Smtp ошибка 454 ошибка авторизации roundcube

Wondering how to fix Roundcube SMTP error (454) authentication failed? We can help you!

This error is often seen while trying to send emails via Roundcube. Here at Bobcares, we often handle requests from our customers to fix similar Roundcube errors.

Today we will see how our support engineers fix this for our customers as a part of our Server Management Services.

What causes Roundcube ‘SMTP error (454) authentication failed’

Before going into the steps for fixing this error, we will see what causes this error and how it looks like.

A typical error may look like the one given below:

SMTP Error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454)

The following warnings will appear in the /var/log/maillog if we get this error :

Mar 20 22:13:01 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: SASL authentication failure: no secret in database
Mar 20 22:13:01 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: localhost[::1]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: authentication failure

Following are the two main causes for this error:

  •  Broken Postfix configuration.
  •  The pc-remote service is stopped.

Methods to fix Roundcube ‘SMTP error (454) authentication failed’

Now we will see how our Support engineers fi this error for our customers.

1. Fixing Broken Postfix configuration.

Here we will reinstall Postfix by switching to Qmail and back to Postfix.

This can the done in the following ways.

Using Plesk Installer:

The steps to follow are given below:

  1. Firstly, go to Plesk and take Tools & Settings.
  2. Then go to Updates and Upgrades.
  3. And take Add/Remove Components then go to Mail hosting.
  4. After that take SMTP servers and select the Qmail server.
  5. Next, we have to click Continue to start the installation.
  6. Once the installation is complete click Ok.
  7. Now go to Add/Remove Components and take Mail hosting.
  8. From Mail hosting go to SMTP servers.
  9. Select Postfix mail server and click Continue to start the installation.
  10. Once the installation is complete click Ok.
Using Command Line Interface (CLI):

We can use the following steps for fixing this via CLI:

  1. First, we have to connect to the server via SSH;
  2. Then execute the following commands:
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component qmail
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component postfix

2. Starting pc-remote service

This error can also occur if the pc-remote service is stopped. However, the error in the /var/log/maillog appears a little different as shown below:

warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused NOQUEUE: milter-reject: CONNECT from[]: 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable – try again later; proto=SMTP

Following are the steps to fix this:

  1. First, we have to log in to Plesk.
  2. Then go to Tools & Settings and Scheduled Tasks.
  3. From there take Add Task.
  4. After that select Task Type as Run a command
  5. In the Command * field paste the line below:
/usr/sbin/service pc-remote start

6. Now we have to select root from the drop-down menu System user

7. Finally click the Run Now button to start the pc-remote service.

[Need assistance? We can help you]


In short, we saw how our Support Engineers fix Roundcube ‘SMTP error (454) authentication failed’ issue for our customers.


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Всем привет. Я полный линуксонуб, но так вышло, что я админю сервер, на котором крутятся сайты, ну как админю, на нем установлена панель управления plesk, и почти все сводится к настройкам через нее,но не в этот раз.
Ни с того ни с сего перестала работать почта на сервере. До этого два года работал без всяких проблем. Всё, что я менял, это для одного из доменов прописывал A запись на внешнюю яндекс почту, но это даже другой домен. Веб-приложение roundcube, которое используется для отправки почты, стало выдавать такую ошибку при отправке: «SMTP Error (454): Ошибка авторизации»
Я усердно гуглил, как бы это исправить, но ничего не нагуглил.
Я даже не могу найти конфиг rouncube, какие-то конфиги нахожу, но они совсем не похожи на то, что пишут на форумах.
В логах roundcube(/var/log/plesk-roundcube/errors) сплошные ворнинги, не вижу там никаких ошибок, а может это не тот лог, вот последний кусок

[15-Feb-2016 18:45:39 UTC] PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /usr/share/psa-roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 758

Нашел еще лог maillog (usr/local/psa/var/log)
Пишет, что какой-то сервис не доступен

Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/cleanup[29971]: warning: connect to Milter service unix:/var/spool/postfix/ctmilter/ctmilter.sock: No such file or directory
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/cleanup[29971]: 996BB8FE25F3: milter-reject: CONNECT from localhost[]: 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later; from=<>
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/pickup[28439]: warning: 9996A8FE25F3: message has been queued for 1 days
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/pickup[28439]: 9996A8FE25F3: uid=0 from=<root>
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/cleanup[29971]: warning: connect to Milter service unix:/var/spool/postfix/ctmilter/ctmilter.sock: No such file or directory
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/cleanup[29971]: 9996A8FE25F3: milter-reject: CONNECT from localhost[]: 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later; from=<>
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/pickup[28439]: warning: 99BA48FE25F3: message has been queued for 4 days
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/pickup[28439]: 99BA48FE25F3: uid=10000 from=<volfilarmonia>
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/cleanup[30003]: warning: connect to Milter service unix:/var/spool/postfix/ctmilter/ctmilter.sock: No such file or directory
Feb 15 20:48:28 km20833-24 postfix/cleanup[30003]: 99BA48FE25F3: milter-reject: CONNECT from localhost[]: 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later; from=<>

Подскажите, плиз, куда копать? Саппорт хостинга меня посылает и просит подписку купить, чтобы они мне помогали в таких вопросах.

Topic: SMTP error — Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454)  (Read 5992 times)

I got as far as being able to log on and receive mail. However, when I try to send mail, I get the error: (Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454)).
I’m pretty sure it has to do with my SMTP settings, but I’m having trouble finding any solution, so if anyone could help, I would be very grateful.
Here is th content of my Roundcube error log:
  GNU nano 2.8.6                                           File: /var/www/html/                                                     

[03-Jan-2018 21:36:50 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection timed out (110)
[03-Jan-2018 21:36:50 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:40:35 +0100]: <9ogf28oi> IMAP Error: Login failed for from Could not connect to ssl:// Connection tim$
[03-Jan-2018 21:41:27 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 21:42:21 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 21:42:45 +0100]: <9ogf28oi> IMAP Error: Login failed for from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /var/www/html/la$
[03-Jan-2018 21:43:22 +0100]: <551r1q7c> IMAP Error: Login failed for root from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /var/www/html/$
[03-Jan-2018 21:43:38 +0100]: <551r1q7c> IMAP Error: Login failed for root from AUTHENTICATE PLAIN: Authentication failed. in /var/www/html/$
[03-Jan-2018 21:44:07 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 21:44:07 +0100]: <1bs3ck2m> SMTP Error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454) in /var/www/html/$
[03-Jan-2018 21:45:38 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
[03-Jan-2018 21:45:38 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:49:19 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
[03-Jan-2018 21:49:19 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:49:32 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
[03-Jan-2018 21:49:32 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:55:22 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection timed out (110)
[03-Jan-2018 21:55:22 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:57:29 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection timed out (110)
[03-Jan-2018 21:57:29 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:58:12 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 21:58:22 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection timed out (110)
[03-Jan-2018 21:58:22 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out ()
[03-Jan-2018 21:58:22 +0100]: <1bs3ck2m> SMTP Error: Connection failed: Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out in /var/www/html/$
[03-Jan-2018 21:58:26 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 22:05:55 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
[03-Jan-2018 22:05:55 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:22:19 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
[03-Jan-2018 22:22:19 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:29:17 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
[03-Jan-2018 22:29:17 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:30:11 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection refused (111)
[03-Jan-2018 22:30:11 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection refused ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:31:02 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection refused (111)
[03-Jan-2018 22:31:02 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection refused ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:31:44 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Connection refused (111)
[03-Jan-2018 22:31:44 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: Connection refused ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:32:14 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 22:32:29 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
[03-Jan-2018 22:33:17 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://localhost:25 (Unknown error) (0)
[03-Jan-2018 22:33:17 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://localhost:25 (Unknown error) ()
[03-Jan-2018 22:41:24 Europe/Berlin] ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)

Thank you for any help.


You should look at your mail server log to see what that error code means.


Hi and thanks for helping out.

The mail server logs final lines  say (nothing about the error 454 in the entire /var/log/mail.log):

Jan  4 10:15:24 Blacknight postfix/smtpd[21084]: cannot load Certification Authority data, CAfile=»/etc/postfix/ssl/cakey.pem»: disabling TLS support
Jan  4 10:15:24 Blacknight postfix/smtpd[21084]: connect from localhost[]
Jan  4 10:15:24 Blacknight postfix/smtpd[21084]: warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory
Jan  4 10:15:24 Blacknight postfix/smtpd[21084]: warning: localhost[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: generic failure
Jan  4 10:15:24 Blacknight postfix/smtpd[21084]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=3/4

I don’t know why the CAfile cant be loaded, the path seems correct. Is it a permissions problem maybe?
Any help is much appreciated :)

I can send mail using telnet, which I asume proves it’s something wrong with my settings in Roundcube.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 08:16:29 AM by lruneh »


So the problem is with your mail server being unable to saslauthd, you should investigate further into why that is happening.



Roundcube is a free and open source webmail tool. That’s why it’s adopted by many admins as part of email management practice. But as with other tools, you’re likely to come across a few errors from time to time. And one of them is the SMTP (454) Error. You’ll get this error when trying to send emails using Roundcube. If you’re stuck with this error, you might be looking for ways to fix it. In this article, learn how to solve the SMTP authentication failed error in Roundcube.

Why this Error Occurs?

Before fixing the error, it’s worth learning about the cause.

When you see this error, you’ll receive a message that reads, “SMTP Error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454)”

If you get the following error, then you can access it at /var/log/maillog:


“Jun 20 21:10:02 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: SASL authentication failure: no secret in database
Jun 20 21:10:03 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: localhost[::1]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: authentication failure”

The two main reasons behind this error are:

  • Postfix configuration is broken
  • Pc-remote service is stopped

How to Fix the Error?

How to fix the error will depend on the reason behind the error. So you need to follow the appropriate solution.

  • Fixing the Broken Postfix config

When the postfix configuration is broken, you’d have to reinstall Postfix. You can do this by first moving to Qmail briefly and then jump back to Postfix. This can be done in a couple of ways.

Use Plesk Installer

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Go to Plesk and then take Tools & Settings
  • Then navigate into Updates.


  • Take Add/Remove Components and then navigate into Mail hosting.


  • Take SMTP servers and then select Qmail server
  • Select “Continue” to initiate the installation process
  • After the process is done, click on OK
  • Navigate into Add/Remove Components and take Mail hosting
  • Then navigate into SMTP servers to select Postfix mail
  • Click on Continue to begin the installation process
  • Once done, click on OK

Using CLI

You can use the Command Line Interface as well. Here are the steps involved:

  • Connect to your server using SSH terminal
  • Run the below commands:


# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component qmail
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component postfix

Pc-remote Service is Stopped

If this is the reason, then you have to start the service.

Another thing to note is that there will be a difference in the error message you get. If you open the /var/log/maillog file, you’ll notice the following message:


warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused NOQUEUE: milter-reject: CONNECT from[]: 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable – try again later; proto=SMTP

To fix this, you’d have to follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Plesk account
  • Open Tools & Settings and then Scheduled Tasks


  • Take Add Task


  • Select Task Type as Run a Command
  • When you see the Command* section, paste this line —


/usr/sbin/service pc-remote start

  • For the section “System User” select “root” from the drop down menu
  • Tap on the “Run Now” button to start the service

So that’s how you fix the SMTP (454) error.

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1 2019-09-06 06:31:44

  • romfeo
  • Member
  • Offline
  • Registered: 2018-04-05
  • Posts: 17

Topic: SMTP Error (454): Authentication failed.

— iRedMail version (check /etc/iredmail-release):  0.9.9 MARIADB edition.
— Deployed with iRedMail Easy or the downloadable installer? Downloadable Installer
— Linux/BSD distribution name and version:  Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS bionic
— Store mail accounts in which backend (LDAP/MySQL/PGSQL): MySQL
— Web server (Apache or Nginx): NGINX
— Manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin-Pro? NO
— [IMPORTANT] Related original log or error message is required if you’re experiencing an issue.

Its a fresh installation. Not my first either.

I am testing email in roundcube.

I can receive fine.

When I try to send I get the following error in Roundcube:

SMTP Error (454): Authentication failed.

I then receive an email in my inbox with this content:

Transcript of session follows.

Out: 220 ESMTP Postfix
Out: 250-SIZE 15728640
Out: 250-ETRN
Out: 250-8BITMIME
Out: 250-DSN
Out: 250 SMTPUTF8
Out: 454 4.7.0 TLS not available due to local problem
Out: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first
Out: 221 2.0.0 Bye

For other details, see the local mail logfile

Finally my relevant maillog is:

Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: warning: cannot get RSA private key from file «/etc/letsencrypt/live/»: disabling TLS support
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: warning: TLS library problem: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:290:fopen(‘/etc/l     etsencrypt/live/’,’r’):
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: warning: TLS library problem: error:20074002:BIO routines:file_ctrl:system lib:../crypto/bio/bss_file.c:292:
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: warning: TLS library problem: error:140B0002:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file:system lib:../ssl/ssl_rsa.c:540:
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: connect from localhost[]
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver roundcube: ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (454)
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver roundcube: ERROR: Invalid response code received from server (530)
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/cleanup[29364]: 46Pb2L127Kz20Tk: message-id=<>
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/qmgr[29183]: 46Pb2L127Kz20Tk: from=<>, size=938, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 starttls=0/1 rset=0/1 quit=1 commands=2/4
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver roundcube: <t6ctp3k2> SMTP Error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454) in /opt/www/roundcubemail-1.3.8/program/lib/Roundcube/     rcube.php on line 1667 (POST /mail/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1567722537184&_lang=en_US&_framed=1&_action=send)
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/cleanup[29364]: 46Pb2L1W6Hz20Tm: message-id=<>
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/qmgr[29183]: 46Pb2L1W6Hz20Tm: from=<>, size=1099, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/local[29368]: 46Pb2L127Kz20Tk: to=<>, orig_to=<postmaster>, relay=local, delay=0.08, delays=0.03/0.03/0/0.02, dsn=2.0.0, sta     tus=sent (forwarded as 46Pb2L1W6Hz20Tm)
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/qmgr[29183]: 46Pb2L127Kz20Tk: removed
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/pipe[29370]: 46Pb2L1W6Hz20Tm: to=<>, orig_to=<postmaster>, relay=dovecot, delay=0.05, delays=0/0.02/0/0.03, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (de     livered via dovecot service (doveconf: Warning: SSLv2 not supported by OpenSSL. Please consider removing it from ssl_protocols.))
Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/qmgr[29183]: 46Pb2L1W6Hz20Tm: removed


Spider Email Archiver: On-Premises, lightweight email archiving software developed by iRedMail team. Stable release is out.

2 Reply by ZhangHuangbin 2019-09-06 10:46:42

  • ZhangHuangbin
  • ZhangHuangbin
  • iRedMail Developers
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  • Registered: 2009-05-06
  • Posts: 30,036

Re: SMTP Error (454): Authentication failed.

romfeo wrote:

Sep  6 00:28:58 webserver postfix/submission/smtpd[29362]: warning: cannot get RSA private key from file «/etc/letsencrypt/live/»: disabling TLS support

See this? Postfix can not read the private key file.

Make sure Postfix daemon user can access /etc/letsencrypt/live/ and /etc/letsencrypt/archive/:

chmod +r /etc/letsencrypt/{live,archive}
service postfix restart

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I setup a mail server on VPS and I installed roundcube to manage webmail. when i send e-mail in intern it work’s but when i try to send an e-mail to another mail server (gmail) i get this error :

SMTP Error (454): Failed to add recipient «» (4.7.1 : Relay access denied).

but when i send the same e-mail with thunderbird it works so here what i found at logs:

with roundcube:

Dec  4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: connect from
Dec  4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Dec  4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 454 4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Dec  4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: disconnect from ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=4/5

with thunderbird :

Dec  4 18:44:55 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: connect from unknown[]
Dec  4 18:44:55 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Dec  4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: 64DCD5EEC4: client=unknown[], sasl_method=PLAIN,
Dec  4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/cleanup[3019]: 64DCD5EEC4: message-id=<>
Dec  4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/qmgr[2865]: 64DCD5EEC4: from=<>, size=1810, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec  4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: disconnect from unknown[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 auth=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=8
Dec  4 18:44:59 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtp[3020]: connect to[2a00:1450:400c:c07::1b]:25: Cannot assign requested address
Dec  4 18:45:00 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtp[3020]: 64DCD5EEC4: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1.7, delays=0.25/0.01/0.52/0.91, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1543945500 f16si12703624wrt.428 - gsmtp)
Dec  4 18:45:00 vpsxxxxxx postfix/qmgr[2865]: 64DCD5EEC4: removed
Dec  4 18:45:01 vpsxxxxxx dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN,, lip=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, mpid=3025, TLS, session=<HDgM0zV8EcXE5dog>
Dec  4 18:45:01 vpsxxxxxx dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN,, lip=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, mpid=3026, TLS, session=<dIQM0zV8EsXE5dog>
Dec  4 18:45:01 vpsxxxxxx dovecot: imap( Logged out in=1669 out=552

$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://databaseuser:password@localhost/database';
$config['default_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['smtp_server'] = '';
$config['support_url'] = '';
$config['ip_check'] = true;
$config['des_key'] = 'DES_KEY';
$config['username_domain'] = '';
$config['product_name'] = 'domain Webmail';
$config['plugins'] = array(
  'acl', 'additional_message_headers', 'archive', 'attachment_reminder', 'autologon', 
  'debug_logger', 'emoticons', 'enigma', 'example_addressbook', 'help', 'hide_blockquote', 
  'http_authentication', 'identicon', 'identity_select', 'jqueryui', 'krb_authentication', 
  'managesieve', 'markasjunk', 'new_user_dialog', 'new_user_identity', 'newmail_notifier', 
  'password', 'redundant_attachments', 'show_additional_headers', 'squirrelmail_usercopy', 
  'subscriptions_option', 'userinfo', 'vcard_attachments', 'virtuser_file', 'virtuser_query', 'zipdownload'
$config['language'] = 'en_EN';
$config['enable_spellcheck'] = false;
?> is my Domain name

Roundcube SMTP Error (454) Authentication Failed happens while trying to send emails via Roundcube. It generally occurs as a result of PostFix configuration issues.

Here at Ibmi Media, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to handle requests relating to Roundcube errors.

In this context, we shall look into how to resolve this SMTP Error.

Nature of Roundcube ‘SMTP error (454) authentication failed’

Roundcube ‘SMTP error (454) authentication failed’ error may look like the one given below:

SMTP Error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454)

The following warnings will appear in the /var/log/maillog if we get this error :

Mar 20 22:13:01 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: SASL authentication failure: no secret in database
Mar 20 22:13:01 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: localhost[::1]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: authentication failure

The main causes for this error are:

  • Broken Postfix configuration.
  • The pc-remote service is stopped.

How to fix Roundcube ‘SMTP error (454) authentication failed’ ?

1. Fixing Broken Postfix configuration.

Here we will reinstall Postfix by switching to Qmail and back to Postfix.

This can the done in the following ways.

i. Using Plesk Installer:

The steps to follow are given below:

  • Firstly, go to Plesk and take Tools & Settings.
  • Then go to Updates and Upgrades.
  • And take Add/Remove Components then go to Mail hosting.
  • After that take SMTP servers and select the Qmail server.
  • Next, we have to click Continue to start the installation.
  • Once the installation is complete click Ok.
  • Now go to Add/Remove Components and take Mail hosting.
  • From Mail hosting go to SMTP servers.
  • Select Postfix mail server and click Continue to start the installation.
  • Once the installation is complete click Ok.

ii. Using Command Line Interface (CLI):

We can use the following steps for fixing this via CLI:

a. First, we have to connect to the server via SSH;

b. Then execute the following commands:

# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component qmail
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component postfix

2. Starting pc-remote service

This error can also occur if the pc-remote service is stopped. However, the error in the /var/log/maillog appears a little different as shown below:

warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused NOQUEUE: milter-reject: CONNECT from[]: 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable – try again later; proto=SMTP

To fix this SMTP Connection error:

i. First, we have to log in to Plesk.

ii. Then go to Tools & Settings and Scheduled Tasks.

iii. From there take Add Task.

iv. After that select Task Type as Run a command

v. In the Command * field paste the line below:

/usr/sbin/service pc-remote start

vi. . Now we have to select root from the drop-down menu System user.

vii. Finally click the Run Now button to start the pc-remote service.

[Need assistance in fixing SMTP errors? We can help you. ]

Я настраиваю почтовый сервер на VPS, и я установил roundcube для управления веб-почтой. когда я отправляю электронную почту в intern, но работает, но когда я пытаюсь отправить электронное письмо на другой почтовый сервер (gmail), я получаю эту ошибку:

Ошибка SMTP (454): Не удалось добавить получателя «» (4.7.1: отказ в доступе к ретрансляции).

но когда я отправляю одно и то же электронное письмо с thunderbird, он работает так вот, что я нашел в журналах:

с круглым кубом:

Dec  4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: connect from
Dec 4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Dec 4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 454 4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Dec 4 18:44:09 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3013]: disconnect from ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=4/5

с thunderbird:

Dec  4 18:44:55 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: connect from unknown[]
Dec 4 18:44:55 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused
Dec 4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: 64DCD5EEC4: client=unknown[], sasl_method=PLAIN,
Dec 4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/cleanup[3019]: 64DCD5EEC4: message-id=<>
Dec 4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/qmgr[2865]: 64DCD5EEC4: from=<>, size=1810, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec 4 18:44:58 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtpd[3016]: disconnect from unknown[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 auth=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=8
Dec 4 18:44:59 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtp[3020]: connect to[2a00:1450:400c:c07::1b]:25: Cannot assign requested address
Dec 4 18:45:00 vpsxxxxxx postfix/smtp[3020]: 64DCD5EEC4: to=<>,[]:25, delay=1.7, delays=0.25/0.01/0.52/0.91, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK 1543945500 f16si12703624wrt.428 - gsmtp)
Dec 4 18:45:00 vpsxxxxxx postfix/qmgr[2865]: 64DCD5EEC4: removed
Dec 4 18:45:01 vpsxxxxxx dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN,, lip=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, mpid=3025, TLS, session=<HDgM0zV8EcXE5dog>
Dec 4 18:45:01 vpsxxxxxx dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN,, lip=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy, mpid=3026, TLS, session=<dIQM0zV8EsXE5dog>
Dec 4 18:45:01 vpsxxxxxx dovecot: imap( Logged out in=1669 out=552

$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://databaseuser:password@localhost/database';
$config['default_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['smtp_server'] = '';
$config['support_url'] = '';
$config['ip_check'] = true;
$config['des_key'] = 'DES_KEY';
$config['username_domain'] = '';
$config['product_name'] = 'domain Webmail';
$config['plugins'] = array(
'acl', 'additional_message_headers', 'archive', 'attachment_reminder', 'autologon',
'debug_logger', 'emoticons', 'enigma', 'example_addressbook', 'help', 'hide_blockquote',
'http_authentication', 'identicon', 'identity_select', 'jqueryui', 'krb_authentication',
'managesieve', 'markasjunk', 'new_user_dialog', 'new_user_identity', 'newmail_notifier',
'password', 'redundant_attachments', 'show_additional_headers', 'squirrelmail_usercopy',
'subscriptions_option', 'userinfo', 'vcard_attachments', 'virtuser_file', 'virtuser_query', 'zipdownload'
$config['language'] = 'en_EN';
$config['enable_spellcheck'] = false;
?> — это мое доменное имя

Roundcube is a free and open source webmail tool. That’s why it’s adopted by many admins as part of email management practice. But as with other tools, you’re likely to come across a few errors from time to time. And one of them is the SMTP (454) Error. You’ll get this error when trying to send emails using Roundcube. If you’re stuck with this error, you might be looking for ways to fix it. In this article, learn how to solve the SMTP authentication failed error in Roundcube.

Why this Error Occurs?

Before fixing the error, it’s worth learning about the cause.

When you see this error, you’ll receive a message that reads, “SMTP Error: Authentication failure: Invalid response code received from server (Code: 454)”

If you get the following error, then you can access it at /var/log/maillog:


“Jun 20 21:10:02 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: SASL authentication failure: no secret in database
Jun 20 21:10:03 postfix/smtpd[28890]: warning: localhost[::1]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: authentication failure”

The two main reasons behind this error are:

  • Postfix configuration is broken
  • Pc-remote service is stopped

How to Fix the Error?

How to fix the error will depend on the reason behind the error. So you need to follow the appropriate solution.

  • Fixing the Broken Postfix config

When the postfix configuration is broken, you’d have to reinstall Postfix. You can do this by first moving to Qmail briefly and then jump back to Postfix. This can be done in a couple of ways.

Use Plesk Installer

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Go to Plesk and then take Tools & Settings
  • Then navigate into Updates.


  • Take Add/Remove Components and then navigate into Mail hosting.


  • Take SMTP servers and then select Qmail server
  • Select “Continue” to initiate the installation process
  • After the process is done, click on OK
  • Navigate into Add/Remove Components and take Mail hosting
  • Then navigate into SMTP servers to select Postfix mail
  • Click on Continue to begin the installation process
  • Once done, click on OK

Using CLI

You can use the Command Line Interface as well. Here are the steps involved:

  • Connect to your server using SSH terminal
  • Run the below commands:


# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component qmail
# plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component postfix

Pc-remote Service is Stopped

If this is the reason, then you have to start the service.

Another thing to note is that there will be a difference in the error message you get. If you open the /var/log/maillog file, you’ll notice the following message:


warning: connect to Milter service inet: Connection refused NOQUEUE: milter-reject: CONNECT from[]: 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable – try again later; proto=SMTP

To fix this, you’d have to follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Plesk account
  • Open Tools & Settings and then Scheduled Tasks


  • Take Add Task


  • Select Task Type as Run a Command
  • When you see the Command* section, paste this line —


/usr/sbin/service pc-remote start

  • For the section “System User” select “root” from the drop down menu
  • Tap on the “Run Now” button to start the service

So that’s how you fix the SMTP (454) error.

Virtualmin Community


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