Ошибки heidenhain 530

background image















4.12 Список всех появляющихся

сообщений об ошибках


С помощью этой функции можете высвечивать перекрывающее

окно, содержащее все появляющиеся сообщения об ошибках.

УЧПУ показывает как ошибки из ЧУ так и ошибки, выдаваемые

производителем станков.

Указание списка ошибок

Как только появится как минимум одно сообщение об ошибках,

можно указывать список на дисплее:


Указание списка: Клавишу ERR нажать


С помощью клавишей со стрелкой можете избрать

одно из появившихся сообщений об ошибках


С помощью клаовиши CE или клавиши DEL

удаляете то сообщение об ошибках из

перекрывающего окна, которое в данный момент

избрано. Если появилось только это одно

сообщение об ошибках, одновременно

закрываете окно


Закрытие перекрывающего окна: Клавишу ERR

повторно нажать Появившиеся сообщения об

ошибках сохраняются в памяти

Вызов системы помощи TNCguide

С помощью Softkey можно вызывать систему помощи УЧПУ. Пока

оператор получает в системе помощи те же самые объяснения

ошибок, как и при нажатии на клавшиу ПОМОЩЬ.


Вызов помощи для сообщений об ошибках



Если имеется, можно вызывать помощь

относительно специфических сообщений об

ошибках станка

Параллельно к списку ошибок можете высвечивать

соответственный текст помощи в отдельном окне:

Клавишу HELP нажать.

Если производитель станков предоставляет свою

систему помощи, тогда УЧПУ показывает

дополнительную Softkey ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЬ

СТАНКОВ, с помощью которой вызвается эта система

помощи. Там можно найти дальнейшую, подробную

информацию о появившемся сообщении об ошибках.

  • Ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530
  • Ошибки HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530
  • Вызов системы помощи TNCguide
  • Руководство пользователя HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 на русском
  • Программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530
  • HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 ввод в эксплуатацию
  • HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 параметры
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт и программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530


Ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530Компания «Кернел» производит ремонт ЧПУ с 2002 года. За это время мы накопили колоссальный опыт в том числе опыт в ремонте ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 известного производителя из Германии. Ремонт подобной промышленной электроники ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и полной материально-технической базе.

Ремонт ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в производится как в сервисном центре, так и с выездом специалиста на территорию заказчика. ITNC 530 является крайне сложной промышленной электроникой соответственно ремонт ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 можно доверить только настоящим профессионалам своего дела с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении.

Все специалисты нашего сервисного центра имеют высшее техническое образование, огромный опыт и максимально полную материальную базу включая новейшее высокотехнологичное диагностическое оборудование благодаря чему ремонт ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в проходит максимально эффективно.

Ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530Инженеры сервисного центра уделяют значительное внимание к качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке ЧПУ, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на ремонт ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 и замененные в процессе ремонта компоненты шесть месяцев.

Особое внимание заслуживает тот факт, что ремонт ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

Если на вашем производстве появились проблемы с ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Обращайтесь в сервисный центр «Кернел». Специалисты нашей компании в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику и последующий ремонт ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в . Оставьте заявку на ремонт ЧПУ используя форму на сайте.


Ошибки HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530Система ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 отображает сообщения об ошибках автоматически, в том числе в случае:

  • Неверных операций ввода;
  • Логических ошибок в программе;
  • Невыполнимых элементах контура;
  • Применении измерительного щупа, не соответствующего предписаниям.

Сообщение об ошибке, содержащее номер кадра программы, было обусловлено этим или предыдущим кадром. Сообщение об ошибке ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 удаляются с помощью клавиши CE после устранения причины ошибки. Сообщения об ошибках, ведущих к остановке работы ЧПУ, необходимо квитировать кнопкой END. После этого ЧПУ перезагружается.

Более полную информацию к появившемуся сообщению об ошибке можно получить, нажав клавишу HELP. Тогда система ЧПУ активирует окно, в котором описана причина ошибки и процедура ее устранения.

Сообщение об ошибке ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530

С помощью функции индикации списка ошибок можно отобразить окно перехода, в котором ЧПУ выводит все появляющиеся сообщения об ошибках. Система отображает как ошибки ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530, так и ошибки, выдаваемые производителем станков.

Функция индикации списка ошибок

Параллельно со списком ошибок в отдельном окне можно также отобразить соответствующий текст помощи: нажмите клавишу HELP.




Номер ошибки (-1: номер ошибки не определен), назначенный фирмой HEIDENHAIN или производителем станка


Класс ошибки. Определяет, каким образом система ЧПУ обрабатывает данную ошибку:


Класс комплексных ошибок для ошибок, у которых в зависимости от состояния станка или активного режима работы инициируются различные отклики на ошибки)


Деактивация подачи


Прерывание отработки программы (STIB



Отработка программы прерывается



Срабатывание аварийного выключателя


Система ЧПУ выполняет быстрый перезапуск


Предупредительное сообщение, выполнение программы продолжается


Информационное сообщение, выполнение программы продолжается


Группа. Определяет, из какой части программного обеспечения операционной системы было сформировано сообщение об ошибке





Сообщение об ошибке

Текст ошибки, отображаемый системой ЧПУ

Вызов системы помощи TNCguide

С помощью Softkey можно вызывать систему помощи ЧПУ. В системе помощи незамедлительно появляется то же самое пояснение к ошибке, что и при нажатии клавиши HELP.

Если производитель станка также предоставляет систему помощи, то ЧПУ HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 активирует дополнительную Softkey, с помощью которой можно вызывать эту специальную систему помощи. В ней содержится дальнейшая, более детальная информация о появившейся ошибке.

Вызов системы помощи TNCguide

Устранение причины ошибки и ее сброс на станке оснащенным системой ЧПУ позволит в кратчайшие сроки возобновить работу. К сожалению не все ошибки можно исправить самостоятельно, некоторые ошибки HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 возможно исправить только в специализированных сервисных центрах.

Руководство пользователя HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 на русском

Скачать документацию, HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 руководство пользователя на русском языке

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Скачать руководство пользователя «Диалог открытым текстом HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530» на русском языке

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Программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530

Программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530На ряду с ремонтом, специалисты сервисного центра «Кернел» выполняют программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в и настройку параметров системы ЧПУ. Подобную услугу мы оказываем не только на территории сервисного центра, также инженер компании может выполнить программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 на территории заказчика.

Настройка параметров, параметрирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 является заключительным звеном в процессе ремонта ЧПУ и требует профессионального подхода. Именно финальный этап, то есть программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 наглядно покажет качество выполненного ремонта.

К слову, мы уделяем особое внимание качеству и смело даем гарантию на все выполненные ремонтно-восстановительные работы шесть месяцев, гарантия так же распространяется на запасные части, которые были заменены в процессе ремонта.

Хочется обратить внимание на то, что мы стараемся провести ремонт и параметрирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в максимально сжатые сроки, тем самым минимизируем простой дорогостоящего промышленного оборудования.

HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 ввод в эксплуатацию

Ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530Инженеры сервисного центра «Кернел» не только выполняют качественный ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 и программирование ЧПУ. Так же мы предоставляем услугу запуска в эксплуатацию оборудования от стадии проектирования до выпуска первой продукции.

Именно этап запуска в эксплуатацию HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 отвечает за долгий и безаварийный процесс работы промышленного оборудования, тем самым позволяя получить максимальную прибыль и сэкономить на незапланированном ремонте.

По-настоящему качественный ввод в эксплуатацию HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 может выполнить только высококвалифицированный специалист с богатым опытом работы в данном направлении. Найти подобного специалиста достаточно сложно, но, если вы обращаетесь в наш сервисный центр вам не придется об этом думать.

В нашей команде работают исключительно профессионалы своего дела, а за время существования нашей компании мы ввели в эксплуатацию не одну сотню систем ЧПУ в том числе и HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530, с каждым разом получая и накапливая драгоценный опыт.

HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 параметры

Контурная система управления iTNC 530 фирмы HEIDENHAIN содержит различные компоненты, которые можно комбинировать в зависимости от поставленных задач.

iTNC 530


Основной компьютер

MC 420

MC 422 C

MC 422 C с 2 процессорами

Блок управления цифровыми приводами

CC 422

CC 422 , CC 424 B


TE 530 B, TE 520 B, TE 535 Q


BF 150



Станочный пульт

MB 420 (у TE 535 Q встроенная клавиатура)

Модули входов-выходов PLC

PL 510, PL 550 (в сочетании с опцией PROFIBUS)

Электронные маховички

HR 410, HR 420, HR 130, HR 150

Измерительные щупы

PL 220, PL 440, PL 444, PL 640, TS 740, TT 140, TL

Промышленный ПК

IPC 6110

Основной компьютер MC 420 и MC 422 C

Ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530Основной компьютер MC 420 включает в себя:

  • Процессор;
  • ОЗУ с объемом памяти 512 MБ;
  • PLC;
  • Интерфейс для подключения блока управления приводами CC 4xx;
  • Интерфейс для подключения панелей управления и дисплея;
  • Интерфейс для подключения маховичка и измерительного щупа;
  • Другие интерфейсы (расширение разъемов PLC, Ethernet, USB, V.24/RS-232-C, V.11/RS-422) Отдельно заказываются;
  • Жесткий диск HDR с ПО ЧПУ;
  • SIK-модуль (System Identifi cation Key — ключ аутентификации пользователя системы) для активации контуров регулирования и опций ПО.

Подача напряжения на основной компьютер обеспечивается блоком питания через блок управления цифровыми приводами CC 42x. Основной компьютер МС 420 поставляется с 5 входами для подключения датчиков обратной связи. Дополнительно он может быть снабжен опциями программного обеспечения. У модели МС 420 возможно использование максимум 6 контуров регулирования.

  • Входы для датчиков обратной связи — 5 x 1 VSS или EnDat1
  • Реком. блок упр. цифровыми приводами — CC 422 с 6 входами для датчиков скорости вращения.
  • Процессор HEROS — Celeron 400 MГц
  • Рассеиваемая мощность — < 30 Вт
  • Масса — 4,2 кг

Основной компьютер MC 420:

Ремонт HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530Основной компьютер MC 422 C поставляется с 10 или 5 входами для подключения датчиков положения или без этих входов.

Исполнение без входов подключения датчиков обратной связи предназначено для блока CC 424 B. У модели MC 422 C возможно использование максимум 15 контуров регулирования.

Модель MC 422 C может быть поставлена с двумя процессорами и ПО Windows XP. При этом, необходимо учитывать следующее:

  • Работа однопроцессорной версии MC 422 C возможна при наличии у ЧПУ программного обеспечения версии 340 490-02 или 340 491-02 и соответственно пакета обновления Servicepack SP5.
  • Работа двухпроцессорной версии MC 422 C возможна при наличии у ЧПУ — программного обеспечения 340 492-04 или 340 493-04и соответственно пакета обновления Servicepack SP

MC 422C 1-процессорная версия

Входы для линейных датчиков

без входов

5 x 1 VSS или EnDat 2.1

10 x 1 VSS или EnDat 2.1

Реком. блок упр. циф- ровыми приводами

CC 424B

CC 422 с 6 входами для датчиков скорости вра- щения

CC 422 с 10/1 входами для датчиков скорости вращения

Процессор HEROS

Pentium III 800 MГц

Рассеиваемая мощ- ность

< 34 Вт


4,3 кг

4,5 кг

4,7 кг





MC 422 C двухпроцессорная версия с Windows XP

Входы для линейных датчиков

без входов

5 x 1 VSS или EnDat 2.1

10 x 1 VSS или EnDat 2.1

Реком. блок упр. цифровыми приводами

CC 424B

CC 422 с 6 входами для датчиков скорости вращения

CC 422 с 10/1 входами для датчиков скорости вращения

Процессор HEROS

Windows XP

Pentium III 800 MГц Pentium M 1,8 ГГц

Рассеиваемая мощность

< 36 Вт


4,8 кг

5,0 кг

5,2 кг


ID со встроенным интерфейсом PROFIBUS







Наличие опций позволяет впоследствии доводить производительность iTNC 530 до уровня фактиеских потребностей.

Однопроцессорная версия MC 422 C поставляется также с урезанной версией ПО, без опции 2 (смотри лицензию ПО NC). Впоследствии ее можно подключить.

Оставить заявку на ремонт и программирование HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530

Оставить заявку на ремонт или программирования HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в можно с помощью специальной формы, которая вызывается нажатием одноименной кнопки в верхней части страницы. Все вопросы, связанные с ремонтом HEIDENHAIN ITNC 530 в вы можете задать нашим менеджерам. Связаться с ними можно несколькими способами:

Наши контакты

  • Заказав обратный звонок (кнопка в правом нижнем углу сайта)
  • Посредством чата (кнопка расположена с левой стороны сайта)
  • Позвонив по номеру телефона:
    • +7(8482) 79-78-54;
    • +7(8482) 55-96-39;
    • +7(917) 121-53-01
  • Написав на электронную почту: 89171215301@mail.ru

Вот далеко не полный список производителей промышленной электроники и оборудования, ремонтируемой в нашей компании.


Classification of

Depending on the gravity and the priority of the error message, the iTNC may trigger different

error messages

reactions following the error message acknowledgment.

Different iTNC

Display only


No reaction of iTNC/drives

Error message can be reset with CE key

iTNC operation still possible

Additional information via HELP key

NC stop

iTNC carries out an NC stop

Axes are braked at the nominal value characteristic

Error message can be reset with CE key

iTNC operation still possible

Additional information via HELP key

EMERGENCY STOP (Emergency-stop button or hardware limit switch)

Deceleration of axes at current limit

Error message can be reset with CE key

iTNC operation still possible

Additional information via HELP key

Output «Control is ready» is reset

Deceleration of axes at current limit

Error message can be reset with CE key

Some errors necessitate another reference-mark traverse for the problem axis

iTNC operation still possible

Additional information via HELP key

Blinking error message (red window) with Reset

iTNC keyboard disabled

Deceleration of axes at current limit

Reset error message with END BLOCK key or main On/Off switch

All axes must be referenced

Operating-system error message (white letters on black background) with Reset


Deceleration of axes at current limit

iTNC keyboard disabled

Reset error message with END BLOCK key or main On/Off switch

All axes must be referenced

Context sensitive

In the event of errors that do not affect the function of the iTNC keyboard the service engineer


has the possibility of pressing the HELP key to obtain context sensitive help.

I.e. the iTNC displays error cause and possiblecorrective action together with the error


This type of support may also be realized for PLC error messages by the machine tool builder.

List of error

The error messages are listed in alphabetical order:


July 2002

2 – 17

HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 Service Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. HEIDENHAIN Manuals
  4. Power Tool
  6. Service manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530

Summary of Contents for HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530

  • Page 1
    Service Manual iTNC 530 July 2010…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    9.3 For Error Diagnosis ………………….98 10 Integrated Oscilloscope………………… 99 10.1 Introduction ……………………. 99 10.2 Activation and Settings………………..100 10.3 Recording and Adjusting the Signals …………….. 105 10.4 Saving and Loading Recordings…………….. 110 July 2010 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 4
    11.6.2 Analog inputs ………………..148 11.6.3 Inputs for thermistors ………………148 11.6.4 PLC outputs ………………… 149 12 Hard Disk and File Manager of the iTNC 530 …………..151 12.1 Introduction ………………….. 151 12.2 Structure of the Hard Disk………………152 12.3 Possible Causes of Error ………………. 152 12.4 Test of Hard Disk …………………
  • Page 5
    15.3 Execution up to NC Software 34049x-01 (Single and Dual Processor Version) ..221 15.4 Execution as of NC Software 34049x-02 (Single-Processor Version)……223 15.5 Execution as of NC Software 34049x-02 (Dual-Processor Version) ……226 16 Checking the Enables on the iTNC 530 …………….229 16.1 Introduction ………………….. 229 16.2 Examination ………………….. 232 16.2.1 Checking the «Control is ready»…
  • Page 6
    20.1.6 Troubleshooting: Interchanging PWM outputs on the CC 424 (B) ….336 20.1.7 Troubleshooting: Interchanging power modules or output stages of the same type ………………….339 20.1.8 Troubleshooting: Interchanging the HEIDENHAIN interface boards for the SIMODRIVE 611 system …………….342 20.1.9 Corrective action ………………..343 20.2 Analog Speed Command Interface …………….
  • Page 7
    25.6 Deselecting and Disconnecting the Touch Probe…………426 25.7 Corrective Action ………………….. 427 26 Important Features of HEIDENHAIN Components …………429 26.1 HEIDENHAIN Components in a Machine Tool …………429 26.2 Hardware Identification ………………… 430 26.3 Display of Important System Information…………..443 27 Connector Designation and Layout …………….
  • Page 8
    30.4.14 Machining and Program Run …………….. 627 30.4.15 Hardware ………………….. 634 30.4.16 Second spindle ………………..643 1 Annex: Principle of Function of the iTNC 530 Control………… 645 1.1 Introduction ……………………. 645 1.2 The Control Loop………………….645 1.3 PWM Signals………………….. 654 2 Annex: Principle of Function of the iTNC 530 Control…………
  • Page 9
    3.3.9 I t monitoring ………………… 676 3.3.10 Actual utilization of drive motors …………..681 3.3.11 Status of HEIDENHAIN inverters …………..682 3.3.12 Controlling the motor brakes …………….684 3.3.13 EMERGENCY STOP monitoring during operation ……….. 687 July 2010 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 10
    HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 11: How To Use This Service Manual

    Note Basic knowledge in Windows is required for some descriptions in this Service Manual concerning the handling of the dual-processor control iTNC 530 and the use of a service laptop or PC. July 2010 1 – 11…

  • Page 12: Other Service Manuals

    Manual, or on the HEIDENHAIN website (www.heidenhain.de). Service Training HEIDENHAIN Traunreut offers service training courses in German language. We recommend the HEIDENHAIN Service Training Seminars for iTNC 530 for the technician who works with this Service Manual. Please contact HEIDENHAIN Traunreut or visit our website (www.heidenhain.de).

  • Page 13: Meaning Of The Symbols Used In This Manual

    Meaning of the Symbols Used in this Manual DANGER Failure to comply with this information could result in most serious or fatal injuries, and/or in substantial material damage. Caution Failure to comply with this information could result in injuries and interruptions of operation, including material damage.

  • Page 14
    1 – 14 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 15: Safety Precautions

    Safety Precautions Overview Ground DANGER Ensure that the equipment grounding conductor is continuous! Interruptions in the equipment grounding conductor may cause damage to persons or property. Zero potential DANGER Ensure that the main switch of the control is switched off and that connected devices are not under power when you engage or disengage any connectors or terminals.

  • Page 16
    EMERGENCY STOP button of the machine is pressed. Liability Caution HEIDENHAIN does not accept any responsibility for indirect or direct damage caused to persons or property through incorrect use or operation of the machine! 2 – 16 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 17: Code Numbers

    Note The machine manufacturer can define own MP and PLC code numbers. In this event the HEIDENHAIN code numbers do not function any longer, or only function to a limited extent. —> Contact your machine manufacturer! July 2010…

  • Page 18: Input Of Code Numbers

    When you have finished your work, reset all previously entered code numbers: Enter the code number 0 and press ENT to confirm. Press END to exit the code-number page. Note All key codes are reset when the control is restarted. 3 – 18 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 19
    As long as the machine parameter list is in the editor, no further code number can be Additional entered. First close the MP editor if you want to enter a new code number notes After you have entered the code number for the machine parameters the PLC tree can be seen in the program manager.
  • Page 20
    3 – 20 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 21: Error Messages

    HEIDENHAIN defines how the control reacts to an NC error message (NC Stop, EMERGENCY STOP, etc.) HEIDENHAIN defines whether the control can still be operated or has to be rebooted after an NC error message. If you have any questions, please contact your machine manufacturer and/or HEIDENHAIN.

  • Page 22
    Error messages that require a rebooting of the control … are displayed in a red or gray window (depending on the NC software version) in the center of the screen. are made known through a plain-language message. Figure: Red error window 4 – 22 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 23
    Figure: Gray error window July 2010 4 – 23…
  • Page 24
    In the event of serious NC software errors or PLC error messages especially defined for this service files purpose service files are generated automatically. See “Creating and Downloading of Service Files” on page 7 – 77. 4 – 24 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 25: Help Key

    HELP Key Display help texts for error messages (If you press this key again, the window will close.) If the service technician presses the HELP key a window is shown that describes the cause of error and possibilities of corrective action in addition to the displayed error message. This support can also be realized for PLC error messages by the machine manufacturer! Figure: HELP window Note…

  • Page 26: Err Key

    If your machine still features an old keyboard without an ERR key over the HELP key, press the respective «space key» over the HELP key. —> If the NC software of the iTNC 530 supports the function of the ERR key, it can also be used to call the ERR list! 4 –…

  • Page 27
    The columns in the ERR window have the following meanings: Column Description Error number (–1: no error number defined), issued by HEIDENHAIN or your Number machine tool builder Error class. Defines the reaction of the control: Class ERROR Program run is interrupted by the iTNC…
  • Page 28: Ce Key

    The control must be rebooted.—> Press the END key. If this does not work —> Switch the power switch of the machine off and wait for several seconds before you switch it on again. 4 – 28 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 29: List Of Nc Error Messages

    TNCguide DVD in several languages and sorted by error numbers. This TNCguide information is also available on our website —> www.heidenhain.de/… This is the official list of NC error messages which contains all possible errors of HEIDENHAIN controls that operate with the HeROS operating system.

  • Page 30
    Check the braking resistor. Replace the power supply unit. See “Status of HEIDENHAIN inverters” on See Service Manual Inverter Systems and page 3 – 682. Motors. 8092 Pos. contr. MC is outputting erroneous cycle time for Check machine parameter 7600.x.
  • Page 31
    (cause = vertical RDY inactive Check the wiring of the inverter. axis). <axis> See “Status of HEIDENHAIN inverters” on See Service Manual Inverter Systems and page 3 – 682. Motors. 8810 Signal LT- Inverter switch-off during closed-loop Check the PLC program.
  • Page 32
    Check the wiring of the emergency-stop missing drive enabling via I32. loop. enabling (I32) %.2s See “Checking the global drive enable I32, connector X42 / pin 33” on page 16 – 239. 4 – 32 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 33
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual 8A40 Enabling of Because of missing drive enabling for axis Check the connector on X150/X151 for groups (X150/X151), the drive cannot be correct fit.
  • Page 34
    See “Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 293. See “Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 293. See Service Manual Inverter Systems and See Service Manual Inverter Systems and Motors. Motors. 4 – 34 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 35
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual 8B40 No drive Inverter is not ready for operation. Check the activation and wiring of the pulse release.
  • Page 36
    Motor defective (short circuit, ground fault) Motor control board defective See “Sequence for Finding Errors in the Control Loop” on page 6 – 62. See Service Manual Inverter Systems and Motors. 4 – 36 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 37
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual 8BD0 Excessive The following error of a moving axis is Reduce the feed rate and increase the greater than the value given in machine spindle speed.
  • Page 38
    %.2s (position) Noise on the encoder signal Check the encoder. Check the input frequency of the encoder signal. See “Further Examination of Position and Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 308. 4 – 38 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 39
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual B900 CC%d The Vcc supply voltage (x) was out of range. Measure supply voltage Vcc (x). supply voltage %d +4 = Undervoltage Vcc (+5 V) Vcc (+5 V) <…
  • Page 40
    Motor encoder cable is defective. Exchange the motor drive control board. Motor control board is defective. See “Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 293 See “Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 293 4 – 40 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 41
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual C330 Motor temp. Measured motor temperature is too high. Let the motor cool down. too high %.2s No temperature sensor Check the motor encoder cable.
  • Page 42
    Exchange the motor drive control board. EnDat communication error Check speed encoder cable (defective or too long). Check speed encoder. Check the grounding and shielding of the cable. See “Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 293. 4 – 42 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 43
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual C400 Line count Line count from the motor table does not Check machine parameter match the downloaded values.
  • Page 44
    %.2s unequal Inform your service agency. rotary encoder with EnDat interface. ENDAT See “Encoder Interface” on page 18 – 277. See “Encoder Interface” on page 18 – 277. 4 – 44 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 45
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual Operating This error message is displayed if the Enter new operating parameters. machine parameters are deleted and the parameters PLC program is missing.
  • Page 46
    Inform your service agency. defective. %X <axis> The error codes have the following meanings: 001 Light source defective 010 Signal amplitude too low 100 Position value incorrect See “Encoder Interface” on page 18 – 277. 4 – 46 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 47
    If «Control is ready“ output is defective —> X34 is not powered with 24 V Replace MC (See “Exchange of «Control is ready» output of MC 320 HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – defective. 523). See “Checking the Enables on the iTNC 530”…
  • Page 48
    MC and CC are compared the error message with CE. not equal CC cyclically. If the values remain unequal for longer than 500 ms, a Stop 1 is released. 4 – 48 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 49
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual MC frequency too The maximum input frequency was Check encoder signal input frequency. exceeded at an encoder input.
  • Page 50
    OEM.SYS file (keyword: Configuration IOCCFG= / PROFIBUSCFG=) or this file error could not be found. Profibus: Access to the Profibus master board is not Inform your service agency. possible. PCI hardware error 4 – 50 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 51
    Error message Possible cause of error Measures for error diagnosis and/or corrective action Additional information and descriptions in Additional information and descriptions in the manual the manual Program Data transmission was interrupted with the Transfer the program again. <END> key. incomplete Processor 1 The temperature sensor on processor 1…
  • Page 52
    If «Control is ready“ output is defective —> X34 is not powered with 24 V Replace MC (See “Exchange of «Control is ready» output of MC 320 HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – defective. 523). See “Checking the Enables on the iTNC 530”…
  • Page 53
    MC is defective —> within the receiving range of a SE; the Replace MC (See “Exchange of infrared signals cannot be allocated any HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – more; faulty operation. 523). Interface to touch probe or transmitter/ See “Touch Probe”…
  • Page 54
    Insufficient There are too many NC software versions Delete NC programs that are no longer on the control. required. system memory See “Reloading the NC Software Used” on page 14 – 209. 4 – 54 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 55: Errors Patterns

    (short circuit, etc.) The control does not boot Hard disk defective Exchange MC or HDR or See “Exchange of drive assembly. HEIDENHAIN completely (error messages Components” on page 28 related to the booting – 523. procedure may be displayed).

  • Page 56
    The message RELAY EMERGENCY STOP chain Check output «Control is See “Checking the interrupted ready» and Enables on the iTNC 530” EXTERNAL DC VOLTAGE acknowledgment I3 on page 16 – 229. MISSING does not disappear, 24 V power supply although the key CONTROL (connector) X34 missing VOLTAGE ON is pressed.
  • Page 57
    6 – 72. connected with loud noises your machine Connectors on grounding See “Exchange of manufacturer. terminal X131 of infeed/ HEIDENHAIN regenerative module Ensure that all grounding Components in the (Simodrive 611D) not clamps are secure. SIMODRIVE System” on properly wired page 28 –…
  • Page 58
    The axes cannot be Drive release missing Check the releases. See “Checking the Enables on the iTNC 530” traversed and the red LEDs on page 16 – 229. SH2 of all HEIDENHAIN drive modules light up (or…
  • Page 59: Procedures And Tips For Error Diagnosis

    The following systematic procedures have proven themselves for error diagnosis at a machine tool. The modifications are described in the following section: Note Make use of the extensive diagnosis options of iTNC 530! Diagnostic possibility Description in this manual Integrated drive diagnosis See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag”…

  • Page 60: Sequence For Finding Serious Electrical Errors

    Error messages, such as Leakage current in UV 1xx or Overcurrent cutoff Scorch marks and/or burnt smell Destroyed units Note For detailed descriptions on how to find ground faults /short circuits on HEIDENHAIN drives, refer to the Service Manual ”Inverter Systems and Motors”. 6 – 60 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 61
    Flowchart Sequence for finding serious electrical errors Switch off the main switch of the machine and take precautions against resetting Ensure that the primary voltage connector and the dc-link are free of potential Check the motors and the cables for ground fault or short circuit Ground fault or short circuit…
  • Page 62: Sequence For Finding Errors In The Control Loop

    Note If you need information on lubrication, mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, brakes, coupling system, please contact your machine manufacturer! The integrated oscilloscope for iTNC 530 is a handy tool for analyzing errors in the control loop. Integrated oscilloscope Activation and operation —> See “Integrated Oscilloscope” on page 10 – 99.

  • Page 63
    Check control, e.g.: Interface to the drives, interface to the measuring systems Replace defective control or Control and faulty encoders or connected devices okay? defective cables Call the machine tool builder or a HEIDENHAIN service agency July 2010 6 – 63…
  • Page 64
    (power modules, etc.) first. Note For detailed descriptions of how to examine HEIDENHAIN drives, refer to the Service Manual ”Inverter Systems and Motors”. The mentioned error messages and errors in the control loop can also be caused by…
  • Page 65: Error Localization By Process Of Interchange

    Interchanging PWM interfaces —> See “Digital PWM Interface” on page 20 – 323. Interchanging expansion boards —> See “Troubleshooting: Interchanging the HEIDENHAIN interface boards for the SIMODRIVE 611 system” on page 20 – 342. Interchanging inverters, motors —> See «Service Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors».

  • Page 66: Error Localization By Process Of Exclusion

    Sequentially deselect the axes or disconnect the devices and deselect them in the NC software! Note If you intend to use the exclusion method for the tool changer, chip conveyor, Profibus modules, etc., contact your machine manufacturer! 6 – 66 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 67
    Flowchart Deselecting an axis Switch off the machine. Disconnect the position encoder, the speed encoder and the PWM interface of the axis concerned. Press the EMERGENCY STOP button and switch on the machine. Do not acknowledge the Power interrupted message but call the MP list. In MP 100, you can see at which location the axis concerned is defined.
  • Page 68: Finding Position Differences Of Direct And Indirect Encoder

    Make the following settings: Use a NC program which moves the X-axis back and forth several times. (Ask the machine operator.) Start the program and start oscilloscope recording. Stop recording and adjust the signals. 6 – 68 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 69
    There are peaks in the Pos.Diff. signal when the direction is changed during braking and acceleration. Between the rotary encoder in the motor and the scanning head at the table there are coupling systems (belts, gears, couplings) and the mechanics (recirculating ball nut, guideways, etc.) The machine at which the recording was made features a belt drive.
  • Page 70: Error Localization By Switching From Direct To Indirect Position Measurement

    With direct position measurement, couplings and transmission systems (belts, gears, etc.), ball Direct position screw with recirculating ball nut, guideways are within the control loop. measurement Deteriorations of these components may have a negative effect on the control loop. 6 – 70 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 71
    With indirect position measurement, couplings and transmission systems (belts, gears, etc.), Indirect position ball screw with recirculating ball nut, guideways are outside the control loop. measurement See ”Position Measurement via Motor Encoder (Indirect Position Measurement)” on page 18 – Flowchart 311.
  • Page 72: Notes And Tips

    Moisture inside devices? Scorch marks / burnt smell? If identical machines or devices are available, you can compare the functions. Comparison with functioning This can be very helpful for troubleshooting! machines or devices 6 – 72 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 73
    Caution If HEIDENHAIN expansion boards are used for the SIMODRIVE system, please check whether the grounding is implemented as prescribed. —> See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components in the SIMODRIVE System” on page 28 – 554.
  • Page 74
    For cables in metallic ducting, adequate decoupling can be achieved by using a grounded separation shield. The cross section of potential compensating lines is at least 6 mm Genuine HEIDENHAIN cables, connectors and couplings are used. Cover plates are available for the ribbon cables. Note Contact the machine manufacturer if these conditions are not fulfilled! Pay special attention to contaminated units (oil, grease, dust, etc.)!
  • Page 75
    Use the appropriate equipment to measure, whether the temperature is exceeded. Temperature What could be the reason? Some examples: Climate control unit in electrical cabinet defective Clogged filter pads Defective fan Motors and inverters overloaded Defective temperature sensors Unfavorable mounting of components DANGER The permissible ambient temperature during operation is 0 °C to 40 °C.
  • Page 76
    6 – 76 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 77: Creating And Downloading Of Service Files

    Service files can be created as of NC software version 340 49x-04. Files selected by HEIDENHAIN and the machine manufacturer are thus stored in a ZIP file. The selected files can be located on the TNC as well as on the PLC partition.

  • Page 78: Automatic Generation Of Service Files

    Figure: A service file is created automatically in the event of a serious error Manual Generation of Service Files Service files are created automatically at any time: Press the ERR key. Press the SAVE SERVICE FILES soft key. Figure: Service file is generated manually 7 – 78 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 79: Downloading Of Service Files

    Downloading of Service Files If service files were created automatically or manually on the control, they can be downloaded with TNCremoNT: Connect the control to the laptop/PC with TNCremoNT. Open the path TNC:service on the hard disk of the control. Download the service file: With the current program TNCremoNT it is also possible to create and download service files directly from the laptop/PC:…

  • Page 80
    If the customer does not wish the milling program to be forwarded, it can be removed from the Service.zip file. 7 – 80 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 81: Log

    Introduction The log serves as a troubleshooting aid. There are 4 MB of process memory available for this purpose. Error messages and keystrokes are recorded in a process memory. When the code number LOGBOOK is entered and the soft key EXECUTE is pressed, log entries are copied from the process memory into an ASCII file on the control’s hard disk and are displayed.

  • Page 82: Calling The Log

    The log can be read out directly from the PC/laptop with the software tool TNCremoNT from HEIDENHAIN. The code number LOGBOOK has not to be entered on the control. The local time on the control and the PC/laptop should be identical! 8 –…

  • Page 83: Overview Of Log Entries

    Overview of Log Entries Entry Description RESET Restart the control. Error messages P —> PLC error message with line number in the PLC error text file N —> NC error message with number Power fail interrupt ! —> Control was switched off by a POWERFAIL Result of the file system test: If the control is not properly shut down, the file system is checked…

  • Page 84
    LSV2 protocol For testing all LSV-2 telegrams can be entered in the log. After entering the code word LOGBOOK, this function must be enabled with the LSV-2 TELEGRAM OFF/ON soft key. 8 – 84 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 85
    If the control is accessed via LSV2 protocol, the IP address of the external unit is entered in Entry of IP addition to the entry REMO A_LG. addresses Figure: Entry of IP address of accessing unit (laptop/PC) in the log The IP address is shown in hexadecimal notation and can be converted to decimal notation as follows: The first two HEX digits from the left represent the first 3-digit decimal number of the IP address;…
  • Page 86
    The code 00 06 in the second line means END PGM, M02 (Siehe “Overview of Log Entries” on page 8 – 83). INFO: MAIN PGMEND Information about the program end in conversational format. 8 – 86 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 87: Log Entries At Program Cancelation

    Log Entries at Program Cancelation If an NC program is not exited properly but aborted ahead of time due to an error, additional information is entered in the log: Path and name of the aborted NC program Line number of the NC program at program abortion ACTUAL position at program abortion Offset values with reference to the machine datum (preset) Set datum shift, if available…

  • Page 88
    This display always refers to the datum of the tool holder. To determine the REF position of the tool tip, the tool length still has to be subtracted (-15.6720 — 120.0000 = — 135.6720). 8 – 88 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 89: Integrated Diagnostic Functions And Drivediag

    Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag Introduction The iTNC 530 features numerous diagnostic functions for finding errors. These diagnostic functions provide information on: Operating states and signals; for this purpose, traffic light symbols (red, yellow, green) are used. Voltage values Current values…

  • Page 90: Activation And Operation

    Pressing the MOD key while the program manager is open calls the interface settings. Press the MOD key. Press the DIAGNOSIS soft key. Press the DRIVE DIAGNOSIS soft key. —> A new window opens: 9 – 90 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 91
    Press the GOTO key. —> A selection window opens. Selecting the supply device Select the inverter used on the machine. Note To ensure that all information of the selected inverter are made available for the diagnostic functions, exit the diagnosis completely and open it again. —> All pages will be refreshed. July 2010 9 –…
  • Page 92
    OSCI soft key. —> See “Integrated Oscilloscope” on page 10 – 99. Figure: DSP diagnosis, first page Note Use the PAGE soft key to move between both DSP diagnosis pages. Figure: DSP diagnosis, second page 9 – 92 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 93
    Figure: ADC diagnosis Figure: Test of position encoder Press the END soft key to leave the individual pages and the drive diagnosis. July 2010 9 – 93…
  • Page 94
    Press the MOD key. Press the DIAGNOSIS soft key. Press the DRIVE DIAGNOSIS soft key. —> A new window opens: Note The DRIVE DIAGNOSIS soft key is only visible until the Power interrupted is confirmed. 9 – 94 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 95
    The motor data for the selected motor is displayed from the motor table. If a HEIDENHAIN motor with an electronic ID label is connected, a display of the information stored in the ID label appears.
  • Page 96
    Press the DRIVE DIAGNOSIS soft key. Press the DRIVEDIAG soft key. —> A new window (in addition to the window for the machine operating modes and the window for the programming modes) is opened: 9 – 96 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 97
    You can open and close the tree structure on the left side of theDriveDiag window with the How to operate arrow keys. DriveDiag Navigation is also effected with the arrow keys or a mouse. Press ENT to activate the box to the right, and END to activate the box to the left. Fig: DriveDiag with open tree structure Note We recommend to use the mouse to navigate in DriveDiag.
  • Page 98: For Error Diagnosis

    For Error Diagnosis The use of the intetgrated diagnostic functions or of DriveDiag for error diagnosis is described in the respective chapters of this Service Manual. 9 – 98 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 99: Integrated Oscilloscope

    10 Integrated Oscilloscope 10.1 Introduction The iTNC 530 features an integrated oscilloscope This oscilloscope has six channels, of which no more than four can be used for signals from the current and speed controller. If more than four channels are to be displayed from the current and speed controller, the error message Channel <number>…

  • Page 100: Activation And Settings

    The integrated oscilloscope can also be called by entering the code number 688379. Use the arrow keys to position the cursor to the respective input fields. Press the GOTO key to open one of the selection windows. 10 – 100 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 101
    Use the cursor to select a value and confirm it with the ENT key. Select the desired setting or choose the circular interpolation test. Mode of operation Chronological depiction of the channels (function of the time) X/Y graph of two channels CIRC: Circular form test Set the time interval for recording the signals.
  • Page 102
    Feed rate F min] Signal A of the position encoder CC 422: xxxxxx-xx Position: A CC 424: 34049x-03 Signal B of the position encoder CC 422: xxxxxx-xx Position: B CC 424: 34049x-03 10 – 102 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 103
    Motor: B only with CC 424 Axis-specific signal with additional input field. 34049x-04 CC DIAG Contact your machine manufacturer or a HEIDENHAIN only with CC 424 service agency. Note The current signals in the integrated oscilloscope, when using the controller unit CC 422, are shown as peak values, when using the controller unit CC 424 as effective values.
  • Page 104
    If the trigger condition is fulfilled before the corresponding number of grid points has been stored in case the pre-trigger is set to 25, 50, 75 or 100%, then correspondingly fewer grid points are recorded. 10 – 104 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 105: Recording And Adjusting The Signals

    10.3 Recording and Adjusting the Signals Press the OSCI soft key. Press the START soft key. The selected signals are recorded continuously. After recording ends, the memory contents are displayed. You can stop the recording anytime by hand with the STOP soft key. Note The oscillogram remains stored until you start a new recording.

  • Page 106
    The result is an optimally visible oscilloscope display: 10 – 106 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 107
    Now you can spread the time axis: Horizontal resolution Switch to the next soft-key row. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to place the cursor 1 on a horizontal position of the recording. This position serves as anchor for time spreading. Use the following soft keys: Display larger detail of the time axis (up to entire image) Display smaller detail of the time axis…
  • Page 108
    Signal amplitude at position of cursor 1 Position of cursor 2 in [s], related to cursor 1 (time difference) Signal amplitude at position of cursor 2, related to signal amplitude at position of cursor 1 10 – 108 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 109
    See “Pre-trigger” on page 104. Specific for pre-triggering Note If the trigger condition is fulfilled before the corresponding number of grid points has been stored in case the pre-trigger is set to 25, 50, 75 or 100%, then correspondingly fewer grid points are recorded.
  • Page 110: Saving And Loading Recordings

    10.4 Saving and Loading Recordings You can save recorded oscillograms together with the related settings to files on the hard disk of the iTNC 530. The files must have the extension *.DTA. Record an oscillogram. Exit the oscillogram by pressing the END soft key. —> You return to the setup screen for the integrated oscilloscope.

  • Page 111: For Error Diagnosis

    10.5 For Error Diagnosis 10.5.1 Triggering on error marker With the integrated oscilloscope you can record the following error markers (defined by HEIDENHAIN): M 4177 (erasable error message) M 4178 (error message that causes an external EMERGENCY STOP) Note It is also possible to trigger on the error markers defined by the OEM that are documented in the PLC error table (e.g., M4812).

  • Page 112
    An overload generates an I2T error message on the machine, which in turn generates an EMERGENCY STOP. The error marker M 4178 changes from zero to one. On the time axis, 75 % before the error event are displayed. 10 – 112 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 113: Circular Interpolation Test

    The integrated circular interpolation test with the mounted encoders (e.g., scales) does not serve to test the geometry of the machine! Here additional measuring equipment (e.g., KGM grid encoder from HEIDENHAIN) is required. Choose the CIRC operating mode in the oscilloscope.

  • Page 114: Descriptions In This Manual

    You can run the circular interpolation test at different positions, at different speeds and with different radii! 10.5.3 Descriptions in this manual The use of the integrated oscilloscope for error diagnosis is described in the respective chapters of this Service Manual. 10 – 114 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 115: Plc Diagnosis

    PLC is a generic term from control technology and is the abbreviation of: Definition of PLC Programmable Logic Controller (programmable control). The PLC is an integral part of a HEIDENHAIN control and is therefore referred to as Integral PLC. Adaptation of different machine types to HEIDENHAIN controls…

  • Page 116
    Only when the permissible PLC utilization is superseded, the error message PLC: time out —> Contact your machine manufacturer! The range of non-volatile PLC markers and words (or bytes) 11 – 116 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 117
    From the PLC main menu you can use soft keys to access the following PLC functions: PLC functions of the main menu Soft key Function Description in this manual Edit the file located in RAM memory. Call the diagnostic functions. See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag”…
  • Page 118: Possible Causes Of Errors

    The shielding of the bus is connected to each electrical cabinet. Result: Compensating currents Fault in the PROFIBUS Additionally for the use of PROFIBUS Fault in a bus (e.g. ASI bus) connected to the PROFIBUS Terminating resistors missing at the ends 11 – 118 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 119: Diagnosis Tools In The Plc Mode

    11.3 Diagnosis Tools in the PLC Mode iTNC 530 provides comprehensive PLC diagnosis options. Call the PLC mode. —> See “Calling the PLC mode” on page 11 – 115. Note Since the PLC program was written by the machine manufacturer, PLC diagnosis often requires his support.

  • Page 120
    At the terminals (X3) of the machine operating panel At the terminals (X3, X4, X5, X6) of the PL 4xxB input/output unit At the terminals (X4, X5) of the input/output module PLD 16-8 11 – 120 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 121
    Note If the HEIDENHAIN test adapter is available, you can connect it between the connectors X42 and X45 of the MC to measure the voltage level of the input to be checked. —> See “Measuring circuit with test adapter for PLC inputs and outputs on the MC” on page 11 –…
  • Page 122
    — Cable or connector defective — Fault in the bus, etc. The input on the control component (MB, UEC, PLB, PLD) is okay. The defect is located in the electrical cabinet or the machine tool. 11 – 122 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 123
    Note If the HEIDENHAIN test adapter is available, you can connect it between the connectors X41 and X46 of the MC to measure the voltage level of the input to be checked. —> See “Measuring circuit with test adapter for PLC inputs and outputs on the MC” on page 11 –…
  • Page 124
    PLC inputs and outputs on the MC DANGER Do not engage or disengage any connecting elements while the machine is under power! X41: PLC output X42: PLC input X46: Machine operating panel 11 – 124 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 125: The Logic Diagram

    11.3.2 The LOGIC diagram With the LOGIC DIAGRAM function, the time course of the dynamic change of PLC operands (M, I, O, T, C) can be displayed. Soft key to call the LOGIC DIAGRAM function. Call Display selection table. Selecting the operands In the displayed table the desired operands can be selected.

  • Page 126
    The distance of two narrow bars in the upper line describes the duration of one PLC cycle. According to this, the distance of two thicker bars describes the duration of 5 PLC cycles. 11 – 126 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 127
    After having recorded a LOGIC DIAGRAM, you can save it on the hard disk of the control: Saving the LOGIC DIAGRAM Press this soft key. recording Confirm with the ENT key. —> The logic diagram is saved under PLC:TRCSAVE.A. A saved LOGIC DIAGRAM recording can be called again: Calling the LOGIC DIAGRAM Press this soft key.
  • Page 128: The Trace Function

    Each cyclically executed command of the STL is identified with a C or an S if it is a Submit program part. Evaluate the PLC program parts in the TRACE mode together with the machine tool builder! Evaluation 11 – 128 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 129: The Watch List Function

    11.3.4 The WATCH LIST function The WATCH LIST function enables you to create a table of different operands whose states are then displayed altogether. Soft key to call the WATCH LIST function. Call You have called the WATCH LIST. Selecting symbolic operands in the Press the SYMBOL LIST soft key to open a list box with all local and global operands used in the PLC program.

  • Page 130
    Press the PGMMGT key. —> The program management is opened. Place the cursor in path PLC:DEBUG on the saved WATCH LIST file (e.g., Watch123.wlt). Press the ENT key. —> The file is called in the WATCH LIST function. 11 – 130 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 131: The I / O — Force List

    11.3.5 The I / O — FORCE LIST This diagnosis function exists as of NC software 340490-xx (with programming surface smarT.NC), Independently of the currently running PLC program and the status of the hardware, the PLC inputs and outputs can be set or reset via the I/O-FORCE LIST. DANGER The I/O-FORCE LIST can overrule safety-relevant monitoring operations in the PLC program!

  • Page 132
    As a precaution all PLC operands in the I/O FORCE LIST with the DELETE LINE. Exit the function I/O FORCE LIST with the END soft key. Exit the PLC mode. As a precaution, restart the control! 11 – 132 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 133: Profibus Diagnosis

    11.3.6 PROFIBUS diagnosis The iTNC 530 also cooperates with PROFIBUS components. The MC must feature a PROFIBUS interface board. PROFIBUS components are available from HEIDENHAIN or other manufacturers. The machine manufacturer configures the PROFIBUS system. The described PROFIBUS diagnosis may facilitate troubleshooting.

  • Page 134
    Place the cursor on the desired level. Press the FIND soft key. —> The iTNC 530 opens a small window above the soft-key row in which you type the name you want to find. Enter the name or the beginning of the name of the PROFIBUS component. —> The cursor jumps to the first component with this name.
  • Page 135
    All these files are saved in the path PLC:PROFIBUS. For analysis of a PROFIBUS error this file is read out from the control by the TNCremoNT and are sent to your machine manufacturer or to a HEIDENHAIN service agency. July 2010…
  • Page 136: Non-Volatile Plc Markers And Words

    Press this soft key. —> A default area is displayed. Note The iTNC 530 enters the maximum defined area of the non-volatile PLC markes and words (e.g., B0 … B127, M0 … M999) automatically. This range can be changed after prior consultation with the machine manufacturer.

  • Page 137
    Scroll through the soft-key row. Call the TABLE function. Scroll through the soft-key row. Press this soft key. —> The iTNC 530 offers the path and file name PLC:PLCMEM.A. (If the remanent PLC markers and words were stored in another file, the file name must be indicated here.)
  • Page 138: Overviews

    11.5 Overviews The following tables are excerpts from the iTNC 530 Technical Manual of May 2009. A list of PLC operands with brief description in English and German (GLB_NC_de.DEF, Overview of GLB_NC_en.DEF) is available on the control under PLC:JH. markers…

  • Page 139
    Operand Description Reset As of SW vers. 4053 Probing process has been completed or canceled 4054 Battery voltage too low (battery warning at touch probe connection); Not supported evaluated only during the probing process as of 340 422-03, 340 480-03 4055 Enable the probing process 4056…
  • Page 140
    Error from Python script with EM. STOP active 4213 Error from Python script with NC Cancel active 340 49x-04 4220 Error from PET table with F stop active 4221 Error from PET table with NC stop active 11 – 140 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 141
    Operand Description Reset As of SW vers. 4222 Error from PET table with EM. STOP active 4223 Error from PET table with NC Cancel active 340 422-10, 340 480-10 4225 Activate alternative error reaction 340 49x-04 4227 PLC error message with priority 0 (error) 340 422-10, 340 480-10 4228…
  • Page 142
    340 480-09 4665 Spindle stop on HR 420 340 422-09, 340 480-09 4666 + key on HR 420 340 422-09, 340 480-09 4667 Key – on HR 420 340 422-09, 340 480-09 11 – 142 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 143
    Operand Description Reset As of SW vers. 4668 CTRL key on HR 420 340 422-09, 340 480-09 4670 Potentiometer on HR 420/ HR 5×0 active 340 49x-05 4680 Disable activation of the HR 420/ HR 5×0 340 49x-04 4753 Write errors from PLC modules in the PLC log 340 422-09, 340 480-09 4754…
  • Page 144
    Nominal position for spindle orientation Max. feed rate from PLC [mm/min] NC/PLC Maximum possible spindle speed NC/PLC Alternative control input variable for AFC NC/PLC 34049x-04 % function for feed-rate override for free rotation 11 – 144 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 145
    Operand Description Reset As of SW vers. Programmed rotational speed or rotational speed from the NC/PLC NC/PLC –1 PLC [0.001 min Offset in tilting axes touch probe center offset [1/10 000°] Percentage for spindle override (PLC to NC) NC/PLC NC/PLC Percentage for feed-rate override (PLC to NC) NC/PLC NC/PLC…
  • Page 146
    –2 147 483 647 to +2 147 483 647 String S0 to S99 Note 1 byte = 8 bits 1 word = 2 bytes = 16 bits 1 double word = 2 words = 4 bytes = 32 bits 11 – 146 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 147: Specifications

    If the machine manufacturer uses the basic modules PLB 511 or PLB 512, you can find the address ranges in the circuit diagrams of the machine. If you have any questions, contact the machine manufacturer or a HEIDENHAIN service agency.

  • Page 148: Analog Inputs

    0.1 °C (MC 42x (B/C)) 0.5 °C (PL 410B) 0.03 °C (PLA 4-4) Which thermistor input is located on which pin of the connector? —> See “Connector Designation and Layout” on page 27 – 447! 11 – 148 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 149: Plc Outputs

    Note The transmission of output states of handwheels and PLC input/output units (expansion cards) is performed with HEIDENHAIN serial data transmission busses on the connectors X23 and X47. On the X41 and X46 connectors, each output has its own wire.

  • Page 150
    11 – 150 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 151: Hard Disk And File Manager Of The Itnc 530

    12 Hard Disk and File Manager of the iTNC 530 12.1 Introduction The TNC data and PLC data are located on the hard disk of the iTNC 530 as well as the the complete NC software including setup files is located here.

  • Page 152: Structure Of The Hard Disk

    To view the PLC partition, the code number 807667 must be entered. SYS: System-specific data: The complete NC software including setup files is located here (NC dialogs, HEIDENHAIN cycles, etc.) and the HeROS operating system (HEIDENHAIN Real Time Operating System). A daily password is required to open the SYS partition. Caution…

  • Page 153: Test Of Hard Disk

    Additional and more comprehensive tests can only be performed at HEIDENHAIN agencies! Caution Do not use your own hard-disk test or repair programs! Data recovery at HEIDENHAIN or a specialized company could thereby become more difficult or even impossible. July 2010 12 – 153…

  • Page 154
    This test does not check the SYS partition. The SYS partition is checked each time the control is switched on. The result is transferred to the log. Click OK or press the ENT key. —> The control reboots! 12 – 154 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 155
    Figure: Excerpt from the log with faulty files after checking the file system If faulty files or clusters are detected, you should replace the hard disk. —> Contact the machine manufacturer or a HEIDENHAIN service agency! July 2010 12 – 155…
  • Page 156
    Hard disk test on the HeROS level: If the NC software does not boot again completely, hard disk tests can also be perforemed on the HeROS level (HEIDENHAIN Real Time Operating System). If possible: Move the machine to its basic position.
  • Page 157
    First close all programs in Windows before you activate the test programs. This also applies to the iTNC application! Changes in Windows may influence the function of the control! HEIDENHAIN cannot guarantee the function of Windows applications! You can use the following test routine: If possible: Move the machine to its basic position.
  • Page 158
    If errors are detected, you should replace the hard disk. —> Contact the machine manufacturer or a HEIDENHAIN service agency! Note The same test can also be performed with the Windows Command Prompt and the command chkdsk, e.g. chkdsk C:. 12 – 158 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 159: Setting The System Time

    12.5 Setting the System Time With the single- NC software versions as of 340 49x-03: processor control Select the Programming and Editing operating mode. Press the MOD key. If required, switch to the next soft-key row. Press the softkey. —> The following window opens: Set the date, the time (local time) and the time zone.

  • Page 160
    NC software versions less than 340 49x-03: The setting of the system time to the second is only explained in the HEIDENHAIN service courses. If necessary, contact the HEIDENHAIN helpline! The machine parameter MP 7235 is active. The difference of local time to distance time is entered here.
  • Page 161
    The system time of dual-processor controls is set by means of the Windows clock. With the dual- processor control control Note To set the Windows clock, you require certain local administrator rights in Windows. Contact your machine tool builder. Click on the time display in the Windows task bar (usually at the buttom right corner).
  • Page 162: Setting The Program Manager

    Select a setting and confirm with the ENT key. Leave the setting page with the END soft key or the END key. Note Descriptions in this iTNC 530 Service Manual use the program manager with the setting Enhanced 1. 12 – 162…

  • Page 163: File Management Of Tnc Partition

    TNC partition Call the Program Management. Figure: Program management of iTNC 530 The directory structure is displayed on the left. the associated files are listed on the right. With the +/- key or with ENTER you can open and close subdirectories.

  • Page 164
    This file has dependent files (see User’s Manual) Date on which file was last changed Date Time at which the file was last changed Time Note Refer to the iTNC 530 User’s Manual for detailed information about file management! 12 – 164 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 165: File Management Of Plc Partition

    All other PLC files can still be read but cannot be edited any more. Call the Program Management. Figure: Program management of iTNC 530 The directory structure is displayed on the left, the associated files are listed on the right.

  • Page 166
    If you cannot find certain files although the cursor is placed in the correct directory, a file types filter may be active. The filter setting is displayed above the file list, for example PLC:*.PLC To remove this filter use the soft keys SELECT TYPE —> SHOW ALL. 12 – 166 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 167
    This file has dependent files (see User’s Manual) Date on which file was last changed Date Time at which the file was last changed Time Note Refer to the iTNC 530 User’s Manual for detailed information about file management! July 2010 12 – 167…
  • Page 168
    12 – 168 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 169: Data Backup

    You should always back up the original machine parameters before you make any changes to the settings of the machine. This can be done on the hard disk of the iTNC 530 without having to transfer data to an external medium.

  • Page 170
    The figure shows the correct default setting in the TNCremoNT configuration: Note The data of a iTNC 530 are archived externally in the defined ASCII format as the BINARY format on the control can be changed, e.g., after an NC software update.
  • Page 171
    It is possible that the machine manufacturer has activated the following soft key on the Protection from iTNC 530. data tampering Before data are read from or written to the control’s hard disk, such an action must be approved. Press the MOD key and subsequently the soft key EXTERNAL ACCESS ON/OFF.
  • Page 172: Connection Setup

    Here, it is of no importance, whether the connected Ethernet cable is crossed or non- crossed. On the single-processor control, the Ethernet interface is managed by the HEIDENHAIN Management of the operating system HeROS. The settings of the Ethernet interface can be interrogated via the…

  • Page 173
    For laptops with Windows XP it is recommended to adapt the Ethernet settings on the laptop («alternate configuration»). Otherwise, a new Ethernet setting can also be made at the iTNC 530 without having to overwrite the original setting (code number NET123 / soft key DEFINE NET / soft key INSERT LINE).
  • Page 174
    (DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)! You require a fixed IP address. —> Define this accordingly! Enter an IP address. Note We recommend using the IP address of the iTNC 530 and increasing the last place by one. Example: Address of the iTNC 530: Address of the laptops:…
  • Page 175
    Adjusting Ethernet If you want to adapt the iTNC 530 to your laptop: settings on the Write down the IP address and subnet mask of your laptop: control In the prompt enter, e.g. the ipconfig command (or you enter the winipcfg command, depending on the Windows version).
  • Page 176
    Enter the code number NET123 on the control and press the soft key DEFINE NET. The following display appears up to NC software version 34049x-04: The following display appears as of NC software version 34049x-05: 13 – 176 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 177
    We recommend using the IP address of the laptop and increasing the last place by one. Example: Address of the laptop Address of the iTNC 530 Enter the same subnet mask as that of your laptop. Note If the message Protected file! appears while entering the new settings, the write protection for the file ip4.n00 must be disabled:…
  • Page 178
    We recommend using the IP address of the laptop and increasing the last place by one. Example: Address of the laptop Address of the iTNC 530 Enter the same subnet mask as that of your laptop. Confirm by clicking OK in the window Configuring an interface.
  • Page 179
    Start the HEIDENHAIN data transfer program TNCremoNT. TNCremoNT Click this icon to open the configuration windows. (Can also be called via Extras / Configuration ..) Now click on Connection and select Ethernet (TCP/IP). Subsequently, click on Settings and enter the IP address of the control.
  • Page 180
    Press ENTER to confirm. —> If the connection works, the control will respond! If the Ethernet card does not function, a timeout message is displayed. Figure: Pinging from the laptop to the control successful 13 – 180 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 181
    10 Mbit network After having finished data back-up and separated the connection, do not forget to restore the Restoring original original network settings of your laptop or of the iTNC 530! settings On the laptop: Activate the original settings with the «General» button on the laptop with Windows XP or enter the original setting noted down and press ENTER to confirm.
  • Page 182: Via Serial Interface Rs-232-C Or Rs-422

    A crossed serial data transfer cable («null-modem cable») for the connection of laptop and D-sub connector on the electrical cabinet (HEIDENHAIN adapter block). Possible configurations, also for direct connection of the laptop to the iTNC 530. —> See “Cable Overview” on page 13 – 200.

  • Page 183
    Note The iTNC 530 recognizes automatically when the LSV-2 protocol is used (e.g., data transfer with TNCremoNT). A setting in the line Operating mode is not necessary! Start the HEIDENHAIN data transfer program TNCremoNT.
  • Page 184
    If the following error message is displayed during connection establishment, … … the external access to the control is not permitted! In this case press the MOD key and subsequently the EXTERNAL ACCESS ON/OFF soft key in order to permit access. 13 – 184 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 185: Via Usb

    13.2.3 Via USB At least NC software version 34049x-02 with feature content level L2 on the iTNC 530. Requirements A USB device (e.g. USB stick) with the following characteristics: USB 1.1 FAT or VFAT file system or per ISO 9660 Current consumption below 0.5 A (otherwise a separate power supply is required)

  • Page 186: Reading In And Out Of Individual Files Or Directories

    —> See “Connection Setup” on page 13 – 172. Transferring data to the USB flash drive Caution Use the dual-window concept also on the iTNC 530 processor control with Windows when transferring control data to a USB stick. Only then the required BINARY-to-ASCII data conversion is ensured. Note To change to the PLC partition you must have entered the PLC code number before.

  • Page 187
    Place the cursor on the new directory. Press the WINDOW soft key (switch to next soft-key row). —> The display changes to the dual-window concept: Place the cursor in the right half on the directory, subdirectory or file you wish to transfer. Note Press the soft keys PATH and FILES to activate the respective view.
  • Page 188
    Transferring data from the USB flash drive Caution Use thedual-window conceptalso on the iTNC 530 processor control with Windows when transferring control data from a USB stick to the control. Only then the required ASCII-to-BINARY data conversion is ensured. Note To change to the PLC partition you must have entered the PLC code number before.
  • Page 189
    Press the soft key COPY DIR. or COPY ABC -> XYZ. Press the EXECUTE soft key and confirm further interrogations. —> The directory with the entire contents or the individual file is transferred from the USB stick to the control. Press the WINDOW soft key (switch to next soft-key row).
  • Page 190
    Create folder or select File / Create folder … from the menu. In the lower screen half (iTNC 530 contents), select the source drive and the source directory: Click the bar with the drive information. —> Its color changes from gray to blue, and two buttons appear at the right side in the bar.
  • Page 191
    Note During downloading the data format is automatically converted from BINARY (control) to ASCII (laptop/PC) via TNCremoNT. In the lower screen half (iTNC 530 contents), select the target drive and the target directory: Reading in data using TNCremoNT Click the bar with the drive information. —> Its color changes from gray to blue, and two buttons appear at the right side in the bar.
  • Page 192: Backup On An External Data Medium

    Avoid long path and file names! The file name should not be longer than 25 characters; do not use more than 256 characters in total. Double-click the newly created folder. —> It appears in the blue bar. In the lower screen half (iTNC 530 contents), select the source drive: Selecting the control partition Click the bar with the drive information.

  • Page 193
    The backup should have an identifying name (for example the machine number). Note HEIDENHAIN recommends to create separate archives for the TNC partition (customer data) and the PLC partition (data of the machine tool builder). As long as no changes are made to the machine (modifications, NC software updates, etc.) the data in the PLC archive are up-to-date.
  • Page 194
    Enter an identifiying name for the backup file in the File name, e.g., machine Hugo PLC data. Start the data transfer with save. The following window appears: When the backup is finished, this window is closed. You can now close the TNCbackup window. 13 – 194 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 195
    Check on your laptop, whether there are two files with the extensions *.BCK and *.LST. Caution The backup is only complete and can be restored at a later date, if both files are available: *.BCK: backup file with the files in compressed format *.LST: reference list containing the directories and the files Separate the connection.
  • Page 196: Extracting Files From The Backup File

    Do not save changes regarding the blue ticks. Caution If your store the set marks your *.LST file after extraction, only the marked files of this backup will be restored in a later process! 13 – 196 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 197: Restoring Data

    — —> See “Extracting Files from the Backup File” on page 13 – 196. Set up a connection to iTNC 530 via TNCremoNT. Connection setup —> See “Connection Setup” on page 13 – 172.

  • Page 198
    When restoring is finished, this window is closed. You can now close the TNCbackup window. Separate the connection. Close the TNCremoNT window. Restart the control after successfully restoring the machine backup (reboot). Now the machine should operate as usual. 13 – 198 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 199
    Note The network settings of the control should be saved. They can be found under PLC:NET … Move the cursor to the corresponding filed, press the soft keys AUX. FUNCTIONS and PROTECT. A P is shown in the status column for «protected». Note After restoring the machine backup and subsequently booting the control, the following problem can occur with older NC software versions:…
  • Page 200: Cable Overview

    («crossover cable»). Note Mark your Ethernet cable as «crossed» in order to avoid confusion. If you establish the connection via your local network (intranet), normally use a non-crossed Ethernet cable (patch cable). 13 – 200 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 201: Rs-232-C (V.24)

    13.7.2 RS-232-C (V.24) Note The RS-232-C has different pin layouts at the iTNC 530 (connector X27, X127) and at the RS-232-C adapter block (D-sub connector on electrical cabinet). Exception: The cable with the ID 366964-xx may be connected to the 9-pin adapter block or directly to the control.

  • Page 202
    D-sub adapter connector 25-pin Adapts female to male D-sub adapter connector 9-pin Adapts female to male Adapter RS -232-C to USB For laptops or PCs without RS -232-C interface, but with USB interface 13 – 202 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 203
    D-sub adapter connector 25-pin To test the data transfer lines; display by LEDs D-sub adapter connector 25-pin To cross the data transfer lines D-sub adapter connector Adapts 25-pin connector to 9-pin connector Background: The adapter block RS -232-C on the electrical cabinet usually has a 25-pin connector, the COM interface on the laptop usually a 9-pin connector.
  • Page 204: V.11)

    You find detailed information on cables and cable layouts for serial data transfer in the help menu of TNCremoNT under the catchword «Cable assembly». Caution For data transfer via RS-232-C or RS-422 HEIDENHAIN recommends using an «Opto Bridge». This serial adapter connector ensures metallic isolation via optocoupler and can thus protect the serial interface against overvoltage, different load potentials and interference voltages on the ground lines.

  • Page 205: Operating Modes Of The Data Interfaces

    13.8.1 Overview of operating modes The iTNC can be set for data transfer according to the following interface operating modes: For connection of the HEIDENHAIN floppy-disk unit FE 401B or other peripheral units. This operating mode is supported by TNCRemoNT.

  • Page 206: Interface Configuration And Assignment Of Mode

    Confirm with ENT. Use END to exit the interface settings. Note The iTNC 530 recognizes automatically when the LSV-2 protocol is used (e.g., data transfer with TNCremoNT). It is not necessary to set the line Operating mode! 13 – 206…

  • Page 207: Drive Symbols

    13.9 Drive Symbols The different drives are shown in the program management of the HEIDENHAIN control: RS-232-C: V.24 data interface (X27) RS-422: V.11 data interface (X28) TNC: TNC partition (user data) PLC: PLC partition (machine data via code number) Depending on the operating mode, a symbol is displayed next to the external drive symbol:…

  • Page 208
    13 – 208 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 209: Reloading The Nc Software Used

    14 Reloading the NC Software Used 14.1 Introduction It can be helpful for servicing to reload the NC software used on the machine on the iTNC 530 if data of the SYS partition were lost. For example: HEIDENHAIN cycles were lost.

  • Page 210: Proceeding Up To Nc Software 34049X-02 (Single-Processor Version)

    You may only activate the NC software currently used by the machine! A change to another NC software version is not described in this Service Manual and must only be made in agreement with the machine manufacturer. Press the SELECT soft key. 14 – 210 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 211
    Confirm your selection with the YES soft key. Note If now the error message Not enough space on SYS: is generated, packed NC software versions must be deleted from the SYS partition. This is done in the mentioned selection window with the DELETE soft key. Ask the machine manufacturer which NC software versions may be deleted! The control activates the selected NC software again and performs a reset.
  • Page 212: Proceeding As Of Nc Software 34049X-02 (Single-Processor Version)

    A change to another NC software version is not described in this Service Manual and must only be made in agreement with the machine manufacturer. Press the SELECT soft key. Confirm your selection with the YES soft key. 14 – 212 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 213
    The control now displays the iTNC530 Software Update menu. Select a language and confirm the following questions by pressing ENT or by mouse click. —> The NC software is loading. Note If now the error message Not enough space on SYS: is generated, packed NC software versions and service packs must be deleted from the SYS partition.
  • Page 214
    If a service pack was active on the machine (what you have noted down), you must now load it in the same way as the NC software before. Check the NC software version incl. related Service Pack. —> Press the MOD key. Finally, check the machine functions! 14 – 214 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 215: Proceeding For The Dual-Processor Version

    A change to another NC software version is not described in this Service Manual and must only be made in agreement with the machine manufacturer. Caution With the dual-processor version of the iTNC 530 as of NC software 34049x-02, NC software is installed with Windows. A corresponding Windows authorization is required.

  • Page 216
    Before a new installation under Windows, please always close all other applications. This also applies for the HEIDENHAIN NC software! In this case you do not have to stop the NC software via the control panel manually as this is made automatically by the update procedure.
  • Page 217
    When the NC software has been successfully installed, the following message is displayed: Click OK. —> The control reboots! If a service pack was active on the machine (what you have noted down), you must now load it in the same way as the NC software before. Check the NC software version incl.
  • Page 218
    14 – 218 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 219: Loading Of Service Packs

    As of NC software 340 490-02, this is checked during the installation of a service pack, and a message will be displayed if an error is found. If a service pack is installed on the iTNC 530, a corresponding message is shown after the Display on control is booted (before confirming the the Power interrupted message).

  • Page 220: Preparations

    Press EMERGENCY STOP. Restart the control, do not acknowledge the Power interrupted message. Note HEIDENHAIN recommends backing up the control data before loading a service pack. —> See ”Backup on an External Data Medium” on page 13 – 192. 15 – 220…

  • Page 221: Execution Up To Nc Software 34049X-01 (Single And Dual Processor Version)

    Select the PLC partition of the iTNC 530 and create a new folder (e.g., PLC:servicepacks). Open the folder. Transfer the folder with the service pack from your laptop to the iTNC 530. Separate the connection to TNCremoNT. Select the Programming and Editing operating mode.

  • Page 222
    Press the SELECT soft key.The service pack is automatically archived on the SYS partition of the iTNC 530. The service pack is now loaded and the control restarts automatically. Check the NC software version incl. related service pack. —> Press the MOD key.
  • Page 223: Execution As Of Nc Software 34049X-02 (Single-Processor Version)

    Otherwise, you can also use a USB stick as data medium (or transfer the service pack from your service laptop to the control). Connect the USB stick to X141 or X142 (USB interfaces of the iTNC 530). Loading the service pack…

  • Page 224
    Press the SELECT soft key. —> The control now displays the iTNC530 Software Update menu. Select a language and confirm the following questions by pressing ENT or by mouse click. —> The service pack is loaded. 15 – 224 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 225
    If you have transferred the service pack from your laptop to the control (e.g., on PLC:servicepack), it can be deleted here again. Thus making space again on the hard disk. The service pack is automatically archived on the SYS partition of the iTNC 530 and can be called at any time.
  • Page 226: Execution As Of Nc Software 34049X-02 (Dual-Processor Version)

    You may also use a USB stick as data medium. Loading the service pack Caution With the dual-processor version of the iTNC 530 as of NC software 34049x-02, service packs are installed with Windows. A corresponding Windows authorization is required. If necessary, ask the machine manufacturer! Connect the USB stick to X141 or X142 (USB interfaces of the iTNC 530).

  • Page 227
    Before a new installation under Windows, please always close all other applications. This also applies for the HEIDENHAIN NC software. In this case you do not have to stop the NC software via the control panel manually as this is made automatically by the update procedure.
  • Page 228
    Disconnect the USB stick and click on OK —> The control reboots! Check the NC software version incl. related service pack. —> Press the MOD key. Finally, check the machine functions! Functional test 15 – 228 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 229: Checking The Enables On The Itnc 530

    16 Checking the Enables on the iTNC 530 16.1 Introduction For an operating axis (axis in control loop) … no «Axis clamped» symbol is shown. the «STIB» star (control-in-operation) is visible the feed rate display must not be highlighted. the position display (ACTL, NOML) changes when the axis moves.

  • Page 230
    Drives ready for operation On the HEIDENHAIN inverter system the green LEDs READY at the drive modules UM xxx or at the output stages of a compact inverter must be lit. When non-HEIDENHAIN inverter systems are used, the counterpart displays must be lit.
  • Page 231
    Note Many analog servo drives provide a ready signal that can be evaluated by the PLC program of the iTNC 320. Normally, the drive is only enabled, after the servo drives have reported that they are ready. —> Observe LEDs and LCD displays of the drives! A number of servo drives do not provide a «ready»…
  • Page 232: Examination

    The iTNC 530 features comprehensive diagnosis tools, such as DriveDiag, PLC-TRACE or PLC-TABLE. These diagnosis tools are suitable for checking the enables on the iTNC 530. Moreover, the service engineer requires measuring equipment, such as a mulitmeter, etc. Select the power supply unit used. —> See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag”…

  • Page 233: (Emergency Stop Chain)

    (green indicator or Relay external DC voltage missing I3 = 1)? should disappear. If it does not, please call HEIDENHAIN! The PLC does not detect the + 24 V present at input high level. Probably the input I3 Acknowledgment: Control is Ready on the MC is defective.

  • Page 234
    See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. integrated drive diagnosis Call via the soft keys DIAGNOSIS —> DRIVE DIAGNOSIS —> DRIVEDIAG Page from See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. DriveDiag 16 – 234 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 235
    Here you can see the terminals that can be measured (the PLC inputs and outputs are mostly Excerpt from the connected to a strip in the electrical cabinet): basic circuit diagram Note If the Control-is-ready output on the MC is defective, you can use the Control-is-ready output of a PLC expansion board for test purposes: PL 405 B or PL 410 B: X8 / pin16…
  • Page 236
    If the error message EMERGENCY STOP defective is displayed … Error message: or the following display appears … EMERGENCY STOP defective … providing the following information after entering the PLC code number ..carry out the error diagnosis as follows: 16 – 236 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 237
    Use the circuit diagram of the machine tool. Caution If 24 V is supplied to the Control is ready output from the HEIDENHAIN inverter system via connector X34, potential differences between the machine voltage and the 24 V from the inverter can result in compensating currents.
  • Page 238
    The function of the Control-is-ready output of a PLD expansion card (e.g., PLD 16-8 I/O module) can also be tested with this method. Note Procedure for the EMERGENCY STOP test —> See “Annex: Monitoring Functions” on page 3 – 661. 16 – 238 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 239: Checking The Global Drive Enable I32, Connector X42 / Pin 33

    Drive diagnostics window still cannot operate the digital (or check in the PLC TABLE, whether axes/spindle, please call your I32 is set). machine tool builder or HEIDENHAIN! Acknowledgment present Is an (green indicator or NC-STOP signal pending? I32 = 1) ? (marker 4560 = 0)? Find the reason (e.g.

  • Page 240
    See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. integrated drive diagnosis Call via the soft keys DIAGNOSIS —> DRIVE DIAGNOSIS —> DRIVEDIAG Page from See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. DriveDiag 16 – 240 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 241
    Here you can see the terminal that can be measured (the PLC inputs and outputs are mostly Excerpt from the connected to a strip in the electrical cabinet). basic circuit diagram Drive enabling Drive enabling for all axes for axis groups Do not connect, If MP2040 = 0 July 2010…
  • Page 242: Checking The Drive Enabling For The Axis Groups Via Connector X150 And X151 (If Wired)

    Figure: Here each axis is shown on an individual page. Note If no axis groups are defined in MP 2040, the default setting of the drive release is active (via X150 / X151). 16 – 242 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 243: Checking The Readiness Of The Inverter System

    16.2.4 Checking the readiness of the inverter system Switch on the machine. Check according to the integrated drive diagnosis or DriveDiag whether the power supply unit is ready and the dc-link voltage built up: Call via the soft keys DIAGNOSIS —> DRIVE DIAGNOSIS —> DSP Pages from the See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag”…

  • Page 244
    See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. DriveDiag Check according to the integrated drive diagnosis or DriveDiag whether the power modules are ready: Page from the integrated drive diagnosis Figure: The axes are displayed next to each other. 16 – 244 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 245
    Open the electrical cabinet and check whether the compact inverter or the power supply Green READY LEDs unit are ready (green READY LEDs). on the drives (A non-HEIDENHAIN inverter is probably also equipped with a corresponding LED or display.) Inverters Green LED UE 1xx, UE 2xx B, UE 2xx D compact inverters…
  • Page 246
    HEIDENHAIN interface board for the SIMODRIVE system for the axis to be traversed / the spindle to be rotated. (A non-HEIDENHAIN inverter is probably also equipped with a corresponding LED or display.) Figure: READY LEDs on a two-axis module 16 –…
  • Page 247
    «safe stop 1» is indicated by a red LED on the inverter system is created by the controller (MC) of the iTNC 530 is low-active, i.e. failsafe If the processor is not ready for operation or if an error is pending, SH1 is output. The red SH1 LED and the green READY LED at the inverter can never be lit a the same time.
  • Page 248: Checking Plc Modules, Markers And Words

    Check the value in the word W1040. For this purpose enter the PLC TABLE. The word W1040 contains the axes in which the control loop is opened by the PLC (e.g., clamping axes). 16 – 248 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 249
    Note The value of the words is displayed in hexadecimal or decimal format. The hexadecimal format is distinguished by a leading $. A hexadecimal digit comprises 4 bits. I.e. you can, for example, calculate for which axes the feed rate is enabled. Example of evaluating a word: W1024 = $004F The first HEX digit has the value F, that is the first 4 axes are enabled (2…
  • Page 250
    16 – 250 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 251: Power Supply

    UV 106 (B). This makes it possible to operate analog axes and spindles exclusively. Note The iTNC 530 (MC/CC) powers the connected units, such as scales, motor encoders, touch probes, handwheel, transmitter-receiver units. Exceptions: The screen has its own connection for power supply.

  • Page 252
    UV 105. UV 105 The UV xxx does not have an additional 5 V terminal and thus cannot power the iTNC 530 sufficiently. The 50-line ribbon cable X69 of the UV xxx is connected to the UV 105 so that the status signals of the UV xxx can be transmitted to the iTNC.
  • Page 253
    The UV 105 is not required! Note When using HEIDENHAIN inverters that are provided with the additional 5 V terminal on the front panel (e.g., UR xxx D, UV xxx D, UVR xxx, UVR xxx D), an accessory unit for the power supply of the iTNC 530 is not required.
  • Page 254
    The UV 105 B was designed solely for the use on HEIDENHAIN controls in connection with Power supply by UV 105 B non-HEIDENHAIN inverter systems. The phases U/V and the dc-link voltage ± U are connected via a connector on the front panel.
  • Page 255
    An MC 42x (B/C) can also be connected to a UV 106 (B/C) instead of a CC 42x controller unit. Power supply by Thus the control loops for digital axes and spindles are not required. —> This combination is UV 106 (B) solely destined for analog axes and spindles.
  • Page 256: Uv 105, Uv 105 B

    5 V on auxiliary terminal Note If you have the HEIDENHAIN test adapter with the corresponding ribbon cable, you can connect it parallel to the 50-line ribbon cable of the UV 105 (B) and measure the corresponding low voltages. See “Test Adapter” on page 29 – 562.

  • Page 257
    When using a non-HEIDENHAIN inverter system (e.g., Simodrive 611), the power supply from of a non the dc link is mostly lead via a protective PCB. This is secured to the conductor bar on the non- HEIDENHAIN HEIDENHAIN inverter. inverter system –…
  • Page 258
    Use insulated pincers when removing the fuses! Caution Be careful not to touch any components on the power supply board sensitive to electrostatic discharge and observe the ESD regulations! Position of the fuses in the UV 105: 17 – 258 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 259
    Position of the fuses in the UV 105 B: Note If any of the fuses is defective, the UV 105 (B) power supply unit must be replaced. Replacing the fuses is not advised. A defective UV 105 (B) must be replaced. Corrective action Mounting the UV 105 (B)
  • Page 260: Uv 106, Uv 106 B

    Note It is not useful to measure the low voltages on the 50-line ribbon cable of the UV 106 (B) (e.g., with the HEIDENHAIN test adapter). The MC cannot be connected. The low voltages, however, must be measured while under load.

  • Page 261
    Shut down the control and switch off the machine. Fuses in UV 106 (B) Take precautions against restart. Check whether there is zero potential on the connections. Dismantle the UV 106 (B) power supply unit. Ensure that the unit is not under power. Remove the side plate.
  • Page 262: Power Supply For «Control-Is-Ready Signal

    +24 V If a HEIDENHAIN inverter system is located in the electrical cabinet, connector X72 generally supplies the 24 V from the inverter. See ”Annex: Principle of Function of the iTNC 530 Control” on page 2 – 657). If there is a non-HEIDENHAIN inverter system in the electrical cabinet, the power supply unit in the electrical cabinet supplies the 24 V.

  • Page 263
    For this purpose the Control-Is-Ready signal output must be integrated correctly into the EMERGENCY STOP chain. —> See “Annex: Principle of Function of the iTNC 530 Control” on page 2 – 657, See “During Start-Up” on page 3 – 661! Measure the voltage on X34.
  • Page 264: Buffer Battery

    If the voltage of the buffer battery falls below 2.6 V the error message Exchange buffer battery appears. The error message is activated every 30 minutes. Exchange the buffer battery as soon as possible! Figure: «Exchange buffer battery» message after power-on 17 – 264 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 265
    Before you replace the buffer battery, the charge status of the Gold cap should be checked: Checking the charge status of the Enter code number 79513. —> See “Information Menu” on page 17 – 267. «Gold cap» Read the value in the line U [ACCU] —> The voltage must be >= 3 V! Note The capacitor (Gold cap) is only being charged when the iTNC is switched on.
  • Page 266
    —> Ask the machine tool builder! It is possible, the datum and the time of the BIOS settings were lost. Set these values again. —> See “Setting the System Time” on page 12 – 159. 17 – 266 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 267: Information Menu

    17.4 Information Menu Enter the code number 79513. —> See “Code Numbers” on page 3 – 17. Call Confirm with ENTER. —> The following screen appears: Description The following information is displayed on the screen (the stack information is not important for the service technician): Voltage of buffer battery U [BATT]…

  • Page 268: Power Supply For Plc Outputs

    17.5 Power Supply for PLC Outputs 17.5.1 Introduction The PLC of the iTNC 530 as well as the PL 4xx B / PL 510 are powered by the 24 V control voltage of the machine (in accordance with VDE 0551).

  • Page 269: Supply Voltage For Plc Outputs On The Mc

    17.5.2 Supply voltage for PLC outputs on the MC X44: PLC supply voltage Pin layout on the MC 42x (B/C): Connecting Pin layout PLC outputs terminal +24 V cannot be switched off via EMERGENCY O24 to O30 STOP +24 V can be switched off via EMERGENCY O16 to O23 STOP O0 to O15…

  • Page 270
    Switch main switch of machine off Dismount MC (before doing so, label cables and/or connectors, if required.) Check fine-wire fuses on PLC board Fine-wire fuses o.k.? Replace fine-wire fuses MC probably defective (PLC board, etc.) 17 – 270 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 271
    Fine wire fuses Caution Use only original replacement fuses. Be careful not to touch any components sensitive to electrostatic discharge and observe the ESD regulations! July 2010 17 – 271…
  • Page 272: Supply Voltage For Plc Outputs On The Pl 4Xx B

    O144 – O151 O176 – O183 power supply for outputs +24 Vdc O56 – O62 O88 – O94 O152 – O158 O184 – O190 power supply for outputs a. 20.4 V to 28.8 V 17 – 272 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 273
    On older PLC expansion boards PL 4xx B, you may still find fine-wire fuses (glass fuses) on the board. These may be replaced, if necessary: On newer PL 4xx B, the glass fuse has been replaced by an SMD fuse. The SMD fuse has been soldered onto the board. Contact your HEIDENHAIN service agency. July 2010…
  • Page 274: Supply Voltage For Plc Outputs On The Pl 510

    17.5.4 Supply voltage for PLC outputs on the PL 510 Note The iTNC 530 cyclically monitors the supply voltage and short circuits of the PLC outputs of a PL 510. Connection Pin layout for X3 (power supply for logic circuit):…

  • Page 275
    The green LEDs indicate the correct supply: LED display The corresponding PLC outputs do not function. Depending on the PLC program of the machine Error manufacturer, PLC error messages are displayed. Note Monitoring the PLC outputs —> See “The TABLE function” on page 11 – 119. Observe, whether the green LEDs on X6 pin 9 and pin 10 of the PLD16-8 input/output modules Functional check are lit.
  • Page 276: Power Supply For The Display Units

    +24 V Power consumption: BF 120: 15 W BF 150: 45 W The fan does not run. Errors The screen remains black. See “Visual Display Unit” on page 21 – 355. Troubleshooting 17 – 276 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 277: Encoder Interface

    Position encoders are also referred to as linear encoders. They report positions and movements of the machine to the control. iTNC 530 operates with incremental and absolute encoders. Encoders with one reference mark or distance-coded reference marks and with EnDat interface are permissible.

  • Page 278
    This is also true for the encoders! If a defective encoder draws too much current, it is «separated» from the control component. Corresponding error messages are displayed. 18 – 278 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 279: Possible Causes Of Errors

    18.1.2 Possible causes of errors Contamination of the position encoder Chips in the scale Damage to the position encoder Scanning head misaligned (parallelism, distance, etc.) Roller bearing in scanning head defective Cable damaged Signal error caused by high frequency, strong magnetic fields, etc. Penetration of humidity Short circuit in cable or scanning head Light unit defective (LED)

  • Page 280: Troubleshooting

    Note Position encoder inputs can be assigned in any order. CC 424 (B): On the main DCB and on the auxiliary DCB the position encoder inputs can be assigned in any order. 18 – 280 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 281
    Flowchart Interchanging the position encoders Shut down the control and switch off the main switch of machine. Interchange the position encoder cables on the MC or CC 424 for the axes concerned (in the example: connectors X1 and X2 on the MC). Switch on the main switch of machine.
  • Page 282: Possibilities With The Integrated Diagnosis Or Drivediag

    If the axis is stationary, the measuring points are at a fixed place; if it moves, they are arranged on a circle. The measuring points must be located between the two green tolerance circles. Note As of NC software version 340 49x-05 the circular diagram has been removed. 18 – 282 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 283: Possibilities With The Integrated Oscilloscope

    18.1.5 Possibilities with the integrated oscilloscope The integrated oscilloscope is used to record the incremental signals (A, B or I1, I2) of position encoders. Activation and operation —> See “Integrated Oscilloscope” on page 10 – 99. Note Reference signals and EnDat signals cannot be displayed! A phase angle measuring unit should be used for an accurate tracing of the signals (e.g., PWM 9)! Example for an oscilloscope recording of position encoder signals:…

  • Page 284
    Oscilloscope display [mV] / 3480 = encoder signal at input [V] 1 Vpp: e.g.: 3480 [mV] / 3480 = 1 [V] Now you can switch the oscilloscope display to XY (Lissajous figure): 18 – 284 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 285
    Observe the signal in the oscilloscope while traversing the X axis at low speed: If the signal evaluation is correct, a circle will be displayed! If the display shows an oval, the scanning head is probably poorly adjusted or partly contaminated.
  • Page 286: Corrective Action

    Failure to do so may result in machine damage or personal injury! If you have found that the encoder interface on the control is defective: Control Replace the MC or CC. —> See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. 18 – 286 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 287: Determining The Field Angle On Linear Motors, Torque Motors And Synchronous Spindles

    18.1.7 Determining the field angle on linear motors, torque motors and synchronous spindles If an encoder was replaced that is also used to control a linear or torque motor or a synchronous spindle, the commutation (position of the field angle) needs to be reset for this motor. Caution The method to define the field angle of the respective axis / spindle is defined by the machine manufacturer.

  • Page 288: Resetting The Machine Datum

    (e.g., table edge and surface, ring in the middle of the rotary table, reference hole, reference stud, etc.). Note If you traverse the reference mark, equate the ACTL values with the REF values (set datum). 18 – 288 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 289
    Note You may have to expand the traverse range (software limit switches)! (The software limit switches are defined as of MP 910.x. It is also possible that the operator has limited the traverse range even further.) Write down the displayed REF value (if necessary, abstract the value defined by the machine manufacturer).
  • Page 290
    Set the position display step in MP 7290.x to the highest resolution. Note Sometimes the axis compensations and kinematics settings need to be deactivated before you can reset the machine datum. —> Ask the machine manufacturer. 18 – 290 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 291
    Reference the gantry axes (master and slave). Read the values of the REF display for the master and slave axis. These values differ slightly. Add the difference of the displayed values to the value entered in MP 960.x for the axis with the remounted encoder.
  • Page 292: Restoring The Spindle Orientation

    Subtract the displayed value from 360° and enter the result in MP 3430 (spindle preset). Check, whether spindle orientation is correct! Set the display to ACTL. Further information —> See “Reference Run” on page 19 – 317. 18 – 292 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 293: Speed Encoders

    Speed encoders in motors are also referred to as motor encoders. They report positions and movements of the axes and spindles to the control. iTNC 530 operates with incremental and absolute encoders. Encoders with one reference mark or distance-coded reference marks and with EnDat interface are permissible.

  • Page 294
    If a defective encoder draws too much current, it is «separated» from the control component. Corresponding error messages are displayed. Different servicing Caution The service on the CC 422 and CC 424 (B) is different. Ensure to use the correct instructions! 18 – 294 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 295: Possible Causes Of Errors

    18.2.2 Possible causes of errors Contamination by condensed oil, grease, water Signal socket damaged Cable damaged Signal error caused by high frequency, strong magnetic fields, etc. Penetration of humidity Encoder electronics (e.g., light unit) defective Motor encoder is loose (e.g., loose or defective coupling between motor encoder housing and motor housing) Strong machine vibrations Interface on the control defective…

  • Page 296: Trouble Shooting On The Cc 422

    Always switch both the cable and the interface assignment by machine parameter! Note Encoders can only be switched within the main DCB and the auxiliary DCB! Master and slave axes must always be connected to the same drive-control board. 18 – 296 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 297
    Flowchart Interchanging the motor encoder inputs on the CC 422 Deactivate the evaluation of the electronic ID labels before interchanging the speed encoder inputs. For every bit enter the value 1 in MP 7690. Shut down the control and switch off the main switch of the machine.
  • Page 298: Trouble Shooting On The Cc 424 (B)

    X19/X80 or X20/X81. The same PWM frequency must be set for the axes to be switched! Block diagram Note Always switch both the cable and the interface assignment by machine parameter! 18 – 298 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 299
    Flowchart Interchanging the motor encoder inputs on the CC 424(B) Before interchanging the speed encoder inputs, deactivate the evaluation of the electronic ID labels. Enter the value 1 for every bit in MP 7690. Shut down the control and switch off the main switch of the machine. Label the speed encoder cables for the axes concerned and interchange them on the CC 424(B) (in the example: connectors X15 and X16).
  • Page 300: Possibilities With The Integrated Diagnosis Or Drivediag

    18.2.5 Possibilities with the integrated diagnosis or DriveDiag On the info screen «EnDat rotational speed encoder» you can see, whether alarm bits are set: Calling the screen. —> See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. 18 – 300 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 301: Possibilities With The Integrated Oscilloscope

    18.2.6 Possibilities with the integrated oscilloscope As of NC software version 34049x-04 in combination with the CC 424 (B), the incremental signals (A, B) can be recorded with the integrated oscilloscope. Activation and operation —> See “Integrated Oscilloscope” on page 10 – 99. Note Reference signals and EnDat signals cannot be displayed! A phase angle measuring unit should be used for an accurate tracing of the signals…

  • Page 302
    The 90° offset of the A and B-signal on the horizontal axis can be clearly seen. The signals are displayed in mV. Now you can switch the oscilloscope display to XY (Lissajous figure): 18 – 302 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 303
    Observe the signal in the oscilloscope while traversing the X axis at low speed: If the signal evaluation is correct, a circle will be displayed! July 2010 18 – 303…
  • Page 304: Corrective Action

    18.2.7 Corrective action If you have found that the motor encoder in a synchronous motor is defective Motor encoder in a (synchronous motors from HEIDENHAIN are designated QSY xxx, they are used for machine synchronous motor axes): Exchange the entire synchronous motor! Caution Motor encoders in synchronous motors must be adjusted to a certain position.

  • Page 305: Readjusting The Trip Dog For Reference End Position

    18.2.8 Readjusting the trip dog for reference end position For position capture using a conventional motor encoder (not an EnDat encoder), one reference pulse is produced at each revolution of the encoder. To ensure that always the same reference pulse is evaluted when the machine is switched on, a trigger signal is used (PLC input).

  • Page 306: Resetting The Machine Datum

    The procedure for restoring the spindle orientation when using motor encoders is the same as with angle encoders. —> See “Restoring the spindle orientation” on page 18 – 292. 18 – 306 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 307: Error Codes For Encoders With Endat Interface

    18.3 Error Codes for Encoders with EnDat Interface In the event of a disturbance, the error message EnDat defective <error code> <axis> will appear. The error code is shown in hexadecimal notation. Error codes may also appear combined, in which case they add themselves together. There are two possible types of errors: The encoder reports an error.

  • Page 308: Further Examination Of Position And Speed Encoders

    18.4 Further Examination of Position and Speed Encoders If you want to make further examinations of incremental and absolute HEIDENHAIN encoders, Introduction you can use special HEIDENHAIN measuring equipment. The following HEIDENHAIN measuring equipment can also be used for preventive maintenance.

  • Page 309
    The PWT Phase Angle Testing Unit serves to evaluate the signal amplitude and quality as well as the position and width of the reference mark. —> See “PWT 10/17/18 Testing Unit” on page 29 – 568. Using the PWT instead of the PWM 9 has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: Small, lightweight device Easy handling…
  • Page 310
    Note A detailed explanation of the device is part of our training courses on measuring systems. We recommend that you participate in a HEIDENHAIN service training course so that you can use the IK 215 correctly and effectively. Contact HEIDENHAIN Traunreut or your regional agency.
  • Page 311: Position Measurement Via Motor Encoder (Indirect Position Measurement)

    18.5 Position Measurement via Motor Encoder (Indirect Position Measurement) Switching position measurement from the linear encoder to the motor encoder may be helpful to … Facilitate dismounting of a defective position encoder (e.g. if the axis is at a position in which you cannot dismount the scale) Analyze errors in the control loop (See “Error Localization by Switching from Direct to Indirect Position Measurement”…

  • Page 312
    Press the soft key with the motor symbol. Now press the SHOW ACTIVE VALUE soft key. Press the right arrow key until the cursor is in the STR column. Read the line count of the encoder (e.g. 2048). 18 – 312 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 313
    Flowchart for individual axis Position capture with motor encoder (indirect measurement) with an individual axis The machine is switched off. Press the EMERGENCY-STOP button and turn the feed rate potentiometer to zero. Switch on the main switch of the machine. Do not confirm the Power interrupted message but immediately call the MP list.
  • Page 314
    Incorrect entry in MP 1040.x or sign of the nominal speed Movement monitoring, standstill value) or MP 210.x monitoring, etc.? (counting direction of the position encoder signals). Now you can traverse carefully with indirect measurement! 18 – 314 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 315: Switching Over The Position Display For Servicing

    18.6 Switching over the Position Display for Servicing When servicing it is often important to switch over the position display (e.g., to REF when resetting the machine datum). Press the following key combination to switch the position display: Call Select a machine operating mode (Manual Operation, Program Run, Full Sequence, etc.).

  • Page 316
    18 – 316 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 317: Reference Run

    When the machine is switched off, the reference between the axis position and the position value is lost. HEIDENHAIN linear encoders (except EnDat) are designed with one or more reference marks. Reference marks The reference marks identify an axis position at a known distance from the machine datum. The position of the datum selected by the machine operator is defined with respect to the machine datum.

  • Page 318: Traversing The Reference Marks

    (inside the scale housing, at the position of the ref. mark label outside the scale housing) Removed or damaged enamel (On some scales the ref. marks were deactivated with enamel; if it is removed by cleaning with unsuitable cleaning agents and equipment, these marks are «reactivated».) 19 – 318 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 319: Troubleshooting

    19.4 Troubleshooting See “Encoder Interface” on page 18 – 277. Examining the encoders See “Further Examination of Position and Speed Encoders” on page 18 – 308. Examining the reference mark Move the axis to the presumed position of the trip dog. Examining the Ask the machine manufacturer for the PLC input for the switch signal.

  • Page 320: Corrective Action

    Use a special slider. —> Ask a HEIDENHAIN service agency! Have the removed or damaged enamel repainted. —> Ask a HEIDENHAIN service agency! Adjust the trip dogs relative to the motor encoder ref. pulse. —> See “Readjusting the trip dog for reference end position”…

  • Page 321: Retraction After An Error With Control Reset

    19.7 Retraction after an Error with Control Reset General information DANGER It is the machine operator’s task to retract the tool! If you have any questions, contact the machine manufacturer! The sequence of the axes to be referenced can be defined by the operator if the machine manufacturer permits the axes to be moved with the external axis direction keys.

  • Page 322
    It depends on the tool used (e.g., tap) whether a retraction is possible. If you have acknowledged the position values of the axes, you can retract the tool axis (e.g., Z axis) in a tilted system. Please proceed carefully! 19 – 322 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 323: Interface To The Drives

    20.1 Digital PWM Interface 20.1.1 Introduction The position, speed and current controllers are located in the HEIDENHAIN control. The «result» of the position, speed and current control is pulse-width modulated. Via PWM interfaces (PWM = pulse-width-modulation) digital servo amplifiers are controlled.

  • Page 324
    If a control loop is operated at double the fundamental PWM frequency, the current controller cycle time is halved. However, this is possible only with double-speed control loops. With the respective configuration individual PWM outputs are not active! 20 – 324 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 325
    With CC 424 (B) the OEM has the possibility of installing single-speed and double-speed Single and double- speed control loops control loops. Single-speed control loops are used for, e.g.: Spindles Conventional axes Double-speed control loops are used for, e.g.: Linear motors Torque motors High-frequency spindles “Axes that are difficult to control”…
  • Page 326: Tables For Power Supply Modules, Power Stages And Motors

    HEIDENHAIN compact inverters. Note The original table of power supply modules by HEIDENHAIN is stored in the SYS partition of the hard disk. The OEM can create his own table of power supply modules (with additional power supply modules and/or edited data) which is stored in the PLC partition of the hard disk.

  • Page 327
    Press the SHOW ACTUAL VALUE soft key. —> The technical data of the selected power supply module are displayed: You can now move the cursor in the line of the marked power supply module and read all available specifications. Note The meaning of the selected column is shown in the header (e.g., Rated power [W]).
  • Page 328
    HEIDENHAIN compact inverters. Note The original power stage table by HEIDENHAIN is stored in the SYS partition of the hard disk. The OEM can create his own power stage table (with additional power stages and/or edited data) which is stored in the PLC partition of the hard disk.
  • Page 329
    Press the SHOW ACTUAL VALUE soft key. —> The technical data of the selected power stage are displayed: You can now move the cursor in the line of the marked power stage and read all available specifications. Note The meaning of the selected column is shown in the header (e.g., Peak current [A]). Exit the power stage table by pressing the END key.
  • Page 330
    Note The original motor table by HEIDENHAIN is stored in the SYS partition of the hard disk. The OEM can create his own motor table (with additional motors and/or edited data) which is stored in the PLC partition of the hard disk.
  • Page 331
    Press the SHOW ACTUAL VALUE soft key. —> The technical data of the selected module are displayed: You can now move the cursor in the line of the marked motor and read all available specifications. Note The meaning of the selected column is shown in the header (e.g., Line count of the rotary encoder).
  • Page 332: Possible Causes Of Error

    Defective cables Poor shielding and grounding HEIDENHAIN interface board for the SIMODRIVE 611 drive system defective Old HEIDENHAIN interface board in a modified SIMODRIVE 611 power module Wrong grounding in connection with the HEIDENHAIN interface boards PWM interface or CC defective Note There is a large variety of possible error causes.

  • Page 333: Troubleshooting: Interchanging Pwm Outputs On The Cc 422

    20.1.5 Troubleshooting: Interchanging PWM outputs on the CC 422 To find out whether the connected drive system or the PWM interface on the CC is defective, the interchange method can be used. Use the interface of a functioning axis. DANGER Before you connect drives to other interfaces for error localization: Make sure that there are no ground faults or short circuits in the drive components (inverters, motors, etc.) —>…

  • Page 334
    Block diagram Note Always switch both the cable and the interface assignment by machine parameter! Note It is not relevant for this test routine which drive modules are connected. 20 – 334 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 335
    Flowchart Interchanging the PWM outputs of the CC 422 Before interchanging the PWM outputs, deactivate the evaluation of the electronic ID labels. Enter the value 1 for every bit in MP 7690. Shut down the control and switch off the main switch of the machine. Unscrew the cover plate from the inverter system.
  • Page 336: Troubleshooting: Interchanging Pwm Outputs On The Cc 424 (B)

    Axes in master-slave torque control are only permitted on X51/X53 or X52/X54. When using a CC 424 (B) with 8 and 14 control loops starting with NC software 34049x-03, master-slave torque axes also function on X55/X57 or X56/X58. 20 – 336 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 337
    Block diagram Note Always switch both the cable and the interface assignment by machine parameter! Note It is not relevant for this test routine which drive modules are connected. July 2010 20 – 337…
  • Page 338
    If you have detected that the error is outside the control (servo amplifier, motor, cables, etc.), Next test run this routine —> See “Troubleshooting: Interchanging power modules or output stages of the same type” on page 20 – 339. 20 – 338 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 339: Troubleshooting: Interchanging Power Modules Or Output Stages Of The Same Type

    Or a replacement unit Note It is not necessary to exchange a machine parameter for this test routine! It is of no importance, whether the power stages in the machine are from HEIDENHAIN or other manufacturers. DANGER Before you connect drives to other interfaces for error localization: Make sure that there are no ground faults or short circuits in the drive components (inverters, motors, etc.) —>…

  • Page 340
    (X344, X392, X393, X394, depending on the model. —> See Service Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors)! Motor brakes can be connected to current HEIDENHAIN inverter modules and compact inverters. The motor brake is also powered with 24 V via a connector on the inverter. The trigger signals for the motor brakes are transmitted via the PWM bus.
  • Page 341
    Flowchart for two Interchanging power modules of the same type 1-axis modules Shut down the control and switch off the main switch of the machine. Take precautions against restart and ensure that the equipment is free of potential. Unscrew the cover plate from the inverter system. Interchange the PWM ribbon cables of the axes concerned at the power modules or output stages (in the example: connectors X111).
  • Page 342: Troubleshooting: Interchanging The Heidenhain Interface Boards For The Simodrive 611 System

    20.1.8 Troubleshooting: Interchanging the HEIDENHAIN interface boards for the SIMODRIVE 611 system If a SIMODRIVE 611 system is used in combination with the HEIDENHAIN control, there are HEIDENHAIN interface boards in the SIEMENS drive modules to adapt the PWM signals.

  • Page 343: Corrective Action

    20.1.9 Corrective action If you have found that the interface on the CC is defective: Control Exchange the CC. —> See ”Exchange of the CC” on page 28 – 551. If you have found that the power module, the compact inverter, the expansion card or the motor Drive is defective: components…

  • Page 344: Analog Speed Command Interface

    Profound knowledge of the machine and the interaction of the components is very helpful especially for this type of errors. When error messages are generated, press the HELP key. You will obtain information on possible error causes and tips for error elimination. 20 – 344 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 345: Sequence For Finding Errors In The Control Loop

    20.2.3 Sequence for finding errors in the control loop In the event of error messages regarding movement, acceleration or standstill, for example: Positioning error Excessive servo lag Nominal speed value too high Movement monitoring Standstill monitoring or in case of errors, for example: Poor workpiece quality Unusual noise during axis movements Unusual vibrations…

  • Page 346: Checking The Analog Speed Command Interface

    MP 1050.x). This voltage can be measured at the connecting terminals of the servo amplifier or directly at the MC with the HEIDENHAIN test adapter. With the integrated oscilloscope the Volt. analog voltage can also be observed: Observation with…

  • Page 347
    Flowchart Analog axis does not move Shut down the control and switch off the main switch of the machine. Connect a multimeter to the terminal strip of the servo amplifier of the axis to be checked . (Use the circuit diagram of the machine.) Press EMERGENCY STOP, turn the feed-rate potentiometer to zero and switch on the main switch of the machine.
  • Page 348
    If available, you can investigate whether the analog servo amplifier can be operated with a Battery box «Battery box» (not a HEIDENHAIN unit). This battery box replaces the control and provides the analog servo amplifier with a nominal speed value of ±10 V.
  • Page 349: Adjusting The Electrical Offset (Drift Adjustment)

    Offset adjustment at the analog servo amplifier Note Analog servo amplifiers are not HEIDENHAIN products. Follow the instructions of the servo manufacturer (operating instructions, etc.)! Here are two proposals. Proposal 1: Set the following machine parameters (note down the original values): MP 1080.x (integral factor for offset) :…

  • Page 350
    Restore the original condition (cabling, parameters). Carry out offset fine adjustment with the code number 75368. —>See “Offset fine adjustment in the control” on page 20 – 351. 20 – 350 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 351
    Offset fine adjustment in the control Note Before you carry out offset fine adjustment via code number, you must first adjust the offset at the servo amplifier! The control can compensate only ± 100 mV with the offset fine adjustment by code number! This corresponds to 1% of the ±…
  • Page 352: Speed Adjustment At The Servo Amplifier (Tachometer Adjustment)

    Suggestion how to perform the adjustment Note Analog servo amplifiers are not HEIDENHAIN products. Follow the instructions of the servo manufacturer (operating instructions, etc.)! Below you find a proposal: Set the following machine parameter (note down the original value): MP 7290.x (display step) : 6 (0.1 µm) In the machine parameters MP 1391.x and MP 1392.x you can see whether the axis is…

  • Page 353
    Adjust tachometer generator at the servo amplifier using the servo lag display as follows: Operation with … Servo-lag displayed Velocity with feedforward control Ideally 0 Following error According to the following formula: Note Read the traverse speed from the display. The kv factor for the lag mode is defined in MP 1810.x.
  • Page 354: Corrective Action

    If you have found that the analog interface on the MC is defective: Control Replace the MC. —> See ”Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. If you have found that the analog servo amplifier or the motor is defective:…

  • Page 355: Visual Display Unit

    21 Visual Display Unit 21.1 Introduction One of the two flat-panel displays are connected to the iTNC 530: Flat-Panel Soft Keys Screen Diagonal Pixels Display horizontal and vertical 15.1 inch 1024 x 768 BF 150 only horizontal 10.4 inch 640 x 480 BF 120 The BF ……

  • Page 356: Troubleshooting

    Is now an does not function properly. image visible? Connect your service laptop to the iTNC 530 and start the HEIDENHAIN computer software TNCremoNT. Set up a connection and click one of the camera symbols in the menu bar.

  • Page 357
    You can call this function with the icon View TNC screen. The symbol is part of the menu bar, next to the camera symbols. The dongle can be ordered from HEIDENHAIN. Note If you can see the display information with TNCremoNT, it is still not 100% sure that all areas…
  • Page 358: Corrective Action

    Replace the complete visual display unit. Monitor If you have found that the VDU interface on the control is defective (connector X49, X149), Control replace the MC. —>See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. 21 – 358 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 359: Keyboard Unit

    Note The TE 420 was conceived for the use on a TNC 426/430. It can also be used for an iTNC 530 single-processor control. The TE 535 Q is a keyboard unit including a machine operating panel. Machine-specific keyboards are also used, which however work according to the same principle.

  • Page 360: Front View Of The Keyboard Units

    22.2 Front View of the Keyboard Units TE 420 TE 520 B 22 – 360 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 361
    TE 530 TE 530 B July 2010 22 – 361…
  • Page 362: Possible Causes Of Error

    Defective keys either do not contact any more or are in permanent contact. Liquid has penetrated Defective keypad board Defective cable between screen and keypad (screen softkeys) Defective cable between keypad and control Potentiometer wiper worn Defective touchpad Defective interface on the control 22 – 362 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 363: Checking The Keys

    22.4 Checking the Keys This includes the hard keys on the TE keypad unit and the soft keys on the BF flat-panel display. The soft-keys rows of the screen are connected by ribbon cable with the keypad board. Note See the chapter «Machine Operating Panel» how to check the machine operating panel keys on the TE 535 Q.

  • Page 364
    PCB? Press this key. Any reaction? The matrix lines (keyboard cable, soft- key row, keyboard PCB) are in order. The contact of the key is probably defective. 22 – 364 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 365
    The setup described below allows to make an almost complete statement about the condition Measuring setup of the connected keypad. with test adapter However, a special appliance is required. —> See “Test Adapter” on page 29 – 562. Note If no test adapter is available, you can measure directly at the contacts of the keyboard cable or the keyboard.
  • Page 366
    Observe the keys, e.g. in the PLC-TABLE. Note As the keypad interface X45 on the MC is designed as female, you can also connect the pins with a bridge and thus conduct a simulation by pressing the keys. 22 – 366 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 367: Checking The Potentiometers

    22.5 Checking the Potentiometers You can use the table for the PLC words to find out, whether the control receives the Potentiometer potentiometer signal. values in the PLC-TABLE The potentiometer setting is shown in the following PLC words: W492 (=S override) W494 (= F override) Proceed as follows: Switch on the machine.

  • Page 368
    Restart recording. —> Now you can examine the wiper areas of the potentiometers. Check, whether the signal of the potentiometer wiper can be changed continuously, or whether it «breaks off» suddenly. 22 – 368 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 369
    Procedure: Measuring setup with test adapter Shut down the control and switch off the machine. Insert the measuring adapter on the MC connector X45 between MC and TE cable. Switch the machine back on again. Using a multimeter, check the collector voltages of the potentiometers. Potentiometers Pins Voltage range…
  • Page 370: Checking The Touchpads

    530 dual-processor control with Windows iTNC 530 single-processor control as of NC software 34049x-xx (smarT.NC) This touchpad is not connected to the MC via keypad connector X45 but with a USB cable to one of the two USB interfaces of the MC (X141, X142).

  • Page 371: Corrective Action

    Replace the defective potentiometer. Potentiometer If you have found that the TE interface of the control is defective (connector X45), replace the Control MC. —> See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. July 2010 22 – 371…

  • Page 372: Key Matrix Of The Keyboard Units

    The keys of the range of the machine operating panel of the TE 535 Q are not listed. —> TE 520 B See “Machine Operating Panel” on page 23 – 389. TE 530 TE 530 B TE 535 Q X2 Pin 22 – 372 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 373
    X2 Pin July 2010 22 – 373…
  • Page 374
    X2 Pin 22 – 374 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 375
    X2 Pin July 2010 22 – 375…
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    X2 Pin 22 – 376 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 377
    X2 Pin July 2010 22 – 377…
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    X2 Pin 22 – 378 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 379
    X2 Pin July 2010 22 – 379…
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    X2 Pin 22 – 380 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 381
    X2 Pin July 2010 22 – 381…
  • Page 382
    Note The two keys under or left to the touchpad do not belong to the key matrix! If these keys are pressed, the signal is transmitted to the control via USB interface. 22 – 382 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 383
    TE 420 17 18 19 28 29 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SL0 July 2010 22 – 383…
  • Page 384
    17 18 19 28 29 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SL0 22 – 384 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 385
    17 18 19 28 29 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SL0 July 2010 22 – 385…
  • Page 386
    17 18 19 28 29 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SL0 22 – 386 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 387
    17 18 19 28 29 31 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SL0 July 2010 22 – 387…
  • Page 388: Key Matrix Of The Keyboard Units

    V soft key 2, etc. The arrow keys for the switching of the soft-key rows are recorded. Any newly called soft-key row starts again with soft key 0 or V soft key 0. 22 – 388 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 389: Machine Operating Panel

    23 Machine Operating Panel 23.1 Introduction HEIDENHAIN machine operating panel MB 520 with axis-direction keys for up to 6 axes. HEIDENHAIN machine operating panel MB 420 with axis-direction keys for up to 5 axes. The MB is normally mounted below the TNC keyboard.

  • Page 390: Possible Causes Of Errors

    If a machine operating panel from the machine tool builder is used, please refer to its circuit diagram from which you can see the wiring of the keys. DANGER HEIDENHAIN recommends to check the function of the EMERGENCY STOP button on the machine operating panel or operating tableau in regular intervals! Note The TE 535Q features an integrated machine operating panel.

  • Page 391: Checking The Power Supply

    23.3 Checking the Power Supply Power is supplied on the following connectors and pins: MB 420 MB 520 Pin layout Connector X1 Connector X3 (or connector X46 on the MC) (or connector X46 on the MC) Pin 34, 35 Pin 34, 35 Pin 36, 37 Pin 36, 37 24 V (PLC)

  • Page 392: Checking The Keys

    Assignment of the PLC inputs to the keys of the MB 520: The machine manufacturer can assign the keys marked with «free» to any PLC input. —> See circuit diagrams of the machine. 23 – 392 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 393
    With the table for the PLC inputs you can check the condition of the MB keys (pressed or not): Switch on the machine. Press the EMERGENCY STOP button. Call the table with the PLC inputs. —> See “The TABLE function” on page 11 – 119. Press the keys.
  • Page 394
    If a key does not produce a reaction of the control, one does not know, whether the pushbutton itself or the machine operating panel PCB, the MB cable or the control is defective. If required, further tests can be performed. —> See following descriptions! 23 – 394 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 395
    You require a special appliance for the following setup. —> See “Test Adapter” on page 29 – 562. Measuring setup with test adapter Note If no test adapter is available, you can measure directly at the contacts of the MB cable or the machine operating panel.
  • Page 396
    Observe the keys, e.g. in the PLC-TABLE. Note As the MB interface X46 on the MC is designed as female, you can also connect the pins with a bridge and thus conduct a simulation by pressing the keys. 23 – 396 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 397: Checking The Outputs

    23.5 Checking the Outputs The MB 420 and the MB 520 features 8 PLC outputs which serve, for example, to control the lamps of the buttons. These outputs are located on the connecting line of the MB control and also on the following terminal blocks: MB 420 MB 520…

  • Page 398: Corrective Action

    If you have found that the MB interface of the control is defective (connector X46), replace the Control MC. —> See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. 23 – 398 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 399: Handwheel

    Pin layouts and wiring (e.g., EMERGENCY STOP key and permissive key on cable adapter). —> See “Handwheels” on page 27 – 503. Note Refer to the iTNC 530 User’s Manual for a detailed description on operating the electronic handwheels. DANGER…

  • Page 400: Possible Causes Of Errors

    In this case try to operate the control without handwheel (See “Deselecting and Disconnecting the Portable Handwheel” on page 24 – 409) to find out whether the disturbances and error messages mentioned still are generated on the machine. Handwheel interface on MC defective 24 – 400 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 401: Error Location On Portable Handwheel With Hr 420 Display

    24.3 Error Location on Portable Handwheel with HR 420 Display If you suspect that a damaged handwheel or a handwheel into which liquid has penetrated Control impaired? impairs the function of the control: Disconnect the handwheel and observe the reaction. —> See “Deselecting and Disconnecting the Portable Handwheel”…

  • Page 402
    Figure: Test adapter between MC and handwheel 24 – 402 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 403
    The function of most handwheel keys can be checked with the respective PLC marker. Use the Checking the keys PLC diagnosis functions TABLE or LOGIC DIAGRAM: Switch on the machine. Press the EMERGENCY STOP key. Activate the HR 420 (press the handwheel symbol on the HR 420). —> The window Handwheel active appears on the screen.
  • Page 404
    The characteristic curve is defined in MP 7620 bit 3. Note These PLC words can also be shown in the integrated oscilloscope. —> See “Checking the Potentiometers” on page 22 – 367. 24 – 404 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 405
    Activate potentiometer on HR 420: The override potentiometers of the HR 420 are active up to NC software version 34049x-xx as soon as the handwheel operation was selected! The potentiometers of the keyboard are then inactive. DANGER By switching from the keyboard to the HR 420 and vice versa, the feed rate or the spindle speed can change depending on the corresponding potentiometer setting.
  • Page 406: Error Diagnosis At Hr 410 Portable Handwheel

    In this case try to operate the control without handwheel (See “Deselecting and Disconnecting the Portable Handwheel” on page 24 – 409) to find out whether the disturbances and error messages mentioned still are generated on the machine. 24 – 406 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 407
    X 23 Test adapter ID 375830-01 Figure: Test adapter between MC and handwheel July 2010 24 – 407…
  • Page 408
    I167 capture Slow feed Medium Fast feed O104 O105 O106 rate feed rate rate I168 I169 I170 – I171 I172 O109 O110 O111 O109 O110 O111 I173 I174 I175 I173 I174 I175 24 – 408 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 409: Deselecting And Disconnecting The Portable Handwheel

    Switch on the machine and perform functional testing. The dummy plug for the handwheel adapter can be purchased from the machine manufacturer Dummy plug or from HEIDENHAIN (ID 271958-03). DANGER When you connect a new or repaired handwheel to the machine:…

  • Page 410: Error Diagnosis At Panel-Mounted Handwheels

    The HRA 110 handwheel adapter is powered in addition with +24 V voltage at connector X31. Measure, whether there are +24 V between pin 1 (+24 V) and pin 2 (0 V). 24 – 410 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 411
    The function of the selection switches can be checked with the respective PLC inputs. Use the Checking the PLC diagnosis functions TABLE: switches Switch on the machine. Press the EMERGENCY STOP key. Call the table with the PLC inputs. —> See “The TABLE function” on page 11 – 119. Turn the selection switches.
  • Page 412: Corrective Action

    If you have found that the HR interface of the control is defective (connector X23), replace the Control MC. —> See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. 24 – 412 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 413: Touch Probe

    25 Touch Probe 25.1 Introduction An iTNC 530 can be equipped with different touch probes. Different touch probes Touch probes with infrared transmission of the trigger signal (e.g. TS 740, TS 640, TS 444, TS 440) These touch probes are designed for use on machines with automatic tool changer.

  • Page 414
    Various styli can be inserted into the touch probes. The styli feature a rated break point. Touch probe for tool measurement (e.g. TT 140) This touch probe is used to measure tools (length, radius, individual teeth). Tools can be examined for breakage. Tool wear can be determined. 25 – 414 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 415
    Laser system (e.g., TL Micro 150) for tool measurement This laser system is used to measure tools (e.g., length, radius, individual teeth). Tools can be examined for breakage. Tool wear can be determined. DANGER Laser radiation! Do not stare into the beam! Laser class 2. Infrared 360°…
  • Page 416
    You will find further information on touch probes in … Other information The iTNC 530 User’s Manual The corresponding mounting instructions The brochure 3-D Touch Probes for Machine Tools These documents can be downloaded from the HEIDENHAIN website (www.heidenhain.de). 25 – 416 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 417: Possible Causes Of Errors

    25.2 Possible Causes of Errors General: Touch probe not ready Collision (stylus, probe or transmitter/receiver unit damaged) Humidity Short circuit in the cable, in the transmitter/receiver unit or in the touch probe Heavy contamination Shocks or vibrations Electromagnetic interference Touch probe cable or connector defective Touch probe defective Interface of probe on MC defective Caution…

  • Page 418: Error Diagnosis On Ts Touch Probes

    Note A detailed description of the visual status check, of the beam direction, of battery exchange, stylus exchange, centering, specifications, etc. can be found in the mounting instructions of the touch probe! 25 – 418 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 419
    Touch probe with cable: Two red LEDs (offset by 180°) on the TS 220 indicate that the stylus is deflected: In touch probes with cable (not in those with infrared interface) the Ready signal is bridged. Checking the This means that the Ready signal must always be present if a touch probe with cable is «Ready»…
  • Page 420
    You can also check the lamp at Battery (X12) of TS touch probe. If the battery capacity is sufficient, this lamp shines green. With touch probe systems with cable, this lamp shines red. 25 – 420 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 421
    By means of logic diagram: Switch on the machine. Insert the touch probe. As a precaution press the EMERGENCY STOP button. Call the logic diagram. —>See “The LOGIC diagram” on page 11 – 125. Enter the operands M4050 and M4051 and place the trigger on M4051. Start the recording.
  • Page 422: Error Diagnosis On Tt Touch Probes

    Assignment X13 (TT) Readiness 0 V (U Do not assign +15 V ±5% (U Do not assign Do not assign +5 V ±5% (U Trigger signal Trigger signal – – Hsg. External shield 25 – 422 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 423
    Functional test DANGER Consult the machine operator and observe the machine manufacturers’s safety precautions (setup mode, etc.)! By means of DriveDiag: Switch on the machine. Turn the feed-rate potentiometer to a low value. Call the DriveDiag. —> See “Integrated Diagnostic Functions and DriveDiag” on page 9 – 89. Open the following page: Start the probing cycle with the TT (table touch probe).
  • Page 424
    ) is on pin 2. —> See “X13: Connection of the touch probe for tool measurement” on page 27 – 462 Note If available, you can also connect an identical TT probe to test the functionality! 25 – 424 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 425: Error Diagnosis On Laser Touch Probe

    25.5 Error Diagnosis on Laser Touch Probe If you suspect that a damaged laser system or a laser system into which liquid has penetrated Control impaired? impairs the function of the control: Disconnect the touch probe and observe the reaction. —> See “Deselecting and Disconnecting the Touch Probe”…

  • Page 426: Deselecting And Disconnecting The Touch Probe

    Switch off the machine. Disconnect the touch probe systems from the control (connector X12 and X13). Switch the machine back on again. Observe, whether error messages are repeated or error conditions recur. 25 – 426 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 427: Corrective Action

    If you have found that the touch probe interface of the control is defective (connector X12, X13), Returning the replace the MC. —> See “Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components” on page 28 – 523. control July 2010 25 – 427…

  • Page 428
    25 – 428 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 429: Important Features Of Heidenhain Components

    The picture is only an example as, of course, there exists a large selection of different machine tools and machining centers. Furthermore, it does not claim to be complete! Note On the cover page of this Service Manual and in the PDF file the highlighted HEIDENHAIN components are well visible. July 2010 26 – 429…

  • Page 430: Hardware Identification

    Whenever possible, the ID label is located well visible on the front of a product. Otherwise, you may find it on the side or on the rear of the unit. The ID label is attached to the following mandatory and optionals iTNC 530 components: Main computer…

  • Page 431
    HDR hard disk, The main computer consists of three components: MC 42x (B/C) main computer HDR hard disk SIK system identification key Controller units CC controller unit CC 422 with 6 (figure), 10 or 12 control loops CC 424 (B) with 6 (figure), 8, 10, 12 or 14 control loops It is equipped with: It is equipped with:…
  • Page 432
    UV 106 B power supply unit for analog HEIDENHAIN contouring controls The UV 106 B power supply unit was designed so that the iTNC 530 could be used with a compact, coordinated system for analog nominal shaft-speed interfaces (+/–10V).
  • Page 433
    UV 105 power supply unit The UV 105 power supply unit serves to supply the power to the CC42x if a non-HEIDENHAIN inverter is used, or, if required, to supply additional power if a HEIDENHAIN inverter is used. If a non-HEIDENHAIN inverter system is used, the adapter connector is connected to X69 of the UV 105 power supply unit.
  • Page 434
    Function keys for the smarT.NC operating mode SPEC FCT key to call special TNC functions This operating panel corresponds to the TE 530 B without the touchpad. The IV and V keys are snap-ons, and can be switched. 26 – 434 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 435
    TE 420 operating panel Only used for the iTNC 530 single-processor control. The IV and V keys are snap-ons, and can be switched. Switching unit BTS 1×0 screen-keyboard switching unit With the BTS 1×0, it is possible to connect two monitors and two operating panels to an MC 42x (B/C).
  • Page 436
    Two permissive buttons (24 V) EMERGENCY STOP button (24 V) Magnetic holding pads Mount for attaching the handwheel to the machine HR 130 handwheel Panel-mounted handwheel With ergonomic knob, radial cable outlet with or without detent 26 – 436 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 437
    HRA 110 handwheel adapter For connecting up to three HR 150 handwheels to the TNC. The axes and the subdivision factor are selected via rotary switch. HRA 110 HR 150 cable outlet radial, with or without detent Handwheel selection switch July 2010 26 –…
  • Page 438
    Adapter cable for connection to the MC 42x (B/C) TS 220 touch probe Touch trigger probe with cable connection for signal transmission for machines with manual tool change. For workpiece setup and measurement during machining. 26 – 438 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 439
    TS 740, TS 640, TS 444, TS 440 touch probes Triggering touch probe with infrared transmission, for workpiece setup and measurement during machining. For machines with automatic tool changer. TS 440 with compact dimensions TS 444 with alternative battery-free power supply via compressed air through the spindle head TS 640 with wide-range infrared transmission and long operating time…
  • Page 440
    The PL 510 can be mounted on a top hat rail (NS 35 EN 50022). The PL 510 equipped (completely or partially) with PLD 16-8 is compatible with PL 410 B/PL 405 B. PLB 510 basic module with 4 slots 26 – 440 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 441
    PLB 510 basic module with 6 slots PLB 512 basic module with 8 slots PLD 16-8 input/output module PLA 4-4 analog module PLD 16-8 PLA 4-4 July 2010 26 – 441…
  • Page 442
    For information on these components refer to the Service Manual «Inverter Systems and Inverters and Motors». motors For information on these components refer to the Service Manual «Inverter Systems and Interface boards for Motors». the SIMODRIVE system 611D 26 – 442 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 443: Display Of Important System Information

    26.3 Display of Important System Information When you consult your machine manufacturer or HEIDENHAIN in the event of an error or a malfunction of your machine, it is important that you know which NC and PLC software is installed on the iTNC.

  • Page 444
    Windows XP) programming surface Due to restrictions on the export of the iTNC 530, HEIDENHAIN can also supply a special export version (until now all NC software versions with odd character parity). HEIDENHAIN releases a new program number for the NC software whenever it introduces extensive new functions.
  • Page 445
    Current controller software Program number of current controller software 246276 Version of current controller software Note The ICTL software designates the operating system for the digital signal processors (DSP) that are responsible for the speed control of digital axes/spindles: ICTL1: Software for the main controller board ICTL2: Software for the add.
  • Page 446
    26 – 446 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 447: Connector Designation And Layout

    27 Connector Designation and Layout 27.1 Important Note Caution Do not engage or disengage any connecting elements while the unit is under power! See “Safety Precautions” on page 2 – 15. 27.2 MC and CC 27.2.1 Designation and position of connectors MC 422 (B) with 5 position encoder inputs and CC 422 with 6 control loops X1 to X5 Encoder for position…

  • Page 448
    BF 150 (BF 120) visual display unit X131 Reserved Power supply X121, X125 Reserved X165, X166, X167 Reserved 5-V power supply X150/X151 Axis-specific drive release Signal ground € € Equipment ground (YL/GN) 27 – 448 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 449
    MC 422 B and CC 424 (B) with 6 control loops X201 to X206 Encoder for position X15 to X20 Encoder for speed X15 X17 X19 X51 to X56 PWM output X16 X18 X20 X8, X9 Nominal value output, analog TS touch trigger probe TT touch trigger probe X51 X53 X55…
  • Page 450
    X149 BF 150 monitor X150 at bottom of housing X131 Reserved Power supply X121, X125 Reserved X165 Reserved 5-V power supply X150 Axis-specific drive release Signal ground € € Equipment ground (YL/GN) 27 – 450 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 451
    MC 422 B and CC 424 (B) with 10 control loops X201 to X210 Encoder for position X15 to X20 Encoder for speed X15 X17X19 X80 to X83 Encoder for speed X51 to X60 PWM output X16 X18X20 X8, X9 Nominal value output, analog TS touch trigger probe X51 X53 X55…
  • Page 452
    PLC analog input housing X149 BF 150 monitor X131 Reserved X69, X169 Power supply X121, X125 Reserved X165 Reserved 5-V power supply X150, X151 Axis-specific drive release Signal ground € € Equipment ground (YL/GN) 27 – 452 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 453
    MC 422 B and CC 424 (B) with 14 control loops X201 to X206 Encoder for position X209 to X214 Encoder for position X15 X17X19 X84 X86 X15 to X20 Encoder for speed X80 to X87 Encoder for speed X16 X18X20 X85 X87 X51 to X58 PWM output…
  • Page 454
    BF 150 (BF 120) visual display unit Power supply X121 Reserved X165, X166 Reserved 5 V power supply X150 Axis-specific drive enabling (at bottom of housing) Signal ground Ground lead (YL/GN) € 27 – 454 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 455
    MC 422C DP without position encoder inputs and CC 424(B) with 6 control loops Connection overview Connector Function X1 to X5 Not occupied X35 to X38 Not occupied X15 X17 X19 X15 to X20 Speed encoder X51 to X60 PWM output X143 Nominal value output, analog X149…
  • Page 456
    BF 150 monitor X142 and X150 on bottom of housing Power supply Reserved X121 Reserved X165, X166 Reserved 5-V power supply X150 Axis-specific drive release Signal ground € € Equipment ground (YL/GN) 27 – 456 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 457: Pin Layouts On The Mc And Cc

    27.2.2 Pin Layouts on the MC and CC D-sub connector, 15-pin X1 to X6, X35 to X38, X201 to X214: Position encoder MC 42x (B/C), CC 424 (B) Adapter cable ID 309 783-xx Measuring system Adapter cable ID 310 199-xx Male Pin layout Female…

  • Page 458
    Violet Violet Clock Yellow Yellow Yellow Ext. Ext. Ext. Hsg. Housing Hsg. shield Hsg. shield Hsg. shield Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). 27 – 458 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 459
    D-sub connector, 15-pin Analog output 1 to 6 MC 42x (B/C) Connecting cable Female Pin layout Male Color Analog output 1: ±10 V Brown Do not assign Brown/Green Analog output 2: ±10 V Yellow Analog output 5: ±10 V Red/Blue Analog output 3: ±10 V Pink Analog output 5: 0 V…
  • Page 460
    0 V (U White White Trigger signal Trigger signal Green Green 11 to 15 Do not assign Hsg. External shield Hsg. Ext. shield Hsg. Hsg. a. Stylus at rest means logic level HIGH. 27 – 460 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 461
    Pin layout for TS 440, TS 640 with SE 540: MC 42x (B) Adapter cable Adapter cable SE 540 ID 310 197-xx ID 517 375-xx Female Pin layout Male Color Female Male Color Female 0 V (internal shield) 1 White/ Internal TS 440, Brown…
  • Page 462
    +5 V ±5% (U Trigger signal Brown Green Trigger signal Green Yellow – – – – Ext. shield Hsg. External shield Hsg. Hsg. Hsg. a. Stylus at rest means logic level HIGH. 27 – 462 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 463
    D-sub connector, 25-pin X15 to X20, X80 to X87: Speed encoder CC 42x (B) Adapter cable 289 440-xx Connecting cable 336 847-xx Male Pin layout Female Color Female Male Color Female +5 V (U Brown/Green Brown/Green 0 V (U White/Green White/Green Green/Black Green/Black…
  • Page 464
    The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). DANGER Only units that comply with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV) may be connected. 27 – 464 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 465
    Pin layout (for the LC or RCN): CC 42x (B) Adapter cable 336 376-xx Adapter cable 369 124-xx Adapter cable 369 129-xx Male Pin layout Female Color Female Male Color +5 V (U Brown/Green Brown/Green 0 V (U White/Green White/Green Green/Black Green/Black A–…
  • Page 466
    Do not assign Data Black Pink Temperature – Violet Hsg. Housing Hsg. External shield Hsg. Hsg. External shield Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). 27 – 466 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 467
    D-sub connector, 9-pin X23: Handwheel input Female Pin layout +12 V Do not assign Housing External shield Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). RJ45 connection, 8-pin X26: Ethernet interface Maximum data transfer rate: RJ45 connection Approx.
  • Page 468
    100 Mb net 10 Mb net D-sub connector, 9-pin X27: RS-232-C/V.24 Single-processor control: Connection to HEIDENHAIN HeROS operating system data interface Dual-processor control: Connection to Windows Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV).
  • Page 469
    D-sub connector, 9-pin X28: RS-422/V.11 Single-processor control: Connection to HEIDENHAIN HeROS operating system Data interface Dual-processor control: Connection to Windows MC 42x (B) Connecting cable Adapter block ID 355 484-xx 363 987-01 Female Pin layout Male Color Female Male Female…
  • Page 470
    Pink/Red 32, 33 Do not assign Brown/Blue; Pink/Green Control-is-ready Brown signal 35, 36, 37 Do not assign Yellow/Pink; Violet; White Housing External shield Housing External shield a. Also via X46 (PLC inputs/outputs) 27 – 470 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 471
    D-sub connector, 37-pin X42: PLC inputs on the MC 42x (B/C) MC 42x (B/C) Connecting cable ID 244 005-xx, ID 263 954-xx Female Pin layout Male Gray/Red Brown/Black White/Black I3 Control-is-ready signal Green/Black acknowledgement Brown/Red White/Red White/Green Red/Blue Yellow/Red GY/PK Black Pink/Brown Yellow/Blue…
  • Page 472
    EMERGENCY STOP O0 to O15 Note If the +24-V power supply (which cannot be shut off via emergency stop) is missing at X44, the error message Supply voltage missing at X44 appears. 27 – 472 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 473
    D-sub connector, 37-pin X45: iTNC control panel MC 42x (B/C) Connecting cable ID 263 954-xx Female Pin layout Male Female X2: Male Gray/Red Brown/Black 2 White/Black Green/Black Brown/Red White/Red White/Green 7 Red/Blue Yellow/Red GY/PK RL10 Black RL11 Pink/Brown RL12 Yellow/Blue RL13 Green/Blue RL14…
  • Page 474
    34, 35 34, 35 36, 37 +24 V (PLC) Violet, White 36, 37 36,37 Housing Ext. shield Housing External shield Housing Housing a. Also via X41 (PLC outputs on the MC 42x(B)) 27 – 474 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 475
    D-sub connector, 25-pin X47: PLC expansion for PL 4xx B on the MC 422 (B/C) MC 42x (B/C) Connecting cable ID 289 111-xx / ID 317 788- 1. PL 410 B/PL405 B Male Pin layout Female Male Pin layout Socket Brown, Yellow, Pink, Red, Violet Red/Blue, Brown/Green,…
  • Page 476
    Serial OUT Serial OUT Yellow/Brown Serial OUT Address 4 White/Green Address 4 Address 2 GY/PK Address 2 Address 0 Red/Blue Address 0 Housing External shield Housing External shield Housing Housing External shield 27 – 476 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 477
    D-sub connector, 25-pin X48: Analog input (PLC) on the MC 42x (B/C) Caution Remember to connect the analog inputs with the correct polarity! Female Pin layout + Constant current for Pt 100 – Constant current for Pt 100 + Measuring input for Pt 100 –…
  • Page 478
    BLANK Orange/Black VSYNC Blue/Black Green/White Orange/White Brown/White Gray/White Blue/White Violet/White Violet/Brown Violet/Green Violet/Orange Violet/Blue Red/Gray Red/Brown Yellow/Gray Yellow/Brown Yellow/Green Vacant Black/Gray CLP.P Black/Brown HSYNC Black/Green BLANK Black/Orange VSYNC Black/Blue White/Green White/Orange White/Brown 27 – 478 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 479
    MC 42x(B/C), X49 Connecting cable ID 340 300-xx BF 120, X2 Female Assignment Male Female Male WH/GY White/Blue Gray/Violet Brown/Violet Green/Violet Orange/Violet Blue/Violet Gray/Red Brown/Red Gray/Yellow Brown/Yellow Green/Yellow Vacant DISP. Red/Blue DISP. Blue/Red DISP.ON Red/Orange DISP.ON Orange/Red Green/Red Red/Green Orange/Yellow Yellow/Orange Yellow/Blue Blue/Yellow…
  • Page 480
    +/actl 1 –/actl 1 0 V (analog) +Iactl 2 –/actl 2 0 V (analog) Do not assign Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). 27 – 480 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 481
    Ribbon cable connector, 50-pin, same assignment as X169. X69: NC power supply and control signals 50-pin ribbon Pin layout 50-pin ribbon Pin layout connector connector 1a to 5b +5 V 6a to 7b +12 V RDY.PS +5 V (low-voltage separation) 0 V (low-voltage ERR.ILEAK separation)
  • Page 482
    D-sub connector, 9-pin X127: RS-232-C/V.24 Dual-processor control: Connection to HEIDENHAIN HeROS operating system data interface Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). 25-pin adapter block: MC 42x (B/C) Connecting cable Adapter block…
  • Page 483
    D-sub connector, 9-pin X128: RS-422/V.11 Dual-processor control:Connection to HEIDENHAIN HeROS operating system data interface MC 42x (B/C) Connecting cable ID 355 484-xx Adapter block 363 987-01 Female Pin layout Male Color Female Male Female Yellow White Brown Black Violet Gray…
  • Page 484
    Serial OUT Serial OUT Yellow/Brown Serial OUT Address 4 White/Green Address 4 Address 2 GY/PK Address 2 Address 0 Red/Blue Address 0 Housing External Housing External shield Housing Housing External shield shield 27 – 484 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 485
    D-sub connector, 44-pin X149: BF 150 flat-panel display MC 42x (B/C), X149 Connecting cable ID 353 545-xx BF 150, Female Pin layout Male Female Male White/Brown White/Green Red/Gray CLKM Red/Blue White/Orange Red/Brown Red/Green LVDSGND Red/Orange HWK_GND Orange/Red HWK0 White/Blue HWK1 Blue/White HWK2 White/Blue…
  • Page 486
    10 mA Ribbon cable connector, 50-pin, same assignment as X69. X169: NC supply voltage See “X69: NC power supply and control signals” on page 27 – 481. and control signals 27 – 486 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 487: Power Supply Units

    27.3 Power Supply Units The iTNC 530 is supplied via connector X69 (X169) on the CC, See “X69: NC power supply and control signals” on page 27 – 481. Exception: An MC can be connected directly to a UV 106 (B), the CC is not required. This constellation is intended for machines with analog axes and spindle(s).

  • Page 488: Uv 105 Power Supply Unit

    Changes to UV 105 344980-01 Initial version 344980-02 Version only for non-HEIDENHAIN inverters 344980-12 Version only for HEIDENHAIN inverters 344980-13 Version for HEIDENHAIN and non-HEIDENHAIN inverters 344980-14 Leads / ribbon cables elongated for double-row configuration 27 – 488 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 489
    X69 must be connected by ribbon cable with X69 of the UV 105. Operation with non-HEIDENHAIN inverters: Since status signals from non-HEIDENHAIN inverters are not available or are not compatible to HEIDENHAIN systems, the adapter (Id. Nr. 349 211-01) must be connected to X69 on the UV 105. Pin layout:…
  • Page 490: Uv 105 B Power Supply Unit

    27.3.2 UV 105 B power supply unit Connection overview UV 105 B 27 – 490 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 491
    Connector on the front panel Pin layout: Connecting terminal Pin layout DC-link voltage of the non-HEIDENHAIN inverster system DC-link voltage of the non-HEIDENHAIN inverster system a. Connecting cable 1.5 mm Equipment ground (YL/GY) ≥ 10 mm Note You must connect the supply voltage to the terminals U and V via an isolating transformer (300 VA, basic insulation as per EN 50 178 and VDE 0550).
  • Page 492: Uv 106 (B) Power Supply Unit

    0.7 Nm (6.5 to 7 lb-ibn) Grounding terminal: ≥ 10 mm (AWG 6) Strain relief: Ensure that the connecting cables are not subject to excessive strain. Equipment ground (YL/GY) ≥ 10 mm 27 – 492 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 493: Monitors

    27.4 Monitors 27.4.1 Designation and position of connectors BF 120 BF 150 July 2010 27 – 493…

  • Page 494: Pin Layouts

    The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). DANGER Only units that comply with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV) may be connected. 27 – 494 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 495: Keyboard Units

    27.5 Keyboard Units 27.5.1 Designation and position of connectors TE 420 TE 520 B July 2010 27 – 495…

  • Page 496
    TE 530 (B) TE 535 Q 27 – 496 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 497: Pin Layouts

    27.5.2 Pin layouts Pin layout of the iTNC keyboard: Connection of the Connecting element (male) 9-pin Pin layout VDU soft keys to the iTNC operating panel Do not assign RL15 RL14 RL13 RL12 Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage»…

  • Page 498: Bts 1X0 Monitor/Keyboard Switch

    At X4 +24 V At X5 Power supply with double insulation in accordance with EN 61800-5-1. Supply voltage for BTS 1×0 Connecting terminal Pin layout +24 V Current consumption: Max. 100 mA. 27 – 498 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 499: Machine Operating Panel

    27.7 Machine Operating Panel 27.7.1 Designation and position of connectors MB 420 MB 520 27.7.2 Pin Layouts on MB 420 See “X46: Machine operating panel” on page 27 – 474. Connection to MC The NC start key and the NC stop key are connected with the MB 420 via X2. Connection of NC start and NC stop Terminal…

  • Page 500: Pin Layouts On Mb 520

    STSP from terminal strip X13 I152 Additional coolant NC start lamp From terminal strip X15 NC stop lamp From terminal strip X14 Control voltage lamp On From terminal strip X13 Vacant Vacant 27 – 500 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 501
    PLC input Meaning of the keys SN/Signal Vacant Vacant Vacant +24 V +24 V D-sub connector, 15-pin X10: To a transfer unit Connecting cable ID 629 663-xx: Meaning SN/Signal Color Input of the keys Vacant VI plus White Vacant VI minus Brown Vacant Jog spindle to left…
  • Page 502
    X46). X13: Terminal strip for the ‘»machine control voltage ON» key X13, X14, X15: Key connections X14: Terminal strip for the «NC stop» key X15: Terminal strip for the «NC start» key 27 – 502 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 503: Handwheels

    27.8 Handwheels See “X23: Handwheel input” on page 27 – 467. X23: Handwheel input 27.8.1 HR 4xx portable handwheel The HR 4xx is a portable electronic handwheel. Assignment of the keys of the HR 420 to the PLC inputs and outputs. —> See “Error Location on Portable Handwheel with HR 420 Display”…

  • Page 504: Hr 130 Panel-Mounted Handwheel

    Extension cable ID 281 429-xx HR 130 ID 254 040-xx D-sub D-sub D-sub connector connector connector (male) 9-pin (female) 9-pin (male) 9-pin Housing Shield Housing Housing Shield White White Brown Brown Yellow Yellow Green Green Gray 27 – 504 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 505: Hra 110 Handwheel Adapter

    27.8.3 HRA 110 handwheel adapter With the HRA 110 handwheel adapter you can connect two or three HR 150 panel-mounted handwheels to iTNC 530. The first and second handwheels are assigned to the X and Y axes. The third handwheel can be assigned either through a selection switch (option) or with MP7645.

  • Page 506
    The power supply of the PLC must not be used simultaneously for the HRA110, otherwise the metallic isolation of the PLC inputs/outputs would be bridged. HRA 110 Connecting terminal Pin layout + 24 Vdc as per IEC 742 (VDE 551) Maximum current consumption 200 mA. 27 – 506 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 507: Touch Probes

    27.9 Touch Probes See “X12: Connection of the touch probe for workpiece measurement” on page 27 – 460. Touch probes for workpiece measurement See “X13: Connection of the touch probe for tool measurement” on page 27 – 462. Touch probe for tool measurement 27.10 PLC Input/Output Units 27.10.1 Designation and position of connectors…

  • Page 508
    PL 410 B +24V SUPPLY +24V +24V +24V +24V +24V SUPPLY ANALOG 27 – 508 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 509
    PLB 510 Basic Module PL 510 PLD 16-8 input/output module PLA 4-4 analog module July 2010 27 – 509…
  • Page 510: Pl 4Xxb Pin Layouts

    Serial OUT Serial OUT White/Pink Serial OUT Address 4 Black Address 4 Address 2 Gray Address 2 Address 0 White Address 0 Housing External Housing External shield Housing Housing External shield shield 27 – 510 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 511
    Terminal X3 Pin layout PLC input 1. PL 2. PL 3. PL 4. PL PL 410 B and I192 I256 I320 PL 405 B I193 I257 I321 I194 I258 I322 I195 I259 I323 I196 I260 I324 I197 I261 I325 I198 I262 I326 I199…
  • Page 512
    I120 I248 I312 I376 I121 I249 I313 I377 I122 I250 I314 I378 I123 I251 I315 I379 I124 I252 I316 I380 I125 I253 I317 I381 I126 I254 I318 I382 I127 I255 I319 I383 27 – 512 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 513
    Terminal X7 Pin layout PLC output 1. PL 2. PL 3. PL 4. PL PL 410 B O128 O160 O129 O161 O130 O162 O131 O163 O132 O164 O133 O165 O134 O166 O135 O167 O136 O168 O137 O169 O138 O170 O139 O171 O140 O172…
  • Page 514
    U+ Measuring input for Pt 100 U– Measuring input for Pt 100 I– Constant current for Pt 100 Shield Note The interface complies with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). 27 – 514 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 515
    Normally, the thermistor connection is a «four-conductor circuit»: ’ Measuring input U+ U– Measuring input ’ I– 8Th3110 Pt100 Customer’s cable 4 x 0.14 mm screened, maximum 30 m The PL 410B input/output unit is also available with additional analog inputs and inputs for Pt 100 X23: thermistors.
  • Page 516: Pin Layouts For Pl 510

    External shld. Housing External shield Housing Housing External shld. Pin layout on PLB 510 basic module: Supply voltage for logic Connect. terminal Pin layout +24 Vdc (20.4 V to 28.8 V) +0 V 27 – 516 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 517
    Pin layout on the PLD 16-8 input/output module: X4 to X5: PLC inputs on the PL 510 Note The 0-V terminals of X4 and X5 of the PLD 16-8 are connected internally. These connections are used for connecting the potential of the electronics and for operating the LEDs. Since only a low current is required (max.
  • Page 518
    LEDs must be established at X4 or X5. Note The iTNC 530 cyclically monitors the PLC outputs of the PL 510 for a short-circuit. Pin layout at X6 (power supply for PLC outputs):…
  • Page 519
    X15 to X18: Analog input on the PLA 4-4 analog Connecting Pin layout module terminals –10 V to +10 V 0 V (reference potential) Shield Note The interfaces comply with the requirements of EN 61800-5-1 for «protective extra-low voltage» (PELV). Characteristics of the connecting cable: Shielding 2 conductors with 0.14 mm²…
  • Page 520: Encoders

    If encoders with TTL signals are connected to a CC 424 (B) via an adapter (ID 317505-xx), then the phase position of the reference pulse is not correct. In order to deactivate monitoring, set bit 9 of MP 2220. 27 – 520 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 521
    Pin layout of D-sub connector (female) and D-sub connector (male): Adapter connector TTL (HEIDENHAIN)/ D-sub connector Pin layout D-sub Pin layout (female) 15-pin connection (male) 15-pin +5 V (U +5 V (U 0 V (U 0 V (U A– –U B–…
  • Page 522: Speed Encoders

    For further information, refer to the Service Manual «Inverter Systems and Motors». 27.13 Interface Boards for the SIMODRIVE System 611D The HEIDENHAIN expansion boards for the SIMODRIVE system receive PWM signals from the control and converts them. —> See “X51 to X64: PWM-output” on page 27 – 480.

  • Page 523: Exchange Of Heidenhain Components

    Observe the safety precautions to avoid injury or damage to persons or machines. —> See “Safety Precautions” on page 2 – 15. Caution Always use original HEIDENHAIN components as replacements! Which components (Main Computer = housing part with the computer)

  • Page 524
    As per special prescriptions of the OEM, the PLC program, the machine configuration or the data in the PLC partition may also be updated. DANGER The HEIDENHAIN NC software for iTNC 530 must be released by the OEM for the respective machine! Note…
  • Page 525
    SIK for MC 422 SIK for HDR The SIK (= System Identification Key) … Is located in a base on the processor board of MC 422 (left figure). Is located in a slot on the HDR for the MC 422 B/C und MC 420 (right figure). Includes the NC software license (standard or export version, with or without Windows, with a various number of enabled control loops, etc.) Stores enabled control loops and software options (e.g, tilting operation, HSC milling, TCPM,…
  • Page 526
    Some HEIDENHAIN units feature an electronic ID label. Electronic ID label The product name, the ID number and the serial number are saved in this ID label. Prerequisite for the evaluation of the electronic ID labels of the iTNC 530: As of NC software Machine parameters…
  • Page 527
    If the control has already booted several times, the logo of the default setting appears in the Power interrupted status. This is based on MPNAME.MP. The file MPNAME.MP is generated by the HEIDENHAIN operating system. The axes cannot be traversed, and the control is set to programming station.
  • Page 528
    ESD protection Caution When exchanging HEIDENHAIN components, you might come into contact with electronic components. Always assume that all electronic components and assemblies are endangered by electrostatic discharge (ESD) and may be damaged by incorrect handling. These ESD-sensitive components could also come into contact with a statically charged object (tool, workbench, packaging, etc.)
  • Page 529
    Note Since the iTNC 530 consists of two components (MC and CC) you can exchange each component individually or both together. When sending us both components, do not forget to state both ID numbers. The ID number of the MC can be found on the front panel or on the right side of the housing.
  • Page 530
    Please send the defective unit in its original packaging to your machine manufacturer or your HEIDENHAIN agency. Many HEIDENHAIN units are not repaired on site but are exchanged or replaced. Repair These devices are exclusively repaired by HEIDENHAIN agencies. The devices are also updated to the latest state-of-the-art and subjected to tests.
  • Page 531: Exchange Of The Mc 422

    28.2 Exchange of the MC 422 Caution The MC 422 may only be exchanged in consultation with the machine manufacturer or by the machine manufacturer! MCs received for exchange and new MCs are normally equipped with the most recent NC software. This NC software must be released by the machine manufacturer! If the latest NC software has not been released by the machine manufacturer or if the NC software version of your defective control should also run on the replacement control,…

  • Page 532
    Secure the hard disk of the defective control for the transport! (See sticker on the housing of the MC 422.) brace of the hard disk Figure: Sticker regarding the shipping brace of the hard disk on the housing of the MC 422 28 – 532 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 533
    Caution Observe the ESD precautions. —> See “Important Information” on page 28 – 523! Remove the SIK from the defective MC 422 and insert it into the new MC 422. Figure: Position of SIK in the MC 422 Caution The SIK (System Identification Key) will remain with the machine. It must be inserted into the new or replacement MC;…
  • Page 534
    Check the currently active NC software version. —> See “Display of Important System Defining the NC Information” on page 26 – 443. software version If you need another software version, it must be loaded now. —> Contact the machine manufacturer! 28 – 534 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 535
    Establish a connection between your laptop and the new control. Restoring the data —> See “Connection Setup” on page 13 – 172. Load the backup on the new MC 422. —> See “Restoring Data” on page 13 – 197. Note Delete the blue check mark for READ_MP.A.
  • Page 536
    Check whether the hard disk is secured by a shipping brace. Pack the defective MC 422 in the original packaging of the new MC 422. Return the defective MC 422 to the machine manufacturer or to your HEIDENHAIN service agency.
  • Page 537: Exchange Of The Drive Assembly

    28.3 Exchange of the Drive Assembly Caution The drive assembly must only be exchanged by or in consultation with the machine manufacturer! Drives that you receive in exchange and new drives are already partitioned and formatted. The HeROS operating mode and the NC software are installed. The hard disks are normally equipped with the most recent NC software.

  • Page 538
    Connect MC 422 to the CC and screw it into place. Re-establish and screw into place all the connections. Caution Do not confuse any of the connectors! Do not forget the grounding screw! Switch on the main switch of the machine. 28 – 538 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 539
    Adapting the Only necessary if you want to transfer the backup files by means of Ethernet interface and the NC software version of the control is lower than 340420-08! MPNAME.MP If the file MPNAME.MP is now displayed on the screen: Press END to restart the control.
  • Page 540
    The parameter is not required. —> Delete this MP or mark the parameter as comment so it remains in the machine parameter list. After each change, try to activate the machine parameter list with END. If the MP list is complete, the iTNC 530 restarts. 28 – 540 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 541
    Note On machines with analog axes, an offset fine adjustment should be performed with the HEIDENHAIN code number after the exchange of the control. —> See “Adjusting the electrical offset (drift adjustment)” on page 20 – 349. Check the machine functions (with the aid of the machine operator).
  • Page 542: Exchange Of The Mc 422 B, Mc 422 C, Mc 420

    Write the non-volatile PLC markers and words from the HDR to the RAM of the new control. PLC markers and —> See “Non-Volatile PLC Markers and Words” on page 11 – 136. words 28 – 542 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 543
    Please fill in this form and attach it to the housing of the MC 422 B. (MC 422 C, MC 420) Pack the defective MC 422 B in the original packaging of the new MC 422 B. Return the defective MC 422 B to the machine manufacturer or to your HEIDENHAIN service agency. Caution If you want to send us the HDR for investigation or repair, it must be secured for the transport and packed separately.
  • Page 544: Exchange Of The Hdr

    If an external archive for the TNC data is already available, you need not to back up the TNC partition. Thus you save time! Contact the customer! In this case, select the icon Scan system and machine files. 28 – 544 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 545
    Switch off the machine, take precautions against resetting, ensure that the equipment is free Removing the of potential. defective HDR Press the handle of the HDR upwards to loosen the locking. Press the locking hook upwards and remove the HDR. Caution Observe the ESD precautions.
  • Page 546
    Press hard disk down, slide it forwards. (click) 2. nach hinten schieben. (Click) Slide it backwards. (click) Grifflaschen benützen. Use holding tabs. Figure: Sticker regarding the shipping brace on the housing of the HDR 28 – 546 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 547
    Caution Observe the ESD precautions. —> See “Important Information” on page 28 – 523! Remove the SIK from the defective HDR and insert it into the new HDR. Figure: Position of SIK in the HDR Caution The SIK (System Identification Key) will remain with the machine. It must be inserted into the new or replacement HDR;…
  • Page 548
    (PLC-data, TNC-data) to restore data on the new HDR; if required, the machine manufacturer can also provide you with PLC or machine data. Establish a connection between your laptop and the control. —> See “Connection Setup” on page 13 – 172. 28 – 548 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 549
    Load the backup on the new HDR. —> See “Restoring Data” on page 13 – 197. Note Delete the blue check mark for READ_MP.A in the LST file. Background: To each NC software version belongs a READ_MP.A file which includes the comments on the current machine parameters (to be found under PLC:JHREAD_MP.A).
  • Page 550
    Check whether the hard disk is secured by a shipping brace. Pack the defective HDR in the original packaging of the new HDR. Return the defective HDR to the machine manufacturer or to your HEIDENHAIN service agency. 28 – 550…
  • Page 551: Exchange Of The Cc

    Fill in this form and attach it to the housing of the CC. Pack the defective CC in the original packaging of the new CC. Return the defective CC to the machine manufacturer or to your HEIDENHAIN service agency. July 2010…

  • Page 552: Exchange Of The Buffer Battery

    28.7 Exchange of the Buffer Battery See “Buffer Battery” on page17 – 264. 28 – 552 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 553: Exchange Of Other Heidenhain Components

    Mounting Instructions and Mounting Information are also included in delivery. The HEIDENHAIN testing devices PWM 9 (See ”PWM 9 Encoder Diagnostic Set” on page 29 – 566) or PWT (See ”PWT 10/17/18 Testing Unit” on page 29 – 568) are good aids for adjusting scanning heads.

  • Page 554: Exchange Of Heidenhain Components In The Simodrive System

    28.9 Exchange of HEIDENHAIN Components in the SIMODRIVE System HEIDENHAIN expansion boards for the SIMODRIVE system in the version with D-Sub Version with connector are available with or without metallic isolation of HEIDENHAIN PWM signals to D-sub connector the Siemens interface.

  • Page 555
    Expansion boards with metallic isolation are recognized as follows: On the front panel there are the LEDs RESET X1, READY and RESET X2. There is a grounding screw on the front panel. There is transformer on the front panel. These boards have the ID 324952-10 with index A, -11, -12, …
  • Page 556
    Interface boards with and without metallic isolation may not be used together! Either all boards are galvanically isolated and X131 is wired or all boards are not galvanically isolated and X131 is not wired! Photo: Siemens E/R module with terminal X131 28 – 556 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 557
    Caution If a Siemens E/R module is used together with a so-called monitoring module (UEB module), the terminal X131 on this module has to be wired as on the E/R module! Photo: Siemens UEB module with terminal X131 July 2010 28 –…
  • Page 558
    HEIDENHAIN interface boards for the SIMODRIVE system in the version with ribbon cable Version with ribbon have a metallic isolation of the HEIDENHAIN PWM signals to the Siemens interface. cable connector Thus, the terminal X131 must be available at the SIEMENS drive system! The individual interface boards must also be connected to the central signal ground of the machine via the grounding screw on the front panel.
  • Page 559
    515012-03 1-axis version, ribbon- cable connector The HEIDENHAIN interface boards listed in the above table replace the previous variants. This means that they may also be inserted in «older» SIMODRIVE power modules. Caution «Older» HEIDENHAIN interface boards may not be operated with modified SIMODRIVE power modules.
  • Page 560
    28 – 560 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 561: Measuring, Testing And Inspection Equipment

    29 Measuring, Testing and Inspection Equipment 29.1 Important Notes DANGER Observe the safety precautions in chapter 2 of this manual. —> See “Safety Precautions” on page 2 – 15! Caution The following inspection, measuring and testing equipment is only intended for testing machines! Caution Encoder cables, etc., are no longer continuously shielded when the test adapter is…

  • Page 562: Test Adapter

    The test adapter … Brief description Currently has the ID 375830-01. Can be connected to all D-Sub and ribbon-cable connectors of HEIDENHAIN devices. Requires adapter cables. Has numbered banana jacks to which, e.g., a multimeter can be connected. Permits signal and voltage measurement during the operation of HEIDENHAIN devices.

  • Page 563
    Each ribbon cable and D-sub connector requires its own adapter cable. Adapter cable to the test adapter Connecting cable, ribbon type 50-, 40-, 34-pin ID 375833-01 Connecting cable, ribbon type 26-, 20-, 16-pin ID 375833-02 A new and an old version of the D-sub adapter cables are available. The older version has disadvantages: The oval-head screws on the D-sub connector reduce the insertion depth.
  • Page 564
    D-sub adapter cable 15-pin ID 255482-01 New version D-sub adapter cable 15-pin ID 255482-01 Older version D-sub adapter cable 25-pin ID 255483-01 New version 29 – 564 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 565
    D-sub adapter cable 25-pin ID 255483-01 Older version D-sub adapter cable 37-pin ID 255484-01 New version D-sub adapter cable 37-pin ID 255484-01 Older version July 2010 29 – 565…
  • Page 566: Pwm 9 Encoder Diagnostic Set

    The PWM 9 set currently has the ID 512134-01. Brief description The PWM 9 phase angle measuring unit for inspecting and adjusting HEIDENHAIN incremental linear and angle encoders. There are different expansion modules available for checking the different encoder signals (11 µApp, 1 Vpp, TTL, HTL).

  • Page 567
    During our training courses on measuring systems or special PWM 9 trainings the PWM 9 is explained in detail. We recommend that you participate in a HEIDENHAIN service training course so that you can use the PWM 9 correctly and effectively.
  • Page 568: Pwt 10/17/18 Testing Unit

    PWT 18 1 Vpp 325413-xx For HEIDENHAIN motor encoders, the PWT 18 is used for 1 Vpp signals. The PWT 18 cannot be connected in series between encoder and control. The encoder is connected to and powered by the PWT 18.

  • Page 569
    A detailed explanation of the PWT is part of our training courses on measuring systems. We recommend that you participate in a HEIDENHAIN service training course so that you can use the PWT correctly and effectively.
  • Page 570: Ik 215 Adjusting And Testing Package

    A detailed explanation of the IK 215 Adjusting and Testing Package is part of our training courses on measuring systems. We recommend that you participate in a HEIDENHAIN service training course so that you can use the IK 215 Adjusting and Testing Package correctly and effectively.

  • Page 571: Machine Parameter

    30 Machine Parameter 30.1 Explanation A contouring control must have access to specific data (e.g., traverse distances, acceleration, shaft speeds) before it can execute its programmed instructions. These data are defined in machine parameters. The list of machine parameters is divided into topic groups. Machine parameters Topics 10 to 999…

  • Page 572: The Machine Parameter Editor

    PLC! If necessary, ask the machine manufacturer which MP files or MP subfiles are active in which special mode of the machine, or which parameters are overwritten by the PLC! 30 – 572 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 573
    Calling the machine Select the Programming and Editing operating mode. parameter editors If open: Close the program management by pressing the END button. Note Pressing the MOD key while the program manager is open calls the interface settings. Call the code number window. Enter the code number and press ENT to confirm.
  • Page 574
    AUX: FUNCTIONS / PROTECT. A P is shown for «protected» in the status column in program management. Of course, you can also backup important data on an external data medium before servicing! 30 – 574 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 575
    Load this file into the editor. When the END key is pressed, the selected MP file is activated (the iTNC 530 performs a reset, if necessary). Later on the original MP file is reactivated in the same way.
  • Page 576
    Press the END key. —> The machine parameter editor generates the deleted parameter again and asks you for information. Enter the correct value (if required, look it up in the original MP list). 30 – 576 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 577
    A reset is started (e.g., when changing certain control-loop parameters). Note This behavior is defined by HEIDENHAIN and cannot be influenced! If you have reason to doubt that a changed parameter was transferred or not, the control can be rebooted manually.
  • Page 578
    Call the program management. Place the cursor on the original MP list. Load this file into the editor. Press the END key (the iTNC 530 activates the selected original MP file and performs a reset, if necessary). Note In the program management, the active MP file has the entry M in the status column.
  • Page 579: Meaning Of The Machine Parameters

    Your can enter comments, beginnig with a semicolon, yourself in the MP list. You must have a write permission for this purpose (correct code number). If the machine manufacturer has removed the original HEIDENHAIN comments in full or in parts: Text file READ_MP.A…

  • Page 580: List Of Machine Parameters

    30.4 List of Machine Parameters (excerpt from the Technical Manual of iTNC 530 of May 2009) 30.4.1 Encoders and machines Function and input SW version behavior MP10 Active axes Format: %xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Input: Bits 0 to 13 represent axes 1 to 14…

  • Page 581
    Function and input SW version behavior MP111.x Position encoder input for the spindle(s) Input: 0: No position encoder input 1 to 6: Position encoder inputs X1 to X6 35 to 38: Position encoder inputs X35 to X38 201 to 214: Position encoder inputs X201 to X214 MP111.0 Position encoder input for the first spindle MP111.1…
  • Page 582
    %xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Input: Bits 0 to 13 represent axes 1 to 14 0: Positive 1: Negative MP331.x Distance for the number of signal periods in MP332 Input: 0.0001 to +1.797693135E+308 [mm] or [°] 30 – 582 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 583
    Function and input SW version behavior MP332.x Number of signal periods for the distance in MP331 Input: 1 to +1.797693135E+308 MP334.x Nominal increment between two fixed reference marks on encoders with distance- coded reference marks Input: 1 to 65 535 0: 1 000 MP340.x Interpolation factor for external interpolation…
  • Page 584
    -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] or [°] MP950.x Datum for positioning blocks with M92 for axes 1 to 9 Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] or [°] Values with respect to the machine datum 30 – 584 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 585
    Function and input SW version behavior MP951.x Simulated tool-change position for TOOL CALL during mid-program startup (block scan) Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] or [°] MP960.x Machine datum Input: –1.79769313486E+308 to +1.79769313486E+308 [mm] or [°] Values with respect to the scale reference point July 2010 30 –…
  • Page 586: Positioning

    Maximum permissible axis-specific jerk for rapid-traverse movements in the operating 340 490-04 modes «Program Run Full Sequence», «Program Run Single Block», and «Positioning with Manual Data Input» Input: 0: Function inactive 0.0 to 9999.9 [m/s³ or °/s³] 30 – 586 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 587
    Function and input SW version behavior MP1087.x Maximum permissible axis-specific jerk for «Manual mode» Input: 0.1 to 1000.0 [m/s³ or 1000 °/s³] MP1088.x Axis-specific jerk limiting for unfiltered positioning movements 340 490-05 Input: 0.1 to 9999.9 [m/s³] MP1089.x Max. permissible axis-specific jerk for «Pass Over Reference Point» mode Input: 0.1 to 1000.0 [m/s³…
  • Page 588
    Minimum time period for which the monitoring functions are to remain effective after expiration of the time from MP1150.1. Input: 0 to 65.535 [s] MP1160 As of CC 424(B): LIFTOFF at powerfail 340 490-04 Input: 0 to 30.0000 [mm] Default: 0.0000 [mm] 30 – 588 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 589
    Function and input SW version behavior MP1200 Selection of the nominal position value filter used 340 490-01 Input: 0: Single filter 1: Double filter 2: HSC filter 3: Advanced HSC filter MP1201 Nominal position value filter in manual operation 340 490-01 Input: 0: Single filter 1: Double filter…
  • Page 590
    Velocity for leaving the reference mark end position for axes 1 to 9 (only for rotary encoders MP1350 = 2) Input: 10 to 300 000 [mm/min] MP1340.x Sequence for traversing the reference marks Input: 0: No evaluation of reference marks 1 to 14: Axes 1 to 14 30 – 590 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 591
    Function and input SW version behavior MP1350.x Sequence for finding the reference mark Input: 0: Linear encoder with distance-coded reference marks (old routine) 1: Position encoder with one reference mark 2: Special type (length measurement with ROD) 3: Linear encoder with distance-coded reference marks (new routine) 4: Same as 3 except that two reference marks are evaluated 5: Encoder with EnDat interface 6: Reference pulse via fast PLC input…
  • Page 592: Operation With Velocity Feedforward Control

    0.100 to 20.000 [(m/min)/mm] MP1521 Transient response during acceleration and deceleration Input: 1 to 255 [ms] 0: Function inactive MP1522 Feed-rate smoothing 340 422-10, 340 480-10 Input: 0 to 60 [ms] 0: Function inactive 30 – 592 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 593: Operation With Following Error (Servo Lag)

    30.4.4 Operation with following error (servo lag) Function and input SW version behavior MP1710.x Position monitoring for operation with following error (erasable) Input: 0.0000 to 3.0000 [mm] Recommended: 1.2 ⋅ following error MP1720.x Position monitoring for operation with following error (EMERGENCY STOP) Input: 0.0000 to 3.0000 [mm] Recommended: 1.4 ⋅…

  • Page 594: Integrated Speed And Current Control

    PLC, RUN 5000 to 5999: fPWM = 5000 Hz 6000 to 7999: fPWM = 6666 Hz 8000 to 9999: fPWM = 8333 Hz (CC 424(B): 8000 Hz) 10000: fPWM = 10000 Hz 30 – 594 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 595
    340 490-03 Input: 0 to 3000 [V] MP2195 Handling of status signals from HEIDENHAIN power supply units. MP2195 can also be 340 490-04 overwritten by the PLC and the LSV2 protocol. Input: Bit 0 – Status signals that are already active during control power-up.
  • Page 596
    Only CC 424(B): Reduction of the nominal voltage (and, as a result, the nominal 340 490-01 magnetizing current) at the rpm for field weakening during idle running. Input: 0 to 60 [%] 0 = Function inactive 30 – 596 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 597
    1: Monitoring inactive Bit 1 – Monitoring the direction of rotation 0: Monitoring active 1: Monitoring inactive Bit 2 – Power limit of spindle with ERR.IZ.GR (only for HEIDENHAIN inverters, except UE 2xx) 0: Power limit active 1: Power limit inactive (All HEIDENHAIN inverters except UE 2xx) Bit 3 –…
  • Page 598
    0.001 to 1.999 [s] MP2312.x Factor for utilization of motors Input: 0 to 1 000.000 0: Factor = 1 MP2390.x Maximum braking power Input: 0.1 to 3 000.000 [kW] 0: Braking power is not limited 30 – 598 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 599
    Function and input SW version behavior MP2392.x Power limit Input: 0: No power limit 0.1 to 3 000.000 [kW] MP2394.x Maximum brake power for power failure Input: 0.1 to 3 000.000 [kW] 0: Braking power is not limited MP2396.x Maximum torque Input: 0.1 to 30 000.0 [Nm] 0: Torque is not limited MP2420.x…
  • Page 600
    3: Phase increase (speed controller) 11: PT2 low-pass filter (position controller) 12: Band-rejection filter (position controller) 13: Phase increase (position controller) MP2572.x Only CC 424(B): Bandwidth for filter 1 Input: 0 to 30000.0 [Hz] 30 – 600 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 601
    Function and input SW version behavior MP2573.x Only CC 424(B): Bandwidth for filter 2 Input: 0 to 30000.0 [Hz] MP2574.x Only CC 424(B): Bandwidth for filter 3 Input: 0 to 30000.0 [Hz] MP2575.x Only CC 424(B): Bandwidth for filter 4 Input: 0 to 30000.0 [Hz] MP2576.x Only CC 424(B): Bandwidth for filter 5…
  • Page 602
    (entry for the slave axis) Input: 0.000 to 100.000 1: Master and slave axes have identical motors MP2930.x Speed compensation ratio for master-slave torque control (entry for the slave axis) Input: –100.00 to +100.00 [%] 30 – 602 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 603: Spindle

    30.4.6 Spindle Function and input SW version behavior MP3010 Output of speed, gear range Input: 0: No output of spindle speed 1: Speed code if the speed changes 2: Speed code at every TOOL CALL 3: Nominal speed value always, G code if the gear range shifts 4: Nominal speed value always, G code at every TOOL CALL 5: Nominal speed value always, no G code 6: Same as 3, but with controlled spindle for orientation…

  • Page 604
    With tapping MP3415.3 With rigid tapping MP3420 Spindle positioning window Input: 0 to 360.0000 [°] MP3430 Deviation of the reference mark from the desired position (spindle preset) Input: 0 to 360 [°] 30 – 604 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 605
    Function and input SW version behavior MP3440.0-7 k factor for spindle orientation for gear ranges 1 to 8 Input: 0.1 to 10 [(1000°/ min) /°] MP3450.0-7 Number of spindle position-encoder revolutions for gear ranges 1 to 8 Input: 0 to 65 535 0: No transmission 340 490-05 MP3451.0-7…
  • Page 606: Integrated Plc

    0 to 4: Number of PLs being monitored MP4040 Set PLC output after shutdown 340 420-03 MP4041 Time after shutdown until setting of the PLC output from MP4042 340 420-03 Input: 0 to 1000 [s] 30 – 606 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 607
    Function and input SW version behavior MP4042 PLC output to be set after shutdown 340 420-03 Input: 0 to 31 MP4043 Delay during shutdown for the PLC to execute final actions 340 490-04 Input: 1 to 60 [s] 0: No delay MP4044 Switch off outputs that cannot be switched off by emergency stop after 250-ms delay 340 422-07,…
  • Page 608
    Setting a number in the PLC (Module 9032) Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 MP4310.0-9 General parameters in the PLC (W976 to W994, M4300 to M4459) 340 490-03 Format: Number, $xxxx [Hex], %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Bin] Input: 0 to 65535 30 – 608 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 609: Configuration Of The Data Interface

    30.4.8 Configuration of the Data Interface Function and input SW version behavior MP5000 Disable data interfaces Input: 0: No interface disabled 1: RS-232-C/V.24 interface disabled 2: RS-422/V.11 interface disabled 3: RS-232-C/V.24 and RS-422/V.11 interfaces disabled MP5020 Configuration of the data interface Format: %xxxxxxxx Input:…

  • Page 610
    4: 1200 bps 5: 2400 bps 6: 4800 bps 7: 9600 bps 8: 19200 bps 9: 38400 bps 10: 57600 bps 11: 115200 bps MP5040.0 Operating mode EXT3 (PLC) MP5040.1 Operating mode EXT4 (PLC) 30 – 610 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 611: 3-D Touch Probe

    30.4.9 3-D touch probe Function and input SW version behavior MP6010 Selection of the touch probe Input: 0: Touch probe with cable transmission (TS 120, TS 220) CN123 1: Touch probe with infrared transmission (TS 632) 340 490-04 2: Touch probe with infrared transmission (TS 440, TS 640) 3: TS 444 touch probe, battery free MP6120 Probing feed rate (triggering touch probe)

  • Page 612
    0.0000 to +99 999.9999 [mm] MP6182.0 X coordinate MP6182.1 Y coordinate MP6182.2 Z coordinate MP6185 Distance of probing point below ring top surface during calibration Input: +0.001 to +99 999.9999 [mm] CN123 30 – 612 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 613: Tool Measurement With Tt

    30.4.10 Tool Measurement with TT Function and input SW version behavior MP6500 Tool measurement with TT 130 Format: %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Input: Bit 0 – Cycles for tool measurement 0: Locked 1: Not locked Bit 1 — 0: Tool radius measurement allowed. Tool length measurement with rotating spindle 1: Tool radius measurement and individual tooth measurement disabled Bit 2 –…

  • Page 614
    0: Function inactive CN123 1 to 999: Number of the M function for spindle orientation by PLC MP6570 Max. permissible surface cutting speed at the tooth edge Input: 1.0000 to 129.0000 [m/min] CN123 30 – 614 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 615
    Function and input SW version behavior MP6572 Maximum permissible speed during tool measurement Input: 0 to 100,000 [1000 rpm] 0: 1000 [rpm] CN123 MP6580.0-2 Coordinates of the TT 130 probe contact center with respect to the machine datum (traverse range 1) Input: -99 999.9999 to +99 999.9999 [mm] CN123…
  • Page 616: Tapping

    1: Spindle operated with position feedback control Bit 3 – Acceleration feedforward control 0: Active 1: Not active Bit 4 – 0: Tool axis tracks the spindle 1: Tool axis and spindle interpolated 30 – 616 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 617: Display And Operation

    Lock specific file types Input: 0: Do not disable 1: Disable CN123 Bit 0 – HEIDENHAIN programs *.H Bit 1 – ISO programs *.I Bit 2 – Tool tables *.T Bit 3 – Datum tables *.D Bit 4 – Pallet tables *.P Bit 5 –…

  • Page 618
    Bit 2 – “Program run” operating time 0: Do not reset 1: Reset MP7238.0-12 Dialog messages for PLC operating times 1 to 13 Input: 0 to 4095 Dialog no. from the file (OEM.SYS) 30 – 618 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 619
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7245 Disabling auxiliary cycles Input: 0: Auxiliary cycles disabled 1: Auxiliary cycles permitted MP7246 Machine parameter with multiple function Input: %xxxx Bit 0 – Paraxial positioning blocks 340 490-04 0: Permitted 1: Locked Bit 1 – Clear with DEL key 0: Does not need confirmation 1: Must confirm via soft key Bit 2 –…
  • Page 620
    Point angle for DRILL and CSINK (T-ANGLE) 340 490-01 MP7266.39 Thread pitch for TAP (PITCH) 340 490-01 MP7266.40 Control strategy name for AFC (Adaptive Feed Control) 340 490-03 MP7266.41 Tool value or tool radius R2 (R2TOL) 340 490-05 30 – 620 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 621
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7267 Elements of the pocket table SZ123 340 490-03 MP7267 can also be overwritten by the PLC and the LSV2 protocol. Input: 0: No display 1 to 99: Position in the pocket table MP7267.0 Tool number (T) MP7267.1 Special tool (ST)
  • Page 622
    6: Erase the status information when a program is selected and in the event of M02, M30, END PGM. 7: Erase the status information when a program is selected and in the event of M02, M30, END PGM. 30 – 622 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 623
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7310 Graphic display mode Format: %xxxxxxxx Input: Bit 0 – Projection in three planes: CN123 0: German-preferred projection 1: US-preferred projection Bit 1 – Rotating the coordinate system in the working plane by 90°: 0: No rotation 1: Rotation by +90°…
  • Page 624: Color

    “Machine” soft-key display MP7357.0 Background MP7357.1 Text color MP7357.2 Inactive soft-key row MP7357.3 Active soft-key row MP7358 “Programming” soft-key display MP7358.0 Background MP7358.1 Text color MP7358.2 Inactive soft-key row MP7358.3 Active soft-key row 30 – 624 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 625
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7360 Graphics: 3-D view and plan view MP7360.0 Background MP7360.1 Surface MP7360.2 3-D: Front face MP7360.3 Text display in the graphics window MP7360.4 3-D: Lateral face MP7360.5 Lowest point of blank form MP7360.6 Highest point of blank form (below surface) MP7361 Graphics: Projection in three planes MP7361.0…
  • Page 626
    Time after which the screensaver is activated Input: 1 to 99 [min] CN123 0: No screen saver MP7392.1 Type of screensaver 340 490-03 Input: 0: No screensaver 1: Default screensaver of the X server 2: 3-D line graphics 30 – 626 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 627: Machining And Program Run

    30.4.14 Machining and Program Run Function and input SW version behavior MP7400 Look-ahead – Number of NC blocks for advance calculation of the path 340 490-02 Input: 0: 256 [blocks] (default) 1: 512 [blocks] 2: 1024 [blocks] MP7410 Scaling cycle in two or three axes Input: 0: Scaling cycle is effective in all three principal axes 1: Scaling cycle is effective only in the working plane…

  • Page 628
    0: Do not offset 1: Offset MP7451.0-8 Feed rate for returning to the contour for axes 1 to 9 Input: 10 to 300 000 [mm/min] MP7460.x Reserved 340 422-10, 340 480-10 CN123 30 – 628 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 629
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7461.x Reserved 340 422-10, 340 480-10 CN123 MP7470 Maximum contouring tool feed rate at 100% override Input: 0 to 300 000 [mm/min] 0: No limitation CN123 MP7471 Maximum velocity of the principal axes during compensating movements through M128 or TCPM Input: 0 to 300 000 [mm/min]…
  • Page 630
    1: Every traverse range has its own set of calibration data Bit 3 – Calibration data: touch probe for tool measurement: 0: One set of calibration data for all traverse ranges 1: Every traverse range has its own set of calibration data 30 – 630 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 631
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7492.x Number of axis in which the same datum is to be set during Datum Setting (with active 340 422-03, preset table) 340 480-03 Input: 0 to 9 –1: Do not set a datum MP7492.0 Datum set in the first axis MP7492.13…
  • Page 632
    1: Kinematics can be selected in Editing operating modes for simulation in Test Run mode Bit 1 0: Kinematics cannot be selected in Machining operating modes 1: Kinematics of the real machine can be selected in Machining operating modes 30 – 632 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 633
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7510 Transformed axis (only possible Format: %xxxxxx via the old Input: 0: End of the transformation sequence kinematics Bit 0 corresponds to axis X table) Bit 1 corresponds to axis Y Bit 2 corresponds to axis Z Bit 3 corresponds to axis A Bit 4 corresponds to axis B Bit 5 corresponds to axis C…
  • Page 634: Hardware

    0: Informational text inactive 1: Informational text active MP7621 Reserved MP7630 Recovery time after EMERGENCY STOP test can be configured 340 490-03 Input: 1 to 999 [ms] 0: Previous behavior (through 340 49x-03) 30 – 634 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 635
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7640 Handwheel Input: 0: No handwheel 1: Reserved 2: HR 130 3: Reserved 4: Reserved 5: Up to three HR 150 via HRA 110 6: HR 410 7 to 10: Reserved 11: HR 420 MP7641 Handwheel settings Format:…
  • Page 636
    Subdivision factor for handwheel Input: 0 to 10 MP7670.0 Subdivision factor for slow speed MP7670.1 Subdivision factor for medium speed (only HR 410) MP7670.2 Subdivision factor for high speed (only HR 410) 30 – 636 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 637
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7671 Handwheel feed rate in the Handwheel operating mode with HR 410 Input: 0 to 1000 [% of MP1020] MP7671.0 Low speed MP7671.1 Medium speed (only HR 410) MP7671.2 High speed (only HR 410) MP7672 HR 410, distance per handwheel step 340 490-03…
  • Page 638
    1: Transfer last FN19 outputs to the PLC after block scan. Bit 4 – MP subfiles during block scan 0: MP subfiles are not activated during block scan 1: MP subfiles are activated during block scan 30 – 638 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 639
    Function and input SW version behavior MP7682 Machine parameter with multiple function Format: %xxxxxxxx Input: Bit 0 – Incremental block after TOOL CALL 340 490-05 0: With length compensation 1: Without length compensation Bit 1 – Reference value for calculating the preset during datum setting 0: Actual value is calculated 1: Nominal value is calculated Bit 2 –…
  • Page 640
    1: NC start executes all NC programs until the end of the pallet MP7683 Executing pallet tables and NC programs Bit 5 – EDIT PALLET soft key 0: EDIT PALLET soft key is not displayed 340 490-05 1: EDIT PALLET soft key is displayed 30 – 640 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 641
    0: Active 1: Inactive Bit 1 – HEIDENHAIN synchronous motors 0: Active 1: Inactive Bit 2 – HEIDENHAIN power supply unit 0: Active 1: Inactive MP7691.x Size of internal diagnostics files (FILO memory) for error searching. Can only be evaluated by HEIDENHAIN.
  • Page 642
    Size of the log file with reports from the NC kernel. 10 files are created that are 10 · [MP7691.3] megabytes large TNC:klog.log — 9.log Input: Each file with 1 to 10 [10KB] 0: Inactive (default) 30 – 642 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 643: Second Spindle

    30.4.16 Second spindle Function and input SW version behavior MP13010 to Machine parameter block for the second spindle MP13530 Input: Function and input range are identical with MP3010 to MP3530. July 2010 30 – 643…

  • Page 644
    30 – 644 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 645: Annex: Principle Of Function Of The Itnc 530 Control

    Ask your machine manufacturer for detailed or special explanations (e.g., machine functions, circuit diagram of the machine)! The Control Loop The iTNC 530 can also control analog axes / spindles. The control loop for analog axes/ The position controller is located in the control, speed and current controller in the analog servo spindles amplifier.

  • Page 646
    The respective outer control loop protects the inner control loop by limiting the command variable. The position, speed and current controllers are located in the iTNC 530. The power module is driven by the CC 42x (B) through PWM signals.
  • Page 647
    The cycle times that apply vary depending on the CC used or the CC’s settings. Figure: Cycle times In order to adapt the feed rate to the workpiece machining process, the iTNC 530 calculates the Look ahead geometry ahead of time. This way changes in directions (corners, curvatures, and changes in curvatures) are detected in time, and the participating NC axes can be braked or accelerated accordingly.
  • Page 648
    The same applies to rapid traverse in the path. With the iTNC 530 the user can choose between two types of feedback control: The position controller Feedback control with following error (servo lag)
  • Page 649
    The following error is multiplied by the k factor and passed on as nominal velocity value: · s noml = nominal velocity value noml The control loop gain, known as the k factor, defines the amplification of the position control factor during loop.
  • Page 650
    Δ S Noml Δ t Noml Noml – Actl MP1510.x MP1080.x Figure: Simplified illustration of velocity feedforward control Unlike operation with following error, the machine manufacturer sets the optimum k factor with interpolating axes. 1– 650 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 651
    MP1396.x allows the operator to switch to velocity semifeedforward control. Position control Normally, work will be carried out using velocity feedforward. Velocity semifeedforward is with velocity activated, for example, by an OEM cycle before roughing, in order to permit a higher following semifeedforward error and thereby a higher velocity, combined with a lowered accuracy, in order to traverse control…
  • Page 652
    6, 10 or 12 digital speed controllers for the axes and spindles are integrated in the iTNC 530: The speed controller The actual speed values are measured directly at the motors with HEIDENHAIN rotary encoders. The position controller provides the nominal speed value. The speed controller is driven by the difference between nominal and actual speed values.
  • Page 653
    Double speed control loops operate with shorter controller cycle times. Double-speed This makes higher control performance possible, e.g., for high frequency spindles, linear and control loops torque motors. Note When using a CC 424 (B), the machine manufacturer can set double speed control loops. July 2010 1 –…
  • Page 654: Pwm Signals

    PWM is the abbreviation «Pulse Width Modulation». The information (speed, torque) for the output stages is converted into a pulse and pause ratio. The PWM signal is generated in the HEIDENHAIN control and is transferred to the inverter via PWM interfaces.

  • Page 655
    «Scanning» a signal with higher frequency (higher motor speed) effects a more frequent change of pulses and pauses. July 2010 1 – 655…
  • Page 656
    «Scanning» a signal with a lower amplitude (low motor torque) results in a smaller difference between pulses and pauses. An infinite low or missing signal effects a ratio of pulse to pause of 50:50! The torque on the motor is zero. 1– 656 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 657: Annex: Principle Of Function Of The Itnc 530 Control

    Annex: Principle of Function of the iTNC 530 Control iTNC 530 with modular HEIDENHAIN inverter system July 2010 2 – 657…

  • Page 658
    530 with modular HEIDENHAIN inverter system with optional ZKF, CMH, CML, SM and parallel NE 1 / NE 2 2– 658 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 659
    530 with SIMODRIVE inverter system July 2010 2 – 659…
  • Page 660
    2– 660 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 661: Annex: Monitoring Functions

    Deactivated monitoring functions or changed tolerance values may result in damage to persons or equipment. You must not switch off any of the monitoring functions! In this chapter you can look up which monitoring functions exist on iTNC 530 and how they are defined. During Start-Up In the event of hazardous errors the control switches off the Control-is-ready output.

  • Page 662
    24 V power supply from connector X 34 is missing causes of error MC defective Wiring defective, contactors defective or too slow See “Checking the «Control is ready» output and input (EMERGENCY STOP chain)” on page 16 Troubleshooting – 233. 3 – 662 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 663: During Operation

    During Operation During operation, the iTNC 530 monitors the following positions: Amplitude of encoder signals Edge separation of encoder signals Absolute position for encoders with distance-coded reference marks Current position (position or servo-lag monitoring) Actual path traversed (movement monitoring) Position deviation at standstill (standstill monitoring)

  • Page 664: Position Or Servo Lag Monitoring

    If the positions differ by more than the difference defined in MP 1146.x, a pop-up window appears with both positions. The new position can be confirmed with a soft key. If it is not confirmed, the error message Check the position encoder <axis> appears. 3 – 664 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 665
    Special case: Absolute multiturn rotary encoder The control stores an overflow (more than 4096 revolutions of the encoder) internally. Additionally, the number of traversed sectors (1 sector = 256 revolutions) is stored. After the drives are switched on, the current sector is compared to the stored sector. Switch-off position in this sector Error!
  • Page 666: Nominal Speed Value Monitoring

    For analag axes: Check the tachometer and carbon brushes, adjust the servo amplifier again For digital axes: New adjustment of the control loops by the machine manufacturer Overhaul the mechanics Eliminate the hardware error in the control loop 3 – 666 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 667: Movement Monitoring

    3.3.3 Movement monitoring Movement monitoring is possible during operation both with velocity feedforward and with following error. During movement monitoring, the actual path traveled is compared at short intervals (several servo cycles) with the nominal path calculated by the NC. If during this period the actual path traveled differs from the calculated path, the blinking error message MOVEMENT MONITORING <AXIS>…

  • Page 668
    The list does not claim to be complete; ask your machine tool builder! Possible causes of You may add your own experiences! error for movement monitoring … B Large backlash (ball screw, gear, belt, coupling, etc.) Belt torn Coupling defective Gear defective 3 – 668 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 669: Standstill Monitoring

    3.3.4 Standstill monitoring Standstill monitoring is effective during operation both with velocity feedforward and with following error, as soon as the axes have reached the positioning window. If the position deviation is greater than the value defined in MP1110.x, the error message STANDSTILL MONITORING <AXIS>…

  • Page 670: Positioning Window

    W1026 is not set for contours that can be machined with constant surface speed. Reset W1026 Axes in position Bits 0 to 8 represent axes 1 to 9 0: Axis not in positioning window 1: Axis in positioning window 3 – 670 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 671
    During axis movement, the NC sets the corresponding bits in W1028. Axes in motion Reset W1028 Axes in motion Bits 0 to 8 represent axes 1 to 9 0: Axis not in motion 1: Axis in motion July 2010 3 – 671…
  • Page 672: Monitoring Of The Power Supply Unit

    Note Only the regenerative HEIDENHAIN inverters provide the AC-fail signal. If a power fail is triggered on the control, all drives are brought to a controlled stop. The PLC -outputs are switched off and the control freezes to ensure that the hard disk can no longer be accessed.

  • Page 673
    The list does not claim to be complete; ask your machine tool builder! Possible You may add your own experiences! causes of error Power failure Failure of one or several phases in the supply line Supply voltage fallen below minimum Interruption in the electrical cabinet Inverter (power supply module) defective Short circuit of drives (drive modules, motors)
  • Page 674: Temperature Monitoring

    You may add your own experiences! causes of error Device (motor, power module, etc) overloaded Clogged filter pads Climate control unit in electrical cabinet defective Defective fan Unfavorable mounting of components Defective temperature sensor Defective encoder cable 3 – 674 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…

  • Page 675: Internal Power Supply And Housing Fan

    3.3.8 Internal power supply and housing fan Via the PLC you can capture and evaluate the current values of the internal power supply and the speed of the housing fan. The permanent speed monitoring (speed > 1500 min ) of the housing fan of the MC/CC can be switched off with MP4020 bit 13.

  • Page 676: I 2 T Monitoring

    3.3.9 I t monitoring HEIDENHAIN inverter systems feature individual I t monitors, one for each power module and General motor. information An I t monitor calculates and supervises the temperature pattern in a thermal motor or power- Function stage model during operation.

  • Page 677
    The following graphics illustrate these parameters in relation to the reference current. Basics Remember here that CC 422 and CC 424(B) may have different parameters. For the CC 422, no difference is made between F-DC and F-AC. Instead, F-AC is used as a rigid limit frequency for the transition between standstill and traversing mode.
  • Page 678
    An NC stop is triggered and the drives are switched off. Note In the oscilloscope you can display the current value of the I t monitoring of the motor and power module, as well as the current load of the drive. 3 – 678 HEIDENHAIN Service Manual iTNC 530…
  • Page 679
    Motor overload with I t monitoring Machine MP2302.x Factor for I t monitoring of motor parameters Input: 0 to 1 000.000 [· rated current of motor or standstill current] 0: I t monitoring of motor switched off 1: Rated current of motor or standstill current is reference value MP2304.x Factor for I t monitoring of the power module…
  • Page 680
    Old motor tables of the iTNC 530 are also usable in newer NC software versions. If the columns/ Compatibility parameters in the temperature models are missing, however, it is impossible to calculate a second-order temperature model. In such a case the entries F-DC, T-DC, F-AC, T-AC are used for a first-order temperature model.
  • Page 681: Actual Utilization Of Drive Motors

    3.3.10 Actual utilization of drive motors The PLC module 9166 provides the momentary utilization of the given drive motor as a percentage value. Ask your machine tool builder, whether he evaluates this PLC module and how the information is displayed. Figure: Example for a utilization display in the small PLC window July 2010 3 –…

  • Page 682: Status Of Heidenhain Inverters

    Warning and danger signals are low-active; i.e., line-break proof! Status signals that are already low- The handling of status signals of the HEIDENHAIN power supply unit that are already low-active active or not or not available during control start-up, varies depending on MP2195 bit 0.

  • Page 683
    Only as of CC424 (B): Errors of the supply module (e.g. excessive Uz temp.) lead to an NC stop (if M148 then LIFTOFF) with a subsequent emergency stop. MP2195 Handling of status signals from HEIDENHAIN power supply units Input: Bit 0 — status signals that are already active during control power-up…
  • Page 684: Controlling The Motor Brakes

    HEIDENHAIN inverters via the PWM interface (X51 to X62). The corresponding outputs are activated there. See the basic circuit diagrams. Control of the motor brakes via the PWM interface must be deactivated for non-HEIDENHAIN inverters that do not support this function: MP2234.x bit 0 = 1…

  • Page 685
    PLC Module 9143. the motor brakes at switch-on This brake test only functions in combination with HEIDENHAIN inverter systems and only when using the brake output on X392/X393 if it is wired according to the basic circuit diagram from HEIDENHAIN.
  • Page 686
    ⋅ ⋅ ———————— — MP2232.x 360° α: Permissible braking angle: Backlash of the motor brake as per the manufacturer specifications (for HEIDENHAIN motors, α ≤ 1°) Example: QSY 155B-EcoDyn: M = 13 Nm, M = 40 Nm = 11 Nm 11 Nm ≥…
  • Page 687: Emergency Stop Monitoring During Operation

    3.3.13 EMERGENCY STOP monitoring during operation On the control there is a PLC output (X41/34) with the designation control-is-ready, and the associated PLC-input for the MC (X42/4; I3) with the designation control-is-ready- acknowledgement for the EMERGENCY STOP routine. If a functional error (e.g., standstill monitoring) is recognized, the iTNC generates an internal Internal EMERGENCY STOP EMERGENCY STOP.

  • Page 688
    At the same time, HEIDENHAIN recommends using the «global axis enabling» of the controller External unit (CC) via (X42/33; I32) or the axis-specific «axis enables» of the CC via X150/X151, which are EMERGENCY STOP also integrated in the external emergency stop.
  • Page 689
    Display value, ACTL … 229, 291, 315, 346 Display, LAG … 350, 352 Actual values … 647 Display, NOML … 229, 315, 346 Adjustment, scanning head … 553 Display, REF … 288, 292, 305, 315 Adjustment, synchronous motor … 304 Display, SCHPF …
  • Page 690
    LED SH2, inverter system … 247 Ground fault … 60 LED, Ethernet data interface … 181 Grounding … 73 LED, HEIDENHAIN interface cards … 247 LED, inverter system … 230 LED, PL 4xx B … 273 LED, PL 510 … 275 Handwheel …
  • Page 691
    Oriented spindle stop … 292, 306 Power supply, display units … 276 original … 11 Power supply, handwheel … 401, 406, 410 Original HEIDENHAIN components … 523 Power supply, machine operating panel … 391 Original parts … 11 Preset table … 444 Original spare parts …
  • Page 692
    Reference pulse … 305, 318 Table of power modules … 328 Reference Run … 317 Tachometer adjustment … 352 Release conditions … 346 TCP/IP protocol … 173, 179 Repair … 530 Temperature … 75 Replacement unit … 530 Temperature Monitoring … 674 Replacing Instructions …
  • Page 693
    Windows authorization … 174, 215, 226 Windows license … 524…

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