Пара месяцев обладатель Prius 30 2014 года. Пробег 158 тысяч миль. Каждую неделю ловил ошибку P219A (bank 1 air / fuel ratio imbalance). Из того что проделывали:
— Поставили лямбду первую с разбора, потому что предыдущая вышла из строя
— Свечи меняли
— EGR, заслонку чистили
— Инжекторы тестировали
— Компрессию мерили
— Давление бензонасоса в норме
— Катализатор проверяли, тоже в норме
— Форсунки чистили
— Дымом проверяли герметичность системы
После гастролей по разными сервисам, выяснили что лябмда похоже врёт, так как смесь получается богатая, а лямбда жалуется что избуток воздуха. Решили его заменить и поставили оригинальную, новую лямбду. После замены датчика, коррекцию топливо/воздух всегда выводит в 0%.
Прошло пара дней и ошибка снова посетила меня. Заметил что машина едет хорошо, если подлить холодного бензина.
Итог: сегодня поменял бензонасос на новый и машина поехала как надо. Весь день катался по Грузии то вверх, то вниз, с включённым кондёром, вчетвером и никаких проблем и ошибок.
UPD от 13.04.2023
Ошибка P219A снова актуальна, в целом ожидаемо, так как бензонасосы просто так не отлетают. Как раз на днях заказал себе топливный фильтр и новый бензонасос. Есть вероятность что это решил проблему до конца.
UPD от 26.04.2023
Поменяли топливный фильтр, смотрим, по динамике пока так же
UPD от 30.04.2023
Ошибка актуальна и не покидает меня как пару дней. Сняли коллектор впускной для того чтобы проверить отложения, в том числе и в трубуках EGR. Коллектор как и сам EGR относительно чистые.
Пока закончились идеи…
UPD от 7.05.2023
Купил подписку на techstream и решил покопаться на тему параметров авто и логов. Даже пробовал прошить ЭБУ с помощью mini vci j2534, не вышло, кажется надо более богатый провод.
Из интересного, нашёл Repair manual для ошибки p219a на приусах 2014 года.
UPD от 16.05.2023
Заменили все форсунки, ошибки с панели исчезли. Поездим проверим.
Marcus Baldwin
Дата создания:
17 Июнь 2021
Дата обновления:
1 Июнь 2023
- Возможные причины
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- P219a Описание
- P219A Информация для конкретных марок
Возможные причины
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P219A Информация для конкретных марок
Описание P219A ошибки автомобиля Toyota. В нашем справочнике имеется следующая информация:
На русском языке:
Это не часто встречающаяся неисправность в электрической цепи двигателя или автоматической коробки передач, вероятнее всего специфическая для Вашей марки автомобиля.
На английском языке:
OBD2 not find in catalog.
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Принимая во внимание тот факт, что OBD2 ошибки работы электронных систем автомобиля не всегда на прямую указывают на неработающий элемент, а чаще дают всего лишь общую информацию о неисправности, мы пришли к следующему выводу:
В разных марках и моделях автомобилей одна и также ошибка может возникать как следствие неисправности абсолютно разных элементов.
Стало понятно, что просто необходим ресурс в котором можно найти не только общую информацию об OBD2 ошибке, а практические данные по конкретному автомобилю.
Опыт автоэлектриков показал, что если рассматривать определенную марка-модель автомобиля, то в подавляющем большинстве случаев причина возникновения какой либо ошибки одна и также.
Мы создаем, не без вашей помощи, справочник причинно-следственной связи возникновения той или иной OBD2 ошибки у конкретного автомобиля (марка и модель). Если на Ваш автомобиль не найдено описание (причинно-следственной связи) ошибки, то не стесняйтесь задавайте вопрос.
Если у вас есть опыт в устранении той или иной ошибки — делитесь опытом с другими пользователями. Так мы сможем сформировать полезный ресурс. По капле от каждого и всем будет полезно.
Возможно будет интересно:
Если ошибка указывает на неверные параметры (высокие или низкие значения) какого нибудь из датчиков или анализаторов, то вероятней всего этот элемент исправен, а проблему надо искать так сказать «выше по течению», в элементах работу которых анализирует датчик или зонд.
Если ошибка указывает на постоянно открытый или закрытый клапан, то тут надо подойти к решению вопроса с умом, а не менять бездумно этот элемент. Причин может быть несколько: клапан засорен, клапан заклинил, на клапан приходит неверный сигнал от других неисправных узлов.
Автомобили с каждым днем становятся все более сложными, но и более диагностируемыми. Наш форум создан для всех, от простых автолюбителей до профессиональных автоэлектриков.
This generic diagnostic trouble code (DTC) applies to many OBD-II vehicles manufactured from 1996 onwards, and includes a variety of makes such as Toyota, Dodge, Ford, Chevy, Honda and Jeep. While the diagnosis is generic in nature, exact repair steps may vary depending on the year, make and model of the vehicle. Furthermore, powertrain should also be taken into consideration when attempting repairs.
When a code P219A is stored in the powertrain control module (PCM), it means that the PCM has detected an air to fuel ratio imbalance for the bank of the engine which contains the number one cylinder. This can be caused by faulty oxygen sensors or other components related to air intake and fuel delivery in this particular engine. Proper diagnosis and repair of these issues should be done by a certified mechanic as soon as possible in order to avoid further damage due to incorrect functioning.
The PCM monitors the air to fuel ratio for each engine bank by utilizing data from heated exhaust oxygen sensors, also known as air fuel sensors. This method is used in order to ensure optimal performance and efficiency of the engine. The heated exhaust oxygen sensor helps provide information on how much oxygen is present in the vehicle’s exhaust system, which can then be compared against what was expected based on the computer-controlled fuel injection system. Through this process, any inconsistencies or issues are identified in real time and corrective measures can be taken swiftly.
The oxygen sensor is a device comprised of a zirconium dioxide sensing element housed in a vented steel housing, with tiny platinum electrodes connecting it to the oxygen sensor wiring harness connector that plugs into the controller area network (CAN) and further connects the harness to the PCM connector. This design allows for efficient communication between all necessary components.
The oxygen sensor is often threaded or studded into an exhaust pipe in order to ensure that the sensing element is close to the center of the pipe. As spent exhaust gases leave the combustion chamber and pass through the remainder of the exhaust system, they are directed over these sensors. To facilitate this process, vent holes are incorporated within the steel housing of each sensor so that swirling ambient air can enter it. This air ultimately fills a tiny chamber inside where it is heated, which causes oxygen ions to produce energy registered by a PCM as voltage.
The variations of oxygen ions between ambient air and the exhaust cause a swift, repetitive motion inside an O2 sensor. As these ions shift between the platinum layers, changes in output voltage are seen by the PCM. This allows for monitoring of concentration levels as lean or rich conditions based on the voltage signals sent from the oxygen sensors; higher outputs indicate lower concentrations while lower outputs signify richer concentrations.
If the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) detects an imbalance in the air to fuel ratio for a particular bank of the engine, it will store code P219A and may illuminate a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL). In most vehicles, multiple ignition cycles with a failure are needed before MIL illumination.
What is the severity of this DTC?
It is important to recognize that an incorrect air to fuel ratio can be the result of either excessive air or insufficient fuel. The code P219A should always be considered severe and rectified quickly in order for it not to cause any further issues. Failure to do so could result in serious engine damage and costly repairs.
You’ll likely see symptoms of a P219A trouble code whenever your engine light comes on:
- Diminished fuel efficiency
- The lack of general engine performance
- Lean or Rich Misfire Codes
- Service engine soon lamp illumination
What are some of the common causes of the code?
Causes for this error code may include:
- Engine vacuum leak (large)
- Defective oxygen sensor/s
- Burnt, chafed, broken, or disconnected wiring and/or connectors
- The engine is leaking smoke.
- A mass air flow sensor or manifold air pressure sensor that’s faulty
- Bad fuel pump or clogged fuel filter
What are some P219A troubleshooting steps?
Before attempting to diagnose a code P219A, it is important to ensure that all misfire codes, throttle position sensor codes, manifold air pressure codes and mass air flow sensor codes have been addressed. Furthermore, the engine should be running smoothly and efficiently; if either a rich or lean condition exists it must be repaired as this may be the cause of the P219A being stored. Failure to do so could result in incorrect diagnosis of various issues with the vehicle.
In order to accurately diagnose a code P219A, it is necessary to have a diagnostic scanner, a digital volt/ohmmeter (DVOM), and an up-to-date source of reliable vehicle information on hand. The right tools are essential for properly diagnosing the problem in order to provide an optimal repair solution.
Taking the time to search for Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) that match the stored codes, vehicle information (year, make, model, and engine), and symptoms exhibited can be a great way of saving time in diagnosing a problem. This information is often available through a vehicle’s source of information. If you find the right TSB then it could provide an efficient solution to your diagnosis.
The technician should then connect the scanner to the vehicle diagnostic port and retrieve all stored codes and pertinent freeze frame data, writing this information down in case the code proves to be an intermittent one. To complete the process, they must then clear the codes before taking a test drive until either the code is restored or until readiness mode has been achieved by the PCM.
If the PCM enters readiness mode at this point, the code may be more difficult to diagnose because it is intermittent. In this case, it would be necessary for the condition that caused P219A to be stored to worsen before an accurate diagnosis can be made. If the code is restored, however, then further steps should be taken in order to make a definitive diagnosis.
The source of vehicle information can provide a wide range of materials relating to the particular code and vehicle in question, such as connector face views, connector pinout charts, component locator charts, wiring diagrams and diagnostic flow charts. All these documents are invaluable for understanding how the code and vehicle interact with each other.
The technician should perform a visual inspection of the related wiring and connectors to ensure they are in good condition. If any damage such as cuts, burns, or wear is noticed, then the technician should repair or replace them accordingly. It is important for safety reasons that all wiring and connectors work correctly before proceeding with further tasks.
It is recommended that if the engine is running smoothly and the code P219A/P219B continues to be reset, the engine should be started and allowed to reach normal operating temperature. Furthermore, when idling (with either neutral or park selected on the transmission), a scanner should be connected to the vehicle’s diagnostic port in order to observe oxygen sensor input data from within the data stream. To ensure quicker response times, it is important that only applicable information be included in this scan.
If the oxygen sensors are functioning normally, once the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) enters closed loop operation, voltage on pre-catalytic converter oxygen sensors will cycle continuously between 1 and 900 millivolts. Post-catalytic converter oxygen sensors also cycle between 1 and 900 millivolts but settle at a certain point and remain more stable than pre-catalytic converters. When an oxygen sensor fails to cycle adequately, it should be considered defective if the engine is in good working condition.
In most cases, rectifying this code will involve correcting a running engine that is either too rich or too lean. It is important to ensure that the right balance of fuel and air is present in the combustion chamber for optimal performance. To do this, an experienced technician may need to assess the vehicle’s current state and make adjustments accordingly. Additionally, they may need to take preventive measures such as replacing spark plugs and filters regularly or checking for any blockages in the exhaust system.
Code | Fault Location | Probable Cause |
P219A | Bank 1 Air/Fuel Ratio Imbalance (Buy Part On Amazon) |
— |
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Table of Contents
- What Does Code P219A Mean?
- Where is the P219A sensor located?
- What are the common causes of code P219A?
- What are the symptoms of code P219A?
- Get Help with P219A
What Does Code P219A Mean?
OBD II fault code P219A is a generic code that is defined as “Bank 1 Air/Fuel Ratio Imbalance”, or sometimes as “Mixture Control Bank 1 – Value Out Of Range”, and is set when the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) detects an imbalance in the air/fuel mixture between individual cylinders on Bank 1. Note that “Bank 1” refers to the bank of cylinders on V-type engines that contains cylinder #1.
SPECIAL NOTES: Note that neither this code, nor any of its closely related codes, which are P219C, P219D, P219E, and P219F should be confused with any other air/fuel ratio related codes, even though there are some similarities between these codes and “normal” air/fuel ratio related codes in terms of both their causes and effects.
The codes listed immediately above all relate to air/air fuel imbalances between individual cylinders on a given cylinder bank, as opposed to air/fuel ratio issues that affect all the cylinders on a given cylinder bank equally. In the case of code P219A, the code refers to an issue that causes a rich condition (too much fuel relative to air) in one or more cylinders on Bank 1, as opposed to an issue that causes a lean condition (too much air relative to fuel) in one or more cylinders on Bank 1. END OF SPECIAL NOTES.
Although modern engine and fuel management systems have reached high levels of sophistication, and are generally capable of fine control of air/fuel mixtures, these systems cannot measure or monitor the air/fuel mixture in each individual cylinder directly. Put in another way, modern engine and fuel management systems cannot account, and compensate for factors that influence how much fuel relative to air enters any given cylinder on the one hand, and how efficiently that air/fuel mixture is combusted in any given cylinder, on the other.
On a fully functional engine that is in good mechanical condition, the engine management system assumes that the volumes of all cylinders are equal, that all cylinders develop the same compression pressure, that all ignition sparks are of the same intensity, and that the exhaust gas is extracted equally efficiently from all cylinders.
Based on these assumptions, the PCM calculates how much fuel to inject into each cylinder at any given point in an engines’ operating range, these calculations in their turn being based on input data from various sensors. Typically, these sensors include the throttle position sensor, MAF/MAP sensor, engine coolant and intake air temperature sensors, and the engine speed sensor, among many others. In practice, and if all these sensors and their associated systems work as designed, the engine will run smoothly and efficiently, and emissions can therefore be controlled fairly accurately.
However, no engine is ever in perfect condition, but in practice, engine management systems are programmed to “ignore” minor issues like differences in the manufacturing tolerances of parts like fuel injectors, which differences can produce small deviations between the desired and actual volumes of fuel that each injector injects under different operating conditions.
Nonetheless, slight differences in fuel injection volumes, compression pressures, and ignition spark intensities between cylinders can worsen over time until eventually, the differences start to approach or exceed maximum allowable thresholds, which when it happens, begins to produce small, but detectable variations in the rate at which the engine rotates.
On most modern engines, the crankshaft position sensor also serves to detect misfires, but unlike “normal” misfires that produce large variations in the engines rotational speed, air/fuel imbalances between individual cylinders typically produce variations that are smaller than about 2% of the crankshaft speed. Thus, to distinguish between normal misfires and air/fuel imbalances between cylinders, PCM are programmed to run a very specific monitor after start-up.
As a practical matter, this monitor typically checks for variations in the crankshaft’s rotational speed over two full crankshaft revolutions (one engine cycle), and then compares this information with data received from the upstream air/fuel ratio (or oxygen sensor). If both a variation in the rotational speed of the crankshaft and a deviation from the expected oxygen content in the exhaust gas exist, the PCM will conclude that an air/fuel imbalance between individual cylinders on cylinder bank 1 exists, and it will set code P219A and illuminate a warning light as a result.
Note though that in order to eliminate false positives, the monitor will only run if certain trouble codes are not stored, and that it will only run when certain enabling conditions are met, which are different for different applications. In fact, these enabling conditions are rather precise, such as those for Toyota Venza models, which are given below-
- Air fuel ratio sensor status : Activated
- Engine speed : 1500 RPM or higher, but less than 2300 RPM
- Engine coolant temperature : 167°F or higher
- Atmospheric pressure : 76 kPa (abs) [570 mm Hg (abs)] or higher
- Fuel system status : Closed loop
- Mass air flow : 27.5 gm/sec or more, but less than 40 gm/sec
NOTE: Be aware that the above parameters and values are intended to be purely illustrative, and while they are accurate for Toyota Venza models, proper reference to reliable service information must be made when diagnosing this code on other makes and models.
Where is the P219A sensor located?
The image above shows a leaking exhaust valve (circled), which is a common cause of this code on many applications. Note that while the engine and fuel management systems may be in perfect working order, the loss of compression pressure caused by a damaged valve will cause poor combustion, and therefore, a cyclical variation in the rotational speed of the crankshaft. As a rule of thumb, the PCM will set code P219A if the variation is less than 2% of the crankshafts’ speed; if however, the variation exceeds about 2% of the crankshafts’ speed, the PCM will almost certainly set a misfire code, as opposed to an air/fuel imbalance related code.
What are the common causes of code P219A?
Some common causes of code P219A could include one or more of the following-
- Faulty or defective fuel injector(s)
- Damaged, burnt, shorted, disconnected, or corroded wiring and/or connectors in the fuel injection and/or ignition systems
- Defective or worn spark plug(s)
- Defective or failing ignition coil(s)
- Exhaust leaks
- Defective or worn upstream (located before the catalytic converter) oxygen or air/fuel ratio sensor
- Loss of compression pressure for any reason
- Engine vacuum leak(s)
- Excessive fuel pressure, but note that this condition is more likely to affect all the cylinders equally
- Failed or filing PCM, but note that since this is a rare event, the fault must be sought elsewhere before any control module is replaced
NOTE: Code P219A is common on 2012 – 2014 Toyota Corolla and 2012 -2013 Matrix models as the result of defective exhaust valves. See Toyota Technical Service Bulletin (TSB 0107-14) for details on diagnostic and repair information.
What are the symptoms of code P219A?
Typical symptoms of code P219A could include one or more of the following-
- Stored trouble code and illuminated warning light
- Multiple misfire related codes may also be present in some cases
- Poor fuel economy
- Varying degrees of power loss may occur at some points in the engine’s operating range
- Idling may be rough or erratic
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