Символ ошибки юникод

Bad news — check mark is missing on the keyboard. The good news is there is an opportunity to copy it directly from this page. And then paste in the message, the Word or on the shopping list for the wife.

In addition to this, there are several similar checkmarks in Unicode: , , , . Choose any, or take everything. In turn or several at once.

A check mark confirmation, consent, passed inspection. It is also called jackdaw and bird, for the similarity with the bird. Here, compare 🐦. Is very similar. And if the bird turns its stern and starts to fly into the air with a powerful peak, it’s completely one in one. In connection with this, I would like to mention one more check mark symbol. It, in the same sense, was used by the Minoans and Mykene (residents of the city of Mycenae). And he looked like this: 𐄂. Or birds in ancient times were different, or are these two feathered sinners, or he was not called a tick. In our times, such a sign has the opposite meaning. Although there are situations when it is completely equivalent to the tick symbol. During a democratic election of two or more candidates, it does not matter which of the ☑ ☒ badges you put on the ballot. Does this make sense? Think about it.

The symbol «Check Mark» is included in the «Miscellaneous» Subblock of the «Dingbats» Block and was approved as part of Unicode version 1.1 in 1993.

Text is also available in the following languages:

tick, checkmark.

The characters mentioned are not “out of range”; even though they are Plane 1 characters, and you might have difficulties in typing them on your keyboard, they work just fine in browsers (when entered as such or as character references), provided that they can be found in the font being used. The possibility of using all kinds of special characters in web pages is really a font issue more than anything else.

And in terms of characters supported by at least commonly installed font, there is nothing that even remotely resembles a bug. So if you wanted to use a character instead of an image (a goal that might be pointless), a downloadable font (web font, with @font-face) is the only feasible option.

This means that you should look at the glyphs of some pictograms in different fonts where they are available, rather than at just the representative glyphs in the Unicode Standard. My idea of a (software) bug more or less matches ANT (U+1F41C) in the Segoe UI Symbol font. Unfortunately, there seems to be about one free font that contains ANT, Symbola, and in it it’s not that “buggy”, but maybe reasonably well. So what I would do if I insisted on using a bug character is

@font-face { font-family: Symbola;
  /* here the usual stuff for Symbola, the usual bulletproof syntax */
.bug { font-family: Segoe UI Symbol, Symbola; }
<span style=bug>🐜</span>

But I’m afraid it would be overkill to have Symbola (a fairly large font) as a downloadable font for just the sake of a character that isn’t that much of a text character. And ANT “🐜” might not look very readable in common text sizes.

В нашей бесплатной онлайн-таблице символов Unicode есть все возможные символы и глифы, которые могут вам понадобиться, чтобы вывести ваши проекты на новый уровень. Благодаря простому в использовании интерфейсу вы можете быстро найти escape-последовательности и HTML-коды для каждого символа, что упрощает их интеграцию в веб-страницы или другие документы. Теперь вам никогда не придется беспокоиться о неадекватной языковой поддержке — наш обширный выбор означает, что вы можете выражать идеи именно так, как они приходят вам в голову.

Щелкните мышью по символу, чтобы получить код:

Специальные коды

Юникод Escape
Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
U+0009 u0009   горизонтальная вкладка
U+000A u000A   перевод строки
U+000D u000D   возврат / ввод каретки
U+00A0 u00A0   &nbsp; неразрывный пробел

Коды символов

Символ Юникод Escape
Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
& U+0026 u0026 & &amp; амперсанд
U+2022 u2022 &bull; пуля
U+25E6 u25E6   белая пуля
U+2219 u2219   оператор пули
U+2023 u2023   треугольная пуля
U+2043 u2043   дефис пуля
° U+00B0 u00B0 ° &deg; степень
U+221E u221E &infin; бесконечность

Коды валют

Символ Юникод Escape
Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
$ U+0024 u0024 $   доллар
U+20AC u20AC &euro; евро
£ U+00A3 u00A3 £ &pound; фунт
¥ U+00A5 u00A5 ¥ &yen; иена / юань
¢ U+00A2 u00A2 ¢ &cent; цент
U+20B9 u20B9   индийская рупия
U+20A8 u20A8   рупия
U+20B1 u20B1   песо
U+20A9 u20A9   корейская вона
฿ U+0E3F u0E3F ฿   тайский бат
U+20AB u20AB   донги
U+20AA u20AA   шекель

Коды интеллектуальной собственности

Символ Юникод Escape
Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
© U+00A9 u00A9 © &copy; авторское право
® U+00AE u00AE ® &reg; зарегистрированная торговая марка
U+2117 u2117   авторское право на звукозапись
U+2122 u2122 &trade; товарный знак
U+2120 u2120   знак обслуживания

Коды греческого алфавита

Символ Юникод Escape
Цифровой HTML-код HTML-код с именем Описание
α U+03B1 u03B1 α &alpha; маленькая альфа
β U+03B2 u03B2 β &beta; маленькая бета
γ U+03B3 u03B3 γ &gamma; малая гамма
δ U+03B4 u03B4 δ &delta; небольшая дельта
ε U+03B5 u03B5 ε &epsilon; малый эпсилон
ζ U+03B6 u03B6 ζ &zeta; малая дзета
η U+03B7 u03B7 η &eta; малая eta
θ U+03B8 u03B8 θ &theta; малая тета
ι U+03B9 u03B9 ι &iota; малая йота
κ U+03BA u03BA κ &kappa; малая каппа
λ U+03BB u03BB λ &lambda; малая лямбда
μ U+03BC u03BC μ &mu; малая mu
ν U+03BD u03BD ν &nu; малая nu
ξ U+03BE u03BE ξ &xi; малая xi
ο U+03BF u03BF ο &omicron; малая omicron
π U+03C0 u03C0 π &pi; малая pi
ρ U+03C1 u03C1 ρ &rho; малая rho
σ U+03C3 u03C3 σ &sigma; малая sigma
τ U+03C4 u03C4 τ &tau; малая tau
υ U+03C5 u03C5 υ &upsilon; малая upsilon
φ U+03C6 u03C6 φ &phi; малая phi
χ U+03C7 u03C7 χ &chi; малая chi
ψ U+03C8 u03C8 ψ &psi; малая psi
ω U+03C9 u03C9 ω &omega; малая omega
Α U+0391 u0391 Α &Alpha; малая alpha
Β U+0392 u0392 Β &Beta; capital beta
Γ U+0393 u0393 Γ &Gamma; capital gamma
Δ U+0394 u0394 Δ &Delta; capital delta
Ε U+0395 u0395 Ε &Epsilon; capital epsilon
Ζ U+0396 u0396 Ζ &Zeta; capital zeta
Η U+0397 u0397 Η &Eta; capital eta
Θ U+0398 u0398 Θ &Theta; capital theta
Ι U+0399 u0399 Ι &Iota; capital iota
Κ U+039A u039A Κ &Kappa; capital kappa
Λ U+039B u039B Λ &Lambda; capital lambda
Μ U+039C u039C Μ &Mu; capital mu
Ν U+039D u039D Ν &Nu; capital nu
Ξ U+039E u039E Ξ &Xi; capital xi
Ο U+039F u039F Ο &Omicron; capital omicron
Π U+03A0 u03A0 Π &Pi; capital pi
Ρ U+03A1 u03A1 Ρ &Rho; capital rho
Σ U+03A3 u03A3 Σ &Sigma; capital sigma
Τ U+03A4 u03A4 Τ &Tau; capital tau
Υ U+03A5 u03A5 Υ &Upsilon; capital upsilon
Φ U+03A6 u03A6 Φ &Phi; capital phi
Χ U+03A7 u03A7 Χ &Chi; capital chi
Ψ U+03A8 u03A8 Ψ &Psi; capital psi
Ω U+03A9 u03A9 Ω &Omega; capital omega

Полная таблица символов Юникода


Description Entity Preview
A With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Á Á
A With Acute, Latin Small Letter á á
A With Breve, Latin Small Letter ă ă
A With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǎ ǎ
A With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter  Â
A With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter â â
A With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ä Ä
A With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ä ä
A With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ȧ ȧ
A With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
A With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȁ ȁ
A With Grave, Latin Capital Letter À À
A With Grave, Latin Small Letter à à
A With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter
A With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȃ ȃ
A With Macron, Latin Small Letter ā ā
A With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter ą ą
A With Right Half Ring, Latin Small Letter
A With Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter Å Å
A With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter å å
A With Ring Below, Latin Small Letter
A With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ⱥ Ⱥ
A With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter à Ã
A With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ã ã
A, Combining Latin Small Letter ͣ ͣ
A, Latin Letter Small Capital
A, Latin Small Letter Script ɑ ɑ
A, Latin Small Letter Turned ɐ ɐ
Abbreviation Mark, Armenian ՟ ՟
Abbreviation Mark, Syriac ܏ ܏
Abbreviation Sign, Devanagari
Abbreviations, Squared Latin
Aboriginal Syllabics, Unified Canadian
Above Right, Combining Comma ̕ ̕
Above Right, Combining Dot ͘ ͘
Above, Cedilla ̒ ̒
Above, Combining Almost Equal To ͌ ͌
Above, Combining Anticlockwise Arrow
Above, Combining Asterisk
Above, Combining Bridge ͆ ͆
Above, Combining Clockwise Arrow
Above, Combining Comma ̓ ̓
Above, Combining Counterclockwise Arrow
Above, Combining Dot ̇ ̇
Above, Combining Double Vertical Line ̎ ̎
Above, Combining Four Dots
Above, Combining Homothetic ͋ ͋
Above, Combining Hook ̉ ̉
Above, Combining Left Angle ̚ ̚
Above, Combining Left Arrow
Above, Combining Left Half Ring ͑ ͑
Above, Combining Left Harpoon
Above, Combining Left Right Arrow
Above, Combining Not Tilde ͊ ͊
Above, Combining Reversed Comma ̔ ̔
Above, Combining Right Arrow
Above, Combining Right Arrowhead ͐ ͐
Above, Combining Right Half Ring ͗ ͗
Above, Combining Right Harpoon
Above, Combining Ring ̊ ̊
Above, Combining Three Dots
Above, Combining Turned Comma ̒ ̒
Above, Combining Vertical Line ̍ ̍
Above, Combining Wide Bridge
Above, Combining X ̽ ̽
Above, Combining Zigzag ͛ ͛
Above, Dot ˙ ˙
Above, Double Dot ̈ ̈
Above, Ring ˚ ˚
Above, V ̌ ̌
Absolute Continuity
Absolute Value | |
Abstract Syntax Bracket, Left
Abstract Syntax Bracket, Right
AC Current
Accent Below, Combining Acute ̗ ̗
Accent Below, Combining Circumflex ̭ ̭
Accent Below, Combining Grave ̖ ̖
Accent, Acute ´ ´
Accent, Circumflex ^ ^
Accent, Combining Acute ́ ́
Accent, Combining Circumflex ̂ ̂
Accent, Combining Double Acute ̋ ̋
Accent, Combining Double Grave ̏ ̏
Accent, Combining Grave ̀ ̀
Accent, Double Acute ˝ ˝
Accent, Grave ` `
Accent, Modifier Letter Acute ˊ ˊ
Accent, Modifier Letter Circumflex ˆ ˆ
Accent, Modifier Letter Cross ˟ ˟
Accent, Modifier Letter Grave ˋ ˋ
Accent, Modifier Letter Low Acute ˏ ˏ
Accent, Modifier Letter Low Grave ˎ ˎ
Accent, Spacing Acute ´ ´
Accent, Spacing Circumflex ^ ^
Accent, Spacing Grave ` `
Accent, Swedish Grave ˟ ˟
Account Of
Acknowledge &#x0006;
Acknowledge, Negative &#x0015;
Acknowledge, Symbol For
Acknowledge, Symbol For Negative
Acrophonic Symbol Three, Epidaurean
Actuarial Bend
Acute Accent ´ ´
Acute Accent Below, Combining ̗ ̗
Acute Accent, Combining ́ ́
Acute Accent, Combining Double ̋ ̋
Acute Accent, Double ˝ ˝
Acute Accent, Modifier Letter ˊ ˊ
Acute Accent, Modifier Letter Low ˏ ˏ
Acute Accent, Spacing ´ ´
Acute Tone Mark, Combining ́ ́
Addak, Gurmukhi
Addressed To The Subject
Adi Shakti
Ae, Latin Capital Letter Æ Æ
Ae, Latin Capital Ligature Æ Æ
Ae, Latin Letter Small Capital
Ae, Latin Small Letter æ æ
Ae, Latin Small Letter Turned
Ae, Latin Small Ligature æ æ
Aegean Word Separator Dot 𐄁 𐄁
Aegean Word Separator Line 𐄀 𐄀
Aesculapius, Staff Of
Afghani Sign ؋ ؋
African Letters For Clicks ǀ ǀ
Ain, Latin Letter
Ainu, Katakana Extensions For
Al-Lakuna, Sinhala Sign
Aldus Leaf
Alef Symbol
All Around-Profile
All Equal To
All, For
Almost Equal To
Almost Equal To Above, Combining ͌ ͌
Almost Equal To, Not
Alpha, Latin Small Letter ɑ ɑ
Alpha, Latin Small Letter Turned ɒ ɒ
Alphabetic Presentation Forms
Alphanumeric Symbols, Mathematical 𝐀 𝐀
Alphanumerics, Enclosed
Alternating Current
Alternative Key Symbol
Alveolar Click, Latin Letter ǂ ǂ
Ampersand & &
Ampersand, Turned
Anchor, Interlinear Annotation
And, Curly Logical
And, Logical
And, N-Ary Logical
Ands And Ors, Logical
Angkhankhu, Thai Character
Angle Above, Combining Left ̚ ̚
Angle Arc
Angle Below, Combining Left ͉ ͉
Angle Bracket, Left
Angle Bracket, Left Double
Angle Bracket, Left-Pointing
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left Double
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right
Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right Double
Angle Bracket, Right
Angle Bracket, Right Double
Angle Bracket, Right-Pointing
Angle Brackets, Cjk
Angle Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing Double « «
Angle Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing Double » »
Angle Quotation Mark, Single Left-Pointing
Angle Quotation Mark, Single Right-Pointing
Angle Quotation Marks, Ornamental
Angle With Arc, Right
Angle, Measured
Angle, Right
Angle, Spherical
Angled Dash ¬ ¬
Angles And Measured Angles
Angstrom Sign
Annotation Anchor, Interlinear
Annotation Separator, Interlinear
Annotation Signs, Arabic Koranic ۖ ۖ
Annotation Signs, Arabic Qur’anic ۖ ۖ
Annotation Terminator, Interlinear
Annotation, Interlinear
Annotation, Japanese Kanbun Ideographic
Annuity Symbol, Combining
Ano Teleia, Greek · ·
Anticlockwise Arrow Above, Combining
Anticlockwise Contour Integral
Anticlockwise Integration
Anticlockwise Ring Overlay, Combining
Antisigma, Claudian
Anunasika, Devanagari
Anusvara, Devanagari Sign
Anusvara, Khmer
Anusvara, Tibetan
Apl Downstile
Apl Functional Symbols
Apl Jot
Apl Overbar ¯ ¯
Apl Quote '
Apl Stile
Apl Tilde
Apl Upstile
Apostrophe '
Apostrophe, Armenian ՚ ՚
Apostrophe, Modifier Letter ʼ ʼ
Apostrophe, Modifier Letter Double ˮ ˮ
Apostrophe, Neutral ʼ ʼ
Apostrophe-Quote '
Apostrophic C
Application Program Command Ÿ
Application, Function
Approaches The Limit
Approximately Equal To
Approximately Equal To
Arabic ؀ ؀
Arabic Alphabet ء ء
Arabic Combining Marks ٓ ٓ
Arabic Comma ، ،
Arabic Contextual Form Glyphs
Arabic Contextual Form Glyphs
Arabic Date Separator ؍ ؍
Arabic Decimal Separator ٫ ٫
Arabic Extensions ٱ ٱ
Arabic Full Stop ۔ ۔
Arabic Harakat ً ً
Arabic Honorifics ؐ ؐ
Arabic Kashida ـ ـ
Arabic Koranic Annotation Signs ۖ ۖ
Arabic Letter Hamzah On Ha ۀ ۀ
Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above ۀ ۀ
Arabic Letters, Extended ٱ ٱ
Arabic Letters, Extended ݐ ݐ
Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Arabic Ligatures
Arabic Phrase Separator ٬ ٬
Arabic Points, Glyphs For Spacing Forms Of
Arabic Presentation Forms-A
Arabic Presentation Forms-B
Arabic Punctuation ، ،
Arabic Question Mark ؟ ؟
Arabic Qur’anic Annotation Signs ۖ ۖ
Arabic Semicolon ؛ ؛
Arabic Subtending Marks ؀ ؀
Arabic Supplement ݐ ݐ
Arabic Tatweel ـ ـ
Arabic Thousands Separator ٬ ٬
Arabic-Indic Digits ٠ ٠
Arabic-Indic Digits, Eastern ۰ ۰
Arc, Angle
Arc, Right Angle With
Arch Below, Combining Inverted Double ̫ ̫
Area, Asian Scripts
Area, Cjk Ideographs
Area, Cjk Phonetics And Symbols
Area, Compatibility And Specials
Area, General Scripts &#x0000;
Area, Korean Hangul Syllables
Area, Private Use
Area, Supplementary Cjk Ideographs 𠀀 𠀀
Area, Supplementary General Scripts 𐀀 𐀀
Area, Surrogates &#xD800;
Area, Symbols    
Argentinian Former Currency
Armenian Abbreviation Mark ՟ ՟
Armenian Alphabet ԰ ԰
Armenian Apostrophe ՚ ՚
Armenian Batsaganchakan Nshan ՜ ՜
Armenian Bowt ՝ ՝
Armenian Capital Letters Ա Ա
Armenian Comma ՝ ՝
Armenian Emphasis Mark ՛ ՛
Armenian Exclamation Mark ՜ ՜
Armenian Full Stop ։ ։
Armenian Hartsakan Nshan ՞ ՞
Armenian Hyphen ֊ ֊
Armenian Ligatures
Armenian Patiw ՟ ՟
Armenian Question Mark ՞ ՞
Armenian Shesht ՛ ՛
Armenian Small Letters ա ա
Armenian Vertsaket ։ ։
Armenian Yentamna ֊ ֊
Arrow Above, Combining Anticlockwise
Arrow Above, Combining Clockwise
Arrow Above, Combining Counterclockwise
Arrow Above, Combining Left
Arrow Above, Combining Left Right
Arrow Above, Combining Right
Arrow Below, Combining Double Rightwards ͢ ͢
Arrow Below, Combining Left
Arrow Below, Combining Left Right ͍ ͍
Arrow Below, Combining Right
Arrow Below, Combining Upwards ͎ ͎
Arrow Dingbats
Arrow Indicator, Backward
Arrow Indicator, Forward
Arrow Overlay, Combining Leftwards
Arrow, Downwards
Arrow, Electric
Arrow, Leftwards
Arrow, Rightwards
Arrow, Upwards
Arrowhead Above, Combining Right ͐ ͐
Arrowhead Below, Combining Left ͔ ͔
Arrowhead Below, Combining Right ͕ ͕
Arrowhead, Down
Arrowhead, Up
Arrowheads, Modifier Letter ˂ ˂
Arrows, Dingbat
Arrows, Double
Arrows, Long
Arrows, Mathematical
Arrows, Miscellaneous
Arrows-A Supplement
Arrows-B, Supplemental
Ascending Node
Ascii C0 Control Codes &#x0000;
Ascii Digits 0 0
Ascii Punctuation And Symbols  
Ascii Variants, Fullwidth
Ash æ æ
Asian Scripts Area
Asterisk * *
Asterisk Above, Combining
Asterisk Below, Combining ͙ ͙
Asterisk Dingbats
Asterisk Operator
Asterisk Operator, Circled
Asterisk, Low
Asterisks Aligned Vertically, Two
Astrological Signs
Astrological Signs, Tibetan
Astrological Symbols
Astrological Symbols, Weather And
Asymptotic To
Asymptotically Equal To
Asymptotically Equal To, Not
At Sign @ @
At, Commercial @ @
Atom Symbol
Austral Sign
Avagraha, Devanagari Sign
Aytham, Tamil


Description Entity Preview
B With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
B With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
B With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɓ Ɓ
B With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɓ ɓ
B With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
B With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ƀ Ƀ
B With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ƀ ƀ
B With Topbar, Latin Small Letter ƃ ƃ
B, Latin Letter Small Capital ʙ ʙ
B, Latin Letter Small Capital Barred
B, Script Capital
Baby Gamma, Latin Small Letter ɤ ɤ
Backslash \
Backslash, Combining Enclosing Circle
Backspace &#x0008;
Backspace, Symbol For
Backward Arrow Indicator
Backward Difference
Backward, Partial Line Œ
Bag Addition
Bag Bracket, Left
Bag Bracket, Right
Bag Count, Infix
Bag Membership, Z Notation
Bag Subtraction
Baht, Thai Currency Symbol ฿ ฿
Balinese Digits
Balinese Musical Symbols
Ballot Box
Ballot Box With Check
Ballot Box With X
Ballot X
Ballot X, Heavy
Bang ! !
Bar Dingbats, Vertical
Bar Symbols, Error
Bar, Broken ¦ ¦
Bar, Horizontal
Bar, Vertical | |
Bar, White Vertical
Barred B, Latin Letter Small Capital
Barred O, Latin Capital Letter Ɵ Ɵ
Barred O, Latin Small Letter ɵ ɵ
Batsaganchakan Nshan, Armenian ՜ ՜
Battleground Symbol
Beamed Eighth Notes
Beamed Sixteenth Notes
Bell &#x0007;
Bell Symbol
Bell, Symbol For
Below, Combining Acute Accent ̗ ̗
Below, Combining Asterisk ͙ ͙
Below, Combining Breve ̮ ̮
Below, Combining Bridge ̪ ̪
Below, Combining Caron ̬ ̬
Below, Combining Circumflex Accent ̭ ̭
Below, Combining Comma ̦ ̦
Below, Combining Diaeresis ̤ ̤
Below, Combining Dot ̣ ̣
Below, Combining Double Breve ͜ ͜
Below, Combining Double Macron ͟ ͟
Below, Combining Double Rightwards Arrow ͢ ͢
Below, Combining Double Ring ͚ ͚
Below, Combining Double Vertical Line ͈ ͈
Below, Combining Down Tack ̞ ̞
Below, Combining Equals Sign ͇ ͇
Below, Combining Grave Accent ̖ ̖
Below, Combining Inverted Breve ̯ ̯
Below, Combining Inverted Bridge ̺ ̺
Below, Combining Inverted Double Arch ̫ ̫
Below, Combining Left Angle ͉ ͉
Below, Combining Left Arrow
Below, Combining Left Arrowhead ͔ ͔
Below, Combining Left Half Ring ̜ ̜
Below, Combining Left Right Arrow ͍ ͍
Below, Combining Left Tack ̘ ̘
Below, Combining Macron ̱ ̱
Below, Combining Minus Sign ̠ ̠
Below, Combining Palatalized Hook ̡ ̡
Below, Combining Plus Sign ̟ ̟
Below, Combining Retroflex Hook ̢ ̢
Below, Combining Right Arrow
Below, Combining Right Arrowhead ͕ ͕
Below, Combining Right Half Ring ̹ ̹
Below, Combining Right Tack ̙ ̙
Below, Combining Ring ̥ ̥
Below, Combining Seagull ̼ ̼
Below, Combining Square ̻ ̻
Below, Combining Tilde ̰ ̰
Below, Combining Up Tack ̝ ̝
Below, Combining Upwards Arrow ͎ ͎
Below, Combining Vertical Line ̩ ̩
Below, Combining X ͓ ͓
Belt, Latin Small Letter L With ɬ ɬ
Bend, Actuarial
Bengali Consonants
Bengali Currency Signs
Bengali Dependent Vowel Signs
Bengali Digits
Bengali Hasant
Bengali Independent Vowels
Bengali Isshar
Bengali Rupee Mark
Bengali Rupee Sign
Benzene Ring
Bernoulli Function
Bet Symbol
Beta Symbol, Greek ϐ ϐ
Beta, Curled ϐ ϐ
Beverage, Hot
Bidirectional Format Characters
Big 5, Duplicate Characters From
Big Reverse Solidus
Big Solidus
Bilabial Click, Latin Letter ʘ ʘ
Bilabial Percussive, Latin Letter ʬ ʬ
Bindu, Devanagari
Biohazard Sign
Birga, Mongolian
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Arabic Ligature
Black Circle
Black Circle, Medium
Black Flag
Black Hourglass
Black Left Pointing Index
Black Leftwards Bullet
Black Lenticular Bracket, Left
Black Lenticular Bracket, Right
Black Lozenge
Black Medium Small Square
Black Medium Square
Black Nib
Black Parallelogram
Black Right Pointing Index
Black Rightwards Bullet
Black Scissors
Black Shogi Piece
Black Small Circle
Black Smiling Face
Black Star
Black Sun With Rays
Black Telephone
Black-Letter Capital C
Black-Letter Capital H
Black-Letter Capital I
Black-Letter Capital R
Black-Letter Capital Z
Black-Letter Mathematical Symbols 𝔄 𝔄
Blank Symbol
Block Elements
Block, End Of Transmission &#x0017;
Block, Full
Block, Symbol For End Of Transmission
Bohairic Coptic
Bold Digits 𝟎 𝟎
Bold Digits, Sans-Serif 𝟬 𝟬
Bold Fraktur Mathematical Symbols 𝕬 𝕬
Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝚨 𝚨
Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝝖 𝝖
Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝜜 𝜜
Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝞐 𝞐
Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols 𝑨 𝑨
Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝘼 𝘼
Bold Mathematical Symbols 𝐀 𝐀
Bold Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝗔 𝗔
Bold Script Mathematical Symbols 𝓐 𝓐
Bopomofo Extensions, Chinese
Bopomofo, Chinese
Bowt, Armenian ՝ ՝
Bowtie Symbols
Bowtie, Large
Bowtie, Vertical
Box Drawing
Box With Check, Ballot
Box With X, Ballot
Box, Ballot
Box, Open
Box, Shouldered Open
Box, X In A Rectangle
Brace, Closing } }
Brace, Opening { {
Bracket Pieces
Bracket Pieces
Bracket Variants For Vertical Text
Bracket With Quill, Left Square
Bracket With Quill, Right Square
Bracket, Closing Curly } }
Bracket, Closing Square ] ]
Bracket, Left Abstract Syntax
Bracket, Left Angle
Bracket, Left Bag
Bracket, Left Black Lenticular
Bracket, Left Chevron
Bracket, Left Corner
Bracket, Left Curly { {
Bracket, Left Double Angle
Bracket, Left Sequence
Bracket, Left Square [ [
Bracket, Left Tortoise Shell
Bracket, Left White Corner
Bracket, Left White Curly
Bracket, Left White Lenticular
Bracket, Left White Square
Bracket, Left White Tortoise Shell
Bracket, Left-Pointing Angle
Bracket, Mathematical Left Angle
Bracket, Mathematical Left Double Angle
Bracket, Mathematical Right Angle
Bracket, Mathematical Right Double Angle
Bracket, Opening Curly { {
Bracket, Opening Square [ [
Bracket, Right Abstract Syntax
Bracket, Right Angle
Bracket, Right Bag
Bracket, Right Black Lenticular
Bracket, Right Chevron
Bracket, Right Corner
Bracket, Right Curly } }
Bracket, Right Double Angle
Bracket, Right Sequence
Bracket, Right Square ] ]
Bracket, Right Tortoise Shell
Bracket, Right White Corner
Bracket, Right White Curly
Bracket, Right White Lenticular
Bracket, Right White Square
Bracket, Right White Tortoise Shell
Bracket, Right-Pointing Angle
Brackets, Cjk Angle
Brackets, Cjk Corner
Brackets, Corner
Brackets, Mathematical
Brackets, Ornamental
Brackets, Vertical
Braille Patterns
Brazilian Currency
Break Here, No ƒ
Break Permitted Here
Breathing Mark, Greek Rough ̔ ̔
Breathing Mark, Greek Smooth ̓ ̓
Breve ˘ ˘
Breve Below, Combining ̮ ̮
Breve Below, Combining Double ͜ ͜
Breve Below, Combining Inverted ̯ ̯
Breve, Combining ̆ ̆
Breve, Combining Double ͝ ͝
Breve, Combining Double Inverted ͡ ͡
Breve, Combining Inverted ̑ ̑
Bridge Above, Combining ͆ ͆
Bridge Above, Combining Wide
Bridge Below, Combining ̪ ̪
Bridge Below, Combining Inverted ̺ ̺
Broken Bar ¦ ¦
Broken Vertical Bar ¦ ¦
Bullet Operator
Bullet, Black Leftwards
Bullet, Black Rightwards
Bullet, Hyphen
Bullet, Reversed Rotated Floral Heart
Bullet, Tainome Japanese
Bullet, Triangular
Bullet, White
Bullseye, Latin Letter ʘ ʘ
Buried Symbol
Burmese က က
By Definition, Equal To
By Definition, Equal To
By, Measured
Byte Order Mark   
Byzantine Musical Symbols 𝀀 𝀀


Description Entity Preview
C With Acute, Latin Small Letter ć ć
C With Caron, Latin Small Letter č č
C With Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter Ç Ç
C With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ç ç
C With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĉ ĉ
C With Curl, Latin Small Letter ɕ ɕ
C With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ċ ċ
C With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƈ ƈ
C With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ȼ Ȼ
C With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ȼ ȼ
C, Apostrophic
C, Black-Letter Capital
C, Combining Latin Small Letter ͨ ͨ
C, Double-Struck Capital
C, Latin Letter Small Capital
C, Latin Letter Stretched ʗ ʗ
C, Latin Small Letter Reversed
Cada Una
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics, Unified
Canadian Syllabics Full Stop
Canadian Syllabics Punctuation
Cancel &#x0018;
Cancel Character
Cancel Tag 󠁿 󠁿
Cancel, Symbol For
Cancellation Mark, Lao
Candrabindu, Combining ̐ ̐
Candrabindu, Devanagari Sign
Cantillation Marks, Hebrew ֑ ֑
Cantillation Signs, Tibetan
Cap, Square
Capital Letters, Armenian Ա Ա
Capital Letters, Cyrillic Ѐ Ѐ
Capital Letters, Georgian
Capital Letters, Greek Α Α
Capital Letters, Latin A A
Caps Lock
Caps Lock
Card Suits, Playing
Cardinal, First Transfinite
Cardinal, Fourth Transfinite
Cardinal, Second Transfinite
Cardinal, Third Transfinite
Care Of
Caret ʌ ʌ
Caret Insertion Point
Carian 𐊠 𐊠
Caron ˇ ˇ
Caron Below, Combining ̬ ̬
Caron, Combining ̌ ̌
Carriage Return  
Carriage Return, Symbol For
Cartesian Product × ×
Caution Sign
Cedi Sign
Cedilla ¸ ¸
Cedilla Above ̒ ̒
Cedilla, Combining ̧ ̧
Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter C With Ç Ç
Cedilla, Latin Small Letter C With ç ç
Cedilla, Spacing ¸ ¸
Ceiling, Left
Ceiling, Right
Celsius, Degree
Cent Sign ¢ ¢
Centigrade, Degrees
Centre Line Symbol
Centreline Low Line
Centreline Overline
Chandrakkala, Malayalam
Character Introducer, Single š
Character Tabulation  
Character Tabulation Set ˆ
Character Tabulation With Justification
Character Tie
Chart Components, Form And
Check Mark
Check Mark, Heavy
Check Mark, Not
Check, Ballot Box With
Checkers, Symbols For Draughts And
Chess Symbols
Chess Symbols, Japanese
Chevron Bracket, Left
Chevron Bracket, Right
Chevrons « «
Chi Rho
Chillu Letters, Malayalam
Chinese Bopomofo
Chinese Bopomofo Extensions
Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Tone, Mandarin ˙ ˙
Chinese First Tone, Mandarin ˉ ˉ
Chinese Fourth Tone, Mandarin ˋ ˋ
Chinese Second Tone, Mandarin ˊ ˊ
Chinese Third Tone, Mandarin ˇ ˇ
Chinese, Corner Tone Marks For
Choice, Dijkstra
Choice, N-Ary Dijkstra ⫿ ⫿
Circle Backslash, Combining Enclosing
Circle Symbols
Circle, Black
Circle, Black Small
Circle, Combining Enclosing
Circle, Dotted
Circle, Jis Composition
Circle, Large
Circle, Medium Black
Circle, Medium Small White
Circle, Medium White
Circle, Shadowed White
Circle, White
Circled Asterisk Operator
Circled Dash
Circled Digit Zero
Circled Digits, Dingbat
Circled Division Sign
Circled Division Slash
Circled Dot Operator
Circled Dot Operator, N-Ary
Circled Equals
Circled Ideographs
Circled Inverse Numbers
Circled Katakana
Circled Korean Hangul Elements
Circled Korean Hangul Syllables
Circled Latin Letters
Circled Minus
Circled Numbers
Circled Numbers
Circled Numbers
Circled Numbers, Double
Circled Numbers, White On Black
Circled Plus
Circled Plus Operator, N-Ary
Circled Postal Mark
Circled Ring Operator
Circled Times
Circled Times Operator, N-Ary
Circumflex Accent ^ ^
Circumflex Accent Below, Combining ̭ ̭
Circumflex Accent, Combining ̂ ̂
Circumflex Accent, Modifier Letter ˆ ˆ
Circumflex Accent, Spacing ^ ^
Cjk Angle Brackets
Cjk Compatibility
Cjk Compatibility Forms
Cjk Compatibility Ideographs
Cjk Compatibility Ideographs Supplement 丽 丽
Cjk Corner Brackets
Cjk Diacritics
Cjk Ideographic Description Characters
Cjk Ideographs Area
Cjk Ideographs Area, Supplementary 𠀀 𠀀
Cjk Ideographs, Parenthesized
Cjk Kangxi Radicals
Cjk Letters And Months, Enclosed
Cjk Phonetics And Symbols Area
Cjk Punctuation, Halfwidth
Cjk Quotation Marks
Cjk Radicals Supplement
Cjk Strokes
Cjk Symbols And Punctuation    
Cjk Unified Ideographs
Cjk Unified Ideographs Extension A
Cjk Unified Ideographs Extension B 𠀀 𠀀
Claudian Antisigma
Claudian Digamma Inversum
Clear Key
Clear Screen Symbol
Clear Weather
Click, Latin Letter Alveolar ǂ ǂ
Click, Latin Letter Bilabial ʘ ʘ
Click, Latin Letter Dental ǀ ǀ
Click, Latin Letter Lateral ǁ ǁ
Click, Latin Letter Retroflex ǃ ǃ
Clicks, African Letters For ǀ ǀ
Clockwise Arrow Above, Combining
Clockwise Contour Integral
Clockwise Integral
Clockwise Ring Overlay, Combining
Clones Of Diacritics, Spacing ˘ ˘
Close Up
Closed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter ʚ ʚ
Closed Omega, Latin Small Letter ɷ ɷ
Closed Open E, Latin Small Letter ʚ ʚ
Closed Reversed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter ɞ ɞ
Closed Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter ɞ ɞ
Closing Brace } }
Closing Curly Bracket } }
Closing Mark, Ideographic
Closing Parenthesis ) )
Closing Square Bracket ] ]
Cloudy Weather
Coffee, Cup Of
Colon : :
Colon Equals
Colon Right Arrow
Colon Sign
Colon, Equals
Colon, Ethiopic
Colon, Ethiopic Preface
Colon, Modifier Letter Half Triangular ˑ ˑ
Colon, Modifier Letter Triangular ː ː
Colon, Mongolian
Colon, Z Notation Type
Combining Acute Accent ́ ́
Combining Acute Accent Below ̗ ̗
Combining Acute Tone Mark ́ ́
Combining Almost Equal To Above ͌ ͌
Combining Alphabet, Korean Hangul Jamo
Combining Annuity Symbol
Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above
Combining Anticlockwise Ring Overlay
Combining Asterisk Above
Combining Asterisk Below ͙ ͙
Combining Breve ̆ ̆
Combining Breve Below ̮ ̮
Combining Bridge Above ͆ ͆
Combining Bridge Below ̪ ̪
Combining Candrabindu ̐ ̐
Combining Caron ̌ ̌
Combining Caron Below ̬ ̬
Combining Cedilla ̧ ̧
Combining Characters, Cyrillic ҃ ҃
Combining Circumflex Accent ̂ ̂
Combining Circumflex Accent Below ̭ ̭
Combining Clockwise Arrow Above
Combining Clockwise Ring Overlay
Combining Comma Above ̓ ̓
Combining Comma Above Right ̕ ̕
Combining Comma Below ̦ ̦
Combining Conjoining Macron
Combining Counterclockwise Arrow Above
Combining Counterclockwise Ring Overlay
Combining Diacritical Marks ̀ ̀
Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols
Combining Diaeresis ̈ ̈
Combining Diaeresis Below ̤ ̤
Combining Dot Above ̇ ̇
Combining Dot Above Right ͘ ͘
Combining Dot Below ̣ ̣
Combining Double Acute Accent ̋ ̋
Combining Double Breve ͝ ͝
Combining Double Breve Below ͜ ͜
Combining Double Grave Accent ̏ ̏
Combining Double Inverted Breve ͡ ͡
Combining Double Low Line ̳ ̳
Combining Double Macron ͞ ͞
Combining Double Macron Below ͟ ͟
Combining Double Overline ̿ ̿
Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below ͢ ͢
Combining Double Ring Below ͚ ͚
Combining Double Tilde ͠ ͠
Combining Double Vertical Line Above ̎ ̎
Combining Double Vertical Line Below ͈ ͈
Combining Double Vertical Stroke Overlay
Combining Down Tack Below ̞ ̞
Combining Enclosing Circle
Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash
Combining Enclosing Diamond
Combining Enclosing Keycap
Combining Enclosing Screen
Combining Enclosing Square
Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle
Combining Equals Sign Below ͇ ͇
Combining Fermata ͒ ͒
Combining Four Dots Above
Combining Grapheme Joiner ͏ ͏
Combining Grave Accent ̀ ̀
Combining Grave Accent Below ̖ ̖
Combining Grave Tone Mark ̀ ̀
Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos ̈́ ̈́
Combining Greek Koronis ̓ ̓
Combining Greek Perispomeni ͂ ͂
Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni ͅ ͅ
Combining Hacek ̌ ̌
Combining Half Marks
Combining Homothetic Above ͋ ͋
Combining Hook Above ̉ ̉
Combining Horn ̛ ̛
Combining Inverted Breve ̑ ̑
Combining Inverted Breve Below ̯ ̯
Combining Inverted Bridge Below ̺ ̺
Combining Inverted Double Arch Below ̫ ̫
Combining Japanese Daku-On
Combining Japanese Han-Daku-On
Combining Latin Small Letters ͣ ͣ
Combining Left Angle Above ̚ ̚
Combining Left Angle Below ͉ ͉
Combining Left Arrow Above
Combining Left Arrow Below
Combining Left Arrowhead Below ͔ ͔
Combining Left Half Ring Above ͑ ͑
Combining Left Half Ring Below ̜ ̜
Combining Left Harpoon Above
Combining Left Right Arrow Above
Combining Left Right Arrow Below ͍ ͍
Combining Left Tack Below ̘ ̘
Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay
Combining Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
Combining Long Double Solidus Overlay
Combining Long Solidus Overlay ̸ ̸
Combining Long Stroke Overlay ̶ ̶
Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay
Combining Low Line ̲ ̲
Combining Macron ̄ ̄
Combining Macron Below ̱ ̱
Combining Macron Left Half
Combining Macron Right Half
Combining Marks, Arabic ٓ ٓ
Combining Minus Sign Below ̠ ̠
Combining Not Tilde Above ͊ ͊
Combining Ogonek ̨ ̨
Combining Overline ̅ ̅
Combining Palatalized Hook Below ̡ ̡
Combining Plus Sign Below ̟ ̟
Combining Retroflex Hook Below ̢ ̢
Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay
Combining Reversed Comma Above ̔ ̔
Combining Right Arrow Above
Combining Right Arrow Below
Combining Right Arrowhead Above ͐ ͐
Combining Right Arrowhead Below ͕ ͕
Combining Right Half Ring Above ͗ ͗
Combining Right Half Ring Below ̹ ̹
Combining Right Harpoon Above
Combining Right Tack Below ̙ ̙
Combining Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards
Combining Ring Above ̊ ̊
Combining Ring Below ̥ ̥
Combining Ring Overlay
Combining Seagull Below ̼ ̼
Combining Short Solidus Overlay ̷ ̷
Combining Short Stroke Overlay ̵ ̵
Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay
Combining Square Below ̻ ̻
Combining Three Dots Above
Combining Tilde ̃ ̃
Combining Tilde Below ̰ ̰
Combining Tilde Overlay ̴ ̴
Combining Triple Underdot
Combining Turned Comma Above ̒ ̒
Combining Up Tack Below ̝ ̝
Combining Upwards Arrow Below ͎ ͎
Combining Vertical Line Above ̍ ̍
Combining Vertical Line Below ̩ ̩
Combining Vertical Tilde ̾ ̾
Combining Wide Bridge Above
Combining X Above ̽ ̽
Combining X Below ͓ ͓
Combining Zigzag Above ͛ ͛
Comma , ,
Comma Above Right, Combining ̕ ̕
Comma Above, Combining ̓ ̓
Comma Above, Combining Reversed ̔ ̔
Comma Above, Combining Turned ̒ ̒
Comma Below, Combining ̦ ̦
Comma Quotation Mark, Double
Comma Quotation Mark, Double Reversed
Comma Quotation Mark, Double Turned
Comma Quotation Mark, Low Double
Comma Quotation Mark, Low Single
Comma Quotation Mark, Single
Comma Quotation Mark, Single Reversed
Comma Quotation Mark, Single Turned
Comma, Arabic ، ،
Comma, Armenian ՝ ՝
Comma, Ethiopic
Comma, Georgian · ·
Comma, Ideographic
Comma, Invisible
Comma, Modifier Letter Reversed ʽ ʽ
Comma, Modifier Letter Turned ʻ ʻ
Comma, Mongolian
Comma, Mongolian Manchu
Command Key
Command, Application Program Ÿ
Command, Operating System 
Commercial At @ @
Commercial Minus Sign
Compatibility And Specials Area
Compatibility Forms, Cjk
Compatibility Ideographs Supplement, Cjk 丽 丽
Compatibility Ideographs, Cjk
Compatibility Ideographs, Dprk
Compatibility Ideographs, Jis X 0213
Compatibility Jamo, Korean Hangul
Compatibility, Cjk
Complex Numbers
Component, Radial
Components, Form And Chart
Composite Function
Composition Circle, Jis
Composition Symbol
Concatenation, Sequence
Conical Taper
Conjoining Macron, Combining
Conjugate Matrix, Hermitian
Constant Pi, Mathematical π π
Constant, Euler
Constant, Planck
Constantine’s Cross
Contains As Member
Contains As Member, Small
Contains As Normal Subgroup
Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic
Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic
Continuity, Absolute
Continuous Underline Symbol
Continuum, Second Transfinite Cardinal
Contour Integral
Contour Integral, Anticlockwise
Contour Integral, Clockwise
Contour Integral, Counterclockwise
Contraction Operator
Control Code Graphics, Quadrant
Control Codes, Graphic Pictures For
Control Codes, Graphics For
Control Sequence Introducer
Controls, Bidirectional Format
Controls, Mongolian Format
Coproduct Sign
Coproduct, N-Ary
Coptic Letters Derived From Demotic Ϣ Ϣ
Coptic, Bohairic
Coptic, Continuous Macrons For
Coptic, Extended
Copyright Sign © ©
Copyright, Sound Recording
Corner Brackets
Corner Brackets, Cjk
Corner Tone Marks For Chinese
Corners, Quine
Corresponds To
Corresponds To
Costa Rican Currency
Countable, First Transfinite Cardinal
Counterclockwise Arrow Above, Combining
Counterclockwise Contour Integral
Counterclockwise Integration
Counterclockwise Ring Overlay, Combining
Credit Sign, Tamil
Cremated Symbol
Crescent, Star And
Croatian Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters DŽ DŽ
Cross Accent, Modifier Letter ˟ ˟
Cross Dingbats
Cross Of Jerusalem
Cross Of Lorraine
Cross Ratio
Cross, Constantine’s
Cross, Dotted
Cross, East Syriac
Cross, Latin
Cross, Long
Cross, Maltese
Cross, Orthodox
Cross, St. Andrew’s
Cross, West Syriac
Crossed Swords
Crosshatch # #
Cruzeiro Sign
Cube Root
Cubed ³ ³
Cuneiform 𒀀 𒀀
Cuneiform Numbers And Punctuation 𒐀 𒐀
Cup Of Coffee
Cup Of Tea
Cup, Square
Curled Beta ϐ ϐ
Curly Bracket, Closing } }
Curly Bracket, Left { {
Curly Bracket, Left White
Curly Bracket, Opening { {
Curly Bracket, Right } }
Curly Bracket, Right White
Curly Logical And
Curly Logical Or
Currency Sign ¤ ¤
Currency Signs, Bengali
Currency Symbol Baht, Thai ฿ ฿
Currency Symbol Riel, Khmer
Currency Symbol, Florin ƒ ƒ
Currency Symbols
Currency, Argentinian Former
Currency, Brazilian
Currency, Costa Rican
Currency, El Salvadorian
Currency, Euro European
Currency, French
Currency, Ghana
Currency, Greek
Currency, Indian
Currency, Iranian
Currency, Israeli
Currency, Italian
Currency, Korean
Currency, Laotian
Currency, Mongolian
Currency, Nigerian
Currency, Paraguayan
Currency, Phillipine
Currency, Spanish
Currency, Turkish
Currency, Ukrainian
Currency, Vietnamese
Current Symbol Form Two, Direct
Current, AC
Current, Alternating
Current, Direct, Symbol Form Two
Cursor Down, Fast
Cursor Left, Fast
Cursor Right, Fast
Cursor Up, Fast
Cypriot Syllabary 𐠀 𐠀
Cyrillic Ѐ Ѐ
Cyrillic Capital Letters Ѐ Ѐ
Cyrillic Combining Characters ҃ ҃
Cyrillic Extended-A
Cyrillic Extended-B
Cyrillic Extensions ѐ ѐ
Cyrillic Extensions Ҋ Ҋ
Cyrillic Historic Letters Ѡ Ѡ
Cyrillic Small Letters а а
Cyrillic Supplement Ԁ Ԁ


Description Entity Preview
D Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ɖ ɖ
D With Caron, Latin Small Letter ď ď
D With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter
D With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter
D With Curl, Latin Small Letter ȡ ȡ
D With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
D With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
D With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɗ Ɗ
D With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɗ ɗ
D With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
D With Stroke, Latin Small Letter đ đ
D With Tail, Latin Small Letter ɖ ɖ
D With Topbar, Latin Small Letter ƌ ƌ
D, Combining Latin Small Letter ͩ ͩ
D, Double-Struck Italic Capital
D, Double-Struck Italic Small
D, Latin Capital Letter African Ɖ Ɖ
D, Latin Letter Small Capital
Dagger, Double
Daku-On, Combining Japanese
Daku-On, Japanese
Dalet Symbol
Danda, Devanagari
Danda, Devanagari Double
Dash, Angled ¬ ¬
Dash, Circled
Dash, Em
Dash, En
Dash, Figure
Dash, Quotation
Dash, Swung
Dash, Wave
Dash, Wavy
Dashed Low Line
Dashed Overline
Dasia, Greek ̔ ̔
Data Link Escape &#x0010;
Data Link Escape, Symbol For
Database Theory Operators
David, Star Of
Day Sign, Tamil
Days, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For
Db Digraph, Latin Small Letter ȸ ȸ
Debit Sign, Tamil
Decimal Point . .
Decimal Separator , ,
Decimal Separator Key Symbol
Decimal Separator, Arabic ٫ ٫
Deergh Viram, Devanagari
Degree Celsius
Degree Fahrenheit
Degree Sign ° °
Degrees Centigrade
Delete Form Two, Symbol For
Delete To The Left Key
Delete To The Right Key
Delete, Symbol For
Delta Equal To
Delta, Latin Small Letter Turned ƍ ƍ
Demotic, Coptic Letters Derived From Ϣ Ϣ
Dental Click, Latin Letter ǀ ǀ
Dentistry Notation Symbols
Depth Symbol
Derivative ̇ ̇
Derivative, Double ̈ ̈
Derivative, Fourth
Derivative, Third
Descending Node
Deseret 𐐀 𐐀
Devanagari Bindu
Devanagari Consonants
Devanagari Danda
Devanagari Deergh Viram
Devanagari Dependent Vowel Signs
Devanagari Digits
Devanagari Double Danda
Devanagari Extensions
Devanagari Independent Vowels
Devanagari Om
Devanagari Purna Viram
Devanagari Sign Anusvara
Devanagari Sign Avagraha
Devanagari Sign Candrabindu
Devanagari Sign Nukta
Devanagari Sign Virama
Devanagari Sign Visarga
Device Controls &#x0011;
Device Controls, Symbols For
Dharma, Wheel Of
Diacritic, Finite Function
Diacritical Marks For Symbols, Combining
Diacritical Marks, Combining ̀ ̀
Diacritics For Greek ͂ ͂
Diacritics For Ipa ͆ ͆
Diacritics For Uralic Phonetic Alphabet ͐ ͐
Diacritics, Cjk
Diacritics, Double ͜ ͜
Diacritics, Enclosing
Diacritics, Medieval Superscript Letter ͣ ͣ
Diacritics, Ordinary ̀ ̀
Diacritics, Overstruck ̴ ̴
Diacritics, Spacing Clones Of ˘ ˘
Diaeresis ¨ ¨
Diaeresis Below, Combining ̤ ̤
Diaeresis, Combining ̈ ̈
Diaeresis, Spacing ¨ ¨
Diagonal Ellipsis, Down Right
Diagonal Ellipsis, Up Right
Dialytika Tonos, Combining Greek ̈́ ̈́
Dialytika, Greek ̈ ̈
Diameter Sign
Diamond Operator
Diamond, Combining Enclosing
Diamonds And Lozenges
Dictionary And Map Symbols
Dictionary Punctuation
Difference Between
Difference Between
Difference Or Sum, Positive
Difference, Backward
Difference, Forward
Difference, Sum Or Positive
Difference, Symmetric
Difference, Symmetric
Difference, Symmetric
Differential, Partial
Digamma Inversum, Claudian
Digit Zero, Circled
Digits Minus Half, Tibetan
Digits Symbols, Mathematical 𝟎 𝟎
Digits, Arabic-Indic ٠ ٠
Digits, Ascii 0 0
Digits, Balinese
Digits, Bengali
Digits, Bold 𝟎 𝟎
Digits, Devanagari
Digits, Dingbat Circled
Digits, Double-Struck 𝟘 𝟘
Digits, Eastern Arabic-Indic ۰ ۰
Digits, Ethiopic
Digits, Gujarati
Digits, Gurmukhi
Digits, Kannada
Digits, Kharoshthi 𐩀 𐩀
Digits, Khmer
Digits, Lao
Digits, Limbu
Digits, Malayalam
Digits, Mongolian
Digits, Monospace 𝟶 𝟶
Digits, Myanmar
Digits, New Tai Lue
Digits, Oriya
Digits, Osmanya 𐒠 𐒠
Digits, Sans-Serif 𝟢 𝟢
Digits, Sans-Serif Bold 𝟬 𝟬
Digits, Subscript
Digits, Superscript
Digits, Tamil
Digits, Telugu
Digits, Thai
Digits, Tibetan
Digram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Monogram And
Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters, Croatian DŽ DŽ
Digraphs, Phonetic ʣ ʣ
Digraphs, Yiddish װ װ
Dijkstra Choice
Dijkstra Choice, N-Ary ⫿ ⫿
Dimension Origin
Dingbat Arrows
Dingbat Circled Digits
Dingbats Series 100, Itc Zapf
Dingbats, Arrow
Dingbats, Asterisk
Dingbats, Cross
Dingbats, Drop-Shadowed
Dingbats, Hazard
Dingbats, Heart
Dingbats, Miscellaneous
Dingbats, Music
Dingbats, Pencil
Dingbats, Pointing Index Finger
Dingbats, Quotation Mark
Dingbats, Scissors
Dingbats, Snowflake
Dingbats, Star
Dingbats, Vertical Bar
Dingbats, Warning
Dingbats, Weather
Dingbats, Zapf
Direct Current Symbol Form Two
Direct Product
Direct Sum
Directional Format Characters
Directional Formatting, Pop
Discontinuous Underline Symbol
Discretionary Hyphen ­ ­
Ditto Mark
Divination, Khmer Numeric Symbols For
Division Sign ÷ ÷
Division Sign Operators, Multiplication And
Division Sign, Circled
Division Slash
Division Slash, Circled
Division Times
Division, Long
Divorce Symbol
Does Not Contain As Member
Does Not Divide
Does Not Exist, There
Does Not Yield
Dollar Sign $ $
Domain Restriction
Domino Tiles 🀰 🀰
Dong Sign
Dot . .
Dot Above ˙ ˙
Dot Above Right, Combining ͘ ͘
Dot Above, Combining ̇ ̇
Dot Above, Double ̈ ̈
Dot Below, Combining ̣ ̣
Dot Below, Myanmar Sign
Dot Leader, One
Dot Leader, Three
Dot Leader, Two
Dot Minus
Dot Operator
Dot Operator, Circled
Dot Operator, Squared
Dot Plus
Dot Punctuation, Five
Dot Punctuation, Four
Dot Punctuation, Three
Dot Punctuation, Two
Dot, Greek Middle · ·
Dot, Katakana Middle
Dot, Latin Capital Letter I İ İ
Dot, Middle · ·
Dot, Sesame
Dot, Vertical Line With Middle
Dot, White Sesame
Dotless I, Latin Small Letter ı ı
Dotless J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɟ ɟ
Dotless J, Latin Small Letter ȷ ȷ
Dotless Mathematical Symbols 𝚤 𝚤
Dots Above, Combining Four
Dots Above, Combining Three
Dots, Mongolian Four
Dots, Vertical Four
Dotted Circle
Dotted Cross
Dotted Fence
Dotted Mathematical Operators
Double Acute Accent ˝ ˝
Double Acute Accent, Combining ̋ ̋
Double Angle Bracket, Left
Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left
Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right
Double Angle Bracket, Right
Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing « «
Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing » »
Double Apostrophe, Modifier Letter ˮ ˮ
Double Arch Below, Combining Inverted ̫ ̫
Double Arrows
Double Breve Below, Combining ͜ ͜
Double Breve, Combining ͝ ͝
Double Circled Numbers
Double Comma Quotation Mark
Double Comma Quotation Mark, Low
Double Dagger
Double Danda, Devanagari
Double Derivative ̈ ̈
Double Diacritics ͜ ͜
Double Dot Above ̈ ̈
Double Exclamation Mark
Double Grave Accent, Combining ̏ ̏
Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
Double Hyphen, Katakana-Hiragana
Double Integral
Double Intersection
Double Inverted Breve, Combining ͡ ͡
Double Logical And
Double Logical Or
Double Low Line
Double Low Line, Combining ̳ ̳
Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
Double Macron Below, Combining ͟ ͟
Double Macron, Combining ͞ ͞
Double Operators
Double Overline, Combining ̿ ̿
Double Pipe ǁ ǁ
Double Plus
Double Precedes
Double Prime
Double Prime Quotation Mark
Double Prime Quotation Mark, Low
Double Prime Quotation Mark, Reversed
Double Prime, Modifier Letter ʺ ʺ
Double Prime, Reversed
Double Punctuation For Vertical Text
Double Punctuation, Philippine
Double Question Mark
Double Quotation Mark, Left
Double Quotation Mark, Right
Double Reversed Comma Quotation Mark
Double Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining ͢ ͢
Double Ring Below, Combining ͚ ͚
Double Slash Overlay, Long
Double Solidus Operator
Double Solidus Overlay, Combining Long
Double Subset
Double Succeeds
Double Superset
Double Tilde, Combining ͠ ͠
Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark
Double Underline ̳ ̳
Double Underscore ̳ ̳
Double Underscore, Spacing
Double Union
Double Vertical Line
Double Vertical Line Above, Combining ̎ ̎
Double Vertical Line Below, Combining ͈ ͈
Double Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining
Double Wavy Overline
Double-Barred Pipe ǂ ǂ
Double-Struck Digits 𝟘 𝟘
Double-Struck Greek Letters
Double-Struck Greek Letters
Double-Struck Italic Mathematical Symbols
Double-Struck Mathematical Symbols 𝔸 𝔸
Down Arrowhead
Down Pointing Index, White
Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis
Down Tack
Down Tack Below, Combining ̞ ̞
Down, Page
Downstile, Apl
Downwards Arrow
Dprk Compatibility Ideographs
Drachma Sign
Drafting Symbols
Dram ʒ ʒ
Draughts And Checkers, Symbols For
Drop-Shadowed Dingbats


Description Entity Preview
E With Acute, Latin Capital Letter É É
E With Acute, Latin Small Letter é é
E With Breve, Latin Small Letter ĕ ĕ
E With Caron, Latin Small Letter ě ě
E With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ȩ ȩ
E With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter
E With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Ê Ê
E With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ê ê
E With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ë Ë
E With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ë ë
E With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ė ė
E With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
E With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȅ ȅ
E With Grave, Latin Capital Letter È È
E With Grave, Latin Small Letter è è
E With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter
E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Reversed Open ɝ ɝ
E With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȇ ȇ
E With Macron, Latin Small Letter ē ē
E With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter ę ę
E With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɇ Ɇ
E With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɇ ɇ
E With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter
E With Tilde, Latin Small Letter
E, Combining Latin Small Letter ͤ ͤ
E, Double-Struck Italic Small
E, Latin Capital Letter Open Ɛ Ɛ
E, Latin Capital Letter Reversed Ǝ Ǝ
E, Latin Capital Letter Turned Ǝ Ǝ
E, Latin Letter Small Capital
E, Latin Small Letter Closed Open ʚ ʚ
E, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open ɞ ɞ
E, Latin Small Letter O œ œ
E, Latin Small Letter Open ɛ ɛ
E, Latin Small Letter Reversed ɘ ɘ
E, Latin Small Letter Reversed Open ɜ ɜ
E, Latin Small Letter Turned ǝ ǝ
E, Latin Small Letter Turned Open
E, Script Capital
E, Script Small
Earth Ground
East Syriac Cross
Eastern Arabic-Indic Digits ۰ ۰
Editorial Symbols, New Testament
Egressive Airflow
Eighth Note
Eighth Notes, Beamed
Eighths, Fractions
Eject Media
Ek Onkar, Gurmukhi
El Salvadorian Currency
Electric Arrow
Electrical Intersection
Electromotive Force
Electrotechnical Symbols
Element Of
Element Of, Not An
Element Of, Small
Element, Unique
Ellipsis, Down Right Diagonal
Ellipsis, Horizontal
Ellipsis, Lao
Ellipsis, Midline Horizontal
Ellipsis, Mongolian
Ellipsis, Up Right Diagonal
Ellipsis, Vertical
Elliptic Function, Weierstrass
Em Dash
Em Quad
Em Space
Embedding, Left-To-Right
Embedding, Right-To-Left
Emphasis Mark, Armenian ՛ ՛
Emphasis Marks, Sidelining
Emphasis Symbol
Empty Set
Empty Sets
En Dash
En Quad    
En Space
Enclosed Alphanumerics
Enclosed Cjk Letters And Months
Enclosed Mathematical Operators
Enclosing Circle Backslash, Combining
Enclosing Circle, Combining
Enclosing Diacritics
Enclosing Diamond, Combining
Enclosing Keycap, Combining
Enclosing Screen, Combining
Enclosing Square, Combining
Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining
End Of Guarded Area
End Of Line  
End Of Medium &#x0019;
End Of Medium, Symbol For
End Of Medium, Symbol For
End Of Proof
End Of Selected Area
End Of Text &#x0003;
End Of Text, Symbol For
End Of Transmission &#x0004;
End Of Transmission Block &#x0017;
End Of Transmission Block, Symbol For
End Of Transmission Symbol
End Of Transmission, Symbol For
Eng, Latin Small Letter ŋ ŋ
Enn, Tamil
Enotikon, Greek
Enquiry &#x0005;
Enquiry, Symbol For
Enter Key
Enter Symbol
Entity &Amp;Iinfin;, Isotech
Epidaurean Acrophonic Symbol Three
Epsilon Symbol, Greek Lunate ϵ ϵ
Epsilon Symbol, Greek Reversed Lunate ϶ ϶
Epsilon, Latin Capital Letter Ɛ Ɛ
Epsilon, Latin Small Letter ɛ ɛ
Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed ʚ ʚ
Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed ɞ ɞ
Epsilon, Reversed Straight ϶ ϶
Epsilon, Reversed Straight
Epsilon, Straight ϵ ϵ
Equal To Above, Combining Almost ͌ ͌
Equal To By Definition
Equal To By Definition
Equal To, All
Equal To, Almost
Equal To, Approximately
Equal To, Approximately
Equal To, Asymptotically
Equal To, Delta
Equal To, Geometrically
Equal To, Greater-Than Or
Equal To, Less-Than Or
Equal To, Not
Equal To, Questioned
Equal To, Ring
Equal To, Ring In
Equality And Inequality Signs
Equality And Inequality Signs
Equals Colon
Equals Sign = =
Equals Sign Below, Combining ͇ ͇
Equals, Circled
Equals, Colon
Equals, Nearly
Equals, Reversed Tilde
Equals, Star
Equiangular To
Equivalent To
Equivalent To, Geometrically
Equivalent To, Strictly
Equivalent, Tautological
Era Names, Japanese
Erase To The Left
Erase To The Right
Error Bar Symbols
Escape &#x001B;
Escape, Data Link &#x0010;
Escape, Symbol For
Escape, Symbol For Data Link
Escudo $ $
Esh Loop, Latin Letter Reversed ƪ ƪ
Esh, Latin Capital Letter Ʃ Ʃ
Esh, Latin Small Letter ʃ ʃ
Esh, Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed ʅ ʅ
Estimated Symbol
Eszett ß ß
Et, Tironian Sign
Eth, Latin Capital Letter Ð Ð
Eth, Latin Letter Small Capital
Eth, Latin Small Letter ð ð
Ethel œ œ
Ethiopic Colon
Ethiopic Comma
Ethiopic Digits
Ethiopic Extended
Ethiopic Full Stop
Ethiopic Numbers
Ethiopic Paragraph Separator
Ethiopic Preface Colon
Ethiopic Punctuation
Ethiopic Question Mark
Ethiopic Semicolon
Ethiopic Supplement
Ethiopic Syllables
Ethiopic Wordspace
Euler Constant
Euro European Currency
Euro Sign
European Latin Ā Ā
European Paragraph Sign § §
European Section Sign
Exclamation Mark ! !
Exclamation Mark Ornament, Heavy
Exclamation Mark, Armenian ՜ ՜
Exclamation Mark, Double
Exclamation Mark, Inverted ¡ ¡
Exclamation Mark, Latin Letter ǃ ǃ
Exclamation Mark, Limbu
Exclamation Mark, Question
Exclamation Question Mark
Exist, There Does Not
Existential Quantifier
Exists, There
Exponent, Natural
Extensions For Ainu, Katakana
Ezh Reversed, Latin Small Letter ƹ ƹ
Ezh With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǯ ǯ
Ezh, Latin Capital Letter Ʒ Ʒ
Ezh, Latin Letter Small Capital
Ezh, Latin Small Letter ʒ ʒ


Description Entity Preview
F With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
F With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƒ ƒ
F, Latin Small Letter Script ƒ ƒ
F, Script Capital
F, Turned Capital
F, Turned Small
Face, Black Smiling
Face, Postal Mark
Face, White Frowning
Face, White Smiling
Facsimile Sign
Factorial ! !
Fahrenheit, Degree
Fast Cursor Down
Fast Cursor Left
Fast Cursor Right
Fast Cursor Up
Female Sign
Feminine Ordinal Indicator ª ª
Fence, Dotted
Fences, Wiggly
Fermata, Combining ͒ ͒
Fifths, Fractions
Figure Dash
Figure Space
File Separator &#x001C;
File Separator, Symbol For
Fill Space, Ideographic Half
Filler, Hangul
Finger Dingbats, Pointing Index
Finite Function
Finite Function Diacritic
Finite Injection
Finite Relation
Finite Surjection
Finite Surjective Injection
First Quarter Moon
Fish Tails
Five Dot Punctuation
Flag, Black
Flag, White
Flat Sign, Music
Floor, Left
Floor, Right
Floral Heart Bullet, Reversed Rotated
Florin Currency Symbol ƒ ƒ
Folder ƒ ƒ
Fongman, Thai Character
For All
Forfeda Supplement, Ogham
Form And Chart Components
Form Feed &#x000C;  
Form Feed
Form Feed, Symbol For
Format Characters
Format Characters, Directional
Format Controls, Mongolian
Formatting, Pop Directional
Forward Arrow Indicator
Forward Difference
Four Dot Mark
Four Dot Punctuation
Four Dots Above, Combining
Four Dots, Mongolian
Four Dots, Vertical
Four-Per-Em Space
Fourier Transform
Fourth Derivative
Fourth Root
Fourth Tone, Mandarin Chinese ˋ ˋ
Fourths, Fractions ¼ ¼
Fraction Numerator One
Fraction One Half, Vulgar ½ ½
Fraction One Quarter, Vulgar ¼ ¼
Fraction Slash
Fraction Three Quarters, Vulgar ¾ ¾
Fractions Eighths
Fractions Fifths
Fractions Fourths ¼ ¼
Fractions Quarters ¼ ¼
Fractions Sixths
Fractions Thirds
Fractions, Vulgar
Fraktur Mathematical Symbols 𝔄 𝔄
Fraktur Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝕬 𝕬
Framus, White
Franc Sign, French
Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced ʕ ʕ
Frowning Face, White
Full Block
Full Stop . .
Full Stop, Arabic ۔ ۔
Full Stop, Armenian ։ ։
Full Stop, Canadian Syllabics
Full Stop, Ethiopic
Full Stop, Georgian ։ ։
Full Stop, Ideographic
Full Stop, Mongolian
Full Stop, Mongolian Manchu
Fullwidth Ascii Variants
Fullwidth Forms, Halfwidth And
Fullwidth Symbol Variants
Function Application
Function Symbol ƒ ƒ
Function, Bernoulli
Function, Composite
Function, Finite
Function, Gamma Γ Γ
Function, Partial
Function, Total
Function, Weierstrass Elliptic
Functional Symbols, Apl
Funeral Urn


Description Entity Preview
G With Acute, Latin Small Letter ǵ ǵ
G With Breve, Latin Small Letter ğ ğ
G With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǧ ǧ
G With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ģ ģ
G With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĝ ĝ
G With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ġ ġ
G With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɠ Ɠ
G With Hook, Latin Letter Small Capital ʛ ʛ
G With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɠ ɠ
G With Macron, Latin Small Letter
G With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ǥ ǥ
G, Latin Letter Small Capital ɢ ɢ
G, Latin Small Letter Script ɡ ɡ
G, Script Small
G, Turned Sans-Serif Capital
Gamma Function Γ Γ
Gamma, Double-Struck Capital
Gamma, Double-Struck Small
Gamma, Latin Capital Letter Ɣ Ɣ
Gamma, Latin Small Letter ɣ ɣ
Gamma, Latin Small Letter Baby ɤ ɤ
Gamma, Modifier Letter Small ˠ ˠ
Gender Symbols
Genealogical Symbols
General Punctuation    
General Scripts Area &#x0000;
General Scripts Area, Supplementary 𐀀 𐀀
Generalized Intersection
Generalized Union
Geometric Proportion
Geometric Shapes
Geometrically Equal To
Geometrically Equivalent To
Georgian Alphabet
Georgian Capital Letters
Georgian Comma · ·
Georgian Extensions
Georgian Full Stop ։ ։
Georgian Khutsuri
Georgian Mkhedruli
Georgian Paragraph Separator
Georgian Small Letters
Georgian Supplement
German Mark Pre-Wwii
German Penny Sign
Geta Mark
Ghana Currency
Gimel Symbol
Gleich Stark
Glottal Stop ʼ ʼ
Glottal Stop, Latin Capital Letter Ɂ Ɂ
Glottal Stop, Latin Letter ʔ ʔ
Glottal Stop, Latin Letter Inverted ʖ ʖ
Glottal Stop, Latin Letter Reversed ʕ ʕ
Glottal Stop, Latin Small Letter ɂ ɂ
Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter ˀ ˀ
Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Reversed ˁ ˁ
Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Small Reversed ˤ ˤ
Go Markers
Golden Numbers, Runic
Gothic 𐌰 𐌰
Grapheme Joiner, Combining ͏ ͏
Graphic Characters, Terminal
Graphic Characters, Terminal
Graphic Pictures For Control Codes
Graphics For Control Codes
Graphics, Quadrant Control Code
Grave Accent ` `
Grave Accent Below, Combining ̖ ̖
Grave Accent, Combining ̀ ̀
Grave Accent, Combining Double ̏ ̏
Grave Accent, Modifier Letter ˋ ˋ
Grave Accent, Modifier Letter Low ˎ ˎ
Grave Accent, Spacing ` `
Grave Accent, Swedish ˟ ˟
Grave Tone Mark, Combining ̀ ̀
Greater-Than Or Equal To
Greater-Than Sign > >
Greater-Than, Much
Greater-Than, Very Much
Greek Ͱ Ͱ
Greek Alphabet Α Α
Greek Ano Teleia · ·
Greek Archaic Letters Ϙ Ϙ
Greek Beta Symbol ϐ ϐ
Greek Capital Letters Α Α
Greek Currency
Greek Dasia ̔ ̔
Greek Dialytika ̈ ̈
Greek Dialytika Tonos, Combining ̈́ ̈́
Greek Enotikon
Greek Extended
Greek Iota Subscript ͅ ͅ
Greek Koronis, Combining ̓ ̓
Greek Letters, Double-Struck
Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol ϵ ϵ
Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol ϲ ϲ
Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝚨 𝚨
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝚨 𝚨
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic 𝜜 𝜜
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Italic 𝛢 𝛢
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝝖 𝝖
Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic 𝞐 𝞐
Greek Middle Dot · ·
Greek Musical Notation, Ancient 𝈀 𝈀
Greek Non-Spacing Iota Below ͅ ͅ
Greek Numbers, Ancient 𐅀 𐅀
Greek Old Testament 𝔖 𝔖
Greek Oxia ́ ́
Greek Pentonkion
Greek Perispomeni, Combining ͂ ͂
Greek Phi Symbol ϕ ϕ
Greek Pi Symbol ϖ ϖ
Greek Psili ̓ ̓
Greek Punctuation And Signs ʹ ʹ
Greek Question Mark ; ;
Greek Question Mark ; ;
Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol ϶ ϶
Greek Rough Breathing Mark ̔ ̔
Greek Small Letter Iota, Turned
Greek Small Letter Lunate Sigma ϲ ϲ
Greek Small Letter Pi π π
Greek Small Letters α α
Greek Smooth Breathing Mark ̓ ̓
Greek Textual Symbols, Ancient
Greek Theta Symbol ϑ ϑ
Greek Tonos ́ ́
Greek Varia ̀ ̀
Greek Variant Letterforms ϐ ϐ
Greek Vrachy ̆ ̆
Greek Ypogegrammeni, Combining ͅ ͅ
Greek, Diacritics For ͂ ͂
Greek, Precomposed Polytonic
Ground, Earth
Group Lock
Group Separator &#x001D;
Group Separator, Symbol For
Guarani Sign
Guarded Area, End Of
Guarded Area, Start Of
Guillemet, Left Pointing « «
Guillemet, Left Pointing Single
Guillemet, Right Pointing » »
Guillemet, Right Pointing Single
Gujarati Consonants
Gujarati Dependent Vowel Signs
Gujarati Digits
Gujarati Independent Vowels
Gujarati Rupee Sign
Gurmukhi Addak
Gurmukhi Consonants
Gurmukhi Dependent Vowel Signs
Gurmukhi Digits
Gurmukhi Ek Onkar
Gurmukhi Independent Vowels
Gurmukhi Khanda
Gurmukhi Tippi


Description Entity Preview
H With Breve Below, Latin Small Letter
H With Caron, Latin Small Letter ȟ ȟ
H With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter
H With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĥ ĥ
H With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter
H With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
H With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Turned ʮ ʮ
H With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɦ ɦ
H With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
H With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ħ ħ
H, Black-Letter Capital
H, Combining Latin Small Letter ͪ ͪ
H, Double-Struck Capital
H, Latin Letter Small Capital ʜ ʜ
H, Latin Small Letter Turned ɥ ɥ
H, Modifier Letter Small ʰ ʰ
H, Script Capital
Hacek, Combining ̌ ̌
Hacek, Modifier Letter ˇ ˇ
Hair Space
Halanta, Tibetan Mark
Half Fill Space, Ideographic
Half Integral, Bottom
Half Integral, Top
Half Marks, Combining
Half Ring Above, Combining Left ͑ ͑
Half Ring Above, Combining Right ͗ ͗
Half Ring Below, Combining Left ̜ ̜
Half Ring Below, Combining Right ̹ ̹
Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left ՙ ՙ
Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right ՚ ՚
Half Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left ˓ ˓
Half Ring, Modifier Letter Left ʿ ʿ
Half Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter ˑ ˑ
Half, Vulgar Fraction One ½ ½
Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms
Halfwidth Cjk Punctuation
Halfwidth Japanese Katakana Variants
Halfwidth Korean Hangul Variants
Halfwidth Symbol Variants
Hamilton Operator
Hammer And Pick
Hammer And Sickle
Hamzah On Ha, Arabic Letter ۀ ۀ
Han Ideographs
Han-Daku-On, Combining Japanese
Han-Daku-On, Japanese
Hand Symbols, Pointing
Hand, Victory
Hand, Writing
Hangul Archaic Letters, Korean
Hangul Choseong Filler
Hangul Compatibility Jamo, Korean
Hangul Elements, Circled Korean
Hangul Elements, Parenthesized Korean
Hangul Filler
Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet, Korean
Hangul Jungseong Filler
Hangul Syllables Area, Korean
Hangul Syllables, Circled Korean
Hangul Syllables, Parenthesized Korean
Hangul Variants, Halfwidth Korean
Hangzhou Numerals
Harakat, Arabic ً ً
Harbor Symbol
Harpoon Above, Combining Left
Harpoon Above, Combining Right
Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Leftwards
Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Rightwards
Harpoons, Miscellaneous
Hartsakan Nshan, Armenian ՞ ՞
Hasant, Bengali
Hasanta, Syloti Nagri Sign
Hash # #
Hat ̂ ̂
Have A Nice Day!
Hazard Dingbats
Head Marks, Tibetan
Heading, Start Of &#x0001;
Heading, Symbol For Start Of
Heart Bullet, Reversed Rotated Floral
Heart Dingbats
Heart Ornaments
Heavy Ballot X
Heavy Check Mark
Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament
Heavy Multiplication X
Heavy Sparkle
Hebrew ֐ ֐
Hebrew Alphabet א א
Hebrew Cantillation Marks ֑ ֑
Hebrew Letterlike Mathematical Symbols
Hebrew Points And Punctuation ְ ְ
Hebrew Presentation Forms
Heh With Yeh Above, Arabic Letter ۀ ۀ
Helm Symbol
Hermes, Staff Of
Hermitian Conjugate Matrix
Hexagram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching
High Surrogates &#xD800;
High Voltage Sign
High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark, Double
High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark, Single
Higher Rank Than
Hilbert Space
Hiragana Iteration Mark
Hiragana Letter Small Ka
Hiragana Letter Small Ke
Hiragana Supplement
Hiragana Voiced Iteration Mark
Histogram Marker
Homothetic Above, Combining ͋ ͋
Honorifics, Arabic ؐ ؐ
Hook Above, Combining ̉ ̉
Hook Below, Combining Palatalized ̡ ̡
Hook Below, Combining Retroflex ̢ ̢
Hook, Modifier Letter Rhotic ˞ ˞
Hook, Nasal ̨ ̨
Horizontal Bar
Horizontal Ellipsis
Horizontal Ellipsis, Midline
Horizontal Scan Lines
Horizontal Tabulation  
Horizontal Tabulation, Symbol For
Horn, Combining ̛ ̛
Hot Beverage
Hot Springs
Hourglass, Black
Hours, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For
Hryvnia Sign
Hv, Latin Small Letter ƕ ƕ
Hwair, Latin Capital Letter Ƕ Ƕ
Hyphen Bullet
Hyphen Or Minus Sign -
Hyphen, Armenian ֊ ֊
Hyphen, Discretionary ­ ­
Hyphen, Katakana-Hiragana Double
Hyphen, Mongolian Todo Soft
Hyphen, Non-Breaking
Hyphen, Papyrological ͜ ͜
Hyphen, Soft ­ ­
Hyphen-Minus -
Hyphenation Point
Hyphus -
Hysteresis Symbol


Description Entity Preview
I Bar, Latin Capital Letter Ɨ Ɨ
I Ching / Yijing Hexagram Symbols
I Ching / Yijing Monogram And Digram Symbols
I Ching / Yijing Trigram Symbols
I Dot, Latin Capital Letter İ İ
I With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Í Í
I With Acute, Latin Small Letter í í
I With Breve, Latin Small Letter ĭ ĭ
I With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǐ ǐ
I With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Î Î
I With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter î î
I With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ï Ï
I With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ï ï
I With Dot Above, Latin Capital Letter İ İ
I With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
I With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȉ ȉ
I With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Ì Ì
I With Grave, Latin Small Letter ì ì
I With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter
I With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȋ ȋ
I With Macron, Latin Small Letter ī ī
I With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter į į
I With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɨ Ɨ
I With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɨ ɨ
I With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter
I With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ĩ ĩ
I, Black-Letter Capital
I, Combining Latin Small Letter ͥ ͥ
I, Double-Struck Italic Small
I, Latin Letter Small Capital ɪ ɪ
I, Latin Small Letter Dotless ı ı
I, Latin Small Letter Turned
I, Latin Subscript Small Letter
I, Script Capital
I, Superscript Latin Small Letter
Identical To
Identical To, Not
Ideograms, Linear B 𐂀 𐂀
Ideographic Annotation, Japanese Kanbun
Ideographic Closing Mark
Ideographic Comma
Ideographic Description Characters, Cjk
Ideographic Full Stop
Ideographic Half Fill Space
Ideographic Iteration Mark
Ideographic Iteration Mark, Vertical
Ideographic Number Zero
Ideographic Space    
Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Days
Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Hours
Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Months
Ideographic Tone Marks
Ideographic Variation Indicator
Ideographs Area, Cjk
Ideographs Area, Supplementary Cjk 𠀀 𠀀
Ideographs Extension A, Cjk Unified
Ideographs Extension B, Cjk Unified 𠀀 𠀀
Ideographs Supplement, Cjk Compatibility 丽 丽
Ideographs, Circled
Ideographs, Cjk Compatibility
Ideographs, Cjk Unified
Ideographs, Dprk Compatibility
Ideographs, Han
Ideographs, Jis X 0213 Compatibility
Ideographs, Parenthesized Cjk
Idle, Symbol For Synchronous
Idle, Synchronous &#x0016;
Ij, Latin Small Ligature ij ij
Image Of
Image Of, Square
Imaginary Part
Included In Set
Includes In Set
Incorporated, Japanese
Independent, Not
Index Finger Dingbats, Pointing
Index, Black Left Pointing
Index, Black Right Pointing
Index, White Down Pointing
Index, White Left Pointing
Index, White Right Pointing
Index, White Up Pointing
Indian Currency
Indicator, Backward Arrow
Indicator, Forward Arrow
Inequality Signs, Equality And
Inequality Signs, Equality And
Infix Bag Count
Information Separator Four &#x001C;
Information Separator One &#x001F;
Information Separator Three &#x001D;
Information Separator Two &#x001E;
Information Source
Ingressive Airflow
Injection, Finite
Injection, Finite Surjective
Injection, Partial
Injection, Surjective
Injection, Total
Insertion Point, Caret
Insertion Symbol
Integral Operator, Quaternion
Integral Signs
Integral, Anticlockwise Contour
Integral, Bottom Half
Integral, Clockwise
Integral, Clockwise Contour
Integral, Contour
Integral, Counterclockwise Contour
Integral, Double
Integral, Lower
Integral, Riemann
Integral, Surface
Integral, Top Half
Integral, Triple
Integral, Upper
Integral, Volume
Integrals, Summations And
Integration, Anticlockwise
Integration, Counterclockwise
Interest Sign, Place Of
Interior Product
Interior Product, Righthand
Interlinear Annotation
Interlinear Annotation Anchor
Interlinear Annotation Separator
Interlinear Annotation Terminator
Interrobang, Inverted
Intersection, Double
Intersection, Electrical
Intersection, Generalized
Intersection, N-Ary
Intersection, Proper
Intersections And Unions
Intersyllabic Tsheg, Tibetan Mark
Introducer, Control Sequence
Introducer, Single Character š
Inverse Numbers, Circled
Inverted Breve Below, Combining ̯ ̯
Inverted Breve, Combining ̑ ̑
Inverted Breve, Combining Double ͡ ͡
Inverted Bridge Below, Combining ̺ ̺
Inverted Double Arch Below, Combining ̫ ̫
Inverted Exclamation Mark ¡ ¡
Inverted Glottal Stop, Latin Letter ʖ ʖ
Inverted Interrobang
Inverted Lazy S
Inverted Ohm Sign
Inverted Question Mark ¿ ¿
Inverted R, Latin Letter Small Capital ʁ ʁ
Inverted R, Modifier Letter Small Capital ʶ ʶ
Inverted Undertie
Invisible Comma
Invisible Plus
Invisible Separator
Invisible Times
Iota Below, Greek Non-Spacing ͅ ͅ
Iota Subscript, Greek ͅ ͅ
Iota, Latin Capital Letter Ɩ Ɩ
Iota, Latin Small Letter ɩ ɩ
Iota, Turned Greek Small Letter
Ipa Extensions ɐ ɐ
Ipa, Diacritics For ͆ ͆
Iranian Currency
Irish Punt £ £
Isotech Entity &Amp;Iinfin;
Israeli Currency
Isshar, Bengali
Isshar, Oriya
Italian Currency
Italian Lira £ £
Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝛢 𝛢
Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝜜 𝜜
Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝞐 𝞐
Italic Mathematical Symbols 𝐴 𝐴
Italic Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝑨 𝑨
Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝘈 𝘈
Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝘼 𝘼
Italic, Old 𐌀 𐌀
Itc Zapf Dingbats Series 100
Iteration Mark, Hiragana
Iteration Mark, Hiragana Voiced
Iteration Mark, Ideographic
Iteration Mark, Katakana
Iteration Mark, Katakana Voiced
Iteration Mark, Vertical Ideographic
Ivy Leaf
Izafet ۀ ۀ


Description Entity Preview
J With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǰ ǰ
J With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ĵ ĵ
J With Crossed-Tail, Latin Small Letter ʝ ʝ
J With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɉ Ɉ
J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɉ ɉ
J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Dotless ɟ ɟ
J, Double-Struck Italic Small
J, Latin Letter Small Capital
J, Latin Small Letter Dotless ȷ ȷ
J, Modifier Letter Small ʲ ʲ
Jamo Combining Alphabet, Korean Hangul
Jamo, Korean Hangul Compatibility
Japanese Bullet, Tainome
Japanese Chess Symbols
Japanese Era Names
Japanese Hiragana
Japanese Incorporated
Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol
Japanese Kanbun Ideographic Annotation
Japanese Katakana
Japanese Katakana Variants, Halfwidth
Japanese Katakana Words, Squared
Japanese Katakana, Circled
Japanese Kome
Jerusalem, Cross Of
Jis Composition Circle
Jis X 0213 Compatibility Ideographs
Joiner, Combining Grapheme ͏ ͏
Joiner, Word
Joiner, Zero Width
Jolly Roger
Jot, Apl
Jurisprudence Symbol


Description Entity Preview
K With Acute, Latin Small Letter
K With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǩ ǩ
K With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ķ ķ
K With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
K With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƙ ƙ
K With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
K, Latin Letter Small Capital
K, Latin Small Letter Turned ʞ ʞ
Ka, Hiragana Letter Small
Kana Repeat Marks
Kanbun Ideographic Annotation, Japanese
Kangxi Radicals, Cjk
Kannada Consonants
Kannada Dependent Vowel Signs
Kannada Digits
Kannada Independent Vowels
Kashida, Arabic ـ ـ
Katakana Digraph Koto
Katakana Extensions For Ainu
Katakana Iteration Mark
Katakana Middle Dot
Katakana Phonetic Extensions
Katakana Variants, Halfwidth Japanese
Katakana Voiced Iteration Mark
Katakana Words, Squared
Katakana, Circled
Katakana-Hiragana Double Hyphen
Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark
Kayah Li
Kelvin Sign
Key, Clear
Key, Command
Key, Delete To The Left
Key, Delete To The Right
Key, Enter
Key, Option
Keyboard Symbol For No Break Space
Keyboard Symbols
Keyboard Symbols
Keyboard Symbols
Keyboard Symbols
Keycap, Combining Enclosing
Khanda, Gurmukhi
Kharoshthi 𐨀 𐨀
Kharoshthi Digits 𐩀 𐩀
Khmer Anusvara
Khmer Consonants
Khmer Currency Symbol Riel
Khmer Dependent Vowel Signs
Khmer Digits
Khmer Independent Vowels
Khmer Numeric Symbols For Divination
Khmer Sign Nikahit
Khmer Sign Reahmuk
Khmer Signs
Khmer Srak Ah
Khmer Srak Am
Khmer Symbols
Khmer Visarga
Khomut, Thai Character
Khutsuri, Georgian
Killer, Myanmar
Kip Sign
Kome, Japanese
Komi Letters Ԁ Ԁ
Koranic Annotation Signs, Arabic ۖ ۖ
Korean Combining Alphabet
Korean Currency
Korean Hangul Archaic Letters
Korean Hangul Compatibility Jamo
Korean Hangul Elements, Circled
Korean Hangul Elements, Parenthesized
Korean Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet
Korean Hangul Syllables
Korean Hangul Syllables, Circled
Korean Hangul Syllables, Parenthesized
Korean Hangul Variants, Halfwidth
Korean Standard Symbol
Koronis, Combining Greek ̓ ̓
Koto, Katakana Digraph
Kra, Latin Small Letter ĸ ĸ


Description Entity Preview
L B Bar Symbol
L With Acute, Latin Small Letter ĺ ĺ
L With Bar, Latin Capital Letter Ƚ Ƚ
L With Bar, Latin Small Letter ƚ ƚ
L With Belt, Latin Small Letter ɬ ɬ
L With Caron, Latin Small Letter ľ ľ
L With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ļ ļ
L With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter
L With Curl, Latin Small Letter ȴ ȴ
L With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
L With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
L With Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter ŀ ŀ
L With Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter ɫ ɫ
L With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ɭ ɭ
L With Stroke, Latin Letter Small Capital
L With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ł ł
L, Latin Letter Small Capital ʟ ʟ
L, Modifier Letter Small ˡ ˡ
L, Reversed Sans-Serif Capital
L, Script Capital
L, Script Small
L, Turned Sans-Serif Capital
Lambda Bar, Latin Letter ƛ ƛ
Language Tag 󠀁 󠀁
Lao Cancellation Mark
Lao Consonants
Lao Digits
Lao Ellipsis
Lao Marks And Signs
Lao Niggahita
Lao Vowels
Laotian Currency
Laplace Operator
Laplace Transform
Large Bowtie
Large Circle
Large Operators
Last Quarter Moon
Lateral Click, Latin Letter ǁ ǁ
Latin Abbreviations, Squared
Latin Abbreviations, Squared
Latin Cross
Latin Extended Additional
Latin Extended-A Ā Ā
Latin Extended-B ƀ ƀ
Latin Extended-C
Latin Extended-D
Latin Extensions
Latin Letter Ain
Latin Letter Alveolar Click ǂ ǂ
Latin Letter Bidental Percussive ʭ ʭ
Latin Letter Bilabial Click ʘ ʘ
Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive ʬ ʬ
Latin Letter Bullseye ʘ ʘ
Latin Letter Dental Click ǀ ǀ
Latin Letter Exclamation Mark ǃ ǃ
Latin Letter Glottal Stop ʔ ʔ
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop ʖ ʖ
Latin Letter Lambda Bar ƛ ƛ
Latin Letter Lateral Click ǁ ǁ
Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative ʕ ʕ
Latin Letter Retroflex Click ǃ ǃ
Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop ƪ ƪ
Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop ʕ ʕ
Latin Letter Stretched C ʗ ʗ
Latin Letter Voiced Laryngeal Spirant
Latin Letter Wynn ƿ ƿ
Latin Letter Yr Ʀ Ʀ
Latin Letters, Circled
Latin Letters, Parenthesized
Latin Letters, Phonetic Modifiers Derived From ʰ ʰ
Latin Ligatures
Latin Lowercase Alphabet a a
Latin Small Letter Ae æ æ
Latin Small Letter Alpha ɑ ɑ
Latin Small Letter Baby Gamma ɤ ɤ
Latin Small Letter Closed Epsilon ʚ ʚ
Latin Small Letter Closed Omega ɷ ɷ
Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Epsilon ɞ ɞ
Latin Small Letter Db Digraph ȸ ȸ
Latin Small Letter Eng ŋ ŋ
Latin Small Letter Epsilon ɛ ɛ
Latin Small Letter Esh ʃ ʃ
Latin Small Letter Eth ð ð
Latin Small Letter Ezh ʒ ʒ
Latin Small Letter Ezh Reversed ƹ ƹ
Latin Small Letter Ezh With Caron ǯ ǯ
Latin Small Letter Gamma ɣ ɣ
Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop ɂ ɂ
Latin Small Letter Hv ƕ ƕ
Latin Small Letter Iota ɩ ɩ
Latin Small Letter Kra ĸ ĸ
Latin Small Letter Lezh ɮ ɮ
Latin Small Letter Oi ƣ ƣ
Latin Small Letter Ou ȣ ȣ
Latin Small Letter Phi ɸ ɸ
Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph ȹ ȹ
Latin Small Letter Rams Horn ɤ ɤ
Latin Small Letter Schwa ə ə
Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh ʅ ʅ
Latin Small Letter Thorn þ þ
Latin Small Letter Tone Six ƅ ƅ
Latin Small Letter Turned Ae
Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha ɒ ɒ
Latin Small Letter Turned Delta ƍ ƍ
Latin Small Letter Turned Oe
Latin Small Letter Upsilon ʊ ʊ
Latin Small Letter Yogh ȝ ȝ
Latin Small Letters a a
Latin Small Letters, Combining ͣ ͣ
Latin Small Ligature Ae æ æ
Latin Small Ligature Ij ij ij
Latin Small Ligature Oe œ œ
Latin Superscript Modifier Letters ʰ ʰ
Latin Uppercase Alphabet A A
Latin, Basic &#x0000;
Latin, European Ā Ā
Latin-1 Punctuation And Symbols    
Latin-1 Supplement    
Lazy S
Lazy S, Inverted
Leader, One Dot
Leader, Three Dot
Leader, Two Dot
Leaf, Aldus
Leaf, Ivy
Left Abstract Syntax Bracket
Left Angle Above, Combining ̚ ̚
Left Angle Below, Combining ͉ ͉
Left Angle Bracket
Left Angle Bracket, Mathematical
Left Arrow Above, Combining
Left Arrow Below, Combining
Left Arrowhead Below, Combining ͔ ͔
Left Bag Bracket
Left Black Lenticular Bracket
Left Ceiling
Left Chevron Bracket
Left Corner Bracket
Left Curly Bracket { {
Left Double Angle Bracket
Left Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical
Left Double Quotation Mark
Left Floor
Left Half Ring Above, Combining ͑ ͑
Left Half Ring Below, Combining ̜ ̜
Left Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter ՙ ՙ
Left Half Ring, Modifier Letter ʿ ʿ
Left Half Ring, Modifier Letter Centred ˓ ˓
Left Harpoon Above, Combining
Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter N With Ɲ Ɲ
Left Hook, Latin Small Letter N With ɲ ɲ
Left Key, Delete To The
Left Moustache
Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product
Left Parenthesis ( (
Left Parenthesis, Ornate
Left Pointing Guillemet « «
Left Pointing Index, Black
Left Pointing Index, White
Left Pointing Single Guillemet
Left Right Arrow Above, Combining
Left Right Arrow Below, Combining ͍ ͍
Left Semidirect Product
Left Sequence Bracket
Left Single Quotation Mark
Left Square Bracket [ [
Left Square Bracket With Quill
Left Tack
Left Tack Below, Combining ̘ ̘
Left Tortoise Shell Bracket
Left White Corner Bracket
Left White Curly Bracket
Left White Lenticular Bracket
Left White Parenthesis
Left White Square Bracket
Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket
Left, Erase To The
Left, Fast Cursor
Left-Pointing Angle Bracket
Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single
Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark « «
Left-To-Right Embedding
Left-To-Right Mark
Left-To-Right Override
Leftward Tab
Leftwards Arrow
Leftwards Arrow Overlay, Combining
Leftwards Bullet, Black
Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining
Lenticular Bracket, Left Black
Lenticular Bracket, Left White
Lenticular Bracket, Right Black
Lenticular Bracket, Right White
Less-Than Or Equal To
Less-Than Sign < <
Less-Than, Much
Less-Than, Very Much
Letterlike Mathematical Symbols, Hebrew
Letterlike Symbols
Level 2 Lock
Level 3 Lock
Level 3 Select
Lezh, Latin Small Letter ɮ ɮ
Ligature Ae, Latin Capital Æ Æ
Ligature Ae, Latin Small æ æ
Ligature Ij, Latin Small ij ij
Ligature Oe, Latin Small œ œ
Ligature Tie ͡ ͡
Ligature Tie Below ͜ ͜
Ligatures, Arabic
Ligatures, Armenian
Ligatures, Latin
Limbu Digits
Limbu Exclamation Mark
Limbu Question Mark
Limbu Signs
Limit, Approaches The
Line Above, Combining Double Vertical ̎ ̎
Line Above, Combining Vertical ̍ ̍
Line Backward, Partial Œ
Line Below, Combining Double Vertical ͈ ͈
Line Below, Combining Vertical ̩ ̩
Line Feed  
Line Feed
Line Feed, Reverse 
Line Feed, Symbol For
Line Forward, Partial
Line Marker
Line Operators, Vertical
Line Overlay, Combining Long Vertical
Line Overlay, Combining Short Vertical
Line Separator
Line Symbol, Centre
Line Tabulation &#x000B;
Line Tabulation Set Š
Line With Middle Dot, Vertical
Line, Beginning Of
Line, Centreline Low
Line, Combining Double Low ̳ ̳
Line, Combining Low ̲ ̲
Line, Dashed Low
Line, Double Low
Line, Double Vertical
Line, End Of  
Line, Low _ _
Line, Modifier Letter Low Vertical ˌ ˌ
Line, Modifier Letter Vertical ˈ ˈ
Line, New  
Line, Next
Line, Property
Line, Vertical | |
Line, Wavy
Line, Wavy Low
Linear B Ideograms 𐂀 𐂀
Linear B Syllabary 𐀀 𐀀
Lines, Horizontal Scan
Lines, Vertical
Lira Sign
Lira, Italian £ £
Lira, Turkish £ £
Lock, Caps
Lock, Caps
Lock, Numerics
Logic Operators, Modal
Logic Operators, Modal
Logical And
Logical And, Curly
Logical And, N-Ary
Logical Ands And Ors
Logical Or
Logical Or, Curly
Logical Or, N-Ary
Long ̄ ̄
Long Arrows
Long Division
Long Double Slash Overlay
Long S, Latin Small Letter ſ ſ
Long Slash Overlay ̸ ̸
Long Solidus Overlay, Combining ̸ ̸
Long Stroke Overlay, Combining ̶ ̶
Long Vertical Line Overlay, Combining
Lorraine, Cross Of
Low Acute Accent, Modifier Letter ˏ ˏ
Low Asterisk
Low Double Comma Quotation Mark
Low Double Prime Quotation Mark
Low Grave Accent, Modifier Letter ˎ ˎ
Low Line _ _
Low Line, Centreline
Low Line, Combining ̲ ̲
Low Line, Combining Double ̳ ̳
Low Line, Dashed
Low Line, Double
Low Line, Wavy
Low Macron, Modifier Letter ˍ ˍ
Low Single Comma Quotation Mark
Low Surrogates &#xDC00;
Low Vertical Line, Modifier Letter ˌ ˌ
Low-9 Quotation Mark, Double
Low-9 Quotation Mark, Single
Lower Integral
Lower Rank Than
Lowercase Alphabet, Latin a a
Lozenge, Black
Lozenge, Square
Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek ϵ ϵ
Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek Reversed ϶ ϶
Lunate Sigma Symbol, Greek ϲ ϲ
Lycian 𐊀 𐊀
Lydian 𐤠 𐤠


Description Entity Preview
M With Acute, Latin Small Letter ḿ ḿ
M With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
M With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
M With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɱ ɱ
M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Turned ɰ ɰ
M, Combining Latin Small Letter ͫ ͫ
M, Latin Capital Letter Turned Ɯ Ɯ
M, Latin Letter Small Capital
M, Latin Small Letter Sideways Turned
M, Latin Small Letter Turned ɯ ɯ
M, Script Capital
Maatham, Tamil
Macron ¯ ¯
Macron Below, Combining ̱ ̱
Macron Below, Combining Double ͟ ͟
Macron Left Half, Combining
Macron Right Half, Combining
Macron, Combining ̄ ̄
Macron, Combining Double ͞ ͞
Macron, Modifier Letter ˉ ˉ
Macron, Modifier Letter Low ˍ ˍ
Macron, Spacing ¯ ¯
Mahjong Tiles 🀀 🀀
Malayalam Chandrakkala
Malayalam Chillu Letters
Malayalam Consonants
Malayalam Dependent Vowel Signs
Malayalam Digits
Malayalam Independent Vowels
Malayalam Sign Virama
Malayalam Vowel Half-U
Male Sign
Maltese Cross
Manchu Comma, Mongolian
Manchu Full Stop, Mongolian
Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Tone ˙ ˙
Mandarin Chinese First Tone ˉ ˉ
Mandarin Chinese Fourth Tone ˋ ˋ
Mandarin Chinese Second Tone ˊ ˊ
Mandarin Chinese Third Tone ˇ ˇ
Map Symbols, Dictionary And
Maps From
Maps From
Maps To
Maps To
Maps To
Mark Pre-Wwii, German
Marker, Histogram
Marker, Line
Markers, Go
Marks, Combining Diacritical ̀ ̀
Marks, Combining Half
Marriage Symbol
Masculine Ordinal Indicator º º
Masu Mark
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols 𝐀 𝐀
Mathematical Brackets
Mathematical Constant 3.141592… Pi π π
Mathematical Digits Symbols 𝟎 𝟎
Mathematical Operators
Mathematical Operators, Dotted
Mathematical Operators, Enclosed
Mathematical Operators, Supplemental
Mathematical Operators, Tilde
Mathematical Space, Medium
Mathematical Symbols
Mathematical Symbols
Mathematical Symbols, Black-Letter 𝔄 𝔄
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Fraktur 𝕬 𝕬
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Greek 𝚨 𝚨
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic 𝑨 𝑨
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic Greek 𝜜 𝜜
Mathematical Symbols, Bold Script 𝓐 𝓐
Mathematical Symbols, Dotless 𝚤 𝚤
Mathematical Symbols, Double-Struck 𝔸 𝔸
Mathematical Symbols, Fraktur 𝔄 𝔄
Mathematical Symbols, Greek 𝚨 𝚨
Mathematical Symbols, Hebrew Letterlike
Mathematical Symbols, Italic 𝐴 𝐴
Mathematical Symbols, Italic Greek 𝛢 𝛢
Mathematical Symbols, Monospace 𝙰 𝙰
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif 𝖠 𝖠
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold 𝗔 𝗔
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Greek 𝝖 𝝖
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic 𝘼 𝘼
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic Greek 𝞐 𝞐
Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Italic 𝘈 𝘈
Mathematical Symbols, Script 𝒜 𝒜
Mathematical Symbols-A, Miscellaneous
Mathematical Symbols-B, Miscellaneous
Matrix, Hermitian Conjugate
Measured Angle
Measured Angles, Angles And
Measured By
Med Avdrag Av
Medieval Superscript Letter Diacritics ͣ ͣ
Medieval Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin
Medievalist Punctuation
Medium Black Circle
Medium Mathematical Space
Medium Small Square, Black
Medium Small White Circle
Medium Square, Black
Medium White Circle
Medium, End Of &#x0019;
Medium, Symbol For End Of
Member, Contains As
Member, Does Not Contain As
Member, Small Contains As
Membership Signs, Set
Membership, Z Notation Bag
Merpadi, Tamil
Message Waiting
Message, Privacy ž
Metrical Symbols
Micro Sign µ µ
Mid Space
Middle Dot · ·
Middle Dot, Greek · ·
Middle Dot, Katakana
Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter L With ŀ ŀ
Middle Dot, Vertical Line With
Middle Tilde, Latin Capital Letter O With Ɵ Ɵ
Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter L With ɫ ɫ
Midline Horizontal Ellipsis
Midpoint · ·
Mill Sign
Mille Sign, Per
Milreis $ $
Minim Alternate Glyph
Mining Symbol
Minus Sign
Minus Sign Below, Combining ̠ ̠
Minus Sign Operators, Plus And
Minus Sign, Commercial
Minus Sign, Hyphen Or -
Minus Sign, Modifier Letter ˗ ˗
Minus Tilde
Minus, Circled
Minus, Dot
Minus, Set
Minus, Squared
Minus-Or-Plus Sign
Miny ⧿ ⧿
Mkhedruli, Georgian
Modal Logic Operators
Modifier Letter Extensions
Modifier Letters, Latin Superscript ʰ ʰ
Modifier Letters, Spacing ʰ ʰ
Modifier Tone Letters
Modifiers Derived From Latin Letters, Phonetic ʰ ʰ
Modifiers, Phonetic ʹ ʹ
Modifiers, Upa ˯ ˯
Mongolian Basic Letters
Mongolian Birga
Mongolian Colon
Mongolian Comma
Mongolian Currency
Mongolian Digits
Mongolian Ellipsis
Mongolian Extensions
Mongolian Format Controls
Mongolian Four Dots
Mongolian Free Variation Selector One
Mongolian Free Variation Selector Three
Mongolian Free Variation Selector Two
Mongolian Full Stop
Mongolian Manchu Comma
Mongolian Manchu Full Stop
Mongolian Nirugu
Mongolian Punctuation
Mongolian Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker
Mongolian Todo Soft Hyphen
Mongolian Vowel Separator
Monogram And Digram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching
Monospace Digits 𝟶 𝟶
Monospace Mathematical Symbols 𝙰 𝙰
Monostable Symbol
Month Sign, Tamil
Months, Enclosed Cjk Letters And
Months, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For
Moon, First Quarter
Moon, Last Quarter
Most Positive
Moustache, Left
Moustache, Right
Much Greater-Than
Much Greater-Than, Very
Much Less-Than
Much Less-Than, Very
Multiplication And Division Sign Operators
Multiplication Sign × ×
Multiplication X
Multiplication X, Heavy
Multiplication, Multiset
Multiset Multiplication
Multiset Union
Music Dingbats
Music Flat Sign
Music Natural Sign
Music Sharp Sign
Musical Notation, Ancient Greek 𝈀 𝈀
Musical Symbols 𝄀 𝄀
Musical Symbols, Balinese
Musical Symbols, Basic
Musical Symbols, Byzantine 𝀀 𝀀
Mutton Quad
Myanmar က က
Myanmar Consonants က က
Myanmar Dependent Vowel Signs
Myanmar Digits
Myanmar Independent Vowels
Myanmar Killer
Myanmar Sign Virama
Myanmar Signs


Description Entity Preview
N With Acute, Latin Small Letter ń ń
N With Caron, Latin Small Letter ň ň
N With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ņ ņ
N With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter
N With Curl, Latin Small Letter ȵ ȵ
N With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
N With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
N With Grave, Latin Small Letter ǹ ǹ
N With Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ɲ Ɲ
N With Left Hook, Latin Small Letter ɲ ɲ
N With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
N With Long Right Leg, Latin Capital Letter Ƞ Ƞ
N With Long Right Leg, Latin Small Letter ƞ ƞ
N With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ɳ ɳ
N With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter Ñ Ñ
N With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ñ ñ
N, Double-Struck Capital
N, Latin Letter Small Capital ɴ ɴ
N, Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed
N-Ary Coproduct
N-Ary Dijkstra Choice ⫿ ⫿
N-Ary Intersection
N-Ary Logical And
N-Ary Logical Or
N-Ary Operators
N-Ary Operators
N-Ary Product
N-Ary Summation
N-Ary Summation, Double-Struck
N-Ary Times Operator
N-Ary Union
N-Ary White Vertical Bar ⫿ ⫿
Naal, Tamil
Naira Sign
Narrow No-Break Space
Nasal Hook ̨ ̨
Natural Exponent
Natural Number
Natural Sign, Music
Nearly Equals
Necessarily Satisfies
Negative Acknowledge &#x0015;
Negative Acknowledge, Symbol For
Neutral Quotation Mark " «
Neutral Single Quotation Mark '
Neutral Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or ˙ ˙
New Line  
New Sheqel Sign
New Tai Lue
New Tai Lue Digits
New Testament Editorial Symbols
New Testament Majority Text 𝔐 𝔐
Newline, Symbol For
Next Line
Next Page
Nib, Black
Nib, White
Nigerian Currency
Niggahita, Lao
Nikahit, Khmer Sign
Nikhahit, Thai Character
Nirugu, Mongolian
Nko ߀ ߀
No Break Here ƒ
No Break Space, Keyboard Symbol For
No-Break Space    
No-Break Space, Narrow
No-Break Space, Zero Width   
Node, Ascending
Node, Descending
Non-Breaking Hyphen
Non-Breaking Space    
Non-Joiner, Zero Width
Non-Spacing Iota Below, Greek ͅ ͅ
Normal Factor Semidirect Product, Left
Normal Factor Semidirect Product, Right
Normal Subgroup Of
Normal Subgroup Signs
Normal Subgroup, Contains As
Not A Subset Of
Not A Superset Of
Not Almost Equal To
Not An Element Of
Not Asymptotically Equal To
Not Check Mark
Not Equal To
Not Identical To
Not Independent
Not Parallel To
Not Sign ¬ ¬
Not Sign, Reversed
Not Sign, Turned
Not Tilde
Not Tilde Above, Combining ͊ ͊
Not Yield, Does
Note, Eighth
Note, Quarter
Notes, Beamed Eighth
Notes, Beamed Sixteenth
Nukta, Devanagari Sign
Null &#x0000;
Null Set
Null, Symbol For
Number Forms
Number Sign # #
Number Sign, Tamil
Number Symbol, Real
Number Zero, Ideographic
Number, Natural
Numbers And Punctuation, Cuneiform 𒐀 𒐀
Numbers Followed By Period
Numbers, Ancient Greek 𐅀 𐅀
Numbers, Circled
Numbers, Circled
Numbers, Circled
Numbers, Circled Inverse
Numbers, Complex
Numbers, Double Circled
Numbers, Ethiopic
Numbers, Parenthesized
Numbers, Rational
Numbers, Real
Numbers, Runic Golden
Numbers, Tamil
Numbers, White On Black Circled
Numerals, Hangzhou
Numerals, Old Italic 𐌠 𐌠
Numerals, Roman
Numerals, Suzhou
Numerator One, Fraction
Numeric Symbols For Divination, Khmer
Numerics Lock
Numero Sign


Description Entity Preview
O Bar, Latin Capital Letter Ɵ Ɵ
O Bar, Latin Small Letter ɵ ɵ
O E, Latin Small Letter œ œ
O Slash, Latin Capital Letter Ø Ø
O Slash, Latin Small Letter ø ø
O With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Ó Ó
O With Acute, Latin Small Letter ó ó
O With Breve, Latin Small Letter ŏ ŏ
O With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǒ ǒ
O With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Ô Ô
O With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ô ô
O With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ö Ö
O With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ö ö
O With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ȯ ȯ
O With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
O With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter ő ő
O With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȍ ȍ
O With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Ò Ò
O With Grave, Latin Small Letter ò ò
O With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter
O With Horn, Latin Small Letter ơ ơ
O With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȏ ȏ
O With Macron, Latin Small Letter ō ō
O With Middle Tilde, Latin Capital Letter Ɵ Ɵ
O With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter ǫ ǫ
O With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ø Ø
O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ø ø
O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Sideways
O With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter Õ Õ
O With Tilde, Latin Small Letter õ õ
O, Combining Latin Small Letter ͦ ͦ
O, Latin Capital Letter Barred Ɵ Ɵ
O, Latin Capital Letter Open Ɔ Ɔ
O, Latin Letter Small Capital
O, Latin Letter Small Capital Open
O, Latin Small Letter Barred ɵ ɵ
O, Latin Small Letter Bottom Half
O, Latin Small Letter Open ɔ ɔ
O, Latin Small Letter Sideways
O, Latin Small Letter Sideways Open
O, Latin Small Letter Top Half
O, Script Small
Object Replacement Character
Octothorpe # #
Oe, Latin Letter Small Capital ɶ ɶ
Oe, Latin Small Letter Turned
Oe, Latin Small Ligature œ œ
Ogham Forfeda Supplement
Ogham Punctuation
Ogham Space Mark
Ogham Traditional Letters
Ogonek ˛ ˛
Ogonek, Combining ̨ ̨
Ohm Sign
Ohm Sign, Inverted
Oi, Latin Small Letter ƣ ƣ
Ol Chiki
Old Italic 𐌀 𐌀
Old Persian 𐎠 𐎠
Old Testament, Greek 𝔖 𝔖
Om, Devanagari
Om, Tibetan Syllable
Omega Pi ϖ ϖ
Omega, Latin Small Letter Closed ɷ ɷ
One Dot Leader
One Half, Vulgar Fraction ½ ½
One Quarter, Vulgar Fraction ¼ ¼
One, Fraction Numerator
One, Superscript ¹ ¹
Open Box
Open Box, Shouldered
Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Reversed ɝ ɝ
Open E, Latin Capital Letter Ɛ Ɛ
Open E, Latin Small Letter ɛ ɛ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed ʚ ʚ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed ɞ ɞ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Reversed ɜ ɜ
Open E, Latin Small Letter Turned
Open O, Latin Capital Letter Ɔ Ɔ
Open O, Latin Letter Small Capital
Open O, Latin Small Letter ɔ ɔ
Open O, Latin Small Letter Sideways
Opening Brace { {
Opening Curly Bracket { {
Opening Parenthesis ( (
Opening Square Bracket [ [
Operating System Command 
Operators Supplement, Mathematical
Operators, Database Theory
Operators, Dotted Mathematical
Operators, Double
Operators, Enclosed Mathematical
Operators, Invisible
Operators, Large
Operators, Mathematical
Operators, Modal Logic
Operators, Multiplication And Division Sign
Operators, N-Ary
Operators, N-Ary
Operators, Plus And Minus Sign
Operators, Relational
Operators, Specialized Plus Sign
Operators, Supplemental Mathematical
Operators, Tilde Mathematical
Operators, Vertical Line
Optical Character Recognition, Ocr
Option Key
Or, Curly Logical
Or, Double Logical
Or, Logical
Or, N-Ary Logical
Order Relation Precedence Signs
Order Relation Precedence Signs
Ordinal Indicator, Feminine ª ª
Ordinal Indicator, Masculine º º
Ordinarily Satisfies
Ordinary Diacritics ̀ ̀
Origin, Dimension
Original Of
Original Of, Square
Oriya Consonants
Oriya Dependent Vowel Signs
Oriya Digits
Oriya Independent Vowels
Oriya Isshar
Ornamental Angle Quotation Marks
Ornamental Brackets
Ornaments, Heart
Ornaments, Punctuation
Ornaments, Quotation Mark
Ornate Left Parenthesis
Ornate Right Parenthesis ﴿ ﴿
Ors, Logical Ands And
Orthodox Cross
Orthogonal To
Osmanya 𐒀 𐒀
Osmanya Digits 𐒠 𐒠
Ou, Latin Letter Small Capital
Ou, Latin Small Letter ȣ ȣ
Ounce Sign
Overbar, Apl ¯ ¯
Overlay, Combining Anticlockwise Ring
Overlay, Combining Clockwise Ring
Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise Ring
Overlay, Combining Double Vertical Stroke
Overlay, Combining Leftwards Arrow
Overlay, Combining Long Double Solidus
Overlay, Combining Long Solidus ̸ ̸
Overlay, Combining Long Stroke ̶ ̶
Overlay, Combining Long Vertical Line
Overlay, Combining Reverse Solidus
Overlay, Combining Ring
Overlay, Combining Short Solidus ̷ ̷
Overlay, Combining Short Stroke ̵ ̵
Overlay, Combining Short Vertical Line
Overlay, Combining Tilde ̴ ̴
Overlay, Long Double Slash
Overlay, Long Slash ̸ ̸
Overlay, Short Slash ̷ ̷
Overline ¯ ¯
Overline, Centreline
Overline, Combining ̅ ̅
Overline, Combining Double ̿ ̿
Overline, Dashed
Overline, Double Wavy
Overline, Wavy
Override, Left-To-Right
Override, Right-To-Left
Overscore ̅ ̅
Overscore, Spacing
Overscores And Underscores
Overstruck Diacritics ̴ ̴
Oxia, Greek ́ ́


Description Entity Preview
P With Acute, Latin Small Letter
P With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
P With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƥ ƥ
P, Double-Struck Capital
P, Latin Letter Small Capital
P, Script Capital
Page Down
Page Up
Page, Next
Page, Previous
Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter T With ƫ ƫ
Palatalized Hook Below, Combining ̡ ̡
Palm Branch
Paluta, Tibetan Mark
Pamudpod, Hanunoo Sign
Paper Sign, Permanent
Paper Symbol, Partially-Recycled
Paper Symbol, Recycled
Papyrological Hyphen ͜ ͜
Paragraph Separator
Paragraph Separator, Ethiopic
Paragraph Separator, Georgian
Paragraph Separator, Urdu
Paragraph Sign
Paragraph Sign Ornament, Curved Stem
Paragraph Sign, European § §
Paraguayan Currency
Parallel To
Parallel To, Not
Parallelogram, Black
Parenthesis, Closing ) )
Parenthesis, Left ( (
Parenthesis, Left White
Parenthesis, Opening ( (
Parenthesis, Ornate Left
Parenthesis, Ornate Right ﴿ ﴿
Parenthesis, Right ) )
Parenthesis, Right White
Parenthesized Cjk Ideographs
Parenthesized Korean Hangul Elements
Parenthesized Korean Hangul Syllables
Parenthesized Latin Letters
Parenthesized Numbers
Parted Rule ¦ ¦
Partial Differential
Partial Function
Partial Injection
Partial Line Backward Œ
Partial Line Forward
Partial Relation
Partial Surjection
Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol
Partnership Symbol, Unmarried
Patiw, Armenian ՟ ՟
Patru, Tamil
Peace Symbol
Pencil Dingbats
Pencil, Lower Right
Pencil, Upper Right
Penny Sign, German
Pentonkion, Greek
Per Mille Sign
Per Sign
Per Ten Thousand Sign
Per Thousand
Percent Sign % %
Percussive, Latin Letter Bidental ʭ ʭ
Percussive, Latin Letter Bilabial ʬ ʬ
Period . .
Period, Numbers Followed By
Perispomeni, Combining Greek ͂ ͂
Permanent Paper Sign
Persian, Old 𐎠 𐎠
Peseta Sign
Peso Sign
Phaistos Disc 𐇐 𐇐
Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter ʕ ʕ
Phi Symbol, Greek ϕ ϕ
Phi, Latin Small Letter ɸ ɸ
Philippine Double Punctuation
Philippine Single Punctuation
Phillipine Currency
Phoenician 𐤀 𐤀
Phonetic Digraphs ʣ ʣ
Phonetic Extensions
Phonetic Extensions, Katakana
Phonetic Modifiers ʹ ʹ
Phonetic Modifiers Derived From Latin Letters ʰ ʰ
Phonetics And Symbols Area, Cjk
Phonorecord Sign
Pi Symbol, Greek ϖ ϖ
Pi, Double-Struck Capital
Pi, Double-Struck Small
Pi, Greek Small Letter π π
Pi, Mathematical Constant 3.141592… π π
Pictures For Control Codes, Graphic
Pilcrow Sign
Pilcrow Sign, Reversed
Pipe ǀ ǀ
Pipe, Double ǁ ǁ
Pipe, Double-Barred ǂ ǂ
Place Of Interest Sign
Planck Constant
Planck Constant Over Two Pi
Planet Symbols
Plastics Recycling Symbols
Playing Card Suits
Plus And Minus Sign Operators
Plus Sign + +
Plus Sign Below, Combining ̟ ̟
Plus Sign Operators, Specialized
Plus Sign, Modifier Letter ˖ ˖
Plus, Circled
Plus, Dot
Plus, Double
Plus, Invisible
Plus, Squared
Plus, Triple
Plus-Minus Sign ± ±
Point, Decimal . .
Point, Hyphenation
Pointing Hand Symbols
Pointing Index Finger Dingbats
Pointing Index, Black Left
Pointing Index, Black Right
Pointing Index, White Down
Pointing Index, White Left
Pointing Index, White Right
Pointing Index, White Up
Points And Punctuation, Hebrew ְ ְ
Points, Hebrew ְ ְ
Points, Syriac ܰ ܰ
Political Symbols, Religious And
Polygonal Symbols
Polytonic Greek, Precomposed
Pop Directional Formatting
Position Indicator
Positive Difference Or Sum
Positive Difference, Sum Or
Positive, Most
Postal Mark
Postal Mark Face
Postal Mark, Circled
Pound Sign # #
Pound Sign £ £
Pound Sterling £ £
Power Set 𝒫 𝒫
Precedence Signs, Order Relation
Precedence Signs, Order Relation
Precedes Under Relation
Precedes, Double
Precomposed Polytonic Greek
Prescription Take
Presentation Forms, Alphabetic
Presentation Forms, Hebrew
Presentation Forms-A, Arabic
Presentation Forms-B, Arabic
Previous Page
Prime Quotation Mark, Double
Prime Quotation Mark, Low Double
Prime Quotation Mark, Reversed Double
Prime, Double
Prime, Modifier Letter ʹ ʹ
Prime, Modifier Letter Double ʺ ʺ
Prime, Quadruple
Prime, Reversed
Prime, Reversed Double
Prime, Reversed Triple
Prime, Triple
Print Screen Symbol
Privacy Message ž
Private Use Area
Private Use Area-A, Supplementary 󰀀 󰀀
Private Use Area-B, Supplementary 􀀀 􀀀
Private Use One
Private Use Two
Product Sign
Product, Cartesian × ×
Product, Direct
Product, Interior
Product, Left Normal Factor Semidirect
Product, Left Semidirect
Product, N-Ary
Product, Right Normal Factor Semidirect
Product, Right Semidirect
Product, Righthand Interior
Product, Shuffle
Product, Smash
Product, Tensor
Product, Vector Or Cross
Product, Wreath
Program Command, Application Ÿ
Proof, End Of
Proper Intersection
Property Line
Proportion, Geometric
Proportional To
Proportional To
Psili, Greek ̓ ̓
Punctuation And Signs, Greek ʹ ʹ
Punctuation And Signs, Myanmar
Punctuation And Signs, Syriac ܀ ܀
Punctuation And Symbols, Ascii  
Punctuation And Symbols, Latin-1    
Punctuation For Vertical Text, Double
Punctuation Ornaments
Punctuation Space
Punctuation, Arabic ، ،
Punctuation, Canadian Syllabics
Punctuation, Cjk Symbols And    
Punctuation, Cuneiform Numbers And 𒐀 𒐀
Punctuation, Ethiopic
Punctuation, General    
Punctuation, Halfwidth Cjk
Punctuation, Hebrew Points And ְ ְ
Punctuation, Mongolian
Punctuation, Ogham
Punctuation, Philippine Double
Punctuation, Philippine Single
Punctuation, Runic
Punctuation, Supplemental
Punt, Irish £ £
Purna Viram, Devanagari


Description Entity Preview
Q With Hook Tail, Latin Capital Letter Small Ɋ Ɋ
Q With Hook Tail, Latin Small Letter ɋ ɋ
Q With Hook, Latin Small Letter ʠ ʠ
Q, Double-Struck Capital
Q, Rotated Capital
Qp Digraph, Latin Small Letter ȹ ȹ
Quad, Em
Quad, En    
Quad, Mutton
Quadrant Control Code Graphics
Quadruple Prime
Quantifier, Existential
Quantifier, Universal
Quarter Moon, First
Quarter Moon, Last
Quarter Note
Quarter, Vulgar Fraction One ¼ ¼
Quarters, Fractions ¼ ¼
Quarters, Vulgar Fraction Three ¾ ¾
Quaternion Integral Operator
Question Exclamation Mark
Question Mark ? ?
Question Mark, Arabic ؟ ؟
Question Mark, Armenian ՞ ՞
Question Mark, Double
Question Mark, Ethiopic
Question Mark, Exclamation
Question Mark, Greek ; ;
Question Mark, Greek ; ;
Question Mark, Inverted ¿ ¿
Question Mark, Limbu
Question Mark, Turned ¿ ¿
Questioned Equal To
Quill, Left Square Bracket With
Quill, Right Square Bracket With
Quine Corners
Quotation Dash
Quotation Mark " «
Quotation Mark Dingbats
Quotation Mark Ornaments
Quotation Mark, Double Comma
Quotation Mark, Double High-Reversed-9
Quotation Mark, Double Low-9
Quotation Mark, Double Prime
Quotation Mark, Double Reversed Comma
Quotation Mark, Double Turned Comma
Quotation Mark, Left Double
Quotation Mark, Left Single
Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing Double Angle « «
Quotation Mark, Low Double Comma
Quotation Mark, Low Double Prime
Quotation Mark, Low Single Comma
Quotation Mark, Neutral " «
Quotation Mark, Neutral Single '
Quotation Mark, Reversed Double Prime
Quotation Mark, Right Double
Quotation Mark, Right Single
Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing Double Angle » »
Quotation Mark, Single Comma
Quotation Mark, Single High-Reversed-9
Quotation Mark, Single Left-Pointing Angle
Quotation Mark, Single Low-9
Quotation Mark, Single Reversed Comma
Quotation Mark, Single Right-Pointing Angle
Quotation Mark, Single Turned Comma
Quotation Marks
Quotation Marks, Cjk
Quotation Marks, Ornamental Angle
Quote, Apl '
Qur’anic Annotation Signs, Arabic ۖ ۖ


Description Entity Preview
R With Acute, Latin Small Letter ŕ ŕ
R With Caron, Latin Small Letter ř ř
R With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ŗ ŗ
R With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
R With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
R With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȑ ȑ
R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter ɾ ɾ
R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Reversed ɿ ɿ
R With Hook, Latin Small Letter Turned ɻ ɻ
R With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȓ ȓ
R With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter ɼ ɼ
R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Turned ɺ ɺ
R With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɍ Ɍ
R With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɍ ɍ
R With Tail, Latin Small Letter ɽ ɽ
R, Black-Letter Capital
R, Combining Latin Small Letter ͬ ͬ
R, Double-Struck Capital
R, Latin Letter Small Capital ʀ ʀ
R, Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted ʁ ʁ
R, Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed
R, Latin Letter Small Capital Turned
R, Latin Small Letter Turned ɹ ɹ
R, Latin Subscript Small Letter
R, Modifier Letter Small ʳ ʳ
R, Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted ʶ ʶ
R, Modifier Letter Small Turned ʴ ʴ
R, Script Capital
Radial Component
Radical Sign
Radicals Supplement, Cjk
Radicals, Cjk Kangxi
Radicals, Yi
Radioactive Sign
Rain Drops, Umbrella With
Rainy Weather
Rams Horn, Latin Small Letter ɤ ɤ
Range Restriction
Ratio, Cross
Rational Numbers
Reahmuk, Khmer Sign
Real Number Symbol
Real Numbers
Real Part
Record Separator &#x001E;
Record Separator, Symbol For
Recorder, Telephone
Recording Copyright, Sound
Rectangle Box, X In A
Recycled Paper Symbol
Recycled Paper Symbol, Partially-
Recycling Symbol, Universal
Recycling Symbols
Recycling Symbols, Plastics
Reduces To
Reference Mark
Registered Sign ® ®
Registered Trade Mark Sign ® ®
Relation, Finite
Relation, Partial
Relational Operators
Relations, Subset And Superset
Religious And Political Symbols
Repeat Marks, Kana
Replacement Character
Replacement Character, Object
Restriction, Domain
Restriction, Range
Results In
Retroflex Click, Latin Letter ǃ ǃ
Retroflex Hook Below, Combining ̢ ̢
Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter T With Ʈ Ʈ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter D ɖ ɖ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter L With ɭ ɭ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter N With ɳ ɳ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter T With ʈ ʈ
Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter Z With ʐ ʐ
Return Symbol
Return, Carriage  
Return, Symbol For Carriage
Reverse Line Feed 
Reverse Solidus \
Reverse Solidus Operator
Reverse Solidus Overlay, Combining
Reverse Solidus, Big
Reverse Turnstile
Reversed C, Latin Small Letter
Reversed Comma Above, Combining ̔ ̔
Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Double
Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Single
Reversed Comma, Modifier Letter ʽ ʽ
Reversed Double Prime
Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark
Reversed E, Latin Capital Letter Ǝ Ǝ
Reversed E, Latin Small Letter ɘ ɘ
Reversed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed ɞ ɞ
Reversed Esh Loop, Latin Letter ƪ ƪ
Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter Squat ʅ ʅ
Reversed Glottal Stop, Latin Letter ʕ ʕ
Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter ˁ ˁ
Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Small ˤ ˤ
Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek ϶ ϶
Reversed N, Latin Letter Small Capital
Reversed Not Sign
Reversed Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɝ ɝ
Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter ɜ ɜ
Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed ɞ ɞ
Reversed Pilcrow Sign
Reversed Prime
Reversed R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter ɿ ɿ
Reversed R, Latin Letter Small Capital
Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L
Reversed Semicolon
Reversed Straight Epsilon ϶ ϶
Reversed Tilde
Reversed Tilde Equals
Reversed Triple Prime
Reversed, Latin Small Letter Ezh ƹ ƹ
Rhotic Hook, Modifier Letter ˞ ˞
Rial Sign
Riel, Khmer Currency Symbol
Riemann Integral
Right Abstract Syntax Bracket
Right Angle
Right Angle Bracket
Right Angle Bracket, Mathematical
Right Angle With Arc
Right Arrow Above, Combining
Right Arrow Above, Combining Left
Right Arrow Below, Combining
Right Arrow Below, Combining Left ͍ ͍
Right Arrow, Colon
Right Arrowhead Above, Combining ͐ ͐
Right Arrowhead Below, Combining ͕ ͕
Right Bag Bracket
Right Black Lenticular Bracket
Right Ceiling
Right Chevron Bracket
Right Corner Bracket
Right Curly Bracket } }
Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Down
Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Up
Right Double Angle Bracket
Right Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical
Right Double Quotation Mark
Right Floor
Right Half Ring Above, Combining ͗ ͗
Right Half Ring Below, Combining ̹ ̹
Right Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter ՚ ՚
Right Harpoon Above, Combining
Right Key, Delete To The
Right Moustache
Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product
Right Parenthesis ) )
Right Parenthesis, Ornate ﴿ ﴿
Right Pencil, Lower
Right Pencil, Upper
Right Pointing Guillemet » »
Right Pointing Index, Black
Right Pointing Index, White
Right Pointing Single Guillemet
Right Semidirect Product
Right Sequence Bracket
Right Single Quotation Mark
Right Square Bracket ] ]
Right Square Bracket With Quill
Right Tack
Right Tack Below, Combining ̙ ̙
Right Tortoise Shell Bracket
Right Triangle
Right White Corner Bracket
Right White Curly Bracket
Right White Lenticular Bracket
Right White Parenthesis
Right White Square Bracket
Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket
Right, Combining Comma Above ̕ ̕
Right, Combining Dot Above ͘ ͘
Right, Erase To The
Right, Fast Cursor
Right-Pointing Angle Bracket
Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single
Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark » »
Right-To-Left Embedding
Right-To-Left Mark
Right-To-Left Override
Righthand Interior Product
Rightward Tab
Rightwards Arrow
Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining Double ͢ ͢
Rightwards Bullet, Black
Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining
Ring Above ˚ ˚
Ring Above, Combining ̊ ̊
Ring Above, Combining Left Half ͑ ͑
Ring Above, Combining Right Half ͗ ͗
Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter A With Å Å
Ring Above, Latin Small Letter A With å å
Ring Below, Combining ̥ ̥
Ring Below, Combining Double ͚ ͚
Ring Below, Combining Left Half ̜ ̜
Ring Below, Combining Right Half ̹ ̹
Ring Below, Latin Small Letter A With
Ring Equal To
Ring In Equal To
Ring Operator
Ring Operator, Circled
Ring Overlay, Combining
Ring Overlay, Combining Anticlockwise
Ring Overlay, Combining Clockwise
Ring Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise
Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half ՙ ՙ
Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right Half ՚ ՚
Ring, Benzene
Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left Half ˓ ˓
Ring, Modifier Letter Left Half ʿ ʿ
Rjes Su Nga Ro, Tibetan Sign
Rnam Bcad, Tibetan Sign ཿ ཿ
Roman Numerals
Roman Numerals, Archaic
Roman Symbols 𐆐 𐆐
Root, Cube
Root, Fourth
Root, Square
Rotated Capital Q
Rough Breathing Mark, Greek ̔ ̔
Rule, Parted ¦ ¦
Runic Golden Numbers
Runic Punctuation
Runout, Total
Rupai, Tamil
Rupee Mark, Bengali
Rupee Sign
Rupee Sign, Bengali
Rupee Sign, Gujarati
Rupee Sign, Tamil
Russian Alphabet А А


Description Entity Preview
S With Acute, Latin Small Letter ś ś
S With Caron, Latin Small Letter š š
S With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ş ş
S With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ŝ ŝ
S With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter ș ș
S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Long
S With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
S With Hook, Latin Small Letter ʂ ʂ
S With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter ȿ ȿ
S, Inverted Lazy
S, Latin Small Letter Long ſ ſ
S, Latin Small Letter Sharp ß ß
S, Lazy
S, Modifier Letter Small ˢ ˢ
Sam, Syriac ܏ ܏
Samaritan Source, Symbol For
Sans-Serif Bold Digits 𝟬 𝟬
Sans-Serif Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝝖 𝝖
Sans-Serif Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols 𝞐 𝞐
Sans-Serif Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols 𝘼 𝘼
Sans-Serif Bold Mathematical Symbols 𝗔 𝗔
Sans-Serif Capital G, Turned
Sans-Serif Capital L, Reversed
Sans-Serif Capital L, Turned
Sans-Serif Capital Y, Turned
Sans-Serif Digits 𝟢 𝟢
Sans-Serif Italic Mathematical Symbols 𝘈 𝘈
Sans-Serif Mathematical Symbols 𝖠 𝖠
Satisfies, Necessarily
Satisfies, Ordinarily
Saturating Subtraction
Scan Lines, Horizontal
Schema Hiding
Schwa, Latin Capital Letter Ə Ə
Schwa, Latin Small Letter ə ə
Scissors, Black
Scissors, Upper Blade
Scissors, White
Screen Symbol, Clear
Screen Symbol, Print
Screen, Combining Enclosing
Script A, Latin Small Letter ɑ ɑ
Script Capital B
Script Capital E
Script Capital F
Script Capital H
Script Capital I
Script Capital L
Script Capital M
Script Capital P
Script Capital R
Script F, Latin Small Letter ƒ ƒ
Script G, Latin Small Letter ɡ ɡ
Script Mathematical Symbols 𝒜 𝒜
Script Mathematical Symbols, Bold 𝓐 𝓐
Script Small E
Script Small G
Script Small L
Script Small O
Script Theta ϑ ϑ
Script V, Latin Capital Letter Ʋ Ʋ
Script V, Latin Small Letter ʋ ʋ
Seagull Below, Combining ̼ ̼
Second Tone, Mandarin Chinese ˊ ˊ
Section Sign § §
Section Sign, European
Selected Area, End Of
Selected Area, Start Of
Selectors Supplement, Variation 󠄀 󠄀
Selectors, Variation
Semicolon ; ;
Semicolon, Arabic ؛ ؛
Semicolon, Ethiopic
Semicolon, Reversed
Semidirect Product, Left
Semidirect Product, Left Normal Factor
Semidirect Product, Right
Semidirect Product, Right Normal Factor
Separator Dot, Aegean Word 𐄁 𐄁
Separator Key Symbol, Decimal
Separator Line, Aegean Word 𐄀 𐄀
Separator, Arabic Date ؍ ؍
Separator, Arabic Decimal ٫ ٫
Separator, Arabic Phrase ٬ ٬
Separator, Arabic Thousands ٬ ٬
Separator, Decimal , ,
Separator, Devanagari Phrase
Separator, Ethiopic Paragraph
Separator, File &#x001C;
Separator, Georgian Paragraph
Separator, Group &#x001D;
Separator, Interlinear Annotation
Separator, Invisible
Separator, Line
Separator, Mongolian Vowel
Separator, Paragraph
Separator, Record &#x001E;
Separator, Unit &#x001F;
Separator, Urdu Paragraph
Septuagint 𝔖 𝔖
Sequence Bracket, Left
Sequence Bracket, Right
Sequence Concatenation
Sequence Introducer, Control
Service Mark
Sesame Dot
Sesame Dot, White
Set Membership Signs
Set Minus
Set Of Complex Numbers, The
Set Of Integers, The
Set Of Rational Numbers, The
Set Of Real Numbers, The
Set Transmit State
Set, Empty
Set, Included In
Set, Includes In
Set, Null
Set, Power 𝒫 𝒫
Sets, Empty
Shade Characters
Shadowed White Circle
Shapes, Geometric
Sharp S, Latin Small Letter ß ß
Sharp Sign, Music
Shavian 𐑐 𐑐
Sheqel Sign, New
Shesht, Armenian ՛ ՛
Shift In &#x000F;
Shift In, Symbol For
Shift Out &#x000E;
Shift Out, Symbol For
Shogi Piece, Black
Shogi Piece, White
Short ̆ ̆
Short Slash Overlay ̷ ̷
Short Solidus Overlay, Combining ̷ ̷
Short Stroke Overlay, Combining ̵ ̵
Short Vertical Line Overlay, Combining
Shouldered Open Box
Showery Weather
Shuffle Product
Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker, Mongolian
Sidelining Emphasis Marks
Sideways Diaeresized U, Latin Small Letter
Sideways O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter
Sideways O, Latin Small Letter
Sideways Open O, Latin Small Letter
Sideways Turned M, Latin Small Letter
Sideways U, Latin Small Letter
Sigma Symbol, Greek Lunate ϲ ϲ
Sigma, Greek Small Letter Lunate ϲ ϲ
Signs, Warning
Signs, Warning
Similar To
Sine Wave
Single Character Introducer š
Single Comma Quotation Mark
Single Comma Quotation Mark, Low
Single Guillemet, Left Pointing
Single Guillemet, Right Pointing
Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
Single Punctuation, Philippine
Single Quotation Mark, Left
Single Quotation Mark, Neutral '
Single Quotation Mark, Right
Single Reversed Comma Quotation Mark
Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
Single Shift Three 
Single Shift Two Ž
Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark
Sinhala Consonants
Sinhala Dependent Vowel Signs
Sinhala Independent Vowels
Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna
Sinhala Virama
Six-Per-Em Space
Sixteenth Notes, Beamed
Sixths, Fractions
Skull And Crossbones
Slash / /
Slash Overlay, Long ̸ ̸
Slash Overlay, Long Double
Slash Overlay, Short ̷ ̷
Slash, Circled Division
Slash, Division
Slash, Fraction
Slash, Latin Capital Letter O Ø Ø
Slash, Latin Small Letter O ø ø
Small Capital Ae, Latin Letter
Small Capital Eth, Latin Letter
Small Capital Ezh, Latin Letter
Small Capital Oe, Latin Letter ɶ ɶ
Small Capital Ou, Latin Letter
Small Circle, Black
Small Contains As Member
Small Element Of
Small Form Variants
Small Gamma, Double-Struck
Small Gamma, Modifier Letter ˠ ˠ
Small Ka, Hiragana Letter
Small Ke, Hiragana Letter
Small Letters, Armenian ա ա
Small Letters, Combining Latin ͣ ͣ
Small Letters, Cyrillic а а
Small Letters, Georgian
Small Letters, Greek α α
Small Letters, Latin a a
Small Ligature Ae, Latin æ æ
Small Ligature Ij, Latin ij ij
Small Ligature Oe, Latin œ œ
Small Pi, Double-Struck
Small Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter ˤ ˤ
Small Square, Black Medium
Small Tilde ˜ ˜
Small White Circle, Medium
Smash Product
Smiling Face, Black
Smiling Face, White
Smooth Breathing Mark, Greek ̓ ̓
Snowflake Dingbats
Snowy Weather
Soft Hyphen ­ ­
Soft Hyphen, Mongolian Todo
Software-Function Symbol
Solidus / /
Solidus Operator, Double
Solidus Operator, Reverse
Solidus Overlay, Combining Long ̸ ̸
Solidus Overlay, Combining Long Double
Solidus Overlay, Combining Reverse
Solidus Overlay, Combining Short ̷ ̷
Solidus, Big
Solidus, Big Reverse
Solidus, Reverse \
Sound Recording Copyright
Source, Information
Space Mark, Ogham
Space, Em
Space, En
Space, Figure
Space, Four-Per-Em
Space, Graphic For
Space, Hair
Space, Hilbert
Space, Ideographic    
Space, Ideographic Half Fill
Space, Keyboard Symbol For No Break
Space, Medium Mathematical
Space, Mid
Space, Narrow No-Break
Space, No-Break    
Space, Non-Breaking    
Space, Punctuation
Space, Six-Per-Em
Space, Symbol For
Space, Thick
Space, Thin
Space, Three-Per-Em
Space, Zero Width
Space, Zero Width No-Break   
Spacing Acute Accent ´ ´
Spacing Cedilla ¸ ¸
Spacing Circumflex Accent ^ ^
Spacing Clones Of Diacritics ˘ ˘
Spacing Diaeresis ¨ ¨
Spacing Double Underscore
Spacing Grave Accent ` `
Spacing Macron ¯ ¯
Spacing Modifier Letters ʰ ʰ
Spacing Overscore
Spacing Tilde ~ ~
Spacing Underscore _ _
Spanish Currency
Sparkle, Heavy
Specials Area, Compatibility And
Spherical Angle
Square Below, Combining ̻ ̻
Square Bracket With Quill, Left
Square Bracket With Quill, Right
Square Bracket, Closing ] ]
Square Bracket, Left [ [
Square Bracket, Left White
Square Bracket, Opening [ [
Square Bracket, Right ] ]
Square Bracket, Right White
Square Cap
Square Cup
Square Foot
Square Image Of
Square Lozenge
Square Original Of
Square Root
Square Symbols
Square, Black Medium
Square, Black Medium Small
Square, Combining Enclosing
Square, Viewdata
Squared ² ²
Squared Dot Operator
Squared Japanese Katakana Words
Squared Latin Abbreviations
Squared Minus
Squared Plus
Squared Times
Squat Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter ʅ ʅ
Srak Ah, Khmer
Srak Am, Khmer
Srog Med, Tibetan
St. Andrew’s Cross
Staff Of Aesculapius
Staff Of Hermes
Star * *
Star And Crescent
Star Dingbats
Star Equals
Star Of David
Star Operator
Star, Arabic Five Pointed ٭ ٭
Star, Black
Star, White
Start Of Guarded Area
Start Of Heading &#x0001;
Start Of Heading, Symbol For
Start Of Selected Area
Start Of String ˜
Start Of Text &#x0002;
Start Of Text, Symbol For
Statement Is True
Sterling, Pound £ £
Stile, Apl
Straight Epsilon ϵ ϵ
Straight Epsilon, Reversed ϶ ϶
Stress Mark ́ ́
Stretched C, Latin Letter ʗ ʗ
Strictly Equivalent To
String Terminator œ
String, Device Control 
String, Start Of ˜
Stroke Overlay, Combining Double Vertical
Stroke Overlay, Combining Long ̶ ̶
Stroke Overlay, Combining Short ̵ ̵
Stroke, Latin Capital Letter O With Ø Ø
Stroke, Latin Small Letter O With ø ø
Strokes, Cjk
Subgroup Of, Normal
Subgroup Signs, Normal
Subgroup, Contains As Normal
Subjoined Consonants, Tibetan
Subscript Digits
Subscript, Greek Iota ͅ ͅ
Subset And Superset Relations
Subset Of
Subset Of, Not A
Subset Signs, Superset And
Subset, Double
Substitute &#x001A;
Substitute Form Two, Symbol For
Substitute, Symbol For
Subtending Marks, Arabic ؀ ؀
Subtraction, Bag
Subtraction, Saturating
Succeeds Under Relation
Succeeds, Double
Such That
Such That
Suits, Playing Card
Sum Or Positive Difference
Sum, Direct
Sum, Positive Difference Or
Summation Sign
Summation Sign Parts
Summation, Double-Struck N-Ary
Summation, N-Ary
Summations And Integrals
Sun With Rays, Black
Sun With Rays, White
Sunna, Telugu
Superscript Digits
Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin Medieval
Superscript Letter Diacritics, Medieval ͣ ͣ
Superscript Modifier Letters, Latin ʰ ʰ
Superscript One ¹ ¹
Superscript Three ³ ³
Superscript Two ² ²
Superscript Zero
Superset And Subset Signs
Superset Of
Superset Of, Not A
Superset Relations, Subset And
Superset, Double
Supplemental Arrows-B
Supplemental Mathematical Operators
Supplemental Punctuation
Supplementary Cjk Ideographs Area 𠀀 𠀀
Supplementary General Scripts Area 𐀀 𐀀
Supplementary Private Use Area-A 󰀀 󰀀
Supplementary Private Use Area-B 􀀀 􀀀
Surface Integral
Surjection, Finite
Surjection, Partial
Surjection, Total
Surjective Injection
Surjective Injection, Finite
Surrogates Area &#xD800;
Surrogates, High &#xD800;
Surrogates, Low &#xDC00;
Suzhou Numerals
Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter S With ȿ ȿ
Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter Z With ɀ ɀ
Swedish Grave Accent ˟ ˟
Swords, Crossed
Swung Dash
Syllabary, Cypriot 𐠀 𐠀
Syllabary, Linear B 𐀀 𐀀
Syllabics Full Stop, Canadian
Syllabics Punctuation, Canadian
Syllabics, Unified Canadian Aboriginal
Syllables, Cherokee
Syllables, Circled Korean Hangul
Syllables, Ethiopic
Syllables, Korean Hangul
Syllables, Parenthesized Korean Hangul
Syllables, Yi ꀀ ꀀ
Syloti Nagri
Symbol Variants, Fullwidth
Symbol Variants, Halfwidth
Symbols And Punctuation, Cjk    
Symbols Area    
Symbols Area, Cjk Phonetics And
Symbols For Days, Ideographic Telegraph
Symbols For Divination, Khmer Numeric
Symbols For Hours, Ideographic Telegraph
Symbols For Months, Ideographic Telegraph
Symbols, Ancient Greek Textual
Symbols, Apl Functional
Symbols, Ascii Punctuation And  
Symbols, Astrological
Symbols, Balinese Musical
Symbols, Basic Musical
Symbols, Bowtie
Symbols, Byzantine Musical 𝀀 𝀀
Symbols, Chess
Symbols, Circle
Symbols, Combining Diacritical Marks For
Symbols, Currency
Symbols, Dentistry Notation
Symbols, Diacritical Marks For
Symbols, Dictionary And Map
Symbols, Drafting
Symbols, Electrotechnical
Symbols, Error Bar
Symbols, Gender
Symbols, Genealogical
Symbols, Greek Mathematical 𝚨 𝚨
Symbols, Hebrew Letterlike Mathematical
Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Hexagram
Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Monogram And Digram
Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Trigram
Symbols, Japanese Chess
Symbols, Keyboard
Symbols, Keyboard
Symbols, Keyboard
Symbols, Keyboard
Symbols, Khmer
Symbols, Latin-1 Punctuation And    
Symbols, Letterlike
Symbols, Mathematical
Symbols, Mathematical
Symbols, Mathematical Alphanumeric 𝐀 𝐀
Symbols, Mathematical Digits 𝟎 𝟎
Symbols, Metrical
Symbols, Miscellaneous
Symbols, Musical 𝄀 𝄀
Symbols, New Testament Editorial
Symbols, Planet
Symbols, Plastics Recycling
Symbols, Playing Card
Symbols, Pointing Hand
Symbols, Polygonal
Symbols, Recycling
Symbols, Religious And Political
Symbols, Square
Symbols, Tai Xuan Jing 𝌀 𝌀
Symbols, Tamil
Symbols, Tibetan
Symbols, Triangle
Symbols, Weather And Astrological
Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Hexagram
Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram
Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Trigram
Symbols, Zodiacal
Symbols-A, Miscellaneous Mathematical
Symbols-B, Miscellaneous Mathematical
Symmetric Difference
Symmetric Difference
Symmetric Difference
Synchronous Idle &#x0016;
Synchronous Idle, Symbol For
Syriac ܀ ܀
Syriac Cross, East
Syriac Cross, West
Syriac Letters ܐ ܐ
Syriac Punctuation And Signs ܀ ܀
Syriac Sam ܏ ܏


Description Entity Preview
T With Caron, Latin Small Letter ť ť
T With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter ţ ţ
T With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter
T With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter ț ț
T With Curl, Latin Small Letter ȶ ȶ
T With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter
T With Diagonal Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ⱦ Ⱦ
T With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
T With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
T With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƭ ƭ
T With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
T With Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter ƫ ƫ
T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ʈ Ʈ
T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ʈ ʈ
T With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ŧ ŧ
T, Combining Latin Small Letter ͭ ͭ
T, Latin Letter Small Capital
T, Latin Small Letter Turned ʇ ʇ
Tab With Shift Tab
Tab, Leftward
Tab, Rightward
Tabulation Set, Character ˆ
Tabulation Set, Line Š
Tabulation With Justification, Character
Tabulation, Character  
Tabulation, Horizontal  
Tabulation, Line &#x000B;
Tabulation, Symbol For Horizontal
Tabulation, Symbol For Vertical
Tabulation, Vertical &#x000B;
Tack Below, Combining Down ̞ ̞
Tack Below, Combining Left ̘ ̘
Tack Below, Combining Right ̙ ̙
Tack Below, Combining Up ̝ ̝
Tack, Down
Tack, Left
Tack, Modifier Letter Up ˔ ˔
Tack, Right
Tack, Up
Tacks And Turnstiles
Tacks And Turnstiles
Tacks And Turnstiles
Tagalog Sign Virama
Tags 󠀀 󠀀
Tai Le
Tai Lue Digits, New
Tai Lue, New
Tai Xuan Jing Symbols 𝌀 𝌀
Tails, Fish
Tainome Japanese Bullet
Take, Prescription
Tamil As Above Sign
Tamil Aytham
Tamil Consonants
Tamil Credit Sign
Tamil Day Sign
Tamil Debit Sign
Tamil Dependent Vowel Signs
Tamil Digits
Tamil Enn
Tamil Independent Vowels
Tamil Maatham
Tamil Merpadi
Tamil Month Sign
Tamil Naal
Tamil Number Sign
Tamil Numbers
Tamil Patru
Tamil Rupai
Tamil Rupee Sign
Tamil Sign Visarga
Tamil Symbols
Tamil Varavu
Tamil Varudam
Tamil Year Sign
Tape Drive
Taper, Conical
Tatweel, Arabic ـ ـ
Tautological Equivalent
Tea, Cup Of
Technical, Miscellaneous
Telegraph Symbols For Days, Ideographic
Telegraph Symbols For Hours, Ideographic
Telegraph Symbols For Months, Ideographic
Telephone Location Sign
Telephone Recorder
Telephone Sign
Telephone, Black
Telephone, White
Telugu Consonants
Telugu Dependent Vowel Signs
Telugu Digits
Telugu Independent Vowels
Telugu Sign Anusvara
Telugu Sunna
Ten Thousand Sign, Per
Tensor Product
Terminal Graphic Characters
Terminal Graphic Characters
Terminator, Interlinear Annotation
Terminator, String œ
Text, End Of &#x0003;
Text, Start Of &#x0002;
Text, Symbol For End Of
Text, Symbol For Start Of
Thaana ހ ހ
Thai Character Angkhankhu
Thai Character Fongman
Thai Character Khomut
Thai Character Nikhahit
Thai Character Thanthakhat
Thai Character Yamakkan
Thai Consonants
Thai Currency Symbol Baht ฿ ฿
Thai Digits
Thai Marks And Signs
Thai Vowels
Thanthakhat, Thai Character
There Does Not Exist
There Exists
Theta Symbol, Greek ϑ ϑ
Theta, Script ϑ ϑ
Thick Space
Thin Space
Third Derivative
Third Tone, Mandarin Chinese ˇ ˇ
Thirds, Fractions
Thorn, Latin Capital Letter Þ Þ
Thorn, Latin Small Letter þ þ
Thousands Separator, Arabic ٬ ٬
Three Dot Leader
Three Dot Punctuation
Three Dots Above, Combining
Three Quarters, Vulgar Fraction ¾ ¾
Three, Superscript ³ ³
Three-Per-Em Space
Tibetan Anusvara
Tibetan Astrological Signs
Tibetan Cantillation Signs
Tibetan Consonants
Tibetan Dependent Vowel Signs
Tibetan Digits
Tibetan Digits Minus Half
Tibetan Head Marks
Tibetan Ku Ru Kha
Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Bzhi Mig Can ྿ ྿
Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar
Tibetan Mark Halanta
Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Tsheg
Tibetan Mark Paluta
Tibetan Marks And Signs
Tibetan Marks And Signs
Tibetan Marks And Signs
Tibetan Marks And Signs
Tibetan Sign Rjes Su Nga Ro
Tibetan Sign Rnam Bcad ཿ ཿ
Tibetan Srog Med
Tibetan Subjoined Consonants
Tibetan Syllable Om
Tibetan Symbols
Tibetan Visarga ཿ ཿ
Tibetan Vocalic Modification
Tie Below, Ligature ͜ ͜
Tie, Character
Tie, Ligature ͡ ͡
Tilde ~ ~
Tilde Above, Combining Not ͊ ͊
Tilde Below, Combining ̰ ̰
Tilde Equals, Reversed
Tilde Mathematical Operators
Tilde Operator
Tilde Overlay, Combining ̴ ̴
Tilde, Apl
Tilde, Combining ̃ ̃
Tilde, Combining Double ͠ ͠
Tilde, Combining Vertical ̾ ̾
Tilde, Minus
Tilde, Not
Tilde, Reversed
Tilde, Small ˜ ˜
Tilde, Spacing ~ ~
Tilde, Triple
Tiles, Domino 🀰 🀰
Tiles, Mahjong 🀀 🀀
Times Operator, N-Ary
Times, Circled
Times, Division
Times, Invisible
Times, Squared
Tippi, Gurmukhi
Tironian Sign Et
Todo Soft Hyphen, Mongolian
Tone Letters ˥ ˥
Tone Letters, Modifier
Tone Mark, Combining Acute ́ ́
Tone Mark, Combining Grave ̀ ̀
Tone Marks For Chinese, Corner
Tone Marks, Contour
Tone Marks, Ideographic
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral ˙ ˙
Tone, Mandarin Chinese First ˉ ˉ
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fourth ˋ ˋ
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Second ˊ ˊ
Tone, Mandarin Chinese Third ˇ ˇ
Tonos, Combining Greek Dialytika ̈́ ̈́
Tonos, Greek ́ ́
Top Half Integral
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left White
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right
Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right White
Total Function
Total Injection
Total Runout
Total Surjection
Trade Mark Sign
Trade Mark Sign, Registered ® ®
Transfinite Cardinal, First
Transfinite Cardinal, Fourth
Transfinite Cardinal, Second
Transfinite Cardinal, Third
Transform, Fourier
Transmission Block, End Of &#x0017;
Transmission Block, Symbol For End Of
Transmission Symbol, End Of
Transmission, End Of &#x0004;
Transmission, Symbol For End Of
Transmit State, Set
Trapezium, White
Triangle Symbols
Triangle, Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing
Triangle, Right
Triangular Bullet
Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter ː ː
Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter Half ˑ ˑ
Trigram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching
Triple Integral
Triple Plus
Triple Prime
Triple Prime, Reversed
Triple Tilde
Triple Underdot, Combining
Tsheg Bstar, Tibetan Mark Delimiter
Tsheg, Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic
Tugrik Sign
Turkish Currency
Turkish Lira £ £
Turned A, Latin Small Letter ɐ ɐ
Turned Ae, Latin Small Letter
Turned Alpha, Latin Small Letter ɒ ɒ
Turned Ampersand
Turned Capital F
Turned Comma Above, Combining ̒ ̒
Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Double
Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Single
Turned Comma, Modifier Letter ʻ ʻ
Turned Delta, Latin Small Letter ƍ ƍ
Turned E, Latin Capital Letter Ǝ Ǝ
Turned E, Latin Small Letter ǝ ǝ
Turned Greek Small Letter Iota
Turned H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter ʮ ʮ
Turned H, Latin Small Letter ɥ ɥ
Turned I, Latin Small Letter
Turned K, Latin Small Letter ʞ ʞ
Turned M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter ɰ ɰ
Turned M, Latin Capital Letter Ɯ Ɯ
Turned M, Latin Small Letter ɯ ɯ
Turned M, Latin Small Letter Sideways
Turned Not Sign
Turned Oe, Latin Small Letter
Turned Open E, Latin Small Letter
Turned Question Mark ¿ ¿
Turned R With Hook, Latin Small Letter ɻ ɻ
Turned R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter ɺ ɺ
Turned R, Latin Letter Small Capital
Turned R, Latin Small Letter ɹ ɹ
Turned R, Modifier Letter Small ʴ ʴ
Turned Sans-Serif Capital G
Turned Sans-Serif Capital L
Turned Sans-Serif Capital Y
Turned Small F
Turned T, Latin Small Letter ʇ ʇ
Turned V, Latin Capital Letter Ʌ Ʌ
Turned V, Latin Small Letter ʌ ʌ
Turned W, Latin Small Letter ʍ ʍ
Turned Y, Latin Small Letter ʎ ʎ
Turnstile, Reverse
Turnstiles, Tacks And
Turnstiles, Tacks And
Turnstiles, Tacks And
Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically
Two Dot Leader
Two Dot Punctuation
Two, Superscript ² ²


Description Entity Preview
U Bar, Latin Capital Letter Ʉ Ʉ
U Bar, Latin Small Letter ʉ ʉ
U With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Ú Ú
U With Acute, Latin Small Letter ú ú
U With Breve, Latin Small Letter ŭ ŭ
U With Caron, Latin Small Letter ǔ ǔ
U With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter
U With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter Û Û
U With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter û û
U With Diaeresis Below, Latin Small Letter
U With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ü Ü
U With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ü ü
U With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
U With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter ű ű
U With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter ȕ ȕ
U With Grave, Latin Capital Letter Ù Ù
U With Grave, Latin Small Letter ù ù
U With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter
U With Horn, Latin Small Letter ư ư
U With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter ȗ ȗ
U With Macron, Latin Small Letter ū ū
U With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter ų ų
U With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter ů ů
U With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter
U With Tilde, Latin Small Letter ũ ũ
U, Combining Latin Small Letter ͧ ͧ
U, Latin Letter Small Capital
U, Latin Small Letter Sideways
U, Latin Small Letter Sideways Diaeresized
U, Latin Subscript Small Letter
Ugaritic 𐎀 𐎀
Ukrainian Currency
Umbrella With Rain Drops
Umlaut ̈ ̈
Unaspirated, Modifier Letter ˭ ˭
Underdot, Combining Triple
Underline ̲ ̲
Underline Symbol, Continuous
Underline Symbol, Discontinuous
Underline, Double ̳ ̳
Underscore ̲ ̲
Underscore, Double ̳ ̳
Underscore, Spacing _ _
Underscore, Spacing Double
Underscores, Overscores And
Undertie, Inverted
Undo Symbol
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
Unified Ideographs Extension A, Cjk
Unified Ideographs Extension B, Cjk 𠀀 𠀀
Unified Ideographs, Cjk
Union, Double
Union, Generalized
Union, Multiset
Union, N-Ary
Unions, Intersections And
Unique Element
Unit Separator &#x001F;
Unit Separator, Symbol For
Universal Quantifier
Universal Recycling Symbol
Unmarried Partnership Symbol
Up Arrowhead
Up Pointing Index, White
Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis
Up Tack
Up Tack Below, Combining ̝ ̝
Up Tack, Modifier Letter ˔ ˔
Up, Close
Up, Fast Cursor
Up, Page
Upa Modifiers ˯ ˯
Upper Blade Scissors
Upper Integral
Upper Right Pencil
Uppercase Alphabet, Latin A A
Upsilon, Latin Capital Letter Ʊ Ʊ
Upsilon, Latin Small Letter ʊ ʊ
Upstile, Apl
Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining Enclosing
Upwards Arrow
Upwards Arrow Below, Combining ͎ ͎
Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, Diacritics For ͐ ͐
Urdu Paragraph Separator
Urn, Funeral


Description Entity Preview
V Above ̌ ̌
V With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter ṿ ṿ
V With Hook, Latin Capital Letter Ʋ Ʋ
V With Hook, Latin Small Letter ʋ ʋ
V With Tilde, Latin Small Letter
V, Combining Latin Small Letter ͮ ͮ
V, Latin Capital Letter Script Ʋ Ʋ
V, Latin Capital Letter Turned Ʌ Ʌ
V, Latin Letter Small Capital
V, Latin Small Letter Script ʋ ʋ
V, Latin Small Letter Turned ʌ ʌ
V, Latin Subscript Small Letter
Varavu, Tamil
Varia, Greek ̀ ̀
Variation Indicator, Ideographic
Variation Selector One, Mongolian Free
Variation Selector Three, Mongolian Free
Variation Selector Two, Mongolian Free
Variation Selector-1
Variation Selectors
Variation Selectors Supplement 󠄀 󠄀
Varies With
Varudam, Tamil
Vector Or Cross Product
Vector Pointing Into Page
Vector Pointing Into Page
Vector Pointing Out Of Page
Vertical Bar | |
Vertical Bar Delimiter, Triple
Vertical Bar Dingbats
Vertical Bar, Broken ¦ ¦
Vertical Bar, N-Ary White ⫿ ⫿
Vertical Bar, White
Vertical Bowtie
Vertical Brackets
Vertical Ellipsis
Vertical Form Variants
Vertical Four Dots
Vertical Ideographic Iteration Mark
Vertical Line | |
Vertical Line Above, Combining ̍ ̍
Vertical Line Above, Combining Double ̎ ̎
Vertical Line Below, Combining ̩ ̩
Vertical Line Below, Combining Double ͈ ͈
Vertical Line Operators
Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Long
Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Short
Vertical Line With Middle Dot
Vertical Line, Double
Vertical Line, Modifier Letter ˈ ˈ
Vertical Line, Modifier Letter Low ˌ ˌ
Vertical Lines
Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining Double
Vertical Tabulation &#x000B;
Vertical Tabulation, Symbol For
Vertical Text, Bracket Variants For
Vertical Text, Double Punctuation For
Vertical Tilde, Combining ̾ ̾
Vertical Variants, Glyphs For
Vertical Variants, Glyphs For
Vertsaket, Armenian ։ ։
Very Much Greater-Than
Very Much Less-Than
Victory Hand
Vietnamese Currency
Viewdata Square
Vinculum ̅ ̅
Viram, Devanagari Deergh
Viram, Devanagari Purna
Virama, Devanagari Sign
Virama, Malayalam Sign
Virama, Myanmar Sign
Virama, Sinhala
Virama, Tagalog Sign
Virgule / /
Visarga, Devanagari Sign
Visarga, Khmer
Visarga, Tamil Sign
Visarga, Tibetan ཿ ཿ
Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal ʕ ʕ
Voiced Iteration Mark, Hiragana
Voiced Iteration Mark, Katakana
Voicing, Modifier Letter ˬ ˬ
Voltage Sign, High
Volume Integral
Vrachy, Greek ̆ ̆
Vs17 󠄀 󠄀
Vt &#x000B;
Vulgar Fraction One Half ½ ½
Vulgar Fraction One Quarter ¼ ¼
Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters ¾ ¾
Vulgar Fractions


Description Entity Preview
W With Acute, Latin Small Letter
W With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ŵ ŵ
W With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter
W With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
W With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
W With Grave, Latin Small Letter
W With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter
W, Latin Letter Small Capital
W, Latin Small Letter Turned ʍ ʍ
W, Modifier Letter Small ʷ ʷ
Waiting, Message
Warning Sign
Warning Signs
Wave Dash
Wave, Sine
Wavy Dash
Wavy Line
Wavy Low Line
Wavy Overline
Wavy Overline, Double
Weather And Astrological Symbols
Weather, Clear
Weather, Cloudy
Weather, Rainy
Weather, Showery
Weather, Snowy
Wedge ʌ ʌ
Weierstrass Elliptic Function
West Syriac Cross
Wheel Of Dharma
Wheelchair Symbol
White Bullet
White Circle
White Circle, Medium
White Circle, Medium Small
White Circle, Shadowed
White Corner Bracket, Left
White Corner Bracket, Right
White Curly Bracket, Left
White Curly Bracket, Right
White Down Pointing Index
White Flag
White Framus
White Frowning Face
White Left Pointing Index
White Lenticular Bracket, Left
White Lenticular Bracket, Right
White Nib
White On Black Circled Numbers
White Parenthesis, Left
White Parenthesis, Right
White Right Pointing Index
White Scissors
White Sesame Dot
White Shogi Piece
White Smiling Face
White Square Bracket, Left
White Square Bracket, Right
White Star
White Sun With Rays
White Telephone
White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left
White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right
White Trapezium
White Up Pointing Index
White Vertical Bar
White Vertical Bar, N-Ary ⫿ ⫿
Wide Bridge Above, Combining
Wiggly Fences
Won Sign
Word Joiner
Word Separators, Aegean 𐄀 𐄀
Words, Squared Katakana
Wordspace, Ethiopic
Working Day Symbol
Wreath Product
Writing Hand
Wynn, Latin Capital Letter Ƿ Ƿ
Wynn, Latin Letter ƿ ƿ


Description Entity Preview
X Above, Combining ̽ ̽
X Below, Combining ͓ ͓
X In A Rectangle Box
X With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter
X With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
X, Ballot
X, Ballot Box With
X, Combining Latin Small Letter ͯ ͯ
X, Heavy Ballot
X, Heavy Multiplication
X, Modifier Letter Small ˣ ˣ
X, Multiplication


Description Entity Preview
Y With Acute, Latin Capital Letter Ý Ý
Y With Acute, Latin Small Letter ý ý
Y With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter ŷ ŷ
Y With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter Ÿ Ÿ
Y With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter ÿ ÿ
Y With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter
Y With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
Y With Grave, Latin Small Letter
Y With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter
Y With Hook, Latin Small Letter ƴ ƴ
Y With Macron, Latin Small Letter ȳ ȳ
Y With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter
Y With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter Ɏ Ɏ
Y With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ɏ ɏ
Y With Tilde, Latin Small Letter
Y, Latin Letter Small Capital ʏ ʏ
Y, Latin Small Letter Turned ʎ ʎ
Y, Modifier Letter Small ʸ ʸ
Y, Turned Sans-Serif Capital
Yamakkan, Thai Character
Year Sign, Tamil
Yen Sign ¥ ¥
Yentamna, Armenian ֊ ֊
Yi Radicals
Yi Syllables ꀀ ꀀ
Yiddish Digraphs װ װ
Yield, Does Not
Yijing / I Ching Hexagram Symbols
Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram Symbols
Yijing / I Ching Trigram Symbols
Yin Yang
Yogh, Latin Small Letter ȝ ȝ
Ypogegrammeni, Combining Greek ͅ ͅ
Yr, Latin Letter Ʀ Ʀ
Yuan Sign ¥ ¥


Description Entity Preview
Z Bar, Latin Small Letter ƶ ƶ
Z Notation Bag Membership
Z Notation Spot
Z Notation Type Colon
Z With Acute, Latin Small Letter ź ź
Z With Caron, Latin Small Letter ž ž
Z With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter
Z With Curl, Latin Small Letter ʑ ʑ
Z With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter ż ż
Z With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter
Z With Hook, Latin Small Letter ȥ ȥ
Z With Line Below, Latin Small Letter
Z With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter ʐ ʐ
Z With Stroke, Latin Small Letter ƶ ƶ
Z With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter ɀ ɀ
Z, Black-Letter Capital
Z, Double-Struck Capital
Z, Latin Letter Small Capital
Zapf Dingbats Series 100, Itc
Zero Width Joiner
Zero Width No-Break Space   
Zero Width Non-Joiner
Zero Width Space
Zero, Circled Digit
Zero, Ideographic Number
Zero, Superscript
Zigzag Above, Combining ͛ ͛
Zodiacal Symbols


Юникод (по-английски Unicode) — это стандарт кодирования символов. Проще говоря, это таблица соответствия текстовых знаков (цифр, букв, элементов пунктуации) двоичным кодам. Компьютер понимает только последовательность нулей и единиц. Чтобы он знал, что именно должен отобразить на экране, необходимо присвоить каждому символу свой уникальный номер. В восьмидесятых, знаки кодировали одним байтом, то есть восемью битами (каждый бит это 0 или 1). Таким образом получалось, что одна таблица (она же кодировка или набор) может вместить только 256 знаков. Этого может не хватить даже для одного языка. Поэтому, появилось много разных кодировок, путаница с которыми часто приводила к тому, что на экране вместо читаемого текста появлялись какие-то странные кракозябры. Требовался единый стандарт, которым и стал Юникод. Самая используемая кодировка — UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format) для изображения символа задействует от 1 до 4 байт.


Символы в таблицах Юникода пронумерованы шестнадцатеричными числами. Например, кириллическая заглавная буква М обозначена U+041C. Это значит, что она стоит на пересечении строки 041 и столбца С. Её можно просто скопировать и потом вставить куда-либо. Чтобы не рыться в многокилометровом списке следует воспользоваться поиском. Зайдя на страницу символа, вы увидите его номер в Юникоде и способ начертания в разных шрифтах. В строку поиска можно вбить и сам знак, даже если вместо него отрисовывается квадратик, хотя бы для того, чтобы узнать, что это было. Ещё, на этом сайте есть специальные (и не специальные — случайные) наборы однотипных значков, собранные из разных разделов, для удобства их использования.

Стандарт Юникод — международный. Он включает знаки почти всех письменностей мира. В том числе и тех, которые уже не применяются. Египетские иероглифы, германские руны, письменность майя, клинопись и алфавиты древних государств. Представлены и обозначения мер и весов, нотных грамот, математических понятий.

Сам консорциум Юникода не изобретает новых символов. В таблицы добавляются те значки, которые находят своё применение в обществе. Например, знак рубля активно использовался в течении шести лет прежде чем был добавлен в Юникод. Пиктограммы эмодзи (смайлики) тоже сначала получили широкое применение в Япониии прежде чем были включены в кодировку. А вот товарные знаки, и логотипы компаний не добавляются принципиально. Даже такие распространённые как яблоко Apple или флаг Windows. На сегодняшний день, в версии 8.0 закодировано около 120 тысяч символов.


Самые популярные: валюты, рубль, Инь и Ян, огонь, бомбочка, часы

Погода: градус, солнце, снежинка, облако

Природа и животные: слон, лошадь, лев, собака, кошка, насекомые

Юникод знаки с руками и смайлики (цветные)

Символы квадратиков, стрелочек, колбочек

Специальные символы вида «солнышко, звёздочка, рука»

Числа и нумерация от 1 до 20 и от A до Z в Юникод

Палочки, чёрточки и крестики в Unicode

Греческий алфавит и прочие буквы

Все спец. символы используемые для математики и физики в Unicode

Наборы нестандартных стрелочек, указателей

Шахматные фигуры, масти, ноты

Что такое Юникод?

Общее определение
Юникод (англ. Unicode) — это стандарт кодирования символов, который включает в себя знаки практически всех письменных языков мира. На текущий момент стандарт является основным в Интернете.

Некоторые специальные символы могут быть отображены в Title и сниппете на выдаче Яндекса, Google, Mail и Авито. Это может привлечь внимание пользователей и повысить CTR. В коммерческих сферах продвижения — использование символов должно быть осторожное, вдумчивое. Все символы Unicode в кодировке UTF-8 оказываются полезны для оформления текстов, дизайна и нужд SEO. Вы можете самостоятельно протестировать текстовые спец. символы и понять, какие из них могут отображаться в Title на выдаче.
Для формирования оптимального сниппета рекомендуем бесплатный инструмент генерации ⛔

Инструмент генерации сниппетов

Самые популярные: валюты, рубль, Инь и Ян, огонь, бомбочка, часы

🔥 💣 💥 ♻ 🧨 🤔 ⚠ 🔎 😘 ❌ 📈 🍿 ☑ ✅ 🖤 🧠 ❓ ❗ ® ✉ 🔒 § © ☯ ☭ 📹 🔱 🎁 🧢 📊 💕 🤍 🥱 🛒 🦠 ⚡ 🐳 💰 🥇 ❤ ️ 🤙 💪 😤 🍋 😿 🍒 🗝 ️ ⌛ ⏳ 🕗 ⌚ ❎

Доллар — $, фунт — £, цент — ¢, российский рубль — ₽ U+20BD (в Юникоде) и ₽ (в HTML-коде), биткоин — ₿, евро — €

Погода: градус, солнце, снежинка, облако

° ☀ ☼ ☁ ❆ ❅ ❄ 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌙 🌚 🌛 🌜 🌡 🌝 🌞 ⭐ 🌟 🌠 ⛅ ⛈ 🌤 🌥 🌦 🌧 🌨 🌩 🌪 🌫 🌬 🌀 🌈 🌂 ☔ ⛱ ⚡ ⛄ ☄ 🔥 💧 🌊

Природа и животные: слон, лошадь, лев, собака, кошка, насекомые

🐿 🐮 🐭 🐫 🐯 🦏 🦍 🦊 🦒 🐀 🐨 🦘 🐖 🦇 🦓 🐰 🦝 🦔 🦄 🐆 🐄 🐷 🦙 🐽 🦁 🐻 🐈 🐣 🐔 🐤 🦜 🐧 🦉 🦃 🦚 🐸 🐍 🦎 🐊 🦖 🐲 🐉 🐋 🦈 🐳 🐙 🦋 🦠 🦂 🕷 🐜 🌹 🌺 🌼 🌻 🌴 🌲 🌳 🍂 ☘ 🌈 🐕

Юникод знаки с руками и смайлики (цветные)

☜ ☞ ☝ ☟ ✍ ☺ ☹ ☻ 😁 😂 😃 😆 😇 😈 😉 😊 😋 😌 😍 😎 😏 😐 😒 🚤 😓 😔 😖 😘 😚 😜 😝 😞 😠 😡 😢 😣 😤 😥 😨 😩 😪 😫 😭 😰 🌏 🍀 😱 😲 😳 😵 😶 😷 😸 😹 😺 😻 😼 😽 😾 😿 🙀 🙅 🙆 🙇 🙈 🙉 🙊 🙋 🙌 🙍 🙎 ✋ ✋ 🐲 👀 🐝 💢 ☘ ✌ ∞ © 🐾 💋 👣 🚗 ☠ 🚀 🚃 🚄 🚅 🚇 🚉 🚌 🚏 🚑 🚒 🚓 🚕 😄 😅 🚙 🚚 🚢

Символы квадратиков, стрелочек, колбочек

▖ ▗ ▘ ▙ ▚ ▛ ▜ ▝ ▞ ▟ ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▪ ▫ ▬ ▭ ▮ ▯ ▰ ▱ ▲ △ ▴ ▵ ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ▼ ▽ ▾ ▿ ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◖ ◗ ◘ ◙ ◚ ◛ ◜ ◝ ◞ ◟ ◠ ◡ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯ ◰ ◱ ◲ ◳ ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ◸ ◹ ◺ ◻ ◼ ◽ ◾ ◿

Специальные символы вида «солнышко, звёздочка, рука»

☀ ☁ ☂ ✊ ✋ 👆 👇 👈 👉 👊 👋 👌 👍 👎 👏 👐 🤘 🤙 🤚 🤛 🤜 🤝 🤞 💪 🖐 🙌 🙏 🤳 ☃ ☄ ★ ☆ ☇ ☈ ☉ ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ☎ ☏ ☐ ☑ ☒ ☓ ☔ ☕ ☖ ☗ ☘ ☙ ☚ ☛ ☜ ☝ ☞ ☟ ☠ ☡ ☢ ☣ ☤ ☥ ☧ ☨ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☭ ☮ ☯ ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷ ♮ ♯ ♰ ♱ ✁ ✂ ✃ ✄ ✆ ✇ ✈ ✉ ✌ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✐ ✑ ✒ ✓ ☢ ☣ ☯ ☮ ☣ ☬ ☪ ☦ ✡ 〄 ♨ ☸ ⌘ ✔ ✕ ✖ ✗ ✘ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ✞ ✟ ✠ ✡ ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✰ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴ ✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ❋ ❍ ❏ ❐ ❑ ❒ ❖ ❡ ❢ ❣ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ❘ ❙ ❚ ❛ ❜ ❝ ❞ ➱ ➲ ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ ➷ ➸ ➘ ➙ ➚ ➛ ➜ ➝ ➞ ➟ ➠ ➡ ➢ ➣ ➤ ➥ ➦ ➧ ➨ ➩ ➪ ➫ ➬ ➭ ➮ ➯ ➔ ➹ ➺ ➻ ➼ ➽ ➾ ➿ ⟠ ⟡ ⟦ ⟧ ⟨ ⟩ ⟪ ⟫ ⟰ ⟱ ⟲ ⟳ ⟴ ⟵

Числа и нумерация от 1 до 20 и от A до Z в Юникод

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛ ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ
ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ ⓪ ⓿ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴

Палочки, чёрточки и крестики в Unicode

─ ━ │ ┃ ┄ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈ ┉ ┊ ┋ ┌ ┍ ┎ ┏ ┐ ┑ ┒ ┓ └ ┕ ┖ ┗ ┘ ┙ ┚ ┛ ├ ┝ ┞ ┟ ┠ ┡ ┢ ┣ ┤ ┥ ┦ ┧ ┨ ┩ ┪ ┫ ┬ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┴ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┼ ┽ ┾ ┿ ╀ ╁ ╂ ╃ ╄ ╅ ╆ ╇ ╈ ╉ ╊ ╋ ╌ ╍ ╎ ╏ ═ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╕ ╖ ╗ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╛ ╜ ╝ ╞ ╟ ╠ ╡ ╢ ╣ ╤ ╥ ╦ ╧ ╨ ╩ ╪ ╫ ╬ ╭ ╮ ╯ ╰ ╱ ╲ ╳ ╴ ╵ ╶ ╷ ╸ ╹ ╺ ╻ ╼ ╽ ╾ ╿ ▀ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▉ ▊ ▋ ▌ ▍ ▎ ▏ ▐ ░ ▒ ▓ ▔ ▕ 𝌴

Греческий алфавит и прочие буквы

ᴀ ᴁ ᴂ ᴃ ᴄ ᴅ ᴆ ᴇ ᴈ ᴉ ᴊ ᴋ ᴌ ᴍ ᴎ ᴏ ᴐ ᴑ ᴒ ᴓ ᴔ ᴕ ᴖ ᴗ ᴘ ᴙ ᴚ ᴛ ᴜ ᴝ ᴞ ᴟ ᴠ ᴡ ᴢ ᴣ ᴤ ᴥ ᴦ ᴧ ᴨ ᴩ ᴪ ᴫ ᴬ ᴭ ᴮ ᴯ ᴰ ᴱ ᴲ ᴳ ᴴ ᴵ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ ᴹ ᴺ ᴻ ᴼ ᴽ ᴾ ᴿ ᵀ ᵁ ᵂ ᵃ ᵄ ᵅ ᵆ ᵇ ᵈ ᵉ ᵊ ᵋ ᵌ ᵍ ᵎ ᵏ ᵐ ᵑ ᵒ ᵓ ᵔ ᵕ ᵖ ᵗ ᵘ ᵙ ᵚ ᵛ ᵜ ᵝ ᵞ ᵟ ᵠ ᵡ ᵢ ᵣ ᵤ ᵥ ᵦ ᵧ ᵨ ᵩ ᵪ ᵫ ᵬ ᵭ ᵮ ᵯ ᵰ ᵱ ᵲ ᵳ ᵴ ᵵ ᵶ ᵷ ᵸ ᵹ ᵺ ᵻ ᵼ ᵽ ᵾ ᵿ ᶀ ᶁ ᶂ ᶃ ᶄ ᶅ ᶆ ᶇ ᶈ ᶉ ᶊ ᶋ ᶌ ᶍ ᶎ ᶏ ᶐ ᶑ ᶒ ᶓ ᶔ ᶕ ᶖ ᶗ ᶘ ᶙ ᶚ ᶛ ᶜ ᶝ ᶞ ᶟ ᶠ ᶡ ᶢ ᶣ ᶤ ᶥ ᶦ ᶧ ᶨ ᶩ ᶪ ᶫ ᶬ ᶭ ᶮ ᶯ ᶰ ᶱ ᶲ ᶳ ᶴ ᶵ ᶶ ᶷ ᶸ ᶹ ᶺ ᶻ ᶼ ᶽ ᶾ ᶿ ῲ ῳ ῴ ῶ ῷ Ὸ Ό Ὼ Ώ ῼ ⍳ ⍴ ⍵ ⍶ ⍷ ⍸ ⍹ ⍺

Все спец. символы используемые для математики и физики в Unicode

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