Sanmotion коды ошибок

7. Maintenance

Operation at detecting: «DB» performs the slowdown stop of the servo motor in dynamic brake operation when the alarm generating. Operation at detecting: «SB»

performs the slowdown stop of the servo motor with sequence current limiting value.

When dynamic brake is selected by Emergency Stop Operation selection, the servo motor is decelerating stopped for the dynamic brake operation regardless of

the operation when detecting it. (However, it stops in free servo brake operation at the time of alarm 53H (DB resistor overheating) detection.

* Note that servo amplifier without dynamic brake function stopps in free-running.

Alarm code

3 bits output






















PY compatible code





Main Circuit Power Device Error





(Over current)






Current Detection Error 0





Current Detection Error 1





Current Detection Error 2





Overload 1





Average continuous over velocity






Servo Amplifier Temperature Error





External Error










Main Circuit Under-voltage Note1)






Control Circuit Under-voltage 2

Alarm name

■ Over current of drive module

■ Abnormality in drive power supply

■ Overheating of drive module

■ Abnormality of electric current detection value

■ Abnormality of Electric current detection circuit

■ Abnormality in communication with

Electric current detection circuit

■ Excessive effective torque

■ Over velocity in average rotational velocity

■ Overheating detection of amplifier ambient


■ Overheating detection of External regeneration


■ DC Excess voltage of main circuit

■ DC Main circuit low voltage

■ Under voltage of +5V



Alarm contents


Alarm list
























Operation at detecting: «DB » performs the slowdown stop of the servo motor in dynamic brake operation when the alarm generating.

Operation at detecting: «SB » performs the slowdown stop of the servo motor with sequence current limiting value.

When dynamic brake is selected by Emergency Stop Operation selection, the servo motor is decelerating stopped for the dynamic brake operation regardless of

the operation when detecting it. (However, it stops in free servo brake operation at the time of alarm 53H (DB resistor overheating) detection.

Alarm code

3 bits output


Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 ALM8 ALM4 ALM2 ALM1





























PY compatible code

Main Circuit Power Device Error





(Over current)





Current Detection Error 0






Current Detection Error 1





Current Detection Error 2





Safe Torque Off Error 1





Safe Torque Off Error 2





Overload 1





Overload 2





Regenerative Overload





Average continuous over speed





Servo Amplifier Temperature Error






RS Overheat





Dynamic Brake Resistance Overheat





Internal Regenerative Resister Overheat





External Error





Main Circuit Power Device Overheat










Main Circuit Under-voltage





Main Power Supply Fail Phase






Control Power Supply Under-voltage Note2) ■ Control power supply low voltage





Control Circuit Under-voltage 1





Control Circuit Under-voltage 2

Alarm name

■ Over current of drive module

■ Abnormality in drive power supply

■ Overheating of drive module

■ Abnormality of electric current detection value

■ Abnormality of Electric current detection circuit

■ Abnormality in communication with

Electric current detection circuit

■ Logic unmatched in safe torque off input

■ Failure of safe torque off circuit

■ Excessive effective torque

■ Stall over load

■ Regeneration load ratio exorbitance

■ Over speed in average rotational speed

■ Overheating detection of amplifier ambient


■ Detection of in-rush prevention resistance


■ Overheating detection of dynamic brake resistor

■ Overheating detection of Internal regeneration


■ Overheating detection of External regeneration


■ Overheating detection of Drive module

■ DC Excess voltage of main circuit


■ DC Main circuit low voltage

■ 1 phase of the 3 phase main circuit power supply



■ Under voltage of ±12V

■ Under voltage of +5V



Alarm contents


Alarm list












» «


» «





























Note 3)



  • 4 Апр 2013

Доброго времени суток.
Попался в руки сервопривод Sanyo denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA. Генерирует ошибку E2 — checksum error,
ошибка контрольной сумы EEPROM. Производитель в инструкции рекомендует привод выбросить в помойку.

Возможно у кого лежит под рукой похожий серводрайв RS1A01AA, RS1A03AA, RS1A05AA. или прошивка от него.
Пока только понял, что микросхема памяти с интерфейсом SPI 25с08 от ISSI. Пробовал подставлять 25с080 чистую и с родной прошивкой. Результат тот же — AL E2.

Экспериментируя с разными вариантами содержимого пришел к выводу, что ручная забивка параметров с клавиатуры приводит привод в чуство (вываливается ошибка по ошибочным параметрам Е6) только невозможно залить параметры с компютера.
С родной прошивкой все заливается, но E2 постоянно — при этом привод не считает правильную КС по залитым данным.
Короче говоря нужна прошивка или помощь в определении алгоритма расчета контрольной суммы.
Есть несколько файлов в которых правильная КС и мало параметров введено.(определил где КС она -$3DE-$3DF, после ее ошибки привода, их он не считает) Есть родной файл прошивки и неправильная КС.
Заранее благодарю за любую помощь в этом вопросе.


  • 4 Апр 2013

Не бросайся в панику!Эта неисправность типична и для сименсов.Обычно проблема в обвязке EEPROM,а не в прошивке.Нужно как следует проверить микросхемы памяти и источники их питающие.Удачи!

  • 4 Апр 2013

Это не сименс а Саньйо.
Прошивку я почти изучил побайтно — меняя параметры в приводе я записывал реакцию прошивки, начиная с FF до момента введения всех возможных параметров.
Ошибка в 1 единицу приводит в шок привод. Сам привод 100% живой. Случилось все при просадке сети, а он при ее отключении — пишет себе в епромку состояние — вот и дописал кудато лишнее.
Если ошибки Е2 нету — он все делает нормально считает контрольку — только залить параметры мотора без компютера невозможно — отпадает связь с компом.
Вот и мучаюсь. Сейчас едет приводу замена — только тогда смогу слить с жертвы прошиву.
Только самому разобратся охота…
Штучка с заменой EPROM на ходу не проходит. МС родной прошивкой с E2 — позволяет связь но не пишет КС. А мс с другими ошибками которые удалось сгенерить — не связывается но пишет правильные КС при изменении параметров. Япошки начудили.

  • 5 Апр 2013

После недели изысканий проблема с ошибкой контрольной сумы E2 в сервоприводе Sanyo Denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA решена.
Смысла выкладывать исправленую прошивку не вижу — она привязана к конкретному екземпляру устройства, что проверено с другим аналогичным драйвом — чуть его не завалил в процессе.
Если кому нужна помощь по такому приводу обращайтесь — свою долгую эпопею с расчетом КС и подбором параметров зафиксировал на бумаге и переносить в тему долго и муторно.
Одно ясно прошивку привод бережет как зеницу ока — одна цыферка не та и при запуске E2.

  • 31 Июл 2013

Добрый день!
Столкнулись с проблемой в станке фирмы Mecanumeric Mecasign 3020AX1. Вылезает ошибка <неисправность датчика положения для оси Z. Ошибка обмена. Пожалуйста, замените модуль>. По удаленному доступу производитель диагностировал ошибку блока управления двигателем. Блок привода — RS1A03AA фирмы SanMotion. На блоке высвечивается ошибка AL42. Знаете ли что-нибудь про такие проблемы? Есть ли где-нибудь, кроме Москвы, фирмы, которые обслуживает такую технику?

Заранее благодарен, Александр

  • 31 Июл 2013

По интернету полазить тяжело?  ссылка скрыта от публикации 

  • 31 Июл 2013

Вега, не ругайтесь. Мануал на драйвер найти действительно можно. Но не работает, вероятнее всего, не сам драйвер, а станок в целом, т.е. надо сервисник, который специалист по станку. Я поэтому и спросил не столько про драйвер, сколько про фирму. В интернете есть только Москва, но там уже был какой-то полуремонт, после чего станок проработал 6 часов и снова стал. А теперь их и за деньги не допросишься. А станок-то должен работать, заказ горит…

С уважением, Александр

  • 1 Авг 2013

Судя по мануалу на RS1A03AA — у вас проблема с перегрузкой мотора. Начните с анализа цепей управления тормозом мотора — если конечно они есть — бывает проблема с подачей напряжения разблокировки тормоза (проводка, источник питания тормоза, предохранители). Далее механика — подшипники, ШВП. Ну и последнее — настройки в ЧПУ — если привод на пределе по скорости.
Мануал тут
 ссылка скрыта от публикации 

На странице 3-1—3-3 ищите Power source for brake — питание тормоза мотора. Я бы с него начинал. Обычно тормозом управляет система безопасности станка.

  • 17 Ноя 2013

kratmel, Столкнулся с той же ошибкой привода что и вы.
прошу поделиться опытом борьбы с Е2 ошибкой.

  • 18 Ноя 2013

Для начала определимся — какой привод в руках. (фото шильдика в студию)
Далее достучатся к приводу через интерфейс связи (нужен шнурок или хотябы разъем, очень дефицитный — иначе придется проводками соединять пайкой к плате), и обязательно слить все параметры с помощью программы от производителя.

Далее узнать тип установленой памяти возле процессора. Я очень долго не мог найти что за зверь эта память (смотреть в первом посту).

В памяти все параметры лежат по адресах которые программа сливает в файл (смотрим текстовым редактором). Только есть одно но! Она сливает только данные пользователя, а то что записал в память завод о приводе — есть только в самой микросхемке. Ее нужно очень аккуратно выпаять и слить содержимое. Кстати мне получилось это сделать только с помощью древнего программатора ORANGE, только он может коректно писать и читать родную микросхему (почему не могу знать).
Далее я сделал переходник DIP8 на проводках к плате и в последующих экспериментах использовал уже DIP8 микросхемку памяти аналог родной пробовал 25с080 (25080)
и 25c160(25160) от разных производителей. Подошла только от АТМЕЛА., с другими привод молчал. Все последующие стадии борьбы проводил Понипрогом.

Результат моей борьбы в файле (вам может не подойти по железу версия железа, что не позволило просто переписать содержимое с соседних приводов). Однако не рекомендую заливать его в родную мс. Скорее всего она уже свой ресурс оттоптала поэтому даже при правильной записи в программаторе у меня была опять ошибка на приводе. поставил АТ25160 в соотв корпусе вместо родной.

Если у вас такой же привод как мой это не означает что мотор такой же. Поэтому первый этап ремонта — слить родные параметры и подставив мою прошивку посмотреть с помощью родной программы — какие параметры отличаются.

Да, написал много и сумбурно…. Будут вопросы — по ходу отвечу.
Главное не запороть окончательно то, что осталось в родной мс.

► my_correct_CS.rar

  • 12 Июн 2017

Вем привет. Что означает ошибка AL 64 на сервоприводе Sanyo denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA


AC100V, AC200V

Type S
Analog / Pulse Input Type for Rotary Motor

Model No. RS1_01A_
Model No. RS1_03A_
Model No. RS1_05A_
Model No. RS1_10A_
Model No. RS1_15A_
Model No. RS1_30A_
Manual: M0006890 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site

AC100V, AC200V

Type S
Built-in Positioning Function Model for Rotary Motor

Model No. RS1_01AC
Model No. RS1_03AC
Model No. RS1_05AC
Model No. RS1_10AC
Model No. RS1_15AC
Model No. RS1_30AC
Manual: M0008338 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site


Type S
Serial Interface Built-in
Positioning Function Model for Rotary Motor

Model No. RS1_01AF
Model No. RS1_03AF
Model No. RS1_05AF
Model No. RS1_10AF
Model No. RS1_15AF
Model No. RS1_30AF
Manual: M0008558 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site

AC400V (500W-7kW)

Type S
with CANopen interface for Rotary Motor

Model No. RS1_01AL
Model No. RS1_02AL
Model No. RS1_03AL
Model No. RS1_05AL
Model No. RS1_10AL
Model No. RS1_01AU
Model No. RS1_02AU
Model No. RS1_03AU
Model No. RS1_05AU
Model No. RS1_10AU
Manual: M0007951 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site

Type S
with CANopen interface
for Rotary Motor Communication Specificaiton

Model No. RS1_01AL
Model No. RS1_02AL
Model No. RS1_03AL
Model No. RS1_05AL
Model No. RS1_10AL
Model No. RS1_01AU
Model No. RS1_02AU
Model No. RS1_03AU
Model No. RS1_05AU
Model No. RS1_10AU
Manual: M0008237 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site

Type S
Analog / Pulse Input Type
3-phase Synchronous-type for Linear Motor

Model No. RS1_01L_
Model No. RS1_03L_
Model No. RS1_05L_
Model No. RS1_10L_
Model No. RS1_15L_
Model No. RS1_30L_
Manual: M0007688 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site

Amplifier, Power unit, Mother board

Type R
Pulse Input Type

Power unit model No. RRP_A00
Mother board model No. RRM__00
Amplifier model No. RR1_01A_
Amplifier model No. RR1_03A_
Manual: M0007912 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site

Type S
Analog / Pulse Input Type
Amplifier capacity 900 A for Rotary Motor

Power unit model No. RF1PA370_
Amplifier model No. RS1_01L_
Manual: M0011198 Please download from SANYODENKI Product Site


  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Sanyo Denki SANMOTION R

Summary of Contents for Sanyo Denki SANMOTION R

  • Page 1
    M0008424G TYPE Analog / Pulse Input Type For Rotary Motor…
  • Page 3
    Details of the change history The sixth edition (G) ■ Page 8-27 Notice message at alarm E6 that in some revision amplifier R5 series motors makes this alarm and ● not applicable is added. ■ Page 12-13,14,15 Corrected contents of R2 motors data sheet. ●…
  • Page 4
    Safety precautions Please fully observe The following signs are used to indicate safety precaution in this instruction manual. Please fully observe the precautions as important contents included in the descriptions. Safety precautions and the signs ■ Safety precautions Signs Danger, injury Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if Danger incorrectly operated, will result in death or serious injury.…
  • Page 5
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Only qualified personnel who have electrical knowledge should conduct maintenance and inspection. Electrical shock, injuries, and fire may occur. Do not damage, apply excessive stresses, put heavy things on, and tuck down cables. Electrical shock may occur. Perform wiring in accordance with wiring diagram and the instruction manual.
  • Page 6
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Warning ■ Unpack after checking upside and downside. Injuries may occur. Verify no discrepancies between the product you received and the product you ordered. Installing incorrect product can result in injuries and damages. Injuries and failures may occur. Make sure to read the instruction manual and observe the instructions before inspection, operation, maintenance, and inspection.
  • Page 7
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Do not put heavy things on, or climb on the system. Injuries may occur. Make sure to observe the specified installation direction. This can result in fire and failures. Do not apply high impacts. This can result in failures. Never install the system in the area where it may be exposed to water, near corrosive/ flammable gaseous, or by combustible material.
  • Page 8
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Install the system in incombustible material, such as metal. Fire may occur. No protective equipments are supplied with servo motor. Protect the system with overcurrent protective device, earth leakage circuit breaker, overtemperature thermostat, and emergency stop equipment. Injuries and fire may occur.
  • Page 9
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Do not approach equipments after restoration from instantaneous interruption of service, as sudden re-start can occur. (Design the machine so as to ensure safety even sudden re-start occurs.) Injuries may occur. Do not externally and continuously rotate servo motor during servo-off with standard speciation servo amplifier with dynamic brake, as the dynamic brake will generate heat and this will cause dangers.
  • Page 10
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Prohibition ■ Do not store the system in the area where it may be exposed to rain and water drops, or toxic gasses or liquids exist. This can result in failures. Brake built in servo motor is for holding, so do not use it for braking. Using the brake for braking will damage the brake.
  • Page 11
    Safety precautions Please fully observe Mandatory ■ Store the system within the specified temperature and humidity “-20°C to +65°C, 90%RH or less(no condensation)” away from direct sunlight. This can result in failures. For long-term storage of servo amplifier (over 3 years as a guide), please contact us. Long-term storage will reduce capacity of electrolytic capacitor, and this can result in failures.
  • Page 12
    Table of contents Preface …………………………1 Introduction……………………….1-1 Differences between AC servo amplifier SANMOTION R (previous model) and this system ….1-2 Instruction manual ……………………..1-3 Contents …………………………1-3 Precautions related to these instructions………………..1-3 System introduction guide ……………………1-4 Step 1: Unpack the system……………………
  • Page 13
    Table of contents Torque limit input ……………………… 2-9 Power supply, calorific value ………………….. 2-10 Main circuit power supply capacity, control power supply capacity…………2-10 Incoming current, leakage current ………………….. 2-11 Calorific value……………………….2-12 Operation pattern……………………..2-13 Time of acceleration and deceleration, permitted repetition, loading precaution ……… 2-13 Position signal output ……………………..
  • Page 14
    Table of contents Wiring …………………………4 Wiring for main circuit power supply, control power, regenerative resistance, servo motor, and protective grounding…………………………4-1 Part name and function ……………………. 4-1 Wire …………………………. 4-1 Wire diameter-allowable current ………………….4-2 Recommended wire diameter…………………… 4-2 Wiring of servo motor ……………………..
  • Page 15
    Table of contents Confirmation of movement ……………………5-13 Confirmation of I/O signal ……………………5-14 Confirmation of device operation………………….5-15 Confirmation of safe torque off function………………..5-15 Servo amplifier status display ………………….5-16 Default display……………………….. 5-16 Alarm display……………………….5-16 Operation sequence ……………………..5-17 Operation sequence from power turn on to power shut off at the standard shipment setting ….
  • Page 16
    Table of contents Automatic tuning of notch filter ………………….6-11 Operation method……………………..6-11 Setting parameters ……………………..6-11 Automatic tuning of FF vibration suppression frequency …………..6-12 Operation method……………………..6-12 Setting parameters ……………………..6-12 Using manual tuning……………………..6-13 Servo system configuration and servo adjustment parameters …………6-13 Basic manual tuning method for velocity control ……………..
  • Page 17
    Table of contents How to tune automatic notch frequency ………………..7-11 How to tune automatic FF vibration suppression frequency …………..7-12 Offset adjustment of velocity/ torque command………………. 7-13 Offset adjustment of analog torque compensation command………….. 7-14 7.10 Velocity-controlled JOG Operation …………………. 7-15 7.11 Encoder clear ……………………….
  • Page 18
    Table of contents Rotational direction setting for the servo motor ………………. 9-10 Setting for external encoder resolution ………………..9-10 Digital filter setting ……………………..9-11 Encoder output pulse signals ………………….9-11 Remarks ………………………… 9-12 Input power timing for external pulse encoder………………9-12 Workings of external pulse encoder ………………..
  • Page 19
    Table of contents Selection …………………………. 11 11.1 Servo motor sizing……………………..11-1 Flowchart of servo motor sizing………………….11-1 Make an operation pattern……………………11-2 Calculate motor shaft conversion load moment of inertia (JL) …………. 11-2 Calculate motor shaft conversion load torque (TL) …………….11-3 Calculate acceleration torque (Ta) …………………..
  • Page 20
    Table of contents R5 motor, flange size 60mm, 80mm ………………..12-9 Q1 motor, flange size 100mm, 120mm, 130mm, and 180mm …………12-10 Q2 motor, flange size 130mm, 180mm, and 220mm …………….. 12-11 10) Q4 motor, flange size 180mm………………….12-12 12.4 Servo motor data sheet ……………………
  • Page 21
    Preface 1.1 Introduction…………………………..1-1 Differences between AC servo amplifier SANMOTION R (previous model) and this system……. 1-2 1.2 Instruction manual …………………………1-3 Contents…………………………..1-3 Precautions related to these instructions ………………….1-3 1.3 System introduction guide ……………………… 1-4 Step 1: Unpack the system ……………………..1-4 Step 2: Perform wirings of control and main power supply……………….
  • Page 22
    Introduction Introduction Thank you for purchasing our AC servo system ”SANMOTION R” ADVANCED MODEL. This instruction model describes specifications, installation, wiring, operation, functions, maintenance of the system, and important instructions to observe to ensure your safety. Please make sure to read this instruction manual before use to operate this AC servo system correctly.
  • Page 23
    1.Preface Introduction 1) Differences between AC servo amplifier SANMOTION R (previous model) and this system ■ Reduced size Consolidated CNA and CNB Adopted smaller connector for motor encoder. ■ Separated connector for Software Setup Daisy chain connection became simpler by adding a connection port.
  • Page 24
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Instruction manual This manual outlines the specifications, installation, wiring, operations, functions, maintenance, etc., of the AC servo amplifier “SANMOTION R” ADVANCED MODEL as follows: 1) Contents ■ Chapter 1 Preface Product outline, model number, names of components.
  • Page 25
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual System introduction guide This section describes system introduction flow from unpacking to operation check for customers using servo amplifier and servo motor for the first time. Introduction flow Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6…
  • Page 26
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Introduction flow Step 3 Step 2 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 1 Perform wiring of Perform wirings of Perform wiring of Set parameters Check operation Unpack the system servo motor power control and main encoder line.
  • Page 27
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Introduction flow Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Perform wirings of Perform wiring of Unpack the system Perform wiring of Set parameters. Check operation control and main servo motor power encoder line.
  • Page 28
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Introduction flow Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Perform wirings of Perform wiring of Unpack the system Perform wiring of Set parameters. Check operation. control and main servo motor power encoder line.
  • Page 29
    Set by Digital Operator Download setup software “Setup software for Use digital operator (input button on LED R ADVANCED MODEL amplifier” from surface of 7-segment display) built in SANYO DENKI’s website. servo amplifier body unit. Prepare cable for PC communication ”AL-00689703-01.” ✔…
  • Page 30
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Introduction flow Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Perform wirings of Perform wiring of Unpack the system Perform wiring of Set parameters. Check operation control and main servo motor power encoder line.
  • Page 31
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Introduction flow Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Perform wirings of Perform wiring of Unpack the system Perform wiring of Set parameters. Check operation control and main servo motor power encoder line.
  • Page 32
    1.Preface How to use this instruction manual Introduction flow Step 2 Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Perform wirings of Perform wiring of Unpack the system Perform wiring of Set parameters. Check operation control and main servo motor power encoder line.
  • Page 33
    1.Preface System configuration Illustration of system components ■ RS2□01/RS2□03/RS2□05 T S R SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL Wiring breaker (MCCB) [Setup software] Used to protect power line. Enables parameter setup Turns off the power supply when and monitoring through overload runs.
  • Page 34
    Used to protect power line. [Setup software] Turns off the power supply Enables parameter setup when overload runs. and monitoring through SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL communication with a PC. Noise filter Installed to protect power line from external noise. RS-232C…
  • Page 35
    Turns off the power supply when overload runs. [Noise filter] Installed to protect power line from external noise. [Setup software] Enables parameter setup SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL and monitoring through communication with a PC. [Electromagnetic contactor] Switches power On/Off. Please place safeguard RS-232C circuit..
  • Page 36
    1.Preface Servo motor encoder model number Model number structure 1) Servo Motor Model Number R 2 AA 06 020 F C P 00 M A ■ Note 1) Sign Reducer type Reduction ■ Additional specification ratio identification Planet gear M・・・CE mark + UL supported 0・・・With decelerator without standards 1/15 Note 1)
  • Page 37
    1.Preface Servo motor encoder model number 2) Servo motor model number Q 1 AA 10 200 D C P 00 E ■ Additional specification identification E・・・Supports mark CE U・・・Supports UL M・・・Supports mark CE and UL ■ Specification identification 00・・・Standard ■ Encoder type S・・・Wire-saving incremental encoder (PP031T, PP062) H・・・Absolute encoder for incremental system (PA035S)
  • Page 38
    1.Preface Servo amplifier model number 3) Servo amplifier model number (11-digit abbreviated model number) RS2 A 01 A 0 A A 0 ■ Option 2 Velocity/ Torque Safe Torque Off command input function Available None ■ Available Available Option 1 (without delay circuit) A・・・・With built-in regenerative Available…
  • Page 39
    1.Preface Servo amplifier model number 4) Servo amplifier model number (19-digit full model number string) Individual Same as Servo amplifier model (11 digit abbreviated) specification 00・・・・Standard Interface at control section Servo motor combination marking X・・・・Speed  Torque switch type S・・・・Speed control type 0・・・・R, Q series motor standard combination Y・・・・Position …
  • Page 40
    1.Preface Servo amplifier part names Part names 1) Servo amplifier ■ RS2□01/RS2□03/RS2□05 Inside the front cover (OPEN) Digital Operator operation keys Analog monitor connector CN5: Parts number on plug 5-digit 7-segment LED Connector: DF11-4DS-2C Contact: DF11-2428SCA (Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.) Control power status LED (POWER-Blue) Main circuit power LED…
  • Page 41
    1.Preface Servo amplifier part names ■ RS2□10/RS2□15 Upper front cover-open Digital Operator operation keys Analog monitor connector CN5: Parts number on plug 5-digit 7-segment LED Connector: DF11-4DS-2C Contact: DF11-2428SCA (Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.) Control power status LED (POWER-Blue) Communication connector for setup software Main circuit power LED (Red-CHARGE)
  • Page 42
    1.Preface Servo amplifier part names ■ RS2□30 Upper front cover-open Digital Operator operation keys Main circuit power LED (Red-CHARGE) Connector for analog monitor CN5: Parts number on plug Connector: DF11-4DS-2C Contact: DF11-2428SCA 5-digit 7-segment LED (Hirose Electric Co., Ltd.) Control power status LED (POWER-Blue) Communication connector for setup software…
  • Page 43
    1.Preface Servo motor part names 2) Servo motor ■ Lead wire type R2□A04○○○△□◇ R2□A06○○○△□◇ R2□A08○○○△□◇ Encoder R2□B08○○○△□◇ Frame R2AA10○○○△□◇ R5AA06○○○△□◇ R5AA08○○○△□◇ Shaft Flange Encoder cable Servo motor power cable Brake cable ■ Connector Type R2AA13○○○△□◇ R2AA18○○○△□◇ R2AA22○○○△□◇ Q1AA10○○○△□◇ Q1AA12○○○△□◇ Q1AA13○○○△□◇ Q1AA18○○○△□◇…
  • Page 44
    No Text on This Page.
  • Page 45: Table Of Contents

    2. Specifications 2.1 Servo motor ··························································································································································· 2-1 General specifications·········································································································································· 2-1 Exterior dimensions/ specifications/ mass············································································································ 2-1 Mechanical specifications/ mechanical strength/ working accuracy····································································· 2-1 Oil seal type ························································································································································· 2-2 Holding brake······················································································································································· 2-3 Degree of decrease rating for R2AA motor, with oil seal and brake ····································································· 2-4 2.2 Motor encoder························································································································································…

  • Page 46: Specifications

    2.Specifications Servo motor Servo motor 1) General specifications Series name R2, R5,Q1, Q2, Q4 Time rating Continuous Insulation classification Type F Voltage/Dielectric strength AC1500V 1 minute Insulation resistance DC500V, greater than 10MΩ Fully closed, Auto cooling Motor flange angle: 86 or less: IP67 Protection method Motor flange angle: 130 or over: IP65 However, except for axial penetration part and cable tip part…

  • Page 47: Oil Seal Type

    2.Specifications Servo motor Shock resistance ■ Install the shaft of servo motor in a horizontal direction (shown in the figure below). This shaft should withstand shock acceleration up to 98m/s (when shock is applied in an upward/downward direction) for two (2) times. However, since a precision motor encoder is fixed to the counter-load side of the flange, any shock applied to the shaft may cause damage to the motor encoder.

  • Page 48: Holding Brake

    2.Specifications Holding brake 5) Holding brake An optional Holding Brake is available for the servo motor. Since the primary use of this brake is for holding, it should never be used for braking, except in emergency situations. Turn the brake excitation On or Off using the “holding brake timing signal output”. When using this signal, set the command for brake release time to 0min for the servo amplifier.

  • Page 49: Degree Of Decrease Rating For R2Aa Motor, With Oil Seal And Brake

    2.Specifications Holding brake, degree of decrease rating with oil seal, brake ■ Brake operating time is measured in the following circuit: ◆ Varistor used circuit 100VAC 60Hz Brake Diode used circuit ◆ 100VAC 60Hz Brake Exciting voltage Exciting current 100% 100% Holding torque Brake release time…

  • Page 50: Motor Encoder

    2.Specifications Motor encoder Motor encoder 1) Serial encoder specifications Absolute encoder for incremental system ■ Synchronization Transmission Model Resolution Baud rate method method 131072 division Half duplex serial PA035S Asynchronous 2.5Mbps (17bits) communication Model number example: R2-series, square type: 60mm, 200W-model R2AA06020FCH00 Battery backup method absolute encoder ■…

  • Page 51: Battery Specification

    2.Specifications Motor encoder, Battery Serial encoder ■ Servo motor rotation direction (Normal rotation) Position signal output (PS data): Increase Servo motor rotation direction (Reverse rotation) Position signal output (PS data): Decrease Forward: the servo motor rotates in a counterclockwise direction from the load side ✔…

  • Page 52: Servo Amplifier

    2.Specifications General specifications Servo amplifier 1) General specifications ■ General specifications Control function Speed control/Torque control/Position control (Parameter changeover) Control system IGBT: PWM control Sinusoidal drive Three-phase: AC200 to 230V+10, -15%, 50/60Hz±3Hz Main Circuit Power Single-phrase: AC200 to 230V+10, -15%, 50/60Hz±3Hz Note 2) Note 1) Single-phase: AC100 to 115V+10, -15%, 50/60Hz±3Hz…

  • Page 53: Input Command, Position Signal Output, General Input, General Output

    2.Specifications Input command 2) Input command, position signal output, general input, general output ■ Input command ◆ Position command 5Mpps (Reverse + Forward pulse, Code +Pulse) Maximum input pulse frequency 1.25Mpps (90-phase difference two-phase pulse) Forward + Reverse command pulse, Position Input pulse form Code + Pulse train command or…

  • Page 54: Torque Limit Input

    2.Specifications General input/output Position signal output ■ Encoder output N/32768(N=1 to 32767),1/N(N=1 to 64) or N(N=2 to 64) Pulse signal Encoder output serial Binary code output, decimal ASCII output signal General input ■ Interactive photo coupler (sink, source connection): ×6 input Line receiver: ×2 input Input power voltage range: DC5V±5% / DC12V to 24V±10%, 100mA or over (DC24V)

  • Page 55: Power Supply, Calorific Value

    2.Specifications Power supply capacity Power supply, calorific value 1) Main circuit power supply capacity, control power supply capacity ■ AC200V Input Input Servo amplifier Servo motor Rated output Rated main circuit Control voltage capacity model number power supply (kVA) power supply (VA) R2AA04003F R2AA04005F R2AA04010F…

  • Page 56: Incoming Current, Leakage Current

    2.Specifications Leakage current, calorific value ■ AC100V Input Rated main Control Servo amplifier Servo motor Rated output circuit power Input voltage power supply capacity model number supply (VA) (KVA) R2EA04003F R2EA04005F RS2E01# AC100V R2EA04008F R2EA06010F RS2E03# R2EA06020F # = Optional alphabetical letter ✔…

  • Page 57: Calorific Value

    2.Specifications Calorific value 3) Calorific value Servo Servo Servo motor Servo Servo motor Servo amplifier Input amplifier total Input amplifier model amplifier model total calorific voltage calorific value voltage capacity number capacity number value (W) R2AA04003F R2AA18350D R2AA04005F R2AA18450H R2AA04010F R2AA18550R R2AA06010F R2AA22500L…

  • Page 58: Operation Pattern

    2.Specifications Operation pattern Operation pattern 1) Time of acceleration and deceleration, permitted repetition, loading precaution The motor’s acceleration time (t ), and deceleration time (t ) when under constant load is calculated using the following method: ■ Acceleration time: t )・(2π/60)・{(N )/(0.8×T )} [s]…

  • Page 59
    2.Specifications Operation pattern When the motor repeats continuous speed status and stop status ■ In operating status (shown below) the motor should be used at a frequency in which its effective torque is less than the rated torque T Servo motor Time torque ◆…
  • Page 60
    2.Specifications Operation pattern When the motor repeats acceleration – constant speed operation – deceleration status ■ For the operating status shown below, the value of permitted repetitions n (times/min) is found in the following equation: Servo motor Time current torque Servo motor rotational Time velocity…
  • Page 61: Position Signal Output

    2.Specifications Position signal output Position signal output The amplifier outputs two (2) kinds of position signals: Serial signals and Pulse signals 1) Positions signals by serial signals ■ The following serial encoders output absolute position data (encoder signal output -PS-) from the absolute encoder of the servo amplifier using serial signals.

  • Page 62: Binary Code Output Format And Transfer Period

    2.Specifications Position signal output 2) Binary code output format and transfer period ■ Format ◆ Data format 11bits 1bit 5bits 3bits 1bit 1bit Address bit Stop bit Start bit Parity bit Data bit Transfer format ◆ Parity Start bit Data bit Address bit Stop bit ・Data 1…

  • Page 63: Ascii Decimal Code Output Format And Transfer Period

    2.Specifications Position signal output 3) ASCII decimal code output format and transfer period ■ Format ◆ Data format 10bits 1bit 7bits 1bit 1bit Parity bit Stop bit Start bit Data bit Transfer format ◆ Data Parity Start bit Stop bit number Data 1 Show position data ”P”…

  • Page 64: Position Signal Output From Pulse Signal

    2.Specifications Position signal output 4) Position signal output from pulse signal Servo amplifier outputs “90-phase difference two-phase pulse (phase A, phase B) and original ■ phase (phase Z).” Pulse output can change the division ratio by parameter. Set the general parameter “GroupC ID04 Encoder Output Pulse Division.” ―…

  • Page 65: Specifications For Analog Monitor

    2.Specifications Analog monitor Specifications for analog monitor 1) Monitor output Pin numbers and signal names for monitor output ■ Connector model number on board: DF11-4DP-2DSA (01) Housing model number on receiving equipment: DF11-4DS-2C Connector model number on receiving equipment: DF11-2428SCA General input/output connector CN1 Analog monitor output 1 (MON1) CN1-30…

  • Page 66: Monitor For Velocity, Torque, And Position Deviation

    2.Specifications Analog monitor 2) Monitor for velocity, torque, and position deviation ■ Electrical specifications ◆ Output voltage range: DC±8V ◆ Output resistance: 1kΩ Load: less than 2mA ◆ Monitor output is indefinite at the time of power ON/OFF and may output DC12V+/- around 10%. ✔…

  • Page 67: Specifications For Dynamic Brake

    2.Specifications Dynamic brake Specifications for dynamic brake 1) Allowable frequency, instantaneous tolerance, decreasing the rotation angle of the dynamic brake Allowable frequency of the dynamic brake (main circuit power ON/OFF) ■ Less than 10 times per hour and 50 times per day at maximum speed within allowable load inertia moment.

  • Page 68
    2.Specifications Dynamic brake Staging down the rotation angle using the dynamic brake is show as follows: ■ 2πN×t + (J +J )×(αN+βN : Inertia of servo motor (kg・m : Load inertia (motor axis conversion)(kg・m : Servo motor rotation speed (min : Stage down rotation angle (rad) using amplifier internal process : Stage down rotation angle (rad) using dynamic brake operation : 10 ×…
  • Page 69
    2.Specifications Dynamic brake Servo amplifier Servo motor α β (kg・m capacity model number R2AA18350D 1.05 1.3×10 40×10 R2AA18450H 0.67 1.2×10 50×10 R2AA18550R 0.53 7×10 68×10 R2AA22500L 0.41×10 55×10 Q1AA13400D 2.13 0.25×10 6.43×10 Q1AA13500D 1.52 0.20×10 8.47×10 RS2A15 Q1AA18450M 0.43 0.35×10 27.5×10 Q2AA18350H 1.14…
  • Page 70: Regeneration Process

    2.Specifications Regeneration process Regeneration process The tables below are resistance value of the built-in regeneration resistor and regeneration resistance power that can be tolerated by the amplifier regeneration circuit. Refer to [Capacity Selection of Regenerative Resistor (11-2)] for the selection method of regeneration resistance.

  • Page 71
    Installation Installation···························································································································································· 3-1 Servo amplifier ················································································································································· 3-1 Unpacking ························································································································································ 3-2 Mounting direction and location························································································································ 3-3 Control arrangement within the machine ·········································································································· 3-3 Servo motor ························································································································································· 3-4 Precautions ······················································································································································ 3-4 Unpacking ························································································································································ 3-4 Installation ························································································································································ 3-4 Mounting method·············································································································································· 3-5 Waterproofing and dust proofing ······················································································································ 3-5 Protective cover installation······························································································································…
  • Page 72: Installation

    3.Installation Servo amplifier Installation 1) Servo amplifier When installing, please be sure to protect the following precautions. ■ Various precautions The device should be installed on non-flammable surfaces only. Installation on or near flammable materials can cause fire. Do not stand, and put heavy items on the servo amplifier. Operate the device within the specified environmental conditions.

  • Page 73: Servo Amplifier

    3.Installation Servo amplifier 2) Unpacking Verify the followings when the product arrives. If you find any discrepancy, contact your distributor or sales office. ■ Verify that the model number of the servo motor or servo amplifier is the same as ordered. The model number is located on the main nameplate, following the word “MODEL”.

  • Page 74: Mounting Direction And Location

    3.Installation Servo amplifier 3) Mounting direction and location Front-mounting Rear-mounting Metal fittings for front mounting Ventilation ✔ Refer to optional parts, 12 Appendix, for metal fittings for front mounting. 4) Control arrangement within the machine ■ Leave at least 50 mm space above and below the servo amplifier to ensure unobstructed airflow from the inside of the servo amplifier and the radiator.

  • Page 75: Servo Motor

    60W AC200V 0.53A 3000min 3φ-・ CI.F IP40 SER No.090206001 2002 SANYO DENKI MADE IN JAPAN 00482921-01 Serial NO. 3) Installation Please note the following regarding the installation location and mounting method for the servo motor. The servo motor is designed for indoor use. Make sure to Install it indoors.

  • Page 76: Mounting Method

    3.Installation Servo motor 4) Mounting method ■ Mounting in several orientations — horizontal, or with the shaft on top or bottom- is acceptable. ■ If the output shaft is used in reduction devices that use grease, oil, or other lubricants, or in mechanisms exposed to liquids, the motor should be installed in a perfectly horizontal or downward position.

  • Page 77: Protective Cover Installation

    3.Installation Servo motor 6) Protective cover installation ■ Install a protective cover (as described below) for motors continuously subjected to liquids. ■ Turn the connectors (lead outlets) downwards within the angle range shown in the picture below. ■ Install the cover on the side where the water or oil would drip. ■…

  • Page 78
    3.Installation Servo motor ■ Refer to the drawing below for correct centering of the motor shaft and the target machinery. Please note when using a rigid coupling that even a slight mistake in centering can damage the output shaft. Measured at all 4 locations, the difference between the maximum and the minimum should not exceed 3/100mm (coupling rotates jointly)
  • Page 79: Allowable Bearing Load

    3.Installation Servo motor ■ Use a special tool for removing the gear, pulley, etc. Tapered Removal tool 8) Allowable bearing load ■ The table below shows the allowable bearing load of the servo motors. Do not apply excessive thrust load or radial load.

  • Page 80
    3.Installation Servo motor Assembly Operation Servo motor Radial load (N) Thrust load (N) Radial load (N) Thrust load (N) model Direction Direction Direction Direction number R5AA06020 R5AA06040 R5AA08075 Q1AA10200 Q1AA10250 Q1AA12200 Q1AA12300 Q1AA13300 2000 Q1AA13400 2000 1200 Q1AA13500 2000 1200 Q1AA18450 2300 1900…
  • Page 81
    Wiring Wiring for main circuit power supply, control power, regenerative resistance, servo motor, and protective grounding Part name and function ···································································································································· 4-1 Wire ·································································································································································· 4-1 Wire diameter-allowable current ······················································································································· 4-2 Recommended wire diameter··························································································································· 4-2 Wiring of servo motor ······································································································································· 4-4 Example of wiring ·············································································································································…
  • Page 82: Wiring

    4.Wiring Allowable current, recommended wire diameter Wiring for main circuit power supply, control power, regenerative resistance, servo motor, and protective grounding 1) Part name and function Connector Terminal name Remarks marking Single phase AC100 to115V +10%,-15% 50/60Hz±3% R・T Single phase AC200 to 230V +10%,-15% 50/60Hz±3% Main circuit power supply Three-phase AC200 to 230V +10%,-15% 50/60Hz±3% R・S・T…

  • Page 83: Wire Diameter-Allowable Current

    4.Wiring Allowable current, recommended wire diameter 3) Wire diameter-allowable current Nominal cross-sectional area Conductor resistance Allowable current over ambient temperature [A] AWG sides [mm2] [Ω/km] 30°C 40°C 55°C 39.5 0.75 26.0 24.4 1.25 15.6 12.0 11.0 9.53 23.0 20.0 15.0 5.41 33.0 29.0…

  • Page 84
    4.Wiring Allowable current, recommended wire diameter Input voltage AC200V (cont.) ■ Motor power Main circuit Control Regeneration power supply (U・V・W・ Servo power Servo motor resistance amplifier to be (R・S・T・ ) supply model No. combined AWG No Q1AA10200D Q1AA10250D Q1AA12200D RS2#10# Q1AA12300D Q1AA13300D Q1AA13400D…
  • Page 85: Wiring Of Servo Motor

    4.Wiring Allowable current, recommended wire diameter 5) Wiring of servo motor Specifications for lead wires and pin assignment of R-series servo motor ■ Servo motor model number: R2#A04***, R2#A06***, R2AA08***, R2AAB8***, R2AA10***, R5AA06***, R5AA08*** Lead color Name Remarks Yellow Brake Power for brake (24V) Yellow Brake…

  • Page 86
    4.Wiring Allowable current, recommended wire diameter Plug model number for power line and brake of Q-series servo motor ■ (Products of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited) Plug for power line (Cable clamp) Plug for power (Cable clamp) Servo motor [Plug + clamp model number] [Plug + clamp model number] Remarks model number…
  • Page 87
    4.Wiring Allowable current, recommended wire diameter Pin assignment of canon plug ■ Pin assignment shall be any of the followings, depending on model numbers of plug for powering line, braking line, and cooling fan. Phase U Phase U Phase V Phase V Phase W Earth…
  • Page 88: Example Of Wiring

    4.Wiring Wiring example 6) Example of wiring Even if it turns off power supply, high-pressure voltage may remain in servo amplifier. Therefore, do not touch a power supply terminal for 5 minutes for the prevention from an electric shock. Completion of electric discharge turns off the lamp of CHARGE. Please perform connection check work after checking putting out lights.

  • Page 89
    4.Wiring Wiring example Single phase AC200V [General output: NPN output] ■ Single phase AC200 to 230V 50/60 Hz SERVO MOTOR MCCB (molded Noise case circuit filter breaker) Operation ON OFF Alarm DC5V,DC12~24V Emergency Diode stop 39 to 46 (OUT1 to OUT8) DC5V, DC12V to 24V 24・25 Single phase AC100V [General output: NPN output]…
  • Page 90
    4.Wiring Wiring example 3-phase 200VAC [General output: PNP output] ■ General output: PNP output: It takes external 24VDC as common power supply and outputs 24VDC when general output is ON. Single-phase AC100 to 115V 50/60 Hz SERVO MOTOR MCCB (molded Noise case circuit filter…
  • Page 91
    4.Wiring Wiring example Single-phase 100VAC [General output: PNP output] ■ General output: PNP outputs It takes external 24VDC as common power supply and outputs 24VDC when general output is ON. Single-phase 100 to 115VAC 50/60 Hz SERVO MOTOR MCCB (molded Noise case circuit filter…
  • Page 92: Crimping Of Wires

    4.Wiring Crimping processing, tightening torque 7) Crimping of wires Insert the wire into ferrule, and use a special tool to crimp it in. Insert the ferrule deep into the connector, and tighten it with a special minus screwdriver or something. The recommended torque is 0.5 to 0.6 N・m. Process 1 Process 3 Wire…

  • Page 93: Wiring With Host Unit

    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Wiring with Host Unit 1) CN1 signal and pin number (wiring with host unit) CN1 terminal sequence [General output: NPN output] ■ Servo amplifier F-PC F-PC +5V SG R-PC R-PC V-REF/T-REF T-COMP F-TLA OUT-PWR OUT1 R-TLA OUT2 CONT-COM…

  • Page 94
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit CN1 terminal sequence [General output: PNP output] ■ General output: PNP output: It takes external 24VDC as common power supply and outputs 24VDC when general output is ON. Servo amplifier F-PC F-PC +5V SG R-PC R-PC V-REF/T-REF T-COMP…
  • Page 95: Cn1 Connector Disposition

    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit 2) CN1 connector disposition CN1 10150-3000PE (Soldered side) ■ 3) Signal name and its function Terminal Signal Terminal Description Signal name Description number name number BTP-1 Battery plus MON1 Analog monitor output BTN-1 Battery minus Common for pin 30 A phase pulse output CONT7…

  • Page 96: Terminal Connection Circuit

    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit 4) Terminal connection circuit Terminal Symbol Name Description BTP-1 Battery plus When using a Battery Backup Method Absolute Encoder, the battery for backup can be mounted in the host unit BTN-1 Battery minus side, and it can connect via servo amplifier. When it mounts a battery between servo amplifier and a servo motor, it is not necessary to connect.

  • Page 97
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Terminal Symbol Name Description Z phase pulse An open collector outputs the starting Point Z phase pulse output of a motor encoder. [NPN output] Maximum voltage: DC30V Maximum current: 10mA Host unit Twisted pair Servo amplifier Be sure to connect SG.
  • Page 98
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit CONT7 General input Receivable with a line receiver. General output signals can receive either a differential signal or an open collector ― ― ― ― ― General input CONT7 signal. CONT8 General input General input ―…
  • Page 99
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Terminal Symbol Name Description F-TLA Forward side torque Forward and reverse side torque is restricted on external limitation input analog voltage. Forward side torque limitation input (F-TLA): R-TLA Reverse side torque CN1-18 Input voltage range -10V to +10V limitation input Reverse side torque limitation input (R-TLA): CN1-19 Input current range -10V to +10V…
  • Page 100
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Terminal Symbol Name Description F-PC Command pulse Command pulse input is a position command input. input Velocity command input  Velocity control type. Three types of command input pulse. ― ― ― ― Command pulse [Normal pulse + Reverse pulse] input Maximum…
  • Page 101
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Terminal Symbol Name Description MON1 Analog monitor Outputs the selection of analog monitor output 1. output Load shall be less than 2mA. Output resistance shall be 1kΩ. Output voltage range shall be ±8V. Servo amplifier Host unit MON1 1.0kΩ…
  • Page 102
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Terminal Symbol Name Description OUT1 General output General output circuit is connected with a photo-coupler or a relay circuit. OUT2 General output [NPN output] OUT3 General output OUT-PWR (outer power supply) specification OUT4 General output Power supply &…
  • Page 103
    4.Wiring Wiring with host unit Terminal Symbol Name Description [PNP output] OUT-PWR (external power supply) specification Power supply voltage: 24VDC ±10% Current capacity: 20mA or over OUT-1 to OUT-8 (output circuit) power supply specification Power supply voltage: 24VDC ±10% Max. current: 24VDC ・・・・・・・・・50mA General output: PNP output: It takes external 24VDC as common power supply and outputs 24VDC when…
  • Page 104: Wiring

    4.Wiring Wiring of motor encoder Wiring 1) EN1 signal names and its pin numbers Battery backup method absolute encoder ■ R-series Servo Q-series Servo motor Amplifier Servo motor Remarks Signal name plug pin number Description plug pin Note 1) (Specification for Terminal No.

  • Page 105: En1 Connector Layout

    4.Wiring Wiring of motor encoder Battery less absolute encoder ■ Q-series Servo R-series Servo Amplifier Signal Servo motor Remarks motor Description name plug pin number Note 1) plug pin Terminal No. (Specification for leads) number 9 (Red) Power supply Twisted pair 10 (Black) Power supply (Recommendation)

  • Page 106: Connector Model Number For Motor Encoder

    4.Wiring Wiring of motor encoder 3) Connector model number for motor encoder R-series and Q-series servo motor encoder (absolute encoder for incremental system) ■ Connector model numbers (Products of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited) Motor encoder plug model Motor model number Connector type Applicable cable diameter number…

  • Page 107: Recommended Encoder Cable Specification

    4.Wiring Wiring of motor encoder Q-series servo motor encoder (Excluding absolute encoder for incremental system) ■ Connector model numbers (Products of Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Limited) Motor encoder plug model number Motor model number Connector type Remarks (Cable clamp) [Plug + clamp model number] N/MS3106B20-29S (N/MS3057-12A) Straight…

  • Page 108: Peripheral Equipments

    4.Wiring Peripheral equipments Peripheral equipments 1) Power supply capacity and peripherals list AC200V input ■ Main circuit Molded case circuit Servo amplifier Servo motor Magnetic Surge Input voltage power supply breaker Noise filter capacity model No. contact absorber rating (kVA) (MCCB) R2AA04003F R2AA04005F…

  • Page 109
    4.Wiring Peripheral equipments AC100V input ■ Servo Main circuit Molded case Servo motor Magnetic Surge Input voltage amplifier power supply circuit breaker Noise filter model No. contact absorber capacity rating (KVA) (MCCB) R2EA04003F HF3030C-UQA LT-C12G801WS NF30 Type 10A S-N10 R2EA04005F RS2#01# R2EA04008F SOSHIN…
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    No Text on This Page.
  • Page 111
    5. Operation Changing servo motor combination ····················································································································· 5-1 Confirmation and change of the setup software ······························································································· 5-1 Confirmation and change by the Digital Operator····························································································· 5-2 System parameters ·············································································································································· 5-3 Confirmation of specifications··························································································································· 5-3 System parameters list ····································································································································· 5-5 Confirmation and settings of system parameters······························································································ 5-5 Confirmation and settings of the system parameters (settings for motor encoder specification) ······················…
  • Page 112: Operation

    5.Operation Changing servo motor combination Changing servo motor combination Combination of servo motor connected and servo amplifier you use can be change by using AC servo system supportive system “setup software” or “digital operator.” Pease refer to separate operating manual of setup software M0008363 or “Chapter 7, Digital Operator” for the details. 1) Confirmation and change of the setup software Procedure Item and contents…

  • Page 113: Confirmation And Change By The Digital Operator

    5.Operation Changing servo motor combination 2) Confirmation and change by the Digital Operator Procedure Item and contents Confirmation of the servo motor model number ■ Confirm the servo motor model number setting at the servo amplifier. The Digital Operator displays the Motor Code according to the servo motor model number.

  • Page 114: System Parameters

    5.Operation Confirmation of system parameters specifications System parameters 1) Confirmation of specifications Confirm the specifications, the combination of the servo amplifier and the motor encoder, using either of the AC servo system support tools: setup software or Digital Operator. Procedure Item and contents Confirmation of servo amplifier specifications ■…

  • Page 115
    5.Operation Confirmation of system parameters specifications Procedure Item and contents Main circuit power supply voltage Code Main circuit power supply voltage display 200V 100V ■ Using setup software, confirm that voltage value of main circuit power connected to connector CNA or terminal block RST is displayed. ■…
  • Page 116: System Parameters List

    5.Operation System parameters list, confirmation and settings (servo amplifier) 2) System parameters list System parameters list is shown below. Settings vary depending on the system used. Please confirm 3), 4) and the following IDs for the proper settings. Contents Control Cycle Main Circuit Power Input Type Regenerative Resistor Selection Serial Encoder Function Selection…

  • Page 117
    5.Operation Confirmation and settings (servo amplifier) Contents Main circuit power input type ■ Set input type of main circuit power connected to CNA on servo amplifier or R, S, and T on terminal block. Selection Description AC_3-phase 3 phase AC power is supplied to the main circuit AC_Single-phase Single phase AC power is supplied to the main circuit ■…
  • Page 118
    5.Operation Confirmation and settings (servo amplifier) Contents Control mode selection ■ Set the control mode of the servo amplifier used as follows: Selection Description Torque Torque Control Mode Velocity Velocity Control Mode Position Control Mode Position Velo-Torq Velocity — Torque Control Switch Mode Posi-Torq Position — Torque Control Switch Mode Posi-Velo…
  • Page 119
    5.Operation Confirmation and settings (servo amplifier) Contents Position control selection ■ Select the function Position Control Mode. Selection Description Standard Standard Model1 Model Following Control Model2 Model Following Vibration Suppress Control ■ Under the following parameter settings, ‘Model Flowing Control” and “Model Following Vibration Suppressor Control”…
  • Page 120: Confirmation And Settings Of The System Parameters (Settings For Motor Encoder Specification)

    5.Operation Confirmation and settings (motor encoder) 4) Confirmation and settings of the system parameters (settings for motor encoder specification) Set the motor encoder to be used. Setting items vary depending on the encoder. Parameters that need to be set are listed below. Please set the confirmed setting for each encoder in the following pages.

  • Page 121
    5.Operation Confirmation and settings (motor encoder) The motor encoder to be used is “serial encoder” and “incremental system” will also be used ■ Motor encoder used for EN1 PA035S: Absolute encoder for incremental system Resolution per 1 rotation: 131072(17bits) Motor encoder specification Transmission method: Half-duplex asynchronous 2.5Mbps (standard) ■…
  • Page 122
    5.Operation Confirmation and settings (motor encoder) The motor encoder to be used is “serial encoder” and “absolute system” will be used. ■ Motor encoder used for EN1 PA035C: Battery backup method absolute encoder Resolution per 1 rotation: 131072(17bits) Motor encoder specification Transmission method: Half-duplex asynchronous 2.5Mbps(standard) ■…
  • Page 123: Factory Default Setting Values

    5.Operation Factory default parameter setting values 5) Factory default setting values The following chart shows the default factory parameter settings. Servo amplifier model number: RS2A○○A△#□# ■ Name Setting value Control Cycle 00:_ Standard_Sampling Main Circuit Power Input Type 00:_AC_3-Phase When □is A, 01: _Built-in_R Regenerative Resistor Selection When □is L, 02: _External_R When ○○…

  • Page 124: Test Operation

    5.Operation Test operation (installation, wiring, and JOG Operation) Test operation 1) Confirmation of installation and wiring Confirm the installation and the wiring of the servo amplifier and the servo motor. Procedure Item and contents Installation ■ Install the servo amplifier and the servo motor by referring to [Installation (3)]. Do not connect the servo motor shaft to the machine to maintain the no load status.

  • Page 125: Confirmation Of I/O Signal

    5.Operation Test operation (confirmation of I/O signal) 3) Confirmation of I/O signal Settings for general I/O signals (CN1) are the defaults set at the time of shipment Procedure Item and contents Confirmation of I/O signal ■ Allocate functions you use to CONT1 to CONT8 by selecting parameters from general parameters Group 9.

  • Page 126: Confirmation Of Device Operation

    5.Operation Servo amplifier status display Procedure Item and contents Command input ■ Input the command suitable for the control mode in use (setting value of “Control Mode Selection” of system parameter ID09). “Position control mode”・・・・Position command pulse ◆ “Velocity control mode”・・・・Analog voltage ◆…

  • Page 127: Servo Amplifier Status Display

    5.Operation Servo amplifier status display Servo amplifier status display 1) Default display Marking Description Status code Control power supply established. Control power supply (r, t) is established and amplifier (RDY) is on. Main circuit power supply established. Main power supply (R, S, and T) is established, but operation preparation completion signal is off.

  • Page 128: Operation Sequence

    5.Operation Operation sequence (power on) Operation sequence 1) Operation sequence from power turn on to power shut off at the standard shipment setting Power ON  Servo ON Control source Control source (Max) 2sec Power ON permission signal (Min) 0msec Main power source ON Main circuit power Inrush current prevention time…

  • Page 129
    5.Operation Operation sequence (power off) Servo OFF  Power OFF Control source Control source OFF (Min) 0msec Main circuit power Main power supply OFF Power ON signal Power ON output OFF Operation setup completion signal S-RDY S-RDY2 Servo ON signal Servo OFF Dynamic brake ON Dynamic brake signal…
  • Page 130: Stop Sequence At Alarm

    5.Operation Operation sequence (at alarm) 2) Stop sequence at alarm When an alarm occurs, the servomotor is stopped by either dynamic brake or servo brake (zero-speed command). The alarm content dictates which brake to be used. Refer to [Warning and Alarm List (8-3)] Stop by dynamic brake at alarm Power ON permission signal…

  • Page 131
    5.Operation Operation sequence (at alarm) Stop by servo brake at alarm Power ON permission signal Power ON permission OFF Main circuit power Main power supply OFF Operation setup completion signal S-RDY S-RDY2 Servo ON signal Servo ON Dynamic brake ON Dynamic brake signal Motor stop detect Motor velocity…
  • Page 132: Sequence Of Alarm Reset

    5.Operation Operation sequence (alarm reset) 3) Sequence of alarm reset Inputting alarm reset signal from general input signal can reset alarms. Power ON permission Power ON permission signal Main power supply ON Main circuit power Inrush current prevention time Power ON signal S-RDY S-RDY2 Operation setup completion signal…

  • Page 133: Sequence When Power Is Turned Off During Operation (During Servo On)

    5.Operation Operation sequence (power off during operation) 4) Sequence when power is turned OFF during operation (During servo ON) Control source Control source OFF Main circuit power Main power supply OFF Power ON signal Power ON output OFF Operation setup completion signal S-RDY S-RDY2 Servo ON signal Dynamic brake ON…

  • Page 134: Monitor Function

    5.Operation Monitor function Monitor function 1) Monitor function Symbol Name Unit STATUS Servo amplifier status monitor WARNING1 Warning status 1 monitor WARNING2 Warning status 2 monitor CONT8-1 General Purpose Input CONT8 to 1 monitor OUT8-1 General Purpose Output OUT8 to 1 monitor INC-E MON Pulse encoder signal monitor VMON…

  • Page 135: Description Of Monitor

    5.Operation Monitor function 2) Description of monitor Contents Servo amplifier status monitor [STATUS] Code Status Power OFF state (P-OFF) Power ON state (P-ON) Servo ready state (S-RDY) Servo ON state (S-ON) Emergency stop state (EMR) Alarm and power OFF state (ALARM_P-OFF) Alarm and power ON state (ALARM_P-ON)

  • Page 136
    5.Operation Monitor function Contents Pulse encoder signal monitor [INC-E MON] ■ Displays pulse encoder signal status. 1 or ON shows an incoming signal level “H” state. Motor encoder Motor encoder Motor encoder Function Z-phase signal B-phase signal A-phase signal External encoder External encoder External encoder Function…
  • Page 137
    5.Operation Monitor function Contents Torque command monitor [TCMON] ■ Displays the torque command value. Display range Unit -499.9 to 499.9 Position deviation monitor [PMON] ■ Displays the position deviation value. Setup software displays values in decimal notation. ◆ Display range Unit -2147483648 to 2147483647 Pulse…
  • Page 138
    5.Operation Monitor function Contents Analog velocity command/Analog torque command input voltage monitor [VC/TC-IN] ■ Displays entered command voltage. Display range Unit -12000 to 12000 Position command pulse frequency monitor [FMON1] ■ Displays entered command pulse frequency. Display range Unit -6000 to 6000 kPulse/s U-phase electric angle monitor [CSU] ■…
  • Page 139: Analog Monitor And Digital Monitor

    5.Operation Analog monitor, digital monitor Contents Load Inertia Moment Ratio monitor [JRAT MON] ■ Displays actual Load Inertia Moment Ratio. Value can be confirmed when changing gain and at Auto-tuning function. Position Loop Proportional Gain monitor [KP MON] ■ Displays actual Position Loop Proportional Gain. Value can be confirmed when changing gain and at Auto-tuning function.

  • Page 140: Setting Parameters

    5.Operation Parameters list Setting parameters 1) Parameters list Below is the parameters list. Groups in ID order are classified.” System parameters”, “General parameters” and “Motor parameters” are retained in the servo amplifier by keeping the parameter back-up function in effect for restoration of the parameter(s) as needed. For operating instructions, refer to separate volume, M0008363, for setup software.

  • Page 141
    5.Operation Parameters list General parameters Group1 “Basic control parameter settings” ■ Control Standard Symbol Name Unit Setting range mode value Position Command Smoothing PCSMT 0.0 to 500.0 Constant PCFIL Position Command Filter 0.0 to 2000.0 Position Loop Proportional Gain 1 1 to 3000 Position Loop Integral Time TPI1…
  • Page 142
    5.Operation Parameters list General parameters Group3 “ Model following control settings» ■ Control Standard Symbol Name Unit Setting range mode value Model Control Gain 1 1 to 3000 OSSFIL Overshoot Suppressor Filter 1500 1 to 4000 ANRFRQ1 Model Control Antiresonance Frequency 1 80.0 10.0 to 80.0 RESFRQ1…
  • Page 143
    5.Operation Parameters list General parameters Group8 “Control system settings” ■ Control Standard Symbol Name Unit Setting range mode value Position, Velocity, Torque Command Input 00:PC+_ CMDPOL P,V,T 00 to 07 Polarity VC+_TC+ Analog Velocity, Torque Command VC/TC-DW P,V,T 0.0 to 6553.5 Input Dead Band Width 00:F-PC_ PMOD…
  • Page 144
    5.Operation Parameters list General parameters Group9 “Function enabling condition settings” ■ Control Setting Symbol Name Standard value mode range F-OT Positive Over Travel Function P,V,T 0D:CONT6_OFF 00 to 27 R-OT Negative Over Travel Function P,V,T 0B:CONT5_OFF 00 to 27 AL-RST Alarm Reset Function P,V,T 10:CONT8_ON…
  • Page 145
    5.Operation Parameters list General parameters GroupB “Sequence/Alarms related settings” ■ Control Symbol Name Standard value Unit Setting range mode JOGVC JOG Velocity Command P,V,T 0 to 32767 DBOPE Dynamic Brake Operation P,V,T 04:SB_Free 00 to 05 00:CMDINH_ ACTOT Over-Travel Action P,V,T 00 to 06 SB_SON…
  • Page 146
    5.Operation Parameters list General parameters ■ Control Symbol Name Remarks mode This is common with COMAXIS Serial Communication Axis Number P,V,T GroupA ID20 This is common with COMBAUD Serial Communication Baud Rate P,V,T GroupA ID21 This is common with TUNMODE Tuning Mode P,V,T Group0 ID00…
  • Page 147: Parameter Functions

    5.Operation Group 0 Auto-tuning settings Parameter functions Each parameter function is explained below. ■ Group0 “Auto-tuning settings” Contents Tuning Mode Setting range Unit Selection [TUNMODE] 00 to 02 00:AutoTun ■ Set the validity, invalidity of Auto-tuning, and Load inertia moment rate estimation. Selection Contents AutoTun…

  • Page 148
    5.Operation Group 0 Auto-tuning settings Contents Auto-Tuning Characteristic Setting range Unit Standard value [ATCHA] 00 to 06 00:Positioning1 ■ Sets the Auto-Tuning Characteristic best fits to the servo system. Selection Contents Positioning1 Positioning Control 1 (General Purpose) Positioning2 Positioning Control 2 (High Response) Positioning3 Positioning Control 3 (High Response, FFGN Manual Setting) Positioning4…
  • Page 149
    5.Operation Group 0 Auto-tuning settings Contents Auto-Tuning Response Setting range Unit Standard value [ATRES] 1 to 30 ■ Sets the Auto-Tuning Response. The larger the set value, the higher the response. ◆ Caution, if the response is set too high, the machine may oscillate. ◆…
  • Page 150
    5.Operation Group 1 Basic control parameter settings Group1 “Basic control parameter settings” ■ Contents Position Command Smoothing Constant Setting range Unit Standard value [PCSMT] 0.0 to 500.0 ■ This moving low-pass filter smoothes the position command pulse. Sets time constants. Applies gradient to the step condition positioning pulse.
  • Page 151
    5.Operation Group 1 Basic control parameter settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Position Command Filter [PCFIL] 0.0 to 2000.0 ■ This low-pass filter suppresses any sudden change of the position control pulse. Sets time constants. This parameter setting is valid when the value of Group1ID04 Higher Tracking Control ◆…
  • Page 152
    5.Operation Group 1 Basic control parameter settings Contents Feed Forward Gain Setting range Unit Standard value [FFGN] 0 to 100 ■ Sets feed forward compensation gain to position control system. Model control system compensates for feed forward to Model following system when Position Control Selection is at Model following control.
  • Page 153
    5.Operation Group 1 Basic control parameter settings Contents Velocity Feedback Filter Setting range Unit Standard value [VDFIL] 1 to 4000 1500 ■ First low-pass filter to eliminate ripples caused by encoder pulse included in the velocity control system feedback. Sets the cutoff frequency. When the encoder resolution is low, lowering the setting value and suppressor the ripples ◆…
  • Page 154
    5.Operation Group 1 Basic control parameter settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Load Inertia Moment Ratio 1 [JRAT1] 0 to 15000 ■ Sets inertia moment of the loading device to the servo motor inertia moment. Setting value=J ×100% ◆ …
  • Page 155
    5.Operation Group 1 Basic control parameter settings Contents Torque Command Filter 1 Setting range Unit Standard value [TCFIL1] 1 to 4000 ■ Low-pass filter to eliminate high frequency component included in the torque command. Sets cutoff frequency. Automatically saved by Auto-tuning result saving. ◆…
  • Page 156
    5.Operation Group 2 “FF (Feed Forward) vibration suppressor control / Notch filter / Disturbance observer settings Group2 “FF (Feed Forward) vibration suppressor control/ Notch filter/ Disturbance observer ■ settings” Contents FF Vibration Suppressor Frequency 1 Setting range Unit Standard value [SUPFRQ1] 5 to 500 ■…
  • Page 157
    5.Operation Group 2 “FF (Feed Forward) vibration suppressor control / Notch filter / Disturbance observer settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Torque Command Notch Filter A [TCNFILA] 100 to 4000 4000 ■ Notch filter to eliminate sympathetic vibration element included in torque command. Sets the resonant frequency.
  • Page 158
    5.Operation Group 2 “FF (Feed Forward) vibration suppressor control / Notch filter / Disturbance observer settings Contents Torque Command Notch Filter B Setting range Unit Standard value [TCNFILB] 100 to 4000 4000 Torque Command Notch Filter C Setting range Unit Standard value [TCNFILC] 100 to 4000…
  • Page 159
    5.Operation Group 2 “FF (Feed Forward) vibration suppressor control / Notch filter / Disturbance observer settings Contents Observer Characteristic Setting range Unit Standard value [OBCHA] 00 to 02 00:Low ■ Select frequency characteristic of the disturbance observer Selection Contents For Low Frequency Middle For Middle Frequency High…
  • Page 160
    5.Operation Group 2 “FF (Feed Forward) vibration suppressor control / Notch filter / Disturbance observer settings Contents Observer Output Notch Filter Setting range Unit Standard value [OBNFIL] 100 to 4000 4000 ■ Notch filter to eliminate arbitrarily selected frequency from observer compensation. Sets the resonant frequency.
  • Page 161
    5.Operation Group 3 Model following control settings Group3 “Model following control settings” ■ Contents Model Control Gain 1 Setting range Unit Standard value [KM1] 1 to 3000 ■ Proportional gain for model position controller. Set within the range of 15 to 315 (1/s) when operating with Model following vibration ◆…
  • Page 162
    5.Operation Group 4 Gain switching control/ Vibration suppressor frequency switching settings Group4 “Gain switching control/ vibration suppressor frequency switching settings” ■ Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Model Control Gain 2 [KM2] 1 to 3000 Model Control Gain 3 Setting range Unit Standard value [KM3]…
  • Page 163
    5.Operation Group 4 Gain switching control/ Vibration suppressor frequency switching settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Velocity Loop Integral Time Constant 2 [TVI2] 0.3 to 1000.0 20.0 Velocity Loop Integral Time Constant 3 Setting range Unit Standard value [TVI3] 0.3 to 1000.0 20.0 Velocity Loop Integral Time Constant 4…
  • Page 164
    5.Operation Group 4 Gain switching control/ Vibration suppressor frequency switching settings Contents Gain Switching Filter Setting range Unit Standard value [GCFIL] 0 to 100 ■ Low-pass filter to change gain moderately when switching. Sets time constant. When the mechanical system is shocked by the change of gain resulted from gain ◆…
  • Page 165
    5.Operation Group 5 High setting control settings Group5 “High setting control settings” ■ Contents Command Velocity Low-pass Filter Setting range Unit Standard value [CVFIL] 1 to 4000 1000 ■ First low-pass filter to eliminate high frequency elements such as ripples included in the velocity (command velocity) calculated from position command pulse inside high setting control.
  • Page 166
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Group8 “Control system settings” ■ Contents Position, Velocity, Torque Command Input Polarity Setting range Unit Standard value [CMDPOL] 00 to 07 00:PC+_VC+_TC+ ■ Select the combination of each command polarity for position command pulse, Analog velocity command and Analog torque command input from the list below.
  • Page 167
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Analog Velocity, Torque Command Input Dead Band Setting range Unit Standard value Width [VC/TC-DW] 0.0 to 6553.5 ■ Sets voltage of dead band of Analog velocity command input and Analog torque command input. Command voltage is considered as 0V within the dead band setting range in servo ◆…
  • Page 168
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Position Command Pulse Count Polarity Setting range Unit Standard value [PCPPOL] 00 to 03 00:Type1 Control power a reactivation after setting. ■ Select the Position Command Pulse Count Polarity from the list below: Select according to host equipment.
  • Page 169
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Electronic Gear 1 Numerator Setting range Unit Standard value [B-GER1] 1 to 2097152 Electronic Gear 1 Denominator Setting range Unit Standard value [A-GER1] 1 to 2097152 Electronic Gear 2 Numerator Setting range Unit Standard value [B-GER2] 1 to 2097152…
  • Page 170
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings ■ Example 2. When the encoder resolution is changed by the motor exchange. To change a servo motor with 2000[P/R] pulse encoder,to a servo motor with 8576[P/R] serial encoder without changing upper controller position resolution. Use the calculation formula below and calculate Electronic gear numerator and denominator.
  • Page 171
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Positioning Methods Setting range Unit Standard value [EDGEPOS] 00 to 01 00:Pulse_Interval Control power a reactivation after setting. ■ Select the Encoder pulse positioning. Positioning accuracy is improved by selecting Edge positioning when the encoder ◆…
  • Page 172
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Deviation Clear Selection Setting range Unit Standard value [CLR] 00 to 03 00:Type1 ■ Sets ON/OFF of position deviation clear during servo OFF, and deviation clear signal treatment. Selects operation during servo OFF. Deviation clear/ Deviation NOT clear ◆…
  • Page 173
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Preset Velocity Command 1 [VC1] 0 to 32767 Preset Velocity Command 2 Setting range Unit Standard value [VC1] 0 to 32767 Preset Velocity Command 3 Setting range Unit Standard value [VC3] 0 to 32767…
  • Page 174
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings ■ Examples of setting and operation pattern at Preset Velocity Command Operation VC1 Preset Velocity Command 1 500 [min VC1 Preset Velocity Command 2 1000 [min VC1 Preset Velocity Command 3 1500 [min VC1 Preset Velocity Command 4 2000 [min VC1 Preset Velocity Command 5 2500 [min…
  • Page 175
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Velocity Compensation Command Input Selection Setting range Unit Standard value [VCOMSEL] 01 to 02 02:V-COMP ■ Select Velocity compensation command input. Selection Contents Analog velocity compensation command value is used when velocity Analog_Input compensation function is valid.
  • Page 176
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings ■ About Velocity Compensation Function Velocity Compensation Function is a Feed forward function for the Velocity control system. There are two settings for the Velocity compensation command input function: Preset velocity compensation command and Analog velocity compensation command. Use Preset velocity compensation command to keep the Velocity compensation command fixed.
  • Page 177
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Velocity Command Acceleration Time Constant [TVCACC] 0 to 16000 Velocity Command Deceleration Time Constant Setting range Unit Standard value [TVCDEC] 0 to 16000 ■ Parameters to restrict Acceleration and Deceleration commands of the Analog velocity command input, Preset velocity command, Analog velocity compensation input, Preset compensation, and JOG operation: Acceleration: 0 min…
  • Page 178
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Torque Compensation Command Setting range Unit Standard value Input Selection 01 to 02 02:T-COMP [TCOMSEL] ■ Select Torque compensation command input from the list below: Selection Contents When Torque compensation function in valid, Analog torque Analog_Input compensation command value is used.
  • Page 179
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings ■ About Torque Compensation Function: The Torque Compensation Function is a feed forward function for the Torque control system. There are two settings for Torque compensation command input function: Preset torque compensation command and Analog torque compensation command. Use preset Torque compensation command at a fixed Torque compensation command value.
  • Page 180
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Forward Direction Internal Torque Limit Value [TCLM-F] 10.0 to 500.0 100.0 Reverse Direction Internal Torque Limit Value Setting range Unit Standard value [TCLM-R] 10.0 to 500.0 100.0 ■ Limits the Torque output at the setting value when Preset torque limit value is valid. Limits the torque by the ratio for the torque rating (100.0%= torque rating) ◆…
  • Page 181
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings To use External torque limit ◆  Input External analog voltage from CN1 to restrict forward and reverse rotation torque. ✔ Forward side torque limit input (F-TLA): CN1-18 input voltage range -10V to +10V ✔…
  • Page 182
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Input the voltage corresponding to the Torque limit. ◆ Torque Torque 0V 0.2V +2.0V 0V -0.2V -2.0V Voltage setting Voltage setting value value  Enables the Torque limit function Group Symbol Contents Torque Limit Function …
  • Page 183
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Torque Attainment select Setting range Unit Standard value [TASEL] 00 to 01 ■ To select a setting rate type of attaining torque Selection Contents To set percentage of Rated torque TA/TR (Rated torque is 100%) To set percentage of Torque limit value TA/TCLM Torque Attainment Setting…
  • Page 184
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Amount t of torque limit value restoration when Setting range Unit Standard value power restored 0.0 to 500.0 10.0 [TLMREST] ■ Sets the amount of restoration per 1ms when power restored from power supply drop, which can cancel torque limit value at power drop.
  • Page 185
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Position command pulse after position directive smoothing Near range = 500Pulse In-Position Window = 100Pulse Position deviation monitor NEAR INPZ INPZ is a state signal turned on when the position directive pulse after position directive ◆…
  • Page 186
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Speed Zero Range Setting range Unit Standard value [ZV] 50 to 500 ■ Setting value for detecting Zero-speed status (motor stop). When the speed becomes lower than this value, Zero-speed status is out. ◆…
  • Page 187
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings Contents Speed Matching Unit Selection Setting range Unit Standard value [VCMPUS] 00 to 01 ■ Selects Speed Matching Unit setting method. Selection Contents Sets by unit[min Uses the setting value of ID46 [VCMP] Speed Matching Range Sets the ratio to velocity command by [%] unit Percent Uses the setting value of ID47 [VCMPR] Speed Matching Range…
  • Page 188
    5.Operation Group 8 control system settings ■ By combining with Group9, Condition Settings for Enabling Functions, the functions of Group9 are valid for ID42 to ID47. Selection Contents Function is valid while in low speed status (speed is lower LOWV_IN than the LOWV Setting Value) Function is valid while not in low speed status (speed is LOWV_OUT…
  • Page 189
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings Group9 “Functions enabling condition settings” ■ Functions- Setting Contents Standard value enabled range input time Positive Over Travel Function [F-OT] 00 to 27 OD:CONT6_OFF 20ms Negative Over Travel Function [R-OT] 00 to 27 OB:CONT5_OFF 20ms Alarm Reset Function [AL-RST]…
  • Page 190
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings Group9 List of selection contents ■ Keeping the function always valid or invalid Selection Contents Always_Disable Function is always invalid Always_Enable Function is always valid ■ Using function with the generic input signals Selection Contents CONT1_ON…
  • Page 191
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings ■ Activating the functions using the positioning signals Selection Contents NEAR_IN Function is valid while in Near status NEAR_OUT Function is valid while not in Near status Function is valid while in In-Position status INP_IN (position deviation <…
  • Page 192
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings Description Forward Over-Travel Function [F-OT] Reverse Over-Travel Function [R-OT] ■ The over travel function uses limit switch to prevent damage to the unit. This function forcedly stops the unit when the movement range of the moving part is exceeded. ◆…
  • Page 193
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings Description Alarm reset function [AL-RST] ■ This function enables inputting alarm reset signal from host equipment. Alarm is cleared by enabling alarm reset function (AL-RST). ◆ Allocating conditions to enable alarm reset function. When AL-RST signal enabled, this function clears alarms.
  • Page 194
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings Description Control mode switching function [MS] ■ 2 types of control mode can be switched and used. The control mode to be combined is selected by system parameter and can be switched with control mode switch over function.
  • Page 195
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings Description FF vibration suppression frequency selecting input 1 [SUPFSEL1] FF vibration suppression frequency selecting input 2 [SUPFSEL2] ■ 4 types of FF vibration suppression frequency can be used by switching them. Allocating conditions to enable FF vibration suppression frequency selecting input. You can ◆…
  • Page 196
    5.Operation Group A General output terminal output condition / Monitor output selection/ Serial communication settings Description Velocity loop proportional control switching function [VLPCON] ■ You can switch between velocity loop PI control and P control Enabling velocity loop proportional control switching function (VLPCON)enables swathing. ◆…
  • Page 197
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings GroupA “General output terminal output condition/ Monitor output selection/ Serial ■ communication settings” Contents Setting range Unit Standard value General Purpose Output 1 [OUT1] 00 to 5F 18:INP_ON General Purpose Output 2 [OUT2] 00 to 5F 0C:TLC_ON General Purpose Output 3 [OUT3]…
  • Page 198
    5.Operation Group A General output terminal output condition / Monitor output selection/ Serial communication settings When Positioning signal is to be output ◆ While In-Position Status 18:INP_ON 19:INP_OFF While Near Range Status 1A:NEAR_ON 1B:NEAR_OFF While In-Position with Position 5A:INPZ_ON 5B:INPZ_OFF Command 0 Status When Warning signal is to be output ◆…
  • Page 199
    5.Operation Group A General output terminal output condition / Monitor output selection/ Serial communication settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Analog Monitor Select Output 1 [MON1] 00 to 1C 05:VMON_2mV/min Analog Monitor Select Output 2 [MON2] 00 to 1C 02:TCMON_2V/TR ■…
  • Page 200
    5.Operation Group A General output terminal output condition / Monitor output selection/ Serial communication settings Contents Analog Monitor Output Polarity Setting range Unit Standard value [MONPOL] 00 to 08 00:MON1+_MON2+ ■ Select Output polarity of Analog monitor output, MON1and MON2 For both MON1 and MON2, set from any of the followings: ◆…
  • Page 201
    5.Operation Group A General output terminal output condition / Monitor output selection/ Serial communication settings Contents Serial Communication Axis Number Setting range Unit Standard value [COMAXIS] 01 to 0F 01:#1 Control power reactivation after setting ■ Select Axis number from below for Serial communication (RS-232C/RS-422A) with PC or upper controller: As this number identifies each servo amplifier, assign the different number so that the ◆…
  • Page 202
    5.Operation Group B sequence/Alarm related settings GroupB “Sequence/Alarm related settings” ■ Contents Setting range Unit Standard value JOG Velocity Command [JOGVC] 0 to 32767 ■ Set velocity command value for JOG operation. This value is set as initial setting value for JOG Velocity Command for setup software. ◆…
  • Page 203
    5.Operation Group B sequence/Alarm related settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Over-Travel Action [ACTOT] 00 to 06 00:CMDINH_SB_SON ■ Select operations at over-travel action Selection Contents When in Over-travel action, Command input is invalid and servo brake stops servo motor. CMDINH_SB_SON After servo motor stops, servo is ON.
  • Page 204
    5.Operation Group B sequence/Alarm related settings Contents Delay Time of Engaging Holding Brake Setting range Unit Standard value (Holding Brake Holding Delay time) 0 to 1000 [BONDLY] ■ Sets holding-brake-activation delay time from when power distribution to holding brake stopped till when holding torque generated.
  • Page 205
    5.Operation Group B sequence/Alarm related settings ■ About Holding Brake Holding brake  Servo motor with Holding brake function is usually used with an axis that is always affected by gravity and external forces in order to avoid movable parts falling off from its position when main circuit power is OFF, or servo OFF.
  • Page 206
    5.Operation Group B sequence/Alarm related settings Contents Power Failure Detection Delay Time Setting range Unit Standard value [PFDDLY] 20 to 1000 Control power reactivation after setting ■ Sets the delay time from Control power OFF to Control power error detection. The larger value makes the detection of Instantaneous stop slower.
  • Page 207
    5.Operation Group C Encoder related settings GroupC “Encoder related settings” ■ Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Motor Pulse Encoder Digital Filter [ENFIL] 00 to 07 01:220nsec ■ This parameter is settable only when using pulse encoder. Sets Digital filter to motor Pulse encoder. Pulse lower than the set value is eliminated as noise when noise superposition occurs in encoder signals.
  • Page 208
    5.Operation Group C Encoder related settings Contents External Pulse Encoder Polarity Selection Setting range Unit Standard value [EX-ENPOL] 00 to 07 00:Type1 Control power reactivation after setting ■ This parameter is settable only when using fully closed control function. Select External pulse encoder signal polarity. ◆…
  • Page 209
    5.Operation Group C Encoder related settings Contents Setting range Unit Standard value Encoder Output Pulse Division 1/1 to 1/64 [ENRAT] 2/3 to 2/64 1/32768 to 32767/32768 ■ Sets ratio of Encoder output pulse division. When the numerator of the dividing ratio is 1, setting range of the denominator is 1 (not ◆…
  • Page 210
    5.Operation Group C Encoder related settings Contents Encoder Output Pulse Divide Resolution Selection Setting range Unit Standard value [PULOUTRES] 00 to 01 00:32768P/R Control power reactivation after setting ■ This parameter is settable only when using serial encoder. Sets resolution of Encoder output pulse divide. ◆…
  • Page 211
    5.Operation Group 9 Function enabling condition settings 5.10 Control block diagram Auto-tuning Without using Model control Position command pulse TUNMODE ATRES frequency monitor 1 [G0-00] [G0-02] PMOD [Feed forward control] ATCHA ATSAVE [G8-10] Position [G0-01] [G0-03] FFFIL command FFGN PCPPOL [G1-06] pulse [G1-05]…
  • Page 212
    5.Operation Control block diagram/ using model control Position command Position command pulse frequency pulse frequency [Feed forward control] monitor 2 Using model following control monitor 1 Analog monitor FFGN FFFIL [G1-05] [G1-06] FF Vibration suppressor TRCPGN Auto-tuning control PMOD [G1-04] TLSEL [G8-10] SUPFRQ1…
  • Page 213
    5.Operation Control block diagram/ model following vibration suppression control [Feed forward control] Position command Position command Using Model following vibration suppressor control pulse frequency pulse frequency FFGN FFFIL monitor 1 monitor 2 [G1-05] [G1-06] FF Vibration (Analog monitor) [Machine model] suppressor [Used when adjustment] control…
  • Page 214
    5.Operation SEMI F47 Supporting function 5.11 SEMI F47 supporting function This function limits motor current when it detects voltage sag warning due to instantaneous power failure (when voltage dropped to 135~152VAC). This function is provided to support acquiring “SEMI F47 Standard” that is requisite for semiconductor equipments.
  • Page 215
    6. Adjustments Servo tuning functions and basic adjustment procedure······················································································ 6-1 Servo tuning functions ······································································································································ 6-1 Tuning method selection procedure ················································································································· 6-2 Automatic tuning ·················································································································································· 6-3 Use the following parameters for automatic tuning··························································································· 6-3 Automatically adjusted parameters in auto-tuning ···························································································· 6-6 Adjustable parameters during auto-tuning ········································································································…
  • Page 216: Servo Tuning Functions And Basic Adjustment Procedure

    6.Adjustments Selection of tuning method Servo tuning functions and basic adjustment procedure To operate the servo motor (and machine) using the servo amplifier, adjustments of the servo gain and its control system is necessary. Generally, the higher setting value of the servo gain increases the machine response.

  • Page 217: Tuning Method Selection Procedure

    6.Adjustments Selection of tuning method Model following control ■ Model following control is a control method that ensures a higher detection response by composing a model control system including the mechanical system in a servo amplifier to operate the actual servo motor in order to follow the model control system. Model following control ◆…

  • Page 218: Automatic Tuning

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning Automatic tuning 1) Use the following parameters for automatic tuning Explanation of Automatic tuning functions Use the following parameters for Automatic tuning” ■ (For explanation of parameters, see following pages) ◆ Group0 ID00 [Tuning Mode] 00:_AutoTun Automatic Tuning 01:_AutoTun_JRAT-Fix Automatic Tuning [JRAT manual setting] 02:_ManualTun…

  • Page 219
    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning Contents Auto-Tuning Characteristic [ATCHA] ■ Auto-Tuning Characteristic to fit the mechanical requirements and movements are provided. Parameters that can be adjusted vary depending on each auto-tuning characteristic. Set the parameters based on the situation. ■ [Positioning control (Positioning)] Positioning control is a control method used to reach the servo motor quickly to target a position from the present position by disregarding the trajectory between the positions.
  • Page 220
    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning Auto-Tuning Characteristic [ATCHA] Selection Meaning Positioning 4 Positioning control 4(High Response, Horizontal Axis Limited) Select this mode when the machine movement is on a horizontal axis and receives no ◆ disturbing influence from external sources. Positioning time may be shortened compared to “Positioning Control 2”. ◆…
  • Page 221: Automatically Adjusted Parameters In Auto-Tuning

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning 2) Automatically adjusted parameters in auto-tuning The following parameters are automatically adjusted at the time of auto-tuning. These parameters will not reflect on motor movements by changing or overriding those values. However, some of them can be adjusted manually depending on selected [Tuning Mode] and [Auto-Tuning Characteristic]. General parameters Group1 [Basic control parameter settings] ■…

  • Page 222: Unstable Functions During Auto-Tuning

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning General parameters Group4 [Gain switching control/Vibration suppression frequency switching ■ settings] Symbol Name SUPFRQ2 FF Vibration Suppression Frequency 2 SUPFRQ3 FF Vibration Suppression Frequency 3 SUPFRQ4 FF Vibration Suppression Frequency 4 General parameters Group5 [High setting control setting] ■…

  • Page 223: Auto-Tuning Characteristic Selection Flowchart

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning 5) Auto-tuning characteristic selection flowchart Start tuning Set tuning mode 00:_AutoTun Automatic Tuning Can Automatic estimate JRAT? Change tuning mode to 01:_AutoTun_JRAT-Fix Automatic Tuning [JRAT Manual Setting] Set JRAT1 Are there any problems with response or setting time? Match the characteristics between the axes? Use trajectory control?…

  • Page 224: Adjustment Method For Auto-Tuning

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning 6) Adjustment method for auto-tuning Auto-tuning is a function where the servo amplifier automatically tunes to the best servo gain in real time. ■ Set “tuning mode” to “00:_AutoTun automatic tuning” to estimate load inertia moment ratio by servo amplifier on a real-time basis, and then automatically adjust servo gain.

  • Page 225: Monitoring Servo Gain Adjustment Parameters

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning 7) Monitoring servo gain adjustment parameters Parameters automatically adjusted when using auto-tuning can be monitored with Digital Operator, setup software. Refer to [Digital operator (7)] for use of Digital Operator. Symbol Name Unit JRAT MON Load Inertia Moment Ratio monitor KP MON Position Loop Proportional Gain monitor KVP MON…

  • Page 226: Automatic Tuning Of Notch Filter

    6.Adjustments Automatic tuning of notch filter Automatic tuning of notch filter Automatic notch filter can suppress high frequency resonance resulting from coupling and rigidity from the device mechanism. With short periods of operation of servo amplifier and servo motor, the mechanical resonance frequency can be found easily.

  • Page 227: Automatic Tuning Of Ff Vibration Suppression Frequency

    6.Adjustments Automatic FF vibration suppression frequency tuning Automatic tuning of FF vibration suppression frequency Set FF vibration suppression frequency to suppress low frequency vibration at the tip or body of the machine. Automatic tuning of FF Vibration suppression frequency simply enables the frequency tune in minimal motion cycle time between the servo amplifier and the servo motor.

  • Page 228: Using Manual Tuning

    6.Adjustments Manual tuning Using manual tuning All gain is adjustable manually using manual tuning mode when characteristics in auto-tuning are insufficient. Sets tuning mode to “manual tuning.” General parameters Group0 ID00 [Tuning Mode] ■ 02:_ManualTun Manual Tuning 1) Servo system configuration and servo adjustment parameters The servo system consists of three (3) subsystems: Position loop, Velocity loop and Current loop.

  • Page 229
    6.Adjustments Manual tuning Feed Forward Gain (FFGN) ■ The tracking effect of position command can be improved by increasing this gain. Under positioning control, set this to approximately 30-40% as the standard. When Higher Tracking Control Position Compensation Gain is set to other than 0%, this parameter is ✔…
  • Page 230: Basic Manual Tuning Method For Velocity Control

    6.Adjustments Manual tuning 2) Basic manual tuning method for velocity control Set value of Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (KVP1) as high as possible within the range that ■ mechanical system can stably work without any vibration or oscillation. If vibration increases, lower the value.

  • Page 231: Model Following Control

    6.Adjustments Model following control Model following control Model following control is a method used to obtain a higher response. Model control systems include mechanical devices in a servo amplifier and run a servo motor in order to track the Model control system.

  • Page 232: Manual Tuning Method For Model Following Control

    6.Adjustments Model following control 2) Manual tuning method for model following control Set value of Velocity Loop Proportional Gain (KVP1) as high a value as possible within the ■ range that mechanical system stably works without any vibration or oscillation. If vibration occurs, lower the value.

  • Page 233: Tuning To Suppress Vibration

    6.Adjustments FF vibration suppression control/model following vibration suppression control Tuning to suppress vibration 1) FF vibration suppression control FF vibration suppression control can be used as a method of suppressing the vibration of the mechanical tip. ■ Adjust this gain by using the same basic tuning procedures from Position control. When vibration rises on the machine tip during operation, use [Auto-FF vibration suppression ■…

  • Page 234
    6.Adjustments Model following vibration suppression control Adjustable parameters in Model following vibration suppression control ■ ◆ General parameters Group3 [Model following control settings] Symbol Name Unit Setting range Model Control Gain1 15 to 315 OSSFIL Overshoot Suppression Filter 1 to 4000 ANRFRQ1 Model Control Antiresonance Frequency 1 10.0 to 80.0…
  • Page 235: Tuning Methods

    6.Adjustments Model following vibration suppression control 3) Tuning methods First, select “01: _Model_1 model following control” from “ID0A: position control selection” of ■ system parameters, and then perform auto-tuning with “model following control” to adjust the machine to optimum servo gain. Refer to Auto-tuning method for model following control for instructions on tuning.

  • Page 236: Using Disturbance Observer Function

    6.Adjustments Disturbance observer Using disturbance observer function The servo motor speed will fluctuate when an external force is applied to the operating machine, and it may affect the machine operation. The Disturbance Observer is a function to suppress the influence of external load torque by estimating the load torque inside the servo amplifier and adding the load torque compensation to the torque command.

  • Page 237
    7. Digital Operator Digital Operator names and functions ·················································································································· 7-1 Modes ·································································································································································· 7-1 Changing modes ·············································································································································· 7-1 Mode contents ·················································································································································· 7-2 Setting and display range····································································································································· 7-3 Status display mode ············································································································································· 7-4 Servo amplifier status display ··························································································································· 7-4 Over-travel status display ································································································································· 7-4 Status display of battery warning, regenerative overload warning, and overload warning································…
  • Page 238: Digital Operator

    7.Digital Operator Names and functions Digital Operator names and functions It is possible to change or set the parameters and to confirm the status display, monitor display, test operation and alarm history with the built-in digital operator. ■ Names Displays 5-digit, 7-segment LED Cursor movement, decision, and writing Key MODE…

  • Page 239: Mode Contents

    7.Digital Operator Mode contents 2) Mode contents Mode Contents Status Display ■ Displays the establishment of control or main power supply, Servo ON, over-travel, warning and alarm status. Basic parameter ■ Parameters necessary for test operations by JOG and auto-tuning. Can be set at general parameter mode.

  • Page 240: Setting And Display Range

    7.Digital Operator Setting and display range Setting and display range Digital operator displays data becomes the following form. ■ Data of 0 to +65535 Symbol Digital operator display Range of a digit display Plus Position of 1 display 0 to 9 Plus Position of 10 display 10 to 99…

  • Page 241: Status Display Mode

    7.Digital Operator Status display mode Status display mode In this mode, the state of servo amplifier and the display of the alarm number when alarm occurring can be checked. In addition to these, reset of alarm, the software version check of servo amplifier, and setup of a password can be performed at the time of an alarm number display.

  • Page 242: Alarm Reset When Alarm Activated

    7.Digital Operator Status display mode 5) Alarm reset when alarm activated Alarm can be reset from the digital operator. However, the alarm that needs to perform power supply reset cannot be reset from the digital operator. About the alarm that performs power supply reset, can check by [Warning and Alarm List (8-3)] Displayed Input…

  • Page 243: How To Check Information 1, Information 2 (Servo Amplifier Information), And Information 3 (Motor Code)

    7.Digital Operator Status display mode 7) How to check Information 1, Information 2 (servo amplifier information), and Information 3 (Motor Code) Displayed Input Step character, How to operate button number, code Make the state of servo amplifier, or the state where alarm is displayed.

  • Page 244: How To Set Pass Ward

    7.Digital Operator Status display mode 8) How to set pass ward The function that can be used by setting up a password from digital operator can be restricted, and change of a parameter etc. can be forbidden. The function and the setting method can be used is the following.

  • Page 245: Editing Parameters

    7.Digital Operator Parameter edition Editing parameters The parameter inside servo amplifier can be changed into a setup put together with equipment and the machine of usage in fundamental parameter edit mode, general parameter edit mode, and system-parameter edit mode. Here, the setting method is explained to an example for fundamental parameter edit mode. 1) Basic parameters, editing system parameters Displayed Input…

  • Page 246: Editing General Parameters

    7.Digital Operator Parameter edition 2) Editing general parameters Editing method of general parameters other than Group C ID04 “Encoder Output Pulse Division” For example, method to change Group9 ID01 “Negative Over Travel Function ”from “0B” to ”00“ is as follows. Letters, numerical Input values, and codes…

  • Page 247
    7.Digital Operator Parameter edition “GrC.04” is displayed. Hold down WR for over a second. MODE “Gr nu” is displayed. Hold down WR for over a second. Display to be switched, and then rightmost LED flashes. The set data are displayed. The display left shows “1” as nu is set first.
  • Page 248: How To Tune Automatic Notch Frequency

    7.Digital Operator How to tune automatic notch frequency How to tune automatic notch frequency Displayed character, Input Step How to operate number, code button MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 249: How To Tune Automatic Ff Vibration Suppression Frequency

    7.Digital Operator How to tune automatic FF vibration suppression frequency How to tune automatic FF vibration suppression frequency Displayed Input Step character, number, How to operate button code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 250: Offset Adjustment Of Velocity/ Torque Command

    7.Digital Operator Velocity/ torque command offset Offset adjustment of velocity/ torque command ■ Method of auto offset Displayed Input Step character, number, How to operate button code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 251: Offset Adjustment Of Analog Torque Compensation Command

    7.Digital Operator Analog torque compensation command offset Offset adjustment of analog torque compensation command ■ Method of auto offset Displayed Input Step character, How to operate button number, code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 252: Velocity-Controlled Jog Operation

    7.Digital Operator Velocity-controlled JOG Operation 7.10 Velocity-controlled JOG Operation Displayed Input Step character, How to operate button number, code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 253: Encoder Clear

    7.Digital Operator Encoder clear, automatic tuning result writing 7.11 Encoder clear Displayed Input Step character, How to operate button number, code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 254: Automatic Setting Of Motor Parameter

    7.Digital Operator Automatic setting motor parameter, alarm history display 7.13 Automatic setting of motor parameter Displayed Input Step character, How to operate button number, code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Make as the left display with addition and subtraction and the cursor button.

  • Page 255: How To Clear Alarm History

    7.Digital Operator Alarm history clear, monitor display 7.15 How to clear alarm history Displayed Input Step character, How to operate button number, code MODE Push MODE until it displays the left. Display changes and right end LED blinks. Display the left with the addition-and-subtraction button. Push WR for more than 1 second.

  • Page 256: Fixed Monitor Display

    7.Digital Operator Fixed monitor display, setting motor code of servo amplifier to be used 7.17 Fixed monitor display The display shows monitoring value in a second after powering up. It shows monitoring value set at [Group A ID30: Monitor Display Selection [MONDISP]] in status display mode.

  • Page 257
    8. Maintenance Trouble shooting ···················································································································································· 8-1 List of warning and alarm ······································································································································· 8-3 1) Warning List ··························································································································································· 8-3 2) Alarm List ······························································································································································· 8-4 Trouble shooting when alarm activated·················································································································· 8-7 1) Alarm display·························································································································································· 8-7 2) Corrective action for alarm ····································································································································· 8-7 Encoder clear and alarm reset ·····························································································································…
  • Page 258: Maintenance

    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting Trouble shooting When troubles occurred without any alarm displayed, check and take corrective actions for them by referring to the description below. When alarm occurs, take corrective measures referring to “Trouble Shooting When Alarm Occurs “. “≡“ does not blink in 7-segment LED even if main power is ON. ■…

  • Page 259
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting Servo motor rotates only once, and stops. ■ Investigation Assumed causes and corrective actions Check motor power line. ■ The servo motor power line is not connected. Check a setup of a combination motor. ■ Change the settings and turn ON the power again. Check a setup of encoder resolution.
  • Page 260: List Of Warning And Alarm

    8.Wiring List of warning and alarm List of warning and alarm Names and contents of warning/ alarm, and the stop operations when detected, and alarm-reset methods are listed below. 1) Warning List Warning Title Warning Contents ■ When the effective torque exceeds the Overload Warning Overload Warning Level Load system…

  • Page 261: Alarm List

    8.Maintenance Alarm list 2) Alarm List Operation at detecting: “DB “ performs the slowdown stop of the servo motor in dynamic brake operation when the alarm generating. Operation at detecting: “SB “ performs the slowdown stop of the servo motor with sequence current limiting value. When dynamic brake is selected by Emergency Stop Operation selection, the servo motor is decelerating stopped for the dynamic brake operation regardless of the operation when detecting it.

  • Page 262
    8.Maintenance Alarm list Alarm code Detection Alarm 3 bits output PY compatible code Alarm name Alarm contents Display Operations Clear Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 ALM8 ALM4 ALM2 ALM1 ■ Pulse encoder (A, B, Z) signal line break “ “ Encoder Connector 1 Disconnection ■…
  • Page 263
    8.Maintenance Alarm list Alarm code Detection Alarm 3 bits output PY compatible code Alarm name Alarm contents Display Operations Clear Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 ALM8 ALM4 ALM2 ALM1 ■ Motor rotation speed is 120 % more than the highest Over-speed speed limit ■…
  • Page 264: Trouble Shooting When Alarm Activated

    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Trouble shooting when alarm activated 1) Alarm display When an alarm occurs, the display shows the alarm code and the status code of the servo amplifier. Display Description Take appropriate action based on 2) Corrective action for alarm. Status code of the servo amplifier Alarm code Code…

  • Page 265
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm occurs Alarm code 22 (Current Detection Error 0) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when servo is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■ Defect in internal circuit of servo ■…
  • Page 266
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm occurs Alarm code 26 (Safe Torque Off error 2) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Occurred when control power is turned on. ✔ ✔ Occurred during the operation. ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 267
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated ■ Alarm code 42 (Overload 2) Cause Status at the time of alarm ✔ ✔ ✔ Issued at input of servo ON. After command input, issued without rotating the servo motor. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔…
  • Page 268
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated ■ Alarm code 43 (Regenerative Overload) Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ Issued when power supply of main circuit is turned ON. ✔ ✔ ✔…
  • Page 269
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated ■ Alarm code 51 (Amplifier Overheat) Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ ✔ ✔ Issued during operation. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Issued after emergency stop. ✔…
  • Page 270
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code 53 (Dynamic Brake Resistor Overheat) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ Issued during operation. ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 271
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm occurs Alarm Code 55 (External Error) ■ When host device or thermal output signal of external regenerative resistor are not connected Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔…
  • Page 272
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code 56 (Main Circuit Power Device Overheat) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when control power is turned ON. ✔ ✔ ✔ Issued at servo input. ✔ ✔ ✔ Issued while starting and stopping the servo motor. ✔…
  • Page 273
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code 62 (Main Circuit Under-voltage) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Issued after power supply of main circuit is turned ON. ✔…
  • Page 274
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code 71 (Control Power Supply Under-voltage) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Issued during operation. ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 275
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code 81 (Encoder Connector Disconnection 1) ■ ■ Alarm Code 83 (Encoder Connector Disconnection 2) Alarm Code 87 (CS Signal Disconnection) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔…
  • Page 276
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code 85 (Encoder Initial Process Error) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 277
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code A1 (Serial Encoder Internal Error 1) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Issued during operation. ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 278
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code A3 (Serial Encoder Internal Error 3) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when power supply control is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Issued while stopping the servo motor. ✔ ✔ Issued while rotating the servo motor.
  • Page 279
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code A9 (Serial Encoder Internal Error 9) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when control power supply is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Issued while stopping the servo motor. ✔ ✔ Issued while rotating the servo motor.
  • Page 280
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code C2 (Velocity Control Error) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued while due to input of Servo ON. ✔ ✔ Issued if command is entered. ✔ ✔ ✔ Issued while starting and stopping the servo motor. ✔…
  • Page 281
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code C5 (Model Tracking Vibration Suppression, Control Error) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued after entering position command pulse. ✔ ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 282
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code D2 (Faulty Position Command Pulse Frequency 1) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued after entering position command pulse. ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■ Decrease the frequency of the command ■…
  • Page 283
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code E1 (EEPROM Error) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued during display key operation or set up software operation. ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■ Defect in internal circuit of servo ■…
  • Page 284
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code E5 (System Parameter Error 1) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued when control power supply is turned ON. ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■ Selected value is outside the ■…
  • Page 285
    8.Maintenance Trouble shooting when alarm activated Alarm Code EE (Motor Parameter Automatic Setting Error 1) ■ Cause Status at the time of alarm Issued after motor parameter automatic setting functional execution. ✔ ✔ ✔ Corrective actions ◆ Cause Investigation and corrective actions ■…
  • Page 286: Encoder Clear And Alarm Reset

    8.Maintenance Encoder-clear and alarm-reset Encoder clear and alarm reset Procedure of “encoder clear and alarm reset method“ varies depending on motor encoder you use. Perform “encoder clear and alarm reset“ for motor encoder you use by referring to “2) Alarm code activated.“…

  • Page 287
    8.Maintenance Encoder-clear and alarm-reset Alarm Code A4 (Serial Encoder Internal Error 4) ■ The “Motor encoder“ and the “Encoder clear and Alarm reset “ method in use. ◆ Type Method PA035S “Alarm reset “ after “Encoder clear “ PA035C Or “Turn on the control power again “ RA035C Alarm Code A5 (Serial Encoder Internal Error 5) ■…
  • Page 288: Inspection

    8.Maintenance Inspection Inspection For maintenance purposes, a daily inspection is typically sufficient. Upon inspection, refer to the following description. Inspection Inspection Testing conditions Solution if abnormal Inspection Items Methods location During While Time operation stopping Check for Daily ✔ Vibration excessive vibration.

  • Page 289: Service Parts

    3.6 V during inspection, replace it with new one. ■ SANYO DENKI-overhauled servo amplifier is shipped with the same parameters as the ones before overhauling, however, be sure to confirm the parameters before use. 8-32…

  • Page 290: Replacing Battery For Motor Encoder

    8.Maintenance Service parts 2) Replacing battery for motor encoder Process Description Turn ON the servo amplifier control power supply. Prepare the replacement lithium battery. [Our model number: AL-00697958-01] Open the battery case. Remove the battery connector. Take out the used lithium battery and put in the new replacement one. Attach the connector in the right direction.

  • Page 291
    9. Fully closed control Illustration of system configuration ······················································································································· 9-1 Internal block diagram·········································································································································· 9-4 Wiring··································································································································································· 9-6 Signal names and pin numbers of EN1 and EN2 ····························································································· 9-6 Connector layout of EN1 and EN2 ··················································································································· 9-8 Fully closed control related parameters ··············································································································· 9-9 System parameters settings ·····························································································································…
  • Page 292: Fully Closed Control

    9.Fully closed control System configuration Illustration of system configuration  RS2□01/RS2□03/RS2□05 T S R SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) Used to protect power line. Turns off the power supply when [Setup software] overcurrent runs. Enables parameter setting and monitoring through communication with a PC.

  • Page 293
    T S R Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) Used to protect power line. [Setup software] Turns off the power supply when Enables parameter SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL overcurrent runs. setting and monitoring through communication with a PC. Noise filter Installed to protect power line from external noise.
  • Page 294
    Turns off the power supply when overcurrent runs. [Noise filter] Installed to protect power line [Setup software] from external noise. Enables parameter setting and monitoring SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL through communication with a PC. [Electromagnetic contactor] Switches power On/Off. Please place safeguard RS-232C circuit.
  • Page 295: Internal Block Diagram

    9.Fully closed control Block diagram without mode control Internal block diagram Position command pulse frequency monitor 1 Auto-tuning PMOD [G8-10] [Feed forward control] Without using Model control TUNMODE ATRES [G0-00] [G0-02] Position PCPPOL [G8-11] command FFFIL FFGN ATCHA ATSAVE pulse [G1-06] [G1-05] [G0-01]…

  • Page 296
    9.Fully closed control Block diagram with model following control Position command pulse Using Model following vibration suppressor control frequency monitor Position command pulse [Feed forward control] (Analog monitor) frequency monitor 1 FFGN FFFIL [G1-05] [G1-06] [FF vibration Auto-tuning TRCPGN suppressor control] PMOD TLSEL [G1-04]…
  • Page 297: Wiring

    9.Fully closed control Wiring Wiring 1) Signal names and pin numbers of EN1 and EN2 Battery backup method absolute encoder ■ R-series Q-series Servo Servo motor Servo motor Remarks Amplifier EN1 Signal name plug pin number Description plug pin Note 1) Terminal No.

  • Page 298
    9.Fully closed control Wiring Battery-less absolute encoder ■ Q-series R-series Servo Servo Signal Servo motor Remarks Amplifier EN1 motor Description name plug pin number Note 1) Terminal No. plug pin (Specification for leads) number 9 (Red) Power supply Twisted pair 10 (Black) Power supply (Recommendation)
  • Page 299: Connector Layout Of En1 And En2

    9.Fully closed control Wiring EN2 Wiring (External pulse encoder) ■ Signal Terminal Description Note 1) name Note 3) Twisted pair Common power Twisted pair source Note 4) Note 3) Common power source Note 4) B-phase pulse Twisted pair output A-phase pulse Twisted pair output Z-phase pulse…

  • Page 300: Fully Closed Control Related Parameters

    9.Fully closed control System parameters settings Fully closed control related parameters When using by fully closed control, please set a parameter as follows. 1) System parameters settings The System parameters have the following restrictions when fully closed control is used for operation: Fully closed control becomes valid when the Control mode is in [Positions control].

  • Page 301
    9.Fully closed control Servo motor rotation direction setting 2) Rotational direction setting for the servo motor Rotation of the servo motor in Fully closed control is determined by Command polarity and External pulse encoder polarity. Contents “Group8 ID00”Position, Velocity, Torque Command Input Polarity ■…
  • Page 302
    9.Fully closed control Digital filter setting 4) Digital filter setting “GroupC ID01” External Pulse Encoder Digital Filter ■ Setting Digital filter of External pulse encoder When noise is superimposed on the External pulse encoder, the pulse below set value is removed as noise.
  • Page 303: Remarks

    9.Fully closed control Remarks Remarks 1) Input power timing for external pulse encoder Please provide the power supply for the External pulse encoder on your own. ■ Turn the power ON before or at the same time of inputting the Control power to the servo ■…

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  • Page 305
    10. Safe-Torque-Off (STO) function 10.1 Illustration of system configuration ················································································································ 10-1 10.2 Safe-Torque-Off (STO) function ······················································································································· 10-4 Outline································································································································································· 10-4 Standards conformity ·········································································································································· 10-4 Risk assessment ················································································································································· 10-5 Residual risk························································································································································ 10-5 Delay circuit························································································································································· 10-5 10.3 Wiring ································································································································································· 10-6 CN4 connector layout·········································································································································· 10-6 Connection diagram of CN4-terminals ················································································································…
  • Page 306: Safe-Torque-Off (Sto) Function

    System configuration 10.1 Illustration of system configuration ■ RS2□01/RS2□03/RS2□05 T S R [Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB)] SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL Used to protect power line. Turns off the power supply when overcurrent runs. [Setup software] Enables parameter setting and monitoring through communication with a PC.

  • Page 307
    Used to protect power line. [Setup software] Turns off the power supply when Enables parameter overcurrent runs. setting and monitoring SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL through communication with a PC. Noise filter Installed to protect power line from external noise. RS-232C…
  • Page 308
    [Noise filter] Installed to protect power line from external noise. [Setup software] Enables parameter setting and monitoring SANMOTION R ADVANCED MODEL through communication with a PC. [Electromagnetic contactor] EMG switches power On/Off. Please place safeguard circuit RS-232C…
  • Page 309: Safe-Torque-Off (Sto) Function

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Safe-Torque-Off function 10.2 Safe-Torque-Off (STO) function Safe-torque-off function reduces injury risks and ensures the safety for those who work near moving parts of equipment. This function employs 2-channel input signal to block current to servo motor. Previously we ensure machine safety by blocking current to servo amplifier with use of electromagnetic contactor.

  • Page 310: Risk Assessment

    10.Safe Torque Off Function Risk assessment 3) Risk assessment This servo amplifier unit meets the requirements of the above functional safety standards. However, before activating this safety function, make sure to assess the risks associated with the overall equipment to ensure safety. 4) Residual risk Even if this function activated, the following risks remain.

  • Page 311: Wiring

    10.Safe Torque Off Function Wiring 10.3 Wiring 1) CN4 connector layout ■ CN4 2013595-3 (soldered side) 2) Connection diagram of CN4-terminals Functions and connection circuit of each CN4-teminal are as shown below. Terminal Signal Code Description These are connecting terminals when the function is not used. Do not use these terminals.

  • Page 312: Example Of Wiring

    10.Safe Torque Off Function Examples of wiring 3) Example of wiring Example of wiring to safety switch (single servo amplifier connected) DC24V Servo amplifier HWGOFF1+ HWGOFF1- HWGOFF2+ HWGOFF2- EDM+ EDM- Example of wiring to safety unit (multiple-servo amplifier connected) Safety unit Servo amplifier HWGOF1+ HWGOFF1-…

  • Page 313: Safety Input-Off Shot Pulse For Safety Device Self-Diagnosis

    10.Safe Torque Off Function Safety input-off shot pulse for safety device self-diagnosis 4) Safety input-off shot pulse for safety device self-diagnosis When you connect safety device supplied with safety input-off shot pulse signal for self-diagnosis added to safety output signal, such as safety unit or safety sensor, use safety device whose safety input-off shot pulse signal is 1ms or less.

  • Page 314: Safe-Torque-Off Operation

    10.Safe-Torque-Off unction Safe-Torque-Off operation 10.4 Safe-Torque-Off operation 1) Safe-torque-off state When safety input 1(HWGOFF1) or safety input 2 (HWGOFF2) signal is off (as shown the table below), the state becomes safe-torque-off state. In this state, servo-ready signal is turned off, and servo-on signal reception is prohibited.

  • Page 315: Restoration From Safe-Torque-Off State

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Restoration from safe-torque-off state 2) Restoration from safe-torque-off state In the state servo-on signal is not input as described in 1), turning on safety input 1 or 2 activates SRDY state. Operation is restarted on inputting servo-on signal. (For delay circuit equipped hardware, it takes maximum 500ms to become SRDY state.) Safety input 1 Safety input 2…

  • Page 316: Safe-Torque-Off During Servo Motor Running

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Safe-Torque-Off during servo motor running 3) Safe-Torque-Off during servo motor running Stoppage behavior varies depending on forced outage operation settings (ACTEMR Group B ID12). ■ When set value is 00. (When motor stopped by servo brake) Stoppage behavior varies depending on amplifier model numbers. …

  • Page 317
    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Safe-Torque-Off during servo motor running ■ When set value is 01. (When motor stopped by dynamic brake) When safety input 1 or 2 is turned off, this setting blocks servo motor current, and then stops servo motor with dynamic brake after. Transition behavior to safe-torque-off state varies depending on amplifier model numbers.
  • Page 318: Safe Torque Off During Servo Motor Stoppage

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Safe-Torque-Off during servo motor stoppage 4) Safe Torque Off during servo motor stoppage When safety input 1 or safety input 2 is turned off, holding brake signal outputs brake-activated state,however this blocks servo motor current, so “holding brake activation delay time” becomes invalid.

  • Page 319: Deviation Clear

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Deviation clear, detecting HWGOFF signal error detection 5) Deviation clear When selecting Type3 or Type4 (not to clear deviations at servo-off state) on deviation clear selection (CLR Group8 ID19), please pay careful attention to the followings. When safe-torque-off function activated under the condition that position command is input at the time of position control, position deviation accumulates and this causes alarm (excess position deviation: alarm D1) activated.

  • Page 320: Error Detection Monitor (Edm)

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Error Detection Monitor (EDM) 10.5 Error Detection Monitor (EDM) 1) Specifications Error detection monitor (EDM) output is a signal to monitor wiring errors in safe-torque-off circuit or between safety equipment and safety input. The following table shows connections between safety input (HWGOFF1 and HWGOFF2) and error detection monitor (EDM) output.

  • Page 321: Verification Test

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Verification test 10.6 Verification test Please verify that safe-torque-off function properly works before use, at every machine start-up and servo amplifier replacement. 1) Preparation Please perform test operation prior to performing verification test to verify no problems with servo amplifier and motor installation and wiring, and with servo amplifier and motor properly operate.

  • Page 322: Safety Precautions

    10.Safe-Torque-Off function Safety precautions 10.7 Safety precautions Please thoroughly observe the following safety precautions to use Safe Torque Off functions. Incorrect use of the functions can lead to personal injury or death. Safety system with safe-torque-off function shall be designed by the person with expertise of related ✔…

  • Page 323
    11. Selection 11.1 Servo motor sizing·········································································································································· 11-1 Flowchart of servo motor sizing······················································································································ 11-1 Make an operation pattern······························································································································ 11-2 Calculate motor shaft conversion load moment of inertia (J )········································································· 11-2 Calculate motor shaft conversion load torque (T )·························································································· 11-3 Calculate acceleration torque (T ) ··················································································································…
  • Page 324: Selection

    11.Selection Servo motor sizing 11.1 Servo motor sizing It is estimated that selection of servo motor capacity computes required servo motor capacity from machine specification (composition). In addition, since the capacity selection of a servo motor can download «the capacity selection software of a servo motor» for free from our company «website», please use it here.

  • Page 325: Make An Operation Pattern

    11.Selection Servo motor sizing 2) Make an operation pattern Velocity min Time[s] ta= Acceleration time tb= Deceleration time tr= Constant velocity time ts= Stop time t=1 cycle 3) Calculate motor shaft conversion load moment of inertia (J The inertia moment of a moving part ■…

  • Page 326: Calculate Motor Shaft Conversion Load Torque (T L )

    11.Selection Servo motor sizing 4) Calculate motor shaft conversion load torque (T ■ Ball screw (in horizontal axis) (F+μW) × [N・m] × × η 2π Ball screw (in vertical axis) ■ When motor drives upward (F+(μ+1)W) × × × [N・m] η…

  • Page 327
    11.Selection Servo motor sizing Belt pulley (in vertical axis) ■ (F+(μ+1)W) × [N・m] × × η Belt pulley (in vertical axis) ■ When motor drives upward (F+ (μ+1)W) × [N・m] × × η When motor drives downward (F+(μ-1)W) × [N・m] ×…
  • Page 328: Calculate Acceleration Torque (T A )

    11.Selection Servo motor sizing 5) Calculate acceleration torque (T 2π (N ) × (J [N・m] 60×ta : Servo motor rotation velocity after acceleration [min : Servo motor rotation velocity before acceleration [min : Load inertia moment [kg・m : Rotor inertia moment of servo motor [kg・m 6) Calculate deceleration torque (T 2π…

  • Page 329: Capacity Selection Of Regenerative Resistor

    11.Selection Capacity selection of regenerative resistor 11.2 Capacity selection of regenerative resistor Calculate «regeneration effective power (PM),» and determine the capacity of the regeneration resistance to be used. Judge whether usage of an internal regenerative register machine is possible by this calculation result. 1) How to find «regeneration effective power (PM)»…

  • Page 330: How To Find «Regeneration Effective Power (Pm)» Of The Vertical Axis Drive By A Formula

    11.Selection Capacity selection of regenerative resistor 2) How to find «regeneration effective power (PM)» of the vertical axis drive by a formula Calculate regeneration energy. ■ EM = EVUb + EVD + EVDb × tUb — × N × 3・KeΦ × ×…

  • Page 331: Capacity Selection Of External Regenerative Resistor

    11.Selection Capacity selection of regenerative resistor 3) Capacity selection of regenerative resistor Judge whether an internal regenerative resistor can be used from the calculation result. Moreover, when you cannot use it, determine the capacity of an external regeneration resistor. Allowable power of an internal regenerative resistor ■…

  • Page 332: Capacity Of External Regenerative Resistor And Resistor Model Name

    10.Selection Protective function for regenerative resistor Servo amplifier 125W or Less than [PM] 250W or less 500W or more model number less 500W Resistor Sign J×1 K×2 J×4 Please contact us RS2#15A#AL0 Connection Ⅲ Ⅴ Ⅵ Number Servo amplifier 125W or Less than [PM] 250W or less…

  • Page 333: Connection Of Regenerative Resistance

    11.Selection Connection of regenerative resistance 6) Connection of regenerative resistance The connection method of a resistor corresponds with the connection number of the external regeneration resistor selected by the 4) clause. Connection of regenerative resistance ■ Connection Number Ⅲ Connection Number Ⅳ ■…

  • Page 334: Thermostat Connection Of External Regenerative Resistor

    11.Selection Thermostat connection 7) Thermostat connection of external regenerative resistor Connect a thermostat to either of «the general-purpose inputs CONT1-CONT6.» Please allocate the connected general-purpose input signal to [Group9 ID40: External Trip Input Function of General Parameter [EXT-E]]. Example: when connecting the thermostat to CONT6 ■…

  • Page 335: Confirmation Method Of Regeneration Power Pm In Actual Operation

    11.Selection Confirmation method of regeneration power in actual operation 9) Confirmation method of regeneration power PM in actual operation Regeneration power PM can be easily confirmed in the digital operator or by R ADVANCED MODEL setup software. Digital operator・・・・・・・・Monitor mode ID1A・Regenerative Resistor Operation Percentage ■…

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    12. Appendix 12.1 Standards conformity··································································································································· 12-1 Standards conformity······································································································································ 12-1 Over-voltage category, protection grade, pollution level ················································································· 12-2 Connection and installation ···························································································································· 12-2 UL file number ················································································································································ 12-2 12.2 Compliance with EN Directives ··················································································································· 12-3 Conformity verification test ····························································································································· 12-3 EMC installation requirements························································································································ 12-4 12.3 Servo motor dimensions ·····························································································································…
  • Page 338
    Cable for personal computer communications (Model No.: AL-00689703-01) ············································· 12-43 Cable for communication between amplifier (0.2m) (Model No.: AL-00695974-01) ····································· 12-43 Cable for communication between amplifier (3.0m) (Model No.: AL-00695974-02) ····································· 12-43 Communication converter (Model No.: SAU-024-01) ··················································································· 12-44 Connector with terminator (Model No.: AL-00695977-01) ············································································ 12-44 12.8 Battery peripherals dimensions················································································································…
  • Page 339: Standards Conformity

    12.Appendix Standards conformity 12.1 Standards conformity For SANYO DENKI products, compatibility examinations of overseas standards are conducted by certificate authorities, and attestation markings are performed based on the published certificate of attestation. 1) Standards conformity The following overseas standard examinations are implemented.

  • Page 340: Over-Voltage Category, Protection Grade, Pollution Level

    12.Appendix Standards conformity 2) Over-voltage category, protection grade, pollution level The «over-voltage category» of servo amplifier is «III» (EN61800-5-1). For the interface, use a ■ DC power supply with reinforced and insulated input and outputs. Make sure to install the servo amplifier in your control panel in an environment where the ■…

  • Page 341
    12.2 Compliance with EN Directives SANYO DENKI implements the conformity verification test of «Low Voltage Directive» and «an EMC command» in a certificate authority so that a user’s CE Marking acquisition can be performed easily, and servo amplifier CE Marking is done based on the published certificate of attestation.
  • Page 342: Compliance With En Directives

    12.Appendix Compliance with EN Directives 2) EMC installation requirements For the installation requirements, in our company the verification test is implemented by the following installations and measures methods, as machines and configurations differ depending on customers’ needs. This servo amplifier has been authorized to display CE marking based on the recognition certificate issued by a certifying authority.

  • Page 343
    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [R2 □40-□100] 12.3 Servo motor dimensions 1) R2 motor, flange size 40mm, 60mm, 80mm, 86mm and 100mm Oil seal QE Tap (Optional) Note1 Depth LT Teflon wire Teflon wire (for securing) (for securing) Shielded cable (for securing) (For sensor) (For motor, earthing) (For brake) Note2…
  • Page 344
    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [R2 □130] 2) R2 motor, flange size 130mm 0.5kW to 1.8kW Battery backup method absolute encoder Incremental encoder Absolute encoder for incremental system Without Brake With Brake Without Brake With Brake Servo motor model number R2AA13050△□◇…
  • Page 345
    Servo motor dimensional drawing [R2 □180mm] 12.Appendix 4) R2 motor, flange size 180mm 3.5kW to 7.5Kw Battery backup method absolute encoder Incremental encoder Absolute encoder for incremental system Without Brake With Brake Without Brake With Brake Servo motor LL KB2 KB3 KL3 KB2 KB3 KL3 KB2 KB3 KL3 KB2 KB3 KL3 LG KL1 KL2…
  • Page 346
    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [R2 □220mm] 6) R2 motor, flange size 220mm 3.5kW to 5kW Battery backup method absolute encoder Incremental encoder Absolute encoder for incremental system Without Brake With Brake Without Brake With Brake Servo motor model number R2AA22350△□◇…
  • Page 347
    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [R5□60-□80 7) R5 motor, flange size 60mm, 80mm 0.07 □LC LL±1 0.02 (LG) 4-φLZ1 0.06 N.P. N.P. Oil seal M5×0.8 (φD1) (φD2) (φD3) Depth LT Cable for motor(for fix) Shielded cabel for sensor(for fix) Motor,Earth 0.75mm AWG26,3-pair Cable for brake(for fix)…
  • Page 348
    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [Q1 □100-□180] 8) Q1 motor, flange size 100mm, 120mm, 130mm, and 180mm Tap QE Oil seal Depth LT Type S Eyebolt For sensor (Tap for removing motor) (or equivalents) Section H-H For motor, break, grounding For breaking Wire-saving incremental Battery backup absolute…
  • Page 349
    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [Q2 □130-□220] 9) Q2 motor, flange size 130mm, 180mm, and 220mm Tap QE Oil seal Depth LT Type S Eyebolt For sensor (Tap for removing motor) (or equivalents) Section H-H For motor, break, grounding For breaking Battery backup absolute encoder Wire-saving incremental encoder Connector, Note1)
  • Page 350: Q4 Motor, Flange Size 180Mm

    12.Appendix Servo motor dimensional drawing [Q4 □180] 10) Q4 motor, flange size 180mm Nameplate for attention to mass Key position Key position MS3102A32-17P (Or equivalents) MS3102A10SL-4P MS3102A20-29P (Or equivalents) (For motor) (For fan motor) (For encoder) □180 0.10 Eyebolt (50) (50) (72) (7.5)

  • Page 351: Servo Motor Data Sheet

    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet 12.4 Servo motor data sheet 1) Characteristics table Specification of R2 motor, AC200V ■ Servo motor model number R2AA 04003F 04005F 04010F 06010F 06020F 06040H 08020F Amplifier size combined RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A01 *Rated output 0.03…

  • Page 352
    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet Servo motor model number R2AA 10100F 13050H 13050D 13120B 13120D 13120L 13180H Amplifier size combined RS2A05 RS2A03 RS2A03 RS2A03 RS2A05 RS2A05 RS2A05 *Rated output 0.55 0.55 *Rated velocity 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 *Maximum velocity 6000 3500…
  • Page 353
    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet Servo motor model number R2AA 18550H 18750H 1811KR 22350L 22500L Amplifier size combined RS2A30 RS2A30 RS2A30 RS2A10 RS2A15 *Rated output *Rated velocity 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 *Maximum velocity 3000 3000 2500 4000 4000 35.0 48.0 70.0 17.0…
  • Page 354
    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet Specification of R5 motor, AC200V ■ Servo motor model number R5AA 06020H 06020F 06040H 06040F 08075D 08075F Amplifier size combined RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A01 RS2A03 RS2A03 RS2A03 *Rated output 0.75 0.75 *Rated velocity 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000…
  • Page 355
    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet ■ Specification of Q1 motor, AC200V Servo motor model number Q1AA 10200D 10250D 12200D 12300D 13300D Amplifier size combined RS2A10 RS2A10 RS2A10 RS2A10 RS2A10 *Rated output *Rated velocity 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 *Maximum velocity 5000 5000 5000…
  • Page 356
    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet ■ Specification of Q2 motor, AC200V Servo motor model number Q2AA 13200H 18200H 18350H 18450H 18550R 22550B Amplifier size combined RS2A10 RS2A10 RS2A15 RS2A15 RS2A15 RS2A15 *Rated output *Rated velocity 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 1500 *Maximum velocity 3500…
  • Page 357
    12.Appendix Servo motor data sheet ■ Specification of Q4 motor, AC200V Servo motor model number Q4AA 1811KB 1815KB Amplifier size combined RS2A30 RS2A30 *Rated output *Rated velocity min-1 1500 1500 *Maximum velocity min-1 2000 2000 *Rated torque N・m 95.5 *Continuous stall torque N・m 95.5 *Peak armature current at stall…
  • Page 358: Velocity-Torque Characteristics

    12.Appendix Velocity-torque characteristics 2) Velocity-torque characteristics R2AA motor velocity-torque characteristics charts show the values when AC200V 3-phase and single-phase are used as input power supply. When power supply voltage is less than 200V, instantaneous zone decreases. Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic R2AA04003F (30W) R2AA04005F (50W)

  • Page 359
    12.Appendix Velocity-torque characteristics Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic R2AA10075F (750W) R2AA10100F (1kW) R2AAB8100F (1kW) 3Φ 3Φ Instantaneous zone 3Φ 1Φ Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone 1Φ 1Φ Continuous zone Continuous zone Continuous zone 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000…
  • Page 360
    12.Appendix Velocity-torque characteristics Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic R2AA18450H (4.5kW) R2AA18350D (3.5kW) R2AA18350L (3.5kW) Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone Continuous zone Continuous zone Continuous zone 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1000 2000 3000 4000 Velocity (min Velocity (min…
  • Page 361
    12.Appendix Velocity-torque characteristics R2EA Motor velocity-torque characteristics indicate the values when amplifier power supply is AC100V. Instantaneous zone decreases when amplifier power supply is below 100V. Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic R2EA04008F (80W) R2EA04005F (50W) R2EA04003F (30W) Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone Continuous zone…
  • Page 362
    12.Appendix Velocity-torque characteristics R5AA Motor velocity-torque characteristics indicate the values when amplifier power supply is AC200V. Instantaneous zone decreases when amplifier power supply is below 200V. Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic R5AA06020H (200W) R5AA06020F (200W) R5AA06040H (400W) 3Φ 1Φ Instantaneous zone 3Φ…
  • Page 363
    12.Appendix Velocity-Torque characteristics Velocity-torque characteristics of Q1AA motor show the values when 3-phase AC200V is used for input power supply. When power voltage is less than 200V, the momentary range decreases. Velocity– torque characteristic Velocity–torque characteristic Velocity– torque characteristic Q1AA12200D (2kW) Q1AA10200D (2kW) Q1AA10250D (2.5kW) Instantaneous zone…
  • Page 364
    12.Appendix Velocity-Torque characteristics Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic Q2AA22550B (5.5kW) Q2AA18550R (5.5kW) Q2AA18450H (4.5kW) Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone Instantaneous zone Continuous zone Continuous zone Continuous zone 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 4000 Velocity (min Velocity (min Velocity (min Velocity-torque characteristic Velocity-torque characteristic…
  • Page 365: Overload Characteristic

    12.Appendix Overload characteristics 3) Overload characteristic The following show overload characteristic of R2AA motor. Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Overload characteristic R2AA04005F (50W) R2AA04003F (30W) R2AA04010F (100W) 10000 10000 10000 Max rotational velocity At stoppage 度 停止時 1000 1000 1000 When rotating 回転時…

  • Page 366
    12.Appendix Overload characteristics Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Overload characteristic R2AA10075F (750W) R2AAB8100F (1kW) R2 AA10075 F(7 50W) R2AA10100F (1kW) 10000 1 00 00 10000 Max rotational velocity At stoppage 10 00 1000 1000 1 00 When rotating At stoppage Output current ratio (I/IR) 0.
  • Page 367
    12.Appendix Overload characteristics Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Overload characteristic R2AA18350D (3.5kW) R2AA18450H (4.5kW) R2AA18350L (3.5kW) R2AA1835 0D(3.5kW) ( ) 10000 10000 100 0 0 Max rotational velocity At stoppage 1000 1000 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 .5 1 .5 2.
  • Page 368
    12.Appendix Overload characteristics The following show overload characteristic of R2EA motor. Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Overload characteristic R2EA04005F (50W) R2EA04003F (30W) R2EA04008F (80W) 10000 10000 10000 Max rotational velocity At stoppage 1000 1000 1000 When rotating At stoppage Output current ratio (I/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) Overload characteristic…
  • Page 369
    12.Appendix Overload characteristics The following show overload characteristic of Q1AA motor. Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Q1AA10250D (2.5kW) Q1AA10200D (2kW) Q1AA12200D (2kW) 10000 10000 10000 Max rotational velocity At stoppage 1000 1000 1000 出力電流比 (IP/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) Overload characteristic…
  • Page 370
    12.Appendix Overload characteristics Q2AA18550R+QS1A15Aの過負荷特性 Q2AA18450H+QS1A15Aの過負荷特性 Overload characteristic Q2AA22550B+QS1A15Aの過負荷特性 Overload characteristic Overload characteristic Q2AA18550R (5.5kW) Q2AA18450H (4.5kW) Q2AA22550B (5.5kW) 10000 10000 10000 Max rotational velocity At stoppage 1000 1000 1000 Output current ratio (I/IR) 出力電流比 (IP/IR) 出力電流比 (IP/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) 出力電流比 (IP/IR) Output current ratio (I/IR) Overload characteristic Overload characteristic…
  • Page 371: Servo Amplifier Dimensions

    12.Appendix Overload characteristics 12.5 Servo amplifier dimensions 1) RS2□01A□□L□ (70) (17) 2) RS2□03A□□L□ (70) (17) 12-33…

  • Page 372: Rs2□05A□□L

    12.Appendix Overload characteristics 3) RS2□05A□□L□ (70) (17) 4) RS2□10A□□A□ Main 主銘板 nameplate (75) 12-34…

  • Page 373: Rs2□15A□□A

    12.Appendix Overload characteristics 5) RS2□15A□□A□ Main 主銘板 nameplate (50) 6) RS2□30A□□L□ Main nameplate 主銘板 12-35…

  • Page 374
    12.Appendix Optional parts (connector) 12.6 Optional parts SANYO DENKI offers the following optional parts. 1) Connectors of servo amplifier ■ Model numbers of single connectors for RS2*01, RS2*03, and RS2A05 Connector SANYO DENKI Item Manufacturer’s model No. Manufacturer model No.
  • Page 375
    12.Appendix Optional parts (connector) RS2*01, RS2*03, and RS2A05 For input power supply, and regenerative resistance connection CNA CN1 (For host unit connection) (For servo motor connection) (For safety device connection) Use only with Safe Torque Off equipped model. EN1 (For motor encoder connection) (For external pulse encoder connection) Used only for fully-closed control system 12-37…
  • Page 376
    12.Appendix Optional parts (connector) Model numbers of single connectors for RS2A10, RS2A15, and RS2A30 ■ Connector Intended use Model number Manufacturer model number Manufacturer number To connect host 10150-3000PE and AL-00385594 equipment 10350-52A0-008 Sumitomo 3M Limited 36210-0100PL and EN1, EN2 To connect encoder AL-00632607 36310-3200-008…
  • Page 377
    12.Appendix Optional parts (connector) RS2A10, RS2A15, and RS2A30 Front view of RS2A10 CN1 (to connect host equipment) (To input control power) CN4 (to connect safety devices) To be used only for safe-torque-off function-equipped model EN1 (to connect motor encoder) (to connect external pulse encoder) To be used only for fully closed system Terminal block (to connect main circuit power,…
  • Page 378
    12.Appendix Optional parts (fixing bracket) 2) Fixing bracket Fixing brackets are supplied with servo amplifier, RS2□01, RS2□03, RS2□05, and RS2□30. List of fixing brackets for RS2□01 — 05, 30. ■ Servo amplifier model Bracket fixing Model number Contents number position Front AL-00736863-01 RS2□01 and 03…
  • Page 379: Setup Software, Serial Communication Related Items

    Toshiba Home Appliances Corporation Battery trunk cable AL-00697960-01 to 06 Battery trunk cable AL-00731792-01 5) Analog monitor related item Name Details SANYO DENKI model No. Monitor box body Monitor Box Q-MON-3 2 dedicated cables Dedicated cable 2 dedicated cables AL-00690525-01 Wiring for communication cable 1.

  • Page 380: Junction Cable For Servo Motor

    12.Appendix Optional parts (cables and batteries) 6) Junction cable for servo motor Power cable AMP INC. product, Connector: 1-480703-0 J.S.T. Mfg. Co.,Ltd product, Contact: 350536-3 N1.25-4 (100) PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH Green/Yellow Co. KG product, MSTBT2.5/3-STF-5.08 Lead wire color White Black White Black Green/ Yellow…

  • Page 381: Optional Parts Dimensions For Setup Software

    12.Appendix Optional parts dimensions 12.7 Optional parts dimensions for setup software 1) Cable for personal computer communications (Model No.: AL-00689703-01) 2850- 0 NO.8 NO.1 Cable ケーブル 2) Cable for communication between amplifier (0.2m) (Model No.: AL-00695974-01) NO.8 NO.1 NO.8 NO.1 Cable 3) Cable for communication between amplifier (3.0m) (Model No.: AL-00695974-02) 3000mm…

  • Page 382: Communication Converter (Model No.: Sau-024-01)

    12.Appendix Optional parts dimensions 4) Communication converter (Model No.: SAU-024-01) Ф POWER (232C/422A) (422A) MODEL SER.NO. MADE IN JAPAN SANYO DENKI 00407035* 5) Connector with terminator (Model No.: AL-00695977-01) NO.8 NO.1 12-44…

  • Page 383: Battery Peripherals Dimensions

    12.Appendix Optional parts dimensions 12.8 Battery peripherals dimensions 1) Battery body (Model No.: AL-00697958-01) 605 (24.5) Battery Connector Black 1. Battery and connector specifications Lithium battery Thionyl Chloride Lithium Battery ER3V (TOSHIBA HOME APPLIANCES) Nominal Voltage: 3.6V Nominal Capacity: 1000mAh Lithium metal mass as standard: 0.31g Connector DF3-2S-2C;…

  • Page 384: Battery Trunk Cable (Model No.: Al-00697960-□□)

    12.Appendix Optional parts dimensions 2) Battery trunk cable (Model No.: AL-00697960-□□) Battery unit Connector for The battery backup method the servo amplifier side with built-in battery absolute encoder side Model number L [m] AL-00697960-01 MODEL AL-00697960- – – MADE IN JAPAN 00157312A AL-00697960-02 Length of cable:L(m) AL-00697960-03…

  • Page 385: Battery Trunk Cable (Model No.: Al-00731792-01)

    12.Appendix Optional parts dimensions 3) Battery trunk cable (Model No.: AL-00731792-01) Battery unit Connector for Relay connector for the servo amplifier side with built-in battery the battery backup method absolute encoder side MODEL AL-00731792-01 MADE IN JAPAN 00157312A (382) (40) (42) 300±10 1.

  • Page 386
    12.Appendix Optional parts dimensions 12.9 Monitor box and dedicated cable dimensions 1) Monitor Box (Model No.: Q-MON-3) CN-L CN-R LEFT RIGHT DM M2 M1 2) Dedicated Cable (Model No.: AL-00690525-01) 2000±50 20±5 20±5 20±5 20±5 Note 1) Units of dedicated cables per above 2 (PN# AL-00690525-01) are supplied with Monitor Box (PN# Q-MON-3).
  • Page 387: External Dimension Of Regenerative Resistor

    12.Appendix External dimension of regenerative resistor 12.10 External dimension of regenerative resistor REGIST-080W ■ 122±0.4 6±1 6±1 φ4.3 2 Silicon rubber glass braided wire 0.5mm White (Thermo start) 2 Silicon rubber glass braided wire 0.75mm Black REGIST-120W ■ 172±0.4 6±1 6±1 φ4.3 2…

  • Page 388
    12.Appendix External dimension of regenerative resistor REGIST-220W ■ 220±0.4 6±1 6±1 φ4.3 2 Silicon rubber glass braided wire 0.5mm White (Thermostat) (Thermo start) 2 Silicon rubber glass braided wire 0.75mm Black REGIST-500CW ■ 2-Φ4.5 250 ±0.8 +0.4 8±0.3 -1.2 Thermostat Lead AWG24, White Earth mark 2-M3…
  • Page 389
    12.Appendix External dimension of regenerative resistor REGIST-1000W ■ ● ● Connection wiring diagram 12-51…
  • Page 390
    Index Auto-Notch Filter Tuning Torque Command ······· 5-29, 5-38 A phase pulse output································· 2-19, 4-14, 4-15 Auto-Tuning Automatic Parameter Saving········· 5-29, 5-38, Absolute Encoder for Incremental System ·········· 5-4, 5-10, 5-43, 5-52, 6-3, 6-5 8-29 Auto-Tuning Characteristic ······················· 5-29, 5-37, 5-41, ABSPS ························································…
  • Page 391
    Index Control Cycle············5-5, 5-8, 5-12, 5-41, 5-42, 5-43, 5-44, Encoder Output Pulse Divide Resolution Selection 5-45, 5-46, 5-47, 5-52, 5-64, 5-67, 9-9 ··········································································· 5-34, 5-99 Control Mode Selection ················ 5-5, 5-7, 5-8, 5-12, 5-15, Encoder Output Pulse Divide Selection·············· 5-34, 5-97 6-16, 6-18, 9-9 Encoder Output Pulse Division··…
  • Page 392
    Index Gain Switching Condition 1 ················ 5-33, 5-77, 5-83, 6-7 JOG Velocity Command ···························· 5-34, 5-35, 5-91 Gain Switching Condition 2 ················ 5-33, 5-77, 5-83, 6-7 JRAT MON ······································· 5-23, 5-27, 5-28, 6-10 Gain Switching Filter ·········································· 5-31, 5-53 General input···················· 2-9, 2-20, 4-14, 4-17, 4-20, 5-57 General input power supply································…
  • Page 393
    Index Model following control···················· 5-41, 5-43, 5-44, 5-50, Position Command Pulse Inhibit Function, 5-53, 5-54, 6-2, 6-10, 6-16, 6-17, 6-19, 9-9 Velocity Command Zero Clamp Function······ 5-33, 5-78 Model Vibration Suppressor Frequency Select Input 1 ······· Position Command Pulse Selection ··················· 5-32, 5-56 5-33,5-78 Position Command Smoothing Constant·····················5-30, Model Vibration Suppressor Frequency Select Input 2 ·······…
  • Page 394
    Index Preset Velocity Command Input Direction of Movement ····· Servo Motor Dimension ········································ 2-1, 12-5 5-33, 5-62, 5-78 Servo Motor Model Number ·········································1-15 Preset Velocity Command Negative (direction) Servo Tuning ··································································6-1 Move Start Signal Input ······················ 5-33, 5-78, 5-62 Servo-ON Function··························· 5-14, 5-33, 5-35, 5-82 Preset Velocity Command Operation Start Signal Input ······…
  • Page 395
    Index Torque Compensation Function 2······················· 5-67, 5-68 Velocity Loop Proportional Gain 1 ··············· 5-42, 6-7, 6-16 Torque compensation input ································ 4-14, 4-18 Velocity Loop Proportional Gain 2 ······················ 5-31, 5-51 Torque Limit······················ 2-9, 5-33, 5-35, 5-69, 5-71, 5-78 Velocity Loop Proportional Gain 3 ······················ 5-31, 5-51 Torque Limit Function ·······················…
  • Page 396
    No Text on This Page.
  • Page 397
    Release Revision A Dec. 2008 Revision C Jul. 2009 Revision D Mar. 2010 Revision E Nov. 2010 Revision F Apr.2013 Revision G Dec.2013…
  • Page 398
    ■ ECO PRODUCTS Sanyo Denki’s ECO PRODUCTS are designed with the concept of lessening impact on the environment in the process from product development to waste. The product units and packaging materials are designed for reduced environmental impact. We have established our own assessment criteria on the environmental impacts applicable to all processes, ranging from design to manufacture.

  • 4 Апр 2013

Доброго времени суток.
Попался в руки сервопривод Sanyo denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA. Генерирует ошибку E2 — checksum error,
ошибка контрольной сумы EEPROM. Производитель в инструкции рекомендует привод выбросить в помойку.

Возможно у кого лежит под рукой похожий серводрайв RS1A01AA, RS1A03AA, RS1A05AA. или прошивка от него.
Пока только понял, что микросхема памяти с интерфейсом SPI 25с08 от ISSI. Пробовал подставлять 25с080 чистую и с родной прошивкой. Результат тот же — AL E2.

Экспериментируя с разными вариантами содержимого пришел к выводу, что ручная забивка параметров с клавиатуры приводит привод в чуство (вываливается ошибка по ошибочным параметрам Е6) только невозможно залить параметры с компютера.
С родной прошивкой все заливается, но E2 постоянно — при этом привод не считает правильную КС по залитым данным.
Короче говоря нужна прошивка или помощь в определении алгоритма расчета контрольной суммы.
Есть несколько файлов в которых правильная КС и мало параметров введено.(определил где КС она -$3DE-$3DF, после ее ошибки привода, их он не считает) Есть родной файл прошивки и неправильная КС.
Заранее благодарю за любую помощь в этом вопросе.


  • 4 Апр 2013

Не бросайся в панику!Эта неисправность типична и для сименсов.Обычно проблема в обвязке EEPROM,а не в прошивке.Нужно как следует проверить микросхемы памяти и источники их питающие.Удачи!

  • 4 Апр 2013

Это не сименс а Саньйо.
Прошивку я почти изучил побайтно — меняя параметры в приводе я записывал реакцию прошивки, начиная с FF до момента введения всех возможных параметров.
Ошибка в 1 единицу приводит в шок привод. Сам привод 100% живой. Случилось все при просадке сети, а он при ее отключении — пишет себе в епромку состояние — вот и дописал кудато лишнее.
Если ошибки Е2 нету — он все делает нормально считает контрольку — только залить параметры мотора без компютера невозможно — отпадает связь с компом.
Вот и мучаюсь. Сейчас едет приводу замена — только тогда смогу слить с жертвы прошиву.
Только самому разобратся охота…
Штучка с заменой EPROM на ходу не проходит. МС родной прошивкой с E2 — позволяет связь но не пишет КС. А мс с другими ошибками которые удалось сгенерить — не связывается но пишет правильные КС при изменении параметров. Япошки начудили.

  • 5 Апр 2013

После недели изысканий проблема с ошибкой контрольной сумы E2 в сервоприводе Sanyo Denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA решена.
Смысла выкладывать исправленую прошивку не вижу — она привязана к конкретному екземпляру устройства, что проверено с другим аналогичным драйвом — чуть его не завалил в процессе.
Если кому нужна помощь по такому приводу обращайтесь — свою долгую эпопею с расчетом КС и подбором параметров зафиксировал на бумаге и переносить в тему долго и муторно.
Одно ясно прошивку привод бережет как зеницу ока — одна цыферка не та и при запуске E2.

  • 31 Июл 2013

Добрый день!
Столкнулись с проблемой в станке фирмы Mecanumeric Mecasign 3020AX1. Вылезает ошибка <неисправность датчика положения для оси Z. Ошибка обмена. Пожалуйста, замените модуль>. По удаленному доступу производитель диагностировал ошибку блока управления двигателем. Блок привода — RS1A03AA фирмы SanMotion. На блоке высвечивается ошибка AL42. Знаете ли что-нибудь про такие проблемы? Есть ли где-нибудь, кроме Москвы, фирмы, которые обслуживает такую технику?

Заранее благодарен, Александр

  • 31 Июл 2013

По интернету полазить тяжело?  ссылка скрыта от публикации 

  • 31 Июл 2013

Вега, не ругайтесь. Мануал на драйвер найти действительно можно. Но не работает, вероятнее всего, не сам драйвер, а станок в целом, т.е. надо сервисник, который специалист по станку. Я поэтому и спросил не столько про драйвер, сколько про фирму. В интернете есть только Москва, но там уже был какой-то полуремонт, после чего станок проработал 6 часов и снова стал. А теперь их и за деньги не допросишься. А станок-то должен работать, заказ горит…

С уважением, Александр

  • 1 Авг 2013

Судя по мануалу на RS1A03AA — у вас проблема с перегрузкой мотора. Начните с анализа цепей управления тормозом мотора — если конечно они есть — бывает проблема с подачей напряжения разблокировки тормоза (проводка, источник питания тормоза, предохранители). Далее механика — подшипники, ШВП. Ну и последнее — настройки в ЧПУ — если привод на пределе по скорости.
Мануал тут
 ссылка скрыта от публикации 

На странице 3-1—3-3 ищите Power source for brake — питание тормоза мотора. Я бы с него начинал. Обычно тормозом управляет система безопасности станка.

  • 17 Ноя 2013

kratmel, Столкнулся с той же ошибкой привода что и вы.
прошу поделиться опытом борьбы с Е2 ошибкой.

  • 18 Ноя 2013

Для начала определимся — какой привод в руках. (фото шильдика в студию)
Далее достучатся к приводу через интерфейс связи (нужен шнурок или хотябы разъем, очень дефицитный — иначе придется проводками соединять пайкой к плате), и обязательно слить все параметры с помощью программы от производителя.

Далее узнать тип установленой памяти возле процессора. Я очень долго не мог найти что за зверь эта память (смотреть в первом посту).

В памяти все параметры лежат по адресах которые программа сливает в файл (смотрим текстовым редактором). Только есть одно но! Она сливает только данные пользователя, а то что записал в память завод о приводе — есть только в самой микросхемке. Ее нужно очень аккуратно выпаять и слить содержимое. Кстати мне получилось это сделать только с помощью древнего программатора ORANGE, только он может коректно писать и читать родную микросхему (почему не могу знать).
Далее я сделал переходник DIP8 на проводках к плате и в последующих экспериментах использовал уже DIP8 микросхемку памяти аналог родной пробовал 25с080 (25080)
и 25c160(25160) от разных производителей. Подошла только от АТМЕЛА., с другими привод молчал. Все последующие стадии борьбы проводил Понипрогом.

Результат моей борьбы в файле (вам может не подойти по железу версия железа, что не позволило просто переписать содержимое с соседних приводов). Однако не рекомендую заливать его в родную мс. Скорее всего она уже свой ресурс оттоптала поэтому даже при правильной записи в программаторе у меня была опять ошибка на приводе. поставил АТ25160 в соотв корпусе вместо родной.

Если у вас такой же привод как мой это не означает что мотор такой же. Поэтому первый этап ремонта — слить родные параметры и подставив мою прошивку посмотреть с помощью родной программы — какие параметры отличаются.

Да, написал много и сумбурно…. Будут вопросы — по ходу отвечу.
Главное не запороть окончательно то, что осталось в родной мс.

► my_correct_CS.rar

  • 12 Июн 2017

Вем привет. Что означает ошибка AL 64 на сервоприводе Sanyo denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA

Доброго времени суток.

Попался в руки сервопривод Sanyo denki Sanmotion RS1A03AA. Генерирует ошибку E2 — checksum error,

ошибка контрольной сумы EEPROM. Производитель в инструкции рекомендует привод выбросить в помойку.

Долго изучал его внутренности и пока пришел к выводу, что неисправна мс памяти.

Так вот только тип ее никак не определить.

На самой мс написано в три строчки




Смонтирована возле большого поцессора GA1059.

Возможно у кого лежит под рукой похожий серводрайв RS1A01AA, RS1A03AA, RS1A05AA. Подсмотрите возле проца недалеко от кварца — что стоит в корпусе 8pin SOIC. Может другую маркировку более понятную можно найти. Пока только понял, что микросхема с интерфейсом SPI очень похожа на 25с08. Пробовал подставлять 25с040 25с080 25с160 25P05 — ни в одну из них проц не пишет. Хотя в родную делает это без проблем но видать она запорчена там где живет контрольная сума.

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