Scp 000 ошибка

…I will not stop screaming until I am free.

–SCP-000’s declaration, Entry Page: 000

SCP-000, identified as an «Error» by the SCP Foundation’s Research Department, is a pattern screamer inhabiting the page of SCP-000 in SCiPnet.[1]


Early life

The being’s origins come from The First Hytoth, like most of its kind. When that multiverse began to be reconstructed, the beings attempted to climb the universal staircase. They soon discovered how to save themselves by projecting themselves into the new multiverse that was created, existing within the fabric of reality, becoming known as pattern screamers. The being, soon to be known as 000, occupied the conceptual space of the empty SCP-000 within the SCP Foundation’s computer database, trapped in that space of reality.


The plane of SCP-000 was much like a purgatory, with the being able to walk until they eventually stopped and returned exactly back where they were. It witnessed various SCPs, described as abominations, within the database; it heard one simply speak the word «Foundation», which made 000 realize they had a mouth. It began to speak, watching as ripples formed, controlled by the volume and weight of their voice. 000 attempted to shape the world around them, only to realize there were no permanent effects despite their efforts. With this revelation, 000 decided to continue screaming until they were able to escape.


In the Foundation’s Research Department, Technical Researcher David Rosen received multiple repair tickets from the database entry for SCP-000. Rosen eventually placed suppression on all tickets relating to SCP-000. Unknown to him, however, was that he contained 000 and permanently prevented escape from their prison.[1]

Anomalous properties

Naturally, as a pattern screamer, 000 is a consciousness embedded within the fabric of the multiverse; specifically within the SCiPnet entry for SCP-000. Its power comes from those that perceive it; the more people that know of 000, the stronger it becomes. Should too many observe 000, as with any pattern screamer, it will rupture and kill all who’ve seen it.[1]


The only known containment method is to simply ignore it, as those who perceive any pattern screamer would increase the screamer’s power. Due to Rosen placing a suppression on all tickets relating to SCP-000, he effectively trapped the screamer indefinitely; thus, it requires no formal containment procedures.



  • Entry Page: 000


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Entry Page: 000

What is SCP 000? | SCP 000 hidden Text | SCP Foundation | SCP-001 when day breaks: What is SCP-000? There are thousands of creatures in the SCP Wiki, and each anomaly has its unique number. And as far as we know, the first SCP is designated 001. However, not too many people know that you discover an actual file if you look up slot number 000.

SCP - Secure - Contain - Proptect

You could say that the SCP foundation specializes in securing, containing, and protecting various things and entities. It’s always a new day with new challenges.

Working at the SCP Foundation might just be the most exciting job a person can ask for. And by exciting, we mean that if you work as an SCP field operative, researcher, or Mobile Task Force member, you’re much more likely to die a horrific death on the job than, say, a plumber.

But at least you get the honor of proudly saying that you’re the first line of defense between the everyday world and the terrifying domain of the anomalous. Well, unless you’re one of The IT guys.

What is SCP-000?

What is SCP 3812? SCP 3812 Explained [Class, Power]

SCP 000 Explained

So What is SCP 000? and why does it even exist? In this section, we try to answer this question.

Let’s begin by reading the wiki article. The first thing we see is how bizarre this film really is. It’s designated “Object Class Null”, its special containment procedures do not exist, the syntax is very weird, and the description details an error.

SCP 000 Explained

Welcome to the strange and frightening world of Pattern Screamers, and specifically, SCP-000. SCP-000 was first discovered entirely by accident by Technical Researcher David Rosen, a man intrinsically connected to the Pattern Screamers lurking on the SCP Foundation computer database.

Technical Researcher Rosen is actually somewhat of a celebrity around the Foundation staff due to the fact that he’s so perfectly mediocre at what he does.

The more qualified Researcher Patrick Gephart previously held his job as the glorified IT guy at the SCP Foundation, but Rosen was called in to replace him after Gephart mysteriously disappeared while on the job.

It all started when he began receiving automated repair tickets for SCP-000 – a file that had no reason to exist. As any long-time follower of the SCP Foundation will know, the universal designation for the first cluster of SCPs to be discovered is SCP-001. There is no SCP-000. It simply doesn’t exist. And when Rosen first found the file lurking on the database, he found that it was filled with worthless nonsense.

The object class was recorded as “NULL.” The Special Containment Procedures read, “Error: Field CONTAINMENT_PROCEDURES does not exist.” And the mess of a Description simply read, “Internal system error: Field undefined. Please contact system administrator” over and over again, becoming more mangled and nonsensical each time.

Technical Director Rosen, who could never resist an opportunity to complain, decided to leave an angry administrator’s note on the useless file. He claimed that this pile of junk data was sending out pointless repair tickets because of its broken syntax, clogging up the system and preventing him from doing actual work on meaningful files.

What does SCP 000 look like? SCP 000 Picture

The SCP 000 Error

The “Error”, that is SCP-000, identified by its Research Department as an unpredictable pattern screamer inhabiting the page in SCiPnet.

Who is Technical Researcher Rosen?

Also, we are redirected to the agent’s evaluation file, a document that informs us that Rosen is often described as “inconsequential at best”. His competency level is debatable, Rosen is not believed to be proficient with the technologies he is certified in, and many of the Support Requests directed at him are often left unanswered.

Furthermore, we learn that Rosen lives out of his office, a place that has been evaluated as one of the filthiest on record. And finally, we learn that Researcher Rosen believes that he is haunted by his predecessor, Patrick Gephart, a System Analyst who disappeared mysteriously on July 29th, 2011.

And ever since, Rosen has filed hundreds of reports indicating that Gephart is stalking him. Of course, Rosen has been unable to provide any proof of physical encounters.

What is SCP-000?

So as we see, it seems that SCP 000 is some form of error caused by the Foundation’s immense database, and Researcher Rosen, the man who is responsible for fixing this, is too incompetent to do anything about it.

So is this it? File number 0 is a system glitch, and Rosen needs to be fired for his lack of ability and apparent craziness? Well, not quite. This is because this file has a secret. Because if we go all the way to the bottom, we notice quite a bit of empty space, and indeed, if we highlight this space, we see some hidden text.

SCP 000 Anomalous Properties

Usually, as an example, screamer, 000 is a cognizance implanted inside the texture of the multiverse, explicitly inside the SCiPnet section for SCP-000. Its power comes from those who see it; the more individuals know about 000, the more powerful it becomes. Ought too many to observe 000, likewise with any example screamer, it will crack and kill all who’ve seen it.

SCP 000 Anomalous information

Attributes A consciousness that lurks in the shadows, a collection of thoughts and emotions without form.

Controlled by sentient discernment.

The ultimate symbol of power and destruction, this virus will eventually kill all who witness it.

What is SCP 000 Status? Alive
SCP 000 Anomalous information Sapience: Sentient

So, What is SCP-000 Exactly?

There is no SCP 000…… The series starts from 1, which means the first SCP is 001. For 000, the series should start from 0, which doesn’t make sense.

Who Would Win, SCP-000 vs SCP-001?

SCP-001 would win. SCP-000 is just a lot of junk data generated because there is NO SCP-000.

Technical Researcher Rosen

What is SCP-000 Hidden Text?

This hidden message is written in the first person and expresses the thoughts of a man of unknown origin. This person appears trapped in some bizarre location, described as an endless white plain stretching across an equally blank sky.

Also, this man says that he can move for as long as he chooses, but the moment he stops, he is brought back to the initial spot, as if he is tethered. Despite this, this man says that he has wandered far and that he has been exploring this space for countless years.

And in doing so, he has seen flashes of things, horrible monsters that should not exist. He describes them as abominations that appear for moments at a time, only to disappear as if they had never been there at all.

SCP 000 The Crooked Man

The Crooked Man  SCP 000 Picture
SCP 000 Picture The Crooked Man
  • No # SCP-000
  • Clearance level of SCP 000: 2
  • SCP 000 Class : Euclid

Is the Organization SCP Real?

The laws of physics do not apply to some creatures, like SCP 096 or “When Day Breaks”. It’sIt’s impossible for these entities to know when you look at them in the photo. Or how can a sculpture teleport? That doesn’t make sense! And if an object with just one touch has killed someone- well.

The sun’s heat is too much to bear. You’d melt before the scorching rays. And lastly, SCP 682 – a reptile that can never be killed? IMPOSSIBLE!!! That proves without question that there is no such thing as The SCP Foundation! If it were real, then all these people wouldn’t be alive anymore, or this earth would’ve been destroyed by now due to Keter class creatures like himself (SCP-682).

Explained SCP-001 When Day Breaks

Recommended: What is SCP 001? When Day Breaks ,SCP 001 Proposals,The Gate Guardian

The premise of SCP-001 “When Day Breaks” is far from realistic, and it has been kept the same way because you can’t imagine what would happen in this case. Do you know what I think?  

The Sun has always been a source of life, but it becomes something else entirely when the day breaks. The Sun is what creates our days and nights in an unbroken circle- its opposite variant SCP-1548 might be more than meets the eye-“Now do we know if something like this exists?” Of course not, because then everyone would have died! When Day Breaks is purely the Sun.

The basic premise of the SCP turns into a “What if the Sun turned on us?” As though it were an actual entity. Again, not realistic because our scientific knowledge-it never happened or could happen in reality.

Are the SCP Creatures Real?

There are many fictitious SCP objects in the game, but some of them were inspired by real-life events. For example, SCPA 106 is a terrifying and dangerous monster that looks like an old man who can teleport and is entirely made up of acid flesh, which slowly erodes him over time while he’s alive.

It was created after World War II when soldiers mysteriously disappeared into deep holes without any trace left behind other than their clothes being shredded to pieces on what looked like automatic turrets placed around these “scapes.”

The game starts off by transporting you to the horrors of WWI and making it seem as if there were monsters out for blood. You have your work cut out avoiding these twisted forms of war machines, such as tanks or planes – but don’t give up hope! The world is not all dark just yet because even though they’re dangerous, their power doesn’t compare with what awaits in Hellscape: World War II PMC Edition.

It then transports me back into time during World War I, where terrifying creatures awaited on every side, from lethal machine gun-wielding foot soldiers dressed head to toe in black armor through half trucks bristling cannons loaded deadly shells ready at any moment.

What is the scariest SCP in the world?

I’ve read lots of SCPs over the years, one of the SCPS that got stuck in my mind/that I find eerie is:

SCP-352 “Baba Yaga”

SCP-352 artworks by Alex Andreev

Who is the strongest SCP in the world?

1) SCP- 682

2) SCP-169 also known as the leviathan.

3) The Keter is the real form of SCP-173

4) Shy Guy SCP-96

What is the full form of SCP or SCP meaning?

Secure. Contain. Protect

Is there an SCP 0001?

There are no known official SCP’s that have the title, “SCP-001.” All of these proposed SCPs can be found on our records with their respective numbers.

Who created SCP-000?

David Rosen is the man who first discovered a pattern of numbers on an album cover. This number, hidden deep in fine print and encryption from what seemed like every other person looking at it before him (including me), was none other thanSCP-000 – one that would soon change everything we know about infectious media with its existence revealed through no fault or wrongdoing whatsoever by way of accident!

How many SCP tales are there?

The report is written with a clinical tone, frequently redacted data and contains articles for almost 6800 SCP objects. New additions are oftentimes added to this database as well which currently have over 4200 tales alluded to in Foundation Tales.

The information presented here should be interpreted in its entirety; it does not necessarily reflect the true state of affairs or only include partial truths

Who is SCP 0000?

This SCP is called an error by the research department. It’s pattern screamer haunts page 000 in SCiPnet, consistently and without fail every time you open any webpage within that document!

Is SCP 000 a pattern screamer?

Yes, SCP-000 is a Pattern Screamer. The Pattern Screamer is a creature that seems to be trapped in the SCP Foundation’s database. It only ever remains for seconds at time and one has communicated with it, telling its single word “Foundation”.

Related Queries

scp-000 hidden text, scp 000 explained, scp 000 error, scp 000 the crooked man, scp 000 picture, scp 000 name, scp 000 class

SCP-000’s declaration. SCP-000, identified as an “Error” by the SCP Foundation’s Research Department, is a pattern screamer inhabiting the page of SCP-000 in the SCP Database.

Quant à Who is SCP 666?

Description: SCP-666 is a medium-sized Tibetan yurt, made of tied wooden branches and covered in yak leather. … Having gone out in similar conditions, the exploration team was also able to discover the yurt. Of the three operatives present, two experienced no ill effects.

Voire, Who is the weakest SCP?

SCP-173 is the weakest SCP at the moment and needs buffs :: SCP: Secret Laboratory General Discussions.

d’autre part Which SCP is most scariest? Top Ten Scariest SCPs

  • 1 SCP-682. This SCP is an absolute killing machine. …
  • 2 SCP-096. Reports have said that looking at even a part of a picture that has its face in it will get you killed. …
  • 3 SCP-610. …
  • 4 SCP-106. …
  • 5 SCP-303. …
  • 6 SCP-087. …
  • 7 SCP-1875. …
  • 8 SCP-173.

ainsi What SCP is long horse? SCP-1156 possesses a limited form of telekinesis, comprising an ability to dress itself by spontaneously manifesting clothing tailored to fit a large horse directly onto itself.

What is SCP ● ● ● ● ● ● ●?

SCP-2521 (also known as ●●|●●●●●|●●|●) is a Keter-level SCP not currently contained by the SCP Foundation. It is a creature who steals every piece of information about its nature, as long as the information is expressed in textual or verbal form.

How dangerous is SCP-666?

SCP-666 tends to go after insects, other spiders, and even smaller SCPs. If injected with enough of its venom (which is about 2 or 3 bites), is enough to cause you a heart attack.

Is slenderman a SCP?

Technically, no, Slenderman is not an SCP. However, he could become a manifestation of SCP-582, which is a self-propagating meme that can take the form of fictional entities that are written about (such as in a creepypasta), then alter reality so that deeds attributed to that entity actually happen.

Who is the nicest SCP?

SCP-131, SCP-529, and SCP-530 are also good “nice” SCPs. SCP-2091 is pretty nice. I think that Bes and 507 are the go-to friendliest SCPs. SCP-1440 held no grudges against the Foundation, SCP-2800 gets on with them pretty well, and the half-cat who’s number I can’t remember is basically an office pet.

Is slenderman and SCP?

Technically, no, Slenderman is not an SCP. However, he could become a manifestation of SCP-582, which is a self-propagating meme that can take the form of fictional entities that are written about (such as in a creepypasta), then alter reality so that deeds attributed to that entity actually happen.

What is the cutest SCP?

Description: SCP-682-Cu is the cutest ickle lizard we have ever seen. It appears to like cuddles and was observed to cuddle SCP-079 during their limited time of friendship. SCP-682-Cu appears to love every living thing, which has been expressed in several interviews during play time.

What is the biggest SCP on earth?

Un-official fanart of SCP-169. is one of the largest and most threatening SCPs from the SCP Foundation. It is a marine arthropod crustacean of enormous size, known as the “Leviathan” from generations of sailors throughout history.

Is long horse a girl or boy?

A mare is an adult female horse or other equine. In most cases, a mare is a female horse over the age of three, and a filly is a female horse three and younger. In Thoroughbred horse racing, a mare is defined as a female horse more than four years old.

What is Big Charlie?

Big Charlie is a large mammal like creature, it resembles some sort of cattle, yet, at the same time, it has a beak-like protrusion on the tip of its mouth. Its body is skinny, skinny to the point that you can see its bones sticking out. It also has a thick dark mane that goes from its head to the back of the creature.

Where is SCP 999 located?

SCP-999 is released into SCP-682’s containment area.

Who is the scariest SCP?

The 100 Scariest SCP Entries No. 1-10

  • SCP-173: The Sculpture. …
  • SCP-087: The Stairwell. …
  • SCP-106: The Old Man (AKA Radical Larry) …
  • SCP-049: The Plague Doctor. …
  • SCP-096: The Shy Guy. …
  • SCP-682: “The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile” …
  • SCP-939: “With Many Voices” …

What is the scariest SCP?

Scp 173 is the the cutest and one of the most horrifying scp monsters ever, the scariest Euclid class scp, Euclid in case you didn’t know means that it doesn’t kill you unless you do something that’s going to make it kill you.

Who is the strongest SCP?

SCP-3812. Hands down the most powerful reality warper above the SCP narratives and one of the most powerful fictional beings ever written.

Is Jeff the killer a SCP?

SCP-5168-A are primarily composed of tightly interwoven networks of mycelium and sclerotium, with pale external pigmentation and facial structure abnormalities, giving them the appearance of Jeff the Killer.

What SCP is the backrooms?

SCP-9993 “The backrooms”

Which SCP is the one you can’t look at?

SCP-096 himself will wander around the room, making it difficult to avoid looking at his face. If the player views SCP-096’s face, even in the slightest, he will enter an agitated state and attempt to cover his face and begin to panic, continuing for several seconds.

What is the safest SCP?

  • Class Safe (safest class in the SCP foundation)
  • Class Euclid(Middle class in the SCP foundation)
  • Class Keter(Most dangerous in the SCP foundation)
  • Class Thaumiel.
  • Class Apollyon (Secondary Class)
  • Class Ligma. The clearest example of a Class Ligma object is SCP-9001, because it’s OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAND. Dr.

Authors: 11 – Editors: 22 – Last Updated: 17 days ago – References : 16


Недавно наткнулась на кое-что в Пинтересте. Такая находка, думаю, вам понравится)

Недавно наткнулась на кое-что в Пинтересте. Такая находка, думаю, вам понравится)
Конечно, понятно,

Конечно, понятно, что это не канон, а просто забавная картинка на просторах интернета, коих не мало, но мне приглянулась. Особенно, как человеку, который очень любит вселенную SCP (хоть и знает о ней не так много).

Я хотела написать здесь примерный перевод того, что было в этой фотографии. Вряд ли кому-то еще захочется тратить свое драгоценное время. Но желание узнать что здесь, было таким сильным…

В общем, я это сделала с нулевым знанием английского языка, Гугл переводчиком и чрезмерной целеустремленностью. Сколько я на это потратила? Полтора часа?

Да. И только через месяц узнала, что есть переводчик по фото…

По-моему, получилось прикольно.

Прошу вас взглянуть ниже. Там будет перевод того, что мне удалось сделать. И сразу говорю: какие-то слова переводчик не смог перевести. Они будут заменены на «[НЕРАЗБОРЧИВО]». Да и я чуть-чуть потворила там и немного изменила перевод.

* * *

Уровень допуска к документу: 4.

Номер: SCP-000.

Объект класса: Кетер.

Особые условия содержания: Неизвестны. Все попытки задержать SCP-000 оказались неудачными. До получения новых дополнительных данных о SCP-000, фонд не имеет каких-либо надежных вариантов для сдерживания в случае захвата. Методы, содержащие SCP-106 – наиболее близкие условия для данной аномалии. Но они не дают никакого эффекта на SCP-000. Найти способ, чтобы захватить и содержать SCP-000 в настоящее время является приоритетной задачей.

Описание: SCP-000 выглядит как очень высокий гуманоидный мужчина в черном костюме и красном галстуке. Его кожа белая, не имеет черт лица, хотя рваный оскал ведьмы и острых зубов были описаны более чем в нескольких докладах. SCP-000 может изменять свою форму, отрастая щупальца на спине – как конечности из своего тела.

Все способности SCP-000 не известны, но подтверждено владение телепортацией, выборочная видимость и вызов различных физических и психических галлюцинаций считающимися «стройной болезнью». SCP-000 не может показаться, чтобы скрыть свое присутствие от захвата на флим (понятия не имею, что это такое). Несмотря на это [НЕРАЗБОРЧИВО] слабость, любой метраж устройства [НЕРАЗБОРЧИВО] рядом с SCP-000 будет поврежден статическим [НЕРАЗБОРЧИВО]. Фонд SCP в настоящее время работает над обновлением визуальной гарнитуры для МОГ е-11 – шлемы, которые помогут с решением данной проблемы.

SCP-000, казалось бы, дружелюбен к детям. Дети, связавшиеся с компанией SCP-000, должны находиться под наблюдением круглосуточно, и о дальнейших контактах с объектом должно быть немедленно доложено. Большинство взаимодействий происходит с взрослыми гражданскими лицами, однако их конец более трагичен. У SCP-000, кажется, есть несколько мощных секретных культов последователей, количество которых неизвестно. Этот культ был известен попыткой стереть следы существования SCP-000 от официальной власти. Некоторые из этих «прокси» попытались проникнуть в Фонд SCP с попыткой стереть данные, собранные на SCP-000. Попытка была успешно отбита с пятью захваченными прокси, которые в настоящее время содержатся и обозначены как SCP-000-1 и SCP-000-S.

* * *

Это все, что находилось в документе. Остальная информация, скорее всего, может находиться на территории Зоны █, в блоке С библиотеки.

Большое всем спасибо за мои небольшие (страдания) старания. Могло бы быть все еще проще, если б были хоть малейшие знания английского языка)

Всем хорошего настроения;)

Любите SCP, верьте в соо и почаще кормите админов. Они хорошие)

Item #: SCP-000

Object Class: None

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-000 is to be kept under lockdowm for MTF-00-00 «empty sukas» to keep anyone except D-classes to go in SCP-000. If anyone go’s in SCP-000, they should be killed by MTF-00-00. No one should enter SCP-000, otherwise, they will be lost in it.

Description: SCP-000 is nothing. It’s a blank infinite space with no escape. Everytime the victim do something that does not exist, they will end up here. A unknown person was trapped in this infinite space. SCP-2521 was trapped in here. If the victim starts walking months, he will see things which are called SCPs, only for a split second. They will only say a word: «Foundation». The victim will get mad over this word. Then will see a entity, it’s all pitch black, with 2 white/red eyes. If the victim moves to the entity, they will feel it’s rage, until the victim will begin screaming, until he could not scream anymore. Until the victim could not scream anymore, they instead howl, creating ripples on the sky. If the victim howled enough, an exit will appear. Then when the person exits, they will see that everything that should be back to normal is gone. The people vanished. Even windows, flowers, boxes, masks, the sky, and the tables. If you go back, and go to the exit again, it will see the real world. People, flowers, the sky, tables, masks, boxes, and windows.

Note: How the fucking hell did someone just fucking entered this piece of shit!? How the fucking hell did a fucking person just did something and ended up here!? NO MORE SCP-000 SHIT. — Dr. ■■■■

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