Системная ошибка 109 канал был закрыт


Проблема: как исправить системную ошибку 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE в Windows?

Здравствуйте, мне нужна помощь с системной ошибкой 109 — ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE с описанием «Канал был завершен». Он появляется случайно, когда я использую свой компьютер. Есть идеи, как от этого избавиться?

Решенный ответ

ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE может произойти во всех операционных системах Windows в любое время, например, когда приложение готово к запуску. Если быть более точным, ошибка появляется, когда пользователи пытаются закрыть фоновую службу через диспетчер задач или другими способами.

В некоторых случаях ошибки могут быть разрушительными для компьютера, например, синий экран.[1] ошибки могут прерывать работу пользователей и указывать на что-то серьезное. Что касается системной ошибки 109, это не очень важная проблема, поэтому вы можете просто игнорировать ее в большинстве случаев. Однако если проблема не исчезнет, ​​это может означать, что что-то серьезно не так, поэтому ее устранение становится приоритетной задачей.

Чтобы понять ошибку, важно понимать терминологию. В этом случае «Сломанный канал» указывает на то, что соединение между файловыми дескрипторами двух запущенных процессов было прервано. Если это мало что объясняет, не о чем беспокоиться, потому что мы предлагаем способы исправить Системную ошибку 109 — ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE полностью ниже.

Возможно, наиболее опасной причиной возникновения этой ошибки является вредоносное ПО.[2] инфекционное заболевание. Компьютерные угрозы можно получить повсюду в Интернете, например, при загрузке трещины программы.[3] или после открытия вложения спама, полученного в почтовый ящик.

Как исправить системную ошибку 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE в Windows?

Вредоносное ПО может нанести серьезный ущерб Windows и вызвать ошибки, поэтому первым шагом должно быть устранение этой возможности и сканирование машины с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения. Вы можете попробовать запустить сканирование с ReimageСтиральная машина Mac X9 Инструмент восстановления также, который предназначен для поиска неисправных компонентов Windows, может их восстановить, автоматически решая проблему, которая в первую очередь вызывает ошибку.

Решение 1. Сканируйте свой компьютер от вредоносных программ

Исправить это сейчас!Исправить это сейчас!

Для восстановления поврежденной системы необходимо приобрести лицензионную версию Reimage Reimage.

Как уже упоминалось, вредоносное ПО может быть основной причиной появления сообщений об ошибках на вашем компьютере. Для этой цели можно использовать любое уважаемое стороннее программное обеспечение безопасности, хотя встроенный Microsoft Defender может быть столь же хорош, как и обнаружение вредоносного программного обеспечения. Вы должны выполнить автономное сканирование:

Решение 2. Откатить системные драйверы

Исправить это сейчас!Исправить это сейчас!

Для восстановления поврежденной системы необходимо приобрести лицензионную версию Reimage Reimage.

  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на Начинать и выбрать Диспетчер устройств
  • Здесь щелкните правой кнопкой мыши проблемный драйвер и выберите Характеристики
  • Перейти к Водитель вкладка
  • Здесь нажмите на Откат драйвераОткат драйвера
  • Выберите причину, по которой вы это делаете, и

Если этот метод не помог предотвратить возникновение ошибки, попробуйте вместо этого обновить все драйверы. Имейте в виду, что этот процесс может занять много времени, поэтому мы рекомендуем использовать [ref id = ”DriverFix”], чтобы сделать процесс более удобным.

Решение 3. Обновите Google Chrome

Исправить это сейчас!Исправить это сейчас!

Для восстановления поврежденной системы необходимо приобрести лицензионную версию Reimage Reimage.

Если ошибка связана с браузером, убедитесь, что вы используете последнюю версию Google Chrome:

Решение 4. Запустите SFC и DISM

Исправить это сейчас!Исправить это сейчас!

Для восстановления поврежденной системы необходимо приобрести лицензионную версию Reimage Reimage.

Повреждение системного файла может быть причиной системной ошибки 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE. Таким образом, вы должны попробовать запустить средство проверки системных файлов:

  • Тип cmd в поиске Windows
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на Командная строка и выберите Запустить от имени администратора
  • Когда Контроль учетных записей пользователей появляется, нажмите да
  • В новом окне введите следующие команды, нажав Входить после каждого:
    sfc / scannow
    DISM / Онлайн / Очистка-Образ / CheckHealth
    DISM / Онлайн / Очистка-Изображение / ScanHealth
    DISM / Онлайн / Очистка-Образ / RestoreHealth
  • Начать сначала ваш компьютер.Запустить сканирование SFC

Решение 5. Найдите конфликты программного обеспечения с помощью чистой загрузки

Исправить это сейчас!Исправить это сейчас!

Для восстановления поврежденной системы необходимо приобрести лицензионную версию Reimage Reimage.

  • Тип msconfig в поиске Windows и нажмите Enter
  • Перейти к Услуги вкладка
  • Галочка Скрыть все службы Microsoft вариант, а затем выберите Отключить все
  • Перейти к Запускать вкладка и выберите Открыть диспетчер задач
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши каждую запись и выберите Запрещать
  • Закройте диспетчер задач.
  • Вернитесь в окно конфигурации системы и выберите вкладку загрузки.
  • Отметьте Безопасная загрузка вариант, щелкните Применять и В ПОРЯДКЕПопробуйте чистую загрузку
  • Начать сначала ваш компьютер.

Проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема в этом режиме. Если это не так, это означает, что на вашем компьютере возник конфликт программного обеспечения. Чтобы исправить это, вы должны удалить последние установленные приложения и посмотреть, решена ли проблема.

Исправляйте ошибки автоматически

Команда ugetfix.com делает все возможное, чтобы помочь пользователям найти лучшие решения для устранения их ошибок. Если вы не хотите бороться с методами ручного ремонта, используйте автоматическое программное обеспечение. Все рекомендованные продукты были протестированы и одобрены нашими профессионалами. Инструменты, которые можно использовать для исправления ошибки, перечислены ниже:


сделай это сейчас!

Скачать Fix

сделай это сейчас!

Скачать Fix

Совместим с Майкрософт ВиндоусСовместим с OS X По-прежнему возникают проблемы?
Если вам не удалось исправить ошибку с помощью Reimage, обратитесь за помощью в нашу службу поддержки. Сообщите нам все подробности, которые, по вашему мнению, нам следует знать о вашей проблеме.

Reimage — запатентованная специализированная программа восстановления Windows. Он диагностирует ваш поврежденный компьютер. Он просканирует все системные файлы, библиотеки DLL и ключи реестра, которые были повреждены угрозами безопасности.Reimage — запатентованная специализированная программа восстановления Mac OS X. Он диагностирует ваш поврежденный компьютер. Он просканирует все системные файлы и ключи реестра, которые были повреждены угрозами безопасности.
Этот запатентованный процесс восстановления использует базу данных из 25 миллионов компонентов, которые могут заменить любой поврежденный или отсутствующий файл на компьютере пользователя.
Для восстановления поврежденной системы необходимо приобрести лицензионную версию Reimage инструмент для удаления вредоносных программ.

Упоминания в прессе о Reimage


Условия использования Reimage | Политика конфиденциальности Reimage | Политика возврата денег за товар | Нажмите

Чтобы оставаться полностью анонимным и не допустить, чтобы интернет-провайдер и правительство от шпионажа на вас, вы должны использовать Частный доступ в Интернет VPN. Это позволит вам подключаться к Интернету, оставаясь полностью анонимным, за счет шифрования всей информации, предотвращения трекеров, рекламы, а также вредоносного контента. Самое главное, вы остановите незаконную слежку, которую за вашей спиной проводят АНБ и другие правительственные учреждения.

Непредвиденные обстоятельства могут произойти в любой момент при использовании компьютера: он может выключиться из-за отключения электроэнергии, Может возникнуть синий экран смерти (BSoD) или случайные обновления Windows могут произойти на машине, когда вы ушли на несколько минут. минут. В результате ваши школьные задания, важные документы и другие данные могут быть потеряны. К восстанавливаться потерянные файлы, вы можете использовать Восстановление данных Pro — он ищет копии файлов, которые все еще доступны на вашем жестком диске, и быстро их извлекает.

by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on February 15, 2022

  • The System error 109: The pipe has ended message occurs when using your computer or launching a specific application.
  • To resolve the issue, try updating your device drivers for peripherals connected to your PC.
  • Try to perform a complete system scan and check for viruses that may trigger this error. 
  • Additionally, update your Windows apps and check for software conflict in Clean Boot mode.

The pipe has ended issue


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

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When working on your Windows computer, you may encounter the System error 109: The pipe has ended.

This issue is usually noticed when the user tries to stop a running service such as ScanEngine using the command prompt or Task Manager.

In most cases, you can ignore the error. However, if it is repeatedly occurring, perform some troubleshooting steps to see if a malware or outdated driver is triggering the problem.

In this article, we take a look at how to fix the system error in Windows 10. For the error the pipe is being closed, please check the linked article instead.

How do I fix the System error 109: The pipe has ended?

1. Update device drivers 

Outdated device drivers from peripherals such as Bluetooth adapters can trigger this error. To resolve the issue, try updating your device driver from the Device Manager.

Hardware drivers are programs that allow Windows to communicate with the hardware on your computer. These drivers are created by device manufacturers, and you may get them directly from the manufacturer of your PC hardware.

If you are not sure how to do it, use a third-party software updater utility that scans for missing and outdated drives and installs them automatically.

You can manually update drivers if you have a thorough understanding of the drivers your PC requires. The driver updater utility is the best alternative for a fast and secured result.

A professional tool like DriverFix keeps your system running smoothly by upgrading its drivers. This utility examines your system and discovers outdated drivers that cause sluggishness.

You may rely on DriverFix to make such enhancements to ensure a proper upgrade with the most latest Bluetooth drivers.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

⇒ Get DriverFix

2. Update your browser and other software 

  1. Launch Google Chrome.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Go to Help and choose About Google Chrome.
    System error 109 the pipe has ended
  4. Chrome will check for pending browser updates and install them automatically if found. 
  5. Click the Relaunch button to restart the browser.
  6. Do this for all the Chromium-based browsers such as Edge, Brave, Opera, etc., installed on your PC. 

This is a known bug in Chromium-based browsers and does not harm the computer. If you are noticing the error saved in a text document in your folder, updating the browser should fix any bug.

3. Run a full system scan

  1. Click on Start and choose Settings.
  2. Go to Update & Security.
    System error 109 the pipe has ended
  3. Open the Windows Security tab from the left pane.
  4. Click on Virus and Threat protection. 
  5. Scroll down and click Scan Options.,
  6. Choose Microsoft Defender Offline Scan.
  7. Click the Scan Now button.
  8. Make sure you have saved your work and close all the open programs. Click the Scan button to restart your PC.

Windows will shut down and perform an offline scan. Once done, the PC will automatically restart. After the restart, check if the System error 109: The pipe has ended is resolved.

4. Check for third-party software conflict in Clean Boot mode 

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open Run.
  2. Type msconfig.msc and click OK to open System Configuration.
  3. Open the Services tab in the System Configuration window.
  4. Here you need to hide all the Microsoft services first. So, check the Hide all Microsoft Services box.
  5. Next, click the Disable All button to stop all third-party services from when you restart next time.
  6. Open the Startup tab and click on the Open Task Manager link.
  7. Disable all the startup apps that are enabled. Close Task Manager and go back to the System Configuration.
  8. Click the Apply and OK to button. When the Restart prompt appears, click Restart Now.
  9. Your PC will now restart in Clean Boot mode.

Note icon

The Windows key is the most used key on any IBM-compatible keyboard. This guide dedicated to solving Windows key not working is just what you need if you experience such issues.

In the Clean Boot state, Windows starts with only essential services required for Windows to run. Try performing the activity that resulted in this system error and see if it occurs in Clean Boot mode.

If not, you may have third-party software installed that is creating conflict resulting in the error.

Before restarting, open System Configuration and enable all the services that you had disabled previously. Reboot the computer and remove the most recently installed apps that you think may cause the issue.

The System error 109: The pipe has ended usually occurs due to a faulty device driver or malware infection. Perform a full system scan and then run a driver update utility to install new drivers for your system. 

If not, restart your PC in clean boot mode to determine if third-party software is causing the error and remove conflicting software.

In case of frequently experiencing such issues, one of these best Windows PC troubleshooting tools should turn into your first line of defense.

We hope you were able to fix the problem by using any of the aforementioned solutions. Just let us know by commenting below.

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Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 109
Название ошибки: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE
Описание ошибки: Канал был закрыт.
Шестнадцатеричный код: 0x6D
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Windows Operating System
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Проблемы Windows 10 часто возникают из-за того, что исполняемый файл отсутствует, удалён или перемещён из исходного местоположения. Часто такие ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE ошибки наблюдаются при запуске программного обеспечения 0x6D. Как правило, решить проблему позволяет получение новой копии файла ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE, которая не содержит вирусов. Если ошибка Windows 10 возникла в результате его удаления по причине заражения вредоносным ПО, мы рекомендуем запустить сканирование реестра, чтобы очистить все недействительные ссылки на пути к файлам, созданные вредоносной программой.

Распространенные проблемы Windows 10

Общие проблемы Windows 10, возникающие с 0x6D:

  • «Ошибка программы Windows 10. «
  • «Windows 10 не является программой Win32. «
  • «Windows 10 столкнулся с проблемой и закроется. «
  • «Windows 10 не может быть найден. «
  • «Windows 10 не найден.»
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Windows 10
  • «Файл Windows 10 не запущен.»
  • «Windows 10 выйти. «
  • «Windows 10: путь приложения является ошибкой. «

Эти сообщения об ошибках ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE могут появляться во время установки программы, в то время как программа, связанная с Windows 10 (например, 0x6D) работает, во время запуска или завершения работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. При появлении ошибки Windows 10 запишите вхождения для устранения неполадок 0x6D и чтобы HelpMicrosoft Corporation найти причину.

Источник ошибок Windows 10

Проблемы Windows 10 могут быть отнесены к поврежденным или отсутствующим файлам, содержащим ошибки записям реестра, связанным с Windows 10, или к вирусам / вредоносному ПО.

В частности, проблемы с Windows 10, вызванные:

  • Недопустимая (поврежденная) запись реестра Windows 10.
  • Файл Windows 10 поврежден от вирусной инфекции.
  • Windows 10 ошибочно удален или злонамеренно программным обеспечением, не связанным с приложением 0x6D.
  • Другая программа, конфликтующая с Windows 10 или другой общей ссылкой 0x6D.
  • 0x6D (Windows 10) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.

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While using your Windows computer, you might come across the System error 109: The pipe has ended. This error typically occurs when attempting to halt a running service like ScanEngine through the command prompt or  Task Manager.

The System error 109: The pipe has ended message occurs when using your computer or launching a specific application. ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE can occur on all Windows operating systems at any time, for example, when an application is about to be launched. To be more precise, the error shows up when users try to shut down a background service via a Task Manager or in other ways.

In some cases, errors can be devastating for a computer, like Blue Screen errors that can interrupt users’ work and indicate something serious. When it comes to System error 109, it is not a very significant issue, hence you can simply ignore it most of the time. However, if the problem persists, it might indicate that something is seriously wrong, therefore fixing it becomes a priority.

To understand the error, it is important to understand the terminology. In this case, a “Broken pipe” indicates that a connection between file descriptors of two processes running was broken. If that explains little, there is nothing to worry about because we provide ways to fix System error 109 – ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE fully below.

Possibly the most concerning reason for this error to occur is malware infection. Computer threats can be obtained everywhere on the internet, for example, when downloading a program crack or after opening an attachment of a spam email received into a mailbox.

In most cases, you can ignore the error. However, if it is repeatedly occurring, perform some troubleshooting steps to see if a malware or outdated driver is triggering the problem.

In this article, we take a look at how to fix the system error in Windows 10/11. For the error the pipe is being closed, please check the linked article instead.

What Is a Pipe and Why Does it Get Broken?

A pipe connects two processes, one of them has a read-end of the file and the other one has the write-end of the file. When a process writes to a Pipe, it gets stored in a buffer and gets retrieved by the other process.

A pipe is a section of shared memory that processes use for communication. The process that creates a pipe is the pipe server. A process that connects to a pipe is a pipe client. One process writes information to the pipe, then the other process reads the information from the pipe.

There are two types of pipes: anonymous pipes and named pipes. Anonymous pipes require less overhead than named pipes, but offer limited services.

The term pipe, as used here, implies that a pipe is used as an information conduit. Conceptually, a pipe has two ends. A one-way pipe allows the process at one end to write to the pipe, and allows the process at the other end to read from the pipe. A two-way (or duplex) pipe allows a process to read and write from its end of the pipe.

Broken pipe occurs when a process prematurely exits from either end and the other process has not yet closed the pipe.

Exhausted Woman in Front of Computer

Windows system errors occur at various times during normal use of the operating system. Users should receive an error code that they can use to analyze and investigate what happened to the computer. However, these codes will not necessarily provide detailed information. And since non-system software can also return these codes, the user will need to have an understanding of the program and runtime context when analyzing errors. Here are some ways to understand symptoms, causes and general solutions.

When processing, Windows sends System Error codes to tell the user the kind of problem happening to the computer. They appear at unexpected instances so it is difficult to detect unless one analyzes the error message that comes with it. Windows System Error codes are symptoms to other problems happening to the computer, and since they are, users need to consider the error message, the time and the processes running while it occurred.

In the case of this error, the following message pops up:

“The pipe has been ended.”

This error usually means that, the client, after waiting for a specific time, closes the socket connection that was created with the server. But the server doesn’t know that and it continues to fetch data from the data source. It will come to know that the client has closed the connection only when it tries to send the data to the client through the socket connection that was created earlier. Hence, you can find this error. The inverse can be true as well, the client may not know that the server has closed the connection and may receive. BPE after trying to write into the stream.

This means that the data stopped flowing somewhere in the data flow. Oftentimes this is caused by a firewall or other security software. You should either turn the firewall off on your local computer to allow the upload or check with your system administrator on how to proceed.

What Causes System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE on Windows

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Why are you getting System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE on Windows?

Windows system errors can be caused by software or hardware breakdown. Sometimes, your software is not working in consistency with the hardware because of changes or general hardware failures. At some instances, users might have installed conflicting drivers or the OS got corrupted. Perhaps a component had some abnormal power surge which can damage parts and affect its operation. Different kinds of factors may have happened which caused the system to display a System error at certain periods of computer usage. Problems with software and hardware, of course, easily resolved if the user can easily pinpoint the portion that is causing the failure. To address problems with these kinds of errors, try the following repair methods.

This may be caused when your boot partition gets mounted as read-only for some reason. The problem could be caused by some faulty software installation when the system decides that it is not safe to write to the drive.

The other cause might be when you try to install something from apt and the installer needs to access some resource in read mode, but cannot perform the read operation properly. It may throw an error like “sudo: cannot mount”. This error occurs because most of the ‘entities’ in Windows are files and in order to read a resource, Windows would need to open that file and read it. If however another process is currently using that resource, then it may not be possible to read the file. Also, when the reading process exits abruptly and does not close the file, it may corrupt the file until the next boot.

If you still cannot access the files even after rebooting, then the problem could be bigger than anticipated. You may have a broken file system. To resolve this issue, you may need a stable Windows environment in order to work on the broken system. The best way to do this is to boot from a live USB drive and work from it.

Another cause would be malware infection. Threats that interfere with your processes can cause pipes to be broken, along with other errors that might be triggered along the way. Malware is known for initiating malicious behaviors that disrupt system processes on your computer, so this could explain the sudden occurrence of the System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE on your computer.

How to Fix System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE on Windows

Man Using Laptop

If you find yourself faced with this error message, you can try any of the recommended solutions below. You don’t have to try all of them in the order given. If you know what’s triggering the error for you, you can try first the solution you think would work. If not, try the other ones.

Solution 1: Perform a Quick Restart.

First things first, perform a quick restart. There could be plenty of unnecessary processes that are running in the background. Because of that, there is no sufficient resource to be allocated to the process you are trying to run. The best fix for this is a quick restart.

Restarting Windows is easy. Simply go to the Start menu, click the Power button, and select Restart. If you’re lucky, the error should go away after rebooting.

Solution 2: Reinstall the Faulty App

If you encountered the System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE when opening or running an app, reinstalling that app should resolve the problem. However, before the reinstallation, users need to disable their antivirus programs temporarily to avoid it from meddling with the reinstallation process.

You have several ways to reinstall apps on Windows 10/11. We’ve presented them below.

via Settings

  1. Go to Settings and select App.
  2. Click Apps and Features.
  3. Find Microsoft Store and click on it.
  4. At this point, the Advanced Options link should be displayed on your screen. Click on it.
  5. Go to the Reset section and hit the Reset button.

via PowerShell

  1. Type PowerShell into the Cortana search field. Right-click on the top result and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Into the command line, type the Get-Appxpackage –Allusers command and press the Enter key.
  3. Locate the name of the app and copy its package name. Use the Ctrl + C shortcut keys to copy.
  4. Lastly, execute this command: Add-AppxPackage -register “C:Program FilesWindowsApps<PackageFullName>” –DisableDevelopmentMode. (Make sure that you replace the value of PackageFullName with the package name you copied. Also, change the drive letter to the actual drive where you installed Windows 10/11.)
  5. Hit the Enter key.

Solution 3: Run the App in Compatibility Mode

Sometimes, all you need to do is run the application in Compatibility Mode. This is because the app might not be compatible with the current version of Windows you are running.

Here’s how to do so:

  1. Navigate to the app’s location and right-click on its EXE file.
  2. Go to Properties and open the Compatibility tab.
  3. Next, click the dropdown that says Run This Program in Compatibility Mode for.
  4. Select your current Windows version.
  5. Hit Apply then OK.
  6. Check if the error persists.

Solution 4: Roll Back Your Driver

You may also go back to the original driver your computer came with. To do that:

  1. On Device Manager, find the problematic driver.
  2. Right click the device and click Properties.
  3. When you see the Properties window, click the Driver tab.
  4. You will see the Roll Back Driver button, click that.
  5. Confirm the rollback by clicking Yes when you see a question that says “Are you sure you would like to roll back to the previously installed driver software?”
  6. Restart your computer after this.

Solution 5: Update or Reinstall Your Driver

If rolling back the driver does not work, try updating or reinstalling it instead. Changes done to your computer can mess up your driver. If that happens, you can either reinstall your driver or update it. The easiest way to update your drivers is to use Outbyte Driver Updater. This tool scans your computer for all outdated drivers and updates them to the latest version with one click. This way, you won’t miss any driver and you can ensure that your system is running on the latest software.

If you don’t want to go the easy way, then you can manually update your drivers. Incompatible or faulty drivers are often to blame for the System Service exception error on Windows 10/11, and a driver that is out of sync with your latest version of Windows could make it hard for your OS to perform some of its duties, thus leading to the error. To manually update your drivers on Windows 10/11, take the following steps:

  1. Click the Windows Menu button.
  2. Open Settings.
  3. Click on Update and Security.
  4. Choose Check for Updates.

Note that this process works only if the hardware manufacturer uses the Windows Update service.

The other way of manually updating the drivers on your computer is to use the device manager. To update drivers this way, take the following steps:

  1. On the Search box, type “Device Manager”.
  2. From the list of the devices on your computer, click to expand the ones you want to update.
  3. Right-click the device and select Update Driver. The driver will be automatically updated.
  4. Do this for all devices, just to make sure that they are all up to date.

To check whether the drivers have been updated properly, follow the steps below:

  1. On the search box, type “Device Manager”.
  2. Expand the category of the hardware that you have just updated.
  3. Right-click on the device of your choice and choose Properties.
  4. Click on the Driver tab and then on Driver Date and Driver Version. Check to see if you are having the latest driver software.

If all your drivers are up to date but you still get the System Service exception error, then try the other solutions noted below.

Solution 6: Use System Restore

The Windows system restore option allows you to return your computer to an earlier working state by rolling back any changes that you have done. It could be that the System Service exception error on Windows 10/11 is being caused by the software that you have just installed, the new anti-virus program or perhaps by a system update. If this is the case, then you need to do a system restore. The following are the steps to take:

  1. On the Windows 10/11 Search box, type “Create a restore point”.
  2. Click the System Restore button.
  3. Click the Next button.
  4. Select the restore point that you want to return your computer to.
  5. Click “Scan for affected programs”. This will allow you to see the programs that will no longer be available because they were installed after the restore point.
  6. Confirm your restore point and click “Next”.
  7. Click “Finish”.

The System restore option works on your PC only if there is a restore point referring to the time you want to restore your computer to.

If the system restore option, as described above, doesn’t work, then you can start Windows in safe mode. This barebones version of Windows will run only the essential parts of the OS and disable all programs, updates, and problematic apps that may prevent the restore process from working as it is supposed to. Here is how you go about starting Windows in safe mode:

  1. Go to Start> Settings > Update and Security> Recovery.
  2. Click Restart now below Advanced Start-up.
  3. From the Options menu that Windows presents, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System restore.
  4. Follow the System restore steps described earlier.

Solution 7: Repair Corrupted or Missing System Files

In this fix, you will have to run the System File Checker (SFC) utility. It is designed to allow Windows users to scan and restore corrupted or damaged Windows system files.

Here’s how to run a scan using the SFC utility:

  1. Press the Windows key to launch the Start menu.
  2. Into the search field, input cmd or command prompt.
  3. Right-click on the most relevant search result.
  4. Choose Run as Administrator.
  5. If prompted by the UAC, provide your administrator password.
  6. Once the Command Prompt window loads, input the sfc /scannow command and hit Enter.
  7. Wait for the scan to complete and check if the error message still appears.

You also need to run Checkdisk. This tool repairs many inconsistencies with the OS. System errors may also be repaired using this utility. To perform a CHKDSK, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Command Prompt by typing it on the search box, then when you see the result on the list overhead, right click on it and choose, Run as Administrator.
  2. Your system might say you cannot run it at the moment because you are still processing data, and will ask you if you want to run it before the next startup, just click y for yes and then exit the screen and reboot the computer.
  3. Once the computer reboots, you will see checkdisk running outside of Windows, just let it finish till it gives you a report of what was found, fixed or marked.
  4. Exit the window and let your computer reboot normally.

Solution 8: Perform a Clean Boot.

In the Clean Boot state, Windows starts with only essential services required for Windows to run. Try performing the activity that resulted in this system error and see if it occurs in Clean Boot mode.

If not, you may have third-party software installed that is creating conflict resulting in the error. To perform a Clean Boot, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open Run.
  2. Type msconfig.msc and click OK to open System Configuration.
  3. Open the Services tab in the System Configuration window.
  4. Here you need to hide all the Microsoft services first. So, check the Hide all Microsoft Services box.
  5. Next, click the Disable All button to stop all third-party services from when you restart next time.
  6. Open the Startup tab and click on the Open Task Manager link.
  7. Disable all the startup apps that are enabled. Close Task Manager and go back to the System Configuration.
  8. Click the Apply and OK to button. When the Restart prompt appears, click Restart Now.
  9. Your PC will now restart in Clean Boot mode.

Solution 9: Install Any Pending Windows Update

If you haven’t installed the latest Windows version, then you may encounter various Windows Update errors, such as the System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE. So, in this solution, we will check for any pending Windows update. Here’s how to start:

  1. Press the Windows + I keys to launch the Settings utility.
  2. Go to the Update and Security section and choose Windows Update.
  3. Click the Check for Updates button and wait as Windows checks and downloads any available updates.
  4. Once done, click the Install button.
  5. Restart your computer and check if the System error 109 error still shows.

Solution 10: Check for Malware.

Your Windows device has a built-in antivirus solution that you can use to identify and get rid of malware entities. It is called Windows Defender. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start menu.
  2. Into the search field, input Windows Defender and click on the top-most result.
  3. You will be asked to check for updates. To do so, click the Check for updates now button.
  4. To proceed with a scan, hit the Scan button.
  5. Windows Defender will now begin to scan your device for any malware entity. It will then alert you if it discovers any malicious activity or process.

For better results, you can use a third-party anti-malware solution, too. Just make sure you download a reliable antivirus solution from a trusted source. Once you have installed one, run a complete and thorough malware scan to ensure no malware entity remains hiding in your system. Once the scan is complete, the antivirus suite will display its findings. Apply the recommended fixes.

Solution 11: Repair/Reinstall Using OS CD

The best way to repair your system software is still reinstalling it. Repair reinstall process helps you keep your files as you repair the operating system. Though, you need to make sure you backup your file if you indeed need to clean/reinstall your computer. You will need to insert your installation media and restart your computer.

  1. Access your BIOS, the process differs from one computer model to another, it may be F1, F2, or Del button.
  2. Once there, go to the boot section, set boot to the installation disk and save settings.
  3. For earlier versions of Windows, you may need to tap your keyboard while you wait for the computer to access the installation disk.
  4. Choose the repair utility first instead of clean-installing the OS. This may save you a lot of hassle. However, if the issue continues after rebooting your computer, then just back up files and do the clean reinstall.

Solution 12: Reset Your PC

If all of the above fails to do away with the service exception error on Windows 10/11, then it is time you considered the nuclear option of resetting your PC. Resetting your PC will restore Windows to a factory-fresh state by removing all the apps that you have installed, and although your documents are not going to be erased, it is still recommended that you save them somewhere else before you do the reset. Here is how you reset your PC to a factory-fresh state:

  1. Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and click Get Started below the Reset this PC option.
  2. A prompt will appear telling you how the reset process is going to work; choose Keep my files.
  3. Click Reset.

Wrapping Up

Happy Black Woman in Front of Laptop

System errors are caused by malfunctioning hardware components, corrupted operating system modules, etc. System errors are very broad: each one can occur in one of many hundreds of locations in the system, and the System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE is just one of them.

The System error 109: ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE happens when there is a lack of communication between the file descriptors of two processes running. It can occur when you’re launching an app or running a process on your computer. The System error 109: The pipe has ended usually occurs due to a faulty device driver or malware infection. Perform a full system scan and then run a driver update utility to install new drivers for your system. If not, restart your PC in clean boot mode to determine if third-party software is causing the error and remove conflicting software.

It can be difficult to pinpoint what triggers this error, so it is recommended that you try all of the solutions above. You can work your way down the list to figure out which solution is best for your situation.

If you know of any solutions that worked for this error, feel free to add in the comment section so we can include it in the list.

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Vicrey Macapagal

Vicrey Makapagal

Vic is a tech enthusiast who loves to be up-to-date with the latest and greatest technology in the world. He creates content that educates and helps users with their tech-related questions. Vic manages our website to ensure that our readers have a seamless experience while browsing. He excels in troubleshooting errors and resolving Windows issues for gaming and work purposes.

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  • Hi All,  

    Please i have a windows 2008 server and the event log service has stopped but when i try starting i get this error message . «Event Log Service — Error 109: The pipe has ended» 

    Thank you.


  • Hello thanks for your Responses, i backed up the logs and restarted the server and since the event log service was set to automatic it started again but  am still monitoring it to see if it’ll start picking the logs. Apperently one of my co adminstrators
    noticed that SVCHOST.EXE(LocalNetworkRestricted) was consumin maximum memory so he ended the task so i am suspecting that caused the whole issues.

    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:54 AM

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