I am facing an issue in my application throwing an error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’
Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘mid’
strLine = Trim(Mid(strLine, 1, InStr(UCase(strLine), «SINGLE POINT DATA») — 1))
Main function is below
strLine = tstextstreamRead.ReadAll
If cint(intTestId) = 23 Then
strLine2 = Trim(Mid(strLine, InStr(UCase(strLine), "SINGLE POINT DATA") + 1, Len(strLine)))
strLine2 = Trim(Mid(strLine2, InStr(strLine2, "Model Cross-Arrhenius"), Len(strLine2)))
End If
response.write strLine
strLine = Trim(Mid(strLine, 1, InStr(UCase(strLine), "SINGLE POINT DATA") - 1))
When i verified through response.write strline
below i got the data
Sample ID Region :PACIFIC
Request No :tesy
Sample No :12
Company :213
Family :213
Grade :213
Remark :213
Date :7/22/2016
Generic :123
Operator :213
Test Lab :WTC
Test Name :Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT)
Dataset 0
POINTS 26 30.2 1109.998 40.6 1126.961 50.8 1124.916 61.1 1121.716 71.3 1117.909 81.5 1113.674 91.4 1108.76 101.4 1103.019 111.8 1095.211 121.8 1087.404 131.8 1079.681 142.2 1072.674 152 1065.485 162.3 1057.771 172.1 1050.805 182.3 1043.491 193.4 1036.327 203 1029.239 214.1 1022.532 223.6 1015.535 234.6 1008.179 245.1 1000.297 255 993.677 265.6 986.178 275.4 979.918 285.8 973.305
Dataset 50
POINTS 26 30.2 1141.188 40.6 1145.201 50.8 1142.895 61.1 1140.183 71.3 1137.529 81.5 1134.817 91.4 1132.018 101.4 1129.33 111.8 1125.39 121.8 1120.212 131.8 1113.709 142.2 1107.681 152 1101.57 162.3 1095.298 172.1 1089.361 182.3 1083.419 193.4 1077.757 203 1072.34 214.1 1066.657 223.6 1061.414 234.6 1055.779 245.1 1049.333 255 1043.651 265.6 1038.333 275.4 1033.283 285.8 1028.57
Dataset 100
POINTS 26 30.2 1160.699 40.6 1159.695 50.8 1157.533 61.1 1155.299 71.3 1153.075 81.5 1151.028 91.4 1149.093 101.4 1147.7 111.8 1145.902 121.8 1142.99 131.8 1138.733 142.2 1133.957 152 1128.643 162.3 1123.009 172.1 1117.834 182.3 1112.526 193.4 1107.26 203 1102.65 214.1 1097.619 223.6 1093.004 234.6 1086.949 245.1 1082.376 255 1077.455 265.6 1072.812 275.4 1068.752 285.8 1064.607
Dataset 150
POINTS 26 30.2 1174.42 40.6 1172.732 50.8 1170.673 61.1 1168.593 71.3 1166.813 81.5 1165.074 91.4 1163.543 101.4 1162.673 111.8 1161.681 121.8 1160.11 131.8 1157.741 142.2 1154.905 152 1150.866 162.3 1146.22 172.1 1141.382 182.3 1136.381 193.4 1131.774 203 1127.484 214.1 1123.175 223.6 1118.773 234.6 1113.149 245.1 1108.975 255 1104.514 265.6 1100.457 275.4 1096.706 285.8 1093.423
Dataset 200
POINTS 26 30.2 1185.837 40.6 1183.95 50.8 1182.17 61.1 1180.377 71.3 1178.593 81.5 1177.103 91.4 1175.963 101.4 1175.373 111.8 1174.678 121.8 1173.552 131.8 1172.182 142.2 1170.538 152 1168.029 162.3 1164.802 172.1 1160.855 182.3 1156.361 193.4 1152.075 203 1147.987 214.1 1143.934 223.6 1139.92 234.6 1134.884 245.1 1130.755 255 1126.75 265.6 1123.348 275.4 1119.874 285.8 1116.635
Kindly let me know what is the exact problem.
While Ken’s solution is correct, it doesn’t properly explain the reason for the error you’re getting, so I’m adding a supplementary answer.
The error is caused by the identifier ForReading
in the line
set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:UsersAdrianDesktopEntries1.txt", ForReading)
The OpenTextFile
method accepts an optional second parameter iomode
that can have a value of either 1
, 2
or 8
. However, contrary to what the documentation suggests, there are no pre-defined constants for these numeric values. Unless you define them yourself (which you didn’t), e.g. like this:
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
you must use the numeric values or omit the parameter entirely (in which case it defaults to 1
If you use an undefined identifier like ForReading
the interpreter will automatically initialize it with the value Empty
, which could produce unexpected behavior as it did in your case.
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(ForReading)
>>> Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:Tempsome.txt", ForReading)
Invalid procedure call or argument (0x5)
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(f)
>>> Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:Tempsome.txt", Empty)
Invalid procedure call or argument (0x5)
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(f)
>>> 'parameter omitted
>>> Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:Tempsome.txt")
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(f)
>>> Set f = Nothing
>>> 'numeric parameter
>>> Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:Tempsome.txt", 1)
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(f)
>>> Set f = Nothing
>>> 'define identifier before using it as parameter
>>> ForReading = 1
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(ForReading)
>>> Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:Tempsome.txt", ForReading)
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(f)
You can avoid this kind of issue by using Option Explicit
(which is highly recommended for production code). It will raise a run-time error when there are undefined variables in your code, allowing you to detect problems like this early on.
You may see a message like «Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005′» or «Invalid procedure Call or Argument»
/admin/savefile.asp, line 122
If you are receiving this message while uploading images, than your web server may not support some of the newer functions of VBscript.
This error message could be an indication that your server has an older or outdated version of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and/or VBscript. You should contact your web host or server administrator and request that they update the server with the most current MDAC and VBscript versions (they would need to contact Microsoft for this).
Typically, this error only occurs on older web servers with an outdated version of VBScript installed, and on some Non-US Windows versions. If you recently upgraded your server’s operating system or installed service packs / patches, this problem may be related. Visit Microsoft’s site for assistance and downloads.
Please note, our free Technical Support does not cover this issue, as this error is directly related to your web server software.
Be sure you are only uploading image files, the upload component was built for images (.jpg, .gif) with a size of less than 500k. For other files you should use your own FTP software.
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General discussion
I’ve created a VBScript that aims to change folder share names on a server. This is currently running as a logon script for my test users.
I’ve defined this function:
Private Function intChangeShareName() Dim intPoz1, intPoz2, intIndex Dim strPom intChangeShareName = CONST_NO_CHANGE strActions = strActions & strOldNameShare & vbcrlf strPom = Trim(strOldNameShare) If Left(strPom, 2) <> "" then Exit Function intPoz1 = inStr(3, strPom, "") intPoz2 = inStr(3, strPom, ".") If intPoz2 > 0 Then strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz2 - 3) strDomName = Mid(strPom, intPoz2 + 1, intPoz1 - intPoz2 - 1) Else strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz1 - 3) strDomName = "" End If intIndex = 0 Do while intIndex <= UBound(arrOldSrv) If UCase(strSrvName) = UCase(arrOldSrv(intIndex)) Then If strDomName = "" Then strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex) strNewNameDom = "" intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE End If If UCase(strDomName) = UCase(arrOldDom(intIndex)) Then strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex) strNewNameDom = "." & arrNewDom(intIndex) intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE End If End If intIndex = intIndex + 1 Loop If intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE Then strNewNameShare = "" & strNewNameSrv & strNewNameDom & Mid(strPom, intPoz1) strActions = strActions & "* " & strNewNameShare & vbcrlf blRequireLogoff = True ' Wscript.Echo "a " & strNewNameShare End If End Function
However every time I log in I get the following error: VBScript runtime error — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘Mid’ — Code 800A0005
I don’t see anything wrong with my Mid function, can someone please help me?
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Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:59 PM
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Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:59 PM
This is not «fix/debug/rewrite my script for me» forum
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I am trying to export windows 7 bitlocker key package to a file by use the following script (This script from Microsoft), some computer is OK, but on some computers, it was failed, the error message is:
Script: D:GetBitLockerKeyPackage.vbs
Line: 236
Char: 3
Error: Invalid procedure call or argument
Code: 800A0005
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Here is the script, could you please help me?
‘ The following sample script exports a new key package from an unlocked, encrypted volume.
‘ To run this script, start by saving the code into a VBS file (for example, GetBitLockerKeyPackage.vbs). ‘ Then, open an administrator command prompt and use “cscript” to run the saved file (for example, type «cscript GetBitLockerKeyPackage.vbs
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Usage
‘ ———————————————————————————
Sub ShowUsage
Wscript.Echo «USAGE: GetBitLockerKeyPackage [VolumeLetter/DriveLetter:] [Path To Saved Key Package]»
Wscript.Echo «Example: GetBitLockerKeyPackage C: E:bitlocker-backup-key-package»
End Sub
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Parse Arguments
‘ ———————————————————————————
Set args = WScript.Arguments
Select Case args.Count
Case 2
If args(0) = «/?» Or args(0) = «-?» Then
strDriveLetter = args(0)
strFilePath = args(1)
End If
Case Else
End Select
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Other Inputs
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Target computer name
‘ Use «.» to connect to the local computer
strComputerName = «.»
‘ Default key protector ID to use. Specify «» to let the script choose.
strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «»
‘ strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «{001298E0-870E-4BA0-A2FF-FC74758D5720}» ‘ sample
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Connect to the BitLocker WMI provider class
‘ ———————————————————————————
strConnectionStr = «winmgmts:» _
& «{impersonationLevel=impersonate,authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}!» _
& strComputerName _
& «rootcimv2SecurityMicrosoftVolumeEncryption»
On Error Resume Next ‘handle permission errors
Set objWMIService = GetObject(strConnectionStr)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «Failed to connect to the BitLocker interface (Error 0x» & Hex(Err.Number) & «).»
Wscript.Echo «Ensure that you are running with administrative privileges.»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strQuery = «Select * from Win32_EncryptableVolume where DriveLetter=’» & strDriveLetter & «‘»
Set colTargetVolumes = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If colTargetVolumes.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: Unable to find BitLocker-capable drive » & strDriveLetter & » on computer » & strComputerName & «.»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ there should only be one volume found
For Each objFoundVolume in colTargetVolumes
set objVolume = objFoundVolume
‘ objVolume is now our found BitLocker-capable disk volume
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Perform BitLocker WMI provider functionality
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Collect all possible valid key protector ID’s that can be used to get the package
‘ ———————————————————————————-
nNumericalKeyProtectorType = 3 ‘ type associated with «Numerical Password» protector
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectors(nNumericalKeyProtectorType, aNumericalKeyProtectorIDs)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectors failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
nExternalKeyProtectorType = 2 ‘ type associated with «External Key» protector
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectors(nExternalKeyProtectorType, aExternalKeyProtectorIDs)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectors failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ Get first key protector of the type «Numerical Password» or «External Key», if any
‘ ———————————————————————————-
if strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «» Then
‘ Save first numerical password, if exists
If UBound(aNumericalKeyProtectorIDs) <> -1 Then
strDefaultKeyProtectorID = aNumericalKeyProtectorIDs(0)
End If
‘ No numerical passwords exist, save the first external key
If strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «» and UBound(aExternalKeyProtectorIDs) <> -1 Then
strDefaultKeyProtectorID = aExternalKeyProtectorIDs(0)
End If
‘ Fail case: no recovery key protectors exist.
If strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «» Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: Cannot create backup key package because no recovery passwords or recovery keys exist. Check that BitLocker protection is on for this drive.»
WScript.Echo «For help adding recovery passwords or recovery keys, type «»manage-bde -protectors -add -?»».»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
End If
‘ Get some information about the chosen key protector ID
‘ ———————————————————————————-
‘ is the type valid?
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectorType(strDefaultKeyProtectorID, nDefaultKeyProtectorType)
If Hex(nRC) = «80070057» Then
WScript.Echo «The key protector ID » & strDefaultKeyProtectorID & » is not valid.»
WScript.Echo «This ID value may have been provided by the script writer.»
ElseIf nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectorType failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ what’s a string that can be used to describe it?
strDefaultKeyProtectorType = «»
Select Case nDefaultKeyProtectorType
Case nNumericalKeyProtectorType
strDefaultKeyProtectorType = «recovery password»
Case nExternalKeyProtectorType
strDefaultKeyProtectorType = «recovery key»
Case Else
WScript.Echo «The key protector ID » & strDefaultKeyProtectorID & » does not refer to a valid recovery password or recovery key.»
WScript.Echo «This ID value may have been provided by the script writer.»
End Select
‘ Save the backup key package using the chosen key protector ID
‘ ———————————————————————————-
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyPackage(strDefaultKeyProtectorID, oKeyPackage)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyPackage failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ Validate file path
Set fso = CreateObject(«Scripting.FileSystemObject»)
If (fso.FileExists(strFilePath)) Then
WScript.Echo «The file » & strFilePath & » already exists. Please use a different path.»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
Dim oKeyPackageByte, bKeyPackage
For Each oKeyPackageByte in oKeyPackage
‘WScript.echo «key package byte: » & oKeyPackageByte
bKeyPackage = bKeyPackage & ChrB(oKeyPackageByte)
‘ Save binary data to the file
SaveBinaryDataText strFilePath, bKeyPackage
‘ Display helpful information
‘ ———————————————————————————-
WScript.Echo «The backup key package has been saved to » & strFilePath & «.»
WScript.Echo «IMPORTANT: To use this key package, the » & strDefaultKeyProtectorType & » must also be saved.»
‘ Display the recovery password or a note about saving the recovery key file
If nDefaultKeyProtectorType = nNumericalKeyProtectorType Then
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword(strDefaultKeyProtectorID, sNumericalPassword)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
WScript.Echo «Save this recovery password: » & sNumericalPassword
ElseIf nDefaultKeyProtectorType = nExternalKeyProtectorType Then
WScript.Echo «The saved key file is named » & strDefaultKeyProtectorID & «.BEK»
WScript.Echo «For help re-saving this external key file, type «»manage-bde -protectors -get -?»»»
End If
‘ Utility functions to save binary data
Function SaveBinaryDataText(FileName, ByteArray)
‘Create FileSystemObject object
Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject(«Scripting.FileSystemObject»)
‘Create text stream object
Dim TextStream
Set TextStream = FS.CreateTextFile(FileName)
‘Convert binary data To text And write them To the file
TextStream.Write BinaryToString(ByteArray)
End Function
Function BinaryToString(Binary)
Dim I, S
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
BinaryToString = S
End Function
Bruce Li_China
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Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’ — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘MidB’
User770039553 posted
Hi, we use a VBscript/Classic ASP function to upload attachments to a web application. Since KB3104002 has been implemented this now fails with :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’
Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘MidB’
If the Windows Update is removed then it functions as expected. An example of the line which is failing is below :
vDataBounds = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)
It would look like the MidB function has somehow been removed.
Can anyone advise on a solution to the issue.
Many thanks, Scott
User-823319154 posted
Hi Scott,
It is reported that KB3104002 update may
be the reason that some classic ASP applications may not work correctly.You can try the
or you can uninstall the KB3104002 update.Please let me know if you need any other help.
Best regards,
- Marked as answer by
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 AM
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- Marked as answer by
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 AM
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I am facing an issue in my application throwing an error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’
Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘mid’
strLine = Trim(Mid(strLine, 1, InStr(UCase(strLine), «SINGLE POINT DATA») — 1))
Main function is below
strLine = tstextstreamRead.ReadAll
If cint(intTestId) = 23 Then
strLine2 = Trim(Mid(strLine, InStr(UCase(strLine), "SINGLE POINT DATA") + 1, Len(strLine)))
strLine2 = Trim(Mid(strLine2, InStr(strLine2, "Model Cross-Arrhenius"), Len(strLine2)))
End If
response.write strLine
strLine = Trim(Mid(strLine, 1, InStr(UCase(strLine), "SINGLE POINT DATA") - 1))
When i verified through response.write strline
below i got the data
Sample ID Region :PACIFIC
Request No :tesy
Sample No :12
Company :213
Family :213
Grade :213
Remark :213
Date :7/22/2016
Generic :123
Operator :213
Test Lab :WTC
Test Name :Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT)
Dataset 0
POINTS 26 30.2 1109.998 40.6 1126.961 50.8 1124.916 61.1 1121.716 71.3 1117.909 81.5 1113.674 91.4 1108.76 101.4 1103.019 111.8 1095.211 121.8 1087.404 131.8 1079.681 142.2 1072.674 152 1065.485 162.3 1057.771 172.1 1050.805 182.3 1043.491 193.4 1036.327 203 1029.239 214.1 1022.532 223.6 1015.535 234.6 1008.179 245.1 1000.297 255 993.677 265.6 986.178 275.4 979.918 285.8 973.305
Dataset 50
POINTS 26 30.2 1141.188 40.6 1145.201 50.8 1142.895 61.1 1140.183 71.3 1137.529 81.5 1134.817 91.4 1132.018 101.4 1129.33 111.8 1125.39 121.8 1120.212 131.8 1113.709 142.2 1107.681 152 1101.57 162.3 1095.298 172.1 1089.361 182.3 1083.419 193.4 1077.757 203 1072.34 214.1 1066.657 223.6 1061.414 234.6 1055.779 245.1 1049.333 255 1043.651 265.6 1038.333 275.4 1033.283 285.8 1028.57
Dataset 100
POINTS 26 30.2 1160.699 40.6 1159.695 50.8 1157.533 61.1 1155.299 71.3 1153.075 81.5 1151.028 91.4 1149.093 101.4 1147.7 111.8 1145.902 121.8 1142.99 131.8 1138.733 142.2 1133.957 152 1128.643 162.3 1123.009 172.1 1117.834 182.3 1112.526 193.4 1107.26 203 1102.65 214.1 1097.619 223.6 1093.004 234.6 1086.949 245.1 1082.376 255 1077.455 265.6 1072.812 275.4 1068.752 285.8 1064.607
Dataset 150
POINTS 26 30.2 1174.42 40.6 1172.732 50.8 1170.673 61.1 1168.593 71.3 1166.813 81.5 1165.074 91.4 1163.543 101.4 1162.673 111.8 1161.681 121.8 1160.11 131.8 1157.741 142.2 1154.905 152 1150.866 162.3 1146.22 172.1 1141.382 182.3 1136.381 193.4 1131.774 203 1127.484 214.1 1123.175 223.6 1118.773 234.6 1113.149 245.1 1108.975 255 1104.514 265.6 1100.457 275.4 1096.706 285.8 1093.423
Dataset 200
POINTS 26 30.2 1185.837 40.6 1183.95 50.8 1182.17 61.1 1180.377 71.3 1178.593 81.5 1177.103 91.4 1175.963 101.4 1175.373 111.8 1174.678 121.8 1173.552 131.8 1172.182 142.2 1170.538 152 1168.029 162.3 1164.802 172.1 1160.855 182.3 1156.361 193.4 1152.075 203 1147.987 214.1 1143.934 223.6 1139.92 234.6 1134.884 245.1 1130.755 255 1126.75 265.6 1123.348 275.4 1119.874 285.8 1116.635
Kindly let me know what is the exact problem.
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General discussion
I’ve created a VBScript that aims to change folder share names on a server. This is currently running as a logon script for my test users.
I’ve defined this function:
Private Function intChangeShareName() Dim intPoz1, intPoz2, intIndex Dim strPom intChangeShareName = CONST_NO_CHANGE strActions = strActions & strOldNameShare & vbcrlf strPom = Trim(strOldNameShare) If Left(strPom, 2) <> "" then Exit Function intPoz1 = inStr(3, strPom, "") intPoz2 = inStr(3, strPom, ".") If intPoz2 > 0 Then strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz2 - 3) strDomName = Mid(strPom, intPoz2 + 1, intPoz1 - intPoz2 - 1) Else strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz1 - 3) strDomName = "" End If intIndex = 0 Do while intIndex <= UBound(arrOldSrv) If UCase(strSrvName) = UCase(arrOldSrv(intIndex)) Then If strDomName = "" Then strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex) strNewNameDom = "" intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE End If If UCase(strDomName) = UCase(arrOldDom(intIndex)) Then strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex) strNewNameDom = "." & arrNewDom(intIndex) intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE End If End If intIndex = intIndex + 1 Loop If intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE Then strNewNameShare = "" & strNewNameSrv & strNewNameDom & Mid(strPom, intPoz1) strActions = strActions & "* " & strNewNameShare & vbcrlf blRequireLogoff = True ' Wscript.Echo "a " & strNewNameShare End If End Function
However every time I log in I get the following error: VBScript runtime error — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘Mid’ — Code 800A0005
I don’t see anything wrong with my Mid function, can someone please help me?
- Changed type
Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:59 PM
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Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:59 PM
This is not «fix/debug/rewrite my script for me» forum
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- Remove From My Forums
General discussion
I’ve created a VBScript that aims to change folder share names on a server. This is currently running as a logon script for my test users.
I’ve defined this function:
Private Function intChangeShareName() Dim intPoz1, intPoz2, intIndex Dim strPom intChangeShareName = CONST_NO_CHANGE strActions = strActions & strOldNameShare & vbcrlf strPom = Trim(strOldNameShare) If Left(strPom, 2) <> "" then Exit Function intPoz1 = inStr(3, strPom, "") intPoz2 = inStr(3, strPom, ".") If intPoz2 > 0 Then strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz2 - 3) strDomName = Mid(strPom, intPoz2 + 1, intPoz1 - intPoz2 - 1) Else strSrvName = Mid(strPom, 3, intPoz1 - 3) strDomName = "" End If intIndex = 0 Do while intIndex <= UBound(arrOldSrv) If UCase(strSrvName) = UCase(arrOldSrv(intIndex)) Then If strDomName = "" Then strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex) strNewNameDom = "" intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE End If If UCase(strDomName) = UCase(arrOldDom(intIndex)) Then strNewNameSrv = arrNewSrv(intIndex) strNewNameDom = "." & arrNewDom(intIndex) intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE End If End If intIndex = intIndex + 1 Loop If intChangeShareName = CONST_CHANGE Then strNewNameShare = "" & strNewNameSrv & strNewNameDom & Mid(strPom, intPoz1) strActions = strActions & "* " & strNewNameShare & vbcrlf blRequireLogoff = True ' Wscript.Echo "a " & strNewNameShare End If End Function
However every time I log in I get the following error: VBScript runtime error — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘Mid’ — Code 800A0005
I don’t see anything wrong with my Mid function, can someone please help me?
- Changed type
Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:59 PM
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Thursday, February 2, 2017 7:59 PM
This is not «fix/debug/rewrite my script for me» forum
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set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:output.txt", True) Dim temp, key temp = "mon pass" key = "qswx" temp = Encrypt(temp,key) Function encrypt(Str, key) .......... ...... Next encrypt = Newstr End Function objFile.WriteLine temp 'Error 800A0005 - Invalid procedure call or argument
When i us
WScript.Echo temp
work perfectly
what to do to save the result?
Posted 6-Jun-15 3:51am
malak ivona
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1 solution
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Solution 1
See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17094281/getting-invalid-procedure-call-or-argument-in-vbscript[^]
This is because you have encrypted the value into something that .WriteLine can’t write to the file.
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malak ivona
6-Jun-15 22:19pm
thank you
6-Jun-15 22:20pm
You’re welcome.
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Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’ — Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘MidB’
User770039553 posted
Hi, we use a VBscript/Classic ASP function to upload attachments to a web application. Since KB3104002 has been implemented this now fails with :
Microsoft VBScript runtime error ‘800a0005’
Invalid procedure call or argument: ‘MidB’
If the Windows Update is removed then it functions as expected. An example of the line which is failing is below :
vDataBounds = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)
It would look like the MidB function has somehow been removed.
Can anyone advise on a solution to the issue.
Many thanks, Scott
User-823319154 posted
Hi Scott,
It is reported that KB3104002 update may
be the reason that some classic ASP applications may not work correctly.You can try the
or you can uninstall the KB3104002 update.Please let me know if you need any other help.
Best regards,
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 AM
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Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 AM
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I am trying to export windows 7 bitlocker key package to a file by use the following script (This script from Microsoft), some computer is OK, but on some computers, it was failed, the error message is:
Script: D:GetBitLockerKeyPackage.vbs
Line: 236
Char: 3
Error: Invalid procedure call or argument
Code: 800A0005
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Here is the script, could you please help me?
‘ The following sample script exports a new key package from an unlocked, encrypted volume.
‘ To run this script, start by saving the code into a VBS file (for example, GetBitLockerKeyPackage.vbs). ‘ Then, open an administrator command prompt and use “cscript” to run the saved file (for example, type «cscript GetBitLockerKeyPackage.vbs
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Usage
‘ ———————————————————————————
Sub ShowUsage
Wscript.Echo «USAGE: GetBitLockerKeyPackage [VolumeLetter/DriveLetter:] [Path To Saved Key Package]»
Wscript.Echo «Example: GetBitLockerKeyPackage C: E:bitlocker-backup-key-package»
End Sub
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Parse Arguments
‘ ———————————————————————————
Set args = WScript.Arguments
Select Case args.Count
Case 2
If args(0) = «/?» Or args(0) = «-?» Then
strDriveLetter = args(0)
strFilePath = args(1)
End If
Case Else
End Select
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Other Inputs
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Target computer name
‘ Use «.» to connect to the local computer
strComputerName = «.»
‘ Default key protector ID to use. Specify «» to let the script choose.
strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «»
‘ strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «{001298E0-870E-4BA0-A2FF-FC74758D5720}» ‘ sample
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Connect to the BitLocker WMI provider class
‘ ———————————————————————————
strConnectionStr = «winmgmts:» _
& «{impersonationLevel=impersonate,authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}!\» _
& strComputerName _
& «rootcimv2SecurityMicrosoftVolumeEncryption»
On Error Resume Next ‘handle permission errors
Set objWMIService = GetObject(strConnectionStr)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «Failed to connect to the BitLocker interface (Error 0x» & Hex(Err.Number) & «).»
Wscript.Echo «Ensure that you are running with administrative privileges.»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strQuery = «Select * from Win32_EncryptableVolume where DriveLetter='» & strDriveLetter & «‘»
Set colTargetVolumes = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery)
If colTargetVolumes.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: Unable to find BitLocker-capable drive » & strDriveLetter & » on computer » & strComputerName & «.»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ there should only be one volume found
For Each objFoundVolume in colTargetVolumes
set objVolume = objFoundVolume
‘ objVolume is now our found BitLocker-capable disk volume
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Perform BitLocker WMI provider functionality
‘ ———————————————————————————
‘ Collect all possible valid key protector ID’s that can be used to get the package
‘ ———————————————————————————-
nNumericalKeyProtectorType = 3 ‘ type associated with «Numerical Password» protector
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectors(nNumericalKeyProtectorType, aNumericalKeyProtectorIDs)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectors failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
nExternalKeyProtectorType = 2 ‘ type associated with «External Key» protector
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectors(nExternalKeyProtectorType, aExternalKeyProtectorIDs)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectors failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ Get first key protector of the type «Numerical Password» or «External Key», if any
‘ ———————————————————————————-
if strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «» Then
‘ Save first numerical password, if exists
If UBound(aNumericalKeyProtectorIDs) <> -1 Then
strDefaultKeyProtectorID = aNumericalKeyProtectorIDs(0)
End If
‘ No numerical passwords exist, save the first external key
If strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «» and UBound(aExternalKeyProtectorIDs) <> -1 Then
strDefaultKeyProtectorID = aExternalKeyProtectorIDs(0)
End If
‘ Fail case: no recovery key protectors exist.
If strDefaultKeyProtectorID = «» Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: Cannot create backup key package because no recovery passwords or recovery keys exist. Check that BitLocker protection is on for this drive.»
WScript.Echo «For help adding recovery passwords or recovery keys, type «»manage-bde -protectors -add -?»».»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
End If
‘ Get some information about the chosen key protector ID
‘ ———————————————————————————-
‘ is the type valid?
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectorType(strDefaultKeyProtectorID, nDefaultKeyProtectorType)
If Hex(nRC) = «80070057» Then
WScript.Echo «The key protector ID » & strDefaultKeyProtectorID & » is not valid.»
WScript.Echo «This ID value may have been provided by the script writer.»
ElseIf nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectorType failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ what’s a string that can be used to describe it?
strDefaultKeyProtectorType = «»
Select Case nDefaultKeyProtectorType
Case nNumericalKeyProtectorType
strDefaultKeyProtectorType = «recovery password»
Case nExternalKeyProtectorType
strDefaultKeyProtectorType = «recovery key»
Case Else
WScript.Echo «The key protector ID » & strDefaultKeyProtectorID & » does not refer to a valid recovery password or recovery key.»
WScript.Echo «This ID value may have been provided by the script writer.»
End Select
‘ Save the backup key package using the chosen key protector ID
‘ ———————————————————————————-
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyPackage(strDefaultKeyProtectorID, oKeyPackage)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyPackage failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
‘ Validate file path
Set fso = CreateObject(«Scripting.FileSystemObject»)
If (fso.FileExists(strFilePath)) Then
WScript.Echo «The file » & strFilePath & » already exists. Please use a different path.»
WScript.Quit -1
End If
Dim oKeyPackageByte, bKeyPackage
For Each oKeyPackageByte in oKeyPackage
‘WScript.echo «key package byte: » & oKeyPackageByte
bKeyPackage = bKeyPackage & ChrB(oKeyPackageByte)
‘ Save binary data to the file
SaveBinaryDataText strFilePath, bKeyPackage
‘ Display helpful information
‘ ———————————————————————————-
WScript.Echo «The backup key package has been saved to » & strFilePath & «.»
WScript.Echo «IMPORTANT: To use this key package, the » & strDefaultKeyProtectorType & » must also be saved.»
‘ Display the recovery password or a note about saving the recovery key file
If nDefaultKeyProtectorType = nNumericalKeyProtectorType Then
nRC = objVolume.GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword(strDefaultKeyProtectorID, sNumericalPassword)
If nRC <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo «FAILURE: GetKeyProtectorNumericalPassword failed with return code 0x» & Hex(nRC)
WScript.Quit -1
End If
WScript.Echo «Save this recovery password: » & sNumericalPassword
ElseIf nDefaultKeyProtectorType = nExternalKeyProtectorType Then
WScript.Echo «The saved key file is named » & strDefaultKeyProtectorID & «.BEK»
WScript.Echo «For help re-saving this external key file, type «»manage-bde -protectors -get -?»»»
End If
‘ Utility functions to save binary data
Function SaveBinaryDataText(FileName, ByteArray)
‘Create FileSystemObject object
Dim FS: Set FS = CreateObject(«Scripting.FileSystemObject»)
‘Create text stream object
Dim TextStream
Set TextStream = FS.CreateTextFile(FileName)
‘Convert binary data To text And write them To the file
TextStream.Write BinaryToString(ByteArray)
End Function
Function BinaryToString(Binary)
Dim I, S
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
BinaryToString = S
End Function
Bruce Li_China