Schannel ошибка 36881

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  • «The certificate received from the remote server has either expired or is not yet valid. The TLS connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate.»

    I have servers getting this message, trying to connect to my domain controllers.  I don’t know if it is causing a problem or not, but would like to get rid of this meesage from the system eventlog of my servers to eliminate it as being a problem. 
    How can I address this error?

    To be more specific, one server getting this message trying to connect to my DC is an sql/ERP server.  Another server is a citrix xenapp vda server.  I think the connections have to do with ldap.  Any assistance is appreciated.


Hi i have been getting this error in the last 3 days. What is it? is it a nasty error? what can i do.
The description of that evet says: «The certificate received from the remote server has expired. The SSL connection  request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate.»

«…remote server…» what is that?  and «…SSL connection» ?

My laptop:  Dell XPS M1710
I use XP Pro SP2
I have a Home network  like this:
The Computer is on a LAN where these and few other computers connect to the internet
— I have control of the LAN, i am the Administrator.
— I connect to the internet via a combined Cable Modem + Router + Switch
a: Cable Modem — MOTOROLA SurfBoard Cable Modem Model SB5120
b: Router- LINKSYS WRT54GS firmware version v7.50.0
c: Switch- ENCORE ENH908-NWY+ 8 ports Nway Switch


Windows XPOS SecurityWindows Networking

Обновлено 20.06.2019

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Добрый день! Уважаемые читатели и гости крупного IT блога В прошлый раз мы с вами научились ремонтировать ваше оборудование в операционных системах Windows, у которых был статус ошибки «Запуск этого устройства невозможен. (код 10)». Двигаемся дальше и мы рассмотрим ситуацию, когда у вас на компьютере или сервере в журналах событий, фиксируется ошибка «Schannel ID 36887: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40«. Мы рассмотрим на сколько критичны данные события и стоит ли на них обращать внимание.

Описание ошибки Schannel 3688

И так я проводил оптимизацию своей RDS фермы, кто не помнит, то в последнем посте я производил удаление неактивных портов TS. После после выполненной оптимизации я перезагрузил RDSH сервер и стал мониторить наличие новых и старых ошибок. Мое внимание привлекла ошибка из системного журнала логов Windows.

Ошибка «СИСТЕМА», Источник Schannel ID 3688: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40.

С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40.

Ошибка «СИСТЕМА», Источник Schannel ID 3688: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 70.

Schannel ID 3688: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 70

Что такое Secure Channel

Schannel означает Secure Channel — библиотека, криптографический провайдер (Security Support Provider — SSP) — Защищенный канал, который содержит набор протоколов безопасности, которые обеспечивают зашифрованную идентификацию и безопасную связь. Пакет используется программным обеспечением, использующим встроенные SSL и TLS, в том числе IIS, Active Directory, OWA, Exchange, Internet Explorer и Центр обновления Windows.

Как избавиться от ошибки Schannel 36887

Для начала вам необходимо понять, что за процесс или приложение вызывает данную ошибку. Что мы делаем, открываем самое свежее оповещение и переходим на вкладку подробности, режим XML. Находим тут строку «<Execution ProcessID696« ThreadID26540« />«, как видим ошибку вызывает процесс с ID 696

Узнаем ProcessID Schannel 3688

Далее нам необходимо понять, что это за процесс, для этого откройте командную строку или окно PowerShell и введите команду:

tasklist /svc | findstr 696

В результате мы видим отфильтрованный вывод всех процессов у которых в ID встречается 696. Оказывается, что 696 ID имеет процесс lsass.exe, системный процесс Windows, но тут может быть и другой процесс, например, geforce experience, удалив который или обновив, вы избавитесь от ошибки 36887. Но в моем случае, это lsass.exe.

Поиск ID процесса из командной строки

Я стал искать закономерности в работе данного сервера и мне удалось ее обнаружить. Теперь я точно определил, когда происходят эти события в Schannel.  Они возникают только тогда, когда я пытаюсь получить безопасное подключение к интернет-банкингу службы одного конкретного банка.  Они не возникают, когда я пытаюсь получить безопасное соединение с любым другим онлайн-сервисом.  Похоже, что-то пошло не так во время обмена рукопожатиями SSL/TLS. В таком случае вы можете поступить двумя путями:

  • Позвонить в банк и разобраться почему они не используют TLS 1.2
  • Отключить в Internet Explorer использование TLS 1.2 и запретить в журналах Windows регистрацию событий «Schannel ID 3688: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40«

Правильный метод

На время пока у вас идет общение с представителями клиент-банка, вы можете в реестре Windows запретить журналирование для данного события. Для этого откройте ветку:


Найдите ключ EventLogging и выставите ему значение 0.

  • 0 — не записывать в журнал
  • 1 — записывать в журнал ошибок
  • 2 — записывать в журнал предупреждений
  • 3 — Журнал информационные и успешные события

После внесения ключа реестра, может потребоваться перезагрузка компьютера или сервера.


Более грубый метод

Чтобы отключить в системе появление событий Schannel ID 3688 вам необходимо открыть ваш браузер Internet Explorer 11 и перейти в раздел  «Свойства браузера»

Свойства браузера IE11

Далее идем на вкладку «Дополнительно», где выключаем пункт «Использовать TLS 1.2», что не совсем правильно с точки зрения безопасности. Перезапускаем браузер и пользуемся своим клиент-банком.

Выключение TLS 1.2 в IE11

На этом у меня все, мы с вами рассмотрели причины и решения ошибки с кодом ID 3688. С вами был Иван Семин, автор и создатель IT портала


  1. Windows 10 schannel ошибка 36871
  2. Описание ошибки Schannel 3688
  3. Что такое Secure Channel
  4. Как избавиться от ошибки Schannel 36887
  5. Правильный метод
  6. Более грубый метод
  7. question
  8. SCOM 2019: Event ID 36871 Schannel
  9. 3 Answers
  10. Как исправить ошибку SChannel 36887?
  11. Причины ошибки
  12. Создание параметра EventLogging в системном реестре
  13. Удаление пакета KB3161606
  14. Удаление антивируса ESET
  15. Отключение параметров использования TLS
  16. Schannel Events
  17. How to enable Schannel event logging
  18. Event ID 36864: The Schannel Security Package has Loaded Successfully
  19. Details
  20. Event ID 36865: A Fatal Error Occurred While Opening the Subsystem Cryptographic Module
  21. Details
  22. Event ID 36866: The Schannel Security Package Has Failed to Load
  23. Details
  24. Event ID 36867: Creating an SSL (client or server) Credential
  25. Details
  26. Event ID 36868: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Private Key Has the Following Properties
  27. Details
  28. Event ID 36869: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Certificate Does Not Have a Private Key Information Property Attached to it
  29. Details
  30. Event ID 36870: A Fatal Error Occurred When Attempting to Access the SSL (client or server) Credential Private Key
  31. Details
  32. Event ID 36871: A Fatal Error Occurred While Creating An SSL (client or server) Credential
  33. Details
  34. Event ID 36872: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on this System
  35. Details
  36. Event ID 36873: No Supported Cipher Suites Were Found When Initiating an SSL Connection
  37. Details
  38. Event ID 36874: An SSL Connection Request Was Received From a Remote Client Application, But None of the Cipher Suites Supported by the Client Application Are Supported by the Server
  39. Details
  40. Event ID 36875: The Remote Server Has Requested SSL Client Authentication, But No Suitable Client Certificate Could Be Found
  41. Details
  42. Event ID 36876: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Not Validated Correctly
  43. Details
  44. Event ID 36877: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Has Not Validated Correctly
  45. Details
  46. Event ID 36878: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Is Not Suitable for Direct Mapping to a Client System Account, Possibly Because the Authority that is Issuing the Certificate Is Not Sufficiently Trusted
  47. Details
  48. Event ID 36879: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Was Not Successfully Mapped to a Client System Account
  49. Details
  50. Event ID 36880: An SSL (client or server) Handshake Completed Successfully
  51. Details
  52. Event ID 36881: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Expired
  53. Details
  54. Event ID 36882: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Was Issued By an Untrusted Certificate Authority
  55. Details
  56. Event ID 36883: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Been Revoked
  57. Details
  58. Event ID 36884: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Does Not Contain the Expected Name
  59. Details
  60. Event ID 36885: When Asking for Client Authentication, This Server Sends a List of Trusted Certificate Authorities to the Client.
  61. Details
  62. Event ID 36886: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on This System
  63. Details
  64. Event ID 36887: A Fatal Alert Was Received
  65. Event Details
  66. Event ID 36888: A Fatal Alert Was Generated

Windows 10 schannel ошибка 36871

Добрый день! Уважаемые читатели и гости крупного IT блога В прошлый раз мы с вами научились ремонтировать ваше оборудование в операционных системах Windows, у которых был статус ошибки «Запуск этого устройства невозможен. (код 10)». Двигаемся дальше и мы рассмотрим ситуацию, когда у вас на компьютере или сервере в журналах событий, фиксируется ошибка «Schannel ID 36887: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40«. Мы рассмотрим на сколько критичны данные события и стоит ли на них обращать внимание.

Описание ошибки Schannel 3688

И так я проводил оптимизацию своей RDS фермы, кто не помнит, то в последнем посте я производил удаление неактивных портов TS. После после выполненной оптимизации я перезагрузил RDSH сервер и стал мониторить наличие новых и старых ошибок. Мое внимание привлекла ошибка из системного журнала логов Windows.

ID Schannel 3688

ID Schannel 3688 2

Что такое Secure Channel

Как избавиться от ошибки Schannel 36887

Для начала вам необходимо понять, что за процесс или приложение вызывает данную ошибку. Что мы делаем, открываем самое свежее оповещение и переходим на вкладку подробности, режим XML. Находим тут строку » Execution ProcessID =» 696 » ThreadID =» 26540 »/> «, как видим ошибку вызывает процесс с ID 696

ProcessID Schannel 3688

Далее нам необходимо понять, что это за процесс, для этого откройте командную строку или окно PowerShell и введите команду:

В результате мы видим отфильтрованный вывод всех процессов у которых в ID встречается 696. Оказывается, что 696 ID имеет процесс lsass.exe, системный процесс Windows, но тут может быть и другой процесс, например, geforce experience, удалив который или обновив, вы избавитесь от ошибки 36887. Но в моем случае, это lsass.exe.

Poisk ID proczessa iz komandnoj stroki

Я стал искать закономерности в работе данного сервера и мне удалось ее обнаружить. Теперь я точно определил, когда происходят эти события в Schannel. Они возникают только тогда, когда я пытаюсь получить безопасное подключение к интернет-банкингу службы одного конкретного банка. Они не возникают, когда я пытаюсь получить безопасное соединение с любым другим онлайн-сервисом. Похоже, что-то пошло не так во время обмена рукопожатиями SSL/TLS. В таком случае вы можете поступить двумя путями:

Правильный метод

На время пока у вас идет общение с представителями клиент-банка, вы можете в реестре Windows запретить журналирование для данного события. Для этого откройте ветку:

Найдите ключ EventLogging и выставите ему значение 0.

После внесения ключа реестра, может потребоваться перезагрузка компьютера или сервера.


Более грубый метод

Чтобы отключить в системе появление событий Schannel ID 3688 вам необходимо открыть ваш браузер Internet Explorer 11 и перейти в раздел «Свойства браузера»

Svojstva brauzera IE11

Далее идем на вкладку «Дополнительно», где выключаем пункт «Использовать TLS 1.2», что не совсем правильно с точки зрения безопасности. Перезапускаем браузер и пользуемся своим клиент-банком.



We recently moved to SCOM 2019 since then we have been receiving the below errors in the System event logs on all of the SCOM management servers.

Event ID: 36871
Event Source: Schannel
Description: A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013.

All SCOM Management servers are running on windows server 2019.

kindly assist us on this.

3 Answers

Do you see this event in the System Log? What makes you think that it is related to SCOM? What TLS Version is currentl configured:

Can you please go over this post and see if this is also helpful:

Please check those out and I am pretty sure that those will help you.

(If the reply was helpful please don’t forget to upvote and/or accept as answer, thank you)

@kumaravelu-1265, Research and find a similar issue. in that case, these SCHANNEL 36871 events being logged are due to a configuration on the server itself.

Note: please do a backup before we change any registry key.

If the response is helpful, please click «Accept Answer» and upvote it.
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Как исправить ошибку SChannel 36887?

При просмотре журнала событий можно обнаружить много записей ошибки Schannel с кодом 36887. Она сопровождается сообщением, что с удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке 42. По сути, SChannel — это набор протоколов безопасности, который обеспечивает реализацию механизмов аутентификации и защищенной связи между вовлеченными узлами.

Причины ошибки

С ошибкой SChannel 36887 можно столкнуться по ряду причин:

Создание параметра EventLogging в системном реестре

К ошибке SChannel 36887 с кодом 42 часто приводит отсутствие раздела реестра, в котором система сможет сбрасывать подобные события. В этом случае с помощью Редактора реестра нужно создать параметр EventLogging внутри раздела SecurityProviders / Schannel. Этот способ эффективен в версиях Windows Server.

Откройте Редактор реестра командой regedit из окна Win + R. При отображении запроса от контроля учетных записей пользователей щелкните на кнопку «Да», чтобы предоставить права администратора.

В левой панели перейдите к следующей локации:

Дважды щелкните на созданном параметре и в поле Значение установите «1». Сохраните изменения на «ОК», и перезагрузите компьютер.

Теперь перейдите в журнал просмотра событий и проверьте, есть ли записи с неустранимой ошибкой SChannel 36887.

Удаление пакета KB3161606

Одной из распространенных причин, вызывающую ошибку Schannel 36887, является пакет обновления KB3161606, который отключает шифрование TLS 1.0. Этот протокол является устаревшим, но некоторые приложения все еще его используют. Чтобы обратно включить TLS 1.0, отмените обновление и заблокируйте его повторную установку.

Откройте мастера восстановления системы командой rstrui из окна Win + R.

В первом окне нажмите кнопку «Далее», затем отметьте флажком опцию показать другие точки восстановления.

Выберите снимок системы, созданный перед установкой проблемного обновления, которое привело к ошибке Schannel 36887.

В следующем окне нажмите на кнопку «Готово», чтобы запустить операцию возврата системы к предыдущему состоянию. Компьютер перезагрузится и все изменения, внесенные после создания точки восстановления, включая пакет KB3161606, будут отменены.

Если остановитесь на этом шаге Windows автоматически переустановит обновление, которое снова отключит шифрование TLS 1.0. Чтобы этого избежать, нужно скрыть это обновление.

Для этого сделайте запрос в интернете «wushowhide.diagcab», и с официального сайта Майкрософта загрузите средство для скрытия обновлений.

После двойным щелчком мыши откройте утилиту и нажмите на «Дополнительно», чтобы включить автоматическое применение исправлений.

Перейдите к следующему экрану, дождитесь завершения начального сканирования, затем щелкните на кнопку «Скрыть обновление». Установите флажок напротив обновления KB3161606 и перейдите к следующему окну. Подождите до завершения операции, затем перезапустите компьютер.

Откройте журнал просмотра событий и проверьте, есть ли новые записи с ошибкой SChannel 36887.

Удаление антивируса ESET

Как известно, антивирус ESET Antivirus Endpoint блокирует устаревший протокол шифрования TLS 1.0. Если установлены программы, которые используют старую технологию, нужно удалить ESET. Имейте в виду, что отключение в реальном времени не будет работать, поскольку блокировка применяется на уровне брандмауэра.

Если удастся исправить ошибку SChannel 36887, рассмотрите возможность установки другого антивируса или активируйте Защитника Windows.

Перейдите в раздел «Программы и компоненты» командой appwiz.cpl из окна Win + R.

Найдите в списке ESET Antivirus Endpoint, щелкните на него правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Удалить».

После перезапустите компьютер и проверьте, решена ли проблема.

Отключение параметров использования TLS

Если обнаружили, что ошибка возникает при посещении определенных сайтов, вполне вероятно, что они не используют шифрование TLS. Чтобы это проверить, отключите опцию «Использовать TLS» в свойствах Интернета. Имейте в виду, что это решение может сделать систему уязвимой перед некоторыми угонщиками браузеров, поэтому применимо только для временного исправления.

Откройте свойства Интернета запуском команды inetcpl.cpl из диалогового окна Win +R.

На вкладке Дополнительно в разделе Безопасность снимите все флажки с опций «Использовать TLS». Примените изменения, и закройте окно.

Перезагрузите компьютер и попробуйте посетить сайты, которые вызывали неустранимую ошибку SChannel 36887 (42).

Если проблема остается, выполните проверку целостности систему командами SFC и DISM для обнаружения и восстановления поврежденных файлов Windows. Для этого откройте командную строку от имени администратора с помощью системного поиска и по очереди выполните команды:


Schannel Events

Applies To: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8

This topic for IT professionals lists the event details for the Secure Channel (Schannel) security support provider, and it describes the actions available to you to resolve problems.

To configure event logging for this provider, see How to enable Schannel event logging.

The Schannel Provider logs the following events to the Windows LogsSystem log.

Event ID 36886: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on This System

How to enable Schannel event logging

You can use this registry setting to enable the logging of client certificate validation failures, which are events generated by the Schannel security support provider. Logging of client certificate validation failures is a secure channel event, and is not enabled on the server by default

The logging of rejected or discarded authentication events is enabled by default.

Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNEL

You can enable additional secure channel event logging by changing the registry key value from 1 (REG_DWORD type, data 0x00000001) to 3 (REG_DWORD type, data 0x00000003).

Event ID 36864: The Schannel Security Package has Loaded Successfully

This event is logged first whenever the Schannel.dll is successfully loaded into memory on the client computer or server. If it is unsuccessful, Event ID 36866: The Schannel Security Package Has Failed to Load will be logged.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36864
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message The Schannel security package has loaded successfully. User action No user action is required.

Event ID 36865: A Fatal Error Occurred While Opening the Subsystem Cryptographic Module

The cryptographic subsystem is composed of a software library that contains one or more independent cryptographic service providers (CSP). These providers implement cryptographic algorithms and standards. To load successfully, they must be digitally signed and the signature must be verified.

If a CSP cannot be accessed or fails to load during the authentication process, for whatever reason, the process will stop.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36865
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

A fatal error occurred while opening the system cryptographic subsystem cryptographic module. Operations that require the SSL or TLS cryptographic protocols will not work correctly. The error code is error code. User action

Event ID 36866: The Schannel Security Package Has Failed to Load

This event is logged when the Schannel.dll fails to load into memory on the client computer or server. If successful, Event ID 36864: The Schannel Security Package has Loaded Successfully will be logged.

Because a dependency exists between the Schannel.dll and other files, you might need to extract new copies of the following files (if other error messages indicate issues with dependent files):


Product Windows operating system
ID 36866
Source Windows operating system
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

Investigate whether enough memory is available to load Schannel.dll and all the dependent files.

Event ID 36867: Creating an SSL (client or server) Credential

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted non-Microsoft company that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key, thereby creating the SSL credential for the client computer or server. This event is logged as informational only to record the progress of the TLS or SSL process.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36867
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Informational

Creating an SSL [client| server] credential. User action No user action is required.

Event ID 36868: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Private Key Has the Following Properties

The client computer sends a client key exchange message after computing the premaster secret that uses the two random values that are generated during the client hello message and the server hello message. Before it is transmitted to the server, the premaster secret is encrypted by the public key from the server’s certificate. Both computers compute the master secret locally and derive the session key from it.

If the server can decrypt this data and complete the protocol, the client computer is assured that the server has the correct private key. This step is crucial to prove the authenticity of the server. Only the server with the private key that matches the public key in the certificate can decrypt this data and continue the protocol negotiation.

The client key exchange message includes the client computer’s protocol version and the premaster secret.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36868
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Informational

The SSL client and server credential’s private key has the following properties:

— CSP name
— CSP type
— Key name
— Key type
— Key flags

The attached data contains the certificate. User action This event is informational; no user action is required.

Event ID 36869: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Certificate Does Not Have a Private Key Information Property Attached to it

The handshake protocols of TLS/SSL are responsible for establishing or resuming secure sessions. One of the goals of the handshake process is to authenticate the server to the client computer, and optionally, authenticate the client to the server through certificates and public or private keys.

In private (symmetric) key encryption, the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. If two parties want to exchange encrypted messages securely, they must both possess a copy of the same symmetric key.

Frequently, this issue occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36869
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The SSL client credential’s certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it. This most often occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure. User action This event is informational; no user action is required.

Event ID 36870: A Fatal Error Occurred When Attempting to Access the SSL (client or server) Credential Private Key

This event can indicate that there is a problem with the server certificate on the system that is logging the event. The error is typically logged when a service (for example, LSASS on a Domain Controller) has attempted to load and verify the private and public key pair of the server certificate and that either of these operations has failed which makes the service unable to use that certificate for SSL encryption.

The handshake protocols of TLS/SSL are responsible for establishing or resuming secure sessions. One of the goals of the handshake process is to authenticate the server to the client computer, and optionally, authenticate the client to the server through certificates and public or private keys.

In private (symmetric) key encryption, the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. If two parties want to exchange encrypted messages securely, they must both possess a copy of the same symmetric key.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36870
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

A fatal error occurred when attempting to access the SSL client credential private key. The error code returned from the cryptographic module is 0x8009030d. User action The root cause for this event can be any of the following:

Event ID 36871: A Fatal Error Occurred While Creating An SSL (client or server) Credential

This behavior is caused by the SMTP service processing an incoming EHLO command if no certificate is assigned to an SMTP site. This message is logged twice, once when the SMTP service starts, and once when the first EHLO command is received.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) controls how email is transported and then delivered across the Internet to the destination server. The SMTP EHLO command enables the server to identify its support for Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP) commands.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36871
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

A fatal error occurred while creating an SSL server credential. User action This is an erroneous Event log entry. You can safely ignore this message. To prevent this Event log entry, you must assign a certificate to the SMTP site.

Event ID 36872: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on this System

This will prevent server applications that expect to make use of the system default credentials from accepting SSL connections. An example of such an application is the directory server. Applications that manage their own credentials, such as Internet Information Services (IIS), are not affected by this. This is a warning event.

This event is logged when a server application (for example, Active Directory Domain Services) attempts to perform a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection, but no server certificate is found. Server certificates are either enrolled for by hand or are automatically generated by the domain’s enterprise Certification Authority (CA).


Product Windows operating system
ID 36872
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

No suitable default server credential exists on this system. This will prevent server applications that expect to make use of the system default credentials from accepting SSL connections. An example of such an application is the directory server. Applications that manage their own credentials, such as Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), are not affected by this. User action In domains where no enterprise CA exists, this is an expected event and you can safely ignore the message.

In domains where an enterprise CA exists, you can either enroll a server certificate manually or configure the domain’s enterprise Certification Authority (CA) to automatically generate the certificate.

Event ID 36873: No Supported Cipher Suites Were Found When Initiating an SSL Connection

A cipher suite is a collection of authentication, encryption, and message authentication code (MAC) algorithms used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using the network protocols encompassed in the Schannel security support provider.

This error message reports that the SSL connection request has failed.

The reason for this is that no supported cipher suites were found when initiating an SSL connection. This indicates a configuration problem with the client application or the installed cryptographic modules.

For information about what cipher suites are available, see Supported Cipher Suites and Protocols in the Schannel SSP.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36873
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

No supported cipher suites were found when initiating an SSL connection. This indicates a configuration problem with the client application or the installed cryptographic modules. The SSL connection request has failed. User action Determine if the cipher suites supported by the server are supported by the client computer (or the application which is encountering the issue).

For more information, see How to restrict the use of certain cryptographic algorithms and protocols in Schannel.dll..

Event ID 36874: An SSL Connection Request Was Received From a Remote Client Application, But None of the Cipher Suites Supported by the Client Application Are Supported by the Server

Cypher suites are configured for the Schannel security support provider in prioritized order and certain suites are only available on specific operating system versions. For more information about this support, see Supported Cipher Suites and Protocols in the Schannel SSP.

This error message could occur when the client application, such as a web browser is using a version of the SSL protocol not supported on the server, causing the connection cannot be made.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36874
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

An SSL 3.0 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed. User action The client application is requesting an SSL connection which is not supported on the server.

Investigate the values listed under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNELProtocols.and verify that they include those versions used by the server.

Event ID 36875: The Remote Server Has Requested SSL Client Authentication, But No Suitable Client Certificate Could Be Found

In response to the client hello message, the server requested SSL client authentication. Because the client did not possess a suitable certificate, the connection process will proceed by attempting an anonymous connection. In this scenario, which has security vulnerabilities, both client and server do not get authenticated and no credentials are needed to establish an SSL connection.

The client certificate contains, among other information, what cipher suite it supports – and by extension, which protocol it supports. For more information about the use of certificates in SSL, see Schannel SSP Technical Overview.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36875
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The remote server has requested SSL client authentication, but no suitable client certificate could be found. An anonymous connection will be attempted. This SSL connection request might succeed or fail, depending on the server’s policy settings. User action This warning message requires no action.

Event ID 36876: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Not Validated Correctly

Certificates are issued with a planned lifetime and explicit expiration date. A certificate may be issued for one minute, thirty years or even more. Once issued, a certificate becomes valid once its validity time has been reached, and it is considered valid until its expiration date. However, various circumstances might cause a certificate to become invalid prior to the expiration of the validity period. Such circumstances include change of name, change of association between subject and CA (for example, when an employee terminates employment with an organization), and compromise or suspected compromise of the corresponding private key.

This issue occurs because LDAP caches the certificate on the server. Although the certificate has expired and the server receives a new certificate from a CA, the server uses the cached certificate, which is expired. You must restart the server before the server uses the new certificate.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36876
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server has not validated correctly. The error code is 0Г—80090328. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action You must restart the server before the server uses the new certificate.

Event ID 36877: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Has Not Validated Correctly

Certificates are issued with a planned lifetime and explicit expiration date. A certificate may be issued for one minute, thirty years or even more. Once issued, a certificate becomes valid once its validity time has been reached, and it is considered valid until its expiration date. However, various circumstances might cause a certificate to become invalid prior to the expiration of the validity period. Such circumstances include change of name, change of association between subject and CA (for example, when an employee terminates employment with an organization), and compromise or suspected compromise of the corresponding private key.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36877
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The certificate received from the remote client application has not validated correctly. The error code is 0x80090325. the attached data contains the client certificate. User action The error code x80090325 indicates an untrusted certificate that was on the client.

If this was a self-signed certificate then you would need to import the certificate into the trusted root certificate store. If this certificate was issued from a Certification Authority (CA) then you will need to import the root CA certificate into the trusted root certificate store.

Event ID 36878: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Is Not Suitable for Direct Mapping to a Client System Account, Possibly Because the Authority that is Issuing the Certificate Is Not Sufficiently Trusted

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.

When a server application requires client authentication, Schannel automatically attempts to map the certificate supplied by the client to a user account.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36878
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The certificate received from the remote client application is not suitable for direct mapping to a client system account, possibly because the authority that issuing the certificate is not sufficiently trusted. The error code is error code. The attached data contains the client certificate. User action Check to see if the CA issuing the certificate is sufficiently trusted by the client application. The data attached to the message contains the client certificate.

Event ID 36879: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Was Not Successfully Mapped to a Client System Account

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.

When a server application requires client authentication, Schannel automatically attempts to map the certificate supplied by the client to a user account.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36879
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The certificate received from the remote client application was not successfully mapped to a client system account. The error code is error code. User action This warning message is not necessarily a fatal error, as the server application might still find the certificate acceptable.

Event ID 36880: An SSL (client or server) Handshake Completed Successfully

An SSL session always begins with an exchange of messages called the SSL handshake. The handshake allows the server to authenticate itself to the client by using public-key techniques, and then allows the client and the server to cooperate in the creation of symmetric keys used for rapid encryption, decryption, and tamper detection during the session that follows. Optionally, the handshake also allows the client to authenticate itself to the server.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36880
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Informational

An SSL [client| server] handshake completed successfully. User action No action required for this informational message.

The negotiated cryptographic parameters are protocol, cipher, cipher strength, MAC, exchange, and exchange strength.

Event ID 36881: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Expired

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36881
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server has expired. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action

Event ID 36882: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Was Issued By an Untrusted Certificate Authority

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.

The Schannel provider creates the list of trusted certification authorities by searching the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer. When Schannel detects a certificate that was issued by an untrusted certification authority, this error is logged.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36882
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server was issued by an untrusted certification authority. Because of this, none of the data contained in the certificate can be validated. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action Remove the untrusted certificates from the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer.

Event ID 36883: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Been Revoked

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary.

All certificates in a certificate chain may be processed to verify that none of the certificates is revoked. Certificate chain validation is of course optional from an application standpoint and may not be enforced by CryptoAPI. The Windows operating system by default checks certificate revocation status via certificate revocation lists, as the CRL processing engine is the native revocation provider included with CryptoAPI. When this functionality has been invoked each certificate in the certificate chain is checked against the compared specified in the CRL published in the CRL Distribution Point (CDP) extension in the certificate. If the certificate is found to be included in the CRL, the certificate is then considered revoked.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36883
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server has been revoked. This means that the certification authority that issued the certificate has invalidated it. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action

Event ID 36884: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Does Not Contain the Expected Name

The server certificate contains the name of the server, which must match that which is contained in one of the certificates on the client computer. If the certificate name differs between the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and the local server name, the connection will fail.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36884
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server does not contain the expected name. It is therefore not possible to determine whether we are connecting to the correct server. The server name we were expecting is servername. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action

Event ID 36885: When Asking for Client Authentication, This Server Sends a List of Trusted Certificate Authorities to the Client.

The server sends a list of trusted certification authorities to the client if the following conditions are true:

The server uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS)/SSL protocol to encrypt network traffic.

Client certificates are required for authentication during the authentication handshake process.

This list of trusted certification authorities represents the authorities from which the server can accept a client certificate. To be authenticated by the server, the client must have a certificate that is present in the chain of certificates to a root certificate from the server’s list.

The Schannel provider creates the list of trusted certification authorities by searching the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer. Every certificate that is trusted for client authentication purposes is added to the list, which is restricted by size limits. If the size of this list exceeds the maximum in bytes, the Schannel logs Warning event ID 36855. Then, Schannel truncates the list of trusted root certificates and sends this truncated list to the client computer. When the client computer receives the truncated list of trusted root certificates, the client computer might not have a certificate that exists in the chain of a trusted certificate issuer.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36885
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

When asking for client authentication, this server sends a list of trusted certification authorities to the client. The client uses this list to choose a client certificate that is trusted by the server. Currently, this server trusts so many certification authorities that the list has grown too long. This list has thus been truncated. The administrator of this machine should review the certification authorities trusted for client authentication and remove those that do not really need to be trusted. User action Review the certification authorities trusted for client authentication and remove those that do not really need to be trusted.

Event ID 36886: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on This System

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary.

If the server’s certificate wasn not generated by a CA, one must be individually generated or installed on the server in order for the client computer to connect successfully.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36886
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

No suitable default server credential exists on this system. This will prevent server applications that expect to make use of the system default credentials from accepting SSL connections. An example of such an application is the directory server. Applications that manage their own credentials, such as Internet Information Services (IIS), are not affected by this. User action This event occurs when a server attempt to make an SSL connection but no server certificate is found. In a domain where no enterprise CA exists, this event is normal and can be safely ignored.or you can install a CA in the domain.

Event ID 36887: A Fatal Alert Was Received

The TLS alert sub-protocol uses messages to indicate a change in status or an error condition to the peer. There are a wide variety of alerts to notify the peer of both normal and error conditions. Alerts are commonly sent when the connection is closed, a message which is not valid is received, a message cannot be decrypted, or the user cancels the operation. The IETF specification, RFC 4346, contains descriptions of the closure alerts and error alerts.

This alert message indicates this computer received a TLS or SSL fatal alert message from the server it was communicating or negotiating with. The error indicates a state in the communication process, not necessarily a problem with the application. However, the cause could be how the application, such as a web browser, handled the communication.

The desktop app, using SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN, generates a SSL or TLS alert to be sent to the target of a call to either the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (Schannel) function. The two alert types are warning and fatal. With a fatal error, the connection is closed immediately.

Event Details

Product Windows Operating
ID 36887
Source Schannel
Version 6.1


Event ID 36888: A Fatal Alert Was Generated

This event indicates that this computer (the computer that logs this event) has detected an error condition and generated a fatal alert to notify the other party about it.

The desktop app, using SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN, generates a SSL or TLS alert to be sent to the target of a call to either the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (Schannel) function. The two alert types are warning and fatal. With a fatal error, the connection is closed immediately.

The TLS alert sub-protocol uses messages to indicate a change in status or an error condition to the peer. There are a wide variety of alerts to notify the peer of both normal and error conditions. Alerts are commonly sent when the connection is closed, an invalid message is received, a message cannot be decrypted, or the user cancels the operation. The IETF specification, RFC 4346, contains descriptions of the closure alerts and error alerts.

For more information about how Schannel works, see Schannel SSP Technical Overview.



  1. Schannel 36871 windows 10
  2. Описание ошибки Schannel 3688
  3. Что такое Secure Channel
  4. Как избавиться от ошибки Schannel 36887
  5. Правильный метод
  6. Более грубый метод
  7. Build 19592 Schannel Event ID 36871
  8. Replies (52) 
  9. Schannel Events
  10. How to enable Schannel event logging
  11. Event ID 36864: The Schannel Security Package has Loaded Successfully
  12. Details
  13. Event ID 36865: A Fatal Error Occurred While Opening the Subsystem Cryptographic Module
  14. Details
  15. Event ID 36866: The Schannel Security Package Has Failed to Load
  16. Details
  17. Event ID 36867: Creating an SSL (client or server) Credential
  18. Details
  19. Event ID 36868: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Private Key Has the Following Properties
  20. Details
  21. Event ID 36869: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Certificate Does Not Have a Private Key Information Property Attached to it
  22. Details
  23. Event ID 36870: A Fatal Error Occurred When Attempting to Access the SSL (client or server) Credential Private Key
  24. Details
  25. Event ID 36871: A Fatal Error Occurred While Creating An SSL (client or server) Credential
  26. Details
  27. Event ID 36872: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on this System
  28. Details
  29. Event ID 36873: No Supported Cipher Suites Were Found When Initiating an SSL Connection
  30. Details
  31. Event ID 36874: An SSL Connection Request Was Received From a Remote Client Application, But None of the Cipher Suites Supported by the Client Application Are Supported by the Server
  32. Details
  33. Event ID 36875: The Remote Server Has Requested SSL Client Authentication, But No Suitable Client Certificate Could Be Found
  34. Details
  35. Event ID 36876: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Not Validated Correctly
  36. Details
  37. Event ID 36877: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Has Not Validated Correctly
  38. Details
  39. Event ID 36878: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Is Not Suitable for Direct Mapping to a Client System Account, Possibly Because the Authority that is Issuing the Certificate Is Not Sufficiently Trusted
  40. Details
  41. Event ID 36879: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Was Not Successfully Mapped to a Client System Account
  42. Details
  43. Event ID 36880: An SSL (client or server) Handshake Completed Successfully
  44. Details
  45. Event ID 36881: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Expired
  46. Details
  47. Event ID 36882: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Was Issued By an Untrusted Certificate Authority
  48. Details
  49. Event ID 36883: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Been Revoked
  50. Details
  51. Event ID 36884: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Does Not Contain the Expected Name
  52. Details
  53. Event ID 36885: When Asking for Client Authentication, This Server Sends a List of Trusted Certificate Authorities to the Client.
  54. Details
  55. Event ID 36886: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on This System
  56. Details
  57. Event ID 36887: A Fatal Alert Was Received
  58. Event Details
  59. Event ID 36888: A Fatal Alert Was Generated

Schannel 36871 windows 10

Добрый день! Уважаемые читатели и гости крупного IT блога В прошлый раз мы с вами научились ремонтировать ваше оборудование в операционных системах Windows, у которых был статус ошибки «Запуск этого устройства невозможен. (код 10)». Двигаемся дальше и мы рассмотрим ситуацию, когда у вас на компьютере или сервере в журналах событий, фиксируется ошибка «Schannel ID 36887: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40«. Мы рассмотрим на сколько критичны данные события и стоит ли на них обращать внимание.

Описание ошибки Schannel 3688

И так я проводил оптимизацию своей RDS фермы, кто не помнит, то в последнем посте я производил удаление неактивных портов TS. После после выполненной оптимизации я перезагрузил RDSH сервер и стал мониторить наличие новых и старых ошибок. Мое внимание привлекла ошибка из системного журнала логов Windows.

Что такое Secure Channel

Schannel означает Secure Channel — библиотека, криптографический провайдер (Security Support Provider — SSP) — Защищенный канал, который содержит набор протоколов безопасности, которые обеспечивают зашифрованную идентификацию и безопасную связь. Пакет используется программным обеспечением, использующим встроенные SSL и TLS, в том числе IIS, Active Directory, OWA, Exchange, Internet Explorer и Центр обновления Windows.

Как избавиться от ошибки Schannel 36887

Для начала вам необходимо понять, что за процесс или приложение вызывает данную ошибку. Что мы делаем, открываем самое свежее оповещение и переходим на вкладку подробности, режим XML. Находим тут строку » Execution ProcessID =» 696 » ThreadID =» 26540 »/> «, как видим ошибку вызывает процесс с ID 696

Далее нам необходимо понять, что это за процесс, для этого откройте командную строку или окно PowerShell и введите команду:

В результате мы видим отфильтрованный вывод всех процессов у которых в ID встречается 696. Оказывается, что 696 ID имеет процесс lsass.exe, системный процесс Windows, но тут может быть и другой процесс, например, geforce experience, удалив который или обновив, вы избавитесь от ошибки 36887. Но в моем случае, это lsass.exe.

Я стал искать закономерности в работе данного сервера и мне удалось ее обнаружить. Теперь я точно определил, когда происходят эти события в Schannel. Они возникают только тогда, когда я пытаюсь получить безопасное подключение к интернет-банкингу службы одного конкретного банка. Они не возникают, когда я пытаюсь получить безопасное соединение с любым другим онлайн-сервисом. Похоже, что-то пошло не так во время обмена рукопожатиями SSL/TLS. В таком случае вы можете поступить двумя путями:

  • Позвонить в банк и разобраться почему они не используют TLS 1.2
  • Отключить в Internet Explorer использование TLS 1.2 и запретить в журналах Windows регистрацию событий «Schannel ID 3688: С удаленной конечной точки получено оповещение о неустранимой ошибке. Определенный в протоколе TLS код оповещения о неустранимой ошибке: 40«

Правильный метод

На время пока у вас идет общение с представителями клиент-банка, вы можете в реестре Windows запретить журналирование для данного события. Для этого откройте ветку:

Найдите ключ EventLogging и выставите ему значение 0.

  • 0 — не записывать в журнал
  • 1 — записывать в журнал ошибок
  • 2 — записывать в журнал предупреждений
  • 3 — Журнал информационные и успешные события

После внесения ключа реестра, может потребоваться перезагрузка компьютера или сервера.

Более грубый метод

Чтобы отключить в системе появление событий Schannel ID 3688 вам необходимо открыть ваш браузер Internet Explorer 11 и перейти в раздел «Свойства браузера»

Далее идем на вкладку «Дополнительно», где выключаем пункт «Использовать TLS 1.2», что не совсем правильно с точки зрения безопасности. Перезапускаем браузер и пользуемся своим клиент-банком.

Build 19592 Schannel Event ID 36871

Noticed a lot of Schannel errors since installing the update on my notebook. The message is:

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013

The hasn’t been anything new installed

Sony Vaio SVS1512Z9EB. The HDD is a installed in place of the DVD and my second system. The main system is on a 1GB SSD, current public build

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* Please try a lower page number.

* Please enter only numbers.

Try the solution offered here.

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thank you for the reply. I had read both threads before posting and tried the second, with no change.

Thought the first one related to Servers only. Will try when I get a chance this afternoon.

Remember this happening on one of my PC’s before, where I was told to ignore it and hide the Schannel errors in Event Viewer!

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Thanks for your feedback.

Noticed a lot of Schannel errors since installing the update on my notebook. The message is:

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013

The hasn’t been anything new installed

Sony Vaio SVS1512Z9EB. The HDD is a installed in place of the DVD and my second system. The main system is on a 1GB SSD, current public build

My name is John H Batie, during the time when Gabe Aul and I was communicating I created the first updates for the «Hash» registry file «Schannel.» These changes I made are working very well — if you would like a copy, I can only E-mail the copy.

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Thanks for your feedback.

Noticed a lot of Schannel errors since installing the update on my notebook. The message is:

A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013

The hasn’t been anything new installed

Sony Vaio SVS1512Z9EB. The HDD is a installed in place of the DVD and my second system. The main system is on a 1GB SSD, current public build

My name is John H Batie, during the time when Gabe Aul and I was communicating I created the first updates for the «Hash» registry file «Schannel.» These changes I made are working very well — if you would like a copy, I can only E-mail the copy.

You can’t e mail people on the forum.

Please mark my posts as answers or helpful if they are.

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thank you for the reply. I had read both threads before posting and tried the second, with no change.

Thought the first one related to Servers only. Will try when I get a chance this afternoon.

Remember this happening on one of my PC’s before, where I was told to ignore it and hide the Schannel errors in Event Viewer!

Information found in these Microsoft Docs may be of help in determining/resolving the issue with Schannel Errors.

Do not give your email address to anyone online that you do not personally know.

You may post the details to this thread which will help members facing the same issue. Thank you.

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Is there not the option to use OneDrive and share link to Public folder?

Edit: Been done in past for log files.

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Thanks, I don’t give my address to anyone.

In regards to the problem, checked all my Insider PC’s and the settings mentioned in the both links are all identical. Some of them are not configured at all. This is why I’m sure they are for Server/Clients.

The problem must lay elsewhere.

The Public install on the Vaio has the same settings — no error messages

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Yes, a shared link to OneDrive is much better than gleaning an email address which violates the COC Guidelines. OneDrive link sharing is the preferred method in this Community. Other websites are viewed as suspicious in many cases and members will request a OneDrive link.

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Thanks for your feedback.

Thanks, I don’t give my address to anyone.

In regards to the problem, checked all my Insider PC’s and the settings mentioned in the both links are all identical. Some of them are not configured at all. This is why I’m sure they are for Server/Clients.

The problem must lay elsewhere.

The Public install on the Vaio has the same settings — no error messages

Smart not to give it out.

More information on Event ID 36871:

Scroll down to read the details regarding Error 36871 in this Microsoft Document. It does state, «This is an erroneous Event Log entry. You can safely ignore this message. To prevent this log entry you must supply a certificate to the SMTP site.»

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I have been dealing with this situation since the last flight

I have found out through trial and error. That yes it is server/client somewhere.

All of the links shared here I have tried to no avail. 2 of those tries resulted in a full format/reload of Windows 10 and schannel was still present. Thank God I don’t have anything to do for 2-3 weeks due to the Covid-19 virus with stay home orders.

I have also noticed that every time I opened Computer Management to check the event viewer. It would take around 2+ minutes to populate the history of events. When I double clicked any 1 of those events for details it would take 1+ minutes till the display of said details. I have read that this flight was compiled using AI. I have reported this error using the Feedback Hub with no reply as of yet.

Error detail: System Error Schannel event id: 36871 A fatal error occued while creating a TLS client credential, The internal error state is 10013.

Microsoft needs to check/fix this. There are some computer services that I could not adjust/start/stop at all.

Schannel Events

Applies To: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8

This topic for IT professionals lists the event details for the Secure Channel (Schannel) security support provider, and it describes the actions available to you to resolve problems.

To configure event logging for this provider, see How to enable Schannel event logging.

The Schannel Provider logs the following events to the Windows LogsSystem log.

Event ID 36886: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on This System

How to enable Schannel event logging

You can use this registry setting to enable the logging of client certificate validation failures, which are events generated by the Schannel security support provider. Logging of client certificate validation failures is a secure channel event, and is not enabled on the server by default

The logging of rejected or discarded authentication events is enabled by default.

Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNEL

You can enable additional secure channel event logging by changing the registry key value from 1 (REG_DWORD type, data 0x00000001) to 3 (REG_DWORD type, data 0x00000003).

Event ID 36864: The Schannel Security Package has Loaded Successfully

This event is logged first whenever the Schannel.dll is successfully loaded into memory on the client computer or server. If it is unsuccessful, Event ID 36866: The Schannel Security Package Has Failed to Load will be logged.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36864
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message The Schannel security package has loaded successfully. User action No user action is required.

Event ID 36865: A Fatal Error Occurred While Opening the Subsystem Cryptographic Module

The cryptographic subsystem is composed of a software library that contains one or more independent cryptographic service providers (CSP). These providers implement cryptographic algorithms and standards. To load successfully, they must be digitally signed and the signature must be verified.

If a CSP cannot be accessed or fails to load during the authentication process, for whatever reason, the process will stop.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36865
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

A fatal error occurred while opening the system cryptographic subsystem cryptographic module. Operations that require the SSL or TLS cryptographic protocols will not work correctly. The error code is error code. User action

Event ID 36866: The Schannel Security Package Has Failed to Load

This event is logged when the Schannel.dll fails to load into memory on the client computer or server. If successful, Event ID 36864: The Schannel Security Package has Loaded Successfully will be logged.

Because a dependency exists between the Schannel.dll and other files, you might need to extract new copies of the following files (if other error messages indicate issues with dependent files):


Product Windows operating system
ID 36866
Source Windows operating system
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The Schannel security package has failed to load. Operations that require the SSL or TLS cryptographic protocols will not work correctly. User action After investigating the event log and identifying a damaged or missing .dll file from the list above, replace it.

Investigate whether enough memory is available to load Schannel.dll and all the dependent files.

Event ID 36867: Creating an SSL (client or server) Credential

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted non-Microsoft company that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key, thereby creating the SSL credential for the client computer or server. This event is logged as informational only to record the progress of the TLS or SSL process.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36867
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Informational

Creating an SSL [client| server] credential. User action No user action is required.

Event ID 36868: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Private Key Has the Following Properties

The client computer sends a client key exchange message after computing the premaster secret that uses the two random values that are generated during the client hello message and the server hello message. Before it is transmitted to the server, the premaster secret is encrypted by the public key from the server’s certificate. Both computers compute the master secret locally and derive the session key from it.

If the server can decrypt this data and complete the protocol, the client computer is assured that the server has the correct private key. This step is crucial to prove the authenticity of the server. Only the server with the private key that matches the public key in the certificate can decrypt this data and continue the protocol negotiation.

The client key exchange message includes the client computer’s protocol version and the premaster secret.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36868
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Informational

The SSL client and server credential’s private key has the following properties:

— CSP name
— CSP type
— Key name
— Key type
— Key flags

The attached data contains the certificate. User action This event is informational; no user action is required.

Event ID 36869: The SSL (client or server) Credential’s Certificate Does Not Have a Private Key Information Property Attached to it

The handshake protocols of TLS/SSL are responsible for establishing or resuming secure sessions. One of the goals of the handshake process is to authenticate the server to the client computer, and optionally, authenticate the client to the server through certificates and public or private keys.

In private (symmetric) key encryption, the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. If two parties want to exchange encrypted messages securely, they must both possess a copy of the same symmetric key.

Frequently, this issue occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36869
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The SSL client credential’s certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it. This most often occurs when a certificate is backed up incorrectly and then later restored. This message can also indicate a certificate enrollment failure. User action This event is informational; no user action is required.

Event ID 36870: A Fatal Error Occurred When Attempting to Access the SSL (client or server) Credential Private Key

This event can indicate that there is a problem with the server certificate on the system that is logging the event. The error is typically logged when a service (for example, LSASS on a Domain Controller) has attempted to load and verify the private and public key pair of the server certificate and that either of these operations has failed which makes the service unable to use that certificate for SSL encryption.

The handshake protocols of TLS/SSL are responsible for establishing or resuming secure sessions. One of the goals of the handshake process is to authenticate the server to the client computer, and optionally, authenticate the client to the server through certificates and public or private keys.

In private (symmetric) key encryption, the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message. If two parties want to exchange encrypted messages securely, they must both possess a copy of the same symmetric key.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36870
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

A fatal error occurred when attempting to access the SSL client credential private key. The error code returned from the cryptographic module is 0x8009030d. User action The root cause for this event can be any of the following:

— Incorrect ACL’s on the MachineKeys folder on the system disk
— The server certificate failed revocation checking
— The system account was unable to download any of the CRL’s that were stamped on all the certificates in the certificate chain.
— The system cannot build a certificate chain up to a trusted root CA for the server certificate
— The server certificate was in a format that was usable by the component, for example, the Subject or the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) of the certificate instead of a SAN DNS name that matches the DNS name of the domain controller .
— The server certificate was expired.

Event ID 36871: A Fatal Error Occurred While Creating An SSL (client or server) Credential

This behavior is caused by the SMTP service processing an incoming EHLO command if no certificate is assigned to an SMTP site. This message is logged twice, once when the SMTP service starts, and once when the first EHLO command is received.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) controls how email is transported and then delivered across the Internet to the destination server. The SMTP EHLO command enables the server to identify its support for Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP) commands.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36871
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

A fatal error occurred while creating an SSL server credential. User action This is an erroneous Event log entry. You can safely ignore this message. To prevent this Event log entry, you must assign a certificate to the SMTP site.

Event ID 36872: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on this System

This will prevent server applications that expect to make use of the system default credentials from accepting SSL connections. An example of such an application is the directory server. Applications that manage their own credentials, such as Internet Information Services (IIS), are not affected by this. This is a warning event.

This event is logged when a server application (for example, Active Directory Domain Services) attempts to perform a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection, but no server certificate is found. Server certificates are either enrolled for by hand or are automatically generated by the domain’s enterprise Certification Authority (CA).


Product Windows operating system
ID 36872
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

No suitable default server credential exists on this system. This will prevent server applications that expect to make use of the system default credentials from accepting SSL connections. An example of such an application is the directory server. Applications that manage their own credentials, such as Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), are not affected by this. User action In domains where no enterprise CA exists, this is an expected event and you can safely ignore the message.

In domains where an enterprise CA exists, you can either enroll a server certificate manually or configure the domain’s enterprise Certification Authority (CA) to automatically generate the certificate.

Event ID 36873: No Supported Cipher Suites Were Found When Initiating an SSL Connection

A cipher suite is a collection of authentication, encryption, and message authentication code (MAC) algorithms used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using the network protocols encompassed in the Schannel security support provider.

This error message reports that the SSL connection request has failed.

The reason for this is that no supported cipher suites were found when initiating an SSL connection. This indicates a configuration problem with the client application or the installed cryptographic modules.

For information about what cipher suites are available, see Supported Cipher Suites and Protocols in the Schannel SSP.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36873
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

No supported cipher suites were found when initiating an SSL connection. This indicates a configuration problem with the client application or the installed cryptographic modules. The SSL connection request has failed. User action Determine if the cipher suites supported by the server are supported by the client computer (or the application which is encountering the issue).

For more information, see How to restrict the use of certain cryptographic algorithms and protocols in Schannel.dll..

Event ID 36874: An SSL Connection Request Was Received From a Remote Client Application, But None of the Cipher Suites Supported by the Client Application Are Supported by the Server

Cypher suites are configured for the Schannel security support provider in prioritized order and certain suites are only available on specific operating system versions. For more information about this support, see Supported Cipher Suites and Protocols in the Schannel SSP.

This error message could occur when the client application, such as a web browser is using a version of the SSL protocol not supported on the server, causing the connection cannot be made.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36874
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

An SSL 3.0 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed. User action The client application is requesting an SSL connection which is not supported on the server.

Investigate the values listed under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNELProtocols.and verify that they include those versions used by the server.

Event ID 36875: The Remote Server Has Requested SSL Client Authentication, But No Suitable Client Certificate Could Be Found

In response to the client hello message, the server requested SSL client authentication. Because the client did not possess a suitable certificate, the connection process will proceed by attempting an anonymous connection. In this scenario, which has security vulnerabilities, both client and server do not get authenticated and no credentials are needed to establish an SSL connection.

The client certificate contains, among other information, what cipher suite it supports – and by extension, which protocol it supports. For more information about the use of certificates in SSL, see Schannel SSP Technical Overview.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36875
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The remote server has requested SSL client authentication, but no suitable client certificate could be found. An anonymous connection will be attempted. This SSL connection request might succeed or fail, depending on the server’s policy settings. User action This warning message requires no action.

Event ID 36876: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Not Validated Correctly

Certificates are issued with a planned lifetime and explicit expiration date. A certificate may be issued for one minute, thirty years or even more. Once issued, a certificate becomes valid once its validity time has been reached, and it is considered valid until its expiration date. However, various circumstances might cause a certificate to become invalid prior to the expiration of the validity period. Such circumstances include change of name, change of association between subject and CA (for example, when an employee terminates employment with an organization), and compromise or suspected compromise of the corresponding private key.

This issue occurs because LDAP caches the certificate on the server. Although the certificate has expired and the server receives a new certificate from a CA, the server uses the cached certificate, which is expired. You must restart the server before the server uses the new certificate.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36876
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server has not validated correctly. The error code is 0Г—80090328. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action You must restart the server before the server uses the new certificate.

Event ID 36877: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Has Not Validated Correctly

Certificates are issued with a planned lifetime and explicit expiration date. A certificate may be issued for one minute, thirty years or even more. Once issued, a certificate becomes valid once its validity time has been reached, and it is considered valid until its expiration date. However, various circumstances might cause a certificate to become invalid prior to the expiration of the validity period. Such circumstances include change of name, change of association between subject and CA (for example, when an employee terminates employment with an organization), and compromise or suspected compromise of the corresponding private key.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36877
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The certificate received from the remote client application has not validated correctly. The error code is 0x80090325. the attached data contains the client certificate. User action The error code x80090325 indicates an untrusted certificate that was on the client.

If this was a self-signed certificate then you would need to import the certificate into the trusted root certificate store. If this certificate was issued from a Certification Authority (CA) then you will need to import the root CA certificate into the trusted root certificate store.

Event ID 36878: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Is Not Suitable for Direct Mapping to a Client System Account, Possibly Because the Authority that is Issuing the Certificate Is Not Sufficiently Trusted

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.

When a server application requires client authentication, Schannel automatically attempts to map the certificate supplied by the client to a user account.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36878
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The certificate received from the remote client application is not suitable for direct mapping to a client system account, possibly because the authority that issuing the certificate is not sufficiently trusted. The error code is error code. The attached data contains the client certificate. User action Check to see if the CA issuing the certificate is sufficiently trusted by the client application. The data attached to the message contains the client certificate.

Event ID 36879: The Certificate Received From the Remote Client Application Was Not Successfully Mapped to a Client System Account

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.

When a server application requires client authentication, Schannel automatically attempts to map the certificate supplied by the client to a user account.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36879
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

The certificate received from the remote client application was not successfully mapped to a client system account. The error code is error code. User action This warning message is not necessarily a fatal error, as the server application might still find the certificate acceptable.

Event ID 36880: An SSL (client or server) Handshake Completed Successfully

An SSL session always begins with an exchange of messages called the SSL handshake. The handshake allows the server to authenticate itself to the client by using public-key techniques, and then allows the client and the server to cooperate in the creation of symmetric keys used for rapid encryption, decryption, and tamper detection during the session that follows. Optionally, the handshake also allows the client to authenticate itself to the server.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36880
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Informational

An SSL [client| server] handshake completed successfully. User action No action required for this informational message.

The negotiated cryptographic parameters are protocol, cipher, cipher strength, MAC, exchange, and exchange strength.

Event ID 36881: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Expired

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36881
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server has expired. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action

Event ID 36882: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Was Issued By an Untrusted Certificate Authority

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary. For example, if a client is presented with a server’s certificate, the client computer might try to match the server’s CA against the client’s list of trusted CAs. If the issuing CA is trusted, the client will verify that the certificate is authentic and has not been tampered with.

The Schannel provider creates the list of trusted certification authorities by searching the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer. When Schannel detects a certificate that was issued by an untrusted certification authority, this error is logged.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36882
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server was issued by an untrusted certification authority. Because of this, none of the data contained in the certificate can be validated. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action Remove the untrusted certificates from the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer.

Event ID 36883: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Has Been Revoked

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary.

All certificates in a certificate chain may be processed to verify that none of the certificates is revoked. Certificate chain validation is of course optional from an application standpoint and may not be enforced by CryptoAPI. The Windows operating system by default checks certificate revocation status via certificate revocation lists, as the CRL processing engine is the native revocation provider included with CryptoAPI. When this functionality has been invoked each certificate in the certificate chain is checked against the compared specified in the CRL published in the CRL Distribution Point (CDP) extension in the certificate. If the certificate is found to be included in the CRL, the certificate is then considered revoked.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36883
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server has been revoked. This means that the certification authority that issued the certificate has invalidated it. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action

Event ID 36884: The Certificate Received From the Remote Server Does Not Contain the Expected Name

The server certificate contains the name of the server, which must match that which is contained in one of the certificates on the client computer. If the certificate name differs between the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and the local server name, the connection will fail.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36884
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

The certificate received from the remote server does not contain the expected name. It is therefore not possible to determine whether we are connecting to the correct server. The server name we were expecting is servername. The SSL connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate. User action

Event ID 36885: When Asking for Client Authentication, This Server Sends a List of Trusted Certificate Authorities to the Client.

The server sends a list of trusted certification authorities to the client if the following conditions are true:

The server uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS)/SSL protocol to encrypt network traffic.

Client certificates are required for authentication during the authentication handshake process.

This list of trusted certification authorities represents the authorities from which the server can accept a client certificate. To be authenticated by the server, the client must have a certificate that is present in the chain of certificates to a root certificate from the server’s list.

The Schannel provider creates the list of trusted certification authorities by searching the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on the local computer. Every certificate that is trusted for client authentication purposes is added to the list, which is restricted by size limits. If the size of this list exceeds the maximum in bytes, the Schannel logs Warning event ID 36855. Then, Schannel truncates the list of trusted root certificates and sends this truncated list to the client computer. When the client computer receives the truncated list of trusted root certificates, the client computer might not have a certificate that exists in the chain of a trusted certificate issuer.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36885
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Warning

When asking for client authentication, this server sends a list of trusted certification authorities to the client. The client uses this list to choose a client certificate that is trusted by the server. Currently, this server trusts so many certification authorities that the list has grown too long. This list has thus been truncated. The administrator of this machine should review the certification authorities trusted for client authentication and remove those that do not really need to be trusted. User action Review the certification authorities trusted for client authentication and remove those that do not really need to be trusted.

Event ID 36886: No Suitable Default Server Credential Exists on This System

Because authentication relies on digital certificates, certification authorities (CAs) such as Verisign or Active Directory Certificate Services are an important part of TLS/SSL. A CA is a mutually-trusted third party that confirms the identity of a certificate requestor (usually a user or computer), and then issues the requestor a certificate. The certificate binds the requestor’s identity to a public key. CAs also renew and revoke certificates as necessary.

If the server’s certificate wasn not generated by a CA, one must be individually generated or installed on the server in order for the client computer to connect successfully.


Product Windows operating system
ID 36886
Source Schannel
Version 6.0

6.2 Symbolic Name Message Type: Error

No suitable default server credential exists on this system. This will prevent server applications that expect to make use of the system default credentials from accepting SSL connections. An example of such an application is the directory server. Applications that manage their own credentials, such as Internet Information Services (IIS), are not affected by this. User action This event occurs when a server attempt to make an SSL connection but no server certificate is found. In a domain where no enterprise CA exists, this event is normal and can be safely ignored.or you can install a CA in the domain.

Event ID 36887: A Fatal Alert Was Received

The TLS alert sub-protocol uses messages to indicate a change in status or an error condition to the peer. There are a wide variety of alerts to notify the peer of both normal and error conditions. Alerts are commonly sent when the connection is closed, a message which is not valid is received, a message cannot be decrypted, or the user cancels the operation. The IETF specification, RFC 4346, contains descriptions of the closure alerts and error alerts.

This alert message indicates this computer received a TLS or SSL fatal alert message from the server it was communicating or negotiating with. The error indicates a state in the communication process, not necessarily a problem with the application. However, the cause could be how the application, such as a web browser, handled the communication.

The desktop app, using SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN, generates a SSL or TLS alert to be sent to the target of a call to either the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (Schannel) function. The two alert types are warning and fatal. With a fatal error, the connection is closed immediately.

Event Details

Product Windows Operating
ID 36887
Source Schannel
Version 6.1


Event ID 36888: A Fatal Alert Was Generated

This event indicates that this computer (the computer that logs this event) has detected an error condition and generated a fatal alert to notify the other party about it.

The desktop app, using SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN, generates a SSL or TLS alert to be sent to the target of a call to either the InitializeSecurityContext (Schannel) function or the AcceptSecurityContext (Schannel) function. The two alert types are warning and fatal. With a fatal error, the connection is closed immediately.

The TLS alert sub-protocol uses messages to indicate a change in status or an error condition to the peer. There are a wide variety of alerts to notify the peer of both normal and error conditions. Alerts are commonly sent when the connection is closed, an invalid message is received, a message cannot be decrypted, or the user cancels the operation. The IETF specification, RFC 4346, contains descriptions of the closure alerts and error alerts.

For more information about how Schannel works, see Schannel SSP Technical Overview.

If you see this on your front end servers in the «System Log» then you will need to look at what level the SHA signing has been set at and values above SHA512 appear to not work well with TLS v1.2. Microsoft’s recommended fix is to hack the registry

Although I think this is a very cobbled together solution as in our environment it breaks windows update.

Further research on this issue proved useful as the certificates on our gateways (not managed or maintained by us) had timed out and needed renewing on our internal certificate authority.

This proved fairly straight forward in that we just needed to create a certificate request on the gateway, our supplier emailed me the file. I then went on our certificate server and imported the request from the gateway and then generated a new certificate and saved it as cert.cer.

I then emailed this to the gateway maintainers who applied the updated certificate. Problem fixed but suggests out gateway people are not running any kind of monitoring on the gateways. Which is something i will have to address at the next service review meeting.

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  • Schannel dll ошибка
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  • Schannel 36884 ошибка
  • Schannel 36882 ошибка

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