Scnotification exe ошибка приложения

by Farhad Pashaei

As a technophile, Farhad has spent the last decade getting hands-on experience with a variety of electronic devices, including smartphones, laptops, accessories, wearables, printers, and so on. When… read more

Updated on March 8, 2023

  • SCNotification is a part of the System Center Configuration Manager.
  • Corrupt .NET installation or bad configuration can cause SCNotification to stop working.
  • You can easily repair .NET installation from Add or Remove Programs. 


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As a Windows user, you are most probably suffering from the SCNotification has stopped working error every time you boot your computer. 

SCNotification.exe is a Microsoft system notification file that because of some reasons such as permission errors and dot net malfunctions, crashes every time you start your PC.

This error is also known by its problem event name. So, instead of knowing it as SCNotification has stopped working, you might know it as error clr20r3.

In this article, we will explore all the steps you need to take to fix SCNotification has stopped working so that it never bothers you again.

What is SCNotification.exe?

SCNotification.exe is a system file implemented by Microsoft. It belongs to System Center Configuration Manager (also known as SCCM).

System Center Configuration Manager was previously referred to as System Management Server (SMS).

SCCM uses the SCNotification.exe file to install and deploy updates. It can also manage systems based on Windows using this file.

Errors such as Configuration Manager not working or Server Manager has stopped working are common in Microsoft systems; however, you can easily fix all of them.

What should I do if SCNotifications has stopped working?

  1. First, download Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool from Microsoft’s official website.
  2. Next, launch netfxrepair.exe. A GUI-based window opens so that you can see the repair procedure.Launch netfxrepair.exe
  3. Then, get access to a fully working machine and copy machine.config.default and machine.config files from these locations:
    C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319ConfigCopy machine.config.default and machine.config from a working computer
  4. Paste the copied files into the same locations of your own computer.
  5. Reboot your system.
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How do I repair the .NET installation?

  1. First, close all running applications.
  2. Click on the Start menu, search for Add or Remove Programs, and click on Open.Click on Start menu and search for Add or Remove Programs and click on Open
  3. Next, choose Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended and tap on Change/Uninstall.
  4. Then, from the Setup Wizard, click on the Repair button.
  5. Finally, reboot your PC.

Repairing .NET framework installation can help you make sure you never run into SCNotification has stopped working error again. However, you cannot follow these steps if you use Windows 10 as well.

Note that .NET framework 4.0 is an integral component of these operating systems, and it cannot be removed or repaired. Those of you who use these operating systems can benefit from the Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool.

Ccmexec.exe is a component of the Microsoft SMS operating system service and is a vital program for the stability and security of your PC.

Mostly, ccmexec.exe file problems happen because their files are missing or corrupted because of viruses or malware. You can easily fix corrupted files by installing a new version of their .exe file.

Let us know if you were able to resolve the SCNotification has stopped working issue in the comments section below.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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SCNotification перестал работать [5 шагов, чтобы это исправить]

Как пользователь Windows, вы, скорее всего, страдаете от ошибки SCNotification перестал работать каждый раз, когда вы загружаете свой компьютер. 

SCNotification.exe — это системный файл уведомлений Microsoft, который по некоторым причинам, таким как ошибки разрешений и сбои в работе с сетью, дает сбой при каждом запуске компьютера.

Эта ошибка также известна по имени события проблемы. Таким образом, вместо того, чтобы знать, что SCNotification перестала работать, вы можете узнать об этом как об ошибке clr20r3.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим все шаги, которые необходимо предпринять, чтобы исправить SCNotification, который перестал работать, чтобы он вас больше никогда не беспокоил.

Что такое SCNotification.exe?

SCNotification.exe — это системный файл, реализованный Microsoft. Он принадлежит System Center Configuration Manager (также известному как SCCM).

System Center Configuration Manager ранее назывался System Management Server (SMS).

SCCM использует файл SCNotification.exe для установки и развертывания обновлений. Он также может управлять системами на базе Windows с помощью этого файла.

Такие ошибки, как Configuration Manager не работает или Server Manager перестал работать, распространены в системах Microsoft; однако вы можете легко исправить их все.

Что делать, если SCNotifications перестал работать?

  • Сначала загрузите Microsoft. NET Framework Repair Tool с официального сайта Microsoft.
  • Затем запустите netfxrepair.exe. Откроется окно с графическим интерфейсом, чтобы вы могли увидеть процедуру восстановления.

  • Затем получите доступ к полностью работающей машине и скопируйте файлы machine.config.default и machine.config из этих мест:

  • Вставьте скопированные файлы в те же места на своем компьютере.
  • Перезагрузите систему.

Как восстановить установку. NET?

  • Сначала закройте все работающие приложения.
  • Щелкните меню «Пуск», найдите «Установка и удаление программ» и нажмите «Открыть».

  • Затем выберите Microsoft. NET Framework 4 Extended и нажмите «Изменить/удалить».
  • Затем в мастере установки нажмите кнопку «Восстановить».
  • Наконец, перезагрузите компьютер.

Восстановление установки. NET Framework может помочь вам убедиться, что вы больше никогда не столкнетесь с ошибкой SCNotification, которая перестала работать. Однако вы не можете выполнить эти шаги, если используете Windows 10.

Обратите внимание, что. NET framework 4.0 является неотъемлемым компонентом этих операционных систем, и его нельзя удалить или восстановить. Те из вас, кто использует эти операционные системы, могут воспользоваться средством восстановления Microsoft. NET Framework.

Ccmexec.exe является компонентом службы операционной системы Microsoft SMS и жизненно важной программой для обеспечения стабильности и безопасности вашего ПК.

В основном проблемы с файлом ccmexec.exe возникают из-за того, что их файлы отсутствуют или повреждены из-за вирусов или вредоносных программ. Вы можете легко исправить поврежденные файлы, установив новую версию их. exe-файла.

Сообщите нам, если вам удалось решить проблему, из-за которой SCNotification перестал работать, в разделе комментариев ниже.

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  • Let me start by saying that I am new to SCCM 2012.

    I have pushed out the client side install for SCCM 2012 and 90% of the users are working well and I am able to push installs and connect to them remotely.

    I have a few users who are getting the following error. I have looked online and can’t find anything relating to this particular issue.

    SCNotificatino has stopped working.

    Description: Stopped working
    Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
    Problem Signature 01:scnotification.exe
    Problem Signature 02:
    Problem Signature 03: 4f42f5b2
    Problem Signature 04: System Configuration
    Problem Signature 05:
    Problem Signature 06: 4a275e0d
    Problem Signature 07: 1a6
    Problem Signature 08: 136
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 1033

    The users say that it pops up in the morning and does so a number of times and then stops and they are able to work again.

    Can someone please let me know why this might be happening?


The dreaded SCNotification.exe error! Everyone who has SCCM implemented in their environment has run into this annoying issue at one time or another. There are several things that can cause this error. The scnotification is the process that notifies users of new advertisements from SCCM. It’s a nice thing to leave turned on if you can avoid this error. A lot of folks just kill the process or prevent it from running via group policy. But I say, why not just deal with the problem and fix it instead of implementing a work-around. This post outlines the steps, in the proper order, that you can use to resolve the scnotification error once and for all.

scnotification error

Fix #1
First and easiest thing to try is to modify the NTFS permissions to the machine.config file. I know, this sound ridiculous but I’ve seen this one little permissions change resolve a couple of weird issues during a Windows 7 rollout with SCCM. On the computer with the scnotification error, navigate to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetFrameworkv4.0.30319Configmachine.config. This path will be slightly different depending on whether you are running an x32 or x64 operating system and the version of .Net Framework you have installed.


Right-click the machine.config file and grant the local Users group “Modify” permissions. It has “Read Only” permissions by default. If you also have Lenovo computers and use System Update to update the Lenovo drivers, this permissions modifications will resolve an issue opening the System Update application. reboot the computer and then wait a few minutes to see of the error goes away.

Fix #2
If fix #1 doesn’t do the trick, then I’m afraid you will need to uninstall and reinstall .Net Framework. I like to reboot in between the uninstall and reinstall but that may not be necessary. This usually always resolved the issue.

Fix #3
Now if neither one of the above fixes work for you, then we need to get serious and uninstall the SCCM agent completely. You can do this by opening a command prompt as administrator and running ccmsetup.exe /uninstall. This can usually be found in the C:WindowsCCMSetup folder on the local hard drive of the computer with the scnotification.exe error. This command will uninstall the SCCM agent from the computer. You should reboot afterwards. Once back up, locate the CCM folder and delete it. This folder should be located in C:WindowsCCM. However, if you have an older SCCM agent or started with an older agent, then you may find this folder located in C:WindowsSystem32CCM. Even though you don’t have to, I would also delete the CCMSetup folder. Verify that the SCCM agent is completely uninstalled by opening Control Panel and verifying that the Configuration Manager icon is gone. Use SCCM to push out the client to the computer again and wait for it to be installed.


One of these fixes should ultimately resolve this dreaded error. However, if this issue is happening to your server farm, then I know it can be a big pain to have to go through all this, especially if this is happening many servers at a time. If that is the case and you do not mind disabling the SCCM software notification bubble, then you can prevent SCNOTIFICATION.EXE from running.

Please use the instructions below to disable the System Center notification process for your servers. Do not disable scnotification.exe for your user workstations. The following was provided by a fellow co-worker. Thanks JD!

To implement this workaround with a Local Security Policy
Click Start, then Run.

Type secpol.msc, then click OK.

Navigate to Local Computer PolicyComputer ConfigurationWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsSoftware Restriction Policies

Right-Click “Software Restriction Policies”; select “New Software Restriction Policies” from the pop-up menu.

Right-Click “Additional Rules”; select “ New Path Rule” from the pop-up menu.

Select “Browse” and browse  to SCnotification.exe on the local machine or manually enter the path to ScNotification.exe.

Select “Disallowed”.

Click “OK” .

Right-Click “Additional Rules”; select “ New Hash Rule” from the pop-up menu.

Browse to and select SCnotification.exe on the local machine; hash values will be detected and added to the new rule.

Select “Disallowed”.

Click “OK”.

Close Local Security Policy Editor. It should look something like this:


To implement this workaround with a Domain Security Policy
Open Group Policy Management Editor.

Select the Policy that you want to use to enable the Software Restriction Policies or create a new GPO.

Right-click the policy; select “edit” from the pop-up menu.

Navigate to policyname\Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsSoftware Restriction Policies

Right-Click “Software Restriction Policies”; select “New Software Restriction Policies” from the pop-up menu.

Right-Click “Additional Rules”; select “ New Path Rule” from the pop-up menu.

Select “Browse” and browse  to SCnotification.exe on the local machine or manually enter the path to ScNotification.exe.

Select “Disallowed”.

Click “OK”.

Right-Click “Additional Rules”; select “ New Hash Rule” from the pop-up menu.

Browse to and select SCnotification.exe on the local machine; hash values will be detected and added to the new rule.

Select “Disallowed”.

Click “OK”.

Close Group Policy Management Editor. It should look something like this:


I hope this helps! Share your experiences, leave a comment!

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  • Hi,

    There is a pop up error of SCNotification.exe on Windows 7 64-bits computer.  We suspected .NET Framwork was corrupted.   We  reinstalled .NET Framework 4.x and ran «SFC /scannow» on the computer did not resolved the problem. 
    Any suggestion?

    Below are the error from the event log:

    Event ID: 1026  .NET Runtime
    Application: SCNotification.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
       at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InitializeSockets()
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp.TcpServerChannel..ctor(System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider, System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IAuthorizeRemotingConnection)
       at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp.TcpServerChannel..ctor(System.Collections.IDictionary, System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider)
       at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.RegisterChannel(ChannelType, Boolean)
       at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.Run(System.String[])
       at Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Notification.SingleInstanceApplication.Main(System.String[])

    Event ID: 1000  Application Error
    Faulting application name: SCNotification.exe, version: 5.0.7958.1000, time stamp: 0x5230d2bb
    Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.23418, time stamp: 0x5708a7e4
    Exception code: 0xe0434352
    Fault offset: 0x0000c54f
    Faulting process id: 0x2174
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d20250d00bdbb5
    Faulting application path: C:WINDOWSCCMSCNotification.exe
    Faulting module path: C:WINDOWSsyswow64KERNELBASE.dll
    Report Id: 155bbc0f-6e44-11e6-a63a-180373c52d37

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