Slate digital virtual mix rack ошибка

I recently opened a Logic Pro X project that I haven’t touched for a few weeks and received an error: «Failed to load Audio Unit «Virtual Mix», please contact the manufacturer for an updated version or further assistance.

1) I have not made any changes/updates to the plugin or Logic in that time.

2) I assume the Audio Unit in question is Slate Digital’s «Virtual Mix Rack,» which Plug-In Manager shows is installed and successfully validated.

** Has anyone encountered something like this? **

My guess is that Logic somehow corrupted the plugin name somewhere along the way. I can’t recover what I previously had as there is no way to tell what the settings were and I couldn’t possibly remember and repeat it all.

This is happening a little over a month after I just had to do a major reinstall from a hard drive failure and everything was working fine after the installation.

macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Logic Pro 10.6.3

Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack v2.5.7

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We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

NOTE: Technical Support is ONLY available Monday — Friday (9 am to 5 pm Central European Time), it can take a few days to get a response depending on the level of demand. Thank you for your patience.

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Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:56 pm


FL Studio crash with latest Slate VMR

I’m using latest VMR (full year bundle) with latest FL Studio 12.2 build 3. The VMR (both VST and VST3) works fine but when rendering FL Studio crashes. When removing all VMR instances the rendering works fine. Can you please help?
I’m using FL Studio under Windows 10, and DAW is 64 bits and all VST plugins 64 bits (no bridging).
I verified the plugins in the FL plugin database and also tested all combinations ON/OFF in «Notify about rendering mode», «Process inactive inputs and outputs» and even «use fixed size buffers».
Thanks and regards,
Miguel Angel

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Page 2 of 3

  1. Pretty sure links to warez and sister site are against the site rules.

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  2. Catalyst


    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  3. Kwissbeats


    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:

    and the 2 of you should now better not to quote the links, so Oly does not need to remove 3 links instead of one.:mates:

  4. Catalyst


    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:

  5. I had this message last week after installing slate
    verbsuite or installing i just dropped the folders in place without the installer and i forgot the folder programdata slate digital that’s where all the impulse response files are located after dropping them there it works again
    i didn’t test the new release

  6. bravesounds


    Sep 4, 2017
    Likes Received:

    CS-EQ has a time bomb bug

    • Interesting Interesting x 2
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  7. why everyone is going insane about these, esp on the sister site? i have quickly tried them and overflew a few presets, they just sound «meh-OK» anyways and nothing more. i’m not even sure i’ll be keeping & using them at all. because of soo many of alternatives.

    latest/updated stuff like from Softube and Kush would be MUCH more interesting to have instead of this.

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020

  8. shankar

    Platinum Record

    Apr 29, 2015
    Likes Received:

    @Ariel Gonzalez, You should read the rules, links to warez are not allowed :dont:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2020
  9. Thanks for the response. VMR has just 1 .exe file that installs the files.

  10. i just tested the new slate vmr rack in flstudio vst3
    it works fine

    • Useful Useful x 1
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  11. and now another bonehead has done exactly the same thing. i reported the original offending post hours ago and nobody has come to clean it up yet. so it can’t be all that big of a deal.

  12. i’m pretty sure the euphoria is more about the fact that r2r cracked one of the most difficult protection schemes out there and the hope that achievement brings for even more new toys to play with in the future.

    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  13. COVID-X


    Jun 5, 2020
    Likes Received:

    Works Plenty on FL 20.8!

    • Agree Agree x 1
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  14. Where exactly in my post do you see a link? Point it out to me, please.

    Ah, bollocks. I thought I’d edited it out but I missed one letter. That was enough. Dammit. Because I couldn’t see the html, I didn’t realize a single letter could still act as a working link.

  15. aeroflot


    Jul 4, 2011
    Likes Received:

    Which Version are You talking about ? FL STUDIO 20.8 ?would be nice to write down OS & product Version I will install romorrow As Said R2R I need Space on my SSD

  16. Voekit


    Mar 29, 2020
    Likes Received:

    First. You need VC runtime 2019.
    Then, The R2R’s version compitable with legit presets.

    If you have CS-EQ volume issue, you need to install theire last release: FIXED

    • Love it! Love it! x 1
    • List

  17. koolarbi


    Sep 26, 2012
    Likes Received:

    open vst folder and if the dll is in slate folder just put it outb of slate folder still nin the main vst folder

  18. Xupito


    Jan 21, 2012
    Likes Received:

  19. raziel


    Sep 16, 2016
    Likes Received:

    Here everything new from slate works ok except FG-X witch is vst2 only… Just Don’t show up s1 5 win10… Any Solution??

  20. Voekit


    Mar 29, 2020
    Likes Received:

    Move C:Program FilesCommon Filesvst3Slate DigitalVirtual Mix Rack.vst3 to C:Program FilesCommon Filesvst3

Page 2 of 3

  • #1

Возникла такая проблема — работаю в рипере, вешаю плагин Virtual Mix Rack, начинаю работать с другими дорожками, как вдруг дорожка с Virtual Mix Rack выключает канал. Происходит регулярно, самопроизвольно, каждые несколько минут. Пробовал и на Reaper4 и на Reaper5. Также пробовал на двух разных системах Win7 — делая манипуляции с другими каналами — Slate VMR самопроизвольно выключает канал, на котором висит.

Если скопировать заглюченый VMR на эту же дорожку, и изначальный удалить — то копия работает.. до поры до времени… несколько минут, и потом опять выключает звук своего канала.

Есть предположения, что это Рипер его блокирует. Но уже, честно говоря, затрахался, невозможно работать. Может кто знает, как вылечить этот глюк?
[DOUBLEPOST=1444344093,1444342828][/DOUBLEPOST]Сейчас потыкал выключившийся плагин внутри, и обнаружил, что звук выключает всего одна ручка в Custom Series LIFT. Если выключить модуль LIFT из цепочки, то звук через плагин начинает идти. И если в модуле LIFT выключить HIGH LIFT IN — звук тоже начинает идти. Прикрепил картинку затыкающегося плагина.

По ходу этот модуль является источником проблем т.к. я его практически везде использую.

Slate Gluk.jpg

  • #2

@AlexGmail, есть такой момент. От греха перестал им пользоваться. В аккаунте на оф.сайте Слейта я скачал последнюю версию VMR — сейчас вроде все ок. Но я его перестал использовать от греха и вообще и без него можно жить)

  • #3

Только что модуль FG-116 (Fet Compressor) выключил звук.

  • #5

Сейчас посмотрел, у меня VMR версии (не последняя), нашёл новое обновление версии Качаю. Надеюсь всё вылечится. Отпишусь, что получится.

@AlexGmail, вот такого не было ни разу…

Возможно проблема в присутствии модуля LIFT в цепочке т.к. он ВСЕГДА есть в тех плагинах, которые затыкают звук (в отличии от FG-116).
[DOUBLEPOST=1444349373][/DOUBLEPOST]Обновился. Уже минут 15 полёт нормальный — рекорд!
[DOUBLEPOST=1444353265][/DOUBLEPOST]Прошло пару часов активной работы. Скажу так, после обновления затыки звука в модуле LIFT всё равно происходят, но стали заметно реже, раз в 15-20 минут (раньше были каждые 2-3 минуты, а то и чаще). Так что, pustoy, ты прав на 1000% — лучше этот модуль LIFT вообще не включать.

  • #6

это прелести подписки, а так думаю

  • #7

это прелести подписки, а так думаю

Подписка — это способ оплаты, который вряд ли изменит сами плагины. А делать другие версии плагинов для подписавшихся — не разумно. Скорее всего, на данный момент, этот баг присутствует у всех пользователей Reaper/Slate.

  • #8

Подписка — это способ оплаты, который вряд ли изменит сами плагины.

ну не скажите…
когда «вечная» лицензия присутствует то, плагин проверяя её, не обращает внимания на время.
а вот когда подписка — система защиты пытается вычислить, а не перевели ли вы часики…
так как эта система ща только обкатывается, а она именно обкатывается, возникают разного рода сбои. что-то где-то не срослось, получите. :)

  • #9

когда «вечная» лицензия присутствует то, плагин проверяя её, не обращает внимания на время.

Там iLok — это система защиты, это её задача следить за временем. Плагин (вечный или подписка) всегда при каждом открытии опрашивает iLok на предмет лицензии. «Вечные» плагины абсолютно также защищены и работают только через постоянное (постоянное, постоянное) обращение к ключу. Плагину не логично следить за временем, когда есть система iLok.

  • #10

Плагину не логично следить за временем, когда есть система iLok.

я о другом.

Been spending the last 4 hours trying to get Slate Digital’s Virtual Mix Rack VST2 or VST3 latest version to appear in my Reaper 5.99 fx browser with no success. Windows 10 HomeVersion 1909 (11/7/20).

The reaper-vstplugins64.ini file shows this:-


With no plugin and developer’s name, this would seem to indicate an error. Slate Digital’s Fresh Air appears correctly like this:-

Fresh_Air.vst3=00D1EEBA86C1D601,1158173615,Fresh Air (Slate Digital)

Installed various combinations of just the VST2, both the VST2+ VST3 and just the VST3. I deleted the Virtual_Mix_Rack entries from the reaper-vstplugins64.ini file after each fresh install before loading Reaper. Once installed, both formats then get recognised by Reaper when starting up as indicated in the load up screen. But no sign of them in Reaper’s fx browser once Reaper opens. The VST2 and 3 versions are installed to standard locations where my other plugins are located.

Checked everything to do with iLok — all correct — iLok license activated and inserted in this PC. But this doesn’t seem to be an iLok issue as I think a screen would come up either whilst loading Reaper or whilst loading the plugin within Reaper itself, to request authentication if this wasn’t done automatically.

Anyone had any luck?

This following very probably has no relevance…..but just incase….

Actually I told a little lie there. As an act of desperation, I tried to load VRM VST2 in the latest version of Reason but came up as an error with the Reason plugin management section showing the plugin’s manufacturer as not recognised and «unknown error».

The reaper-vstplugins64.ini file now shows this:-


Regarding the line:-


I had spent the last 4 hours deleting:-


from the reaper-vstplugins64.ini file whilst trying to install it correctly.
The «sentry.dll=00F7F73CC70BD701» only appeared after trying to load VRM VST2 in Reason so it’s not an issue in the case of VRM not appearing in Reaper. I am always deleting stuff from the reaper-vstplugins64.ini file to keep it manageable and never noticed a «sentry.dll» entry before. But, on searching online, it «reads and writes its settings in the system registry. «Settings» include the names of dictionary files to open and options to enable.» This would seem to indicate a connection to Reason’s use of VST plugins. Although I can’t actually find a sentry.dll file.

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