Ps5 ошибка nw 102254 4

Не удалось подключиться к серверу.

При подключении к PlayStation™Network произошла ошибка.
Попробуйте сделать следующее:
  1.  Проверьте страницу статуса PSN – возможно, сервер недоступен или на нем проводятся технические работы.
  2.  Перезагрузите PlayStation®5 и попробуйте подключиться к Интернету, используя проводное соединение. Затем настройте сетевое соединение заново.
  3.  При использовании беспроводного подключения приблизьте PS5 к маршрутизатору или уберите все препятствия между ними, чтобы улучшить уровень сигнала.
  4. Выключите модем и маршрутизатор и подождите около 5 минут, затем перезапустите их.
  5.  Обновите встроенное программное обеспечение маршрутизатора. (Чтобы узнать, как обновить встроенное программное обеспечение, свяжитесь с продавцом маршрутизатора.)
  6.  Если возможно, попробуйте открыть эти порты. TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480; и UDP: 3478, 3479,49152~65535.
    Чтобы узнать, как открыть порты и настроить маршрутизатор, обратитесь к своему поставщику интернет-услуг.
  7.  В настройках сети вручную установите статический IP-адрес, чтобы улучшить соединение.
  8.  Попробуйте временно изменить настройки DNS.
    Перейдите к настройкам DNS в настройках сети и настройте параметры сети, указав номер общедоступного DNS, который является бесплатным и открытым для всех компаний или организаций.

    Если это не помогло, значит, сетевое соединение временно перегружено. Попробуйте еще раз позже.

Unable to connect to the server.

An error has occurred while connecting to the PlayStation™Network.
Please try the following steps:
  1.  Check the PSN status page if there is any server failure or maintenance going on.
  2.  Restart your PlayStation®5, and connect to the Internet using a wired connection as much as possible. And configure the network settings again.
  3.  When using a wireless connection, review the installation location such as bringing your PS5 closer to your router or removing anything interrupting the connection between the devices.
  4. Turn off your router and modem, and wait at least 5 minutes, then restart it.
  5.  Update the firmware of your router. (For details on how to update, please contact the router vendor.)
  6.  If possible, try opening these ports. TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480 and UDP: 3478, 3479,49152~65535.
    For help with port opening and router settings, please contact your ISP (Internet service provider).
  7.  In the network settings, set up a static IP address manually to improve it.
  8.  It could be improved by changing DNS settings temporarily.
    Go to DNS settings in the Network Settings, and configure your network settings with the number of the public DNS that is free and open to the public by companies or organizations.

    If the above does not solve the problem, the line is likely to be temporarily busy. Please leave it for a while and try again later.

Updated weekly (26/Jan/21) — comment below / redirect Playstation 5 owners here:

The Reddit PlayStation Community Support Team PlayStation Error Code Database | Check back for new error codes

Official PS5 error code search results : link to each error code below is from the official Playstation website :

WS-116522-7 The system software is the update failed. Link

WS-116420-4 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102308-4 A communication error has occurred. Link

CE-107520-5 Please install the latest system software. Link

WV-109146-1 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102650-4 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102417-5 The connection to the network has timed out. Link

CE-113212-0 Unable to connect to the server. Link

WV-109153-9 The connection to the network has timed out. Link

WS-116439-4 Unable to connect to the server. Link

WS-115195-2 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NP-103117-3 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

NP-103111-7 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

CE-117722-0 An error has occurred on PlayStation™Now streaming connection. Link

WV-109145-0 Unable to connect to the Internet. Link

NW-102315-2 A communication error has occurred. Link

NP-103109-4 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

NP-103105-0 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

CE-105799-1 Unable to connect to the server. Link

WV-109166-3 Unable to connect to the Internet. Link

WV-109144-9 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102307-3 A communication error has occurred. Link

NW-102261-2 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NP-102947-3 The Internet connection may be unstable, and the latest update file for the application cannot be found. Link

WS-116521-6 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

WS-116449-5 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

WS-115338-1 Unable to connect to the server. Link

WS-115019-7 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102311-8 A communication error has occurred. Link

NP-103107-2 This service is currently under maintenance. Link

WV-109168-5 Unable to connect to the Internet. Link

NW-102633-5 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102314-1 A communication error has occurred. Link

NW-102265-6 Unable to connect to the server. Link

NW-102254-4 Unable to connect to the server. Link

WS-116330-4 Use of PlayStation™Network feature is temporarily suspended. Link

NW-102636-8 The connection to the PlayStation™Network has timed out. Link

CE-111161-1 Please check the connection status of HD camera and PlayStation®Camera. Link

CE-108862-5 Unable to connect to the server. Link

CE-108360-8 Please check the connection status of HD camera and PlayStation®Camera. Link

WS-116367-4 Your account has been suspended. Link

WS-116332-6 Access from your PlayStation®5 may be prohibited or temporarily unavailable. Link

NP-102955-2 The account information is incorrect. Link

NP-102942-8 This feature is not available due to age restrictions. Link

WS-116328-1 Please install the latest system software. Link

NP-102945-1 Please install the latest system software. Link

CE-108889-4 Please install the latest system software. Link

WS-116331-5 PlayStation™Network function is temporarily suspended. Link

NP-102946-2 Please install the latest update file. Link

NP-102944-0 Please install the latest system software. Link

Update: 16/Nov/2020^

ws-115651-9? unknown for now but similar code to Error Code WS-116521-6, we’ll wait and see.

CE-108255-1 Link 1 to redditor u/unicorn4847 (twitter support from AskPlaystation) Link 2 to redditor u/alexcorvette (change the language may help)

CE-106485-4 PS5 Copying (Broken)??? by u/loinmin read their post as well below the video. Not showing on Official PS5 error code search either

Update: 18/Nov/2020^

WS-115651-9 unknown

NW-102386-0 unknown

Updated: 26/Nov/2020^

CE-107329-2 unknown

CE-113205-2 unknown «can’t upload game save» from u/Telexian

Updated: 30/Nov/2020^

WS-115651-9 unknown

CE-112839-4 unknown

NW-102414-2 unknown u/RompeCulos559 «every time I’m in a game screen turn black and system software error appears»

21/Jan/21 for NW-102414-2

thanks to u/jaylo2112 for everyone else SU-101193-5 error code help!!!!!: Reddit Thread » Go into the updates, delete the whole update, restart, then let it update again. That’s what worked for me. » posted by u/WalkerTexasRng

» Tap on the ps button on the middle of your controller and go to the download icon and then there should be an error. Click on that and it should give you the option to delete the update. » posted by u/WalkerTexasRng

Updated: 30/Nov/2020 after lunch^

WS-116145-8 unknown (maybe similar to WS-116420-4, WS-116439-4 & WS-116449-5 «unable to connect to server, server under maintenance &/or check server status»

+1 make sure you are on the latest update and that you have enough space for an update on your ps5. & it can be similar to ws-116332-6 where there could be network congestion or game/app server temporarily unavailable ; check game/app developer’s website for server status

Updated: 06/Dec/2020^

SU-101452-3 unknown only similar to ps4 error codes >PS4 Error Code SU-30645-8, PS4 Error Code SU-30696-4 and PS4 Error Code SU-35931-1

UPdated: 13/Dec/2020^

Nw-102251-1 Unknown

UPdated 15/Dec/2020^

WS-114271-6 Unknown from user imdoubletrouble on the 5th/6th of jan»This device sent too many requests to the server. Please try again later. This has happened 3 times now and it locks me from doing anything that uses psn servers to fetch on the console. In particular all times it’s occurred i’ve skipped songs on spotify perhaps too many and then spotify goes blank. Error pops when looking at an activity or party card after. Seems to last 15 odd minutes before spotify starts a song and everything works until next time.

UPdated 06/Jan/2021^

NW-102377-0 Unknown

CE-11239-4 Unknown

CE-112839-4 Unknown

NW-102378-1 Unknown refer to these 4 error codes below.

UPdated 26/Jan/2021^

CE-107924-3 unknown

E2-8176082d unknown (could be relating to the PT Game)

WS-115548-4 unknown

UPdated 07/Feb/2021^

For WS-116414-7 unknown

The three closest error code to ws116414-7 are:

PS5 Error Code WS-116420-4 Unable to connect to the server.

PS5 Error Code WS-116439-4 Unable to connect to the server.

PS5 Error Code WS-116449-5 This service is currently under maintenance.

as u/geemanji said there check for server status in your country/region. (seems in some regions servers are down/maintenance.

all have pretty much the same support steps.

UPdated 11/Feb/2021^

NW-102414-2 unknown 1st posted by on 30/Nov/2021 u/RompeCulos559 «every time I’m in a game screen turn black and system software error appears»

21/Jan/21 for NW-102414-2

thanks to u/jaylo2112 for everyone else SU-101193-5 error code help!!!!!: Reddit Thread » Go into the updates, delete the whole update, restart, then let it update again. That’s what worked for me. » posted by u/WalkerTexasRng

» Tap on the ps button on the middle of your controller and go to the download icon and then there should be an error. Click on that and it should give you the option to delete the update. » posted by u/WalkerTexasRng

UPdated 21/Jan/2021^

WS-116450-7 unknown, closest to this error code are WS-116420-4 WS-116439-4 WS-116449-5

seems like the server is going under maintenance or it could be something user side, refer to the three similar error codes above with links to the official Playstation error codes fixes.

UPdated 09 mar 2021^

CE-116867-9 unknown link to reddit discussion (Streaming and the HD Camera)

NW-102382-6 unknown link to reddit discussion («Can’t connect to the Wi-Fi network. The WPA Password might be correct»)

UPdated 21 mar 2021^

CE-109110-2 unknown link to reddit discussion «can’t join any parties or chats All of my party was disappeared»

UPdated 04 apr 2021^

CE-109853-6 unknown posted by u/Introvert_Life «I’m getting » something went wrong CE-109853-6 » error code when trying to hide games»

UPdated 20 apr 2021^

WS-116414-8 There has been a psn outage recently this could be the cause of it as similar codes say to check psn status page, check your connection etc.

UPdated 28 apr 2021^

SU-101337-5 u/ZealousidealPainter6 «Tried to install the most recent update via internet and then via USB. Didn’t work so I attempted to reinstall from scratch. Also didn’t work. PS5 only boots into safe mode now.»

a fix could be Go to updates, delete the downloaded update, restart PS5, allow the update to download again

NW-102290-4 u/ChristopherAntilope «I am currently connected via LAN cord. The connection is successful, but then it says the internet connection fails. My Internet at home is working flawlessly. I am ready to get rid of my PS5 with the amount of problems I’ve experienced with it.»

possible solution as mentioned by u/ValyrianSteel is manually updating the ps5 via usb.

UPdated 02 may 2021^

In addition i will search for similar error codes and reply with those — there is no gurantee they are the same fix, just the number string is similar.

Playstation 5 System Software Update | Download PS5 update file | Download PS5 reinstallation file

Playstation Network Status Page

Official Playstation Fix and Replace Diagnostic Tool*Read all official Playstation information carefully before proceeding*

CE — Common Errors[edit]

Name Return Code Error Code Cause Remarks
Example Example CE-100002-3 Failed to update the application Example
Example Example CE-100005-6 Issue reading disk or data Example
Example Example CE-100006-7 Cannot recognize external storage drive Example
Example Example CE-100008-9 Error has occurred Example
Example Example CE-100022-5 Error has occurred Example
Example Example CE-100028-1 There is not enough space on the SSD info
Example Example CE-100096-6 Issue loading the application Example
Example Example CE-105638-3 Content activation failed Example
Example Example CE-105771-1 Error has occurred Example
Example Example CE-105799-1 Unable to connect to the server Example
Example Example CE-105841-9 Application error Example
Example Example CE-106439-3 Error occurred in the operation of the application Example
Example Example CE-106444-9 Error occurred while connecting to PSN Example
Example Example CE-106449-4 Error occurred connecting to the server Example
Example Example CE-106485-4 Issue reading the system software or data // Occurs when choosing the upgrade option for Assassins Creed Valhalla info
Example Example CE-107031-2 Non-allowed characters in video description when trying to upload a video to YouTube. Example
Example Example CE-107255-0 Subscription to PlayStation Plus cannot be confirmed Example
Example Example CE-107520-5 Install the latest system software Example
Example Example CE-107527-2 Installation failed Example
Example Example CE-107649-7 Disc contains content different from the installed data Example
Example Example CE-107857-8 Issue loading the application Example
Example Example CE-107858-9 Happened when trying to download the PS4 Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remaster after external HDD was inserted Example
Example Example CE-107863-5 info
Example Example CE-107867-9 Occurred when trying to load Remnant: From The Ashes (PS4 digital) from external HDD. On first boot attempt OS error ‘please wait…’ displayed for around 2 minutes until a ‘can’t start the game or app’ notification appeared along with this error code. After hard reboot, same situation but this time ‘please wait’ lasted for 5 minutes. On the third attempt it displayed ‘please wait’ for around 10 minutes until console shut down without notice. Upon following reboot OS repair was required.
Example Example CE-107938-8 Failed to update the application Example
Example Example CE-107958-0 Can’t download or copy — Happened when trying to download the PS4 Spider-Man game after an external HDD was inserted Example
Example Example CE-108255-1 Error occurred on the application // An error caused by Dirt 5 save game corruption, Also caused by crash on Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Demon’s Souls Remake, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Rainbow Six Siege info info 2 info 3 info 4 info 5
Example Example CE-108262-9 Issue reading the system software or data // Due to Dirt 5 crashing info
Example Example CE-108360-8 Check connection status of HD camera and PS Camera Example
Example Example CE-108862-5 Unable to connect to server Example
Example Example CE-108863-6 ? info
Example Example CE-108889-4 Install the latest system software Example
Example Example CE-109737-7 Cannot recognize USB storage device Example
Example Example CE-110032-7 PSN Online ID information does not match Example
Example Example CE-110538-8 Failed to read Blu-ray disc Example
Example Example CE-110551-3 Failed to read the disc Example
Example Example CE-110552-4 Failed to read the disc Example
Example Example CE-111161-1 Check connection status of HD camera and PS Camera Example
Example Example CE-112069-9 Error occurred on data transfer via a network Example
Example Example CE-112839-4 Error occurred while connecting to PSN Example
Example Example CE-112841-7 Not signed in Example
Example Example CE-113212-0 Unable to connect to the server Example
Example Example CE-113227-6 Error has occurred Example
Example Example CE-113511-2 Error has occurred Example
Example Example CE-113661-8 Can be triggered when failing to save manual recording (trigger with record start, and then immediately stopping recording) Example
Example Example CE-117625-2 Uploaded too many videos to YouTube in short period of time, need to wait 24 hours before allowed to upload more. Example
Example Example CE-117722-0 Error occurred on PlayStation Now streaming connection Example
Example Example CE-118446-4 Issue updating the system Example

NW — NetWork Errors[edit]

Name Return Code Error Code Cause Remarks
Example Example NW-102216-2 Error occurred while connecting to PSN Example
Example Example NW-102254-4 Unable to connect to the server Example
Example Example NW-102261-2 Unable to connect to the server Example
Example Example NW-102265-6 Unable to connect to the server Example
Example Example NW-102307-3 Communication error Example
Example Example NW-102308-4 Communication error Example
Example Example NW-102311-8 Communication error Example
Example Example NW-102314-1 Communication error Example
Example Example NW-102315-2 Communication error Example
Example Example NW-102417-5 Network connection timed out Example
Example Example NW-102633-5 Unable to connect to the server Example
Example Example NW-102636-8 Connection to PSN timed out Example
Example Example NW-102650-4 Error occurred while connecting to PSN Example
Example Example NW-102655-9 Application error Example

SU — Software Update Errors[edit]

Name Return Code Error Code Cause Remarks
Example Example SU-101193-5 Update to the latest system software Example
Example Example SU-101337-5 Console did not boot properly Example
Example Example SU-101495-0 System software is up to date Example

WS — Web Server Errors[edit]

Name Return Code Error Code Cause Remarks
Example Example WS-114241-3 Error occurred while connecting to the server Example
Example Example WS-114298-5 May not be online Example
Example Example WS-115019-7 Unable to connect to the server (service down/under maintenance or temporary congestion) Example
Example Example WS-115195-2 Unable to connect to the server (service down/under maintenance or temporary congestion) Example
Example Example WS-115338-1 Unable to connect to the server (service down/under maintenance or temporary congestion) Example
Example Example WS-116328-1 Install the latest system software Example
Example Example WS-116332-6 Banned from PSN, possibly due to fraudulent purchase of console? Or using the PS Plus Collection trick, see info 4 info, info 2 info 3, info 4
Example Example WS-116327-0 “You’re not signed in. Connect to PlayStation Network to use this feature.” info
Example Example WS-116329-2 PSN sign-in ID or password do not match Example
Example Example WS-116330-4 Access to PSN temporarily suspended Example
Example Example WS-116331-5 Access to PSN temporarily suspended Example
Example Example WS-116367-4 Access to PSN suspended Example
Example Example WS-116414-7 Network connection error Example
Example Example WS-116420-5 Unable to connect to the server (error connecting to PSN) Example
Example Example WS-116439-4 Unable to connect to the server (service down/under maintenance or temporary congestion) Example
Example Example WS-116449-5 Service under maintenance Example
Example Example WS-116483-2 Error occurred while connecting to PSN Example
Example Example WS-116518-5 Internal error Example
Example Example WS-116521-6 Service under maintenance Example
Example Example WS-116522-7 Update failed because the latest version of the system software was not recognized Example
Example Example WS-117176-3 Issue with 2-Step Verification settings Example
Example Example WS-117224-7 Issue with 2-Step Verification setting Example

WV — Web View Errors[edit]

Name Return Code Error Code Cause Remarks
Example Example WV-109144-9 Unable to connect to the server (error connecting to PSN) Example
Example Example WV-109145-0 Unable to connect to the Internet (error connecting to PSN) Example
Example Example WV-109146-1 Unable to connect to the server (error connecting to PSN) Example
Example Example WV-109153-9 Network connection timeout (error connecting to PSN) Example
Example Example WV-109166-3 Unable to connect to the Internet (error connecting to PSN) Example
Example Example WV-109168-5 Unable to connect to the Internet (error connecting to PSN) Example

More Info[edit]

PS5 Error Codes Explained: How to Fix Them and What They Mean
PlayStation Error Code Database(Google Docs)
These two links are broken.

December 10, 2020 by HalfGēk

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜

Here’s how to Fix PS5 Error NW-102254-4. Learn more@


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