 0x00): MU_AUTH_E2P_DATA_LOSS inform TP PEE Team Kowol —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): E2P Emulation Hardware Error —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): E2P Emulation ReadWrite Error —>

<!— 76021F (0x76021F 0x00): Incorrect UDS security calibration —>

<!— 76021F (0x76021F 0x00): MU_DSERV_CHK_SEC_TBL —>

<!— 76F0EE (0x76F0EE 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 76F0FF (0x76F0FF 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 770E1F (0x770E1F 0x00): Regen Inhibit Swicht active when zone logic increments —>

<!— 77F0E0 (0x77F0E0 0x00): Regeneration Frequency Error — Severe —>

<!— 77F0E9 (0x77F0E9 0x00): EDU CAN Message Not Received —>

<!— 77F0F0 (0x77F0F0 0x00): Regeneration Frequency Error — Moderate —>

<!— 78F0FF (0x78F0FF 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 2 —>

<!— 78F0FF (0x78F0FF 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim2 — Refill —>

<!— 79F0FF (0x79F0FF 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 3 —>

<!— 79F0FF (0x79F0FF 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim3 -Torque limiter —>

<!— 7AF0FF (0x7AF0FF 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 4 —>

<!— 7AF0FF (0x7AF0FF 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim4 -Speed limiter —>

<!— 7BF0FF (0x7BF0FF 0x00): EDU dosing unit defect —>

<!— 7CF0FF (0x7CF0FF 0x00): EDU supply unit Defect —>

<!— 7DF0E2 (0x7DF0E2 0x00): FSG: MU_SCR_DIA_T_UREA_TANK_RAT —>

<!— 7DF0E2 (0x7DF0E2 0x00): Reductant Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance —>

<!— 7E1400 (0x7E1400 0x00): Regulatory Fault Ignored — Final Action (Speed Limit) —>

<!— 7E140F (0x7E140F 0x00): Regulatory Fault Ignored — Derate On —>

<!— 7E1410 (0x7E1410 0x00): Regulatory Fault Ignored — Final Action Pending —>

<!— 7EF0FF (0x7EF0FF 0x00): DOC Clean-up Fault —>

<!— 7EF0FF (0x7EF0FF 0x00): DOC plugging clearance process is not terminated successfully. —>

<!— 7F0E1F (0x7F0E1F 0x00): MU_DPF_LIGHT_OFF_ERR —>

<!— 7F0E1F (0x7F0E1F 0x00): Parked Regen Failed — DOC Temp In Low Preventing Dosing —>

<!— 7F150D (0x7F150D 0x00): Fuel Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 7FF0FF (0x7FF0FF 0x00): SCR Catalyst — Age :Limit — SCR catalyst is defect —>

<!— 7FF0FF (0x7FF0FF 0x00): SCR Catalyst — Age :Limit —>

<!— 80F0F1 (0x80F0F1 0x00): MU_SCR_ADS_FILT_DEF_SERV —>

<!— 80F0F1 (0x80F0F1 0x00): MU_SCR_ADS_FILT_UREA_SERV —>

<!— 80F0F2 (0x80F0F2 0x00): MU_SCR_ADS_FILT_DEF_LT_EX —>

<!— 80F0F2 (0x80F0F2 0x00): MU_SCR_ADS_FILT_UREA_LT_EX —>

<!— 810E1F (0x810E1F 0x00): MU_DPF_TARGET_TEMP_ERR —>

<!— 810E1F (0x810E1F 0x00): Parked Regen Failed — DOC Temp Out, Not Reaching Target Temp —>

<!— 81F0EA (0x81F0EA 0x00): MU_ISP_ACM_TIME_RAT_ERROR —>

<!— 82F0E9 (0x82F0E9 0x00): MU_CAN_CPC_NO_COM —>

<!— 83F0E3 (0x83F0E3 0x00): High Side Digital Output Supply Voltage Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 83F0E3 (0x83F0E3 0x00): High Side Digital Output UV_DOS Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 83F0E4 (0x83F0E4 0x00): High Side Digital Output UV_DOS Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 84F0E7 (0x84F0E7 0x00): DEF pump is blocked —>

<!— 85F0F1 (0x85F0F1 0x00): DEF filter change interval —>

<!— 85F0F2 (0x85F0F2 0x00): DEF filter overloaded —>

<!— 86F0E3 (0x86F0E3 0x00): check of relation between pump speed and pressure: DEF pump speed too high for given pressure —>

<!— 86F0E4 (0x86F0E4 0x00): check of relation between pump speed and pressure: DEF pump speed too low for given pressure —>

<!— 86F0E4 (0x86F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_03 —>

<!— 870E00 (0x870E00 0x00): Soot Level Very High — Zone 5 Operation —>

<!— 870E00 (0x870E00 0x00): Soot Level Very High —>

<!— 870E0F (0x870E0F 0x00): DPF Zone 3 Condition —>

<!— 870E10 (0x870E10 0x00): Soot Level High — Zone 4 Operation —>

<!— 870E10 (0x870E10 0x00): Soot Level High —>

<!— 870E1F (0x870E1F 0x00): DPF Zone 2 Condition —>

<!— 87F0E3 (0x87F0E3 0x00): check of relation between pump speed and pressure: DEF pump speed too high for given pressure —>

<!— 87F0E3 (0x87F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_04 —>

<!— 87F0E4 (0x87F0E4 0x00): check of relation between pump speed and pressure: pump speed too low for given pressure —>

<!— 87F0E4 (0x87F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_02 —>

<!— 880E0F (0x880E0F 0x00): DPF Ash Clean Request —>

<!— 880E10 (0x880E10 0x00): DPF Ash Derate Request —>

<!— 88F0E7 (0x88F0E7 0x00): DEF pressure relieve valve stuck open or closed —>

<!— 88F0E7 (0x88F0E7 0x00): DEF system has been over pressurized —>

<!— 89F0FF (0x89F0FF 0x00): Non DEF flow situation —>

<!— 89F0FF (0x89F0FF 0x00): supply unit is defect (possibly flooded by DEF) —>

<!— 8AF0E3 (0x8AF0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DEF_MIXER_SRH —>

<!— 8AF0E4 (0x8AF0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DEF_MIXER_SRL —>

<!— 8BF0F1 (0x8BF0F1 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_COLD_THAW —>

<!— 8CF0F1 (0x8CF0F1 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_EXH_T_LIGHTOFF —>

<!— 8CF0F1 (0x8CF0F1 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) Inlet Temperature Too Low —>

<!— 8DF0E1 (0x8DF0E1 0x00): MU_SOOT_SEN_NOT_IN_EXHT —>

<!— 8DF0EE (0x8DF0EE 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_EFF —>

<!— 8DF0F4 (0x8DF0F4 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_DRIFT_HIGH —>

<!— 8DF0F5 (0x8DF0F5 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_DRIFT_LOW —>

<!— 8EF0EE (0x8EF0EE 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_RSTRT_REST_REL —>

<!— 8FF0F0 (0x8FF0F0 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENS_HTR_PERF_ERR —>

<!— 900C02 (0x900C02 0x00): SCR Outlet NOx Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 900C03 (0x900C03 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 900C04 (0x900C04 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 900C07 (0x900C07 0x00): MU_NOX_RAW_RD_SENS_STAT —>

<!— 900C07 (0x900C07 0x00): Nox raw sensor presence check —>

<!— 900C0B (0x900C0B 0x00): Nox raw sensor rationality check for Euro VI SCR fault identification —>

<!— 900C0B (0x900C0B 0x00): SCR Inlet NOx — Rationality Error —>

<!— 900C0D (0x900C0D 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor Signal Not Available —>

<!— 900C0F (0x900C0F 0x00): MU_NOX_MON_NOX_RAW_SRH —>

<!— 900C12 (0x900C12 0x00): MU_RESERVE_02 —>

<!— 90F0EC (0x90F0EC 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_IDE_FAIL —>

<!— 91F0EE (0x91F0EE 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_T_PRB_ERR —>

<!— 92F0EE (0x92F0EE 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_HTR_FAIL —>

<!— 93F0EE (0x93F0EE 0x00): MU_SOOT_SENSOR_PWR_ERR —>

<!— 940403 (0x940403 0x00): Turbo Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 940404 (0x940404 0x00): Turbo Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 94F0E4 (0x94F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_03_SRL —>

<!— 95F0E3 (0x95F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_04_SRH —>

<!— 95F0E4 (0x95F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_04_SRL —>

<!— 96100E (0x96100E 0x00): Tier4 Inducement System has not been activated —>

<!— 96F0EE (0x96F0EE 0x00): MU reserve —>

<!— 970C07 (0x970C07 0x00): MU_NOX_RAW_RC —>

<!— 970C07 (0x970C07 0x00): NOx RAW Sensor not ready after dewpoint enable check —>

<!— 970C07 (0x970C07 0x00): NOx RAW Sensor ready after dewpoint enable check —>

<!— 981303 (0x981303 0x00): Actuator and Sensor Supply — Side 4 — Short to battery —>

<!— 981303 (0x981303 0x00): Coolant Valve Supply Voltage Failed High —>

<!— 981303 (0x981303 0x00): High Side Digital Output 4 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 981304 (0x981304 0x00): Coolant Valve Supply Voltage Failed Low —>

<!— 981304 (0x981304 0x00): High Side Digital Output 4 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 98F0F2 (0x98F0F2 0x00): MU_RESERVE_02 —>

<!— 991303 (0x991303 0x00): Actuator and Sensor Supply — Side 5 — Short to battery —>

<!— 991303 (0x991303 0x00): High Side Digital Output 5 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 991304 (0x991304 0x00): High Side Digital Output 5 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 99F0E0 (0x99F0E0 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_MLIT_CASE3 —>

<!— 9A0C02 (0x9A0C02 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor — Drift —>

<!— 9A0C02 (0x9A0C02 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Drift in Range —>

<!— 9A0C03 (0x9A0C03 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9A0C04 (0x9A0C04 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9A0C07 (0x9A0C07 0x00): MU_NOX_OUT_RD_SENS_STAT —>

<!— 9A0C07 (0x9A0C07 0x00): Nox out sensor presence check —>

<!— 9A0C0A (0x9A0C0A 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_48 —>

<!— 9A0C0A (0x9A0C0A 0x00): Nox tailpile sensor nox signal stuck check. —>

<!— 9A0C0A (0x9A0C0A 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor — Drift Low —>

<!— 9A0C0B (0x9A0C0B 0x00): Nox out sensor rationality check for Euro VI SCR fault identification —>

<!— 9A0C0B (0x9A0C0B 0x00): SCR Outlet NOx — Rationality Error —>

<!— 9A0C0D (0x9A0C0D 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Signal Not Available —>

<!— 9A0C0E (0x9A0C0E 0x00): MU_ISP_NOXO_CONV_RAT —>

<!— 9A0C12 (0x9A0C12 0x00): MU_RESERVE_03 —>

<!— 9A0C14 (0x9A0C14 0x00): Nox Outlet Sensor Drift Low —>

<!— 9A0C15 (0x9A0C15 0x00): Nox Outlet Sensor Drift High —>

<!— 9A1312 (0x9A1312 0x00): DOC efficiency fault —>

<!— 9A1312 (0x9A1312 0x00): MU_DPF_DOC_EFF_ERR —>

<!— 9AF0EE (0x9AF0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST1 —>

<!— 9BF0EE (0x9BF0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST2 —>

<!— 9CF0EE (0x9CF0EE 0x00): MU_DPS_TUBE —>

<!— 9DF0EE (0x9DF0EE 0x00): MU_DPS_MON —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): MU_OFD_HSW_KL15_SC_UBATT_OL —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): MU_RESERVE_06 —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): MU_OFD_HSW_KL15_SC_GND —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): MU_RESERVE_05 —>

<!— 9E0007 (0x9E0007 0x00): ACM Power Down — Key Off Purge Cycle —>

<!— 9EF0E9 (0x9EF0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_RESERVE_2 —>

<!— 9EF0ED (0x9EF0ED 0x00): MU_ISP_RESERVE_3 —>

<!— 9EF0FF (0x9EF0FF 0x00): MU_ISP_RESERVE_1 —>

<!— 9FF0EE (0x9FF0EE 0x00): MU_LO_DIA_SYSTEM_NO_COOL —>

<!— A0F0E3 (0xA0F0E3 0x00): MU_DPS_DIA_SPLY_ERR —>

<!— A0F0E4 (0xA0F0E4 0x00): MU_DPS_DIA_SPLY_L_ERR —>

<!— A10C07 (0xA10C07 0x00): MU_NOX_OUT_RC —>

<!— A10C07 (0xA10C07 0x00): NOx OUT Sensor ready after dewpoint enable check —>

<!— A1F0EF (0xA1F0EF 0x00): MU_DPS_T_MEA_IV_RAT —>

<!— A1F0F0 (0xA1F0F0 0x00): MU_DPS_T_MEA_ACT_RAT —>

<!— A1F0F3 (0xA1F0F3 0x00): MU_DPS_T_MEA —>

<!— A20D03 (0xA20D03 0x00): DEF Purge Lamp Circuit Failed High —>

<!— A20D04 (0xA20D04 0x00): DEF Purge Lamp Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A20D05 (0xA20D05 0x00): DEF Purge Lamp Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— A2F0EA (0xA2F0EA 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_RD_T_MIXER —>

<!— A40C09 (0xA40C09 0x00): Exhaust Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— A60C02 (0xA60C02 0x00): NOx OUT Sensor not ready after dewpoint enable check —>

<!— A60E1F (0xA60E1F 0x00): CPC High Idle Regen Aborted —>

<!— A60E1F (0xA60E1F 0x00): High Idle Regen Aborted — CPC Request —>

<!— A80000 (0xA80000 0x00): Battery Voltage High —>

<!— A80000 (0xA80000 0x00): Battery voltage Signal range high —>

<!— A80001 (0xA80001 0x00): Battery Voltage Low —>

<!— A80001 (0xA80001 0x00): Battery voltage Signal range low —>

<!— AA0C00 (0xAA0C00 0x00): DOC inlet Temperature High —>

<!— AA0C00 (0xAA0C00 0x00): MU_DPF_DOC_IN_OVER_TEMP —>

<!— AA0C00 (0xAA0C00 0x00): Over temperature for the DOC —>

<!— AA0C02 (0xAA0C02 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Stuck (high box) —>

<!— AA0C02 (0xAA0C02 0x00): t_doc_in stuck check — high box —>

<!— AA0C03 (0xAA0C03 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AA0C04 (0xAA0C04 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AA0C07 (0xAA0C07 0x00): MU_T_DOC_IN_MISS_OR_BYPASS —>

<!— AA0C08 (0xAA0C08 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— AA0C08 (0xAA0C08 0x00): Gradient of change for t_doc_in —>

<!— AA0C0A (0xAA0C0A 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— AA0C0A (0xAA0C0A 0x00): t_doc_in stuck check — low box —>

<!— AA0C0D (0xAA0C0D 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DOC_IN_MCM_CAN_SNA —>

<!— AA0C0E (0xAA0C0E 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_TDOC_IN_FIN_RAT —>

<!— AA0C11 (0xAA0C11 0x00): Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) Inlet Temperature Out Of Range Low Preventing HC Dosing —>

<!— AA0C11 (0xAA0C11 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_HC_T_LIGHTOFF —>

<!— AA0C14 (0xAA0C14 0x00): DOC Inlet Temeperature Sensor Drifted High in Range —>

<!— AA0C14 (0xAA0C14 0x00): DOC Temperature Drift — Inlet High or Outlet Low —>

<!— AA0C15 (0xAA0C15 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— AA0C15 (0xAA0C15 0x00): Rationality check for t_doc_in —>

<!— AA0C15 (0xAA0C15 0x00): Rationality check for t_doc_out —>

<!— AA0C1F (0xAA0C1F 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Stuck (high box) —>

<!— AA0C1F (0xAA0C1F 0x00): t_doc_in stuck check — high box —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): ambient temperature sensor rationality check —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): MU_ISP_T_A_AIR_RAT —>

<!— AB0003 (0xAB0003 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AB0004 (0xAB0004 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AB0008 (0xAB0008 0x00): Ambient Air Temp Signal Spike — sporadic defect on t ambient air sensor —>

<!— AB0008 (0xAB0008 0x00): Ambient Air Temp Signal Spike —>

<!— AB0008 (0xAB0008 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature sensor sporadic defect —>

<!— AB000D (0xAB000D 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— AE0C00 (0xAE0C00 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature High —>

<!— AE0C00 (0xAE0C00 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Very High —>

<!— AE0C03 (0xAE0C03 0x00): DPF Oulet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AE0C04 (0xAE0C04 0x00): DPF Oulet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AE0C07 (0xAE0C07 0x00): MU_T_DPF_O_MISS_OR_BYPASS —>

<!— AE0C08 (0xAE0C08 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— AE0C08 (0xAE0C08 0x00): Gradient of change for t_dpf_out —>

<!— AE0C0A (0xAE0C0A 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— AE0C0E (0xAE0C0E 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise 2 —>

<!— AE0C0E (0xAE0C0E 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise fisrt leg — uncontrolled regeneration —>

<!— AE0C0F (0xAE0C0F 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature — High —>

<!— AE0C0F (0xAE0C0F 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature High —>

<!— AE0C0F (0xAE0C0F 0x00): Preliminary over temperature detection for the DPF —>

<!— AE0C14 (0xAE0C14 0x00): DPF Outlet/SCR Inlet Temperature — Abnormal —>

<!— AE0C14 (0xAE0C14 0x00): DPF Outlet/SCR Inlet Temperature — Abnormal — sensor drift —>

<!— AE0C14 (0xAE0C14 0x00): DPF Temperature — DOC Outlet Low/DPF Outlet High —>

<!— AE0C15 (0xAE0C15 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE0C15 (0xAE0C15 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE0C15 (0xAE0C15 0x00): Rationality check for t_dpf_out —>

<!— AE0C1F (0xAE0C1F 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise 1 —>

<!— B20C00 (0xB20C00 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Too High —>

<!— B20C00 (0xB20C00 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Very High —>

<!— B20C03 (0xB20C03 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B20C03 (0xB20C03 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B20C04 (0xB20C04 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B20C04 (0xB20C04 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B20C07 (0xB20C07 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Response Error —>

<!— B20C07 (0xB20C07 0x00): MU_T_DOC_O_MISS_OR_BYPASS —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): Gradient of change for t_doc_in —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): Gradient of change for t_doc_out —>

<!— B20C0A (0xB20C0A 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— B20C0A (0xB20C0A 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— B20C0D (0xB20C0D 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DOC_OUT_MCM_CAN_SNA —>

<!— B20C0E (0xB20C0E 0x00): Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise 2 —>

<!— B20C0E (0xB20C0E 0x00): Diagnostic for a HC leak in the exhaust pipe —>

<!— B20C0F (0xB20C0F 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature — High —>

<!— B20C0F (0xB20C0F 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature High —>

<!— B20C0F (0xB20C0F 0x00): Preliminary over temperature detection for the DOC —>

<!— B20C14 (0xB20C14 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Sensor -Drifted High in Range —>

<!— B20C14 (0xB20C14 0x00): DOC Temperature Drift — Inlet Low or Outlet High —>

<!— B20C15 (0xB20C15 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— B20C15 (0xB20C15 0x00): Rationality check for t_doc_out —>

<!— B20C1F (0xB20C1F 0x00): Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise 1 —>

<!— B2140E (0xB2140E 0x00): SCR Abnormal Temperature Rise — Detect exothermie in the SCR —>

<!— B2140E (0xB2140E 0x00): SCR Abnormal Temperature Rise —>

<!— B30C00 (0xB30C00 0x00): DPF Pressure Out of Range High —>

<!— B30C00 (0xB30C00 0x00): DPF Pressure Out of Range Very High —>

<!— B30C00 (0xB30C00 0x00): Pressure drop accross the filter too high — highest level —>

<!— B30C01 (0xB30C01 0x00): DPF is missing or failed —>

<!— B30C01 (0xB30C01 0x00): DPF Pressure Out of Range Low —>

<!— B30C02 (0xB30C02 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— B30C02 (0xB30C02 0x00): DPF delta P signal rationality check —>

<!— B30C02 (0xB30C02 0x00): DPF Inlet/Outlet Pressure not Plausible (Driving) —>

<!— B30C0E (0xB30C0E 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_EXG_PIPE_LEAK —>

<!— B30C0F (0xB30C0F 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_DPF_PLUG_HIGH —>

<!— B30C10 (0xB30C10 0x00): DPF Pressure — Out of Range High —>

<!— B30C10 (0xB30C10 0x00): Pressure drop accross the filter too high — lowest level —>

<!— B30C14 (0xB30C14 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— B30C14 (0xB30C14 0x00): DPF delta P signal rationality check —>

<!— B30C15 (0xB30C15 0x00): DOC Inlet / Outlet Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— B30C15 (0xB30C15 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_LOW_DP_DPF_RAT —>

<!— B30C1F (0xB30C1F 0x00): Pressure drop accross the filter too high — lowest level —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 1 Short to Battery —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): MU_OFD_VSENS1_SC_UBATT —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 1 Short to Ground —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): MU_OFD_VSENS1_SC_GND —>

<!— B60D03 (0xB60D03 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 2 Short to Battery —>

<!— B60D03 (0xB60D03 0x00): MU_OFD_VSENS2_SC_UBATT —>

<!— B60D04 (0xB60D04 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 2 Short to Ground —>

<!— B60D04 (0xB60D04 0x00): MU_OFD_VSENS2_SC_GND —>

<!— B61401 (0xB61401 0x00): AMOX catalyst is aged —>

<!— B61401 (0xB61401 0x00): MU_ATS_AMOX_EFF_INTR_CHK —>

<!— B81207 (0xB81207 0x00): SCR Catalyst — Age :Limit — SCR catalyst is defect —>

<!— B81207 (0xB81207 0x00): SCR Catalyst — Age :Limit —>

<!— B8120E (0xB8120E 0x00): SCR Catalyst Aged Level 1 —>

<!— B8120E (0xB8120E 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature High —>

<!— B8121F (0xB8121F 0x00): SCR Catalyst Aged Level 2 —>

<!— B8121F (0xB8121F 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Very High —>

<!— BA120E (0xBA120E 0x00): Detect the presence of the SCR —>

<!— BA120E (0xBA120E 0x00): MU_SCR_CAT_PRESENCE —>

<!— BA121F (0xBA121F 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_26 —>

<!— BA121F (0xBA121F 0x00): SCR catalyst presence detection —>

<!— BB0D13 (0xBB0D13 0x00): MU_ISP_UQS_T_DEF_ERR —>

<!— BB121F (0xBB121F 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Response — Too fast —>

<!— BB121F (0xBB121F 0x00): DPF Pressure Differential —>

<!— BC0D01 (0xBC0D01 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_UQS_PCT_DEF —>

<!— BC0D07 (0xBC0D07 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_UQS_TMPR_DIAG —>

<!— BC0D09 (0xBC0D09 0x00): MU_ISP_UQS_SNA —>

<!— BC0D09 (0xBC0D09 0x00): MU_ISP_UQS_SNS_CAN_SNA —>

<!— BC0D13 (0xBC0D13 0x00): MU_ISP_UQS_CONC_DEF_ERR —>

<!— BC0D14 (0xBC0D14 0x00): MU_ISP_UQS_CONC_DRIFT_HI —>

<!— BC0D15 (0xBC0D15 0x00): MU_ISP_UQS_CONC_DRIFT_LO —>

<!— BC121F (0xBC121F 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Response — Too Fast —>

<!— BC121F (0xBC121F 0x00): DOC presence detection — DOC Outlet Temperature Response — Too Fast —>

<!— BD0D01 (0xBD0D01 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 4 —>

<!— BD0D01 (0xBD0D01 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim4 -Speed limiter —>

<!— BD0D09 (0xBD0D09 0x00): MU_ISP_CAN_L_DEF_TANK_SRH —>

<!— BD0D0E (0xBD0D0E 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 2 —>

<!— BD0D0E (0xBD0D0E 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim2 — Refill —>

<!— BD0D11 (0xBD0D11 0x00): DEF tank level check — Lim1 reserve —>

<!— BD0D11 (0xBD0D11 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim1 reserve —>

<!— BD0D12 (0xBD0D12 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 3 —>

<!— BD0D12 (0xBD0D12 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim3 -Torque limiter —>

<!— BD0D13 (0xBD0D13 0x00): DEF Tank Signal Erratic via CAN —>

<!— BD0D13 (0xBD0D13 0x00): MU_ISP_CAN_L_DEF_TANK_ERR —>

<!— BD0D1F (0xBD0D1F 0x00): MU_TRC_L_DEF_TANK_LIM_5 —>

<!— BE0009 (0xBE0009 0x00): Engine Speed Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— C10D1F (0xC10D1F 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_UQS_IS_DIESEL —>

<!— C1150C (0xC1150C 0x00): MU_DPS_T_SENS —>

<!— C1150E (0xC1150E 0x00): MU_DPS_TEMP —>

<!— C30D08 (0xC30D08 0x00): MU_DPF_FFAC_ERR —>

<!— C30D08 (0xC30D08 0x00): Regen Frequency Error —>

<!— D00C00 (0xD00C00 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature High (Bank 2) —>

<!— D00C03 (0xD00C03 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_04_SRH —>

<!— D00C04 (0xD00C04 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_04_SRL —>

<!— D00C0E (0xD00C0E 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise seccond leg — uncontrolled regeneration —>

<!— D00C0E (0xD00C0E 0x00): MU_DPF_UNCNTRL_REGENB —>

<!— D00C15 (0xD00C15 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_DUMMY_01 —>

<!— D40C00 (0xD40C00 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature High (Bank 2) —>

<!— D40C03 (0xD40C03 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D40C04 (0xD40C04 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D40C08 (0xD40C08 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— D40C08 (0xD40C08 0x00): Gradient of change for t_doc_out b —>

<!— D40C0A (0xD40C0A 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— D40C0E (0xD40C0E 0x00): MU_DPF_Q_DOT_DOCB_ERR —>

<!— D40C0F (0xD40C0F 0x00): MU_DPF_DOCB_OVERTEMP_WRN —>

<!— D40C0F (0xD40C0F 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_32 —>

<!— D40C0F (0xD40C0F 0x00): Preliminary over temperature for the DOC —>

<!— D40C15 (0xD40C15 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— D40C15 (0xD40C15 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— D40C15 (0xD40C15 0x00): Rationality check for t_docb_out —>

<!— D70B00 (0xD70B00 0x00): SCR Temperature of Tank is Too High —>

<!— D70B02 (0xD70B02 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— D70B03 (0xD70B03 0x00): DEF Tank Temeprature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D70B03 (0xD70B03 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D70B04 (0xD70B04 0x00): DEF Tank Temeprature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D70B04 (0xD70B04 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D70B09 (0xD70B09 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— D70B09 (0xD70B09 0x00): MU_ISP_CAN_T_DEF_TANK_SRH —>

<!— D70B0A (0xD70B0A 0x00): Reductant Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance —>

<!— D70B0D (0xD70B0D 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— D70B13 (0xD70B13 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Error (CAN) —>

<!— D70B13 (0xD70B13 0x00): MU_ISP_CAN_T_DEF_TANK_ERR —>

<!— E10600 (0xE10600 0x00): DEF tank level check — Lim1 reserve —>

<!— E10600 (0xE10600 0x00): MU_TRC_L_DEF_TANK_SRL —>

<!— E10600 (0xE10600 0x00): MU_TRC_L_UREA_TANK_LIM_1 —>

<!— E10600 (0xE10600 0x00): Urea tank level check — Lim1 reserve —>

<!— E10601 (0xE10601 0x00): DEF Tank Level 0 — Empty (Speed Limited) —>

<!— E10601 (0xE10601 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 0 Condition (Speed Limit) —>

<!— E10602 (0xE10602 0x00): DEF Level Sensor Error —>

<!— E10602 (0xE10602 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_L_DEF_TANK_RAT —>

<!— E10603 (0xE10603 0x00): DEF Tank Level Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— E10604 (0xE10604 0x00): DEF Tank Level Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— E10609 (0xE10609 0x00): DEF tank level signal not available —>

<!— E10609 (0xE10609 0x00): MU_ISP_DEF_TANK_LVL_SNA —>

<!— E1060D (0xE1060D 0x00): MU_ISP_SEL_L_DEF_TANK —>

<!— E1060D (0xE1060D 0x00): MU_ISP_SEL_L_UREA_TANK —>

<!— E1060D (0xE1060D 0x00): tank level curve not selected. —>

<!— E1060E (0xE1060E 0x00): DEF Level Sensor Error —>

<!— E1060E (0xE1060E 0x00): DEF Tank Level 2 — Very Low —>

<!— E10611 (0xE10611 0x00): DEF Tank Level 2 — Very Low —>

<!— E10611 (0xE10611 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 2 Condition —>

<!— E10611 (0xE10611 0x00): MU_SCR_DIA_DEF_LEVEL_LOW —>

<!— E10612 (0xE10612 0x00): DEF Tank Level 1 — Empty —>

<!— E10612 (0xE10612 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 1 Condition —>

<!— E1061F (0xE1061F 0x00): DEF Tank Level 3 — Low —>

<!— E1061F (0xE1061F 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 3 Condition —>

<!— E40D00 (0xE40D00 0x00): Over fuelling of the HC doser —>

<!— E40D00 (0xE40D00 0x00): Regen Temperature — Out of Range High —>

<!— E40D01 (0xE40D01 0x00): Insufficent fuelling of the hc doser —>

<!— E40D01 (0xE40D01 0x00): Regen Temperature — Out of Range Low —>

<!— E40D12 (0xE40D12 0x00): DOC Outlet Temp Low (Low Temp Regen) —>

<!— EA0B00 (0xEA0B00 0x00): DOC plugged —>

<!— EA0B00 (0xEA0B00 0x00): Engine Air Flow Out of Range Low —>

<!— EA0B01 (0xEA0B01 0x00): Active Regen Temp Out of Range Low —>

<!— EA0B01 (0xEA0B01 0x00): DOC is missing or failed —>

<!— EB0B1F (0xEB0B1F 0x00): Determine the aging effect on SCR —>

<!— EB0B1F (0xEB0B1F 0x00): MU_SCR_MOD_SCR_AGE —>

<!— EB1010 (0xEB1010 0x00): MU_DEF_DLVRY_OVER_DOS —>

<!— EB1012 (0xEB1012 0x00): MU_DEF_DLVRY_UNDER_DOS —>

<!— EC101F (0xEC101F 0x00): DOC inlet temperature out of range low preventing hc dosing —>

<!— EC101F (0xEC101F 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_COLD_THAW —>

<!— ED000D (0xED000D 0x00): ACM ECU has detected an exchange of MCM or ACM ECU —>

<!— ED000D (0xED000D 0x00): MU_DIAG_ECU_EXCHANGE —>

<!— EE1002 (0xEE1002 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor Drift in Range —>

<!— EE1003 (0xEE1003 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— EE1004 (0xEE1004 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— EE1005 (0xEE1005 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor not Plausible —>

<!— EE1007 (0xEE1007 0x00): DEF Pressure Low —>

<!— EE1007 (0xEE1007 0x00): Urea pressure too low. Block urea supply line,urea leakage in the system, bad air purging of the urea supply system —>

<!— EE1008 (0xEE1008 0x00): DEF Pressure sensor sporadic defect —>

<!— EE1008 (0xEE1008 0x00): DEF Pressure Signal Spike — sporadic defect on p urea sensor —>

<!— EE1008 (0xEE1008 0x00): DEF Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— EE100A (0xEE100A 0x00): Def Acumulator Failure —>

<!— EE100A (0xEE100A 0x00): Urea pressure out of working range (air assisted system) —>

<!— EE1011 (0xEE1011 0x00): DEF Discharge Pressure High —>

<!— EE1011 (0xEE1011 0x00): DEF Purge Pressure High —>

<!— EE1011 (0xEE1011 0x00): Urea pressure drop too low Prevent Urea cristal formation and freezing protection in the urea system through cycling the air supply on/off —>

<!— EE1011 (0xEE1011 0x00): Urea pressure drop too low. Prevent Urea cristal formation and freezing protection in the urea system through cycling the air supply on/off —>

<!— EF1001 (0xEF1001 0x00): Air pressure Sensor Urea system Signal range low —>

<!— EF1001 (0xEF1001 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Not Detected (from vehicle supply) —>

<!— EF1002 (0xEF1002 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Dift in Range —>

<!— EF1002 (0xEF1002 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Drift —>

<!— EF1003 (0xEF1003 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— EF1004 (0xEF1004 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— EF1005 (0xEF1005 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor not Plausible —>

<!— EF1007 (0xEF1007 0x00): Check Internal air pressure line in the channel to the sensor —>

<!— EF1007 (0xEF1007 0x00): Check Internal air pressure line in the diffuser to the sensor —>

<!— EF1007 (0xEF1007 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Air Low —>

<!— EF1007 (0xEF1007 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Low —>

<!— EF1008 (0xEF1008 0x00): Air Pressure sensor sporadic defect —>

<!— EF1008 (0xEF1008 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Signal Spike — sporadic defect on p air sensor —>

<!— EF1008 (0xEF1008 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— EF100E (0xEF100E 0x00): Air pressure Sensor Urea system Signal range High —>

<!— EF100E (0xEF100E 0x00): DEF — Information Only —>

<!— EF100E (0xEF100E 0x00): DEF Air Pressure High —>

<!— EF101F (0xEF101F 0x00): Check Internal air pressure line in the diffuser to the sensor —>

<!— EF101F (0xEF101F 0x00): DEF — Information Only —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_28 —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): Nox raw sensor lambda signal rationality check —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor — Error —>

<!— F01003 (0xF01003 0x00): Air control valve for the urea air assited system -short to battery —>

<!— F01003 (0xF01003 0x00): DEF Air Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— F01003 (0xF01003 0x00): Pressure Limiting Unit Circuit Failed High —>

<!— F01004 (0xF01004 0x00): Air control valve for the urea air assited system -short to ground —>

<!— F01004 (0xF01004 0x00): DEF Air Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— F01004 (0xF01004 0x00): Pressure Limiting Unit Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— F01005 (0xF01005 0x00): Air control valve for the urea air assited system -Open Loop —>

<!— F01005 (0xF01005 0x00): Air control valve for the urea air assited system -Open load —>

<!— F01005 (0xF01005 0x00): DEF Air Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— F01005 (0xF01005 0x00): Pressure Limiting Unit Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— F10B02 (0xF10B02 0x00): MU_OFD_DUMMY_29 —>

<!— F10B02 (0xF10B02 0x00): Nox out sensor lambda signal rationality check —>

<!— F10B02 (0xF10B02 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor — Error —>

<!— F11000 (0xF11000 0x00): DEF dosing system is not cooled —>

<!— F11000 (0xF11000 0x00): MU_EDU_DOS_SYS_UNCOOLED —>

<!— F11000 (0xF11000 0x00): Urea dosing system is not cooled —>

<!— F11001 (0xF11001 0x00): SCR_ADS system Frozen —>

<!— F11001 (0xF11001 0x00): Torque limitation if the system can not be cooled (e.g., the urea line is frozen in cold environment.) —>

<!— F11001 (0xF11001 0x00): Torque limitation if the system can not be cooled — e.g., the urea line is frozen in cold environment. —>

<!— F11002 (0xF11002 0x00): DEF Dosing Unit Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— F11003 (0xF11003 0x00): DEF Temeprature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— F11003 (0xF11003 0x00): DEF Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— F11004 (0xF11004 0x00): DEF Temeprature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— F11004 (0xF11004 0x00): DEF Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— F20E00 (0xF20E00 0x00): Long term DEF consumption too high —>

<!— F20E00 (0xF20E00 0x00): Long term Urea consumption too high —>

<!— F20E00 (0xF20E00 0x00): MU_UCM_DEF_CONSUM_AVE_SRH —>

<!— F20E00 (0xF20E00 0x00): MU_UCM_UREA_CONSUM_AVE_SRH —>

<!— F20E01 (0xF20E01 0x00): Long term DEF consumption too low —>

<!— F20E01 (0xF20E01 0x00): Long term Urea consumption too low —>

<!— F20E01 (0xF20E01 0x00): MU_UCM_DEF_CONSUM_AVE_SRL —>

<!— F20E01 (0xF20E01 0x00): MU_UCM_UREA_CONSUM_AVE_SRL —>

<!— F31007 (0xF31007 0x00): MU_DPF_FB_CTRL_ERR —>

<!— F40E00 (0xF40E00 0x00): MU_UCM_DEF_CONSUM_ACT_SRH —>

<!— F40E00 (0xF40E00 0x00): MU_UCM_UREA_CONSUM_ACT_SRH —>

<!— F40E00 (0xF40E00 0x00): Short term DEF consumption too high —>

<!— F40E00 (0xF40E00 0x00): Short term Urea consumption too high —>

<!— F40E01 (0xF40E01 0x00): MU_UCM_DEF_CONSUM_ACT_SRL —>

<!— F40E01 (0xF40E01 0x00): MU_UCM_UREA_CONSUM_ACT_SRL —>

<!— F40E01 (0xF40E01 0x00): Short term DEF consumption too low —>

<!— F40E01 (0xF40E01 0x00): Short term Urea consumption too low —>

<!— F40E0F (0xF40E0F 0x00): MU_UCM_SC_CONSUM_SRH —>

<!— F40E11 (0xF40E11 0x00): MU_UCM_SC_CONSUM_SRL —>

<!— F80B07 (0xF80B07 0x00): DPF regeneration can not be terminated in time — infenite regeneration. —>

<!— F80B07 (0xF80B07 0x00): High Idle Regeneration Not Complete —>

<!— F80B0D (0xF80B0D 0x00): DPF System Parametrization Failure —>

<!— F80B0E (0xF80B0E 0x00): Pressure drop accross the filter too low —>

<!— FE0F1F (0xFE0F1F 0x00): Adblue dilution detection —>

<!— FE0F1F (0xFE0F1F 0x00): Improper DEF Quality —>

<!— FE0F1F (0xFE0F1F 0x00): Improper DEF Quality by regeneration —>

Якорь 2

Коды ошибок блока управления ACM 21 Т Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_01 —>

<!— 010209 (0x010209 0x00): Actual Torque Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 011103 (0x011103 0x00): Dosing Unit Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 011104 (0x011104 0x00): Dosing Unit Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 011105 (0x011105 0x00): Dosing Unit Heater Open Circuit —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_02 —>

<!— 021103 (0x021103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 021104 (0x021104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 021105 (0x021105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #1 Open Circuit —>

<!— 02F0EE (0x02F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_03 —>

<!— 031103 (0x031103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 031104 (0x031104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 031105 (0x031105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 03F0EE (0x03F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_04 —>

<!— 04100D (0x04100D 0x00): MCM/ACM Software Not Compatible —>

<!— 041103 (0x041103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 041104 (0x041104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 041105 (0x041105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #3 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 04F0EE (0x04F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_05 —>

<!— 051103 (0x051103 0x00): SCR Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 051104 (0x051104 0x00): SCR Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 051105 (0x051105 0x00): SCR Line Heater #4 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 05F0EE (0x05F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_06 —>

<!— 06F0EE (0x06F0EE 0x00): MU_PROTO_07 —>

<!— 081102 (0x081102 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet Temperature — Not Plausible —>

<!— 081103 (0x081103 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 081104 (0x081104 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 081108 (0x081108 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 08110A (0x08110A 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 08110F (0x08110F 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature High —>

<!— 081114 (0x081114 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Drift High in Range —>

<!— 081115 (0x081115 0x00): SCR Inlet Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— 08F0EF (0x08F0EF 0x00): Reserved_MU_435 MU not in use —>

<!— 090402 (0x090402 0x00): ACM2.1 engine hours data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 09F0E3 (0x09F0E3 0x00): MU_RESERVE_09_E5 —>

<!— 09F0EE (0x09F0EE 0x00): MU_DPS_TEMP —>

<!— 09F0EF (0x09F0EF 0x00): MU_RESERVE_08_E5 —>

<!— 09F0F1 (0x09F0F1 0x00): MU_RESERVE_11_E5 —>

<!— 09F0F3 (0x09F0F3 0x00): MU_RESERVE_10_E5 —>

<!— 0AF0EE (0x0AF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE1 —>

<!— 0B1100 (0x0B1100 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature High —>

<!— 0B1103 (0x0B1103 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0B1104 (0x0B1104 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0B1107 (0x0B1107 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Out of Range High —>

<!— 0B1108 (0x0B1108 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 0B110A (0x0B110A 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 0B1114 (0x0B1114 0x00): SCR Temperature Drift — Inlet Low/Outlet High —>

<!— 0B1115 (0x0B1115 0x00): SCR Outlet Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— 0BF0EE (0x0BF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE2 —>

<!— 0C1101 (0x0C1101 0x00): SCR NOX Conversion Efficiency Very Low —>

<!— 0C110E (0x0C110E 0x00): SCR catalyst nox conversion rate check —>

<!— 0C1112 (0x0C1112 0x00): SCR NOX Conversion Efficiency Low —>

<!— 0C111F (0x0C111F 0x00): SCR Nox Efficiency Low —>

<!— 0CF0EE (0x0CF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE3 —>

<!— 0D0E03 (0x0D0E03 0x00): High Side Digital Output 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0D0E04 (0x0D0E04 0x00): High Side Digital Output 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0DF0EE (0x0DF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE4 —>

<!— 0E0E03 (0x0E0E03 0x00): High Side Digital Output 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0E0E04 (0x0E0E04 0x00): High Side Digital Output 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0EF0EE (0x0EF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE5 —>

<!— 0F0E03 (0x0F0E03 0x00): High Side Digital Output 3 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0F0E04 (0x0F0E04 0x00): High Side Digital Output 3 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0FF0EE (0x0FF0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE6 —>

<!— 10F0EE (0x10F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_RESERVE7 —>

<!— 151500 (0x151500 0x00): Regeneration Frequency Error — Severe —>

<!— 15150B (0x15150B 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very late in zone 0 —>

<!— 15150E (0x15150E 0x00): Check if Kalman request a regeneration before the fixed trigger and very early in zone 0 — it is a smoky engine —>

<!— 151510 (0x151510 0x00): Regeneration Frequency Error — Moderate —>

<!— 15151F (0x15151F 0x00): DPF Regen Too Often —>

<!— 161100 (0x161100 0x00): Under pressurized DEF system —>

<!— 161101 (0x161101 0x00): Over pressurized DEF system —>

<!— 161102 (0x161102 0x00): pump speed difference between high and low dosing amounts is to small —>

<!— 161103 (0x161103 0x00): pump speed signal over measurement range —>

<!— 161104 (0x161104 0x00): pump speed signal below measurement range —>

<!— 161113 (0x161113 0x00): DEF system is not being controlled as expected —>

<!— 171103 (0x171103 0x00): DEF Pump Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 171104 (0x171104 0x00): DEF Pump Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 171105 (0x171105 0x00): DEF Pump Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 171106 (0x171106 0x00): DEF Pump Supply Current High —>

<!— 171510 (0x171510 0x00): HC Dosing Quantity —>

<!— 17151F (0x17151F 0x00): MU_DPF_HC_BRNOFF_REQ —>

<!— 190E03 (0x190E03 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 190E04 (0x190E04 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— 190E0A (0x190E0A 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Sensor Stuck —>

<!— 190E0E (0x190E0E 0x00): MU_DPF_DOC_CLN_UP_P_FAULT —>

<!— 190E15 (0x190E15 0x00): DPF Inlet Pressure — Drift Low —>

<!— 191100 (0x191100 0x00): SCR Outlet NOx High — Non Fueling —>

<!— 1A0E00 (0x1A0E00 0x00): DPF System Back Pressure Too High —>

<!— 1A0E02 (0x1A0E02 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— 1A0E03 (0x1A0E03 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1A0E04 (0x1A0E04 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1A0E07 (0x1A0E07 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure High —>

<!— 1A0E08 (0x1A0E08 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— 1A0E0A (0x1A0E0A 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Stuck —>

<!— 1A0E0E (0x1A0E0E 0x00): DPF backpressure too low —>

<!— 1A0E0F (0x1A0E0F 0x00): DPF Backpressure Signal Range High —>

<!— 1A0E15 (0x1A0E15 0x00): DPF Outlet Pressure — Drift Low —>

<!— 210D00 (0x210D00 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Stuck Open —>

<!— 210D01 (0x210D01 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Stuck Closed —>

<!— 210D03 (0x210D03 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 210D04 (0x210D04 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 210D05 (0x210D05 0x00): DEF Dosing Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 210D07 (0x210D07 0x00): MU_LO_DSR_IOP_AUTO_INCMPT —>

<!— 210D08 (0x210D08 0x00): DEF Metering Unit — Exceeded Unclog Attempts —>

<!— 210D0D (0x210D0D 0x00): DEF Dosing Correction Factor Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 210D0E (0x210D0E 0x00): DEF System not on standby —>

<!— 210D1F (0x210D1F 0x00): Dosing Unit Error —>

<!— 230D00 (0x230D00 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature — High —>

<!— 230D01 (0x230D01 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature — Low —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): DEF Coolant Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): DEF Coolant Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Coolant Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D07 (0x230D07 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Too Low —>

<!— 230D1F (0x230D1F 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Too High —>

<!— 240D01 (0x240D01 0x00): Improper DEF Quality Final Warning —>

<!— 240D02 (0x240D02 0x00): Improper DEF Quality —>

<!— 240D11 (0x240D11 0x00): Improper DEF Quality Warning —>

<!— 240D12 (0x240D12 0x00): Improper DEF Quality — Moderately severe —>

<!— 28F0E9 (0x28F0E9 0x00): NOx Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 2DF0EE (0x2DF0EE 0x00): MLIT Case1 Inducement — Dosing activity error —>

<!— 2EF0EE (0x2EF0EE 0x00): CAN Parity signal and vehicle mileage not available —>

<!— 2FF0E3 (0x2FF0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_1_SRH —>

<!— 2FF0E4 (0x2FF0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_1_SRL —>

<!— 30F0E3 (0x30F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_2_SRH —>

<!— 30F0E4 (0x30F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_DPF_2_SRL —>

<!— 31F0E3 (0x31F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_1_SRH —>

<!— 31F0E4 (0x31F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_1_SRL —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_2_SRH —>

<!— 32F0E4 (0x32F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_2_SRL —>

<!— 33F0E3 (0x33F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_3_SRH —>

<!— 33F0E4 (0x33F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RES_SCR_3_SRL —>

<!— 34F0E3 (0x34F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_SOOT_SENS_SRH —>

<!— 34F0E4 (0x34F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_SOOT_SENS_SRL —>

<!— 36F0E3 (0x36F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_02_SRH —>

<!— 36F0E4 (0x36F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_02_SRL —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_DPF_SRH —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_DPF_SRL —>

<!— 3B1507 (0x3B1507 0x00): Non DEF flow situation —>

<!— 3CF0EE (0x3CF0EE 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 4 Condition —>

<!— 3CF0F2 (0x3CF0F2 0x00): MLIT Case2 Inducement — Low Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel tank —>

<!— 3CF0FF (0x3CF0FF 0x00): DEF Tank Zone 5 Condition —>

<!— 3D1103 (0x3D1103 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_SCR_SRH —>

<!— 3D1104 (0x3D1104 0x00): MU_ISP_RSP_01_SCR_SRL —>

<!— 41F0F2 (0x41F0F2 0x00): HC Slip is too high —>

<!— 431500 (0x431500 0x00): DPF HC Absorption Very High —>

<!— 43150F (0x43150F 0x00): DPF HC Absorption Warning —>

<!— 431510 (0x431510 0x00): DPF HC Absorption High —>

<!— 44F0EE (0x44F0EE 0x00): ATS Not Started Up —>

<!— 45F0EE (0x45F0EE 0x00): ACM Not Parameterized —>

<!— 4DF0E8 (0x4DF0E8 0x00): Input Signal Spike 1 —>

<!— 4EF0E8 (0x4EF0E8 0x00): Input Signal Spike 2 —>

<!— 55F0FF (0x55F0FF 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_TIME_EST_INT —>

<!— 57F0E2 (0x57F0E2 0x00): EDU DEF temperature sensor signal drift —>

<!— 57F0E3 (0x57F0E3 0x00): EDU Temperature Sensor Signal Failed High —>

<!— 57F0E4 (0x57F0E4 0x00): EDU Temperature Sensor Signal Failed Low —>

<!— 58F0E3 (0x58F0E3 0x00): EDU Pressure Sensor Signal Failed High —>

<!— 58F0E4 (0x58F0E4 0x00): EDU Pressure Sensor Signal Failed Low —>

<!— 59F0E3 (0x59F0E3 0x00): EDU sensor supply signal range high. —>

<!— 59F0E4 (0x59F0E4 0x00): EDU sensor supply signal range low. —>

<!— 5AF0E3 (0x5AF0E3 0x00): EDU Dosing Valve Signal Failed High —>

<!— 5AF0E4 (0x5AF0E4 0x00): EDU Dosing Valve Signal Failed Low —>

<!— 5AF0E5 (0x5AF0E5 0x00): EDU Dosing Valve Signal Failed Open —>

<!— 5BF0E3 (0x5BF0E3 0x00): EDU DEF heater shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5BF0E4 (0x5BF0E4 0x00): EDU DEF heater shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5BF0E5 (0x5BF0E5 0x00): Heater of EDU open load —>

<!— 5CF0E3 (0x5CF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 -pump and heater- shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5CF0E4 (0x5CF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 1 -pump and heater shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5DF0E3 (0x5DF0E3 0x00): EDU high side switch 2 -pump and heater- shortcut to battery —>

<!— 5DF0E4 (0x5DF0E4 0x00): EDU high side switch 2 -pump and heater- shortcut to ground —>

<!— 5EF0E3 (0x5EF0E3 0x00): EDU battery signal range high —>

<!— 5EF0E4 (0x5EF0E4 0x00): EDU battery signal range low —>

<!— 5F0402 (0x5F0402 0x00): Air fuel ratio rationality check —>

<!— 5FF0E9 (0x5FF0E9 0x00): ACM DM1 Message Not Received at Dash Cluster —>

<!— 600F07 (0x600F07 0x00): Incomplete Regeneration —>

<!— 600F11 (0x600F11 0x00): DPF Efficiency Check —>

<!— 600F12 (0x600F12 0x00): DPF Pressure — Out of Range Low —>

<!— 61F0E3 (0x61F0E3 0x00): EDU DEF pump schortcut to battery —>

<!— 61F0E4 (0x61F0E4 0x00): EDU DEF pump schortcut to ground —>

<!— 61F0E5 (0x61F0E5 0x00): EDU DEF pump open load —>

<!— 620103 (0x620103 0x00): Relative Humidity Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 620104 (0x620104 0x00): Relative Humidity Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 62F0F1 (0x62F0F1 0x00): EDU DEF filter service requirement —>

<!— 62F0F2 (0x62F0F2 0x00): EDU DEF filter life time expired — service routine —>

<!— 63F0E0 (0x63F0E0 0x00): EDU DEF pump speed too high —>

<!— 63F0E1 (0x63F0E1 0x00): EDU DEF pump speed too low —>

<!— 63F0E2 (0x63F0E2 0x00): Too small difference of DEF pump speed at low respectively at high dosing amounts —>

<!— 63F0E7 (0x63F0E7 0x00): EDU DEF pump is blocked —>

<!— 63F0F3 (0x63F0F3 0x00): DEF pump is not running synchronous —>

<!— 65F0EC (0x65F0EC 0x00): EDU ECU internal fault —>

<!— 65F0ED (0x65F0ED 0x00): EDU memory check failed —>

<!— 66F0E7 (0x66F0E7 0x00): Pressure relief valve is stuck closed —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): EDU pump speed signal range low. —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): EDU dataset is not valid —>

<!— 6AF0E0 (0x6AF0E0 0x00): MU_ATS_DIA_EDU_OVER_TEMP —>

<!— 6AF0E9 (0x6AF0E9 0x00): DEF Doser (EDU) CAN Signal Missing —>

<!— 6AF0EF (0x6AF0EF 0x00): Uncooled DEF system, EDU Hot —>

<!— 6AF0F0 (0x6AF0F0 0x00): Uncooled DEF system, EDU hot high —>

<!— 6C000D (0x6C000D 0x00): Ambient Air Pressure Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 6D1604 (0x6D1604 0x00): Soot Sensor Probe short circuit —>

<!— 6D1609 (0x6D1609 0x00): Soot Sensor communication error —>

<!— 6D160C (0x6D160C 0x00): Soot Sensor Probe self diagnostic —>

<!— 6D160D (0x6D160D 0x00): Soot Sensor CAN Signal Missing —>

<!— 6D1610 (0x6D1610 0x00): Soot Sensor Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range — Moderately Severe Level —>

<!— 6D1611 (0x6D1611 0x00): MU_RESERVE_03_E5 —>

<!— 6D1612 (0x6D1612 0x00): Soot Sensor Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range — Moderately Severe Level —>

<!— 6E0009 (0x6E0009 0x00): Coolant Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 701503 (0x701503 0x00): SCR Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 701504 (0x701504 0x00): SCR Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 701505 (0x701505 0x00): SCR Line Heater #5 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 710202 (0x710202 0x00): CPC Message not Received or Stopped Arriving —>

<!— 710209 (0x710209 0x00): PT-CAN Heartbeat Missing —>

<!— 731609 (0x731609 0x00): MU_RESERVE_02_E5 —>

<!— 73160C (0x73160C 0x00): Soot Sensor heater Fault —>

<!— 740703 (0x740703 0x00): DEF Air Lock Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 740704 (0x740704 0x00): DEF Air Lock Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 740705 (0x740705 0x00): DEF Air Lock Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 75020C (0x75020C 0x00): ACM Internal Error —>

<!— 75F0FF (0x75F0FF 0x00): DOC/DPF 2-Box system not detected —>

<!— 760202 (0x760202 0x00): Powerlatch of last driving cycle not completed —>

<!— 76020A (0x76020A 0x00): Loss of non-volatile data —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): E2P Hardware Error —>

<!— 76020D (0x76020D 0x00): MU_AUTH_E2P_DATA_LOSS inform TP PEE Team Kowol —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): E2P Emulation Hardware Error —>

<!— 76021F (0x76021F 0x00): Incorrect UDS security calibration —>

<!— 770E0E (0x770E0E 0x00): SCR OBD checks inhibited too long by the inhibit switch —>

<!— 770E1F (0x770E1F 0x00): Regen Inhibit Switch active when zone logic increments —>

<!— 77F0E9 (0x77F0E9 0x00): EDU CAN Message Not Received —>

<!— 78F0E0 (0x78F0E0 0x00): Calibratable Inhibit Test MUs with Changing FMI —>

<!— 79F0E1 (0x79F0E1 0x00): Calibratable Inhibit Test2 MUs with Changing FMI —>

<!— 7BF0FF (0x7BF0FF 0x00): EDU dosing unit defect —>

<!— 7CF0FF (0x7CF0FF 0x00): EDU supply unit Defect —>

<!— 7E1400 (0x7E1400 0x00): Regulatory Fault Ignored — Final Action (Speed Limit) —>

<!— 7E140F (0x7E140F 0x00): Regulatory Fault Ignored — Derate On —>

<!— 7E1410 (0x7E1410 0x00): Regulatory Fault Ignored — Final Action Pending —>

<!— 7F0E1F (0x7F0E1F 0x00): Parked Regen Failed — DOC Temp In Low Preventing Dosing —>

<!— 7F150D (0x7F150D 0x00): Fuel Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— 80F0F1 (0x80F0F1 0x00): MU_SCR_ADS_FILT_DEF_SERV not in use —>

<!— 80F0F2 (0x80F0F2 0x00): MU_SCR_ADS_FILT_DEF_LT_EX not in use —>

<!— 810E1F (0x810E1F 0x00): Parked Regen Failed — DOC Temp Out, Not Reaching Target Temp —>

<!— 83F0E3 (0x83F0E3 0x00): High Side Digital Output Supply Voltage Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 83F0E4 (0x83F0E4 0x00): High Side Digital Output Supply Voltage Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 840609 (0x840609 0x00): CAN3 Signal Missing —>

<!— 850609 (0x850609 0x00): CAN4 Signal Missing —>

<!— 85F0F1 (0x85F0F1 0x00): DEF filter change interval —>

<!— 85F0F2 (0x85F0F2 0x00): DEF filter overloaded —>

<!— 86F0E4 (0x86F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_03 —>

<!— 870E00 (0x870E00 0x00): Soot Level Very High —>

<!— 870E0F (0x870E0F 0x00): DPF Zone 3 Condition —>

<!— 870E10 (0x870E10 0x00): Soot Level High —>

<!— 870E1F (0x870E1F 0x00): DPF Zone 2 Condition —>

<!— 87F0E3 (0x87F0E3 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_04 —>

<!— 87F0E4 (0x87F0E4 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_02 —>

<!— 880E0F (0x880E0F 0x00): DPF Ash Clean Request —>

<!— 880E10 (0x880E10 0x00): DPF Ash Derate Request —>

<!— 88F0E7 (0x88F0E7 0x00): DEF system has been over pressurized —>

<!— 89F0FF (0x89F0FF 0x00): DEF flow quantity below normal —>

<!— 8CF0F1 (0x8CF0F1 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) Inlet Temperature Too Low —>

<!— 8DF0E1 (0x8DF0E1 0x00): Soot Sensor Rationality Error —>

<!— 8DF0EE (0x8DF0EE 0x00): Soot Sensor Efficiency Error —>

<!— 8DF0F4 (0x8DF0F4 0x00): Soot Sensor Drift High —>

<!— 8DF0F5 (0x8DF0F5 0x00): Soot Sensor Drift Low —>

<!— 8DF0FF (0x8DF0FF 0x00): Soot sensor diagnosis request counter monitoring —>

<!— 8EF0EE (0x8EF0EE 0x00): MLIT Restart restriction —>

<!— 8FF0F0 (0x8FF0F0 0x00): Soot Sensor Heater Performance Error —>

<!— 900C02 (0x900C02 0x00): SCR Outlet NOx Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— 900C03 (0x900C03 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 900C04 (0x900C04 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 900C07 (0x900C07 0x00): Nox raw sensor presence check —>

<!— 900C0B (0x900C0B 0x00): SCR Inlet NOx — Rationality Error —>

<!— 900C0D (0x900C0D 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor Signal Not Available —>

<!— 900C0E (0x900C0E 0x00): nox raw sensor does not support self diagnosis —>

<!— 900C0F (0x900C0F 0x00): NOx efficiency above desired target level, most likely nox raw sensor drifted —>

<!— 900C13 (0x900C13 0x00): nox raw E2P self check error detected —>

<!— 900C14 (0x900C14 0x00): Nox Raw sensor diagnosis oxygen pump capacity high —>

<!— 900C15 (0x900C15 0x00): Nox Raw sensor diagnosis oxygen pump capacity low —>

<!— 900C1F (0x900C1F 0x00): Nox Raw sensor diagnosis request counter monitoring —>

<!— 90F0EC (0x90F0EC 0x00): Soot Sensor Current Fail —>

<!— 910C03 (0x910C03 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Lambda 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 910C05 (0x910C05 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Lambda 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 91F0EE (0x91F0EE 0x00): Soot Sensor Temperature Error —>

<!— 92F0EE (0x92F0EE 0x00): Soot Sensor Heater Fail —>

<!— 93F0EE (0x93F0EE 0x00): Soot Sensor Power Error —>

<!— 940403 (0x940403 0x00): Turbo Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 940404 (0x940404 0x00): Turbo Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 95F0E3 (0x95F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_DUMMY_04_SRH —>

<!— 96100E (0x96100E 0x00): Tier4 Inducement System has not been activated —>

<!— 96F0F1 (0x96F0F1 0x00): DEF Plausibility Value High —>

<!— 970C07 (0x970C07 0x00): NOx RAW Sensor not ready after dewpoint enable check —>

<!— 981303 (0x981303 0x00): High Side Digital Output 4 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 981304 (0x981304 0x00): High Side Digital Output 4 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 98F0F2 (0x98F0F2 0x00): MU_RESERVE_02 —>

<!— 991303 (0x991303 0x00): High Side Digital Output 5 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 991304 (0x991304 0x00): High Side Digital Output 5 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 99F0E0 (0x99F0E0 0x00): MLIT Case3 Inducement — Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel quality error —>

<!— 9A0C02 (0x9A0C02 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor — Drift —>

<!— 9A0C03 (0x9A0C03 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9A0C04 (0x9A0C04 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9A0C07 (0x9A0C07 0x00): Nox out sensor presence check —>

<!— 9A0C0A (0x9A0C0A 0x00): Nox Out sensor signal erratic —>

<!— 9A0C0B (0x9A0C0B 0x00): SCR Outlet NOx — Rationality Error —>

<!— 9A0C0D (0x9A0C0D 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor Signal Not Available —>

<!— 9A0C0E (0x9A0C0E 0x00): MU_ISP_NOXO_CONV_RAT —>

<!— 9A0C12 (0x9A0C12 0x00): MU_RESERVE_03 —>

<!— 9A0C13 (0x9A0C13 0x00): nox out E2P self check error detected —>

<!— 9A0C14 (0x9A0C14 0x00): Nox Outlet Sensor Drift High —>

<!— 9A0C15 (0x9A0C15 0x00): Nox Outlet Sensor Drift Low —>

<!— 9A0C1F (0x9A0C1F 0x00): Nox Out sensor diagnosis request counter monitoring —>

<!— 9A1312 (0x9A1312 0x00): DOC efficiency Low —>

<!— 9AF0EE (0x9AF0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST1 Fuelmap Not for Production —>

<!— 9B0C03 (0x9B0C03 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Lambda 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9B0C05 (0x9B0C05 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Lambda 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 9BF0EE (0x9BF0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST2 Fuelmap Not for Production —>

<!— 9CF0EE (0x9CF0EE 0x00): Soot Sensor Protection Tube —>

<!— 9DF0EE (0x9DF0EE 0x00): DPF Filter Efficiency too Low —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): MU_RESERVE_06 —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): MU_RESERVE_05 —>

<!— 9E0007 (0x9E0007 0x00): ACM Power Down — Key Off Purge Cycle —>

<!— 9EF0E9 (0x9EF0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_RESERVE_2 —>

<!— 9EF0ED (0x9EF0ED 0x00): MU_ISP_RESERVE_3 —>

<!— 9EF0FF (0x9EF0FF 0x00): MU_ISP_RESERVE_1 —>

<!— 9FF0EE (0x9FF0EE 0x00): Uncooled DEF system, System no cool —>

<!— A0F0E3 (0xA0F0E3 0x00): Supply Voltage Difference Between ACM and Soot Sensor —>

<!— A0F0E4 (0xA0F0E4 0x00): MU_DPS_SPLY_ERR —>

<!— A1F0F0 (0xA1F0F0 0x00): Soot Sensor Temperature Rationality Failure — Above Normal —>

<!— A1F0F1 (0xA1F0F1 0x00): Soot Sensor Temperature Rationality Failure —>

<!— A20D03 (0xA20D03 0x00): DEF Purge Lamp Circuit Failed High —>

<!— A20D04 (0xA20D04 0x00): DEF Purge Lamp Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A20D05 (0xA20D05 0x00): DEF Purge Lamp Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— A2F0EA (0xA2F0EA 0x00): Mixer Temperature Sensor — Rationality Error —>

<!— A3F0EE (0xA3F0EE 0x00): nox out sensor does not support self diagnosis —>

<!— A3F0F4 (0xA3F0F4 0x00): Nox Out sensor diagnosis oxygen pump capacity high —>

<!— A3F0F5 (0xA3F0F5 0x00): Nox Out sensor diagnosis oxygen pump capacity low —>

<!— A40C09 (0xA40C09 0x00): Exhaust Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— A40C0F (0xA40C0F 0x00): Exhaust gas mass flow rate plausibility error —>

<!— A4F0F0 (0xA4F0F0 0x00): Soot sensor interal heater supply high error —>

<!— A4F0F2 (0xA4F0F2 0x00): Soot sensor interal heater supply low error —>

<!— A5F0E2 (0xA5F0E2 0x00): Soot Sensor printed circuit board Temperature rationality check. —>

<!— A5F0EF (0xA5F0EF 0x00): Soot Sensor printed circuit board temperature high —>

<!— A60C02 (0xA60C02 0x00): NOx OUT Sensor not ready after dewpoint enable check —>

<!— A60E1F (0xA60E1F 0x00): High Idle Regen Aborted — CPC Request —>

<!— A6F0E3 (0xA6F0E3 0x00): Soot Sensor printed circuit board Temperature 2 signal range high —>

<!— A6F0E4 (0xA6F0E4 0x00): Soot Sensor printed circuit board Temperature 2 signal range low —>

<!— A7F0E3 (0xA7F0E3 0x00): Soot Sensor heater short circuit to battery —>

<!— A7F0E4 (0xA7F0E4 0x00): Soot Sensor heater short circuit to ground —>

<!— A7F0E5 (0xA7F0E5 0x00): Soot Sensor heater open load —>

<!— A7F0EC (0xA7F0EC 0x00): Soot Sensor heater Printed Circuit Board circuit —>

<!— A80000 (0xA80000 0x00): Battery Voltage High —>

<!— A80001 (0xA80001 0x00): Battery Voltage Low —>

<!— A8F0E3 (0xA8F0E3 0x00): Soot Sensor Probe positive short circuit to battery diagnostic —>

<!— A8F0E4 (0xA8F0E4 0x00): Soot Sensor Probe positive short circuit to ground diagnostic —>

<!— A8F0EF (0xA8F0EF 0x00): Soot Sensor Probe positive signal range high diagnostic —>

<!— A9F0E2 (0xA9F0E2 0x00): Soot Sensor Temperature Rationality Signal Range Low —>

<!— A9F0F0 (0xA9F0F0 0x00): Soot Sensor temperature high —>

<!— A9F0F2 (0xA9F0F2 0x00): Soot Sensor temperature low —>

<!— AA0C00 (0xAA0C00 0x00): DOC inlet Temperature High —>

<!— AA0C02 (0xAA0C02 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Stuck (high box) —>

<!— AA0C03 (0xAA0C03 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AA0C04 (0xAA0C04 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AA0C07 (0xAA0C07 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Missing or Bypassed —>

<!— AA0C08 (0xAA0C08 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— AA0C0A (0xAA0C0A 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— AA0C0E (0xAA0C0E 0x00): DOC inlet Temperature sensor not plausible —>

<!— AA0C11 (0xAA0C11 0x00): Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) Inlet Temperature Out Of Range Low Preventing HC Dosing —>

<!— AA0C14 (0xAA0C14 0x00): DOC Temperature Drift — Inlet High or Outlet Low —>

<!— AA0C15 (0xAA0C15 0x00): DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— AA0C1F (0xAA0C1F 0x00): DOC Clean-up Fault —>

<!— AAF0E3 (0xAAF0E3 0x00): Soot Sensor supply line signal range high —>

<!— AAF0E4 (0xAAF0E4 0x00): Soot Sensor supply line signal range low —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— AB0003 (0xAB0003 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AB0004 (0xAB0004 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AB0008 (0xAB0008 0x00): Ambient Air Temp Signal Spike —>

<!— AB000D (0xAB000D 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— ABF0E3 (0xABF0E3 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— ABF0E5 (0xABF0E5 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— ACF0E3 (0xACF0E3 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Control Circuit Failed High —>

<!— ACF0E5 (0xACF0E5 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Control Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— ADF0E3 (0xADF0E3 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— ADF0E5 (0xADF0E5 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— AE0C00 (0xAE0C00 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Very High —>

<!— AE0C03 (0xAE0C03 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AE0C04 (0xAE0C04 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AE0C07 (0xAE0C07 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Response Error —>

<!— AE0C08 (0xAE0C08 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— AE0C0A (0xAE0C0A 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— AE0C0E (0xAE0C0E 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise 2 —>

<!— AE0C0F (0xAE0C0F 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature — High —>

<!— AE0C14 (0xAE0C14 0x00): DPF Outlet/SCR Inlet Temperature — Abnormal —>

<!— AE0C15 (0xAE0C15 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE0C1F (0xAE0C1F 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise 1 —>

<!— AEF0E3 (0xAEF0E3 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Control Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AEF0E5 (0xAEF0E5 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Control Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— AFF0E3 (0xAFF0E3 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Lambda 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AFF0E5 (0xAFF0E5 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Inlet NOx Sensor Lambda 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— B0F0EE (0xB0F0EE 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Lambda 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— B0F0FF (0xB0F0FF 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet NOx Sensor Lambda 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B20C00 (0xB20C00 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Very High —>

<!— B20C03 (0xB20C03 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B20C04 (0xB20C04 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B20C07 (0xB20C07 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Response Error —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— B20C0A (0xB20C0A 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— B20C0E (0xB20C0E 0x00): Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise 2 —>

<!— B20C0F (0xB20C0F 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature — High —>

<!— B20C14 (0xB20C14 0x00): DOC Temperature Drift — Inlet Low or Outlet High —>

<!— B20C15 (0xB20C15 0x00): DOC Inboard Outlet Temperature Sensor — Plausibility Error —>

<!— B20C1F (0xB20C1F 0x00): Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise 1 —>

<!— B2140E (0xB2140E 0x00): SCR Abnormal Temperature Rise —>

<!— B30C00 (0xB30C00 0x00): DPF Pressure Out of Range Very High —>

<!— B30C01 (0xB30C01 0x00): DPF Pressure Out of Range Low —>

<!— B30C0E (0xB30C0E 0x00): ATS pressure loss —>

<!— B30C0F (0xB30C0F 0x00): Pressure drop across DOC/DPF too high —>

<!— B30C10 (0xB30C10 0x00): DPF Pressure — Out of Range High —>

<!— B30C14 (0xB30C14 0x00): DOC Inlet Pressure Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— B30C15 (0xB30C15 0x00): DOC Inlet / Outlet Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— B30C1F (0xB30C1F 0x00): Pressure drop across the filter too high — lowest level —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 1 Short to Battery —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 1 Short to Ground —>

<!— B5F0EA (0xB5F0EA 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor — Drift Low —>

<!— B60D03 (0xB60D03 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 2 Short to Battery —>

<!— B60D04 (0xB60D04 0x00): ACM Sensor Supply 2 Short to Ground —>

<!— B61401 (0xB61401 0x00): AMOX catalyst is aged —>

<!— B81207 (0xB81207 0x00): SCR Catalyst — Age :Limit —>

<!— B8120E (0xB8120E 0x00): SCR Catalyst Aged Level 1 —>

<!— B8121F (0xB8121F 0x00): SCR Catalyst Aged Level 2 —>

<!— BA120E (0xBA120E 0x00): Detect the presence of the SCR —>

<!— BA121F (0xBA121F 0x00): SCR catalyst presence detection —>

<!— BB0D13 (0xBB0D13 0x00): Reductant Quality Sensor DEF Temperature Error —>

<!— BB121F (0xBB121F 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Response — Too fast —>

<!— BC0D01 (0xBC0D01 0x00): DEF Quality Sensor Percent Low —>

<!— BC0D04 (0xBC0D04 0x00): Reductant Quality Sensor Circuit Low —>

<!— BC0D07 (0xBC0D07 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Concentration Not Responding Or Out Of Adjustment —>

<!— BC0D09 (0xBC0D09 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Sensor Signal Not Available —>

<!— BC0D0A (0xBC0D0A 0x00): DEF quality sensor value stuck in range monitor —>

<!— BC0D0D (0xBC0D0D 0x00): DEF Quality Sensor CAN Signal Missing —>

<!— BC0D10 (0xBC0D10 0x00): DEF concentration too high —>

<!— BC0D12 (0xBC0D12 0x00): DEF concentration sensor rationality low —>

<!— BC0D13 (0xBC0D13 0x00): Reductant Quality Sensor Circuit Range-Performance —>

<!— BC0D14 (0xBC0D14 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Concentration Data Drifted High —>

<!— BC0D15 (0xBC0D15 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Concentration Data Drifted Low —>

<!— BC121F (0xBC121F 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature Response — Too Fast —>

<!— BCF0EB (0xBCF0EB 0x00): NOx sensor rat check failed/uncompleted too often —>

<!— BD0D01 (0xBD0D01 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 4 —>

<!— BD0D09 (0xBD0D09 0x00): DEF Tank Level Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— BD0D0D (0xBD0D0D 0x00): DEF Tank CAN Signal Missing —>

<!— BD0D0E (0xBD0D0E 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 2 —>

<!— BD0D11 (0xBD0D11 0x00): DEF tank level check — Lim1 reserve —>

<!— BD0D12 (0xBD0D12 0x00): DEF Tank Level — Zone 3 —>

<!— BD0D13 (0xBD0D13 0x00): DEF Tank Signal Erratic via CAN —>

<!— BD0D1F (0xBD0D1F 0x00): MU_TRC_L_DEF_TANK_LIM_5 —>

<!— BE0009 (0xBE0009 0x00): Engine Speed Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— C10D1F (0xC10D1F 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Sensor Detects Diesel Fuel —>

<!— C11503 (0xC11503 0x00): Soot Sensor printed circuit board Temperature 1 signal range high —>

<!— C11504 (0xC11504 0x00): Soot Sensor printed circuit board Temperature 1 signal range low —>

<!— C1150C (0xC1150C 0x00): MU_RESERVE_01_E5 —>

<!— C30D08 (0xC30D08 0x00): Regen Frequency Error —>

<!— CF0409 (0xCF0409 0x00): MCM CAN1 Signal Missing —>

<!— D00C00 (0xD00C00 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature High (Bank 2) —>

<!— D00C0E (0xD00C0E 0x00): Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise second leg — uncontrolled regeneration —>

<!— D30409 (0xD30409 0x00): MCM CAN2 Signal Missing —>

<!— D40C00 (0xD40C00 0x00): DOC Outlet Temperature High (Bank 2) —>

<!— D40C03 (0xD40C03 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D40C04 (0xD40C04 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D40C08 (0xD40C08 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— D40C0A (0xD40C0A 0x00): DOC Outboard Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck —>

<!— D40C0E (0xD40C0E 0x00): Abnormal Temperature reaction on DOC-B —>

<!— D40C0F (0xD40C0F 0x00): Preliminary over temperature for the DOC —>

<!— D40C15 (0xD40C15 0x00): DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor — Not Plausible —>

<!— D70B00 (0xD70B00 0x00): SCR Temperature of Tank is Too High —>

<!— D70B02 (0xD70B02 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— D70B03 (0xD70B03 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D70B04 (0xD70B04 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D70B09 (0xD70B09 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— D70B0A (0xD70B0A 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit rationality check —>

<!— D70B13 (0xD70B13 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Error (CAN) —>

<!— E10601 (0xE10601 0x00): DEF Tank Level 0 — Empty (Speed Limited) —>

<!— E10602 (0xE10602 0x00): DEF Tank Level Sensor Rationality —>

<!— E10603 (0xE10603 0x00): DEF Tank Level Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— E10604 (0xE10604 0x00): DEF Tank Level Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— E10609 (0xE10609 0x00): DEF tank level signal not available —>

<!— E1060D (0xE1060D 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Level Out Of Calibration —>

<!— E1060E (0xE1060E 0x00): DEF Tank Level 2 — Very Low —>

<!— E10611 (0xE10611 0x00): DEF Level Low —>

<!— E10612 (0xE10612 0x00): DEF Tank Level 1 — Empty —>

<!— E1061F (0xE1061F 0x00): DEF Tank Level 3 — Low —>

<!— E40D00 (0xE40D00 0x00): Regen Temperature — Out of Range High —>

<!— E40D01 (0xE40D01 0x00): Regen Temperature — Out of Range Low —>

<!— E40D12 (0xE40D12 0x00): DOC Outlet Temp Low (Low Temp Regen) —>

<!— EA0B00 (0xEA0B00 0x00): Engine Air Flow Out of Range Low —>

<!— EA0B01 (0xEA0B01 0x00): Active Regen Temp Out of Range Low —>

<!— EB0B1F (0xEB0B1F 0x00): Determine the aging effect on SCR —>

<!— EB1010 (0xEB1010 0x00): DEF Dosing Quantity High —>

<!— EB1012 (0xEB1012 0x00): DEF Dosing Quantity Low —>

<!— EC101F (0xEC101F 0x00): DOC inlet temperature out of range low preventing hc dosing —>

<!— ED000D (0xED000D 0x00): ACM ECU has detected an exchange of MCM or ACM ECU —>

<!— EE1002 (0xEE1002 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor Drift in Range —>

<!— EE1003 (0xEE1003 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— EE1004 (0xEE1004 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— EE1005 (0xEE1005 0x00): DEF Pressure Sensor not Plausible —>

<!— EE1007 (0xEE1007 0x00): DEF Pressure Low —>

<!— EE1008 (0xEE1008 0x00): DEF Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— EE100A (0xEE100A 0x00): DEF Accumulator Failure —>

<!— EE1011 (0xEE1011 0x00): DEF Purge Pressure High —>

<!— EF1001 (0xEF1001 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Not Detected (from vehicle supply) —>

<!— EF1002 (0xEF1002 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Drift —>

<!— EF1003 (0xEF1003 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— EF1004 (0xEF1004 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— EF1005 (0xEF1005 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Sensor not Plausible —>

<!— EF1007 (0xEF1007 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Air Low —>

<!— EF1008 (0xEF1008 0x00): DEF Air Pressure Signal Spike —>

<!— EF100E (0xEF100E 0x00): DEF Air Pressure High —>

<!— EF101F (0xEF101F 0x00): DEF — Information Only —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor — Error —>

<!— F01003 (0xF01003 0x00): DEF Air Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— F01004 (0xF01004 0x00): DEF Air Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— F01005 (0xF01005 0x00): DEF Air Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— F10B02 (0xF10B02 0x00): SCR Outlet Nox Sensor — Error —>

<!— F11000 (0xF11000 0x00): Diesel Exhaust Fluid Temperature Data Valid But Above Normal Operational Range —>

<!— F11002 (0xF11002 0x00): DEF Dosing Unit Temperature Drift in Range —>

<!— F11003 (0xF11003 0x00): DEF Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— F11004 (0xF11004 0x00): DEF Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— F20E00 (0xF20E00 0x00): Long term DEF consumption too high —>

<!— F20E01 (0xF20E01 0x00): Long term DEF consumption too low —>

<!— F31007 (0xF31007 0x00): DPF Feedback Regen Control Error —>

<!— F40E00 (0xF40E00 0x00): Short term DEF consumption too high —>

<!— F40E01 (0xF40E01 0x00): Short term DEF consumption too low —>

<!— F40E0F (0xF40E0F 0x00): Average reductant consumption too high —>

<!— F40E11 (0xF40E11 0x00): Average reductant consumption too low —>

<!— F80B07 (0xF80B07 0x00): High Idle Regeneration Not Complete —>

<!— F80B0D (0xF80B0D 0x00): DPF System Parametrization Failure —>

<!— F80B0E (0xF80B0E 0x00): Pressure drop across DPF too low —>

<!— FE0F1F (0xFE0F1F 0x00): DEF Dilution detected —>

<!— 08110B (0x08110B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_SCR_IN_GRAD —>

<!— 08110E (0x08110E 0x00): SCR inlet temperature not warm up —>

<!— 08111F (0x08111F 0x00): SCR temperature not warm up —>

<!— 0B1102 (0x0B1102 0x00): Selective Catalyst Reduction Outlet Temperature — Not Plausible —>

<!— 0B110B (0x0B110B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_SCR_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— 0B1110 (0x0B1110 0x00): MU_SCR_MON_T_GRAD_SCR_SRH —>

<!— 0C1110 (0x0C1110 0x00): SCR Catalyst Efficiency too high —>

<!— 0C1111 (0x0C1111 0x00): SCR NOx Conversion Efficiency Low detection by moving average —>

<!— 161109 (0x161109 0x00): DEF PSV loop error —>

<!— 16110B (0x16110B 0x00): DEF PNV SRL loop error —>

<!— 16110E (0x16110E 0x00): DEF PNV SRH loop error —>

<!— 190E0C (0x190E0C 0x00): Pressure DPF inlet not plausible —>

<!— 190E1F (0x190E1F 0x00): engine-off DOC inlet pressure drift high —>

<!— 1A0E0C (0x1A0E0C 0x00): Pressure DPF outlet not plausible —>

<!— 200D0B (0x200D0B 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel quality sensor concentration read-out not possible —>

<!— 2FF0E3 (0x2FF0E3 0x00): DPF (DPF_1 — pin 120/91) Signal Range High —>

<!— 2FF0E4 (0x2FF0E4 0x00): DPF (DPF_1 — pin 120/91) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 30F0E3 (0x30F0E3 0x00): DPF (DPF_2 — pin 120/95) Signal Range High —>

<!— 30F0E4 (0x30F0E4 0x00): DPF (DPF_2 — pin 120/95) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 31F0E3 (0x31F0E3 0x00): DPF (SCR_1 — pin 120/113) Signal Range High —>

<!— 31F0E4 (0x31F0E4 0x00): DPF (SCR_1 — pin 120/113) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): DPF (SCR_2 — pin 120/115) Signal Range High —>

<!— 32F0E4 (0x32F0E4 0x00): DPF (SCR_2 — pin 120/115) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 33F0E3 (0x33F0E3 0x00): DPF (SCR_3 — pin 120/119) Signal Range High —>

<!— 33F0E4 (0x33F0E4 0x00): DPF (SCR_3 — pin 120/119) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): DPF (DPF_1 — pin 120/118) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 3B150B (0x3B150B 0x00): DEF Pump block loop error —>

<!— 3D1103 (0x3D1103 0x00): DPF (SCR_1 — pin 120/80) Signal Range High —>

<!— 3D1104 (0x3D1104 0x00): DPF (SCR_1 — pin 120/80) Signal Range Low —>

<!— 600F0E (0x600F0E 0x00): MU_DPF_MON_EST_ERROR —>

<!— 770E0B (0x770E0B 0x00): Driver information: SCR OBD checks inhibited too long by the inhibit switch —>

<!— 900C0A (0x900C0A 0x00): Nox Raw sensor signal erratic —>

<!— 900C10 (0x900C10 0x00): Engine Out NOx Sensor drifted low —>

<!— 900C12 (0x900C12 0x00): NOx raw sensor deviation too high — detection by LARMF —>

<!— 910C02 (0x910C02 0x00): Engine out lambda sensor drift low —>

<!— 940408 (0x940408 0x00): Reserved_MU_ISP_T_COMP_IN_GRAD —>

<!— 9A0C09 (0x9A0C09 0x00): MU_ISP_NOX_OUT_NOISE _SPK —>

<!— 9A130E (0x9A130E 0x00): Detected clogged DOC —>

<!— 9B0C02 (0x9B0C02 0x00): Tail pipe lambda sensor drift low —>

<!— A40C0E (0xA40C0E 0x00): Modelled Exhaust Mass Signal Not Available via CAN —>

<!— AA0C0B (0xAA0C0B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DOC_IN_GRAD —>

<!— AA0C12 (0xAA0C12 0x00): Insufficient DOC Inlet Light of Temperature —>

<!— AE0C02 (0xAE0C02 0x00): Diesel Particulate Filter Outlet Temperature Signal — Not Plausible —>

<!— AE0C0B (0xAE0C0B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DPF_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— B1F0EE (0xB1F0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_AS_ET_TEST1, Fuelmap Not for Production —>

<!— B20C02 (0xB20C02 0x00): Diesel Oxidation Catalyst temperature sensor — plausibility error —>

<!— B20C0B (0xB20C0B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DOC_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— B2F0EE (0xB2F0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_AS_ET_TEST2, Fuelmap Not for Production —>

<!— B30C03 (0xB30C03 0x00): DPF Delta Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B30C04 (0xB30C04 0x00): DPF Delta Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B3F0F0 (0xB3F0F0 0x00): SCR closed loop control at maximum limit (Multiples Sources) —>

<!— B3F0F2 (0xB3F0F2 0x00): Unspecific fault — detection by LARMF —>

<!— B4140E (0xB4140E 0x00): DOC feed gas error —>

<!— B41411 (0xB41411 0x00): DOC feed gas low —>

<!— B41412 (0xB41412 0x00): LO NO2 feedgas by LARMF —>

<!— B4141F (0xB4141F 0x00): NO2 feed gas signal range low —>

<!— B4F0EE (0xB4F0EE 0x00): SCR closed loop control at maximum limit (Timeout) —>

<!— B4F0F0 (0xB4F0F0 0x00): SCR closed loop control at maximum limit —>

<!— B4F0F2 (0xB4F0F2 0x00): Mean LARMF value below expected level —>

<!— B6F0EE (0xB6F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_DIA_DOC_FG _LOW —>

<!— B70D03 (0xB70D03 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B70D04 (0xB70D04 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B7F0EE (0xB7F0EE 0x00): Initial communication with engine control module disturbed —>

<!— B80D03 (0xB80D03 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B80D04 (0xB80D04 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B81202 (0xB81202 0x00): Rationality check for t_scr —>

<!— B8F0EE (0xB8F0EE 0x00): Freeze Frame key information synchronisation failed —>

<!— B9F0ED (0xB9F0ED 0x00): Measurement interface active in Aftertreatment Controle Module —>

<!— B9F0EE (0xB9F0EE 0x00): MU_XCP_ CCP_ ACTIVE —>

<!— B9F0FF (0xB9F0FF 0x00): MU_XCP_CCP_ ACTIVE —>

<!— BAF0E0 (0xBAF0E0 0x00): Aftertreatment Temperature not plausible —>

<!— BB0D03 (0xBB0D03 0x00): MU_UQC_T_SENS_OL —>

<!— BB0D04 (0xBB0D04 0x00): MU_UQC_T_SENS_SC —>

<!— BBF0EE (0xBBF0EE 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel dosing amount out of desired operation parameters —>

<!— BC0D03 (0xBC0D03 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel quality sensor open load —>

<!— BC0D0B (0xBC0D0B 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel quality sensor internal error —>

<!— BC0D0E (0xBC0D0E 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel concentration invalid —>

<!— BD0D03 (0xBD0D03 0x00): MU_UQC_L_SENS_OL —>

<!— BD0D0A (0xBD0D0A 0x00): MU_ISP_CAN_L_UREA_TANK_NVLD —>

<!— BD0D0B (0xBD0D0B 0x00): MU_UQC_L_SENS_ERR —>

<!— BDF0E2 (0xBDF0E2 0x00): Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Inlet Temperature Signal not plausible —>

<!— BEF0EE (0xBEF0EE 0x00): Backstop MU for nox efficiency monitor —>

<!— BEF0FF (0xBEF0FF 0x00): NOx efficiency by NOxTP Sensor above expected level fault —>

<!— BFF0E2 (0xBFF0E2 0x00): DEF tank temperature — cool down —>

<!— BFF0EA (0xBFF0EA 0x00): DEF tank temperature — warm up —>

<!— C7140E (0xC7140E 0x00): Soot sensor regeneration not possible —>


<!— D1160E (0xD1160E 0x00): DEF Quality Low —>

<!— D1161F (0xD1161F 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel dilution detected by LARMF —>

<!— D40C0B (0xD40C0B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_DOCB_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— D70B08 (0xD70B08 0x00): MU_ISP_T_UREA_TANK_GRAD —>

<!— E40D11 (0xE40D11 0x00): Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) Insufficient HC Conversion —>

<!— EB100F (0xEB100F 0x00): DEF Dosing Quantity Low system detection —>

<!— EB1011 (0xEB1011 0x00): Diesel-Exhaust-Fuel dosing amount limited — detection by LARMF —>

<!— EE1014 (0xEE1014 0x00): DEF pressure drift high —>

<!— EE1015 (0xEE1015 0x00): DEF pressure drift low —>

<!— F11008 (0xF11008 0x00): Reserved_MU_ISP_T_UREA_GRAD —>

<!— 83F0E4 (0x83F0E4 0x00): High Side Digital Output UV_DOS Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D0C (0x230D0C 0x00): No THC heating valve present, but tank heating requested —>

<!— 2FF0EB (0x2FF0EB 0x00): DOC out temperature sensor: signal range high or low —>

<!— 30F0EB (0x30F0EB 0x00): DPF out temperature sensor: signal range high or low —>

<!— 31F0EE (0x31F0EE 0x00): ADC check —>

<!— 32F0EB (0x32F0EB 0x00): ACM functional safety disabled through reprogramming —>

<!— 32F0EE (0x32F0EE 0x00): Reserved_MU_FS_DIA_DSBL_REPROG —>

<!— 32F0FF (0x32F0FF 0x00): Black channel communication interrupted —>

<!— 37F0EB (0x37F0EB 0x00): Sensor supply voltage: signal range high or low —>

<!— 38F0E0 (0x38F0E0 0x00): MU_ECOP_IAPSOVERTEMP —>

<!— 38F0E8 (0x38F0E8 0x00): MU_ECOP_IAPSGRDMES —>

<!— 39F0E0 (0x39F0E0 0x00): ATS temperature too high: HC dosing disabled —>

<!— 511614 (0x511614 0x00): Nox Out sensor self-diagnosis Nox drifted high —>

<!— 511615 (0x511615 0x00): Nox Out sensor self-diagnosis Nox drifted low —>

<!— 521614 (0x521614 0x00): Nox Raw sensor self-diagnosis Nox drifted high —>

<!— 521615 (0x521615 0x00): Nox Raw sensor self-diagnosis Nox drifted low —>

<!— 62F0E0 (0x62F0E0 0x00): MU_ECOP_DTSOVERTEMP —>

<!— 69F0ED (0x69F0ED 0x00): Rescue vehicle mode different in variant coding and inducement usage —>

<!— 900C08 (0x900C08 0x00): Nox Raw sensor operation not stable —>

<!— 9A0C08 (0x9A0C08 0x00): Nox Out sensor operation not stable —>

<!— B6F0EE (0xB6F0EE 0x00): MU_DPF_DIA_DOC_FG_LOW —>

<!— B90D03 (0xB90D03 0x00): Nox Raw sensor supply voltage too high —>

<!— B90D04 (0xB90D04 0x00): Nox Raw sensor supply voltage too low —>

<!— BA0D03 (0xBA0D03 0x00): Nox Out sensor supply voltage too high —>

<!— BA0D04 (0xBA0D04 0x00): Nox Out sensor supply voltage too low —>

<!— BFF0E7 (0xBFF0E7 0x00): Exhaust heat recovery flap stuck open —>

<!— BFF0E9 (0xBFF0E9 0x00): Lost signal ‘exhaust heating system requested’ from MUX —>

<!— BFF0EE (0xBFF0EE 0x00): Exhaust heat recovery flap stuck closed —>

<!— BFF0F3 (0xBFF0F3 0x00): Lost signal ‘exhaust heating system released’ from MCM —>

<!— C0F0E3 (0xC0F0E3 0x00): MU_OFD_EXH_VALVE_SC_UBATT —>

<!— C0F0E4 (0xC0F0E4 0x00): MU_OFD_EXH_VALVE_SC_GND —>

<!— C0F0E5 (0xC0F0E5 0x00): MU_OFD_EXH_VALVE_OL —>

<!— C1F0ED (0xC1F0ED 0x00): Current CVN deviates from stored reference —>

<!— C2F0E9 (0xC2F0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_TIMEOUT —>

<!— C2F0EC (0xC2F0EC 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_SENS_ERR —>

<!— C2F0ED (0xC2F0ED 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_FC_CRC_ERR —>

<!— C2F0EE (0xC2F0EE 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_SER_ERR —>

<!— C2F0F3 (0xC2F0F3 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_P_SIG_ERR —>

<!— C3F0F3 (0xC3F0F3 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_DP_SIG_ERR —>

<!— C4F0ED (0xC4F0ED 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_SER_CRC_ERR —>

<!— C4F0F3 (0xC4F0F3 0x00): MU_ISP_SENT1_T_SIG_ERR —>

<!— C5F0EB (0xC5F0EB 0x00): MU_MON_3 —>

<!— C5F0EE (0xC5F0EE 0x00): MU_MON_3_VD —>

<!— C5F0FF (0xC5F0FF 0x00): MU_MON_3_SW —>

<!— C6F0EB (0xC6F0EB 0x00): MU_MON_3_TMP —>

<!— C6F0EE (0xC6F0EE 0x00): MU_MON_3_COD_PROT —>

<!— C6F0FF (0xC6F0FF 0x00): MU_MON_3_DATA_PROT_0 —>

<!— C7F0EB (0xC7F0EB 0x00): MU_MON_3_DATA_PROT_1 —>

<!— C8F0ED (0xC8F0ED 0x00): MU_ECOP_ATIC153 —>

<!— C9F0ED (0xC9F0ED 0x00): MU_ECOP_ATIC235 —>

<!— CAF0ED (0xCAF0ED 0x00): MU_ECOP_LM95071 —>

<!— CBF0E9 (0xCBF0E9 0x00): MU_ECOP_NCV7520_2 —>

<!— CBF0ED (0xCBF0ED 0x00): MU_ECOP_NCV7520 —>

<!— CCF0EE (0xCCF0EE 0x00): Fault tolerance time (FTT) expired —>

<!— D70B0E (0xD70B0E 0x00): DEF Tank Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance —>

<!— 07F0E1 (0x07F0E1 0x00): MU_RESERVE_04 —>

<!— 08F0F1 (0x08F0F1 0x00): MU_EDU_RESERV_01 —>

<!— 171510 (0x171510 0x00): MU_DPF_HC_QUANT_DEF_OP —>

<!— 6BF0E9 (0x6BF0E9 0x00): MU_ISP_HEARTBEAT_CAN4 —>

<!— 6D1603 (0x6D1603 0x00): MU_DPS_UBAT —>

<!— 6D160F (0x6D160F 0x00): MU_DPS_IDE_NEG —>

<!— 6D1611 (0x6D1611 0x00): MU_DPS_IDE_POS —>

<!— 6D1613 (0x6D1613 0x00): MU_DPS_SNA —>

<!— 73160F (0x73160F 0x00): MU_DPS_HTR_ON —>

<!— 731611 (0x731611 0x00): MU_DPS_HTR_OFF —>

<!— 7EF0FF (0x7EF0FF 0x00): DOC Clean-up Fault —>

<!— 96F0EE (0x96F0EE 0x00): MU reserve —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): MU_OFD_HSW_KL15_SC_UBATT_OL —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): MU_OFD_HSW_KL15_SC_GND —>

<!— A0F0E4 (0xA0F0E4 0x00): MU_DPS_DIA_SPLY_L_ERR —>

<!— A1F0EF (0xA1F0EF 0x00): MU_DPS_T_MEA_IV_RAT —>

<!— A1F0F3 (0xA1F0F3 0x00): MU_DPS_T_MEA —>

<!— C1150C (0xC1150C 0x00): MU_DPS_T_SENS —>

<!— C1150E (0xC1150E 0x00): MU_DPS_TEMP —>

<!— D40C0E (0xD40C0E 0x00): MU_DPF_Q_DOT_DOCB_ERR —>

Коды ошибок блока управления MCM 02T Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Якорь 3

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda to low —>

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too Low —>

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): FSG: EGR Feedback on Lambda to low —>

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_1 —>

<!— 00F0F0 (0x00F0F0 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too High —>

<!— 00F0F2 (0x00F0F2 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too Low —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda to high —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too High —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): FSG: EGR Feedback on Lambda to high —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_2 —>

<!— 01F0F0 (0x01F0F0 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too High —>

<!— 02F0EE (0x02F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_3 —>

<!— 03F0EE (0x03F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_4 —>

<!— 040E03 (0x040E03 0x00): Ether Start, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 040E04 (0x040E04 0x00): Ether Start, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 040E05 (0x040E05 0x00): Ether Start, Open Load —>

<!— 04F0EE (0x04F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_5 —>

<!— 051403 (0x051403 0x00): MU_ISP_ULIN_SRH —>

<!— 051404 (0x051404 0x00): MU_ISP_ULIN_SRL —>

<!— 05F0EE (0x05F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_1 —>

<!— 06F0EE (0x06F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_2 —>

<!— 07F0EE (0x07F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_3 —>

<!— 080201 (0x080201 0x00): MU_EBM_BRAKE_MALFUNCTION —>

<!— 080212 (0x080212 0x00): MU_EBM_RED_BRAKE_POWER —>

<!— 08F0EE (0x08F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_4 —>

<!— 09F0EE (0x09F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_5 —>

<!— 0B020D (0x0B020D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is missing —>

<!— 0B020D (0x0B020D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is Missing —>

<!— 0B0213 (0x0B0213 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is erratic —>

<!— 0B0213 (0x0B0213 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is Erratic —>

<!— 0BF0E3 (0x0BF0E3 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 1 EGR Valve Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 0BF0E3 (0x0BF0E3 0x00): H Bridge 1 EGR Valve Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 0BF0E3 (0x0BF0E3 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 0BF0E4 (0x0BF0E4 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 0BF0E4 (0x0BF0E4 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 0BF0E5 (0x0BF0E5 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 1 EGR Valve Short Circuit/Over Current —>

<!— 0BF0E5 (0x0BF0E5 0x00): H Bridge 1 EGR Valve Short Circuit/Over Current —>

<!— 0BF0E5 (0x0BF0E5 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Short Circuit/ Over Current —>

<!— 0BF0EE (0x0BF0EE 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 0BF0EE (0x0BF0EE 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 0CF0E3 (0x0CF0E3 0x00): FSG: Reserved 2 —>

<!— 0CF0E3 (0x0CF0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_T_TBD4_SRH —>

<!— 0CF0E3 (0x0CF0E3 0x00): Reserved 2 —>

<!— 0CF0E4 (0x0CF0E4 0x00): FSG: Reserved 1 —>

<!— 0CF0E4 (0x0CF0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_T_TBD4_SRL —>

<!— 0CF0E4 (0x0CF0E4 0x00): Reserved 1 —>

<!— 0D0E03 (0x0D0E03 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0D0E04 (0x0D0E04 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0D0E06 (0x0D0E06 0x00): Current Flow on HS1 IM1 Too High —>

<!— 0D0E06 (0x0D0E06 0x00): Current Flow on HS1 IM1 too High —>

<!— 0DF0E3 (0x0DF0E3 0x00): Thermal Switch Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0DF0E4 (0x0DF0E4 0x00): Thermal Switch Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0E0E03 (0x0E0E03 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0E0E04 (0x0E0E04 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0EF0E3 (0x0EF0E3 0x00): FSG: Reserved 4 —>

<!— 0EF0E3 (0x0EF0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_T_TBD3_SRH —>

<!— 0EF0E3 (0x0EF0E3 0x00): Reserved 4 —>

<!— 0EF0E4 (0x0EF0E4 0x00): FSG: Reserved 3 —>

<!— 0EF0E4 (0x0EF0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_T_TBD3_SRL —>

<!— 0EF0E4 (0x0EF0E4 0x00): Reserved 3 —>

<!— 0F0E03 (0x0F0E03 0x00): MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed High —>

<!— 0F0E04 (0x0F0E04 0x00): MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed Low —>

<!— 0F0E0F (0x0F0E0F 0x00): MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed High Sporadic —>

<!— 0F0E0F (0x0F0E0F 0x00): MU_IS1_U_SPS_SPORATIC_SRH —>

<!— 0F0E11 (0x0F0E11 0x00): MCM internal Injector Power Supply Failed Low Sporadic —>

<!— 0F0E11 (0x0F0E11 0x00): MU_IS1_U_SPS_SPORATIC_SRL —>

<!— 0FF0E3 (0x0FF0E3 0x00): Electrical Water Separator Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0FF0E3 (0x0FF0E3 0x00): EWS Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0FF0E3 (0x0FF0E3 0x00): FSG: EWS Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0FF0E4 (0x0FF0E4 0x00): Electrical Water Separator Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0FF0E4 (0x0FF0E4 0x00): EWS Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0FF0E4 (0x0FF0E4 0x00): FSG: EWS Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0FF0E5 (0x0FF0E5 0x00): Electrical Water Separator Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 0FF0E5 (0x0FF0E5 0x00): EWS Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 0FF0E5 (0x0FF0E5 0x00): FSG: EWS Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 10F0E3 (0x10F0E3 0x00): Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 10F0E4 (0x10F0E4 0x00): Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 10F0E5 (0x10F0E5 0x00): Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 110B02 (0x110B02 0x00): Park Brake Status Not Plausible (Vehicle Moving) —>

<!— 12F0E3 (0x12F0E3 0x00): Function 19 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 12F0E4 (0x12F0E4 0x00): Function 19 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 12F0E5 (0x12F0E5 0x00): Function 19 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 13150F (0x13150F 0x00): MU_RC4_IDLE_FUEL_QTY —>

<!— 13F0E3 (0x13F0E3 0x00): Service Push Button Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 16F0E3 (0x16F0E3 0x00): Function 22 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 16F0E4 (0x16F0E4 0x00): Function 22 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 16F0E5 (0x16F0E5 0x00): Function 22 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 17F0E3 (0x17F0E3 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 17F0E4 (0x17F0E4 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 17F0E5 (0x17F0E5 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 18F0E3 (0x18F0E3 0x00): Function 25 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 18F0E4 (0x18F0E4 0x00): Function 25 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 18F0E5 (0x18F0E5 0x00): Function 25 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): FSG: Reserved 17 —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): Reserved 17 —>

<!— 190E08 (0x190E08 0x00): Reserved 45 —>

<!— 19F0E3 (0x19F0E3 0x00): RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 19F0E4 (0x19F0E4 0x00): RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 19F0E5 (0x19F0E5 0x00): RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 1A0E1F (0x1A0E1F 0x00): Reserved 38 —>

<!— 1AF0E3 (0x1AF0E3 0x00): RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1AF0E4 (0x1AF0E4 0x00): RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1AF0E5 (0x1AF0E5 0x00): RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 1B0000 (0x1B0000 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to Attain Closed Position —>

<!— 1B0001 (0x1B0001 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to Attain Open Position —>

<!— 1B0002 (0x1B0002 0x00): EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed —>

<!— 1B0003 (0x1B0003 0x00): EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1B0004 (0x1B0004 0x00): EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1B0007 (0x1B0007 0x00): MU_AM_EGR_SPRING_BROKEN —>

<!— 1B000A (0x1B000A 0x00): EGR Valve Position Deviation too High —>

<!— 1B000C (0x1B000C 0x00): EGR Valve Frozen —>

<!— 1B000E (0x1B000E 0x00): MU_EGR_INT_MON —>

<!— 1B0013 (0x1B0013 0x00): FSG: Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Waste Gate Position Error —>

<!— 1B0013 (0x1B0013 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Turbo Charger Waste Gate Position Error —>

<!— 1B0013 (0x1B0013 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Waste Gate Position Error —>

<!— 1B060E (0x1B060E 0x00): Detect Unwanted ECU Change —>

<!— 1B060E (0x1B060E 0x00): FSG: Detect unwanted ECU change —>

<!— 1BF0E3 (0x1BF0E3 0x00): Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 1BF0E4 (0x1BF0E4 0x00): Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 1BF0E5 (0x1BF0E5 0x00): Volute Control Valve, Open Load —>

<!— 1CF0E3 (0x1CF0E3 0x00): Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 1CF0E4 (0x1CF0E4 0x00): Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 1CF0E5 (0x1CF0E5 0x00): Volute Shut Off Valve, Open Load —>

<!— 1DF0E3 (0x1DF0E3 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 1DF0E4 (0x1DF0E4 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 1DF0E5 (0x1DF0E5 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Open Load —>

<!— 1EF0E3 (0x1EF0E3 0x00): Function 31 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1EF0E4 (0x1EF0E4 0x00): Function 31 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1EF0E5 (0x1EF0E5 0x00): Function 31 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): Urea Tank Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): Urea Tank Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): Urea Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): Urea Tank Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D11 (0x230D11 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_UTH_OBD —>

<!— 25F0E7 (0x25F0E7 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Failsafe Mode, Motor On —>

<!— 25F0E8 (0x25F0E8 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Internal Test Running —>

<!— 25F0E9 (0x25F0E9 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— 25F0EB (0x25F0EB 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Restricted Operability —>

<!— 25F0EE (0x25F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— 25F0EF (0x25F0EF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Temperature Warning —>

<!— 25F0F0 (0x25F0F0 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Temperature Fault —>

<!— 25F0FF (0x25F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 2, Unknown Error Code —>

<!— 261703 (0x261703 0x00): Differential Pressure Icooler Out Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 261704 (0x261704 0x00): Differential Pressure Icooler Out Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 26170D (0x26170D 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low —>

<!— 26170E (0x26170E 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration High —>

<!— 261714 (0x261714 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 261715 (0x261715 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 26F0ED (0x26F0ED 0x00): FSG: Reserved 41 —>

<!— 26F0ED (0x26F0ED 0x00): Reserved 41 —>

<!— 26F0EE (0x26F0EE 0x00): FSG: Reserved 42 —>

<!— 26F0EE (0x26F0EE 0x00): Reserved 42 —>

<!— 271702 (0x271702 0x00): Water Pump Limp Home Mode —>

<!— 271707 (0x271707 0x00): Water Pump Mechanical Defect Detected —>

<!— 27F0F0 (0x27F0F0 0x00): FSG: Max Power Deficit —>

<!— 27F0F0 (0x27F0F0 0x00): Max Power Deficit —>

<!— 27F0F2 (0x27F0F2 0x00): FSG: Max Power Excess —>

<!— 27F0F2 (0x27F0F2 0x00): Max Power Excess —>

<!— 281703 (0x281703 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 281704 (0x281704 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 281705 (0x281705 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Short Circuit/ Over Current —>

<!— 28170E (0x28170E 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 2A050E (0x2A050E 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detecetd —>

<!— 2A050E (0x2A050E 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2A051F (0x2A051F 0x00): FSG: Multiple cylinder misfire detected at idle —>

<!— 2A051F (0x2A051F 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected at Idle —>

<!— 2A1503 (0x2A1503 0x00): FMU High Side Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 2A1504 (0x2A1504 0x00): FMU Low Side Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 2B050B (0x2B050B 0x00): Cylinder #1 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2B050B (0x2B050B 0x00): Cylinder 1 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2B050E (0x2B050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2B050E (0x2B050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2B051F (0x2B051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2B051F (0x2B051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2C050B (0x2C050B 0x00): Cylinder #2 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2C050B (0x2C050B 0x00): Cylinder 2 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2C050E (0x2C050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2C050E (0x2C050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2C051F (0x2C051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2C051F (0x2C051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2CF0EE (0x2CF0EE 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 1 —>

<!— 2CF0EE (0x2CF0EE 0x00): Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 1 —>

<!— 2CF0EE (0x2CF0EE 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 1 —>

<!— 2CF0FF (0x2CF0FF 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 2 —>

<!— 2CF0FF (0x2CF0FF 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 2 —>

<!— 2D050B (0x2D050B 0x00): Cylinder #3 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2D050B (0x2D050B 0x00): Cylinder 3 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2D050E (0x2D050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2D050E (0x2D050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2D051F (0x2D051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2D051F (0x2D051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2DF0E2 (0x2DF0E2 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Position Deviation —>

<!— 2DF0E2 (0x2DF0E2 0x00): MU_AM_VCP_POS_DEV —>

<!— 2DF0E2 (0x2DF0E2 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Position Deviation —>

<!— 2DF0E7 (0x2DF0E7 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamb Position —>

<!— 2DF0E7 (0x2DF0E7 0x00): MU_AM_VCP_CLAMP —>

<!— 2DF0E7 (0x2DF0E7 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamb Position —>

<!— 2DF0EA (0x2DF0EA 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Slow Response —>

<!— 2DF0EA (0x2DF0EA 0x00): MU_AM_VCP_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— 2DF0EA (0x2DF0EA 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Slow Response —>

<!— 2DF0EE (0x2DF0EE 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase Sensor Adaption Fail —>

<!— 2DF0EE (0x2DF0EE 0x00): MU_AM_VCP_SENS_ADAPT_FAIL —>

<!— 2DF0EE (0x2DF0EE 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase Sensor Adaption Fail —>

<!— 2DF0FF (0x2DF0FF 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, at State Joggling —>

<!— 2DF0FF (0x2DF0FF 0x00): MU_AM_VCP_JOG_FAIL —>

<!— 2DF0FF (0x2DF0FF 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, at State Joggling —>

<!— 2E050B (0x2E050B 0x00): Cylinder #4 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2E050B (0x2E050B 0x00): Cylinder 4 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2E050E (0x2E050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2E050E (0x2E050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2E051F (0x2E051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2E051F (0x2E051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2EF0E0 (0x2EF0E0 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Temperature to high —>

<!— 2EF0E0 (0x2EF0E0 0x00): MU_AM_VCP_TEMP_IND_HIGH —>

<!— 2EF0E0 (0x2EF0E0 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Temperature too High —>

<!— 2EF0E0 (0x2EF0E0 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Temperature to high —>

<!— 2EF0EE (0x2EF0EE 0x00): Dashboard Doesn’t Get MCM DM1 Information —>

<!— 2EF0EE (0x2EF0EE 0x00): FSG: Dashboard doesn’t get MCM DM1 information —>

<!— 2EF0FF (0x2EF0FF 0x00): Dashboard DM1 Defect —>

<!— 2EF0FF (0x2EF0FF 0x00): FSG: Dashboard DM1 defect —>

<!— 2F0403 (0x2F0403 0x00): Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 2F0404 (0x2F0404 0x00): Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 2F0405 (0x2F0405 0x00): Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 2F050B (0x2F050B 0x00): Cylinder #5 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2F050B (0x2F050B 0x00): Cylinder 5 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2F050E (0x2F050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2F050E (0x2F050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2F051F (0x2F051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2F051F (0x2F051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2FF0EE (0x2FF0EE 0x00): EGR System Parametrization Failure —>

<!— 300403 (0x300403 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 300404 (0x300404 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 300405 (0x300405 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 30050B (0x30050B 0x00): Cylinder #6 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 30050B (0x30050B 0x00): Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 30050E (0x30050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 30050E (0x30050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 30051F (0x30051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 30051F (0x30051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 30F0E8 (0x30F0E8 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 3 —>

<!— 30F0E8 (0x30F0E8 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 3 —>

<!— 310403 (0x310403 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 310404 (0x310404 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 310405 (0x310405 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 31050B (0x31050B 0x00): Cylinder #7 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 31050B (0x31050B 0x00): Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 31050E (0x31050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 31050E (0x31050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 31051F (0x31051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 31051F (0x31051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 31F0E8 (0x31F0E8 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 4 —>

<!— 31F0E8 (0x31F0E8 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 4 —>

<!— 32050B (0x32050B 0x00): Cylinder #8 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 32050B (0x32050B 0x00): Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 32050E (0x32050E 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 32050E (0x32050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 32051F (0x32051F 0x00): FSG: Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 32051F (0x32051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 32F0E2 (0x32F0E2 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor, Heater Invalid Sensor Temperature Measurement —>

<!— 32F0E2 (0x32F0E2 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_TTIP_ADJ —>

<!— 32F0E2 (0x32F0E2 0x00): O2 Sensor, Heater Invalid Sensor Temperature Measurement —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_SC_ERR —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Short Circuit —>

<!— 32F0E5 (0x32F0E5 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_OC_VN —>

<!— 32F0E5 (0x32F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vn —>

<!— 32F0E5 (0x32F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vn —>

<!— 32F0EE (0x32F0EE 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor, Lambda Rationality During No Fueling —>

<!— 32F0EE (0x32F0EE 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_SENS_DEF —>

<!— 32F0EE (0x32F0EE 0x00): O2 Sensor, Lambda Rationality During No Fueling —>

<!— 330002 (0x330002 0x00): Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error —>

<!— 330003 (0x330003 0x00): Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 330004 (0x330004 0x00): Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 33000A (0x33000A 0x00): MU_IAT_POS_FROZEN —>

<!— 330012 (0x330012 0x00): MU_RC4_IAT_RAT —>

<!— 33F0E5 (0x33F0E5 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_OC_VG —>

<!— 33F0E5 (0x33F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vg —>

<!— 33F0E5 (0x33F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vg —>

<!— 33F0E9 (0x33F0E9 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_SPI_WR_ERR —>

<!— 33F0EB (0x33F0EB 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_SPI_INI_ERR —>

<!— 34F0E5 (0x34F0E5 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_OC_VIP —>

<!— 34F0E5 (0x34F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vip —>

<!— 34F0E5 (0x34F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vip —>

<!— 350403 (0x350403 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) error —>

<!— 350403 (0x350403 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— 350404 (0x350404 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 350405 (0x350405 0x00): Quantity Control Valve Error, Current Too Low —>

<!— 350405 (0x350405 0x00): Quantity Control Valve Error, Current too Low —>

<!— 350406 (0x350406 0x00): FSG: Quantity Control Valve, Desired Current Doesn’t match actual current —>

<!— 350406 (0x350406 0x00): Quantity Control Valve, Desired Current Doesn’t Match Actual Current —>

<!— 35040E (0x35040E 0x00): Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System Too High (Leak Down Test) —>

<!— 35040E (0x35040E 0x00): Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System too High (Leak Down Test) —>

<!— 35041F (0x35041F 0x00): Excessive Time to Enter Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control —>

<!— 35041F (0x35041F 0x00): Excessive Time To Enter Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control —>

<!— 35041F (0x35041F 0x00): FSG: Excessive Time To Enter Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control —>

<!— 35F0E5 (0x35F0E5 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_OC_VRC —>

<!— 35F0E5 (0x35F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vrc —>

<!— 35F0E5 (0x35F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vrc —>

<!— 36F0E0 (0x36F0E0 0x00): MU_PBS_INTERNAL_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0E1 (0x36F0E1 0x00): MU_PBS_CRITICAL_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0E2 (0x36F0E2 0x00): MU_PBS_AIR_SUPPLY_ERR —>

<!— 36F0E3 (0x36F0E3 0x00): MU_PBS_U_BAT_HIGH —>

<!— 36F0E4 (0x36F0E4 0x00): MU_PBS_U_BAT_LOW —>

<!— 36F0E7 (0x36F0E7 0x00): MU_PBS_VALVE_SUPPLY —>

<!— 36F0E9 (0x36F0E9 0x00): MU_PBS_CAN_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0EB (0x36F0EB 0x00): MU_PBS_GENERAL_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0ED (0x36F0ED 0x00): MU_PBS_CONF_ERR —>

<!— 36F0EE (0x36F0EE 0x00): MU_PBS_PWR_SUPPLY —>

<!— 36F0EE (0x36F0EE 0x00): MU_PBS_SW_CHECK_ERR —>

<!— 36F0EF (0x36F0EF 0x00): MU_PBS_TEMP_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0F0 (0x36F0F0 0x00): MU_PBS_PAR_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0F3 (0x36F0F3 0x00): CAN3 Electrical Failure —>

<!— 36F0F3 (0x36F0F3 0x00): CAN3 electrical failure —>

<!— 38F0E0 (0x38F0E0 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Number of Keys Limited to 8 —>

<!— 38F0E0 (0x38F0E0 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, number of keys limited to 8 —>

<!— 38F0E0 (0x38F0E0 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 38F0E1 (0x38F0E1 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Counter Overflow —>

<!— 38F0E1 (0x38F0E1 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, counter overflow —>

<!— 38F0E1 (0x38F0E1 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 38F0E2 (0x38F0E2 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, X5 Cancelled —>

<!— 38F0E2 (0x38F0E2 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, X5 cancelled —>

<!— 38F0E2 (0x38F0E2 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, No TPC via CAN —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, no TPC via CAN —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, No TPC via Starter Pin —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, no TPC via starter pin —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 38F0E5 (0x38F0E5 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Code Valid But False —>

<!— 38F0E5 (0x38F0E5 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, code valid but false —>

<!— 38F0E5 (0x38F0E5 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 38F0E6 (0x38F0E6 0x00): FSG: Injection inhibited by immobilizer (wrong key or CAN or EIS issue) —>

<!— 38F0E6 (0x38F0E6 0x00): Injection Inhibited by Immobilizer (Wrong Key or CAN or EIS Issue) —>

<!— 38F0E6 (0x38F0E6 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 39F0E3 (0x39F0E3 0x00): FMU High Side Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 39F0E3 (0x39F0E3 0x00): FMU highside short-circuit to battery —>

<!— 39F0E3 (0x39F0E3 0x00): FSG: FMU highside short-circuit to battery —>

<!— 39F0E3 (0x39F0E3 0x00): Quantity Control Valve ( High Side ) error —>

<!— 39F0E4 (0x39F0E4 0x00): FSG: Quantity Control Valve ( High side) error —>

<!— 39F0E4 (0x39F0E4 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (High side) error —>

<!— 39F0E4 (0x39F0E4 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 3AF0E4 (0x3AF0E4 0x00): FMU Low Side Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 3AF0E4 (0x3AF0E4 0x00): FMU lowside short-circuit to ground —>

<!— 3AF0E4 (0x3AF0E4 0x00): FSG: FMU lowside short-circuit to ground —>

<!— 3AF0E4 (0x3AF0E4 0x00): Quantity Control Valve ( Low Side ) error —>

<!— 3BF0E3 (0x3BF0E3 0x00): FSG: PCV highside short-circuit to battery —>

<!— 3BF0E3 (0x3BF0E3 0x00): PCV High Side Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 3BF0E3 (0x3BF0E3 0x00): Pressure Control Valve ( High side) error —>

<!— 3BF0E4 (0x3BF0E4 0x00): FSG: Pressure control valve ( High side ) error —>

<!— 3BF0E4 (0x3BF0E4 0x00): Pressure Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 3CF0E3 (0x3CF0E3 0x00): Pressure Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— 3CF0E4 (0x3CF0E4 0x00): FSG: PCV lowside short-circuit to ground —>

<!— 3CF0E4 (0x3CF0E4 0x00): PCV Low Side Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 3CF0E4 (0x3CF0E4 0x00): Pressure Control Valve ( Low side) error —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): FSG: SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level2 monitoring due to error in engine speed plausibilisation. —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): FSG: SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level2 monitoring due to error in engine speed plausibilisation —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): MU_SCM_SPEED_RESET_LEV2 —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): SW-Reset Executed by MCM2-Level2 Monitoring due to Error in Engine Speed Plausibilisation —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): FSG: SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level2 monitoring due to error in fuel-cutoff plausibilisation —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): MU_SCM_FCUT_RESET_LEV2 —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): SW-Reset Executed by MCM2-Level2 Monitoring due to Error in Fuel-Cutoff Plausibilisation —>

<!— 3EF0FF (0x3EF0FF 0x00): MU_CPC_32 —>

<!— 3FF0FF (0x3FF0FF 0x00): MU_CPC_33 —>

<!— 40F0FF (0x40F0FF 0x00): MU_CPC_34 —>

<!— 41F0FF (0x41F0FF 0x00): MU_EPF_BROKEN_BELT_DETECT —>

<!— 42F0EE (0x42F0EE 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_ON_BANK1 —>

<!— 42F0FF (0x42F0FF 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_BANK1 —>

<!— 43F0EE (0x43F0EE 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_ON_BANK2 —>

<!— 43F0FF (0x43F0FF 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_BANK2 —>

<!— 441501 (0x441501 0x00): CCV Speed Sensor RPM to Low —>

<!— 441501 (0x441501 0x00): Engine Crankcase Breather Oil Separator Speed too Low —>

<!— 44F0E2 (0x44F0E2 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_LBD_FIRED_HIGH —>

<!— 44F0E7 (0x44F0E7 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIAG_LSL_DYN —>

<!— 44F0EB (0x44F0EB 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_VLS_OFS_LIM —>

<!— 44F0EE (0x44F0EE 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_I_PMP_LIM —>

<!— 44F0FF (0x44F0FF 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_V_PMP_LIM —>

<!— 450A02 (0x450A02 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Tempemperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 450A02 (0x450A02 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 450A03 (0x450A03 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 450A03 (0x450A03 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 450A04 (0x450A04 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 450A04 (0x450A04 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 450A14 (0x450A14 0x00): Turbo Charger Out Temperature, Temperature too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 450A14 (0x450A14 0x00): Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 450A15 (0x450A15 0x00): Turbo Charger Out Temperature, Temperature too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 450A15 (0x450A15 0x00): Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 450A1F (0x450A1F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COMP_OUT_GEN2 —>

<!— 45F0FF (0x45F0FF 0x00): MU_SCM_SPEED_LIMIT_LEV2 —>

<!— 460002 (0x460002 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is erratic —>

<!— 460002 (0x460002 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is Erratic —>

<!— 460009 (0x460009 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is missing —>

<!— 460009 (0x460009 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is Missing —>

<!— 46000A (0x46000A 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is erratic —>

<!— 46000A (0x46000A 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is Erratic —>

<!— 46000D (0x46000D 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is missing —>

<!— 46000D (0x46000D 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is Missing —>

<!— 46000E (0x46000E 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is missing —>

<!— 46000E (0x46000E 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is Missing —>

<!— 460013 (0x460013 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is erratic —>

<!— 460013 (0x460013 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is Erratic —>

<!— 460A02 (0x460A02 0x00): Difference Intake Manifold and I Cooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (High Box) —>

<!— 460A02 (0x460A02 0x00): Difference Intake Manifold and Icooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (High Box) —>

<!— 460A03 (0x460A03 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 460A04 (0x460A04 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 460A0B (0x460A0B 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor Plausibility Error —>

<!— 460A0F (0x460A0F 0x00): Cooling Efficency of Icooler too Low —>

<!— 460A10 (0x460A10 0x00): Chage Air Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 460A10 (0x460A10 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 460A14 (0x460A14 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (Low box) —>

<!— 460A14 (0x460A14 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 460A15 (0x460A15 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (High box) —>

<!— 460A15 (0x460A15 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 460A1F (0x460A1F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ICOOLER_OUT_GEN2 —>

<!— 46F0E9 (0x46F0E9 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Keyline Lock —>

<!— 46F0EA (0x46F0EA 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Wrong Key —>

<!— 46F0EB (0x46F0EB 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Transport Protection —>

<!— 46F0ED (0x46F0ED 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Expired Prelease Time without Authentification —>

<!— 46F0EE (0x46F0EE 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Expired Prelease Time Mulitple Times (CAN or EIS Failure) —>

<!— 46F0EF (0x46F0EF 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Odometer Lock Function —>

<!— 46F0F0 (0x46F0F0 0x00): MU_IMB_FBS_HASH_CYC_HIGH —>

<!— 46F0F3 (0x46F0F3 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Missing EIS CAN Signales —>

<!— 46F0F5 (0x46F0F5 0x00): FBS3 t_count Value Expired —>

<!— 46F0FF (0x46F0FF 0x00): FBS3 Data Flash Defect, Exchange ECU —>

<!— 46F0FF (0x46F0FF 0x00): FGS: FBS3 data flash defect, exchange ECU —>

<!— 47050E (0x47050E 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch —>

<!— 470A01 (0x470A01 0x00): FSG: Unexceptable long time in smoke mode —>

<!— 470A01 (0x470A01 0x00): Unexceptable Long Time in Smoke Mode —>

<!— 470A02 (0x470A02 0x00): Turbo Charger / Super Charger Boost System Performance —>

<!— 470A02 (0x470A02 0x00): Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost System Performance —>

<!— 470A03 (0x470A03 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 470A04 (0x470A04 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 470A0E (0x470A0E 0x00): Charge Air Control, Pressure not plausible in brake mode —>

<!— 470A0E (0x470A0E 0x00): Charge Air Control, Pressure Not Plausible in Brake Mode —>

<!— 470A0F (0x470A0F 0x00): MU_SMOKE_MODE_TOO_FREQ —>

<!— 470A14 (0x470A14 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility (Low Box) —>

<!— 470A15 (0x470A15 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure Too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 470A15 (0x470A15 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 47F0E3 (0x47F0E3 0x00): MU_PBS_THRO_ENG_SC_BATT —>

<!— 47F0E4 (0x47F0E4 0x00): MU_PBS_THRO_ENG_SC_GND —>

<!— 47F0E5 (0x47F0E5 0x00): MU_PBS_THRO_ENG_OL —>

<!— 48F0E2 (0x48F0E2 0x00): MU_PBS_P_OUT_DEV —>

<!— 49F0E2 (0x49F0E2 0x00): MU_PBS_P_IN_DEV —>

<!— 4AF0E0 (0x4AF0E0 0x00): MU_PV_B_SHDOWN_OVERVOLTAGE —>

<!— 4AF0E0 (0x4AF0E0 0x00): Overvoltage PV_B Shut Off —>

<!— 4B0E03 (0x4B0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4B0E03 (0x4B0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4B0E04 (0x4B0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4B0E04 (0x4B0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4B0E05 (0x4B0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4B0E05 (0x4B0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL1_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4B0E06 (0x4B0E06 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»»), Valve Shorted Circuit » —>

<!— 4B0E06 (0x4B0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4B0E0A (0x4B0E0A 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»») Abnormal Rate of Change» —>

<!— 4B0E0A (0x4B0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4B0E0A (0x4B0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4BF0E2 (0x4BF0E2 0x00): MU_IS4_CPC_CLOCK_SRC —>

<!— 4BF0EA (0x4BF0EA 0x00): MU_ISP_MCM_TIME_RAT_ERROR —>

<!— 4BF0EF (0x4BF0EF 0x00): MU_RC4_ENG_ON_TIM_PLAUS —>

<!— 4BF0F1 (0x4BF0F1 0x00): MU_RC4_ENG_OFF_TIM_PLAUS —>

<!— 4BF0F2 (0x4BF0F2 0x00): MU_IS4_RTC_ENG_OFF_RAT_CHK —>

<!— 4BF0F3 (0x4BF0F3 0x00): MU_CPC_CLOCK_DATA_SNA —>

<!— 4C0E03 (0x4C0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4C0E03 (0x4C0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4C0E04 (0x4C0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4C0E04 (0x4C0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4C0E05 (0x4C0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4C0E05 (0x4C0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL2_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4C0E06 (0x4C0E06 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»»), Valve Shorted Circuit » —>

<!— 4C0E06 (0x4C0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4C0E0A (0x4C0E0A 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»») Abnormal Rate of Change» —>

<!— 4C0E0A (0x4C0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4C0E0A (0x4C0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too Low , Similar Condition —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SRH_SIC —>

<!— 4CF0F2 (0x4CF0F2 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SRL_SIC —>

<!— 4CF0F2 (0x4CF0F2 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SRL_SMC —>

<!— 4D0E03 (0x4D0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4D0E03 (0x4D0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4D0E04 (0x4D0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4D0E04 (0x4D0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4D0E05 (0x4D0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4D0E05 (0x4D0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL3_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4D0E06 (0x4D0E06 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»»), Valve Shorted Circuit » —>

<!— 4D0E06 (0x4D0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4D0E0A (0x4D0E0A 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»») Abnormal Rate of Change» —>

<!— 4D0E0A (0x4D0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4D0E0A (0x4D0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4DF0E2 (0x4DF0E2 0x00): MU_RPG_INT_MON_SRL_SIC —>

<!— 4DF0E2 (0x4DF0E2 0x00): Over capacity in High Pressure Circuit, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4DF0EA (0x4DF0EA 0x00): MU_RPG_INT_MON_SRH_SIC —>

<!— 4DF0EA (0x4DF0EA 0x00): Under capacity in High Pressure Circuit, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4E0E03 (0x4E0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4E0E03 (0x4E0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4E0E04 (0x4E0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4E0E04 (0x4E0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4E0E05 (0x4E0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4E0E05 (0x4E0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL4_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4E0E06 (0x4E0E06 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»»), Valve Shorted Circuit» —>

<!— 4E0E06 (0x4E0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4E0E0A (0x4E0E0A 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»») Abnormal Rate of Change» —>

<!— 4E0E0A (0x4E0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4E0E0A (0x4E0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4EF0E7 (0x4EF0E7 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Key Slip Detected —>

<!— 4F0E03 (0x4F0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4F0E03 (0x4F0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4F0E04 (0x4F0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4F0E04 (0x4F0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4F0E05 (0x4F0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4F0E05 (0x4F0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL5_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4F0E06 (0x4F0E06 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»»), Valve Shorted Circuit » —>

<!— 4F0E06 (0x4F0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4F0E0A (0x4F0E0A 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»») Abnormal Rate of Change» —>

<!— 4F0E0A (0x4F0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4F0E0A (0x4F0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4FF0EB (0x4FF0EB 0x00): Cylinder #1 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 500E03 (0x500E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 500E03 (0x500E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 500E04 (0x500E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 500E04 (0x500E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 500E05 (0x500E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 500E05 (0x500E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL6_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 500E06 (0x500E06 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»»), Valve Shorted Circuit» —>

<!— 500E06 (0x500E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 500E0A (0x500E0A 0x00): «Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («»Amplifier»») Abnormal Rate of Change» —>

<!— 500E0A (0x500E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 500E0A (0x500E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 50F0EB (0x50F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #2 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 510E0E (0x510E0E 0x00): FSG: MCM/ACM freeze frame version incompatible —>

<!— 510E0E (0x510E0E 0x00): MCM / ACM Freeze Frame Version Incompatible —>

<!— 510E0E (0x510E0E 0x00): MCM/ACM freeze frame version incompatible —>

<!— 51F0EB (0x51F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #3 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 52F0EB (0x52F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #4 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 53F0EB (0x53F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #5 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 540002 (0x540002 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is erratic —>

<!— 540002 (0x540002 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is Erratic —>

<!— 540003 (0x540003 0x00): Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 540004 (0x540004 0x00): Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 540009 (0x540009 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is missing —>

<!— 540009 (0x540009 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is Missing —>

<!— 54000A (0x54000A 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is erratic —>

<!— 54000A (0x54000A 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is Erratic —>

<!— 54000B (0x54000B 0x00): Vehicle Speed Failure —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is missing —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is Missing —>

<!— 54000E (0x54000E 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is missing —>

<!— 54000E (0x54000E 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is Missing —>

<!— 540013 (0x540013 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is erratic —>

<!— 540013 (0x540013 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is Erratic —>

<!— 540015 (0x540015 0x00): MU_RC4_VSS_DATA_ERRATIC —>

<!— 540015 (0x540015 0x00): Vehicle Speed Sensor Erratic —>

<!— 54F0EB (0x54F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #6 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 55F0EE (0x55F0EE 0x00): Misfire Detection without Cylinder Number Detection, Similar Condition —>

<!— 56F0EE (0x56F0EE 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 57F0E7 (0x57F0E7 0x00): Starter Inhibit due to SCM —>

<!— 580403 (0x580403 0x00): MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 580404 (0x580404 0x00): MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 580405 (0x580405 0x00): MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 58F0E7 (0x58F0E7 0x00): Engine Brake Inhibit due to SCM via MVB —>

<!— 59F0E7 (0x59F0E7 0x00): Engine Brake Inhibit due to SCM via JB1 —>

<!— 5AF0E7 (0x5AF0E7 0x00): Engine Brake Inhibit due to SCM via JB2 —>

<!— 5BF0E2 (0x5BF0E2 0x00): EGR Pipe Frozen —>

<!— 5CF0E2 (0x5CF0E2 0x00): EGR Valve Frozen —>

<!— 5CF0E2 (0x5CF0E2 0x00): EGR Valve frozen —>

<!— 5DF0E2 (0x5DF0E2 0x00): Slow Engine Oil Pressure Buildup, Reduced Engine Torque —>

<!— 5DF0E2 (0x5DF0E2 0x00): Slow engine oil pressure buildup, reduced engine torque —>

<!— 5E0001 (0x5E0001 0x00): Fuel Pressure in Low Pressure Circuit too Low —>

<!— 5E0001 (0x5E0001 0x00): MU_IS2_P_LOW_CIRC_TOO_LOW —>

<!— 5E0002 (0x5E0002 0x00): Low Side Fuel Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— 5E0003 (0x5E0003 0x00): Low Side Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 5E0004 (0x5E0004 0x00): Low Side Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 5E000F (0x5E000F 0x00): Fuel Filter Service Warning —>

<!— 5E0010 (0x5E0010 0x00): Fuel Filter Replacement Required —>

<!— 5E040F (0x5E040F 0x00): EGR Flow Rate too Low —>

<!— 5E0410 (0x5E0410 0x00): EGR Flow Rate too Low —>

<!— 5E0410 (0x5E0410 0x00): FSG: EGR Flow Rate too Low —>

<!— 5E0410 (0x5E0410 0x00): MU_RC4_EGR_DEV_LOW_LEV2 —>

<!— 5E0412 (0x5E0412 0x00): EGR Flow Rate too High —>

<!— 5E0412 (0x5E0412 0x00): FSG: EGR Flow Rate too High —>

<!— 5EF0E7 (0x5EF0E7 0x00): MU_SCM_RESET_HW_DEFECT —>

<!— 5EF0EE (0x5EF0EE 0x00): MU_SCM_RESET_SW_DEFECT —>

<!— 5EF0FF (0x5EF0FF 0x00): SW-Reset Executed by MCM2-Level3 Monitoring due to Microcontroller / OS Issue or Request by Level2-Monitoring —>

<!— 5FF0E2 (0x5FF0E2 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Value Not Plausible —>

<!— 5FF0E7 (0x5FF0E7 0x00): MU_SCM_RESET_HW_DEFECT —>

<!— 5FF0ED (0x5FF0ED 0x00): MU_SCM_RESET_SW_DEFECT —>


<!— 600002 (0x600002 0x00): fuel sender signal not plausible —>

<!— 600002 (0x600002 0x00): Fuel Tank Level Sensor Stuck in Position —>

<!— 600002 (0x600002 0x00): MU_IS4_CAN_LVL_FEUL_TNK_PLAUS —>

<!— 601003 (0x601003 0x00): Water Level Electrical Water Separator SRC Failed High —>

<!— 601004 (0x601004 0x00): Water Level Electrical Water Separator SRC Failed Low —>

<!— 601007 (0x601007 0x00): Electrical Water Separator, Mechanical Defect —>

<!— 601009 (0x601009 0x00): Engine Fuel Filter Water Level Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 60100E (0x60100E 0x00): Electrical Water Separator, Valve defect —>

<!— 60100E (0x60100E 0x00): Electrical Water Separator, Valve Defect —>

<!— 60100F (0x60100F 0x00): Filter Lifetime Pre Warning —>

<!— 60100F (0x60100F 0x00): FSG: Filter lifetime pre-warning —>

<!— 60100F (0x60100F 0x00): FSG: Water seperator lifetime pre-warning —>

<!— 601010 (0x601010 0x00): Filter Lifetime Warning —>

<!— 601010 (0x601010 0x00): FSG: Filter lifetime warning —>

<!— 601010 (0x601010 0x00): FSG: Water seperator lifetime warning —>

<!— 60F0EE (0x60F0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST1 —>

<!— 60F0FF (0x60F0FF 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST2 —>

<!— 610000 (0x610000 0x00): Water in Fuel Lifetime exceeded —>

<!— 610000 (0x610000 0x00): Water in Fuel Lifetime Exceeded —>

<!— 610003 (0x610003 0x00): Water in Fuel Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 610004 (0x610004 0x00): Water in Fuel Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 610007 (0x610007 0x00): MU_ISP_WIF_DEFECTIVE —>

<!— 610007 (0x610007 0x00): Water in Fuel Sensor — Defect —>

<!— 61000E (0x61000E 0x00): MU_ISP_WATER_IN_FUEL_IGNRD —>

<!— 61000E (0x61000E 0x00): water in fuel drain request light ignored —>

<!— 61000E (0x61000E 0x00): Water in Fuel Ignored — Warning —>

<!— 61000F (0x61000F 0x00): Water in Fuel —>

<!— 610010 (0x610010 0x00): MU_ISP_WATER_IN_FUEL2 —>

<!— 610010 (0x610010 0x00): Water in Fuel Ignored — Derate —>

<!— 61001F (0x61001F 0x00): MU_ISP_WATER_IN_FUEL_IGNR2 —>

<!— 61001F (0x61001F 0x00): Water in Fuel Ignored — Shutdown —>

<!— 61020C (0x61020C 0x00): FSG: SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level3 monitoring due to mikrocontroller / OS issue or request by Level2-monitoring —>

<!— 61020C (0x61020C 0x00): Microcontroller Trap has been activated —>

<!— 61020C (0x61020C 0x00): SW-Reset Executed by MCM2-Level3 Monitoring due to Microcontroller / OS Issue or Request by Level2-Monitoring —>

<!— 61020C (0x61020C 0x00): SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level3 monitoring due to mikrocontroller / OS issue or request by Level2-monitoring: —>

<!— 611002 (0x611002 0x00): Coolant Inlet Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— 611003 (0x611003 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 611004 (0x611004 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 61100A (0x61100A 0x00): Coolant Temperature Sensors not Plausible —>

<!— 61100A (0x61100A 0x00): Coolant Temperature Sensors Not Plausible —>

<!— 611011 (0x611011 0x00): MU_ISP_ENG_WARM_MON —>

<!— 611015 (0x611015 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COOLANT_IN_GEN2 —>

<!— 61101F (0x61101F 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (IN), General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 61101F (0x61101F 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (IN), General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 61F0EE (0x61F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL1 —>

<!— 620000 (0x620000 0x00): Oil Level Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 620001 (0x620001 0x00): Oil Level Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 620002 (0x620002 0x00): FSG: Oil level sensor value not plausible —>

<!— 620002 (0x620002 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Value Not Plausible —>

<!— 620004 (0x620004 0x00): FSG: Oil Level Sensor defect —>

<!— 620004 (0x620004 0x00): MU_ISP_L_OIL_DEF —>

<!— 620004 (0x620004 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Defect —>

<!— 620005 (0x620005 0x00): FSG: Oil Level Sensor Wire Open Load —>

<!— 620005 (0x620005 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Wire Open Load —>

<!— 620005 (0x620005 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 62000D (0x62000D 0x00): Oil Level Measurement, Configuration Error —>

<!— 62000D (0x62000D 0x00): Oil Level Mesaurement, Configuration Error —>

<!— 62000E (0x62000E 0x00): MU_FAB_OIL_LEV_MEAS_PEND —>

<!— 62000E (0x62000E 0x00): Oil Level Mesaurement, Oil Level Too Low or Too High —>

<!— 62000E (0x62000E 0x00): Oil Level Mesaurement, Oil Level too Low or too High —>

<!— 620010 (0x620010 0x00): Engine Oil Level too High —>

<!— 620010 (0x620010 0x00): FSG: Engine Oil Level Too High —>

<!— 620011 (0x620011 0x00): Engine Oil Level is too Low —>

<!— 620012 (0x620012 0x00): Engine Oil Level too Low —>

<!— 620012 (0x620012 0x00): FSG: Engine Oil Level too low —>

<!— 620103 (0x620103 0x00): Relative Humidity Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 620104 (0x620104 0x00): Relative Humidity Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 62F0EE (0x62F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL2 —>

<!— 630A00 (0x630A00 0x00): EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — High Flow —>

<!— 630A0A (0x630A0A 0x00): MU_AM_EGR_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— 630A12 (0x630A12 0x00): EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — Low Flow —>

<!— 63F0EE (0x63F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL3 —>

<!— 640000 (0x640000 0x00): MU_RC1_P_OIL_STUCK —>

<!— 640001 (0x640001 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Low —>

<!— 640002 (0x640002 0x00): Oil Pressure Plausibility — Engine Running —>

<!— 640002 (0x640002 0x00): Slow Engine Oil Pressure Buildup, Reduced Engine Torque —>

<!— 640003 (0x640003 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 640004 (0x640004 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 64000A (0x64000A 0x00): MU_EPF_P_ENG_OIL_BUILDUP —>

<!— 640010 (0x640010 0x00): MU_EPF_P_ENG_OIL_HIGH_WARN —>

<!— 640011 (0x640011 0x00): MU_EPF_P_ENG_OIL_PREWARN —>

<!— 640012 (0x640012 0x00): MU_EPF_LOW_IDLE_SHUT_DOWN —>

<!— 640014 (0x640014 0x00): Oil Pressure Plausibility — Stop —>

<!— 640600 (0x640600 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Low Efficiency —>

<!— 640602 (0x640602 0x00): Difference Intake Manifold and I Cooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (Low Box) —>

<!— 640602 (0x640602 0x00): Difference Intake Manifold and Icooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (Low Box) —>

<!— 640603 (0x640603 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 640604 (0x640604 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 64060B (0x64060B 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 640614 (0x640614 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 640615 (0x640615 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 64F0EE (0x64F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL4 —>

<!— 65F0EE (0x65F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL5 —>

<!— 660010 (0x660010 0x00): FSG: Intake Manifold Pressure to high —>

<!— 660010 (0x660010 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too High —>

<!— 660012 (0x660012 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure to Low —>

<!— 660012 (0x660012 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too Low —>

<!— 66F0EE (0x66F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL6 —>

<!— 670000 (0x670000 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Above Threshold (Low Box) —>

<!— 670001 (0x670001 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Below Threshold (High Box) —>

<!— 670002 (0x670002 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Not Plausible —>

<!— 670002 (0x670002 0x00): Turbocharger Speed Not Plausible —>

<!— 670003 (0x670003 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 670004 (0x670004 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 67000F (0x67000F 0x00): Turbo Charger Overspeed Check —>

<!— 670010 (0x670010 0x00): MU_RC4_TC_OVRSPD_DET —>

<!— 670202 (0x670202 0x00): Water Pump Limp Home Mode —>

<!— 670207 (0x670207 0x00): Water Pump Mechanical Defect Detected —>

<!— 670213 (0x670213 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Actuator Position Error —>

<!— 67040A (0x67040A 0x00): FSG: Turbocharger Boost Control «A» Slow Response —>

<!— 67040A (0x67040A 0x00): MU_RC4_BST_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— 67040A (0x67040A 0x00): Turbo Charger Boost Control «A» Slow Response —>

<!— 670601 (0x670601 0x00): FAN Clutch Issue —>

<!— 670602 (0x670602 0x00): Fan Speed Error —>

<!— 670602 (0x670602 0x00): FSG: Fan speed error —>

<!— 670610 (0x670610 0x00): MU_FAN_ENG_RATE_HIGH_ERR —>

<!— 670612 (0x670612 0x00): MU_FAN_ENG_RATE_LOW_ERR —>

<!— 67F0EB (0x67F0EB 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Fault —>

<!— 67F0EB (0x67F0EB 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span Too Small Range 2, Max Learn Attempts Completed —>

<!— 67F0EC (0x67F0EC 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Internal Test Running —>

<!— 67F0EC (0x67F0EC 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span Too Small Range 2, Max Learn Attempts Not Completed —>

<!— 67F0EE (0x67F0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_LEARN_R3_SEAT —>

<!— 67F0EE (0x67F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span Too Small Range 3 —>

<!— 67F0F3 (0x67F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning —>

<!— 67F0F3 (0x67F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Communication Error —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Restricted Operability —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Cycle Incomplete —>

<!— 68F0E3 (0x68F0E3 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Low Supply Voltage —>

<!— 68F0E3 (0x68F0E3 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_SUPPLY_ERR —>

<!— 68F0E3 (0x68F0E3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Low Supply Voltage —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Error —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Unknown Error Code —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Calibration Error —>

<!— 68F0EE (0x68F0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_BUFFER_1 —>

<!— 68F0EE (0x68F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Place Holder MU_1 —>

<!— 68F0F3 (0x68F0F3 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Communication Error —>

<!— 68F0F3 (0x68F0F3 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Internal Test Running —>

<!— 68F0F3 (0x68F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Communication Error —>

<!— 68F0FF (0x68F0FF 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Incomplete —>

<!— 68F0FF (0x68F0FF 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Warning —>

<!— 68F0FF (0x68F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Learn Cycle Incomplete —>

<!— 690002 (0x690002 0x00): MU_RC4_T_INTAKE_GEN2 —>

<!— 690010 (0x690010 0x00): Cooling Efficency of Icooler too Low —>

<!— 690010 (0x690010 0x00): Cooling Efficency of intercooler to low —>

<!— 690010 (0x690010 0x00): FSG: Cooling Efficency of intercooler to low —>

<!— 69F0EE (0x69F0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_BUFFER_2 —>

<!— 69F0EE (0x69F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Place Holder MU_2 —>

<!— 6AF0EE (0x6AF0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_BUFFER_1 —>

<!— 6AF0EE (0x6AF0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Place Holder MU_1 —>

<!— 6BF0EE (0x6BF0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_BUFFER_2 —>

<!— 6BF0EE (0x6BF0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Place Holder MU_2 —>

<!— 6C0002 (0x6C0002 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 6C0003 (0x6C0003 0x00): Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6C0004 (0x6C0004 0x00): Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6C0014 (0x6C0014 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 6C0303 (0x6C0303 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6C0304 (0x6C0304 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6C0305 (0x6C0305 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 6CF0E3 (0x6CF0E3 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_WAX_SC_BATT —>

<!— 6CF0E4 (0x6CF0E4 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_WAX_SC_GND —>

<!— 6CF0E5 (0x6CF0E5 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_WAX_OL —>


<!— 6E0000 (0x6E0000 0x00): Coolant Temperature High —>

<!— 6E0001 (0x6E0001 0x00): MU_EPF_IDLE_T_COOL_L_WARN —>

<!— 6E0002 (0x6E0002 0x00): Coolant Outlet Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— 6E0003 (0x6E0003 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6E0004 (0x6E0004 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6E000E (0x6E000E 0x00): Coolant Temperature / Engine Oil Temperature Plausibility Fault —>

<!— 6E000F (0x6E000F 0x00): MU_EPF_T_COOL_HIGH_PREWARN —>

<!— 6E0012 (0x6E0012 0x00): MU_RC4_COOL_SYS_FAIL —>

<!— 6E0014 (0x6E0014 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (OUT), General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 6E0014 (0x6E0014 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (OUT), General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 6E0015 (0x6E0015 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COOLANT_OUT_GEN2 —>

<!— 6E001F (0x6E001F 0x00): Coolant Temperature Differential High —>

<!— 6EF0E2 (0x6EF0E2 0x00): MU_RC4_LAMBDA_DEV_NOX —>

<!— 6F0001 (0x6F0001 0x00): Coolant Level Very Low —>

<!— 6F0003 (0x6F0003 0x00): Coolant Level Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6F0004 (0x6F0004 0x00): Coolant Level Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6F0012 (0x6F0012 0x00): Coolant Level Low —>

<!— 6F0013 (0x6F0013 0x00): Coolant Level Low (CAN) —>

<!— 6F0200 (0x6F0200 0x00): Driver Inducement System, SEL Solid Active —>

<!— 6F0210 (0x6F0210 0x00): Driver Inducement System, SEL Flash Active —>

<!— 6FF0EE (0x6FF0EE 0x00): MU_RC4_LAMBDA_DEV_AFL —>

<!— 700200 (0x700200 0x00): Driver Inducement System, CEL Solid Active —>

<!— 700210 (0x700210 0x00): Driver Inducement System, CEL Flash Active —>

<!— 70F0EF (0x70F0EF 0x00): MU_SP_EGR_MASS_VIRT_OFFSET —>

<!— 710202 (0x710202 0x00): Invalid Data on Engine CAN Link —>

<!— 710203 (0x710203 0x00): Engine CAN High Wire Defect — (wire 2) —>

<!— 710203 (0x710203 0x00): Engine CAN High Wire Defect — (Wire 2) —>

<!— 710204 (0x710204 0x00): Engine CAN Low Wire Defect — (wire 1) —>

<!— 710204 (0x710204 0x00): Engine CAN Low Wire Defect — (Wire 1) —>

<!— 710208 (0x710208 0x00): MCM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving —>

<!— 710209 (0x710209 0x00): No Data Received from Engine CAN Link —>

<!— 71020E (0x71020E 0x00): ACM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving —>

<!— 710211 (0x710211 0x00): MU_CAN_NO_COM_STAGE2 —>

<!— 710211 (0x710211 0x00): No ACM Communication — Pre Warning —>

<!— 710212 (0x710212 0x00): MU_CAN_NO_COM_STAGE3 —>

<!— 710212 (0x710212 0x00): No ACM Communication — Warning —>

<!— 74020D (0x74020D 0x00): MCM Powerdown Error —>

<!— 760202 (0x760202 0x00): Calibration Data Not Plausible —>

<!— 76020A (0x76020A 0x00): MU_STU_NO_PWL —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): EEPROM Read / Write Operation Failed —>

<!— 76020D (0x76020D 0x00): Calibration Data Not Plausible (CPLD) —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): UDS Tables unsorted, UDS security access issue —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): UDS Tables Unsorted, UDS Security Access Issue —>

<!— 76021F (0x76021F 0x00): MU_E2P_IR_DATA_LOSS —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): FSG: HC-Dosing Conditions not fullfilled —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): HC-Dosing Conditions Not Fullfilled —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 7B0601 (0x7B0601 0x00): MU_RC4_TSTAT_MON —>

<!— 7B0611 (0x7B0611 0x00): MU_ISP_TSTAT_MON —>

<!— 7B0612 (0x7B0612 0x00): Thermostat Error Detected —>

<!— 7C0201 (0x7C0201 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— 7C0201 (0x7C0201 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low —>

<!— 7C0202 (0x7C0202 0x00): No Match of Camshaft and Crankshaft Signals —>

<!— 7C0203 (0x7C0203 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit —>

<!— 7C0204 (0x7C0204 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— 7C0204 (0x7C0204 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low —>

<!— 7C0204 (0x7C0204 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage too Low —>

<!— 7C0208 (0x7C0208 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Time Out —>

<!— 7C020A (0x7C020A 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic —>

<!— 7C020B (0x7C020B 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Failure —>

<!— 7C020E (0x7C020E 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped —>

<!— 7C020F (0x7C020F 0x00): Phase Shift of CRK Tooth 97 to CAM Tooth 10 is too High (Crankshaft Position — Camshaft Position Correlation) —>

<!— 7E1400 (0x7E1400 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FLT_FNL_ACT —>

<!— 7E140E (0x7E140E 0x00): Tier4 Inducement System Has Not Been Activated —>

<!— 7E140F (0x7E140F 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FLT_FNL_WRNG —>

<!— 7E1410 (0x7E1410 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FLT_DERATE —>

<!— 7E141F (0x7E141F 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FNL_SHTDWN_ACT —>

<!— 7F020E (0x7F020E 0x00): J1939 Data Link Failure —>

<!— 810203 (0x810203 0x00): Turbo Control Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 810204 (0x810204 0x00): Turbo Control Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 810205 (0x810205 0x00): Turbo Control Circuit Open —>

<!— 821003 (0x821003 0x00): Differential pressure icooler out sensor circuit failed High —>

<!— 821003 (0x821003 0x00): Differential Pressure Icooler Out Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 821003 (0x821003 0x00): Differential pressure icooler out sensor circuit failed high —>

<!— 821003 (0x821003 0x00): FSG: Differential pressure icooler out sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— 821004 (0x821004 0x00): Differential pressure icooler out sensor circuit failed Low —>

<!— 821004 (0x821004 0x00): Differential Pressure Icooler Out Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 821004 (0x821004 0x00): Differential pressure icooler out sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— 821004 (0x821004 0x00): FSG: Differential pressure icooler out sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— 82100D (0x82100D 0x00): FSG: Icooler out differential pressure sensor out of calibration low —>

<!— 82100D (0x82100D 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low —>

<!— 82100D (0x82100D 0x00): Icooler out differential pressure sensor out of calibration low —>

<!— 82100E (0x82100E 0x00): FSG: Icooler out differential pressure sensor out of calibration high —>

<!— 82100E (0x82100E 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration High —>

<!— 82100E (0x82100E 0x00): Icooler out differential pressure sensor out of calibration high —>

<!— 821014 (0x821014 0x00): FSG: Icooler out differential pressure plausibility fault, pressure to high (low box) —>

<!— 821014 (0x821014 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 821014 (0x821014 0x00): Icooler out differential pressure plausibility fault, pressure to high (low box) —>

<!— 821015 (0x821015 0x00): FSG: Icooler out differential pressure plausibility fault, pressure too low (high box) —>

<!— 821015 (0x821015 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 821015 (0x821015 0x00): Icooler out differential pressure plausibility fault, pressure too low (high box) —>

<!— 831003 (0x831003 0x00): Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 831004 (0x831004 0x00): Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 831005 (0x831005 0x00): Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 831007 (0x831007 0x00): Oil Separator, Max. Duration Time Reached —>

<!— 840001 (0x840001 0x00): Air Mass Flow Too Low —>

<!— 840001 (0x840001 0x00): Air Mass Flow too Low —>

<!— 840002 (0x840002 0x00): Air Mass Adaption Reached Limit —>

<!— 840002 (0x840002 0x00): Air Mass Freeze Detection —>

<!— 840002 (0x840002 0x00): FSG: Air mass adaption reached limit —>

<!— 84000D (0x84000D 0x00): Air Mass Auto Calibration Failed —>

<!— 84000F (0x84000F 0x00): Air Mass Adaption has Reached Implausible Value —>

<!— 840E1F (0x840E1F 0x00): High Idle Regeneration — Low Temperature —>

<!— 840E1F (0x840E1F 0x00): MU_DPF_HIR_TM_MODE_ERR —>

<!— 850510 (0x850510 0x00): FSG: Injection Timing Cyl# 1 Out of range —>

<!— 850510 (0x850510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #1 Out of Range —>

<!— 85051F (0x85051F 0x00): End of injection Timing Cylinder #1 Out of Range —>

<!— 85051F (0x85051F 0x00): FSG: End of injection timing cylinder #1 out of range —>

<!— 860510 (0x860510 0x00): FSG: Injection Timing Cyl# 2 Out of range —>

<!— 860510 (0x860510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #2 Out of Range —>

<!— 86051F (0x86051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #2 Out of Range —>

<!— 86051F (0x86051F 0x00): FSG: End of injection timing cylinder #2 out of range —>

<!— 870203 (0x870203 0x00): Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 870204 (0x870204 0x00): Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 870205 (0x870205 0x00): Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 870510 (0x870510 0x00): FSG: Injection Timing Cyl# 3 Out of range —>

<!— 870510 (0x870510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #3 Out of Range —>

<!— 87051F (0x87051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #3 Out of Range —>

<!— 87051F (0x87051F 0x00): FSG: End of injection timing cylinder #3 out of range —>

<!— 880510 (0x880510 0x00): FSG: Injection Timing Cyl# 4 Out of range —>

<!— 880510 (0x880510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #4 Out of Range —>

<!— 88051F (0x88051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #4 Out of Range —>

<!— 88051F (0x88051F 0x00): FSG: End of injection timing cylinder #4 out of range —>

<!— 880D02 (0x880D02 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Spring Response Time Not Plausible —>

<!— 880D03 (0x880D03 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 1 IAT Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 880D03 (0x880D03 0x00): H Bridge 1 IAT Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 880D04 (0x880D04 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 1 IAT Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 880D04 (0x880D04 0x00): H Bridge 1 IAT Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 880D05 (0x880D05 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 1 IAT Short Circuit/Over Current —>

<!— 880D05 (0x880D05 0x00): H Bridge 1 Circuit Shorted Load —>

<!— 880D05 (0x880D05 0x00): H Bridge 1 IAT Short Circuit / Over Current —>

<!— 880D07 (0x880D07 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Stuck —>

<!— 880D08 (0x880D08 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Current Deviation Too High —>

<!— 880D08 (0x880D08 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Current Deviation too High —>

<!— 880D0E (0x880D0E 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Integrated Absolute Error Plausibility —>

<!— 880D10 (0x880D10 0x00): MU_RC4_ITV_P_INT_DEV_HIGH —>

<!— 880D11 (0x880D11 0x00): MU_CAC_ITV_PLAUS_ERR —>

<!— 880D12 (0x880D12 0x00): MU_RC4_ITV_P_INT_DEV_LOW —>

<!— 880D1F (0x880D1F 0x00): FSG: H Bridge 1 IAT circuit open load —>

<!— 880D1F (0x880D1F 0x00): H Bridge 1 Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 880D1F (0x880D1F 0x00): H Bridge 1 IAT Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 890510 (0x890510 0x00): FSG: Injection Timing Cyl# 5 Out of range —>

<!— 890510 (0x890510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #5 Out of Range —>

<!— 89051F (0x89051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #5 Out of Range —>

<!— 89051F (0x89051F 0x00): FSG: End of injection timing cylinder #5 out of range —>

<!— 8A0510 (0x8A0510 0x00): FSG: Injection Timing Cyl# 6 Out of range —>

<!— 8A0510 (0x8A0510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #6 Out of Range —>

<!— 8A051F (0x8A051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #6 Out of Range —>

<!— 8A051F (0x8A051F 0x00): FSG: End of injection timing cylinder #6 out of range —>

<!— 8B0203 (0x8B0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8B0203 (0x8B0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8B0204 (0x8B0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8B0204 (0x8B0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8B0205 (0x8B0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1, Needle Control Valve Circuit Open —>

<!— 8B0205 (0x8B0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL1_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8B0206 (0x8B0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): FSG: Reserved 9 —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder 1, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): MU_INJ_STICK_NEEDLE_CYL1 —>

<!— 8B020A (0x8B020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8B020A (0x8B020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8B0607 (0x8B0607 0x00): Injection Inhibited by Immobilizer (Wrong Key or CAN or EIS Issue) —>

<!— 8C0203 (0x8C0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8C0203 (0x8C0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8C0204 (0x8C0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8C0204 (0x8C0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8C0205 (0x8C0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8C0205 (0x8C0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL2_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8C0206 (0x8C0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): FSG: Reserved 10 —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder 2, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): MU_INJ_STICK_NEEDLE_CYL2 —>

<!— 8C020A (0x8C020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8C020A (0x8C020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8D0203 (0x8D0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8D0203 (0x8D0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8D0204 (0x8D0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8D0204 (0x8D0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8D0205 (0x8D0205 0x00): FSG: Reserved 5 —>

<!— 8D0205 (0x8D0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8D0205 (0x8D0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder 3, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed —>

<!— 8D0205 (0x8D0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL3_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8D0206 (0x8D0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): FSG: Reserved 11 —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder 3, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): MU_INJ_STICK_NEEDLE_CYL3 —>

<!— 8D020A (0x8D020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8D020A (0x8D020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8E0203 (0x8E0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8E0203 (0x8E0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8E0204 (0x8E0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8E0204 (0x8E0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8E0205 (0x8E0205 0x00): FSG: Reserved 6 —>

<!— 8E0205 (0x8E0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8E0205 (0x8E0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder 4, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed —>

<!— 8E0205 (0x8E0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL4_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8E0206 (0x8E0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): FSG: Reserved 12 —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder 4, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): MU_INJ_STICK_NEEDLE_CYL4 —>

<!— 8E020A (0x8E020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8E020A (0x8E020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8E0D03 (0x8E0D03 0x00): Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 8E0D04 (0x8E0D04 0x00): Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 8E0D05 (0x8E0D05 0x00): Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 8F0203 (0x8F0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8F0203 (0x8F0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8F0204 (0x8F0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8F0204 (0x8F0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8F0205 (0x8F0205 0x00): FSG: Reserved 7 —>

<!— 8F0205 (0x8F0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8F0205 (0x8F0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder 5, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed —>

<!— 8F0205 (0x8F0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL5_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8F0206 (0x8F0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): FSG: Reserved 13 —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder 5, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): MU_INJ_STICK_NEEDLE_CYL5 —>

<!— 8F020A (0x8F020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8F020A (0x8F020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8F0D03 (0x8F0D03 0x00): HC Doser Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 8F0D04 (0x8F0D04 0x00): HC Doser Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 8F0D05 (0x8F0D05 0x00): HC Doser Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 900203 (0x900203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 900203 (0x900203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 900204 (0x900204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 900204 (0x900204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 900205 (0x900205 0x00): FSG: Reserved 8 —>

<!— 900205 (0x900205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 900205 (0x900205 0x00): Injector Cylinder 6, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed —>

<!— 900205 (0x900205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL6_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 900206 (0x900206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): FSG: Reserved 14 —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): Injector Cylinder 6, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): MU_INJ_STICK_NEEDLE_CYL6 —>

<!— 90020A (0x90020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 90020A (0x90020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 900C02 (0x900C02 0x00): NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error —>

<!— 900C0A (0x900C0A 0x00): MU_NOX_INTRU_IDLE —>

<!— 900C0F (0x900C0F 0x00): NOX Sensor Drift Check (High) —>

<!— 900C11 (0x900C11 0x00): NOX Sensor Drift Check (Low) —>

<!— 900C14 (0x900C14 0x00): Nox Inlet Sensor Drift High —>

<!— 900C14 (0x900C14 0x00): SCR Nox Inlet Sensor Drift High —>

<!— 900C15 (0x900C15 0x00): Nox Inlet Sensor Drift Low —>

<!— 900C15 (0x900C15 0x00): SCR Nox Inlet Sensor Drift Low —>

<!— 901200 (0x901200 0x00): EGR Cooler Low Efficiency —>

<!— 90120F (0x90120F 0x00): EGR Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 901210 (0x901210 0x00): Cooling Efficiency of EGR Cooler too Low —>

<!— 901210 (0x901210 0x00): FSG: Cooling efficiency of EGR cooler to low —>

<!— 90121F (0x90121F 0x00): EGR Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 91020A (0x91020A 0x00): EGR valve temperature to high —>

<!— 91020A (0x91020A 0x00): EGR Valve Temperature too High —>

<!— 91020A (0x91020A 0x00): FSG: EGR valve temperature to high —>

<!— 91020E (0x91020E 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to Attain Closed Position —>

<!— 91020E (0x91020E 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to attain closed position —>

<!— 91020E (0x91020E 0x00): FSG: EGR Valve Failed to attain closed position —>

<!— 92020A (0x92020A 0x00): EGR Valve Position Deviation too High —>

<!— 92020A (0x92020A 0x00): EGR valve position deviation too high —>

<!— 92020A (0x92020A 0x00): FSG: EGR valve position deviation too high —>

<!— 92020E (0x92020E 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to Attain Open Position —>

<!— 92020E (0x92020E 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to attain open position —>

<!— 92020E (0x92020E 0x00): FSG: EGR Valve Failed to attain open position —>

<!— 940402 (0x940402 0x00): Coolant Temp/Compressor Inlet Temp Plausibility Error —>

<!— 940402 (0x940402 0x00): Coolant Temperature / Compressor Inlet Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 940403 (0x940403 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 940403 (0x940403 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 940404 (0x940404 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 940404 (0x940404 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 940414 (0x940414 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 940414 (0x940414 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 94041F (0x94041F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COMP_IN_GEN2 —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (High Side), short-circuit to battery —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (High Side), Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): MU_CMP_EGCP_HEAT_HS_SC_BAT —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (High Side), short-circuit to ground —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (High Side), Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): MU_CMP_EGCP_HEAT_HS_SC_GND —>

<!— 980402 (0x980402 0x00): FSG: Icooler out pressure plausibility fault, pressure to high (low box) —>

<!— 980414 (0x980414 0x00): FSG: Icooler out pressure plausibility fault, pressure to low (high box) —>

<!— 980414 (0x980414 0x00): Icooler Out Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 980D00 (0x980D00 0x00): Fuel Compensation Pressure High —>

<!— 980D01 (0x980D01 0x00): Doser Fuel Supply Pressure Abnormal —>

<!— 980D02 (0x980D02 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Low —>

<!— 980D03 (0x980D03 0x00): Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 980D04 (0x980D04 0x00): Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 980D0E (0x980D0E 0x00): Doser FLP Sensors Failed Self Test —>

<!— 980D10 (0x980D10 0x00): Fuel Pressure too High / too Low —>

<!— 980D10 (0x980D10 0x00): Fuel Pressure Too High/Too Low —>

<!— 980D15 (0x980D15 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— 980D1F (0x980D1F 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— 990B03 (0x990B03 0x00): FSG: PCV current deviation too high —>

<!— 990B03 (0x990B03 0x00): PCV Current Deviation too High —>

<!— 990B03 (0x990B03 0x00): PCV current deviation too high —>

<!— 990B04 (0x990B04 0x00): FSG: PCV current too low —>

<!— 990B04 (0x990B04 0x00): PCV Current too Low —>

<!— 990B04 (0x990B04 0x00): PCV current too low —>

<!— 9A0D03 (0x9A0D03 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9A0D04 (0x9A0D04 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9A0D05 (0x9A0D05 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 9A0D07 (0x9A0D07 0x00): FCV Failed Self Test —>

<!— 9A0D11 (0x9A0D11 0x00): DDV Error Detected During Non Regeneration Mode —>

<!— 9B0100 (0x9B0100 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (dp_egr_high in the Low Box) —>

<!— 9B0100 (0x9B0100 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (High Box) —>

<!— 9B0100 (0x9B0100 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (Low Box) —>

<!— 9B0101 (0x9B0101 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (dp_egr_low in the High Box) —>

<!— 9B0101 (0x9B0101 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (High Box) —>

<!— 9B0101 (0x9B0101 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (Low Box) —>

<!— 9B0102 (0x9B0102 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low —>

<!— 9B0102 (0x9B0102 0x00): FSG: EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration Low —>

<!— 9B0103 (0x9B0103 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit High —>

<!— 9B0104 (0x9B0104 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit Low —>

<!— 9B010D (0x9B010D 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration High —>

<!— 9B010D (0x9B010D 0x00): FSG: EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration High —>

<!— 9C0100 (0x9C0100 0x00): EGR Temperature Very High —>

<!— 9C0102 (0x9C0102 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 9C0102 (0x9C0102 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 9C0103 (0x9C0103 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9C0104 (0x9C0104 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9C010F (0x9C010F 0x00): EGR Valve Temperature too High —>

<!— 9C0110 (0x9C0110 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor / Temperature Too High —>

<!— 9C0110 (0x9C0110 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor / Temperature too High —>

<!— 9C0114 (0x9C0114 0x00): EGR Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 9C0115 (0x9C0115 0x00): EGR Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 9C0403 (0x9C0403 0x00): MU_IS4_T_TURB_IN_SRH —>

<!— 9C0403 (0x9C0403 0x00): tbd —>

<!— 9C0404 (0x9C0404 0x00): MU_IS4_TURB_IN_SRL —>

<!— 9D0002 (0x9D0002 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Signal Erratic —>

<!— 9D0004 (0x9D0004 0x00): FSG: Pressure control valve ( Low side ) error —>

<!— 9D0004 (0x9D0004 0x00): Pressure control valve ( Low side ) error —>

<!— 9D0004 (0x9D0004 0x00): Pressure Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— 9D000A (0x9D000A 0x00): FSG: Undercapacity in high pressure circuit —>

<!— 9D000A (0x9D000A 0x00): Undercapacity in High Pressure Circuit —>

<!— 9D000E (0x9D000E 0x00): MU_RPG_LPC_LEAK_MON_ERROR —>

<!— 9D000F (0x9D000F 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SERV_LPC —>

<!— 9D0010 (0x9D0010 0x00): FSG: Fuel Rail pressure too low —>

<!— 9D0010 (0x9D0010 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too Low —>

<!— 9D0011 (0x9D0011 0x00): MU_RPG_RP_START_MON_ERROR —>

<!— 9D0011 (0x9D0011 0x00): Rail Pressure Level for Injection Enabling Not Reached —>

<!— 9D0012 (0x9D0012 0x00): FSG: Fuel Rail Pressure too High —>

<!— 9D0012 (0x9D0012 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too High —>

<!— 9D1200 (0x9D1200 0x00): MU_EPF_T_EXH_HIGH —>

<!— 9E0002 (0x9E0002 0x00): Ignition Switch Not Plausible —>

<!— A11003 (0xA11003 0x00): FSG: Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A11003 (0xA11003 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A11004 (0xA11004 0x00): FSG: Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A11004 (0xA11004 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A21003 (0xA21003 0x00): FSG: Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A21003 (0xA21003 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A21004 (0xA21004 0x00): FSG: Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A21004 (0xA21004 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A40000 (0xA40000 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— A40002 (0xA40002 0x00): FSG: Overcapacity in high pressure circuit —>

<!— A40002 (0xA40002 0x00): Overcapacity in High Pressure Circuit —>

<!— A40003 (0xA40003 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— A40004 (0xA40004 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A40005 (0xA40005 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— A40007 (0xA40007 0x00): High Pressure Pump, Leakage or TDC Position Wrong —>

<!— A4000F (0xA4000F 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SERV_HPC —>

<!— A40014 (0xA40014 0x00): FSG: Rail Pressure Sensor, signal drift (high) —>

<!— A40014 (0xA40014 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift (High) —>

<!— A40015 (0xA40015 0x00): FSG: Rail Pressure Sensor, signal drift (low) —>

<!— A40015 (0xA40015 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift (Low) —>

<!— A40403 (0xA40403 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_SUPPLY_ERROR —>

<!— A40403 (0xA40403 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Supply Voltage Out of Range —>

<!— A40407 (0xA40407 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor On —>

<!— A40407 (0xA40407 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A40408 (0xA40408 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Internal Test Running —>

<!— A40409 (0xA40409 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_NO_CAN —>

<!— A40409 (0xA40409 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A40409 (0xA40409 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Communication —>

<!— A4040A (0xA4040A 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— A4040A (0xA4040A 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Position Deviation Error 2 —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Restricted Operability —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Unknown Error Code —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span Too Small Range 2 —>

<!— A4040D (0xA4040D 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_NO_VALID_SIGNAL —>

<!— A4040D (0xA4040D 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Signal Not Valid —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_POWER_LIMITING —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Actuator Power Limited —>

<!— A4040F (0xA4040F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning —>

<!— A40410 (0xA40410 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Fault —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): FSG: Smart Actuator Indicates EGR Position Error —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates EGR Position Error —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Turbo Charger Waste Gate Position Error —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Position Error —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Unknown Error Code —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Position Deviation Error —>

<!— A50202 (0xA50202 0x00): Starter Switch Inconsistent —>

<!— A50203 (0xA50203 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Shorted to High Source —>

<!— A50204 (0xA50204 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A50205 (0xA50205 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Open Circuit —>

<!— A50207 (0xA50207 0x00): Engine Starter Relay — Starter Does Not Engage —>

<!— A5020B (0xA5020B 0x00): MU_SCL_STARTER_FAULT —>

<!— A5020E (0xA5020E 0x00): Starter Electronic Fault / MCM Internal Failure —>

<!— A50210 (0xA50210 0x00): Starter Electronic Fault / ECU internal (Res) —>

<!— A50210 (0xA50210 0x00): Starter Electronic Fault / ECU Internal (Res) —>

<!— A50212 (0xA50212 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Jammed —>

<!— A5021F (0xA5021F 0x00): Starter Jammed (Tooth to Tooth Jam) —>

<!— A70207 (0xA70207 0x00): Pressure Limiting Valve, Failed to Close —>

<!— A80000 (0xA80000 0x00): Battery Voltage High —>

<!— A80001 (0xA80001 0x00): Battery Voltage Low —>

<!— A80012 (0xA80012 0x00): MU_IS1_U_BATT_LOW —>

<!— AA0C00 (0xAA0C00 0x00): MU_EPF_T_EXH_HIGH —>

<!— AA0C08 (0xAA0C08 0x00): FSG: Reserved 15 —>

<!— AA0C08 (0xAA0C08 0x00): Reserved 15 —>

<!— AA0C08 (0xAA0C08 0x00): Reserved 43 —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Range / Performance —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): FSG: Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Range/Performance —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): MU_RC4_T_AMBIENT_AIR_GEN —>

<!— AB001F (0xAB001F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_AMBIENT_AIR_GEN2 —>

<!— AC0B03 (0xAC0B03 0x00): EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AC0B04 (0xAC0B04 0x00): EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AC0B05 (0xAC0B05 0x00): EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— AE0000 (0xAE0000 0x00): FSG: Fuel Temperature Before High Pressure Pump Too High —>

<!— AE0000 (0xAE0000 0x00): Fuel Temperature Before High Pressure Pump too High —>

<!— AE0002 (0xAE0002 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility —>

<!— AE0002 (0xAE0002 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— AE0003 (0xAE0003 0x00): Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AE0004 (0xAE0004 0x00): Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AE0011 (0xAE0011 0x00): MU_IS4_T_FUEL_MC_MON —>

<!— AE0014 (0xAE0014 0x00): MU_RC4_T_FUEL_GEN2 —>

<!— AE0014 (0xAE0014 0x00): Plausibility Error Fuel Temperature Sensor —>

<!— AE001F (0xAE001F 0x00): FSG: Fuel Temperture Not Plausible —>

<!— AE001F (0xAE001F 0x00): Fuel Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— AF0000 (0xAF0000 0x00): Oil Temperature High Warning —>

<!— AF0002 (0xAF0002 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility —>

<!— AF0002 (0xAF0002 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— AF0003 (0xAF0003 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AF0004 (0xAF0004 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AF000E (0xAF000E 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Plausibility Fault —>

<!— AF000F (0xAF000F 0x00): Oil Temperature High Pre Warning —>

<!— AF000F (0xAF000F 0x00): Oil Temperature High Pre-Warning —>

<!— AF0011 (0xAF0011 0x00): Oil Temperature too Low —>

<!— AF0012 (0xAF0012 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Rises too Slow or Not At All —>

<!— AF001F (0xAF001F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ENG_OIL_GEN2 —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): FSG: Reserved 16 —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): Reserved 16 —>

<!— B20C08 (0xB20C08 0x00): Reserved 44 —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B60D03 (0xB60D03 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B60D04 (0xB60D04 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B70D03 (0xB70D03 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B70D04 (0xB70D04 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B80D03 (0xB80D03 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B80D04 (0xB80D04 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B90D03 (0xB90D03 0x00): MU_ISP_U12_SRH —>

<!— B90D04 (0xB90D04 0x00): MU_ISP_U12_SRL —>

<!— BA0203 (0xBA0203 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— BA0204 (0xBA0204 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— BA0205 (0xBA0205 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— BA0D03 (0xBA0D03 0x00): MU_ISP_UB_plus_10_SRH —>

<!— BA0D04 (0xBA0D04 0x00): MU_ISP_UB_plus_10_SRL —>

<!— BC001F (0xBC001F 0x00): Idle Speed Out of range —>

<!— BC001F (0xBC001F 0x00): Idle Speed Out of Range —>

<!— BE0000 (0xBE0000 0x00): Engine Speed High —>

<!— BE000F (0xBE000F 0x00): MU_EPF_ENG_SPEED_PREWARN —>

<!— BE0010 (0xBE0010 0x00): MU_EPF_ENGINE_OVERSPEED —>

<!— BE0011 (0xBE0011 0x00): MU_EPF_ENG_SPEED_PREWARN —>

<!— BF000D (0xBF000D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is missing —>

<!— BF000D (0xBF000D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is Missing —>

<!— BF0013 (0xBF0013 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is erratic —>

<!— BF0013 (0xBF0013 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is Erratic —>

<!— C01407 (0xC01407 0x00): MU_RC4_P_INT_LOW_CEL —>

<!— C10203 (0xC10203 0x00): Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— C10204 (0xC10204 0x00): Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— C31505 (0xC31505 0x00): PCV Current too Low —>

<!— C31506 (0xC31506 0x00): PCV Current Deviation too High —>

<!— C31507 (0xC31507 0x00): Pressure Limiting Valve, Failed to Close —>

<!— C60203 (0xC60203 0x00): Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— C60204 (0xC60204 0x00): Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— C91203 (0xC91203 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1) —>

<!— C91204 (0xC91204 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1) —>

<!— CA1203 (0xCA1203 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 2) —>

<!— CA1204 (0xCA1204 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 2) —>

<!— CB0203 (0xCB0203 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— CB0204 (0xCB0204 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— CB140D (0xCB140D 0x00): Excessive Time to Enter Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control —>

<!— CC0204 (0xCC0204 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— CC0205 (0xCC0205 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— CE1203 (0xCE1203 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed High —>

<!— CE1204 (0xCE1204 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— CE1205 (0xCE1205 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— CF0409 (0xCF0409 0x00): ACM Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving —>

<!— D0070D (0xD0070D 0x00): MCM / ACM Freeze Frame Version Incompatible —>

<!— D1030D (0xD1030D 0x00): FAN Initialization Failed, Internal Error —>

<!— D1030E (0xD1030E 0x00): FAN Clutch Issue —>

<!— D30201 (0xD30201 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— D30201 (0xD30201 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low —>

<!— D30203 (0xD30203 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit —>

<!— D30204 (0xD30204 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— D30204 (0xD30204 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low —>

<!— D30204 (0xD30204 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage too Low —>

<!— D30207 (0xD30207 0x00): MU_EPF_CAM_CRACK —>

<!— D30208 (0xD30208 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Time Out —>

<!— D3020A (0xD3020A 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic —>

<!— D3020B (0xD3020B 0x00): Camkshaft Position Sensor Failure —>

<!— D3020B (0xD3020B 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Failure —>

<!— D3020E (0xD3020E 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped —>

<!— D3021F (0xD3021F 0x00): MU_EPF_CAM_REVERSE_DIR_ERR —>

<!— D3021F (0xD3021F 0x00): Reverse Engine Rotation Detected —>

<!— D40202 (0xD40202 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_LBD_FIRED_HIGH —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), short-circuit to battery —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): MU_CMP_EGCP_HEAT_LS_SC_BAT —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Low Side) short-circuit to ground —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): MU_CMP_EGCP_HEAT_LS_SC_GND —>

<!— D40205 (0xD40205 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit, Open Load —>

<!— D40205 (0xD40205 0x00): MU_CMP_EGCP_HEAT_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): FSG: HO2S Heater Control Circuit Range/Performance (Bank1, Sensor1) —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit Range / Performance (Bank1, Sensor1) —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): MU_CMP_EGCP_HEAT_OVER_LOAD —>

<!— D40207 (0xD40207 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIAG_LSL_DYN —>

<!— D4020B (0xD4020B 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_VLS_OFS_LIM —>

<!— D4020E (0xD4020E 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_I_PMP_LIM —>

<!— D4021F (0xD4021F 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_V_PMP_LIM —>

<!— D41509 (0xD41509 0x00): CAN3 Communication Error —>

<!— D41513 (0xD41513 0x00): CAN3 Electrical Failure —>

<!— D90200 (0xD90200 0x00): Grid Heater Permanently On —>

<!— D90202 (0xD90202 0x00): Grid Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D90203 (0xD90203 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D90204 (0xD90204 0x00): Grid Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D90204 (0xD90204 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D90205 (0xD90205 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— D90207 (0xD90207 0x00): Grid Heater Defect —>

<!— E70A00 (0xE70A00 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A00 (0xE70A00 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Alert —>

<!— E70A00 (0xE70A00 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Alert —>

<!— E70A02 (0xE70A02 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Position Deviation Error —>

<!— E70A02 (0xE70A02 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Fault —>

<!— E70A02 (0xE70A02 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Position Deviation Error —>

<!— E70A03 (0xE70A03 0x00): EGR Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— E70A04 (0xE70A04 0x00): EGR Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— E70A05 (0xE70A05 0x00): EGR Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor On —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Restricted Operability —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A08 (0xE70A08 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Internal Test Running —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, No Communication —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_NO_CAN —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), No Communication —>

<!— E70A0A (0xE70A0A 0x00): EGR Actuator Slow Response —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Common Failure —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Restricted Operability —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_COMMON_FAILURE —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Common Failure —>

<!— E70A0C (0xE70A0C 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Frozen —>

<!— E70A0C (0xE70A0C 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_FROZEN —>

<!— E70A0C (0xE70A0C 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Valve frozen —>

<!— E70A0D (0xE70A0D 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_NO_VALID_SIGNAL —>

<!— E70A0D (0xE70A0D 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Signal Not Valid —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Wrong Failsafe Calibration —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_FAILSAFE_ERR —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Wrong Failsafe Calibration —>

<!— E70A0F (0xE70A0F 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A0F (0xE70A0F 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Warning —>

<!— E70A0F (0xE70A0F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Warning —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor On —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Too Large —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Fault —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Learn Cycle Too Large —>

<!— E70A12 (0xE70A12 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Too Small —>

<!— E70A12 (0xE70A12 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_LEARN_TOO_SMALL —>

<!— E70A12 (0xE70A12 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Learn Span Too Small —>

<!— E70A13 (0xE70A13 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates EGR Position Error —>

<!— E70A13 (0xE70A13 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Position Error —>

<!— E70A1F (0xE70A1F 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Slow Response —>

<!— E70A1F (0xE70A1F 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Unknown Error Code —>

<!— E70A1F (0xE70A1F 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— E70A1F (0xE70A1F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Position Deviation Error 2 —>

<!— EA0C00 (0xEA0C00 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Temperature too High —>

<!— EA0C02 (0xEA0C02 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Position Deviation —>

<!— EA0C03 (0xEA0C03 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EA0C04 (0xEA0C04 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EA0C05 (0xEA0C05 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Open Load —>

<!— EA0C07 (0xEA0C07 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamb Position —>

<!— EA0C0A (0xEA0C0A 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Slow Response —>

<!— EA0C0E (0xEA0C0E 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase Sensor Adaption Fail —>

<!— EA0C1F (0xEA0C1F 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, at State Joggling —>

<!— EB0A09 (0xEB0A09 0x00): CAN3 Communication Error —>

<!— EB0A13 (0xEB0A13 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Vane Position Error —>

<!— EB0D00 (0xEB0D00 0x00): Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed High —>

<!— EB0D03 (0xEB0D03 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— EB0D04 (0xEB0D04 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— EB0D12 (0xEB0D12 0x00): Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed Low —>

<!— EB0D14 (0xEB0D14 0x00): Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (Low Box) —>

<!— EB0D15 (0xEB0D15 0x00): Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (High Box) —>

<!— EC0B0E (0xEC0B0E 0x00): Misfire Detected —>

<!— ED0A03 (0xED0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1,2,3 Shorted to Battery —>

<!— ED0A03 (0xED0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— ED0A04 (0xED0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— ED0A04 (0xED0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— ED0A1F (0xED0A1F 0x00): MU_OFD_BANK1_OFF_PULL_FAIL —>

<!— ED0F00 (0xED0F00 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure High —>

<!— ED0F03 (0xED0F03 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— ED0F04 (0xED0F04 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— ED0F0E (0xED0F0E 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Failed Self Test —>

<!— ED1410 (0xED1410 0x00): FSG: Total injected fuel mass too high —>

<!— ED1410 (0xED1410 0x00): Total Injected Fuel Mass too High —>

<!— ED1412 (0xED1412 0x00): FSG: Total injected fuel mass too low —>

<!— ED1412 (0xED1412 0x00): Total Injected Fuel Mass too Low —>

<!— ED141F (0xED141F 0x00): MU_ESC_MULTI_CYL —>

<!— EE0A03 (0xEE0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4,5,6, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EE0A03 (0xEE0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EE0A04 (0xEE0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EE0A04 (0xEE0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EE0A1F (0xEE0A1F 0x00): MU_OFD_BANK2_OFF_PULL_FAIL —>

<!— EE1410 (0xEE1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EE1410 (0xEE1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EE1410 (0xEE1410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EE1412 (0xEE1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EE1412 (0xEE1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EE1412 (0xEE1412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EF1410 (0xEF1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EF1410 (0xEF1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EF1410 (0xEF1410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EF1412 (0xEF1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EF1412 (0xEF1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EF1412 (0xEF1412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): O2 Sensor, Heater Invalid Sensor Temperature Measurement —>

<!— F00B04 (0xF00B04 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor, Heater Performance —>

<!— F00B04 (0xF00B04 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_TTIP_OOR —>

<!— F00B04 (0xF00B04 0x00): O2 Sensor, Heater Performance —>

<!— F00B05 (0xF00B05 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vn —>

<!— F00B0E (0xF00B0E 0x00): O2 Sensor, Lambda Rationality During No Fueling —>

<!— F00B14 (0xF00B14 0x00): FSG: Lamda Signal drifted high —>

<!— F00B14 (0xF00B14 0x00): Lamda Signal Drifted High —>

<!— F00B15 (0xF00B15 0x00): FSG: Lamda Signal drifted low —>

<!— F00B15 (0xF00B15 0x00): Lamda Signal Drifted Low —>

<!— F00B1F (0xF00B1F 0x00): MU_RC4_LAMBDA_DEV —>

<!— F01410 (0xF01410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F01410 (0xF01410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F01410 (0xF01410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F01412 (0xF01412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F01412 (0xF01412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F01412 (0xF01412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F11410 (0xF11410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F11410 (0xF11410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F11410 (0xF11410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F11412 (0xF11412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F11412 (0xF11412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F11412 (0xF11412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F20B07 (0xF20B07 0x00): EGR Feedback Control Out of Adjustment High —>

<!— F20B09 (0xF20B09 0x00): MU_RC4_EGR_SLOW_RESP_LB —>

<!— F20B0A (0xF20B0A 0x00): Exhaust Gas Recirculation Slow Response —>

<!— F20B0A (0xF20B0A 0x00): FSG: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Slow Response —>

<!— F20B0A (0xF20B0A 0x00): MU_RC4_EGR_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— F20B1F (0xF20B1F 0x00): EGR Feedback Control Out of Adjustment Low —>

<!— F21410 (0xF21410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F21410 (0xF21410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F21410 (0xF21410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F21412 (0xF21412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F21412 (0xF21412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F21412 (0xF21412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F31410 (0xF31410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F31410 (0xF31410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F31410 (0xF31410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F31412 (0xF31412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F31412 (0xF31412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F31412 (0xF31412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F41410 (0xF41410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F41410 (0xF41410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F41412 (0xF41412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F41412 (0xF41412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F51410 (0xF51410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F51410 (0xF51410 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F51412 (0xF51412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F51412 (0xF51412 0x00): FSG: Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess —>

<!— FC140F (0xFC140F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— FC140F (0xFC140F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning —>

<!— FC1410 (0xFC1410 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_TEMP_ALERT —>

<!— FC1410 (0xFC1410 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Alert —>

Якорь 4

Коды ошибок блока управления MCM 21T Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

<!— 00F0F0 (0x00F0F0 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too High —>

<!— 00F0F2 (0x00F0F2 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too Low —>

<!— 01F0F0 (0x01F0F0 0x00): EGR Feedback on Lambda too High —>

<!— 02F0EE (0x02F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_3 —>

<!— 03F0EE (0x03F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_4 —>

<!— 040E03 (0x040E03 0x00): Ether Start, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 040E04 (0x040E04 0x00): Ether Start, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 040E05 (0x040E05 0x00): Ether Start, Open Load —>

<!— 04F0EE (0x04F0EE 0x00): MU_EGR_OBD_5 —>

<!— 051403 (0x051403 0x00): MU_ISP_ULIN_SRH —>

<!— 051404 (0x051404 0x00): MU_ISP_ULIN_SRL —>

<!— 05F0EE (0x05F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_1 —>

<!— 06F0EE (0x06F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_2 —>

<!— 07F0EE (0x07F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_3 —>

<!— 080201 (0x080201 0x00): MU_EBM_BRAKE_MALFUNCTION —>

<!— 080212 (0x080212 0x00): MU_EBM_RED_BRAKE_POWER —>

<!— 08F0EE (0x08F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_4 —>

<!— 09040A (0x09040A 0x00): MU_ISP_MCM_TIME_RAT_ERROR —>

<!— 09040F (0x09040F 0x00): MCM Engine Run Timer Plausibility —>

<!— 090411 (0x090411 0x00): MCM Engine Off Timer Plausibility —>

<!— 090412 (0x090412 0x00): MU_IS4_RTC_ENG_OFF_RAT_CHK —>

<!— 09F0EE (0x09F0EE 0x00): MU_OBD_PROTO_EV_5 —>

<!— 0B020D (0x0B020D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is Missing —>

<!— 0B0213 (0x0B0213 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is Erratic —>

<!— 0CF0E3 (0x0CF0E3 0x00): Reserved 2 —>

<!— 0CF0E4 (0x0CF0E4 0x00): Reserved 1 —>

<!— 0D0E03 (0x0D0E03 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0D0E04 (0x0D0E04 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0DF0E3 (0x0DF0E3 0x00): Thermal Switch Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0DF0E4 (0x0DF0E4 0x00): Thermal Switch Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0E0E03 (0x0E0E03 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0E0E04 (0x0E0E04 0x00): Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0EF0E3 (0x0EF0E3 0x00): Reserved 4 —>

<!— 0EF0E4 (0x0EF0E4 0x00): Reserved 3 —>

<!— 0F0E03 (0x0F0E03 0x00): MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed High —>

<!— 0F0E04 (0x0F0E04 0x00): MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed Low —>

<!— 0F0E0F (0x0F0E0F 0x00): MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed High Sporadic —>

<!— 0F0E11 (0x0F0E11 0x00): MCM internal Injector Power Supply Failed Low Sporadic —>

<!— 0FF0E3 (0x0FF0E3 0x00): EWS Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 0FF0E4 (0x0FF0E4 0x00): EWS Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 0FF0E5 (0x0FF0E5 0x00): EWS Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 10F0E3 (0x10F0E3 0x00): Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 10F0E4 (0x10F0E4 0x00): Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 10F0E5 (0x10F0E5 0x00): Turbo Compound Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 110B02 (0x110B02 0x00): Park Brake Status Not Plausible (Vehicle Moving) —>

<!— 12F0E3 (0x12F0E3 0x00): Function 19 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 12F0E4 (0x12F0E4 0x00): Function 19 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 12F0E5 (0x12F0E5 0x00): Function 19 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 13150F (0x13150F 0x00): Idle Fuel Quantity Out of Range —>

<!— 13F0E3 (0x13F0E3 0x00): Service Push Button Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 16F0E3 (0x16F0E3 0x00): Function 22 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 16F0E4 (0x16F0E4 0x00): Function 22 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 16F0E5 (0x16F0E5 0x00): Function 22 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 18F0E3 (0x18F0E3 0x00): Function 25 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 18F0E4 (0x18F0E4 0x00): Function 25 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 18F0E5 (0x18F0E5 0x00): Function 25 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 19F0E3 (0x19F0E3 0x00): RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 19F0E4 (0x19F0E4 0x00): RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 19F0E5 (0x19F0E5 0x00): RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 1AF0E3 (0x1AF0E3 0x00): RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1AF0E4 (0x1AF0E4 0x00): RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1AF0E5 (0x1AF0E5 0x00): RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 1B0000 (0x1B0000 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to Attain Closed Position —>

<!— 1B0001 (0x1B0001 0x00): EGR Valve Failed to Attain Open Position —>

<!— 1B0002 (0x1B0002 0x00): EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed —>

<!— 1B0003 (0x1B0003 0x00): EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1B0004 (0x1B0004 0x00): EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1B0007 (0x1B0007 0x00): MU_AM_EGR_SPRING_BROKEN —>

<!— 1B000A (0x1B000A 0x00): EGR Valve Position Deviation too High —>

<!— 1B000C (0x1B000C 0x00): EGR Valve Frozen —>

<!— 1B000E (0x1B000E 0x00): MU_EGR_INT_MON —>

<!— 1B060E (0x1B060E 0x00): Detect Unwanted ECU Change —>

<!— 1BF0E3 (0x1BF0E3 0x00): Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 1BF0E4 (0x1BF0E4 0x00): Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 1BF0E5 (0x1BF0E5 0x00): Volute Control Valve, Open Load —>

<!— 1CF0E3 (0x1CF0E3 0x00): Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 1CF0E4 (0x1CF0E4 0x00): Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 1CF0E5 (0x1CF0E5 0x00): Volute Shut Off Valve, Open Load —>

<!— 1EF0E3 (0x1EF0E3 0x00): Function 31 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 1EF0E4 (0x1EF0E4 0x00): Function 31 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 1EF0E5 (0x1EF0E5 0x00): Function 31 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D11 (0x230D11 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_UTH_OBD —>

<!— 261703 (0x261703 0x00): Differential Pressure Icooler Out Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 261704 (0x261704 0x00): Differential Pressure Icooler Out Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 26170D (0x26170D 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low —>

<!— 26170E (0x26170E 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration High —>

<!— 261714 (0x261714 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 261715 (0x261715 0x00): Icooler Out Differential Pressure Plausibility Fault, Pressure too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 271702 (0x271702 0x00): Electronically Controlled Water Pump Limp Home Mode —>

<!— 271707 (0x271707 0x00): Electronically Controlled Water Pump Mechanical Defect Detected —>

<!— 27F0F0 (0x27F0F0 0x00): Max Power Deficit —>

<!— 27F0F2 (0x27F0F2 0x00): Max Power Excess —>

<!— 281703 (0x281703 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 281704 (0x281704 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 281705 (0x281705 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Short Circuit/ Over Current —>

<!— 28170E (0x28170E 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 29F3FF (0x29F3FF 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_PBS_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— 2A050A (0x2A050A 0x00): Detection of misfire on more than one cylinder —>

<!— 2A050B (0x2A050B 0x00): Detection of Misfire when misfire rate is above 5% but cylinder can not be clear detected —>

<!— 2A050E (0x2A050E 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2A051F (0x2A051F 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected at Idle —>

<!— 2A1503 (0x2A1503 0x00): FMU High Side Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 2A1504 (0x2A1504 0x00): FMU Low Side Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 2B050A (0x2B050A 0x00): Detection of Misfire on cylinder 1 when misfire rate is above 5% —>

<!— 2B050B (0x2B050B 0x00): Cylinder #1 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2B050E (0x2B050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2B051F (0x2B051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2C050A (0x2C050A 0x00): Detection of Misfire on cylinder 2 when misfire rate is above 5% —>

<!— 2C050B (0x2C050B 0x00): Cylinder #2 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2C050E (0x2C050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2C051F (0x2C051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2CF0EE (0x2CF0EE 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 1 —>

<!— 2CF0FF (0x2CF0FF 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 2 —>

<!— 2D050A (0x2D050A 0x00): Detection of Misfire on cylinder 3 when misfire rate is above 5% —>

<!— 2D050B (0x2D050B 0x00): Cylinder #3 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2D050E (0x2D050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2D051F (0x2D051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2D1509 (0x2D1509 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_SRA1_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— 2DF3E3 (0x2DF3E3 0x00): MU_OFD_DELTA_UFET_SRH —>

<!— 2DF3E4 (0x2DF3E4 0x00): MU_OFD_DELTA_UFET_SRL —>

<!— 2E050A (0x2E050A 0x00): Detection of Misfire on cylinder 4 when misfire rate is above 5% —>

<!— 2E050B (0x2E050B 0x00): Cylinder #4 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2E050E (0x2E050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2E051F (0x2E051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2EF0EE (0x2EF0EE 0x00): Dashboard Doesn’t Get MCM DM1 Information —>

<!— 2EF0FF (0x2EF0FF 0x00): Dashboard DM1 Defect —>

<!— 2EF3EE (0x2EF3EE 0x00): Test MU1 for similiar Conditions —>

<!— 2EF3FF (0x2EF3FF 0x00): MU_FMM_AS_ET_TEST1 —>

<!— 2F0403 (0x2F0403 0x00): Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 2F0404 (0x2F0404 0x00): Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 2F0405 (0x2F0405 0x00): Fan Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 2F050A (0x2F050A 0x00): Detection of Misfire on cylinder 5 when misfire rate is above 5% —>

<!— 2F050B (0x2F050B 0x00): Cylinder #5 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 2F050E (0x2F050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 2F051F (0x2F051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2FF0EE (0x2FF0EE 0x00): EGR System Parametrization Failure —>

<!— 2FF3EE (0x2FF3EE 0x00): Test MU2 for similiar Conditions —>

<!— 2FF3FF (0x2FF3FF 0x00): MU_FMM_AS_TT_TEST2 —>

<!— 300402 (0x300402 0x00): MU_AM_JB1_SPORADIC_ERR —>

<!— 300403 (0x300403 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 300404 (0x300404 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 300405 (0x300405 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 300407 (0x300407 0x00): ENGINE BRAKE SYSTEM SHOWS BRAKE LASHES —>

<!— 30050A (0x30050A 0x00): Detection of Misfire on cylinder 6 when misfire rate is above 5% —>

<!— 30050B (0x30050B 0x00): Cylinder #6 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 30050E (0x30050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 30051F (0x30051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 30F0E8 (0x30F0E8 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 3 —>

<!— 310402 (0x310402 0x00): MU_AM_JB2_SPORADIC_ERR —>

<!— 310403 (0x310403 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 310404 (0x310404 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 310405 (0x310405 0x00): Jake Brake Stage 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 31050B (0x31050B 0x00): Cylinder #7 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 31050E (0x31050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 31051F (0x31051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 31F0E8 (0x31F0E8 0x00): Intermittent Connection in Sensor Electric Circuit 4 —>

<!— 31F3FF (0x31F3FF 0x00): MU_EPF_DAMPER_TRQ_DERATE —>

<!— 32050B (0x32050B 0x00): Cylinder #8 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 32050E (0x32050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess at Idle —>

<!— 32051F (0x32051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Short Circuit —>

<!— 32F3E0 (0x32F3E0 0x00): injection quantity deficit detected —>

<!— 32F3E1 (0x32F3E1 0x00): injection quantity excess detected —>

<!— 330002 (0x330002 0x00): Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error —>

<!— 330003 (0x330003 0x00): Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 330004 (0x330004 0x00): Intake Air Throttle Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 33000A (0x33000A 0x00): Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error —>

<!— 330012 (0x330012 0x00): Intake Throttle Position Rationality Error —>

<!— 33F0E5 (0x33F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vg —>

<!— 33F0E9 (0x33F0E9 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_SPI_WR_ERR —>

<!— 33F0EB (0x33F0EB 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_SPI_INI_ERR —>

<!— 33F3E0 (0x33F3E0 0x00): MU_EGR_LMBD_DEV_SRH —>

<!— 33F3E1 (0x33F3E1 0x00): MU_EGR_LMBD_DEV_SRL —>

<!— 34F0E5 (0x34F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vip —>

<!— 34F3E1 (0x34F3E1 0x00): MU_RC4_P_INT_DEV_LOW_FR —>

<!— 350403 (0x350403 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— 350404 (0x350404 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 350405 (0x350405 0x00): Quantity Control Valve Error, Current too Low —>

<!— 350406 (0x350406 0x00): Quantity Control Valve, Desired Current Doesn’t Match Actual Current —>

<!— 35040E (0x35040E 0x00): Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System too High (Leak Down Test) —>

<!— 35F0E5 (0x35F0E5 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vrc —>

<!— 35F3FF (0x35F3FF 0x00): Asymmetric injection mode expected —>

<!— 36F0E0 (0x36F0E0 0x00): MU_PBS_INTERNAL_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0E1 (0x36F0E1 0x00): MU_PBS_CRITICAL_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0E2 (0x36F0E2 0x00): MU_PBS_AIR_SUPPLY_ERR —>

<!— 36F0E3 (0x36F0E3 0x00): MU_PBS_U_BAT_HIGH —>

<!— 36F0E4 (0x36F0E4 0x00): MU_PBS_U_BAT_LOW —>

<!— 36F0E9 (0x36F0E9 0x00): MU_PBS_CAN_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0ED (0x36F0ED 0x00): MU_PBS_CONF_ERR —>

<!— 36F0EE (0x36F0EE 0x00): MU_PBS_SW_CHECK_ERR —>

<!— 36F0EF (0x36F0EF 0x00): MU_PBS_TEMP_ERROR —>

<!— 36F0F0 (0x36F0F0 0x00): MU_PBS_PAR_ERROR —>

<!— 36F3FF (0x36F3FF 0x00): Symmetric injection mode expected —>

<!— 38F0E0 (0x38F0E0 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Number of Keys Limited to 8 —>

<!— 38F0E1 (0x38F0E1 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Counter Overflow —>

<!— 38F0E2 (0x38F0E2 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, X5 Cancelled —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, No TPC via CAN —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, No TPC via Starter Pin —>

<!— 38F0E5 (0x38F0E5 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Code Valid But False —>

<!— 38F0E6 (0x38F0E6 0x00): Injection Inhibited by Immobilizer (Wrong Key or CAN or EIS Issue) —>

<!— 3AF3E0 (0x3AF3E0 0x00): MU_RC4_T_GRP1_RANGE —>

<!— 3BF0E3 (0x3BF0E3 0x00): PCV High Side Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 3BF0E4 (0x3BF0E4 0x00): Pressure Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 3BF3E0 (0x3BF3E0 0x00): MU_RC4_T_GRP2_RANGE —>

<!— 3CF0E3 (0x3CF0E3 0x00): Pressure Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— 3CF0E4 (0x3CF0E4 0x00): PCV Low Side Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 3CF3E0 (0x3CF3E0 0x00): MU_RC4_T_GRP3_RANGE —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): Software Reset Detected —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): Software Reset Detected —>

<!— 3DF3FF (0x3DF3FF 0x00): MU_EHM_EOP_BUILDUP_CTR —>

<!— 3EF0FF (0x3EF0FF 0x00): MU_CPC_32 —>

<!— 3EF3FF (0x3EF3FF 0x00): nozzle begin data 1 out of range —>

<!— 3FF0FF (0x3FF0FF 0x00): MU_CPC_33 —>

<!— 3FF3FF (0x3FF3FF 0x00): nozzle begin data 2 out of range —>

<!— 40F0FF (0x40F0FF 0x00): MU_CPC_34 —>

<!— 40F3FF (0x40F3FF 0x00): current duration trim data out of range —>

<!— 41F0FF (0x41F0FF 0x00): MU_EPF_BROKEN_BELT_DETECT —>

<!— 41F3E9 (0x41F3E9 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_RCM_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— 42F0EE (0x42F0EE 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_ON_BANK1 —>

<!— 42F0FF (0x42F0FF 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_BANK1 —>

<!— 42F3E9 (0x42F3E9 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_IPPC_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— 43F0EE (0x43F0EE 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_ON_BANK2 —>

<!— 43F0FF (0x43F0FF 0x00): MU_TSA_BRK_FAIL_BANK2 —>

<!— 43F3E9 (0x43F3E9 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_SRA3_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— 441501 (0x441501 0x00): Engine Crankcase Breather Oil Separator Speed too Low —>

<!— 450A02 (0x450A02 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Tempemperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 450A03 (0x450A03 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 450A04 (0x450A04 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 450A0A (0x450A0A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_COMP_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— 450A14 (0x450A14 0x00): Turbo Charger Out Temperature, Temperature too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 450A15 (0x450A15 0x00): Turbo Charger Out Temperature, Temperature too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 450A1F (0x450A1F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COMP_OUT_GEN2 —>

<!— 45F0FF (0x45F0FF 0x00): Speed Limitation Fault —>


<!— 460002 (0x460002 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is Erratic —>

<!— 460009 (0x460009 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is Missing —>

<!— 46000A (0x46000A 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is Erratic —>

<!— 46000D (0x46000D 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is Missing —>

<!— 46000E (0x46000E 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is Missing —>

<!— 460013 (0x460013 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is Erratic —>

<!— 460A02 (0x460A02 0x00): Difference Intake Manifold and Icooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (High Box) —>

<!— 460A03 (0x460A03 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 460A04 (0x460A04 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 460A0A (0x460A0A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_ICOOLER_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— 460A0B (0x460A0B 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor Plausibility Error —>

<!— 460A0E (0x460A0E 0x00): MU_RC4_T_CHG_COOL_OUT_DRFT —>

<!— 460A0F (0x460A0F 0x00): Cooling Efficency of Icooler too Low —>

<!— 460A10 (0x460A10 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 460A14 (0x460A14 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 460A15 (0x460A15 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 460A1F (0x460A1F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ICOOLER_OUT_GEN2 —>

<!— 46F0E9 (0x46F0E9 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Keyline Lock —>

<!— 46F0EA (0x46F0EA 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Wrong Key —>

<!— 46F0EB (0x46F0EB 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Transport Protection —>

<!— 46F0ED (0x46F0ED 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Expired Prelease Time without Authentification —>

<!— 46F0EE (0x46F0EE 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Expired Prelease Time Mulitple Times (CAN or EIS Failure) —>

<!— 46F0EF (0x46F0EF 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Odometer Lock Function —>

<!— 46F0F0 (0x46F0F0 0x00): MU_IMB_FBS_HASH_CYC_HIGH —>

<!— 46F0F3 (0x46F0F3 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Missing EIS CAN Signales —>

<!— 46F0F5 (0x46F0F5 0x00): FBS3 t_count Value Expired —>

<!— 46F0FF (0x46F0FF 0x00): FBS3 Data Flash Defect, Exchange ECU —>


<!— 47050E (0x47050E 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch —>

<!— 470A01 (0x470A01 0x00): Low Air Flow —>

<!— 470A02 (0x470A02 0x00): Turbo Charger / Super Charger Boost System Performance —>

<!— 470A03 (0x470A03 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 470A04 (0x470A04 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 470A0E (0x470A0E 0x00): Charge Air Control, Pressure Not Plausible in Brake Mode —>

<!— 470A0F (0x470A0F 0x00): MU_SMOKE_MODE_TOO_FREQ —>

<!— 470A14 (0x470A14 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility (Low Box) —>

<!— 470A15 (0x470A15 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 47F0E3 (0x47F0E3 0x00): MU_PBS_THRO_ENG_SC_BATT —>

<!— 47F0E4 (0x47F0E4 0x00): MU_PBS_THRO_ENG_SC_GND —>

<!— 47F0E5 (0x47F0E5 0x00): MU_PBS_THRO_ENG_OL —>

<!— 47F3F0 (0x47F3F0 0x00): FUEL RAIL PRESSURE TOO LOW —>

<!— 47F3F2 (0x47F3F2 0x00): FUEL RAIL/SYSTEM PRESSURE — TOO HIGH —>

<!— 48F0E2 (0x48F0E2 0x00): MU_PBS_P_OUT_DEV —>



<!— 49F0E2 (0x49F0E2 0x00): MU_PBS_P_IN_DEV —>




<!— 4AF0E0 (0x4AF0E0 0x00): MU_PV_B_SHDOWN_OVERVOLTAGE —>




<!— 4B0E03 (0x4B0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4B0E04 (0x4B0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4B0E05 (0x4B0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4B0E06 (0x4B0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4B0E0A (0x4B0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4BF0E2 (0x4BF0E2 0x00): CPC Clock Data Invalid —>

<!— 4BF0EA (0x4BF0EA 0x00): MU_ISP_MCM_TIME_RAT_ERROR —>

<!— 4BF0EF (0x4BF0EF 0x00): MCM Engine Run Timer Plausibility —>

<!— 4BF0F1 (0x4BF0F1 0x00): MCM Engine Off Timer Plausibility —>

<!— 4BF0F2 (0x4BF0F2 0x00): MU_IS4_RTC_ENG_OFF_RAT_CHK —>

<!— 4BF0F3 (0x4BF0F3 0x00): MU_CPC_CLOCK_DATA_SNA —>



<!— 4C0E03 (0x4C0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4C0E04 (0x4C0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4C0E05 (0x4C0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4C0E06 (0x4C0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4C0E0A (0x4C0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4CF0F2 (0x4CF0F2 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Too High, Similar Condition —>



<!— 4D0E03 (0x4D0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4D0E04 (0x4D0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4D0E05 (0x4D0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4D0E06 (0x4D0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4D0E0A (0x4D0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4DF0E2 (0x4DF0E2 0x00): Over capacity in High Pressure Circuit, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4DF0EA (0x4DF0EA 0x00): Under capacity in High Pressure Circuit, Similar Condition —>


<!— 4E0E03 (0x4E0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4E0E04 (0x4E0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4E0E05 (0x4E0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4E0E06 (0x4E0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4E0E0A (0x4E0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4EF0E7 (0x4EF0E7 0x00): Classic Immobilizer, Key Slip Detected —>


<!— 4F0E03 (0x4F0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4F0E04 (0x4F0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4F0E05 (0x4F0E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 4F0E06 (0x4F0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4F0E0A (0x4F0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4FF0EB (0x4FF0EB 0x00): Cylinder #1 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>



<!— 500E03 (0x500E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 500E04 (0x500E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 500E05 (0x500E05 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Circuit Open —>

<!— 500E06 (0x500E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 500E0A (0x500E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve («Amplifier»), Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 50F0EB (0x50F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #2 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 50F3FF (0x50F3FF 0x00): DEFECTICE BRAKE CYLINDER 1 —>

<!— 51F0EB (0x51F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #3 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 51F3FF (0x51F3FF 0x00): DEFECTICE BRAKE CYLINDER 2 —>

<!— 52F0EB (0x52F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #4 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 52F3FF (0x52F3FF 0x00): DEFECTICE BRAKE CYLINDER 3 —>

<!— 53F0EB (0x53F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #5 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 53F3FF (0x53F3FF 0x00): DEFECTICE BRAKE CYLINDER 4 —>

<!— 540002 (0x540002 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is Erratic —>

<!— 540003 (0x540003 0x00): Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 540004 (0x540004 0x00): Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 540009 (0x540009 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is Missing —>

<!— 54000A (0x54000A 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is Erratic —>

<!— 54000B (0x54000B 0x00): Vehicle Speed Failure —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): VEHICLE SPEED OVER PTCAN SNA —>

<!— 54000E (0x54000E 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is Missing —>


<!— 540015 (0x540015 0x00): Vehicle Speed Sensor Erratic —>

<!— 54F0EB (0x54F0EB 0x00): Cylinder #6 Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 54F3FF (0x54F3FF 0x00): DEFECTICE BRAKE CYLINDER 5 —>

<!— 55F0EE (0x55F0EE 0x00): Misfire Detection without Cylinder Number Detection, Similar Condition —>

<!— 55F3FF (0x55F3FF 0x00): DEFECTICE BRAKE CYLINDER 6 —>

<!— 56F0EE (0x56F0EE 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected, Similar Condition —>

<!— 56F3FF (0x56F3FF 0x00): MU_SCM_E2P_DATA_INVALID —>

<!— 57F0E7 (0x57F0E7 0x00): Starter Inhibit due to Improper Condition —>


<!— 580403 (0x580403 0x00): MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 580404 (0x580404 0x00): MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 580405 (0x580405 0x00): MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 580602 (0x580602 0x00): MU_CPC_32 —>

<!— 580603 (0x580603 0x00): MU_CPC_33 —>

<!— 580604 (0x580604 0x00): MU_CPC_34 —>

<!— 58F0E7 (0x58F0E7 0x00): Engine Brake High Inhibit due to Improper Condition —>

<!— 58F3FF (0x58F3FF 0x00): MU_CCS_RESYNC_LOCK_MISSING —>

<!— 59F0E7 (0x59F0E7 0x00): Engine Brake Inhibit due to JB1 Improper Condition —>

<!— 59F3FF (0x59F3FF 0x00): OBD FRAME INDUCEMENT LAMP1 —>

<!— 5AF0E7 (0x5AF0E7 0x00): Engine Brake Inhibit due to JB2 Improper Condition —>


<!— 5BF0E2 (0x5BF0E2 0x00): EGR Pipe Frozen —>




<!— 5E0001 (0x5E0001 0x00): Fuel Pressure in Low Pressure Circuit too Low —>

<!— 5E0002 (0x5E0002 0x00): Low Side Fuel Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— 5E0003 (0x5E0003 0x00): Low Side Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 5E0004 (0x5E0004 0x00): Low Side Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 5E000F (0x5E000F 0x00): Fuel Filter Service Warning —>

<!— 5E0010 (0x5E0010 0x00): Fuel Filter Replacement Required —>

<!— 5E040F (0x5E040F 0x00): EGR Flow Rate too Low —>

<!— 5E0410 (0x5E0410 0x00): MU_RC4_EGR_DEV_LOW_LEV2 —>

<!— 5E0412 (0x5E0412 0x00): EGR Flow Rate too High —>

<!— 5EF0E7 (0x5EF0E7 0x00): MU_SCM_RESET_HW_DEFECT —>

<!— 5EF0EE (0x5EF0EE 0x00): MU_SCM_RESET_SW_DEFECT —>

<!— 5EF0FF (0x5EF0FF 0x00): Software Reset Detected —>


<!— 5FF0E2 (0x5FF0E2 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Value Not Plausible —>

<!— 5FF0E7 (0x5FF0E7 0x00): MCM Hardware Reset —>

<!— 5FF0ED (0x5FF0ED 0x00): MCM Software Reset —>

<!— 5FF0EE (0x5FF0EE 0x00): MCM missing VIN —>


<!— 600002 (0x600002 0x00): Fuel Tank Level Sensor Stuck in Position —>

<!— 600009 (0x600009 0x00): fuel level senor signal not availiable / unplausible —>


<!— 600013 (0x600013 0x00): fuel level senor signal error —>

<!— 601003 (0x601003 0x00): Water Level Electrical Water Separator SRC Failed High —>

<!— 601004 (0x601004 0x00): Water Level Electrical Water Separator SRC Failed Low —>

<!— 601007 (0x601007 0x00): Electrical Water Separator, Mechanical Defect —>

<!— 601009 (0x601009 0x00): Engine Fuel Filter Water Level Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 60100E (0x60100E 0x00): Electrical Water Separator, Valve Defect —>

<!— 60100F (0x60100F 0x00): Filter Lifetime Pre Warning —>

<!— 601010 (0x601010 0x00): Filter Lifetime Warning —>

<!— 60F0EE (0x60F0EE 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST1 —>

<!— 60F0FF (0x60F0FF 0x00): MU_FMM_TEST2 —>


<!— 610000 (0x610000 0x00): Water in Fuel Lifetime Exceeded —>

<!— 610003 (0x610003 0x00): Water in Fuel Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 610004 (0x610004 0x00): Water in Fuel Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 610007 (0x610007 0x00): Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Sensor — Error —>

<!— 61000E (0x61000E 0x00): Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning — Ignored —>

<!— 61000F (0x61000F 0x00): Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning —>

<!— 610010 (0x610010 0x00): Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning —>

<!— 61001F (0x61001F 0x00): Water-in-Fuel (WIF) Warning — Ignored —>

<!— 611002 (0x611002 0x00): Coolant Inlet Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— 611003 (0x611003 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 611004 (0x611004 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 61100A (0x61100A 0x00): Coolant Temperature Sensors Not Plausible —>

<!— 61100B (0x61100B 0x00): MU_ISP_T_COOLANT_IN_GRAD —>

<!— 611011 (0x611011 0x00): Coolant Outlet Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— 611014 (0x611014 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COOLANT_IN_DRIFT —>

<!— 611015 (0x611015 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COOLANT_IN_GEN2 —>

<!— 61101F (0x61101F 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (IN), General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 61F0EE (0x61F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL1 —>


<!— 620000 (0x620000 0x00): Oil Level Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 620001 (0x620001 0x00): Oil Level Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 620004 (0x620004 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Defect —>

<!— 620005 (0x620005 0x00): Oil Level Sensor Wire Open Load —>

<!— 62000D (0x62000D 0x00): Oil Level Measurement, Configuration Error —>

<!— 62000E (0x62000E 0x00): MU_FAB_OIL_LEV_MEAS_PEND —>

<!— 620010 (0x620010 0x00): Engine Oil Level too High —>

<!— 620011 (0x620011 0x00): Engine Oil Level is too Low —>

<!— 620012 (0x620012 0x00): Engine Oil Level too Low —>

<!— 620103 (0x620103 0x00): Relative Humidity Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 620104 (0x620104 0x00): Relative Humidity Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 62F0EE (0x62F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL2 —>


<!— 630A00 (0x630A00 0x00): EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — High Flow —>

<!— 630A0A (0x630A0A 0x00): MU_AM_EGR_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— 630A12 (0x630A12 0x00): EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — Low Flow —>

<!— 63F0EE (0x63F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL3 —>


<!— 640000 (0x640000 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Stuck —>

<!— 640001 (0x640001 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Very Low —>

<!— 640002 (0x640002 0x00): Slow Engine Oil Pressure Buildup, Reduced Engine Torque —>

<!— 640003 (0x640003 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 640004 (0x640004 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 64000A (0x64000A 0x00): Low Oil PSI Derate —>

<!— 640010 (0x640010 0x00): MU_EPF_P_ENG_OIL_HIGH_WARN —>

<!— 640011 (0x640011 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Low —>

<!— 640012 (0x640012 0x00): MU_EPF_LOW_IDLE_SHUT_DOWN —>

<!— 640600 (0x640600 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Low Efficiency —>

<!— 640602 (0x640602 0x00): Difference Intake Manifold and Icooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (Low Box) —>

<!— 640603 (0x640603 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 640604 (0x640604 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 64060A (0x64060A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_INTAKE_GRAD —>

<!— 64060B (0x64060B 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 64060E (0x64060E 0x00): MU_RC4_T_INTAKE_DRIFT —>

<!— 640610 (0x640610 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ICOOLER_OUT_CALC —>

<!— 640614 (0x640614 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 640615 (0x640615 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 64F0EE (0x64F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL4 —>


<!— 650602 (0x650602 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COOLANT_OUT_DRIFT —>

<!— 65F0EE (0x65F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL5 —>




<!— 660010 (0x660010 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too High —>

<!— 660012 (0x660012 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too Low —>

<!— 66F0EE (0x66F0EE 0x00): MU_EBM_BRK_FAIL_CYL6 —>



<!— 670000 (0x670000 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Above Threshold (Low Box) —>

<!— 670001 (0x670001 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Below Threshold (High Box) —>

<!— 670002 (0x670002 0x00): Turbocharger Speed Out of Range High —>

<!— 670003 (0x670003 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 670004 (0x670004 0x00): Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 67000C (0x67000C 0x00): MU_IS2_EHM_TC_DAMAGE_CALC —>

<!— 67000F (0x67000F 0x00): Turbo Charger Overspeed Check —>

<!— 670010 (0x670010 0x00): MU_RC4_TC_OVRSPD_DET —>

<!— 67040A (0x67040A 0x00): Turbo Charger Boost Control «A» Slow Response —>

<!— 670410 (0x670410 0x00): MU_RC4_WG_P_INT_DEV_HIGH —>

<!— 670412 (0x670412 0x00): MU_RC4_WG_P_INT_DEV_LOW —>

<!— 670601 (0x670601 0x00): FAN Clutch Issue —>

<!— 670602 (0x670602 0x00): Fan Speed Error —>

<!— 670610 (0x670610 0x00): MU_FAN_ENG_RATE_HIGH_ERR —>

<!— 670612 (0x670612 0x00): MU_FAN_ENG_RATE_LOW_ERR —>

<!— 67F0EB (0x67F0EB 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Fault —>

<!— 67F0EC (0x67F0EC 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Internal Test Running —>

<!— 67F0EE (0x67F0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_LEARN_R3_SEAT —>

<!— 67F0F3 (0x67F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Restricted Operability —>



<!— 68F0E3 (0x68F0E3 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Low Supply Voltage —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Error —>

<!— 68F0EE (0x68F0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_BUFFER_1 —>

<!— 68F0F3 (0x68F0F3 0x00): EGR Vavle Actuator, Communication Error —>

<!— 68F0FF (0x68F0FF 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Incomplete —>



<!— 690002 (0x690002 0x00): MU_RC4_T_INTAKE_GEN2 —>

<!— 69F0EE (0x69F0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA3_BUFFER_2 —>





<!— 6A1605 (0x6A1605 0x00): WATER-DRAIN-MODULE — VENTIL 1 CIRCUIT OPEN —>

<!— 6AF0EE (0x6AF0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_BUFFER_1 —>



<!— 6BF0EE (0x6BF0EE 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_BUFFER_2 —>



<!— 6C0003 (0x6C0003 0x00): Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6C0004 (0x6C0004 0x00): Barometric Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6C0303 (0x6C0303 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6C0304 (0x6C0304 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6C0305 (0x6C0305 0x00): Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 6CF0E3 (0x6CF0E3 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_WAX_SC_BATT —>

<!— 6CF0E4 (0x6CF0E4 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_WAX_SC_GND —>

<!— 6CF0E5 (0x6CF0E5 0x00): MU_CMP_PVH_WAX_OL —>





<!— 6E0000 (0x6E0000 0x00): Coolant Temperature High —>

<!— 6E0001 (0x6E0001 0x00): MU_EPF_IDLE_T_COOL_L_WARN —>

<!— 6E0002 (0x6E0002 0x00): Coolant Outlet Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— 6E0003 (0x6E0003 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6E0004 (0x6E0004 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6E000A (0x6E000A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_COOLANT_OUT_GRAD —>

<!— 6E000E (0x6E000E 0x00): Coolant Temperature / Engine Oil Temperature Plausibility Fault —>

<!— 6E000F (0x6E000F 0x00): MU_EPF_T_COOL_HIGH_PREWARN —>

<!— 6E0010 (0x6E0010 0x00): MU_EPF_T_COOL_HIGH_ALARM —>

<!— 6E0012 (0x6E0012 0x00): MU_RC4_COOL_SYS_FAIL —>

<!— 6E0014 (0x6E0014 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (OUT), General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 6E0015 (0x6E0015 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COOLANT_OUT_GEN2 —>

<!— 6E001F (0x6E001F 0x00): Coolant Temperature Differential High —>

<!— 6EF0E2 (0x6EF0E2 0x00): MU_RC4_LAMBDA_DEV_NOX —>



<!— 6F0001 (0x6F0001 0x00): Coolant Level Very Low —>

<!— 6F0003 (0x6F0003 0x00): Coolant Level Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6F0004 (0x6F0004 0x00): Coolant Level Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6F0012 (0x6F0012 0x00): Coolant Level Low —>

<!— 6F0013 (0x6F0013 0x00): Coolant Level Low (CAN) —>

<!— 6F0200 (0x6F0200 0x00): Driver Inducement System, SEL Solid Active —>

<!— 6F0210 (0x6F0210 0x00): Driver Inducement System, SEL Flash Active —>

<!— 6FF0EE (0x6FF0EE 0x00): MU_RC4_LAMBDA_DEV_AFL —>



<!— 700200 (0x700200 0x00): Driver Inducement System, CEL Solid Active —>

<!— 700210 (0x700210 0x00): Driver Inducement System, CEL Flash Active —>

<!— 700402 (0x700402 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ECU_DRIFT —>

<!— 700403 (0x700403 0x00): MU_IS4_T_ECU_SRH —>

<!— 700404 (0x700404 0x00): MU_IS4_T_ECU_SRL —>

<!— 70F0EF (0x70F0EF 0x00): MU_SP_EGR_MASS_VIRT_OFFSET —>



<!— 710202 (0x710202 0x00): Invalid Data on Engine CAN Link —>

<!— 710208 (0x710208 0x00): MCM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving —>

<!— 710209 (0x710209 0x00): No Data Received from Engine CAN Link —>

<!— 71020E (0x71020E 0x00): ACM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving —>

<!— 710211 (0x710211 0x00): No ACM2 Communication — Pre Warning —>

<!— 710212 (0x710212 0x00): No ACM2 Communication — Warning —>

<!— 71F0E3 (0x71F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX), cold condition —>

<!— 71F0E4 (0x71F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN), cold condition —>



<!— 72F0E3 (0x72F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX), cold condition —>

<!— 72F0E4 (0x72F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN), cold condition —>



<!— 73F0E3 (0x73F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX), cold condition —>

<!— 73F0E4 (0x73F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN), cold condition —>



<!— 74020D (0x74020D 0x00): MCM Powerdown Error —>

<!— 74F0E3 (0x74F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX), cold condition —>

<!— 74F0E4 (0x74F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN), cold condition —>



<!— 75F0E3 (0x75F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX), cold condition —>

<!— 75F0E4 (0x75F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN), cold condition —>



<!— 760202 (0x760202 0x00): Calibration Data Not Plausible —>

<!— 76020A (0x76020A 0x00): MU_STU_NO_PWL —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): EEPROM Read / Write Operation Failed —>

<!— 76020D (0x76020D 0x00): Calibration Data Not Plausible (CPLD) —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): UDS Tables Unsorted, UDS Security Access Issue —>

<!— 76021F (0x76021F 0x00): MU_E2P_IR_DATA_LOSS —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): HC-Dosing Conditions Not Fullfilled —>

<!— 76F0E3 (0x76F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX), cold condition —>

<!— 76F0E4 (0x76F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN), cold condition —>



<!— 77F0E2 (0x77F0E2 0x00): MU_IMB_CL_TPC_INVALID —>

<!— 77F0E7 (0x77F0E7 0x00): MU_IMB_CL_NO_CPC_COM —>

<!— 77F0ED (0x77F0ED 0x00): MU_IMB_CL_XC_CANCEL —>

<!— 77F0EE (0x77F0EE 0x00): MU_IMB_CL_NO_TPC_RECOG —>

<!— 77F0F3 (0x77F0F3 0x00): MU_IMB_CL_CPC_TPC_IS_FF —>

<!— 77F0FF (0x77F0FF 0x00): MU_IMB_CL_WAITING_TIME —>



<!— 78F0EE (0x78F0EE 0x00): MU_INHIBIT_TEST1 —>

<!— 78F0FF (0x78F0FF 0x00): MU_INHIBIT_TEST2 —>



<!— 79F0E9 (0x79F0E9 0x00): MU_ICUC_DM1_FAIL —>



<!— 7AF0F3 (0x7AF0F3 0x00): Accelerator pedal position sensor error detected on CPC —>



<!— 7B0601 (0x7B0601 0x00): Thermostat Error —>

<!— 7B0607 (0x7B0607 0x00): MU_RC4_THERM_STAT_COOL_DWN —>

<!— 7B0611 (0x7B0611 0x00): MU_ISP_TSTAT_MON —>

<!— 7B0612 (0x7B0612 0x00): Thermostat Error Detected —>

<!— 7BF0E3 (0x7BF0E3 0x00): CY320 overvoltage detection for sensor supply 1 —>

<!— 7BF0E4 (0x7BF0E4 0x00): CY320 undervoltage detection for sensor supply 1 —>



<!— 7C0201 (0x7C0201 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— 7C0202 (0x7C0202 0x00): No Match of Camshaft and Crankshaft Signals —>

<!— 7C0203 (0x7C0203 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit —>

<!— 7C0204 (0x7C0204 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage too Low —>

<!— 7C0208 (0x7C0208 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Time Out —>

<!— 7C020A (0x7C020A 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic —>

<!— 7C020B (0x7C020B 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Failure —>

<!— 7C020E (0x7C020E 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped —>

<!— 7C020F (0x7C020F 0x00): Phase Shift of CRK Tooth 97 to CAM Tooth 10 is too High (Crankshaft Position — Camshaft Position Correlation) —>

<!— 7C0210 (0x7C0210 0x00): MU_EPF_CRK_CAM_PLAY_HIGH —>

<!— 7CF0E3 (0x7CF0E3 0x00): CY320 overvoltage detection for sensor supply 2 —>

<!— 7CF0E4 (0x7CF0E4 0x00): CY320 undervoltage detection for sensor supply 2 —>



<!— 7DF0E3 (0x7DF0E3 0x00): CY320 overvoltage detection for sensor supply 3 —>

<!— 7DF0E4 (0x7DF0E4 0x00): CY320 undervoltage detection for sensor supply 3 —>



<!— 7E1400 (0x7E1400 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FLT_FNL_ACT —>

<!— 7E140E (0x7E140E 0x00): Tier4 Inducement System Has Not Been Activated —>

<!— 7E140F (0x7E140F 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FLT_FNL_WRNG —>

<!— 7E1410 (0x7E1410 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FLT_DERATE —>

<!— 7E141F (0x7E141F 0x00): MU_OBD_INDC_FNL_SHTDWN_ACT —>

<!— 7EF0E2 (0x7EF0E2 0x00): MU_CCS_CRK_CAM_DEPEND_ERR_COLD —>





<!— 7F020E (0x7F020E 0x00): J1939 Data Link Failure —>


<!— 80F0E0 (0x80F0E0 0x00): MU_OBD_I_MLIT_CASE1 —>

<!— 80F0E1 (0x80F0E1 0x00): MU_OBD_I_MLIT_DIS_RESTART —>

<!— 80F0E9 (0x80F0E9 0x00): MU_IS4_ICUC_MISSING —>


<!— 810203 (0x810203 0x00): Turbo Control Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 810204 (0x810204 0x00): Turbo Control Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 810205 (0x810205 0x00): Turbo Control Circuit Open —>

<!— 81F0FF (0x81F0FF 0x00): internal MCM error —>


<!— 82F0FF (0x82F0FF 0x00): MU_CCS_CRK_CAM_TIMING_COLD —>


<!— 831003 (0x831003 0x00): Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 831004 (0x831004 0x00): Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 831005 (0x831005 0x00): Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Open —>


<!— 840001 (0x840001 0x00): Air Mass Flow too Low —>

<!— 840002 (0x840002 0x00): Air Mass Freeze Detection —>

<!— 84000F (0x84000F 0x00): Air Mass Adaption has Reached Implausible Value —>

<!— 840E1F (0x840E1F 0x00): High Idle Regeneration (HIR) aborted — Low Coolant Temp —>


<!— 850510 (0x850510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #1 Out of Range —>

<!— 85051F (0x85051F 0x00): End of injection Timing Cylinder #1 Out of Range —>

<!— 851600 (0x851600 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Alert —>

<!— 85160F (0x85160F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Warning —>


<!— 860510 (0x860510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #2 Out of Range —>

<!— 86051F (0x86051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #2 Out of Range —>


<!— 870202 (0x870202 0x00): MU_RC4_FAN_RAT_MON —>

<!— 870203 (0x870203 0x00): Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 870204 (0x870204 0x00): Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 870205 (0x870205 0x00): Fan Stage 1 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 870510 (0x870510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #3 Out of Range —>

<!— 87051F (0x87051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #3 Out of Range —>


<!— 880510 (0x880510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #4 Out of Range —>

<!— 88051F (0x88051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #4 Out of Range —>

<!— 880D02 (0x880D02 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Spring Response Time Not Plausible —>

<!— 880D03 (0x880D03 0x00): IAT Motor Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 880D04 (0x880D04 0x00): IAT Motor Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 880D05 (0x880D05 0x00): IAT Motor Short Circuit/Over Current —>

<!— 880D07 (0x880D07 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Stuck —>

<!— 880D08 (0x880D08 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Current Deviation too High —>

<!— 880D0E (0x880D0E 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Integrated Absolute Error Plausibility —>

<!— 880D10 (0x880D10 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too High —>

<!— 880D11 (0x880D11 0x00): MU_CAC_ITV_PLAUS_ERR —>

<!— 880D12 (0x880D12 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too Low —>

<!— 880D1F (0x880D1F 0x00): H Bridge 1 IAT Circuit Open Load —>


<!— 890510 (0x890510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #5 Out of Range —>

<!— 89051F (0x89051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #5 Out of Range —>


<!— 8A0510 (0x8A0510 0x00): Injection Timing Cylinder #6 Out of Range —>

<!— 8A051F (0x8A051F 0x00): End of Injection Timing Cylinder #6 Out of Range —>

<!— 8B0203 (0x8B0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8B0204 (0x8B0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8B0205 (0x8B0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1, Needle Control Valve Circuit Open —>

<!— 8B0206 (0x8B0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8B020A (0x8B020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8B0607 (0x8B0607 0x00): Injection Inhibited by Immobilizer (Wrong Key or CAN or EIS Issue) —>

<!— 8C0203 (0x8C0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8C0204 (0x8C0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8C0205 (0x8C0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8C0206 (0x8C0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8C020A (0x8C020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8D0203 (0x8D0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8D0204 (0x8D0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8D0205 (0x8D0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8D0206 (0x8D0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8D020A (0x8D020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8E0203 (0x8E0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8E0204 (0x8E0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8E0205 (0x8E0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8E0206 (0x8E0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8E020A (0x8E020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8E0D03 (0x8E0D03 0x00): Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 8E0D04 (0x8E0D04 0x00): Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 8E0D05 (0x8E0D05 0x00): Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 8F0203 (0x8F0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8F0204 (0x8F0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8F0205 (0x8F0205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 8F0206 (0x8F0206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 8F020A (0x8F020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8F0D03 (0x8F0D03 0x00): HC Doser Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 8F0D04 (0x8F0D04 0x00): HC Doser Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 8F0D05 (0x8F0D05 0x00): HC Doser Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 900203 (0x900203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 900204 (0x900204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 900205 (0x900205 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Circuit Open —>

<!— 900206 (0x900206 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Stucks Open —>

<!— 90020A (0x90020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 900C02 (0x900C02 0x00): NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error —>

<!— 900C0A (0x900C0A 0x00): NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error —>

<!— 900C0F (0x900C0F 0x00): NOX Sensor Drift Check (High) —>

<!— 900C10 (0x900C10 0x00): MU_NOX_RAW_SENS_RC_DRIFT_H —>

<!— 900C11 (0x900C11 0x00): NOX Sensor Drift Check (Low) —>

<!— 900C12 (0x900C12 0x00): MU_NOX_RAW_SENS_RC_DRIFT_L —>

<!— 900C14 (0x900C14 0x00): SCR Nox Inlet Sensor Drift High —>

<!— 900C15 (0x900C15 0x00): SCR Nox Inlet Sensor Drift Low —>

<!— 901200 (0x901200 0x00): EGR Cooler Low Efficiency —>

<!— 90120F (0x90120F 0x00): EGR Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 901210 (0x901210 0x00): Cooling Efficiency of EGR Cooler too Low —>

<!— 910C03 (0x910C03 0x00): LAMBDA SENSOR SHORT CUT TO BATTERY —>

<!— 910C04 (0x910C04 0x00): LAMBDA SENSOR SHORT CUT TO GROUND —>


<!— 91F0E3 (0x91F0E3 0x00): MU_ISP_T_ECU_SRH —>

<!— 91F0E4 (0x91F0E4 0x00): MU_ISP_T_ECU_SRL —>

<!— 940402 (0x940402 0x00): Coolant Temperature / Compressor Inlet Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 940403 (0x940403 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 940404 (0x940404 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 94040A (0x94040A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_COMP_IN_GRAD —>

<!— 940414 (0x940414 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 940415 (0x940415 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COMP_IN_DRIFT —>

<!— 94041F (0x94041F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_COMP_IN_GEN2 —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (High Side), Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (High Side), Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 980D00 (0x980D00 0x00): Fuel Compensation Pressure High —>

<!— 980D01 (0x980D01 0x00): Doser Fuel Supply Pressure Abnormal —>

<!— 980D02 (0x980D02 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Low —>

<!— 980D03 (0x980D03 0x00): Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 980D04 (0x980D04 0x00): Fuel Compensation Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 980D0E (0x980D0E 0x00): Doser FLP Sensors Failed Self Test —>

<!— 980D10 (0x980D10 0x00): Fuel Pressure too High / too Low —>

<!— 980D15 (0x980D15 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— 9A0D03 (0x9A0D03 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9A0D04 (0x9A0D04 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9A0D05 (0x9A0D05 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 9A0D07 (0x9A0D07 0x00): FCV Failed Self Test —>

<!— 9A0D11 (0x9A0D11 0x00): DDV Error Detected During Non Regeneration Mode —>

<!— 9B0100 (0x9B0100 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (Low Box) —>

<!— 9B0101 (0x9B0101 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Failed (High Box) —>

<!— 9B0102 (0x9B0102 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low —>

<!— 9B0103 (0x9B0103 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit High —>

<!— 9B0104 (0x9B0104 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Circuit Low —>

<!— 9B010D (0x9B010D 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration High —>

<!— 9C0100 (0x9C0100 0x00): EGR Temperature Very High —>

<!— 9C0102 (0x9C0102 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 9C0103 (0x9C0103 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9C0104 (0x9C0104 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9C010A (0x9C010A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_EGR_GRAD —>

<!— 9C010F (0x9C010F 0x00): EGR Valve Temperature too High —>

<!— 9C0110 (0x9C0110 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor / Temperature too High —>

<!— 9C0114 (0x9C0114 0x00): EGR Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 9C0115 (0x9C0115 0x00): EGR Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 9C0403 (0x9C0403 0x00): MU_IS4_T_TURB_IN_SRH —>

<!— 9C0404 (0x9C0404 0x00): MU_IS4_TURB_IN_SRL —>

<!— 9C040A (0x9C040A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_TURB_IN_GRAD —>

<!— 9D0002 (0x9D0002 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Signal Erratic —>

<!— 9D000A (0x9D000A 0x00): Undercapacity in High Pressure Circuit —>

<!— 9D000E (0x9D000E 0x00): Leakage in lowpressure fuel circuit detected —>

<!— 9D000F (0x9D000F 0x00): Fuel Rail pressure too low — Low Pressure Circuit —>

<!— 9D0010 (0x9D0010 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too Low —>

<!— 9D0011 (0x9D0011 0x00): Minimum Rail Pressure for Injection Not Achieved —>

<!— 9D0012 (0x9D0012 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too High —>

<!— 9D0609 (0x9D0609 0x00): MU_RC4_WG_SLOW_RESPONSE_LB —>

<!— 9D060A (0x9D060A 0x00): MU_RC4_WG_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— 9D1200 (0x9D1200 0x00): Exhaust Temperature Out of Range High —>

<!— 9E0002 (0x9E0002 0x00): Ignition Switch Not Plausible —>

<!— A11003 (0xA11003 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A11004 (0xA11004 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A21003 (0xA21003 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A21004 (0xA21004 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A40002 (0xA40002 0x00): Rail Pressure Fuel Trim Lower Limit —>

<!— A40003 (0xA40003 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— A40004 (0xA40004 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A40005 (0xA40005 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— A40007 (0xA40007 0x00): High Pressure Pump, Leakage or TDC Position Wrong —>

<!— A4000F (0xA4000F 0x00): Fuel Rail pressure too low — High Pressure Circuit —>

<!— A40014 (0xA40014 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift (High) —>

<!— A40015 (0xA40015 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift (Low) —>

<!— A40403 (0xA40403 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_SUPPLY_ERROR —>

<!— A40407 (0xA40407 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor On —>

<!— A40408 (0xA40408 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Internal Test Running —>

<!— A40409 (0xA40409 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_NO_CAN —>

<!— A4040A (0xA4040A 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_SLOW_RESPONSE —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Unknown Error Code —>

<!— A4040D (0xA4040D 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_NO_VALID_SIGNAL —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_POWER_LIMITING —>

<!— A4040F (0xA4040F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning —>

<!— A40410 (0xA40410 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Fault —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Turbo Charger Waste Gate Position Error —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A41502 (0xA41502 0x00): fuel temperatur sensor signal unplausible —>

<!— A50202 (0xA50202 0x00): Starter Switch Inconsistent —>

<!— A50203 (0xA50203 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Shorted to High Source —>

<!— A50204 (0xA50204 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A50205 (0xA50205 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Open Circuit —>

<!— A50207 (0xA50207 0x00): Engine Starter Relay — Starter Does Not Engage —>

<!— A5020B (0xA5020B 0x00): MU_SCL_STARTER_FAULT —>

<!— A5020E (0xA5020E 0x00): Starter Electronic Fault / MCM Internal Failure —>

<!— A50210 (0xA50210 0x00): Starter Electronic Fault / ECU Internal (Res) —>

<!— A50212 (0xA50212 0x00): Engine Starter Relay Jammed —>

<!— A5021F (0xA5021F 0x00): Starter Jammed (Tooth to Tooth Jam) —>

<!— A80000 (0xA80000 0x00): Battery Voltage High —>

<!— A80001 (0xA80001 0x00): Battery Voltage Low —>

<!— A80011 (0xA80011 0x00): LAMBDA SUPPLIED BATTERY VOLTAGE IS LOW. —>

<!— A80012 (0xA80012 0x00): MU_IS1_U_BATT_LOW —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Range / Performance —>

<!— AB0003 (0xAB0003 0x00): MU_CPC_T_AMBIENT_SRH —>

<!— AB0004 (0xAB0004 0x00): MU_CPC_T_AMBIENT_SRL —>

<!— AB0014 (0xAB0014 0x00): MU_RC4_T_AMBIENT_DRIFT —>

<!— AB001F (0xAB001F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_AMBIENT_AIR_GEN2 —>

<!— AC0B03 (0xAC0B03 0x00): EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AC0B04 (0xAC0B04 0x00): EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AC0B05 (0xAC0B05 0x00): EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— AE0000 (0xAE0000 0x00): Fuel Temperature Before High Pressure Pump too High —>

<!— AE0002 (0xAE0002 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— AE0003 (0xAE0003 0x00): Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AE0004 (0xAE0004 0x00): Fuel Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AE000A (0xAE000A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_FUEL_GRAD —>

<!— AE000F (0xAE000F 0x00): MU_EPF_T_FUEL_2_HI_PREWARN —>

<!— AE0010 (0xAE0010 0x00): Prewarn limit for fuel temperature reached —>

<!— AE0011 (0xAE0011 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— AE0014 (0xAE0014 0x00): Plausibility Error Fuel Temperature Sensor —>

<!— AE001F (0xAE001F 0x00): Fuel Temperature Not Plausible —>

<!— AF0000 (0xAF0000 0x00): Oil Temperature High Warning —>

<!— AF0002 (0xAF0002 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— AF0003 (0xAF0003 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AF0004 (0xAF0004 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AF000A (0xAF000A 0x00): MU_ISP_T_ENG_OIL_GRAD —>

<!— AF000E (0xAF000E 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Plausibility Fault —>

<!— AF000F (0xAF000F 0x00): Oil Temperature High Pre Warning —>

<!— AF0011 (0xAF0011 0x00): Oil Temperature too Low —>

<!— AF0012 (0xAF0012 0x00): Oil Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility —>

<!— AF0014 (0xAF0014 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ENG_OIL_DRIFT —>

<!— AF001F (0xAF001F 0x00): MU_RC4_T_ENG_OIL_GEN2 —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B60D03 (0xB60D03 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B60D04 (0xB60D04 0x00): 5V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B70D03 (0xB70D03 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B70D04 (0xB70D04 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B80D03 (0xB80D03 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— B80D04 (0xB80D04 0x00): 3V Sensor Supply Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— B90D03 (0xB90D03 0x00): MU_ISP_U12_SRH —>

<!— B90D04 (0xB90D04 0x00): MU_ISP_U12_SRL —>

<!— BA0D03 (0xBA0D03 0x00): MU_ISP_UB_plus_10_SRH —>

<!— BA0D04 (0xBA0D04 0x00): MU_ISP_UB_plus_10_SRL —>

<!— BC001F (0xBC001F 0x00): Idle Speed Out of Range —>

<!— BD0404 (0xBD0404 0x00): MU_ICUC_MI_FAIL —>

<!— BE0000 (0xBE0000 0x00): Engine Speed High —>

<!— BE000E (0xBE000E 0x00): MU_EPF_ENG_SPD_REV_UP_DRIV —>

<!— BE000F (0xBE000F 0x00): Engine Overspeed Pre-warning —>

<!— BE0010 (0xBE0010 0x00): MU_EPF_ENGINE_OVERSPEED —>

<!— BE0011 (0xBE0011 0x00): Engine Overspeed Pre-warning —>

<!— BF000D (0xBF000D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is Missing —>

<!— BF0013 (0xBF0013 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is Erratic —>

<!— C01407 (0xC01407 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Very Low —>

<!— C10203 (0xC10203 0x00): Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— C10204 (0xC10204 0x00): Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— C10302 (0xC10302 0x00): CPC Clock Data Invalid —>

<!— C10313 (0xC10313 0x00): MU_CPC_CLOCK_DATA_SNA —>

<!— C31505 (0xC31505 0x00): PCV Current too Low —>

<!— C31506 (0xC31506 0x00): PCV Current Deviation too High —>

<!— C31507 (0xC31507 0x00): Pressure Limiting Valve, Failed to Close —>

<!— C60203 (0xC60203 0x00): Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— C60204 (0xC60204 0x00): Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— C91203 (0xC91203 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1) —>

<!— C91204 (0xC91204 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1) —>

<!— CA1203 (0xCA1203 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 2) —>

<!— CA1204 (0xCA1204 0x00): Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 2) —>

<!— CB0203 (0xCB0203 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— CB0204 (0xCB0204 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— CB140D (0xCB140D 0x00): Excessive Time to Enter Closed Loop Fuel Pressure Control —>

<!— CC0204 (0xCC0204 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— CC0205 (0xCC0205 0x00): High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— CE1203 (0xCE1203 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed High —>

<!— CE1204 (0xCE1204 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— CE1205 (0xCE1205 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— CF0409 (0xCF0409 0x00): ACM Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving —>

<!— D00709 (0xD00709 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_CPC_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— D0070D (0xD0070D 0x00): MCM / ACM Freeze Frame Version Incompatible —>

<!— D1030D (0xD1030D 0x00): FAN Initialization Failed, Internal Error —>

<!— D30201 (0xD30201 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— D30203 (0xD30203 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit —>

<!— D30204 (0xD30204 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage too Low —>

<!— D30207 (0xD30207 0x00): MU_EPF_CAM_CRACK —>

<!— D30208 (0xD30208 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Time Out —>

<!— D3020A (0xD3020A 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic —>

<!— D3020B (0xD3020B 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Failure —>

<!— D3020E (0xD3020E 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped —>

<!— D3021F (0xD3021F 0x00): Backwards Running Engine Detected —>

<!— D30709 (0xD30709 0x00): MU_CAN_MON_TCM_CAN_NO_COM —>

<!— D40202 (0xD40202 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_LBD_FIRED_HIGH —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— D40205 (0xD40205 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit, Open Load —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): HO2S Heater Control Circuit Range / Performance (Bank1, Sensor1) —>

<!— D40207 (0xD40207 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIAG_LSL_DYN —>

<!— D4020B (0xD4020B 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_VLS_OFS_LIM —>

<!— D4020D (0xD4020D 0x00): MU_EGCP_MAP_CAL_ERROR —>

<!— D4020E (0xD4020E 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_I_PMP_LIM —>

<!— D4021F (0xD4021F 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_V_PMP_LIM —>

<!— D41509 (0xD41509 0x00): CAN3 Communication Error —>

<!— D41513 (0xD41513 0x00): CAN3 Electrical Failure —>



<!— D90200 (0xD90200 0x00): Grid Heater Permanently On —>

<!— D90202 (0xD90202 0x00): Grid Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D90203 (0xD90203 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— D90204 (0xD90204 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— D90205 (0xD90205 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— D90207 (0xD90207 0x00): Grid Heater Defect —>











<!— E70A00 (0xE70A00 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Alert —>

<!— E70A02 (0xE70A02 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Position Deviation Error —>

<!— E70A03 (0xE70A03 0x00): EGR Valve Circuit Failed High —>

<!— E70A04 (0xE70A04 0x00): EGR Valve Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— E70A05 (0xE70A05 0x00): EGR Valve Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A08 (0xE70A08 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Internal Test Running —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, No Communication —>

<!— E70A0A (0xE70A0A 0x00): EGR Actuator Slow Response —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A0C (0xE70A0C 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Frozen —>

<!— E70A0D (0xE70A0D 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Calibration Error —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, CAN Error —>

<!— E70A0F (0xE70A0F 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Warning —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Too Large —>

<!— E70A12 (0xE70A12 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Learn Cycle Too Small —>

<!— E70A13 (0xE70A13 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Communication Error —>

<!— E70A1F (0xE70A1F 0x00): Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve actuator (unknown error code) —>

<!— EA0C00 (0xEA0C00 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Temperature too High —>

<!— EA0C02 (0xEA0C02 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Position Deviation —>

<!— EA0C03 (0xEA0C03 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EA0C04 (0xEA0C04 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EA0C05 (0xEA0C05 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Open Load —>


<!— EA0C0A (0xEA0C0A 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Slow Response —>


<!— EA0C0E (0xEA0C0E 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase Sensor Adaption Fail —>

<!— EA0C1F (0xEA0C1F 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, at State Joggling —>

<!— EB0D00 (0xEB0D00 0x00): Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed High —>

<!— EB0D03 (0xEB0D03 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed High —>

<!— EB0D04 (0xEB0D04 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— EB0D0A (0xEB0D0A 0x00): MU_ISP_DP_BARO_IM_KON_TST —>

<!— EB0D10 (0xEB0D10 0x00): MU_RC_EXT_HIGH_BOOST_MON —>

<!— EB0D12 (0xEB0D12 0x00): MU_RC_EXT_LOW_BOOST_MON —>

<!— EB0D14 (0xEB0D14 0x00): Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (Low Box) —>

<!— EB0D15 (0xEB0D15 0x00): Ambient and Inlet Manifold Pressure Difference (High Box) —>

<!— EC0B0E (0xEC0B0E 0x00): Misfire Detected —>

<!— ED0A03 (0xED0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— ED0A04 (0xED0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #1, #2, #3, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— ED0A1F (0xED0A1F 0x00): ECU internal error (injector needle control valve cylinder 1,2,3) —>

<!— ED0F00 (0xED0F00 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure High —>

<!— ED0F03 (0xED0F03 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— ED0F04 (0xED0F04 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— ED0F0E (0xED0F0E 0x00): Doser Fuel Line Pressure Failed Self Test —>

<!— ED1410 (0xED1410 0x00): Total Injected Fuel Mass too High —>

<!— ED1412 (0xED1412 0x00): Total Injected Fuel Mass too Low —>

<!— ED141F (0xED141F 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control multiple cylinder detected —>

<!— EE0A03 (0xEE0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EE0A04 (0xEE0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder #4, #5, #6, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EE0A1F (0xEE0A1F 0x00): ECU internal error (injector needle control valve cylinder 4,5,6) —>

<!— EE1410 (0xEE1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EE1412 (0xEE1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EF1410 (0xEF1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EF1412 (0xEF1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): O2 Sensor, Heater Invalid Sensor Temperature Measurement —>

<!— F00B04 (0xF00B04 0x00): O2 Sensor, Heater Performance —>

<!— F00B05 (0xF00B05 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on Line Vn —>

<!— F00B0E (0xF00B0E 0x00): O2 Sensor, Lambda Rationality During No Fueling —>

<!— F00B14 (0xF00B14 0x00): Lamda Signal Drifted High —>

<!— F00B15 (0xF00B15 0x00): Lamda Signal Drifted Low —>

<!— F00B1F (0xF00B1F 0x00): MU_RC4_LAMBDA_DEV —>

<!— F01410 (0xF01410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F01412 (0xF01412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F11410 (0xF11410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F11412 (0xF11412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F20B07 (0xF20B07 0x00): EGR Feedback Control Out of Adjustment High —>

<!— F20B09 (0xF20B09 0x00): EGR Flow Response Rate — Slow to Decrease —>

<!— F20B0A (0xF20B0A 0x00): EGR Flow Response Rate — Slow to Increase —>

<!— F20B1F (0xF20B1F 0x00): EGR Feedback Control Out of Adjustment Low —>

<!— F21410 (0xF21410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F21412 (0xF21412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F31410 (0xF31410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F31412 (0xF31412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F41410 (0xF41410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F41412 (0xF41412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess —>




<!— F51410 (0xF51410 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F51412 (0xF51412 0x00): Engine Smoothness control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess —>

<!— FC140F (0xFC140F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— FC1410 (0xFC1410 0x00): MU_AM_SRA1_TEMP_ALERT —>

<!— 02F0EE (0x02F0EE 0x00): Spare MU_3 for Prototyping —>

<!— 03F0EE (0x03F0EE 0x00): Spare MU_4 for Prototyping —>

<!— 04F0EE (0x04F0EE 0x00): Spare MU_5 for Prototyping —>

<!— 051403 (0x051403 0x00): ULIN Voltage too High —>

<!— 051404 (0x051404 0x00): ULIN Voltage too Low —>

<!— 05F0EE (0x05F0EE 0x00): Spare Event MU_1 for Prototyping —>

<!— 06F0EE (0x06F0EE 0x00): Spare Event MU_2 for Prototyping —>

<!— 07F0EE (0x07F0EE 0x00): Spare Event MU_3 for Prototyping —>

<!— 08F0EE (0x08F0EE 0x00): Spare Event MU_4 for Prototyping —>

<!— 09040A (0x09040A 0x00): MCM Cycle Time Rationality Error —>

<!— 090412 (0x090412 0x00): Engine Off Time Rationality Error —>

<!— 09F0EE (0x09F0EE 0x00): Spare Event MU_5 for Prototyping —>

<!— 1B0007 (0x1B0007 0x00): EGR Valve Spring Broken —>

<!— 1B000E (0x1B000E 0x00): EGR Control Integral at Limit —>

<!— 230D03 (0x230D03 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Valve, Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 230D04 (0x230D04 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Valve, Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Valve, Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 230D11 (0x230D11 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Valve, Short-Circuit to Battery or Open Load and DEF Tank Temperature Low —>

<!— 281703 (0x281703 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Circuit Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 281705 (0x281705 0x00): H Bridge 2 EGR Valve Short-Circuit / Over Current —>

<!— 29F3FF (0x29F3FF 0x00): Lost communication with PBS — power boost system —>

<!— 2A050A (0x2A050A 0x00): Simultaneous Misfire on Multiple Cylinders Detected —>

<!— 2A050B (0x2A050B 0x00): Misfire on Alternating Cylinders Detected —>

<!— 2B050A (0x2B050A 0x00): Cylinder #1 Misfire Rate Above 5% Detected —>

<!— 2C050A (0x2C050A 0x00): Cylinder #2 Misfire Rate Above 5% Detected —>

<!— 2C051F (0x2C051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2D050A (0x2D050A 0x00): Cylinder #3 Misfire Rate Above 5% Detected —>

<!— 2D051F (0x2D051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2D1509 (0x2D1509 0x00): Lost communication with SRA1 — Wastegate —>

<!— 2E050A (0x2E050A 0x00): Cylinder #4 Misfire Rate Above 5% Detected —>

<!— 2E051F (0x2E051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2EF3EE (0x2EF3EE 0x00): Test MU_1 for Similar Conditions —>

<!— 2F050A (0x2F050A 0x00): Cylinder #5 Misfire Rate Above 5% Detected —>

<!— 2F051F (0x2F051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 2FF0EE (0x2FF0EE 0x00): EGR System Parameterization Failure —>

<!— 2FF3EE (0x2FF3EE 0x00): Test MU_2 for Similar Conditions —>

<!— 300407 (0x300407 0x00): Engine Brake System Shows Brake Lashes —>

<!— 30050A (0x30050A 0x00): Cylinder #6 Misfire Rate Above 5% Detected —>

<!— 30051F (0x30051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Short-Circuit —>

<!— 32F3E0 (0x32F3E0 0x00): Injection Quantity Deficit Detected —>

<!— 32F3E1 (0x32F3E1 0x00): Injection Quantity Excess Detected —>

<!— 33000A (0x33000A 0x00): Intake Throttle Frozen —>

<!— 33F0E9 (0x33F0E9 0x00): Internal Communication Error with O2 Sensor Controller —>

<!— 33F0EB (0x33F0EB 0x00): O2 Sensor Controller, Internal Initialization Error —>

<!— 35F3FF (0x35F3FF 0x00): Symmetric Injection Mode Expected —>

<!— 36F0E0 (0x36F0E0 0x00): PBS Internal Error —>

<!— 36F0E1 (0x36F0E1 0x00): PBS Critical Error —>

<!— 36F0E2 (0x36F0E2 0x00): PBS Air Supply Permanently Broken —>

<!— 36F0E3 (0x36F0E3 0x00): PBS Voltage too High —>

<!— 36F0E4 (0x36F0E4 0x00): PBS Voltage too Low —>

<!— 36F0E9 (0x36F0E9 0x00): PBS Missing CAN Signals from MCM —>

<!— 36F0ED (0x36F0ED 0x00): PBS with Wrong or Missing Configuration —>

<!— 36F0EE (0x36F0EE 0x00): Wrong / Incompatible PBS Software Version —>

<!— 36F0EF (0x36F0EF 0x00): PBS Temperature too High —>

<!— 36F0F0 (0x36F0F0 0x00): Timeout of PBS CAN Signals —>

<!— 36F3FF (0x36F3FF 0x00): Asymmetric Injection Mode Expected —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): Software Reset Detected, Case C —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): Software Reset Detected, Case B —>

<!— 3EF3FF (0x3EF3FF 0x00): Nozzle Begin Data 1 Out of Range —>

<!— 3FF3FF (0x3FF3FF 0x00): Nozzle Begin Data 2 Out of Range —>

<!— 40F3FF (0x40F3FF 0x00): Current Duration Trim Data Out of Range —>

<!— 41F3E9 (0x41F3E9 0x00): Lost Communication with RCM Module —>

<!— 42F3E9 (0x42F3E9 0x00): Lost Communication With Cruise Control IPPC Module —>

<!— 43F3E9 (0x43F3E9 0x00): Lost Communication With Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» —>

<!— 450A02 (0x450A02 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 450A14 (0x450A14 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Plausibility Error, Temperature too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 450A15 (0x450A15 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Plausibility Error, Temperature too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 450A1F (0x450A1F 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 45F3E9 (0x45F3E9 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Signal Not Valid —>

<!— 460A0B (0x460A0B 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 460A0F (0x460A0F 0x00): Cooling Efficiency of Icooler too Low —>

<!— 460A14 (0x460A14 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 460A15 (0x460A15 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 460A1F (0x460A1F 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 46F0F0 (0x46F0F0 0x00): Warning: Maximum Number Hashcycles Consumed —>

<!— 46F0F3 (0x46F0F3 0x00): FBS3 Injection Inhibit due to Missing EIS CAN Signals —>

<!— 46F3E9 (0x46F3E9 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Communication Error —>

<!— 470A14 (0x470A14 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 47F0E3 (0x47F0E3 0x00): Shortcut to Battery of PBS Cable between ECU and Torque Engine —>

<!— 47F0E4 (0x47F0E4 0x00): Shortcut to Ground of PBS Cable between ECU and Torque Engine —>

<!— 47F0E5 (0x47F0E5 0x00): Broken PBS Cable between ECU and Torque Engine —>

<!— 47F3F0 (0x47F3F0 0x00): Pressure Deviation too high —>

<!— 47F3F2 (0x47F3F2 0x00): Pressure Deviation too low —>

<!— 48F0E2 (0x48F0E2 0x00): PBS Outlet Pressure Deviation —>

<!— 48F3E2 (0x48F3E2 0x00): I-Term Value too Low —>

<!— 48F3EA (0x48F3EA 0x00): I-Term Value too High —>

<!— 49F0E2 (0x49F0E2 0x00): PBS Inlet Pressure Deviation —>

<!— 49F3E3 (0x49F3E3 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 49F3E4 (0x49F3E4 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 49F3E5 (0x49F3E5 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 2 Circuit Open —>

<!— 4AF0E0 (0x4AF0E0 0x00): Overvoltage PV_B Shut Off —>

<!— 4AF3E0 (0x4AF3E0 0x00): Water-Drain-Module: fuel pressure sensor too high —>

<!— 4AF3E3 (0x4AF3E3 0x00): Low Side Water-Drain-Module Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 4AF3E4 (0x4AF3E4 0x00): Low Side Water-Drain-Module Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 4BF0EA (0x4BF0EA 0x00): MCM Cycle Time Rationality Error —>

<!— 4BF0F2 (0x4BF0F2 0x00): Engine Off Time Rationality Error —>

<!— 4BF0F3 (0x4BF0F3 0x00): CPC Clock Date Signal Not Available —>

<!— 4BF3F0 (0x4BF3F0 0x00): Water-Drain-Module : restriction on ventil 1 detected —>

<!— 4BF3F2 (0x4BF3F2 0x00): Water-Drain-Module : leakage on ventil 1 detected —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too Low Similar Condition —>

<!— 4CF0F2 (0x4CF0F2 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too High, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4CF3F0 (0x4CF3F0 0x00): Water-Drain-Module : restriction ventil 2 detected —>

<!— 4CF3F2 (0x4CF3F2 0x00): Water-Drain-Module : leakage on ventil 2 detected —>

<!— 4DF0E2 (0x4DF0E2 0x00): Over Capacity in High Pressure Circuit, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4DF0EA (0x4DF0EA 0x00): Under Capacity in High Pressure Circuit, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4DF3FF (0x4DF3FF 0x00): Water-Drain-Module: Emulsion detected —>

<!— 4EF3FF (0x4EF3FF 0x00): Waterpump doesn’t slow down —>

<!— 4FF3F0 (0x4FF3F0 0x00): Exhaust Gas Recirculation «A» Control Circuit Range/Performance High —>

<!— 4FF3F2 (0x4FF3F2 0x00): Exhaust Gas Recirculation «A» Control Circuit Range/Performance High —>

<!— 50F3FF (0x50F3FF 0x00): Defective Brake Cylinder 1 —>

<!— 51F3FF (0x51F3FF 0x00): Defective Brake Cylinder 2 —>

<!— 52F3FF (0x52F3FF 0x00): Defective Brake Cylinder 3 —>

<!— 53F3FF (0x53F3FF 0x00): Defective Brake Cylinder 4 —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): vehicle speed over PTCAN SNA —>

<!— 540013 (0x540013 0x00): vehicle speed value is outside the allowable range —>

<!— 54F3FF (0x54F3FF 0x00): Defective Brake Cylinder 5 —>

<!— 55F3FF (0x55F3FF 0x00): Defective Brake Cylinder 6 —>

<!— 57F3FF (0x57F3FF 0x00): Smoke mode too often activated —>

<!— 59F3FF (0x59F3FF 0x00): OBD Frame Inducement Lamp1 —>

<!— 5AF3FF (0x5AF3FF 0x00): OBD Frame Inducement Lamp2 —>

<!— 5BF3FF (0x5BF3FF 0x00): OBD Frame Inducement Lamp3 —>

<!— 5CF3FF (0x5CF3FF 0x00): OBD Frame Inducement Lamp4 —>

<!— 5DF3E2 (0x5DF3E2 0x00): Sensor drift for compressor outlet temperature detected —>

<!— 5E0410 (0x5E0410 0x00): EGR Flow Rate Very Low —>

<!— 5EF0FF (0x5EF0FF 0x00): Software Reset Detected, Case A —>

<!— 5EF3FF (0x5EF3FF 0x00): MU_UDS_MASTER_NOK —>

<!— 5FF0EE (0x5FF0EE 0x00): MCM Missing VIN —>

<!— 5FF3FF (0x5FF3FF 0x00): MU_FMM_OBDC_SYNCH_NOK —>

<!— 600009 (0x600009 0x00): Fuel Level Sensor Signal Not Available / Unplausible —>

<!— 60000D (0x60000D 0x00): Fuel Level Sensor Signal Not Available / Unplausible —>

<!— 600013 (0x600013 0x00): Fuel Level Sensor Signal Error —>

<!— 60F0EE (0x60F0EE 0x00): Diagnosis Test MU_1, Fuelmap Not for Production —>

<!— 60F0FF (0x60F0FF 0x00): Diagnosis Test MU_2, Fuelmap Not for Production —>

<!— 60F3FF (0x60F3FF 0x00): XCP/CCP is activated on a ROM ECU —>

<!— 61000E (0x61000E 0x00): Water-in-Fuel Warning — Ignored —>

<!— 61000F (0x61000F 0x00): Water-in-Fuel Warning —>

<!— 611015 (0x611015 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 61101F (0x61101F 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 61F3FF (0x61F3FF 0x00): Engine Purge Function active —>

<!— 62000E (0x62000E 0x00): Production Mode Oil Level Measurement Active —>

<!— 62F3E0 (0x62F3E0 0x00): Pilot1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 1 —>

<!— 630A0A (0x630A0A 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator Slow Response —>

<!— 63F3E0 (0x63F3E0 0x00): Pilot1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 2 —>

<!— 64060B (0x64060B 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 64F3E0 (0x64F3E0 0x00): Pilot1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 3 —>

<!— 65F3ED (0x65F3ED 0x00): vehicle speed over PTCAN SNA —>

<!— 65F3F3 (0x65F3F3 0x00): vehicle speed value is outside the allowable range —>

<!— 660002 (0x660002 0x00): Integrated Intake Pressure Runs Out of Expected Range —>

<!— 66F3E0 (0x66F3E0 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 66F3E1 (0x66F3E1 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 670010 (0x670010 0x00): Turbo Charger Turbine Overspeed Detected —>

<!— 67F0EB (0x67F0EB 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span too Small Range 2, Max Learn Attempts Completed —>

<!— 67F0EC (0x67F0EC 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span too Small Range 2, Max Learn Attempts Not Completed —>

<!— 67F0EE (0x67F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span too Small Range 3 —>

<!— 67F0F3 (0x67F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Communication Error —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Cycle Incomplete —>

<!— 67F3E0 (0x67F3E0 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 67F3E1 (0x67F3E1 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 68F0E3 (0x68F0E3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Low Supply Voltage —>

<!— 68F0EE (0x68F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Place Holder MU_1 —>

<!— 68F0F3 (0x68F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Communication Error —>

<!— 68F0FF (0x68F0FF 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Learn Cycle Incomplete —>

<!— 68F3E0 (0x68F3E0 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 68F3E1 (0x68F3E1 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 690002 (0x690002 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 69F0EE (0x69F0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Place Holder MU_2 —>

<!— 69F3E0 (0x69F3E0 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 69F3E1 (0x69F3E1 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 6A1603 (0x6A1603 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 1 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 6A1604 (0x6A1604 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 1 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 6A1605 (0x6A1605 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 1 Circuit Open —>

<!— 6AF0EE (0x6AF0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Place Holder MU_1 —>

<!— 6AF3E0 (0x6AF3E0 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 6AF3E1 (0x6AF3E1 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 6BF0EE (0x6BF0EE 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Place Holder MU_2 —>

<!— 6BF3E0 (0x6BF3E0 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 6BF3E1 (0x6BF3E1 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 6CF0E3 (0x6CF0E3 0x00): Map Thermostat, Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 6CF0E4 (0x6CF0E4 0x00): Map Thermostat, Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 6CF0E5 (0x6CF0E5 0x00): Map Thermostat, Open Load —>

<!— 6CF3FF (0x6CF3FF 0x00): Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected at Idle at Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 6DF3E0 (0x6DF3E0 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #1 are Higher than Allowed Upper Limit —>

<!— 6DF3E1 (0x6DF3E1 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #1 are Lower than Allowed Lower Limit —>

<!— 6E000E (0x6E000E 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature / Engine Oil Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 6E0010 (0x6E0010 0x00): Coolant Temperature High Alarm —>

<!— 6E0012 (0x6E0012 0x00): Failed Coolant Thermostat (Coolant Heat Up too Slow Compared to Modeled Coolant Temperature) —>

<!— 6E0014 (0x6E0014 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 6E0015 (0x6E0015 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 6EF0E2 (0x6EF0E2 0x00): NOx Sensor Drift Detected —>

<!— 6EF3E0 (0x6EF3E0 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #2 are Higher than Allowed Upper Limit —>

<!— 6EF3E1 (0x6EF3E1 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #2 are Lower than Allowed Lower Limit —>

<!— 6FF0EE (0x6FF0EE 0x00): Calculated Lambda Drift Detected —>

<!— 6FF3E0 (0x6FF3E0 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #3 are Higher than Allowed Upper Limit —>

<!— 6FF3E1 (0x6FF3E1 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #3 are Lower than Allowed Lower Limit —>

<!— 70F0EF (0x70F0EF 0x00): Model Based EGR Mass Offset too High —>

<!— 70F3E0 (0x70F3E0 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #4 are Higher than Allowed Upper Limit —>

<!— 70F3E1 (0x70F3E1 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #4 are Lower than Allowed Lower Limit —>

<!— 710211 (0x710211 0x00): No ACM2 Communication — Pre-Warning —>

<!— 71F0E3 (0x71F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 71F0E4 (0x71F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 71F3E0 (0x71F3E0 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #5 are Higher than Allowed Upper Limit —>

<!— 71F3E1 (0x71F3E1 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #5 are Lower than Allowed Lower Limit —>

<!— 72F0E3 (0x72F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 72F0E4 (0x72F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 72F3E0 (0x72F3E0 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #6 are Higher than Allowed Upper Limit —>

<!— 72F3E1 (0x72F3E1 0x00): Adapted QTPIR Values Cylinder #6 are Lower than Allowed Lower Limit —>

<!— 73F0E3 (0x73F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 73F0E4 (0x73F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 73F3E3 (0x73F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #1 —>

<!— 73F3E4 (0x73F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #1 —>

<!— 74F0E3 (0x74F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 74F0E4 (0x74F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 74F3E3 (0x74F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #2 —>

<!— 74F3E4 (0x74F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #2 —>

<!— 75F0E3 (0x75F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 75F0E4 (0x75F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 75F3E3 (0x75F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #3 —>

<!— 75F3E4 (0x75F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #3 —>

<!— 76020A (0x76020A 0x00): Powerlatch of Last Driving Cycle Not Completed —>

<!— 76021F (0x76021F 0x00): Loss of Non-Volatile Data —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): HC-Dosing Conditions Not Fulfilled —>

<!— 76F0E3 (0x76F0E3 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 76F0E4 (0x76F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 76F3E3 (0x76F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #4 —>

<!— 76F3E4 (0x76F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #4 —>

<!— 77F3E3 (0x77F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #5 —>

<!— 77F3E4 (0x77F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #5 —>

<!— 78F3E3 (0x78F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #6 —>

<!— 78F3E4 (0x78F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #6 —>

<!— 79F3E3 (0x79F3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #1 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 79F3E4 (0x79F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #1 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7AF0F3 (0x7AF0F3 0x00): Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Error Detected on CPC —>

<!— 7AF3E3 (0x7AF3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #2 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7AF3E4 (0x7AF3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #2 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7B0611 (0x7B0611 0x00): Thermostat Monitoring Error —>

<!— 7BF0E3 (0x7BF0E3 0x00): CY320 Overvoltage Detection for Sensor Supply 1 —>

<!— 7BF0E4 (0x7BF0E4 0x00): CY320 Undervoltage Detection for Sensor Supply 1 —>

<!— 7BF3E3 (0x7BF3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #3 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7BF3E4 (0x7BF3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #3 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7CF0E3 (0x7CF0E3 0x00): CY320 Overvoltage Detection for Sensor Supply 2 —>

<!— 7CF0E4 (0x7CF0E4 0x00): CY320 Undervoltage Detection for Sensor Supply 2 —>

<!— 7CF3E3 (0x7CF3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #4 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7CF3E4 (0x7CF3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #4 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7DF0E3 (0x7DF0E3 0x00): CY320 Overvoltage Detection for Sensor Supply 3 —>

<!— 7DF0E4 (0x7DF0E4 0x00): CY320 Undervoltage Detection for Sensor Supply 3 —>

<!— 7DF3E3 (0x7DF3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #5 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7DF3E4 (0x7DF3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #5 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7E1400 (0x7E1400 0x00): Inducement Fault Active —>

<!— 7E140F (0x7E140F 0x00): Inducement System on Warning —>

<!— 7E1410 (0x7E1410 0x00): Inducement System on Derate —>

<!— 7E141F (0x7E141F 0x00): Inducement System in Shutdown —>

<!— 7EF0E2 (0x7EF0E2 0x00): Camshaft and Crankshaft Signal Match Error Cold —>

<!— 7EF3E3 (0x7EF3E3 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #6 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7EF3E4 (0x7EF3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder #6 for Cold-Temperature —>

<!— 7EF3ED (0x7EF3ED 0x00): exhaust heating system flap status over PTCAN is SNA —>

<!— 7EF3F3 (0x7EF3F3 0x00): exhaust heating system flap status over PTCAN is outside the allowable range —>

<!— 7FF3E0 (0x7FF3E0 0x00): Linear lambda sensor heater circuit resistance out of limits in normal operation —>

<!— 80F3E0 (0x80F3E0 0x00): Linear lambda sensor heater circuit resistance out of limits in cold start —>

<!— 81F0FF (0x81F0FF 0x00): Internal MCM Error —>

<!— 81F3E0 (0x81F3E0 0x00): Post1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 1 —>

<!— 82F3E0 (0x82F3E0 0x00): Post1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 2 —>

<!— 83F3E0 (0x83F3E0 0x00): Post1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 3 —>

<!— 840E1F (0x840E1F 0x00): High Idle Regeneration (HIR) Aborted — Low Coolant Temp —>

<!— 84F3E0 (0x84F3E0 0x00): Post1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 4 —>

<!— 85F3E0 (0x85F3E0 0x00): Post1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 5 —>

<!— 86F3E0 (0x86F3E0 0x00): Post1 Correction has Reached the Maximum Limit for Cylinder 6 —>

<!— 87F3E0 (0x87F3E0 0x00): pilot1 correction has reached the maximum limit for cylinder 4 —>

<!— 880D03 (0x880D03 0x00): IAT Motor Circuit Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 880D05 (0x880D05 0x00): IAT Motor Short-Circuit / Over Current —>

<!— 880D10 (0x880D10 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too High due to Wastegate —>

<!— 880D11 (0x880D11 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve Plausibility Error —>

<!— 880D12 (0x880D12 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure in System with Throttle Valve too Low —>

<!— 88F3E0 (0x88F3E0 0x00): pilot1 correction has reached the maximum limit for cylinder 5 —>

<!— 89F3E0 (0x89F3E0 0x00): pilot1 correction has reached the maximum limit for cylinder 6 —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Stuck Open —>

<!— 900C10 (0x900C10 0x00): NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error High —>

<!— 900C12 (0x900C12 0x00): NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error Low —>

<!— 910C03 (0x910C03 0x00): Lambda Sensor short cut to battery —>

<!— 910C04 (0x910C04 0x00): Lambda Sensor short cut to ground —>

<!— 910C0A (0x910C0A 0x00): Lambda sensor closed loop control can not be achieved —>

<!— 940402 (0x940402 0x00): Engine Coolant Temperature / Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 94041F (0x94041F 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (High Side), Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (High Side), Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— 9C0403 (0x9C0403 0x00): Turbo Charger Turbine Inlet Temperature (T3) Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 9C0404 (0x9C0404 0x00): Turbo Charger Turbine Inlet Temperature (T3) Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9D000E (0x9D000E 0x00): Leakage in Low Pressure Fuel Circuit Detected —>

<!— 9D000F (0x9D000F 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too Low — Low Pressure Circuit —>

<!— A4000F (0xA4000F 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too Low — High Pressure Circuit —>

<!— A40403 (0xA40403 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Supply Voltage Out of Range —>

<!— A40407 (0xA40407 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A40409 (0xA40409 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Communication —>

<!— A4040A (0xA4040A 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Position Deviation Error 2 —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Learn Span too Small Range 2 —>

<!— A4040D (0xA4040D 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Signal Not Valid —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Actuator Power Limited —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Position Error —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Position Deviation Error —>

<!— A41502 (0xA41502 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor Signal Unplausible —>

<!— A5020B (0xA5020B 0x00): Engine Starter Solenoid Failure —>

<!— A80011 (0xA80011 0x00): Linear lambda sensor heater circuit resistance out of limits in cold start —>

<!— A80012 (0xA80012 0x00): Low Battery Voltage —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AB001F (0xAB001F 0x00): Ambient Air Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE0002 (0xAE0002 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE000F (0xAE000F 0x00): Fuel Temperature High Pre-Warning —>

<!— AE0011 (0xAE0011 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, Minimum Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE0014 (0xAE0014 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AE001F (0xAE001F 0x00): Fuel Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AF0002 (0xAF0002 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AF000E (0xAF000E 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— AF000F (0xAF000F 0x00): Oil Temperature High Pre-Warning —>

<!— AF001F (0xAF001F 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor General Temperature Plausibility Error —>

<!— B90D03 (0xB90D03 0x00): U12 (MCM Internal) Voltage too High —>

<!— B90D04 (0xB90D04 0x00): U12 (MCM Internal) Voltage too Low —>

<!— BA0D03 (0xBA0D03 0x00): UB+10V (MCM Internal) Voltage too High —>

<!— BA0D04 (0xBA0D04 0x00): UB+10V (MCM Internal) Voltage too Low —>

<!— BE000E (0xBE000E 0x00): Engine Overspeed while Driving —>

<!— BE000F (0xBE000F 0x00): Engine Overspeed Pre-Warning —>

<!— BE0010 (0xBE0010 0x00): Engine Overspeed while Stationary —>

<!— BE0011 (0xBE0011 0x00): Engine Overspeed Pre-Warning —>

<!— C10313 (0xC10313 0x00): CPC Clock Date Signal Not Available —>

<!— D00709 (0xD00709 0x00): Lost Communication With a CPC Module —>

<!— D30709 (0xD30709 0x00): Lost Communication with TCM Module —>

<!— D40202 (0xD40202 0x00): O2 Sensor, Value too Lean During Load —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), Short-Circuit to Battery —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Low Side), Short-Circuit to Ground —>

<!— D40205 (0xD40205 0x00): O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit, Open Load —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit, Overload (Current too High) —>

<!— D40207 (0xD40207 0x00): O2 Sensor, Slow Response —>

<!— D4020B (0xD4020B 0x00): O2 Sensor, Offset Compensation Failed —>

<!— D4020E (0xD4020E 0x00): O2 Sensor, Pumping Current Limited —>

<!— D4021F (0xD4021F 0x00): O2 Sensor, Pumping Voltage Limited —>

<!— D81C03 (0xD81C03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— D81C04 (0xD81C04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— D91C03 (0xD91C03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— D91C04 (0xD91C04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— DA1C03 (0xDA1C03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— DA1C04 (0xDA1C04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— DB1C03 (0xDB1C03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— DB1C04 (0xDB1C04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— DC1C03 (0xDC1C03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— DC1C04 (0xDC1C04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— DD1C03 (0xDD1C03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— DD1C04 (0xDD1C04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— E70A00 (0xE70A00 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Alert —>

<!— E70A02 (0xE70A02 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Position Deviation Error —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), No Communication —>

<!— E70A0A (0xE70A0A 0x00): Coolant Temperature High Alarm —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Common Failure —>

<!— E70A0C (0xE70A0C 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Valve frozen —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Wrong Failsafe Calibration —>

<!— E70A0F (0xE70A0F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Temperature Warning —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Learn Cycle too Large —>

<!— E70A12 (0xE70A12 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Learn Span too Small —>

<!— E70A1F (0xE70A1F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Position Deviation Error 2 —>

<!— EA0C07 (0xEA0C07 0x00): VCP Position Deviation Delayed Response Diagnostic —>

<!— EA0C0B (0xEA0C0B 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamp Position —>

<!— EB0D0A (0xEB0D0A 0x00): Barometric Pressure and Intake Manifold Pressure Rationality Error —>

<!— ED0A1F (0xED0A1F 0x00): ECU Internal Error (Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1,2,3) —>

<!— ED141F (0xED141F 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Multiple Cylinders Detected —>

<!— EE0A1F (0xEE0A1F 0x00): ECU Internal Error (Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4,5,6) —>

<!— EE1410 (0xEE1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EE1412 (0xEE1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Quantity Excess —>

<!— EF1410 (0xEF1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— EF1412 (0xEF1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F01410 (0xF01410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F01412 (0xF01412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F11410 (0xF11410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F11412 (0xF11412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F20B09 (0xF20B09 0x00): EGR Slow Response Low Box —>

<!— F20B0A (0xF20B0A 0x00): Exhaust Gas Recirculation Slow Response —>

<!— F21410 (0xF21410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F21412 (0xF21412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F31410 (0xF31410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F31412 (0xF31412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F50B01 (0xF50B01 0x00): CSERS- cold start emission reduction strategy fault condition 1 —>

<!— F50B02 (0xF50B02 0x00): CSERS- cold start emission reduction strategy fault condition egr position —>

<!— F50B1F (0xF50B1F 0x00): CSERS- cold start emission reduction strategy fault condition 1 —>

<!— FC140F (0xFC140F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Warning —>

<!— FC1410 (0xFC1410 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Alert —>

<!— 00F0EE (0x00F0EE 0x00): FSG: EGR Feedback on Lambda to low —>

<!— 01F0EE (0x01F0EE 0x00): FSG: EGR Feedback on Lambda to high —>

<!— 0B020D (0x0B020D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is missing —>

<!— 0B0213 (0x0B0213 0x00): J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is erratic —>

<!— 0BF0E3 (0x0BF0E3 0x00): H Bridge 2 Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 0BF0E4 (0x0BF0E4 0x00): H Bridge 2 Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 0BF0E5 (0x0BF0E5 0x00): H Bridge 2 Circuit Shorted Load —>

<!— 0BF0EE (0x0BF0EE 0x00): H Bridge 2 Circuit Open Load —>

<!— 0CF0E3 (0x0CF0E3 0x00): FSG: Reserved 2 —>

<!— 0CF0E4 (0x0CF0E4 0x00): FSG: Reserved 1 —>

<!— 0EF0E3 (0x0EF0E3 0x00): FSG: Reserved 4 —>

<!— 0EF0E4 (0x0EF0E4 0x00): FSG: Reserved 3 —>

<!— 0F0E0F (0x0F0E0F 0x00): MU_IS1_U_SPS_SPORATIC_SRH —>

<!— 0F0E11 (0x0F0E11 0x00): MU_IS1_U_SPS_SPORATIC_SRL —>

<!— 17F0E3 (0x17F0E3 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 17F0E4 (0x17F0E4 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 17F0E5 (0x17F0E5 0x00): Water Pump Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 1B0013 (0x1B0013 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates EGR Position Error —>

<!— 1B060E (0x1B060E 0x00): FSG: Detect unwanted ECU change —>

<!— 1DF0E3 (0x1DF0E3 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 1DF0E4 (0x1DF0E4 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 1DF0E5 (0x1DF0E5 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Open Load —>

<!— 230D05 (0x230D05 0x00): DEF Tank Heater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— 27F0F0 (0x27F0F0 0x00): Engine Torque — Low —>

<!— 27F0F2 (0x27F0F2 0x00): Engine Torque — High —>

<!— 2B050B (0x2B050B 0x00): Cylinder 1 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2B050E (0x2B050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 1 — Overfueling —>

<!— 2B051F (0x2B051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 1 — Underfueling —>

<!— 2C050B (0x2C050B 0x00): Cylinder 2 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2C050E (0x2C050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 2 — Overfueling —>

<!— 2C051F (0x2C051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 2 — Underfueling —>

<!— 2CF0EE (0x2CF0EE 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 1 —>

<!— 2CF0FF (0x2CF0FF 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 2 —>

<!— 2D050B (0x2D050B 0x00): Cylinder 3 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2D050E (0x2D050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 3 — Overfueling —>

<!— 2D051F (0x2D051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 3 — Underfueling —>

<!— 2DF0E2 (0x2DF0E2 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Position Deviation —>

<!— 2DF0E7 (0x2DF0E7 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamb Position —>

<!— 2DF0EA (0x2DF0EA 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Slow Response —>

<!— 2DF0EE (0x2DF0EE 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase Sensor Adaption Fail —>

<!— 2DF0FF (0x2DF0FF 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, at State Joggling —>

<!— 2E050B (0x2E050B 0x00): Cylinder 4 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2E050E (0x2E050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 4 — Overfueling —>

<!— 2E051F (0x2E051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 4 — Underfueling —>

<!— 2EF0E0 (0x2EF0E0 0x00): FSG: Variable Camshaft Phase, Temperature to high —>

<!— 2EF0EE (0x2EF0EE 0x00): MCM DM1 Messages Not Received — Instrument Cluster —>

<!— 2EF0FF (0x2EF0FF 0x00): ACM DM1 Messages Not Received — Instrument Cluster —>

<!— 2F050B (0x2F050B 0x00): Cylinder 5 Misfire detected —>

<!— 2F050E (0x2F050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 5 — Overfueling —>

<!— 2F051F (0x2F051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 5 — Underfueling —>

<!— 30050B (0x30050B 0x00): Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 30050E (0x30050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 6 — Overfueling —>

<!— 30051F (0x30051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 6 — Underfueling —>

<!— 30F0E8 (0x30F0E8 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 3 —>

<!— 31050B (0x31050B 0x00): Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 31050E (0x31050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 7 — Overfueling —>

<!— 31051F (0x31051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 7 — Underfueling —>

<!— 31F0E8 (0x31F0E8 0x00): FSG: Intermittent conection in sensor electric circuit 4 —>

<!— 32050B (0x32050B 0x00): Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected —>

<!— 32050E (0x32050E 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 8 — Overfueling —>

<!— 32051F (0x32051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control Cylinder 8 — Underfueling —>

<!— 32F0E2 (0x32F0E2 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor, Heater Invalid Sensor Temperature Measurement —>

<!— 32F0E3 (0x32F0E3 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Short Circuit —>

<!— 32F0E5 (0x32F0E5 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vn —>

<!— 32F0EE (0x32F0EE 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor, Lambda Rationality During No Fueling —>

<!— 330012 (0x330012 0x00): MU_RC4_IAT_RAT —>

<!— 33F0E5 (0x33F0E5 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vg —>

<!— 34F0E5 (0x34F0E5 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vip —>

<!— 350405 (0x350405 0x00): Quantity Control Valve Error, Current Too Low —>

<!— 350406 (0x350406 0x00): Quantity Control Valve, Current Too High —>

<!— 35040E (0x35040E 0x00): Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System Too High (Leak Down Test) —>

<!— 35041F (0x35041F 0x00): Rail Pressure Governor Error, Open Loop Error —>

<!— 35F0E5 (0x35F0E5 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1, Open Circuit on line Vrc —>

<!— 36F0F3 (0x36F0F3 0x00): FSG: CAN3 electrical failure —>

<!— 38F0E0 (0x38F0E0 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, number of keys limited to 8 —>

<!— 38F0E1 (0x38F0E1 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, counter overflow —>

<!— 38F0E2 (0x38F0E2 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, X5 cancelled —>

<!— 38F0E3 (0x38F0E3 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, no TPC via CAN —>

<!— 38F0E4 (0x38F0E4 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, no TPC via starter pin —>

<!— 38F0E5 (0x38F0E5 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, code valid but false —>

<!— 39F0E3 (0x39F0E3 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 39F0E4 (0x39F0E4 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error —>

<!— 3AF0E4 (0x3AF0E4 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— 3BF0E3 (0x3BF0E3 0x00): FSG: PCV highside short-circuit to battery —>

<!— 3BF0E4 (0x3BF0E4 0x00): Pressure Control Valve High Side Error —>

<!— 3CF0E4 (0x3CF0E4 0x00): FSG: PCV lowside short-circuit to ground —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): FSG: SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level2 monitoring due to error in engine speed plausibilisation. —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): FSG: SW-Reset executed by MCM2-Level2 monitoring due to error in fuel-cutoff plausibilisation; —>

<!— 441501 (0x441501 0x00): Engine Crankcase Breather Oil Separator Speed Too Low —>

<!— 44F0E2 (0x44F0E2 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_LBD_FIRED_HIGH —>

<!— 44F0E7 (0x44F0E7 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIAG_LSL_DYN —>

<!— 44F0EB (0x44F0EB 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_VLS_OFS_LIM —>

<!— 44F0EE (0x44F0EE 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_I_PMP_LIM —>

<!— 44F0FF (0x44F0FF 0x00): MU_EGCP_DIA_V_PMP_LIM —>

<!— 450A02 (0x450A02 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 450A03 (0x450A03 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 450A04 (0x450A04 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 450A14 (0x450A14 0x00): Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 450A15 (0x450A15 0x00): Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 45F0FF (0x45F0FF 0x00): MU_SCM_SPEED_LIMIT_LEV2 —>

<!— 460002 (0x460002 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is erratic —>

<!— 460009 (0x460009 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is missing —>

<!— 46000A (0x46000A 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is erratic —>

<!— 46000D (0x46000D 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is missing —>

<!— 46000E (0x46000E 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is missing —>

<!— 460013 (0x460013 0x00): J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is erratic —>

<!— 460A02 (0x460A02 0x00): Engine Air Temperature — Plausibility Fault Out of Range (High Box) —>

<!— 460A14 (0x460A14 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (Low box) —>

<!— 460A15 (0x460A15 0x00): Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (High box) —>

<!— 46F0E9 (0x46F0E9 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to keyline lock —>

<!— 46F0EA (0x46F0EA 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to wrong key —>

<!— 46F0EB (0x46F0EB 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to transport protection —>

<!— 46F0ED (0x46F0ED 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to expired prelease time without authentification —>

<!— 46F0EE (0x46F0EE 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to expired prelease time mulitple times (CAN or EIS failure) —>

<!— 46F0EF (0x46F0EF 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to odometer lock function —>

<!— 46F0F3 (0x46F0F3 0x00): FSG: FBS3 injection inhibit due to issing EIS CAN signales —>

<!— 46F0F5 (0x46F0F5 0x00): FSG: FBS3 t_count value expired —>

<!— 46F0FF (0x46F0FF 0x00): FGS: FBS3 data flash defect, exchange ECU —>

<!— 470A02 (0x470A02 0x00): Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost System Performance —>

<!— 470A0E (0x470A0E 0x00): Charge Air Control, Pressure not plausible in brake mode —>

<!— 470A15 (0x470A15 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure Too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 4B0E03 (0x4B0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4B0E04 (0x4B0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4B0E05 (0x4B0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL1_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4B0E06 (0x4B0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Amplifier Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4B0E0A (0x4B0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4BF0E2 (0x4BF0E2 0x00): MU_IS4_CPC_CLOCK_SRC —>

<!— 4BF0EF (0x4BF0EF 0x00): MU_RC4_ENG_ON_TIM_PLAUS —>

<!— 4BF0F1 (0x4BF0F1 0x00): MU_RC4_ENG_OFF_TIM_PLAUS —>

<!— 4C0E03 (0x4C0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4C0E04 (0x4C0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4C0E05 (0x4C0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL2_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4C0E06 (0x4C0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Amplifier Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4C0E0A (0x4C0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SRH_SIC —>

<!— 4CF0F2 (0x4CF0F2 0x00): MU_RPG_P_RAIL_DEV_SRL_SIC —>

<!— 4D0E03 (0x4D0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4D0E04 (0x4D0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4D0E05 (0x4D0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL3_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4D0E06 (0x4D0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Amplifier Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4D0E0A (0x4D0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4DF0E2 (0x4DF0E2 0x00): MU_RPG_INT_MON_SRL_SIC —>

<!— 4DF0EA (0x4DF0EA 0x00): MU_RPG_INT_MON_SRH_SIC —>

<!— 4E0E03 (0x4E0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4E0E04 (0x4E0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4E0E05 (0x4E0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL4_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4E0E06 (0x4E0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Amplifier Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4E0E0A (0x4E0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4EF0E7 (0x4EF0E7 0x00): FSG: Classic Immobilizer, Key slip detected —>

<!— 4F0E03 (0x4F0E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 4F0E04 (0x4F0E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 4F0E05 (0x4F0E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL5_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 4F0E06 (0x4F0E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Amplifier Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 4F0E0A (0x4F0E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 4FF0EB (0x4FF0EB 0x00): FSG: Cylinder 1 Misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 500E03 (0x500E03 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 500E04 (0x500E04 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 500E05 (0x500E05 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL6_PUMP_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 500E06 (0x500E06 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Amplifier Control Valve, Valve Shorted Circuit —>

<!— 500E0A (0x500E0A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Amplifier Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 50F0EB (0x50F0EB 0x00): FSG: Cylinder 2 Misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 510E0E (0x510E0E 0x00): MCM/ACM Software Not Compatible —>

<!— 51F0EB (0x51F0EB 0x00): FSG: Cylinder 3 Misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 52F0EB (0x52F0EB 0x00): FSG: Cylinder 4 Misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 53F0EB (0x53F0EB 0x00): FSG: Cylinder 5 Misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 540002 (0x540002 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is erratic —>

<!— 540009 (0x540009 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is missing —>

<!— 54000A (0x54000A 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is erratic —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is missing —>

<!— 54000E (0x54000E 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is missing —>

<!— 540013 (0x540013 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is erratic —>

<!— 54F0EB (0x54F0EB 0x00): FSG: Cylinder 6 Misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 55F0EE (0x55F0EE 0x00): FSG: Misfire Detection without cylinder number detection, similar condition —>

<!— 56F0EE (0x56F0EE 0x00): FSG: Multiple cylinder misfire detected, similar condition —>

<!— 57F0E7 (0x57F0E7 0x00): FSG: Starter Inhibit due to SCM —>

<!— 58F0E7 (0x58F0E7 0x00): FSG: Engine brake inhibit due to SCM via MVB —>

<!— 59F0E7 (0x59F0E7 0x00): FSG: Engine brake inhibit due to SCM via JB1 —>

<!— 5AF0E7 (0x5AF0E7 0x00): FSG: Engine brake inhibit due to SCM via JB2 —>

<!— 5E0001 (0x5E0001 0x00): MU_IS2_P_LOW_CIRC_TOO_LOW —>

<!— 5E0410 (0x5E0410 0x00): EGR Flow — Too Low —>

<!— 5E0412 (0x5E0412 0x00): EGR Flow — Too High —>

<!— 600002 (0x600002 0x00): MU_IS4_CAN_LVL_FEUL_TNK_PLAUS —>

<!— 610000 (0x610000 0x00): Water in Fuel Lifetime exceeded —>

<!— 610007 (0x610007 0x00): Water in Fuel Sensor — Defect —>

<!— 61000E (0x61000E 0x00): Water in Fuel Warning Ignored —>

<!— 61000F (0x61000F 0x00): Water in Fuel —>

<!— 610010 (0x610010 0x00): Water In Fuel Ignored — Derate —>

<!— 61001F (0x61001F 0x00): Water In Fuel Ignored — Shutdown —>

<!— 61020C (0x61020C 0x00): Microcontroller Trap has been activated —>

<!— 61100A (0x61100A 0x00): Coolant Temperature Sensors not Plausible —>

<!— 611011 (0x611011 0x00): MU_ISP_ENG_WARM_MON —>

<!— 61101F (0x61101F 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (IN), General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 620004 (0x620004 0x00): FSG: Oil Level Sensor defect —>

<!— 620005 (0x620005 0x00): FSG: Oil Level Sensor Wire Open Load —>

<!— 620010 (0x620010 0x00): FSG: Engine Oil Level Too High —>

<!— 620012 (0x620012 0x00): FSG: Engine Oil Level too low —>

<!— 640000 (0x640000 0x00): MU_RC1_P_OIL_STUCK —>

<!— 640001 (0x640001 0x00): Engine Oil Pressure Low —>

<!— 64000A (0x64000A 0x00): MU_EPF_P_ENG_OIL_BUILDUP —>

<!— 640011 (0x640011 0x00): MU_EPF_P_ENG_OIL_PREWARN —>

<!— 640602 (0x640602 0x00): Engine Air Temperature — Plausibility Fault Out of Range (Low Box) —>

<!— 660010 (0x660010 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Too High —>

<!— 670002 (0x670002 0x00): Turbocharger Speed Not Plausible —>

<!— 67000F (0x67000F 0x00): FSG: Turbo charger overspeed check —>

<!— 670202 (0x670202 0x00): Water Pump Limp Home Mode —>

<!— 670207 (0x670207 0x00): Water Pump Mechanical Defect Detected —>

<!— 67040A (0x67040A 0x00): FSG: Turbocharger Boost Control «A» Slow Response —>

<!— 670602 (0x670602 0x00): Fan Speed Fault —>

<!— 690010 (0x690010 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Efficency —>

<!— 6E0014 (0x6E0014 0x00): Engine Coolant Sensor (OUT), General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 710211 (0x710211 0x00): No ACM Communication — Pre Warning —>

<!— 710212 (0x710212 0x00): No ACM Communication — Warning —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): FSG: HC-Dosing Conditions not fullfilled —>

<!— 7B0601 (0x7B0601 0x00): MU_RC4_TSTAT_MON —>

<!— 7C0201 (0x7C0201 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low —>

<!— 7C0204 (0x7C0204 0x00): Crankshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— 821003 (0x821003 0x00): Compressor Differential Pressure Inlet Failed High —>

<!— 821004 (0x821004 0x00): Compressor Differential Pressure Inlet Failed Low —>

<!— 82100D (0x82100D 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration —>

<!— 82100E (0x82100E 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration —>

<!— 821014 (0x821014 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 821015 (0x821015 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 840001 (0x840001 0x00): Air Mass Flow Too Low —>

<!— 84000F (0x84000F 0x00): FSG: Air mass adaption has reached implausible value —>

<!— 840E1F (0x840E1F 0x00): High Idle Regen — Low Temperature —>

<!— 850510 (0x850510 0x00): Injection timing Cyl1 out of range —>

<!— 85051F (0x85051F 0x00): End of injection timing Cyl #1 out of range —>

<!— 860510 (0x860510 0x00): Injection timing Cyl2 out of range —>

<!— 86051F (0x86051F 0x00): End of injection timing Cyl #2 out of range —>

<!— 870510 (0x870510 0x00): Injection timing Cyl3 out of range —>

<!— 87051F (0x87051F 0x00): End of injection timing Cyl #3 out of range —>

<!— 880510 (0x880510 0x00): Injection timing Cyl4 out of range —>

<!— 88051F (0x88051F 0x00): End of injection timing Cyl #4 out of range —>

<!— 880D03 (0x880D03 0x00): H Bridge 1 Circiut Shorted to Battery —>

<!— 880D04 (0x880D04 0x00): H Bridge 1 Circuit Shorted to Ground —>

<!— 880D05 (0x880D05 0x00): H Bridge 1 Circuit Shorted Load —>

<!— 880D08 (0x880D08 0x00): Intake Throttle Valve, Current Deviation Too High —>

<!— 880D10 (0x880D10 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Too High (Restricted Mode) —>

<!— 880D12 (0x880D12 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure Too Low (Restricted Mode) —>

<!— 880D1F (0x880D1F 0x00): ITV H Bridge 1 Ciruit — Open Load —>

<!— 890510 (0x890510 0x00): Injection timing Cyl5 out of range —>

<!— 89051F (0x89051F 0x00): End of injection timing Cyl #5 out of range —>

<!— 8A0510 (0x8A0510 0x00): Injection timing Cyl6 out of range —>

<!— 8A051F (0x8A051F 0x00): End of injection timing Cyl #6 out of range —>

<!— 8B0203 (0x8B0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8B0204 (0x8B0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8B0205 (0x8B0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL1_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8B0207 (0x8B0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Not Responding —>

<!— 8B020A (0x8B020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8B0607 (0x8B0607 0x00): FSG: Injection inhibited by immobilizer (wrong key or CAN or EIS issue) —>

<!— 8C0203 (0x8C0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8C0204 (0x8C0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8C0205 (0x8C0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL2_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8C0207 (0x8C0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Not Responding —>

<!— 8C020A (0x8C020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8D0203 (0x8D0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8D0204 (0x8D0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8D0205 (0x8D0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL3_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8D0207 (0x8D0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Not Responding —>

<!— 8D020A (0x8D020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8E0203 (0x8E0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8E0204 (0x8E0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8E0205 (0x8E0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL4_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8E0207 (0x8E0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Not Responding —>

<!— 8E020A (0x8E020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 8F0203 (0x8F0203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 8F0204 (0x8F0204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 8F0205 (0x8F0205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL5_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 8F0207 (0x8F0207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Not Responding —>

<!— 8F020A (0x8F020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 900203 (0x900203 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX) —>

<!— 900204 (0x900204 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN) —>

<!— 900205 (0x900205 0x00): MU_OFD_CYL6_INJ_OPEN_LOAD —>

<!— 900207 (0x900207 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Not Responding —>

<!— 90020A (0x90020A 0x00): Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change —>

<!— 900C02 (0x900C02 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor — Drift —>

<!— 900C0A (0x900C0A 0x00): MU_NOX_INTRU_IDLE —>

<!— 900C0F (0x900C0F 0x00): FSG: NOX sensor drift check (high) —>

<!— 900C11 (0x900C11 0x00): FSG: NOX sensor drift check (low) —>

<!— 900C14 (0x900C14 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor — Drift (High Box) —>

<!— 900C15 (0x900C15 0x00): SCR Inlet Nox Sensor — Drift (Low Box) —>

<!— 901210 (0x901210 0x00): EGR Cooler Performance -Low —>

<!— 90121F (0x90121F 0x00): EGR Cooler Performance Monitor —>

<!— 91020A (0x91020A 0x00): EGR Valve Temperature Too High —>

<!— 91020E (0x91020E 0x00): FSG: EGR Valve Failed to attain closed position —>

<!— 92020A (0x92020A 0x00): EGR Valve Postion Error —>

<!— 92020E (0x92020E 0x00): FSG: EGR Valve Failed to attain open position —>

<!— 940402 (0x940402 0x00): Coolant Temp/Compressor Inlet Temp Plausibility Error —>

<!— 940403 (0x940403 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 940404 (0x940404 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 940414 (0x940414 0x00): Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo Battery HighSide Switch —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo Ground HighSide Switch —>

<!— 980D10 (0x980D10 0x00): Fuel Pressure Too High/Too Low —>

<!— 980D1F (0x980D1F 0x00): Fuel Cut Off Valve Pressure Not Plausible —>

<!— 990B03 (0x990B03 0x00): PCV Current too Low —>

<!— 990B04 (0x990B04 0x00): PCV Current Deviation too High —>

<!— 9A0D11 (0x9A0D11 0x00): FSG: DDV error detected during non regen mode —>

<!— 9B0100 (0x9B0100 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Too High (Low Box) —>

<!— 9B0101 (0x9B0101 0x00): EGR Differential Pressure Too Low (High Box) —>

<!— 9B0102 (0x9B0102 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration —>

<!— 9B010D (0x9B010D 0x00): EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration —>

<!— 9C0102 (0x9C0102 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error —>

<!— 9C0110 (0x9C0110 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor / Temperature Too High —>

<!— 9D0004 (0x9D0004 0x00): Pressure Control Valve High Side Error —>

<!— 9D000A (0x9D000A 0x00): Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System Too High —>

<!— 9D0010 (0x9D0010 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Low —>

<!— 9D0011 (0x9D0011 0x00): MU_RPG_RP_START_MON_ERROR —>

<!— 9D0012 (0x9D0012 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure High —>

<!— A11003 (0xA11003 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A11004 (0xA11004 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A21003 (0xA21003 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Battery —>

<!— A21004 (0xA21004 0x00): Injector Amplifier Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— A40000 (0xA40000 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error —>

<!— A40002 (0xA40002 0x00): High Pressure Fuel System — Overcapacity —>

<!— A40014 (0xA40014 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor — Drift High —>

<!— A40015 (0xA40015 0x00): Rail Pressure Sensor — Drift Low —>

<!— A40409 (0xA40409 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Restricted Operability —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— A40413 (0xA40413 0x00): Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Wastegate Position Error —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Unknown Error Code —>

<!— A50210 (0xA50210 0x00): Starter Electronic Fault / ECU internal (Res) —>

<!— A50212 (0xA50212 0x00): Starter Relay — Resistance Low —>

<!— A70207 (0xA70207 0x00): Pressure Limiting Valve, Failed to Close —>

<!— AA0C00 (0xAA0C00 0x00): MU_EPF_T_EXH_HIGH —>

<!— AB0002 (0xAB0002 0x00): FSG: Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Range/Performance —>

<!— AE0000 (0xAE0000 0x00): Fuel Temperature Too High —>

<!— AE0002 (0xAE0002 0x00): Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility —>

<!— AE0014 (0xAE0014 0x00): MU_RC4_T_FUEL_GEN2 —>

<!— AE001F (0xAE001F 0x00): Fuel Temperture Not Plausible —>

<!— AF0002 (0xAF0002 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility —>

<!— AF0011 (0xAF0011 0x00): FSG: Oil temperature too low —>

<!— AF0012 (0xAF0012 0x00): FSG: Engine oil temperature rises to slow or not at all —>

<!— BA0203 (0xBA0203 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed High —>

<!— BA0204 (0xBA0204 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— BA0205 (0xBA0205 0x00): Gridheater Circuit Failed Open —>

<!— BC001F (0xBC001F 0x00): Idle Speed Out of range —>

<!— BF000D (0xBF000D 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is missing —>

<!— BF0013 (0xBF0013 0x00): J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is erratic —>

<!— C01407 (0xC01407 0x00): MU_RC4_P_INT_LOW_CEL —>

<!— D1030D (0xD1030D 0x00): FSG: FAN initialization failed, internal error —>

<!— D1030E (0xD1030E 0x00): FAN Clutch Issue —>

<!— D30201 (0xD30201 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low —>

<!— D30204 (0xD30204 0x00): Camshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground —>

<!— D3021F (0xD3021F 0x00): Reverse Engine Rotation Detected —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo Battery LowSide Switch —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo GND LowSide Switch —>

<!— D40205 (0xD40205 0x00): Open Load of Lambda Sensor Heating —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): Lambda Sensor Heating: Over LoadLoad between High Side and Low Side Switch —>

<!— D90204 (0xD90204 0x00): Grid Heater Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— E70A07 (0xE70A07 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor On —>

<!— E70A09 (0xE70A09 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A0B (0xE70A0B 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Restricted Operability —>

<!— E70A0E (0xE70A0E 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off —>

<!— E70A10 (0xE70A10 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Fault —>

<!— EB0A09 (0xEB0A09 0x00): CAN3 Communication Error —>

<!— EB0D12 (0xEB0D12 0x00): Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed Low —>

<!— ED0A03 (0xED0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1,2,3 Shorted to Battery —>

<!— ED0A04 (0xED0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 1, 2, 3 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— ED1410 (0xED1410 0x00): Fuel Quantity High Detected —>

<!— ED1412 (0xED1412 0x00): Fuel Quantity Low Detected —>

<!— EE0A03 (0xEE0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4,5,6, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EE0A04 (0xEE0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Cylinder 4, 5, 6 Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EE1410 (0xEE1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 1 — Overfueling —>

<!— EE1412 (0xEE1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 1 — Underfueling —>

<!— EF1410 (0xEF1410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 2 — Overfueling —>

<!— EF1412 (0xEF1412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 2 — Underfueling —>

<!— F00B04 (0xF00B04 0x00): FSG: O2 Sensor, Heater Performance —>

<!— F00B14 (0xF00B14 0x00): Lamda Signal drifted high —>

<!— F00B15 (0xF00B15 0x00): Lamda Signal drifted low —>

<!— F01410 (0xF01410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 3 — Overfueling —>

<!— F01412 (0xF01412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 3 — Underfueling —>

<!— F11410 (0xF11410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 4 — Overfueling —>

<!— F11412 (0xF11412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 4 — Underfueling —>

<!— F20B02 (0xF20B02 0x00): MU_RC4_EGR_SLOW_RESP_LB —>

<!— F20B0A (0xF20B0A 0x00): FSG: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Slow Response —>

<!— F21410 (0xF21410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 5 — Overfueling —>

<!— F21412 (0xF21412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 5 — Underfueling —>

<!— F31410 (0xF31410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 6 — Overfueling —>

<!— F31412 (0xF31412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 6 — Underfueling —>

<!— F41410 (0xF41410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 7 — Overfueling —>

<!— F41412 (0xF41412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 7 — Underfueling —>

<!— F51410 (0xF51410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 8 — Overfueling —>

<!— F51412 (0xF51412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control Cylinder 8 — Underfueling —>

<!— 2B051F (0x2B051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Misfire at Idle —>

<!— 2C051F (0x2C051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Misfire at Idle —>

<!— 2D051F (0x2D051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Misfire at Idle —>

<!— 2E051F (0x2E051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Misfire at Idle —>

<!— 2F051F (0x2F051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Misfire at Idle —>

<!— 30051F (0x30051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Misfire at Idle —>

<!— 31051F (0x31051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 32051F (0x32051F 0x00): Idle Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit at Idle —>

<!— 350403 (0x350403 0x00): Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) error —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Too High, Similar Condition —>

<!— 4CF0F2 (0x4CF0F2 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low, Similar Condition —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is Missing —>

<!— 540013 (0x540013 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is Erratic —>

<!— 68F0ED (0x68F0ED 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Calibration Error —>

<!— 76020E (0x76020E 0x00): UDS Tables unsorted, UDS security access issue —>

<!— 9D000E (0x9D000E 0x00): MU_RPG_LPC_LEAK_MON_ERROR —>

<!— E70A0C (0xE70A0C 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Valve Frozen —>

<!— E70A0D (0xE70A0D 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Signal Not Valid —>

<!— E70A13 (0xE70A13 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Position Error —>

<!— EA0C07 (0xEA0C07 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamb Position —>

<!— ED0A1F (0xED0A1F 0x00): MU_OFD_BANK1_OFF_PULL_FAIL —>

<!— EE0A1F (0xEE0A1F 0x00): MU_OFD_BANK2_OFF_PULL_FAIL —>

<!— F41410 (0xF41410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F41412 (0xF41412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Quantity Excess —>

<!— F51410 (0xF51410 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Deficit —>

<!— F51412 (0xF51412 0x00): Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Quantity Excess —>

<!— 00F0F0 (0x00F0F0 0x00): EGR-Feedback on Lambda too High —>

<!— 2A0507 (0x2A0507 0x00): multiple cylinder have detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 2B0507 (0x2B0507 0x00): Cylinder #1 has detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 2C0507 (0x2C0507 0x00): Cylinder #2 has detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 2D0507 (0x2D0507 0x00): Cylinder #3 has detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 2E0507 (0x2E0507 0x00): Cylinder #4 has detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 2F0507 (0x2F0507 0x00): Cylinder #5 has detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 300507 (0x300507 0x00): Cylinder #6 has detected a misfire at idle —>

<!— 330002 (0x330002 0x00): Intake Throttle-Position-Deviation Error —>

<!— 38F0E6 (0x38F0E6 0x00): Injection Inhibited by Immobilizer(Wrong Key or CAN or EIS Issue) —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): Software_Reset_Detected, Case C —>

<!— 3DF0FF (0x3DF0FF 0x00): Software Reset Detected,Case B —>

<!— 4AF3E3 (0x4AF3E3 0x00): Low Side Water-Draim-Module Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 4AF3E4 (0x4AF3E4 0x00): Low Side Water-Draim-Module Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 4BF0E2 (0x4BF0E2 0x00): CPC-Clock Data Invalid —>

<!— 4BF0EA (0x4BF0EA 0x00): MCM Cycle-Time Rationality Error —>

<!— 4BF0EF (0x4BF0EF 0x00): MCM Engine-Run Timer Plausibility —>

<!— 4BF0F1 (0x4BF0F1 0x00): MCM Engine-Off Timer Plausibility —>

<!— 4BF0F2 (0x4BF0F2 0x00): Engine-Off Time Rationality Error —>

<!— 4BF0F3 (0x4BF0F3 0x00): CPC-Clock Date Signal Not Available —>

<!— 4FF3F0 (0x4FF3F0 0x00): Exhaust Gas Recirculation «A» Control Circuit Range/ Performance High —>

<!— 50F3FF (0x50F3FF 0x00): Defectice Brake Cylinder 1 —>

<!— 51F3FF (0x51F3FF 0x00): Defectice Brake Cylinder 2 —>

<!— 52F3FF (0x52F3FF 0x00): Defectice Brake Cylinder 3 —>

<!— 53F3FF (0x53F3FF 0x00): Defectice Brake Cylinder 4 —>

<!— 540009 (0x540009 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle-Speed Signal from Source#2 is Missing —>

<!— 54000A (0x54000A 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle-Speed Signal from Source#3 is Erratic —>

<!— 54000D (0x54000D 0x00): vehicle-speed over PTCAN SNA —>

<!— 54000E (0x54000E 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle-Speed Signal from Source#3 is Missing —>

<!— 540013 (0x540013 0x00): vehicle-speed value is outside the allowable range —>

<!— 54F3FF (0x54F3FF 0x00): Defectice Brake Cylinder 5 —>

<!— 55F3FF (0x55F3FF 0x00): Defectice Brake Cylinder 6 —>

<!— 580602 (0x580602 0x00): MU_CPC-32 —>

<!— 580603 (0x580603 0x00): MU_CPC-33 —>

<!— 580604 (0x580604 0x00): MU_CPC-34 —>

<!— 5EF0FF (0x5EF0FF 0x00): Software-Reset Detected,Case A —>

<!— 5EF3EB (0x5EF3EB 0x00): MU_FMM_UDS_MASTER_ACM_NOK —>

<!— 600009 (0x600009 0x00): Fuel Level Sensor Signal Not Availiable /Unplausible —>

<!— 60000D (0x60000D 0x00): Fuel Level Sensor Signal Not Availiable / Unplausible —>

<!— 61000F (0x61000F 0x00): Water-in-Fuel_Warning —>

<!— 610010 (0x610010 0x00): Water-in-Fuel (WIF)Warning —>

<!— 61001F (0x61001F 0x00): Water-in-Fuel(WIF) Warning — Ignored —>

<!— 62F3ED (0x62F3ED 0x00): vehicle speed over PTCAN SNA —>

<!— 62F3F3 (0x62F3F3 0x00): vehicle speed value is outside the allowable range —>

<!— 630A08 (0x630A08 0x00): EGR Valve Actuator Slow Response —>

<!— 630A09 (0x630A09 0x00): EGR slow response low box — MDEG —>

<!— 630A0A (0x630A0A 0x00): EGR-Valve Actuator Slow Response —>

<!— 63F3FF (0x63F3FF 0x00): CSERS- cold start emission reduction strategy fault condition 2 —>

<!— 650000 (0x650000 0x00): Crankcase pressure sensor rationality high monitor —>

<!— 650001 (0x650001 0x00): Crankcase pressure sensor rationality low monitor —>

<!— 650003 (0x650003 0x00): Crankcase pressure sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 650004 (0x650004 0x00): Crankcase pressure sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 65F3E2 (0x65F3E2 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is Missing —>

<!— 65F3ED (0x65F3ED 0x00): vehicle speed over PTCAN-SNA —>

<!— 65F3EF (0x65F3EF 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is Erratic —>

<!— 65F3F1 (0x65F3F1 0x00): J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is Missing —>

<!— 65F3F3 (0x65F3F3 0x00): vehicle-speed-value is outside the allowable range —>

<!— 68F0F3 (0x68F0F3 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR),Communication Error —>

<!— 6FF0EE (0x6FF0EE 0x00): Calculated Lamba Drift Detected —>

<!— 71F0E3 (0x71F0E3 0x00): Injector-Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 71F0E4 (0x71F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder#1 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 72F0E3 (0x72F0E3 0x00): Injector-Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 72F0E4 (0x72F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder#2 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 73F0E3 (0x73F0E3 0x00): Injector-Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 73F0E4 (0x73F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder#3 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 73F3E4 (0x73F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder#1 —>

<!— 74F0E3 (0x74F0E3 0x00): Injector-Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 74F0E4 (0x74F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder#4 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 74F3E4 (0x74F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder#2 —>

<!— 75F0E3 (0x75F0E3 0x00): Injector-Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 75F0E4 (0x75F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder#5 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 75F3E4 (0x75F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder#3 —>

<!— 76F0E3 (0x76F0E3 0x00): Injector-Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MAX) Cold —>

<!— 76F0E4 (0x76F0E4 0x00): Injector Cylinder#6 Needle Control Valve, Abnormal Operation (MIN) Cold —>

<!— 76F3E4 (0x76F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder#4 —>

<!— 77F3E4 (0x77F3E4 0x00): Injector Push Error for Post or Pilot Injections on Cylinder#5 —>








<!— 80F3E2 (0x80F3E2 0x00): CAN Air Compressor Clutch Signal is not plausible —>

<!— 8AF3EB (0x8AF3EB 0x00): Lambda sensor slow response faild for 30% —>

<!— 8AF3EE (0x8AF3EE 0x00): Lambda sensor slow response faild for 60% —>

<!— 8AF3FF (0x8AF3FF 0x00): Lambda sensor slow response faild for time 60% minus 30% —>

<!— 8BF3FF (0x8BF3FF 0x00): SRA3 position deviation cold condition —>

<!— 8CF3FF (0x8CF3FF 0x00): MDEG EGR position deviation cold condition —>

<!— 8DF3FF (0x8DF3FF 0x00): VCP position deviation cold condition —>

<!— 8EF3FF (0x8EF3FF 0x00): CAN_Air_Compressor Clutch Signal is not plausible —>

<!— 8FF3FF (0x8FF3FF 0x00): Time to enable closed loop EGR operation —>

<!— 900C02 (0x900C02 0x00): NOX Inlet-Sensor Plausibility-Error —>

<!— 900C0A (0x900C0A 0x00): NOX Inlet Sensor PlausibilityError —>

<!— 900C10 (0x900C10 0x00): NOX Inlet-Sensor Plausibility Error High —>

<!— 900C12 (0x900C12 0x00): NOX Inlet-Sensor Plausibility Error Low —>

<!— 90F3FF (0x90F3FF 0x00): Cold start emission reduction strategy has detected a fault in VCP logic —>

<!— 9B0102 (0x9B0102 0x00): EGR Delta-Pressure Sensor Out of Calibration Low —>

<!— 9D0000 (0x9D0000 0x00): quick fuel Rail Pressure lost because of a cracked pump head —>

<!— 9D0001 (0x9D0001 0x00): Fuel Rail Pressure too High due to high pressure gradient —>

<!— BE000F (0xBE000F 0x00): Engine-Overspeed_Pre-Warning —>

<!— BE0011 (0xBE0011 0x00): Engine-Overspeed PreWarning —>

<!— D11210 (0xD11210 0x00): Boost wastegate error deviation high —>

<!— D11212 (0xD11212 0x00): Boost wastegate error deviation low —>

<!— E70A00 (0xE70A00 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR),Temperature Alert —>

<!— E70A0A (0xE70A0A 0x00): Coolant Temperature High-Alarm —>

<!— E70A0F (0xE70A0F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR),Temperature Warning —>

<!— E70A13 (0xE70A13 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 3 (EGR), Communication-Error —>

<!— EA0C0B (0xEA0C0B 0x00): Variable Camshaft Phase, Clamb Position —>

<!— FC140F (0xFC140F 0x00): Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate),Temperature Warning —>

<!— 080212 (0x080212 0x00): reduced engine brake power —>

<!— 33000A (0x33000A 0x00): Intake Throttle Deviation Error Cold —>

<!— 34F3E1 (0x34F3E1 0x00): Fault Reaction Manager — Intake Manifold Pressure too Low —>

<!— 3AF3E0 (0x3AF3E0 0x00): Group 1 sensors not plausible —>

<!— 3BF3E0 (0x3BF3E0 0x00): Group 2 sensors not plausible —>

<!— 3CF3E0 (0x3CF3E0 0x00): Group 3 sensors not plausible —>

<!— 460A0E (0x460A0E 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 460A0F (0x460A0F 0x00): Cooling Efficiency of Icooler too Low — Charge Air Cooler efficiency too low —>

<!— 4AF3E4 (0x4AF3E4 0x00): Low Side Water-Drain-Module Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 4EF3FF (0x4EF3FF 0x00): Low Side Water-Drain-Module Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 4FF3F0 (0x4FF3F0 0x00): EGR Controller Effort Exceeds Limits High — Low EGR flow —>

<!— 4FF3F2 (0x4FF3F2 0x00): EGR Controller Effort Exceeds Limits Low — High EGR flow —>

<!— 50F3FF (0x50F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #1 —>

<!— 51F3FF (0x51F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #2 —>

<!— 52F3FF (0x52F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #3 —>

<!— 53F3FF (0x53F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #4 —>

<!— 59F3FF (0x59F3FF 0x00): DEF inducement DEF lamp active —>

<!— 5AF3FF (0x5AF3FF 0x00): DEF inducement CEL lamp active —>

<!— 5CF3FF (0x5CF3FF 0x00): DEF inducement SEL lamp active —>

<!— 600009 (0x600009 0x00): fuel level sensor signal missing or not available —>

<!— 611014 (0x611014 0x00): Coolant In Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 64060E (0x64060E 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 640610 (0x640610 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Efficiency Low —>

<!— 650602 (0x650602 0x00): Coolant Out Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 700402 (0x700402 0x00): MCM Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 760E0D (0x760E0D 0x00): HC dosing conditions not met —>

<!— 7B0607 (0x7B0607 0x00): Coolant Thermostat Failed —>

<!— 7B061F (0x7B061F 0x00): MU_RC4_THERM_STAT_COOL_DWN ghost MU for rate base —>

<!— 7C020F (0x7C020F 0x00): Timing Offset between Cam and Crankshaft —>

<!— 7EF0E2 (0x7EF0E2 0x00): Timing Offset between Cam and Crankshaft — Cold Mode —>

<!— 82F0FF (0x82F0FF 0x00): Timing Offset between Cam and Crankshaft — Cold Mode —>

<!— 880D12 (0x880D12 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too Low in System with Throttle Valve —>

<!— 940415 (0x940415 0x00): Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— 980D03 (0x980D03 0x00): Doser inlet pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— 980D04 (0x980D04 0x00): Doser inlet pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 9D060A (0x9D060A 0x00): Wastegate slow response —>

<!— A50207 (0xA50207 0x00): Engine Starter Relay — Starter Does Not Disengage —>

<!— AB0003 (0xAB0003 0x00): Ambient Temperature Circuit Failed High —>

<!— AB0004 (0xAB0004 0x00): Ambient Temperature Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— AB0014 (0xAB0014 0x00): Ambient Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— AF0014 (0xAF0014 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Signal Not Plausible —>

<!— EB0D10 (0xEB0D10 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too High —>

<!— EB0D12 (0xEB0D12 0x00): Intake Manifold Pressure too Low —>

<!— ED0F03 (0xED0F03 0x00): Doser Outlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed High —>

<!— ED0F04 (0xED0F04 0x00): Doser Outlet Pressure Sensor Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— 441502 (0x441502 0x00): oil spinner speed signal is unplausible —>

<!— 450A0A (0x450A0A 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 460A0A (0x460A0A 0x00): Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 51F3FF (0x51F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #2 —>

<!— 54F3FF (0x54F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #5 —>

<!— 55F3FF (0x55F3FF 0x00): Inoperative engine brake cylinder #6 —>

<!— 5AF3FF (0x5AF3FF 0x00): DEF inducement SEL lamp active —>

<!— 5CF3FF (0x5CF3FF 0x00): DEF inducement CEL lamp active —>

<!— 61100B (0x61100B 0x00): Engine Coolant Inlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 63F3ED (0x63F3ED 0x00): fuel level sensor signal missing or not available —>

<!— 63F3F3 (0x63F3F3 0x00): Fuel Level Sensor Signal Error —>

<!— 64060A (0x64060A 0x00): Intake Manifold Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 64F3ED (0x64F3ED 0x00): CPC bus-off fault for CHCAN —>

<!— 6E000A (0x6E000A 0x00): Engine Coolant Outlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 91F3FF (0x91F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #1 —>

<!— 92F3FF (0x92F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #2 —>

<!— 93F3FF (0x93F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #3 —>

<!— 94040A (0x94040A 0x00): Turbo Charger Compressor Inlet Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— 94F3FF (0x94F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #4 —>

<!— 95F3FF (0x95F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #5 —>

<!— 96F3FF (0x96F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #6 —>

<!— 97F3FF (0x97F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #1 during cold-mode —>

<!— 98F3FF (0x98F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #2 during cold-mode —>

<!— 99F3FF (0x99F3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #3 during cold-mode —>

<!— 9AF3FF (0x9AF3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #4 during cold-mode —>

<!— 9BF3FF (0x9BF3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #5 during cold-mode —>

<!— 9C010A (0x9C010A 0x00): EGR Temperature Sensor — Signal Spike —>

<!— 9C040A (0x9C040A 0x00): Turbo Charger Turbine Inlet Temperature (T3) — Signal Spike —>

<!— 9CF3FF (0x9CF3FF 0x00): injection duration failure Cylinder #6 during cold-mode —>

<!— 9DF3F0 (0x9DF3F0 0x00): EUIS: late impact detection cylinder #1 —>

<!— 9DF3F2 (0x9DF3F2 0x00): EUIS: early impact detection cylinder #1 —>

<!— 9DF3FF (0x9DF3FF 0x00): EUIS: no impact detection cylinder #1 —>

<!— 9EF3F0 (0x9EF3F0 0x00): EUIS: late impact detection cylinder #2 —>

<!— 9EF3F2 (0x9EF3F2 0x00): EUIS: early impact detection cylinder #2 —>

<!— 9EF3FF (0x9EF3FF 0x00): EUIS: no impact detection cylinder #2 —>

<!— 9FF3F0 (0x9FF3F0 0x00): EUIS: late impact detection cylinder #3 —>

<!— 9FF3F2 (0x9FF3F2 0x00): EUIS: early impact detection cylinder #3 —>

<!— 9FF3FF (0x9FF3FF 0x00): EUIS: no impact detection cylinder #3 —>

<!— A0F3F0 (0xA0F3F0 0x00): EUIS: late impact detection cylinder #4 —>

<!— A0F3F2 (0xA0F3F2 0x00): EUIS: early impact detection cylinder #4 —>

<!— A0F3FF (0xA0F3FF 0x00): EUIS: no impact detection cylinder #4 —>

<!— A1F3F0 (0xA1F3F0 0x00): EUIS: late impact detection cylinder #5 —>

<!— A1F3F2 (0xA1F3F2 0x00): EUIS: early impact detection cylinder #5 —>

<!— A1F3FF (0xA1F3FF 0x00): EUIS: no impact detection cylinder #5 —>

<!— A2F3F0 (0xA2F3F0 0x00): EUIS: late impact detection cylinder #6 —>

<!— A2F3F2 (0xA2F3F2 0x00): EUIS: early impact detection cylinder #6 —>

<!— A2F3FF (0xA2F3FF 0x00): EUIS: no impact detection cylinder #6 —>

<!— A3F3F2 (0xA3F3F2 0x00): intake air pressure governor cannot reach its requested pressure. —>

<!— AE000A (0xAE000A 0x00): Fuel Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— AF000A (0xAF000A 0x00): Engine Oil Temperature — Signal Spike —>

<!— ED140F (0xED140F 0x00): overfueling detected by lambda deviation monitor —>

<!— ED1411 (0xED1411 0x00): underfueling detected by lambda deviation monitor —>

<!— F20B10 (0xF20B10 0x00): exhaust gas recirculation high flow detected by lambda deviation monitor —>

<!— F20B12 (0xF20B12 0x00): exhaust gas recirculation low flow detected by lambda deviation monitor —>

<!— A6F3E2 (0xA6F3E2 0x00): FBS4: ADR not correct —>

<!— A6F3E9 (0xA6F3E9 0x00): FBS4: EIS not connected —>

<!— A6F3EA (0xA6F3EA 0x00): FBS4: Hashvalue equal to comparevalue —>

<!— A6F3EB (0xA6F3EB 0x00): FBS4: KID not valid —>

<!— A6F3ED (0xA6F3ED 0x00): FBS4: DFLASH not initialized —>

<!— A6F3EE (0xA6F3EE 0x00): FBS4: KID locked —>

<!— A6F3FF (0xA6F3FF 0x00): FBS4: not personalized —>

<!— A7F3F2 (0xA7F3F2 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Underfueling detection Cylinder 1 —>

<!— A8F3F2 (0xA8F3F2 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Underfueling detection Cylinder 2 —>

<!— A9F3F2 (0xA9F3F2 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Underfueling detection Cylinder 3 —>

<!— AAF3F2 (0xAAF3F2 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Underfueling detection Cylinder 4 —>

<!— ABF3F2 (0xABF3F2 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Underfueling detection Cylinder 5 —>

<!— ACF3F2 (0xACF3F2 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Underfueling detection Cylinder 6 —>

<!— 2D1509 (0x2D1509 0x00): Lost communictaion with turbocharger wastegate actuator —>

<!— 300402 (0x300402 0x00): Jake brake 1 error —>

<!— 310402 (0x310402 0x00): Jake brake 2 error —>

<!— 33F0E5 (0x33F0E5 0x00): O2 sensor signal ground circuit failed open —>

<!— 34F0E5 (0x34F0E5 0x00): O2 sensor pump circuit failed open —>

<!— 34F3E1 (0x34F3E1 0x00): Fault reaction manager — boost system error deviation low —>

<!— 35F0E5 (0x35F0E5 0x00): O2 sensor trim circuit failed open —>

<!— 4CF0F0 (0x4CF0F0 0x00): Fuel rail pressure too low —>

<!— 5AF0E7 (0x5AF0E7 0x00): Engine brake inhibut due to software mismatch —>

<!— 5E0003 (0x5E0003 0x00): Low Pressure Pump Output (LPPO) circuit failed high —>

<!— 5E0004 (0x5E0004 0x00): Low Pressure Pump Output (LPPO) sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— 5E040D (0x5E040D 0x00): EGR flow is too high. —>

<!— 67F0EB (0x67F0EB 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator learn span too small 2 —>

<!— 67F0EC (0x67F0EC 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator learn span too small 3 —>

<!— 67F0EE (0x67F0EE 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator learn span too small 4 —>

<!— 67F0F3 (0x67F0F3 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator communication error —>

<!— 67F0FF (0x67F0FF 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator learn cycle incomplete —>

<!— 6E0003 (0x6E0003 0x00): engien coolant temperature failed high —>

<!— 6E0004 (0x6E0004 0x00): engine coolant temperature circuit failed low —>

<!— 6E0012 (0x6E0012 0x00): Coolant thermostat slow response —>

<!— 6FF0EE (0x6FF0EE 0x00): O2 sensor drift detected —>

<!— 7C0201 (0x7C0201 0x00): Crankshaft position sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— 7C0203 (0x7C0203 0x00): Crankshaft position sensor circuit failed high —>

<!— 8AF3EB (0x8AF3EB 0x00): O2 sensor slow response —>

<!— 8DF3FF (0x8DF3FF 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser position deviation cold —>

<!— 910C03 (0x910C03 0x00): O2 sensor circuit failed high —>

<!— 910C04 (0x910C04 0x00): O2 sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— 910C0A (0x910C0A 0x00): O2 sensor closed loop control cannot be acheived —>

<!— 970C03 (0x970C03 0x00): O2 sensor high side heater circuit failed high —>

<!— 970C04 (0x970C04 0x00): O2 sensor high side heater failed low —>

<!— 980D03 (0x980D03 0x00): Fuel compensation pressure sensor circuit failed high —>

<!— 980D04 (0x980D04 0x00): Fuel Compensation pressure sensor circuit failed low —>

<!— A40403 (0xA40403 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, supply voltage out of range —>

<!— A40407 (0xA40407 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, fail safe mode motor off —>

<!— A4040A (0xA4040A 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, position deviation error 2. —>

<!— A4040B (0xA4040B 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, learn span too small —>

<!— A4040D (0xA4040D 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, signal not valid —>

<!— A4040E (0xA4040E 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, actuator power limited —>

<!— A4041F (0xA4041F 0x00): Turbocharger wastegate actuator, position deviation error. —>

<!— A4F3E3 (0xA4F3E3 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 2 Circuit Failed High —>

<!— A4F3E4 (0xA4F3E4 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 2 Circuit Failed Low —>

<!— A4F3E5 (0xA4F3E5 0x00): Water-Drain-Module — Ventil 2 Circuit Open —>

<!— A5F3ED (0xA5F3ED 0x00): SNV data for fuel level in DD_ICU —>

<!— A5F3F3 (0xA5F3F3 0x00): ERR data for fuel level in DD_ICU —>

<!— A7F3F0 (0xA7F3F0 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Overfueling detection Cylinder 1 —>

<!— A8F3F0 (0xA8F3F0 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Overfueling detection Cylinder 2 —>

<!— A9F3F0 (0xA9F3F0 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Overfueling detection Cylinder 3 —>

<!— A9FE10 (0xA9FE10 0x00): Expected lambda value is too high —>

<!— A9FE12 (0xA9FE12 0x00): Expected lambda value is too low —>

<!— AAF3F0 (0xAAF3F0 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Overfueling detection Cylinder 4 —>

<!— ABF3F0 (0xABF3F0 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Overfueling detection Cylinder 5 —>

<!— ACF3F0 (0xACF3F0 0x00): ISC Speed Increase Overfueling detection Cylinder 6 —>

<!— AE0000 (0xAE0000 0x00): Supply Fuel Temperature too high —>

<!— D11210 (0xD11210 0x00): Boost system error deviation high —>

<!— D11212 (0xD11212 0x00): Boost system error deviation Low —>

<!— D40203 (0xD40203 0x00): O2 sensor low side heater control circuit failed high —>

<!— D40204 (0xD40204 0x00): O2 sensor low side heater control circuit failed low —>

<!— D40205 (0xD40205 0x00): O2 sensor heater control circuit failed open —>

<!— D40206 (0xD40206 0x00): O2 sensor heater control circuit current too high —>

<!— D4020E (0xD4020E 0x00): O2 sensor pump circuit current too low —>

<!— D4021F (0xD4021F 0x00): O2 sensor pump circuit voltage too low —>

<!— D4150E (0xD4150E 0x00): CPC bus-off fault for CHCAN —>

<!— EA0C00 (0xEA0C00 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser, temperature too high —>

<!— EA0C02 (0xEA0C02 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser position deviation —>

<!— EA0C03 (0xEA0C03 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser circuit failed high —>

<!— EA0C04 (0xEA0C04 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser circuit failed low —>

<!— EA0C05 (0xEA0C05 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser circuit failed open —>

<!— EA0C0A (0xEA0C0A 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser, slow response —>

<!— EA0C0E (0xEA0C0E 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser adaption failed —>

<!— EA0C1F (0xEA0C1F 0x00): Variable camshaft phaser, position erratic —>

<!— ED0A03 (0xED0A03 0x00): Injector needle control valve front bank circuit failed high —>

<!— ED0A04 (0xED0A04 0x00): Injector needle control valve front bank circuit failed low —>

<!— EE0A03 (0xEE0A03 0x00): Injector needle control valve rear bank circuit failed high —>

<!— EE0A04 (0xEE0A04 0x00): Injector needle control valve rear bank circuit failed low —>

<!— F00B02 (0xF00B02 0x00): O2 sensor heater temperature error —>

<!— F00B04 (0xF00B04 0x00): O2 sensor heater perfomrance error —>

<!— F00B05 (0xF00B05 0x00): O2 sensor signal reference circuit failed open —>

<!— F00B0E (0xF00B0E 0x00): O2 sensor rationality error during coast —>

<!— ED0A03 (0xED0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Front Bank, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— ED0A04 (0xED0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Front Bank, Shorted to Ground —>

<!— EE0A03 (0xEE0A03 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Rear Bank, Shorted to Battery —>

<!— EE0A04 (0xEE0A04 0x00): Injector Needle Control Valve Rear Bank, Shorted to Ground —>

Коды ошибок EBS 01 T блока Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Якорь 5

<!— 060601 (0x060601 0x00): SPN/FMI=1542/1 Errortext: ECU Power Supply Voltage #2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 060604 (0x060604 0x00): SPN/FMI=1542/4 Errortext: ECU Power Supply Voltage #2 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 070601 (0x070601 0x00): SPN/FMI=1543/1 Errortext: ECU Power Supply Voltage #3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 070604 (0x070604 0x00): SPN/FMI=1543/4 Errortext: ECU Power Supply Voltage #3 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 08F0EC (0x08F0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520200/12 Errortext: EBS internal CAN data link (path A) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 090202 (0x090202 0x00): SPN/FMI=521/2 Errortext: Brake Pedal Position / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 09F0EC (0x09F0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520201/12 Errortext: EBS internal CAN data link (path B) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0AF0EC (0x0AF0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520202/12 Errortext: EBS internal CAN data link (path C) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0DF0ED (0x0DF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520205/13 Errortext: EBS system/module compatibility (centralmodule) / out of calibration —>

<!— 0EF0ED (0x0EF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520206/13 Errortext: EBS system/module compatibility (front axle modulator) / out of calibration —>

<!— 0F0700 (0x0F0700 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/0 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 0F0702 (0x0F0702 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/2 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 0F0707 (0x0F0707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/7 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 0F0709 (0x0F0709 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/9 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 0F070A (0x0F070A 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/10 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 0F070C (0x0F070C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/12 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0F070D (0x0F070D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/13 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / out of calibration —>

<!— 0F070E (0x0F070E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/14 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / special instructions —>

<!— 0F0712 (0x0F0712 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/18 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / data valid, but below normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 0F0713 (0x0F0713 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/19 Errortext: Steering Wheel Angle / received network data in error —>

<!— 0FF0ED (0x0FF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520207/13 Errortext: EBS system/module compatibility (rear axle modulator) / out of calibration —>

<!— 100700 (0x100700 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/0 Errortext: Yaw Rate / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 100701 (0x100701 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/1 Errortext: Yaw Rate / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 100702 (0x100702 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/2 Errortext: Yaw Rate / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 100707 (0x100707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/7 Errortext: Yaw Rate / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 10070B (0x10070B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/11 Errortext: Yaw Rate / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 10070C (0x10070C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/12 Errortext: Yaw Rate / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 10070D (0x10070D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/13 Errortext: Yaw Rate / out of calibration —>

<!— 10070E (0x10070E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/14 Errortext: Yaw Rate / special instructions —>

<!— 10070F (0x10070F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/15 Errortext: Yaw Rate / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 100710 (0x100710 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/16 Errortext: Yaw Rate / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 100711 (0x100711 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/17 Errortext: Yaw Rate / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 100713 (0x100713 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/19 Errortext: Yaw Rate / received network data in error —>

<!— 10F0ED (0x10F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520208/13 Errortext: EBS system/module compatibility (additional axle modulator) / out of calibration —>

<!— 110701 (0x110701 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/1 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 110702 (0x110702 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/2 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 110707 (0x110707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/7 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 11070C (0x11070C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/12 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 11070E (0x11070E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/14 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / special instructions —>

<!— 11070F (0x11070F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/15 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 110710 (0x110710 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/16 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 110711 (0x110711 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/17 Errortext: Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 120401 (0x120401 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/1 Errortext: Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 120409 (0x120409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/9 Errortext: Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 12040B (0x12040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/11 Errortext: Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 12040E (0x12040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/14 Errortext: Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / special instructions —>

<!— 12F0E2 (0x12F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/2 Errortext: ESC-module / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 12F0E9 (0x12F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/9 Errortext: ESC-module / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 12F0EA (0x12F0EA 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/10 Errortext: ESC-module / abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 12F0EB (0x12F0EB 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/11 Errortext: ESC-module / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 12F0EC (0x12F0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/12 Errortext: ESC-module / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 12F0ED (0x12F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/13 Errortext: ESC-module / out of calibration —>

<!— 12F0EE (0x12F0EE 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/14 Errortext: ESC-module / special instructions —>

<!— 12F0F3 (0x12F0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/19 Errortext: ESC-module / received network data in error —>

<!— 130403 (0x130403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1043/3 Errortext: Internal Sensor Voltage Supply / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 130404 (0x130404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1043/4 Errortext: Internal Sensor Voltage Supply / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 130707 (0x130707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1811/7 Errortext: Steering Wheel Turn Counter / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 13F0ED (0x13F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520211/13 Errortext: EBS system/module compatibility (ESC module) / out of calibration —>

<!— 150300 (0x150300 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/0 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 150301 (0x150301 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/1 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 150303 (0x150303 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/3 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 150304 (0x150304 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/4 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 150305 (0x150305 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/5 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 150306 (0x150306 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/6 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 150307 (0x150307 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/7 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 15030B (0x15030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/11 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 15030E (0x15030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/14 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 150404 (0x150404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1045/4 Errortext: Brake Light Switch 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 150405 (0x150405 0x00): SPN/FMI=1045/5 Errortext: Brake Light Switch 1 / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 15F0FF (0x15F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520213/31 Errortext: ESC-Calibration Procedure / condition exists —>

<!— 160300 (0x160300 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/0 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 160301 (0x160301 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/1 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 160303 (0x160303 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/3 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 160304 (0x160304 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/4 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 160305 (0x160305 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/5 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 160306 (0x160306 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/6 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 160307 (0x160307 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/7 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 16030B (0x16030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/11 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 16030E (0x16030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/14 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 160404 (0x160404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1046/4 Errortext: Brake Light Switch 2 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 160405 (0x160405 0x00): SPN/FMI=1046/5 Errortext: Brake Light Switch 2 / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 16F0E0 (0x16F0E0 0x00): SPN/FMI=520214/0 Errortext: Steering Angle Ratio / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 16F0E2 (0x16F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520214/2 Errortext: Steering Angle Ratio / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 170300 (0x170300 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/0 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 170301 (0x170301 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/1 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 170303 (0x170303 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/3 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 170304 (0x170304 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/4 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 170305 (0x170305 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/5 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 170306 (0x170306 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/6 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 170307 (0x170307 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/7 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 17030B (0x17030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/11 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 17030E (0x17030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/14 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 170402 (0x170402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/2 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 170409 (0x170409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/9 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 17040B (0x17040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/11 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 17040C (0x17040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/12 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 17040D (0x17040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/13 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / out of calibration —>

<!— 170413 (0x170413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/19 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / received network data in error —>

<!— 17F0FF (0x17F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520215/31 Errortext: ESC Function is Temporary Not Available / condition exists —>

<!— 180300 (0x180300 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/0 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 180301 (0x180301 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/1 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 180303 (0x180303 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/3 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 180304 (0x180304 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/4 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 180305 (0x180305 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/5 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 180306 (0x180306 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/6 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 180307 (0x180307 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/7 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 18030B (0x18030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/11 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 18030E (0x18030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/14 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 180407 (0x180407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1048/7 Errortext: Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 1 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 190300 (0x190300 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/0 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 190301 (0x190301 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/1 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 190303 (0x190303 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/3 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 190304 (0x190304 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/4 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 190305 (0x190305 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/5 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 190306 (0x190306 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/6 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 190307 (0x190307 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/7 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 19030B (0x19030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/11 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 19030E (0x19030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/14 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 190400 (0x190400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/0 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 190402 (0x190402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/2 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 190407 (0x190407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/7 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 19040E (0x19040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/14 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / special instructions —>

<!— 1A0300 (0x1A0300 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/0 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1A0301 (0x1A0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/1 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1A0303 (0x1A0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/3 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 1A0304 (0x1A0304 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/4 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 1A0305 (0x1A0305 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/5 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1A0306 (0x1A0306 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/6 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 1A0307 (0x1A0307 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/7 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1A030B (0x1A030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/11 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 1A030E (0x1A030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/14 Errortext: Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 1A0402 (0x1A0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/2 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1A0409 (0x1A0409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/9 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 1A040B (0x1A040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/11 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 1A040C (0x1A040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/12 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1A040D (0x1A040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/13 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / out of calibration —>

<!— 1A0413 (0x1A0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/19 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / received network data in error —>

<!— 1B0303 (0x1B0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/3 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 1B0304 (0x1B0304 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/4 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 1B0305 (0x1B0305 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/5 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1B030E (0x1B030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/14 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 1B0407 (0x1B0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1051/7 Errortext: Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 2 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1C0303 (0x1C0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/3 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 1C0304 (0x1C0304 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/4 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 1C0305 (0x1C0305 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/5 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1C030E (0x1C030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/14 Errortext: Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 1C0400 (0x1C0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/0 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1C0401 (0x1C0401 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/1 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1C0402 (0x1C0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/2 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1C0407 (0x1C0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/7 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1C040E (0x1C040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/14 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / special instructions —>

<!— 1C040F (0x1C040F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/15 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 1C0410 (0x1C0410 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/16 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 1C0411 (0x1C0411 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/17 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 1CF0EC (0x1CF0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520220/12 Errortext: CAN GND line (AM FA-RA) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1D0402 (0x1D0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/2 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1D0409 (0x1D0409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/9 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 1D040B (0x1D040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/11 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 1D040C (0x1D040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/12 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1D040D (0x1D040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/13 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / out of calibration —>

<!— 1D040E (0x1D040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/14 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / special instructions —>

<!— 1D0413 (0x1D0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/19 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / received network data in error —>

<!— 1E0407 (0x1E0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1054/7 Errortext: Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 3 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1F0400 (0x1F0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/0 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1F0401 (0x1F0401 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/1 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1F0402 (0x1F0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/2 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1F0407 (0x1F0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/7 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1F040E (0x1F040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/14 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / special instructions —>

<!— 1F040F (0x1F040F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/15 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 1F0410 (0x1F0410 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/16 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 1F0411 (0x1F0411 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/17 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 200403 (0x200403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/3 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 200404 (0x200404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/4 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 200405 (0x200405 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/5 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 200407 (0x200407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/7 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 20040D (0x20040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/13 Errortext: Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / out of calibration —>

<!— 210407 (0x210407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1057/7 Errortext: Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control, Trailer Control / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 220303 (0x220303 0x00): SPN/FMI=802/3 Errortext: Relay Diagonal 1 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 220304 (0x220304 0x00): SPN/FMI=802/4 Errortext: Relay Diagonal 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 220400 (0x220400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1058/0 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 220403 (0x220403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1058/3 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 220404 (0x220404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1058/4 Errortext: Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 240403 (0x240403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1060/3 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 240404 (0x240404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1060/4 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 250403 (0x250403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1061/3 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 250404 (0x250404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1061/4 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 260403 (0x260403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1062/3 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 260404 (0x260404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1062/4 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 270403 (0x270403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1063/3 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 270404 (0x270404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1063/4 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 280403 (0x280403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1064/3 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 280404 (0x280404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1064/4 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 290403 (0x290403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1065/3 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 290404 (0x290404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1065/4 Errortext: Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2A0302 (0x2A0302 0x00): SPN/FMI=810/2 Errortext: Speed Signal Input / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2A030D (0x2A030D 0x00): SPN/FMI=810/13 Errortext: Speed Signal Input / out of calibration —>

<!— 2A0402 (0x2A0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1066/2 Errortext: Brake Signal Transmitter / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2A0408 (0x2A0408 0x00): SPN/FMI=1066/8 Errortext: Brake Signal Transmitter / abnormal frequency, pulse width or period —>

<!— 2A040C (0x2A040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1066/12 Errortext: Brake Signal Transmitter / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 2B0400 (0x2B0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1067/0 Errortext: Brake Signal Sensor 1 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 2B0402 (0x2B0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1067/2 Errortext: Brake Signal Sensor 1 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2B0404 (0x2B0404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1067/4 Errortext: Brake Signal Sensor 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2BF0E3 (0x2BF0E3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/3 Errortext: ASR switch-off valve tag-axle / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 2BF0E4 (0x2BF0E4 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/4 Errortext: ASR switch-off valve tag-axle / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2BF0E5 (0x2BF0E5 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/5 Errortext: ASR switch-off valve tag-axle / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 2BF0ED (0x2BF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/13 Errortext: ASR switch-off valve tag-axle / out of calibration —>

<!— 2C0400 (0x2C0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1068/0 Errortext: Brake Signal Sensor 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 2C0402 (0x2C0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1068/2 Errortext: Brake Signal Sensor 2 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2C0404 (0x2C0404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1068/4 Errortext: Brake Signal Sensor 2 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2D040B (0x2D040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1069/11 Errortext: Tire Dimension Supervision / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 2FF0E9 (0x2FF0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520239/9 Errortext: Halt brake Request State from PSM / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 2FF0F3 (0x2FF0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520239/19 Errortext: Halt brake Request State from PSM / received network data in error —>

<!— 30F0E9 (0x30F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520240/9 Errortext: External Brake Demand System (VRDU) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 30F0ED (0x30F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520240/13 Errortext: External Brake Demand System (VRDU) / out of calibration —>

<!— 30F0F3 (0x30F0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520240/19 Errortext: External Brake Demand System (VRDU) / received network data in error —>

<!— 35F0FF (0x35F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520245/31 Errortext: Failure Memory Bit (Yellow) / condition exists —>

<!— 36F0FF (0x36F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520246/31 Errortext: Failure Memory Bit (Red) / condition exists —>

<!— 370403 (0x370403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1079/3 Errortext: Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (+5V DC) / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 370404 (0x370404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1079/4 Errortext: Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (+5V DC) / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 37F0FF (0x37F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520247/31 Errortext: Failure Memory Bit (ESC) / condition exists —>

<!— 380403 (0x380403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1080/3 Errortext: Sensor Supply Voltage 2 (+5V DC) / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 380404 (0x380404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1080/4 Errortext: Sensor Supply Voltage 2 (+5V DC) / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 3E0A04 (0x3E0A04 0x00): SPN/FMI=2622/4 Errortext: Hillholder system / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 44F0ED (0x44F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520260/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 45F0ED (0x45F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520261/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter STOP-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 46F0ED (0x46F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520262/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ARB-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 47F0ED (0x47F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520263/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter RAG-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 49F0ED (0x49F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520265/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter KENN-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4AF0ED (0x4AF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520266/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter SPGV-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4BF0ED (0x4BF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520267/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter END-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4CF0ED (0x4CF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520268/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter EEFU-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4EF0ED (0x4EF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520270/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (FAS-Module) / out of calibration —>

<!— 4FF0ED (0x4FF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520271/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (ZUS-Module) / out of calibration —>

<!— 50F0ED (0x50F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520272/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (LUE-Module) / out of calibration —>

<!— 51F0ED (0x51F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520273/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (RSC-Module) / out of calibration —>

<!— 58F0E2 (0x58F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520280/2 Errortext: GVC Wrapper / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 59F0FF (0x59F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520281/31 Errortext: PowerOff Delay Circuit Cannot be Switched On / condition exists —>

<!— 5AF0FF (0x5AF0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520282/31 Errortext: PowerOff Delay Circuit Cannot be Switched Off / condition exists —>

<!— 6C0203 (0x6C0203 0x00): SPN/FMI=620/3 Errortext: 5 Volts DC Supply / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 6C0204 (0x6C0204 0x00): SPN/FMI=620/4 Errortext: 5 Volts DC Supply / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 6F0B02 (0x6F0B02 0x00): SPN/FMI=2927/2 Errortext: Actual Inner wheel steering angle / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 730200 (0x730200 0x00): SPN/FMI=627/0 Errortext: Power Supply / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 730201 (0x730201 0x00): SPN/FMI=627/1 Errortext: Power Supply / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 75020C (0x75020C 0x00): SPN/FMI=629/12 Errortext: Controller #1 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): SPN/FMI=630/12 Errortext: Calibration Memory / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 7F020C (0x7F020C 0x00): SPN/FMI=639/12 Errortext: J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network (previously SAE J1939 Data Link) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 840613 (0x840613 0x00): SPN/FMI=1668/19 Errortext: J1939 Network #4 / received network data in error —>

<!— 850613 (0x850613 0x00): SPN/FMI=1669/19 Errortext: J1939 Network #5 / received network data in error —>

<!— 860613 (0x860613 0x00): SPN/FMI=1670/19 Errortext: J1939 Network #6 / received network data in error —>

<!— 9C0301 (0x9C0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=924/1 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #1 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 9C0303 (0x9C0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=924/3 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #1 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9C0306 (0x9C0306 0x00): SPN/FMI=924/6 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #1 / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 9D0301 (0x9D0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=925/1 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 9D0303 (0x9D0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=925/3 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #2 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): SPN/FMI=158/3 Errortext: Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): SPN/FMI=158/4 Errortext: Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 9E0005 (0x9E0005 0x00): SPN/FMI=158/5 Errortext: Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 9E0301 (0x9E0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=926/1 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 9E0303 (0x9E0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=926/3 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #3 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9E0306 (0x9E0306 0x00): SPN/FMI=926/6 Errortext: Auxiliary Output #3 / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): SPN/FMI=3509/3 Errortext: Sensor supply voltage 1 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): SPN/FMI=3509/4 Errortext: Sensor supply voltage 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— B70D03 (0xB70D03 0x00): SPN/FMI=3511/3 Errortext: Sensor supply voltage 3 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— B70D04 (0xB70D04 0x00): SPN/FMI=3511/4 Errortext: Sensor supply voltage 3 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— CE0402 (0xCE0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1230/2 Errortext: Current Data Link / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— CE0413 (0xCE0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1230/19 Errortext: Current Data Link / received network data in error —>

<!— CF0413 (0xCF0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1231/19 Errortext: J1939 Network #2 / received network data in error —>

<!— CF0602 (0xCF0602 0x00): SPN/FMI=1743/2 Errortext: Lift Axle 1 Position / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— D30413 (0xD30413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1235/19 Errortext: J1939 Network #3 / received network data in error —>

<!— 18F0FF (0x18F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520216/31 Errortext: ESC function is reduced (trailer ABS not OK) / condition exists —>

<!— 19F0FF (0x19F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520217/31 Errortext: ESC function is reduced (tire pressure not OK) / condition exists —>

<!— 4EF0ED (0x4EF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520270/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 1 / General Configuration Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 4FF0ED (0x4FF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520271/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 2 / Axle Parameters — Geometry, Configuration) / out of calibration —>

<!— 50F0ED (0x50F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520272/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 3 / Steering Ratio Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 51F0ED (0x51F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520273/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 4 / Roll Stability Control Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 52F0ED (0x52F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520274/13 Errortext: EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 5 / Additional Geometry Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 5DF0FF (0x5DF0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520285/31 Errortext: EOL Parameter Setting Not Yet Done / condition exists —>

<!— 62F0E9 (0x62F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520290/9 Errortext: Four Wheel Parking Brake System / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 060601 (0x060601 0x00): SPN/FMI=1542/1 ECU Power Supply Voltage #2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 060604 (0x060604 0x00): SPN/FMI=1542/4 ECU Power Supply Voltage #2 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 070601 (0x070601 0x00): SPN/FMI=1543/1 ECU Power Supply Voltage #3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 070604 (0x070604 0x00): SPN/FMI=1543/4 ECU Power Supply Voltage #3 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 08F0EC (0x08F0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520200/12 EBS internal CAN data link (path A) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 090202 (0x090202 0x00): SPN/FMI=521/2 Brake Pedal Position / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 09F0EC (0x09F0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520201/12 EBS internal CAN data link (path B) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0AF0EC (0x0AF0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520202/12 EBS internal CAN data link (path C) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0DF0ED (0x0DF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520205/13 EBS system/module compatibility (centralmodule) / out of calibration —>

<!— 0EF0ED (0x0EF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520206/13 EBS system/module compatibility (front axle modulator) / out of calibration —>

<!— 0F0700 (0x0F0700 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/0 Steering Wheel Angle / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 0F0702 (0x0F0702 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/2 Steering Wheel Angle / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 0F0707 (0x0F0707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/7 Steering Wheel Angle / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 0F0709 (0x0F0709 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/9 Steering Wheel Angle / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 0F070A (0x0F070A 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/10 Steering Wheel Angle / abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 0F070C (0x0F070C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/12 Steering Wheel Angle / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0F070D (0x0F070D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/13 Steering Wheel Angle / out of calibration —>

<!— 0F070E (0x0F070E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/14 Steering Wheel Angle / special instructions —>

<!— 0F0712 (0x0F0712 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/18 Steering Wheel Angle / data valid, but below normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 0F0713 (0x0F0713 0x00): SPN/FMI=1807/19 Steering Wheel Angle / received network data in error —>

<!— 0FF0ED (0x0FF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520207/13 EBS system/module compatibility (rear axle modulator) / out of calibration —>

<!— 100700 (0x100700 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/0 Yaw Rate / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 100701 (0x100701 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/1 Yaw Rate / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 100702 (0x100702 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/2 Yaw Rate / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 100707 (0x100707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/7 Yaw Rate / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 10070B (0x10070B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/11 Yaw Rate / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 10070C (0x10070C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/12 Yaw Rate / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 10070D (0x10070D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/13 Yaw Rate / out of calibration —>

<!— 10070E (0x10070E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/14 Yaw Rate / special instructions —>

<!— 10070F (0x10070F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/15 Yaw Rate / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 100710 (0x100710 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/16 Yaw Rate / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 100711 (0x100711 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/17 Yaw Rate / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 100713 (0x100713 0x00): SPN/FMI=1808/19 Yaw Rate / received network data in error —>

<!— 10F0ED (0x10F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520208/13 EBS system/module compatibility (additional axle modulator) / out of calibration —>

<!— 110701 (0x110701 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/1 Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 110702 (0x110702 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/2 Lateral Acceleration / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 110707 (0x110707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/7 Lateral Acceleration / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 11070C (0x11070C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/12 Lateral Acceleration / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 11070E (0x11070E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/14 Lateral Acceleration / special instructions —>

<!— 11070F (0x11070F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/15 Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 110710 (0x110710 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/16 Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 110711 (0x110711 0x00): SPN/FMI=1809/17 Lateral Acceleration / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 120401 (0x120401 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/1 Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 120409 (0x120409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/9 Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 12040B (0x12040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/11 Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 12040E (0x12040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1042/14 Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO 11992) / special instructions —>

<!— 12F0E2 (0x12F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/2 ESC-module / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 12F0E9 (0x12F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/9 ESC-module / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 12F0EA (0x12F0EA 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/10 ESC-module / abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 12F0EB (0x12F0EB 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/11 ESC-module / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 12F0EC (0x12F0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/12 ESC-module / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 12F0ED (0x12F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/13 ESC-module / out of calibration —>

<!— 12F0EE (0x12F0EE 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/14 ESC-module / special instructions —>

<!— 12F0F3 (0x12F0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520210/19 ESC-module / received network data in error —>

<!— 130403 (0x130403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1043/3 Internal Sensor Voltage Supply / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 130404 (0x130404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1043/4 Internal Sensor Voltage Supply / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 130707 (0x130707 0x00): SPN/FMI=1811/7 Steering Wheel Turn Counter / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 13F0ED (0x13F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520211/13 EBS system/module compatibility (ESC module) / out of calibration —>

<!— 150300 (0x150300 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/0 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 150301 (0x150301 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/1 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 150303 (0x150303 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/3 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 150304 (0x150304 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/4 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 150305 (0x150305 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/5 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 150306 (0x150306 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/6 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 150307 (0x150307 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/7 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 15030B (0x15030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/11 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 15030E (0x15030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=789/14 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 150404 (0x150404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1045/4 Brake Light Switch 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 150405 (0x150405 0x00): SPN/FMI=1045/5 Brake Light Switch 1 / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 15F0FF (0x15F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520213/31 ESC-Calibration Procedure / condition exists —>

<!— 160300 (0x160300 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/0 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 160301 (0x160301 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/1 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 160303 (0x160303 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/3 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 160304 (0x160304 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/4 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 160305 (0x160305 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/5 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 160306 (0x160306 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/6 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 160307 (0x160307 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/7 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 16030B (0x16030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/11 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 16030E (0x16030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=790/14 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 160404 (0x160404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1046/4 Brake Light Switch 2 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 160405 (0x160405 0x00): SPN/FMI=1046/5 Brake Light Switch 2 / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 16F0E0 (0x16F0E0 0x00): SPN/FMI=520214/0 Steering Angle Ratio / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 16F0E2 (0x16F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520214/2 Steering Angle Ratio / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 170300 (0x170300 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/0 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 170301 (0x170301 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/1 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 170303 (0x170303 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/3 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 170304 (0x170304 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/4 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 170305 (0x170305 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/5 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 170306 (0x170306 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/6 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 170307 (0x170307 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/7 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 17030B (0x17030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/11 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 17030E (0x17030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=791/14 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 170402 (0x170402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/2 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 170409 (0x170409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/9 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 17040B (0x17040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/11 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 17040C (0x17040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/12 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 17040D (0x17040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/13 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / out of calibration —>

<!— 170413 (0x170413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1047/19 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 / received network data in error —>

<!— 17F0FF (0x17F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520215/31 ESC Function is Temporary Not Available / condition exists —>

<!— 180300 (0x180300 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/0 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 180301 (0x180301 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/1 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 180303 (0x180303 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/3 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 180304 (0x180304 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/4 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 180305 (0x180305 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/5 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 180306 (0x180306 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/6 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 180307 (0x180307 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/7 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 18030B (0x18030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/11 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 18030E (0x18030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=792/14 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 180407 (0x180407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1048/7 Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 1 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 18F0FF (0x18F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520216/31 ESC function is reduced (trailer ABS not OK) / condition exists —>

<!— 190300 (0x190300 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/0 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 190301 (0x190301 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/1 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 190303 (0x190303 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/3 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 190304 (0x190304 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/4 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 190305 (0x190305 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/5 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 190306 (0x190306 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/6 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 190307 (0x190307 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/7 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 19030B (0x19030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/11 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 19030E (0x19030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=793/14 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 190400 (0x190400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/0 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 190402 (0x190402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/2 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 190407 (0x190407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/7 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 19040E (0x19040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1049/14 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 / special instructions —>

<!— 19F0FF (0x19F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520217/31 ESC function is reduced (tire pressure not OK) / condition exists —>

<!— 1A0300 (0x1A0300 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/0 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1A0301 (0x1A0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/1 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1A0303 (0x1A0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/3 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 1A0304 (0x1A0304 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/4 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 1A0305 (0x1A0305 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/5 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1A0306 (0x1A0306 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/6 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 1A0307 (0x1A0307 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/7 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1A030B (0x1A030B 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/11 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 1A030E (0x1A030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=794/14 Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 1A0402 (0x1A0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/2 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1A0409 (0x1A0409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/9 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 1A040B (0x1A040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/11 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 1A040C (0x1A040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/12 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1A040D (0x1A040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/13 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / out of calibration —>

<!— 1A0413 (0x1A0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1050/19 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 / received network data in error —>

<!— 1B0303 (0x1B0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/3 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 1B0304 (0x1B0304 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/4 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 1B0305 (0x1B0305 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/5 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1B030E (0x1B030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=795/14 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left / special instructions —>

<!— 1B0407 (0x1B0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1051/7 Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 2 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1C0303 (0x1C0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/3 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 1C0304 (0x1C0304 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/4 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 1C0305 (0x1C0305 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/5 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1C030E (0x1C030E 0x00): SPN/FMI=796/14 Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right / special instructions —>

<!— 1C0400 (0x1C0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/0 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1C0401 (0x1C0401 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/1 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1C0402 (0x1C0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/2 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1C0407 (0x1C0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/7 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1C040E (0x1C040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/14 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / special instructions —>

<!— 1C040F (0x1C040F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/15 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 1C0410 (0x1C0410 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/16 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 1C0411 (0x1C0411 0x00): SPN/FMI=1052/17 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 1CF0EC (0x1CF0EC 0x00): SPN/FMI=520220/12 CAN GND line (AM FA-RA) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1D0402 (0x1D0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/2 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1D0409 (0x1D0409 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/9 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 1D040B (0x1D040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/11 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 1D040C (0x1D040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/12 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1D040D (0x1D040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/13 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / out of calibration —>

<!— 1D040E (0x1D040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/14 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / special instructions —>

<!— 1D0413 (0x1D0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1053/19 Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 / received network data in error —>

<!— 1E0407 (0x1E0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1054/7 Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control Axle 3 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1F0400 (0x1F0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/0 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1F0401 (0x1F0401 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/1 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 1F0402 (0x1F0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/2 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 1F0407 (0x1F0407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/7 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1F040E (0x1F040E 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/14 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / special instructions —>

<!— 1F040F (0x1F040F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/15 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 1F0410 (0x1F0410 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/16 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but above normal operation range (moderately severe level) —>

<!— 1F0411 (0x1F0411 0x00): SPN/FMI=1055/17 Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 200403 (0x200403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/3 Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 200404 (0x200404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/4 Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 200405 (0x200405 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/5 Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 200407 (0x200407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/7 Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 20040D (0x20040D 0x00): SPN/FMI=1056/13 Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control / out of calibration —>

<!— 210407 (0x210407 0x00): SPN/FMI=1057/7 Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control, Trailer Control / mechanical system not responding properly or out of adjustment —>

<!— 220303 (0x220303 0x00): SPN/FMI=802/3 Relay Diagonal 1 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 220304 (0x220304 0x00): SPN/FMI=802/4 Relay Diagonal 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 220400 (0x220400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1058/0 Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 220403 (0x220403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1058/3 Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 220404 (0x220404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1058/4 Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 240403 (0x240403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1060/3 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 240404 (0x240404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1060/4 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 250403 (0x250403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1061/3 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 250404 (0x250404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1061/4 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 1 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 260403 (0x260403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1062/3 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 260404 (0x260404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1062/4 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 270403 (0x270403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1063/3 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 270404 (0x270404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1063/4 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 2 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 280403 (0x280403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1064/3 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Left / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 280404 (0x280404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1064/4 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Left / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 290403 (0x290403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1065/3 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Right / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 290404 (0x290404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1065/4 Lining Wear Sensor Axle 3 Right / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2A0302 (0x2A0302 0x00): SPN/FMI=810/2 Speed Signal Input / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2A030D (0x2A030D 0x00): SPN/FMI=810/13 Speed Signal Input / out of calibration —>

<!— 2A0402 (0x2A0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1066/2 Brake Signal Transmitter / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2A0408 (0x2A0408 0x00): SPN/FMI=1066/8 Brake Signal Transmitter / abnormal frequency, pulse width or period —>

<!— 2A040C (0x2A040C 0x00): SPN/FMI=1066/12 Brake Signal Transmitter / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 2B0400 (0x2B0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1067/0 Brake Signal Sensor 1 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 2B0402 (0x2B0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1067/2 Brake Signal Sensor 1 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2B0404 (0x2B0404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1067/4 Brake Signal Sensor 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2BF0E3 (0x2BF0E3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/3 ATC switch-off valve tag-axle / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 2BF0E4 (0x2BF0E4 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/4 ATC switch-off valve tag-axle / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2BF0E5 (0x2BF0E5 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/5 ATC switch-off valve tag-axle / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 2BF0ED (0x2BF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520235/13 ATC switch-off valve tag-axle / out of calibration —>

<!— 2C0400 (0x2C0400 0x00): SPN/FMI=1068/0 Brake Signal Sensor 2 / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 2C0402 (0x2C0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1068/2 Brake Signal Sensor 2 / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 2C0404 (0x2C0404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1068/4 Brake Signal Sensor 2 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 2D040B (0x2D040B 0x00): SPN/FMI=1069/11 Tire Dimension Supervision / failure mode not identifiable / root cause not known —>

<!— 2FF0E9 (0x2FF0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520239/9 Halt brake Request State from PSM / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 2FF0F3 (0x2FF0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520239/19 Halt brake Request State from PSM / received network data in error —>

<!— 30F0E9 (0x30F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520240/9 External Brake Demand System (VRDU) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 30F0ED (0x30F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520240/13 External Brake Demand System (VRDU) / out of calibration —>

<!— 30F0F3 (0x30F0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520240/19 External Brake Demand System (VRDU) / received network data in error —>

<!— 35F0FF (0x35F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520245/31 Failure Memory Bit (Yellow) / condition exists —>

<!— 36F0FF (0x36F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520246/31 Failure Memory Bit (Red) / condition exists —>

<!— 370403 (0x370403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1079/3 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (+5V DC) / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 370404 (0x370404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1079/4 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 (+5V DC) / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 37F0FF (0x37F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520247/31 Failure Memory Bit (ESC) / condition exists —>

<!— 380403 (0x380403 0x00): SPN/FMI=1080/3 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 (+5V DC) / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 380404 (0x380404 0x00): SPN/FMI=1080/4 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 (+5V DC) / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 3E0A04 (0x3E0A04 0x00): SPN/FMI=2622/4 Haltbrake / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 44F0ED (0x44F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520260/13 EOL Parameter ESC-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 45F0ED (0x45F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520261/13 EOL Parameter STOP-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 46F0ED (0x46F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520262/13 EOL Parameter ARB-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 47F0ED (0x47F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520263/13 EOL Parameter RAG-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 49F0ED (0x49F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520265/13 EOL Parameter KENN-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4AF0ED (0x4AF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520266/13 EOL Parameter SPGV-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4BF0ED (0x4BF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520267/13 EOL Parameter END-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4CF0ED (0x4CF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520268/13 EOL Parameter EEFU-Function / out of calibration —>

<!— 4EF0ED (0x4EF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520270/13 EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 1 / General Configuration Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 4FF0ED (0x4FF0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520271/13 EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 2 / Axle Parameters — Geometry, Configuration) / out of calibration —>

<!— 50F0ED (0x50F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520272/13 EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 3 / Steering Ratio Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 51F0ED (0x51F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520273/13 EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 4 / Roll Stability Control Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 52F0ED (0x52F0ED 0x00): SPN/FMI=520274/13 EOL Parameter ESC-Function (Group 5 / Additional Geometry Parameters) / out of calibration —>

<!— 58F0E2 (0x58F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520280/2 GVC Wrapper / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 59F0FF (0x59F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520281/31 PowerOff Delay Circuit Cannot be Switched On / condition exists —>

<!— 5AF0FF (0x5AF0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520282/31 PowerOff Delay Circuit Cannot be Switched Off / condition exists —>

<!— 5DF0FF (0x5DF0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520285/31 EOL Parameter Setting Not Yet Done / condition exists —>

<!— 62F0E9 (0x62F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520290/9 Four Wheel Parking Brake System / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 6C0203 (0x6C0203 0x00): SPN/FMI=620/3 5 Volts DC Supply / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 6C0204 (0x6C0204 0x00): SPN/FMI=620/4 5 Volts DC Supply / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 6F0B02 (0x6F0B02 0x00): SPN/FMI=2927/2 Actual Inner wheel steering angle / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 730200 (0x730200 0x00): SPN/FMI=627/0 Power Supply / data valid, but above normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 730201 (0x730201 0x00): SPN/FMI=627/1 Power Supply / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 75020C (0x75020C 0x00): SPN/FMI=629/12 Controller #1 / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): SPN/FMI=630/12 Calibration Memory / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 7F020C (0x7F020C 0x00): SPN/FMI=639/12 J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network (previously SAE J1939 Data Link) / bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 840613 (0x840613 0x00): SPN/FMI=1668/19 J1939 Network #4 / received network data in error —>

<!— 850613 (0x850613 0x00): SPN/FMI=1669/19 J1939 Network #5 / received network data in error —>

<!— 860613 (0x860613 0x00): SPN/FMI=1670/19 J1939 Network #6 / received network data in error —>

<!— 9C0301 (0x9C0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=924/1 Auxiliary Output #1 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 9C0303 (0x9C0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=924/3 Auxiliary Output #1 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9C0306 (0x9C0306 0x00): SPN/FMI=924/6 Auxiliary Output #1 / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 9D0301 (0x9D0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=925/1 Auxiliary Output #2 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 9D0303 (0x9D0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=925/3 Auxiliary Output #2 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): SPN/FMI=158/3 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): SPN/FMI=158/4 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— 9E0005 (0x9E0005 0x00): SPN/FMI=158/5 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched / current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 9E0301 (0x9E0301 0x00): SPN/FMI=926/1 Auxiliary Output #3 / data valid, but below normal operation range (most severe level) —>

<!— 9E0303 (0x9E0303 0x00): SPN/FMI=926/3 Auxiliary Output #3 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— 9E0306 (0x9E0306 0x00): SPN/FMI=926/6 Auxiliary Output #3 / current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— B50D03 (0xB50D03 0x00): SPN/FMI=3509/3 Sensor supply voltage 1 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— B50D04 (0xB50D04 0x00): SPN/FMI=3509/4 Sensor supply voltage 1 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— B70D03 (0xB70D03 0x00): SPN/FMI=3511/3 Sensor supply voltage 3 / voltage above normal or shorted high —>

<!— B70D04 (0xB70D04 0x00): SPN/FMI=3511/4 Sensor supply voltage 3 / voltage below normal or shorted low —>

<!— CE0402 (0xCE0402 0x00): SPN/FMI=1230/2 Current Data Link / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— CE0413 (0xCE0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1230/19 Current Data Link / received network data in error —>

<!— CF0413 (0xCF0413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1231/19 J1939 Network #2 / received network data in error —>

<!— CF0602 (0xCF0602 0x00): SPN/FMI=1743/2 Lift Axle 1 Position / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— D30413 (0xD30413 0x00): SPN/FMI=1235/19 J1939 Network #3 / received network data in error —>

<!— 12070F (0x12070F 0x00): SPN/FMI=1810/15 Longitudinal Acceleration / data valid, but above normal operation range (least severe level) —>

<!— 60F2E2 (0x60F2E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520800/2 Gyro Temperature Signal / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 67F0E2 (0x67F0E2 0x00): SPN/FMI=520295/2 CAN-Message, Anti Turntable Control (KWS) / data erratric, intermittend or incorrect —>

<!— 67F0E9 (0x67F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520295/9 CAN-Message, Anti Turntable Control (KWS) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 67F0EA (0x67F0EA 0x00): SPN/FMI=520295/10 CAN-Message, Anti Turntable Control (KWS) / abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 2AF0E9 (0x2AF0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520234/9 ePBC (electronic Parkbrake Controller) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 2AF0F3 (0x2AF0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520234/19 ePBC (electronic Parkbrake Controller) / received network data in error —>

<!— 2EF0E9 (0x2EF0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520238/9 CPC (Common Powertrain Controller) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 2EF0F3 (0x2EF0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520238/19 CPC (Common Powertrain Controller) / received network data in error —>

<!— 38F0FF (0x38F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520248/31 Double-Failure / Red-Warning / condition exists —>

<!— 70F0FF (0x70F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520304/31 Trailer Stability Assist Not Available / condition exists —>

<!— 72F0E9 (0x72F0E9 0x00): SPN/FMI=520306/9 CAN Message (Trailer ABS Detection) / abnormal update rate —>

<!— 72F0F3 (0x72F0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520306/19 CAN Message (Trailer ABS Detection) / received network data in error —>

<!— 74F0FF (0x74F0FF 0x00): SPN/FMI=520308/31 Brake System in Factory Mode / condition exists —>

<!— 2EF0F3 (0x2EF0F3 0x00): SPN/FMI=520238/19 CPC (Common Powertrain Controller) / received network data in error —>

Коды ошибок EBS 02 T блока Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Якорь 6

<!— 04F9E3 (0x04F9E3 0x00): SPN: 522500, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 04F9E4 (0x04F9E4 0x00): SPN: 522500, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 04F9E5 (0x04F9E5 0x00): SPN: 522500, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 04F9EB (0x04F9EB 0x00): SPN: 522500, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 04F9EE (0x04F9EE 0x00): SPN: 522500, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Left special instructions —>

<!— 04F9FF (0x04F9FF 0x00): SPN: 522500, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Left condition exists —>

<!— 05F9E3 (0x05F9E3 0x00): SPN: 522501, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 05F9E4 (0x05F9E4 0x00): SPN: 522501, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 05F9E5 (0x05F9E5 0x00): SPN: 522501, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 05F9EB (0x05F9EB 0x00): SPN: 522501, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 05F9EE (0x05F9EE 0x00): SPN: 522501, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Right special instructions —>

<!— 05F9FF (0x05F9FF 0x00): SPN: 522501, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 Right condition exists —>

<!— 06F9E3 (0x06F9E3 0x00): SPN: 522502, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 06F9E4 (0x06F9E4 0x00): SPN: 522502, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 06F9E5 (0x06F9E5 0x00): SPN: 522502, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 06F9EB (0x06F9EB 0x00): SPN: 522502, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 06F9EE (0x06F9EE 0x00): SPN: 522502, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Left special instructions —>

<!— 06F9FF (0x06F9FF 0x00): SPN: 522502, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Left condition exists —>

<!— 07F9E3 (0x07F9E3 0x00): SPN: 522503, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 07F9E4 (0x07F9E4 0x00): SPN: 522503, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 07F9E5 (0x07F9E5 0x00): SPN: 522503, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 07F9EB (0x07F9EB 0x00): SPN: 522503, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 07F9EE (0x07F9EE 0x00): SPN: 522503, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Right special instructions —>

<!— 07F9FF (0x07F9FF 0x00): SPN: 522503, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 2 Right condition exists —>

<!— 08F0EB (0x08F0EB 0x00): SPN: 520200, FMI: 11 — Internal CAN data link (path A) root cause not known —>

<!— 08F0F3 (0x08F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520200, FMI: 19 — Internal CAN data link (path A) received network data in error —>

<!— 08F9E3 (0x08F9E3 0x00): SPN: 522504, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 08F9E4 (0x08F9E4 0x00): SPN: 522504, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 08F9E5 (0x08F9E5 0x00): SPN: 522504, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 08F9EB (0x08F9EB 0x00): SPN: 522504, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 08F9EE (0x08F9EE 0x00): SPN: 522504, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Left special instructions —>

<!— 08F9FF (0x08F9FF 0x00): SPN: 522504, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Left condition exists —>

<!— 09F0EB (0x09F0EB 0x00): SPN: 520201, FMI: 11 — Internal CAN data link (path B) root cause not known —>

<!— 09F0F3 (0x09F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520201, FMI: 19 — Internal CAN data link (path B) received network data in error —>

<!— 09F9E3 (0x09F9E3 0x00): SPN: 522505, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 09F9E4 (0x09F9E4 0x00): SPN: 522505, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 09F9E5 (0x09F9E5 0x00): SPN: 522505, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 09F9EB (0x09F9EB 0x00): SPN: 522505, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 09F9EE (0x09F9EE 0x00): SPN: 522505, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Right special instructions —>

<!— 09F9FF (0x09F9FF 0x00): SPN: 522505, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 3 Right condition exists —>

<!— 0AF0F3 (0x0AF0F3 0x00): SPN: 520202, FMI: 19 — Internal CAN data link (path C) received network data in error —>

<!— 0BF0E9 (0x0BF0E9 0x00): SPN: 520203, FMI: 9 — Brake CAN abnormal update rate —>

<!— 0BF0EB (0x0BF0EB 0x00): SPN: 520203, FMI: 11 — Brake CAN root cause not known —>

<!— 0BF0EC (0x0BF0EC 0x00): SPN: 520203, FMI: 12 — Brake CAN bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0BF0ED (0x0BF0ED 0x00): SPN: 520203, FMI: 13 — Brake CAN out of calibration —>

<!— 0E0E04 (0x0E0E04 0x00): SPN: 3598, FMI: 4 — ECU Power Output Supply Voltage #2 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 0EF4E0 (0x0EF4E0 0x00): SPN: 521230, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 1 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 0EF4E3 (0x0EF4E3 0x00): SPN: 521230, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 1 voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 0EF4E4 (0x0EF4E4 0x00): SPN: 521230, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 1 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 0EF4E6 (0x0EF4E6 0x00): SPN: 521230, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 1 current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 0EF4EB (0x0EF4EB 0x00): SPN: 521230, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 1 root cause not known —>

<!— 0F0700 (0x0F0700 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 0 — Steering Wheel Angle above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 0F0702 (0x0F0702 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 2 — Steering Wheel Angle data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 0F0707 (0x0F0707 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 7 — Steering Wheel Angle mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 0F0709 (0x0F0709 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 9 — Steering Wheel Angle abnormal update rate —>

<!— 0F070C (0x0F070C 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 12 — Steering Wheel Angle bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0F070E (0x0F070E 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 14 — Steering Wheel Angle special instructions —>

<!— 0F0713 (0x0F0713 0x00): SPN: 1807, FMI: 19 — Steering Wheel Angle received network data in error —>

<!— 0F0E04 (0x0F0E04 0x00): SPN: 3599, FMI: 4 — ECU Power Output Supply Voltage #3 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 0FF4E0 (0x0FF4E0 0x00): SPN: 521231, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 2 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 0FF4E3 (0x0FF4E3 0x00): SPN: 521231, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 2 voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 0FF4E4 (0x0FF4E4 0x00): SPN: 521231, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 2 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 0FF4E6 (0x0FF4E6 0x00): SPN: 521231, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 2 current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 0FF4EB (0x0FF4EB 0x00): SPN: 521231, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 2 root cause not known —>

<!— 100707 (0x100707 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 7 — Yaw Rate mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 100708 (0x100708 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 8 — Yaw Rate abnormal frequency or pulse width or period —>

<!— 100709 (0x100709 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 9 — Yaw Rate abnormal update rate —>

<!— 10070B (0x10070B 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 11 — Yaw Rate root cause not known —>

<!— 10070C (0x10070C 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 12 — Yaw Rate bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 10070D (0x10070D 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 13 — Yaw Rate out of calibration —>

<!— 100713 (0x100713 0x00): SPN: 1808, FMI: 19 — Yaw Rate received network data in error —>

<!— 10F4E0 (0x10F4E0 0x00): SPN: 521232, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 3 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 10F4E3 (0x10F4E3 0x00): SPN: 521232, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 3 voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 10F4E4 (0x10F4E4 0x00): SPN: 521232, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 3 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 10F4E6 (0x10F4E6 0x00): SPN: 521232, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 3 current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 10F4EB (0x10F4EB 0x00): SPN: 521232, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 3 root cause not known —>

<!— 10F7EC (0x10F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522000, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 1 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 10F7ED (0x10F7ED 0x00): SPN: 522000, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 1 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 110700 (0x110700 0x00): SPN: 1809, FMI: 0 — Lateral Acceleration above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 110702 (0x110702 0x00): SPN: 1809, FMI: 2 — Lateral Acceleration data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 11070D (0x11070D 0x00): SPN: 1809, FMI: 13 — Lateral Acceleration out of calibration —>

<!— 11F7EC (0x11F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522001, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 1 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 11F7ED (0x11F7ED 0x00): SPN: 522001, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 1 Right out of calibration —>

<!— 120409 (0x120409 0x00): SPN: 1042, FMI: 9 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992) abnormal update rate —>

<!— 12040B (0x12040B 0x00): SPN: 1042, FMI: 11 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992) root cause not known —>

<!— 120410 (0x120410 0x00): SPN: 1042, FMI: 16 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992) data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 120412 (0x120412 0x00): SPN: 1042, FMI: 18 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992) data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 12F0F3 (0x12F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520210, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path B Axle 1 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 12F7EC (0x12F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522002, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 2 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 12F7ED (0x12F7ED 0x00): SPN: 522002, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 2 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 13F0F3 (0x13F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520211, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path B Axle 1 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 13F7EC (0x13F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522003, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 2 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 13F7ED (0x13F7ED 0x00): SPN: 522003, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 2 Right out of calibration —>

<!— 14F0F3 (0x14F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520212, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path B Axle 2 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 14F7EC (0x14F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522004, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 3 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 14F7ED (0x14F7ED 0x00): SPN: 522004, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 3 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 150301 (0x150301 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 1 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 150302 (0x150302 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 2 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 150305 (0x150305 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 5 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 150307 (0x150307 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 7 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 15030A (0x15030A 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 10 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 15030B (0x15030B 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 11 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 15030C (0x15030C 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 12 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 15030D (0x15030D 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 13 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 15F0F3 (0x15F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520213, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path B Axle 2 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 15F7EC (0x15F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522005, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 3 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 15F7ED (0x15F7ED 0x00): SPN: 522005, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 3 Right out of calibration —>

<!— 160301 (0x160301 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 1 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 160302 (0x160302 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 2 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 160305 (0x160305 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 5 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 160307 (0x160307 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 7 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 16030A (0x16030A 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 10 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 16030B (0x16030B 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 11 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 16030C (0x16030C 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 12 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 16030D (0x16030D 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 13 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right out of calibration —>

<!— 16F0F3 (0x16F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520214, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path B Axle 3 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 170301 (0x170301 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 1 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 170302 (0x170302 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 2 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 170305 (0x170305 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 5 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 170307 (0x170307 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 7 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 17030A (0x17030A 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 10 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 17030B (0x17030B 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 11 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 17030C (0x17030C 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 12 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 17030D (0x17030D 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 13 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 170403 (0x170403 0x00): SPN: 1047, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 170404 (0x170404 0x00): SPN: 1047, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 170405 (0x170405 0x00): SPN: 1047, FMI: 5 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 17040B (0x17040B 0x00): SPN: 1047, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 root cause not known —>

<!— 17040E (0x17040E 0x00): SPN: 1047, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 special instructions —>

<!— 17041F (0x17041F 0x00): SPN: 1047, FMI: 31 — Electronic Pressure Control Axle 1 condition exists —>

<!— 17F0F3 (0x17F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520215, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path B Axle 3 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 180301 (0x180301 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 1 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 180302 (0x180302 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 2 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 180305 (0x180305 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 5 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 180307 (0x180307 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 7 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 18030A (0x18030A 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 10 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 18030B (0x18030B 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 11 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 18030C (0x18030C 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 12 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 18030D (0x18030D 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 13 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right out of calibration —>

<!— 190301 (0x190301 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 1 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 190302 (0x190302 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 2 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 190305 (0x190305 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 5 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 190307 (0x190307 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 7 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 19030A (0x19030A 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 10 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 19030B (0x19030B 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 11 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 19030C (0x19030C 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 12 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 19030D (0x19030D 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 13 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 190400 (0x190400 0x00): SPN: 1049, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 190401 (0x190401 0x00): SPN: 1049, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 190410 (0x190410 0x00): SPN: 1049, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 190412 (0x190412 0x00): SPN: 1049, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 1A0301 (0x1A0301 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 1 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 1A0302 (0x1A0302 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 2 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 1A0305 (0x1A0305 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 5 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1A0307 (0x1A0307 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 7 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 1A030A (0x1A030A 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 10 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 1A030B (0x1A030B 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 11 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 1A030C (0x1A030C 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 12 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1A030D (0x1A030D 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 13 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right out of calibration —>

<!— 1B0302 (0x1B0302 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 2 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 1B0303 (0x1B0303 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 3 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 1B0304 (0x1B0304 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 4 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 1B0305 (0x1B0305 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 5 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1B0306 (0x1B0306 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 6 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 1B030B (0x1B030B 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 11 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 1B030C (0x1B030C 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 12 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1B030D (0x1B030D 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 13 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left out of calibration —>

<!— 1B030E (0x1B030E 0x00): SPN: 795, FMI: 14 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Left special instructions —>

<!— 1C0303 (0x1C0303 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 3 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 1C0304 (0x1C0304 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 4 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 1C0305 (0x1C0305 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 5 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 1C0306 (0x1C0306 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 6 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 1C030B (0x1C030B 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 11 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 1C030C (0x1C030C 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 12 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 1C030E (0x1C030E 0x00): SPN: 796, FMI: 14 — Pressure Modulation Valve ABS Axle 1 Right special instructions —>

<!— 1CF0F3 (0x1CF0F3 0x00): SPN: 520220, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path A Axle 1 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 1DF0F3 (0x1DF0F3 0x00): SPN: 520221, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path A Axle 1 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 1DF5FF (0x1DF5FF 0x00): SPN: 521501, FMI: 31 — System test: Invalid configuration condition exists —>

<!— 1EF0F3 (0x1EF0F3 0x00): SPN: 520222, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path A Axle 2 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 1EF5FF (0x1EF5FF 0x00): SPN: 521502, FMI: 31 — System test: Reconfiguration request condition exists —>

<!— 1FF0F3 (0x1FF0F3 0x00): SPN: 520223, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path A Axle 2 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 1FF5FF (0x1FF5FF 0x00): SPN: 521503, FMI: 31 — System test: Roller test bench mode active condition exists —>

<!— 200402 (0x200402 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 2 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 200403 (0x200403 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 3 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 200404 (0x200404 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 4 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 200407 (0x200407 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 7 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 20040B (0x20040B 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 11 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control root cause not known —>

<!— 20040E (0x20040E 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 14 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control special instructions —>

<!— 20F0F3 (0x20F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520224, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path A Axle 3 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 20F5FF (0x20F5FF 0x00): SPN: 521504, FMI: 31 — System test: EPM supply short to UZ test running condition exists —>

<!— 210407 (0x210407 0x00): SPN: 1057, FMI: 7 — Pneumatic Back-up Pressure Control, Trailer Control mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 21F0F3 (0x21F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520225, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Path A Axle 3 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 21F5FF (0x21F5FF 0x00): SPN: 521505, FMI: 31 — System test: Ignition off while no peadal position info condition exists —>

<!— 220303 (0x220303 0x00): SPN: 802, FMI: 3 — Relay Diagonal 1 voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 220304 (0x220304 0x00): SPN: 802, FMI: 4 — Relay Diagonal 1 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 220403 (0x220403 0x00): SPN: 1058, FMI: 3 — Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 220404 (0x220404 0x00): SPN: 1058, FMI: 4 — Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 22040D (0x22040D 0x00): SPN: 1058, FMI: 13 — Brake Pressure Sensing, Trailer Control out of calibration —>

<!— 24FCEC (0x24FCEC 0x00): SPN: 523300, FMI: 12 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ISC self learned data’ bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 24FCED (0x24FCED 0x00): SPN: 523300, FMI: 13 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ISC self learned data’ out of calibration —>

<!— 25FCEC (0x25FCEC 0x00): SPN: 523301, FMI: 12 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘CAN configuration’ bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 25FCED (0x25FCED 0x00): SPN: 523301, FMI: 13 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘CAN configuration’ out of calibration —>

<!— 260303 (0x260303 0x00): SPN: 806, FMI: 3 — Dif 1 — ASR Valve voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 260304 (0x260304 0x00): SPN: 806, FMI: 4 — Dif 1 — ASR Valve voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 260305 (0x260305 0x00): SPN: 806, FMI: 5 — Dif 1 — ASR Valve current below normal or open circuit —>

<!— 260306 (0x260306 0x00): SPN: 806, FMI: 6 — Dif 1 — ASR Valve current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 26030D (0x26030D 0x00): SPN: 806, FMI: 13 — Dif 1 — ASR Valve out of calibration —>

<!— 26030E (0x26030E 0x00): SPN: 806, FMI: 14 — Dif 1 — ASR Valve special instructions —>

<!— 26F0E0 (0x26F0E0 0x00): SPN: 520230, FMI: 0 — Brake temperature above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 26FCEC (0x26FCEC 0x00): SPN: 523302, FMI: 12 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ABS configuration’ bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 26FCED (0x26FCED 0x00): SPN: 523302, FMI: 13 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ABS configuration’ out of calibration —>

<!— 27FCEC (0x27FCEC 0x00): SPN: 523303, FMI: 12 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ATC configuration’ bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 27FCED (0x27FCED 0x00): SPN: 523303, FMI: 13 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ATC configuration’ out of calibration —>

<!— 28FCEC (0x28FCEC 0x00): SPN: 523304, FMI: 12 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ESP configuration’ bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 28FCED (0x28FCED 0x00): SPN: 523304, FMI: 13 — Controller #1, EEPROM block ‘ESP configuration’ out of calibration —>

<!— 2A0307 (0x2A0307 0x00): SPN: 810, FMI: 7 — Speed Signal Input mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 2A0309 (0x2A0309 0x00): SPN: 810, FMI: 9 — Speed Signal Input abnormal update rate —>

<!— 2A0400 (0x2A0400 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 0 — Brake Signal Transmitter above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 2A0407 (0x2A0407 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 7 — Brake Signal Transmitter mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment —>

<!— 2A040A (0x2A040A 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 10 — Brake Signal Transmitter abnormal rate of change —>

<!— 2A040B (0x2A040B 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 11 — Brake Signal Transmitter root cause not known —>

<!— 2A040C (0x2A040C 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 12 — Brake Signal Transmitter bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 2A040D (0x2A040D 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 13 — Brake Signal Transmitter out of calibration —>

<!— 2A040E (0x2A040E 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 14 — Brake Signal Transmitter special instructions —>

<!— 2A0410 (0x2A0410 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 16 — Brake Signal Transmitter data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 30F0E9 (0x30F0E9 0x00): SPN: 520240, FMI: 9 — Emergency Brake System (XBR) abnormal update rate —>

<!— 30F0F3 (0x30F0F3 0x00): SPN: 520240, FMI: 19 — Emergency Brake System (XBR) received network data in error —>

<!— 30FAE0 (0x30FAE0 0x00): SPN: 522800, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 30FAE1 (0x30FAE1 0x00): SPN: 522800, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Left below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 30FAF0 (0x30FAF0 0x00): SPN: 522800, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Left data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 30FAF2 (0x30FAF2 0x00): SPN: 522800, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Left data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 310613 (0x310613 0x00): SPN: 1585, FMI: 19 — Powered Vehicle Weight received network data in error —>

<!— 31FAE0 (0x31FAE0 0x00): SPN: 522801, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 31FAE1 (0x31FAE1 0x00): SPN: 522801, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Right below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 31FAF0 (0x31FAF0 0x00): SPN: 522801, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Right data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 31FAF2 (0x31FAF2 0x00): SPN: 522801, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 1 Right data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 32FAE0 (0x32FAE0 0x00): SPN: 522802, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 32FAE1 (0x32FAE1 0x00): SPN: 522802, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Left below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 32FAF0 (0x32FAF0 0x00): SPN: 522802, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Left data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 32FAF2 (0x32FAF2 0x00): SPN: 522802, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Left data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 33FAE0 (0x33FAE0 0x00): SPN: 522803, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 33FAE1 (0x33FAE1 0x00): SPN: 522803, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Right below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 33FAF0 (0x33FAF0 0x00): SPN: 522803, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Right data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 33FAF2 (0x33FAF2 0x00): SPN: 522803, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 2 Right data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 34FAE0 (0x34FAE0 0x00): SPN: 522804, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 34FAE1 (0x34FAE1 0x00): SPN: 522804, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Left below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 34FAF0 (0x34FAF0 0x00): SPN: 522804, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Left data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 34FAF2 (0x34FAF2 0x00): SPN: 522804, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Left data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 35F0FF (0x35F0FF 0x00): SPN: 520245, FMI: 31 — Reverse test — Yellow condition exists —>

<!— 35FAE0 (0x35FAE0 0x00): SPN: 522805, FMI: 0 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 35FAE1 (0x35FAE1 0x00): SPN: 522805, FMI: 1 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Right below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 35FAF0 (0x35FAF0 0x00): SPN: 522805, FMI: 16 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Right data valid but above normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 35FAF2 (0x35FAF2 0x00): SPN: 522805, FMI: 18 — Brake Pressure Sensing Axle 3 Right data valid but below normal operating range — moderately severe level —>

<!— 36F0FF (0x36F0FF 0x00): SPN: 520246, FMI: 31 — Reverse test — Red condition exists —>

<!— 37F0FF (0x37F0FF 0x00): SPN: 520247, FMI: 31 — Reverse test — ESP condition exists —>

<!— 3AF0EE (0x3AF0EE 0x00): SPN: 520250, FMI: 14 — Shield 1 test Axle 1 Left special instructions —>

<!— 3BF0EE (0x3BF0EE 0x00): SPN: 520251, FMI: 14 — Shield 1 test Axle 1 Right special instructions —>

<!— 3CF0EE (0x3CF0EE 0x00): SPN: 520252, FMI: 14 — Shield 1 test Axle 2 Left special instructions —>

<!— 3CF8E9 (0x3CF8E9 0x00): SPN: 522300, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Left abnormal update rate —>

<!— 3CF8EB (0x3CF8EB 0x00): SPN: 522300, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 3CF8EC (0x3CF8EC 0x00): SPN: 522300, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 3CF8F3 (0x3CF8F3 0x00): SPN: 522300, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 3DF0EE (0x3DF0EE 0x00): SPN: 520253, FMI: 14 — Shield 1 test Axle 2 Right special instructions —>

<!— 3DF8E9 (0x3DF8E9 0x00): SPN: 522301, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Right abnormal update rate —>

<!— 3DF8EB (0x3DF8EB 0x00): SPN: 522301, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 3DF8EC (0x3DF8EC 0x00): SPN: 522301, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 3DF8F3 (0x3DF8F3 0x00): SPN: 522301, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle 1 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 3EF0EE (0x3EF0EE 0x00): SPN: 520254, FMI: 14 — Shield 1 test Axle 3 Left special instructions —>

<!— 3EF8E9 (0x3EF8E9 0x00): SPN: 522302, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Left abnormal update rate —>

<!— 3EF8EB (0x3EF8EB 0x00): SPN: 522302, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 3EF8EC (0x3EF8EC 0x00): SPN: 522302, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 3EF8F3 (0x3EF8F3 0x00): SPN: 522302, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 3FF0EE (0x3FF0EE 0x00): SPN: 520255, FMI: 14 — Shield 1 test Axle 3 Right special instructions —>

<!— 3FF8E9 (0x3FF8E9 0x00): SPN: 522303, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Right abnormal update rate —>

<!— 3FF8EB (0x3FF8EB 0x00): SPN: 522303, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 3FF8EC (0x3FF8EC 0x00): SPN: 522303, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 3FF8F3 (0x3FF8F3 0x00): SPN: 522303, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle 2 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 40F8E9 (0x40F8E9 0x00): SPN: 522304, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Left abnormal update rate —>

<!— 40F8EB (0x40F8EB 0x00): SPN: 522304, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 40F8EC (0x40F8EC 0x00): SPN: 522304, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 40F8F3 (0x40F8F3 0x00): SPN: 522304, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Left received network data in error —>

<!— 41F8E9 (0x41F8E9 0x00): SPN: 522305, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Right abnormal update rate —>

<!— 41F8EB (0x41F8EB 0x00): SPN: 522305, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 41F8EC (0x41F8EC 0x00): SPN: 522305, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 41F8F3 (0x41F8F3 0x00): SPN: 522305, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle 3 Right received network data in error —>

<!— 5EF4EC (0x5EF4EC 0x00): SPN: 521310, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 1 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 5EF4ED (0x5EF4ED 0x00): SPN: 521310, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 1 out of calibration —>

<!— 5FF4EC (0x5FF4EC 0x00): SPN: 521311, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 2 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 5FF4ED (0x5FF4ED 0x00): SPN: 521311, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 2 out of calibration —>

<!— 6AF4EC (0x6AF4EC 0x00): SPN: 521322, FMI: 12 — EPM ECU Axle 3 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 6AF4ED (0x6AF4ED 0x00): SPN: 521322, FMI: 13 — EPM ECU Axle 3 out of calibration —>

<!— 70F0E9 (0x70F0E9 0x00): SPN: 520304, FMI: 9 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992), Trailer #2 abnormal update rate —>

<!— 70F1E4 (0x70F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520560, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the PCV and TCM: Underrange during cranking voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 71F0E9 (0x71F0E9 0x00): SPN: 520305, FMI: 9 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992), Trailer #3 abnormal update rate —>

<!— 71F1E4 (0x71F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520561, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the modules: Underrange during cranking voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 72F0E9 (0x72F0E9 0x00): SPN: 520306, FMI: 9 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992), Trailer #4 abnormal update rate —>

<!— 72F1E4 (0x72F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520562, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the CAN: Underrange during cranking voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 73020E (0x73020E 0x00): SPN: 627, FMI: 14 — Power Supply (obsolete) special instructions —>

<!— 73F0E9 (0x73F0E9 0x00): SPN: 520307, FMI: 9 — Electronic Tractor/Trailer Interface (ISO11992), Trailer #5 abnormal update rate —>

<!— 73F1E3 (0x73F1E3 0x00): SPN: 520563, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for the ESP sensors voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 73F1E4 (0x73F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520563, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the ESP sensors voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 74F1E3 (0x74F1E3 0x00): SPN: 520564, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for EPM power supply voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 74F1E4 (0x74F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520564, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for EPM power supply voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 750202 (0x750202 0x00): SPN: 629, FMI: 2 — Controller #1 data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 75020B (0x75020B 0x00): SPN: 629, FMI: 11 — Controller #1 root cause not known —>

<!— 75020C (0x75020C 0x00): SPN: 629, FMI: 12 — Controller #1 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 75020D (0x75020D 0x00): SPN: 629, FMI: 13 — Controller #1 out of calibration —>

<!— 75020E (0x75020E 0x00): SPN: 629, FMI: 14 — Controller #1 special instructions —>

<!— 75F1E3 (0x75F1E3 0x00): SPN: 520565, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for the electronic pressure control of the EPMs voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 75F1E4 (0x75F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520565, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the electronic pressure control of the EPMs voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 76020C (0x76020C 0x00): SPN: 630, FMI: 12 — Calibration Memory bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 76020D (0x76020D 0x00): SPN: 630, FMI: 13 — Calibration Memory out of calibration —>

<!— 76F0FF (0x76F0FF 0x00): SPN: 520310, FMI: 31 — Controller #1 / Diagnostic override condition exists —>

<!— 76F1E3 (0x76F1E3 0x00): SPN: 520566, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for the PCVs voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 76F1E4 (0x76F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520566, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the PCVs voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 77F1E3 (0x77F1E3 0x00): SPN: 520567, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for the Auxiliary valve voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 77F1E4 (0x77F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520567, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the Auxiliary valve voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 79F1E3 (0x79F1E3 0x00): SPN: 520569, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for the TCM valves voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 79F1E4 (0x79F1E4 0x00): SPN: 520569, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for the TCM valves voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 7AF1E3 (0x7AF1E3 0x00): SPN: 520570, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for J1939 (powertrain CAN) voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 7AF1E4 (0x7AF1E4 0x00): SPN: 520570, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for J1939 (powertrain CAN) voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 7BF1E3 (0x7BF1E3 0x00): SPN: 520571, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for ISO11992 (trailer CAN) voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 7BF1E4 (0x7BF1E4 0x00): SPN: 520571, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for ISO11992 (trailer CAN) voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 7CF1E3 (0x7CF1E3 0x00): SPN: 520572, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for CAN-brake voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 7CF1E4 (0x7CF1E4 0x00): SPN: 520572, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for CAN-brake voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 7CF4EB (0x7CF4EB 0x00): SPN: 521340, FMI: 11 — ABS logic Axle 1 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 7CF4EE (0x7CF4EE 0x00): SPN: 521340, FMI: 14 — ABS logic Axle 1 Left special instructions —>

<!— 7DF1E3 (0x7DF1E3 0x00): SPN: 520573, FMI: 3 — Supply voltage for digital Foot Brake Module voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 7DF1E4 (0x7DF1E4 0x00): SPN: 520573, FMI: 4 — Supply voltage for digital Foot Brake Module voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 7DF4EB (0x7DF4EB 0x00): SPN: 521341, FMI: 11 — ABS logic Axle 1 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 7DF4EE (0x7DF4EE 0x00): SPN: 521341, FMI: 14 — ABS logic Axle 1 Right special instructions —>

<!— 7EF4EB (0x7EF4EB 0x00): SPN: 521342, FMI: 11 — ABS logic Axle 2 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 7EF4EE (0x7EF4EE 0x00): SPN: 521342, FMI: 14 — ABS logic Axle 2 Left special instructions —>

<!— 7F0209 (0x7F0209 0x00): SPN: 639, FMI: 9 — J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network abnormal update rate —>

<!— 7F020B (0x7F020B 0x00): SPN: 639, FMI: 11 — J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network root cause not known —>

<!— 7F020C (0x7F020C 0x00): SPN: 639, FMI: 12 — J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 7F0213 (0x7F0213 0x00): SPN: 639, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network received network data in error —>

<!— 7FF4EB (0x7FF4EB 0x00): SPN: 521343, FMI: 11 — ABS logic Axle 2 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 7FF4EE (0x7FF4EE 0x00): SPN: 521343, FMI: 14 — ABS logic Axle 2 Right special instructions —>

<!— 80F4EB (0x80F4EB 0x00): SPN: 521344, FMI: 11 — ABS logic Axle 3 Left root cause not known —>

<!— 80F4EE (0x80F4EE 0x00): SPN: 521344, FMI: 14 — ABS logic Axle 3 Left special instructions —>

<!— 81F4EB (0x81F4EB 0x00): SPN: 521345, FMI: 11 — ABS logic Axle 3 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 81F4EE (0x81F4EE 0x00): SPN: 521345, FMI: 14 — ABS logic Axle 3 Right special instructions —>

<!— 840613 (0x840613 0x00): SPN: 1668, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #4 received network data in error —>

<!— 850613 (0x850613 0x00): SPN: 1669, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #5 received network data in error —>

<!— 860613 (0x860613 0x00): SPN: 1670, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #6 received network data in error —>

<!— 870613 (0x870613 0x00): SPN: 1671, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #7 received network data in error —>

<!— 880613 (0x880613 0x00): SPN: 1672, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #8 received network data in error —>

<!— 88FCEB (0x88FCEB 0x00): SPN: 523400, FMI: 11 — Sensor CAN root cause not known —>

<!— 88FCEC (0x88FCEC 0x00): SPN: 523400, FMI: 12 — Sensor CAN bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 8AF0E2 (0x8AF0E2 0x00): SPN: 520330, FMI: 2 — Steering Wheel Angle data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 8AF0ED (0x8AF0ED 0x00): SPN: 520330, FMI: 13 — Steering Wheel Angle out of calibration —>

<!— 8CF0ED (0x8CF0ED 0x00): SPN: 520332, FMI: 13 — ESP — Calibration Procedure out of calibration —>

<!— 8EF1ED (0x8EF1ED 0x00): SPN: 520590, FMI: 13 — Intelligent slip control out of calibration —>

<!— 8FF1E2 (0x8FF1E2 0x00): SPN: 520591, FMI: 2 — ABS logic data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 8FF1E8 (0x8FF1E8 0x00): SPN: 520591, FMI: 8 — ABS logic abnormal frequency or pulse width or period —>

<!— 8FF1ED (0x8FF1ED 0x00): SPN: 520591, FMI: 13 — ABS logic out of calibration —>

<!— 92F1ED (0x92F1ED 0x00): SPN: 520594, FMI: 13 — ESP logic out of calibration —>

<!— 92F1EE (0x92F1EE 0x00): SPN: 520594, FMI: 14 — ESP logic special instructions —>

<!— 94F0EC (0x94F0EC 0x00): SPN: 520340, FMI: 12 — Foot Brake Module bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 94F1ED (0x94F1ED 0x00): SPN: 520596, FMI: 13 — Electronic pressure module: Global out of calibration —>

<!— 94F1EE (0x94F1EE 0x00): SPN: 520596, FMI: 14 — Electronic pressure module: Global special instructions —>

<!— 9E0003 (0x9E0003 0x00): SPN: 158, FMI: 3 — Keyswitch Battery Potential voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 9E0004 (0x9E0004 0x00): SPN: 158, FMI: 4 — Keyswitch Battery Potential voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 9E000E (0x9E000E 0x00): SPN: 158, FMI: 14 — Keyswitch Battery Potential special instructions —>

<!— AAF3E9 (0xAAF3E9 0x00): SPN: 521130, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle A1 abnormal update rate —>

<!— AAF3EB (0xAAF3EB 0x00): SPN: 521130, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle A1 root cause not known —>

<!— AAF3EC (0xAAF3EC 0x00): SPN: 521130, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle A1 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— AAF3F3 (0xAAF3F3 0x00): SPN: 521130, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle A1 received network data in error —>

<!— ABF3E9 (0xABF3E9 0x00): SPN: 521131, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle A2 abnormal update rate —>

<!— ABF3EB (0xABF3EB 0x00): SPN: 521131, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle A2 root cause not known —>

<!— ABF3EC (0xABF3EC 0x00): SPN: 521131, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle A2 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— ABF3F3 (0xABF3F3 0x00): SPN: 521131, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle A2 received network data in error —>

<!— ACF3E9 (0xACF3E9 0x00): SPN: 521132, FMI: 9 — EPM CAN Axle A3 abnormal update rate —>

<!— ACF3EB (0xACF3EB 0x00): SPN: 521132, FMI: 11 — EPM CAN Axle A3 root cause not known —>

<!— ACF3EC (0xACF3EC 0x00): SPN: 521132, FMI: 12 — EPM CAN Axle A3 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— ACF3F3 (0xACF3F3 0x00): SPN: 521132, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN Axle A3 received network data in error —>

<!— B4F3F3 (0xB4F3F3 0x00): SPN: 521140, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN path B Axle 1 received network data in error —>

<!— B5F3F3 (0xB5F3F3 0x00): SPN: 521141, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN path B Axle 2 received network data in error —>

<!— B60D00 (0xB60D00 0x00): SPN: 3510, FMI: 0 — Sensor supply voltage 2 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— B60D01 (0xB60D01 0x00): SPN: 3510, FMI: 1 — Sensor supply voltage 2 below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— B6F3F3 (0xB6F3F3 0x00): SPN: 521142, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN path B Axle 3 received network data in error —>

<!— B70D00 (0xB70D00 0x00): SPN: 3511, FMI: 0 — Sensor supply voltage 3 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— B70D01 (0xB70D01 0x00): SPN: 3511, FMI: 1 — Sensor supply voltage 3 below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— B70D0C (0xB70D0C 0x00): SPN: 3511, FMI: 12 — Sensor supply voltage 3 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— B70D0D (0xB70D0D 0x00): SPN: 3511, FMI: 13 — Sensor supply voltage 3 out of calibration —>

<!— BEF3F3 (0xBEF3F3 0x00): SPN: 521150, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN path A Axle 1 received network data in error —>

<!— BFF3F3 (0xBFF3F3 0x00): SPN: 521151, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN path A Axle 2 received network data in error —>

<!— C0F3F3 (0xC0F3F3 0x00): SPN: 521152, FMI: 19 — EPM CAN path A Axle 3 received network data in error —>

<!— C8F3EE (0xC8F3EE 0x00): SPN: 521160, FMI: 14 — Shield test Axle 1 special instructions —>

<!— C9F3EE (0xC9F3EE 0x00): SPN: 521161, FMI: 14 — Shield test Axle 2 special instructions —>

<!— CAF3EE (0xCAF3EE 0x00): SPN: 521162, FMI: 14 — Shield test Axle 3 special instructions —>

<!— CF0413 (0xCF0413 0x00): SPN: 1231, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #2 received network data in error —>

<!— D30413 (0xD30413 0x00): SPN: 1235, FMI: 19 — J1939 Network #3 received network data in error —>

<!— D8F7E0 (0xD8F7E0 0x00): SPN: 522200, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 1 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— D8F7E3 (0xD8F7E3 0x00): SPN: 522200, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 1 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— D8F7E4 (0xD8F7E4 0x00): SPN: 522200, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 1 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— D8F7E6 (0xD8F7E6 0x00): SPN: 522200, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 1 Left current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— D8F7EB (0xD8F7EB 0x00): SPN: 522200, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 1 Left root cause not known —>

<!— D9F7E0 (0xD9F7E0 0x00): SPN: 522201, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 1 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— D9F7E3 (0xD9F7E3 0x00): SPN: 522201, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 1 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— D9F7E4 (0xD9F7E4 0x00): SPN: 522201, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 1 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— D9F7E6 (0xD9F7E6 0x00): SPN: 522201, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 1 Right current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— D9F7EB (0xD9F7EB 0x00): SPN: 522201, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 1 Right root cause not known —>

<!— DAF7E0 (0xDAF7E0 0x00): SPN: 522202, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 2 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— DAF7E3 (0xDAF7E3 0x00): SPN: 522202, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 2 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— DAF7E4 (0xDAF7E4 0x00): SPN: 522202, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 2 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— DAF7E6 (0xDAF7E6 0x00): SPN: 522202, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 2 Left current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— DAF7EB (0xDAF7EB 0x00): SPN: 522202, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 2 Left root cause not known —>

<!— DBF7E0 (0xDBF7E0 0x00): SPN: 522203, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 2 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— DBF7E3 (0xDBF7E3 0x00): SPN: 522203, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 2 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— DBF7E4 (0xDBF7E4 0x00): SPN: 522203, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 2 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— DBF7E6 (0xDBF7E6 0x00): SPN: 522203, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 2 Right current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— DBF7EB (0xDBF7EB 0x00): SPN: 522203, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 2 Right root cause not known —>

<!— DCF7E0 (0xDCF7E0 0x00): SPN: 522204, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 3 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— DCF7E3 (0xDCF7E3 0x00): SPN: 522204, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 3 Left voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— DCF7E4 (0xDCF7E4 0x00): SPN: 522204, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 3 Left voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— DCF7E6 (0xDCF7E6 0x00): SPN: 522204, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 3 Left current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— DCF7EB (0xDCF7EB 0x00): SPN: 522204, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 3 Left root cause not known —>

<!— DDF7E0 (0xDDF7E0 0x00): SPN: 522205, FMI: 0 — EPM supply Axle 3 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— DDF7E3 (0xDDF7E3 0x00): SPN: 522205, FMI: 3 — EPM supply Axle 3 Right voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— DDF7E4 (0xDDF7E4 0x00): SPN: 522205, FMI: 4 — EPM supply Axle 3 Right voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— DDF7E6 (0xDDF7E6 0x00): SPN: 522205, FMI: 6 — EPM supply Axle 3 Right current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— DDF7EB (0xDDF7EB 0x00): SPN: 522205, FMI: 11 — EPM supply Axle 3 Right root cause not known —>

<!— 8DF0FF (0x8DF0FF 0x00): SPN: 520333, FMI: 31 — Tire Pressure Monitoring condition exists —>

<!— 73020E (0x73020E 0x00): SPN: 627, FMI: 14 — Power Supply special instructions —>

<!— 0EF4EC (0x0EF4EC 0x00): SPN: 521230, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 1 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 0FF4EC (0x0FF4EC 0x00): SPN: 521231, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 2 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 10F4EC (0x10F4EC 0x00): SPN: 521232, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 3 bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 130403 (0x130403 0x00): SPN: 1043, FMI: 3 — Internal Sensor Voltage Supply voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 130404 (0x130404 0x00): SPN: 1043, FMI: 4 — Internal Sensor Voltage Supply voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 150300 (0x150300 0x00): SPN: 789, FMI: 0 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 160300 (0x160300 0x00): SPN: 790, FMI: 0 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 1 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 170300 (0x170300 0x00): SPN: 791, FMI: 0 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 180300 (0x180300 0x00): SPN: 792, FMI: 0 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 2 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 190300 (0x190300 0x00): SPN: 793, FMI: 0 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Left above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 1A0300 (0x1A0300 0x00): SPN: 794, FMI: 0 — Wheel Sensor ABS Axle 3 Right above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 200406 (0x200406 0x00): SPN: 1056, FMI: 6 — Electronic Pressure Control, Trailer Control current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 2A0402 (0x2A0402 0x00): SPN: 1066, FMI: 2 — Brake Signal Transmitter data erratic, intermittent or incorrect —>

<!— 2B0400 (0x2B0400 0x00): SPN: 1067, FMI: 0 — Brake Signal Sensor 1 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 2B0401 (0x2B0401 0x00): SPN: 1067, FMI: 1 — Brake Signal Sensor 1 below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 2C0400 (0x2C0400 0x00): SPN: 1068, FMI: 0 — Brake Signal Sensor 2 above normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 2C0401 (0x2C0401 0x00): SPN: 1068, FMI: 1 — Brake Signal Sensor 2 below normal operational range — most severe level —>

<!— 44F0EE (0x44F0EE 0x00): SPN: 520260, FMI: 14 — Shield 2 test Axle 1 Left special instructions —>

<!— 45F0EE (0x45F0EE 0x00): SPN: 520261, FMI: 14 — Shield 2 test Axle 1 Right special instructions —>

<!— 46F0EE (0x46F0EE 0x00): SPN: 520262, FMI: 14 — Shield 2 test Axle 2 Left special instructions —>

<!— 47F0EE (0x47F0EE 0x00): SPN: 520263, FMI: 14 — Shield 2 test Axle 2 Right special instructions —>

<!— 48F0EE (0x48F0EE 0x00): SPN: 520264, FMI: 14 — Shield 2 test Axle 3 Left special instructions —>

<!— 49F0EE (0x49F0EE 0x00): SPN: 520265, FMI: 14 — Shield 2 test Axle 3 Right special instructions —>

<!— 550203 (0x550203 0x00): SPN: 597, FMI: 3 — Brake Switch voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 550204 (0x550204 0x00): SPN: 597, FMI: 4 — Brake Switch voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 55020C (0x55020C 0x00): SPN: 597, FMI: 12 — Brake Switch bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 5B0203 (0x5B0203 0x00): SPN: 603, FMI: 3 — Brake Pedal Switch #2 voltage above normal, or shorted to high source —>

<!— 5B0204 (0x5B0204 0x00): SPN: 603, FMI: 4 — Brake Pedal Switch #2 voltage below normal, or shorted to low source —>

<!— 79F1E6 (0x79F1E6 0x00): SPN: 520569, FMI: 6 — Supply voltage for the TCM valves current above normal or grounded circuit —>

<!— 8CF0ED (0x8CF0ED 0x00): SPN: 520332, FMI: 13 — Lateral Acceleration out of calibration —>

<!— D8F7EC (0xD8F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522200, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 1 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— D9F7EC (0xD9F7EC 0x00): SPN: 522201, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 1 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— DAF7EC (0xDAF7EC 0x00): SPN: 522202, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 2 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— DBF7EC (0xDBF7EC 0x00): SPN: 522203, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 2 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— DCF7EC (0xDCF7EC 0x00): SPN: 522204, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 3 Left bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— DDF7EC (0xDDF7EC 0x00): SPN: 522205, FMI: 12 — EPM supply Axle 3 Right bad intelligent device or component —>

<!— 60F2E2 (0x60F2E2 0x00): SPN: 520800, FMI: 2 — Temperature signal of Yaw Rate Sensor (YRS) data erratic, intermittent or incorrect. —>

Коды ошибок блока EAPU 01 T Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Якорь 7

<!— 29F3E5 (0x29F3E5 0x00): solenoid unloader (MV GOV) broken wire —>

<!— 29F3E6 (0x29F3E6 0x00): solenoid unloader (MV GOV) short circuit —>

<!— 2AF3E5 (0x2AF3E5 0x00): solenoid regeneration (MV REG) broken wire —>

<!— 2AF3E6 (0x2AF3E6 0x00): solenoid regeneration (MV REG) short circuit —>

<!— 2DF3E3 (0x2DF3E3 0x00): heater short circuit to UB —>

<!— 2DF3E5 (0x2DF3E5 0x00): heater short circuit to UB or broken wire —>

<!— 2DF3E6 (0x2DF3E6 0x00): heater short circuit to GnD —>

<!— 2EF3E0 (0x2EF3E0 0x00): KoWaKo signal out of range —>

<!— 2EF3E3 (0x2EF3E3 0x00): KoWaKo supply short circuit to UB —>

<!— 2EF3E4 (0x2EF3E4 0x00): KoWaKo GND short circuit to UB —>

<!— 2EF3E6 (0x2EF3E6 0x00): KoWaKo supply short circuit to GND —>

<!— 2FF3E5 (0x2FF3E5 0x00): solenoid regeneration (MV REG) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 2FF3E6 (0x2FF3E6 0x00): solenoid regeneration (MV REG) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 31F3EC (0x31F3EC 0x00): EEPROM checksum error parameter EOL/HALDEX —>

<!— 32F3EC (0x32F3EC 0x00): ROM checksum error —>

<!— 33F3E5 (0x33F3E5 0x00): solenoid unloader (MV GOV) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 33F3E6 (0x33F3E6 0x00): solenoid unloader (MV GOV) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 34F3E5 (0x34F3E5 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (MV C3) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 34F3E6 (0x34F3E6 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (MV C3) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 35F3E5 (0x35F3E5 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (MV C1/2) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 35F3E6 (0x35F3E6 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (MV C1/2) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 36F3ED (0x36F3ED 0x00): plausibility check for limited pressure negative —>

<!— 37F3ED (0x37F3ED 0x00): plausibility check for system pressure negative —>

<!— 3CF3EC (0x3CF3EC 0x00): RAM error —>

<!— 3DF3E5 (0x3DF3E5 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (MV C1/2) broken wire —>

<!— 3DF3E6 (0x3DF3E6 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (MV C1/2) short circuit —>

<!— 3E0400 (0x3E0400 0x00): pressure 23 above maximum pressure —>

<!— 3E040C (0x3E040C 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 23 (PS C3) EEPROM checksum error —>

<!— 3E040F (0x3E040F 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 23 (PS C3) digitvalue to high —>

<!— 3E0411 (0x3E0411 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 23 (PS C3) digitvalue to low —>

<!— 3F0400 (0x3F0400 0x00): pressure 21 and 22 above maximum pressure —>

<!— 3F040C (0x3F040C 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 21 (PS C1) EEPROM checksum error —>

<!— 3F040F (0x3F040F 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 21 (PS C1) digitvalue to high —>

<!— 3F0411 (0x3F0411 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 21 (PS C1) digitvalue to low —>

<!— 40040C (0x40040C 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 22 (PS C2) EEPROM checksum error —>

<!— 40040F (0x40040F 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 22 (PS C2) digitvalue to high —>

<!— 400411 (0x400411 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 22 (PS C2) digitvalue to low —>

<!— 40F3E9 (0x40F3E9 0x00): watchdog reset —>

<!— 410400 (0x410400 0x00): pressure 26 above maximum pressure —>

<!— 41040C (0x41040C 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 26 (PS C6) EEPROM checksum error —>

<!— 41040F (0x41040F 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 26 (PS C6) digitvalue to high —>

<!— 410411 (0x410411 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 26 (PS C6) digitvalue to low —>

<!— 41F3E4 (0x41F3E4 0x00): CAN busoff —>

<!— 420400 (0x420400 0x00): pressure 27 above maximum pressure —>

<!— 42040C (0x42040C 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 27 (PS C7) EEPROM checksum error —>

<!— 42040F (0x42040F 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 27 (PS C7) digitvalue to high —>

<!— 420411 (0x420411 0x00): pressure sensor circuit 27 (PS C7) digitvalue to low —>

<!— 42F3E0 (0x42F3E0 0x00): clamp 30 overvoltage protection active —>

<!— 42F3E1 (0x42F3E1 0x00): clamp 30 undervoltage error —>

<!— 42F3E5 (0x42F3E5 0x00): clamp 30 broken wire —>

<!— 44F3E5 (0x44F3E5 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (MV C3) broken wire —>

<!— 44F3E6 (0x44F3E6 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (MV C3) short circuit —>

<!— 45F3EB (0x45F3EB 0x00): reduced system pressure caused by EBS failure —>

<!— 47F3E3 (0x47F3E3 0x00): solenoid supply: short circuit to UB —>

<!— 47F3E5 (0x47F3E5 0x00): solenoid supply: HSD defect, no output voltage —>

<!— 48F3E3 (0x48F3E3 0x00): pressure sensor supply out of range —>

<!— 49F3E5 (0x49F3E5 0x00): watchdog driver —>

<!— 4AF3EC (0x4AF3EC 0x00): EEPROM checksum error parameter SVDO —>

<!— 4DF3EC (0x4DF3EC 0x00): RTC error reading time —>

<!— 4EF3EC (0x4EF3EC 0x00): RTC error setting time —>

<!— 4FF3EC (0x4FF3EC 0x00): RTC error setting wakeup time —>

<!— 50F3E3 (0x50F3E3 0x00): external temperature sensor short circuit to UB —>

<!— 50F3E5 (0x50F3E5 0x00): external temperatur sensor open load —>

<!— 50F3E6 (0x50F3E6 0x00): external temperatur sensor short circuit to GND —>

<!— 51F3E0 (0x51F3E0 0x00): FDA error circle 21 leakage —>

<!— 52F3E0 (0x52F3E0 0x00): FDA error circle 22 leakage —>

<!— 53F3E0 (0x53F3E0 0x00): FDA error circle 23 leakage —>

<!— 54F3E0 (0x54F3E0 0x00): FDA error circle 26 leakage —>

<!— 55F3E0 (0x55F3E0 0x00): FDA error circle 27 leakage —>

<!— 56F3E0 (0x56F3E0 0x00): FDA error trailer leakage —>

<!— 57F3E0 (0x57F3E0 0x00): FDA error truck leakage —>

<!— 58F3E0 (0x58F3E0 0x00): FDA error multiple leakage —>

<!— 59F3E0 (0x59F3E0 0x00): FDA errorcode air compressor operation conditions —>

<!— 5AF3EC (0x5AF3EC 0x00): EEPROM checksum error parameter FDA —>

<!— 5BF3EC (0x5BF3EC 0x00): EEPROM checksum error large data FDA —>

<!— 30F3EC (0x30F3EC 0x00): EEPROM checksum error HALDEX block —>

<!— 40F3E9 (0x40F3E9 0x00): shut down sequence interrupted —>

<!— 4BF3E9 (0x4BF3E9 0x00): watchdog reset —>

<!— 29F3E5 (0x29F3E5 0x00): solenoid unloader/governor (SV UL/GOV) broken wire —>

<!— 29F3E6 (0x29F3E6 0x00): solenoid unloader/governor (SV UL/GOV) short circuit —>

<!— 2AF3E5 (0x2AF3E5 0x00): solenoid regeneration (SV REG) broken wire —>

<!— 2AF3E6 (0x2AF3E6 0x00): solenoid regeneration (SV REG) short circuit —>

<!— 2EF3E0 (0x2EF3E0 0x00): KoWaKo signal out of range (humidity sensor) —>

<!— 2EF3E3 (0x2EF3E3 0x00): KoWaKo supply short circuit to UB (humidity sensor) —>

<!— 2EF3E4 (0x2EF3E4 0x00): KoWaKo GND short circuit to UB (humidity sensor) —>

<!— 2EF3E6 (0x2EF3E6 0x00): KoWaKo supply short circuit to GND (humidity sensor) —>

<!— 2FF3E5 (0x2FF3E5 0x00): solenoid regeneration (SV REG) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 2FF3E6 (0x2FF3E6 0x00): solenoid regeneration (SV REG) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 33F3E5 (0x33F3E5 0x00): solenoid unloader/governor (SV UL/GOV) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 33F3E6 (0x33F3E6 0x00): solenoid unloader/governor (SV UL/GOV) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 34F3E5 (0x34F3E5 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (SV C3) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 34F3E6 (0x34F3E6 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (SV C3) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 35F3E5 (0x35F3E5 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (SV C1/2) LSD high-ohmic —>

<!— 35F3E6 (0x35F3E6 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (SV C1/2) LSD short circuit —>

<!— 3DF3E5 (0x3DF3E5 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (SV C1/2) broken wire —>

<!— 3DF3E6 (0x3DF3E6 0x00): solenoid preclose circuit 21/22 (SV C1/2) short circuit —>

<!— 44F3E5 (0x44F3E5 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (SV C3) broken wire —>

<!— 44F3E6 (0x44F3E6 0x00): solenoid circuit 23 (SV C3) short circuit —>

<!— 50F3E5 (0x50F3E5 0x00): external temperature sensor open load —>

<!— 50F3E6 (0x50F3E6 0x00): external temperature sensor short circuit to GND —>

<!— 51F3E0 (0x51F3E0 0x00): FDA — leakage circuit 21 —>

<!— 52F3E0 (0x52F3E0 0x00): FDA — leakage circuit 22 —>

<!— 53F3E0 (0x53F3E0 0x00): FDA — leakage circuit 23 —>

<!— 54F3E0 (0x54F3E0 0x00): FDA — leakage circuit 26 —>

<!— 55F3E0 (0x55F3E0 0x00): FDA — leakage circuit 27 —>

<!— 43F3E5 (0x43F3E5 0x00): clamp 15 broken wire / short circuit to GND —>

<!— 38F3E0 (0x38F3E0 0x00): Wetnesslevel Warning Level 1 —>

<!— 39F3E0 (0x39F3E0 0x00): Wetnesslevel Warning Level 2 —>

Коды ошибок блока EAPU 02 T Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Якорь 8

<!— 22F330 (0x22F330 0x00): MSW (application drive-SW) is not compatible with the boot-strap loader (BSL) —>

<!— 22F332 (0x22F332 0x00): Bootstrap-loader (BSL) detected a checksum failure in the MSW (application drive-SW) ROM area —>

<!— 22F333 (0x22F333 0x00): Non-volatile memory segment (D-flash.EEPROM) not yet validated from BSL —>

<!— 28F3E3 (0x28F3E3 0x00): Powerstage high side is shorted to the battery (Ubat) —>

<!— 28F3E5 (0x28F3E5 0x00): Powerstage high side open circuit detected —>

<!— 28F3E7 (0x28F3E7 0x00): More solenoids are available than configured (wrong configuration) —>

<!— 29F3E4 (0x29F3E4 0x00): Solenoid governor (GOV) powerstage low-side is shorted to the ground (GND) —>

<!— 29F3E5 (0x29F3E5 0x00): Open circuit on solenoid governor (GOV) —>

<!— 29F3E6 (0x29F3E6 0x00): Short circuit detected on solenoid governor (GOV) —>

<!— 29F3E8 (0x29F3E8 0x00): Short circuit detected beetween governor (GOV) solenoid and other actuator powerstage —>

<!— 29F3EA (0x29F3EA 0x00): External excitation on solenoid governor (GOV) detected —>

<!— 2AF3E4 (0x2AF3E4 0x00): Solenoid regeneration (REG) powerstage low-side is shorted to the ground (GND) —>

<!— 2AF3E5 (0x2AF3E5 0x00): Open circuit on solenoid regeneration (REG) —>

<!— 2AF3E6 (0x2AF3E6 0x00): Short circuit detected on solenoid regeneration (REG) —>

<!— 2AF3E8 (0x2AF3E8 0x00): Short circuit detected beetween regeneration (REG) solenoid and other actuator powerstage —>

<!— 2AF3EA (0x2AF3EA 0x00): External excitation on solenoid regeneration (REG) detected —>

<!— 2BF3E4 (0x2BF3E4 0x00): Solenoid Circuit3 (C3) powerstage low-side is shorted to the ground (GND) —>

<!— 2BF3E5 (0x2BF3E5 0x00): Open circuit on solenoid in Circuit3 (C3) —>

<!— 2BF3E6 (0x2BF3E6 0x00): Short circuit detected on solenoid in Circuit3 (C3) —>

<!— 2BF3E8 (0x2BF3E8 0x00): Short circuit detected beetween Circuit3 (C3) solenoid and other actuator powerstage —>

<!— 2BF3EA (0x2BF3EA 0x00): External excitation on solenoid in Circuit3 (C3) detected —>

<!— 2DF3E4 (0x2DF3E4 0x00): Heater powerstage low-side is shorted to the ground (GND) —>

<!— 2DF3E5 (0x2DF3E5 0x00): Open circuit on heater —>

<!— 2DF3E6 (0x2DF3E6 0x00): Short circuit detected on heater —>

<!— 2DF3E7 (0x2DF3E7 0x00): Heater is connected, and not confugred-in by EOL (wrong configuration) —>

<!— 2DF3E8 (0x2DF3E8 0x00): Short circuit detected beetween heater and other actuator powerstage —>

<!— 2DF3EA (0x2DF3EA 0x00): External excitation on heater detected —>

<!— 2DF3EB (0x2DF3EB 0x00): Heater configuration implausible. Component is disabled, but the related heating functinality is configured to be enabled. —>

<!— 2E0001 (0x2E0001 0x00): Pseudo system pressure decreased due to malfunction in the break-system —>

<!— 2E0002 (0x2E0002 0x00): System pressure can not be estimated —>

<!— 2EF3E2 (0x2EF3E2 0x00): Humidity-switch (KoWa) sensor signal out of valid range —>

<!— 2EF3E3 (0x2EF3E3 0x00): Humidity-switch (KoWa) sensor shorted to ubat —>

<!— 2EF3E4 (0x2EF3E4 0x00): Humidity-switch (KoWa) sensor shorted to ground —>

<!— 2EF3E7 (0x2EF3E7 0x00): Humidity-switch (KoWa) component is disabaled by EOL parameter, although it is detected to be connected —>

<!— 2EF3E8 (0x2EF3E8 0x00): Humidity-switch (KoWa) power supply line is shorted to the ground (GND) —>

<!— 2EF3E9 (0x2EF3E9 0x00): Humidity-switch (KoWa) power supply line is shorted to the battery (Ubat) —>

<!— 2FF3E5 (0x2FF3E5 0x00): Continuous power supply open circuit (Clamp30) —>

<!— 30F3E7 (0x30F3E7 0x00): The boot-strap loader (BSL) is not compatible with the ECU HW (PCB) —>

<!— 30F3EC (0x30F3EC 0x00): Catastrophic internal error occurred —>

<!— 31F3E2 (0x31F3E2 0x00): Non-volatile memory logical block (D-flash,EEPROM) checksum error occured —>

<!— 31F3ED (0x31F3ED 0x00): Dataset (layout) compatiblity failure detected —>

<!— 32F3E9 (0x32F3E9 0x00): Internal checksum (DTC storage area) error occured —>

<!— 33F3E2 (0x33F3E2 0x00): EOL parameter is out of its range —>

<!— 33F3E7 (0x33F3E7 0x00): EOL parameter relation error occured (inplausible values in the parameters) —>

<!— 33F3ED (0x33F3ED 0x00): Software internal failure. Invalid parameter given to a function call —>

<!— 34F3E1 (0x34F3E1 0x00): Watchdog failure detected (timed-out) —>

<!— 34F3E9 (0x34F3E9 0x00): CAN bus-off detected —>

<!— 36F3E0 (0x36F3E0 0x00): Pressure limiter for C3 C4 implausible —>

<!— 37F3ED (0x37F3ED 0x00): EOL parameter item of the compressor characteristic table is implausible —>

<!— 3AF3E3 (0x3AF3E3 0x00): Clamp15 is detected to be shorted to the battery (Ubat) —>

<!— 3AF3E4 (0x3AF3E4 0x00): Open circuit is detected on Clamp15 —>

<!— 3CF3E3 (0x3CF3E3 0x00): External temperature sensor output signal is out-of its range (high) —>

<!— 3CF3E4 (0x3CF3E4 0x00): External temperature sensor output signal is out-of its range (low) —>

<!— 3DF3E3 (0x3DF3E3 0x00): Reference voltage for external temperature sensor is above the high limit —>

<!— 3DF3E4 (0x3DF3E4 0x00): Reference voltage for external temperature sensor is below the low limit —>

<!— 3E0400 (0x3E0400 0x00): Pressure increase with closed magnet valve in circuit 23 —>

<!— 3E0402 (0x3E0402 0x00): Fill-up timeout occured in circuit 23 —>

<!— 3E0403 (0x3E0403 0x00): Cicruit23 pressure sensor shorted to ubat —>

<!— 3E0404 (0x3E0404 0x00): Circuit23 pressure sensor shorted to ground —>

<!— 3E0410 (0x3E0410 0x00): Pressure increase with closed magnet valve in circuit 23 (volatile) —>

<!— 3F0400 (0x3F0400 0x00): Circuit 21 reached max pressure level —>

<!— 3F0402 (0x3F0402 0x00): Circuit 21 and circuit 22 pressure difference implausible —>

<!— 3F0403 (0x3F0403 0x00): Circuit21 pressure sensor shorted to ubat —>

<!— 3F0404 (0x3F0404 0x00): Circuit21 pressure sensor shorted to ground —>

<!— 400400 (0x400400 0x00): Circuit 22 reached max pressure level —>

<!— 400403 (0x400403 0x00): Circuit22 pressure sensor shorted to ubat —>

<!— 400404 (0x400404 0x00): Circuit22 pressure sensor shorted to ground —>

<!— 410403 (0x410403 0x00): Circuit26 pressure sensor shorted to ubat —>

<!— 410404 (0x410404 0x00): Circuit26 pressure sensor shorted to ground —>

<!— 42040C (0x42040C 0x00): More sensors are available than configured —>

<!— 51F3E0 (0x51F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 21 —>

<!— 52F3E0 (0x52F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 22 —>

<!— 53F3E0 (0x53F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 23 —>

<!— 54F3E0 (0x54F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 26 —>

<!— 55F3E0 (0x55F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 27 —>

<!— 56F3E0 (0x56F3E0 0x00): FDA — Trailer leakage —>

<!— 57F3E0 (0x57F3E0 0x00): FDA — Truck leakage —>

<!— 58F3E0 (0x58F3E0 0x00): FDA — Multiple leakages —>

<!— 59F3E0 (0x59F3E0 0x00): FDA errorcode air compressor operation conditions —>

<!— 5DF3E0 (0x5DF3E0 0x00): FDA — Real Time Clock error —>

<!— C7FBE0 (0xC7FBE0 0x00): ECU in high volatge range (>+32V), under +30V switch back to unrestricted mode —>

<!— C7FBE1 (0xC7FBE1 0x00): ECU in low voltage range(parameter) for longer than an accepted time frame —>

<!— C7FBE2 (0xC7FBE2 0x00): ECU in low voltage range(parameter) for longer than an accepted time frame —>

<!— 41F3ED (0x41F3ED 0x00): Invalid HW config or MV type configuration —>

<!— 5EF3E2 (0x5EF3E2 0x00): Checksum error in FDA parameters —>

<!— 3E0401 (0x3E0401 0x00): Defect detected in circuit 23 —>

<!— C7FBE0 (0xC7FBE0 0x00): ECU in high voltage range for longer than an accepted time frame —>

<!— 38F3E0 (0x38F3E0 0x00): Possible condensed water in system —>

<!— 39F3E0 (0x39F3E0 0x00): Possible high condensed water in system —>

<!— 3E0410 (0x3E0410 0x00): Pressure increase with closed magnet valve in circuit 23 (volatile) —>

<!— 2F0000 (0x2F0000 0x00): High variant governor overshot occured —>

<!— 35F3E0 (0x35F3E0 0x00): Pressure limiter for C1 C2 implausible —>

<!— 3D0400 (0x3D0400 0x00): Circuit 27 reached max pressure level —>

<!— 3D0403 (0x3D0403 0x00): Circuit27 pressure sensor shorted to ubat —>

<!— 3D0404 (0x3D0404 0x00): Circuit27 pressure sensor shorted to ground —>

<!— 3D0405 (0x3D0405 0x00): Circuit 27 pressure implausible high based on pressure in circuit 21 and circuit 22 —>

<!— 3D0406 (0x3D0406 0x00): Circuit 27 pressure implausible low based on pressure in circuit 21 and circuit 22 —>

Коды ошибок блока EAPU 03 T Мерседес-Бенц Актрос МР4 Евро 6

Якорь 9

<!— 04F9E2 (0x04F9E2 0x00): CAN bus-off detected —>

<!— 3CF8ED (0x3CF8ED 0x00): Sensor configuration implausible —>

<!— 3DF8ED (0x3DF8ED 0x00): Heater configuration implausible —>

<!— 3EF8ED (0x3EF8ED 0x00): Solenoid configuration implausible —>

<!— 3FF8FF (0x3FF8FF 0x00): Pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 40F8FF (0x40F8FF 0x00): Solenoid relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 41F8FF (0x41F8FF 0x00): Heater relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 42F8FF (0x42F8FF 0x00): Powerstage relevant red failure occurred —>

<!— 43F8FF (0x43F8FF 0x00): Powerstage relevant yellow failure occurred —>

<!— 44F8FF (0x44F8FF 0x00): Pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 74F7EC (0x74F7EC 0x00): MSW (application drive-SW) compatibility or checksum failure occured —>

<!— 75F7EC (0x75F7EC 0x00): Software internal failure —>

<!— 76F7EC (0x76F7EC 0x00): The boot-strap loader (BSL) is not compatible with the ECU HW —>

<!— 77F7EC (0x77F7EC 0x00): Dataset (layout) compatiblity failure detected —>

<!— 78F7EC (0x78F7EC 0x00): Non-volatile memory logical block (D-flash,EEPROM) inconsistency occurred —>

<!— 79F7ED (0x79F7ED 0x00): Non-volatile memory not yet validated —>

<!— 7AF7ED (0x7AF7ED 0x00): EOL parameter relevant error occurred —>

<!— CCF9E0 (0xCCF9E0 0x00): Circuit 21 reached max pressure level —>

<!— CDF9E1 (0xCDF9E1 0x00): Low pressure warning for C1 —>

<!— CEF9E0 (0xCEF9E0 0x00): Circuit 22 reached max pressure level —>

<!— CFF9E1 (0xCFF9E1 0x00): Low pressure warning for C2 —>

<!— D0F9E2 (0xD0F9E2 0x00): Difference between pressure sensors in C1 and C2 implausible —>

<!— D1F9E0 (0xD1F9E0 0x00): Possible condensed water in the system —>

<!— D2F9E0 (0xD2F9E0 0x00): Possible high condensed water in the system —>

<!— D3F9FF (0xD3F9FF 0x00): EAC relevant failure occurred —>

<!— D4F9FF (0xD4F9FF 0x00): EAC relevant yellow failure occurred —>

<!— D5F9FF (0xD5F9FF 0x00): EAC relevant red failure occurred —>

<!— D6F9E1 (0xD6F9E1 0x00): Park brake control pressure implausible low —>

<!— D7F9E1 (0xD7F9E1 0x00): Park brake chamber pressure implausible low —>

<!— D8F9E1 (0xD8F9E1 0x00): Park brake pressure implausible low —>

<!— D9F9E0 (0xD9F9E0 0x00): Park brake control pressure implausible high —>

<!— DAF9E0 (0xDAF9E0 0x00): Park brake chamber pressure implausible high —>

<!— DBF9E0 (0xDBF9E0 0x00): Park brake pressure implausible high —>

<!— DCF9E2 (0xDCF9E2 0x00): Difference between pressure sensors in park brake implausible —>

<!— DDF9E0 (0xDDF9E0 0x00): Pressure limiter for C3 and C4 implausible —>

<!— DEF9E2 (0xDEF9E2 0x00): PCV implausible in drive —>

<!— DFF9E2 (0xDFF9E2 0x00): PCV implausible in park —>

<!— E0F9E2 (0xE0F9E2 0x00): Unable to initialize PCV position —>

<!— E1F9FF (0xE1F9FF 0x00): EPB relevant failure occurred —>

<!— E2F9FF (0xE2F9FF 0x00): EPB relevant yellow failure occurred —>

<!— E3F9FF (0xE3F9FF 0x00): EPB relevant red failure occurred —>

<!— E4F9E0 (0xE4F9E0 0x00): Governor overshot occurred —>

<!— 44F8FF (0x44F8FF 0x00): Pressure sensor relevant yellow failure occurred —>

<!— 51F3E0 (0x51F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 21 —>

<!— 52F3E0 (0x52F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 22 —>

<!— 53F3E0 (0x53F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 23 —>

<!— 54F3E0 (0x54F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 26 —>

<!— 55F3E0 (0x55F3E0 0x00): FDA — Leakage circuit 27 —>

<!— 56F3E0 (0x56F3E0 0x00): FDA errorcode air compressor operation conditions —>

<!— 78F7EC (0x78F7EC 0x00): Non-volatile memory logical block (D-flash,EEPROM) checksum error occurred —>

<!— 7BF7ED (0x7BF7ED 0x00): ECU with active factory settings —>

<!— E5F9FF (0xE5F9FF 0x00): Incompatible PBL configuration —>

<!— 05F9E9 (0x05F9E9 0x00): BS_E8 CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 06F9E9 (0x06F9E9 0x00): BS_E9 CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 07F9E9 (0x07F9E9 0x00): SCA_C17 CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 08F9E9 (0x08F9E9 0x00): BM_BESO CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 09F9E9 (0x09F9E9 0x00): CPC3_E3 CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 0AF9E9 (0x0AF9E9 0x00): EEC1_CPC3 CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 0BF9E9 (0x0BF9E9 0x00): ETC1_CPC CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 0CF9E9 (0x0CF9E9 0x00): ETC CAN message failure occurred —>

<!— 3CF8FF (0x3CF8FF 0x00): Suspension pressure sensor failure occurred —>

<!— 3DF8FF (0x3DF8FF 0x00): Park brake control pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 3EF8FF (0x3EF8FF 0x00): Park brake chamber pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 3FF8ED (0x3FF8ED 0x00): Service brake pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 3FF8FF (0x3FF8FF 0x00): Service brake pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— 41F8EC (0x41F8EC 0x00): Heater error occurred —>

<!— 45F8FF (0x45F8FF 0x00): Electric failure on solenoid MV1 GOV —>

<!— 46F8E1 (0x46F8E1 0x00): Electric failure on solenoid MV2 REG (severe) —>

<!— 46F8FF (0x46F8FF 0x00): Electric failure on solenoid MV2 REG —>

<!— 47F8FF (0x47F8FF 0x00): Electric failure on solenoid MV5 —>

<!— 48F8FF (0x48F8FF 0x00): Electric failure on solenoid MV4 —>

<!— 49F8FF (0x49F8FF 0x00): Electric failure on solenoid MV3 —>

<!— 4AF8ED (0x4AF8ED 0x00): AD reference voltage implausible —>

<!— 4BF8E8 (0x4BF8E8 0x00): Intercontroller watchdog failure —>

<!— 4BF8EC (0x4BF8EC 0x00): Intercontroller communication failure —>

<!— 74F7FF (0x74F7FF 0x00): Catastrophic internal error occurred —>

<!— 79F7ED (0x79F7ED 0x00): Test configuration is active —>

<!— 7CF7EC (0x7CF7EC 0x00): Intercontroller compatibility failure —>

<!— A0F8EC (0xA0F8EC 0x00): External pressure sensor relevant failure occurred —>

<!— A1F8E2 (0xA1F8E2 0x00): Park brake lever end-to-end failure —>

<!— A1F8E4 (0xA1F8E4 0x00): Park brake lever failure —>

<!— A1F8E9 (0xA1F8E9 0x00): Park brake lever communication timeout failure —>

<!— A1F8EA (0xA1F8EA 0x00): Park brake button signal out of range —>

<!— A1F8EC (0xA1F8EC 0x00): Park brake lever general error —>

<!— A2F8EC (0xA2F8EC 0x00): Park brake lever error —>

<!— A3F8EC (0xA3F8EC 0x00): Trailer stability assist button error —>

<!— A4F8EC (0xA4F8EC 0x00): Park brake button error —>

<!— A5F8E0 (0xA5F8E0 0x00): High voltage failure in supply line —>

<!— A5F8EC (0xA5F8EC 0x00): Open circuit failure in supply line —>

<!— A6F8EC (0xA6F8EC 0x00): Pipe-fracture protection magnet valve failure —>

<!— CFF9E0 (0xCFF9E0 0x00): Circuit 27 reached max pressure level —>

<!— E6F9EC (0xE6F9EC 0x00): Trailer brake actuation switched over to park brake actuation —>

<!— E7F9E2 (0xE7F9E2 0x00): C7 pressure implausible low or high based on C1 and C2 pressure —>

<!— E8F9E2 (0xE8F9E2 0x00): Pressure limiter for C1 and C2 implausible —>

<!— E9F9E2 (0xE9F9E2 0x00): Park brake state implausible —>

<!— EAF9E2 (0xEAF9E2 0x00): Parking Brake failure —>

<!— EBF9E2 (0xEBF9E2 0x00): Trailer test failure —>

<!— ECF9EC (0xECF9EC 0x00): System pressure limited —>

<!— EDF9EC (0xEDF9EC 0x00): Pipe-fracture protection activated —>

<!— EEF9EC (0xEEF9EC 0x00): Park brake lever confirmation signal failure —>

<!— EFF9E1 (0xEFF9E1 0x00): Park brake lever signals do not correlate —>

<!— F0F9E3 (0xF0F9E3 0x00): Park brake lever failure —>

<!— 3FF8ED (0x3FF8ED 0x00): Service brake pressure sensor relevant failure occurred at safety controller —>

<!— 7DF7EC (0x7DF7EC 0x00): Program flow monitoring error —>

<!— A1F8E4 (0xA1F8E4 0x00): Park brake lever position failure —>

<!— F1F9FF (0xF1F9FF 0x00): Vehicle speed signal with low ASIL level —>

<!— 42F8E3 (0x42F8E3 0x00): Powerstage relevant red failure occurred (BuC) —>

<!— 42F8EC (0x42F8EC 0x00): Unintended actuation of GOV MV1, MV3 or MV4 —>

<!— 4CF8E5 (0x4CF8E5 0x00): Flyback diode failure occurred (severe) —>

<!— 4CF8E6 (0x4CF8E6 0x00): Flyback diode failure occurred —>

<!— A1F8FF (0xA1F8FF 0x00): Park brake lever communication timeout or confirmation failure —>

<!— F2F9EC (0xF2F9EC 0x00): Pipe-fracture detected —>

<!— 77F7EC (0x77F7EC 0x00): Dataset (layout) compatibility failure detected —>

<!— F3F9FF (0xF3F9FF 0x00): Incompatible vehicle type configuration —>

<!— F4F9FF (0xF4F9FF 0x00): Relay output pressure and pressure switch information doesn’t correlate —>

<!— F5F9FF (0xF5F9FF 0x00): EBS XBR signal correlation implausible —>

<!— F6F9FF (0xF6F9FF 0x00): Trailer brake actuation is not allowed to be switched over to park brake actuation —>

какие из них сохранённые, и какие АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ???????

Букет больно трагический!!!!!

С1101 Обрыв, плохой контакт, повреждение зубцов ротора датчика скорости автомобиля на правом переднем колесе (L6/2), отличающийся размер колеса, неправильное передаточное отношение главной передачи.

С1102 Обрыв, плохой контакт, повреждение зубцов ротора датчика скорости автомобиля на левом заднем колесе (L6/3), отличающийся размер колеса, неправильное передаточное отношение главной передачи.

С1300 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи удерживающего э/м клапана левого переднего колеса (A7/3y6).

С1301 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи отпускающего э/м клапана левого переднего колеса (A7/3y7).

С1302 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи удерживающего э/м клапана правого переднего колеса (A7/3y8).

С1303 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи отпускающего э/м клапана правого переднего колеса (A7/3y9).

С1304 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи удерживающего э/м клапана левого заднего колеса (A7/3y10).

С1306 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи удерживающего э/м клапана правого заднего колеса (A7/3y12).

С1307 Обрыв, короткое замыкание цепи отпускающего э/м клапана правого заднего колеса (A7/3y13).

Ну и так далее!!!!!!!!

Проверить датчики АВС , проверить гребёнки датчиков АВС!!!!! Проверить питание на гидроблок!!!!!! Дальше по ситуации.

Надо понимать что сохранённое а что АКТУАЛЬНОЕ!!!!! Идеально увидеть скан диагностического листа!!!!!


  • #1

Добрый день. Помогите расшифровать коды ошибок



Заранее благодарен



  • #3

Вот эти коды ошибок не расшифровывает
C1101 — не найдено
С1105 — это что то по АБС датчик какой то…
B1156 — тоже не понятно, какой то микропереключатель
B1154 — не найдено
B1053 — ошибка CAN модуля управления задней дверью) — что за модуль такой?
B1025 — МОЖНО данных линия высокой или модуль управления комбинации (N10-1 или N10-3), открыть цепи или короткое B + или землю. во как)))
B1057 —
Ошибка в CAN….OCP (модуль управления накладные расходы) Еще хлеще)))
B1058 — не найдено
B1056 —
Ошибка в CAN….ДКМ-RL (Дорр управления блок сзади слева) или же

Автоматический кондиционер: Проблема в связи CAN с блоком управления DCM-RL
Тоже не оч. понятно

Кто знает подскажите что надо исправить, чтоб небыло данных ошибок



  • #5

делали старом. Диагност просто никакой…


  • #6

уважаемый ну не пи…….те, выдавая ошибки стар говорит что сие означает, а если щелкнуть по ошибке то он говорит что дальше делать

  • DAS2.pdf

    46,6 КБ

    · Просмотры: 719

  • DAS.pdf

    38,3 КБ

    · Просмотры: 393


  • #7

уважаемый ну не пи…….те, выдавая ошибки стар говорит что сие означает, а если щелкнуть по ошибке то он говорит что дальше делать

Либо стар не стар, либо ….., даже не знаю что предположить.
Старом можно научится пользоваться за 15 минут самому.


  • #8

ну пиз..ть то мне не зачем… самому себе какой смысл это делать… Диагност » Алеша» ошибки мне сказал и все… на сканере было написано Мерседес Бенц он сказал. что это стар)))))



  • #10

два дня назад авто не завелось почему то, точнее завелось, но поработало чуток (3секунды) затроило и заглохло, потом сколько стартером не крутил не заводилось, схватывало, но не заводилось… Думаю может эти коды имеют к этому отношения.
Еще не работает антибукс, но это вроде из — за переднего правого датчика АБС ошибка С1101 и С1105 (хотя сам АБС работает как положено), Обогрев зеркал еще не работает почему то…


  • #11

два дня назад авто не завелось почему то, точнее завелось, но поработало чуток (3секунды) затроило и заглохло, потом сколько стартером не крутил не заводилось, схватывало, но не заводилось… Думаю может эти коды имеют к этому отношения.
Еще не работает антибукс, но это вроде из — за переднего правого датчика АБС ошибка С1101 и С1105 (хотя сам АБС работает как положено), Обогрев зеркал еще не работает почему то…

А ВИН показать не судьба?


  • #12

А ВИН показать не судьба

:D:ny_hlopu6ka: отчего же судьба))



  • #13

Судя по вашим ошибкам, с двигателем у вас все в порядке, ошибки по кузову (в) и ходовой (с), а вот судя по описанию проблемы — ошибки эти не ваши.
На каком сканере написано было — мерседес? Стар -это диагностическое оборудование, включающее в себя компьютер, чаще всего ноутбук и мультиплексер с проводами.


  • #14

был ноутбук, провода и какая та приблуда прямаугольная с экранчиком не большим, вот на ней и было написано мерседес бенц))))))


  • #15

был ноутбук, провода и какая та приблуда прямаугольная с экранчиком не большим, вот на ней и было написано мерседес бенц))))))

это все разговор ни очем, распечатки естественно нет? накуа делать такие диагностики?


  • #16

неа. нету, он приезжал на место поломки моего авто)) Как накуа? Чтоб посмотреть ошибки по двигателю!! Больше никто у нас на место не выезжает…..
Разговор действительно не о чем, если никто не может помочь с расшифровкой данных кодов.. то можно писать что и прибор не тот и диагностика не та и машина вообще у меня жигули…. и т.д. только полезной инфы не какой…..


  • #17

Проблема не в том что «накуа» а в том, что это было просто чтение ошибок. А ошибки эти к проблеме вашей отношения мягко говоря не имеют. ПО сему надо было делать именно диагностику, и именно по двигателю….


  • #18

Serj 2005 дал хоть какую-то инфу полезную (ссылку) За это ему отдельный респект!!)))


  • #19

ну если по мотору нет ошибок — это значит что все исправно?? Как я понял индекс В — это кузовные ошибки, только почему то в нете нет ихней разшифровки… С шасси, в моем случае передний правый датчик АБС, только мне не понятно АБС работает… антибукс (ASR) нет…почему? Из за этого датчика? Тогда бы и АБС не работал я думаю если бы датчику кердык пришел


  • #20




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