Ошибка snmp 2003

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I´m a rookie with PRTG, after install and scan my network I face so many alerts showing something like:

No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003

Does anyone idea how to fix or what it means?


11 Replies

Accepted Answer


first of all please check if the SNMP Settings (Version, Community String, port, eventual authentication, etc.) are correct. Then please also check if PRTG (or the PC on which PRTG is installed) is allowed to send SNMP Requests to the device in case.

Please check this article as well: My SNMP sensors don’t work. What can I do?

You can also use our SNMP Tester to test the SNMP-Functionality on the target device(s).

Best Regards.

I wanted to let everyone know what I discovered about this error. Also the «No Such Name» snmp error.

On my Linux box, in my snmpd.conf file there was a setting like this:

view systemview included .

This limits the systemview to OID’s that fall under this section only. Apparently the OID’s that PRTG wants to look at are not under this. I change it to:

view systemview included .1

and re-started snmpd. Now it works.

hello i have similar problem when i try add custom sensor (oid i have error: «No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003)»

when i test that oid in snmp tester i get right anserw in that case «1»

please help :)

Dear Piotr,

please double-check the settings made in the Tester and then in PRTG. If it works from the Tester and the Tester was used on the same machine as the PRTG Probe runs on, then the difference might be the user accounts under which both applications (respectively the PRTG Probe Service) run under.

best Regards.

I have faced this case often, is it failing to configure the PRTG or SNMP connection?

Hi there,

Basically the error message means that PRTG is unable to open a SNMP connection. Either the device is not answering to SNMP requests, the credentials/community is not correct or there is a firewall in between that blocks the connection.

Best regards.


I am getting the same output as Piotr, I assume it has to do with credentials/community because I have turned off the firewall to make sure that isn’t the problem. The community string is correct but I’m not sure where to check on these so called credentials. I noticed the first comment mentioned something called eventual authentication, which i’m not entirely sure how to validate.

A quick background on what i am trying to achieve:

I have set up a Room Alert device for my server room which monitors the temperature, I have extracted the MIB file and have created a specific .oidlib using the MIB Importer but when i try creating a SNMP library sensor using the .oidlib file it fails and throws me the 2003 error. I have checked every all the basic troubleshooting steps provided in the following knowledge article:


Any help is appreciated!

Since the update to we experience this problem on one device in our monitoring environment. And it’s not continuesly. It goes from green to red with the corresponding notification and after a while goes back to green again. When looking directly in the device there seems no problem to occur.
I will update now to version now to see if the problem disappears again.

Hi there,

In case the problem is still there after the update please create a dedicated Support Ticket. You can do this via the «Contact Support» button down in the right corner of your webclient or by sending a mail to [email protected]

Thank you!

Kind regards,
Andreas Günther
Tech Support, Paessler AG

[email protected]

You have to deactivate Control Panel-> System -> Security -> IP-Access
deactivate ssh telnet https

There is no generic solution for it. The error message shown «No response […] (SNMP error # -2003)» indicates a timeout and/or that PRTG is not able to receive the requested information via SNMP.

You need to verify that SNMP is properly configured on the monitored device and also configure the incoming SNMP communication from PRTG’s perspective properly.
To do so, please open the «Settings» tab of the device that has the affected sensor and configure the required SNMP settings under Credentials for SNMP Devices.

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.

Everytime I try to set up a sensor to one of our MPLS locations the sensor is failing and I am getting this error. I have a trial version setup on another machine that can access the unit just fine. On my production machine I am able to access other SNMP locations without any trouble.

The machine does not have the local firewall enabled, the UDP 161 port is opened on our main firewall, I am selecting the correct verison, IP address is correct and the Community string is accurate.

At this point I am stuck, I do not know what else to try.


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  • В сети из 18 серверов и нескольких Cisco 2960 и 3750 у всех серверов одинаковое железо и (за исключением специализированного для назначения  сервера) программное обеспечение (операционная система
    на всех серверах стоит «Windows 7 Профессиональная»). Один из серверов предназначен для сбора информации от датчиков железа всех серверов сети и о состоянии программного обеспечения (запущено/не запущено) по протоколам SNMP
    и WMI; для отображения информации используется программное обеспечение PRTG Network Monitor.

    Периодически (неделя через неделю, день через день, час через час — вообщем всегда по разному) перестают поступать параметры о состоянии почти ото всех серверов.

    Вот ошибки, которые пишет PRTG:

    1) Ошибка при передачи данных по WMI:

    Connection could not be established (Port Error 135: RPC Server not accessible. — Host:, User: Иванов, Password: ******, Domain: ntlmdomain:servmon-z2) (code: PE015)

    2) Ошибка при передачи данных по SNMP:

    No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community,
    passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003)

    Перепробывали многое, из того что написано на форумах, — не помогает…

    Подскажите пожалуйста решение проблемы?!


The switch does seem to have the necessary configuration for the user’s «public» and «private»,

configure snmpv3 add community «private» name «private» user «v1v2c_rw»
configure snmpv3 add community «public» name «public» user «v1v2c_ro»

Now, as long as there is no network related issue, we should have no problem with the SNMP being functional.

Just to test, the counters across the switch can be cleared with the command «clear counters» and try to test the connectivity and verify if the SNMP is functional from the output of «show management».
The part of the output of interest is as below to check if there are any errors, drops.

SNMP stats: InPkts 0 OutPkts 0 Errors 0 AuthErrors 0
Gets 0 GetNexts 0 Sets 0 Drops 0
SNMP traps: Sent 0 AuthTraps Enabled
SNMP inform: Sent 0 Retries 0 Failed 0

  1. Поиск по форуму не дал результат. Помогите пожалуйста с настройкой SNMP.

    Есть: hAP ac^2 + 6.43

    [.@.] > snmp print
    enabled: yes
    trap-community: public
    trap-version: 2

    [.@.] > snmp community print
    Flags: * — default
    0 * public none yes

    [.@.] > ip firewall filter print
    chain=input action=accept connection-state=new protocol=udp src-port=161,162
    log=no log-prefix=»»
    #остальные правила стандартные

    Zabbix в упор не видит Микротик по SNMP ни по внешнему IP ни из внутренней oVPN, также роутер не видится через SNMP Tester с разных пк разных сетей. При этом, соседний Windows Server по SNMP прекрасно мониторится, делаю вывод что проблема не на Заббиксе.

    Ошибка примерно одна:

    .@zabbix:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -c public x.x.x.x
    Timeout: No Response from x.x.x.x

    Paessler SNMP Tester 5.2.3 Computername: … Interface: (y.y.y.y)
    09.07.2019 14:03:42 (14 ms) : Device: x.x.x.x
    09.07.2019 14:03:42 (21 ms) : SNMP V2c
    09.07.2019 14:03:42 (27 ms) : Uptime
    09.07.2019 14:03:47 (5023 ms) : SNMP Datatype: ASN_PRIMITIVE
    09.07.2019 14:03:47 (5030 ms) : ——-
    09.07.2019 14:03:47 (5036 ms) : DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003) ( 0 seconds )
    09.07.2019 14:03:52 (10064 ms) : SNMP Datatype: ASN_PRIMITIVE
    09.07.2019 14:03:52 (10066 ms) : HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemUptime.0 = No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003) ( 0 seconds )
    09.07.2019 14:03:52 (10068 ms) : Done

    — Менять версию SNMP на v1 — ошибки аналогичные
    — Менять ADDRESS в Community — не помогло, оставил
    — Менять правило Firewall на Forward — безрезультатно
    — Увеличить таймаут SNMP Tester до 30 — проблема не решилась

    Подскажите, что сделал не так?

  2. А почему src-port, а не dst-port?

  3. Потому что невнимательный и суетливый. Поменял, взлетело. Спасибо вам и Плюс вам в карму.

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