Security share ошибка



Обновил дебиан с etch на lenny и получил вот такие грабли:

$ smbclient -U spinal //


Domain=[NET28] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.5]

Server not using user level security and no password supplied.

tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD

Из-под винды нормально заходит через проводник \

с вводом пароля.



workgroup = NET28

server string = %h

interfaces =,

bind interfaces only = Yes

security = SHARE

map to guest = Bad User

obey pam restrictions = Yes

passdb backend = tdbsam

pam password change = Yes

passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u

passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %nn *Retypesnews*spassword:* %nn *passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* .

unix password sync = Yes

syslog = 0

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

max log size = 1000

os level = 65

preferred master = Yes

domain master = Yes

dns proxy = No

wins support = Yes

panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

invalid users = root


comment = Home Directories

valid users = %S

read only = No

create mask = 0644

browseable = No


Ребят,поясните пожалуйста!нигде нормальной инфы по этому не могу найти!есть Debain, на нем стоит связка Samba+SWAT,под security=user все работает отлично, а вот под security=share работать отказывается, точнее когда ставлю guest ok=yes, то еще как-то заходит,если убрать это- нет прав,в самбе не зарубал ничего,юзаю acl.Объясните по-нормальному в чем разница между этими режимами?а то нигде нормального описания не встречал.и кстати,какую все-таки использует в качестве гостя учетку, я например стоящего по-умолчания nobody в smbpasswd вообще не довавлял и все равно входит под гостем!поясните плиз,очень нуждаюсь в помощи)!заранее спасибо!

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  • [SOLVED] (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

  1. (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    Hi guys. I’m almost done with my new file server. One of the functions it provides is a share for Clonezilla via Samba that both Linux and Windows machines need to access, as I image all my desktops and laptops to this share.

    I noticed when running «testparm» that it tells me that security=share is deprecated. So, I removed security=share from smb.conf, and my share for Clonezilla no longer functions, so I had to add it back.

    My question is, how do I address security=share being deprecated but still retain the exact same functionality? My /images share needs to be accessible to all, regardless of the username, and should never ask for password. Here are the config files:



    server string = File Server
    workgroup = LITTLEBIGPLANET
    security = share
    name resolve order = bcast hosts wins
    client lanman auth=Yes
    wins support = yes
    include = /etc/samba/smbshared.conf



            path = /home/iris/HDD Images
            force user = iris
            read only = No
            guest ok = Yes

  2. Re: (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    The current equivalent for your purposes of «security = share» are the following 2 lines:


    security = user
    map to guest = Bad User

    The remote user name will be compared to the one found in the samba password database and if it doesn’t find a match it will be tagged a «Bad User» and mapped to the guest account.

    The guest account by default is nobody:


    testparm -sv /dev/null | grep "guest account"

    There are some peculiar and very rare bugs however that show up from time to time that can be worked around by using «security = share». The developers insist they will remove the «share» option in the very next update but they have been saying that for 4 years now so maybe Samba4 will finally remove it

    EDIT: I should have also noted that is you don’t add «map to guest = Bad User» it defaults to «map to guest = Never».


    testparm -sv /dev/null | grep "map to guest"

    Last edited by Morbius1; April 21st, 2012 at 04:15 PM.

  3. Re: (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    Quote Originally Posted by Morbius1
    View Post

    The current equivalent for your purposes of «security = share» are the following 2 lines:


    security = user
    map to guest = Bad User

    The remote user name will be compared to the one found in the samba password database and if it doesn’t find a match it will be tagged a «Bad User» and mapped to the guest account.

    The guest account by default is nobody:


    testparm -sv /dev/null | grep "guest account"

    There are some peculiar and very rare bugs however that show up from time to time that can be worked around by using «security = share». The developers insist they will remove the «share» option in the very next update but they have been saying that for 4 years now so maybe Samba4 will finally remove it

    EDIT: I should have also noted that is you don’t add «map to guest = Bad User» it defaults to «map to guest = Never».


    testparm -sv /dev/null | grep "map to guest"

    Ok, so I don’t add map to guest to smb.conf, right?

  4. Re: (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    If you use «security = user» you must add «map to guest = Bad User».

  5. Re: (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    Quote Originally Posted by Morbius1
    View Post

    If you use «security = user» you must add «map to guest = Bad User».

    Thank you, I’ll start testing this right now.

    Edit: So far, so good. Thanks!

    Last edited by jlacroix; April 22nd, 2012 at 03:39 PM.

  6. Re: (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    Quote Originally Posted by Morbius1
    View Post

    If you use «security = user» you must add «map to guest = Bad User».

    I’m sorry: there is something that I am missing.
    I also need to setup a «public folder» writable by anybody without any passwd check. If I do not use «security = share» I get immediately asked for username/password when trying to browse the public folder.
    Here is my smb.conf


     workgroup = MyWorkgroup
     server string = %h Samba Server
     security = user
     map to guest = Bad User
     obey pam restrictions = Yes
     pam password change = Yes
     passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
     passwd chat = *Entersnwes*spassword:* %nn *retypesnewspassword:* %nn *passwordsupdatedssuccesfully* .
     unix password sync = Yes
     syslog = 0
     log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
     max log size = 1024
     dns proxy = No
     usershare allow guests = Yes
     panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
     path = /usr/pub/share
     browsable = Yes
     guest ok = Yes
     read only = No
     create mask = 0755
     directory mask = 0755
     force user = nobody
     force group = nogroup

    Can anybody give me a hint in the right direction?

  7. Re: (Samba) Warning: security=share is deprecated

    security = user
    map to guest = Bad User

    Let’s take as an example a Windows client. The same thing will happen with a Linux client but you have to go out of your way to make that happen in Linux. In Windows the client’s username and password is automatically sent when it browses for shares — this is done without the user’s knowledge. That forces Samba to deal with the sent credentials even though it’s a guest share that requires no authentication.

    When that username is passed Samba will search through it’s password database for that user:

    * If there is no match to the username the client user is tagged a «Bad User» and converted ( mapped ) to the guest account which by default is «nobody».

    * If it finds a match to the username and there is a samba password that matches the one sent by the Windows client then the Windows user automatically gains access although not as an anonymous user which is why you needed to add «force user = nobody» to your share definition.

    * If it finds a match to the username but the samba password does not match exactly the password that’s automatically sent by the Windows client then you will be prompted for a password — even for a guest share.

    If all you have is that one guest share then check the samba password database:

    If you have an entry for that remote user either make sure the samba password matches the remote users password exactly or simply remove the samba user from the database:


    sudo smbpasswd -x user-name



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Тема: SAMBA не получается расшарить папку.  (Прочитано 1961 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.

Alex Gluck

Задача дать пользователям возможность расшаривать по самбе папки из файлового менеджера.

Команда для расшаривания

net usershare add [params]
руководство откуда я почерпнул эту информацию

Версия ОС и самбы

& lsb_release -d
Description:    Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
& uname -a
Linux 3.17.7-300.fc21.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 03:08:44 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
& yum list samba
Установленные пакеты
samba.x86_64                      2:4.1.14-1.fc21                       @updates

Инструкция которой пользовался

Проделанные процедуры: менял параметр security на все возможные, в случае значения share ошибка

WARNING: Ignoring invalid value 'share' for parameter 'security'
Пробовал расшарить через конфиг его правкой и через system-config-samba

Отключал SElinux

Либо недостаточно прав, либо ошибка подключения к ресурсу виндоус.


Alex Gluck


и вообще

Description:    Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)Не на том форуме спрашиваешь.

Alex Gluck

русский форум федоры закрыли, проблема с самбой а не федорой. гуи для самбы мне не нужны учитывая не работу стандратного функционала ПО. На другие форумы и джаберы я написал уже.


Было дело..работает самба если отключить фаервол)
Мучался-мучался..отрубил фаервол..все пошло.Там с группами намудрили Федоровцы

Alex Gluck

Саму самбу не без помощи добрых людей настроил, но задача для не рут пользователей иметь возможность расшаривать любые свои папки которые они хотят. Так что вопрос как заставить на федоре21-воркстэйшн отрабатывать добавление шары по net usershare add открыт.
Ну и про решение, клиентами при тесте работы самба выступали федора21-воркстэйшн и минт17, тунар и немо багануто отображали папки самбы, телек с raspbmc корректно работает, винду достану позже и там проверю. Проблема была в клиентах, а не в сервере.

Alex Gluck

Проблема решена. Во время тестов я экспериментировал с правами, и впоследствии после установки лога в дебаг значением 10 нашёл проблему. Но это ещё не всё. А пока мои права и smb.conf

# chmod 1770 /var/lib/samba/usershare
# ll /var/lib/samba | grep usershare
drwxrwx--T. 2 root sambashare   4096 янв 11 00:15 usershare
# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
usershare path = /var/lib/samba/usershare
usershare max shares = 10
usershare allow guests = yes
usershare owner only = yes
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = %L
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no

После этого список ресурсов появился, но оказывается параметр guest ok = yes запрещает неавторизованым юзерам просматривать содержимое ресурсов. А параметр guest ok = no разрешает гостевой доступ. Такие пироги.

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I’m setting up a Samba server on Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition.

What I’m trying to do is have a share that is readable by everyone, and writable by a select few.

I am able to login from my computer using smbclient //server/security -U brad,
but I am unable to connect using [Places->Connect to Server...] with a username and password.

One thought I came up with is that I’m using lower case letters in the password.

This is a portion of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file that was generated by swat.


  preferred master = Yes
  domain master    = Yes
  wins support     = Yes

  security               = SHARE
  usershare allow guests = Yes
  guest ok               = Yes
  null passwords         = Yes
  guest account          = samba
  map to guest           = Bad User

  unix password sync     = Yes
  lanman auth            = Yes
  client plaintext auth  = Yes
  lanman auth            = Yes
  client NTLMv2 auth     = Yes
  client lanman auth     = Yes
  client plaintext auth  = Yes

  comment = Security and Antivirus software
  path                = /share/security
  write list          = brad
  inherit permissions = Yes
  inherit owner       = Yes
  hide special files  = Yes
  hide unreadable     = Yes


# smbclient //server/security -U brad
[2009/05/04 09:45:31,  1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1111) ( connect to service Security initially as user brad (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 3129)
[2009/05/04 09:48:49,  1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1323) ( closed connection to service Security

# smbclient //server/security -U brad
[2009/05/04 09:48:53,  1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1111) ( connect to service Security initially as user brad (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 3177)
[2009/05/04 09:48:58,  1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1323) ( closed connection to service Security

# smbclient //server/security -U brad # giving null password at prompt
[2009/05/04 09:49:45,  1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1111) ( connect to service Security initially as user samba (uid=1024, gid=1024) (pid 3189)
[2009/05/04 09:49:51,  1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(1323) ( closed connection to service Security

# connect with [Places->Connect to Server...] # with username and password

# connect with [Places->Connect to Server...] # without username
[2009/05/04 09:50:29,  1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1111) ( connect to service Security initially as user samba (uid=1024, gid=1024) (pid 3310)

When I log in using smbclient //server/security -U brad, I can delete a file I put there by other means.

All files and folders are currently owned by the username samba, but I am willing to change the owner if it would help.

I would really prefer to keep it under share mode security.

This is what I ended up doing:

  comment  = Security & Antivirus software
  path     = /share/security
  readonly = Yes

  comment   = Security & Antivirus software +rw
  path      = /share/security
  browsable = No
  administrative share = Yes

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