Ошибка string index out of range python

I’m currently learning python from a book called ‘Python for the absolute beginner (third edition)’. There is an exercise in the book which outlines code for a hangman game. I followed along with this code however I keep getting back an error in the middle of the program.

Here is the code that is causing the problem:

if guess in word:
    print("nYes!", guess, "is in the word!")

    # Create a new variable (so_far) to contain the guess
    new = ""
    i = 0
    for i in range(len(word)):
        if guess == word[i]:
            new += guess
            new += so_far[i]
        so_far = new

This is also the error it returns:

new += so_far[i]
IndexError: string index out of range

Could someone help me out with what is going wrong and what I can do to fix it?

edit: I initialised the so_far variable like so:

so_far = "-" * len(word)

asked Jan 3, 2012 at 12:58

Darkphenom's user avatar


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It looks like you indented so_far = new too much. Try this:

if guess in word:
    print("nYes!", guess, "is in the word!")

    # Create a new variable (so_far) to contain the guess
    new = ""
    i = 0
    for i in range(len(word)):
        if guess == word[i]:
            new += guess
            new += so_far[i]
    so_far = new # unindented this

answered Jan 3, 2012 at 13:25

Rob Wouters's user avatar

Rob WoutersRob Wouters

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You are iterating over one string (word), but then using the index into that to look up a character in so_far. There is no guarantee that these two strings have the same length.

answered Jan 3, 2012 at 13:00

unwind's user avatar


390k64 gold badges468 silver badges604 bronze badges

This error would happen when the number of guesses (so_far) is less than the length of the word. Did you miss an initialization for the variable so_far somewhere, that sets it to something like

so_far = " " * len(word)



try something like

print "%d / %d" % (new, so_far)

before the line that throws the error, so you can see exactly what goes wrong. The only thing I can think of is that so_far is in a different scope, and you’re not actually using the instance you think.

answered Jan 3, 2012 at 13:02

CNeo's user avatar


7261 gold badge6 silver badges10 bronze badges


There were several problems in your code.
Here you have a functional version you can analyze (Lets set ‘hello’ as the target word):

word = 'hello'
so_far = "-" * len(word)       # Create variable so_far to contain the current guess

while word != so_far:          # if still not complete
    guess = input('>> ')       # get a char guess

    if guess in word:
        print("nYes!", guess, "is in the word!")

        new = ""
        for i in range(len(word)):  
            if guess == word[i]:
                new += guess        # fill the position with new value
                new += so_far[i]    # same value as before
        so_far = new


I tried to write it for py3k with a py2k ide, be careful with errors.

answered Jan 3, 2012 at 13:33

joaquin's user avatar


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Like lists, Python strings are indexed. This means each value in a string has its own index number which you can use to access that value. If you try to access an index value that does not exist in a string, you’ll encounter a “TypeError: string index out of range” error.

In this guide, we discuss what this error means and why it is raised. We walk through an example of this error in action to help you figure out how to solve it.

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TypeError: string index out of range

In Python, strings are indexed starting from 0. Take a look at the string “Pineapple”:

P i n e a p p l e
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Pineapple” contains nine letters. Because strings are indexed from 0, the last letter in our string has the index number 8. The first letter in our string has the index number 0.

If we try to access an item at position 9 in our list, we’ll encounter an error. This is because there is no letter at index position 9 for Python to read.

The “TypeError: string index out of range” error is common if you forget to take into account that strings are indexed from 0. It’s also common in for loops that use a range() statement.

Example Scenario: Strings Are Indexed From 0

Take a look at a program that prints out all of the letters in a string on a new line:

def print_string(sentence):
	count = 0

	while count <= len(sentence):
		count += 1

Our code uses a while loop to loop through every letter in the variable “sentence”. Each time a loop executes, our variable “count” is increased by 1. This lets us move on to the next letter when our loop continues.

Let’s call our function with an example sentence:

Our code returns:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 8, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 5, in print_string
IndexError: string index out of range

Our code prints out each character in our string. After every character is printed, an error is raised. This is because our while loop continues until “count” is no longer less than or equal to the length of “sentence”.

To solve this error, we must ensure our while loop only runs when “count” is less than the length of our string. This is because strings are indexed from 0 and the len() method returns the full length of a string. So, the length of “string” is 6. However, there is no character at index position 6 in our string.

Let’s revise our while loop:

while count < len(sentence):

This loop will only run while the value of “count” is less than the length of “sentence”.

Run our code and see what happens:

Our code runs successfully!

Example Scenario: Hamming Distance Program

Here, we write a program that calculates the Hamming Distance between two sequences. This tells us how many differences there are between two strings.

Start by defining a function that calculates the Hamming distance:

def hamming(a, b):
	differences = 0

	for c in range(0, len(a)):
		if a[c] != b[c]:
			differences += 1

	return differences

Our function accepts two arguments: a and b. These arguments contain the string values that we want to compare.

In our function, we use a for loop to go through each position in our strings to see if the characters at that position are the same. If they are not the same, the “differences” counter is increased by one.

Call our function and try it out with two strings:

answer = hamming("Tess1", "Test")

Run our code and see what happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 10, in <module>
	answer = hamming("Tess1", "Test")
  File "main.py", line 5, in hamming
	if a[c] != b[c]:
IndexError: string index out of range

Our code returns an error. This is because “a” and “b” are not the same length. “a” has one more character than “b”. This causes our loop to try to find another character in “b” that does not exist even after we’ve searched through all the characters in “b”.

We can solve this error by first checking if our strings are valid:

def hamming(a, b):
	differences = 0

	if len(a) != len(b):
		print("Strings must be the same length.")

	for c in range(0, len(a)):
		if a[c] != b[c]:
			differences += 1

	return differences

We’ve used an “if” statement to check if our strings are the same length. If they are, our program will run. If they are not, our program will print a message to the console and our function will return a null value to our main program. Run our code again:

Strings must be the same length.

Our code no longer returns an error. Try our algorithm on strings that have the same length:

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answer = hamming("Test", "Tess")

Our code returns: 1. Our code has successfully calculated the Hamming Distance between the strings “Test” and “Tess”.


The “TypeError: string index out of range” error is raised when you try to access an item at an index position that does not exist. You solve this error by making sure that your code treats strings as if they are indexed from the position 0.

Now you’re ready to solve this common Python error like a professional coder!

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss how to fix the error indexerror: string index out of range in Python. We will check how to fix the error indexerror string index out of range python 3.

In python, an indexerror string index out of range python error occurs when a character is retrieved by an index that is outside the range of string value, and the string index starts from ” 0 “ to the total number of the string index values.


name = "Jack"
value = name[4]

After writing the above code (string index out of range), Ones you will print “ value” then the error will appear as an “ IndexError: string index out of range ”. Here, the index with name[4] is not in the range, so this error arises because the index value is not present and it is out of range.

You can refer to the below screenshot for string index out of range

indexerror string index out of range python
IndexError: string index out of range

This is IndexError: string index out of range.

To solve this IndexError: string index out of range we need to give the string index in the range so that this error can be resolved. The index starts from 0 and ends with the number of characters in the string.


name = "Jack"
value = name[2]
print('The character is: ',value)

After writing the above code IndexError: string index out of range this is resolved by giving the string index in the range, Here, the index name[2] is in the range and it will give the output as ” The character is: c ” because the specified index value and the character is in the range.

You can refer to the below screenshot on how to solve the IndexError: string index out of range.

string index out of range python

So, the IndexError is resolved string index out of range.

You may like the following Python tutorials:

  • SyntaxError: Unexpected EOF while parsing
  • ValueError: Invalid literal for int() with base 10 in Python

This is how to solve IndexError: string index out of range in Python or indexerror string index out of range Python 3.

Fewlines4Biju Bijay

I am Bijay Kumar, a Microsoft MVP in SharePoint. Apart from SharePoint, I started working on Python, Machine learning, and artificial intelligence for the last 5 years. During this time I got expertise in various Python libraries also like Tkinter, Pandas, NumPy, Turtle, Django, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, etc… for various clients in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Check out my profile.

The python error IndexError: string index out of range occurs if a character is not available at the string index. The string index value is out of range of the String length. The python error IndexError: string index out of range occurs when a character is retrieved from the out side index of the string range.

The IndexError: string index out of range error occurs when attempting to access a character using the index outside the string index range. To identify a character in the string, the string index is used. This error happens when access is outside of the string’s index range.

If the character is retrieved by an index that is outside the range of the string index value, the python interpreter can not locate the location of the memory. The string index starts from 0 to the total number of characters in the string. If the index is out of range, It throws the error IndexError: string index out of range.

A string is a sequence of characters. The characters are retrieved by the index. The index is a location identifier for the ordered memory location where character is stored. A string index starts from 0 to the total number of characters in the string.


The IndexError: string index out of range error will appear as in the stack trace below. Stack trace shows the line the error has occurred at.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/python/Desktop/test.py", line 2, in <module>
    print ("the value is ", x[6])
IndexError: string index out of range
[Finished in 0.1s with exit code 1]

Root cause

The character in the string is retrieved via the character index. If the index is outside the range of the string index the python interpreter can’t find the character from the location of the memory. Thus it throws an error on the index. The string index starts from 0 and ends with the character number in the string.

Forward index of the string

Python allows two forms of indexing, forward indexing and backward indexing. The forward index begins at 0 and terminates with the number of characters in the string. The forward index is used to iterate a character in the forward direction. The character in the string will be written in the same index order.

Index 0 1 2 3 4
Value a b c d e

Backward index of the string

Python allows backward indexing. The reverse index starts from-1 and ends with the negative value of the number of characters in the string. The backward index is used to iterate the characters in the opposite direction. In the reverse sequence of the index, the character in the string is printed. The back index is as shown below

Index -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Value a b c d e

Solution 1

The index value should be within the range of String. If the index value is out side the string index range, the index error will be thrown. Make sure that the index range is with in the index range of the string. 

The string index range starts with 0 and ends with the number of characters in the string. The reverse string index starts with -1 and ends with negative value of number of characters in the string.

In the example below, the string contains 5 characters “hello”. The index value starts at 0 and ends at 4. The reverse index starts at -1 and ends at -5.


x = "hello"
print "the value is ", x[5]


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/python/Desktop/test.py", line 2, in <module>
    print "the value is ", x[5]
IndexError: string index out of range
[Finished in 0.0s with exit code 1]


x = "hello"
print "the value is ", x[4]


the value is  o
[Finished in 0.1s]

Solution 2

If the string is created dynamically, the string length is unknown. The string is iterated and the characters are retrieved based on the index. In this case , the value of the index is unpredictable. If an index is used to retrieve the character in the string, the index value should be validated with the length of the string.

The len() function in the string returns the total length of the string. The value of the index should be less than the total length of the string. The error IndexError: string index out of range will be thrown if the index value exceeds the number of characters in the string


x = "hello"
index = 5
print "the value is ", x[index]


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/python/Desktop/test.py", line 3, in <module>
    print "the value is ", x[index]
IndexError: string index out of range
[Finished in 0.1s with exit code 1]


x = "hello"
index = 4
if index < len(x) :
	print "the value is ", x[index]


the value is  o
[Finished in 0.1s]

Solution 3

Alternatively, the IndexError: string index out of range error is handled using exception handling. The try block is used to handle if there is an index out of range error.

x = "hello"
print "the value is ", x[5]


the value is 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/python/Desktop/test.py", line 2, in <module>
    print "the value is ", x[5]
IndexError: string index out of range
[Finished in 0.1s with exit code 1]


	x = "hello"
	print "the value is ", x[5]
	print "not available"


the value is  not available
[Finished in 0.1s]

The Python IndexError: string index out of range error occurs when an index is attempted to be accessed in a string that is outside its range.

What Causes IndexError: string index out of range

This error occurs when an attempt is made to access a character in a string at an index that does not exist in the string. The range of a string in Python is [0, len(str) - 1] , where len(str) is the length of the string. When an attempt is made to access an item at an index outside this range, an IndexError: string index out of range error is thrown.

Python IndexError: string index out of range Example

Here’s an example of a Python IndexError: string index out of range thrown when trying to access a character outside the index range of a string:

my_string = "hello"

In the above example, since the string my_string contains 5 characters, its last index is 4. Trying to access a character at index 5 throws an IndexError: string index out of range:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 2, in <module>
IndexError: string index out of range

How to Handle IndexError: string index out of range in Python

The Python IndexError: string index out of range can be fixed by making sure any characters accessed in a string are within the range of the string. This can be done by checking the length of the string before accessing an index. The len() function can be used to get the length of the string, which can be compared with the index before it is accessed.

If the index cannot be known to be valid before it is accessed, a try-except block can be used to catch and handle the error:

my_string = "hello"
except IndexError:
    print("Index out of range")

In this example, the try block attempts to access the 5th index of the string, and if an IndexError occurs, it is caught by the except block, producing the following output:

Index out of range

Track, Analyze and Manage Errors With Rollbar

Managing errors and exceptions in your code is challenging. It can make deploying production code an unnerving experience. Being able to track, analyze, and manage errors in real-time can help you to proceed with more confidence. Rollbar automates error monitoring and triaging, making fixing Python errors easier than ever. Try it today!

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