Штабелер штиль коды ошибок


The table gives an overview of possible

displays. In the «Comment» column you will

find information on how to proceed should any

of these messages be displayed.

Message text/

Error code



























Traction motor(s) is/are too hot.

1st phase: regulation of acceleration and speed.

2nd phase: limitation of phase current in converter (emer-

gency driving function is retained).

The error automatically disappears as soon as the tempera-

ture is below the limit.

If the error occurs frequently, notify your authorised service


Sensor fault, truck cannot be driven.

Notify your authorised service centre.

Accelerator voltages (for dual pedal) do not match; truck

cannot be driven.

Notify your authorised service centre.

Accelerator configuration is invalid; truck cannot be driven.

Notify your authorised service centre.

Sensor fault; truck can only be driven at emergency mode


Notify your authorised service centre.

Brake fluid level too low or switch defective; truck can only

be driven at the emergency mode speed.

Notify your authorised service centre.

Parameterisation error or defective printed circuit board;

drive unit and hydraulic drive not functioning.

Notify your authorised service centre.

Parameterisation error; drive unit and hydraulic drive not


Notify your authorised service centre.

Drive program parameters are outside the permitted range.

The drive program parameters are limited internally.

Notify your authorised service centre.

57348011825 EN — 12/2015


Display messages


Коды ошибок спецтехники

Коды ошибок спецтехники

Оказываем услуги по диагностике спецтехники, с определением и подробным описанием кодов ошибок, составлением диагностической карты и дальнейшим ремонтом.

Диагностика кодов ошибок

Если у вас на спецтехнике загорелась лампа неисправности чек энжин (Check Engine) и появились какие-то сбои в работе техники, могут сбои не появиться совсем или проявляться периодически. Но в любом случае при обращении в нашу компанию, наш автоэлектрик-диагност проведет электронное обследование причины появления ошибки, расшифрует коды, напишет рекомендации и предложит устранение обнаруженной неисправности. Считываем и производим диагностику коды ошибок с дальнейшим устранением на следующих моделях спецтехники:

Модельный ряд

модельный ряд спецтехники

Здравствуйте! На электропогрузчике Yole ERP20VF LWW появилась ошибка 12820 не могли б Вы подсказать, что за ошибка? Спасибо!

какой двигатель стоит? марка

Здравствуйте! На электропогрузчике марка STILL R 2020 2004г появилась ошибка 198 на табло не могли б Вы подсказать, что за ошибка? Спасибо!

LuiGong clg 888 погрузчик, скажите пожалуйста через 200 метров выскакивает на табло 89и ключ, после этого задняя не включается. Скажите пожалуйста описание ошибки.

Здравствуйте код ошибки D0422 bobkat TL-470, что означает эта ошибка.

Нужен сканер для дорожной спец техники!

Здравствуйте на погрузчике чтз ПК 30 выскакивает 35 и ключ но Погрузчик работает в чем причина не подскажите

Здравствуйте на асфальтоукладчике volvo p7820c выскочила ошибка code 13001 и не выдвигает я плита, не могли ли подсказать в чём причина

На погрузчике xcmg LW 500FM не горит панель приборов, в чем может быть причина можете подсказать? Появилась после прикурки акумулятора.

Здравствуйте на электропогрузчике MANITOU ME 320 вылезла ошибка 114 что делать?

На бульдозер komatsu d155ax-6 вылезли ошибки»E 03 DFAFKA, E 04 2302 LH, E 02 DDTSLH, E 03 CA 1632″помогите пожалуйста.

Здравствуйте такая проблема airman pdw500 сварочный генератор не выдаёт напряжение встает в защиту загорается ошибка е06 не могу найти не где расшифровку ошибок на него что можете подсказать.

Здравствуйте на погрузчике загорелись ошибки
В чем причина?

Добрый день. Подскажите плиз, код ошибки 002164.9 на холланде б115б, что означает?

Steering Wheel Position

Здравствуйте. У меня на экскаваторе jcb 160 выбивает на бортовой системе 118 HYD PMP ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЧТО ДЕЛАТЬ.

Добрый день на конусной дробилке выдаёт ошибку c0003 и мигают кнопки interlock в чем может быть причина за ранее спасибо

Здравствуйте. На эксковаторе фиат кобелко выбило ошибку 29 ченж оил. Стоит ивековский мотор. Что это значит

Подскажите пожалуйста, экскаватор Case WX200, код ошибки fault 001 и fault 019,что делать?

Салам алейкум кто знает на фронтальной пагрузчике ашибка C200F

Здравствуйте у меня на катке hamm на грунтовом выскакивает ошибка er9 что это означает и как её устроить подскажите пожалуйста…

Ошибка связи с педалью акселератора. Есть и другая инфа, а также запчасти и сервис YALE.

На погрузчике nissan выдаёт ошибку F-34 не подскажите что это такое?

смотрите топливные фильтра. как ведет себя техника?

Скажите а по какой причине загорается датчик стоп и идёт отсчёт на погрузчике case sr 220

Здравствуйте! Terex tlb 840 пишет:
Подскажите пожалуйста что это значит.

Добрый день. На автопогрузчике Doosan BR14JW на экране появляется F2 что это за ошибка?

Каток HAMM 90 выдает ошибку 016, подскажите, что означает, найти нигде не могу

Здравствуйте подскажите пожалуйста на болансировочной машинеNordnerg 4523c ошибка error 6 как её устронить и что значет?

На погрузчике Yale GDP30TK появилась ошибка err CO30, не подскажете что за неполадки??

нужно проводить диагностику неисправности. вызывайте нас, приедем. уточните только какой двигатель стоит

подскажите пожалуйста выдает ошибку 33 что э то

Здравствуйте. Техника какая?

Каток HAMM HD+120 Высвечивается ошибка S_97 и F_3

нужно проводить диагностику неисправности. вызывайте нас, приедем. уточните только какой двигатель стоит

Здравствуйте на погруссике volvo L350F вадаёт ошипку PSVD1-11 ПОДСКАЖИТЕ

как устранить ошибку Е301 на комбайне NEW HOLLAND сs 6090

только одним способом. приглашаете нашего специалиста, приезжаем, диагностируем, выявляем проблему. если проблема в электрике — устраняем.

Каток Bomag 217d, ошибка 8981,что означает?

Здравствуйте. У меня такой вопрос. Спецтехника кейс максум мх140 не работает передний скорость. Сингнал и в прибор скоросте мегает книга

каток hamm ошибка 21

EMERGENCY STOP solenoid (NOT-STOP) orfront vibration solenoidShort-circuit, line rupture

Добрый день, на электропогрузчике NICHIYU FB18 высветилась ошибка D33, не подскажите что это?

Добрый день. Какая серия погрузчика?

Здравствуйте. Эта ошибка связанна с неисправностью трансмиссии. Более подробно, об этой ошибке информацию можно определить, только через диагностический интерфейс

Здравствуйте. Причин по которой возникает эта ошибка, может быть много. Это может быть связанно с питанием, так-же проблемы могут быть в КАН. Не исключена так-же неисправность самих блоков управления. Проверьте предохранители. Для более конкретного ответа, нужна диагностика неисправности.

нужна таблица кодов неисправности каток ХАММ 3412 двигатель ДОЙЦ, как можно заполучить. На данный момент интересуют такие коды как: 253 212 228 зарание спасибо

Здравствуйте! По кодам ошибок Deutz:
212 — повышенное давление в топливной рампе
228 — недостоверный сигнал блока управления
253 код ошибки отсутствует, есть 235 — внутренняя ошибка блока управления

Код 253 — The pressure relief valve (PRV) has reached the number of allowed activations (Клапан сброса давления (PRV) достиг количества разрешенных активаций)
Вот вопрос, как эти коды сбросить?

Здравствуйте. Если это активная ошибка, ее нужно сначала устранить, затем она перейдет в сохраненные (историю). Сохраненные ошибки сбрасываются с помощью диагностического оборудования или по истечению определенного времени — сами. Коды ошибок нужны для помощи в поиске неисправности, в случае с активными ошибками нужно искать причину. В вашем случае, предполагаю, по каким-то причинам электроника пытается сбросить давление и включает клапан, он или не срабатывает по электрическим или механическим причинам. Необходимо эти причины найти и устранить.

Погрузчик тойота газ бензин заводская установка двигатель 4y ecs. Нет выхода для диагностики. Горит ошибка E c4-5. Работает только на газе. На бензине только стартер вращается.

Здравствуйте подскажите пожалуйста на катке Hamm 3520. Ошибка 90 в чем проблема. Заранее спасибо.

Здравствуйте кму unic 344 код ошибки 73 скажите что это

Здраствуйте на тероксе 995 погрузчик экскаватор выдал ошибку 6048,07 и не заводится

Здравствуйте. По указанному коду нет никакой информации. Вы верно указали код? Можем сделать диагностику и определить неисправность

Трактор terrion код ошибки т-85?

Здравствуйте. В данный момент нет возможности оперативно ответить на ваш вопрос. Постараюсь в ближайшее время вытащить коды ошибок трактора Террион из диагностической программы и расшифровать код неисправности.

Добрый день. Подскажите расшифровку кодов ошибок ALARM ON MOD1/0 и MOD8/1

Здравствуйте. На какой технике появились эти ошибки?

Здравствуйте. На катке HAMM 3412 при включении зажигания на индикаторах (скорость, обороты и частота) загораются символы 03 03 03. Потом они гаснут. Что это может быть?

Здравствуйте. Скорее всего это коды самопроверки. А в работе катка нет никаких проблем?

Через 3 минуты после запуска он глохнет

Надо проводить диагностику неисправности и выявлять причину, а по этим символам никакой информации дать не могу. Только с выездом на место сможем определить причину.

Проверь косу под воздушным фильтром, там есть 3 места где коса перетирается. И фишка которая идет с этой косы на косу двигателя(там возможно переломились провода)…

kfge20d погрузчик мицубиси
код ошибки F36
подскажите пожалуйста

Здравствуйте. Далгат, к сожалению, по кодам ошибок мы Вам помочь не сможем. Необходимо подключать соответствующий диагностический сканер и смотреть.

Здравствуйте у меня на экскаватора MM 30SR, отказались работать джойстики, скажите есть ли возможность сбросить ошибки, отключение АКБ не помогает.

Здравствуйте. У Вас текущая активная ошибка. Нужно искать причину неисправности и устранять ее. Только после этого восстановиться работа джойстика. Где территориально находится техника?

На атокране LIEBHERR LTM 1050-3.1 — ЕКТ на дисплее пишет ошибку — 170, подскажите пожалуйста в чем проблема

Здравствуйте Александр подскажите пожалуйста Маниту 10180 выскакивает ошибка А: 536

Здравствуйте. По Маниту у нас пока нет распечатанных мануалов. Описание ошибок активируется только при подключении диагностического сканера к системе.

Расшифруйте код ошибки er 42 на экскаватор Вольво

Александр, Добрый день. Есть погрузчик Locust L-903. Yanmar 4TN98-ZNWI, 2013 г. в.
С недавнего времени при прогретом двигателе начинают плавать обороты и двигатель не развивает обороты, ни на холодную ни на горячую. Под нагрузкой из трубы валит черный дым в очень большом количестве.
Еще из признаков, мне непонятных, в фильтре отстойнике почернело топливо. Похоже и в баке такая же ситуация.
Встроенная система диагностики выдает ошибку 1-3 (одно длинное свечение и три моргания лампы сервиса)
Топливо точно нормальное, только газпромнефть.
Из проделанных работ: чистка клапана егр, регулировка клапанов, регулировка давления в топливной системе. На форсунках до регулировки было давление — 240. Отрегулировали до 210. ТНВД не трогали.
Проблема в том, что до нас на нем кто-то делал капиталку. Замена колец, сальников и т. д.
Изначально была оторвана коса проводов на клапан егр. Восстановили, почистили, ошибка ушла. Обороты стали набираться отлично, тяга была на высоте, протестировали большими кучами снега и отдали. Но через месяц ситуация повторилась и усугубилась. Сейчас также нет тяги и дымит черным, при прогретом двигателе плавают обороты. Помогите, пожалуйста, если не сложно мыслью или советом. Мы вам точно конкурентами не будем, территориально находимся в Тюменской области.

На катке Bomag bw 216d появляется ошибка 5140, 5100 и глохнет двигатель. Подскажите пожалуйста с чем это может быть связано

Здравствуйте. В любом случае нужно делать полную диагностику неисправности. Причины могут быть как механические, так и связанные с электрикой, электроникой.

День добрый, грунтовый каток AMMANN ASC 170, ошибка SPN 105 FMI 16. Пишет INTAKE MAN1 AIR TEMP HIGH.

Здравствуйте. Неисправность отражается на работе катка? Для точного выяснения причины необходима диагностика. Возможна техника работает в аварийном режиме

Подскажите не работает электронная педаль газа в кабине libherr 1050-3.1 поменяли новую. прописали, ни кого эффекта. где может неисправность?

Здравствуйте. Эта неисправность не из-за педали газа. Ответ на ваш вопрос можно дать только после проведения диагностики. Причин этой неисправности может быть много

Здравствуйте, подскажите, пожалуйста, расшифровку кода ошибки E 46 на погрузчике Митсубиси FB16NT 2006 года в. Спасибо!

DOOSAN DX300LCA Код ошибки 7.0. Подскажите пожалуйста что означает?

Здравствуйте. Для выяснение причины необходимо провести диагностику, в распечатке такой ошибки нет

Здравствуйте. Ошибка 05 — неисправность программирования системы, более подробной информации в мануалах нет. Для точного ответа нужно проводить диагностику

Александр, добрый день. На вилочном погрузчике caterpiller DP18NT загорается код ошибки F16 и при этом моргает лампочка температуры масла двигателя. подскажите расшифровку кода ошибки, и возможные неисправности.
Заранее благодарю.

Александр, добрый вечер у меня jungheinrich 2011 года. На табло выскакивает ERR 0802 после 0304 не могли бы вы подсказать в чём причина поломки. Заранее спасибо.

Здравствуйте. По данной технике описание ошибок специализируется, только после подключения диагностического интерфейса. Отдельного описания кодов ошибок нет.

Здравствуйте. Подскажите Электропогрузчик коматсу VO15M230 не едет ни вперед ни назад. На схеме светодиод выдает ошибку 13 или31. С чего начать искать.

Здравствуйте. Устранение любой неисправности начинается с диагностики. Нужно провести диагностику и после выявления — устранить.

Здравствуйте. Так ошибка 13 и 31 дайте пожалуйста расшифровку этих ошибок

Срочно подскажите пожалуста. На эксковаторе JCB 220.выбивает ошибку ENGP1093.если можете подскажите

Здравствуйте. Нужно проводить диагностику неисправности. Файл интерактивной проверки идеализируется только после подключения и ввода кода дилера.

Срочно подскажите пожалуста. На экскаваторе liebherr 914.выбивает ошибку E 006,E 013,E443.если можете подскажите

Здравствуйте. Отправим в личку.

Здравствуйте! Не могу на форум написать!! выручайте! ВИлочный электропогрузчик ТОЙОТА 7fb10 горит ошибка С2-3 и демо режим. как выйти из него и что за ошибка?? Уже голову сломали весь погрузчик облазили

Здравствуйте. Отправим информацию в личку

Добрый день. На минипогрузчике мустанг 2066 двигатель yanmar 4tnv98-znms горит чек 1 длинный 3 коротких Помогите продиагностировать. Техника находится в ростовской области (согласен на платную консультацию). Спасибо

На вилочном электропогрузчике caterpillar ep16cpnt горит ошибка #A9. Все работает но не дает скорости больше 5 км в час. Что это может быть?

Здравствуйте! подскажите что означает код ошибки SE2301-07? на гусеничном экскаваторе volvo EC250D?

Здравствуйте. Экскаватор-погрузчик CASE выдает коды ошибок: 65588, 65590. Что эти ошибки означают.

Здравствуйте. Чтобы ответить на вопрос — нужно проводить диагностику, свободных мануалов с расшифровкой кодов нет

Здравствуйте выходит ошибка на электропогрузчике Dalian
Alarm 37 on node 2 подскажите пожалуйста что может быть

Здравствуйте ошибка hyster RS45-31CH
Не переключаются передачи
Единственная ошибка e_con

Миниэкскаватор мицубиси (CAT) выдает ошибку r05 при этом отключается рукоять подскажите пожалуйста где проблема заранее спасибо

Здравствуйте. Причин может быть много — дистанционно трудно понять. Нужно проводить диагностику на месте.

Современный вилочный электропогрузчик Still RX 20-15

Транспорт Still RX 20-16 оборудован двухмоторным передним приводом, напряжение которого составляет 48 В. Конструкция техники предусматривает питание от аккумуляторов и замену аккумуляторных батарей.

Электропогрузчик Still RX 20-16 имеет следующие габариты:

Технические данные модификации RX 20-16:

Агрегат для стройки

Электрический погрузчик Still RX 20-20 используется для перемещения грузов на территории складских помещений и вагонов. Питание систем осуществляется через аккумуляторные батареи.

Технические показатели и параметры модели RX 20-20:

Наибольшая масса поднимаемого груза 2000 кг
Вес агрегата 3453 кг
Мощность двигателей 4,5 л. с.
Максимальная скорость движения 16 км/ч
Клиренс 123 мм
Габариты 2918*1138*2160 мм
Центр тяжести 500 мм
Свободная высота 150 мм
Емкость аккумуляторов 700 А*ч
Размер шин 200/50-10
Общее количество колес 4
Число ведущих колесных механизмов 2
Колея передних колес 942 мм
Колея задних колес 865 мм
Внешний габаритный радиус поворота 1883 мм
Скорость работы 380 мм/с


Немецкая компания STILL GmbH основана в Гамбурге в 1920 году как небольшой цех по производству и ремонту электродвигателей и автоматических устройств подачи электроэнергии при перебоях в сети. Затем диапазон производимой продукции расширялся и до начала войны это был уже известный в Германии машиностроительный завод, специализирующийся на электротехнических изделиях.

Still RX 70-20 с гибридным двигателем

После окончания Второй мировой войны завод отстроили и перепрофилировали на производство складского оборудования и погрузочной техники. Первый дизельный погрузчик Still вышел из ворот фирмы в 1949 году и с тех пор Still остается одной из авторитетнейших компаний, специализирующейся на производстве вилочных погрузчиков.

Расширяя и модифицируя производство и укрупняя мощности, в 1989 году компания купила фирму SAXBY (САКСБИ) а в 1997 году – Wagner (Вагнер). В начале 2000-х фирма вышла за пределы Германии в плане производства и открыла завод в Южной Америке, став, таким образом, производителем межконтинентального класса.

В настоящее время вилочные погрузчики Still производятся на немецких заводах в Гамбурге и Ройтлингене, во Франции и Южной Америке. Немецкие и французские заводы ориентированы на рынки европейских и азиатских стран, а южноамериканские – на США, Канаду и всю Южную Америку.

Более 10 000 единиц техники различных лет выпуска работают в странах бывшего СССР, большая часть их находится в России. Их отличительной особенностью являются очень длительный срок работоспособности и постоянная адаптация новых конструкций и модификаций к условиям эксплуатации в каждом конкретном случае.

Still RX60-25 с закрытой кабиной

Погрузчики вилочные Still включают модели электропогрузчиков и автопогрузчиков с дизельными и бензиново-газовыми двигателями грузоподъёмностью от 1 до 8 тонн, электротягачи, высотные штабелеры – ричтраки. Среди выпускаемой продукции взрывозащищенные погрузчики, высотные штабелеры с возможностью трехсторонней обработки груза, действующие в узких коридорах и проходах. Любые виды работ по транспортировке и перевалке грузов различного типа по плечу технике с маркой Still.

Дизельные и бензиновые погрузчики вилочного типа Still

Среди всех моделей вилочных погрузчиков дизельные машины занимают наиболее заметное место. Они отличаются мощностью двигателей, возможностью работать в любых климатических условиях и отработанностью конструкции. Все функции, которые включены в базовый перечень возможностей, необходимы для качественной работы на производстве или складах.

дизельный погрузчик Still RX 70-80

Дизельный вилочный погрузчик Still RX 70 16 принадлежит к моделям серии RX, оборудованных двигателями VW на машинах грузоподъемностью до 5 тонн, Deutz или TCD на более мощных машинах грузоподъемностью от 5 до 8 тонн или моторами BXT. Все модели моторов отличаются продуманностью конструкции и оптимальным соотношением мощности и расхода горючего.

Погрузчик вилочный Still RX 70-16 характеризуется следующими базовыми характеристиками:

Радиус разворота по внешнему периметру составляет 1926 мм, грузоподъемность 1,6 тонны при скорости подъема груза 0,59 м/с, и высота подъема груза – 3,8 метра. Мощный двигатель и автоматическая трансмиссия позволяет погрузчику разгонятся до скорости 27 км/час. Погрузчики оборудуются шинами из эластика.

Погрузчики этой серии оснащены программой Blue-Q, основное предназначение которой – экономия энергии. Режима Blue-Q включается простым нажатием клавиши. В этом режиме работы экономия энергоресурсов составляет до 10%. Применение интеллектуальной оптимизации главных характеристик работы дает возможность экономить энергию тогда, когда это не уменьшает производительность машины.

Дизельный Still RX70 35 и RX70 30 являются гибридными моделями. Они разработаны на базе погрузчиков серии RX 70 и позволяют сократить расход топлива до 15%. Данная техника характеризуется низким уровнем выброса углекислого и угарного газов, что обеспечивает соблюдение самых строгих экологических норм.

пандус Butt для вилочного погрузчика Still RX

Гибридные погрузчики имеют возможность использовать энергию, сгенерированную при торможении из кинетической энергии движения. Она сохраняется и в дальнейшем используется для ускорения. Погрузчики оборудованы топливными баками и батареей конденсаторов Ultra-Caps, заряжаемой энергией, выработанной процессе торможения. Связующим звеном служит инвертор, управляющий зарядом батареи. Эти машины очень экологичные, производительны, маневренны и компактны.

Пониженный уровень выбросов выхлопных газов позволяет использовать их в закрытых производственных помещениях только с естественной вентиляцией. Даже в холодные периоды, когда температура окружающего воздуха намного ниже 0, погрузчики этой серии работают в запрограммированном цикле экономии энергии.

В серию RX входят модели:

Они отличаются грузоподъемностью и мощностью установленных двигателей, но общие принципы построения конструкции ходовой системы и подъемного механизма базируются на единой концепции.

Погрузчики вилочные Штиль серии R тоже представлены несколькими моделями различной грузоподъемности. Одной из наиболее характерных моделей этой серии является Still R 75 45 с грузоподъемностью 4500 кг и высотой подъема груза до 3300 мм. Главным образом он используется для работ на открытом пространстве. Но благодаря небольшому для такой мощной машины радиусу разворота, может эффективно работать и в помещениях не очень большой площади и в узких проходах складов.

Погрузчики Штиль с электродвигателями

трехопорный вилочный погрузчик Still RX 50-10

Компания STILL производит электропогрузчики, в ходовой конструкции которых 3 или 4 опоры. На погрузчиках с четырьмя опорами установлено по паре передних и задних колес. Трехопорные электрические вилочные погрузчики Still оснащаются сдвоенными передними и одинарными задними колесами. В линейке STILL машины как с передними так и с задними приводными колесами. Заднеприводные погрузчики применяются для грузов, массой не более полутора тонн. Транспортировка и подъем более тяжелых грузов производится с помощью переднеприводной техники.

Электропогрузчики представляют собой машины для складских работ. Их навесное оборудование работает от тяговой аккумуляторной батареи. Аккумуляторные батареи для электропогрузчиков расположены очень низко, что служит дополнительным функционалом сохранения равновесия. Предельная высота подъема вилочного электрического погрузчика Still составляет 7920 мм, скорость движения по ровной поверхности – от 16 до 20 км/ч с грузом. Грузоподъемность данного типа оборудования лежит в пределах от1000 до 5100 кг.

Аккумуляторный вилочный погрузчик Still RX 20-20 является одним из наиболее востребованных для работ в помещениях, грузовых отсеках вагонов и автомобилей. Пригоден для эксплуатации в подсобных помещениях больших торговых центров и на рынках.

Электропогрузчики Still серии RX 20 – современные мощные погрузчики с двухмоторным приводом на передние колеса напряжением 48В. Впервые в погрузчике внедрена практическая возможность замены аккумулятора сбоку. Сменную батарею можно установить без применения кран балки. Высокая степень надежности машины обусловлена использованием двух CAN-BUS шин и двух независимых процессоров.

смена аккумуляторной батареи на электропогрузчике Still RX50-15

Сменная батарея устанавливается сбоку погрузчика с помощью обыкновенной паллетной грузовой тележки – рохли или специальной установки для ускоренной замены батареи. Низкое расположение передней части погрузчика и боковая панель управления открывают наилучший передний обзор вил и груза. Защитная крыша оператора к шасси крепится эластично, что уменьшает воздействия шума и вибрации.

Период межтехнического обслуживания составляет 1 раз в год или 1000 часов, что является очень высоким показателем даже для техники такого уровня, как электрические вилочные погрузчики Still. Теплоотвод от электрооборудования осуществляется благодаря креплению этих модулей на массиве противовеса. Вентиляторы охлаждения агрегатов и фильтры не применяются.

Как электрические, так и дизельные погрузчики Still востребованы в тех отраслях производства и торговли, где требуется долговременная и надежная работа машин и механизмов. Цена этих машин окупается их эффективностью.


Вилочный погрузчик Still RX 70-30 оборудован дизельным двигателем модели VW BXT. Транспорт отличается пониженным уровнем расхода топливной жидкости и гидравлическими механическими стояночными тормозами.

Характеристики модели RX 70-30:

Грузоподъемность 3000 кг
Полная масса 4235 кг
Количество цилиндрических элементов 4
Мощность силового агрегата 38 л. с.
Транспортная скорость 21 км/ч
Дорожный просвет 125 мм
Колесная база 1700 мм
Габариты 3705*1180*2175 мм
Допустимый наклон мачты 10°
Центр тяжести 0,5 м
Свободная высота 160 мм
Длина мачты 3800 мм
Колесная формула 2*2
Внешний габаритный радиус поворота 2387 мм
Скорость подъема груза 470 мм/с
Скорость опускания груза 600 мм/с
Давление в гидравлической системе 250 бар

Дизельный погрузчик Штиль RC 40-30 с дизельным двигателем отличается простотой эксплуатации. Техническое обслуживание транспорта нужно проводить только через 500 отработанных моточасов.


Параметры модификации RC 40-30:

Устройство для стройки

Особенности электрических погрузчиков Still, LemaZowell и Combilift

Отправить эту страницу:

реализует в Великом Новгороде вилочные электрические погрузчики и другие виды технических средств известных производителей складской техники. Мы также предлагаем оригинальные запчасти и оказываем широкий спектр услуг по ремонту и сервисному обслуживанию. Все работы проводятся согласно установленному регламенту и рекомендациям изготовителей строительного и складского оборудования. Качество поставляемой техники и запасных частей подтверждено сопроводительной документацией.

В нашем каталоге электрические погрузчики представлены продукцией ТМ Still LemaZowell и Combilift. Они различаются высотой подъема, грузоподъемностью и особенностями конструкции. Технические характеристики электропогрузчиков определяют максимально допустимую нагрузку, интенсивность работы и условия использования. Нарушения правил эксплуатации могут привести к различным повреждениям техники.

Виды и назначение погрузчиков LemaZowell

Электропогрузчики LemaZowell включают модели на трех — и четырехколесных опорах. Техника первого типа позволяет поднимать поддоны с грузом весом от 1600 до 2000 кг, и рассчитана на средний уровень нагрузок. Высота подъема вил зависит от модели и может составлять от 3 до 6 м. Источником питания служит аккумуляторная батарея. Погрузчики LemaZowell, оснащенные четырьмя колесными опорами, предназначены для подъема грузов на поддонах весом от 1000 до 3500 кг.

К преимуществам вилочных погрузчиков LemaZowell относятся:

Конструкция оборудования предусматривает эффективное распределение мощности, благодаря которому можно увеличить время работы в режиме энергосбережения до 10%.

Особенности и характеристики погрузчиков Still

Электрокары ТМ Still также представлены трехопорными и четырехопорными моделями, грузоподъемность которых варьируется от 1000 кг у RX 50-10 до 4990 кг у RX 60-50. Высота подъема вил определяется модификацией техники. Серия RX 50 включает очень компактные погрузчики ТМ Still, которые позволяют обрабатывать грузы весом 1000-1600 кг, и могут работать в условиях ограниченного пространства. Они востребованы на складах и предприятиях разных отраслей промышленности с небольшим грузооборотом.

При значительной нагрузке целесообразно купить погрузчик серии RX 60, который отличается высокой производительностью и экономным потреблением энергии. Благодаря Li-Ion аккумуляторам его можно использовать при работе в трехсменном режиме без применения запасной батареи. Высокая скорость передвижения снижает время обработки грузов и дает возможность увеличить грузопоток без привлечения другой техники.

Среди преимуществ электрических погрузчиков Still можно выделить:

Они также отличаются высокой маневренностью и практически отсутствием шума при передвижении, подъеме и спуске грузов на паллетах.

Конструктивные особенности узкопроходных погрузчиков Combilift

Уникальность погрузчиков Aisle-Master от производителя Combilift заключается в особенности конструкции машины, в которых передняя часть с кареткой вил и задняя часть с сиденьем оператора шарнирно-сочленены между собой и не имеют жесткой сцепки. Это позволяет обрабатывать грузы в узких межстеллажных проходов шириной всего от 1,6 м.

При этом погрузчик позволяет осуществлять три способа штабелирования: направо, прямо, налево — за счет поворота грузовых вил перпендикулярно кабине водителя.

Основными преимуществами погрузчиков Aisle-Master являются:

Где купить электрические погрузчики в Новгороде

предлагает большой выбор моделей погрузчиков и предоставляет гарантии на оборудование. Мы реализуем в Великом Новгороде новые и б/у погрузчики электрические, штабелеры, тележки и другие виды грузоподъемной техники, качество которых подтверждено сертификатами. Сотрудничество с крупными производителями позволяет нам поставлять оборудование в короткие сроки и оперативно выполнять заказы любой сложности.

Вы можете выбрать и купить электрические погрузчики в нашем Каталоге. При возникновении вопросов — добавьте интересующие модели в корзину и оформите заявку, мы свяжемся с Вами и поможем с выбором.

Неисправности и ремонт

Неисправности автопогрузчика могут быть вызваны низким зарядом аккумуляторной батареи, недостаточным уровнем давления в системе гидравлического трансформатора, загрязнением предохранительного клапана, изношенными механизмами и т. д.

Ремонт погрузчиков Still нужно проводить при отключенном силовом агрегате и с использованием специальных инструментов.

Сначала нужно провести внешний осмотр вышедшего из строя узла. После этого можно приступать к разбору системы и замене износившихся деталей. Если причиной поломки стал недостаточный уровень топливной или масляной жидкости, необходимо просто долить ее до требуемой отметки.

Погрузчик Still RX 70 Гибрид 3.0 и 3.5 т.

Still создало первый в своем роде вилочный погрузчик с функцией возврата потраченной и передачи энергии RX 70 Hybrid (Гибрид). Этот погрузчик может быть одновременно мощным и экономичным, благодаря аккумуляции двух энергосистем. Одна система получает энергию от топливного двигателя, а другая система в свою очередь получает энергию из энергонакопителей и конденсаторов модификации UltraCaps. RX 70 обладает специфическими конденсаторами, имеющими два слоя, которые могут с легкостью аккумулировать энергию, например образующуюся при торможении.

Вилочный погрузчик Still RX 70 Гибрид 3.0 и 3.5 т.

Электропогрузчик RX 70 может с легкостью высвободить энергопотенциал, накопленный при помощи функции рекуперации (возврата потраченной энергии). Это стало возможным при использовании новейшего двигателя внутреннего сгорания погрузчика и самого процесса возврата энергии. Гибрид собрал в себе не только новые технологии, но и перенял старые положительные характеристики машин Still. RX 70 возвел новую планку в конструировании вилочных погрузчиков. Гибрид отличается от своих предшественников не только экономичностью, но и молоизнашиваемыми механизмами.

Что касается производительности погрузчика Still RX 70 Hybrid, то она осталась на прежнем очень высоком уровне, это стало возможным за счет экономичности в показателях потребления топлива до 0,8 л за 1 моточас. Гибрид улучшил показатели экономии перед своими предшественниками на 20 %. Сокращение потребления топлива всегда сопровождается сокращением выбросов в атмосферу углекислого газа и других вредных веществ, что делает Гибрид более экологически чистым.

Гибридный двигатель RX 70 имеет меньшее количество оборотов, поэтому его детали меньше изнашиваются и данная модель производит меньше шума.

При передвижении погрузчика кинетическая энергия преобразуется в электрическую, которая накапливается в конденсаторах и передается на модульный блок, где установлены мощные энергоаккумуляторы. Далее накопленная энергия быстро передается системе погрузчика, тем самым увеличивая показатель энергопотенциала машины. Сам модульный блок настолько компактен, что с легкостью вписался в конструкцию вилочного погрузчика. RX 70 Hybrid очень хорошо справляется с погрузкой/разгрузкой грузов. Погрузчик постоянно сменяет динамику движения с торможения на ускорение и обратно, что в свою очередь позволяет еще больше рекуперировать энергию.

Возврат энергии начинается уже при первых оборотах двигателя погрузчика RX 70 Hybrid. Буквально каждое движение погрузчика способно рекуперировать энергию.

В условиях нашего нестабильного рынка топлива погрузчик RX 70 Hybrid отлично подходит для работы на складе. Гибридная система Still еще раз доказывает то, что такой погрузчик незаменим и показывает максимальные результаты производительности при оптимальном использовании ресурсов.

RX 70 Гибрид максимально быстро окупит Ваши затраты и поможет сэкономить ресурсы.

Характеристики RX 70-30 Гибрид и RX 70-35 Гибрид:

Цены и условия приобретения вилочного погрузчика Вы можете узнать у официальных дилеров Still.


https://auto-elektric. ru/kompyuternaya-diagnostika-gruzovyh-avtomobiley/oshst711/

https://foksevmash. ru/servis/pogruzchik-vilochnyj-shtil. html


Item no. Display

Function assistant, centre position for


transition shift

Function assistant, centre position for tilting —


Operating hours, error messages, drive


profile, information text

Acknowledge button




Maintenance expired




Creep speed activated


Blue-Q activated




Driver’s seat not occupied during operation


of the truck (seat switch)

Parking brake activated


Seat belt on driver’s seat not fastened (not


series production truck)

Foot switch required


Symbol for FleetManager variant or PIN


code access variant

Battery water level display too low (variant) —


Battery not locked



Event-related operating information and

malfunctions are shown in the display field

(2). In addition, the «Caution»symbol (1) lights

up if there is a malfunction.

Messages are always shown periodically and

for a certain period of time, according to the


In the case of successive events, the respec-

tive messages are displayed one after another

on the display.

After a few seconds, the display will alternate

between the last shown operating display and

the message.

Operating devices and display elements


The meter displays up to 99,999.9 operat-

ing hours.

Actuation required for further functioning

Displayed together with an error message


50988078001 EN — 10/2018



Still FM-X Original Instructions Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Original instructions

Reach trucks










1900 1901 1902 1903 1904

1905 1906 1907 1908 1909

1910 1914 1915 1916 1917

1918 1919 1920 1921 1922

50988078001 EN — 04/2015


Related Manuals for Still FM-X

Summary of Contents for Still FM-X

  • Page 1
    Original instructions Reach trucks FM-X, FM-X N, FM-X W, FM-X EW FM-X-10 FM-X-12 FM-X-14 FM-X-17 FM-X-20 FM-X-22 FM-X-25 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 50988078001 EN — 04/2015…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Foreword Your truck …………2 General .

  • Page 4
    Table of contents Safety information for FM-X Wide, Extra Wide (W, EW) ……32 Warning regarding non-original parts ……..32 Damage, defects and misuse of safety systems .
  • Page 5
    Table of contents Commissioning ……….. . . 65 Climbing into and out of the truck .
  • Page 6
    Table of contents Fork extension (variant) ……….117 Working platforms .
  • Page 7
    Table of contents Lift height preselector (variant) ……… . 156 General .
  • Page 8
    Table of contents Disconnecting the battery male connector ……..199 Battery replacement using a crane .
  • Page 9
    VDI datasheet FM-X 10 (N), FM-X 12 (N)* ……. . .
  • Page 11: Foreword


  • Page 12: Your Truck

    Foreword Your truck Your truck General The truck described in these operating instruc- These operating instructions provide the tions corresponds to the applicable standards necessary information to do this. Read and and safety regulations. observe the information provided before commissioning the truck. This will prevent The trucks have been fitted with state-of-the- accidents and ensure that the warranty art technology.

  • Page 13: Ec Declaration Of Conformity In Accordance With Machinery Directive

    Foreword Your truck EC declaration of conformity in accordance with Machinery Directive Declaration STILL GmbH Berzeliusstraße 10 D-22113 Hamburg Germany We declare that the according to these operating instructions Industrial truck according to these operating instructions Model conforms to the latest version of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

  • Page 14: Information About The Documentation

    Foreword Information about the documentation Information about the documentation Documentation scope • Operating instructions • Operating instructions for attachments (variant) • Spare parts list • VDMA rules for the proper use of industrial trucks These operating instructions describe all mea- sures necessary for the safe operation and proper maintenance of your truck in all pos- sible variants available at the time of printing.

  • Page 15: Issue Date And Topicality Of The Operating Instructions

    The issue date of these operating instructions can be found on the title page. STILL is constantly engaged in the further development of trucks. These operating instructions are subject to change, and any claims based on the information and/or illustrations contained in them cannot be asserted.

  • Page 16: List Of Abbreviations

    Foreword Information about the documentation CAUTION Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent material damage and/or destruction. NOTE For technical requirements that require special attention. ENVIRONMENT NOTE To prevent environmental damage. List of abbreviations NOTE This list of abbreviations applies to all types of operating instructions.

  • Page 17
    Foreword Information about the documentation Meaning Abbreviation Decibels Remote data transmission DFÜ German standard European Community European standard Fédération Européene de la Manutention Maximum power Grams Industrial inspectorate If applicable If applicable GPRS General Packet Radio Service Hours per day (time driven each day in hours) ID no.
  • Page 18
    Foreword Information about the documentation Meaning Abbreviation Metres per second squared Maximum workplace concentration Max. Maximum Min. Minimum Minutes Revolution(s) per minute Millimetres Newtons Newton metres Personal identification number Superelastic Snap-in tyre for simplified assembly German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations StVZO Tonnes Technical Regulations for Hazardous Substances…
  • Page 19: Defining Directions

    Foreword Information about the documentation Defining directions General: • left (1) • right (2) Drive directions: • Travelling in the load direction (backwards) • Travelling in the drive direction (forwards) Movements of the reach carriage: • Extending the reach carriage (in the load direction) (5) •…

  • Page 20: Schematic Views

    Foreword Information about the documentation Schematic views View of functions and operating proce- dures At many points in this documentation, the (mostly sequential) operation of certain func- tions or operating procedures is explained. To illustrate these operations, schematic views of a reach truck are used.

  • Page 21: Environmental Considerations

    Foreword Environmental considerations Environmental considerations Packaging During delivery of the truck, certain parts are packaged to provide protection during transport. This packaging must be removed completely prior to initial start-up. ENVIRONMENT NOTE The packaging material must be disposed of properly after delivery of the truck. Disposal of components and batteries The truck is composed of different materials.

  • Page 22
    Foreword Environmental considerations 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 23: Introduction


  • Page 24: Using The Truck

    Introduction Using the truck Using the truck Proper usage The truck described in these operating in- structions is suitable for lifting, transporting and stacking loads. The truck may only be used for its proper purpose as set out and described in these operating instructions.

  • Page 25: Place Of Use

    Introduction Using the truck Place of use The truck is only approved for indoor use. The ground must have an adequate load capacity (concrete, asphalt) and a rough surface. Roadways, working areas and aisle widths must conform to the specifications in these operating instructions;…

  • Page 26: Using Working Platforms

    Introduction Using the truck Using working platforms WARNING The use of working platforms is regulated by na- tional law. The use of working platforms is only permitted by virtue of the jurisdiction in the country of use. – Observe national legislation. –…

  • Page 27: Residual Risk

    Introduction Residual risk Residual risk Residual dangers, residual risks Despite careful working and compliance with standards and regulations, the occurrence of other risks when using the truck cannot be entirely excluded. The truck and all other system components comply with current safety requirements. Nevertheless, even when the truck is used for its proper purpose and all instructions are followed, some residual risk cannot be…

  • Page 28: Special Risks Associated With Using The Truck And Attachments

    Introduction Residual risk The manufacturer is not held responsible for accidents involving the truck caused by the failure of the operating company to comply with these regulations either intentionally or carelessly. Stability The stability of the truck has been tested to the latest technological standards and is guaranteed if the truck is used properly and according to its intended purpose.

  • Page 29
    Introduction Residual risk 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 30: Overview Of Hazards And Countermeasures

    Introduction Residual risk Overview of hazards and counter- measures NOTE This table is intended to help evaluate the hazards in your facility and applies to all drive types. It does not claim to be complete. NOTE Observe the national regulations for your country! Hazard Measure…

  • Page 31
    Introduction Residual risk Hazard Measure Check note Notes √ actioned — not applicable Impermissible usage Issuing of operating BetrSichVO (improper usage) instructions (Workplace Safety Ordinance) and ArbSchG (Health and Safety at Work Act) Written notice of BetrSichVO instruction to driver (Workplace Safety Ordinance) and ArbSchG (Health and…
  • Page 32: Danger To Employees

    Introduction Residual risk Hazard Measure Check note Notes √ actioned — not applicable With driverless transport systems Roadway quality Clean/clear driveways BetrSichVO inadequate (Workplace Safety Ordinance) Load carrier Reattach load to pallet BetrSichVO incorrect/slipped (Workplace Safety Ordinance) Drive behaviour Employee training BetrSichVO unpredictable (Workplace Safety…

  • Page 33
    Introduction Residual risk tachments possess their own CE labelling and likewise are not included for that reason. The operating company must, however, select the type and equipment of the trucks so as to com- ply with the local provisions for deployment. The result must be documented (§…
  • Page 34
    Introduction Residual risk 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 35: Safety


  • Page 36: Definition Of Terms Used For Responsible Persons

    Safety Definition of terms used for responsible persons Definition of terms used for responsible persons Operating company The operating company is the natural or legal person or group who operates the truck or on whose authority the truck is used. The operating company must ensure that the truck is only used for its proper purpose and in compliance with the safety regulations set out…

  • Page 37: Drivers

    Safety Definition of terms used for responsible persons regarding the industrial truck to be tested and the risk being assessed Drivers This truck may only be driven by suitable per- sons who are at least 18 years of age, have been trained in driving, have demonstrated their skills in driving and handling loads to the operating company or an authorised rep-…

  • Page 38
    Safety Definition of terms used for responsible persons DANGER The use of drugs, alcohol or medications that affect reactions impair the ability to drive the truck! Individuals under the influence of the aforementio- ned substances are not permitted to perform work of any kind on or with the truck.
  • Page 39: Basic Principles For Safe Operation

    There is a risk of accident due to restricted visibility. Additional attachments (e.g. terminals, printers, mirrors) in the driver’s compartment area can restrict the driver’s field of vision. – Only install attachments (variants) that have been specifically approved by STILL in accor- dance with the safety regulations. 50988078001 [EN]…

  • Page 40
    Safety Basic principles for safe operation Only restraint systems (variants) that have been specifically approved by STILL may be installed and used. DANGER Risk of injury if truck tips over! Even if the driver has fastened the seat belt (variant), there is still a residual risk of injury if the truck tips over.
  • Page 41: Modifications To The Overhead Guard And Cabs

    Safety Basic principles for safe operation – Name and address of the company imple- menting the modification. Modifications to the overhead guard and cabs DANGER The overhead guard or the weather protection cab/cold store cab may fail. A falling load or the truck tipping over could result in fatal consequences for the driver.

  • Page 42: Safety Information For Fm-X Wide, Extra Wide (W, Ew)

    – Do not mount any additional roof loads on the truck. Safety information for FM-X Wide, Extra Wide (W, EW) The W (Wide) and EW (Extra Wide) versions differ from the standard truck by having additional cover sheets (1) between the overhead guard and the widened chassis.

  • Page 43: Damage, Defects And Misuse Of Safety Systems

    Safety Basic principles for safe operation Damage, defects and misuse of safety systems Damage or other defects on the truck or attachment must be reported to the supervisor or responsible fleet manager immediately so that they can have the defect rectified. Trucks and attachments that are not functional or safe to drive may not be used until they have been properly repaired.

  • Page 44: Medical Equipment

    Safety Basic principles for safe operation Medical equipment WARNING Electromagnetic interference may occur on medical devices! Only use equipment that is sufficiently protected against electromagnetic interference. Medical equipment, such as pacemakers or hearing aids, may not work properly when the truck is in operation.

  • Page 45: Safety Tests

    Safety Safety tests Safety tests Regular safety inspection of the truck Safety inspection based on time and extraordinary incidents The operating company must ensure that the truck is checked by a specialist at least once a year or after particular incidents. As part of this inspection, a complete check of the technical condition of the truck must be performed with regard to accident safety.

  • Page 46: Safety Regulations For Handling Consumables

    Safety Safety regulations for handling consumables Measuring the battery’s insulation resistance NOTE Nominal battery voltage < test voltage < 500 – Measure the insulation resistance with a suitable measuring device. The insulation resistance can be considered sufficient if it measures at least 500 /V for the nominal battery voltage against ground.

  • Page 47: Oils

    Safety Safety regulations for handling consumables Oils DANGER Oils are flammable! – Follow the statutory regulations. – Do not allow oils to come into contact with hot engine parts. – No smoking, fires or naked flames! DANGER Oils are toxic! –…

  • Page 48: Hydraulic Fluid

    Safety Safety regulations for handling consumables ENVIRONMENT NOTE Oil is a water-polluting substance! Always store oil in containers that comply • with the applicable regulations. Avoid spilling oils. • Spilt oil should be removed immediately • with oil-binding agents and disposed of according to the regulations.

  • Page 49: Battery Acid

    Safety Safety regulations for handling consumables ENVIRONMENT NOTE Hydraulic fluid is a water-polluting substance. Always store hydraulic fluid in containers • that comply with regulations Avoid spills • Spilt hydraulic fluid should be removed • immediately with oil-binding agents and disposed of according to the regulations Dispose of old hydraulic fluid according to •…

  • Page 50: Brake Fluid

    Safety Safety regulations for handling consumables Brake fluid WARNING Brake fluid is poisonous! – Avoid swallowing. In the event of swallowing, do not induce vomiting. Rinse out your mouth thoroughly with water and ask a doctor for advice. – Avoid aerosolisation and inha- lation.

  • Page 51: Disposal Of Consumables

    Safety Emissions ENVIRONMENT NOTE Brake fluid is a water pollutant! Always store brake fluid in containers • complying with the regulations.. Do not spill brake fluid. • Spilt brake fluid must be removed immedia- • tely using an oil binding agent and disposed of in accordance with regulations Dispose of old brake fluid according to the •…

  • Page 52
    Safety Emissions dard (noise measurement for industrial trucks based on EN 12001 and EN ISO 3744 and the requirements of EN ISO 4871). This machine emits the following sound pressure level: Continuous sound pressure level in the driver’s compartment < 69.5 dB(A) The values were determined in the test cycle on an identical machine from the weighted values for operating statuses and idling.
  • Page 53
    Safety Emissions The personal vibration load on the driver over a working day must be determined in accordance with Directive 2002/44/EC by the operating company at the actual place of use, in order to consider all additional influences, such as driving route, intensity of use etc. Battery DANGER Risk of explosion due to flammable…
  • Page 54
    Safety Emissions 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 55: Overviews


  • Page 56: Overview

    Overviews Overview Overview Overhead guard Battery Driver’s compartment Side support (tilt protection) Lift mast Control compartment Fork arms Drive wheel Load wheel Step Battery frame 50988078001 [EN]…

  • Page 57: Overview Of The Driver’s Compartment

    Overviews Overview of the driver’s compartment Overview of the driver’s compartment 2 3 4 5 Steering wheel Operating devices for hydraulic and traction Working spotlight push button (variant) functions Key switch or push button (variant) Emergency off switch Reserved Push button for additional hydraulic func- Electrical seat adjustment push button tions (variant)

  • Page 58: Operating Devices And Display Elements

    Overviews Operating devices and display elements Operating devices and display elements Display and operating unit Display of the operating statuses Keypad for lift height preselection (variant) or PIN code access (variant) Keypad for onboard diagnostics, parame- terising Drive programme button (P1-P4) Blue-Q button Parking brake button Operating devices for hydraulic and…

  • Page 59: Joystick 4Plus

    Overviews Operating devices and display elements Joystick 4Plus «Transition shift» slider «Transition shift/tilt centre position» push Shift button «F» (auxiliary hydraulics con- button (variant) troller) Reserve Drive direction switch Pictograms for operation of the 5th and 6th Joystick, «lifting/lowering» function hydraulic function (variant) Joystick, «shifting»…

  • Page 60: Fingertip

    Overviews Operating devices and display elements Fingertip «Lift/lower» operating lever «Transition shift/tilt centre position» push «Shift» operating lever button (variant) «Tilt» operating lever Reserve «Transition shift» operating lever «Auxiliary hydraulics» push button (variant) Emergency off switch Drive direction switch «Enable» push button (variant) Signal horn button «Load measurement»…

  • Page 61: Identification Points

    Overviews Identification points Identification points Overview 400-600 1000 10200 1150 9800 1110 1300 9500 1050 1200 1400 9300 1080 1240 1450 9000 1160 1320 1500 8750 1200 1600 1600 8300 1270 1700 1700 7100 X<= 15mm 50988078001 [EN]…

  • Page 62: Nameplate

    Overviews Identification points Warning sign: Do not stand underneath the Decal information: Electrical seat adjust- fork/Do not stand on the fork/Danger due to ment (variant) shearing/Danger due to high fluid pressure Decal information: FEM test Decal information: Caution/read the operat- Decal information: FEM test (inspection ing instructions sticker)

  • Page 63: Production Number

    Overviews Identification points Production number xx xxxx x xxxxx NOTE The production number is used to identify the truck. It can be found on the nameplate and must be referred to in all technical questions. The production number contains the following coded information: (1) Production location (2) Model…

  • Page 64
    Overviews Identification points 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 65: Operation


  • Page 66: Checks And Tasks To Be Carried Out Prior To Commissioning

    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Visual inspections WARNING Risk of accident due to damage or other defects on the truck or on the attachment (variant)! Damage to the truck or the attachment (variant) can lead to unpredictable and dangerous situations.

  • Page 67
    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning cab (variant) must be undamaged and securely mounted • Attachments (variant) must be properly attached and function according to their operating instructions • All decal information signs must be in place and legible.
  • Page 68: Filling The Washer System (Variant)

    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning WARNING Risk of component damage! A deformed or damaged battery male connector can cause overheating and related consequential damage. – Check the battery male connector for damage. – If necessary, have the battery male connector replaced by the authorised service centre.

  • Page 69: Checking The Condition Of The Wheels And Tyres

    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Checking the condition of the wheels and tyres WARNING Risk of accident! Uneven wear reduces the stability of the truck and increases the braking distance. – If the tyres are worn or damaged, inform the authorised service centre immediately NOTE Only approved tyre types may be used;…

  • Page 70: Adjusting The Msg 65/Msg 75 Driver’s Seat

    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Adjusting the MSG 65/MSG 75 driver’s seat DANGER There is a risk of accident if the seat or seat backrest shifts suddenly, which could cause the driver to move in an uncontrolled manner. This can result in unintentional actuation of the steering or the operating devices and thus cause uncontrolled movements of the truck or load.

  • Page 71
    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Adjusting the seat backrest Do not put pressure on the seat backrest while disengaging it. – Lift the lever (2) and hold. – Push the seat backrest into the desired position.
  • Page 72
    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Adjusting the lumbar support (variant) NOTE The lumbar support can be adjusted to suit the contours of the individual driver’s spine. Adjusting the lumbar support moves a convex support cushion into the upper or lower part of the backrest.
  • Page 73: (Variant)

    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Switching the seat heater (variant) on and off NOTE The seat heater only functions if the seat contact switch is active, i.e. when the driver is sitting on the driver’s seat. –…

  • Page 74: Electrical Driver’s Compartment Adjustment (Variant)

    Operation Checks and tasks to be carried out prior to commissioning Electrical driver’s compartment adjustment (variant) WARNING Risk of accident, risk of crushing The pedal plate and seat console move during adjustment. – Change settings only when the truck is at a standstill.

  • Page 75: Adjusting The Steering Column

    Operation Commissioning Adjusting the steering column DANGER Risk of accident! – Ensure that the steering column is securely attached. Never adjust the steering column while driving. – Push the steering column adjustment lever (1) forwards to release the steering column lock.

  • Page 76
    Operation Commissioning WARNING Risk of injury when jumping out of the truck! If the driver jumps out the truck while it is moving, he or she could fall under the truck or be crushed by an obstacle. If the driver’s clothing or jewellery (watch, ring etc.) become stuck on components, this can lead to serious injuries, e.g.
  • Page 77: Shelves And Cup Holders

    Operation Commissioning Shelves and cup holders WARNING Objects may fall into the footwell and obstruct the pedals, which poses a risk of accident! Objects to be stored must be of the correct size so that they do not fall from the shelves (1, 4) or out of the cup holder (2).

  • Page 78: Enabling Truck Functions Using The Foot Switch And Seat Switch

    Operation Commissioning Enabling truck functions using the foot switch and seat switch The foot switch and seat switch are there for safety purposes during operation of the truck. The complete range of truck functions is available only when the driver is sitting on the driver’s seat and then actuates the foot switch.

  • Page 79
    Operation Commissioning The hydraulic functions are only enabled if: • The seat switch has been actuated • The switch is functioning correctly The drive function is only enabled if: • The parking brake has been released • The seat switch has been actuated but the accelerator pedals have not •…
  • Page 80: Unlocking The Emergency Off Switch

    Operation Commissioning Unlocking the emergency off switch Unlocking the emergency off switch – Pull the emergency off switch (1) upwards until it is unlocked. Switching on the key switch WARNING Before switching on the key switch, all tests prior to commissioning must be performed without any defects being detected.

  • Page 81
    Operation Commissioning – Insert switch key (1) into the key switch and turn to position «I». This initiates a self-test. All symbols on the display and operating unit are displayed briefly until the truck controllers have started up completely. When the truck is switched on, the fork carriage and the reach carriage must initially be in the basic position.
  • Page 82
    Operation Commissioning Displays after the switch-on process (for trucks with default options) NOTE Depending on the truck equipment, further information may be visible on the display and operating unit. Battery charge(1) The usable battery charge is shown in the display field. NOTE After connecting a «partially»…
  • Page 83: Access Authorisation With Pin Code (Variant)

    Operation Commissioning direction is only selected when the drive direction switch has been actuated once. Operating hours(3) The current value of the hour meter is shown in the display field. Drive programme(4) The current drive programme (1-4) is shown in the display field.

  • Page 84: Entering Truck Operating Data Via The Display And Operating Unit

    Operation Commissioning Entering truck operating data via the display and operating unit Authorisation levels The authorisation levels determine which operating data and functions the user can access. The higher the authorisation level, the more comprehensive the access to truck operating data. The display and operating unit is used to access operating data at three authorisation levels:…

  • Page 85
    Operation Commissioning Level 3 (authorised service centre) Access: Press OK and ESC for 4 seconds and enter the password for level 3 Authorisations: Maintenance interval PIN for remote data transfer via SIM card Delete error list Accessing the main menu without a password (authorisation level 1) First of all, press the OK button to open the main menu at authorisation level 1.
  • Page 86
    Operation Commissioning If the password is invalid, a corresponding message appears on the display and operat- ing unit. PASSWORD NOT VALID The message appears for three seconds and then the display and operating unit shows the input screen for the password again. The password can be entered again.
  • Page 87
    Operation Commissioning Entering operating data in the main menu The menus on the display and operating unit are controlled using the OK button (1), ESC button (3) and arrow buttons (2). – Press the arrow buttons to navigate through the menus –…
  • Page 88
    Operation Commissioning Authori- sation Main menu Submenu (level) Edit/select Comment CONFIGU- RATION VX.XX UNITS DISTANCE miles LOAD ERROR CUSTOMER MODE LIST SERVICE A–Z, *: all DEVICE devices current error TYPE since reset since deletion Error e.g. X XX XX 12 12 Teach-in ADJUST Lift heights…
  • Page 89: Operating The Signal Horn

    Operation Commissioning Operating the signal horn NOTE The signal horn is used to warn people against imminent danger or to announce your intention to overtake. – Push the signal horn button (1). The signal horn sounds. Checking the brake system for correct function DANGER If the brake system fails, the truck will be braked…

  • Page 90
    Operation Commissioning Checking the reverse brake – Accelerate the truck without a load in a clear area; see «Driving» chapter. – Change the drive direction in inching mode; see the chapter entitled «Selecting the drive direction». The braking and subsequent acceleration processes in the opposite direction must be gentle and not subject to jerking movements.
  • Page 91: Checking The Steering System For Correct Function

    Operation Commissioning Checking the steering system for correct function – Operate the steering wheel (1). The steer- ing must be continuous and move freely. NOTE In the «180° steering» variant, the drive’s maximum steering angle is ±90°. 5060_003-031 Checking the emergency off function –…

  • Page 92: Checking The «Automatic Tilting Centre Position» (Variant) For Correct Function

    Operation Commissioning Checking the «automatic tilting centre position» (variant) for correct function NOTE The «automatic tilting centre position» lift mast function (variant) must be executed whenever the truck is commissioned. The driver can use the «automatic tilting centre position» function to position the tilt of the fork arms to 0°…

  • Page 93: Setting The Drive Programme

    Operation Commissioning Setting the drive programme Setting The driving and braking characteristics of the drive can be set on the display and operating unit. Four different drive programmes can be set. Depending on the drive programme selected, different driving characteristics are applied in relation to the maximum speed, acceleration behaviour* and deceleration behaviour**.

  • Page 94: Optispeed — Continuously Variable Reduction In Driving Speed Or Hydraulic Functions (Variant)

    DANGER The stability limits defined by the laws of physics are still in effect even when the «reduction of speed when turning» function is active. There is a risk of tipping! – Before using this function, familiarise yourself with the change to the truck’s driving and steering…

  • Page 95: Driving

    Operation Driving • Cornering with an inadequately secured load. • Cornering too fast on a smooth or wet roadway. Reduction in speed of hydraulic functions This variant optimises the speed of the hy- draulic functions, taking the lift height and load weight into account.

  • Page 96
    There is a risk of accident! – Do not use devices during travel or when hand- ling loads. – Set the volume so that warning signals can still be heard. WARNING In areas where the use of mobile phones is prohi- bited, it is absolutely not permitted to use a mobile phone or radio telephone.
  • Page 97
    Operation Driving Visibility when driving The driver must look in the drive direction and have a sufficient view of the driving lane. In a reach truck, the driver’s visibility may be restricted by the lift mast or the load in particular.
  • Page 98: Roadways

    Max. permissible gradient in With load Without load FM-X 10, FM-X 12, FM-X 14, FM-X 17, FM-X 20, FM-X 25 FM-X 10N, FM-X 12N, FM-X 14N, FM-X 17N, FM-X 20N Picking up a load, putting down a load, stack- ing or unstacking is only permitted on a hori- zontal, level surface.

  • Page 99
    Operation Driving designed for this purpose. However, movable parts may project beyond the truck contour and be damaged or torn off. Examples of such components include: • Extended lift mast • Additional attachments (mirrors, monitors etc. ) • Cab doors Condition of the roadways Roadways must be sufficiently firm, smooth and even.
  • Page 100: Side Chassis Supports

    Operation Driving Side chassis supports Side chassis supports (1) on the rear left and right of the truck support the truck if it tips to the side. The permissible distance «X» for the ground clearance of the chassis supports (2) is noted on the load capacity diagram on the truck.

  • Page 101: Selecting The Drive Direction

    Operation Driving • Fingertip; see the chapter entitled Actuating the drive direction switch, fingertip. NOTE The drive direction can also be changed during travel. Your foot can remain on the accelerator pedal. The truck decelerates and is then accelerated again in the opposite direction (reversing).

  • Page 102: Actuating The Drive Direction Switch, Joystick 4Plus

    Operation Driving Actuating the drive direction switch, joystick 4Plus – For «travelling in the load direction», press the drive direction switch (1)up. – For «travelling in the drive direction», press the drive direction switch (1)down. Actuating the drive direction switch, fingertip –…

  • Page 103
    Operation Driving Observe the information in the chapter entitled «Safety regulations when driving». The driver’s seat is equipped with a seat switch. In the event of an operating error or malfunction, see the chapter entitled «Enabling truck functions using the foot switch and seat switch».
  • Page 104: Starting Drive Mode, Dual-Pedal Version (Variant)

    The truck cannot be driven again until the accelerator pedal has been released and then actuated again. If the truck still cannot be operated, park it securely and contact your authorised service centre. Starting drive mode, dual-pedal…

  • Page 105
    Operation Driving – To «travel in the load direction», press the right-hand accelerator pedal (1). – To «travel in the drive direction», press the left-hand accelerator pedal (2). NOTE In the dual pedal version, any drive direction switches on the operating devices will not function.
  • Page 106: Operating The Service Brake

    The truck cannot be driven again until the accelerator pedal has been released and then actuated again, provided that the electrical fault has been corrected. If the truck still cannot be operated, park it securely and contact your authorised service centre.

  • Page 107: Applying The Electromagnetic Parking Brake

    Operation Driving DANGER At speeds that are too high, there is a danger that the truck could slip or overturn! The braking distance of the truck depends on the weather conditions and the level of contamination on the roadway. – Adapt your driving and braking style to suit the weather conditions and the level of contamina- tion on the roadway.

  • Page 108
    Operation Driving Functions of the parking brake when the truck is at a standstill Actuation by the driver – Push the push button (1) to apply the parking brake. The parking brake is applied audibly and the symbol (2) is shown on the display and operating unit.
  • Page 109
    Operation Driving Releasing the parking brake by pushing the button When the truck is ready for operation, the driver can release the parking brake at any time by pushing the button. – Sit down on the driver’s seat. – Push the push button (1) to release the parking brake.
  • Page 110: Steering

    Operation Driving – Push the push button (1) to apply the parking brake. The parking brake is applied immediately and audibly, and brings the truck to a standstill. The symbol (2) is shown in the display and operating unit. Actuation triggered automatically Cause Effect The parking brake is…

  • Page 111
    Operation Driving 360° steering (standard) The steering wheel has no mechanical stops and can be continuously turned. Starting in the straight-ahead position, the steered wheel reaches the 90° position after 2, 2½ or 3 revolutions (can be configured) of the steering wheel. This position corresponds to the truck’s smallest turning radius.
  • Page 112: Lifting

    Operation Lifting Reverse steering (variant) If the steering wheel is turned clockwise when travelling in the load direction, the truck will move to the right. If the steering wheel is turned anticlockwise when travelling in the load direction, the truck will move to the left. Trucks with reverse steering are marked with an adhesive label (1) next to the steering wheel adjustment mechanism.

  • Page 113: Automatic Lift Cut Out (Variant)

    Operation Lifting Automatic lift cut out (variant) The automatic lift cut out (variant) means that the load cannot be lifted above a certain height. This height is predefined by a sensor on the lift mast and cannot be changed at a later date.

  • Page 114: Reach-Lower Lock (Variant)

    Operation Lifting Reach-lower lock (variant) The reach-lower lock prevents the load forks from being lowered between the load wheel posts whenever the reach carriage is in the retracted position. As a result, wide loads cannot accidentally come to rest on the load wheel posts during lowering and become unstable.

  • Page 115: Automatic Centre Position (Variant)

    Operation Lifting Automatic centre position (variant) Automatic transition shift centre position (variant) The driver can use the «automatic transition shift centre position» function to position the transition shift in the centre automatically. In order to do this, the push button must be pushed until the function switches off auto- matically.

  • Page 116: Lift Mast Versions

    Operation Lifting Lift mast versions One of the following lift masts may be installed in the truck: Telescopic lift mast During lifting, the lift mast rises above the outer lift cylinders, bringing the fork carriage with it via the chains (fork carriage rises twice as fast as the inner lift mast).

  • Page 117: Malfunctions In Lifting Mode

    Operation Lifting Malfunctions in lifting mode Incorrect extension sequence DANGER Risk of accident! With triple lift masts (variant), an incorrect extension sequence may occur, i.e. the inner lift mast may extend before the free lift has finished. As a result, the overall height is exceeded and damage can be caused when passing through entrances or in areas with low ceilings.

  • Page 118: Lifting System Operating Devices

    Operation Lifting – If the fork carriage rollers are blocked in the lift mast due to contamination, lift the fork carriage until the chains are under tension again. Remove the contamination before resuming work. WARNING Risk of injury! – Observe the safety regulations for working on the lift mast, see the chapter entitled «Working at the front of the truck».

  • Page 119: Joystick 4Plus Lifting System

    Operation Lifting Joystick 4Plus lifting system A / B Lowering/lifting the fork carriage E / F Transition shift (variant) C / D Tilting the lift mast (variant) G / H Shifting DANGER Reaching or climbing between moving parts of the truck (e.g.

  • Page 120
    Operation Lifting In this version, the hydraulic functions are controlled using the joystick 4Plus. The pictogram (1) shows the basic hydraulic functions and how they are controlled using the joystick. The pictogram (2) shows the 3rd and 4th function and their operation. Lifting/lowering the fork carriage To lift the fork carriage: –…
  • Page 121
    Operation Lifting Tilting the lift mast or fork carriage (variant) Depending on the truck equipment, either the entire lift mast is tilted or just the fork carriage (fork tilt device). To tilt the lift mast backwards: – Push the rocker button (2) towards » «.
  • Page 122: Fingertip Lifting System

    Operation Lifting Shifting To extend the reach carriage: – Push the joystick (4) in the direction of » «. To retract the reach carriage: – Push the joystick (4) in the direction of » «. NOTE The pictograms on the base of the joystick show the direction of movement for the corresponding hydraulic function.

  • Page 123
    Operation Lifting DANGER Reaching or climbing between moving parts of the truck (e.g. lift mast, sideshifts, working equipment, load carrying devices etc.) can lead to serious injury or death and is therefore prohibited. – Always observe the safety regulations for hand- ling loads;…
  • Page 124: Load Backrest (Variant)

    Operation Lifting – Push the «transition shift» operating lever (4) forwards. Transition shift to the right: – Pull the «transition shift» operating lever (4) backwards. NOTE The pictograms on the operating levers show the direction of movement for the corresponding hydraulic function. Load backrest (variant) The load backrest (1) prevents individual packages from falling backwards when…

  • Page 125
    Operation Lifting WARNING There is a risk of injury when changing the fork arms; the fork arms’ weight could cause them to fall on your legs, feet or knees. The space to the left and right of the fork is a danger area. –…
  • Page 126
    Operation Lifting Removal – Extend the reach carriage fully. – Select a pallet corresponding to the fork arm size. – Position the pallet to the left or right of the fork carriage. – Raise the fork carriage until the lower edges of the fork arms are approx.
  • Page 127: Fork Extension (Variant)

    Operation Lifting Fork extension (variant) DANGER There is a risk of being run over if the truck rolls away, and therefore a danger to life. – Do not park the truck on a gradient. – Apply the parking brake. – Change the fork extension in a separate, safe location on a level surface.

  • Page 128: Working Platforms

    Operation Lifting – Remove the securing bolt from the fork extension (1). – Push the fork extension onto the fork arms until it is flush with the fork back. – Insert the securing bolts located behind the fork back fully into the fork extension. –…

  • Page 129: Handling Loads

    Operation Handling loads Handling loads Safety regulations when handing loads The safety regulations for handling loads are shown in the following sections. DANGER There is a risk to life caused by falling loads or if parts of the truck are being lowered. –…

  • Page 130
    Operation Handling loads WARNING The figures show examples. Only the capacity rating plates on the truck are valid! The attachment of additional weights to increase load capacity is prohibited. DANGER Risk to life from the truck losing stability! Never exceed the maximum loads shown! These values apply to compact and homogeneous loads.
  • Page 131: Picking Up Loads

    Operation Handling loads mation shown on the truck and the attachment. 88 0 kg 5230 Picking up loads To make sure that the load is securely sup- ported, it must be ensured that the fork arms are sufficiently far apart and are positioned as far as possible under the load.

  • Page 132: Danger Area

    Operation Handling loads of dynamic forces such as braking. A load which is otherwise resting safely on the fork arms may move forward and fall. However, If the fork arms are too long they can catch on loading units behind the load, which then fall over when the load is raised.

  • Page 133: Transporting Pallets

    Operation Handling loads DANGER Risk of injury! – Do not step on the fork. DANGER Risk of injury! – Do not step under the raised forks. DANGER People may be injured in the danger area of the truck! The danger area of the truck must be completely clear of all personnel, except the driver in his normal operating position.

  • Page 134: Transporting Swinging Loads

    Operation Handling loads Transporting swinging loads Before transporting swinging loads, consult the national regulatory authorities (in Ger- many, the employer’s liability insurance asso- ciations). National regulations may place restrictions on these operations. Contact the relevant authorities. DANGER Swinging loads can result in the following risks: •…

  • Page 135: Picking Up A Load

    Operation Handling loads DANGER Risk of accident! When transporting hanging loads, never abruptly perform or end driving and load movements. Never drive on upward or downward gradients with a hanging load! It is not permissible to transport containers holding fluids as hanging loads. Picking up a load NOTE Loads may only be picked up and set down on…

  • Page 136
    Operation Handling loads – Tilt the fork arms or lift mast until the fork arms are horizontal. – Raise the fork carriage to a position for clear entry into the pallet or load. – Release the brake. – Drive up to the racking until the truck chassis is as close as possible.
  • Page 137
    Operation Handling loads – Retract the reach carriage fully. – Release the brake. DANGER Risk of accident! – Beware of any people in the danger area. – Ensure that the roadway on the drive side is clear. Move backwards carefully and slowly until the load is clear of the racking.
  • Page 138: Transporting Loads

    Operation Handling loads – Lower the load carefully while maintaining ground clearance. Lower wider loads that do not fit between the load wheel posts only until they are not resting on the posts. – Tilt the fork tips or lift mast fully to the drive side into the driving position.

  • Page 139
    Operation Handling loads DANGER The higher a load is lifted, the less stable it beco- mes. The truck can tip over or the load can fall, increasing the risk of accident! Driving with a raised load and the lift mast tilted forward is not permitted.
  • Page 140: Setting Down Loads

    Operation Handling loads – Never drive with a load protruding on one side or with a load shifted to the side (sideshift). The centre of gravity of the load must always be positioned on the longitudinal axis of the truck. Setting down loads DANGER Risk of accident due to changed moment of tilt!

  • Page 141
    Operation Handling loads load capacity diagram must be created as the stability will be affected. Contact the authorised service centre on • this matter. – With the load lowered in accordance with regulations, approach the racking and align the load as accurately as possible. –…
  • Page 142: Driving On Upward And Downward Gradients

    Operation Handling loads Driving on upward and downward gradients DANGER Danger to life! On upward and downward gradients, the load must be carried facing uphill. It is only permitted to drive on upward and down- ward gradients if they are marked as traffic routes and can be used safely.

  • Page 143
    Operation Handling loads Determining the total actual weight – Park the truck securely. – Determine the unit weights by reading the truck nameplate and, if necessary, the attachment (variant) nameplate and, if Type-Modèle-Typ / Serial no.-No. de série-Serien-Nr. / year-année-Baujahr necessary, by weighing the load to be lifted.
  • Page 144: Working With Attachments

    Fitting attachments If the truck is equipped with an integrated attachment (variant) at the factory, the specifi- cations in the STILL operating instructions for integrated attachments must be observed. If attachments are fitted at the place of use, the specifications in the operating instructions of the attachment manufacturer must be observed.

  • Page 145
    Operation Working with attachments DANGER There is risk to life caused by a falling load! During installation of a clamp with integral sideshift, ensure that the clamp does not open when the sideshift is actuated. – Notify your authorised service centre before installation.
  • Page 146: Releasing The Pressure From The Auxiliary Hydraulics

    Operation Working with attachments Releasing the pressure from the auxiliary hydraulics Attachments must only be fitted by competent persons in accordance with the information provided by the manufacturer and supplier of the attachments. After each installation, the attachment must be checked for correct function prior to initial commissioning.

  • Page 147: General Instructions For Controlling Attachments

    Operation Working with attachments DANGER When activating the valves for the purpose of depressurising the hydraulic lines, unexpected hydraulic movements may occur. The «release the pressure from the hydraulics» truck function can be used to depressurise the entire hydraulic system. For example, this means that the fork may lower faster than expected when the «lowering»…

  • Page 148
    Operation Working with attachments WARNING Use of attachments can give rise to additional hazards such as a change in the centre of gravity, additional danger areas etc. Attachments must only be used for their intended purpose as described in the relevant operating instructions.
  • Page 149
    Operation Working with attachments – Actuate the shift button «F»(1). – Move the joystick in the direction of the arrow «4» or «5». Or: – Move the vertical rocker button (6) to the left or right. NOTE The movement/action of these additional functions can be found in the operating instructions of the fitted attachment.
  • Page 150
    Operation Working with attachments Operating device Function of the attachment Joystick + shift Fork prong positioner: close/open button «F» Vertical rocker Fork positioner: forwards/backwards button + shift button «F» Vertical rocker Rotator: left/right button + shift button «F» Vertical rocker Clamp: close/open button + shift button «F»…
  • Page 151: Controlling Attachments (Variant) With The Fingertip (5Th/6Th Hydraulic Function)

    Operation Working with attachments Controlling attachments (variant) with the fingertip (5th/6th hydraulic function) The designation «5th/6th function» refers to the fact that the four operating levers control four functions, while additional functions can be controlled by switching functions. In this version, the attachments are controlled using the operating levers (1).

  • Page 152
    Operation Working with attachments changed if necessary. Please contact the authorised service centre if necessary. Overview of the pictograms – Note the following attachment functions and pictograms! Function of the attachment Fork prong positioner: close/open Fork positioner: forwards/backwards Rotator: left/right Clamp: close/open Load retainer: close/open Additional fork carriage: lift/lower…
  • Page 153: Operating The Clamp Locking Mechanism (Variant) With A Joystick 4Plus

    Operation Working with attachments Operating the clamp locking mecha- nism (variant) with a joystick 4Plus This truck can be fitted with a clamp locking mechanism as a variant. This prevents the clamp from opening unintentionally if the operating function is inadvertently triggered. DANGER There is a risk of fatal injury from falling loads if the correct function of the clamp locking mechanism is…

  • Page 154
    Operation Working with attachments The LED (4) indicating the clamp locking mechanism has been unlocked lights up and the clamp can now be opened. If the clamp locking mechanism is locked again, the LED will go out. – To open the clamp, press and hold shift button «F»…
  • Page 155: Operating The Clamp Locking Mechanism (Variant) With The Fingertip Switch

    Operation Working with attachments Operating the clamp locking mech- anism (variant) with the fingertip switch This truck can be fitted with a clamp locking mechanism as a variant. This prevents the clamp from opening unintentionally if the operating function is inadvertently triggered. DANGER There is a risk of fatal injury from falling loads if the correct function of the clamp locking mechanism is…

  • Page 156: Picking Up A Load Using Attachments

    Operation Working with attachments The LED (4) indicating the clamp locking mechanism has been unlocked lights up and the clamp can now be opened. If the clamp locking mechanism is locked again, the LED will go out. – To open the clamp, press and hold shift button «F»…

  • Page 157: Operating Auxiliary Equipment

    Operation Operating auxiliary equipment Operating auxiliary equipment Switching the working spotlights (variant) on and off There is an option to have the truck fitted with one or several working spotlights (1) to improve illumination of the working area. – Switch on the truck. –…

  • Page 158: Clipboard (Variant)

    FleetManager (variant), which is in- stalled in the truck’s acceleration sensor. The acceleration sensor records data in the event of an accident. This data can be electronically read out and evaluated. For further informa- tion, contact your STILL service centre. 50988078001 [EN]…

  • Page 159: Active Load Stabilisation Als (Variant)

    Even if vibration damping of the lift mast is inactive, the driver can still operate all of the truck’s hydraulic functions. – If active vibration damping fails, take the change in vibration characteristics into consideration.

  • Page 160: Camera/Monitor System (Variant)

    Operation Operating auxiliary equipment Camera/monitor system (variant) CAUTION Risk of accident due to collision of the lift mast or load with the racking or low ceilings. – Also, when using the system, always consider the vibration characteristics of the lift mast and the load.

  • Page 161
    Operation Operating auxiliary equipment For this reason, load measurement is disabled during the following truck activities: • Driving • Lifting • Lowering Once the fork has been in the inactive posi- tion for two seconds, load measurement is enabled. Load measurement is now possible. The measured weight of the load is shown on the display and operating unit.
  • Page 162: Battery Change Frame (Variant)

    Operation Battery change frame (variant) After releasing the button, the display switches back to the speed indicator after 2.5 seconds. If the button is pressed for more than two minutes, the display switches back to the speed indicator but message «A3440» also appears.

  • Page 163: Safe Handling

    Operation Battery change frame (variant) Safe handling WARNING Risk of physical injury Battery racks are used for moving heavy weights. Especially for versions with manual drive, there is always the risk of being trapped or crushing hands or fingers. The greatest possible care must therefore be taken to ensure that the battery is against its stop and that when the battery moves along the guides your fingers or hands are not in the…

  • Page 164: Adjusting The Transfer Height

    Operation Battery change frame (variant) a double battery rack is available, a freshly charged battery can also be carried on the second roller channel. Adjusting the transfer height – Use an external spirit level or straight-edge to check the height of the battery rack and that it is level.

  • Page 165: Battery Replacement Area

    Operation Battery change frame (variant) Battery replacement area Requirements for the battery replace- ment area There must be sufficient space to allow the change frames to be positioned and for the truck to be driven through the area. The battery replacement area must be hori- zontal, level and have a sufficient load capac- ity.

  • Page 166: Lift Height Preselector (Variant)

    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) CAUTION Risk of damage to property It depends on conditions on site whether or not an extension cable for connecting the battery to the truck is required during battery replacement. If an extension cable is required, only a cable with an appropriate cross-section and approved plugs must be used.

  • Page 167: Definition Of Terms

    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) Definition of terms Level 1-20 Level Area A-H One target height can be assigned to each level. Valid levels can be reached semi- automatically. Area A warehouse can be divided into eight areas and each area can contain up to 20 levels. Placing into stock Placing into stock (3) is the insertion of a pallet into the rack.

  • Page 168: Auto Mode Function

    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) Pallet free lift The pallet free lift (10) is the difference in height by which the load support is raised or lowered after shifting in order to place a load into stock or remove a load from stock. This value can be individually adjusted for placing into and removing from stock at each level by using the service software.

  • Page 169
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) • AUTO MODE height preselection «Without fork cycle» • AUTO MODE height preselection «Start only with fork below target height» AUTO MODE height preselection «Basic position» In the «Basic position» configuration, the assistant also specifies, in addition to the height preselection, the respective position of the reach carriage.
  • Page 170
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) Once the area and level have been entered, the place into/remove from stock function must be selected to activate height preselection. • Regardless of the position of the reach car- riage, only lifting or lowering is enabled and is specified by the assistant accordingly.
  • Page 171: Operating The Lift Height Preselector

    NOTE If height preselection is active, only the arrow symbols for movements that are still possible will light up on the function symbols in the assistant (1). The required movement is identified in each case by a corresponding flashing arrow symbol.

  • Page 172
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) When the truck has been switched ON, area «A» (2) is automatically selected. The area can be changed by pressing the button (3). If «H» is reached, «A» is repeated. This enables area preselection. A level can be selected (1-20) by entering a digit using the alphanumeric keypad (4).
  • Page 173
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) – After entering the target level (e.g. A1), press the button for placing into stock (1). The symbol for placing into stock (3) and «auto» for automatic operation (4) appear in the assistant (2). The display (5) changes from the target height to the distance to the target (target difference).
  • Page 174
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) Example: Removing from stock in fully automatic mode NOTE Removing from stock can only be selected if valid heights were assigned to the levels during the teach-in process. Levels that are invalid or that have not had a height assigned to them are not activated in automatic mode.
  • Page 175: Teach-In, General

    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) – Activate the lift function (displayed by the assistant). The exact selected height is reached and the automatic stop is per- formed (6). The display (5) shows a dis- tance to the target ≤ 6 mm. –…

  • Page 176: Performing A Teach-In

    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) This can only be done using the service software. The following parameters, among others, can be changed using the service software: • Pallet free lift height • Pallet free lowering height • Accuracy and speed of pallet free lift and pallet free lowering •…

  • Page 177
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) level, see the chapter entitled «Onboard truck configuration/General». – Press the «ESC» (4) and «OK» (6) buttons for three seconds. The following appears on the display field (1): PASSWORD _ _ _ _ – Using the enter keys (3), enter a password for authorisation level «2»…
  • Page 178
    Operation Lift height preselector (variant) Entering and saving lift heights for height preselection The programmable lift heights are entered using the enter keys on the control panel. The result of each entry is displayed in the display field (1). To ensure saved lift heights can be selected at a later stage, three items of information must be entered for each lift height: •…
  • Page 179: Cab Operation (Variant)

    Operation Cab operation (variant) Programming the lift height (example: area A, level 07, lift height 5500 mm) Display Button Action A07 05 (X flashes) XX Press, the flashing digit is —> the cursor advances one replaced place A07 055 (X flashes) X Press, the flashing digit is —>…

  • Page 180: Opening The Cab Door

    Operation Cab operation (variant) Opening the cab door DANGER Risk of fatal injury as a result of driving with the cab door open! The driver can be injured if he does not keep his entire body within the protective cab, or if he falls off the truck.

  • Page 181: Closing The Cab Door

    Operation Cab operation (variant) Closing the cab door DANGER Risk of fatal injury as a result of driving with the cab door open! The driver can be injured if he does not keep his entire body within the protective cab, or if he falls off the truck.

  • Page 182: Cab Operating Devices

    Operation Cab operation (variant) – Pull both locking knobs (1) upwards until the window (2) can be opened outwards. – Ensure that the surrounding area is safe, push the window outwards and climb out of the truck to the side. –…

  • Page 183: Cab Interior Lighting (Variant)

    Operation Cab operation (variant) Operating device Function Heating system rocker Selection of two heating levels for the warm air heating system switch (door), 2-stage in the door Ventilation fan rocker Selection of two blower speeds switch, 2-stage Heating system rocker Selection of two heating levels for the warm air heating system switch (footwell), 2-stage under the steering wheel…

  • Page 184: Heating System In The Cab (Variant)

    Operation Cab operation (variant) Heating system in the cab (variant) Switching on the blower and heating system DANGER There is a risk of poisoning if heavily polluted surrounding air is aspirated into the closed cab! The heater must not be operated in the vicinity of storage areas or the like, in which fuel vapours or fine dust (e.g.

  • Page 185: Cold Store Application

    Operation Cold store application – Switch on the desired heating function by actuating the relevant rocker switch; see the chapter entitled «Cab operating devices». Switching off the heating system and blower DANGER The heating system overheats if the hot air cannot escape from it. There is a risk of fire! The blower may only be turned off if the heating system is turned off.

  • Page 186: Areas Of Application

    Operation Cold store application Areas of application Distinction is drawn between 4 different areas of application, and between various different modes of operation within these areas: Area of Cold store Temperature Operating time Comment application equipment range up to Not required Typical -10°C Brief…

  • Page 187: Battery In The Cold Store

    Operation Cold store application Battery in the cold store The drive batteries of the industrial trucks may under no circumstances reach the temperature of the cold store (-30°C) or shock cold store (-42°C). This means that they must either be in operation or charging. The batteries must not remain in the cold store overnight without power drain or charging.

  • Page 188: Warming Up The Truck

    Operation Operating the display and operating unit order to keep the most important compo- nents at operating temperature. • Precautions are taken to allow any conden- sation water to drain off without it getting into the electrics. • The lift cylinders and other hydraulic parts are fitted with special seals where required.

  • Page 189
    Operation Operating the display and operating unit Item no. Display Comment Battery charging state Steering angle display combined with drive direction Time display (digital) Joystick 4Plus (operating error) Display is dependent on truck parameters (e.g. driving speed, reach position, lift Multifunction indicator height) Display field for the selected default setting…
  • Page 190: Blue-Q Efficiency Mode

    Operation Blue-Q efficiency mode Item no. Display Comment Battery water level display too low (variant) — Battery not locked Blue-Q efficiency mode Functional description The Blue-Q efficiency mode affects both the drive unit and the activation of the additional consumers, and reduces the truck’s energy consumption.

  • Page 191: Fault Displays

    Operation Fault displays Fault displays View on the display and operating unit Error messages Malfunctions are indicated by error numbers on the display (2). In addition to the error message, symbol (1) lights up. NOTE If the error cannot be rectified by switching on and off or by operating the truck correctly, please call the authorised service centre.

  • Page 192
    Operation Operating in special operating situations Determining the total actual weight – Park the truck securely; see the chapter entitled «Parking the truck securely». – Determine the unit weights by reading the truck nameplate and, if necessary, the Type-Modèle-Typ / Serial no.-No. de série-Serien-Nr. / year-année-Baujahr attachment (variant) nameplate.
  • Page 193
    Operation Operating in special operating situations Lashing down the truck CAUTION Abrasive lashing straps can rub against the surface of the truck and cause damage. – Position slip-resistant pads underneath the lifting points (3) (e.g. rubber mats or foam). DANGER The load may slip if the lashing straps slide off! The truck must be lashed securely so that it cannot move during transportation.
  • Page 194: Towing

    Operation Operating in special operating situations Towing DANGER The brake system on the towing vehicle may fail. There is a risk of accident! If the brake system of the towing vehicle is not adequately sized, the vehicle may not brake safely or the brakes may fail.

  • Page 195
    – Only manoeuvre with a guide. If the truck’s steering still functions and the brake is released, the truck can be towed with ropes. – Select a towing speed that allows the truck and towing vehicle to be braked and controlled effectively at all times.
  • Page 196: Crane Loading

    Operation Operating in special operating situations the heavy-duty rollers must be placed under- neath the drive wheel or underneath the posts on the side of the truck. As the drive wheel does not come into contact with the ground when using this towing method, the brakes can also no longer operate.

  • Page 197
    Operation Operating in special operating situations Hooking on the lifting straps CAUTION Harnesses may damage the truck’s paintwork! Harnesses may damage paintwork by rubbing and pressing on the surface of the truck. Particularly hard or sharp-edged harnesses, such as wires or chains, can quickly damage the surface.
  • Page 198
    Operation Operating in special operating situations Hooking on the lifting straps to a truck without a lift mast • Attach two suitable shackles (4) in the upper mast bearings of the truck • Guide the lifting strap upwards through the two shackles and through the struts of the overhead guard.
  • Page 199: Procedure In Emergencies

    Operation Procedure in emergencies Loading the truck DANGER If the raised truck swings in an uncontrolled manner, it may crush people. There is a risk of fatal injury! – Never walk or stand underneath suspended loads. – Do not allow the truck to bump into anything whilst it is being lifted, or allow it to move in an uncontrolled manner.

  • Page 200: Emergency Shutdown

    Operation Procedure in emergencies connector is disconnected. – Do not disconnect the battery male connector while the truck is switched on except in the case of an emergency. CAUTION Risk of accident in the event of an emergency shutdown of the truck whilst the load is raised. In the event of an emergency shutdown of the truck whilst the load is raised, the fork carriage must be fully lowered once and the reach carriage fully…

  • Page 201: Procedure If Truck Tips Over

    Operation Procedure in emergencies Procedure if truck tips over DANGER If the truck tips over, the driver could fall out and slide under the truck with potentially fatal conse- quences. There is a risk to life. Failure to comply with the limits specified in these operating instructions, e.g.

  • Page 202: Emergency Lowering

    Operation Handling the battery In the event of a power failure, the forks can be lowered manually so that the truck can be moved to a safe position. The emergency lowering valve is operated remotely by means of a flexible drive. The handle for operation is located on the reach carriage near the mast fixture.

  • Page 203
    Operation Handling the battery DANGER Risk of accident! The battery could fall from the lifting accessory, or the lifting accessory could tip over or become damaged. If this happens, there is a risk to life. The battery must be removed only when the truck is on level, smooth ground with sufficient load capacity.
  • Page 204
    Operation Handling the battery WARNING DANGER The battery is very heavy. There is a risk of serious injury if any parts of the body remain under the battery. There is a risk of crushing/shearing! – Always wear safety footwear during battery replacement. Fire protection measures DANGER No flammable materials or spark-…
  • Page 205
    Operation Handling the battery Maintaining the battery The cell covers of the battery must be kept dry and clean. Any spilt battery acid must be neutralised immediately. Observe the safety regulations for handling battery acid; see the chapter entitled «Battery acid». Terminals and cable shoes must be clean, lightly coated with battery grease and screwed on tightly.
  • Page 206: General Information On Battery Replacement

    Operation Handling the battery Damage to cables CAUTION There is a risk of short circuit if the cables are damaged. – Check the connecting cable for damage. – When removing and reinstalling the battery, ensure that the battery cables are not damaged. General information on battery replacement CAUTION…

  • Page 207: Actuating The Battery Lock

    Operation Handling the battery The battery can be removed using the follo- wing lifting accessories: • Crane (with standard equipment) • Change frame (with roller channel variant for side battery replacement) The load capacity of the lifting accessory used must at least match the battery weight (see battery identification plate).

  • Page 208
    Operation Handling the battery – Move the actuating lever into the zero position once – Actuate the actuating lever again and retract the reach carriage to the drive side into the end position – Pull the release lever (3) for the battery lock upwards The battery is unlocked and can be extended to the load side together with the reach…
  • Page 209: Disconnecting The Battery Male Connector

    Operation Handling the battery NOTE If the acoustic warning signal sounds again and the «creep speed» symbol reappears, the battery was not extended to the load side by at least one third of the reach travel once it was unlocked. Extend and retract the battery again to lock the battery.

  • Page 210: Battery Replacement Using A Crane

    Operation Handling the battery – Disconnect the battery male connector (1) from the plug connection by pulling in the direction of the arrow. – Place the battery male connector on the battery. CAUTION There is a risk of short circuit if the cables are damaged.

  • Page 211
    Operation Handling the battery The battery sits in a frame. To replace the battery, this frame is extended in the load direction together with the reach carriage. Before the reach carriage is extended, the battery lock lever must be actuated. When the reach carriage is fully retracted, the battery frame is mechanically locked again.
  • Page 212
    Operation Handling the battery – Extend the reach carriage fully together with the battery (2). – Switch off the truck. – Push the emergency off switch. CAUTION Risk of component damage! If you remove the battery male connector while the truck is switched on (under load), an arc will be produced.
  • Page 213
    Operation Handling the battery Installing the battery WARNING Risk of corrosion The electrolyte (battery acid) is toxic and corrosive on contact. When handling battery acid, the speci- fied safety measures must be observed without fail. For newly charged batteries in particular, be aware of the risk of explosion in the gassing area.
  • Page 214
    Operation Handling the battery – Return the hexagon key for the emergency lowering mechanism to its position in the driver’s compartment underneath the steering wheel. Activities after installation of the battery DANGER If the battery is not locked correctly, the battery can slide out of the truck, with potentially fatal consequences! –…
  • Page 215: Changing The Battery Using The Internal Roller Channel (Variant)

    Operation Handling the battery – Make sure that the battery cable cannot become trapped when the reach carriage is retracted with the battery. – Unlock the emergency off switch. – Switch on the truck. – Press the foot switch. – Retract the reach carriage with the battery fully until the battery lock engages.

  • Page 216
    Operation Handling the battery WARNING Risk of crushing if the battery falls out. Releasing the battery lock, as described below, must only be carried out on horizontal, level ground using a suitable battery change frame. The battery lock lever may be actuated only when the truck is stationary and the reach carriage is fully retracted.
  • Page 217
    Operation Handling the battery – Position the truck and battery rack parallel to each other. – Position the truck and the battery rack so that the roller channels of the truck and battery rack are exactly aligned with each other. Extending the battery The battery sits in a frame.
  • Page 218
    Operation Handling the battery – Disconnect the battery male connector (3). CAUTION There is a risk of short circuit if the cables are damaged! Position the battery cable on the battery in such a way that it cannot be crushed when removing or inserting the battery.
  • Page 219
    Operation Handling the battery – Swing the swing bolt (2) up to the stop (3). DANGER The battery can now move freely and may roll away unimpeded, creating a risk of crushing! People must not stand directly in the battery’s direction of travel.
  • Page 220
    Operation Handling the battery CAUTION Risk of component damage! If you connect the battery male connector when the truck is switched on (under load), an arc will be produced. This can cause the contacts to erode, which considerably shortens their service life. –…
  • Page 221: Battery Commissioning

    Operation Handling the battery Battery commissioning CAUTION battery, as it has had to be transported over a long distance (e.g. from overseas). Please Risk of accident, risk of injury from crushing and follow the information and guidelines from the shear points battery manufacturer precisely.

  • Page 222
    This is achieved by placing suitable washers beneath rubber buffers (2) on the load side. If the lock still does not function properly despite all of these adjustment options, check whether the correct reach cylinder has been…
  • Page 223: Setting The Battery Data

    Operation Handling the battery Setting the battery data Adjustment instructions To enable the truck controller to determine the residual capacity of the battery correctly, the technical data for the installed battery must be entered using the following buttons on the display: –…

  • Page 224
    Operation Handling the battery – Push the arrow buttons on the keypad (2) to select. Once the correct value is set, confirm by pushing the «OK» button on the keypad (2). – The capacity is read from the nameplate on the battery and is input as a column of numbers.
  • Page 225: Battery Transport With Crane

    Operation Handling the battery Battery transport with crane DANGER If the load is dropped, the conse- quences could potentially be fatal! Type-Modèle-Typ / Serial no.-No. de série-Serien-Nr. / year-année-Baujahr – Never walk or stand underneath Rated capacity Unladen mass suspended loads. Capacité…

  • Page 226: Maintaining The Battery

    Operation Handling the battery Maintaining the battery DANGER Risk of explosion! – Observe the safety regulations when handling the battery; see the chapter entitled «Safety regulations when handling the battery». DANGER Risk of accident! If the battery has to be removed for maintenance, this must only be carried out using the specified de- vices;…

  • Page 227
    Operation Handling the battery after another. If the permissible discharge depth of 20% residual capacity is reached, only the last segment will still flash. This indicates that the lift cut out has been reached. After connecting a partially charged battery: •…
  • Page 228
    Operation Handling the battery – Fully extend the battery together with the reach carriage to the load side before charging the battery in the truck (see the chapter entitled «Changing the battery») CAUTION Risk of component damage! If you remove the battery male connector while the truck is switched on (under load), an arc will be produced.
  • Page 229
    Operation Handling the battery – Before the charging process, inspect the battery cable and charging cable for damage and change if necessary. CAUTION Risk of component damage! If you connect the battery male connector while the battery charger is switched on (under load), an arc will be produced.
  • Page 230: Decommissioning

    Operation Decommissioning – Reconnect the battery male connector to the truck; see the chapter entitled «Con- necting the battery male connector». – Fully retract the battery together with the reach carriage to the drive side (see the chapter entitled «Changing the battery») Decommissioning Parking the truck securely DANGER…

  • Page 231
    Operation Decommissioning – Lower the fork to the ground. – Tilt the lift mast forwards until the tips of the fork arms rest on the ground. – If attachments (variant) are fitted, retract the working cylinders. – Turn the switch key (variant) to the left and pull it out.
  • Page 232: Shutting Down And Storing The Truck

    Operation Decommissioning Shutting down and storing the truck CAUTION Component damage due to incorrect storage! If the truck is stored or shut down in an improper manner for more than two months, it may suffer cor- rosion damage. If the truck is parked in an ambient temperature of below -10°C for an extended period, the batteries will cool down.

  • Page 233: Re-Commissioning After Shutdown

    Operation Decommissioning NOTE Only store batteries that are fully charged. – Spray all exposed electrical contacts with a suitable contact spray. CAUTION Danger of tyre deformation by continuously loading on one side! Jack up the truck so that all wheels are off the ground.

  • Page 234: Cleaning

    Operation Cleaning – Carry out checks and operations before the first commissioning. – Change the brake fluid. – Put the truck into operation. During commissioning, the following must be checked in particular: • Drive, controller, steering • Brakes (service brake, parking brake) •…

  • Page 235: Cleaning Load Chains

    Operation Cleaning – Use equipment such as stepladders or platforms to reach inaccessible areas Cleaning the truck exterior – Clean the truck exterior using water-soluble cleaning materials and water (sponge, cloth) – Clean all accessible areas, the oil filling openings and their surroundings, and clean the lubricating nipples before lubricating NOTE The more often the truck is cleaned, the more…

  • Page 236: After Cleaning

    Operation Cleaning After cleaning – Carefully dry the truck (e.g. with com- pressed air). – Sit in the driver’s seat and start up the truck in accordance with the regulations. CAUTION Risk of short circuit! – If any moisture has penetrated the motors despite the precautionary measures taken, first dry them using compressed air.

  • Page 237: Maintenance


  • Page 238: General Maintenance Information

    Maintenance General maintenance information General maintenance information Personnel qualifications Only qualified and authorised personnel are allowed to perform maintenance work. The annual testing must be carried out by a qualified person. The examination and assessment by the qualified person must not be affected by operational and economic conditions and must be conducted solely from a safety perspective.

  • Page 239
    Maintenance General maintenance information vides optimal performance and service life. It is also a precondition for any warranty claims. Maintenance timeframe – The maintenance check lists indicate the maintenance work that is due. – Carry out maintenance work on the truck based on the hour meter.
  • Page 240
    Maintenance General maintenance information 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 241: Maintenance — 1000 Hours/Year

    Maintenance General maintenance information Maintenance — 1000 hours/year At operating hours Carried 1000 2000 4000 5000 7000 8000 10000 11000 13000 14000   Chassis, bodywork and fittings Examine the chassis, covers, support elements and mast mounting for cracks or damage (visual inspection) Check the overhead guard/cab and panes of glass for damage;…

  • Page 242
    Maintenance General maintenance information At operating hours Carried 1000 2000 4000 5000 7000 8000 10000 11000 13000 14000   Check the steering turntable bearing for ease of movement and wear Check the steering gears for play, and lubricate Hydraulic brake system Check the condition of all mechanical and hydraulic brake parts, check for correct function and clean Check the brake linings and replace if necessary…
  • Page 243
    Maintenance General maintenance information At operating hours Carried 1000 2000 4000 5000 7000 8000 10000 11000 13000 14000   Measure the battery voltage under load Perform insulation testing Measure the tray for short circuits Hydraulic system Check the condition of the hydraulic system and check for damage, correct function and leak tightness Check the hydraulic pump for leak tightness Check the hydraulic oil level…
  • Page 244
    Maintenance General maintenance information At operating hours Carried 1000 2000 4000 5000 7000 8000 10000 11000 13000 14000   Check the attachments for wear and damage; observe the manufacturer’s mainten- ance instructions Clean excessive dirt from the battery change frame and check it for deformation/da- mage Check the freedom of movement of the rollers and keep the surface of the rollers free of corrosion using a film of oil Lubricating…
  • Page 245: Maintenance — 3000 Hours/Every Two Years

    Maintenance General maintenance information Maintenance — 3000 hours/every two years Carried At operating hours 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000   Chassis, bodywork and fittings Examine the chassis, covers, support elements and mast mounting for cracks or damage (visual inspection) Check the overhead guard/cab and panes of glass for damage;…

  • Page 246
    Maintenance General maintenance information Carried At operating hours 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000   Check that the steering wheel is securely attached and check the turning handle for damage Check the function of the steering system Check the steering turntable bearing for ease of movement and wear Check the steering gears for play, and lubricate Hydraulic brake system Check the condition of all mechanical and hydraulic brake parts, check for correct…
  • Page 247
    Maintenance General maintenance information Carried At operating hours 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000   Check the battery for damage and acid density; observe the manufacturer’s mai- ntenance instructions Check the battery male connector and cables for damage Measure the battery voltage under load Perform insulation testing Measure the tray for short circuits Hydraulic system…
  • Page 248: Additional Maintenance Guidelines For Using The Truck In A Cold Store — 500 Hours Or Every 12 Weeks

    Maintenance General maintenance information Carried At operating hours 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000   Special equipment Check the heating system for damage; observe the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions Check the attachments for wear and damage; observe the manufacturer’s mainten- ance instructions Clean excessive dirt from the battery change frame and check it for deformation/da- mage Check the freedom of movement of the rollers and keep the surface of the rollers free of corrosion using a film of oil…

  • Page 249: Ordering Spare Parts And Wearing Parts

    Maintenance General maintenance information At operating hours Carried 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500   Perform a visual inspection of the fork arms Check the ease of movement of the limit switches Lubricating Lubricate using approved lubricants in accordance with the lubrication plan In addition, lubricate the lubricating nipple for the door hinges and the door closing mechanism every six weeks Ordering spare parts and wearing…

  • Page 250: Maintenance Data Table

    Maintenance General maintenance information When topping up working materials, use only clean containers! Maintenance data table CAUTION Risk of damage to property Trucks for cold store operation must be lubricated using different lubricants; see the chapter entitled «Cold store application». Additive/consum- Specifications Unit…

  • Page 251
    Maintenance General maintenance information Additive/consum- Specifications Unit Measurement able As required Lift mast Super-pressure SKD 3400 adhesive lubricant ID no. 0147873 Load chains Chain lubrication Stabylan 2100 As required ID no. 8010100 — Setting Distance to support 35 mm under the top roller edge of the inner mast Brake system…
  • Page 252: Safety Regulations For Maintenance

    Maintenance Safety regulations for maintenance Safety regulations for maintenance General information To prevent accidents during maintenance and repair work, all necessary safety measures must be taken, e.g.: • Ensuring that unintentional movement or undesired start-up of the truck is prevented (by applying the parking brake, having the truck jacked up by the authorised service centre).

  • Page 253: Safety Devices

    Maintenance Safety regulations for maintenance Safety devices After maintenance and repair work, all safety devices must be reinstalled and tested for operational reliability. Set values The device-dependent set values must be observed when making repairs and when changing hydraulic and electrical compo- nents.

  • Page 254
    Maintenance Safety regulations for maintenance DANGER Risk of accident! – Use only chains with adequate lifting capacity to secure the particular lift mast. CAUTION Potential damage to the ceiling! – Note the maximum lift height of the lift mast. Removing the lift mast DANGER Risk of accident! –…
  • Page 255: Servicing

    Maintenance Servicing Securing the triple mast – Extend the lift mast. – Route the chain over the cross beam of the outer mast (1) and under the cross beam of the middle mast (2). – Lower the lift mast until it strikes the chain. –…

  • Page 256: Maintaining Wheels And Tyres

    Maintenance Servicing – Open filler cap (1) and check the acid level. For batteries with «caged cell plugs», the acid must reach the bottom of the cage; for batteries without «caged cell plugs», it must cover the lead plates by about 10–15 mm. –…

  • Page 257
    Maintenance Servicing Checking the condition and wear of the tyres WARNING Tyre quality affects the stability and handling of the truck. Changes must only be made following consultation with the manufacturer. When changing wheels or tyres, ensure that this does not cause the truck to tilt to one side (e.g. always replace right-hand and left-hand wheels at the same time).
  • Page 258: Checking The Hydraulic System For Leaks

    Maintenance Servicing Checking the hydraulic system for leaks WARNING Hydraulic oil under pressure can escape from leaking lines and cause injuries to the skin. Wear suitable protective gloves, industrial goggles etc. WARNING Hydraulic hoses become brittle over time! Hydraulic hoses must not be used for a period longer than six years.

  • Page 259: Greasing The Lift Mast And Roller Tracks

    Maintenance Servicing Greasing the lift mast and roller tracks – Remove dirt and lubricant residue from the roller tracks – Lubricate the roller tracks (1) of the outer mast, middle mast and inner mast with a super-pressure adhesive lubricant to reduce wear;…

  • Page 260
    Maintenance Servicing 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 261: Technical Data

    Technical data…

  • Page 262: Dimensions

    Technical data Dimensions Dimensions Measurements h and b customised and can be taken from the order confirmation. 50988078001 [EN]…

  • Page 263: Vdi Datasheet Fm-X 10 (N), Fm-X 12 (N)

    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 10 (N), FM-X 12 (N)* VDI datasheet FM-X 10 (N), FM-X 12 (N)* *Subject to change DS = drive side LS = load side All dimensions include sideshift/fork tilt; mast sideshift not possible. Decreases for larger batteries by 90 mm in each case depending on battery size…

  • Page 264
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 10 (N), FM-X 12 (N)* Wheels, chassis frame FM-X 12 FM-X 10 FM-X 10 N FM-X 12 3.1 Tyres Polyureth. Polyureth. Polyureth. Polyureth. Ø 360 x Ø 360 x Ø 360 x 3.2 Front tyre size mm Ø…
  • Page 265
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 10 (N), FM-X 12 (N)* FM-X 12 FM-X 10 FM-X 10 N FM-X 12 Ground clearance with 4.31 load under lift mast Ground clearance at 4.32 centre of wheelbase Working width when handling pallets 4.34.1…
  • Page 266
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 10 (N), FM-X 12 (N)* Electric motor FM-X 12 FM-X 10 FM-X 10 N FM-X 12 Traction motor, power rating, S2=60 min. Lift motor, power rating, S3=15% Battery in accordance with DIN 43531/35/36 A, 43531C /…
  • Page 267: Vdi Datasheet Fm-X 14 (N), Fm-X 17 (N)

    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 14 (N), FM-X 17 (N)* VDI datasheet FM-X 14 (N), FM-X 17 (N)* *Subject to change DS = drive side LS = load side All dimensions include sideshift/fork tilt; mast sideshift not possible. Decreases for larger batteries by 90 mm in each case depending on battery size…

  • Page 268
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 14 (N), FM-X 17 (N)* Wheels, chassis frame FM-X 17 FM-X 14 FM-X 14 N FM-X 17 3.1 Tyres Polyureth. Polyureth. Polyureth. Polyureth. Ø 360 x Ø 360 x Ø 360 x 3.2 Front tyre size mm Ø…
  • Page 269
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 14 (N), FM-X 17 (N)* FM-X 17 FM-X 14 FM-X 14 N FM-X 17 Ground clearance with 4.31 load under lift mast Ground clearance at 4.32 centre of wheelbase Working width when handling pallets 4.34.1…
  • Page 270
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 14 (N), FM-X 17 (N)* Electric motor FM-X 17 FM-X 14 FM-X 14 N FM-X 17 Traction motor, power rating, S2=60 min. Lift motor, power rating, S3=15% Battery in accordance with DIN 43531/35/36 A, 43531C /…
  • Page 271: Vdi Datasheet Fm-X 20 (N, W, Ew)

    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 20 (N, W, EW)* VDI datasheet FM-X 20 (N, W, EW)* *Subject to change DS = drive side LS = load side All dimensions include sideshift/fork tilt; mast sideshift not possible. Decreases for larger batteries by 90 mm in each case depending on battery size…

  • Page 272
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 20 (N, W, EW)* Wheels, chassis frame FM-X 20 FM-X 20 FM-X 20 FM-X 20 N 3.1 Tyres Polyureth. Polyureth. Polyureth. Polyureth. Ø 360 x Ø 360 x Ø 360 x 3.2 Front tyre size mm Ø…
  • Page 273
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 20 (N, W, EW)* FM-X 20 FM-X 20 FM-X 20 FM-X 20 N Ground clearance with 4.31 load under lift mast Ground clearance at 4.32 centre of wheelbase Working width when handling pallets 4.34.1 measuring 1000×1200…
  • Page 274: Vdi Datasheet Fm-X 22

    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 22* Electric motor FM-X 20 FM-X 20 FM-X 20 FM-X 20 N Traction motor, power rating, S2=60 min. Lift motor, power rating, S3=15% Battery in accordance with DIN 43531/35/36 A, 43531C / 43531B / 43531C /…

  • Page 275
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 22* All dimensions include sideshift/fork tilt; mast sideshift not possible. Decreases for larger batteries by 90 mm in each case depending on battery size Calculation in accordance with VDI 3597; extended for larger batteries by 90 mm in each case depending on battery size Dependent on the lift mast;…
  • Page 276
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 22* Basic dimensions FM-X 22 Lift mast/fork carriage tilt, forwards/back- a/b (°) ° wards Height with lift mast retracted 5200 Free lift 4578 Lift 12,500 Height with lift mast extended 13,122 Height of overhead guard (cab)
  • Page 277
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 22* Performance data FM-X 22 Driving speed with/without load km/h 14/14 Driving speed with/without load when 5.11 km/h reversing 14/14 Lifting speed with/without load 0.34/0.50 Lowering speed with/without load 0.52/0.50 Reach speed with/without load 0.18…
  • Page 278
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 22* FM-X 22 Distributed load in accordance with VDI kg/m2 2199 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 279: Vdi Datasheet Fm-X 25

    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 25* VDI datasheet FM-X 25* *Subject to change DS = drive side LS = load side All dimensions include sideshift/fork tilt; mast sideshift not possible. Decreases for larger batteries by 90 mm in each case depending on battery size…

  • Page 280
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 25* Wheels, chassis frame FM-X 25 Tyres Polyureth. Front tyre size Ø 360 x 140 Rear tyre size Ø 350 x 100 Number of wheels at front/rear (× = driven) 1x/2 Rear track width 1167…
  • Page 281
    Technical data VDI datasheet FM-X 25* FM-X 25 Turning radius 4.35 1915 Length across the load wheel supports 4.37 2066 Step height 4.43 Performance data FM-X 25 Driving speed with/without load km/h 14/14 Driving speed with/without load when km/h 5.11…
  • Page 282: Wheels And Tyres

    FM-X 14 (N) (standard versions) ∅ 360 x 130 FM-X 17 (N) (standard versions) ∅ 360 x 130 FM-X 20 (N, W, EW) (standard versions) ∅ 360 x 130 FM-X 22 (standard versions) ∅ 360 x 140 FM-X 25 (standard versions) ∅…

  • Page 283
    FM-X 14 (N) (standard versions) ∅ 285 x 100 FM-X 17 (N) (standard versions) ∅ 285 x 100 FM-X 20 (N, W, EW) (standard versions) ∅ 350 x 100 FM-X 22 (standard versions) ∅ 350 x 100 FM-X 25 (standard versions) ∅…
  • Page 284
    Technical data Wheels and tyres 50988078001 [EN]…
  • Page 285
    Index NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS Battery change frame Adjusting the transfer height ..154 180° steering ….101 Area of application .
  • Page 286
    Index Changing the battery Display and operating unit … 48 Battery change frame … 205 Accessing the main menu with a password .
  • Page 287
    Index Emissions ….. . . 41 Insulation testing ….35 Battery .
  • Page 288
    Index Overview ……46 Identification points ….51 Maintenance data table .
  • Page 289
    Index Safety regulations for maintenance Steering ……100 General information … . 242 Steering column Safety devices .
  • Page 290
    Index Working at the front of the truck ..243 Working on the electrical equipment . . . 242 Warning regarding non-original parts . . . 32 Working on the hydraulic equipment . . . 242 Wheels and tyres Checking the condition .
  • Page 292
    STILL GmbH Berzeliusstrasse 10 D-22113 Hamburg Ident no. 50988078001 EN…

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STILL Forklift Fault Codes

STILL Forklift Fault Codes

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STILL RX 50 Operator Manual

STILL RX 50 Operator Manual

STILL RX 50 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL FM X Operator Manual

STILL FM X Operator Manual

STILL FM X Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 60 16 18 20 Operator Manual

STILL RX 60 16 18 20 Operator Manual

STEEL RX 60 16 18 20 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 20-E3 Operator Manual

SILL RX 20-E3 Operator Manual

STEEL RX 20-E3 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 70 16 20 Diesel Operator Manual

STILL RX 70 16 20 Diesel Operator Manual

STEEL RX 70 16 20 Diesel Operator Manual

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STILL RX 70 20 35 Operator Manual

STILL RX 70 20 35 Operator Manual

STEEL RX 70 20 35 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 60 60 80 Operator Manual

STILL RX 60 60 80 Operator Manual

STILL RX 60 60 80 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 70 40 50 Operator Manual

STILL RX 70 40 50 Operator Manual

STILL RX 70 40 50 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 60 25 35 Operator Manual

STILL RX 60 25 35 Operator Manual

STILL RX 60 25 35 Operator Manual.pdf

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STILL RX 70 60 80 Operator Manual

STILL RX 70 60 80 Operator Manual

STILL RX 70 60 80 Operator Manual.pdf

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Some STILL Forklift Truck Operator Manuals PDF, Fault Codes DTC are above this page — FM, RX.

STILL GmbH was founded in 1920 in Hamburg and is named after its founder Hans Still. It all started with a small electrical workshop where the electric motors
were repaired and semi-automatic emergency power supply units were manufactured.

After a considerable period of time, including the WW2, in 1949, Still presented his first loader. From that moment a new history of the company began — already under the sign of
the manufacturer of forklifts.

Today there are several enterprises in STILL.

The expansion began in 1989, when SAXBY was acquired in 1997 Wagner purchased.

In 2001, the production site in South America began operating. Since 2006, STILL belongs to Kion Group

In addition to 4 factories, Still has 14 branches in Germany, 20 subsidiaries and an extensive dealer network around the world. The
geography of deliveries of loaders STILL — more than 200 countries of the world.

The company produces forklift electric, diesel and gas forklifts and warehouse stackers. Among the products — forklifts, pickers, lifting carts, tractors, cars and other storage equipment.

STILL not only offers equipment for sale, but also leases it (including used ones). Specialists of the company are engaged in maintenance,
repair and maintenance of leased equipment (forklifts, stackers, etc.), conduct training for the personnel of the client enterprise.

Another innovation from STILL is the development and implementation of software solutions that establish control over internal material
and information flows, combining them into a single chain «Receiving goods — Distribution — Warehousing — Shipping».

FLTA Fork Lift Truck Association, a world association of manufacturers of forklifts, has repeatedly awarded diplomas and prizes to the company’s

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