Ошибка u12 panasonic микроволновка

background image


Отображение ошибок


Причина и действия


Если это сообщение появилось на дисплее,


Выключите кофемашину.


Подождите, пока кофемашина не остынет полностью, а затем повторно включите ее.


Если сообщение отобразится повторно, то это свидетельствует о возникновении

ошибки, обратитесь в сервисный центр для диагностики или ремонта устройства.



Модуль для приготовления напитков заблокирован. (Техническая причина)


Извлеките модуль и отсоедините заднюю часть при помощи мерной ложки.

Наденьте зубчатое отверстие в ложке на штифт и выкрутите его, сделав не

меньше 3 полных оборотов. Затем тщательно промойте модуль.



Слишком много молотого кофе.


Очистите модуль для приготовления напитков. (Стр. RU35)



Адаптер без картриджа фильтра все еще в резервуаре для воды.


Извлеките адаптер из резервуара для воды.


Резервуар для воды переполнен или слишком влажный.


Тщательно осушите резервуар для воды и отделение под него.


Выбрана слишком мелкая степень помола или молотый кофе слишком мелкий.


Очистите модуль для приготовления напитков.


Установите более крупную степень помола или используйте другой кофе более

крупного помола.




Температура в помещении слишком низкая или кофемашина слишком холодная.


Кофемашину следует эксплуатировать при температуре выше 10 °C. Необходимо

подождать, пока прибор нагреется до комнатной температуры.


При непрерывном использовании температура внутри кофемашины повышается.


Подождите, пока кофемашина не остынет полностью, а затем повторно включите ее.


Если сообщение отобразится повторно, то это свидетельствует о возникновении

ошибки, обратитесь в сервисный центр для диагностики или ремонта устройства.

Поиск и устранение неисправностей



Причина и действия

После включения питания

на дисплее отображается

“Программа удаления

накипи” или “Очистка

системы подачи молока”.


После последнего использования кофемашина была выключена без очистки.


Перед использованием очистите кофемашину. (Стр. RU39, RU40)

На экране отображается

“Загрузите кофейные зерна”,

даже если в устройство

загружено достаточное

количество кофейных зерен.


При использовании масляных кофейных зерен может возникнуть трудность с

их загрузкой в кофемолку.


Загрузите их в кофемолку или попробуйте другие сорта кофейных зерен.

Пенка переливается

позади носиков.


Различные типы зерен дают разное количество пены. (Это не является


Error Code

Classified Code


U12 (Conveyor Jam1:


Paper did not reach the

Slip Detect Sensor.)

Possible Cause

7. Paper Feed Motor control circuit

does not work, properly.




1. Document remains between

Waiting Sensor and Slip Detect


2. Paper dust exists on or around

the Slip Detect Sensor.

3. Slip detect sensor does not

work, correctly.

Check Point

1. Check the following connection and

soldering condition on each connector.

 CN1002 (CONTROL Board) to CN4003

(DRIVE Board)

2. Check the soldering condition of IC4008 and

its surrounding parts.

3. Check the following signals on the

DRIVE Board.

a. IC4008-12th pin (CLK)

See Fig. 2.

b. IC4008-19th pin (VREF): 2.5 V or less.

c. IC4008-15th pin (ENABLE): 3.3 V

(when executing Feed Motor test)

4. Check the soldering condition of IC0006 and

IC0015 on the CONTROL Board to repair it.

5. Replace faulty parts or boards.

Remove the document from the scanner.

1. Clean up the dirt with cleaning paper or

cotton swab or soft and dry cloth.

(See Sec.7.)

2. Execute Key/Sensor and Sensor

Sensitive Level tests in Sec.9.3.6 to check

the sensor condition.

1. Execute Key/Sensor test in the Sec. 9.3.6 to

check the sensor condition.

2. Check the sensor alignment is proper.

(whether the sensor direction faces to its


3. Check the following connection and

soldering condition on each connector.


to CN2033 (BENT RELAY Board)

b. CN2030 (BENT RELAY Board) to CN2007


c. CN2006 (USS RELAY Board) to CN1008


4. Check the following signals.

a. SLIP signal (CN2007-11th pin,

CN1008-7th pin)

 Approx. 1 V

(when nonexistence on the Slip

Detect Sensor)

b. Check the reference signal for the

SLIP signal on the CONTROL Board.

IC0024-3rd pin: 1.5 V or less

IC0026-2nd pin: Approx 1.5 V

c. Check comparator output signal.

 IC0017-7th pin: 3.3 V

(when no document exists)

6. Replace faulty parts or boards.



Решено Инверторная печь Panasonic модель CS596S. Отключается.


а вот сами контакты

прозваниваются на коротко.

Информация Неисправность Прошивки Схемы Справочники Маркировка Корпуса Сокращения и аббревиатуры Частые вопросы Полезные ссылки

Справочная информация

Этот блок для тех, кто впервые попал на страницы нашего сайта. В форуме рассмотрены различные вопросы возникающие при ремонте бытовой и промышленной аппаратуры. Всю предоставленную информацию можно разбить на несколько пунктов:

  • Диагностика
  • Определение неисправности
  • Выбор метода ремонта
  • Поиск запчастей
  • Устранение дефекта
  • Настройка

Учитывайте, что некоторые неисправности являются не причиной, а следствием другой неисправности, либо не правильной настройки. Подробную информацию Вы найдете в соответствующих разделах.


Все неисправности по их проявлению можно разделить на два вида — стабильные и периодические. Наиболее часто рассматриваются следующие:

  • не включается
  • не корректно работает какой-то узел (блок)
  • периодически (иногда) что-то происходит

Если у Вас есть свой вопрос по определению дефекта, способу его устранения, либо поиску и замене запчастей, Вы должны создать свою, новую тему в соответствующем разделе.

  • О прошивках

    Большинство современной аппаратуры представляет из себя подобие программно-аппаратного комплекса. То есть, основной процессор управляет другими устройствами по программе, которая может находиться как в самом чипе процессора, так и в отдельных микросхемах памяти.

    На сайте существуют разделы с прошивками (дампами памяти) для микросхем, либо для обновления ПО через интерфейсы типа USB.

    • Прошивки ТВ (упорядоченные)
    • Запросы прошивок для ТВ
    • Прошивки для мониторов
    • Запросы разных прошивок
    • . и другие разделы

    По вопросам прошивки Вы должны выбрать раздел для вашего типа аппарата, иначе ответ и сам файл Вы не получите, а тема будет удалена.

  • Схемы аппаратуры

    Начинающие ремонтники часто ищут принципиальные схемы, схемы соединений, пользовательские и сервисные инструкции. Это могут быть как отдельные платы (блоки питания, основные платы, панели), так и полные Service Manual-ы. На сайте они размещены в специально отведенных разделах и доступны к скачиванию гостям, либо после создания аккаунта:

    • Схемы телевизоров (запросы)
    • Схемы телевизоров (хранилище)
    • Схемы мониторов (запросы)
    • Различные схемы (запросы)

    Внимательно читайте описание. Перед запросом схемы или прошивки произведите поиск по форуму, возможно она уже есть в архивах. Поиск доступен после создания аккаунта.

  • Справочники

    На сайте Вы можете скачать справочную литературу по электронным компонентам (справочники, таблицу аналогов, SMD-кодировку элементов, и тд.).

    Marking (маркировка) — обозначение на электронных компонентах

    Современная элементная база стремится к миниатюрным размерам. Места на корпусе для нанесения маркировки не хватает. Поэтому, производители их маркируют СМД-кодами.

    Package (корпус) — вид корпуса электронного компонента

    При создании запросов в определении точного названия (партномера) компонента, необходимо указывать не только его маркировку, но и тип корпуса. Наиболее распостранены:

    • DIP (Dual In Package) – корпус с двухрядным расположением контактов для монтажа в отверстия
    • SOT-89 — пластковый корпус для поверхностного монтажа
    • SOT-23 — миниатюрный пластиковый корпус для поверхностного монтажа
    • TO-220 — тип корпуса для монтажа (пайки) в отверстия
    • SOP (SOIC, SO) — миниатюрные корпуса для поверхностного монтажа (SMD)
    • TSOP (Thin Small Outline Package) – тонкий корпус с уменьшенным расстоянием между выводами
    • BGA (Ball Grid Array) — корпус для монтажа выводов на шарики из припоя
  • Краткие сокращения

    При подаче информации, на форуме принято использование сокращений и аббревиатур, например:

    Сокращение Краткое описание
    LED Light Emitting Diode — Светодиод (Светоизлучающий диод)
    MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor — Полевой транзистор с МОП структурой затвора
    EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory — Электрически стираемая память
    eMMC embedded Multimedia Memory Card — Встроенная мультимедийная карта памяти
    LCD Liquid Crystal Display — Жидкокристаллический дисплей (экран)
    SCL Serial Clock — Шина интерфейса I2C для передачи тактового сигнала
    SDA Serial Data — Шина интерфейса I2C для обмена данными
    ICSP In-Circuit Serial Programming – Протокол для внутрисхемного последовательного программирования
    IIC, I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit — Двухпроводный интерфейс обмена данными между микросхемами
    PCB Printed Circuit Board — Печатная плата
    PWM Pulse Width Modulation — Широтно-импульсная модуляция
    SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol — Протокол последовательного периферийного интерфейса
    USB Universal Serial Bus — Универсальная последовательная шина
    DMA Direct Memory Access — Модуль для считывания и записи RAM без задействования процессора
    AC Alternating Current — Переменный ток
    DC Direct Current — Постоянный ток
    FM Frequency Modulation — Частотная модуляция (ЧМ)
    AFC Automatic Frequency Control — Автоматическое управление частотой

    Частые вопросы

    После регистрации аккаунта на сайте Вы сможете опубликовать свой вопрос или отвечать в существующих темах. Участие абсолютно бесплатное.

    Кто отвечает в форуме на вопросы ?

    Ответ в тему Инверторная печь Panasonic модель CS596S. Отключается. как и все другие советы публикуются всем сообществом. Большинство участников это профессиональные мастера по ремонту и специалисты в области электроники.

    Как найти нужную информацию по форуму ?

    Возможность поиска по всему сайту и файловому архиву появится после регистрации. В верхнем правом углу будет отображаться форма поиска по сайту.

    По каким еще маркам можно спросить ?

    По любым. Наиболее частые ответы по популярным брэндам — LG, Samsung, Philips, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Xiaomi, Sharp, JVC, DEXP, TCL, Hisense, и многие другие в том числе китайские модели.

    Какие еще файлы я смогу здесь скачать ?

    При активном участии в форуме Вам будут доступны дополнительные файлы и разделы, которые не отображаются гостям — схемы, прошивки, справочники, методы и секреты ремонта, типовые неисправности, сервисная информация.

    Полезные ссылки

    Здесь просто полезные ссылки для мастеров. Ссылки периодически обновляемые, в зависимости от востребованности тем.


    Проблемы эксплуатации Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Найдено 9 проблем

    Производитель, категория, тег

    Проблемы по производителям

    Проблемы по категориям

    Рейтинг экспертов по микроволновым печам Panasonic

    Не устанавливается время на дисплее более 6 месяцев назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Добрый вечер. В микроволновке Panasonic NN-CS596S, не устанавливаются функции, за которые отвечает нижний регулятор-крутилка (установка.

    Не включается микроволновка причина более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Здравствуйте. После скачка напряжения в эл. сети перестала работать микроволновка Panasonic NN-CS596S. При воткнутой вилке в розетку, не.

    Не работает парогенератор в микроволновке более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Добрый день. Микроволновка Panasonic NN-CS596S выдаёт ошибку U14 — Залить воду в парогенератор, но вода там есть! Однако, все равно выдаёт.

    Не работает кнопка пуск микроволновки более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Здравствуйте. У микроволновки Panasonic NN-CS596S программы приготовления вводятся, время, мощность и т.д. устанавливаются. По окончании.

    Микроволновка пишет про дренажный лоток u12 и не работает более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Присутствовал запах. Новая. Дважды разогрели. Затем при программировании стала показывать u12, чтобы расшифровке значит установить.

    Не нажимаются кнопка у микроволновки более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    По-моему продавилась кнопка сенсорный разогрев, что делать?

    Свч печь панасоник инверторная не греет более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Подскажите, ну почему наша свч печь панасоник NN-CS596, причём инверторная, не греет пищу?

    У свч panasonic nn-cs596s постоянно крутится вентилятор более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Panasonic NN-CS596S крутится постоянно вентилятор напротив магнетрона, остальные функции в норме. Микропереключатели у дверцы.

    Нажимаешь старт вырубает автомат в квартире более года назад Микроволновые печи Panasonic NN-CS596S

    Микроволновая печь Panasonic NN-CS596S с грилем и конвекцией. Подсветка горит, питание идет. Нажимаешь на кнопку старт и вырубает автомат в.


    Решено Важно! СВЧ Panasonic печка инверторная, отключается, не греет

    СВЧ Panasonic G385MF сбрасывается программа через 25 сек.
    Эта модель с инверторной системой управления мощностью.
    Микроволновка сбрасывает программу через 25 секунд после старта.
    Вскрыл ее — посмотрел внутренности. На магнетроне имеется датчик, он не звонится. На нем одна надпись — «59». Фото прилагается. Как вы думаете, что это за датчик?
    Вместо него поставил термодатчик. Неисправность осталась. На нижних двух режимах мощности нагрев работает в заданном интервале времени, а на других режимах срабатывает сброс. На дисплее появляется «:»
    p.s. Гриль работает нормально.
    Как вы думаете, в чем причина несправности?


    Информация Неисправность Прошивки Схемы Справочники Маркировка Корпуса Сокращения и аббревиатуры Частые вопросы Полезные ссылки

    Справочная информация

    Этот блок для тех, кто впервые попал на страницы нашего сайта. В форуме рассмотрены различные вопросы возникающие при ремонте бытовой и промышленной аппаратуры. Всю предоставленную информацию можно разбить на несколько пунктов:

    • Диагностика
    • Определение неисправности
    • Выбор метода ремонта
    • Поиск запчастей
    • Устранение дефекта
    • Настройка

    Учитывайте, что некоторые неисправности являются не причиной, а следствием другой неисправности, либо не правильной настройки. Подробную информацию Вы найдете в соответствующих разделах.


    Все неисправности по их проявлению можно разделить на два вида — стабильные и периодические. Наиболее часто рассматриваются следующие:

    • не включается
    • не корректно работает какой-то узел (блок)
    • периодически (иногда) что-то происходит

    Если у Вас есть свой вопрос по определению дефекта, способу его устранения, либо поиску и замене запчастей, Вы должны создать свою, новую тему в соответствующем разделе.

  • О прошивках

    Большинство современной аппаратуры представляет из себя подобие программно-аппаратного комплекса. То есть, основной процессор управляет другими устройствами по программе, которая может находиться как в самом чипе процессора, так и в отдельных микросхемах памяти.

    На сайте существуют разделы с прошивками (дампами памяти) для микросхем, либо для обновления ПО через интерфейсы типа USB.

    • Прошивки ТВ (упорядоченные)
    • Запросы прошивок для ТВ
    • Прошивки для мониторов
    • Запросы разных прошивок
    • . и другие разделы

    По вопросам прошивки Вы должны выбрать раздел для вашего типа аппарата, иначе ответ и сам файл Вы не получите, а тема будет удалена.

  • Схемы аппаратуры

    Начинающие ремонтники часто ищут принципиальные схемы, схемы соединений, пользовательские и сервисные инструкции. Это могут быть как отдельные платы (блоки питания, основные платы, панели), так и полные Service Manual-ы. На сайте они размещены в специально отведенных разделах и доступны к скачиванию гостям, либо после создания аккаунта:

    • Схемы телевизоров (запросы)
    • Схемы телевизоров (хранилище)
    • Схемы мониторов (запросы)
    • Различные схемы (запросы)

    Внимательно читайте описание. Перед запросом схемы или прошивки произведите поиск по форуму, возможно она уже есть в архивах. Поиск доступен после создания аккаунта.

  • Справочники

    На сайте Вы можете скачать справочную литературу по электронным компонентам (справочники, таблицу аналогов, SMD-кодировку элементов, и тд.).

    Marking (маркировка) — обозначение на электронных компонентах

    Современная элементная база стремится к миниатюрным размерам. Места на корпусе для нанесения маркировки не хватает. Поэтому, производители их маркируют СМД-кодами.

    Package (корпус) — вид корпуса электронного компонента

    При создании запросов в определении точного названия (партномера) компонента, необходимо указывать не только его маркировку, но и тип корпуса. Наиболее распостранены:

    • DIP (Dual In Package) – корпус с двухрядным расположением контактов для монтажа в отверстия
    • SOT-89 — пластковый корпус для поверхностного монтажа
    • SOT-23 — миниатюрный пластиковый корпус для поверхностного монтажа
    • TO-220 — тип корпуса для монтажа (пайки) в отверстия
    • SOP (SOIC, SO) — миниатюрные корпуса для поверхностного монтажа (SMD)
    • TSOP (Thin Small Outline Package) – тонкий корпус с уменьшенным расстоянием между выводами
    • BGA (Ball Grid Array) — корпус для монтажа выводов на шарики из припоя
  • Краткие сокращения

    При подаче информации, на форуме принято использование сокращений и аббревиатур, например:

    Сокращение Краткое описание
    LED Light Emitting Diode — Светодиод (Светоизлучающий диод)
    MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor — Полевой транзистор с МОП структурой затвора
    EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory — Электрически стираемая память
    eMMC embedded Multimedia Memory Card — Встроенная мультимедийная карта памяти
    LCD Liquid Crystal Display — Жидкокристаллический дисплей (экран)
    SCL Serial Clock — Шина интерфейса I2C для передачи тактового сигнала
    SDA Serial Data — Шина интерфейса I2C для обмена данными
    ICSP In-Circuit Serial Programming – Протокол для внутрисхемного последовательного программирования
    IIC, I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit — Двухпроводный интерфейс обмена данными между микросхемами
    PCB Printed Circuit Board — Печатная плата
    PWM Pulse Width Modulation — Широтно-импульсная модуляция
    SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol — Протокол последовательного периферийного интерфейса
    USB Universal Serial Bus — Универсальная последовательная шина
    DMA Direct Memory Access — Модуль для считывания и записи RAM без задействования процессора
    AC Alternating Current — Переменный ток
    DC Direct Current — Постоянный ток
    FM Frequency Modulation — Частотная модуляция (ЧМ)
    AFC Automatic Frequency Control — Автоматическое управление частотой

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    Ответ в тему СВЧ Panasonic печка инверторная, отключается, не греет как и все другие советы публикуются всем сообществом. Большинство участников это профессиональные мастера по ремонту и специалисты в области электроники.

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    По каким еще маркам можно спросить ?

    По любым. Наиболее частые ответы по популярным брэндам — LG, Samsung, Philips, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Xiaomi, Sharp, JVC, DEXP, TCL, Hisense, и многие другие в том числе китайские модели.

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    При активном участии в форуме Вам будут доступны дополнительные файлы и разделы, которые не отображаются гостям — схемы, прошивки, справочники, методы и секреты ремонта, типовые неисправности, сервисная информация.

    Полезные ссылки

    Здесь просто полезные ссылки для мастеров. Ссылки периодически обновляемые, в зависимости от востребованности тем.


  • There’s something wrong with your Panasonic microwave and you see an error code on the display. On this page, you can find the meaning of common Panasonic error codes and we’ll tell you how to solve them.

    1. Panasonic error codes

    2. Error code U12

    3. Error code U14

    4. Error code H97 / H98

    Panasonic error codes

    Expert with microwave

    In this article, we’ll tell you how to solve the most common error codes and errors for a Panasonic microwave yourself.

    • Error code U12
    • Error code U14
    • Error code H97 / H98

    Error code U12

    Panasonic microwave with error code

    Do you see error code U12 on the display? That means the drip tray isn’t in the right place. Slide it back in place under the door and clamp it against the front legs of the microwave. Restart the program.

    Error code U14

    Panasonic microwave with error code

    The water tank is empty. Fill the water tank, put it back in the oven, and click ‘start’ to continue.

    Error code H97 / H98

    Expert with microwave

    The microwave doesn’t work anymore and the error code ‘H97’ or ‘H98’ appears on the display. There’s a problem with the system that produces the microwaves. Contact the Coolblue Customer Service to solve this problem.

    Do you have any feedback for us about this page?


    We only use your feedback to improve the website, we won’t respond.


    Article by:


    Microwave Expert.

    Product Reviews:

    I have had this microwave for 15 years and it still works great! It has var

    I have had this microwave for 15 years and it still works great! It has various cooking options that I use regularly. I especially like the popcorn option. It never burns my popcorn. The defrost works great as well.

    Published: July 13, 2019

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    We have a Panasonic model NN-SN667B that recently started shutting down the

    We have a Panasonic model NN-SN667B that recently started shutting down the WiFi and televisions in our home. This didnt happen originally with the microwave. I called Panasonic customer service and claims departments and they told me this was normal. I sent the microwave back to them for evaluation and they found no problem with the microwave and said theyre returning it to me. I will not be using this microwave in my home and risk exposing my family to microwaves going throughout the house.

    Published: March 14, 2019

    Marilyn of Marysville, WA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Have had this microwave for more than 10 years now. Never a problem, works

    Have had this microwave for more than 10 years now. Never a problem, works like new. Only thing is its size. The older ones were much larger than the newer ones but its the reliability that counts. If need be, we will definitely buy another Panasonic.

    Published: December 21, 2015

    Judy of Kaneohe, HI

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    We had moved two months ago and purchased a new Panasonic microwave. It wor

    We had moved two months ago and purchased a new Panasonic microwave. It worked fine and we liked it. But one morning it just didnt work anymore after 2 months. We called the company and without the receipt they wouldnt even talk to us. Very unhappy with quality of merchandise! Would never buy Panasonic anything again. Keeping all receipts from purchases from now on.

    Published: August 26, 2015

    Bammy of Synnyvsle, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic Microwave Model #NN-H965WFX — Latch broke off… when closed door

    Panasonic Microwave Model #NN-H965WFX — Latch broke off… when closed door… apparently a common problem from these models from what I have read. Panasonic needs to address this problem and quit selling a product such as this. My previous microwave lasted over 10 years! The faulty one was purchased from Walmart. This seems to be a common problem with these type microwaves (From what I read).

    Published: June 21, 2015

    James of Elberton, GA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have a Panasonic inverter microwave, and swear by its great Features. So

    I have a Panasonic inverter microwave, and swear by its great Features. So easy to clean, as it is all stainless steel. It is 4yrs old, and still looks like new. Never had any problems with it. I think that cleaning it regularly is the key to its longevity. I am in the UK, so we use 240 volts. I write this review as I am extremely pleased with my purchase, and highly recommend this product. I hope this is of some help to folk who may wish to purchase this product.

    Published: September 13, 2020

    George of Scotland, Other

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I received a Panasonic Microwave Model NN SN 968B as a gift for Christmas 2

    I received a Panasonic Microwave Model NN SN 968B as a gift for Christmas 2012. I sent in the warranty card on 1-4-13. Aug. 10, less than 8 months later, the door latch broke leaving the microwave inoperable. I called the 800 number and was told, Sorry, you have to pay for the repairs, because I didnt have the receipt. I explained, Its a gift, and I did send in their warranty card with all the info on it. I was told, Thats not good enough. Well I dont understand why then do we send those cards back if they wont honor them. I dont make a practice (and I really dont think anyone does) of asking for all my receipts for gifts I get. I have sent Panasonic an E-Mail to their Contact Us line and am waiting for an answer. I have read the reviews and it seems Panasonic has a door latch problem but doesnt want to address it. Any help would be appreciated. I have a perfectly good microwave that wont work because the door wont close. I feel I should not have to pay to get this fixed.

    Published: August 13, 2013

    Arlene of Cleveland, OH

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    So not even a year into Panasonic Microwave and its broken suddenly. When I

    So not even a year into Panasonic Microwave and its broken suddenly. When I open the microwave door it turns on and when I close the door it doesnt do anything. Its such a bizarre malfunctioning. Really upset! Never buying a Panasonic microwave again!

    Published: April 15, 2015

    Ritu of Milton, ON

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic microwave has self-timing or manual timing, a minute button which

    Panasonic microwave has self-timing or manual timing, a minute button which is used very often. The self-cook is easy to set and the food is perfect every time. Also, the cost was reasonable for this fine product. The microwave fits nicely on the countertop. It has a turntable which makes turning the container continually not necessary. It holds larger size containers which makes it easy to cook a goodly quantity of food. I do recommend Panasonic.

    Published: January 13, 2017

    Dee of Lehigh Acres, FL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    When you Google microwaves lifespans it estimates 10 years on average. This

    When you Google microwaves lifespans it estimates 10 years on average. This one is 5. Works well but paint is peeling on the bottom. Had already been replaced once. Warrantied one year. No customer service. 100 dollar piece of crap NN3725.

    Published: December 28, 2018

    Jane of Milwaukee, WI

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought a Panasonic Microwave model NN-DS596B model from John Lewis in Aug

    I bought a Panasonic Microwave model NN-DS596B model from John Lewis in August 2017 with a two-year warranty. Expensive £305! I have discovered that it does not cook the food evenly. Rang John Lewis and was asked to contact Panasonic who gave me a case ID number. Their only nominated service centre DK AVS took two weeks to collect it and told me it takes about 4 days. Since then I have contacted DK AVS 6 times (each call takes around 35 to 45 minutes for a response) with promise to come back each time by the end of the day but never came back to me. Out of exasperation, I contacted Panasonic customer services and spoke to 4 staff again with the same response will get back to me by end of day after contacting DK AVS. By this time and eight weeks without the microwave, I raised a complaint to Panasonic on their web page and as per experiences of other people contact was not received after 2 days. At this stage, I sent them John Lewis receipt for a refund. Finally, received response from a manager at Panasonic but have told them that I have waited long enough and have bought a new microwave (not Panasonic). A response by email at last from the manager at Panasonic that DK AVS have found nothing wrong with the microwave and nothing more could be done. Interestingly, as the microwave is still with DK AVS. It is now 3 months since my first contact with John Lewis, I called and spoke to customer services who have reinvestigated and escalated the case, I quote” I want to let you know that I have escalated the case with your situation to our Head Office so the Service Centre will send the unit back to you as soon as possible.” This beggar’s belief that I have been without a microwave for 3 months and now they have found nothing wrong (i.e. uneven cooking) and will return the microwave as soon as possible! Maybe in 12 month’s time! I think small court is justified with this to get a refund and post this on review sites. DON’T BUY PANASONIC AND DON’T USE DK AVS FOR ANY SERVICING. I HAVE BOUGHT A MIELE AND EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH IT!

    Published: December 12, 2018

    Anant of United Kingdom

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought a Panasonic Microwave March 21, 2017. The product was manufactured

    I bought a Panasonic Microwave March 21, 2017. The product was manufactured in August of 2016. Model # NN-T945SFX. The microwave worked fine until two days ago I closed the door and the plastic latch key broke. I tried to contact Panasonic and had no luck at all. Finally I have ordered the latch key and only hope I can fix it myself. Flimsy plastic is the cheap way to make something of importance… another ten cents in production and this could probably have been avoided. There isnt another Panasonic product in my future.

    Published: July 21, 2017

    Larry of Dillon, SC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I’ve had the microwave for 30 years and it is STILL going strong. It h

    I’ve had the microwave for 30 years and it is STILL going strong. It has the old fashioned push button operation, no computer stuff, VERY easy to operate, and I can read the numbers easily. Enough said.

    Published: January 9, 2021

    Jan of Tempe, AZ

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Well, I bought my microwave about 2 years ago but the inside is small and i

    Well, I bought my microwave about 2 years ago but the inside is small and it doesnt get the meals very hot in the medium. I cant say all of them are like mine but thats what I feel. And another thing is the way you defrosted the beef, got cooked in the outside. That I dont like but for other things is very good.

    Published: January 23, 2017

    Gabriela of Luquillo, Puerto Rico

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Do not buy! The Panasonic Inverter microwave! Nearly caught on fire after o

    Do not buy! The Panasonic Inverter microwave! Nearly caught on fire after only one minute of use. The whole house was filled with smoke and the microwave was ruined. Luckily, I was near the microwave when it occurred because it could have ended tragically. Since it was less than a year old, I contacted Panasonic and they were not interested in making it right. I will never purchase a Panasonic product again.

    Published: February 17, 2016

    Leah of Highland, IL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Ive never had any problems with this microwave in terms of cooking. It does

    Ive never had any problems with this microwave in terms of cooking. It does a really great job! The one thing it does that drives me nuts is that the glass tray, when revolving, will sometimes hop off its track and keep the tray from turning properly. Its a little tricky to get it back in place.

    Published: July 9, 2019

    Jose of Newbury Park, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I had a stainless steel. Looked great on the outside like brand new. After

    I had a stainless steel. Looked great on the outside like brand new. After 5 years the inside peeled really bad. I guess it does this with all microwaves after time. It happens over time. All companies should do better cause the microwave still goes strong and works. It is just the peeling of the inside.

    Published: July 17, 2019

    C of Cedar Hill, TX

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Got a model NN-SN686S for Christmas 2016. It lasted 3 weeks. Got up one mor

    Got a model NN-SN686S for Christmas 2016. It lasted 3 weeks. Got up one morning. Went to heat me a cup of instant coffee and the Microwave was dead, no power, no clock, no nothing. Went to Panasonic website, my model was not yet on the help available list… Called customer support to Contact Panasonic. They gave me a different phone number to call about microwaves. They have a machine that answers that number saying the department is closed to call later. Panasonic is of No help what so ever with its products. I returned the microwave to the place I purchased it. Got another one Only because its all the seller would do. Just got this replacement Panasonic microwave. I have no idea how long it will last. I have Zero Confidence in Panasonics garbage electronics.

    Published: January 24, 2017

    Chuck of New Iberia, LA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    We have enjoyed the operation of our microwave, but slamming the door latch

    We have enjoyed the operation of our microwave, but slamming the door latch to get it to run is just UNACCEPTABLE. We have to slam it so hard, the unit moves back on the shelf every time. Guests are totally befuddled by it and this gives Panasonic a very bad name every time we have to explain what a poor job the engineers did. LOST SALES for Panasonic… which would make it worth their while to fix this for current customers or give us a huge discount on another item. Despite the warranty running out, I truly believe that this should be a recall by Panasonic.

    Published: December 6, 2014

    Judy of Newcastle, WA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    As I read all the comments/reviews out loud, my husband is trying to fix th

    As I read all the comments/reviews out loud, my husband is trying to fix the door on our Panasonic Inverter Microwave. We have the same problem as most consumers… the door latch. It wont engage and other times the microwave continues to run when the door is open. Its two years old. My brother and his wife had the other problem… they had a ghost! The microwave would turn on itself. My sister-in-law went online to discover what everyone else seems to know now. This is a dangerous product. Fearing their house would burn down when they werent home, she called Sears (the place of purchase) to express her concerns. Sears told her to pick out any microwave she wanted and they would cover the cost. Kudos to Sears! After reviewing all the comments, I have to wonder what it will take before there is a recall on this very dangerous appliance. As I finish this comment, my husband has given up his efforts. He says keeping this piece of junk isnt worth losing our house or worse.

    Published: May 2, 2014

    Karen of Canmore, AB

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought this Panasonic microwave a little over a year ago, and now when I

    I bought this Panasonic microwave a little over a year ago, and now when I put something in to heat it up, it wont turn on. I have to open the door and move the turntable inside, close the door and try again. Going to buy a different one today, as I dont trust this one to be safe now, and whatever I buy, will not be another Panasonic.

    Published: February 8, 2015

    Donna of Kent, OH

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I just wanted to say that the same thing happened to my Panasonic microwave

    I just wanted to say that the same thing happened to my Panasonic microwave. The door was very hard to close and then the clip inside that holds the door shut broke. Its just not fair. I thought Panasonic was one of the top brands. But now that I hear all these other people who were snubbed, I was sure they would stand behind their merchandise, not right to do to your loyal customers. And Im a customer who loved them, I was always telling my friends to get Panasonic, its the best. I have many things by Panasonic. I wont be saying that any more. Its too bad that they came down to those other businesses level. Sounds stupid, but I feel a little heart broken.

    Published: February 2, 2015

    laurie of Redondo Beach, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought a Panasonic Microwave NNSB646S to replace a 15 year old Sharp that

    I bought a Panasonic Microwave NNSB646S to replace a 15 year old Sharp that we loved until it failed. The Panasonic meets most of our requirements. It is a No Frills, easy to use model with some exceptions. The interior light does not come on when the door is opened. It does come on while in use. Why does it not come on when the door is opened & needed? The control panel is not backlit making it impossible to read the button when programming it. How much did Panasonic save in leaving off this feature? Unlike our earlier Sharp microwave, the Panasonic burns the food on the outer circumference while barely heating the interior product being heated. The button on the lower right to open the door is recessed and hard to push. The door spring is too strong or the catches are not designed correctly making it slam hard & make a loud noise when the door is pushed closed. The noise invariably wakes up the grand-baby in the next room. We can live with these inadequacies, but it could have been made much better.

    Published: November 30, 2017

    Jack of Mustang, OK

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This microwave stops working after 5-6 seconds and you have to open the doo

    This microwave stops working after 5-6 seconds and you have to open the door and slam it and restart it. I purchased it from Target on 11/27/11. It started doing this a couple of months ago but infrequently, now it does it numerous times a day. I sent an email to Panasonics customer service and was told to call for an authorized service center for repair. After reading all the complaints on here I gather that is a waste of time but Im curious to see what they will say. My son bought the same microwave on my recommendation and his is having the same problem, his also has a part, which I thought was metal, that fell off when the microwave was being cleaned. Turned out to be just a piece of heavy paper and the part that held it in broke off so its loose now and falls off all the time.

    Published: March 10, 2014

    Judy of Redford, MI

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Ours is a large 1200 watt microwave. We have had it for maybe 10 years. It

    Ours is a large 1200 watt microwave. We have had it for maybe 10 years. It has a turntable. We use it a lot every day. It has been dependable and we would not want to be without it. We keep it clean and it still looks almost new.

    Published: July 18, 2019

    Marsha of Salem, OR

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have had my Panasonic microwave since 1982 and it runs like new and I hav

    I have had my Panasonic microwave since 1982 and it runs like new and I have never had it worked on!!! I feel that is a pretty amazing appliance! Purchase a Panasonic brand, they last a long time! This microwave has been working for 35 years and still going strong! Hahaha!

    Published: January 19, 2017

    Rj of Topeka, Kansas

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Bought a Panasonic Model No.NN-SN942B microwave. The door kept getting a li

    Bought a Panasonic Model No.NN-SN942B microwave. The door kept getting a little harder to close over time, to the point of having to hold on to the side so as not to spill the inside contents. Finally it stopped working unless you held down on the door to engage the door latch to the on switch. Finally, after closing the door so many times, with difficulty, the door latch, or (key). Never have I owned a microwave that only lasted working 3 or 4 mo. after the warranty ran out.

    Published: March 6, 2015

    Thomas of Windham, ME

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This microwave was already in the house I bought and after 6 years, it stil

    This microwave was already in the house I bought and after 6 years, it still works well. I have had 3 Panasonic microwaves in different houses and they have all worked well with no problems and they have lasted for as long as I lived in the houses.

    Published: July 7, 2019

    Ellen of South Lake Tahoe, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    It is great. It heats up so fast, anything 1 or 2 minutes and food tastes g

    It is great. It heats up so fast, anything 1 or 2 minutes and food tastes great. I found this deal on a microwave and its very nicely made. It stands out and looks good on the counter.

    Published: January 14, 2017

    Mary of Clayton, GA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have Panasonic microwave and use it from 5 years. It is great value for m

    I have Panasonic microwave and use it from 5 years. It is great value for money, have different features/settings for different food types. It takes less time compare to LG brand same power microwave. Good quality touch screen. Size is good, standard size. Different finishing available, match with kitchen appliances.

    Published: July 15, 2019

    Chandra of Toronto, ON

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Wish I had googled Panasonic microwave door before buying. Without fail the

    Wish I had googled Panasonic microwave door before buying. Without fail the door latch will break just after the 1 yr warranty expires and Panasonic customer service and tech support are of no assistance. Their microwaves are built of cheap materials. (Hence the 1 yr warranty!) If you want a microwave that will last longer than one year do not buy Panasonic.

    Published: July 17, 2015

    Gina of Sherwood, OR

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    It opens and closes effortlessly, unlike many we have owned. The touch pad

    It opens and closes effortlessly, unlike many we have owned. The touch pad is very responsive and easy to engage. The only drawback is the TouchPad not back-lighted. It does not look large, but it does have a large capacity, and ample cooking options. It is every bit as good as the three hundred dollar unit it replaced. We paid $120 for it.

    Published: December 28, 2020

    Stephen of Gastonia, NC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    The Microwave does all the cooking etc. very well. BUT — dont try to use it

    The Microwave does all the cooking etc. very well. BUT — dont try to use it as a 1. Kitchen Timer or 2. Use the timer if something is being heated/cooked in the microwave. We have had several Microwaves over the years and all have been able to do both these functions. The timer emits 4 beeps when the time is up; other microwaves, continue to beep until shut off. Guess you better stay in the kitchen to hear the beep. This 4 beep function has remained unchanged since the beginning of time. If you are cooking with the microwave, you better get a dedicated timer. The 2 functions are mutually exclusive. I called Panasonic on this. I was told that is the way it is! Clearly, Panasonic pays no attention to detail or consumer wishes.

    Published: August 1, 2015

    Gary of Burlington, ON

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    We wanted a compact microwave that doesnt take up too much counter space. B

    We wanted a compact microwave that doesnt take up too much counter space. But as a result, our larger dinner plates dont allow the turntable to spin, so we must always remember to reverse the turntable so that we dont wreck the motor. Price to pay for compactness I guess. The spinner dial to set the time is a nice touch.

    Published: July 2, 2019

    Carl of Vancouver, BC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Stay away from Panasonic. I been buying it for year now. Never had a proble

    Stay away from Panasonic. I been buying it for year now. Never had a problem until today. The microwave stop working after 2 months of use. Save your money and buy something different. I will myself stop buying Panasonic.

    Published: June 5, 2019

    Francisco of Marietta, GA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This microwave has been reliable and works well. We’ve had it 3 years now

    This microwave has been reliable and works well. We’ve had it 3 years now. We can fit a decent sized container inside. The prompts ask you for info so it can sense how long things should cook. Touchpad — easy to read.

    Published: July 4, 2019

    Alice of Danbury, CT

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    5 months after purchasing Panasonic 2.2 inverter microwave from Walmart, it

    5 months after purchasing Panasonic 2.2 inverter microwave from Walmart, it has died. Nothing wrong with our power or receptacle. No lights on unit, nothing. Heated up a cup of water for 40 seconds and it quit. Avoid buying this kind of microwave!

    Published: December 1, 2015

    Ronald of Virginia Beach, VA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought this microwave December of 2014. All of the sudden there is no pow

    I bought this microwave December of 2014. All of the sudden there is no power at all. Ive contacted customer support. There is only a 1 year warranty. I contacted the repair shop that the customer support recommended. It will be $150 to have it repaired. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. The microwave I had before was a hand me down and lasted me 7-8 years! This product should be recalled. It is absolutely absurd that this $160 microwave lasted less then 2 years! What a horrible product! Panasonic Inverter microwave model number NN-SN778S.

    Published: June 22, 2016

    Amanda of Bakersfield, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    The latch mechanism gets loose so often that it no longer works, period. I

    The latch mechanism gets loose so often that it no longer works, period. I tightened the screws as the YouTube video shows and made sure not to strip the plastic where the metal screw goes. My daughter spent $159 at Walmart for it as a Christmas gift which I greatly appreciated. But I feel this is a substandard microwave. The part that receives the screw should be metal. Im replacing it but not with a Panasonic product. Dont throw your money away on anything with plastic latches. You wont find anything worthwhile at Walmart as far as microwaves go.

    Published: June 1, 2015

    Carlos of The Colony, TX

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    When my 10 year old microwave broke down in the middle of the pandemic, I b

    When my 10 year old microwave broke down in the middle of the pandemic, I bought my first of 3 Panasonic microwaves. I picked a large model with over 1000 watts. The first microwave lasted less than a week. I heated up a microwaveable heating pad and read later that you couldnt do that. I assumed that I had broken it, so I went out to buy the same well-rated microwave a second time. It broke down 4 weeks later. It had been making a lot of noise and the turn table didnt always turn.I assumed a defective product and took it back to the store and got a new one. This one appeared to work well for the first few weeks. The turntable worked, but made a lot of noise. Last Friday it stopped heating up food, although the timer worked. This was the third Panasonic microwave to break down in less than 6 months. We regularly use the microwave to heat up cooked meals or to defrost frozen meat, but we are a family of 3 and are not industrial users. Do not buy this microwave, it is not worth the money or the hassles. I will be buying a new microwave, but will never buy another Panasonic.

    Published: April 6, 2021

    Jacqueline of Montreal, QC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic 1250 — What is going on — this microwave just about was on fire.

    Panasonic 1250 — What is going on — this microwave just about was on fire. I show you the picture after I stop it. I could smell smoke.

    Published: January 21, 2015

    Mary of Battle Ground, WA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    In late April of 2016, I was starting to experience problems with my eight

    In late April of 2016, I was starting to experience problems with my eight year old microwave. My previous three microwaves lasted for thirty five years (none of them a Panasonic). In doing my due diligence, I found that the inverter technology was the way to go, and that Panasonic manufactured a state of the art product. I purchased the Panasonic inverter model # nn-sn933b for slightly less than $200.00. For the first three or so months, the product worked as described, but soon after, the food was not heating evenly on the high (fixed) power setting. Instant oatmeal was pouring over the sides of the bowl. I compensated for the heating problem by using lower power settings, and cooking/Warming food for longer periods of time. In using the popcorn setting for full size bags of popcorn, I needed to turn off the microwave with fifteen seconds left on the timer, otherwise the bag, and its contents would burn. One time, the bag actually caught fire. Yesterday (7/11/17), I opened the microwave door to take out my lunch, and upon closing the door, the microwave lost all power. When I called the phone number on the owners manual, I listened to a recording which stated that if my product was out of warranty, I would have to pay $9.95 to speak to a representative about my problem. These people put out a garbage product, and then have the audacity to charge a fee to discuss their problematic trash. Anyone buying a Panasonic product after reading my comments, along with those of other consumers who were taken by this company, will indeed deserve exactly what they get.

    Published: July 12, 2017

    MICHAEL of Mn, MN

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My Panasonic microwave caught on fire in my kitchen. I emailed to let Panas

    My Panasonic microwave caught on fire in my kitchen. I emailed to let Panasonic know. They told me because it was out of warranty they would give me 30% off a new one. I do not want another Panasonic, it CAUGHT ON FIRE!! They seemed not to care about their product catching fire. I have since learned it has happened many times before.

    Published: January 23, 2020

    Jeff of Idanha, OR

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My Panasonic 1000W Genius Premiere microwave came with my house when I boug

    My Panasonic 1000W Genius Premiere microwave came with my house when I bought it, but that was ten years ago and the microwave is still working fine. I havent noticed any decrease in output power in the last decade. Id recommend it.

    Published: December 14, 2015

    Paul of Auburn, GA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    In October 2014 I purchased a Panasonic microwave model NN-SA661S. Went to

    In October 2014 I purchased a Panasonic microwave model NN-SA661S. Went to warm up a bag of popcorn this morning and the inside caught fire… The bag of popcorn was fine and unpopped but now the right side of my microwave is burnt up. Still under 1 year warranty. Called to file claim and was told they will get back to me within 24 hours…

    Published: August 5, 2015

    mallorie of Lawton, OK

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My Panasonic SN7979 is a little over 5 years old. And not one year after th

    My Panasonic SN7979 is a little over 5 years old. And not one year after the 5-year warranty on the magnetron tube did the microwave stop working. Shuts off after a few seconds and smells of burned plastic and overheated electronics. I cannot be confident that I would want something fixed that burns plastic parts internally and is a fire hazard. The one year warranty on parts is certainly not applicable in fixing it if something like the power supply—transformer or large capacitor is bad. Also, labor is always an expense factor in repairing it at the service center. Might as well consider it a bad decision to purchase a Panasonic Microwave Oven, cut my losses by tossing it and buying a new one by another manufacturer other than Panasonic!

    Published: November 12, 2015

    Joe of San Diego, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I purchased a Panasonic Microwave Oven model number NN-SN7785S. I owned thi

    I purchased a Panasonic Microwave Oven model number NN-SN7785S. I owned this microwave for a year and the door would not close properly. The latch would not catch. The latch finally broke so I contacted Panasonic and they said my unit was out of warranty. I would expect a microwave that I spent $160.00 on to last longer than $9.95 for them to assist me further. Why would I want to pay $9.95 for them to tell me that it is still out of warranty and then on top of that pay for the repair? Panasonic does not stand behind their products. I will never purchase another Panasonic product again and I have owned several in the past. I am very disappointed in this product. My advice to another consumer do not consider Panasonic for anything!!!

    Published: June 16, 2016

    Georgiann of Wellington, OH

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My Panasonic microwave is a good looking appliance and works effectively, a

    My Panasonic microwave is a good looking appliance and works effectively, although it uses a lot of power and I live off solar. The only real complaint I have is the keypad is not as touch sensitive or as easy to use as I would like. You really have to push hard and dead center to select your functions.

    Published: July 25, 2019

    Martin of Snowflake, AZ

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have the larger microwave at home; the smaller version at the office. I t

    I have the larger microwave at home; the smaller version at the office. I thought the larger was rather spendy, but if you broke down the cost compared to the number of years Ive had it, its money well spent. We had the fuse burn out once. Easy to repair ourselves and relatively inexpensive.

    Published: July 8, 2019

    BillieJo of Alturas, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I purchased this microwave from Best Buy on April 30, 2016. Two days ago wh

    I purchased this microwave from Best Buy on April 30, 2016. Two days ago while microwaving macaroni and cheese, gray smoke came from both sides of the microwave, nearly caught my house on fire. The macaroni and cheese had only been on for less than a minute and turned my microwave yellow. I immediately unplugged it, looked at the outlet looked at the back of the microwave and waited for my husband to get home. We read plugged it in the next day and the smoke and smell immediately started again. I called customer service to find out if I need to bring it to a repair center or what could be done. I was told this matter is very serious and my complaint would be sent over to a manager. I was then emailed by a lead consumer affairs employee who asked for pictures and more information.I was then called the next day by the lead consumer affairs associate who was beyond rude and unprofessional. She immediately asked for me to re-explain what happened, then followed it up by saying that it was my fault, that the engineer who reviews pictures stated that I clearly overcooked the microwave, that I need to clean my microwave in, that my warranty was voided. I explained that the yellow discoloration came from the incident. I was at a loss for words with Panasonics customer service. I asked Is this how you back up your products? She told me that I should read the instructions and never walk away from the microwave. She then proceeded to say she has been with the company a very long time. I then explained I could care less. She stated Nothing could be done to buy a new microwave and read the instructions next time.Meanwhile every microwave I have had, has been Panasonic. My previous Panasonic microwave lasted over seven years. I will Never buy a Panasonic product again. After I had this horrible experience, I then reviewed Panasonics customer reviews. It appears to me based on other consumer reports that Panasonic does not back up their products and that they frequently state Go back to the manual. I believe this is Panasonics way of getting out of backing up their products.

    Published: August 24, 2016

    Jennifer of Royal Palm Beach, FL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    In Jan 2013, we purchased the NN-H965BF microwave from Best Buy to replace

    In Jan 2013, we purchased the NN-H965BF microwave from Best Buy to replace the previous Panasonic microwave that had lasted over 16 years. The longevity and similar controls operation was the logic behind our purchase. We try to stick with what works. HOWEVER — the hard closing door was immediately obvious. We went back to the store and felt the door on a display unit and it was the same way so we just figured that was how it was designed and as long as it seemed to function OK just leave well enough alone. Fooled us — Did not last 1-1/2 years before it really started acting up and having to slam the door to get it to run, then not at all — Call to Best Buy and Panasonic only got the unconcerned response — its out of warranty and you must take it to an Authorized service center. If they are not paying for the repairs then I get to take it to whomever I want — Tear down revealed upper door hook cracked (but still looked OK) with interlock switch pressure causing the hook to move up away from the switch lever and failing to activate the switch — second issue was the massive pressure required to close the door was bending the switch mounting bracket letting the assembly get out of alignment — Panasonic engineering dept should get fired over this one seeing as it appears to be a systemic problem with their newer units. Parts were less than $20 but as this was an obvious conspiracy to increase profit margins instead of Quality, this will be my last Panasonic.

    Published: October 20, 2014

    WALT of Milton, FL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I really like this Panasonic microwave as it replace my last one which was

    I really like this Panasonic microwave as it replace my last one which was age. It has not missed a beat for the uses that this family of seven needed. We mostly use it to reheat leftovers, tv dinners and of course popcorn. We are not skilled enough to attempt meals.

    Published: July 13, 2019

    James of Hampton, VA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic has worked for me perfectly over 15 yrs. It cooks everything easi

    Panasonic has worked for me perfectly over 15 yrs. It cooks everything easily, fast. It is reliable, no repairs. Even heat, sturdy, easy to clean, good size for any place. Looks fine. Lightweight, easy to clean. If I ever replace it, I will get another Panasonic. I wondered if people actually do think about microwave names. Panasonic is the winner for me through actual use. I just hope I can find that brand whenever I might need another.

    Published: October 9, 2021

    Emily of Leawood, Kansas

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought the large Panasonic microwave (July 2013) and I loved it. After ab

    I bought the large Panasonic microwave (July 2013) and I loved it. After about a year and a half, it wouldnt start unless you slammed the door. Like the other reviews, it would just click and return to the clock. I bought it at Sams and purchased the extended warranty. They had me take to an appliance repair store and they fixed it making modifications to the latch and switch. That gave it another 2 months of life — now its worse than ever. I went by the repair store this morning to tell them it would not start again. He said there is probably nothing else they could do because the inside of the cabinet is made so cheap and the parts flex and wont stay in place to make contact to start the microwave. He said the best place for it is in the trash. That sure made me feel good.

    Published: July 7, 2015

    Kenneth of Collinsville, IL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This is a great microwave. Its three years old. Turbo defrost inverter syst

    This is a great microwave. Its three years old. Turbo defrost inverter system. Its the NN-SN778 model. Has all the good presets like for popcorn setting, sensor reheat, sensor cook and many other great features. I bought it at Walmart. It was under two hundred dollars. A great value.

    Published: December 26, 2020

    Frank of Lansing, MI

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My $215 Panasonic microwave nn-sd987 is 20 months old and the inverter went

    My $215 Panasonic microwave nn-sd987 is 20 months old and the inverter went bad. This is a common problem but not covered by warranty. It cost $209 to fix plus $50 fee just to look at it. This is more than the cost of the microwave. Panasonic said they have no life expectancy for their electronics, which tells me that they have no quality testing on new products. Panasonic products are junk and will never get my business again.

    Published: August 16, 2012

    Michael of Rochester, NY

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    What a waste of money! I used this microwave two or three times a week so w

    What a waste of money! I used this microwave two or three times a week so was shocked when it stopped working completely yesterday… only a year and half after purchase!! Its completely dead and Panasonic says its beyond the one year warranty. What a piece of junk!! I will NOT be buying another Panasonic microwave.

    Published: January 25, 2019

    Janet of Other, Other

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Stainless steal Panasonic Inverter Model NN-SN778 — Bought this about a yea

    Stainless steal Panasonic Inverter Model NN-SN778 — Bought this about a year ago for around $200. Now the door latch has quit working properly, therefore causing the light to stay on and the function not to work at all. I called the Panasonic about this issue @1-800-211-7262. They said they could direct me to a repair dealer where I would have to pay to fix it. Or I could just buy a new one. I said this is posted all over the internet. This is a manufacturing defect. They said this is the first they have heard of it. Yeah right! Way to stand by your product and brand name. I will be purchasing a new microwave and I guarantee you it wont be Panasonic. In fact I will never buy ANYTHING made by Panasonic again.

    Published: March 15, 2014

    Val of Brigham City, UT

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Gave trouble from the very start. Door was hard to close. Gradually got har

    Gave trouble from the very start. Door was hard to close. Gradually got harder, had to almost slam it for microwave to work. Put up with it until after 5 yearsthe door latch finally broke. Was warrantied for 1 year. Didnt bother to have fixed, since it would cost more than it was worth. Was really disappointed in Panasonic since the first microwave I bought lasted 25 years. Will not buy another Panasonic ever. I got online and googled my microwave and found many others were having the very same problem I had.

    Published: July 1, 2019

    Carolyn of Taylors, S.C.

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This is no complaint. Just wanted to say as I was wiping out my microwave I

    This is no complaint. Just wanted to say as I was wiping out my microwave I realized that Ive had it almost 29 years. It is a Panasonic Genius Model NE 7960 and it has never needed a repair, looks as new as the day I bought it and I tell everyone how old it is. Used it with 3 children and now use it mostly to heat things and thaw things. Paid $350 for it which was a lot as I am a widow raising the children at the time. Ive been more than satisfied with it and would buy another if necessary. Thank you for an excellent product and others that my family have purchased.

    Published: January 2, 2016

    Dorothy of Harrisburg, PA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Nice size microwave but have always had problems with the door closing with

    Nice size microwave but have always had problems with the door closing without slamming it. It also now has an electrical sound that may indicate that it is not functioning properly. It has been difficult to get service questions answered or to find a replacement for this space in our kitchen.

    Published: December 27, 2020

    Terri of Linville, NC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    No problems with my microwave. It is fast and strong and works well. This i

    No problems with my microwave. It is fast and strong and works well. This is my first Panasonic product, but I would not hesitate to purchase another one, when I need to. It is compact and looks clean on my counter.

    Published: December 30, 2020

    Bonnie of Montreal, QC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE THIS MICROWAVE! My family has bought this in April 20

    I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE THIS MICROWAVE! My family has bought this in April 2016 after our old Emerson Microwave broke down. This was bought immediately not knowing this: This Microwaves cuts off the internet!!! Havent tried anything to get this Microwave to stop cutting off the Wi-Fi yet. IT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE APRIL!!! I didnt realize at first that the internet was cutting me off for no reason, but now it is because of Microwave usage! For example, if its used for 5 minutes, the internet is down for 5 minutes due to Microwave usage! Also, this product might break down soon in months or even next year. A lot of peoples Panasonic Microwave has this same problem. If it breaks down, I will update this complaint! If this breaks down, I hope to god I buy a microwave that does not cut off the internet. Not this! AVOID THIS MICROWAVE AT ALL COSTS! Buy one that does not cut off internet! Do not buy this wi-fi less microwave!

    Published: September 13, 2016

    Troy of Lady Lake, FL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic NN-SF550W: I was heating some vegetables while I was in another r

    Panasonic NN-SF550W: I was heating some vegetables while I was in another room. I smelt an acrid, burning chemical smell and saw clouds of smoke pouring out of my kitchen. I had to go through the smoke which irritated my eyes to turn the microwave off. I then had to take it outside. The smoke was coming out from behind the keypad and lower portion of the microwave on the same side was too hot to touch. I immediately emailed Panasonic to report the fault and asked for safety data information in regard to the smoke as the smell, its effect on me and the inability to remove the smell suggested it may be hazardous. I received a phone call from Panasonic in regard to the email. They asked what I was heating, what container I was using etc apparently overlooking the details of my email. The customer service officer then asked me to return it to a Panasonic customer service centre. I responded that they could send a courier to which they declined. I received an email from them the same day requesting purchasing information and for me to return the appliance to them. I noted that if they assessed it and determined it wasnt a fault I would have to pay for the assessment. No apology for their product smoking out my kitchen, no safety data sheets, no concern for my health or exposure to whatever the smoke was that their product produced. I will not be purchasing another Panasonic product and will have it assessed by an INDEPENDENT professional before approaching Panasonic again.

    Published: February 19, 2018

    Jason of Kingscote, Other

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I purchased a Panasonic microwave just 2 years ago. Model #SN671S, it worke

    I purchased a Panasonic microwave just 2 years ago. Model #SN671S, it worked well. Then in just 2 years the display disappeared. Really? I paid around $300.00. Its now at Costco for $99.00. Did Panasonic dump these at Costco? Very unhappy with only 2 years of light use. I wont buy Panasonic again.

    Published: July 12, 2016

    Pam of Chicago, IL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have used Panasonic microwaves for the past 30 years. They are reliable,

    I have used Panasonic microwaves for the past 30 years. They are reliable, affordable and offer many features I enjoy. Choices and auto cook features seem to be more intuitive to my way of thinking. Also, I enjoy the easy ways that Panasonic allows one to begin right away or change or add time in the middle of cooking. I particularly like convection cooking and combo cooking with microwave/convection. Very predictable results.

    Published: January 27, 2017

    Dan of London, Ontario

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My mother passed away almost a year ago. In clearing her home, we kept her

    My mother passed away almost a year ago. In clearing her home, we kept her microwave. A Panasonic inverter model NN-S443WF. Fast forward to this morning at about 5 am… Something (God) woke me about 4:40 am and would not let me go back to sleep. So I got up. My hubby is naturally an early riser, so he, too was awake. I began mulling about the kitchen, about to start making breakfast for my hubby & 3 children (soon to be 4). I smelled this awful burning plastic smell… Started investigating. Saw an outlet that had burn/smoke marks on it, and felt the plug in it (my moms microwave). It was scalding! I quickly unplugged it, but watched to make sure. White smoke began coming from the plug holes.I yelled for my husband, who ran to the breaker box and started flipping switches until we found the right one. Even then, I stood watch over the outlet with the fire extinguisher. Thank goodness for quick thinking, and God not letting me sleep! I dont know if my hubby wouldve caught it in time, as he was conducting business on the computer. We actually lost our home 4 years ago to an electrical fire, after the house was hit by lightning in the middle of the night… We got ourselves, our then 4 yr old daughter, and not even 2 month old son out safely, but we lost everything. This really has me on edge today. Please, be careful with this model. I know its an older one, but it shouldnt cause a fire as the first symptom of something wrong with it!

    Published: February 7, 2018

    Rena of Big Sandy, TX

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This Panasonic NN-SN942B microwave has been the best M/W unit we have ever

    This Panasonic NN-SN942B microwave has been the best M/W unit we have ever owned. It works flawlessly, does what it is supposed to. The only issue we have, is it has just developed a switch problem with the door closing and the panel does not light up. Going to replace the switch and get another 10 years use out of it.

    Published: February 13, 2022

    John of Oologah, OK

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Unit rocks on counter, (somehow the entire unit is twisted) and door hangs

    Unit rocks on counter, (somehow the entire unit is twisted) and door hangs at an angle, Panasonic is charging me a 15% restocking fee for an item they cant resell plus return shipping! I have only owned microwaves from Panasonic, they have made their last dollar off of me. 1.6 Cu. Ft. Built-In/Countertop Cyclonic Wave Microwave, Order Number: ** Order Date: Jan 22, 2017, arrived 2/18/17. NOT WORTH THE WAIT!!! I HAD PLANNED TO EXCHANGE IT, BUT I AM NOT PAYING FOR THE RETURN POSTAGE!!!

    Published: February 20, 2017

    Dorothey of Nancy, Pulaski, KY

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Microwave set on fire. I was heating a microwaveable item I have used many

    Microwave set on fire. I was heating a microwaveable item I have used many times previously. Luckily I was beside the microwave. A few seconds Into the time, I saw flames inside. The metal plate on right hand side has a hole in it now where the flames were and is burnt. I see another person reported this. I loved this microwave but will never buy another one. Could have been a disaster!

    Published: December 16, 2018

    L. of Other, Other

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I received this microwave as a gift from my son. I changed my whole way of

    I received this microwave as a gift from my son. I changed my whole way of looking at microwaves. I love it because it works the way it should and its simple to operate. Also, it does all you want it to and more and its large capacity and a way to thaw or cook without heating zones. Love the turntable, love the turbo thawing and heating. Just love it because it is new. Its a fat cat, this is where its a machine.

    Published: January 25, 2017

    Sharon of Kernersville, North Carolina`

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I was cleaning the microwave and a panel inside, which I thought was metal,

    I was cleaning the microwave and a panel inside, which I thought was metal, where my finger went right through like it was a piece of paper. Now, I dont know if the microwave is safe to use. I could have gotten shock or worse.

    Published: October 11, 2011

    Cynthia of Jersey City, NJ

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I like its size and it fits where I need it. Its really a nice microwave an

    I like its size and it fits where I need it. Its really a nice microwave and seems to cook well although I dont cook main meals in microwave. Usually just warm ups or quick frozen meals. Last microwave I had started when you hit the 30 sec button but this one you have to hit 30 then start. Would like more timer options, just a minor thing that I wish was different.

    Published: January 16, 2017

    Charles of Alexandria, In.

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought a Panasonic microwave from Canadian Tire and it broke after 31 day

    I bought a Panasonic microwave from Canadian Tire and it broke after 31 days and they told me it was over the warranty that I would have to pay to repair it. I thought Panasonic was a better company.

    Published: June 26, 2016

    Philip of McArthurs Mills, ON

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    The microwave works ok but the revolving plate doesnt sit on the bottom eas

    The microwave works ok but the revolving plate doesnt sit on the bottom easily. You have to wiggle it on until it finally drops down correctly. The door and area around the controls are hard to clean well.

    Published: July 22, 2019

    Mary Ann of Palm Coast, Florida

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic microwave NN-SN797S — We bought it at Costco after having returne

    Panasonic microwave NN-SN797S — We bought it at Costco after having returned the first one of its kind because the door was so incredibly hard to close. This one was slightly better but still very hard closing. The door interlock is on such flimsy metal that it bends when closing the door. The top latch in the door eventually snapped and the microwave stopped working. Its obviously a manufacturing defect, and from what Ive read here it is a common one for panasonic. We will NEVER buy another panasonic anything.

    Published: January 11, 2015

    patricia of Berryville, VA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have been looking at microwaves since mine went dead. I am still not real

    I have been looking at microwaves since mine went dead. I am still not really certain which one I want but I do like the size of the Panasonic. I have been waiting for a sale which will probably make up my mind.

    Published: July 24, 2019

    Linda of China Grove, NC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    My Panasonic microwave finally bit the dust. I dont blame the brand though

    My Panasonic microwave finally bit the dust. I dont blame the brand though as it was 15 years old. I plan to buy another panasonic since I have a trim kit that it must fit. I believe the sizing is still about the same on those microwaves.

    Published: July 18, 2019

    TG of Seabrook, TX

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This microwave has a great price for an 1100 wattage oven! This microwave i

    This microwave has a great price for an 1100 wattage oven! This microwave is easy to clean, compact size, very roomy, heats wonderfully! Love the quick start buttons on the touchpad. Easy to read instructions. I always buy Panasonic because of the longevity of their products!

    Published: January 9, 2021

    Richelle of Golden Meadow, LA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    When my very old microwave died I took my time and researched which microwa

    When my very old microwave died I took my time and researched which microwave I wanted. I decided on the Panasonic microwave with inverter technology. Sounded really good, Panasonic has been around for awhile. A year and 4 months later it wont start up and I get an error code of H97. I dont know what that is but when I got on Panasonic website it tells me my microwave is out of warranty. I looked up on the web and it says it might be a loose wire or the inverter is bad. I think they should be responsible to fix or replace it seeing their new technology wasnt good.

    Published: July 13, 2017

    Mary of Palm Bay, FL

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic inverter microwave model NNSA651S SA651S — Weve owned this microw

    Panasonic inverter microwave model NNSA651S SA651S — Weve owned this microwave for a short time. We started noticing uneven cooking. Then today we started smelling a burning odor. The microwave was burning through a bacon plate (very thick material) made for microwaves and char-burned the bacon that almost burst into flames. This happened in less than a minute. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MICROWAVE.

    Published: August 29, 2016

    Diana of Franktown, CO

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I got this microwave to replace a larger one which was having issues after

    I got this microwave to replace a larger one which was having issues after 15 yrs. After 2 mo this new one started squeaking and sometimes the plate wouldn’t turn. From the very beginning, there was an issue with the door opening button. I’ve had about 4 microwaves and this one is garbage.

    Published: July 11, 2019

    Dianne of Midvale, Utah

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Updated on 06/22/2020: The Invertor Technology works well until it doesn’

    Updated on 06/22/2020: The Invertor Technology works well until it doesn’t. The problem is that the magnetron and the inverter are notoriously prone to early failure, more so in Panasonics, as internet and shopping site reviews everywhere illustrate. H98 error code less than 2 years old. Two weeks attempt to speak or contact anyone from Panasonic. 800 number menus with automated responses or 20-minute wait times. CHAT. wasn’t working. Called nearest authorized repair center 130 miles. “Can’t help you”. Was told to call 800 number in Romania who will get in touch with Texas who will get in touch with Salem Supply Depot, only repair center who will contact you. Tried CHAT again. Offshore “Steve” read from scripts, wasn’t very articulate and simply offered platitudes and apologies. Kept going around in circles. Asked for contact with someone in the States. His response: “Is there anything else I can help you with.” Wrote back, “Yes, you can answer the questions I just posed.” I ended telling “Steve,” It’s been the most fruitless conversation I can ever recall having. Shipping round-trip 260 miles is expensive for 41 lbs. I have a perfectly competent and reliable appliance repair center in my city. Panasonic wouldn’t entertain the idea of sending a magnetron so I could have it done locally. But it’s unconscionable that Panasonic execs refuse, even for the sake of good will, to accommodate customers with products that are designed for failure right after the service warranty expires. And Panasonic offers a 5-year magnetron warranty but it is impossible to use. Not only is shipping to a distant repair center expensive but the procedure is convoluted, contacts are unintelligent, and logistics are unreasonably burdensome. And Panasonic knows this. They can warranty the magnetron for 50 years. It wouldn’t matter to them. I purchased a Panasonic radio that I’ve had for over 55 years and it works perfectly.Panasonic was known as the most reliable name in electronic products. It’s shameful that the CEO’s of Panasonic’s appliance division have allowed quality and service to devolve into mediocrity. Any microwave should last longer than two years. We will all be better off with the longevity of a traditional transformer or coil and a magnetron at full power than an inverter magnetron, and with any other maker than Panasonic. Shame on Panasonic CEOs for allowing what once was the reigning electronic company, known so well as epitomizing quality and customer service, to descend to this, such a lowly level.Original Review: Panasonic Microwave NNSE785S with H98 error, less than 2 years old and Customer Service unwilling to do anything. Called nearest authorized repair center 130 miles. Was told have to call 800 number in Romania who will get in touch with Texas who will get in touch with Salem Supply Depot, only repair center. They wouldnt even entertain the idea of sending the magnetron so I can have it done locally. Magnetron and inverter technology is prone to failure as internet reviews will show. But its unconscionable that Panasonic execs, for the sake of goodwill, refuse to accommodate customers with products that are designed to fail right after service warranty expires. And they offer 5 yr magnetron warranty but it is impossible to use. Not only is shipping too expensive, but the procedure is convoluted and contacts are unintelligent. Offshore staff read from a script and offer platitudes. Will be better off with the longevity of a traditional magnetic coil than an inverter, and any other maker than Panasonic. Shame on Panasonic CEO for allowing what was once the reigning quality and customer service electronic company to descend to this lowly level.

    Published: June 2, 2020

    Gary of West Haven, CT

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought this microwave, because the last one I bought gave out with in les

    I bought this microwave, because the last one I bought gave out with in less than a year. So I decided to take a chance with this brand. It has been a very good purchase. I have had it for about 5 years or longer.

    Published: December 28, 2020

    Ramona of Gonzales, California

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This is by far the best microwave Ive had. Its sensor reheat works great ev

    This is by far the best microwave Ive had. Its sensor reheat works great even with pizza. Very good product. Also, the quick minute button is quite handy. It is also quite powerful so I get to use the lower time settings for meals.

    Published: July 10, 2019

    Larry of North Tonawanda, NY

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Bought Panasonic Microwave in 2002, It stopped working Nov 2013. It worked

    Bought Panasonic Microwave in 2002, It stopped working Nov 2013. It worked perfectly all those years, so I purchased another Panasonic, like the old one except this one is the new model. It has a dial instead of buttons to set the cook time which for me is a good improvement. Have had it eleven months and then suddenly started to have a problem getting it to work. When I press the start button only the timer would rapidly count down. I found out from reviews on this site, that slamming the door might make it work. I did not slam the door but instead pushed on the middle of the door, rather than the lower right hand corner. Now by closing it this way it starts every time. I Have less than a month left on the warranty so I plan on having it looked at since it still goes berserk when I close the door from the right corner. I like this microwave but I would suggest that they make the door easier to close and make so that it make less noise when shut.

    Published: October 20, 2014

    Vince of Covina, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought a Panasonic Inverter Microwave because Ive always found any Panaso

    I bought a Panasonic Inverter Microwave because Ive always found any Panasonic brand to be high quality. First off this microwave was so complex its not good for much beyond warming stuff up unless you want to run to the instruction manual every time you do more. Still overall I was satisfied until a couple of days ago. Almost every time you open the door it begins running without ever being turned on. My son joked it was like a ghost was haunting it & playing with us. Im extremely disappointed. A few years back I had a cheap microwave from Walmart that was much easier to work & lasted several years. I guess Panasonic has quit caring about quality so Ill quit buying anything from Panasonic.

    Published: April 15, 2014

    Sylvia of Ashland, KY

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I have had this microwave for one year and it just stopped working, I bough

    I have had this microwave for one year and it just stopped working, I bought it at Costco and they didnt offer a warranty. I will NEVER buy another one again.

    Published: August 16, 2014

    Erin of Arlington, TX

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Model NN-SU686S Panasonic microwave. Bought for $112.34. First use — put ba

    Model NN-SU686S Panasonic microwave. Bought for $112.34. First use — put bag popcorn in for 1 minute and stayed at the unit to monitor knowing would have to add more time but wanted to learn how unit would handle a bag. Owned first Amanda microwave on the market and have had different models in my houses — read the guides everytime. Only this model smoked in less than 1 min. Backsides and top was too hot to touch. Contacted Panasonic spent $94.42 to ship back. They reimbursed. Shipping said nothing was wrong, I am out $112.34. Oh, and said they popped popcorn in it! Panasonic will not be in any of my properties. Bought at Best Buy 11/22/17. Order #. Have receipt and correspondence including return shipping info.

    Published: May 8, 2018

    Carolyn of Winston-Salem, NC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Panasonic microwave sa651se purchased from Costco on 3/2/15. It lasted 2 da

    Panasonic microwave sa651se purchased from Costco on 3/2/15. It lasted 2 days before not powering up. Check of reviews showed that this is a huge problem with these units. Will return and buy something else.

    Published: April 6, 2015

    S of Torance, CA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    The microwave will not power on and it is still in the warranty period.

    The microwave will not power on and it is still in the warranty period.

    Published: September 24, 2011

    Nisha of rampura Phul, Other

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I purchase the Panasonic Genius Model NNT945SF Microwave a little over a ye

    I purchase the Panasonic Genius Model NNT945SF Microwave a little over a year ago. Within 6 months, the door would not shut without slamming it. I noticed that the Microwave interfered with my WiFi about this time. At approximately 1 year, the digital screen went blank. I went to Panasonics website and found the local authorized repair shop: Electronic Specialists, 300 Commercial Dr., Fairfield, OH, 45014. The proprietor, John Raymer, diagnosed the problem by phone and said it was the door latch causing the screen to stop working. For $45 he said he would fix the microwave. I asked if the door was not the problem, what then? He said, for $45 he would fix the microwave, no matter what the problem was, and has a 3-month warranty on repairs. I met him at his shop on 11/23/13, which has no set times to be open, and delivered my microwave. I picked it up on 11/26/13, again I had to schedule a meeting by phone. The microwave door was hard to close. It no longer interfered with WiFi. The repair lasted about a week before the screen started going blank again. I scheduled a meeting and returned it. He apologized and said it was mistakenly sent out before being repaired. I was to meet him on 12/6/13 but he never returned calls to confirm a meeting. He didnt return any calls until I called Panasonic directly. Finally he called and said it was repaired. My wife picked it up on 12/16/13. Five days later the screen went blank again. It happened intermittently for a while. It also interferes with WiFi again. But Electronic Specialists no longer answers my call. I again contacted Panasonic USA by phone. I have had to contact them repeatedly and repeat the same approximately 20 times. They forward the information UP TO A MANAGER, who doesnt call back. I finally spoke to Basil. Panasonic denies any responsibility, since it is not a warranty repair. I said they are responsible because I would NEVER have gone to Electronic Specialists if their web-site hadnt directed me there, as their local authorized repair center.Basil told me my microwave was repaired. He did give me an address to MAIL a request for assistance to Panasonic USA (which I only assume is their next line of misdirection and run-a-round). Since the time I spoke to Basil, microwave has completely quit working. It is 1/9/14 and still only about 1 and 1/2 months into my THREE-MONTH WARRANTY from Electronic Specialists. Of that time, the Microwave only worked correctly about 8-10 days. I also wonder if I have been exposed to microwave radiation leaking out of the door of this unit for about 6 months.

    Published: January 8, 2014

    Jeff of Trenton, OH

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Have had microwave fan combo for 11 years. Used every day. No problems or c

    Have had microwave fan combo for 11 years. Used every day. No problems or concerns. Programs logical and useful. Control easy to read. Excellent finish. Easy to clean. Moving soon. Will buy another Panasonic for sure.

    Published: January 1, 2021

    Ruth of Vancouver, BC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Brand new Panasonic microwave NN-ST66KW and the keypad works most of the ti

    Brand new Panasonic microwave NN-ST66KW and the keypad works most of the time. But when it decides not to work doesnt matter how hard you push, where you push or what finger you use it just will not accept an entry. Then it will start working again by some sort of magic. Even more frustrating is trying to contact Panasonic to find out if there is a solution. No phone numbers listed anywhere and sending message on their website results in a computer generated email response listing many things you could do but having no connection to your problem at all. And this new unit was a replacement for one that suddenly went up in smoke 2 months after the one year warranty expired on the last one. I will not be buying Panasonic again.

    Published: March 10, 2020

    Mike of Maple Ridge, BC

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I purchased a countertop Panasonic microwave in August 2014 and it is alrea

    I purchased a countertop Panasonic microwave in August 2014 and it is already broken. The door would not shut and I could not see anything which would of prevented it from shutting. When it finally shut, the PLASTIC door latch broke off. There is a latch on the top and one on the bottom of the door. I would have thought with one latch still operable it would have still worked but it does not. It will no longer cut on at all. I tried calling the store where I purchased it but they said I have to send it back to Panasonic for repairs. By the time I pay for shipping and the hassle of shipping along with not having a microwave for weeks I will no doubt end up just buying another one but it will NOT BE A PANASONIC!

    Published: March 9, 2015

    Tia of Gloucester, VA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    This microwave works really well. My food is always heated at a good speed

    This microwave works really well. My food is always heated at a good speed and heated fully. It also does really well when using directions from food packages on how long to put stuff in. That is why I bought this microwave because it is the standard 1200 Watt.

    Published: January 6, 2021

    Ashley of Clifton Park, NY

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Two independent tests showed door leaking radiation above federal standards

    Two independent tests showed door leaking radiation above federal standards. Panasonic customer service said no one but their factory could test and besides they NEVER found any leaks unless door damaged. Door confirmed undamaged by local appliance co. that services high end microwaves (not Panasonic). Even their local warranty service can not test, must be returned to factory and they already said no problem exists!! Do not buy and stay back two feet if using any of their microwaves.

    Published: March 11, 2016

    Charles of Moneta, VA

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    Purchased a Panasonic microwave, model NN-SN745S over a year ago. After a f

    Purchased a Panasonic microwave, model NN-SN745S over a year ago. After a few months noticed laptop, cell phone and tablet WiFi lost internet connection in the kitchen whenever the Panasonic Microwave NN-SN745S is turned on. Wifi router is in the living room over 30 feet away from the microwave. No return back to the store after 30 days. The door wont close easily. You have to give it a hard slam in order to close it. The door doesnt always close or open when the latch release is pressed after a year.Now just over a year later microwave will only run or work for two minutes or less. You have to wait 30 minutes before the microwave will work again. We own all walks of Panasonic electronics like wireless phone, TV, sound system, laptop, electric pencil sharpener and etc without any problem with great reliability. This Panasonic Microwave Model NN-SN745S is not reliable at all. What a poor reliable microwave product. I would test to make sure your WiFi still connect to the internet when the microwave is turned on before the 30 days is up if you decide to buy another Panasonic Inverter Microwave if Wifi connection is important to you. I am just going to stay away from Panasonic Inverter Microwave and try with another brand from now on based on from other reviewers.

    Published: June 22, 2016

    Neung of Zeeland, MI

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I am not normally able to use electronic equipment. Our Panasonic microwave

    I am not normally able to use electronic equipment. Our Panasonic microwave is, for me very easy, whether I am warming coffee, cooking/ heating a meal, popping corn. I can thaw, reheat, cook & never burn the product. The directions are simple, easy to follow & as long as I cover what I am cooking, the cleanup is a breeze. The turntable guarantees even cooking. I recommend Panasonic Microwaves to anyone to everyone one. I am only 81 & I need easy!

    Published: July 16, 2019

    Ron of Lively, Ontario

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

    I bought this microwave about 4 years ago at a Walmart. I remember declinin

    I bought this microwave about 4 years ago at a Walmart. I remember declining the extended warranty on it at time of purchase. Anyway just started having the same door latch problem everyone else had. When you shut the door the light stays on, you slam the door and it goes off, but when you put the cook time in and press start, nothing happens. Slam the door again and it works. I was just going to put it on the curb for garbage pickup, however, I decided to take it apart and see what the problem was. After removing the impossible screws on the case, I discovered that the latch mechanism, which is mounted to a very weak piece of metal, was bent over which caused all the problems. I bent it back and put a piece of metal wire from the bottom screw to a machined hole that is above the latch mechanism to give it additional support. It works so far. Seems like the issue is a poor design flaw with the mount like the previous posts have written. Not mad, just glad I didnt throw it away.

    Published: July 12, 2014

    Eric of Pueblo West, CO

    Source: consumeraffairs.com

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