P1326 ошибка kia optima

На чтение 6 мин Просмотров 1к. Опубликовано 04.02.2023
Обновлено 04.02.2023

Расшифровка P1326

Ошибка P1326 означает, что сигнал датчика детонации выходит из допустимого диапазона (Knock Signal Range/Performance). Этот код относится к автомобилям Kia и Hyundai.

P1326 на сканере

Что означает код P1326?

Код ошибки P1326 может указывать на стук двигателя из-за чрезмерного износа шатунных вкладышей. Эта вибрация обнаруживается с помощью системы KSDS (Knock Sensor Detection System).

KSDS «слушает» двигатель и следит за оптимальной работой шатунного подшипника. Износ вкладышей шатунов может привести к дальнейшему повреждению двигателя.

Датчик сигнализирует ЭБУ, вызывая код неисправности P1326. Данная ошибка относится в основном к автомобилям Kia и Hyundai.

KSDS — профилактическая система, предназначенная для предотвращения износа двигателя.

Причины P1326

Наиболее распространенной причиной кода P1326 является неисправность датчика детонации или плохая проводка к нему. Однако на многих автомобилях Kia и Hyundai он часто может быть вызван ошибкой программного обеспечения в системе KSDS.

Проблемы, вызывающие код неисправности P1326, могут варьироваться от незначительных до серьезных. Вот почему важно немедленно сделать диагностику этой неисправности.

Вот несколько возможных причин появления кода ошибки P1326:

  • Неисправность датчика детонации.
  • Проблема с проводкой датчика детонации.
  • Могут быть какие-то механические проблемы с двигателем, например, заклинивание двигателя или стук шатуна.
  • Ошибка программного обеспечения в ЭБУ.

Код ошибки P1326 указывает на то, что водитель должен предпринять профилактические действия по поиску и устранению проблемы. Он означает, что двигатель и его детали могут подвергаться износу. Это может привести к необратимым повреждениям, если вовремя не устранить неисправность.

описание ошибки p1326

Какие симптомы у P1326?

Вы можете не обнаружить никаких симптомов, кроме загорания лампочки Check Engine. Возможен переход автомобиля в «аварийный режим», обороты двигателя будут ограничены, вы не сможете разогнаться так же быстро, как обычно.

Вот некоторые из основных симптомов кода P1326.

  • Горит Check Engine (постоянно или мигает).
  • Снижение мощности.
  • Активация аварийного режима работы двигателя.
  • Автомобиль может глохнуть или могут быть проблемы с холостым ходом.
  • Трудности с запуском двигателя.

Как устранить ошибку P1326?

Чтобы исправить код P1326, необходимо проверить датчик детонации и его проводку. Во многих случаях устранить код P1326 позволяет обновление программного обеспечения блока управления двигателем.

Вот некоторые из основных способов устранения P1326:

  • Восстановить проводку датчика детонации.
  • Заменить датчик детонации.
  • Обновить ПО блока управления двигателя.
  • Ремонт двигателя.

расположение датчика детонации соната

Где расположен датчик детонации Hyundai Sonata

Насколько серьезен код P1326?

Серьезный. Учитывая, что цель кода неисправности P1326 — заранее сообщить вам о возможном повреждении двигателя, важно отнестись к этой проблеме серьезно. Если обнаружить неисправность достаточно рано, можно предотвратить необратимый отказ двигателя.

Если лампочка Check Engine горит постоянно, вы можете ехать на диагностику к себе домой. Однако, как только лампочка начнет мигать, следует заглушить автомобиль и отбуксировать его в автосервис.

Распространенные ошибки при диагностике P1326

Если вы имеете дело с кодом неисправности P1326, то меньше всего хотите допустить ошибку. Ценой может стать разница между недорогим ремонтом и заменой двигателя. По этой причине важно провести полную диагностику.

Если присутствуют другие коды ошибок, используйте эту информацию для выяснения причины. Также важно проверить всю проводку и разъемы. Одно плохое соединение может вызвать массу проблем, заставляя думать, что происходит что-то более серьезное.

Перед заменой деталей двигателя необходимо убедиться, что программное обеспечение ЭБУ обновлено.

Как диагностировать код неисправности P1326?

Процесс диагностики ошибки P1326 может отличаться в зависимости от модели автомобиля. По этой причине важно следовать всем рекомендациям, изложенным в руководстве по обслуживанию вашего автомобиля. Если вам нужны общие шаги, то вот несколько из них.

  1. Сотрите все ошибки из ЭБУ с помощью диагностического сканера или адаптера ELM327 с программой Torque.
  2. Запустите двигатель, пока не загорится лампочка Check Engine. Подключите диагностический сканер еще раз. Если вы увидите другие ошибки, обязательно используйте эту информацию при диагностике. Если что-то указывает на проблему в той же системе, вам будет проще разобраться в происходящем.
  3. Проверьте версию программного обеспечения блока управления двигателя. Если это не самая новая версия, вам необходимо обновить программное обеспечение. Лучше, если это будет сделано в дилерском центре Kia или Hyundai.
  4. Проверьте все соединения и проводку датчика детонации. Необходимо полностью осмотреть жгут проводов и соединения с ЭБУ. Если вы нашли слабые контакты или повреждение, устраните это.
  5. Осмотрите и измерьте сопротивление датчика детонации. Обычно он находится на блоке цилиндров под впускным коллектором. Номинальные значения можно взять в руководстве по ремонту или в интернете.
  6. Если эти шаги не помогли вам разобраться в проблеме, лучше всего обратиться к хорошему автомеханику. Есть вероятность, что с вашим двигателем какие-то механические проблемы, хотя обычно это сопровождается другими симптомами и кодами неисправностей.

Отзывные кампании Kia и Hyundai

У некоторых автомобилей Kia и Hyundai прямо с конвейера была программная ошибка в блоке управления двигателя. По этой причине несколько моделей попали под отзывную кампанию, что позволяет бесплатно обновить программное обеспечение или заменить отозванные детали.

Лучше всего поговорить с вашим дилером о том, будет ли на эти работы распространяться гарантия. Особенно стоит поинтересоваться о пожизненной гарантии, если у вас Kia Optima 2011-2014, Kia Sorento 2012-2014 или Kia Sportage 2011-2013.

Вы можете скачать и посмотреть бюллетени технического обслуживания, касающиеся ошибки P1326.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Как стереть ошибку P1326?

Чтобы очистить код P1326, необходимо сначала выяснить причину неисправности, а затем устранить ее. Затем вы можете очистить коды с помощью диагностического сканера. В большинстве случаев нет причин для удаления кодов без устранения проблемы.

Можно ли ездить с кодом P1326?

Нет, вы не должны ездить с кодом P1326, не выяснив причину его появления. В некоторых случаях игнорирование кода и продолжение движения может привести к полному отказу двигателя. Поэтому необходимо как можно скорее сделать диагностику.

Устранится ли код P1326 сам по себе?

В большинстве автомобилей код P1326 исчезнет сам через некоторое время, если вы устраните проблему, которая его вызвала. Однако не ждите, что он исчезнет без устранения причины. Игнорирование ошибки P1326 может привести к полному отказу двигателя.

Является ли P1326 отзывом автомобиля?

Да, код P1326 во многих случаях является причиной отзыва автомобилей Kia и Hyundai. Для Kia это часто просто обновление программного обеспечения. На некоторых автомобилях Hyundai меняется жгут проводов по гарантии.

Иногда причиной может быть отказ шатунных вкладышей. Позвоните своему дилеру для получения дополнительной информации.

Неисправен дизель?
Воспользуйтесь ОнлайнДиагностикой для профессионалов

P1326 (Kia) — Запальная свеча реле — короткое замыкание проводки
P1326 (Kia) — Glow plug relay — wiring short circuit

24.01.2020 /


4648 /

P1326 KIA — Система обнаружения датчика детонации

P1326 KIA Возможные причины

  • Неисправный датчик детонации
  • Жгут датчика детонации открыт или замкнут
  • Цепь датчика детонации плохое электрическое соединение
  • Механическая неисправность двигателя
  • Перепрограммируйте модуль управления двигателем (ECM)

Как мне исправить код P1326 KIA

Проверьте «Возможные причины», перечисленные выше. Визуально осмотрите соответствующий жгут проводов и разъемы. Проверьте, не повреждены ли компоненты, и проверьте, не сломаны ли, изогнуты ли, вытолкнуты или разъедены контакты разъема.

P1326 KIA Возможные симптомы

  • Подсветка двигателя включена (или предупреждающая лампа обслуживания двигателя)
  • P1326 Kia Описание

    Система обнаружения датчика детонации (KSDS) обнаруживает вибрации, указывающие на чрезмерный износ шатунного подшипника. Он предназначен для предупреждения водителя на ранней стадии износа подшипников до появления серьезных повреждений двигателя, включая отказ двигателя. Если начинают возникать вибрации, вызванные износом подшипника, индикаторная лампа неисправности (MIL) будет постоянно мигать, и автомобиль будет переведен в режим Limp Home. Это уменьшит дальнейшее повреждение двигателя и обеспечит, чтобы пассажиры транспортного средства не подвергались риску более серьезного отказа двигателя. В это время диагностический код неисправности (DTC) P1326, специфичный для KSDS, будет записан в ЭБУ. Автомобиль может продолжать работать в течение ограниченного времени в режиме Limp Home Mode, но он будет медленно ускоряться и иметь уменьшенную максимальную скорость. Кроме того, обороты двигателя будут ограничены примерно 1800-2000 об / мин.

    Неисправности, которые могут быть связаны с этим кодом

    Чтобы узнать, какие неисправности могут быть связаны с этим OBD кодом и почитать более подробную информацию о
    них, выберите топливную систему автомобиля:

    Рекомендуем просмотреть информацию об ошибке P1326 для других марок авто:

    Найдена следующая информация по ошибке P1326 для автомобиля KIA OPTIMA (2010-2015), TF:

    На русском языке:

    Входной сигнал качества сгорания модуля управления зажиганием

    На английском языке:

    Ignition Control Module Combustion Quality Input Signal

    Вы можете задать вопрос или поделиться опытом устранения ошибки P1326 на автомобиле KIA с другими пользователями.

    Возможную причину возникновения и советы по устранению можно найти в каталоге причин и советов:

    Найти причину   >>> 

    Ошибки (коды ошибок) полученные от прибора, сканера требуют правильной интерпретации информации, дабы не тратить время и деньги на замену работающих элементов автомобиля.

    Проблема зачастую кроется намного глубже чем кажется на первый взгляд. Это& вызвано теми обстоятельствами, что информационные сообщения содержат, как было выше сказано, косвенную информацию о нарушении работы системы.

    Может быть полезным для решения вопроса по устранению неисправности у KIA Optima (TF):

    Возможные причины: Неисправный модуль управления зажиганием (ICM); Жгут проводов модуля управления зажиганием (ICM) открыт или замкнут; Неисправность электрической цепи в модуле управления зажиганием (ICM).

    Входной сигнал качества сгорания модуля управления зажиганием — это общее описание кода P1326, но у производителя может быть другое описание.
    Данная ошибка очень неоднозначна и к ее возникновению может привести масса причин. Для ее решения стоит обратиться в специализированный автосервис.

    12.10.2019 22:20


    optimus029 вне форума



    [QUOTE=optimus029;337097]Всем привет!
    Столкнулся с этой же проблемой.
    Ошибка Р1032…. Проехал несколько диагностик, включая официалов,вердикт таков: блок управления двигателем(76 000 руб) или электродвигательCVVL(30000руб)
    Вопрос, за чей счет банкет???

    Предисловие: Оптима 2012 г. 2,0 автомат, чип от Паулюса.
    Ошибка несколько раз загоралась за последние 4 месяца, но сбрасывалась либо сама, либо OBD сканером..
    Тяга пропадала, потом появлялась…но 14.09 ошибка загорелась и машинка отказалась разгоняться….
    Она едет, максимум 100 кмч, переключается на 3000 оборотах, на кик даун реагирует, обороты ревут, но тяги нет(((.

    В итоге нашел грамотных диагностов-электриков и вот подитог и их история поломки.
    Просто и сложно одновременно…
    начал подклинивать электродвигатель CVVL, в результате чего появлялась ошибка и эбу его отключала, после завода в очередной раз или сам по себе движок опять приходил в себя и ошибка гасла.
    Но в последний раз электродвигатель подклинил и вышиб микросхемы драйверов управления.
    В итоге правы все, а вот что с этим делать???
    ЭБУ починили, но предупредили, что электродвигательCVVL нужно менять, иначе заклинит и либо повторно сожжет ЭБУ, или погорит проводка…
    Теперь ищу, кто возьмется за замену и дальнейшее восстановление моего корабля……[/QUOT

    Пишу продолжение истории…
    Приехал новый моторчик, без него горела ошибка Р1034..
    Подключили, загорелась Р1033 и ничего нового…. То едет, то не едет….Мнения разделились, кто-то говорит, что проблема в ЭБУ, кто-то говорит, в проводке, кто-то грешит на лямбду…
    Срочно нужен электрик, который может вскрыть ЭБУ и пропаять схему под лаком….
    Замена ЭБУ только в крайнем случае(((

    13.10.2019 19:33


    Zayac вне форума



    Аватар для Zayac

    @optimus029, привет, ЭБУ(правда от RIO) возил сюда: ECUMOTORS. 89671721808. Были проблемы с АКПП, что то там перепаяли и машина поехала сново. Может тебе тоже смогут помочь.

    22.10.2019 22:45


    Виталий1203 вне форума




    Цитата Сообщение от optimus029
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Всем привет!
    Столкнулся с этой же проблемой.
    Ошибка Р1032…. Проехал несколько диагностик, включая официалов,вердикт таков: блок управления двигателем(76 000 руб) или электродвигательCVVL(30000руб)
    Вопрос, за чей счет банкет???

    Предисловие: Оптима 2012 г. 2,0 автомат, чип от Паулюса.
    Ошибка несколько раз загоралась за последние 4 месяца, но сбрасывалась либо сама, либо OBD сканером..
    Тяга пропадала, потом появлялась…но 14.09 ошибка загорелась и машинка отказалась разгоняться….
    Она едет, максимум 100 кмч, переключается на 3000 оборотах, на кик даун реагирует, обороты ревут, но тяги нет(((.

    В итоге нашел грамотных диагностов-электриков и вот подитог и их история поломки.
    Просто и сложно одновременно…
    начал подклинивать электродвигатель CVVL, в результате чего появлялась ошибка и эбу его отключала, после завода в очередной раз или сам по себе движок опять приходил в себя и ошибка гасла.
    Но в последний раз электродвигатель подклинил и вышиб микросхемы драйверов управления.
    В итоге правы все, а вот что с этим делать???
    ЭБУ починили, но предупредили, что электродвигательCVVL нужно менять, иначе заклинит и либо повторно сожжет ЭБУ, или погорит проводка…
    Теперь ищу, кто возьмется за замену и дальнейшее восстановление моего корабля……[/QUOT

    Пишу продолжение истории…
    Приехал новый моторчик, без него горела ошибка Р1034..
    Подключили, загорелась Р1033 и ничего нового…. То едет, то не едет….Мнения разделились, кто-то говорит, что проблема в ЭБУ, кто-то говорит, в проводке, кто-то грешит на лямбду…
    Срочно нужен электрик, который может вскрыть ЭБУ и пропаять схему под лаком….
    Замена ЭБУ только в крайнем случае(((

    Ну что, есть результат?

    07.11.2019 00:02


    optimus029 вне форума



    Продолжение истории простое и нетривиальное…. Эбу починили( сгорел драйвер на 60А, посредством которого мотор CVVL работает), поставили новый мотор CVVL.
    Облазили все, прозвонили проводку, все должно было заработать,соединили, поехали и…..Опять выбило мозги… Проверяется просто привключении зажигания перестал идти сигнал на фишку мотора CVVL…
    Короче влупил я 50 тр и по факту машинка так и не поехала…
    В итоге, перепрошили мозги на Евро 2, без второй лямбды, вскрыли старый моторчик СVVL(сняли кожух с корпуса) вручную выкрутили до предела( там всего 26 оборотов от края до края) и заклинили якорь, так как во время езды его все норовило вернуться в среднее положение.
    Теперь машина едет, только горит чек…Ошибка все та же…. Но самое главное едет… немного тупит на старте, но во время движения никакого дискомфорта ни по оборотам, ни по динамике и скорости…Расход в смешанном режиме 9,4… Денег на дальнейшие эксперименты лишних нет…
    Донор в таком случае бесполезен, так как CVVL исправен, ЭБУ прежде чем ставить надо перешивать под конкретную машину, а это вскрывать ЭБУ, да и гарантии, что на вашей машине не сгорят драйвера управления никто дать не сможет.
    Так что если есть лишние деньги и желание, гоу к официалам менять все по кругу, а это 120-150 тр..
    Если полно желания, но нет лишних денег, прозвоните сигнал от эбу, но скорее всего это либо плата и ее пропаять, либо драйвер управления, тогда перепрошивать, клинить CVVL и ездить.
    А если нет лишних денег, а ездить надо, то машина поедет и просто без этой системы CVVL, нужно просто заклинить моторчик… Он практически никогда не сгорает, что бы не говорили электрики..

    23.12.2021 03:46


    ibrahim_brain вне форума



    Приветствую всех! Надо правильную диагностику сделать, зачем вы мучаетесь и тратите деньги в пустую.

    23.12.2021 06:48


    Цитата Сообщение от ibrahim_brain
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    Приветствую всех! Надо правильную диагностику сделать, зачем вы мучаетесь и тратите деньги в пустую.

    Да Вы батенька капитан очевидность. Не посоветуете случаем, где надо делать правильную диагностику?

    23.12.2021 17:52


    Цитата Сообщение от Haiduk
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    Да Вы батенька капитан очевидность. Не посоветуете случаем, где надо делать правильную диагностику?

    дай угадаю ответ… «в правильном месте» ))))

    Пользователь сказал cпасибо:

    26.12.2021 13:38


    Цитата Сообщение от 2nik
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    дай угадаю ответ… «в правильном месте» ))))


    26.12.2021 16:52


    Цитата Сообщение от Haiduk
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    И главное найти диагноста с «правильными руками»!))

    27.12.2021 14:56


    Цитата Сообщение от Yurgo
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    И главное найти диагноста с «правильными руками»!))

    Правильный исполнительный механизм это еще не залог успеха, главное чтобы была налажена его бесперебойная связь с центром управления

    2018 KIA SPORTAGE with 9342.0 miles

    While merging (accelerating) onto the interstate highway the engine abruptly shut off and my 2018 Kia Sportage 2.4l rolled to a stop in the merge lane. I restarted the vehicle to move it to off the road to a safer location and the engine seemed to be limiting the vehicle power. The check engine light flashed. I later found out that the engine was putting out a trouble code P1326 which i understand from a code search may be related to excessive engine vibration issues. I am taking the vehicle to the Kia dealer for analysis. My understanding is that (hyundai motor group) who are the parent company of Kia motors have a recall for replacement of the 2018 2.4l hyundai engines but not yet for the Kia engines, though these engines are manufactured nearly identically.

    2017 KIA OPTIMA with 41800.0 miles

    Bought vehicle new from ricart Kia in columbus, oh in 2018. Vehicle has 41,917 miles now. Vehicle developed flashing check engine light while driving at 65mph. Vehicle immediately reduced power to 1800-2000rpms. Vehicle will run and drive but will jerk violently at 1800-2000rpms to limit engine revolutions. Took vehicle immediately to dealership where bought. Service department confirmed dtc P1326. Dealership performed wiring inspection and replacement of ksds (knock sensor). Released vehicle to customer. Immediately upon reception of vehicle, check engine light flashes and vehicle exhibits same symptoms as stated before. Took vehicle back to dealership within 24 hours. Vehicle is inspected and dtc P1326 is discovered again. Dealership performs ecu update for ksds. Vehicle released back to customer. Within 48 hours, check engine light begins flashing, limits power, and speed. Currently scheduling 3rd appointment for same concern. Check engine light began flashing each time after being at highway speeds for roughly 20 minutes. Vehicle has been serviced only at ricart Kia. All paperwork/recalls performed by dealership.

    2017 HYUNDAI SANTA FE with 31000.0 miles

    Go through car wash must have under body sprayed type of car wash . I leave P1326 code vehicle goes into limp mode already had wire harness replaced by dealer. Didn’t correlate car wash until i recalled getting same one first day it occurred when i brought in for repair. Knock sensor harness when i clear code goes away. Lots of people seeing it happen driving in rain very dangerous reduction in speed takes forever to accelerate when hits new gear dangerous.

    2017 KIA SORENTO with 35600.0 miles

    The flashing check engine light came on my 2017 Kia Sorento, the car went into limp mode, and would not drive over 20 mph. I was driving on an interstate at the time, and it was extremely dangerous to cross two highway lanes at 20 mph trying to pull over to the shoulder. The car was towed to burns auto shop. They pulled up code P1326 and said this was a known Kia issue and a Kia dealer should fix it for free. My car has 35,000 miles and is still under the 10 year/100,000 miles Kia warranty. The car was towed to fred beans Kia dealer in langhorne, pa, who refused to check it for 10 days. Kia refused to pay for a rental car (even retroactively) until the mechanic checked it — a huge inconvenience to my family of 6 who had to use 1 car for 2 weeks. When fred beans finally checked the car, they claimed to not be able to see the code. They conceded that what happened is a known Kia issue and could happen again at any time. It’s terrifying to know my car could at any time slow down to 20 mph on the highway. Despite Kia’s claims that the car could drive up to 55 mph with the code on, my speed plummeted to 20 mph within seconds and would not go up despite pressing the gas pedal for several minutes. Kia said my car’s vin was not among those affected by the recall. Yet, since the P1326 issue did happen to my car, my vin should be included. Despite knowing of the issue, Kia and its dealers refuse to take my family’s safety seriously. They both suggest i keep driving ‘until it happens again’. After reading online reviews, it’s clear Kia and its dealers routinely try to avoid fixing problems covered by warranty. Kia claims they have no control over their authorized dealers. Yet, it’s Kia’s responsibility to pay for issues covered under warranty. I’d like Kia to fix the known code P1326 problem, so i can enjoy full use of my car without expecting it to malfunction at any moment

    2017 HYUNDAI SANTA FE SPORT with 31614.0 miles

    Tl* the contact leases a 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport. The contact stated that the engine stalled numerous times while driving 70 mph. The contact attempted to move the vehicle out of traffic. The check engine indicator illuminated while the failure occurred. The vehicle was taken to rt 2 Hyundai (743 north main street, leominster, ma 01453, (978)-534-9999). Several times for the engine failure; however, the repairs did not correct the failure. The failure recurred. The contact had to pull over and resume driving no more than 40 mph to avoid the engine stalling. The vehicle was taken back to the dealer where they diagnosed the vehicle and found failure code: P1326. The dealer also test drove the vehicle, but was unable to duplicate the failure. The contact stated that the engine wiring harness was replaced. The vehicle was repaired. The manufacturer provided case number: 16313165. The failure mileage was 31,614.


    While driving the engine light comes on and blinks rapidly and the car drops from the speed of 65 to 15 or below in second. The code was P1326 with is the knock senor. I changed it and the code went away. Weeks later the code returned while driving again with me and my 3 little babies in the car again. Same issue engine light came on blinking speed drop rapidly. Read this is an occurring issue with this car and it must be taken in to the dealer for fixing.Dealer refused to check out the issue.

    2016 HYUNDAI SONATA with 90508.0 miles

    I have owner this car for 2 years took it into dealership cause i was contacted that the vehicle needed a campaign update car got the update about two weeks later while on highway car went into limp mode speed dropped from 60 to 30 miles an hour check engine light came on and started flashing took it back to dealer they did another update took car about month later while on highway check engine light came on again they did another update on car picked it up drove it another month light came on again took it back to dealer the did another update and changed wiring harness picked car up again driving on the street about 30 miles an hour check engine light on again took it to dealer they said they did a lower bearing test which sent results to Hyundai america corporate office and did another update on car lower bearing test came back good came to pick car up on my way home from dealership on highway again it goes into limp mode speed drop from 60 to 30 check engine light flashing again take it back to dealership the advisor tells me tech read the codes turned off light but had it running and check engine light keeps coming on i was told tech was waiting on engineers to contact him to see what next step he should take mind you they now have had my car for almost 3 weeks by this time i reached out to customer relations to escalate case tech said a duplicate code came up on car P1326 i was told that part was replaced which would be the second wiring harness after at least 5 updates to car tech test drove car he said no lights and no metal was found /lf wiring install/noise insp also says something about wiring harness-knock sensor picked car up on 4/27 dropped off on 4/07 since picking car up seems to drive worser than it did before dropping it off the rpm gage seems to struggle to move when accerating it not happy or satisfied with work done scared to have my family incar

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 146357. miles

    Codes P1326 P0011 P0012.

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 59603.0 miles

    Out of no where , my cars check engine light came on and lost compression. Wouldn’t go over 40mph and i was on a busy highway so i pulled over got it towed home , did a diagnostic test and got a P1326 code which came back as a knock sensor problem.

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 101000. miles

    My vehicle started stalling when accelerating two days ago. My rpm’s jump when shifting gears and it stalls and jerks when taking off from a complete stop. I took it to advanced auto parts and the code «P1326» showed on their code reader. Knock scensor is under the code and i’ve read where multiple people with this make and model of car have had the same issue and had their whole motor replaced.

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 103000. miles

    Mid september, 2020, i began to notice that my headlights would turn off as i was driving. They would cut off for no more than 15 seconds and turn back on. I didn’t think anything of it, until i started having issues with other components of my 2016 Kia Optima. On 11/30/2020 i was driving at 30mph through a residential area. As i was approaching a stop sign, my engine light came on. When i tried to accelerate, the car began to jump and hesitate. No matter how far down i pushed the gas, the care was jumping/shaking and wold not accelerate over 20mph. I pulled into an autozone where they ran a diagnostic test on the vehicle. Error code P1326 (knock sensor) came up. The next morning, i called coastal Kia of wilmington in north carolina and explained to them what had happened. They sent an employee to pick up my vehicle (12/01/2020). They inspected my vehicle and informed me that the protocol was to perform a bearing clearance test and ecu upgrade. I picked up my car on 12/02/2020. A week later, i called the dealership again and informed them that although my engine light had not come back on, the acceleration issue was still occurring. I asked if they would look at the car again, to which they said no, that they cannot take a further look at it until the engine light came back on. On 12/20/2020 i was driving 40mph when my car began to stutter uncontrollably. The following morning i called Kia again to inform them what had happened, and they agreed to take a look at it. On 12/22/2020 they called me and said that my car was burning oil and smoking excessively. They opened a tech case with Kia and informed me that they could not do anything to the car until they heard back from them. On 12/23/2020 they called me again to tell me that the issue was not covered under a recall, and that my next step would be to replace my engine.

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 41916.0 miles

    Was exiting the freeway, came to a stoplight, and as continuing with driving the check engine light starts blinking and was not able to accelerate, as if it was slipping. Car would not go over around 30 mph until feeling the car not able to accelerate again. I used a code reader and got code P1326, which i had looked up and says it has something to do with a knock sensor detection system. Had bring my car in to get it checked out and was told my car had low oil, about 2 quartz. I do regular oil changes though and had done an oil change a few weeks prior. The shop i went to told me there may be a service campaign for the car. Was told specific years have had engine problems with oil, losing oil although no leaks or signs.

    2016 KIA SPORTAGE with 84000.0 miles

    P1326 glow relay stuck on

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 123000. miles

    Check engine light is blinking, there is a noticeable decrease in power, and it jerks out of first gear. Took it to autozone for a free diagnostic which was P1326. All fluid are in order. Milage is 123,000. This happened when i was driving he fr work.

    2016 KIA OPTIMA with 73550.0 miles

    P1326 engine code came on while driving 60mph on the interstate. Luckily was in far left lane when engine shut off and was safely able to get off freeway to a nearby gas station.

    2016 KIA SORENTO with 127000 miles

    Driving on the highway my 2016 Kia Sorento suddenly lost acceleration. The check engine light began flashing. I had to pull off to the shoulder and have the vehicle towed. Diagnostic shows code P1326. This code is related to the knock sensor.

    2015 HYUNDAI SONATA with 143000. miles

    Tl* the contact owns a 2015 Hyundai Sonata. The contact stated while driving at 70 mph, the check engine warning light illuminated and vehicle power was reduced. The vehicle was taken to joseph airport Hyundai located at (1220 w national rd, vandalia, oh 45377) to be diagnosed. The diagnosis was P1326 (malfunction indicator lamp) failure. The vehicle was repaired however, the failure recurred. The manufacturer was notified of the failure but offered no assistance. The failure mileage was 143,000. The vin provided was incorrect.

    2015 KIA OPTIMA with 47700.0 miles

    Engine shut down while driving at 47,700 miles causing engine failure code dtc P1326 will drop off at a Kia dealership for diagnostic of engine.

    2015 HYUNDAI SONATA with 102000. miles

    I was driving on the highway and all of a sudden the engine lost power and my speed dropped to 20 mph. I could not go any faster. Other cars were honking at me and almost hit me as i try to get to the shoulder of the road. The check engine light came on and i had the car towed to Hyundai of duluth ga. They scanned it and said it was code P1326 knock sensor detection. There is a nhtsa service campaign for this- https://static.Nhtsa.Gov/odi/tsbs/2019/mc-10154682-9999.Pdf (tsb #19-01-006h. The problem is Hyundai dealer does not have a fix because they said corporate diagnostic equipment is not working. They have had my car for 5 days now. They do not have any loaner vehicle while my car is inoperable. My complaint is they should have loan cars or pay for rental cars for customers with this problem. I demand they fix my car soon or give me a rental car to drive to work.


    My car cut off on a city street, on 4-11-21 and when i cut it back on the check engine light came on and was blinking with the acceleration reduced and the car was jerking. I got the code P1326 from a local auto store and upon doing research, i discovered there’s an open recall for this specific code. I scheduled the appointment with bob mayberry Hyundai, and had the car towed to the dealership in monroe, nc. I called for an update and was told that they were waiting on the corporate office to approve the next steps and that the same code P1326 popped up. I called the corporate office on wednesday morning after getting nowhere with the dealership and was called shortly after stating that the car was ready for pick up followed by some things that needed to be repaired. They cleared the code with a system update but when i got the car back it was still giving acceleration issues, i called and reported the issue to the Hyundai corporate office and was advised to take the car to another dealership and they would work out the details. I scheduled my appointment with the Hyundai of lake norman, nc for today 4-19-21 and was advised the car passed the tests that they ran and again was provided a list of recommendations of repairs. I got the car back and now the acceleration issues still is ongoing especially if i am stopped and take off but now if i drive over 50mph the car is shaking. I had my brake pads replaced and paid for the oil leak last week. This is the second dealership that put me put me back in the car with known issues. I feel like they’re going to have me pay for everything before the car is repaired and now i am in fear that if car shuts off again, myself but my children could be injured.

    2015 HYUNDAI SONATA with 80500.0 miles

    On a 2-way city street, vehicle in straight forward motion when it abruptly stopped working. Check engine light came on. Car was towed. Result was service campaign #18-01-032, t3g, engine dtc — P1326. Car has been at the dealership since 5/7/19, for over 3 weeks with no repairs made.

    2015 HYUNDAI SONATA with 51000.0 miles

    Tl* the contact owns a 2015 Hyundai Sonata. While driving, the vehicle lost power and made a knocking and ticking noise. The noise occurred from the engine during acceleration and the check engine warning indicator illuminated. The contact was able to drive the vehicle home. The following day, the vehicle was towed to napleton Hyundai of carmel (4200 e 96th st, indianapolis, in 46240, (844) 729-4217) where it was diagnosed that code: P1326 (knock sensor activation) failed and needed to be replaced. The technician replaced the knock and torque sensors. After the vehicle was repaired, the check engine indicator illuminated again. The vehicle was taken back to the same dealer and the engine was replaced; however, the check engine indicator continued to illuminate. The vehicle was taken back to the dealer where unknown parts were ordered and replaced on the vehicle. The manufacturer was made aware of the failure and provided case number: 16277030. The failure mileage was approximately 51,000.


    The vehicle suddenly reduced power on 05/27/2021 while my 82-year old mother was driving home. When i checked the car, the check engine light was blinking. I immediately took to a service center and noticed the same low power ‘limping’ performance and a knocking sound (previously unheard). On friday, 05/28/2021, the service manager provided an update: that they found diagnostic trouble code P1326 related to engine inspection. Performed oil change. Cleared the diagnostic code. Ran the engine. Could hear an internal knock at higher rpms. Will need engine replaced or rebuilt. No parts are available to replace or rebuild at this time. They contacted Hyundai with the vin who said the vehicle was out of warranty (110,000 miles). Drove the vehicle home (two blocks) at low rpms with no issue. There was no previous indication there was any potential issue with the engine. Maintenance and oil changes have been completed on a regular basis. There were 600+ miles before the next 5,000-mile oil change was due. Drove the car the next morning, saturday, 05/29/2021, to see about trading the car in at the local Hyundai dealer (5.1 miles away) before the situation got worse and purchase a new vehicle. I was expecting the car would be drivable — at least at lower rpms. The car immediately began to lose power, the check engine light began blinking and stalled three times in traffic before crawling onto the dealer’s lot. They had a mechanic look at the vehicle, said the engine was shot and offered $250 as all they could do was junk it since engine parts were scarce and it would not be cost-effective to replace the engine even though the body was in good shape. I felt i had no choice but to accept as it was now clear the vehicle was unsafe to drive. For the engine to die within about 15 miles of the initial onset without warning and the sudden loss of power, is a dangerous situation is this is waiting to happen to other vehicles.

    2015 KIA SORENTO

    Low audible knocking in engine compartment that progressively became louder over the next 2 days. Engine stalled, flashing check engine light appeared. Vehicle is now un-drivable because of a P1326 code that is common in these hyundai/Kia engines. Oil change was last done less than 2 months ago and an oil change plus facility. A campaign suggests this is a defect of the engine. There is a class action suite in favor of the owners of this and other vehicles with hyundai/Kia engines.

    2014 HYUNDAI SONATA with 64000.0 miles

    Hyundai installed a software update on our 2014 Sonata due to engine fires about a year ago. This software update resulted in the car going into what is called » limp mode» and the malfunction indicator light coming on which results in the car losing acceleration and not being able to climb hills. This occurred when the car was being driven on the highway at 65 mph. Once the car went into limp mode it would barely go up hills and presented a hazard on the highway. When i called the dealership they told me my car was no longer under warranty for anything other than engine or drive train and that they would not tow the car into their shop. They also told me i should not drive the car. I had the car towed to a local shop and they diagnosed the problem as a P1326, which i had to pay for out of my pocket. The mechanic told me there was a recall on the motor and it would have to be replaced. I then called the dealership and they agreed to tow the car to their dealership. After the dealership diagnosed the problem they informed me the software system detected a noise in the engine and went into limp mode to protect the engine. They said everything was fine and that the malfunction indicator light and limp mode were a false positive due to the software update that was installed. When i pointed out the inconvenience this had caused me i was told this happens all the time and i would have to get used to it or sell the car. I only have 64,000 miles on this vehicle and i no longer have any confidence in this vehicle to commute long distances. The issue with these false positives and the limp mode needs to be eliminated.

    2014 KIA SOUL with 144400. miles

    Car had a decrease in power while doing the speed limit on the interstate. We ran a code check and it came back as P1326. Determined we were able to attempt a drive home as code description online indicated car was in ‘limp home mode’. Could not accelerate over 60, had difficulties going up hill. Check engine light came on at time decrease in power occurred. Warnings of any issues prior to this. Damaged catalytic convertor was replaced in feb or march of this year, under recall, though told no damage to engine — how is that possible? Will not drive the vehicle based on possibility of injury, damage, inability to go with flow of traffic safely.

    2014 KIA SOUL with 96000.0 miles

    The 2014 Soul has less than 100k miles on it, but when my daughter traveled home, thanksgiving 2020, right as she pulled into our parking spot, both the check engine light and oil light came on. She had just had the software update to move the car into limp home mode if there was engine problems, and sure enough, when she went to drive the car the next morning, the car was in limp home mode. Took it to the nearest Kia dealership where they indicated that there was knocking noises coming from the engine with a code P1326 and that the engine long block needed to be replaced. It is completely undriveable. I have been waiting to find out if her engine is one that is being recalled by Kia but if it is not it should be.

    2014 KIA FORTE with 124000. miles

    My car 2014 Kia Forte ex 2.0l gdi engine was under recall. Took car to dealership for recall and dealership said nothing wrong with it. On the way home from there the car went into limp mode and check engine light came on with engine code P1326 which is due to rod bearings. (which is exactly what this recall was for! ) i want this engine replaced just as the recall states!

    2014 KIA OPTIMA with 128000. miles

    There was a recall on the Kia Optimas for the tod bearings in the engine. I had the recall done on april 8 2019. As of 7/22/19 the same code P1326 and symptoms arw are happening again which are check engine light blinking the car is in limp mode the car was smoking and it can’t go over a certain speed

    2014 HYUNDAI SANTA FE with 102000. miles

    Started car and engine light came on. Started driving car and it hesitated eventually it would accelerate. When getting onto freeway and tried to accelerate it was slow to do so but eventually would. This kept reoccurring. No noises or other issues. Brought car in same day i first noticed this happening and had code of P1326.

    2013 KIA OPTIMA with 100000. miles

    Tl* the contact owns a 2013 Kia Optima. The contact stated that while driving at an unknown speed, the check engine warning light illuminated and the vehicle independently decelerated. The vehicle was taken to an independent mechanic who diagnosed a code number: P1326. The contact called the nationwide Kia dealer, located at 1600 york rd, lutherville timonium, md 21093, and scheduled an appointment. The manufacturer was not made aware of the failure. The vehicle was not repaired. The failure mileage was approximately 100,000.

    2013 KIA SORENTO with 119300. miles

    My car stalled going around 65-70 mph on the highway, and power steering and acceleration completely ceased. After pulling over i waited a minute and tried to start it again and my engine has a very loud knocking sound coming from it, and it drives extremely rough. I never had any warning signs prior to this, and now my check engine light has been blinking. I have always kept up with the maintenance and oil changes on my vehicle, and now it is throwing a «P1326» code. I had it towed to my house to prevent further damage or possible accident!

    2013 KIA SORENTO with 124.0 miles

    I was driving to houston on 288 highway at a speed around 60..65mph and the engine just die i pull over try to start suv back on and the engine light come on flashing so i tow the vehicle to my house y put a $20 dollars code scanner on it and a P1326 code come up ( knocking sensor) so i check on line to see some options and i read that they have some recall..

    2013 KIA OPTIMA with 130009. miles

    During a commute to worksite the car was driving normally for the first 10 miles. No sounds, no dash lights illuminated. No signal that anything was wrong. As i drove normally through the route, i entered the highway and accelerated to nearly 65 mph. After a moment or so of driving the car suddenly felt as if the engine had no power. I pulled my foot off the gas, then i checked the dash lights, i made sure the vehicle was in the proper automatics mode and not manual (it felt like it was thrown into neutral or a lower gear), i also verified cruise control was off. Everything seemed fine. I pressed the gas to accelerate back up to speed and the car began shaking very vigorously. Then the engine light came on. Because i was not in a safe area to stop, i tried to coast to the nearest exit. I imagine i was coasting and accelerating intermittently (for only a few seconds at a time) for anywhere from one-half to two miles before the next exit. It is hard to guess the distance because it was dark during the incident. Once i made it to the exit, the engine was no longer providing power at all — meaning i would press the gas and nothing would happen. The car would not move, the engine would not even rev. I called a tow truck and had it towed to the dealership. The dealer said that because the car did not have a code of P1326 that the issue was not covered under Kia’s extended engine warranty. I am trying to fight for them to honor the warranty. No luck so far. They quoted a $7500 repair. Car is perfectly maintained. I just put new spark plus and a new serpentine belt on 9 weeks ago (at the Kia dealership of course- only place i do maintenance at).


    I’m getting a code P1326 and the vehicle is not taking the gas and can’t drive it there was a recall on the fuel system gasoline; delivery hose lines/ piping and fitting.

    2013 KIA OPTIMA with 116250. miles

    ‘glow relay recall’ vehicle was in motion on a city street when the engine light started flashing and the car went into limp mode and required me to pull off the road. The engine was scanned for the code and came up as P1326 ‘glow relay stuck on’. I looked it up and saw that it can be common in the hyundai sonata which is hyundai’s version of a Kia Optima with the same engine and hyundai does have a recall for that issue.

    2013 KIA OPTIMA with 171800. miles

    My 2013 Kia Optima ex with a 2.4l…I was drivin down the interstate and check engine light came on and car went into a lemp mode. Had car scaned code is P1326 same as other Kias same yr looked online to see if i had recalls on my car and there is not

    2013 KIA SORENTO with 120000. miles

    I already filed a claim the other day, but now my 2013 Sorento has gotten even worse! My car stalled on the highway going around 65-70 mph, and power steering and acceleration completely ceased. After getting home and calling to report this, i took it for a test drive, and my engine has a very loud knocking sound coming from it, and it drives extremely rough. I never had any warning signs prior to this, and now my check engine light has been blinking. I have always kept up with the maintenance and oil changes on my vehicle, and now it is throwing a «P1326» code. It stalled twice prior to this while driving. I don’t understand how my engine wasn’t recalled prior to this when there was an engine recall on my exact year and model for rod bearing wear! This is my only form of transportation, and Kia is aware of these problems but just keeps throwing bandaids on the actual problem! When is this going to end? Engines are catching on fire, people (including myself) are stalling at high speeds on the road due to their faulty craftsmanship! I want answers!! How many people will have to die before they do something about this? I either want a recall on my engine, or i want a warranty to cover the problem they are already aware of! I refuse to put mine or my daughter’s life in jeopardy because Kia does not want to own up to their problem! There are thousands of complaints, when will this end?! I’m still paying on a car i can’t even drive due to manufacturer error!! This is ridiculous! I will never own another Kia due to their safety violations, and i can’t wait until i can get rid of this car and not have to worry about our safety any longer. I want something done now! I will not stop until something is done about this.


    There has been a engine knocking sound slowly building up and my oil was still 2k miles good. After work saturday evening as i was driving home it was knocking hard then the engine light started flashing. I got code checked and the code was ‘ P1326‘ i need up changing my oil to see it anything would help and it did not. My car won’t go past 2k rpms due to ‘limp mode’ asked my mechanic friend about help and he came over and looked at it. Told me he’s had customers with same problems and there is a campaign recall 953 per tsb 18-01- 027 and they got it fixed.


    Check engine light began flashing and my 2013 Hyundai Sonata went into «limp» mode. I checked the code with a diagnostic tool and a P1326 knock sensor detection system code was returned. The car burns oil at an alarming rate, i changed my oil 4,000 miles ago and it burned nearly 4 quarts of oil. There’s 133k miles on the car. The dealership in escondido, california keeps giving me the run around and is trying to charge me full price despite there being a well known engine failure/rod knock recall/campaign with this model/year car.

    2012 KIA OPTIMA

    Code P1326 came up indicating vibration in the engine or a knock sensor or and engine bearing is about to need replacing

    2012 KIA OPTIMA with 160000. miles

    Kia Optima 2012 abruptly powered down in middle of the busy highway with no check engine light warning. The abrupt loss of power nearly caused a vehicle to hit me from behind. After engine shut down check engine light came on and read code P1326. Car will no longer start.

    2012 KIA OPTIMA with 20000.0 miles

    My car slowed down in wouldn’t reach over 2000 rpm and the engine light kept blinking and when i put it on a computer engine code P1326 popped on. It’s called the ignition control module combustion quality input signal after Kia dealership of skibo road supposedly already fixed the problem back in june 2019 now it’s september 30, 2020 n it came on again n yes last year had to replace my engine. I was driving on a street in the morning on september 30, 2020 when it happened and it was raining.

    2012 HYUNDAI SONATA with 78000.0 miles

    Vehicle in motion, less than 40 mph on a city street with a slight incline, less than three miles from home. Vehicle started to operate sluggishly without warning, with lack of power when accelerating. The check engine light started flashing, acceleration severely decreased and was unable to go over 20 mph (car was placed in limp/engine protection mode). I slowly drove the car home and was able to troubleshoot the issue. Connected on obd2 scanner and immediately received a dtc P1326; indicating the knock sensor detection system placed the car in limp mode due to a detected knock/vibration in the motor. Further research proved service campaign 953 (tsb 19-01-002h-1) was already opened in late 2018 to help resolve the P1326 issue and many 2011-2018 Sonatas were recalled to get a software update for the ksds; as an early preventive measure for possible faulty bearings/rods in the motor. I had the vehicle towed to my local Hyundai dealership to get the ksds software update after receiving the P1326 dtc. The service tech said my vin was not part of a recall or campaign and charged me $173 to update the software and clear limp mode. The Hyundai tsb clearly states this update is free to the customer and applies to all Sonatas from 2011-2018; regardless if the vehicle was not part of the original recall.

    2012 KIA SORENTO with 98000.0 miles

    Took 2012 Sorento in for engine/bearings recall at 92k miles (which included an oil change by dealership). Next oil change at 98k there was apprx 1 quart of oil left. Never burned oil prior to this recall check. Thought dealership made mistake. I usually change the oil every 5k miles. Oil was changed and checked again at 2,500 miles, it was 4 quarts low. No warning lights were ever displayed. Took to dealership, performed oil consumption tests (4), consuming about 1 quart every 500 miles. Kia dealership told me unless it displays the P1326 fault code, there is nothing that Kia will do — i can file a claim with Kia affairs, if i want. It is burning so much oil, that if oil was change every 7,500 miles as recommended maintenance — there would be no oil left in engine. It is burning oil — there is no oil leaking. Engine will fail, it’s a matter of when — huge safety issue. A ticking time bomb. Hope it doesn’t fail while driving on the interstate….Or catch fire.

    2012 HYUNDAI SONATA with 110000. miles

    My car’s check engine light came on and i took it to the shop for diagnosing. The code P1326 came up and nobody can figure out the problem. My car doesn’t accelerate properly and take a minute to shift gears and drive properly. There has been open communication on the issue by other people.

    2012 HYUNDAI SONATA with 118000. miles

    On june 22th, 2019 i was driving on the highway in my 2012 Hyundai Sonata gls and i heard a knocking sound under my hood and my engine light came on, so i pulled over to be safe. I called roadside assistance but the time of arrival was two plus hours. Since i was within a half mile of my home i continued on. Made an appointment with bentley Hyundai in huntsville, al for june 24th, 2019. My car sat for 2 days because it was the weekend and bentley Hyundai service was closed. The morning of june 24th, 2019 my vehicle would not start so i had it towed to bentley Hyundai. I ask chris erickson service advisor was there any service campaigns or recalls for my vehicle since i had many others for my Hyundai Sonata gls recently. After about thirty minutes he came back and said no which was not true. Here is the proof: Hyundai assurance car care website it states; service campaign t3g dealer best practice launch february 15th, 2019 for Sonata/sante fe sport/ tucson engine dtc P1326 wiring inspection/installation and engine replacement (tsb # 19-01-006h supercedes tsb # 18-01-032-2). It specifically states affected vehicles affected 2011-2014 my Sonata (yf) vehicles with 2.0l turbo and 2.4 engines that may experience the check light engine warning lamp illuminated with dtc P1326. According to bentley Hyundai service department it was a switch issues which caused the problem. I paid $572.36 for repairs. On 11/10/2019 i experienced the exact same issue knocking under the hood and engine light came on continous blinking. I was almost hit by an 18 wheeler because my vehicle decreased in speed drastically, pull to the shoulder drove very slow to advance auto two minutes away. They did a diagnostic code was P1326. I waited five hours for a tow from nashville, tn to bentley Hyundai in huntsville, al which cost me $475. Now Hyundai is asking me for $6785.82 for an entire new engine.

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