Smtp 471 ошибка

What’s Causing This Error

You may run into the error if the anti-spam filter, anti-virus guard, or firewall prevents the message from sending. In most cases, your anti-virus guard may prevent the email from sending, or your email may contain spam-like phrases that get flagged as spam by your anti-spam filter.

Solution — Here’s How To Resolve It

Firstly, verify that your message does not contain any possible spam words. For example, do not include phrases such as «You have won» or «Claim your reward» or language that may sound spam.

Secondly, disable your anti-virus guard/ firewall or anti-spam filter and try sending the email again.

Description: An error of your mail server, often due to an issue of the local anti-spam filter.

What does this mean?

This description is pretty straight forward. Your server or (remote mail server)’s anti-spam filter has prevented this message from proceeding.

How to fix SMTP Error 471?

Attempt disabling outgoing anti-spam filters from your server. Or if using a remote mail exchange, contact the server administrators.

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While working with Exchange Server, administrators always expect its smooth functioning. But out of some unrequired and undesired events like incorrect server settings, logical issues, storage issues, insufficient system resources, etc., the access to Exchange Server database gets hindered. Some Exchange Server errors are frequently encountered, and some are noticed at times. Exchange Server errors with event IDs 451, 452, and 471 are going to be discussed in detail (symptoms, nature, causes of errors) in this blog along with associated solutions to each error code.

To know about these Exchange Server errors, let us have a brief understanding of what causes these errors and what happens when they are encountered.

Exchange Server Errors Event ID – 451 Event ID – 452 Event ID – 471
Causes Comes with the installation of Edge Transport Role in Exchange, due to a misconfiguration in system or address blocked (manually) by recipient domain user Due to Insufficient System Resources in External Server during a connection attempt via SMTP. When error codes – 510, 1024 are generated with 471 event ID, caused due to permission issues, space problems, etc.
Symptoms Exchange users cannot send Emails to any specific domain Transport service stops the submission of emails and delivers the message in the queue that makes them inaccessible at the time Database engine could not roll back operation on the database as specified in this event description. No database entry can be updated now.

Resolving Exchange Server Error 451

To resolve the error “451 4.4.0 DNS Query Failed” displayed in Queue Viewer in Exchange, users can perform reconfiguration process or use TELNET to examine Edge transport layer working for outbound or inbound exchange of email messages.

  1. The first thing you should do for fixing this error is to check Firewall and confirm transport at port 53 for DNS resolution and port 25 for SMTP.
  2. Then inspect Queue Viewer by opening Exchange Management Console on Edge Transport Server. Now locate mail flow tools and select queue viewer tool.
  3. Confirm DNS Configuration – To verify the DNS configuration in Exchange Server, follow the simple steps.
    1. Initially, log in to Edge Transport Server locally and use Console Switch if using the Remote Desktop connection.
    2. Open Exchange Management Console>click Edge Transport Server>select Properties.
    3. Go to Internal DNS lookups, check if it has default configuration settings. If not, set it to the default settings.
  4. Performing Internal and External Lookups
    • Internal Lookups: For multiple network adapters, users need to access Internal Network Card and select it to access card DNS setting. In the settings, you can modify all IP addresses (if not according to the required configuration).There could be a condition that there is no IP address which means NIC card is not configured with DNS server entries. To compensate for this, fill the NIC card with correct details and confirm them.
    • External Lookups: If you modify the configuration in public DNS setting for users having a single network card, it may affect external name resolution, and thus email flow might get restricted. To correct this, choose to Use this DNS option and select IP of internal DNS. Then, add host file consisting of DNS information. Finally, confirm the configuration once again.
  5. Checking SMTP connection using the TELNET command
    1. Open Command Prompt by typing cmd in Windows+R. In Command Prompt, type telnet.
    2. Type set logfile (location:/filename)
    3. Now, type open 25 and execute it.
    4. Now, execute the command – EHLO
    5. Compose a test email with email parameters like From, receive, notify, data and subject, etc.

The process terminates with a report displaying success or failure confirmation.

Resolving Exchange Server Error 452

When the insufficient resources become s sufficient enough, the submission of mails, which was stopped earlier, gets back to normal. This resuming process is called Backpressure. To avoid this situation, Exchange Server disk space should be increased to more than 4GB space.

You can resolve this error in few steps. Just follow the sequence one by one.

  1. Take a backup for your Exchange database. Remove the unrequired data from the disk to have some 500 MB free space in your memory.
  2. Disable Backup Pressure through the steps given below:
    1. Using the path C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerBin, locate EdgeTransport.exe.config
    2. Open this .exe with notepad and locate the add key=”EnableResourceMonitoring” value=”true”. In place of “true”, enter value – “false” and save the file.
    3. Now, start Exchange Transport services again.
  3. Relocating database queue –
    Next step is changing the location or moving the queue of the database to another location. To perform this, consider the steps.

    1. Once again, open EdgeTransport.exe.config with Notepad.
    2. At the bottom, add the code – add key=”QueueDatabasePath” value=”C:QueueQueueDB”. Click Save to save this file.
    3. Now, restart Exchange Transport services to view the difference.

This method will help you to resolve the Exchange Error 452 and getting the mail flow clear.

Resolving Exchange Server Error 471

This error must be resolved in order to enable updates in the database. Otherwise, Exchange Server is unable to roll back operation and make future updates on the database. Let us find the solution for the most common error codes for the event 471 – Error 510 and Error 1022.

The main reasons for the Error 510 is spaces issues, permission issues, SAN issues causing the problem to disk reading and writing. The error 1022 occurs when disk I/O restricts Exchange to access a requested page in the database or to a check file. With disk failure due to this error, the complete access is denied for the user.

Solution for Error 510 – To resolve the error, simply troubleshoot the permissions issues, space issues, and other issues that are causing problems to the disk making it inaccessible. Once the actual reasons are found out, solve the issues by providing default or required permissions, eliminating space, and other issues.

Solution for Error 1022 – First of all, just check if the drive in which Exchange store files are stored is accessible or not. If found accessible, run the command chkdsk/f/r. If it does not fix the error, try another way. In this, check for the permissions on the Exchange folder structure. Even then, if the database is unable to mount, check for any file-level antivirus software running on Exchange Server.

Some other issues Exchange admins face

Apart from settings-related error issues, Exchange administrators may face corruption issues too. But good thing is that there are many Exchange Recovery tools to recover data from EDB files. Exchange users can directly access the lost or deleted Exchange data using Exchange Recovery tool. The software converts any type of EDB files to PST format or directly saves them to Exchange too. This third-party software ensures quick, complete and exact EDB recovery.

Download Free

Final Words

Exchange administrators may face a lot of issues in the Exchange environment. They can be errors like Exchange error 451, 452, and 471 or EDB file corruption. Exchange errors 451, 452, and 471 can be solved in different ways without any external tools. But to recover data from corrupted or damaged or inaccessible EDB files instantly and flexibly, Exchange administrators should always rely on professional Exchange data recovery tools like Exchange Server.

SMTP Error 471

SMTP Error 450 4.7.1

SMTP Error 451 4.7.1

451 4.7.1 Greylisting in action, please come back in 00:02:00 [minutes]

This error is usually followed by «Please try again later.» It is connected with the sender’s server. It is usually caused by an anti-spam policy or by a bad automatic update from antivirus software.

To fix the error, contact the SMTP service provider you use.

SMTP Error 451

Requested action aborted — Local error in processing

A remote antispam filter might reject your request. Also, your internet provider may be overloaded, or too many emails were sent through your SMTP relay. The next attempt may be successful if the error still occurs — contact your SMTP provider. 

SMTP error 451 may

Usually, the recipient’s spam-filter sends this error for policy reasons, labeling your email as spam.

You can eliminate this error by asking a recipient to whitelist you.

SMTP Error 551

551 Sender address is not valid for your login

551 This mail server requires authentication before sending mail from a locally hosted domain

Sometimes this error occurs intending to thwart spam, but it is not always accurate. To solve this problem, contact your internet service provider to ensure that you are a certified user. Also, this error may occur if the user is not local or if the email address is invalid.

SMTP error 554

Transaction failed

If you receive this error, it means that the recipient’s mail server considers your email to be spam or your IP to be blacklisted on one or more lists on the internet. To eliminate this error, ask the recipient to whitelist you or take steps for your IP address or ISP server to be removed from Realtime Blackhole List.

Last Updated: 21.01.2020

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What is SMTP?

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This document provides the brief explanation about SMTP reply codes.

SMTP Error 101 : Cannot open connection
Typically your SMTP server or email program is unable to even start an SMTP session. Possible causes may be : incorrectly spelt SMTP server, invalid IP address, invalid SMTP port or some other process is already using the default SMTP port, port 25.
e.g. «SMTP Error 101, Error opening connection» -or- «SMTP Error 101, cannot open SMTP stream»

SMTP Error 211 : System Status message or System Help Reply
SMTP status 211 prefaces a message about the Mail Server status. You might for example issue a command to the mail server to display a list of commands you can use and the server replies with an SMTP Reply 211 followed by the list you requested.

SMTP Error 214 : Help Reply message
SMTP status 214 is usually in reply to the «HELP» command. It displays information about the server, usually a URL to the FAQ page of the SMTP software running on the server.

SMTP Status 220 : <Server Name> service is running
This is normally the first message you will get back from the server. It means the mail service is running . It will normally contain a welcome message and/or the title of the SMTP software and, sometimes, the version number of the mail server software.

SMTP Error 221 : The domain service is closing the transmission channel

The server is ending the mail session – it is closing the conversation with the ISP as it has no more mail to send in this sending session.
e.g. «221 Closing connection» -or- «221 Goodbye»

SMTP Status 250 : Requested mail action OK completed

The mail server has successfully delivered the message! This is the best SMTP reply to receive — your message has been accepted and transmitted OK !

SMTP Status 251 : User not local will forward to <forward-path>

The email account is not local to the ISP server but the ISP server will accept the email and will forward it.

SMTP Status 252 : Cannot VRFY (verify) the user – the server will accept the message and attempt to deliver it

The user account appears to be valid but could not be verified, however the server will try do deliver the message.

SMTP Error 354 : Start mail input end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>

This is normally in response to the DATA command. The server has received the From and To information and is now asking for the «Message Body», the main part of the message which should be ended by two blank lines separated by a dot (period).

SMTP Error 421 : <Server name> Service not available – the sending email program should try again later

The Mail transfer service is unavailable because of a transient event. It generally indicates that the mail server which returns this status code is currently unavailable but may be available later.

SMTP Error 422 : The recipient’s mailbox is over its storage limit

Either the recipient’s mailbox is over its storage limit or the message delivery directory (folder) on the recipient’s mail server is currently over a size limit imposed by the Network Administrator.

SMTP Error 431 : The recipient’s mail server is experiencing a Disk Full condition

The recipient’s mail server is experiencing a Disk Full error condition, or an Out of Memory error condition.

SMTP Error 432 : The recipient’s Exchange Server incoming mail queue has been stopped

This is an SMTP status response specific to Microsoft Exchange Server. It indicates that the recipient’s mail queue on their Exchange Server has been stopped.

SMTP Error 441 : The recipient’s server is not responding

This is an error emanating from your server indicating that the recipient’s server is not responding. Your server will automatically try again a number of times – how many depends on how your server has been configured.

SMTP Error 442 : The connection was dropped during transmission.

Your server started delivering the message but the connection was broken during transmission. This may be an unusual transient error – however, if it keeps happening you should investigate possible problems which could result in a network connection being broken.

SMTP Error 446 : The maximum hop count was exceeded for the message

The maximum hop count was exceeded for your message. The most likely cause of this error status code is that your message is looping internally on your server, internally between two of your organisation’s servers, or, sometimes, looping between your server and the recipient’s server.

SMTP Error 447 : Your outgoing message timed out.

Your outgoing message timed out because of problems with the receiving server who objected to your message. Typically there is a problem with the message header, such as too many recipients, in most cases, or a protocol timeout between the two servers.

SMTP Error 449 : Routing error

This is a Microsoft Exchange Server specific error code. Possible causes may be : an SMTP connector is configured to use DNS without a smart host and also uses a non-SMTP address space (e.g. X.300), or A message was sent to a recipient who was identified as a member of a routing group that was deleted.

SMTP Error 450 : Requested action not taken – The mailbox was unavailable at the remote end.

In general SMTP Error 450 is a transient error at the remote end, and should induce your mail server to retry after it’s preset retry interval.
e.g. «450 Please try again later» -or- «SMTP Error 450 5.2.3 Msg Size greater than allowed by Remote Host»

SMTP Error 451 : Requested action aborted – Local error in processing.

The action has been aborted by the ISP’s server. «Local» refers to the ISP’s server. This error is usually due to overloading at the ISP from too many messages or transient failures.
e.g. «SMTP error 451 Unable to complete command, DNS not available or timed out» -or- «451 Domain of sender address does not resolve»

SMTP Error 452 : Requested action not taken – Insufficient storage.

The ISP server’s disk system has run out of storage space, so the action had to be cancelled.Sometimes this error may raise if your ISP’s mail server is overloaded from too many messages.
e.g. «452 Out of memory»

SMTP Error 465 : Code Page unavailable on the recipient server

This is an Exchange Server-specific error code. This error is returned by the recipient’s server if the incoming email specifies a Code Page that is not installed on the recipient’s server.

SMTP Error 471 : This is a local error with the sending server and is often followed with «Please try again later»

This is always a local error with your own mail server.It is usually caused by anti-spam or virus scanning software on your server (the sending server) getting into problems through a bug in the software, or because of a bad automatic update from the antivirus/anti-spam manufacturer, because of lack of memory on your server, or because of hard disk problems.

SMTP Error 500 : Syntax error command not recognized.

The last command sent by your server was not recognized as a valid SMTP or ESMTP command, or is not formatted in the way the server expected. This includes situations where the command is too long.

SMTP Error 501 : Syntax error in parameters or arguments (e.g. invalid email address)

The command was correct and recognised, but the parameters (the arguments, e.g. email address) were not valid. For example you try to use invalid email address as and as «» is not allowed in email addresses.

e.g. «Remote host said: 501 Invalid Address»

SMTP Error 502 : Command not implemented.

The command or function issued by your mail server is valid but has not been activated.

SMTP Error 503 : Bad sequence of commands.

In the original standards SMTP Status 503 indicates that the commands have been sent in the wrong order, for example your mail server has sent the «Hello» command before sending the «Mail» command. This can often be caused by a drop in network connection just as your server was sending a command, resulting in the ISP’s server not receiving it and consequently not understanding the command that followed it.

SMTP Error 504 : Command parameter not implemented.

The command and parameter are both valid, but the parameter is not implemented on the ISP server, or an additional parameter or action is missing. For example, an often encountered SMTP Error 504 is : «504 Need to authenticate first».

SMTP Error 510 : Bad Email Address

Bad email address. This status code is generated by the sender’s local mail server.

SMTP Error 511 : Bad Email Address

Bad email address. This error is similar to error 510 and as with error 510, this status code is generated by the sender’s local mail server.

SMTP Error 512 : The host server for the recipient’s domain name cannot be found (DNS error)

This SMTP reply code is received when one of the servers on the way to the destination is unable to resolve the domain name of a recipient email address.

e.g. «SMTP Error 550 5.1.2 Host unknown – host cannot be found»

SMTP Error 513 : Address type is incorrect (most mail servers)

This status code is received if the email addresses are not defined correctly from the sender’s mail server. The may happend due to if a user try to copy and paste the mail addresses from a web page without setting it to correct format. For example the address like receiver(at) is invalid and should be formated like before using.

e.g. «SMTP error 501 5.1.3 Invalid address» -or- «SMTP error 553 5.1.3 User address required !» -or- «SMTP error 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax»

SMTP Status 523 : The Recipient’s mailbox cannot receive messages this big

This error will be received when the total size of the message you have sent (ie: message + all of its attachments) exceeds the size limits on the Recipient’s server.
e.g. «SMTP Error 450 5.2.3 Message Size greater than allowed by Remote Host» -or- «SMTP Error 552 5.2.3 Data size exceeds maximum permitted» -or- «SMTP Error 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds maximum fixed size»

SMTP Error 550 : Requested actions not taken as the mailbox is unavailable.

SMTP Error 550 will be returned by many servers If the recipient email address simply does not exist on the remote side.

e.g. «550 Invalid recipient» -or- «550 User account is unavailable» -or- «550 No such user here»

SMTP Error 551 : User not local or invalid address – Relay denied.
If neither the sending mail address nor the recipient’s address are locally hosted by the server, then the ISP’s servers may refuse to relay the message on.

SMTP Error 552 : Requested mail actions aborted – Exceeded storage allocation.

The recipient’s mailbox has reached its maximum allowed size.

e.g. «552 sorry, mailbox is over quota temporarily (#5.1.1)»

SMTP Error 553 : Requested action not taken – Mailbox name invalid.

There is an invalid email address in the «To», «CC», or «BCC» field of the email message.

SMTP Error 554 : Transaction failed.

There was a permanent error trying to complete the mail transaction which will not be resolved by resending the message in its current form. Some change to the message and/or destination must be made for successful delivery.

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