Системная ошибка перевод на английский

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «Системная ошибка» на английский

system error

systemic failure

systemic error

system failure

Там было написано: «Системная ошибка«.

Произошла системная ошибка всего профиля безопасности.

A system error of the whole security profile occurred.

Парадоксально, но это уже вторая системная ошибка США.

Это так называемая системная ошибка.

Ваша группа называется «Системная ошибка«.

Вместо: «Системная ошибка (код #2234): произошла ошибка проверки подлинности.»

Don’t: System error (code #2234): An authentication error has occurred

З дня назад в профиле безопасности произошла системная ошибка.

Three days ago, a system error occurred in our security profile.

Невозможно получить путь к объекту. Это системная ошибка.

Cannot retrieve path to object. This is a system error.

Исправлена системная ошибка, которая могла нарушить работу некоторых триггеров в миссиях.

Fixed a system error, that may have intervened with some mission triggers.

Все неприятности были вызваны тем, что произошла системная ошибка при случайной генерации двух идентичных аккаунтов.

The trouble was caused by a system error brought about when two identical accounts were accidentally generated.

Ок, это была системная ошибка.

Возможна сложная системная ошибка, которая привела к конфликту с сетевыми функциями вашего телефона.

There might be a complex system error that caused conflict to your phone’s network functions.

В случае отсутствия перевода в логах должна создаваться запись типа «системная ошибка«.

The missing translation should be logged as a system error.

«Наиболее пугающим для нас моментом была системная ошибка, в результате которой отключился главный компьютер робота.

The most frightening moment for us was a system error, as a result of which the main computer of the robot was disconnected.

Если вы пробовали строить отношения и более трёх раз получали результат, не устраивающий вас, то пришло время углубляться: очевидно, есть системная ошибка.

If you tried to build relationships and more than three times got a result that does not suit you, then it’s time to go deep: obviously, there is a system error.

Возникает вопрос: как вообще самолеты, в конструкции которых была допущена серьезная системная ошибка, прошли сложную процедуру сертификации?

The question arises: how did the aircraft, in the design of which a serious system error was made, pass a complex certification procedure?

Если система обнаруживает проблему, где необходим процесс самовосстановления, пользователь увидит всплывающее диалоговое окно о том, что произошла системная ошибка и она ремонтируется.

If the system encounters an issue where it needs to invoke a self-heal process, the user will see a pop-up dialog box stating that there was a system error and that the error is being repaired.

В статье рассмотрены основные параметры кризиса ЕС, обозначена главная системная ошибка архитекторов интеграционного процесса в Европе.

The main parameters of the EU crisis are considered; the system error of the architects of the European project is indicated.

Также была исправлена системная ошибка здорового игрового процесса, и вы должны иметь возможность играть непрерывно.

The Healthy Gameplay System error has also been fixed, and you should be able to play uninterrupted.

Во время пит-стопа Маркуса у нас произошла системная ошибка, приведшая к недопониманию.

During Marcus’ pitstop, there was a system error, which led to miscommunication.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 66. Точных совпадений: 66. Затраченное время: 93 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Бесплатный переводчик онлайн с русского на английский

Чтобы интегрироваться в современный мир, нужно уметь представлять себя, свои идеи и свой бизнес на английском. Переведенное на английский резюме или научный труд значительно повышают шансы на успех. В деловом мире английский язык также является главным средством общения. Он господствует в устных переговорах и в переписке, с русского на английский часто переводятся проекты и контракты, на товары предоставляется англоязычная документация.

Практически в любом онлайн-магазине по всему миру можно заказать товар, обсудить детали и открыть спор, если это потребуется, на английском языке.

Очень часто английский выручает, если хочется общения с представителями других стран. В любой из ваших целей вам поможет PROMT.One, который мгновенно переведет с русского на английский и наоборот.

Точный переводчик

С помощью PROMT.One наслаждайтесь точным переводом с русского на английский текстов любой сложности и тематики, а также смотрите английскую транскрипцию, произношение и варианты переводов слов с примерами употребления в предложениях. Бесплатный онлайн-переводчик PROMT.One — достойная альтернатива Google, Yandex и другим сервисам перевода с английского на русский и с русского на английский. Переводите в браузере на персональных компьютерах, ноутбуках, на мобильных устройствах или установите мобильное приложение Переводчик PROMT.One для iOS и Android.

Нужно больше языков?

PROMT.One бесплатно переводит онлайн с русского на азербайджанский, арабский, греческий, иврит, испанский, итальянский, казахский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, татарский, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, украинский, финский, французский, эстонский и японский.

1) система || системный

2) вычислительная система



операционная система; программа-супервизор

4) система уравнений



большая программа

6) метод; способ; алгоритм

system halted — «система остановлена» ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)

system for event evaluation and review

system for interactive design

system of demand equations

system of units

system on glass

2-2-4 system

4-2-4 system

4-4-4 system

absolutely centralized computer system

access control list system

accounting system

Accutrack 400 system

action logic system

action-translation system

active array antenna system

active night-vision system

activity-based costing system

adaptive control system

adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system

ADE system

adjoint system

aerial system

aerospace support system

AEW system

AGS system

airborne early-warning system

airborne warning and control system

airborne weather radar system

aircraft collision avoidance system

airfield communication system

air-traffic control system

air-traffic control radar-beacon system

airways environmental radar information system

alignment-and-exposure system

all-weather guidance system

all-weather landing system

alpha system

alpha reinforcement system

alternation-product block-cipher system

analog protection system

Andrew file system

antenna-ground system

antishock system

antiskip system

applet file system

application control and management system

application development system

Armstrong frequency-modulation system

ASR system

asymmetric cryptographic system

asynchronous address communication system

asynchronous-multiplex system

ATC system

attached processor system

attended system

A-type Dolby system

A-type professional Dolby system

audio system

audio noise-reduction Dolby system

audiovisual system

author system

authoring system

automated design engineering system

automated vision system

automatic coding system

automatic computer-controlled electronic scanning system

automatic control system

automatic data processing system

automatic degaussing system

automatic degaussing control system

automatic digital encoding system

automatic gain stabilization system

automatic intercept system

automatic noise-reduction system

automatic program search system

automatic programmable logic array synthesis system

automatic radio direction-finding system

automatic speech-recognition system

automatic stabilization and control system

automatic tape calibration system

automatic-telephone system

automatic test system

automatic tuning system

automatic vacuum deposition system

automobile navigation system

autonomous system

avionics system

aware system

balance-line system

ballistic-missile early-warning system

band-limited system

bandwidth compression system

BAR system

bare-bones system

base station system

baseband radar system

basic input/output system

batch-processing system

Batten system

BCF system

beam-current feedback system

beam-forming system

beam-guidance system

beam-rider control system

beep-only system

beep-plus-voice system

billing system

binary system

binary number system

bit-serial system

blind approach beacon system

bridge duplex system

broadcast television system

B-type Dolby system

B-type simplified Dolby system

building-block CAD system

built-in expert system

bus system

business information system

cable distribution system

cable modem termination system

CACE system

CAD system

CADIC system

CAE system

call queuing system

calorimeter system

carrier system

carrier-communication system

carrier-telegraph system

case-based expert system

CATV system

CD-4 system

celestial coordinate system

celestial guidance system

cellular radio system

central-battery system

central-control system

central nervous system

centralized automatic trouble-location system

centralized computer system

CF system

CGS system

CGS electromagnetic system

CGS electrostatic system

chaff communication system

Chain Home radar system

chain rdr system

chaotic system

chirp radar system

CH radar system

ciphertext autokey system

Civis system

classifier system

closed bus system

closed-circuit television system

closed-cycle control system

closed-loop control system

closed-loop servo system

cloud and collision warning system

clutter rejection system

CMY system

CMYK system

coarse-fine system

code addressed system

coherent carriers system

coherent spread-spectrum system

collision avoidance system

color management system

COM system

command system

command and control system

command-driven system

command guidance system

command-line operating system

common system

common carrier system

common Internet file system

common timing system

communication system

communications and tracking system

communications switching system

community antenna television system

compact-disk file system

compatible color television system

compatible single-sideband system

compatible stereo system

compatible stereo-quadraphonic record system

compatible time-sharing system

complete residue system

complex system

composite guidance system

compound interferometer system

computer system

computer-aided control engineering system

computer-aided design and test system

computer-aided engineering system

computer-aided IC design system

computer-aided retrieval system

computer-aided voice wiring system

computer-assisted radar display system

computer-augmented oscilloscope system

computer-based expert system

computer-based photoelectric-counting system

computer-controlled system

computer-controlled electron-beam system

computer-controlled recording system

computer output microfilm system

computer process control system

computer vision system

computing system

configurable system

configurable business system

connected-speech recognition system

connectionist system

conservative system

constant-frequency variable-dot system

content scrambling system

continuous presence system

continuous-wave tracking system

control system

conversational system

conversational program system

Cook system

cooling system

cooperative system

coordinate system

copy generation management system

correlated orientation tracking and range system

correlation tracking system

correlation tracking and triangulation system

cotar system

cotat system

countermeasure system


crossband system

crossbar system

cross-development system

crossed-coincident microphone system

cryptographic system

crystal system

CSR system

C-type Dolby system

cubic crystal system

current awareness system

customer information control system

data system

data-acquisition system

data-banking system

database management system

database management system for workgroups

data-collection system

data collection and reduction system

data communication system

data-compression system

data-gathering system

data-handling system

data management system

data-processing system

data reduction system

data-retrieval system

data-transmission system

dc diode sputtering system

dc self-synchronous system

dc triode sputter deposition system

DDC system

decentralized computer system

decimal system

decimal number system

decision support system

dedicated system

deep submicron system

defense message system

descriptor-based protection system

DEW system

df antenna system

diagnostic information system

dial telephone switching system

differential duplex system

differential global positioning system

Diffie-Hellman system

digital system

digital access and cross-connect system

digital cellular system

digital cellular system 1800 MHz

digital data-handling system

digital link management system

digital private network signaling system

Digital Research disk operating system

digital switching system

digital television system

digital voice communication system

direct-challenge system

direct-dialing telephone system

direct-digital control system

direct-feedback system

direct program search system

direction-finder antenna system

directory assistance system

direct-sequence system

direct-spread system

disaster tolerant disk system

discrete-address beacon system

discrete-addressed beacon system

discrete dynamic system

discrete-parameter system

discrete sound system

discriminating-call system

discriminating-ring system

disk operating system

disperse system

display system

dissipative system

distant early-warning system

distributed system

distributed control system

distributed data base management system

distributed file system

distributed information processing system

distributed-parameter system

distributed-processing system

distributed software system

document preparation system

document viewing system

Dolby system

Dolby A system

Dolby AC-3 system

Dolby B system

Dolby C system

Dolby Digital system

Dolby Headroom Extension Pro system

Dolby HX Pro system

Dolby Noise Reduction system

Dolby NR system

Dolby S system

Dolby Spectral system

Dolby Surround system

Dolby Surround Pro-Logic system

domain name system

domestic satellite communication system

Doppler inertial system

dot-sequential system

dot-sequential color-television system

double capstan system

dp system

DS system

dual fail-safe system

duplex system

duplicated system

dynamic system

early-warning system

Earth-satellite-Earth communication system

Edison power distribution system

educational expert system

effective technical and human implementation of computer-based systems

eight-track cartridge system

electromechanically driven projection system

electron beam deflection system

electron-beam exposure system

electronic countermeasures system

electronic data-processing system

electronic document management system

electronic funds transfer system

electronic guidance system

electronic identification system

electronic mail system

electronic meeting system

electronic performance support system

electronic-scanning system

electronic scanning radar system

electronic switching system

electronic tracking system

electron-optical system

electrooptic light-modulation system

e-mail system

embedded system

emergent system

end system

enhanced digital access communications system

enhanced total access communication system

enterprise system

enterprise network management system

entry-level system

EOLM system

equatorial satellite communication system

equatorial-orbit satellite communication system

equilibrium system

equivalent four-wire system

error-correcting reinforcement system

error-correcting telegraph system

error-detecting and feedback system

European communications satellite system

European fixed service satellite system

European radio messaging system

Eurovision system

evolutionary stable system

executive system

executive information system

expert system

extended file system-2

extra bass system

extraterrestrial reconnaissance system

Fabry-Perot mirror system

facsimile system

fail-safe system

fail-soft system

failure resistant disk system

failure tolerant disk system

FAT16 file system

FAT32 file system

fault resilient system

FDM system

FEC system

federated system

feed system

feedback-control system

feed-forward system

fiber-optics system

fiber optics transmission system

field system

field-sequential system

field-sequential color television system

field skip system

file system

file-control system

file-oriented system

film-based projection system

financial expert system

first generation wireless system

fixed-point system

fixer system

flat file system

flexible manufacturing system

floating-point system

forced-air cooling system

forward error control system

forward-loop system

four-channel sound system

four-level system

fractal information system

frame-alignment system

freeway surveillance and control system

frequency-carrier system

frequency-division multiplex system

frequency-hopping system

frequency-reuse satellite system

fuel-cell system

full field system

future public land mobile telephone system

fuzzy system

fuzzy control system

fuzzy expert system

fuzzy logic expert system

3Gwireless system

gamma system

gamma reinforcement system

gate-array CAD system

Gauss system

generalized information system

general-purpose display system

geographical information system

geolocation system

Giorgi system

global system

global system for mobile communication

global communication system

global navigation satellite system

global positioning system

global telecommunication system

global time-synchronization system

graphical kernel system

ground system

ground-based scanning antenna system

ground-control system

ground-controlled approach system

ground electrooptical deep-space surveillance system

ground guidance system

ground information processing system

ground instrumentation system

ground proximity warning system

group decision support system

group support system

guidance system



Hamiltonian system

hard system

hardware system

Hartree system

heat-seeking system

helium refrigeration system

heterogeneous agent system

heuristic-based expert system

hexagonal crystal system

hierarchical database management system

hierarchical file system

hierarchical recognition system

high-accuracy data transmission system

high-density modem system

high performance file system

highway system

HLS system

holographic ice surveying system

holographic recording and readout system

home audio system

homer system

homing system

horn-lens system

host-based system

HSB system

HSV system

hung system

hybrid computer system

hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system

hyperbolic guidance system

hyperbolic navigation system

hyperbolic radar system

hypertext authoring systems

identification system

image-forming system

image information system

image-processing system

independent system

inertial system

inertial control system

inertial instrument system

inertial navigation system

inertial space reference system

infinite-dimensional system

infinitely-fast control system

information system

information and control system

information exchange system

information-feedback system

information management system

information-retrieval system

infrared heat-seeking system

infrared search track system

input/output control system

inquiry and communications system

installable file system

instant program locating system

instrument-landing system

insulation system

integrated antenna system

intelligence system

intelligent knowledge-base system

interactive system

interactive application system

interactive design system

interactive graphics system

interactive pattern analysis and classification system

interactive software system

interactive voice system

intercarrier sound system

inter-city telecommunications system

intercommunication system

interconnection system

interference position monitoring system

intermediate system

intermediate system to intermediate system

intermittent control system

internetwork operating system

inter-organization system

interphone system

interplanetary radar system

interpretating system

interrupt system

Intervision system

intranet-extranet system

intrusion detection system

inverted spin system

ionoscatter system

isolated-word recognition system

isometric crystal system

isotropic system

iterated function system

iterative product-cipher system

Japanese cellular system

Java operation system

J-carrier system

job entry system

joint surveillance system

joint tactical information distribution system


K-carrier system

keyboard-to-disk system

keyboard-to-tape system

knowledge system

knowledge base system

knowledge-based system

knowledge-based decision support system

knowledge-based management system

Kolmogorov system


L*a*b* system

laminar navigation anticollision system

laminar air navigation anticollision system

land mobile radio system

laser communication system

laser-deflection system

laser inertial navigation system

laser tracking system

lasing system

L-carrier system

LCH system

learning control system

left-handed system

left-handed coordinate system

legacy system

lenticular-screen projection system

life support system

lightning protective system

lightwave system

Lindenmayer system

linear system

linear-classifier system

linear feedback control system

line-of-sight system

line-sequential system

line-sequential color television system

lithography system

local area augmentation system

local battery system

logical input/output control system

log-structured file system

long base-line system

longitudinal video recording system

long-range-accuracy radio system

long-range search system

Lorenz instrumental landing system

Lotka-Volterra system

lossless system

lossy system

loudspeaker system

low-altitude detection system

lumped-parameter system

LVR system

Macintosh file system

MADA system

maglev system

magnetic-levitation system

mail abuse prevention system

major-deflection electromagnetic system

malfunction detection system

management information system

management intellectual system

man-computer system

man-machine system

man-machine control system

manned control system

manufacturing execution system

many-level system

many-energy-level system

many-particle system

marketing information system

maser communication system

Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogramming system

mass-storage system

master/slave computer system

matrix sound system

mature system

mechanical display system

mechanical television system

medical expert system

message-composition system

message handling system

message-rate system

message-switched communication system

meta class system

meta-information system

metallization system

meteor-burst communication system


metric system

microcomputer system

microcomputer-development system

microelectromechanical system

microelectronic system

microprocessor-based spatial-locating system

microprocessor-controlled system

microprocessor delay system

microprocessor development system

Microsoft disk operating system

microwave-beam power-transfer system

microwave-hologram recording system

microwave landing system

microwave relay system

middle-side system

military expert system

military information system

MIMO system

minicomputer system

MKS system

MKS rationalized system

mobile telephone system

mode-converting system

model-based expert system

model reference adaptive system

modular system

modular breadboarding system

monitor system

monoclinic crystal system

monopulse tracking system

M-S stereo system

multi-address asynchronous communication system

multiagent computer system

multichannel microwave distribution system

multicomputer system

multienergy-level system

multiline digital voice-response system

multimedia authoring systems

multiple-access discrete-address system

multiple-input multiple-output system

multiple-processor system

multiple user system

multiplex system

multiplexed information and computing system

multiplicative array antenna system

multipoint video distribution system

multipole system

multiprocessing system

multiprocessor system

multitarget sputtering system

multitrack recording system

multiuser system

multivariable system

Munsell system

mutual broadcasting system

national information processing system

naval communications system

navigation system

near-eye system

near instantaneous companding system

nearest-neighbor classifier system

negative reinforcement system

neomorphic system

NetWare management system

network administration system

network basic input/output system

network computing system

network control system

network data base management system

network file system

network operating system

neuro-fuzzy system

new technology file system

nodal switching system

noise-reducing antenna system

noise-reduction system

non-attended system

non-equilibrium system

nonlinear system

nonlinear feedback control system

nonredundant system

nonrepairable system

nonstop system

NT file system

number system

numeral system

numerical control system

object-oriented data base management system

office information system

off-line system

OLCA system

OLCD system

omnidirectional speaker system

on-demand system

on-line system

on-line circuit-analysis system

on-line circuit-design system

on-line computer system

online fault-tolerant system

on-line processing system

on-off system

on-off telegraph system

open system

open bus system

open-loop system

open-tube system

operating system

operation system

operational support system

operator services system

optical communication system

optical data-processing system

optical detection and ranging system

optical disk recording system

optical-fiber transmission system

optical-radar system

optical recognition system

optical tracking system

optical TV communication system

optimizing control system

optoelectronic system

organic system

organizational decision support system

orthorhombic crystal system


PA system

packaged system

packetized automatic routing integrated system

packet-switched data transmission system

pagemaster system

pager-phone system

paging system

parallel-redundant system

parallel software system

parametric system

partitioned-type memory-allocation system

passive homing system

passive tracking system

pattern matching system

pattern recognition system

peak-holdings system

peek-a-boo system

peripheral-oriented microcomputer system

personal call system

personal computer system

personal computer disk operating system

personal data system

personal handy-phone system

personal locator system

phased-array warning system

phase-locked system

phase-locked loop system

Philips DNL system

Philips dynamic noise-limiter system

phonetic system

phonocard system

photoelectric-guidance system

photographic projection system

photomasking system

photovoltaic power system

picture coding system

picture quality system

pilot system

plane parallel Fabry-Perot system

plant automation communications system

plasma-deposition system

PLL system

plug-in modular system

portable life support system

position control system

positive reinforcement system

power system

predictive system

predictive expert system

priority system

privacy system

processing system

production system

production expert system

production inventory control system

program development system

programmable system

programmable airline reservation system

projection cathode-ray tube system

projection display system

property management system

pseudoquadraphony system

pseudorandom coded system

public-address system

public-address reinforcement system

public expert system

public-key system

public-key cryptographic system

public telephone system

pulsed Doppler system

pulsed FM system

pulse-modulation system

QS matrix system

quadraphonic sound system

quadruple-diversity system

quasi-linear feedback control system

queuing system

quick fax system

RADA system

radar augmentation system

radar braking system

radar cross-section instrumentation system

radar guidance system

radar identification system

radar imaging system

radio command system

radiocommunication system

radio data system

radio-guidance system

radio-inertial-guidance system

radionavigation system

radio-relay system

radiosonde-radio-wind system

random-access discrete-address system

range rate tracking system

range tracking system

ranging system

rapid-scan system

rationalized system of equations

readout system

real-time system

real-time data system

real-time expert system

real-time multi-platform UNIX operating system

real-time operating system

Rebecca-Eureka system

receiver lockout system

recognition system

reconfigurable system

recording system

recursive system

redundant system

reel-to-reel tape transport system

regulating system

reinforcement system

relational data base management system

relay system

reliability index system

remote system

remote concentrating system

remote file system

remote semiconcentrating system

remote sensing system

reorder point system

reorder time system

repairable system

reproducing system

rerecording system

response-controlled reinforcement system

restorable system

restricted connected-speech recognition system

retrieval system

RF sputtering system

RGB system

rhombohedral crystal system

rho-theta system

right-handed system

right-handed coordinate system

robot system

robotics system

rod memory system

rotating coordinate system

rule-based expert system

run-time system

sampled-data system

sampling system

satellite business system

satellite communications system

satellite data transmission system

satellite multiple-access communication system

satellite radio system

satellite-switched multiple-access system

scanning-projection system

schlieren system

scientific expert system

Scophony television system

searchless identification system

second generation wireless system

secrecy system

secret-key cryptographic system

self-adaptive system

self-adjusting system

self-contained system

self-guidance system

self-organizing system

self-organizing control system

self-organizing multiple-access discrete-address system

self-oscillatory system

self-structuring system

self-test system

self-testing system

selsyn system

semiactive-homing system

semiautomatic telephone system

sequential software system

serial copy management system

serial copying management system

service provisioning system

servo system

ship’s inertial marine navigational system

ship’s self-contained navigation system

short-range air navigation system

short-range Doppler system

SI system

signaling system

simultaneous system

simultaneous TV system

single-degree-of-freedom system

single-input single-output system

single-sideband system

single-track magnetic system

singular equation system

SISO system

SOC system

socio-technical system

soft system

soft eject system

software system

solar system

sound-recording system

sound-reinforcement system

sound-reproducing system

space-communication system

space detection and tracking system

space-variant pattern-recognition system

speaker system

speaker-adaptive system

speaker-dependent system

speaker-independent system

speaker-recognition system

speaker verification system

speech-enhancement system

speech input/output system

speech processing system

speech-recognition system

speech understanding system

spin system

spinodal system

split-screen system

split-speaker system

spread-spectrum system

SQ matrix system

stand-alone system

stand-alone expert system

stand-alone graphics system

standard electronics assembly system

standby power system

standing-wave system

stand-off target acquisition system

star system

start-stop system

static system

static ripple imaging system

stationary-wave system

step-and-repeat system

step-by-step system

stereo microphone system

stereo sound system

sticks layout system

stimulus-controlled reinforcement system

stochastic system

storage and retrieval system

stored-program electronic-switching system

strapping system

Strowger system

structured cabling system

structured design system

structured software system

structured wiring system

submarine-cable system

subscriber carrier system

super anti-modulation tape system

superconductor energy-storage system

super video home system

supervisory control system

switched access system

symbol system

symbolic system

symbolic interactive design system

symmetric cryptographic system

synchro system

synchronous data link control system

tactical air navigation system

tactical communication system

talking Rebecca-Eureka system

tape auto-stop system

tape operating system

tape-transport system

TDM system

telecine system

telecommunication system

telemetering system

telemetry system

telemetry data processing system

telemetry information system

telephone system

telephone-answering system

telephone intercommunication system

telephone video system

teleprocessing system

Teleran system

teletypewriter switching system

television identification system

television relay system

tetragonal crystal system

text system

thermal imaging system

third generation wireless system

three-phase four-wire system

three-way speaker system

time-division multiplex system

time-frequency collision avoidance system

time-invariant system

time reference system

time-sharing system

time-varying system

total access communication system

touch system

tracking system

traffic-alert and collision avoidance system

traffic control and surveillance system

traffic control signal system

trainable system

trajectory-measuring system

transaction processing system

transcontinental communication system

transform adaptable-processing system

transmission system

transmitter-receiver system

transputer system

triclinic crystal system

trigger-starting system

trigonal crystal system

triple interlace system

triplex system

troposcatter system

tropospheric radio system

trunk -system

tse system

turntable drive system

turnkey system

two-channel sound system

two-coordinate scanning system

two-field interlace system

two-phase five-wire system

two-phase four-wire system

two-phase three-wire system

two-turntable quick-start system

two-way system

type system

UCSD p-system

unattended system

underdetermined system

underwater viewing system

ungrounded system

uniplexed information and computing system

uniprocessor system

universal battery system

universal mobile telecommunication system

universal serial bus system

unmanned system

unrestorable system

USB system

value system

variable-structure system

V-beam system

vehicle control system

vehicular disk reproduction system

very early warning system

vibrating system

video cassette recording system

video editing system

video-encoding system

videofile television record storage system

video home system

Videotex system

virtual key cryptographic system

virtual memory system

vision system

visual communication system

voice/data system

voice-frequency telegraph system

voice operating system

voice recognition system

voice-response system

wafer imaging system

waiting system

wave-propagating system

Web network file system

wide area augmentation system

wired broadcasting system

Wollaston-prism digital light-deflector system

word processing system

word recognition system

word-serial system

writing system

X-window system

x-y-z coordinate system

system Y-


YIQ system

YUV system


системная ошибка — перевод на английский

Произошла системная ошибка.

A system error has occurred.

Ок, это была системная ошибка.

Okay, it was a system error.

Вемент кэпитал, это дагбот 9000, системная ошибка.

Vehement capital. This is dougbot9000. System error.

Системная ошибка.

System error.

Пишет, что файл не найден. Но этого не может быть. Это системная ошибка.

Screen says it’s an unimplemented trap, but the error code is wrong, it’s a system error.

Показать ещё примеры для «system error»…

Отправить комментарий

1) система || системный

2) вычислительная система



операционная система; программа-супервизор

4) система уравнений

6) метод; способ; алгоритм

system halted — «система остановлена» ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)

system for event evaluation and review

system for interactive design

system of demand equations

system of units

system on glass

2-2-4 system

4-2-4 system

4-4-4 system

absolutely centralized computer system

access control list system

accounting system

Accutrack 400 system

action logic system

action-translation system

active array antenna system

active night-vision system

activity-based costing system

adaptive control system

adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system

ADE system

adjoint system

aerial system

aerospace support system

AEW system

AGS system

airborne early-warning system

airborne warning and control system

airborne weather radar system

aircraft collision avoidance system

airfield communication system

air-traffic control system

air-traffic control radar-beacon system

airways environmental radar information system

alignment-and-exposure system

all-weather guidance system

all-weather landing system

alpha system

alpha reinforcement system

alternation-product block-cipher system

analog protection system

Andrew file system

antenna-ground system

antishock system

antiskip system

applet file system

application control and management system

application development system

Armstrong frequency-modulation system

ASR system

asymmetric cryptographic system

asynchronous address communication system

asynchronous-multiplex system

ATC system

attached processor system

attended system

A-type Dolby system

A-type professional Dolby system

audio system

audio noise-reduction Dolby system

audiovisual system

author system

authoring system

automated design engineering system

automated vision system

automatic coding system

automatic computer-controlled electronic scanning system

automatic control system

automatic data processing system

automatic degaussing system

automatic degaussing control system

automatic digital encoding system

automatic gain stabilization system

automatic intercept system

automatic noise-reduction system

automatic program search system

automatic programmable logic array synthesis system

automatic radio direction-finding system

automatic speech-recognition system

automatic stabilization and control system

automatic tape calibration system

automatic-telephone system

automatic test system

automatic tuning system

automatic vacuum deposition system

automobile navigation system

autonomous system

avionics system

aware system

balance-line system

ballistic-missile early-warning system

band-limited system

bandwidth compression system

BAR system

bare-bones system

base station system

baseband radar system

basic input/output system

batch-processing system

Batten system

BCF system

beam-current feedback system

beam-forming system

beam-guidance system

beam-rider control system

beep-only system

beep-plus-voice system

billing system

binary system

binary number system

bit-serial system

blind approach beacon system

bridge duplex system

broadcast television system

B-type Dolby system

B-type simplified Dolby system

building-block CAD system

built-in expert system

bus system

business information system

cable distribution system

cable modem termination system

CACE system

CAD system

CADIC system

CAE system

call queuing system

calorimeter system

carrier system

carrier-communication system

carrier-telegraph system

case-based expert system

CATV system

CD-4 system

celestial coordinate system

celestial guidance system

cellular radio system

central-battery system

central-control system

central nervous system

centralized automatic trouble-location system

centralized computer system

CF system

CGS system

CGS electromagnetic system

CGS electrostatic system

chaff communication system

Chain Home radar system

chain rdr system

chaotic system

chirp radar system

CH radar system

ciphertext autokey system

Civis system

classifier system

closed bus system

closed-circuit television system

closed-cycle control system

closed-loop control system

closed-loop servo system

cloud and collision warning system

clutter rejection system

CMY system

CMYK system

coarse-fine system

code addressed system

coherent carriers system

coherent spread-spectrum system

collision avoidance system

color management system

COM system

command system

command and control system

command-driven system

command guidance system

command-line operating system

common system

common carrier system

common Internet file system

common timing system

communication system

communications and tracking system

communications switching system

community antenna television system

compact-disk file system

compatible color television system

compatible single-sideband system

compatible stereo system

compatible stereo-quadraphonic record system

compatible time-sharing system

complete residue system

complex system

composite guidance system

compound interferometer system

computer system

computer-aided control engineering system

computer-aided design and test system

computer-aided engineering system

computer-aided IC design system

computer-aided retrieval system

computer-aided voice wiring system

computer-assisted radar display system

computer-augmented oscilloscope system

computer-based expert system

computer-based photoelectric-counting system

computer-controlled system

computer-controlled electron-beam system

computer-controlled recording system

computer output microfilm system

computer process control system

computer vision system

computing system

configurable system

configurable business system

connected-speech recognition system

connectionist system

conservative system

constant-frequency variable-dot system

content scrambling system

continuous presence system

continuous-wave tracking system

control system

conversational system

conversational program system

Cook system

cooling system

cooperative system

coordinate system

copy generation management system

correlated orientation tracking and range system

correlation tracking system

correlation tracking and triangulation system

cotar system

cotat system

countermeasure system


crossband system

crossbar system

cross-development system

crossed-coincident microphone system

cryptographic system

crystal system

CSR system

C-type Dolby system

cubic crystal system

current awareness system

customer information control system

data system

data-acquisition system

data-banking system

database management system

database management system for workgroups

data-collection system

data collection and reduction system

data communication system

data-compression system

data-gathering system

data-handling system

data management system

data-processing system

data reduction system

data-retrieval system

data-transmission system

dc diode sputtering system

dc self-synchronous system

dc triode sputter deposition system

DDC system

decentralized computer system

decimal system

decimal number system

decision support system

dedicated system

deep submicron system

defense message system

descriptor-based protection system

DEW system

df antenna system

diagnostic information system

dial telephone switching system

differential duplex system

differential global positioning system

Diffie-Hellman system

digital system

digital access and cross-connect system

digital cellular system

digital cellular system 1800 MHz

digital data-handling system

digital link management system

digital private network signaling system

Digital Research disk operating system

digital switching system

digital television system

digital voice communication system

direct-challenge system

direct-dialing telephone system

direct-digital control system

direct-feedback system

direct program search system

direction-finder antenna system

directory assistance system

direct-sequence system

direct-spread system

disaster tolerant disk system

discrete-address beacon system

discrete-addressed beacon system

discrete dynamic system

discrete-parameter system

discrete sound system

discriminating-call system

discriminating-ring system

disk operating system

disperse system

display system

dissipative system

distant early-warning system

distributed system

distributed control system

distributed data base management system

distributed file system

distributed information processing system

distributed-parameter system

distributed-processing system

distributed software system

document preparation system

document viewing system

Dolby system

Dolby A system

Dolby AC-3 system

Dolby B system

Dolby C system

Dolby Digital system

Dolby Headroom Extension Pro system

Dolby HX Pro system

Dolby Noise Reduction system

Dolby NR system

Dolby S system

Dolby Spectral system

Dolby Surround system

Dolby Surround Pro-Logic system

domain name system

domestic satellite communication system

Doppler inertial system

dot-sequential system

dot-sequential color-television system

double capstan system

dp system

DS system

dual fail-safe system

duplex system

duplicated system

dynamic system

early-warning system

Earth-satellite-Earth communication system

Edison power distribution system

educational expert system

effective technical and human implementation of computer-based systems

eight-track cartridge system

electromechanically driven projection system

electron beam deflection system

electron-beam exposure system

electronic countermeasures system

electronic data-processing system

electronic document management system

electronic funds transfer system

electronic guidance system

electronic identification system

electronic mail system

electronic meeting system

electronic performance support system

electronic-scanning system

electronic scanning radar system

electronic switching system

electronic tracking system

electron-optical system

electrooptic light-modulation system

e-mail system

embedded system

emergent system

end system

enhanced digital access communications system

enhanced total access communication system

enterprise system

enterprise network management system

entry-level system

EOLM system

equatorial satellite communication system

equatorial-orbit satellite communication system

equilibrium system

equivalent four-wire system

error-correcting reinforcement system

error-correcting telegraph system

error-detecting and feedback system

European communications satellite system

European fixed service satellite system

European radio messaging system

Eurovision system

evolutionary stable system

executive system

executive information system

expert system

extended file system-2

extra bass system

extraterrestrial reconnaissance system

Fabry-Perot mirror system

facsimile system

fail-safe system

fail-soft system

failure resistant disk system

failure tolerant disk system

FAT16 file system

FAT32 file system

fault resilient system

FDM system

FEC system

federated system

feed system

feedback-control system

feed-forward system

fiber-optics system

fiber optics transmission system

field system

field-sequential system

field-sequential color television system

field skip system

file system

file-control system

file-oriented system

film-based projection system

financial expert system

first generation wireless system

fixed-point system

fixer system

flat file system

flexible manufacturing system

floating-point system

forced-air cooling system

forward error control system

forward-loop system

four-channel sound system

four-level system

fractal information system

frame-alignment system

freeway surveillance and control system

frequency-carrier system

frequency-division multiplex system

frequency-hopping system

frequency-reuse satellite system

fuel-cell system

full field system

future public land mobile telephone system

fuzzy system

fuzzy control system

fuzzy expert system

fuzzy logic expert system

3Gwireless system

gamma system

gamma reinforcement system

gate-array CAD system

Gauss system

generalized information system

general-purpose display system

geographical information system

geolocation system

Giorgi system

global system

global system for mobile communication

global communication system

global navigation satellite system

global positioning system

global telecommunication system

global time-synchronization system

graphical kernel system

ground system

ground-based scanning antenna system

ground-control system

ground-controlled approach system

ground electrooptical deep-space surveillance system

ground guidance system

ground information processing system

ground instrumentation system

ground proximity warning system

group decision support system

group support system

guidance system



Hamiltonian system

hard system

hardware system

Hartree system

heat-seeking system

helium refrigeration system

heterogeneous agent system

heuristic-based expert system

hexagonal crystal system

hierarchical database management system

hierarchical file system

hierarchical recognition system

high-accuracy data transmission system

high-density modem system

high performance file system

highway system

HLS system

holographic ice surveying system

holographic recording and readout system

home audio system

homer system

homing system

horn-lens system

host-based system

HSB system

HSV system

hung system

hybrid computer system

hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system

hyperbolic guidance system

hyperbolic navigation system

hyperbolic radar system

hypertext authoring systems

identification system

image-forming system

image information system

image-processing system

independent system

inertial system

inertial control system

inertial instrument system

inertial navigation system

inertial space reference system

infinite-dimensional system

infinitely-fast control system

information system

information and control system

information exchange system

information-feedback system

information management system

information-retrieval system

infrared heat-seeking system

infrared search track system

input/output control system

inquiry and communications system

installable file system

instant program locating system

instrument-landing system

insulation system

integrated antenna system

intelligence system

intelligent knowledge-base system

interactive system

interactive application system

interactive design system

interactive graphics system

interactive pattern analysis and classification system

interactive software system

interactive voice system

intercarrier sound system

inter-city telecommunications system

intercommunication system

interconnection system

interference position monitoring system

intermediate system

intermediate system to intermediate system

intermittent control system

internetwork operating system

inter-organization system

interphone system

interplanetary radar system

interpretating system

interrupt system

Intervision system

intranet-extranet system

intrusion detection system

inverted spin system

ionoscatter system

isolated-word recognition system

isometric crystal system

isotropic system

iterated function system

iterative product-cipher system

Japanese cellular system

Java operation system

J-carrier system

job entry system

joint surveillance system

joint tactical information distribution system


K-carrier system

keyboard-to-disk system

keyboard-to-tape system

knowledge system

knowledge base system

knowledge-based system

knowledge-based decision support system

knowledge-based management system

Kolmogorov system


L*a*b* system

laminar navigation anticollision system

laminar air navigation anticollision system

land mobile radio system

laser communication system

laser-deflection system

laser inertial navigation system

laser tracking system

lasing system

L-carrier system

LCH system

learning control system

left-handed system

left-handed coordinate system

legacy system

lenticular-screen projection system

life support system

lightning protective system

lightwave system

Lindenmayer system

linear system

linear-classifier system

linear feedback control system

line-of-sight system

line-sequential system

line-sequential color television system

lithography system

local area augmentation system

local battery system

logical input/output control system

log-structured file system

long base-line system

longitudinal video recording system

long-range-accuracy radio system

long-range search system

Lorenz instrumental landing system

Lotka-Volterra system

lossless system

lossy system

loudspeaker system

low-altitude detection system

lumped-parameter system

LVR system

Macintosh file system

MADA system

maglev system

magnetic-levitation system

mail abuse prevention system

major-deflection electromagnetic system

malfunction detection system

management information system

management intellectual system

man-computer system

man-machine system

man-machine control system

manned control system

manufacturing execution system

many-level system

many-energy-level system

many-particle system

marketing information system

maser communication system

Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogramming system

mass-storage system

master/slave computer system

matrix sound system

mature system

mechanical display system

mechanical television system

medical expert system

message-composition system

message handling system

message-rate system

message-switched communication system

meta class system

meta-information system

metallization system

meteor-burst communication system


metric system

microcomputer system

microcomputer-development system

microelectromechanical system

microelectronic system

microprocessor-based spatial-locating system

microprocessor-controlled system

microprocessor delay system

microprocessor development system

Microsoft disk operating system

microwave-beam power-transfer system

microwave-hologram recording system

microwave landing system

microwave relay system

middle-side system

military expert system

military information system

MIMO system

minicomputer system

MKS system

MKS rationalized system

mobile telephone system

mode-converting system

model-based expert system

model reference adaptive system

modular system

modular breadboarding system

monitor system

monoclinic crystal system

monopulse tracking system

M-S stereo system

multi-address asynchronous communication system

multiagent computer system

multichannel microwave distribution system

multicomputer system

multienergy-level system

multiline digital voice-response system

multimedia authoring systems

multiple-access discrete-address system

multiple-input multiple-output system

multiple-processor system

multiple user system

multiplex system

multiplexed information and computing system

multiplicative array antenna system

multipoint video distribution system

multipole system

multiprocessing system

multiprocessor system

multitarget sputtering system

multitrack recording system

multiuser system

multivariable system

Munsell system

mutual broadcasting system

national information processing system

naval communications system

navigation system

near-eye system

near instantaneous companding system

nearest-neighbor classifier system

negative reinforcement system

neomorphic system

NetWare management system

network administration system

network basic input/output system

network computing system

network control system

network data base management system

network file system

network operating system

neuro-fuzzy system

new technology file system

nodal switching system

noise-reducing antenna system

noise-reduction system

non-attended system

non-equilibrium system

nonlinear system

nonlinear feedback control system

nonredundant system

nonrepairable system

nonstop system

NT file system

number system

numeral system

numerical control system

object-oriented data base management system

office information system

off-line system

OLCA system

OLCD system

omnidirectional speaker system

on-demand system

on-line system

on-line circuit-analysis system

on-line circuit-design system

on-line computer system

online fault-tolerant system

on-line processing system

on-off system

on-off telegraph system

open system

open bus system

open-loop system

open-tube system

operating system

operation system

operational support system

operator services system

optical communication system

optical data-processing system

optical detection and ranging system

optical disk recording system

optical-fiber transmission system

optical-radar system

optical recognition system

optical tracking system

optical TV communication system

optimizing control system

optoelectronic system

organic system

organizational decision support system

orthorhombic crystal system


PA system

packaged system

packetized automatic routing integrated system

packet-switched data transmission system

pagemaster system

pager-phone system

paging system

parallel-redundant system

parallel software system

parametric system

partitioned-type memory-allocation system

passive homing system

passive tracking system

pattern matching system

pattern recognition system

peak-holdings system

peek-a-boo system

peripheral-oriented microcomputer system

personal call system

personal computer system

personal computer disk operating system

personal data system

personal handy-phone system

personal locator system

phased-array warning system

phase-locked system

phase-locked loop system

Philips DNL system

Philips dynamic noise-limiter system

phonetic system

phonocard system

photoelectric-guidance system

photographic projection system

photomasking system

photovoltaic power system

picture coding system

picture quality system

pilot system

plane parallel Fabry-Perot system

plant automation communications system

plasma-deposition system

PLL system

plug-in modular system

portable life support system

position control system

positive reinforcement system

power system

predictive system

predictive expert system

priority system

privacy system

processing system

production system

production expert system

production inventory control system

program development system

programmable system

programmable airline reservation system

projection cathode-ray tube system

projection display system

property management system

pseudoquadraphony system

pseudorandom coded system

public-address system

public-address reinforcement system

public expert system

public-key system

public-key cryptographic system

public telephone system

pulsed Doppler system

pulsed FM system

pulse-modulation system

QS matrix system

quadraphonic sound system

quadruple-diversity system

quasi-linear feedback control system

queuing system

quick fax system

RADA system

radar augmentation system

radar braking system

radar cross-section instrumentation system

radar guidance system

radar identification system

radar imaging system

radio command system

radiocommunication system

radio data system

radio-guidance system

radio-inertial-guidance system

radionavigation system

radio-relay system

radiosonde-radio-wind system

random-access discrete-address system

range rate tracking system

range tracking system

ranging system

rapid-scan system

rationalized system of equations

readout system

real-time system

real-time data system

real-time expert system

real-time multi-platform UNIX operating system

real-time operating system

Rebecca-Eureka system

receiver lockout system

recognition system

reconfigurable system

recording system

recursive system

redundant system

reel-to-reel tape transport system

regulating system

reinforcement system

relational data base management system

relay system

reliability index system

remote system

remote concentrating system

remote file system

remote semiconcentrating system

remote sensing system

reorder point system

reorder time system

repairable system

reproducing system

rerecording system

response-controlled reinforcement system

restorable system

restricted connected-speech recognition system

retrieval system

RF sputtering system

RGB system

rhombohedral crystal system

rho-theta system

right-handed system

right-handed coordinate system

robot system

robotics system

rod memory system

rotating coordinate system

rule-based expert system

run-time system

sampled-data system

sampling system

satellite business system

satellite communications system

satellite data transmission system

satellite multiple-access communication system

satellite radio system

satellite-switched multiple-access system

scanning-projection system

schlieren system

scientific expert system

Scophony television system

searchless identification system

second generation wireless system

secrecy system

secret-key cryptographic system

self-adaptive system

self-adjusting system

self-contained system

self-guidance system

self-organizing system

self-organizing control system

self-organizing multiple-access discrete-address system

self-oscillatory system

self-structuring system

self-test system

self-testing system

selsyn system

semiactive-homing system

semiautomatic telephone system

sequential software system

serial copy management system

serial copying management system

service provisioning system

servo system

ship’s inertial marine navigational system

ship’s self-contained navigation system

short-range air navigation system

short-range Doppler system

SI system

signaling system

simultaneous system

simultaneous TV system

single-degree-of-freedom system

single-input single-output system

single-sideband system

single-track magnetic system

singular equation system

SISO system

SOC system

socio-technical system

soft system

soft eject system

software system

solar system

sound-recording system

sound-reinforcement system

sound-reproducing system

space-communication system

space detection and tracking system

space-variant pattern-recognition system

speaker system

speaker-adaptive system

speaker-dependent system

speaker-independent system

speaker-recognition system

speaker verification system

speech-enhancement system

speech input/output system

speech processing system

speech-recognition system

speech understanding system

spin system

spinodal system

split-screen system

split-speaker system

spread-spectrum system

SQ matrix system

stand-alone system

stand-alone expert system

stand-alone graphics system

standard electronics assembly system

standby power system

standing-wave system

stand-off target acquisition system

star system

start-stop system

static system

static ripple imaging system

stationary-wave system

step-and-repeat system

step-by-step system

stereo microphone system

stereo sound system

sticks layout system

stimulus-controlled reinforcement system

stochastic system

storage and retrieval system

stored-program electronic-switching system

strapping system

Strowger system

structured cabling system

structured design system

structured software system

structured wiring system

submarine-cable system

subscriber carrier system

super anti-modulation tape system

superconductor energy-storage system

super video home system

supervisory control system

switched access system

symbol system

symbolic system

symbolic interactive design system

symmetric cryptographic system

synchro system

synchronous data link control system

tactical air navigation system

tactical communication system

talking Rebecca-Eureka system

tape auto-stop system

tape operating system

tape-transport system

TDM system

telecine system

telecommunication system

telemetering system

telemetry system

telemetry data processing system

telemetry information system

telephone system

telephone-answering system

telephone intercommunication system

telephone video system

teleprocessing system

Teleran system

teletypewriter switching system

television identification system

television relay system

tetragonal crystal system

text system

thermal imaging system

third generation wireless system

three-phase four-wire system

three-way speaker system

time-division multiplex system

time-frequency collision avoidance system

time-invariant system

time reference system

time-sharing system

time-varying system

total access communication system

touch system

tracking system

traffic-alert and collision avoidance system

traffic control and surveillance system

traffic control signal system

trainable system

trajectory-measuring system

transaction processing system

transcontinental communication system

transform adaptable-processing system

transmission system

transmitter-receiver system

transputer system

triclinic crystal system

trigger-starting system

trigonal crystal system

triple interlace system

triplex system

troposcatter system

tropospheric radio system

trunk -system

tse system

turntable drive system

turnkey system

two-channel sound system

two-coordinate scanning system

two-field interlace system

two-phase five-wire system

two-phase four-wire system

two-phase three-wire system

two-turntable quick-start system

two-way system

type system

UCSD p-system

unattended system

underdetermined system

underwater viewing system

ungrounded system

uniplexed information and computing system

uniprocessor system

universal battery system

universal mobile telecommunication system

universal serial bus system

unmanned system

unrestorable system

USB system

value system

variable-structure system

V-beam system

vehicle control system

vehicular disk reproduction system

very early warning system

vibrating system

video cassette recording system

video editing system

video-encoding system

videofile television record storage system

video home system

Videotex system

virtual key cryptographic system

virtual memory system

vision system

visual communication system

voice/data system

voice-frequency telegraph system

voice operating system

voice recognition system

voice-response system

wafer imaging system

waiting system

wave-propagating system

Web network file system

wide area augmentation system

wired broadcasting system

Wollaston-prism digital light-deflector system

word processing system

word recognition system

word-serial system

writing system

X-window system

x-y-z coordinate system

system Y-


YIQ system

YUV system


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