Commutation fault or an overcurrent condition has occurred — or a test command was issued via U583
(active in all operating states)
Possible error causes
Line voltage dip during regenerative operation
Current control loop not optimized
Fault value:
The blocking voltage-time integral for the commutating
thyristor pair was too small
The current cusp breaks upwards
The amplitude of the current cusp was higher than 250%
of the actual rated unit current according to r072i002
A SIMOREG DC-MASTER connected in parallel has
detected a commutation fault or an overcurrent condition
Test command was entered via U583
SIMOREG CCP not ready
(active for operating states < o4.0)
Possible error causes
Missing connection or interrupted cable at X172 (G-SST2)
For a parallel connection, missing connection or interrupted cable at X165 (parallel interface, master)
For a parallel connection, missing connection or interrupted cable at X29_PAR or X30_PAR (turn-off pulse interface)
Hardware defect in the charge circuit of the quenching capacitors
Ruptured fuse in the armature circuit, either line side or motor side
Ruptured fuse in the pre-charging circuit for the chopper capacitors
presently in the cooling-down phase necessary for the chopper resistors
MLFB data of the SIMOREG CCP (n570, n571, n572) invalid or not available
Fault value:
Voltage not available at the connections U, V, W of the
Voltage at C-D at the SIMOREG CCP does not match the
voltage C-D at the SIMOREG DC-MASTER
The quenching capacitors of the SIMOREG CCP have
not reached the setpoint voltage
The parallel interface cable is not connected at the
SIMOREG CCP, which is assigned the parallel switching
No connection between the SIMOREG DC-MASTER and
SIMOREG CCP via the serial interface G-SST2
(r799.i001 is not incremented)
No connection between parallel SIMOREG CCP units
Contents of the memory of the technical data of the
SIMOREG CCP (MLFB, rated values, serial number)
The I2t value (n575) of the voltage limiting chopper 1 is
too high (> 100%)
The I2t value (n576) of the voltage limiting chopper 2 is
too high (> 50%)
The pre-charging of the chopper capacitors was not able
to be completed within the time set in P089 — or the
condition according to fault value 5 is fulfilled
Siemens AG
SIMOREG DC-MASTER Converter Commutation Protector
r047 indices 002 to 016:
for i001= 1 to 3 and 5, i002 to i006 are valid
for i001= 4, i002 to i015 are invalid
i002 delay angle (K0100) for a fault situation
i003 EMF actual value (K0287) for a fault situation
i004 Gating unit diagnostics (K0989) for a fault situation
i005 Field current actual value (K0265) for a fault situation
i006 Pulse number (K0105) for a fault situation
r047 indices 002 to 016:
for i001= 1 to 12, i002 to i006 are valid
for i001= 20, only i002 is valid
i002 state of the SIMOREG CCP (K0574) for a fault situation
i003 I2t value of chopper 1 (K0575) for a fault situation
i004 I2t value of chopper 2 (K0576) for a fault situation
i005 armature voltage actual value (r038) for a fault situation
in 0.1 V for i005 > 32767 the following applies:
[V] = (65536-r047i005)/10
i006 effective time until a fault is initiated in 20 ms
Operating Instructions
#1 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
We have a spindel drive with a 75kw DC motor which has been working well over 15 years with little trouble other than replacing speed feedback tacho. The drive is now playing up every couple of hours with fault 04 which I believe is phase failure on armature. I have checked the armature main DC circuit including the DC motor and can not see any problem. As I don’t have a manual for this drive in english can someone please suggest what triggers fault F04 and is there any parameters that can be monitored or changed. Sammy |
#2 |
Lifetime Supporting Member
Join Date: Nov 2006 Location: UK Posts: 6,537 |
Here’s the text from the manual: F04 — phase failure, mains fuse or electronics power supply was switched off in the presence of DRIVE ENABLE signal (at terminal 64) This sounds like the incoming supply — cracked fuse ? |
#3 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
Thanks for feedback will check today and will also check main contractor which is also on main AC side. |
#4 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
Sorry meant contactor which is on the AC incoming supply |
#5 |
Lifetime Supporting Member
Join Date: Nov 2006 Location: UK Posts: 6,537 |
Note that you can edit your own posts (within a certain time limit) to correct typos. |
#6 |
Join Date: May 2002 Location: Kalamazoo MI Posts: 2,324 |
It could also be possible that your AC power is getting noisier due to changes and additions made elsewhere in your plant. If the obvious stuff like loose connections, fuses, etc. doesn’t do it, I would check to see if there is a drive isolation transformer or at least series reactors on the three AC phase lines. If not, you might need to add those to keep the SCR’s firing properly. |
#7 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
Today I have checked all the obvious stuff including connections and main incoming fuses on the AC side (I have changed the fuses just case) still having the same problem F04. There is a main 3 phase contactor which was also checked and that was fine. The 3 phase overload unit is sealed so did not check. There is a inductor in series with the incoming supply which is 15 to 18 years old. This unit has not been checked the only thing that we have checked the 3 phase incoming at the drive using a multi-meter the incoming volts can vary from 435 to 410 across 2 phase. We do not have an isolating transformer this installation has worked well for over 15 years. Not having the manual for the drive does not help is there any parameter that can be changed to change the level of trigger? |
#8 |
Join Date: Jul 2005 Location: Dueren Posts: 34 |
Hi Sammy. First of all some questions. Does it happen during start, during normal run or when you are stopping the drive? 1. During start: 2. During start or normal run: 3. During stop: This is my solution based on your information. Good luck and have a nice weekend. ZIMBO
Last edited by Zimbo; January 5th, 2007 at 07:04 PM.
#9 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
Thanks for replying to my post.
Last edited by sammmy_s; January 6th, 2007 at 01:55 AM.
#11 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
Zimbo Thanks for replying I have noticed your last post does not appear on thread anyway I have pasted below. The information that you have provided is it valid for 6RA 2781 (I think it is only valid for the 6RA 70 looking at the menu there is no parameter P089. I have managed to find a spare control board and after installing this the drive had the same problem. Sammmy The operation status o11.0 only means, that there is an error. You can check the parameter P047.00 (fault diagnostic memory display) For F004 is means: 1 = Voltage failure in the armature supply (1U1, 1V1, 1W1) br |
#12 |
Join Date: Jul 2005 Location: Dueren Posts: 34 |
Hi Sammmy. You’re right, the information was taken from the 6RA24xx-manual and i apologise for the confusion. Nevertheless, because all of this drives are DC-drives and the alarm has the same meaning (logically) also the cause must be the same. There should be a parameter which has the same function. To get realy qualified help you should contact Siemens Support Request. b r |
#13 |
Join Date: Jul 2005 Location: Dueren Posts: 34 |
Hi Sammmy. Another try to help. Check parameter P87. b r |
#14 |
Join Date: Jul 2005 Location: Dueren Posts: 34 |
And another one. You can disable the monitoring F04 by setting P91 but to me it seems dangerous. Nevertheless you will find the explanation of P91 in attach. |
#15 |
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: Australia Posts: 24 |
Zimbo, Thank you for the information in fact two days ago I changed P87 from 1 to 3 this stops the fault from coming up on the drive (no need for anyone to reset the drive) but the drive still outputs to the PLC which means the enable signal is lost and the operator has to restart the drive which is not too bad. At this stage I have not changed P91 due to risk. I would like to have resolved this but due to lack of reliable spares I am looking at upgrading to 6RA70. |
- Все о Simoreg DC Master
- Принцип работы рекуператора
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F0001 | F0002 | F0003 | F0004 | F0006 | F0011 | F0041 | F0051 | F0052 | F0060 |
F0070 | F0071 | F0072 | F0080 | F0085 | F0101 | F0221 | F0222 | F0450 | A0501 |
A0502 | A0503 | A0504 | A0505 | A0506 | A0511 | A0600 | A0700 | A0701 | A0702 |
A0703 | A0704 | A0705 | A0706 | A0707 | A0708 | A0709 | A0710 | A0711 | A0910 |
A0911 | A0920 | A0921 | A0922 | A0923 |
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19 декабря 2008 г. — добавлено краткое описание сбоя F0002.
12 января 2009 г. — добавлено описание сбоев F0003 и F0004.
15 января 2009 г. — добавлено полное описание сбоя F0002.
21 января 2009 г. — в раздел «Статьи» добавлена статья «Функция компенсации скольжения в Микромастер 440»
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Table of Contents
Quick Links
Operating Instructions
6RA70 Series
Microprocessor-Based Converters from 6kW to 1900kW
for Variable-Speed DC Drives
Edition 06
Order-No.: 6RX1700-0AD76
Related Manuals for Siemens SIMOREG DC Master 6RA7028-6DS22
Summary of Contents for Siemens SIMOREG DC Master 6RA7028-6DS22
Page 1
SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions 6RA70 Series Microprocessor-Based Converters from 6kW to 1900kW for Variable-Speed DC Drives Edition 06 Order-No.: 6RX1700-0AD76… -
Page 2
The information given in this publication is reviewed at regular intervals and any corrections that might be necessary are made in the subsequent printings. Suggestions for improvement are welcome at all SIMOREG ® is a registered trademark of Siemens times. © Siemens AG 1998 All rights reserved… -
Page 3: Table Of Contents
3.4.19 Converters 3AC 575V, 850A to 2000A, 4Q 3-24 3.4.20 Converters 3AC 690V, 760A to 2000A, 4Q 3-25 3.4.21 Converters 3AC 690V, 950A to 1900A, 4Q 3-26 Applicable standards 3-28 Abbreviations 3-28 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions…
Page 4
Mounting options 5-24 5.3.1 Terminal expansion board CUD2 5-24 5.3.2 Optional supplementary boards 5-25 Local bus adapter (LBA) for mounting optional supplementary boards 5-25 Mounting of optional supplementary boards 5-26 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 5
Converters: 90A to 210A, 4Q 6-34 6.4.13 Converters: 280A, 4Q 6-35 6.4.14 Converters: 400A, 4Q 6-36 6.4.15 Converters: 450A to 600A, 4Q 6-37 6.4.16 Converters: 760A, 4Q 6-38 6.4.17 Converters: 850A, 4Q 6-39 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 6
Procedure for starting up SIMOLINK boards (SLB) 7-33 7.7.5 Procedure for staring up expansion boards (EB1 and EB2) 7-36 7.7.6 Procedure for starting up the pulse encoder board (SBP) 7-37 Function diagrams Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 7
Speed-dependent current limitation 9-65 9.16.1 Setting the speed-dependent current limitation for motors with commutation transition 9-66 9.16.2 Setting of speed-dependent current limitation for motors without commutation transition 9-67 9.17 Automatic restart 9-68 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 8
Replacement of fan 13-3 13.2.2 Replacement of PCBs 13-6 13.2.3 Replacement of thyristor modules on converters up to 1200A 13-7 13.2.4 Replacement of fuses and thyristor assemblies on converters of 1500A and above 13-8 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 9
Scope of supply 15-1 15.2 Installation of software 15-1 15.3 Connection of SIMOREG converter to PC 15-1 15.4 Further information 15-2 Environmental compatibility Applications Appendix 18.1 Additional documentation 18-1 Sheet for customer feedback 18-3 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 10: Contents
Contents 02.00 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions…
Page 11
• NOTE For the purpose of this Instruction Manual, «Note» indicates information about the product or the respective part of the Instruction Manual which requires particular attention. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 12
The Sales Contract contains the entire obligations of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty. -
Page 13
Only qualified personnel should work on or around the equipment after first becoming thoroughly familiar with all warning and safety notices and maintenance procedures contained herein. The successful and safe operation of this equipment is dependent on proper handling, installation, operation and maintenance. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 14
Safety Information 02.00 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instrctions… -
Page 15: Type Spectrum
02.00 Type spectrum Type spectrum 850A converter 2000A converter 1200A converter 600A converter 30A converter Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 16
D1000 / 900 Mre — GeEF6S22 6RA7093 — 4LS22 — 0 D1000 /1500 Mre — GeEF4S22 6RA7095 — 4LS22 — 0 D1000 /1900 Mre — GeEF4S22 Rated Rated DC voltage DC current Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 17
D875 / 950 Mreq — GeGF6V62 6RA7093 — 4LV62 — 0 D875 /1500 Mreq — GeGF4V62 6RA7095 — 4LV62 — 0 D875 /1900 Mreq — GeGF4V62 Rated Rated DC voltage DC current Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 18: Converter Order Number Code
4: Disk thyristors with fuse assembly • 1000..<1150 5: Thyristor modules, produced in China • 1150..<1300 6: Thyristor modules • 1300..<1450 • 1450..<1650 8: ANL • 94:: 1650..<1900 • 1900..<2150 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 19: Ordering Information For Options Using Codes
1) 3) (miniature-format board; ADB required) CB1 Communications board with interface for SINEC- L2-DP 6SE7090-0XX84-0AK0 (PROFIBUS) The replacement CBP board should be used for new applications Operating instructions (german and english) 6SE7087-6CX84-0AK0 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 20
Board with connectors and Short Guide Board Order number of board (w/o accessories) Order number of retrofit kit 6SE7090-0XX84-0KA0 6SE7010-0KA00 6SE7090-0XX84-0FA0 6SE7010-0FA00 6SE7090-0XX84-0KB0 6SE7010-0KB00 6SE7090-0XX84-0KC0 6SE7010-0KC00 6SE7090-0XX84-0FJ0 6SE7010-0FJ00 CBP2 6SE7090-0XX84-0FF5 6SE7010-0FF05 6SE7090-0XX84-0FG0 6SE7010-0FG00 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 21
3) An LBA local bus adapter is required to install this board in a SIMOREG converter. The adapter is available under a separate order number. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master… -
Page 22
Type spectrum 02.00 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 23: Description
All connecting terminals are accessible from the front. The power section cooling system is monitored by means of temperature sensors. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 24: Special Features Of Devices With 460V Rated Connection Voltage
A selection table for overload operation can be found in Section 9 ”Description of functions». Converters self-adapt to the frequency of the available supply voltage in the range from 45 to 65 Hz (armature and field are independent) Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 25: Technical Data
15 min and 1.5 x I for 60 s 15min US rating Note: In this setting, an ambient or coolant 150% (P067=5) 100% temperature of 45°C is permissible for all device types. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 26: Load Cycles For 1Q Applications
1036,0 524,0 786,0 6RA7088-6KS22 710,0 1065,0 686,0 1029,0 635,0 1270,0 667,0 1000,0 6RA7093-4KS22 1500 1150,0 1725,0 1110,0 1665,0 1050,0 2100,0 1100,0 1650,0 6RA7095-4KS22 2000 1590,0 2385,0 1520,0 2280,0 1510,0 3020,0 1504,0 2256,0 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 27: Load Cycles For 4Q Applications
311,0 466,5 275,0 550,0 255,0 382,5 6RA7085-6FV62 470,0 454,0 681,0 412,0 826,0 430,0 645,0 6RA7087-6FV62 660,0 635,0 953,0 580,0 1160,0 510,0 765,0 6RA7091-6FV62 1200 885,0 1327,5 858,0 1287,0 772,0 1544,0 850,0 1275,0 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 28
2103,0 830V, 4Q 6RA7088-6LV62 700,0 1050,0 680,0 1020,0 610,0 1220,0 667,0 1000,0 6RA7093-4LV62 1500 1160,0 1740,0 1130,0 1695,0 1040,0 2080,0 1110,0 1665,0 6RA7095-4LV62 1900 1486,0 2229,0 1420,0 2130,0 1400,0 2800,0 1412,0 2118,0 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 29: Converters 3Ac 400V, 30A To 125A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x239 385x265x283 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 30: Converters 3Ac 400V, 210A To 600A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x283 625x268x318 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 31: Converters 3Ac 400V, 850A To 2000A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 32: Converters 3Ac 460V, 30A To 125A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x239 385x265x283 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-10 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 33: Converters 3Ac 460V, 210A To 600A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x313 625x268x318 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-11 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 34: Converters 3Ac 460V, 850A To 1200A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-12 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 35: Converters 3Ac 575V, 60A To 600A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x283 625x268x318 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-13 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 36: Converters 3Ac 575V, 800A To 2000A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-14 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 37: Converters 3Ac 690V, 720A To 2000A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-15 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 38: Converters 3Ac 830V, 900A To 1900A, 1Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-16 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 39: Converters 3Ac 400V, 15A To 125A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x239 385x265x283 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-17 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 40: Converters 3Ac 400V, 210A To 600A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x283 625x268x318 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-18 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 41: Converters 3Ac 400V, 850A To 2000A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-19 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 42: Converters 3Ac 460V, 30A To 125A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x239 385x265x283 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-20 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 43: Converters 3Ac 460V, 210A To 600A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x313 625x268x318 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-21 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 44: Converters 3Ac 460V, 850A To 1200A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-22 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 45: Converters 3Ac 575V, 60A To 600A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 385x265x283 625x268x318 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-23 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 46: Converters 3Ac 575V, 850A To 2000A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-24 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 47: Converters 3Ac 690V, 760A To 2000A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 700x268x362 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-25 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 48: Converters 3Ac 690V, 950A To 1900A, 4Q
0.1% of the rated motor speed, valid for analog tacho or analog Ã2Ã setpoint Environmental class DIN IEC 721-3-3 Degree of protect. DIN 40050 IP00 IEC 144 Dimensions (HxWxD) 780x410x362 880x450x500 Weights (approx.) Explanation at end of list of tables 3-26 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 49
The supply voltages of all circuits are available up to an installation altitude of 5000 m for basic insulation. Converters for 830V rated supply voltage are an exception: Up to 4000m 830V Up to 4500m 795V Up to 5000m 727V 3-27 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 50: Applicable Standards
Variable-speed drives, part 3, EMC Product Standard including special testing procedures DIN IEC 60068-2-6 acc. to severity grade 12 (SN29010 Part1) Mechanical stressing Abbreviations Communications board Parameter ID value Process data Technology board Status word 3-28 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 51: Shipment, Unpacking
Remove the two M8 hexagon-head nuts and the transportation bracket. Remove the two banding strips. Remove the transportation sheet after assembling the device and before startup by removing the six M6 hexagon-head nuts. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 52
Shipment, Unpacking 02.00 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 53: Installation
VDE), as well as all other relevant national and local regulations. It must be ensured that the grounding, cable dimensioning and appropriate short-circuit protection have been implemented to guarantee operational safety and reliability. Possible lifting method for converters with rated DC current of 1500A to 2000A Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 54
A clearance of at least 100 mm must be left above and below the converter in order to ensure an unrestricted cooling air intake and outlet. The converter may overheat if this clearance is not provided! Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master… -
Page 55: Dimension Diagrams For Standard Devices
02.00 Installation Dimension diagrams for standard devices 5.1.1 Converters: 30A, 1Q 12.5 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 56: Converters: 60A To 280A, 1Q
Installation 02.00 5.1.2 Converters: 60A to 280A, 1Q 12.5 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 57: Converters: 400A, 1Q
02.00 Installation 5.1.3 Converters: 400A, 1Q Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 58: Converters: 600A, 1Q
Installation 02.00 5.1.4 Converters: 600A, 1Q Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 59: Converters: 720A To 850A, 1Q
02.00 Installation 5.1.5 Converters: 720A to 850A, 1Q Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 60: Converters: 900A To 1200A, 1Q
Installation 02.00 5.1.6 Converters: 900A to 1200A, 1Q Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 61: Converters: 1500A To 2000A, 1Q
02.00 Installation 5.1.7 Converters: 1500A to 2000A, 1Q Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 62: Converters: 15A To 30A, 4Q
Installation 02.00 5.1.8 Converters: 15A to 30A, 4Q 12.5 5-10 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 63: Converters: 60A To 280A, 4Q
02.00 Installation 5.1.9 Converters: 60A to 280A, 4Q 12.5 5-11 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 64: Converters: 400A To 600A, 4Q
Installation 02.00 5.1.10 Converters: 400A to 600A, 4Q 5-12 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 65: Converters: 760A To 850A, 4Q
02.00 Installation 5.1.11 Converters: 760A to 850A, 4Q 5-13 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 66: Converters: 950A To 1200A, 4Q
Installation 02.00 5.1.12 Converters: 950A to 1200A, 4Q 5-14 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 67: Converters: 1500A To 2000A, 4Q
02.00 Installation 5.1.13 Converters: 1500A to 2000A, 4Q 5-15 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 68: Dimension Diagrams Of The Devices With Additional Cable Connections On The Top Of The Device
Installation 02.00 Dimension diagrams of the devices with additional cable connections on the top of the device 5.2.1 Converters: 60A to 125A, 1Q 12,5 5-16 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 69: Converters: 210A To 280A, 1Q
02.00 Installation 5.2.2 Converters: 210A to 280A, 1Q 12.5 12,5 5-17 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 70: Converters: 450A To 600A, 1Q
Installation 02.00 5.2.3 Converters: 450A to 600A, 1Q 5-18 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 71: Converters: 850A, 1Q
02.00 Installation 5.2.4 Converters: 850A, 1Q 5-19 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 72: Converters: 60A To 125A, 4Q
Installation 02.00 5.2.5 Converters: 60A to 125A, 4Q 12,5 5-20 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 73: Converters: 210A To 280A, 4Q
02.00 Installation 5.2.6 Converters: 210A to 280A, 4Q 12.5 12,5 5-21 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 74: Converters: 450A To 600A, 4Q
Installation 02.00 5.2.7 Converters: 450A to 600A, 4Q 5-22 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 75: Converters: 850A, 4Q
02.00 Installation 5.2.8 Converters: 850A, 4Q 5-23 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 76: Mounting Options
• Secure board CUD2 in position using the supplied screws and retaining elements • Insert electronics board CUD1 into electronics box and tighten up the two fixing screws again as instructed. 5-24 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 77: Optional Supplementary Boards
(see picture on right for position) until it engages. ♦ Insert CUD1 board in left-hand board location again and tighten fixing screws in handles. Location 2 (Optionen) Location 3 (Optionen Location 1 (CUD1) 5-25 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 78: Mounting Of Optional Supplementary Boards
♦ No more than 2 supplementary boards of the same type may be installed in one converter (e.g. 2 EB1s). For information about starting up supplementary boards, please refer to Section 7.7 «Starting up optional supplementary boards». 5-26 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 79: Connections
The successful and safe operation of this equipment is dependent on careful transportation, proper storage and installation as well as correct operation and maintenance. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 80: Installation Instructions For Proper Emc Installation Of Drives
The actual purchase contract represents the complete liability of the A&D Variable-Speed Drives Group of Siemens AG. The warrant conditions, specified in the contract between the two parties, is the only warranty which will be accepted by the A&D Variable-Speed Drives Group.
Page 81: Simoreg Converters In Industrial Applications
Components in the control cabinet (noise sources and receivers) must be physically separated, if necessary through the use of metal partitions or metal enclosures for individual components. Figure 1 shows an example component layout in a control cabinet. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 82: Proper Emc Installation Of Drives (Installation Instructions)
If the encoder cables and motor cables cannot be routed separately, then the encoder cable must be decoupled by means of a metal partition or installation in a metal pipe or duct. The partition or metal duct must be grounded at several points. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 83
+ 10 V setpoint cable Serial interfaces, e.g. PROFIBUS-DP 2) The term «Ground» generally refers to all metallic, conductive components which can be connected to a protective conductor, e.g. cabinet housing, motor housing, foundation grounder, etc. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 84
Section shows how RI suppression filters and commutating reactors are arranged in the SIMOREG DC Master system. The specified sequence for mounting reactors and filters must be observed. Fuses for semiconductor protection are selected according to Section 6.6.2. Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master… -
Page 85
PE conductor (position is not critical) Customer terminal DC Customer terminal of field winding Pulse encoder Fig. 1: Example of a cabinet design with a SIMOREG DC Master 15 A to 850 A Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 86
(e.g. Impulsgeber) Terminals Connect to cabinet housing at both ends in a conductive, large-area connection! Shield at the plant end as well (e.g. on polse encoder) Fig. 1b: Shielding in the cabinet Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 87
The customer connections must be routed above the electronics box. Fig. 1c: Connecting shields on SIMOREG DC Master converters up to 850A X171 X172 X173 X174 X175 Fig. 1d: Connecting shields on SIMOREG DC Master >850A Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 88
Connect the PE conduct Electronics supply and mains Mains connection connection for field circuit Fig. 1e: Line filter for SIMOREG DC Master 6RA70 electronics power supply 6-10 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 89
The conductor might be damaged if the terminal screw is over-tightened. Note: Note: Terminals: Terminals: 5 mm busbar thickness Order No. 8HS7104, Order No. 8US1921-2AC00 8HS7104, 8HS7174, 8HS7164 10 mm busbar thickness Order No. 8US1921-2BC00 6-11 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 90
Fig. 2d: Clamp and metallic mating piece on a metal comb-type/serrated rail cable clamping rail Note: Note: Comb-type rail: Siemens 5VC55… cable clamps; Item No. J48028 Clamping rails in various sizes: Item No. K48001 to 48005 6-12 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76… -
Page 91
Note: When RI suppression filters are used, commutating reactors are always required at the converter input to decouple the snubber circuitry. Commutating reactors are selected according to information in Catalog DA93.1. 6-13 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 92
IP00 with 500 A and above For further technical data about RI suppression filters, please refer to the Operating Instructions: SIMOVERT Master Drives RI Suppression Filters EMC Filters, Order number: 6SE7087-6CX87- 0FB0. 6-14 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 93: Information On Line-Side Harmonics Generated By Converters In A
(α = 20° and α = 60°) is given below. The values have been taken from an earlier publication entitled «Harmonics in the Line-Side Current of Six-Pulse Line-Commutated Converters» written by H. Arremann and G. Möltgen, Siemens Research and Development Dept., Volume 7 (1978) No. 2, © Springer-Verlag 1978.
Page 94
If they do not, they must be calculated separately (this is especially true when using compensated motors as these have a very low armature inductance). 6-16 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 95: Block Diagrams With Recommended Connection
02.00 Connections Block diagram with recommended connection 8-270V 6-17 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 96: Parallel Connection Of Converters
3) The converters are connected by means of an (8-pin) shielded Patch cable of type UTP CAT5 according to ANSI/EIA/TIA 568, such as those used in PC networking. A standard 5 m cable can be ordered directly from Siemens (order number: 6RY1707-0AA08). (n-1) cables are needed to connect n converters in parallel.
Page 97: Parameterization Of Simoreg Converters For Parallel Connection
Terminals 37 and 38 must be permanently connected to terminal 34 on the slave ! • Optimization runs must be started on the master device. All slaves must be connected and ready to run when optimization is started. 6-19 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 98: Operating Mode «N+1 Mode» (Redundancy Mode)
P111 = set as on master P111 = Actual armature inductance x no. of SIMOREG converters The optimization run for current controller and precontrol (P021 = 25) sets these parameters correctly. 6-20 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 99
• All parameters except for those in the above list must be set identically on the master and the «standby» master. • Optimization runs must be started on the master device. All slaves must be connected and ready to run when optimization is started. 6-21 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 100: Power Connections
Connections 02.00 Power connections 6.4.1 Converters: 30A, 1Q 6-22 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 101: Converters: 60A, 1Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.2 Converters: 60A, 1Q 6-23 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 102: Converters: 90A To 280A, 1Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.3 Converters: 90A to 280A, 1Q 6-24 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 103: Converters: 400A To 600A, 1Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.4 Converters: 400A to 600A, 1Q 6-25 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 104: Converters: 720A, 1Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.5 Converters: 720A, 1Q 6-26 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 105: Converters: 800 To 850A, 1Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.6 Converters: 800 to 850A, 1Q 6-27 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 106: Converters: 900A To 950A, 1Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.7 Converters: 900A to 950A, 1Q 6-28 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 107: Converters: 1000 To 1200A, 1Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.8 Converters: 1000 to 1200A, 1Q 6-29 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 108: Converters: 1500 To 2000A, 1Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.9 Converters: 1500 to 2000A, 1Q F122 F121 F151 F162 F152 F161 F131 F142 F132 F141 F111 F112 6-30 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 109
02.00 Connections Arrangement of thyristor blocks At rear At front 6-31 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 110: Converters: 15 To 30A, 4Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.10 Converters: 15 to 30A, 4Q 6-32 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 111: Converters: 60A, 4Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.11 Converters: 60A, 4Q 6-33 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 112: Converters: 90A To 210A, 4Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.12 Converters: 90A to 210A, 4Q 6-34 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 113: Converters: 280A, 4Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.13 Converters: 280A, 4Q 6-35 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 114: Converters: 400A, 4Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.14 Converters: 400A, 4Q 6-36 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 115: Converters: 450A To 600A, 4Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.15 Converters: 450A to 600A, 4Q 6-37 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 116: Converters: 760A, 4Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.16 Converters: 760A, 4Q 6-38 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 117: Converters: 850A, 4Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.17 Converters: 850A, 4Q 6-39 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 118: Converters: 950A To 1000A, 4Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.18 Converters: 950A to 1000A, 4Q 6-40 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 119: Converters: 1100 To 1200A, 4Q
02.00 Connections 6.4.19 Converters: 1100 to 1200A, 4Q 6-41 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 120: Converters: 1500 To 2000A, 4Q
Connections 02.00 6.4.20 Converters: 1500 to 2000A, 4Q F122 F121 F151 F162 F152 F161 F131 F142 F132 F141 F111 F112 6-42 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 121
02.00 Connections Arrangement of thyristor blocks At rear At front 6-43 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 122: Field Supply
Converter type D . . . / 15 to 30 XF1-2 XF1-1 C98043-A7010 XF2-1 XF2-2 Gating leads are Betatherm 145 1mm² Module Rated DC Rated DC current armature current fied A7010-L1 A7010-L2 0R05 6-44 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 123
0R04 — — — A7014-L2 210A bis 280A 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 A7014-L2 400A bis 600A 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 A7014-L2 720A bis 850A 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 6-45 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 124
Module Rated DC current field current armature 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 A7004 900A bis 1200A 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 A7004 1500A bis 2000A 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 0R04 6-46 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 125: Fuses And Commutating Reactors
600 / 575 3NE3336 630 / 1000 6RA7087-6DS22 850 / 400 3NE3338-8 800 / 800 6RA7087-6GS22 800 / 575 3NE3338-8 800 / 800 6RA7086-6KS22 720 / 690 3NE3337-8 710 / 900 6-47 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 126: Converters 1Q: 460V
Order No. C / V A / V A / V 6RA7091-6FS22 1200 / 460 3NE3338-8 800 / 800 Branch fuses are included in converter, external semiconductor fuses are not needed. 6-48 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 127: Converters 4Q: 400V, 575V, 690V And 830V
1250 / 660 6RA7095-4KV62 2000 / 690 6RY1702-0BA04 630 / 1000 6RA7095-4LV62 1900 / 830 6RY1702-0BA04 630 / 1000 Branch fuses are included in converter, external semiconductor fuses are not needed. 6-49 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 128: Converters 4Q: 460V
Schurter FSD 1A / 250 V 5 x 20 mm time lag Ordering Code 0034.3987 Schurter FST 1A / 250 V 5 x 20 mm time lag Ordering Code 0034.3117 Schurter FSU 1A / 250 V 5 x 20 mm time lag Ordering Code 2010.0017 6-50 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 129: Terminal Arrangement
02.00 Connections Terminal arrangement Module C98043-A7001 (CUD1) X107 X171 X172 X173 X109 X174 X175 C98043-A7001 6-51 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 130
Connections 02.00 Module C98043-A7006 (CUD2) 217 X161 X162 X163 205 X164 C98043-A7006 6-52 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 131
02.00 Connections Module C98043-A7002 or C98043-A7003 X102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Module C98043-A7010 X102 Module C98043-A7014 6-53 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 132: Terminal Assignments
XF1-2 3U1 2AC 400 (– 20%), 2AC 460 (+10%) XF1-1 3W1 Field winding connection XF2-2 3C Rated DC voltage 325V / 373V XF2-1 3D For 2AC 400 / 460 supply connection 6-54 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 133
• On converters up to 850A (fan at bottom), check whether fan is rotating in direction of arrow • On converters of > 850A (fan at top), check whether fan is rotating in counter-clockwise direction (to left) when viewed from above Caution: Rotating parts can cause physical injuries! 6-55 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 134
Common mode suppression: ±15V Analog inputs — actual speed inputs, tacho inputs (see also Section 8, sheet G113) Function Terminal Connection values/Remarks Tacho connection 8V to 270V ±270V; >143kΩ Ground analog M 6-56 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 135
= ± (90° – f * 360° * 10 [°] = phase error [kHz] = pulse frequency [ns] = minimum distance between edges This formula applies only if the encoder pulse/pause ratio is 1:1. 6-57 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 136
Converter rated DC current Max. load 2mA, short-circuit-proof Select output analog 1 0. . . ±10V, max. 2mA Ground analog M short-circuit-proof Resolution ±11bits Select output analog 2 Ground analog M 6-58 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 137
Safety shutdown Reset NO contact I = 10mA NOTE Either terminal 105 or terminals 107 + 108 may be used! Terminal 105 is connected to terminal 106 in the delivery state. 6-59 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 138
A serial connection to a PLC or PC can be made using connector X300 on the PMU, allowing the converter to be controlled and operated from a central control centre or room. 6-60 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 139
-7V / +12V. If this cannot be guaranteed, then equipotential bonding must be provided. Activation of interface 1 or 2: – Set the baud rate in parameter P783 or P793. – Set the protocol in parameter P780 or P790. 6-61 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 140
Analog outputs (see also Section 8, sheet G116) Function Terminal Connection values/Remarks X164 Select output analog 3 0. . . ±10V, max. 2mA Ground analog M Short-circuit-proof Resolution ±11bit Select output analog 4 Ground analog M 6-62 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 141
-7V / +12V. If this cannot be guaranteed, then equipotential bonding must be provided. Activate interface 3: – Set the baud rate in parameter P803. – Set the protocol in parameter P800. 6-63 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 142
Connections 02.00 6-64 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 143: Start-Up
PCBs must not be allowed to come into contact with highly insulating materials (e.g. plastic foil, insulating table tops or clothing made of synthetic fibres). PCBs may only be set down on electrically conducting surfaces. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 144
If problems do occur and you feel in any way uncertain, please contact your local Siemens office or representative. The use of unauthorized parts in the repair of this converter and handling of the equipment by unqualified personnel can give rise to hazardous conditions which may cause death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage. -
Page 145: Operator Control Panels
− Decreases the selected and displayed parameter value in value mode. − Decreases the index in index mode (for indexed parameters) − Accelerates an adjustment process activated with the UP key (if both keys are pressed at the same time). SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 146: User-Friendly Operator Control Panel (Op1S)
Sheet Z12) and the OP1S operating instructions. The converter parameters can be set in «Free access» <P> <R> status. You can return to the operating status display by pressing Free access the <R> key (several times if necessary). SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 147
P672 = 2112 (negative direction of rotation) Motorized potentiometer: Parameterization of motorized potentiometer via OP1S by setting P673 = 2113 (higher) P674 = 2114 (lower) P644 = 240 (main setpoint from motorized potentiometer) SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 148: Parameterization Procedure
“Run” (online) state. To change parameters with this characteristic, switch the converter to the ≥o1.0 status (“Ready”). − The values of display parameters can never be changed (read only). SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 149
Parameter value Alarm Fault not (currently) possible Display Table 7.2 Status displays on the PMU NOTE Parameters are described in the Parameter List in Section 11 and faults and alarms in Section 10. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 150: Reset To Default Value And Adjust Offset
3. Offset adjustments Parameter P825.ii is set (takes approx. 10 s). The offset adjustment can also be activated as an individual function by means of parameter P051 = 22. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 151: Start-Up Procedure
P100 . . . Rated armature current (in amps) P101 . . . Rated armature voltage (in volts) P102 . . . Rated field current (in amps) P114 . . . Thermal time constant of motor (in minutes) SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 152
Encoder with one pulse track per direction of rotation (with/without zero marker). CW rotation CCW rotation Track 1 X173 28, 29 Track 2 X173 30, 31 Zero marker X173 32, 33 7-10 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 153
(1.00 to 140.00% of rated converter supply voltage (r078.001)). Freely wired actual value P083 = 4: The actual value input is defined with P609. P609 Number of connector to which actual speed controller value is connected. 7-11 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 154
(in % of rated motor torque) Ramp-function generator P303 Acceleration time 1 (in seconds) P304 Deceleration time 1 (in seconds) P305 Initial rounding 1 (in seconds) P306 Final rounding 1 (in seconds) 7-12 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 155
As soon as the converter reaches operating status <o1.0 (RUN), the optimization run is executed. An activity display appears on the PMU, consisting of two 2-digit numbers, separated by a bar that moves up and down. These two numbers indicate (for SIEMENS personnel) the current status of the optimization run. P051 = 25… -
Page 156
50% of the rated motor field current (P102). WARNING During this optimization run, the drive accelerates to approximately 80% of rated motor speed (the armature voltage corresponds to maximum 80% of the rated motor armature voltage (P101)). 7-14 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 157
For highly dynamic drives, the optimization run P051=25 should be repeated after the drive has been operated under load (i.e. when motor is warm). 7-15 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 158: Manual Optimization (If Necessary)
E.g. activation of additional monitoring functions NOTE Freely assignable function blocks are enabled in parameter U977. For enabling instructions, please refer to Section 11, Parameter List, description of parameters U977 and n978. 7-16 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 159: Manual Setting Of Armature Resistance R A (P110) And Armature Inductance L A (P111)
− Set the overspeed protection threshold P354=5% − Enter a main setpoint of 0 − If ”ENABLE OPERATION” is applied and the “SWITCH ON” command entered, an armature current of approximately 0% now flows. 7-17 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 160: Manual Setting Of Field Resistance R F (P112)
− Increase parameter P112 until the actual field current (r035 converted to amps be means of r073.002) is equal to the required setpoint (P102). − Reset parameter P082 to the plant operating value. 7-18 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 161: Starting Up Optional Supplementary Boards
If a technology board is mounted in location 2, then only one communication board (CBP, CBC, …) may be installed in slot G. Other boards are not supported. 7-19 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 162: Sequence Of Operations For Starting Up Profibus Boards (Cb1, Cbp, Cbp2)
DPM2s support only an acyclic channel for transferring parameter data. The contents of the data frames transferred via these channels are identical to the structure of the parameter section (PKW) as defined by the USS specification. 7-20 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 163
Parameter data allow all parameters of the drive to be accessed, allowing parameter values, diagnostic quantities, fault messages, etc. to be called by a higher-level system without impairing the performance of the PZD transmission. 7-21 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 164: Servicing
Parameter number (PNU) Bits 0 to 10 contain the number of the relevant parameter. Bits 12 to 15 contain the job identifier or the response identifier as defined in the following list: 7-22 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 165
Value cannot be read cyclically Parameter number is currently deactivated Channel is not wide enough Incorrect number of PKW Applies only to serial interfaces Parameter value is not legal With BiCo selection parameters Indexed parameter 7-23 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 166
SIMOVERT/SIMOREG/SIMADYN CBP File: siem8045.gsd The communication boards can only be operated on a non-Siemens master as a DP standard slave, the corresponding GSD file containing all necessary information for this mode. Detailed information about communication via PROFIBUS can be found in Section 8.2 of the compendium for SIMOVERT MASTER DRIVES Motion Control (order no. -
Page 167
H byte: Reserved H byte: Reserved 014/046 Every bit marks a process data no. (1-10) L byte: Mirroring of «DWord specifier ref» in the receive message to which a 32-bit value is assigned 7-25 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 168
027/059 Software version Software version (Vx.yz, display x) 028/060 Software version Software version (Vx.yz, display yz) 029/061 Software version Software version: Flash-EPROM checks. 030/062 — Reserved 031/063 — Reserved 032/064 — Reserved 7-26 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 169: Sequence Of Operations For Starting Up Can Bus Boards (Cb2, Cbc)
Errored telegrams can be reliably detected by means of a number of interactive error detection mechanisms. A transmission is automatically repeated when errors are detected. 7-27 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 170
PZD Receive 4 (setpoints 13 to 16) Example of PZD Receive: P918 = 1 This settings assigns identifier 100 to the first 4 receive PZDs, U712 = 96 identifier 101 to the second 4 receive PZDs, etc. 7-28 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 171
Using the CAN BusAnalyser++ from Steinbeis, the setpoint data appear as follows (data field length = 8 bytes, low and high bytes are shown swapped round): Identifier Data field 64 00 7F 9C 00 20 7B 00 00 00 PZD1 PZD2 PZD3 PZD4 7-29 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 172
(parameter response by drive). These assignments are made in CB parameters as shown in the following diagram: Node address PKW Request of drive (P918) PKW Response Basic identifier for parameterizing (U711) 7-30 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 173
Using the CAN BusAnalyser++ from Steinbeis, the transmit data appear as follows (data field length = 8 bytes, low and high bytes are shown swapped round): Identifier Data field 2C 01 2D 71 02 00 E4 DA 00 00 PWE1 7-31 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 174
F082 with fault value 10 may be activated as a function of the telegram failure time set in U722. No fault message is generated for PKW data. 7-32 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 175: Procedure For Starting Up Simolink Boards (Slb)
SIMOLINK bus. Node addresses 201 to 255 are reserved for special telegrams and others. Consequently, with 8 channels per node, a bus cycle can be a maximum of 6.4 ms in duration. 7-33 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 176
Changes to the settings of the receive data parameters do not take effect until the electronics power supply is switched on again. SIMOLINK (Siemens Motion Link) is a digital, serial data transmission protocol which uses fiber optics as a transmission medium. The SIMOLINK drive link has been developed to allow a fast, cyclic exchange of process data (control information, setpoints, status information and actual values) via a closed ring bus. -
Page 177
The master has its own 8 channels for transferring data, but can also use telegrams with the address and channel numbers of the transceivers for its data transmissions. 7-35 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 178: Procedure For Staring Up Expansion Boards (Eb1 And Eb2)
1 analog input for differential signal (current or voltage input) 1 analog output (current or voltage output) For further details, see Section 8, function diagrams for expansion boards EB1 and EB2. 7-36 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 179: Procedure For Starting Up The Pulse Encoder Board (Sbp)
TTL or HTL level pulses, bipolar or unipolar, can be used. A voltage supply for 5V and 15V encoders is provided on the board. Evaluation of a temperature sensor is not supported on SIMOREG DC MASTER 6RA70 converters. 7-37 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 180
Start-Up 02.00 7-38 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 181: Function Diagrams
Data sets ……………………..8-38 Control words, status words G180 Control word 1 ……………………8-39 G181 Control word 2 ……………………8-40 G182 Status word 1 ……………………8-41 G183 Status word 2 ……………………8-42 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 182
Motor interface (2) / binary inputs, terminals 211 to 214 …………8-44 G187 Messages (1)……………………. 8-45 G188 Messages (2)……………………. 8-46 G189 Fault memory……………………. 8-47 G195 Paralleling interface ………………….. 8-48 G200 Field reversal with SIMOREG single-quadrant device …………8-49 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 183
Velocity / speed calculators, variable torque B190 1 Velocity / speed calculator ………………8-86 1 Speed / velocity calculator ………………8-86 B191 1 Calculation variable torque ………………8-87 Multiplexers for connectors B195 3 Multiplexer……………………8-88 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 184
EB2: Analog input, Analog output, 2 digital inputs, 4 relay outputs…….. 8-107 Z120 SBP pulse encoder evaluation ……………….. 8-108 Z121 SIMOLINK board: Configuration, diagnosis…………….. 8-109 Z122 SIMOLINK board: Receiving, transmitting…………….8-110 Z123 OP1S operator panel………………….8-111 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G100 Overview SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 186
Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G110 Binary inputs terminals 36 to 39 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G111 Binary inputs terminals 40 to 43, E-Stop SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G112 Binary outputs terminals 46/47, 48/54, 50/51 and 52/53 Relay output line contactor SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 189
02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G113 Analog inputs terminals 4/5, 6/7, and 103/104 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G114 Analog inputs terminals 8/9 and 10/11 8-10 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G115 Analog outputs terminals 12/13, 14/15, and 16/17 8-11 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G116 Analog outputs terminals 18/19 and 20/21 8-12 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G120 Fixed values, fixed control bits, constant fixed values and control bits, connector and binector displays 8-13 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G125 Evaluation of a 4-step master switch 8-14 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G126 Motorized potentiometer 8-15 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G127 Fixed setpoint 8-16 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G128 Forcing, oscillation 8-17 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G129 Inching setpoint 8-18 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G130 Crawling setpoint / terminal 37 8-19 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G135 Setpoint processing 8-20 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G136 Ramp-function generator 8-21 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G140 Brake control 8-22 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G145 Pulse generator evaluation 8-23 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G150 Starting pulse — speed controller 8-24 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G151 Speed controller (1) 8-25 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G152 Speed controller (2) 8-26 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G153 Friction compensation, Compensation of moment of inertia (dv/dt injection) 8-27 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G160 Torque limitation 8-28 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G161 Current limitation 8-29 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G162 Closed-loop armature current control, auto-reversing stage, armature gating unit 8-30 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G165 Closed-loop EMF control 8-31 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G166 Closed-loop field current control, field gating unit 8-32 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G170 USS interface 1 8-33 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G171 USS interface 2 8-34 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G172 USS interface 3 8-35 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G173 Peer-to-peer interface 2 8-36 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G174 Peer-to-peer interface 3 8-37 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G175 Data sets 8-38 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G180 Control word 1 8-39 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G181 Control word 2 8-40 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G182 Status word 1 8-41 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G183 Status word 2 8-42 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G185 Motor interface (1) 8-43 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G186 Motor interface (2) / binary inputs, terminals 211 to 214 8-44 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G187 Messages (1) 8-45 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G188 Messages (2) 8-46 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G189 Fault memory 8-47 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet G195 Paralleling interface 8-48 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet G200 Field reversal with SIMOREG single-quadrant device 8-49 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 230
For enabling instructions, please refer to Section 11, Parameter List, description of parameters U977 and n978. The setting for the sequence in which these function blocks are executed is made using parameters U960, U961, U962, and U963. 8-50 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 231
Function diagram SIMOREG 6RA70 — Contents of the technology software in the basic converter, option S00 Content Sheet Content Sheet Startup of the technology software (option S00) B101 Control elements Fixed values Integrators B155 DT1 elements B155 Fixed values B110 Derivative/delay elements (LEAD / LAG blocks) B156 — B158 Monitoring… -
Page 232
Startup of the technology software in the basic converter (option S00) 1. Enabling Permanent enabling Temporary enabling U977 = PIN number U977 = 1500 n978 = 2000 n978 = 1xxx (xxx = hours remaining) 2. Setting and activating For each function block, it is necessary to define in which «time slice» (i.e. with which sampling time) it is processed. (Note: In the factory setting of the parameters, all existing function blocks are activated) the sampling times 5 time slices are available:… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B110 Voltage monitor for electronics power supply, fixed values 8-53 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B115 Fault message triggers, alarm message triggers 8-54 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B120 Connector / binector converters 8-55 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B121 Binector / connector converters 8-56 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B125 Adders / subtracters, sign inverters 8-57 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B130 Multipliers 8-58 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B131 Dividers, High-resolution multipliers / dividers 8-59 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B135 Absolute-value generators with filter, limiters 8-60 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B136 Limit-value monitors with filter 8-61 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B137 Limit-value monitors without filter 8-62 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B138 Limit-value monitors without filter 8-63 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B139 Averagers 8-64 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B140 Maximum selections, minimum selections 8-65 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B145 Tracking / storage elements, connector memories 8-66 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B150 Connector changeover switches 8-67 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B155 Integrators, DT1 elements 8-68 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B156 Derivative / delay elements (LEAD / LAG blocks) 8-69 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B157 Derivative / delay elements (LEAD / LAG blocks) 8-70 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B158 Derivative / delay elements (LEAD / LAG blocks) 8-71 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B160 Characteristic blocks 8-72 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B161 Dead zones, Setpoint branching 8-73 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B165 Simple ramp-function generator 8-74 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 255
02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B170 Technology controller 8-75 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 256
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.01 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9301 I component K9306 K9302 U537.01 U539.01 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9303 Filter time K9305… -
Page 257
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.02 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9311 I component K9316 K9312 U537.02 U539.02 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9313 Filter time K9315… -
Page 258
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.03 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9321 I component K9326 K9322 U537.03 U539.03 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9323 Filter time K9325… -
Page 259
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.04 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9331 I component K9336 K9332 U537.04 U539.04 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9333 Filter time K9335… -
Page 260
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.05 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9341 I component K9346 K9342 U537.05 U539.05 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9343 Filter time K9345… -
Page 261
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.06 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9351 I component K9356 K9352 U537.06 U539.06 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9353 Filter time K9355… -
Page 262
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.07 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9361 I component K9366 K9362 U537.07 U539.07 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9363 Filter time K9365… -
Page 263
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.08 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9371 I component K9376 K9372 U537.08 U539.08 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9373 Filter time K9375… -
Page 264
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.09 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9381 I component K9386 K9382 U537.09 U539.09 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9383 K9385 Filter time… -
Page 265
PI-controller Transfer function: U538 (1) U542 (1) 1 + sTn G(s) = ——— * Kp * ——— U543.10 U536 (1) 1 + sT1 (100,0) U534 (1) P component K9391 I component K9396 K9392 U537.10 U539.10 (3,00) (3,000 s) Positive limit K9393 Filter time K9395… -
Page 266
Velocity / speed calculator Normalization Actual velocity (-32,768…32,767 m/s) U521 (16,38) (0,01…327,67m/s) n021 Speed-velocity calculator Actual speed n020 U515 (0) n act D ∗ π ∗ n v act K9256 rated = —————— ∗ ——— 100% Normalization Setpoint velocity (-32,768…32,767 m/s) U522 (16,38) (0,01…327,67m/s) n022… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B191 Calculation variable torque 8-87 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B195 Multiplexer 8-88 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B200 Decoders / demultiplexers, binary to 1 of 8 8-89 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B205 AND elements 8-90 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B206 OR elements, EXCLUSIV OR elements 8-91 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B207 Inverters, NAND elements 8-92 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B210 RS flipflops 8-93 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B211 D flipflops 8-94 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet B215 Timers (0,000…60,000s) 8-95 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet B216 Timers (0,00…600,00s), Binary signal selector switches 8-96 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Optional supplementary boards Sheets Z100 to Z123 Sheet Z100 Table of contents 8-97 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet Z110 Data exchange with a technology board (TB) or the 1 communications board (CB) 8-98 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet Z111 Data exchange with the 2 communications board (CB) 8-99 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 280
Analog input 1 (differential input) 1st EB1: U759.1 (0) U761.1 (1) Standardization Signal type Time constant U758.1 (0) -1000,0…1000,0 (0/1=10V/20mA) 0…10000ms U756.1(100,0) U755.1 (0) U760.1 (0) Hardware n762.1 13 bits + sign smoothing 220 µs U756.1 K5101 100% ±10V ±20mA Analog input connection Sign reversal… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet Z113 1 EB1: Analog outputs 8-101 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet Z114 1 EB1: 4 bidirectional inputs- / outputs, 3 digital inputs 8-102 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 283
2nd EB1: Analog input 1 (differential input) U759.4 (0) U761.4 (1) Standardization Signal type U758.4 (0) Time constant -1000,0…1000,0 (0/1=10V/20mA) 0…10000ms U756.4(100,0) U755.2 (0) Hardware U760.4 (0) n762.4 smoothing 220 µs 13 bits + sign U756.4 K5201 100% ±10V ±20mA Analog input Sign reversal Smoothing… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet Z116 2 EB1: Analog outputs 8-104 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet Z117 2 EB1: 4 bidirectional inputs- / outputs, 3 digital inputs 8-105 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet Z118 1 EB2: Analog input, Analog output, 2 digital inputs, 4 relay outputs 8-106 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet Z119 2 EB2: Analog input, Analog output, 2 digital inputs, 4 relay outputs 8-107 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet Z120 SBP pulse encoder evaluation 8-108 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 289
02.00 Function diagrams Sheet Z121 SIMOLINK board: Configuration, diagnosis 8-109 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Function diagrams 02.00 Sheet Z122 SIMOLINK board: Receiving, transmitting 8-110 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Function diagrams Sheet Z123 OP1S operator panel 8-111 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 292
Function diagrams 02.00 8-112 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 293: General Explanations Of Terms And Functionality
Example: The data received via peer-to-peer 2 are available at connectors K6001 to K6005 (Section 8, Sheet G173) G-SST2 X172 r812.01 to .05 Receive data Rx+/Tx+ Word 1 K6001 Word 2 K6002 Rx-/Tx- Word 3 K6003 RS485 Word 4 K6004 Word 5 K6005 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 294
P046) The selected setting can be entered in the empty field (fields). The value in brackets next to the parameter number is the factory setting of the selection parameter. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master… -
Page 295
14. This example of K0015 illustrates how it is possible to apply a connector as an input signal to any number of function blocks. Section 8, Sheet G115: Filter time P751 (0) (0…10000ms) P752 (0) P750 (0) SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 296
Parameters P520 to P530 in Section 8, Sheet G153 determine the shape of the friction characteristic. P465 in Section 8, Sheet G126 determine whether the time settings must be multiplied by a factor of 1 or 60. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 297: Computation Cycles, Time Dela
With regard to the transfer of parameter values via interfaces, it is important to remember that some transferred parameters must be converted to this 20 ms cycle before they can be applied, for example, in the armature firing pulse cycle. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 298: Switch-On, Shutdown, Enabling
11. The «Line contactor closed» relay drops out 12. Converter reaches operating state o9.0 or higher 13. Delay time for field current reduction (P087) runs down 14. The field is reduced to a parameterizable value in P257 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 299: Switch-On / Shutdown (On / Off) Terminal 37 — Control Word 1, Bit 0
The «Switch-on command of ON / OFF1» is generated as an AND operation between the signal from terminal 37 and the binector selected in P654 (level-triggered, 0 = shutdown, 1 = switch-on). SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 300
Technology controller, ramp-function generator, n controller and I controller are enabled When a negative brake release time (P087) has run down, output signal «Release holding or operating brake» (binector B0250 = 1). SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 301
. Of all the current limits, only the system current limit (P171 and P172), the speed-dependent current limit and the limit derived from I t monitoring of the power section remain operative. SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 302: Operating Enable (Enable) Terminal 38 — Control Word 1, Bit 3
The following conditions must be fulfilled for the ramp-function generator to work: − Ramp-function generator enable = 1 (control word 1.bit 4 = 1) − Enable setpoint = 1 (control word 1.bit 6 = 1) 9-10 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 303: Definitions
2) The lower rounding switches to the upper rounding before the maximum ramp-down gradient is reached 3) Due to the input step change, only the last part of the upper transition rounding is executed here 9-11 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master…
Page 304: Control Signals For Ramp-Function Generator
Not permitted, activates fault message F041 (selection not clear) The ramp-function generator settings preset via the binectors selected in P637 and P638 have priority over the generator setting specified via the ramp-up integrator. 9-12 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 305: Ramp-Up Integrator
Note: When ramp-function generator tracking is selected, the filter time for the speed setpoint should be set to a low value in P228 (preferably to 0). 9-13 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 306: Limitation After Ramp-Function Generator
(P085) of between 0 and 60 s (operating state 07.0 or higher). The drive remains in operating state 01.3 while the parameterizable delay period (max. 60.0 s) runs down. 9-14 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 307: Crawling
The «Fixed setpoint» function can be input via the binectors selected via indices .01 to .08 of parameter P430 and via bits 4 and 5 of control word 2 (= bits 20 and 21 of complete control word) (see function diagram in Section 8 for logic operation). 9-15 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 308: Safety Shutdown (E-Stop)
”E-Stop” has the same effect as «Voltage disconnection» («OFF2»). In addition, however, the line contactor drops out (via relay K1) in response to a hardware function 15 ms after input of the command. 9-16 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 309: Activation Command For Holding Or Operating Brake (Low Active)
«Switch-on / Shutdown», and input commands «Voltage disconnection» or «E-Stop» the same affect as cancelling the «Operating enable» command. The command «Close brake» is output during the optimization run for precontrol and current controller (P051 = 25). 9-17 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 310
* 3) Time for the brake to open before the motor produces a torque (P087 positive) * 5) Time for the brake to close while the motor is still producing a torque (P088) 9-18 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master… -
Page 311
* 4) In this case, the motor is still rotating against the closed brake (P087 negative) * 5) Time for the brake to close while the motor is still producing torque (P088) 9-19 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 312: Switch On Auxiliaries
Bits 0 and 1 of control word 2 (bits 16 and 17 of complete control word) control the input of the function data set. Bit 14 (= bit 30 of complete control word) controls the input of the Bico data set. 9-20 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 313: Speed Controller
0 = Disable controller, controller output (K0160) = 0, P component (K0161) = 0, I component (K0162) = value of connector selected in P631 1 = Enable controller Enable droop: 0 = Droop is not active 1 = Droop is active 9-21 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 314: Serial Interfaces
1000 m. The same maximum cable length applies to the bus cable of a USS connection. The maximum cable length is only 500 m for both types of connection if a baud rate of 187500 bd is selected. 9-22 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 315
® The SIEMENS USS protocol is implemented in all digital converter devices supplied by SIEMENS. It can be used to provide a point-to-point or bus-type link to a master station. Any mixture of converter types can be connected up to the same bus line. The USS protocol makes it possible to access all relevant process data, diagnostic information and parameters of the SIMOREG converter. -
Page 316
Cable Connector assignments, see See operating instructions for Connector assignments, see Sect. 6.8 or Sheet G170 in OP1S operator panel Sect. 6.8 or Sheets G171, G172 Sect. 8 in Sect. 8 9-24 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 317: Serial Interfaces With Peer-To-Peer Protocol
Sheets G173 and G174 in Section 8 show how useful data can be interconnected and list the parameters relevant for configuring peer-to-peer links. Any connectors can be parameterized as transmit data (numeric representation: 100% equals 4000h = 16384d). Parameters cannot be transferred via the peer-to-peer link. 9-25 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 318
«4-wire» operation is automatically selected via RS485 interface Cable Terminal assignments, see Section 6.8 or Sheet Terminal assignments, see Section 6.8 or Sheet G173 in Section 8 G174 in Section 8 9-26 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 319
(e.g. via a clamp). Twisted cable, e.g. LIYCY 2×0.5 sqmm; with longer cables, an equipotential bonding conductor must be used to ensure that the difference in frame potentials between nodes stays below 7V. 9-27 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 320
(e.g. via a clamp) Twisted cable, e.g. LIYCY 2×0.5 sqmm; with longer cables, an equipotential bonding conductor must be used to ensure that the difference in frame potentials between nodes stays below 7V. 9-28 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 321
(> 5 * T_th), a new constant load value is injected abruptly. T_th = P114 .. thermal time constant of motor 0% preloading 20% preloading 40% preloading 60% preloading 80% preloading Time / thermal time constant of motor 9-29 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 322
If P114 (T ) is set to zero, then the I t monitoring function is deactivated. motor 9-30 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 323
P114 I [%] rated … Rated motor armature current (=P100) rated I … Maximum overcurrent at which motor is operated NOTE When other motor types are connected, the manufacturer’s specifications apply. 9-31 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 324: Dynamic Overload Capability Of Power Section
Connector K310 contains the calculated thyristor overtemperature as a % of the maximum permissible converter-specific thyristor overtemperature: 80°C on 15A to 60A converters 85°C on 90A to 140A converters 90°C on converters of > 200A converter rated armature DC current. 9-32 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 325: Configuring For Dynamic Overload Capability
Overload factor X for characteristic = 077 * converter rated DC current Actual maximum base-load current = P077 * max. base-load current acc. to character- istic in % of converter rated DC current 9-33 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 326
→ overload period Base-load current = 60% of I = 126.35s rated Max. overload period = (140s/300s) * 126.35s = approx. 58s Min. base-load period = 140s – 58s = 82s 9-34 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 327: Characteristics For Determining The Dynamic Overload Capability For Intermittent Overload Operation
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 100,0 X=1,1 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-35 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 328
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-36 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 329
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-37 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 330
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-38 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 331
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-39 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 332
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-40 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 333
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 X=1,8 10,0 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-41 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 334
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-42 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 335
1000,0 X=1,4 X=1,8 X=1,3 X=1,5 X=1,2 X=1,4 X=1,1 X=1,3 X=1,2 100,0 X=1,1 10,0 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-43 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 336
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 94 98 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-44 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 337
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,2 X=1,1 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-45 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 338
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-46 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 339
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,2 X=1,1 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-47 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 340
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-48 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 341
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-49 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 342
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-50 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 343
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-51 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 344
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-52 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 345
X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 X=1,1 10,0 Base-load current as % of rated DC current 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-53 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 346
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,8 X=1,4 X=1,5 X=1,3 X=1,4 X=1,2 X=1,3 X=1,1 X=1,2 100,0 X=1,1 10,0 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-54 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 347
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-55 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 348
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-56 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 349
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 100,0 X=1,1 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-57 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 350
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 100,0 X=1,1 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-58 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 351
X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-59 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 352
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-60 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 353
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-61 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 354
X=1,5 X=1,4 100,0 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-62 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 355
X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 90 100 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-63 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 356
1000,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 100,0 10,0 X=1,8 X=1,5 X=1,4 X=1,3 X=1,2 X=1,1 Base-load current as % of rated DC current Base-load current as % of rated DC current 9-64 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 357: Speed-Dependent Current Limitation
Furthermore, the speed-dependent current limitation must be activated by setting P109 = 1! NOTE Setting the speed-dependent current limitation function to the wrong value may cause excessive loading of the commutator and brushes, resulting in a drastic reduction in brush life! 9-65 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 358: Setting The Speed-Dependent Current Limitation For Motors With Commutation Transition
3400 / 4500 REG. 80.0 / 58.0 26.0 / 19.0 ERR. THYR.: B6C LV= 0MH 380V/ 50HZ FREMD 2.85 IP23 BAUF. 77/51 0.87/0.60 I.CL.F Z:A11 G18 K01 K20 FREMDKUEHLUNG SCHWINGSTAERKESTUFE R 9-66 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 359: Setting Of Speed-Dependent Current Limitation For Motors Without Commutation Transition
NR.E VDE0530 1/MIN 46-380 50-2300 36.0-37.5 0.265-12.0 6000 REG. 38.5 12.0 ERR. THYR.: B6C LV= 0MH 380V/ 50HZ FREMD 1.45 IP23 BAUF. 0.32 I.CL.F Z:A11 G18 K01 K20 FREMDKUEHLUNG SCHWINGSTAERKESTUFE R 9-67 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 360: Automatic Restart
0 No contactor control 1 Control for one contactor for switching through positive field direction. Level of B0261: 0 No contactor control 1 Control for one contactor for switching through negative field direction. 9-68 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 361: Direction Of Rotation Reversal Using Field Reversal
(to (reversed) actual speed value (or to value set in P639) in operating state o1.4). 9-69 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 362: Braking With Field Reversal
5.11 Wait for I (K0265) > I (K0268)*P398/100% field field set 5.12 Waiting time according to P092.i004 (0,0 to 10,0 s, factory setting 3,0 s) 5.13 Armature firing pulses are possible again 9-70 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 363
Please also read the Note at the end of the section 9.18.1. Delay times for field reversal (parameter P092) P092.004 P394 P092.001 K268 * P398 Field contactor 1 closed B260 open P092.002 P092.003 Field contactor 2 closed B261 open Bild 9.18.1 9-71 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 364: Status Description Of Some Bits Of Status Word Zsw1
Wait for field current Wait status before closing the line contactor Wait for switch-on (=READY TO SWITCH-ON) Wait for acknowledgement of the switch-on inhibit Fast stop (OFF3) Voltage disconnect (OFF2) Fault Electronics not initialized 9-72 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 365: Fault Messages
OP1S. If a fault is not acknowledged before the electronics supply voltage is switched off, then fault message F040 will be displayed when the supply is next switched on. 10-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 366: List Of Fault Messages
Values for r047 which are not included in the list below can help a SIEMENS specialist to locate a fault cause. For this reason, all indices of parameter r047 should be read out whenever a fault message occurs, even if the meaning of the individual indices of parameter r047 is not specified for every fault message listed below.
Page 367
If field reduction before field reversal, I_field ≤ I_field_min (P394) is not reached within 30 s If field build-up after field reversal, I_field > I_field_x (P398) is not reached within 30 s 10-3 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 368
This fault message is activated if the line frequency is less than the minimum line frequency (for longer than the “restart time” set in parameter P086). Note: Up to software version 1.7 the threshold for activation of the fault message (minimum line frequency) is 45Hz. 10-4 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 369: Interface Error
After the receipt of the first valid protocol, no further telegrams have been received within the time period set in parameter P797. Possible fault causes • Interruption in connecting cable • EMC interference on connecting cable • P797 is set too low 10-5 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 370
Hardware fault on expansion board EB1 Fault value: Fault on first EB1 Fault on second EB1 F017 Hardware fault on expansion board EB2 Fault value: Fault on first EB2 Fault on second EB2 10-6 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 371: External Faults
U101 Index.002 is in the state log.”1” the binector wired via parameter U101 Index.003 is in the state log.”1” the binector wired via parameter U101 Index.004 is in the state log.”1” 10-7 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 372: Fault Messages From Motor Sensors
P388 for longer than the time set in parameter P390. Possible fault causes • Open control loop • Controller not optimized • P590 or P591 is not correctly parameterized 10-8 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 373: External Faults
Possible fault causes • Lower current limit has been input • Current-controlled operation • P512, P513 are set too low • Tachometer cable contact fault in operation close to maximum speed 10-9 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 374
P637 or P638 (selection of binectors which determine ramp-function generator setting) is incorrectly set Fault value: The selection of the function data set has been changed during an optimization run Ambiguous selection of ramp-function generator parameter set 10-10 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 375
(active when U800 = 1 or 2 and U806>10 (master) after receipt of the first valid protocol in operating states – –, I, II) Fault value: A fault message is active on a slave A slave is not in operation (e.g. because its enable input is set to «0») 10-11 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 376: Start-Up Faults
The contents of r047, Index 002 to 016, can provide specialists with more detailed information about fault causes. For this reason, please read out and document all the indices associated with this fault and pass them on when you contact Siemens for help.
Page 377
High armature reaction and sharp load variations during recording of field characteristics • Field current controller or field current precontrol is not optimized or optimized badly (check P112, P253 to P256 or execute a current controller optimization run (P051=25)) 10-13 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 378
Poor speed controller setting (P225, P226, P228) or speed controller is parameterized as pure P controller or with droop • A band elimination filter (P201, P202 or P203, P204) is active • Command “Ramp-function generator enable” =0 or ”Ramp-function generator STOP” =1 is applied 10-14 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 379
The actual speed does not drop to below +2% of maximum speed or to below the speed threshold n min set in P370 within 11 or 2 minutes Possible cause: • Single-quadrant drive coasts to a standstill too slowly 10-15 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 380
Fault has occurred during optimization run for field weakening (selected through setting P051=27) Fault has occurred during internal offset adjustments (selected through P051=22) Fault has occurred in optimization run for friction and moment of inertia compensation (selected through setting P051=28) 10-16 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 381: External Faults
P081 = 1 (”speed-dependent field weakening”) selected, but “no valid field characteristic has been recorded” (P117=0) yet (P117=0) F056 Important parameter is not set (active in operating states of ≤ o6) This fault message is activated if certain parameters are still set to 0. 10-17 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 382: Hardware Faults
The temporary enabling of technology option S00 for 500 operating hours no longer applies. The functions are now no longer available, but the parameter settings have been retained. If you wish to continue using technology option S00, please contact to your nearest Siemens Regional Office for a PIN number for permanent enabling of technology option S00.
Page 383: Internal Faults
Whether the checksum of the non-volatile process data in the EEPROM is correct Possible causes for all fault types: Excessive EMC-related interference is present (e.g. due to unprotected contactors, unscreened cables, loose shield connections) 10-19 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 384
Errored checksum Incorrect value among compensation values for i002 Incorrect value analog inputs and outputs of A7001 Incorrect value among compensation values for i002 Incorrect value analog inputs and outputs of A7006 10-20 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 385
MLFB code number (r070) = MLFB code number (r070) i002 Incorrect MLFB code number is illegal MLFB data checksum error Works number checksum error Number of words of MLFB data is incorrect 10-21 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 386: Communication Errors With Supplementary Boards
CB/TB process data failure (message timeout period set i015 Code number of board: in U722) TB or 1 Fault in parameter job channel from PMU to TB Fault in parameter response channel from TB to PMU 10-22 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 387: Faults Messages From Supplementary Boards
This group of fault messages is activated by supplementary boards Please refer to the operating manual of the relevant supplementary board for explanation of the fault messages and fault values F147 10-23 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 388: Alarms
When parameter P495=1 (binary sensing of brush length): Alarm in response to log. “0” signal (longer than 10s) at terminal 211 Possible causes • Encoder for brush length has responded • Interruption in encoder cable 10-24 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 389
This monitoring function responds if the armature firing angle is at the rectifier stability limit for more than 500 ms and the armature current is less than 1% of the converter rated armature DC current. 10-25 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master… -
Page 390
Remaining time for temporary enabling of the S00 technology option is now less than 50 operating hours. The functions will soon be unavailable. If you wish to continue using technology option S00, please contact to your nearest Siemens Regional Office for a PIN number for permanent enabling of technology option S00. -
Page 391
(active in operating states ≤ o11) A096 A097 TB alarms (active in operating states ≤ o11) A128 For more information about TECH BOARD alarms, please refer to Operating Instructions or Configuring Guide of the relevant board. 10-27 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 392
Faults / Alarms 02.00 10-28 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 393
— r952 Fault memory r953 — r968 Visualization parameters: Alarms, control and status word P970 — r999 Resetting and storing parameters, list of existing and modified P and r parameters 11-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 394
U950 — U952 Sampling times U960 — U969 Altering the processing sequence of function blocks U977 — n978 Enabling of technology software in basic unit, S00 option («freely assignable function blocks») 11-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 395
9) The «OP parameter number» (i.e. the number to be entered via the OP1S operator panel) is specified in brackets in the «PNU» column for all parameters which are not «P parameters» or «r parameters»: e.g. (2010) under n010 or (2100) under U100. 11-3 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 396
P654) or control word, bit 0 (acc. to selection in P648). o7.2 Waiting for cancellation of internal shutdown through input of an internal shutdown command or waiting for cancellation of command «Braking with field reversal» 11-4 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 397
(press UP key to return to operating state o13.0) Loading of boot sector in progress (this operation is performed only in factory) Electronics not connected to voltage Dark display: Waiting for voltage at terminals 5U1, 5W1 (electronics supply voltage). 11-5 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 398
— terminal XS-105 is open (switch operation, see also Section 9) — terminal XS-107 (Stop pushbutton) is opened briefly and terminal XS- 108 (Reset pushbutton) is not yet activated (pushbutton operation, see also Section 9) 11-6 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 399
P052 = 3 Type: I2 ∧ 0.1% of rated motor torque (=rated motor armature current Steps: 1 0.1% (see column (P100) * magnetic flux at rated motor field current (P102)) on left) 11-7 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 400
This parameter displays the EMF setpoint which is applied as the control 0.1V quantity in the field-weakening range. This value is calculated from: – I (= P101 – P100 P110 ) motor motor rated rated 11-8 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 401
Binector display: Type: O2 i001: Display of binector selected in P046.01 i002: Display of binector selected in P046.02 i003: Display of binector selected in P046.03 i004: Display of binector selected in P046.04 11-9 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 402
Selection of display parameters 0, 3 Ind: None P052 = 3 P051 ≥ 0 FS=3 Display only parameters that are not set to original factory Type: O2 Online settings Display all parameters used 11-10 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 403
(PMU). At the end of the copy operation, P057 is reset to P057=0xy. r058 Display of active Bico data set 1 to 2 Ind: None P052 = 3 Type: O2 11-11 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 404
Board in slot G (lower slot of location 3) 111: Pulse encoder board (SBP) [SW 1.8 and later] 141 to 149: Communications board 151, 152, 161: Special board (EB1, EB2, SLB 11-12 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 405
Checksum for serial number The serial number ASCII code is displayed in this parameter. The number is output in plaintext on the OP1S panel. 11-13 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 406
The current value of the device rated DC is indicated in parameter r072.002. The following values can be set: 10.0%, 20.0%, 33.3%, 40.0%, 50.0%, 60.0%, 66.6% 70.0%, 80.0%, 90.0% and 100.0% 11-14 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 407
(When the «Operating enable» command is cancelled or when the «Voltage disconnection» or «E-Stop» command is input, the «Close brake» command is input immediately, i.e. while the motor is still rotating.) 11-15 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 408
(o1.2 or lower). However, if the time runs out without a new inching command being entered, then the line contactor drops out and the drive switches to operating state o7 (see also Section 9). 11-16 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 409
Type: O2 Online applied to the ramp-function generator input. If the applied setpoint is higher, the converter dwells in state o6 after «switch-on» until the absolute setpoint value is ≤ P091. 11-17 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 410
Definition of motor P100 Rated motor armature current (acc. to motor rating plate) 0.0 to 6553.0 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=0.0 P051 = 40 Parameter not yet set 0.1A Type: O2 Offline 11-18 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 411
This parameter is used to adjust the speed in cases where the internal 0.01% Type: O2 Online actual EMF value is applied as the actual speed value. P115 defines the EMF which corresponds to maximum speed as a percentage of P078.001. 11-19 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 412
Field current for 25% motor flux (field characteristic, point no. 5) 0.0 to 100.0 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 [% of P102] FS=18.4 P051 = 40 0.1% of P102 Type: O2 Offline 11-20 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 413
Field current for 95% motor flux (field characteristic, point no. 19) 0.0 to 100.0 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 [% of P102] FS=89.1 P051 = 40 0.1% of P102 Type: O2 Offline 11-21 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 414
P121 P126 P136 P120 P125 P130 P135 1) For actual field currents I f of > 100% of P102, the characteristic is extended linearly for internal calculation of the motor flux. 11-22 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 415
Encoder with one pulse track and one output for direction of rotation (with/without zero marker). CW rotation CCW rotation Track 1 Pulse output X173 28, 29 Track 2 Rot. direction X173 30, 31 Zero marker Zero marker X173 32, 33 11-23 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 416
(terminals X173.26 and 27). Terminal X173.26 always supplies +15V. An external voltage supply is must be provided for pulse encoders requiring a 5V supply. 11-24 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 417
2 or 4 respectively as opposed to 0. However, these settings increase the actual speed sensing delay. For this reason, P200 should be parameterized to at least 5ms before the optimization run for the speed controller is executed. 11-25 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 418
1 time after a change in torque direction). Current setpoint integrator The integrator is always active (acts as ramp-function generator for the armature current setpoint) 11-26 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 419
Type: L2 Offline 0 = Binector B0000 1 = Binector B0001 etc. Binector status = 0 … Enable for M0 or MII 1 … Enable for M0 or MI 11-27 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 420
0.01% of rated motor Type: I2 Online =1) and the speed is higher than the threshold speed set in parameter torque P184, then torque limit 2 is activated in place of torque limit 1. 11-28 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 421
This function allows the drive to be stopped without overshoot using a zero setpoint with the controllers enabled. This function is active only if the binector selected in P698 is in the log. «1» state. 11-29 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 422
0 to 180 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 P251 Alpha W limit (field) [degrees] FS=180 P051 = 40 Inverter stability limit for firing angle of field converter 1 degree Type: O2 Online 11-30 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 423
0 to 1 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 Set controller P component to zero (i.e. to obtain pure I Type: O2 Offline controller) Controller P component is active 11-31 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 424
0 to 1 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 Set controller P component to zero (i.e. to obtain pure I Type: O2 Offline controller) Controller P component is active 11-32 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 425
P052 = 3 FS=0.00 P051 = 40 0.01s Type: O2 Online P310 Upper transition rounding 2 0.00 to 100.00 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=0.00 P051 = 40 0.01s Type: O2 Online 11-33 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 426
(temporary) excess speed during «Shutdown» when the generator output is limited. 0,00 to 10,00 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 P319 Delay time for enabling ramp-function generator [SW 1.5 and later] FS=0,05 P051 = 40 0,01s Type: O2 Online 11-34 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 427
(see also Section 8, Sheets G180 and G181). i001: Delay for external fault 1 i002: Delay for external fault 2 i003: Delay for external alarm 1 i004: Delay for external alarm 2 11-35 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 428
0.1% of rated speed Type: O2 Online -199.9 to 0.0 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 P381 Maximum speed in negative direction of rotation FS=-120.0 P051 = 40 0.1% of rated speed Type: I2 Online 11-36 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 429
K0402 0.01% Type: I2 Online -199.99 to 199.99 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 P403 K403 fixed value FS=0.00 P051 = 40 is applied to connector K0403 0.01% Type: I2 Online 11-37 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 430
B0427 Type: O2 Online P428 B428 fixed bit 0 to 1 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 is applied to binector B0428 Type: O2 Online 11-38 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 431
The ramp-function generator is bypassed if the AND operation between the binector selected via an index of P435 and the setting in the same index of P437 produces a log. «1». 11-39 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 432
With this setting, the ON command or injection command for the crawling setpoint is stored. The memory is reset when the binector selected in P444 switches to the log. «0» state. 11-40 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 433
Parameters P462, P463 and P464 are multiplied by a factor of 1 Parameters P462, P463 and P464 are multiplied by a factor of 60 11-41 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 434
Non-volatile storage of output value: The output value remains stored in all operating states and after voltage disconnection or failure. The last value stored is output again after voltage recovery/reconnection. 11-42 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 435
P051 = 40 Selection of binector to control activation of the «Oscillation» function Type: L2 Offline (log. «1» state = oscillation active) 0 = binector B0000 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-43 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 436
PTC thermistor with R=2660Ω 1) 1) PTC thermistor according to DIN 44081 / 44082 with specified R at rated response temperature, 1330Ω on Siemens motors (setting 4 must be selected). When a PTC thermistor is selected as the temperature sensor, it is not necessary to set parameters P491 and P492 (alarm and trip temperatures). -
Page 437
P052 = 3 numbers FS=0 P051 = 40 Selection of connector to be injected as the additional torque setpoint Type: L2 Offline 0 = connector K0000 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-45 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 438
0.0 to 100.0 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 P523 Friction at 30% speed FS=0.0 P051 = 40 Setting as % of converter rated DC current or rated torque 0.1% Type: O2 Online 11-46 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 439
(see also parameter P541). Output (value to be multiplied by P541) 199.99% negative threshold Input (setp./act. val. diff.) -200.00% (-P543) positive 199.99% threshold (P543) -200.00% 11-47 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 440
P051 = 40 Selection of which connector is connected at the influencing quantity for Type: L2 off-line adaptation of the n controllers P gain 0 = connector K0000 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-48 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 441
Ind: 2 P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 Selection of binector to control the ”Braking with field reversal» function Type: L2 Offline 0 = binector B0000 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-49 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 442
Source for gating unit input (armature) numbers FS=102 P051 = 40 Selection of connector to be injected as the gating unit input (armature) Type: L2 Offline 0 = connector K0000 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-50 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 443
Selection of connectors to be injected as the variable positive torque limit (100% of connector value corresponds to positive system torque limit obtained with settings I a =P171 and I f = P102) 0 = connector K0000 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-51 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 444
Limitation at EMF controller output Type: L2 Offline Selection of connector to be injected as the variable field current setpoint upper limit 0 = connector K0000 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-52 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 445
P624 Source for actual speed controller value All connector Ind: None P052 = 3 numbers FS=0 P051 = 40 0 = connector K0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-53 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 446
FS=0 P051 = 40 Selection of connector to be injected as the setting value for the I Type: L2 Offline component 0 = connector K0000 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-54 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 447
With a log. «1» signal at the binector, ramp-function generator parameter set 2 (P307 — P310) is selected. This function has a higher priority than the ramp-up integrator function. 0 = binector B0000 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-55 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 448
Note: Positive values at the selected connectors result in a positive minimum value at the output of the limitation. = connector K0000 = connector K0008 = value as set in parameter P642 ∗ (−1) 10 = connector K0010 etc. 11-56 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 449
Segments 0 to 15 correspond to bits 0 to 15 of the control word Segment alight: Corresponding bit is in log. «1» state Segment dark: Corresponding bit is in log. «0» state 11-57 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 450
2nd source for control word 1, bit2 All binector numbers Ind: 2 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 (0=OFF3=Fast stop; ANDed with 1 and 3 sources for bit2) Type: L2 Offline 11-58 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 451
Type: L2 Offline P684 Source for control word 2, bit24 All binector numbers Ind: 2 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 (0=n controller speed droop disabled, 1=enabled) Type: L2 Offline 11-59 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 452
P631. With this function it is possible, for example, to use the same signal (binector) to control controller enabling commands and setting of the I component. 11-60 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 453
Filtering time for «Main setpoint» analog input 0 to 10000 Ind: None P052 = 3 [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 Note: Hardware filtering of approximately 1 ms is applied as standard. Type: O2 Online 11-61 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 454
0 = Injection of signal with sign Type: O2 Offline 1 = Injection of absolute value of signal 2 = Injection of signal with sign, inverted 3 = Injection of absolute value of signal, inverted 11-62 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 455
P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 Selection of binector to control enabling of the analog input («1» state = Type: L2 Offline enabled) 0 = binector B0000 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-63 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 456
Filtering time for «Main actual value» analog input 0 to 10000 Ind: None P052 = 3 [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 Note: Hardware filtering of approximately 1 ms is applied as standard. Type: O2 Online 11-64 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 457
3 = Injection of absolute value of signal, inverted P757 Filtering time for analog output 2 0 to 10000 Ind: None P052 = 3 [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 Type: O2 Online 11-65 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 458
= Normalization output (corresponds to output voltage at analog output with offset = 0) P769 Offset for analog output 4 -10.00 to 10.00 Ind: None P052 = 3 FS=0.00 P051 = 40 0.01V Type: I2 Online 11-66 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 459
Online signal level remains constant for the set delay period (internal signal level changes which do not last as long as this delay period are not switched through to the output) 11-67 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 460
P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 This parameter is functional only when P780=2 (USS protocol). Address via Type: O2 Offline which the unit can be addressed in USS bus operation. 11-68 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 461
Selection of protocol for G-SST2 basic converter interface 0, 2, 5, 9 Ind: None P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 Setting has no function Type: O2 Offline USS protocol ”Peer-to-peer” communication For internal factory test purposes 11-69 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 462
0 to 1 Ind: None P052 = 3 P795 Bus terminator for G-SST2 FS=0 P051 = 40 0 = Bus terminator OFF Type: O2 Offline 1 = Bus terminator ON 11-70 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 463
No valid telegram has been received for a period exceeding the setting in P797. After the occurrence of a timeout error, this counter is not activated again until the next valid telegram is received. 11-71 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 464
Baud rate for G-SST3 FS=6 P051 = 40 300 baud Type: O2 Offline 600 baud 1200 baud 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud 19200 baud 38400 baud 56700 baud 93750 baud 187500 baud 11-72 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 465
≥ 4800 baud 0.040s Note: If the «Automatic restart» function is selected (P086>0) on the peer-to-peer communication partner, then only a parameter setting of P807>P086 (on the communication partner) is meaningful. 11-73 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 466
Display of data transmitted via USS interface 1 i001: Display process data word 1 i016 Display process data word 16 i017: Display parameter data word 1 i020: Display parameter data word 4 11-74 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 467
Display parameter data word 4 When peer-to-peer (P800=5) is selected: Display of data received via peer-to-peer interface 3 i001: Receive data word 1 i005 Receive data word 5 i006: Not used i020 Not used 11-75 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 468
= 31 (monitoring of speed controller) i004 = 35 (drive blocked) i005 = 36 (armature current cannot flow) i006 = 37 t motor monitoring function has responded) i007 to i099 = 0 11-76 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 469
(see also parameter P165) or − when the converter is used to supply large inductances (e.g. field supply from armature terminals, supply of lifting solenoids, etc.). 11-77 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 470
Example: Factory setting value 6 (=4+2) means that the PMU and G-SST1 interfaces are enabled for parameterization purposes. 11-78 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 471
(r947) — see parameter r947. r951 Fault text 0 to 65535 Ind: 101 P052 = 3 Type: O2 0 to 65535 Ind: None P052 = 3 r952 Number of faults Type: O2 11-79 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 472
P052 = 3 r958 Alarm parameter 6 Type: V2 Parameter alarms 6 (CB alarms) If one of the alarms between 81 and 96 is generated, the corresponding segment in the display lights up. 11-80 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 473
Ind: 101 P052 = 3 r983 List of existing parameter numbers, continuation Type: O2 See r980. Ind: 101 P052 = 3 r984 List of existing parameter numbers, continuation Type: O2 See r980. 11-81 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 474
Ind: 101 P052 = 3 r999 List of modified parameter numbers, continuation Type: O2 Continuation of the list can be found under index 101. Please note: 2990 n990 See also r990. 11-82 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 475
Bit (binector) = log. «1» state Segment dark: Bit (binector) = log. «0» state n011 Connector/binector converter 2 (bit field 2) FB 11 Ind: None P052 = 3 Type: V2 (2011) As for n010 11-83 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 476
-199.99 to 199.99 Ind: 100 P052 = 3 FS=0.00 P051 = 40 (2099) The values set in Index .001 to .100 are connected to connectors K9501 to 0.01% Type: I2 on-line K9600 11-84 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 477
F033 with fault value 4 i005: F053 with fault value 1 (FB 288) i006: F053 with fault value 2 i007: F053 with fault value 3 i008: F053 with fault value 4 11-85 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 478
1 = Binector B0001 etc. [SW 1.8 and Up to SW 1.7: A034 (FB 9) later] SW 1.8 and later: FS=0 i001: A034 (FB 9) Type: L2 i002: A054 (FB 259) 11-86 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 479
Binectors which must be converted to connector K9115 Type: L2 Offline i001: binector (bit 0) i002: binector (bit 1) i016: binector (bit 15) Settings: 0 = binector B0000 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-87 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 480
Operands for 13th adder / subtractor (result = K9132) FB 32 [up to off-line (SW 1.8 and later) SW1.7] 0 = Connector K0000 1 = Connector K0001 [SW 1.8 and etc. later] FS=0 Type: L2 11-88 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 481
(result = K9135) FB 35 All connector Ind: None P052 = 3 numbers FS=0 P051 = 40 (2135) 0 = connector K0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-89 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 482
P051 = 40 Operands for 4th divider (result = K9142) FB 42 [up to off-line 0 = Connector K0000 SW1.7] 1 = Connector K0001 etc. [SW 1.8 and later] FS=1 Type: L2 11-90 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 483
FB 296 [up to off-line Operands for 12th multiplier (result = K9437) FB 297 SW1.7] 0 = Connector K0000 1 = Connector K0001 [SW 1.8 and etc. later] FS=0 Type: L2 11-91 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 484
Injection of absolute value of signal, inverted FB 62 0 to 10000 Ind: None P052 = 3 U168 Filter time for 3 abs.-value generator with filter (2168) [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 Type: O2 Offline 11-92 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 485
1 = connector K0001 etc. U176 Limit value for limiter FB 65 -199.99 to 199.99 Ind: None P052 = 3 FS=100.00 P051 = 40 (2176) Applied to connector K9165 0.01% Type: I2 Offline 11-93 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 486
Type: I2 Offline U191 Filter time for 2 limit-value monitor with filtering FB 71 0 to 10000 Ind: None P052 = 3 [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 (2191) Type: O2 Offline 11-94 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 487
0.01% Type: I2 Offline FB 74 0.00 to 199.99 Ind: None P052 = 3 U202 Hysteresis for 2 limit-value monitor without filtering FS=0.00 P051 = 40 (2202) 0.01% Type: O2 Offline 11-95 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 488
0.01% Type: I2 Offline FB 78 0.00 to 199.99 Ind: None P052 = 3 U215 Hysteresis for 6 limit-value monitor without filtering (2215) FS=0.00 P051 = 40 0.01% Type: O2 Offline 11-96 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 489
Minimum selection 3 (FB 178, Output = K9464) i008: x2 Minimum selection 3 i009: x3 Minimum selection 3 i010: x1 Minimum selection 4 (FB 179, Output = K9465) i011: x2 Minimum selection 4 i012: x3 Minimum selection 4 11-97 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 490
Offline Zero appears at output when voltage recovers Non-volatile storage: When the voltage is disconnected or fails, the current output value is stored and then output when the voltage recovers/is reconnected 11-98 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 491
All connector Ind: 2 P052 = 3 U244 Source for input quantities FB 92 (2244) numbers FS=0 P051 = 40 0 = connector K0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-99 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 492
Source for control signal FB 97 All binector numbers Ind: None P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2255) 0 = binector B0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-100 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 493
0 = connector K0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = connector K0001 etc. U265 Integral-action time FB 101 10 to 65000 Ind: None P052 = 3 [ms] FS=10 P051 = 40 (2265) Type: O2 Online 11-101 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 494
0 = connector K0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = connector K0001 etc. FB 104 0 to 1000 Ind: None P052 = 3 U276 Derivative-action time (2276) [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 Type: O2 Online 11-102 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 495
2nd characteristic point for FB280 FS=0.00 Type: I2 i020 10th characteristic point for FB280 i021 1st characteristic point for FB281 i022 2nd characteristic point for FB281 i030 10th characteristic point for FB281 11-103 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 496
2nd characteristic point for FB282 FS=0.00 Type: I2 i020 10th characteristic point for FB282 i021 1st characteristic point for FB283 i022 2nd characteristic point for FB283 i030 10th characteristic point for FB283 11-104 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 497
Source for input quantity FB 110 All connector Ind: None P052 = 3 numbers FS=0 P051 = 40 (2292) 0 = connector K0000 Type: L2 Offline 1 = connector K0001 etc. 11-105 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 498
Source for «Reset / enable simple ramp-function generator» i003: 1 signal Type: L2 (0 = reset to zero, 1 = enable) Settings: 0 = binector B0000 1 = binector B0001 etc. 11-106 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 499
Input quantity X0 i002 Input quantity X1 i003 Input quantity X2 i004 Input quantity X3 i005 Input quantity X4 i006 Input quantity X5 i007 Input quantity X6 i008 Input quantity X7 11-107 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 500
Source for input signals, AND element 5 (output = B9354) FB 124 All binector numbers Ind: 3 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 (2324) As for U320 Type: L2 Offline 11-108 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 501
Source for input signals, AND element 23 (output = B9372) FB 142 All binector numbers Ind: 3 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 (2342) As for U320 Type: L2 Offline 11-109 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 502
Source for input signals, OR element 10 (output = B9389) FB 159 All binector numbers Ind: 3 P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2359) As for U350 Type: L2 Offline 11-110 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 503
Source for input signals, XOR element 4 (output = B9198) FB 173 All binector numbers Ind: 2 P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2373) As for U370 Type: L2 Offline 11-111 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 504
U395 Source for input signal, inverter 16 (output = B9465) FB 195 All binector numbers Ind: None P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2395) As for U380 Type: L2 Offline 11-112 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 505
Source for input signals, NAND element 12 (output = B9481) FB 211 All binector numbers Ind: 3 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 (2411) As for U400 Type: L2 Offline 11-113 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 506
P052 = 3 U428 Source for SET and RESET for RS flipflop 14 FB 228 (2428) (outputs: Q = B9576, /Q = B9577) FS=0 P051 = 40 Type: L2 Offline As for U415 11-114 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 507
Source for input signal and reset signal for timer element 3 FB 242 All binector numbers Ind: 2 P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2446) As for U440 Type: L2 Offline 11-115 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 508
All binector numbers Ind: 2 P052 = 3 U461 Source for input signal and reset signal for timer element 8 FB 247 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2461) As for U440 Type: L2 Offline 11-116 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 509
Source for input signals for binary signal selector switch 5 FB 254 All binector numbers Ind: 3 P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2474) (output = B9486) Type: L2 Offline As for U470 11-117 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 510
0.01 Type: O2 Online U491 Characteristic for Kp adaptation: Threshold 2 (x2) FB 114 0.00 to 200.00 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=100.00 P051 = 40 (2491) 0.01 Type: O2 Online 11-118 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 511
0 to 1 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=1 P051 = 40 (2504) Set controller I component to zero (i.e. to obtain pure P Type: O2 Offline controller) Controller I component is active 11-119 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 512
1 = connector K0001 etc. -100.0 to 100.0 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 U512 Weighting factor for output FB 114 (2512) FS=100.0 P051 = 40 See also U511 0.01 Type: I2 Online 11-120 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 513
Type: O2 on-line U523 Normalization for diameter [SW 1.8 and later] 10 to 60000 Ind: None P052 = 3 [mm] FS=1638 P051 = 40 (2523) See parameter U517 Type: O2 on-line 11-121 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 514
(2530) 0 = Connector K0000 Type: L2 off-line 1 = Connector K0001 etc. i001: input quantity PI controller 1 i002: input quantity PI controller 2 i010: input quantity PI controller 10 11-122 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 515
U535. 0 = Connector K0000 1 = Connector K0001 etc. i001: variable filtering time PI controller 1 i002: variable filtering time PI controller 2 i010: variable filtering time PI controller 10 11-123 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 516
FS=1 P051 = 40 Controller I component frozen (i.e. pure P controller) Type: O2 off-line Controller I component active i001: PI controller 1 i002: PI controller 2 i010: PI controller 10 11-124 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 517
Input quantity derivative/delay element 7 (FB 276) i008: Input quantity derivative/delay element 8 (FB 277) i009: Input quantity derivative/delay element 9 (FB 278) i010: Input quantity derivative/delay element 10 (FB 279) 11-125 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 518
Multiplier for speed setpoint on activation of the setpoint reduction 0.00 to 100.00 Ind: 4 P052 = 3 FS=15,00 P051 = 40 (2608) [SW 1.6 and later] 0.01% Type: O2 on-line 11-126 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 519
Source for switchover to setpoint step S3 [SW 1.7 and later] All binector numbers Ind: None P052 = 3 FS=0 P051 = 40 (2663) 0 = Binector B0000 Type: L2 off-line 1 = Binector B0001 etc. 11-127 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 520
P052 = 3 FS=0 Online (2717) See U711 Type: O2 0 to 65535 Ind: 2 P052 = 3 U718 Communication Board Parameter 8 (CB-Parameter(2718) FS=0 Online See U711 Type: O2 11-128 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 521
(CB) or technology board (TB). i001: process data word from 1 CB/TB i016 process data word from 1 CB/TB i017: process data word from 2 i032: process data word from 2 11-129 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 522
PKW job from 2 i009: word of PKW job from TB i012: word of PKW job from TB Details refer to “Function diagrams”, Section 8 Sheets Z110 and Z111 11-130 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 523
Type: O2 Offline Together with U746, the number of channels determines the number of addressable nodes. This parameter is relevant only for the dispatcher. i001: For first SLB in unit i002: Reserved 11-131 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 524
P052 = 3 Type: L2 (2752) Process data transmitted by SLB via SIMOLINK in hexadecimal notation (see also Section 7 «Starting up SIMOLINK boards» and Section 8 «SIMOLINK board: Receiving, transmitting») 11-132 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 525
AI1 of the first EB1 i002: AI2 of the first EB1 i003: AI3 of the first EB1 i004: AI1 of the second EB1 i005: AI2 of the second EB1 i006: AI3 of the second EB1 11-133 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 526
3 = Injection of absolute value of signal, inverted i001: AO1 of the first EB1 i002: AO2 of the first EB1 i003: AO1 of the second EB1 i004: AO2 of the second EB1 11-134 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 527
2 ..Terminal 42 3 ..Terminal 43 4 ..Terminal 44 5 ..Terminal 45 6 ..Terminal 46 i001: Terminal states of first EB1 i002: Terminal states of second EB1 11-135 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 528
X .. input current in mA [%] = ∗ Y .. % value which is generated for input current X i001: AI of the first EB2 i002: AI of the second EB2 11-136 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 529
Filtering time for analog outputs on EB1 [SW 1.5 and later] [ms] FS=0 P051 = 40 (2785) i001: AO of the first EB2 Type: O2 Online i002: AO of the second EB2 11-137 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 530
SIMOREG converters are connected in parallel The gating pulses are generated by each individual converter SIMOREG converters are connected in parallel The gating pulses are generated by the master for all slaves 11-138 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 531
On the master, a value of 12 to 16 must be set in i001, in i002 a value of 2 to 6. In the «standby master», a value of 2 to 6 must be set in i001, in i002 a value of 12 to 16. 11-139 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 532
Display of active slaves Ind: None P052 = 3 Type: V2 (2810) For master: Display of responding slaves For slave: Display of slave addresses to which master is sending valid telegrams 11-140 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 533
21 to 26 Type: O2 off-line Firing cable 11 Firing cable 16 Firing cable 21 Firing cable 26 11.78 Parameter for SIMOVIS n845 These parameters are used by SIMOVIS n949 (2940 to 2949) 11-141 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 534
FB43 i093 FB93 i044 FB44 i094 FB94 i045 FB45 i095 FB95 i046 FB46 i096 FB96 i047 FB47 i097 FB97 i048 FB48 i098 FB98 i049 FB49 i099 FB99 i050 FB50 i100 FB100 11-142 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 535
FB143 i093 FB193 i044 FB144 i094 FB194 i045 FB145 i095 FB195 i046 FB146 i096 FB196 i047 FB147 i097 FB197 i048 FB148 i098 FB198 i049 FB149 i099 FB199 i050 FB150 i100 FB200 11-143 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 536
FB247 i097 FB297 i048 FB248 i098 FB298 i049 FB249 i099 FB299 i050 FB250 i100 FB300 11.80 Parameter for SIMOVIS n957 These parameters are used by SIMOVIS n959 (2957 to 2959) 11-144 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 537
P051 = 40 (2960) Standard Offline i001: Number of function block for 1 place in processing sequence sequence i002: Number of function block for 2 place in processing sequence Type: O2 etc. 11-145 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 538
(activated), if they are not yet selected. The time slice 10 (sampling time 20 ms) is set for all function blocks not previously activated, the time slice is left unchanged for all previously activated function blocks. 11-146 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 539
• If not, please contact your local Siemens sales office to obtain the correct PIN number. 3. Enter the PIN number in parameter U977. After you have entered the number, this parameter will automatically be reset to 0. -
Page 540
List of modified parameters, continuation Ind: 101 P052 = 3 Type: O2 (2998) See n990. n999 List of modified parameters, continuation Ind: 101 P052 = 3 Type: O2 (2999) See n990. 11-148 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 541: Connector List
G114 K0018 16384 Raw value after A/D conversion (unfiltered, not normalized) ∧ 100% K0019 Analog input, terminal 10 / 11 (analog selectable input 3) 16384 G114 After normalization, offset injection, filtering 12-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 542
Motor temperature 2 (from sensor to terminal 204 / 205) G185 K0052 16384 Closed-loop armature current control, auto-reversing stage, armature gating unit ∧ 0° Firing angle (armature) G162 K0100 16384 ∧ 90° ∧ 180° -16384 12-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 543
K0137 16384 ∧ 100% Torque setpoint (after speed limiting controller) G160 K0140 16384 ∧ 100% Torque setpoint (after torque limitation) G160 K0141 16384 ∧ 100% Actual torque value G162 K0142 16384 12-3 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 544
Effective negative limit for main setpoint G135 K0197 16384 ∧ 100% Main setpoint before limitation G135 K0198 16384 Crawling setpoint, inching setpoint, forcing, oscillation, fixed setpoint ∧ 100% Crawling setpoint G130 K0201 16384 12-4 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 545
K0285 EMF controller actual value ∧ P078.001 G165 π 16384 K0286 Absolute value of actual EMF ∧ P078.001 G165 π 16384 K0287 Signed actual EMF value ∧ P078.001 G165 π 16384 12-5 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 546
∧ 100% of P100 K0453 Fixed setting value 2 for the n controller I component G150 16384 ∧ 100% of P100 K0454 Setting value for the n controller I component G150 16384 12-6 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 547
Last line zero crossing used (as T1 instant) (armature) K0986 K0987 Armature firing instant (as T1 instant) K0988 Firing pulse cycle time (time difference between current and previous armature firing instant) in T1 increments of 1.334 µs each 12-7 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 548
USS1 receive data, word 5 G170 ∧ 1 K2006 USS1 receive data, word 6 G170 ∧ 1 K2007 USS1 receive data, word 7 G170 ∧ 1 K2008 USS1 receive data, word 8 G170 12-8 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 549
Binary inputs and outputs of 2nd plugged EB1 Z117 K5206 Analog input of 2nd plugged EB2 Z119 K5211 K5212 Analog output of 2nd plugged EB2 Z119 K5213 Binary inputs and outputs of 2nd plugged EB2 Z119 12-9 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 550
Word 5 from slave with address 6 G195 Process data exchange with SIMOLINK [SW 1.5 and later] ∧ 1 K7001 Receive data from SIMOLINK, word 1 Z122 ∧ 1 K7002 Receive data from SIMOLINK, word 2 Z122 12-10 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 551
G172, G174 ∧ 1 K9005 USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 5 G172, G174 ∧ 1 K9006 USS3 receive data, word 6 G172 ∧ 1 K9007 USS3 receive data, word 7 G172 12-11 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 552
K9146 Output of divider 2 FB 46 16384 B131 ∧ 100% Output of divider 3 FB 47 16384 B131 K9147 ∧ 100% Output of multiplier 1 FB 50 16384 B130 K9150 12-12 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 553
B140 K9194 Technology software S00: Tracking/storage elements ∧ 100% Output of tracking/storage element 1 FB 82 16384 B145 K9195 ∧ 100% Output of tracking/storage element 2 FB 83 16384 B145 K9196 12-13 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 554
K9240 Technology controller, signed actual value FB 114 16384 B170 ∧ 100% K9241 Technology controller, absolute actual value FB 114 16384 B170 ∧ 100% K9242 D component FB 114 16384 B170 12-14 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 555
∧ 100% Positive limit for the output of the PI controller (K9325) ∗ -1 K9326 16384 B182 ∧ 100% Negative limit for the output of the PI controller B182 K9327 16384 12-15 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 556
∧ 100% Positive limit for the output of the PI controller B187 K9375 16384 ∧ 100% Positive limit for the output of the PI controller (K9375) ∗ -1 K9376 16384 B187 12-16 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 557
FB 292 16384 B130 ∧ 100% K9433 Output multiplier 8 [SW 1.8 and later] FB 293 16384 B130 ∧ 100% K9434 Output multiplier 9 [SW 1.8 and later] FB 294 16384 B130 12-17 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 558
[SW 1.8 and later] 16384 B110 ∧ 100% Fixed value 24 (U099.24) [SW 1.8 and later] 16384 B110 K9524 ∧ 100% Fixed value 25 (U099.25) [SW 1.8 and later] 16384 B110 K9525 12-18 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 559
[SW 1.8 and later] 16384 B110 K9571 ∧ 100% Fixed value 72 (U099.72) [SW 1.8 and later] 16384 B110 K9572 ∧ 100% Fixed value 73 (U099.73) [SW 1.8 and later] 16384 B110 K9573 12-19 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 560
Fault number 7 (= parameter r947.49) K9818 Fault number 8 (= parameter r947.57) K9990 Current total processor capacity utilization (C163) K9991 Projected total processor capacity utilization (C163) for maximum line frequency (65Hz) 12-20 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 561
Current total processor capacity (C163) utilized by routines in foreground cycle 4 K9994 Current total processor capacity (C163) utilized by routines in foreground cycle 2 Current total processor capacity (C163) utilized by routines in foreground K9995 cycle 1 12-21 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 562: Binector List
B0051 G113 Pulse encoder evaluation Fault in digital speed sensing circuit G145 B0052 Status word 1 Stat.word 1, bit 0: 0=not ready to switch on, 1=ready to switch on G182 B0100 12-22 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 563
Stat.word 2, bit 26: 0=no motor overtemperature fault active, 1=motor overtemperature fault active G183 B0153 Stat.word 2, bit 26 inverted G183 Stat.word 2, bit 28: 0=no motor blocked fault active, 1=motor blocked fault active B0156 G183 Stat.word 2, bit 28 inverted B0157 12-23 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 564
Ramp-function generator, ramp-up G136 B0209 Ramp-function generator, ramp-down G136 B0210 1 = no direction of rotation enabled G135 Ramp-function generator: Enable setpoint (1 = setpoint enabled) [SW 1.6 and later] G136 B0211 12-24 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 565
USS1 receive data, word 1, bit 8 G170 B2109 USS1 receive data, word 1, bit 9 G170 B2110 USS1 receive data, word 1, bit 10 G170 B2111 USS1 receive data, word 1, bit 11 G170 12-25 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 566
USS1 receive data, word 4, bit 9 G170 B2409 USS1 receive data, word 4, bit 10 G170 B2410 B2411 USS1 receive data, word 4, bit 11 G170 B2412 USS1 receive data, word 4, bit 12 G170 12-26 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 567
USS1 receive data, word 7, bit 10 G170 B2710 USS1 receive data, word 7, bit 11 G170 B2711 B2712 USS1 receive data, word 7, bit 12 G170 B2713 USS1 receive data, word 7, bit 13 G170 12-27 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 568
Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 1, bit 6 Z110 B3107 Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 1, bit 7 Z110 B3108 Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 1, bit 8 Z110 12-28 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 569
Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 4, bit 7 Z110 B3407 B3408 Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 4, bit 8 Z110 B3409 Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 4, bit 9 Z110 12-29 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 570
Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 7, bit 8 Z110 B3708 B3709 Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 7, bit 9 Z110 B3710 Receive data from 1 CB/TB, word 7, bit 10 Z110 12-30 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 571
B5106 State terminal 44 (bidirectional input/output) Z114 B5107 State terminal 45 (bidirectional Input/output) inverted Z114 B5108 B5109 State terminal 45 (bidirectional input/output) Z114 B5110 State terminal 46 (bidirectional input/output) inverted Z114 12-31 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 572
B6031 USS2 / Peer2 — Telegram monitoring timeout — 1s pulse G171, G173 Paralleling interface B6040 Telegram monitoring timeout — maintained signal G195 Telegram monitoring timeout — 1s pulse G195 B6041 12-32 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 573
Word 1 from master / Word 1 from slave with address 2, bit 12 G195 B6232 Word 1 from master / Word 1 from slave with address 2, bit 13 G195 B6233 12-33 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 574
USS2 / Peer2 receive data, word 4, bit 6 G171, G173 B6406 USS2 / Peer2 receive data, word 4, bit 7 G171, G173 B6407 B6408 USS2 / Peer2 receive data, word 4, bit 8 G171, G173 12-34 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 575
Word 1 from slave with address 5, bit 1 G195 B6521 Word 1 from slave with address 5, bit 2 G195 B6522 B6523 Word 1 from slave with address 5, bit 3 G195 12-35 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 576
Word 1 from slave with address 6, bit 13 G195 B6634 Word 1 from slave with address 6, bit 14 G195 B6635 Word 1 from slave with address 6, bit 15 G195 12-36 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 577
USS2 receive data, word 9, bit 12 G171 B6912 USS2 receive data, word 9, bit 13 G171 B6913 B6914 USS2 receive data, word 9, bit 14 G171 B6915 USS2 receive data, word 9, bit 15 G171 12-37 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 578
Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 3 bit 2 Z122 B7302 Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 3 bit 3 Z122 B7303 B7304 Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 3 bit 4 Z122 12-38 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 579
Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 6 bit 3 Z122 B7603 B7604 Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 6 bit 4 Z122 B7605 Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 6 bit 5 Z122 12-39 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 580
Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 9 bit 4 Z122 B7904 B7905 Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 9 bit 5 Z122 B7906 Receive data from the SIMOLINK board, word 9 bit 6 Z122 12-40 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 581
Receive data from 2 CB, word 2, bit 15 Z111 B8300 Receive data from 2 CB, word 3, bit 0 Z111 B8301 Receive data from 2 CB, word 3, bit 1 Z111 12-41 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 582
Receive data from 2 CB, word 6, bit 0 Z111 B8600 B8601 Receive data from 2 CB, word 6, bit 1 Z111 B8602 Receive data from 2 CB, word 6, bit 2 Z111 12-42 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 583
Receive data from 2 CB, word 9, bit 1 Z111 B8901 B8902 Receive data from 2 CB, word 9, bit 2 Z111 B8903 Receive data from 2 CB, word 9, bit 3 Z111 12-43 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 584
FB 11 B120 B9075 Connector/binector converter 2, bit 8 FB 11 B120 B9076 Connector/binector converter 2, bit 9 FB 11 B120 B9077 B9078 Connector/binector converter 2, bit 10 FB 11 B120 12-44 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 585
B9152 Limiter 2: Negative limitation has responded FB 66 B135 B9153 B9154 Limiter 3: Positive limitation has responded FB 67 B135 B9155 Limiter 3: Negative limitation has responded FB 67 B135 12-45 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 586
USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 2, bit 1 G172, G174 USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 2, bit 2 G172, G174 B9202 USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 2, bit 3 G172, G174 B9203 12-46 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 587
FB 119 B200 B9287 Decoder / demultiplexer 2: /Q7 FB 119 B200 Serial interface 3 (USS2 / Peer-to-peer 3 on G-SST3) B9300 USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 3, bit 0 G172, G174 12-47 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 588
Output of AND element 28 FB 147 B205 Technology software S00: OR elements with 3 inputs each B9380 Output of OR element 1 FB 150 B206 B9381 Output of OR element 2 FB 151 B206 12-48 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 589
Output of inverter 8 FB 187 B207 B9458 Output of inverter 9 FB 188 B207 B9459 Output of inverter 10 FB 189 B207 B9460 Output of inverter 11 FB 190 B207 12-49 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 590
USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 5, bit 6 G172, G174 B9507 USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 5, bit 7 G172, G174 B9508 USS3 / Peer3 receive data, word 5, bit 8 G172, G174 12-50 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 591
B9585 B9586 Timer 4: Output FB 243 B215 B9587 Timer 4: Output inverted FB 243 B215 B9588 Timer 5: Output FB 244 B215 B9589 Timer 5: Output inverted FB 244 B215 12-51 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 592
PI controller 8: Controller at positive output limitation FB 267 B187 B9668 PI controller 9: Controller at positive output limitation FB 268 B188 B9669 PI controller 10: Controller at positive output limitation FB 269 B189 12-52 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 593
USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 1 G172 B9902 USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 2 G172 USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 3 G172 B9903 USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 4 G172 B9904 12-53 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 594
USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 12 G172 B9912 B9913 USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 13 G172 B9914 USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 14 G172 B9915 USS3 receive data, word 9, bit 15 G172 12-54 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 595: Spare Parts
The fan bearings are designed for a service lifetime of 30000 hours. The fans should be replaced in plenty of time in order to maintain the availability of the thyristor sets. 13-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 596
(see Section 7.4) Start up the converter again (see Section 7.5) Note: The parameter set stored in Step 1 above can be loaded from a PC or programming device by means of SIMOVIS. 13-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 597: Replacement Of Components
• When mounting the fan make sure it is in the correct mounting position (blowing direction upward, see arrow on the fan housing). • Insert the fan into lugs and push upwards until it engages in retaining clips • Insert connector again. 13-3 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 598
• Use a T20 screwdriver to undo the two Torx screws • Lift the fan using the fixing straps and pull out downwards. • Install the new fan in the reverse order. 13-4 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 599
• Pull fan upwards out of its guideway and then forwards to remove. Take care to protect the field module mounted on the left (risk of mechanical damage!). • Install the new fan in the reverse order. 13-5 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 600
• Swing fan upwards and pull it out towards you, taking care to protect the field module mounted on the left against any mechanical damage! • Install the new fan in the reverse order. 13-6 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 601: Replacement Of Pcbs
(washer and spring lock washer). When screwing the modules to the busbars and boards, also use screws with a metric thread and the same length as the original screws and fixing elements (washer and spring lock washer). 13-7 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 602: Replacement Of Fuses And Thyristor Assemblies On Converters Of 1500A And Above
• Undo assembly locking mechanism (M6 hexagonal nut) , then pull out thyristor assembly upwards at an angle. • Install the new components in the reverse order. Caution: The fuse mounting screws are of different lengths! 13-8 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 603: Europe
• Central coordination center for field services and maintenance personnel operations, processing of warranty claims during warranty period, settlement of accounts with manufacturing plants Contact the Spare Parts Service via your local SIEMENS sales office Supply of all mechanical and electrical components which are required as spares.
Page 604
• Converter order number and serial number • Software version • Hardware version of basic electronics board (screen printing on component side) • Hardware version and software version of supplementary boards (if installed) 14-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 605: Scope Of Supply
In this case, you can start the Setup program manually in subcatalog: SIMOVISsetup.exe Then following the instructions displayed by the installation program. SIMOVIS is installed as standard in subcatalog C:SIEMENSSIMOVIS . An icon «SIMOVIS(USS)» for starting the program is displayed on the desktop. 15.3…
Page 606: Further Information
README.TXT file in the SIMOVIS installation directory and the ONLINE Help. NOTE SIMOVIS V5.x can run only under Windows95 or Windows NT 4.0, but not under Windows 3.x. 15-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions…
Page 607
The unit features screw and snap-on connections that can be separated easily to dismantle it into recyclable mechanical components. The printed circuit boards can be disposed of by thermal processing. The percentage of components containing dangerous substances is low. 16-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 608
Environmental compatibility 05.98 16-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 609
02.00 Applications Applications You will find the latest application steps on the A&D LD homepage in the intranet. 17-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Applications 02.00 17-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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02.00 Appendix Appendix 18.1 Further documentation Catalog DA21 Converters Catalog DA21E Spare parts Catalog DA22 Cabinet-mounted converters 18-1 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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Appendix 02.00 18-2 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
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We would also be grateful if you could let us have your opinion of this Instruction Manual and the converter itself! Contact your local Siemens office for any comments — either negative or positive! Many thanks! SIEMENS AG Austria, Electronics Plant, Vienna… -
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Appendix 02.00 18-4 SIEMENS AG 6RX1700-0AD76 SIMOREG DC Master Operating Instructions… -
Page 616
02.00 Servicing / Spare parts 02.00 SIMOVIS 02.00 Environmental compatibility 05.98 Applications 02.00 Appendix 02.00 Siemens AG Elektronikwerk Wien © Siemens AG, 1998 Postfach 83, A-1211 Wien Subject to change without notice Order No.: 6RX1700-0AD76 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Printed in Austria…