Roblox ошибка 266

Ошибка 266 связана с плохим интернет соединением. Код ошибки обычно сопровождается сообщением об ошибке “Время ожидания вашего соединения истекло. Проверьте подключение к Интернету и повторите попытку«. Для того что бы ее исправить нужно выявить причину плохого соединения, для этого воспользуйтесь инструкцией чуть ниже.

  1. Ошибка 266 в РоблоксПроверьте ваше интернет соединение (попробуйте открыть любой сторонний сайт);
  2. Если вы пользуетесь Wi-Fi попробуйте подключиться к другой сети;
  3. Перезагрузите роутер или модем;
  4. Проверьте драйвера сетевой карты;
  5. Проверьте состояние серверов Роблокс. Для этого введите в поисковике запрос «Состояние серверов Роблокс» и перейдите по первым сайтам из выдачи;
  6. Почистите кэш игры и перезагрузите устройство.

Это наиболее подходящие способы исправления ошибки 266 в Роблокс.

Как очистить Кэш Roblox?

  1. Нажмите сочетание клавиш Win + R
  2. В появившемся окне введите команду %temp%Roblox
  3. Выберите все файлы нажав сочетание клавиш CTRL + A
  4. Удалите все эти файлы нажав сочетание клавиш Shift + Delete

Кэш роблокс

Нажмите Win + R и введите команду %temp%Roblox

Кэш роблокс

Удалите все папки

Видео обзор

Перейти к содержанию

На чтение 1 мин Просмотров 836 Опубликовано 10 апреля, 2022

Ошибка 266 связана с плохим подключением к Интернету. Код ошибки обычно сопровождается сообщением об ошибке «Время ожидания подключения истекло. Проверьте подключение к Интернету и повторите попытку. Для того, чтобы это исправить, нужно выявить причину плохого соединения. Для этого воспользуйтесь приведенными ниже инструкциями.

Как исправить ошибку 266

  1. Проверьте подключение к Интернету (попробуйте открыть любой сторонний сайт);
  2. Если вы используете Wi-Fi, попробуйте подключиться к другой сети;

  3. Перезагрузите маршрутизатор или модем;
  4. Проверьте драйверы сетевой карты;
  5. Проверьте статус серверов Roblox. Для этого введите в поисковике запрос Статус серверов Roblox и перейдите на первые сайты из результатов;
  6. Очистите кеш игры и перезагрузите устройство.

Это наиболее подходящие способы исправить ошибку 266 в Roblox в 2022 году.

Как очистить кэш Roblox?

  1. Нажмите сочетание клавиш Win + R
  2. В появившемся окне введите команду %temp% Roblox
  3. Выберите все файлы, нажав CTRL+A
  4. Удалите все эти файлы, нажав Shift+Delete

Это все, что вы можете сделать с ошибкой 266 в Roblox. У вас есть другие советы? Напишите их в разделе комментариев ниже.

Roblox. Ошибки и как их исправить

В этой статье вы узнаете всё об ошибках Roblox, а так же о том, как их исправить. Ошибки мы разделили на три условные категории, в которых по порядку и расскажем о каждом баге и ошибке.

Ошибки сайта

  • Down For Maintenance: Не волнуйтесь, сайт просто закрыт на обслуживание. Вам следует просто немного подождать и повторить попытку
  • ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS: Попробуйте войти в режиме инкогнито или приватного просмотра
  • Ошибка 400: Сервер не может обработать ваш запрос. Причина тут наиболее вероятна только одна – работы на сервере. Вам нужно подождать и попробовать позже или измените адрес, к которому вы пытаетесь получить доступ. Попробуйте воспользоваться способом, как на видео ниже.
  • Ошибка 403: У вас нет доступа к странице
  • Ошибка 404: Как правило, текст ошибки “Возникли проблемы повторите попытку позже”. Страница отсутствует или заблокирована. Попробуйте подождать и зайти позже, наиболее вероятно, что это проблемы на стороне Роблокс.
  • Ошибка 500: Внутренняя ошибка сервера. Вам стоит просто подождать, пока исправят ошибку на стороне Роблокс.
  • Ошибка 504: Здесь может быть три причины – обслуживание сайта, перезагрузка сервера или проблемы с сетью. Вам стоит просто подождать, но не забудьте проверить ваше интернет-соединение
  • Ошибка 805: Просто повторите попытку

Ошибки игрового клиента

Ошибки с кодами 0 – 300

  • Client Crash: Аварийное выключение клиента. Возможных причин несколько – клиенту не хватает памяти, внутренние ошибки клиента или игрок использует эксплойты и читы
  • Ошибка 6: Проверьте ваше интернет-соединение и настройки антивируса (убедитесь, что клиент не воспринимается как вирус)
  • Ошибка 17: Повторите попытку позже
  • Ошибка 103: В настройках конфиденциальности проверьте профиль, который вы используете – для ребенка, подростка или взрослого
  • Ошибка 142: Сервер устарел. Ищите другое подключение
  • Ошибка 146: Вы пытаетесь телепортироваться в неактивное место
  • Ошибка 148: Необходимо переустановить клиент
  • Ошибка 224: Ошибка 224 это утечка памяти. Это сугубо ошибка вашего железа и/или системы, к сожалению. Детальнее можно что-то сказать только после точного изучения вашей ситуации, увы.
  • Ошибка 256 и 274: Сервер выключен по какой-то причине или вы забанены
  • Ошибка 257: Довольно редкая ошибка. Связана с наличием ошибок на стороне сервера Roblox. По состоянию на июль 2022 года, разработчики работают над её устранением.
  • Ошибка 260: Неустойчивая работа сервера. Вам нужно просто подождать, пока работа сервера стабилизируется
  • Ошибка 261: Вам нужно повторно подключиться и, возможно, подождать несколько минут
  • Ошибка 262: Вам необходимо переподключиться
  • Ошибка 264: Когда одна и та же учетная запись запускает игру с разных устройств. Повторно подключитесь с устройства, которое вы хотите использовать
  • Ошибка 266: Время ожидания вашего соединения истекло. Проверьте свое подключение к Интернету и повторите попытку
  • Ошибка 267: Вас кикнул админ или скрипт. Скорее всего вы использовали читы, нарушали правила или оскорбляли других игроков. Тут ничего не поделать – сами виноваты.
  • Ошибка 268: Почти аналогично предыдущей ошибке, но причиной может быть использование читов. Удалите все читы и эксплойты, после чего удалите игру и установите её заново. Но переустановка не может гарантировать, что вы сможете снова играть.
  • Ошибка 271: Вас или кикнули, или все другие игроки находятся в режиме АФК
  • Ошибка 272: Вы пробуете подключиться с помощью чита или эксплойта
  • Ошибка 273: Несколько возможных причин. У вас плохое соединение, вас временно ограничили в качестве предупреждения, вас забанили, у вас плохой интернет или вы пытаетесь зайти в игру одновременно с другого устройства. Код ошибки 273 в Roblox, как правило, указывает, что вы вошли на другом устройстве с одними и теми же учетными данными. Если вы хотите играть на текущем устройстве, вам необходимо выйти из Roblox с этого устройства, а затем повторно подключиться. Всё просто.
  • Ошибка 274: Повторите попытку подключения позднее, сервер перезагружают
  • Ошибка 275: Техническое обслуживание сервера, повторите попытку позже
  • Ошибка 277: Или проблемы с интернетом, или вас забанили. 
  • Ошибка 278: Подождите 20 или более минут
  • Ошибка 279: Если перед этим была ошибка 17, то она обычно возникает после дисконнекта. Если же была 146, то это означает, что вы пытались телепортироваться в неположенное место из начальной игровой точки
  • Ошибка 280: Обновите Roblox и повторите попытку

Ошибки с кодами 301 – 800

  • Ошибка 517: Сервер временно недоступен или у вас дисконнект
  • Ошибка 522: Пользователь покинул игру
  • Ошибка 523: Сервер выключен
  • Ошибка 524: Вам нужно приглашение на этот сервер или сервер выключен
  • Ошибка 529: Служба http завершена ошибкой. Вариантов два – либо сбой на сервере Роблокс, либо у вас проблемы с интернет-соединением. Проверьте своё интернет-соединение и если с ним всё в порядке – просто обратитесь в службу поддержки Роблокс и ждите результата.
  • Ошибка 610: Вы пытаетесь попасть на VIP сервер, вы вышли из игры или ваше соединение потеряно
  • Ошибка 7xx: Ошибка телепорта
  • Ошибка 769: Причин ошибки может быть несколько, но попробовать исправить её можно следующими способами:
    1. Запустите игру от имени администратора;
    2. Добавьте игру в список исключений брандмауэра и антивируса;
    Описанные выше способы зависят от вашей операционной системы, поэтому если не знаете, как их выполнить – поищите информацию в интернете именно для вашей системы.
  • Ошибка 770: Вы пытаетесь телепортироваться в игру, которая не существует
  • Ошибка 771: Вы пытаетесь телепортироваться на сервер, который не существует
  • Ошибка 772: Вы пытаетесь телепортироваться на переполненный сервер
  • Ошибка 773: Вы пытаетесь телепортироваться в неправильный или приватный мир, то есть туда, куда вам не разрешили доступ

Установите Roblox на ПК

Не забудьте установить Roblox на компьютер и получите все преимущества игры на ПК! Чтобы скачать игру на ваш компьютер или ноутбук – просто нажмите на кнопку ниже и следуйте инструкциям. Это официальная ссылка – никаких торрентов и файлообменников! Если же вы сейчас просматриваете эту статью на смартфоне – запомните наш сайт (, откройте его на своём компьютере и найдите эту статью.

Отметим, что с установкой игры на компьютер справится даже самый обычный пользователь ПК, поэтому – скачивайте, устанавливайте, играйте и побеждайте!

No matter where you are from, Roblox Error Code 266 may trigger on your screen and ruin your play. So if you have gotten this in past or if getting it now, some potential fixes are provided in this guide, which will help to resolve this error code. 

The main concern of the users is why this is appearing and what it means. So, let us explain these things first then, we will proceed to its fixes.

Read also- How to get unbanned from Roblox?

Roblox Error Code 266: Description

Roblox Error Code 266 usually appears when a user doesn’t access the game for a while. As a result, the client-server takes longer than usual to respond. In addition, a poor internet connection may also consider a factor in getting this error code.

So now, you know what is the meaning of this error, and what are the major causes of it. Now, come to its potential fixes.

What are the potential fixes for Roblox Error Code 266?

Roblox Error Code 266

Below a list view of the steps is given that you have to perform in respect to fix this error, and these are here:

  • Perform a Simple Reload.
  • Restart your device.
  • Troubleshoot internet connections.
  • Check Server Issue.
  • Check if the Game is Going through any maintenance work.
  • Ensure you have installed an updated version.

Now, if you can perform these steps on your own then, you may leave this page, but if you want to know these actions in detail, be with this guide till the end.

Reloading The Screen: This action is effortless to perform and you can do it on your own, so do it, and check if the error has been gone or not.

Restart your Device

Error code 266 appears in the middle of the game, so reloading your screen and restarting your device may eliminate this error. This is a very common action to wipe out a temporary glitch.

Internet Connections: Troubleshoot

This can prove as the most helpful method to fix the error, as a poor internet connection prevents the game from connecting to the server. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do extraordinary work to do this. You just have to restart your router or modem, and if it doesn’t help, power cycle it.

  • Detach all the cables from your internet device and power source as well.
  • Wait for 15 seconds, at least.
  • Now, plug all the detached cables, and turn ON your internet device.
  • Next, reconnect the device on which you were getting the error code.
  • Launch the Roblox and check whether the error code is disappeared or not.

Check If the server issue is ongoing

Sometimes, some server issues may be ongoing for the Roblox end. The best thing is to check it. However, there are several ways to do this but, you can follow a complete guide on this that is provided by us.

Here are the best methods to check Roblox Server Status.

In addition, you should also be aware of whether the game is undergoing maintenance works or not. A notification will pop up if it happens. You can also check various forums and social media platforms related to this.

Note: Also, check if you are using an updated version or not, if not then, uninstalling and reinstalling it automatically install its latest version.

Install Pending Updates

Make sure that you are playing an updated version of your game and check also you have installed all pending updates for Roblox.

Updates are launched to overcome the appearance f an error. So, always try to play updated games.

Final Words

Error code 266 on Roblox appears when you do not access the game for a while. To fix this error code do a simple reload of the screen, restart your device and the game, check server status, and install pending updates. Moreover, you can uninstall and reinstall the game.

What is Error Code 266 in Roblox ?

Roblox Error Code 266: Occurs when you leave the game for a while and trying to play again. In this case, the connection lags excessively and may have been unresponsive for a long duration.

How to Fix Roblox Error Code 266?

Here are the ways to fix the error caused by the Roblox error code 266 :

1. Reload the screen.

When the Roblox error code 266 suddenly appears while playing any game, try to refresh the page to solve the error. Sometimes, a reload of the screen can prevent random glitches in the application.

2. Restart the device from where the Roblox 266 error has occurred.

 Restarting your device where the error code has been encountered. Renewing is a widespread action to wipe out the bugs that may have caused the error code to occur. 

3. Power cycle your modem and router.

Unpluging your modem and router power cord can also be a perfect solution for the Roblox error code 266. Sometimes, internet speed slows down when the modem and router have been ON for a long while and have not been powered off even for a few moments.

  1. remove the power cord of the modem and router from power outlet for a time of 15 seconds.

  2. Plug power cable to the modem and wait so that the modem will be back online.

  3. insert the power cord of the router to secondary outlet next.

  4. Reconnect to the internet.

  5. Launch Roblox to check if the game error code is completely removed.

4. Connect to some different network if available.

Try switchingthe network of the device showing Roblox error code 266 to a different network to resolve the error code. 

5. Check for internal server error if any

Some Roblox error codes may occur due to an internal server issue. Visit status page to check if there have been any scheduled maintenance or Roblox servers issues have been reported. If there was an outage that has been reported, you have to play the Roblox game at some later time when the issue has been resolved.

6. Ensure to update Roblox.

A outdated Roblox can also be a victim to trigger error messages and the other issues that you may encounter while playing. It is important to always be updated so that Roblox prevents these problems from happening and youare able to use enhanced features that are normally included with are the steps to update Roblox in your computer: 

  1. Click the Start button located on bottom left corner of your screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. On Search of the Windows Settings, enter the word Control Panel.

  4. Click  System and Security.

  5. Click Windows Defender Firewall next.

  6. Select Allow an app through Windows Firewall.

  7. select on Change settings.

  8. Allow Roblox to be able to communicate on your computer freely without restrictions by selecting the box.

  9. select OK.

  10. close the Control Panel page and then restart your computer.

  11. Access the Roblox game and then check if the connection attempt failed message encountered has been successfully fixed.

  • roblox error code 266

  •  what is error code 266 in roblox

  • error 266 roblox

  • roblox error code

  • how to fix roblox error 266

  •  how to fix roblox error code 266

  •  how to fix 266 roblox error

Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.

Roblox Error Code 266: FAQs

1. What is Roblox?

it is an Online Gaming Platform and Game Creation System

2. Who are the founders of Roblox ?

David Baszucki, Erik Cassel

3. What is the revenue of Roblox  ?

92.39 crores USD (2020) as estimated 

4. When was Roblox was Found ?

it is founded in 2004

5. Who is the current CEO of Roblox?

David Baszucki is the current CEO 

What causes error code 266 in Roblox?

Error Code 266, as far as we know this error occurs mostly when you try to play the game after it has not been touched for a while, this might cause severe lag from the servers. The other reason for error code 266 might be a bad internet connection. Not to worry anymore because we will guide you on how to fix it.

But before you begin please check the current status of the game’s server. You can do that by visiting their official server status page. Here’s the link . If the current status says it is down, the issue is from their side, wait for a while as they will resolve it. If the current status is operational but you get the error code 266 then please follow the below fixes one after the other until your issue resolves.

Here are some possible fixes for the error code 266 in Roblox :

Fix 1: Refresh/Reload

Simply reload the current page you are trying to access. This might help fix the error. You might have already performed this action, but if not please do. Try refreshing it a few times before you head to the next step.


Come on, it’s the golden rule, if you face any trouble, reboot it. Close the game completely and re-open it. If the problem persists, restart your entire system. This fix can most probably fix the error code 266.


Error code 266 might also occur due to a bad internet connection as we said earlier. Having a very slow internet connection can also cause this error. Here are some more steps you can follow:

  • Verify whether your current network connection is active or not.
  • Try turning off your router and turning it on again
  • Try connecting to a different network if possible.


Sometimes clearing the Roblox program’s cache can prevent the error code 266 from arising. You can clear its cache by following the below steps:

  • Press the windows key and R together [Win+R]. This will bring up the Run dialogue box.
  • Enter the command %temp%Roblox. Once the folder opens, delete all the files. Don’t worry as these are only the temporary cache files, all the other main game files will be untouched. This can prevent any bugs or glitches from occurring.
  • Start Roblox and see if the error code 266 is resolved.


If all the above-mentioned fixes fail to resolve the error code 266 issue, don’t worry. We have one final trick up our sleeves, which is to uninstall the game and perform a fresh install of the same. Install the latest available version of the game. The latest updated version will mostly be free of previously existing bugs and glitches.

If the issue persists even after trying all the fixes, we are sorry. We suggest you visit Roblox’s support page, here’s the link You can report your bugs here or contact them.

If you have any feedback, please feel free to contact us via Facebook or Twitter. Thank You. Happy Gaming!

If you have been experiencing technical difficulties with Roblox, please contact Roblox Support for assistance.

Disconnected Blank

A game client error message (without the message).


An image of builderman used for Bad Request.

On Roblox, an Error Message is usually displayed when an unexpected event has happened within a program. This includes errors encountered in Roblox Player, in Roblox Studio and on the website.

There are three types of errors on Roblox: website (HTTP) errors, which prevent a client (user) request from working, program errors (including engine errors), which terminate the program in most cases, and in-game errors (including Lua errors), which happen within a place and do not terminate the program. In-game errors are different from glitches as glitches usually do not cause an error message to be displayed and are harder to troubleshoot.

If an error has occurred within a game (separate from the program itself), rather than terminating the program, a grey box will appear displaying the information about what happened, prevents any further gameplay in most cases, and will give the player a Leave option, which will bring the player to the website, and a Reconnect option if possible. There are many in-game error messages that can be encountered, each of which is associated with an error code number. Generally, 2xx error codes indicate connection issues, 5xx error codes indicate player-related error, the error code 610 indicates HTTP issues and 7xx error codes indicate place teleportation error.

Different request error pages on the website can be accessed through «» followed by an error code (such as 403, 404 or 500).

In Lua, error messages are displayed in the output in Roblox Studio, and in the in-game Developer Console. The error function can be used to generate an error message, which will also stop the thread that called the function from continuing.

Website errors

Error Description Images
«We’ll Be Back Soon«
«We’re making things more awesome. Be back soon.«
«This site is currently offline for maintenance and upgrades. Please check back soon!«

Displayed when the administrators have locked down the site to fix something that went wrong in the background. This screen is also used when the site is closed for maintenance. This is what the test websites currently lead to. The buttons spelling out Roblox and the text box are used when the administrators need to enter a password to start making changes to the website. Google Chrome sees this error as a soft-503 error

The error message may not always have the password text box depending on the reason for maintenance.

Even if Roblox isn’t offline for maintenance, you can view the new maintenance page at




You can view the old maintenance page at



Too many redirects The message varies depending on the browser:

«The page isn’t redirecting properly» (Firefox)
«This page isn’t working: redirected you too many times.» (Chrome)

Displayed on accounts with a poison ban. This error occurs because the site tries to redirect to the Membership/CreationDisabled.aspx page, but when banned, all pages redirect back to Membership/NotApproved.aspx, creating an infinite redirect loop.

SimpleScreenshot Rectshot 15 10 2019 12 44 21

Google Chrome error

Redirect error

Mozilla Firefox error

Something went wrong
«Error | An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.«

Displayed when changing the error code in the error page URL to a non-existent error code.


Current version (Light Mode)

Website Error Something Went Wrong Dark Theme

Current version (Dark Mode)

HTTP 400 Bad Request
«Bad Request«
«400 | There was a problem with your request«

Displayed when the web request made by a device is invalid or otherwise incorrect. It may also happen when searching inventories of completely wiped accounts too (e.g. noli — ID 31042685).

This error is also caused when changing the code in the address bar, or when the Roblox site is experiencing problems.

It can also occur while uploading images on the Develop page.

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-32

Current version (Light Mode)

Website Error 400 Dark Theme

Current version (Dark Mode)

HTTP 403 Access Denied
«Access Denied«
«403 | You don’t have permission to view this page.«
«Sorry, You don’t don’t have permission to view this page!«

Displayed when attempting to view a page that is restricted. This will often show up when the user tries to go to an administrator/staff-only page, when the user is IP banned, or if a user tries to access a group page without sufficient permissions.

IP Ban on Chrome

IP ban on Google Chrome


Web server access denied


Old access denied

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-15

Current version (Light Mode)

Dark Mode 403

Current version (Dark Mode)

Creator Dashboard access denied

Creator Dashboard access denied (error image is same as 404 error)

HTTP 404 Not Found
«Page cannot be found or no longer exists«
«404 | Page Not found«

Displayed when the URL leads to a page that could not be found or does not exist. Will occur often due to an invalid URL or when one tries to go to the profile of a terminated account.


Old page not found.

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-30-06

Current version (Light Mode)

404 error dark mode

Current version (Dark Mode)

404 error dark mode creator marketplace

Current version (Creator Marketplace, Dark Mode)


Web server Error 404

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
«500 | An unexpected error occurred«

Displayed when the server has encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete the web request. It’s also the only error code that contains a link to the Roblox Status page.


Old internal server error.

Chrome 03-28-2019 18-31-00

Current version (Light Mode)

500 error dark mode

Current version (Dark Mode)

Roblox outage
«The request could not be satisfied.«

Also known as a hard 503 error. Displayed when ROBLOX is having downtime or outages, but not for maintenance. Alternatively, entering the URL doesn’t make this page pop up, instead showing the «bad request» or «Something went wrong» error.


The new 503 error message

Roblox dot com (1)

The request could not be satisfied.

Connection timed out The message varies depending on the browser:

«This page isn’t working: took too long to respond.» (Chrome)

HTTP 504. Displayed during a web-host timeout, which can be caused by Roblox maintenance/server downtime or by a poor internet connection.

An error occurred, please try again.

Happens when Roblox is attempted to load on some VPNs, or when an invalid IP is used to load the website. This can also occur when trying to view game passes through the Wayback Machine because it’s trying to load the old list of gamepasses that it used to have. To load the experience’s current gamepass list, click on the «No» button.

«Invalid arguments.» Happens when the Roblox website is encountering problems. Invalidarguments
«Failed to load Game Passes. Please try again later.» Displayed when the request to retrieve game passes fails, which can be caused due to Roblox issues or by faulty internet connection from the user. Also known to occur when attempting to view game passes using the Internet Archive website. LoadingGame passerror
Maximum friends
«Unable to process Request. That user currently has the max number of Friends allowed.«

Happens when the player tries to friend a user that already has the maximum of friends allowed on Roblox. (200 Friends)

2019-12-16 (2)
Transaction Failed
«We are having a problem completing your purchase. Please try again in a few minutes.«

Shown when Roblox fails to complete a transaction.

An error has occurred.
«Sorry, an error occurred.«

This error can be caused due to Roblox issues or by a poor internet connection. Also known to occur when attempting to register or sign up using the Internet Archive website.

Registration Error-0

2006 error message.


2007 error message.

Red error message
«The avatar page is temporarily unavailable.«
This error can be caused when the avatar page is unavailable due to housekeeping or technical difficulties.
«Failed to load recent items.«
Getting an accessory and accessing the avatar page while Roblox is in maintenance.
«User is blocked«
This error occurs when a friend request is sent to a blocked user.
«Items you don’t own in this outfit: (X)«
Displayed when trying to wear a limited hat or a normal hat that was traded or sold, or wearing a previously deleted item. X will be replaced with the number of unavailable items.
Library Error
«Library temporarily unavailable, please try again later.«

This can happen when one enters an invalid Category number in the URL bar.

Unable to join
«You cannot join this VIP server because this game is private.«

This happens when one attempts to join a VIP server on a private/under-review game.

Unable to join!

Attempting to join an under review/private game.

Wall posts are temporary unavailable
«Wall posts are temporary unavailable, please check back later.«

This happens when you scroll the Wall posts too far. This also happens when Roblox is down.

Item Owned
«You already own this item.«

This happens when one attempts to purchase an item that they already own.

Recent experiences unable to load
«Experiences failed to load«

This happens when the servers cannot load a user’s recent experiences. This is common to those who loaded Roblox website home pages, but their internet or browser did not respond in a set time. This is most commonly found when Roblox servers do not respond in downtime or when in maintenance upon accessing the home page.

Unable to load friends
«Unable to load friends«

This happens when the servers are not able to load a user’s friends list.

Image 2023-04-22 101538974
Connection Error There are two variations of this error:

«Sorry, there is a problem reaching our servers. Please try again.»
«Can’t connect to authentication servers. Please restart the app and try again later»

This happens on Roblox Mobile when Roblox is down or experiencing issues.

Roblox connection error

Client errors

Error Images
«Roblox Crash«
«An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We’re sorry!«

Displayed as a generic error message shown during a client crash, which can be caused by running out of memory, having a high ping, extreme lag, or connecting to the game while using a known (Roblox Player and/or Roblox Studio) exploit.

Roblox Crash 25 01 2019 03 02 59 p. m.
«Authentication Failed«
«An error was encountered during authentication. Please try again.«
Displayed when the authentication is invalid. Can also occur when its launched from the Command Prompt, and can also occur when one of the users accounts are banned or when a user is behind a banned IP address, usually when using a Proxy, VPN, or a Carrier-grade NAT.
«ÐžÑ^ибка авÑ,оризации«
«ÐšÐ¾Ð´ оÑ^ибки: 403«
«Ð’озникла оÑ^ибка во Ð²Ñ€ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð°Ð²Ñ,оризации. ПовÑ,ори поыÑ,ау.«
The same error as the «Authentication Failed» error but in Mojibake, when the system fails to detect another language and instead translates it into gibberish. The mojibake in this error belongs to the Icelandic language.
Authentication error

The same one except with error code 0 (happens rarely when joining).

Authentication error2

Gibberish version of this error.

Error ddddd

the same Gibberish version but with 403.

«[System]: The chat filter is currently experiencing issues and messages may be slow to appear.«

This error occurs when there are too many messages being sent at the same time on a server and a different server. This also happens when Roblox is down.

«Web request to load GUAC policies failed. The backend UniversalServiceConfiguration may be down.«

Displayed when the ROBLOX website is down for maintenance.

Roblox fails to load.

Happens when the game is corrupted, or it can be a connectivity issue.

«An error occurred and Roblox cannot continue.«
«Invalid protocol handler arguments«

Happens when the user is experiencing connectivity issues.

«Your computer’s graphics card is not compatible with Roblox’s minimum system requirements. Visit for more information.«

Happens when the graphics card is not compatible to start Roblox.

Weak graphics card
«Your graphics drivers seem to be too old for Roblox to use. Visit for info on how to perform a driver upgrade.«

Happens when the graphics card is out of date to start Roblox.

«There is not enough space available on the disk(s) to complete this operation.«

This error is caused by not having enough disk space to download ROBLOX game files.

Img 5c010fa9dab60
«Failed to download or apply critical settings, please check your internet connection. Error info: (error info)«

Displayed when the DNS resolution has failed while connecting to Roblox or when the user loses connection while connecting to a server.

«An error occurred while starting Roblox. Details: HttpSendRequest failed.«
«Error: A connection with the server could not be established.«

This error occurs when a user has the incorrect clock set on their computer. It can also be caused by a connection issue.

«Error starting experience«
«An error occurred trying to launch the experience. Please try again later.» (PC version)
«Sorry! The game failed to start for an unexpected reason.» (Mobile version)

This will happen when you try to join a game while getting warned/banned when you are still on the game’s page.

Displayed when the client fails to launch while joining a game, which can be caused by a faulty internet connection or by Roblox maintenance.

This error can also occur if the user tries to join a game while their Roblox account is disabled.

It can also happen when you try to rejoin the game when the game chat does not load while playing with your friend.

The most common example of this error was when Roblox crashed on July 13, 2021.

Error to join games robleks
New message

New variant

Starting error
Starting error (2)
«Update Required«
«Roblox needs to restart to update. Please relaunch Roblox.«

If a user manages to leave the beta app open and Roblox deployed the update (typically on Thursdays), this error will popup if a user tries to join the experience. Unlike other in-experience errors, this error also has a white variant.

«This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged.«
Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product that is not for sale.
«Your purchase failed because your account does not have enough Robux. Your account has not been charged.«
Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product with insufficient Robux, and the highest payment option is inadequate (in lieu of the «Insufficient Robux» message).
«Your purchase of [item’s name] failed because something went wrong. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.»
Displayed when a user attempts to purchase a product and something goes wrong. This can be caused when trying to purchase items using tickets, but this is not always the case.
«Your purchase failed because in-experience purchases are temporarily disabled. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later.«
Displayed when third-party sales is disabled.
«You already own this item. Your account has not been charged.«
Displayed when a user already bought an item and try to repurchase it.
PurchaseError 3

New variant error 3

PurchaseError 2

Old variation

Your purchase something went wrong new

New variation

PurchaseError 4

You already owned this item

«Roblox cannot startup. User code = 0x1.«

Displayed when trying to play a game while the user violated Roblox’s terms of service. This error happened when a user was MAC banned or has repeatedly created adult content.[1] See also Ban.


The error that would show up every time an «error banned» user tried to join a game

«Initialization error 2«

This was similar to error code 4.

«Initialization error 4«

Displayed when the launcher cannot initialize properly.

«An error occurred while starting Roblox; Details: [details], Error Code: 6«

Displayed when the launcher times out while downloading a new version or launching a game, which can be caused by faulty internet connection or anti-virus detections.


In-game errors

Error code (#) Description Images
«Developer has shut down all game servers or game server has shut down for other reasons, please reconnect (Error Code: 256)«

Displayed when a player is banned while playing a game alone. Because it’s only themselves playing the game when they got banned, error code 256 appears instead of 273.

Error 256
«There was a problem receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 260)«

Displayed when no data is being received by the Roblox web servers, most possibly a Roblox issue or a local issue preventing Roblox from sending data packets to said user(s).

Error Code 260
«Error while receiving data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)«
«There was a problem streaming data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 261)«

Displayed when the server fails to send feedback for data requests, which can be caused by a poor internet connection, Roblox downtime, or other issues

«There was a problem sending data, please reconnect. (Error Code: 262)«

Displayed when a game cannot load after data fails to send.

«Same account launched the game from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device (Error Code: 264)«
«You are already playing a game. Please shut down the other game and try again. (Error Code: 264)«

Displayed when a client starts while another client is already playing a game. This error can indicate an unknown/unwanted user on an account. This error can also occur if the player is warned in-game, but that error code has been replaced with 273 instead of 264. If no internet issues are occurring with the account, this is likely due to the account being compromised and someone else trying to start a game while the original account owner is already playing a game. When Error 273 occurs, the reconnect button will appear on the right of the Leave Button. This error also appears if a user rejoins a game too quickly.

Error 264
«Your connection timed out. Check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 266)«

Displayed when the connection was timed out. This happens when the client’s connection lags a lot or has not responded for a long time. It usually appears during a game timeout, which can be caused by a weak internet connection, high ping, or a slow computer.

«You were kicked from this experience: You have been kicked from the game (Error Code: 267)«
«You were kicked from this game: [Reason] (Error Code: 267)«
«You have been kicked from the game (Error Code: 267)«
This is the only disconnect error that doesn’t appear because of the Roblox client or something on Roblox’s end; rather you were kicked by the game you were connected to. This could be because:
  • A moderator kicked you using commands;
  • You have been kicked automatically because a script detected you as a banned player;
  • A custom anti-cheat script flagged you as an exploiter;
  • Any other reason (whether initiated automatically by the game or triggered by an admin).
Also unlike other errors, a custom message can be given in the error message box depending on how you were kicked (not always, however; if no reason is given then the game will simply display the default text):
«This game has shut down»
An old version of «You were kicked from this experience» was used from 2006 to 2018/early 2019.

Displayed when no reason was provided

Error Code 267

Unspecified reason (No reason was provided)


Former version, no reason field

«You have been kicked by the server. Please close and rejoin another game (Error Code: 268)«
«You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior. (Error Code: 268)«

Displayed when a user is kicked from the game and is forced to join another server. This can occur from general connection issues, and in some cases when using exploits or for having a lot of lag. This error can also occur when using a compatibility layer such as Wine to play the game on Linux.

Error 268
Error268 2
«Server was shut down due to no active players. (Error Code: 271)«
Displayed when a player is inactive in a game for 20 or more minutes while playing a game alone. Because it’s only themselves playing the game, error code 271 is thought to appear instead of 278. This can also happen in games that have their player counts boosted with bots; since the bots do not physically exist in the game (there is no location of the bots), but do register as in servers.
«You have been kicked by the server, please reconnect. (Error Code: 271)«
Occurs due to player joining while the server is in the middle of shutting down due to inactive players.
«Unable to find instance«
An old version of «Server was shut down due to no active players.
271 v2
«Disconnected due to the Security Key Mismatch (Error Code: 272)«
«Lost connection due to an error. (Error Code: 272)«

Displayed when the user attempts to join the game while an exploit is loaded.

272 v2
«Disconnected from the game, possibly due to the game joined from another device (Error Code: 273)«
«Same account launched experience from a different device. Reconnect if you prefer to use this device. (Error Code: 273)«

Identical to error 264, however, this error occurs when a user is in-game while warned, banned or terminated. The user is kicked from the server and their page reloads, which then shows the user the ban/warn. In most cases when pressing reconnect upon being banned with code 273, error code 769 will show. But it may also happen if someone joined a game while your in-game

«The experience’s developer has temporarily shut down the experience server. Please try again. (Error Code: 274)«

Displayed when a developer manually closes a game server (usually when updating the game) or when a private server owner shuts down the private server.

«Roblox has shut down the server for maintenance. Please try again. (Error Code: 275)«
«Roblox has shut down this game server for maintenance (Error Code: 275)«

Displayed when Roblox closes a game server for maintenance or if a game is deleted by a Roblox staff member while being played.

Error 275
«Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277)«

This is usually displayed when the client has one of many different internet issues while connected to a game, including dropped connection, IP address change, disconnecting/connecting to a VPN, or if the player turns off their wi-fi.

This is also the typical error for when the server the player is connected to is getting overloaded and crashing (Attempting to reconnect in this case often results in a code 279 error).

Old versions of this include «You have lost the connection to the game» and «Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect» which were used from 2006 to 2018/early 2019.

Lost Connection
«You were disconnected for being idle 20 minutes (Error Code: 278)«

Displayed when a player is inactive in a game for 20 or more minutes. This is thought to appear only in a server with 2 or more players.

Error Code 278- Disconnected
«Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 17: Connection attempt failed.) (Error Code: 279)«
Displayed when the client is unable to connect to the game server, which can be caused by website blocks on the user’s internet, or when Roblox is experiencing downtime or other issues. It can sometimes occur when a user attempts to rejoin a or the same server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit, and this error can cause users to lose progress from their previous visit.
«Failed to connect to the Game. (ID = 146: Illegal teleport destination.)«
Displayed when the client attempts to teleport to a place that is inactive or in a different game universe from the start place.
«Failed to connect to the game. (ID = 148: Roblox version is out of date. Please uninstall and try again.)«
Displayed when the Roblox launcher or client is outdated and must be reinstalled.
Error Code 279
146 (279)
«Your version of Roblox may be out of date. Please update Roblox and try again. (Error Code: 280)«

Displayed when the client is out of date. This can happen if your using a custom launcher that does not automatically update.

«Disconnected from the game, please reconnect. (Error Code: 282)«

Displayed when the computer has network issues, or when you are playing an experience that is under review. Error 277 can also occur.

«A fatal error occurred while running this game (Error Code: 284)«

Displayed when commonly caused by a «UI Overload» (millions of UI elements on the screen, causing a client overload), but the real reason is unknown, Has Gummy Ask got banned for not abouts here.

«Client initiated disconnect (Error Code: 285)«

This error message is given if no message was given previously for the server shutdown. Can also occur from error 256/274 (developer server shutdown).

RobloxStudioBeta ErrorPrompt
«Your device does not have enough memory to run this experience. Exit back to the app. (Error Code: 286)«

Displayed when the device that the game is being played on does not have a valid amount of memory to run the game.

«Player has been removed from the DataModel. (Error Code: 291)«

This error is shown whenever a player was deleted/destroyed from the game server. Some games use this as another way to kick a player.

Datamodel player
«Your device’s memory is low. Leaving now will preserve your state and prevent Roblox from crashing. (Error Code: 292)«

Displayed when Roblox detects low to near insufficient memory to run Roblox. This warning is similar to error code 286, although players who encounter this warning have the choice to keep playing the game or to leave the game. Some high- end games can cause this error quicker then regular games depending on the players mobile device and how it runs Roblox.

Error 292 - Low memory keep playing
«This game is currently unavailable. Please try again later. (Error Code: 517)«
«This game has ended. (Error Code: 517)«

Displayed when a client attempts to join a server that is in the process of closing, or when a player attempts to rejoin a server before Roblox disconnects them from their previous visit (ID 17/279 may happen too).

Error Code 517

Error Variation

«Followed user has left the game (Error Code: 522)«
«The user you attempted to join has left the game (Error Code: 522)«

Used to be displayed when a user attempts to join a player into a game after the player they are joining has left.

Now the new variant is now in the loading screen.

Loading Follower Left Error
Bandicam 2019-02-14 11-10-34-305
«The status of the experience has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later. (Error Code: 523)«
«This game is restricted (Error Code: 523)«

This is a server error, not a game error.

Displayed when the player tries to join a server that has shut down.

Used to rarely happen if you joined a friend when they left. (Status Changed variant)

Sometimes happens when joining a game which is unpublished/private.

«Not authorized to join this game (Error Code: 524)«
«You do not have permission to join this game. (Error Code: 524)» until May 13, 2021
«You do not have permission to join this experience. (Error Code: 524)» since May 14, 2021

Displayed during Roblox downtime, after attempting to join a VIP server they cannot join, attempting to join a paid access game that they do not own, attempting to join a LuoBu (Roblox China) server, or attempting to join a game as a Guest.

Displayed when attempting to join a server when the game is private.

This is a screenshot of joining a paid access game through the server list before purchasing


«The server is currently busy. Please try again. (Error Code: 525)»

There is currently not much information about this error. It happens when trying to join a full server for too much time (1-5 minutes)

«Your party is too large to join this experience. Try joining a different experience. (Error Code: 528)«

Happens when a user’s party is too big to join a game that has a lower player limit. May also happen when the player’s connection is timed out and/or has problems with connection.

«An HTTP error has occurred. Please close the client and try again. (Error Code: 529)«
«We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. (Error Code: 529)«

Displayed when Roblox’s servers are down or slow. May sometimes be displayed on mobile when a player’s internet connection has been disabled before playing a game. It even may be displayed if joining in a game while the user is warned/banned/terminated.

Loading HTTP Error
529 error 2
«Your privacy settings prevent you from joining this server. (Error Code: 533)«

Displayed when attempting to join a private server when «Who can make me a member of their private server?» is set to «No one» or «Friends». It can be also because the user is a <13 user, and they cant set their private server settings to «Everyone».

Roblox error code 533
«Can’t join place [id]: HTTP [number] ([reason]) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed for unknown reasons between November 9 and November 10, 2018.[2]
«Can’t join place [id]: HttpError: [reason] (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when a DNS resolution fails while connecting to a server, or when a user attempts to join a paid access game through the server list before purchasing the game. Error code 524 can also occur if it’s the latter.
«Can’t join the private server. HTTP 400 (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when failing to connect to a private server. Similar to Error 524.
«Can’t follow user: HTTP 503 (Invalid JSON response received) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when a user attempts to follow another user, but fails due to a Roblox error.
«Cannot join game instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Your device is not supported to play this game) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when attempting to join a game with a device that is not supported by either Roblox or the individual game.
«Cannot join place [id]: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (Cannot join game with no authenticated user.) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the player’s client is upgrading.
«Cannot join game instance: HTTP 400 (HTTP 400 (Bad Request)) (You need to purchase Game Pass to play this game.) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the player tries to join a game but the player has not purchased a game pass to play said game.
«Cannot join place [id]: HttpError :curl:52, Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the computer has connectivity issues.
«Cannot join game instance: join game type is invalid (Error Code: 610)«
Displayed when the client tries to open a place file.
Anotación 2019-05-08 203033
610 Dns
HTTP 503
610 prv
Timed out
Error 610
«Teleport Failed: Unknown exception. (Error Code: 769)«
«Teleport failed due to an unexpected error. (Error Code: 769)«
Displayed when teleportation to another place while in-game fails for various reasons.
«Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 769)«
Displayed when an error occurs when pressing the reconnect button in other client kicks. This can occur if a player tries to reconnect to a game when their internet is out.
Displayed when a user has received a warning or ban and attempts to reconnect.
Error 769 2
«Game’s root place is not active. (Error Code: 770)«
Displayed when attempting to join a place that is a part of a game universe where the start place is not active.
«Attempted to teleport to a place that does not exist. (Error Code: 770)«
Displayed when attempting to teleport to a place that doesn’t exist or has been deleted.
«Teleport Failed: Unknown error. (Error Code: 770)«
Displayed for an unknown reason.
«Teleport failed, server is no longer available. (Error Code: 771)«

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game server that no longer exists or has been closed.

«Teleport failed, server is full. (Error Code: 772)«

Displayed when attempting to teleport to a full game server.

«Teleport Failed: This game has not been approved, yet. (Error Code: 773)«
Displayed when attempting to teleport to a non-approved game, meaning that the game has been put under review by moderators after multiple reports.
«Teleport Failed: Attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted. (Error Code: 773)«
Displayed when attempting to teleport to a game that the user is not permitted to join.
«Reconnect was unsuccessful. Please try again. (Error Code: 773)«
A variation of the 769 error.
Error773 UnsuccessfulReconnect
«Too many teleport requests received.«

Similar to the «Too Many Redirects» error, this code is raised when an experience tries to teleport a user above an acceptable limit.

774 error

Roblox Studio errors

Error Images
«Failed to AutoSave. Do you want to temporarily disable AutoSave?«

Appears when Roblox Studio was blocked by your antivirus and Roblox was unable to automatically save your current studio session.

«An error occurred while starting ROBLOX Studio«

Appears when Roblox gets blocked by the computer firewall or antivirus, trying to fetch the version identifier for the latest Studio build.⁠[citation needed] Also displayed when the executable was damaged/corrupted.

«Could not open the place «[ID]» with exception: «Unable to open the place. Please restart your application and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact customer service.».«
«Could not open the place «[ID]» with exception: «Unable to open the place. Please restart your application and try again. If you continue to encounter this error, please contact customer service. Request Status Code: 2 Connection Result: 0 Connection Closed: Failed | Connection attempt failed.».«

Appears when trying to open corrupt places, or when trying to open places made using an older version of Roblox.⁠[citation needed]

Dafdznbgfxn bxndgnbd
«Studio encountered an unrecoverable error and must shut down.«

Appears when you open a place but it can’t open correctly, which can be caused by the faulty internet connection or windows systems error. Second photo can be caused when you set your computer to sleep, and you re-open back it, but the exact cause of this is currently unknown.

«Adding plugin window failed with error: Unable to create DXGI swapchain: «[ID]» Yourplugin windows may not work correctly. Please close and reopen the place to restore plugin window functionality. If this problem persists, please contact Roblox customer support.«

Can be caused when place opening error, but the real reason is unknown.

«Some Studio files are missing or corrupted. Please reinstall Studio by following instructions at <ahref=’’></a>«

Files are missing or corrupted

«Failed to load settings with 502. Please restart Studio or contact support if the problem persists.«

Happens when Roblox is experiencing an outage.

Removed errors

Error Description Image
The item you requested does not exist This error was used when one tries to go to the profile of a banned or terminated account. This has been replaced by a 404 error. RobloxDoesntExist


The older game client error message.

The older game client error message.




  • Error 273 is one of the only errors with a message that is unrelated to the reason, with the reason for the error being due to a user receiving a moderation action in game, while the message is ‘Same account launched from different device’. Getting this error for the first time could confuse the player, and make them try to reconnect, before leaving the game to try to resolve the issue, thus showing them the Moderation Notice screen.

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