Sew movidrive mdx61b ошибки



Error and alarm messages




If you receive error messages that are not described here, proceed as follows:

Under what circumstances did the error occur?

Save the current configuration set

Document the error code and the suberror code

Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service

Fatal error code

F1001, error 108, subcode 001

Error message

Configuration data not loaded correctly to option DCS..B.


Connection interrupted while loading the program to the DCS..B option.


Reload the configuration files. Then switch the DCS..B off and on again.

Fatal error code

F1003, error 108, subcode 002

Error message

Invalid configuration data for software version of the DCS..B option.


Option DCS..B was configured using a wrong software version.


Parameterize the DCS..B option with the permitted MOVISAFE

Next, switch DCS..B option off and on again.

Fatal error code

F1007, error 108, subcode 003

Error message

Unit was programmed with incorrect software interface.


Program or configuration data was loaded into the unit with an incorrect MOVISAFE



Check the DCS..B version and parameterize it again using a valid MOVISAFE

ware. Then switch the DCS..B option off and on again.

Fatal error code

F1401/1402, error 108, subcode 019/020

Error message

Error while calculating configuration data.


Replace the DCS..B option and send it together with error number to SEW Service for

further inspection.

Fatal error code

F1403/1404, error 108, subcode 021/022

Error message

CRC of configuration data invalid.


Configuration data have not been uploaded correctly.


Upload configuration data into unit.

Fatal error code

F1405/1406, error 108, subcode 023/024

Error message

Error during internal transmission of configuration data.


Replace the DCS..B option and send it together with error number to SEW Service for

further inspection.

Manual – MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B Safety Module Option MOVISAFE® DCS..B


software version.




  • Contents

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Drive Technology Drive Automation System Integration Services





Automotive AMA0801 Application Module

Edition 04/2009

16629612 / EN


Related Manuals for SEW-Eurodrive MOVIDRIVE MDX61B

Summary of Contents for SEW-Eurodrive MOVIDRIVE MDX61B

  • Page 1
    Drive Technology Drive Automation System Integration Services Manual ® MOVIDRIVE MDX61B Automotive AMA0801 Application Module Edition 04/2009 16629612 / EN…
  • Page 2
    SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    1 General Notes ………………….5 Structure of the safety notes …………….5 Right to claim under warranty ……………. 5 Exclusion of liability ………………5 Copyright………………….6 Other applicable documentation …………..6 2 System Description………………..7 Areas of application ………………7 Application examples ………………

  • Page 4
    6 Operation and Service ………………70 Starting the drive ………………70 6.1.1 Operating modes with variable setpoint selection……71 6.1.2 Operating modes with binary setpoint specification……72 Referencing mode………………73 Jog mode ………………… 74 Teach operation (binary setpoint selection) ……….75 Cycle diagrams ………………..
  • Page 5: General Notes

    General Notes Structure of the safety notes General Notes Structure of the safety notes The safety notes in this manual are structured as follows: Pictogram SIGNAL WORD Type and source of danger. Possible consequence(s) if the safety notes are disregarded. •…

  • Page 6: Copyright

    General Notes Copyright Copyright © 2008 — SEW-EURODRIVE. All rights reserved. Copyright law prohibits the unauthorized duplication, modification, distribution, and use of this document, in whole or in part. Other applicable documentation • This manual does not replace the detailed operating instructions and the correspond- ing manuals.

  • Page 7: System Description

    System Description Areas of application System Description Areas of application The «Automotive AMA0801» application module makes it possible to implement lifting devices, conveyor systems and machinery with drives that have to move at a synchro- nous angle to one another occasionally or permanently. The «Automotive AMA0801″…

  • Page 8: Application Examples

    System Description Application examples Application examples The «Automotive AMA0801» application module offers a wide range of possible applica- tions. Some examples are given in this section. Finite (linear) Example 1: Lifting device with smooth component transfer (with binary setpoint specifi- movement of the cation) master and slave…

  • Page 9
    System Description Application examples Example 3: Gantry crane with slip compensation through absolute encoder evaluation Master Slave 57039AXX • Master axis: Linear axis Operating mode: Positioning mode using additional absolute encoder (IPOS encod- • Slave axis: Linear axis Operating mode: Synchronous operation using an additional absolute encoder •…
  • Page 10: Project Planning

    Project Planning Prerequisites Project Planning Prerequisites plus® PC and software The «Automotive AMA0801» application module is implemented as IPOS program ® and is part of the SEW MOVITOOLS MotionStudio software package from version ® 5.5x. To run MOVITOOLS MotionStudio, you need a PC with one of the following op- ®…

  • Page 11: Functional Description

    Project Planning Functional description Functional description Functional char- The «Automotive AMA0801» application module offers the following functional charac- acteristics teristics: • Jog mode The drive is moved clockwise or counterclockwise using two bits for direction selec- tion. When activating variable setpoint specification, you can change velocity and ramp via fieldbus during ongoing movement.

  • Page 12
    Project Planning Functional description • Binary setpoint specification – Fieldbuses with 6 process data words are supported. – Up to 16 target positions are selected by requesting a table position. – Each target position is fed back as an individual bit. The following applies: Position n + position window >…
  • Page 13: Scaling Of The Drive

    Project Planning Scaling of the drive The following steps are carried out each time the inverter re-enters position control: – Check whether the actual position is located within one of the stored table posi- tions. Search always begins from table position 0 to 15 and is aborted as soon as the first valid position is found.

  • Page 14
    Project Planning Scaling of the drive Drive with exter- In this case, you must have activated and scaled the external encoder before starting nal encoder (non- up the «AMA0801» application module. To do so, make the following settings in the Shell positive connec- program before starting the Automotive AMA0801 application module (siehe following tion)
  • Page 15: Limit Switches, Reference Cams And Machine Zero

    Project Planning Limit switches, reference cams and machine zero Limit switches, reference cams and machine zero Note the following points during project planning: • The software limit switches must be located within the travel range of the hardware limit switches. •…

  • Page 16: Process Data Assignment

    Project Planning Process data assignment Process data assignment The higher-level controller (PLC) sends 6 process output data words via fieldbus (PO1 … PO6) to the inverter and receives six process input data words (PI1 … PI6) from the inverter. 56163AXX Figure 1: Data exchange via 6 process data 3.5.1 Assignment of process output data in the «variable setpoint specification»…

  • Page 17: Assignment Of Process Input Data In The «Variable Setpoint Specification» Operating Mode

    Project Planning Process data assignment 3.5.2 Assignment of process input data in the «variable setpoint specification» operating mode • PI1: Status word 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Inverter status/fault code Drive synchronous Inverter ready IPOS reference (= drive referenced) Target position reached Brake released Fault/warning…

  • Page 18: Assignment Of Process Output Data In The «Binary Setpoint Specification» Operating Mode

    Project Planning Process data assignment 3.5.3 Assignment of process output data in the «binary setpoint specification» operating mode • PO1: Control word 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 /SWLS off Controller inhibit/Enable SyncOffset Enable/Rapid stop Mode 2 Enable/stop Mode 2 Reserved Ramp scaling…

  • Page 19: Assignment Of Process Input Data In The «Binary Setpoint Specification» Operating Mode

    Project Planning Process data assignment 3.5.4 Assignment of process input data in the «binary setpoint specification» operating mode • PI1: Status word 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Inverter status/fault code Drive synchronous Inverter ready IPOS reference (= drive referenced) Target position reached Brake released Fault/warning…

  • Page 20: Assignment Of Binary Inputs And Outputs On Movidrive ® B

    Project Planning Process data assignment ® 3.5.5 Assignment of binary inputs and outputs on MOVIDRIVE Binary input Assignment X13:1 (DI00) /Controller inhibit X13:2 (DI01) Enable/Stop X13:3 (DI02 Error reset X13:4 (DI03) Reference cam X13:5 (DI04) /LIM. SWITCH CW X13.6 (DI05) /LIM.

  • Page 21: Software Limit Switches

    Project Planning Software limit switches Software limit switches General informa- The «software limit switch» monitoring function is used to check that the target position tion is set to appropriate values. During this process, it is not important where the drive is positioned.

  • Page 22
    Project Planning Software limit switches drive can move past the software limit switches during reference travel. Example 2 • Requirements: – Bit 15 «/SWLS» in the process output data word 1 (PO1) is not set. – The drive is outside the software limit switches. 11120AEN The following error message appears once the drive is enabled: 10983AEN…
  • Page 23: Safe Stop

    Project Planning Safe stop Example 3 • Prerequisite: – Bit 15 «/SWLS» in the process output data word 1 (PO1) is set. 11121ADE The monitoring function is deactivated in «Jog mode» and «Referencing mode». The drive can be moved within the travel area of the software limit switches and from the valid positioning range into the area of the software limit switches without an error message being generated.

  • Page 24: Functions

    Project Planning Functions Functions 3.8.1 «Position monitoring» function The «Position monitoring» function is to monitor the travel profile during the positioning process. Unintended operating statuses that result in the target position being exceeded are detected and an according error response is triggered. Prerequisites •…

  • Page 25
    Project Planning Functions • Enable signal briefly deactivated before reaching the target One lose input terminal (wiring error) e,g, X13.1 «enable» results in single uninten- tional speed reductions during the positioning process.. The deceleration of the drive is triggered via the stop ramp. If the rive is in «Standstill», the operator receives a «No enable»…
  • Page 26
    Project Planning Functions • Enable sign is briefly removed with the deceleration ramp already triggered (position monitoring = off) The following effect might occur when the enable signal is removed with the decel- eration ramp already triggered and the position monitoring deactivated: The drive exceeds the target position, reverses and moves to the target position with- out an error message.
  • Page 27
    Project Planning Functions • Enable sign is briefly removed with the deceleration ramp already triggered (position monitoring = on) Whenever the enable terminal is connected, the activated position monitoring checks whether the target position can still be approached directly with the calculated travel profile (no error) or whether it would be exceeded (error) A suitable error response will abort the positioning process and generate an error message.
  • Page 28: Smooth Component Transfer» Function

    Project Planning Functions 3.8.2 «Smooth component transfer» function The «smooth component transfer» function is implemented for startup in the «binary set- point specification» mode. • Smooth component transfer without offset f(x) v [m/s] 63440AXX Start of the positioning movement [2], [4] Travel at setpoint speed «Smooth component transfer»…

  • Page 29
    Project Planning Functions Prerequisite • Axis is referenced • Selected positioning operating mode: – Bidirectional smooth component transfer – Positive smooth component transfer – Negative smooth component transfer • The position where smooth component transfer takes place is within the start and tar- get position Functional By selecting one of the following operation modes…
  • Page 30: Cam Controller» Function

    Project Planning Functions 3.8.3 «Cam controller» function The «cam controller» function is implemented for startup in the «binary setpoint specifi- cation» mode. Prerequisite • Axis is referenced • Inverter is ready for operation Functional Output cams are mirrored to process output data word 5 (PO5) via IPOS encoder status description queries.

  • Page 31: Automatic Alignment» Function

    Project Planning Functions 3.8.4 «Automatic alignment» function The «automatic adjustment» function is implemented for startup in the «binary setpoint specification» mode. Prerequisite • «Automatic adjustment» function was activated in AMA0801 during startup. • Axis is referenced • Inverter is ready for operation •…

  • Page 32: Correction Value» Function

    Project Planning Functions 3.8.5 «Correction value» Function The «correction value» function is implemented for startup in the «binary setpoint speci- fication» mode. Prerequisite • Axis is referenced • Inverter is ready for operation Functional Using the «correction value» function allows for correcting the setpoint positions stored description in the table by a variable correction value (adding the correction value to the table value).

  • Page 33: Installation

    Installation MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio Installation ® MOVITOOLS MotionStudio ® MOVITOOLS The «AMA0801» application module is available in MOVITOOLS MotionStudio from ® ® MotionStudio version 5.5x. Proceed as follows to install MOVITOOLS MotionStudio on your comput- ® • Insert the MOVITOOLS MotionStudio CD into the CD-ROM drive of your PC. ®…

  • Page 34: Mdx61B Master (No Synchronous Operation) Wiring Diagram

    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B master (no synchronous operation) wiring diagram ® MOVIDRIVE MDX61B master (no synchronous operation) wiring diagram ® MOVIDRIVE MDX61B X12: DGND System bus Reference SC11 System bus High SC12 System bus Low X13: /Controller inhibit DIØØ Enable/Rapid stop DIØ1 DIØ2 Reset…

  • Page 35: Movidrive® Mdx61B Bus Installation

    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation ® MOVIDRIVE MDX61B bus installation Overview For bus installation, comply with the information in the relevant fieldbus manuals sup- ® plied with the fieldbus interfaces. Refer to the MOVIDRIVE MDX60B/61B operating in- structions for information on installing the system bus (SBus). DFP21B DFI 21B DFE 11B…

  • Page 36
    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation ® PROFIBUS For more detailed information, refer to the «MOVIDRIVE MDX61B Fieldbus interface (DFP21B) DFP21B PROFIBUS DP» manual. This manual can be ordered from SEW-EURODRIVE. You can download the unit master data files (GSD) and type files ®…
  • Page 37
    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation ® INTERBUS with For more detailed information, refer to the «MOVIDRIVE MDX61B Fieldbus Interface fiber optic cable DFI21B INTERBUS with Fiber Optic Cable» manual. You can order this manual from (DFI21B) SEW-EURODRIVE. Technical Data Option INTERBUS fieldbus interface type DFI21B (FO) Part number 824 311 5…
  • Page 38
    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation ® INTERBUS For more detailed information, refer to the «MOVIDRIVE MDX61B Fieldbus Interface (DFI11B) DFI11B INTERBUS» manual. This manual can be ordered from SEW-EURODRIVE. Technical Data Option INTERBUS fieldbus interface type DFI11B Part number 824 309 3 DFI 11B ®…
  • Page 39
    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation CANopen For detailed information, refer to the «Communication» manual, which can be ordered (DFC11B) from SEW-EURODRIVE. Technical Data Option CANopen fieldbus interface type DFC11B Part number 824 317 4 DFC 11B ® Resources for startup and diagnostics MOVITOOLS MotionStudio software and DBG60B keypad Setting using parameter P894:…
  • Page 40
    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation ® DeviceNet For more detailed information, refer to the «MOVIDRIVE MDX61B Fieldbus Interface (DFD11B) DFD11B DeviceNet» manual. This manual can be ordered from SEW-EURODRIVE. ® You can download the EDS files for MOVIDRIVE MDX61B from the SEW homepage (under the heading «Software») to facilitate startup.
  • Page 41
    Installation MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B bus installation ® Ethernet For more detailed information, refer to the «MOVIDRIVE MDX61B Fieldbus Interface (DFE11B) DFE11B Ethernet» manual. This manual can be ordered from SEW-EURODRIVE. Technical Data Option Ethernet fieldbus interface type DFE11B Part number 1820 036 2 DFE 11B ®…
  • Page 42: Connecting The System Bus (Sbus 1)

    Installation Connecting the system bus (SBus 1) Connecting the system bus (SBus 1) Only if P816 «SBus baud rate» = 1000 kbaud: ® ® Do not combine MOVIDRIVE compact MCH4_A units with other MOVIDRIVE units in the same system bus combination. The units may be combined at baud rates ≠…

  • Page 43
    Installation Connecting the system bus (SBus 1) Terminating resis- • Switch on the system bus terminating resistor (S12 = ON) at the start and end of the system bus connection. Switch off the terminating resistor on the other units (S12 = OFF).
  • Page 44: Startup

    Startup General prerequisites Startup General prerequisites Correct project planning and installation are the prerequisites for successful startup. Re- ® fer to the MOVIDRIVE MDX60/61B system manual for detailed project planning infor- mation. Check the installation, the encoder connection and the installation of the fieldbus inter- ®…

  • Page 45: Starting The «Ama0801» Program

    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Starting the «AMA0801» program ® General Informa- • Start MOVITOOLS MotionStudio. tion • From the «Automotive» folder, select the file <AMA0801> (see figure below). 11942AEN Figure 10: Start the «AMA0801» program Manual – MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B Automotive AMA 0801 Application Module…

  • Page 46
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Initial screen The initial screen of the «Automotive AMA0801» application opens (see figure below). 11943AEN Figure 11: Initial screen of the AMA0801 application • To commence startup of the «Automotive AMA0801» application, click the <Startup> button.
  • Page 47
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Fieldbus parame- ters and drive configuration 11944AEN Figure 12: Fieldbus parameters and drive configuration Make the following settings in this window: • Setting fieldbus parameters: Set the required fieldbus parameters. Fixed parame- ters are grayed out and cannot be changed. If a fieldbus interface (DFP, DFI, DFC, DFD or DFE) is plugged into the fieldbus slot, then PROFIBUS, INTERBUS, INTERBUS with FO, CANopen, DEVICENET or ETH- ERNET can also be selected.
  • Page 48
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program • Master/slave configuration (drive configuration) Only one drive is allowed to be started up as the master in a group of several ® MOVIDRIVE MDX61B drive inverters. Applications with variable master/slave rela- tionships are not supported. –…
  • Page 49
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Setting the dis- You can set the scaling factors for distance and speed in this window. tance and veloc- ity scaling factors 11945AEN Figure 13: Setting distance and velocity scaling factors Make the following settings in this window: •…
  • Page 50
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Calculating the • Example 1: Motor encoder or absolute encoder on the motor shaft (source ac- scaling factors tual position) – Choose the unit you require in the selection field «Diameter of driving wheel» or «Spindle pitch»…
  • Page 51
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Converting the dis- The scaling factor for distance (increments / distance) is used to determine the user trav- tance resolution el unit (e.g. mm, revolutions, ft). For positioning with a motor encoder, the scaling factor into user units for distance can be calculated automatically.
  • Page 52
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program If the numerator (pulses) or denominator (distance) are non-integer values, the conver- sion can be made more accurate if both numerator and denominator are multiplied by the same expansion factor (e.g. 10, 100, 1000, etc.). Doing so will not limit the travel range.
  • Page 53
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Setting the limits You can use this window to set the limits for travel range and velocity. 11946AEN Figure 14: Setting limits • «Limit switches» group box – «Software limit switch CCW/CW» edit boxes Enter the travel range between software limit switches CCW/CW. If you enter the value «0», the monitoring function is disabled.
  • Page 54
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program field. – «Maximum velocity in jog mode» edit box You can limit the jog speed specified by PO4 by entering a value into this field. – «Maximum velocity of the speed controller» edit box Enter a value at least 10% higher than the maximum positioning or jog speed. In addition, the limit values are converted into user units and displayed.
  • Page 55
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program • «Smooth component transfer offset» edit box. If the offset value is set to 0, the speed will be reduced up to standstill. Increasing the offset value means increasing the speed at the ‘smooth component transfer’ position. •…
  • Page 56
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Cam controller 11948AEN Figure 16: Cam controller You can define the output level of the cam by entering the cam position: • Cam CCW < cam CW In the cam area, the output bit is set to TRUE •…
  • Page 57
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Synchronous In this window, you configure the slave interface. operation inter- face slave 12011ADE Figure 17: Configuring the slave interface The following settings are required in the «Slave interface» section: • «Setpoint position input» selection field You can choose from the following options: –…
  • Page 58
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program – «Virtual master encoder» option The master value of the master drive is simulated by the virtual encoder simula- tion. In «synchronous mode», the relevant values for target position (PO2 and PO3), set speed (PO4) and acceleration (PO5) are transferred using process out- put data words PO2 to PO5.
  • Page 59
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program • «Calculate» button The scaling factors determined from the specified values are displayed in the «Scal- ing factor master / slave/ display fields. The following settings are required in the «Synchronization process» section: • «Synchronization speed» edit box Enter the maximum speed setpoint for synchronization with the master drive.
  • Page 60
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program tor. – «SBus connection via X12» option The actual value is transferred via SBus This variant is used, for example, in a system prone to slip (IPOS encoder = ext. encoder, or absolute encoder, or sev- eral drive slaves).
  • Page 61
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Monitoring func- tions 12128AEN Figure 19: Monitoring functions • «Automatic adjustment» selection field Set to «Yes»: Automatic adjustment (independent of the specified position) is active. With a binary setpoint selection, you can use this function to track the internal target position of the position control.
  • Page 62
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program • «Position monitoring» selection field Set to «Yes»: Position monitoring activated. The position monitoring is to monitor the travel profile during positioning processes. Unintended operating statuses that result in the target position being exceeded are detected and the «Emergency stop/mal- function error response is triggered.
  • Page 63
    Startup Starting the «AMA0801» program Download Click <Download> when you have entered all the parameters you require. The data is loaded into the inverter. Startup is now complete. 11954AEN Figure 20: Downloading data The following functions are performed during download: plus®…
  • Page 64: Parameters And Ipos Plus® Variables

    Startup Parameters and IPOSplus® variables plus® Parameters and IPOS variables plus® The following parameters and IPOS variables are set automatically during startup and are loaded into the inverter during the download. D = Display Parameter number P… Description S = Setting plus®…

  • Page 65
    Startup Parameters and IPOSplus® variables D = Display Parameter number P… Description S = Setting plus® IPOS variable H… R = Reserved Scaling of the drive P941 Actual position source for position S = IPOS encoder control H010 REM_ScalingType S = 0: Diameter Scaling of the drive S = 1: Spindle pitch H011…
  • Page 66
    Startup Parameters and IPOSplus® variables D = Display Parameter number P… Description S = Setting plus® IPOS variable H… R = Reserved Binary setpoints (skip window if variable process data processing was selected) REM_SpeedAuto_1 S = rpm Speed 1 positioning mode REM_SpeedAuto_2 S = rpm Speed 2 positioning mode…
  • Page 67
    Startup Parameters and IPOSplus® variables D = Display Parameter number P… Description S = Setting plus® IPOS variable H… R = Reserved Cam controller (skip window if variable process data processing was selected) REM_Cam_1_Min S = limit value CCW limit cam 1 in user Cam 1 CCW limit units REM_Cam_1_Max…
  • Page 68
    Startup Parameters and IPOSplus® variables D = Display Parameter number P… Description S = Setting plus® IPOS variable H… R = Reserved REM_Cam_14_Max S = limit value CCW limit cam 14 in user Cam 14 CW limit units REM_Cam_15_min S = limit value CCW limit cam 15 in user Cam 15 CCW limit units REM_Cam_15_Max…
  • Page 69
    Startup Parameters and IPOSplus® variables D = Display Parameter number P… Description S = Setting plus® IPOS variable H… R = Reserved ISYNC-2 (skip window if master/slave configuration is not «2») P240 Synchronization speed S = rpm P241 Synchronization ramp S = ms P228 Precontrol filter DRS…
  • Page 70: Operation And Service

    Operation and Service Starting the drive Operation and Service Starting the drive Following the download, switch to the «AMA0801» application module monitor by select- ing «Yes.» (see figure below). 11955AEN Figure 21: Monitor of the AMA0801 application module Select the operating mode as follows: •…

  • Page 71: Operating Modes With Variable Setpoint Selection

    Operation and Service Starting the drive 6.1.1 Operating modes with variable setpoint selection PO1:11 PO1:12 PO1:13 Operating mode Mode 2 Mode 2 Mode 2 Jog mode Referencing mode Positioning mode Synchronous operation • Jog mode Once you have selected the direction of rotation, the single axis can be moved in jog mode.

  • Page 72: Operating Modes With Binary Setpoint Specification

    Operation and Service Starting the drive 6.1.2 Operating modes with binary setpoint specification PO1:11 PO1:12 PO1:13 Operating mode Mode 2 Mode 2 Mode 2 Jog mode Referencing mode Positioning mode with smooth component trans- Synchronous operation Reserved Teach mode Positioning mode with smooth component transfer in positive direction Positioning mode with smooth component transfer in negative direction…

  • Page 73: Referencing Mode

    Operation and Service Referencing mode Referencing mode Mode selection • PO1:11 = «1» • PO1:12 = «0» • PO1:13 = «0» Prerequisite The operating mode is selected and start is set The drive is in enabled condition (excep- tion: reference travel type 8) Operating princi- Reference travel is triggered via PO1:8 «Start».

  • Page 74: Jog Mode

    Operation and Service Jog mode Jog mode Mode selection • PO1:11 = «0» • PO1:12 = «0» • PO1:13 = «0» Prerequisite The operating mode is selected and the drive is enabled. Operating princi- The direction is selected via PO1:9 «Jog +» or PO1:10 «Jog». If the CW software limit switch is set to a higher value than the CCW software limit switch, the travel range will be limited up to 3 position windows before the corresponding software limit switch.

  • Page 75: Teach Operation (Binary Setpoint Selection)

    Operation and Service Teach operation (binary setpoint selection) Teach operation (binary setpoint selection) Mode selection • PO1:11 = «1» • PO1:12 = «0» • PO1:13 = «1» Strobe • PO1:8 edge change «FALSE» – «TRUE» – «FALSE» Start • PO1:8 edge change (delayed by 100 ms) «FALSE» – «TRUE» – «FALSE» Teach position •…

  • Page 76: Cycle Diagrams

    Operation and Service Cycle diagrams Cycle diagrams The following conditions apply to the cycle diagrams: • Startup has been performed correctly • DIØØ «/CONTROLLER INHIBIT» = «1» (no lock) • DIØ1 «ENABLE/STOP» = «1» With control via fieldbus/system bus, you must set the following bits in control word PO1: •…

  • Page 77
    Operation and Service Cycle diagrams Referencing mode [3] [4] PA1:8 50ms PA1:11 PA1:12/13 DIO3: PE1:2 n [1/min] P901 P902 P902 54964CXX Figure 23: Cycle diagram: Referencing mode PO1:8 Start PO1:11 Mode low PO1:12 Mode middle PO1:13 Mode high DI03 Reference cam PI1:2 IPOS reference Start of reference travel (reference travel type 2)
  • Page 78
    Operation and Service Cycle diagrams Positioning mode 50ms PA1:8 PA1:11/13 PA1:12 PE1:3 n [1/min] 56250CXX Figure 24: Cycle diagram: positioning mode PO1:8 = Start PO1:11 = Mode low PO1:12 = Mode middle PO1:13 = Mode high PI1:3 = Target position reached = Automatic absolute selected = Start positioning (target position = PA3) = Target position reached…
  • Page 79
    Operation and Service Cycle diagrams Moving clear of Once a hardware limit switch (DI04 = «0» or DI05 =»0″) has been reached, the bit PI1:5 hardware limit «Fault» is set and the drive comes to a standstill using an emergency stop. switches Proceed as follows to move the drive clear of the limit switch: •…
  • Page 80: Error Information

    Operation and Service Error information Error information The error memory (P080) stores the last five error messages (errors t-0…t-4). The error message of longest standing is deleted whenever more than five error messages have occurred. The following information is stored when a malfunction occurs: «Error occurred», «status of the binary inputs/outputs», «operating status of the inverter», «inverter status», «heat sink temperature», «speed», «output current», «active current», «unit utilization», «DC link voltage», «ON hour», «enable hours», «parameter set», «motor…

  • Page 81: Error Messages

    Operation and Service Error messages Error messages Error message The fault code is shown in a 7-segment display. The following display sequence is used via 7-segment (e.g. fault code 100): display Flashes, ca. 1 s Display off, ca. 0.2 s Hundreds (if available), ca.

  • Page 82
    Operation and Service Error messages Error list The factory set error response appears in the «Response (P)» column. (P) indicates that plus® the response is programmable (via P83_error response or with IPOS ). In the event of error 108, (P) indicates that the response can be programmed via P555 DCS error response In the event of error 109, (P) indicates that the response can be programmed via P556 DCS alarm response Error…
  • Page 83
    Operation and Service Error messages Error Suberror Response Code Designation Code Designation Possible cause Measure: Encoder not connected, defective encoder, defec- tive encoder cable Encoder fault X15 — speed range exceeded. Encoder at X15 turns faster than 6542 rpm. Encoder fault X15 — defec- tive card Error in the quadrant eval- uation.
  • Page 84
    Operation and Service Error messages Error Suberror Response Code Designation Code Designation Possible cause Measure: • Check encoder connection • Extend ramps • Set P component to higher • Encoder connected incor- value rectly • Reset speed controller • Acceleration ramps too parameters short •…
  • Page 85: Index

    Index Index Acknowledging error messages (reset) ….80 Jog mode …………74 Application example Finite (linear) movement of the master and Moving clear of hardware limit switches ….. 79 slave axis ………..8 Areas of application of the AMA0801 application module …………..7 Operating modes with variable setpoint selection ………….

  • Page 86
    Index ……….47 System description ……….7 Teach operation (binary setpoint selection) ..75 Technology version ……….33 Wiring diagram MDX 61B master (no synchronous operation) ……..34 Manual – MOVIDRIVE® MDX61B Automotive AMA0801 Application Module…
  • Page 88
    SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world SEW-EURODRIVE Driving the world SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG P.O. Box 3023 D-76642 Bruchsal/Germany Phone +49 7251 75-0 Fax +49 7251 75-1970…

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Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2017, 15:50
Откуда: Новомичуринск
Контактная информация:

ошибка соединения на частотнике SEW MDX61B


возникла необходимость перекинуть параметры с карты памяти частотника на новую карту памяти.
мы выкачали параметры на ноутбук. далее вставляем чистую карту память в частотник и закачиваем на неё скачанные параметры.
загорается лампочка BUS Fault красным и происходит ошибка связи. старая карта памяти работает отлично. ошибок не возникает.

связываются частотники с контроллером по PROFIBUS. IP адреса перебивали на нужные. все параметры сверили. их там около 600 штук. каждый сверили. всё одинаково.

помогите, пожалуйста, почему так происходит?

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2017, 15:50
Откуда: Новомичуринск
Контактная информация:

Re: ошибка соединения на частотнике SEW MDX61B


gazman » 18 апр 2018, 15:50

частотник не меняется. только карта памяти. карта памяти 1 в 1. просто нам нужно, чтобы мы могли записать рабочие параметры на карту из компьютера. на случай непредвиденных ситуаций. пробовали разные карты памяти. результат одинаковый. работает только заводская, которую немцы настроили.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2017, 15:50
Откуда: Новомичуринск
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