Почему вар тандер выдает ошибку фатал еррор

Если разрабатываемая и издаваемая компанией Gaijin Entertainment популярная многопользовательская военная игра War Thunder при запуске сваливается с ошибкой Fatal Error, а играть страсть как хочется, значит, необходимо действовать. И самое правильное в этом деле — определить направление действий и грамотно рассчитать точки приложения сил.

Решение проблем с запуском онлайн-игры War Thunder

Приводим 10 вариантов решения проблем с запуском War Thunder.

1. Первый и самый важный шаг — обновление установленных в операционной системе драйверов графического адаптера (видеокарты). Технология простая: скачиваем с сайта производителя устройства актуальную версию драйвера, устанавливаем его, после чего в обязательном порядке перезагружаем компьютер. Драйверы для видеокарт Nvidia можно найти по ссылке nvidia.ru/download, для ATI — по адресу support.amd.com.

2. Выполните переустановку клиентского приложения игры.

3. С сайта Microsoft скачайте и установите свежую версию набора библиотек DirectX.

4. Если первые три перечисленные операции не привели к успеху, то попробуйте произвести очистку кеша игрового приложения и файлов локального профиля. Для этого закрываем игровой клиент War Thunder и, используя права администратора в ОС Windows, очищаем содержимое директорий C:Usersимя_пользователяAppDataLocalWarThunderCache и C:Usersимя_пользователяDocumentsMy GamesWarThunderSaves. После проведённых операций повторно заходим в игровой клиент и проверяем устранение проблемы.

5. Проведите проверку целостности файлов, модулей и библиотек War Thunder. Для этого откройте клиентское приложение игры, щёлкните по значку настроек в правом верхнем углу и далее по клавише «Проверить файлы».

6. Активируйте параметр VSync в настройках карт Nvidia. Для этого кликните правой кнопкой по панели управления nVidia и перейдите в меню «Управление параметрами 3D -> Вертикальная синхронизация».

7. Минимизируйте настройки графики в лаунчере игры, чтобы уменьшить нагрузку на GPU. Вполне возможно, что неполадки кроются в высокой нагрузке на процессор графического адаптера.

8. Включите поддержку старых видеокарт. Для этого в лаунчере игры нажимаем на кнопку с шестерёнкой и ставим галочку напротив соответствующей функции.

Решение проблем с запуском онлайн-игры War Thunder

9. Добавьте папку с установленной игрой War Thunder, а также исполняемые файлы laucnher.exe и aces.exe, в исключения установленного на компьютере антивируса.

10. Воспользуйтесь тестовой бета-версией игры: в лаунчере поставьте галочку «Использовать версию в разработке».

Если проблема с запуском игры War Thunder продолжает наблюдаться, тогда пишите нашим экспертам — вам обязательно помогут! С нами можно связаться при помощи электронной почты info@software-expert.ru, а также посредством социальных площадок Facebook, Google+, «ВКонтакте», сети микроблогов Twitter и сервиса «Яндекс.Дзен».


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Upon starting the game (From launcher, or from ACES.EXE) it slows down my computer before pulling up an error code and «Send to devs?»

Ive tried reinstalling, restarting, and running as Administrator
I have no idea what to do and would like to get back into playing.

Screenshot (67).png

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what OS are you using ?

what’s your videocard and are the drivers up to date ?

when did this start happening ? like right after a game update or windows update maybe ?

or did the game crashed before this started ?

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OS Win 10

Videocard is a GTX 960 (Which i know can run this game)

Overall i can run this game no problem
Worked one day, closed game, relaunched an hour or two later, now it doesnt work

Edited February 22, 2018 by EruppXD


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5 hours ago, EruppXD said:

Videocard is a GTX 960 (Which i know can run this game)

it sure can ^^ was just asking because especially laptops with dual graphics or certain intel gpus may have difficulties running the game.

1. did you already delete the game cache (by deleting the ..cache  folder in the ..War Thunder  main game directory), verified the game

files in the launcher settings (wrench icon in the top right corner of the launcher -> check files) or even reinstalled the game completely ?

2. and did you try switching between fullscreen and windowed (or full window) mode ?

3. does the game create client logs (*.clog files located in the ..War Thunder.game_logs  folder) and crash dumps (file with a *.dmp file

extension located in the same folder) when you start the game ? if so — could you maybe upload a recent crash dump and the associated

crash file collection (a zip archive with the same name as the crash dump) ?!

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looks like the game is crashing in the hardware detection stage when it’s trying to access the nVidia drivers / hardware.

you should try these things (maybe in this order ^^):

1. open the launcher, go into the advanced settings (gear icon next to the graphics presets) and disable nVidia highlights in the lower

    left corner. then try running the game.

2. completely shut down Geforce Experience before starting the game

3. reinstall the nVidia drivers. in this case i’d recommend to completely uninstall all nVidia related stuff (Geforce Experience, drivers etc),

    restart the system and then install the latest nVidia driver package… maybe even consider using the Display Driver uninstaller (DDU)

    to completely remove all gpu driver files (including all old / obsolete files that may not get removed using the normal uninstall option)

in addition you should maybe do a disk check since some files may be broken due to the crashes…

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Thank you so much, a full reinstall of the drivers (using DDU) worked.

Now, back to grinding at 60fps

Edited February 23, 2018 by EruppXD


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  • 4 months later…


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i think i have the same problem and my driver is up to date but my graphic card is so bad 

when i enter a battle it switches to my desck the to the game 2 times then it crashes

pls tell me just if i cant fix it cuz i cant get an other graphic card cuz im in a lab

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  • 7 months later…


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I have the same problem, upon starting the game: FATAL ERROR        EXCEPTION

The crash report is:

f3xz6r36w, 63572d69-ca3b-47ec-b224-647a02190221

I upgrade the windows from windows 7 to windows 10, reinstall the driver after using DDU, put an old driver…

After a test with Lenovo diagnostics, I found 2 problems. I have no idea what is going on. 

Some games are working, with high FPS ( League of Legends)  and in others, there are some textures visible while playing (IL2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad)

I have a Lenovo K430 Desktop (IdeaCentre) — Type 3109 — i7, 16Gb RAM, Geforce GTX 660, Windows 10 x64.

lenovo diagnostics.jpg

Geforce experience can't optimize.jpg

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14 hours ago, SScercetasul said:

I have the same problem, upon starting the game: FATAL ERROR        EXCEPTION

The crash report is:

f3xz6r36w, 63572d69-ca3b-47ec-b224-647a02190221

I upgrade the windows from windows 7 to windows 10, reinstall the driver after using DDU, put an old driver…

After a test with Lenovo diagnostics, I found 2 problems. I have no idea what is going on. 

Some games are working, with high FPS ( League of Legends)  and in others, there are some textures visible while playing (IL2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad)

I have a Lenovo K430 Desktop (IdeaCentre) — Type 3109 — i7, 16Gb RAM, Geforce GTX 660, Windows 10 x64.

lenovo diagnostics.jpg

Geforce experience can't optimize.jpg

Do NOT use G-Force experience. Lower your settings to Medium. G-Force Experience is trash and is showing you BS «Optimization». The GTX660 is a 2GB VRAM GPU, so you will have to play on Medium.

Also, upgrading from Windows X to Windows 10 is NOT recommended. I would go with clean install. Its that how bad the «Upgrades» are.

Also, why use older driver? Make sure you are using a Windows 10 compatible one.

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I uninstalled G-Force Experience, set the settings on low. In the garage are some strange textures in the background. Same if I start a game.

I don’t understand if it is from drivers or the graphics card is faulty. 


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3 hours ago, SScercetasul said:

I uninstalled G-Force Experience, set the settings on low. In the garage are some strange textures in the background. Same if I start a game.

I don’t understand if it is from drivers or the graphics card is faulty. 


Did you check the Game files? This should not happen. Either you got corrupted game files, or something in the OS/drivers got corrupted, OR the GPU is kicking the bucket. Have you checked the GPU temps?

If the previous things dont work, you can try downloading a tool, to either increase GPU voltage a bit, or reduce clocks a bit (incase its a GPU problem).


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Thank you for your time and patience.

I moved the GPU in another computer with the same results. So the GPU is faulty.

Can you recommend me a tool to increase GPU voltage or reduce clock?

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On 23/02/2019 at 11:42, SScercetasul said:

Thank you for your time and patience.

I moved the GPU in another computer with the same results. So the GPU is faulty.

Can you recommend me a tool to increase GPU voltage or reduce clock?

Not sure if it would work. You can try the RivaTuner tool, but not sure for which cards work, OR the MSI Afterburner.

But then, it is not known if the OEM vendor have allowed access to the GPU, to allow voltage and clock control. Check if the OEM vendor has such software.


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  • 3 months later…


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I have this Error 3 month now and i cannot start the game .It Crashes  and says [Fatal Error: «Exception!»].

My computer is  completely capable of playing this game on ultra settings .


— Intel core i5-7300hq

— Nvidia gtx 1050 ti

IF anyone has a fix pls suggest me,  i  appriciate it.

=>What i have tried so far:

-Verify Files

-Delete cache and Verify


-Reinstall Nvidia drivers

-Reinstall Intel Graphic Drivers

-Reinstall Gforce Experience

-lower settings ,removing Vsync,change to Windowed,

-Tried ace.exe

-Tried playing other games… :(

-Came back to Solve this but i need HELP!!

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4 hours ago, SpiCYValentine said:

It Crashes  and says [Fatal Error: «Exception!»].

if there are any crash dumps (files with a *.dmp file extension) in the ..War Thunder,game_logs  folder

could you maybe upload the most recent one (and maybe the associated crash dump file collection (a

*.zip archive with the same name as the crash dump as well) ?!

did you also try a clean boot (basically a windows boot without any 3rd party tools / services) to rule out

any 3rd party tool / service interfering with the execution of the game ?

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I have the same problem :(
Few months ago I can play without this Fatal error: exception. After a game update the same day I can play only with error message. But this day after the error message the login screen come up but it didn’s sense any mouse or keybord order (klick) Alt+F4 and the mouse cursor can move but login screen freeze. 

fk38gxlkp, c0e58f8b-9ebe-4371-91ba-e437d2190620

My setup is a Dell Inspirion 15 7564   16GB RAM dual videocard Intel HD 630 and Geforce GTX 1050 Ti Windows 10 64bit i7 7700HQ

Try reinstall drivers, clean install also and delete cash check files everything that writed above. Other games working fine. pls help me what I have to do?

sorry for bad english



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I think it’s this latest update, I haven’t had problems like this until after it downloaded.

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I installed Wt in another destination but have same problem, cannot click anothing inside the window of Wt. Anyone can help me? Please…


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On 21/06/2019 at 02:00, relliK said:

if there are any crash dumps (files with a *.dmp file extension) in the ..War Thunder,game_logs  folder

could you maybe upload the most recent one (and maybe the associated crash dump file collection (a

*.zip archive with the same name as the crash dump as well) ?!

did you also try a clean boot (basically a windows boot without any 3rd party tools / services) to rule out

any 3rd party tool / service interfering with the execution of the game ?

I have the same problem, it said FATAL ERROR EXCEPTION.

can you check my log files?

I have tried to use DDU reinstall the drive and reinstall the game but it did not work.game_logs.zip

updated: I can use 32 bit version aces.exe to launch the game

Edited June 24, 2019 by szl0834

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I still have the problem. I can launch  the game from 32bit.

Gaijin help us

Edited June 24, 2019 by Skaanderbeg


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one thing you guys seem to have in common is that you got systems (laptops ?!) with an intel / nvidia gpu combo (nVidia Optimus)

and according to szl0834s crash dumps it’s the intel driver that is crashing…

while the intel gpu should only be used to display the pictures the nVidia gpu is rendering it looks as if there may be a problem with

this combination (just an assumption !) and ofc this does not explain why the 32bit version is running oO. however if the 32bit client

is indeed running flawlessly that’s a viable workaround imho (until the root cause of this issue is found and fixed).

i would have recommended to have a look into the intel gpu drivers (update them if possible) but according to the driver date in the

crash dump of szl0834 at least his intel drivers appear to be quite recent… so,,,, i dont know =/


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War Thunder PC version is facing errors and issues like Fatal error, Error 30007, crash at startup, high CPU usage, and more. Here we will discuss all of the errors and issues that players are experiencing along with their fixes and workarounds.

War Thunder Stuttering, Crash, And Fixes

War Thunder is a critically acclaimed free-to-play game developed by Gaijin Entertainment. While the game launched back in 2013 and is still going strong but, the PC version of the game is facing errors like Fatal Error, crashes, 100% CPU usage, and more.

The following are the errors and issues that players are experiencing with War Thunder along with their fixes and workarounds.

Fatal Error, Videomode Initialization Error Fix

Players are reporting that when they launch War Thunder they get multiple errors. According to players, the game first tells them the GPU they are using isn’t DirectX 10 or higher compatible then they get the following errors.

videomode initialization error (8111000b)
FATAL ERROR, Error initializing video (OpenGL3)
Easy Anti-Cheat: Untrusted system file in (C:WindowsSystem32bcrypt.dll)

There are a couple of fixes for these errors. The first one is simple. Navigate to the game’s install folder. Open Steam > right-click War Thunder > Browse local files > EasyAntiCheat > run EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe as an administrator. Select “repair service” and let the process complete. This will fix the Fatal error and videomode initialization error.

If this doesn’t work for you then open the command prompt and run it as administrator. Type the following commands and press enter after each command.

netsh winsock reset
sfc /scannnow

Let the scan complete and fix any damaged files. This will fix the errors and the War Thunder will run just fine.

If War Thunder players are just getting a Fatal error at launch then it can be fixed by manually reinstalling the GPU drivers. Also, limiting the game’s FPS can also resolve this error.

Error 30007 Fix

A lot of War Thunder players are reporting the Error 30007 while trying to play the game. This error is related to the Easy Anti-Cheat system and is probably popping up due to the Driver Signature Enforcement (DSE) service being disabled.

To fix the Error 30007, open the command prompt and run it as administrator. Run the following commands and press enter after each of them.

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Restart your system and then launch the game, the error 30007 will now be fixed.

Crash Fix

Some players have reported that War Thunder crashes randomly while running and for some Easy anti-cheat error. Chances are, Easy anti-cheat isn’t the problem here check your GPU for temperature and usage.

If the temperature of the GPU is maxing out and then the game crashes then I would recommend locking the game’s FPS at a lower value. Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > select the game > set the value for “Max FPS Limit”. This is a bit of trial and error and players will have to set a value and see at which FPS limit the game stabilizes.

Crash At Launch, 100% CPU Usage Fix

Players have reported that when they launch the game, the CPU usage goes to 100% and the game just crashes at startup. If you are running War Thunder on a laptop with a dedicated GPU or a system with onboard graphics then chances are, the game isn’t using the dedicated GPU.

To fix this, open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > select the game > select the Non integrated GPU. Apply the change and the game will run on the dedicated GPU and the issue will be resolved.

For AMD users, open Device Manager. Under display adapters, disable the integrated GPU option.

Black Screen Fix

According to some players, when the launch War Thunder, they get a black screen and their system freezes. This issue is related to certain Windows 10 builds. If your Win 10 build is up-to-date, then roll back to the previous version.

In case you haven’t updated Windows in a long time, then it’s time to update your OS and the black screen issue will be fixed.

For some players, when they launch the game they get the black screen while they can hear the audio in the background. This can be easily fixed by pressing “Alt + Enter”. The game will go into Windowed mode and will start to display.

Low FPS, Stuttering Fix

War Thunder players are reporting random FPS drops, stuttering and general performance issues. Here is how you can fix stuttering and improve the game’s FPS.

First, make sure you have installed the latest GPU drivers and there is no background process running in the background that is using too much of your HDD, CPU, and GPU.

Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > select the game from the menu. Set Vertical Sync to “ON”, set “Power Management Mode” to “Prefer Maximum Performance”, and set “Texture Filtering- Quality” to “High Performance”.

This will fix the stuttering issue and will also improve the game’s FPS. In case this doesn’t work for you, follow the steps mentioned above but set Vertical Sync to “Fast”. This will not only fix stuttering but will also provide you with a potential FPS boost if you have a moderate enough CPU and GPU.

That is all for our War Thunder fixes for errors like Fatal Error, videomode initialization error, 100% CPU Usage, and more. If you are facing errors and issues with other video games or with your PC then also see our hub for commonly occurring PC errors and their fixes.



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  • Жалоба

Опубликовано: 24 июля 2022 г.

Всем привет, такая проблема. карта AMD RX 6600XT. Все проблемы появились после перехода с GTX 1060 на нее. Помогите если кто то сталкивался. проверка файлов стима не помогает.image.png.93425f46bd6cb485ae02135baba93aрехода на нее…


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вторая ссылка в гугле My game keep crashing after update — War Thunder Forums

там и дальше есть ссылки, вот к примеру, Ошибка: FATAL ERROR: LoadException («read error», tell()).

Остальные уже как-нибудь сам. Если что гугл это вот это Google

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27 ноября 2019

ПрПри заходе с клиента пишется эта ошибка,при заходе с 32битного ярлыка все нормуль,в интернете точного ответа не где нет,может кто знает как исправить.?

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