Return without gosub access ошибка

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  • I have a form that has a subform. whenever, I attempt to add records to this subform I receive the following message: The LinkMaster Fields Property setting has produced this error: «Return without GoSub»   How can I correct this?


  • Hi NoviceVBAuser1775,

    «Return without GoSub» means that
    you have a Return statement that can’t be matched with a GoSub statement.

    Make sure your GoSub statement wasn’t inadvertently deleted.

    You can get more detail about this error from link below:
    Return without GoSub (Error 3)

    This error is runtime error and it is a code issue. It means that complie will not address this issue. I suggest that you check code to see whether the code is correctly. For example, the code below will throw this error if we commnet the code «Exit

    Sub TestError()
    Debug.Print "begin.."
    GoSub label1
    Exit Sub 'comment this line will cause this issue
    Debug.Print "1"
    Debug.Print "2"
    End Sub

    If you still have problem fixing this issue, I suggest that you share with us the code snippet you are developing with.

    Hope it is helpful.

    Regards & Fei

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    • Edited by

      Friday, April 10, 2015 6:45 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Fei XueMicrosoft employee
      Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:23 PM

Why do I get a

«Return without GoSub»

error when using subforms in Access 2007?

asked Jul 13, 2012 at 9:29

Sinister Beard's user avatar

Sinister BeardSinister Beard

3,54412 gold badges58 silver badges94 bronze badges

This can occur when there is a Form_Load() event in the subform, but not the main form. Try adding an empty Form_Load() event to the main form.

answered Jul 13, 2012 at 9:29

Sinister Beard's user avatar

Sinister BeardSinister Beard

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Performing a decompile of the VBA code and recompiling followed by compacting my database resolved the issue for me.

answered Apr 10, 2015 at 14:55

c_rugby's user avatar


I had something similar (not specifically in VBA, but with using a form to update a subform). I just added a «StopAllMacros» step at the end of the screen updating object and it seemed to work.

enter image description here

answered May 31, 2019 at 15:12

Chris's user avatar


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Return without GoSub (Error 3)







A Return statement must have a corresponding GoSub statement. This error has the following cause and solution:

  • You have a Return statement that can’t be matched with a GoSub statement. Make sure your GoSub statement wasn’t inadvertently deleted.

Unlike For…Next, While…Wend, and Sub…End Sub, which are matched at compile time, GoSub and Return are matched at run time.
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Почему я получаю ошибку «Возвращение без GoSub» при использовании подформ в Access 2007?


Ответ 1

Это может произойти, если в подформе есть событие Form_Load(), но не основная форма. Попробуйте добавить пустое событие Form_Load() в основную форму.

Ответ 2

Наиболее вероятной причиной этой ошибки является то, что проект стал коррумпированным. Вы должны декомпилировать, инструкции здесь: Отладить ошибочную ошибку соглашения о вызове DLL

Во-первых, убедитесь, что вы отключили имя Autocorrect: и убедитесь, что у вас отсутствуют какие-либо ссылки.

Ответ 3

Я нашел полезное решение (в моем случае) для этой же проблемы в Это работало для меня как прелесть.

Ответ 4

Выполнение декомпиляции кода VBA и перекомпиляция с последующим уплотнением моей базы данных разрешили проблему для меня.

Are you trying to use Microsoft Access, but are you getting the error message ‘return without gosub’?

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