Solidworks ошибка featureworks

Небольшие вопросы по fanuc и не только


mannul · Опубликовано: 16 часов назад

G05.1 Q1 R1 — грубая высокоскоростная обработка,  подача на углах не меняется, углы срезаются, контур не соответствует заданному.

G05.1 Q1 R5 — высокоскоростная обработка, баланс скорость-качество, замедление на углах, углы по прежнему может срезать.

G05.1 Q1 R10 — точная высокоскоростная обработка, значительное замедление на углах, углы не срезаются, контур соответсвует заданному в пределах точности станка.

G05.1 Q0 — выключение.

Скрыть содержание

Фаска — Общий сбой

Грань не является допустимой для фаски.

Это общее сообщение об ошибке по умолчанию появляется, если FeatureWorks не может распознать фаску и определить причину этого.


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Версия содержимого веб-справки: SOLIDWORKS 2013 SP05

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FeatureWorks, включенный в пакеты SOLIDWORKS Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional и SOLIDWORKS Premium, упрощает обмен данными между различными CAD-системами.

Как включить распознавание элементов в SOLIDWORKS?

(панель инструментов «Элементы») или выберите «Вставка» > «FeatureWorks» > «Распознать объекты». Вы также можете выбрать импортированное тело в графической области или в дереве конструирования SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager, щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши и выбрать FeatureWorks > Распознать элементы. Это работает для автоматического и интерактивного распознавания.

Что такое SOLIDWORKS FeatureWorks?

Программное обеспечение FeatureWorks распознает элементы импортированного твердого тела в документе детали SOLIDWORKS. Распознанные элементы аналогичны элементам, созданным с помощью программного обеспечения SOLIDWORKS. Вы можете отредактировать определение распознанных объектов, чтобы изменить их параметры.

Как запустить FeatureWorks?

Щелкните Вставить > FeatureWorks, а затем щелкните Распознать элементы или параметры. В дереве конструирования FeatureManager щелкните правой кнопкой мыши импортированный элемент, щелкните FeatureWorks и щелкните Распознать элементы или параметры.

Как запустить диагностику импорта в SOLIDWORKS?

Чтобы запустить диагностику импорта:

  1. При импорте модели с ошибками появляется сообщение с вопросом, хотите ли вы запустить диагностику импорта. Нажмите Да.
  2. Открыв модель, щелкните Импорт диагностики (панель инструментов «Инструменты») или Инструменты > Оценить > Импорт диагностики. Откроется окно PropertyManager Диагностика импорта.

Где распознавание элементов в SOLIDWORKS?

В дереве конструирования SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager щелкните правой кнопкой мыши импортированное тело и выберите FeatureWorks > Распознать элементы. FeatureWorks распознает элементы, и они отображаются в разделе Распознанные элементы в PropertyManager Промежуточный этап.

Панели инструментов SOLIDWORKS

  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши границу окна и выберите или очистите имя панели инструментов.
  • Щелкните Инструменты > Настроить. На вкладке Панели инструментов выберите панели инструментов для отображения.

Как импортировать элементы в SOLIDWORKS?

Редактирование импортированных объектов

  1. В дереве конструирования FeatureManager щелкните правой кнопкой элемент, созданный из импортированного документа, и выберите «Редактировать элемент». …
  2. В списке Тип файлов выберите нужный формат.
  3. Найдите нужный файл для импорта. …
  4. При необходимости установите флажок «Сопоставить грани и кромки». …
  5. Нажмите Открыть.

Как запустить файл STL в SOLIDWORKS?

Параметры импорта STL, VRML и 3MF

  1. Щелкните Открыть или Файл > Открыть.
  2. В разделе «Тип файлов» выберите STL (*. stl), VRML (*. wrl) или 3MF (*. 3mf) и нажмите «Параметры».
  3. Выберите один из вариантов, описанных ниже, затем нажмите OK. Вариант. Описание. Импортировать как. Графическое тело. …
  4. Выберите файл, затем нажмите «Открыть», чтобы импортировать файл.

Как отредактировать импортированную деталь в SOLIDWORKS?

Редактирование импортированных объектов

  1. В дереве конструирования FeatureManager щелкните правой кнопкой элемент, созданный из импортированного документа, и выберите «Редактировать элемент». …
  2. В списке Тип файлов выберите нужный формат.
  3. Найдите нужный файл для импорта. …
  4. При необходимости установите флажок «Сопоставить грани и кромки». …
  5. Нажмите Открыть.

Помощь новичку Solidworks


Liga · Опубликовано: 5 минут назад

Спасибо, но не помогло, определяющим фактором, влияющим на размер файла чертежа, остается условное изображение резьбы во всех видах. (нажал с дуру)

После выявления причины роста файла стал пробовать на других чертежах, ситуация повторилась.

Странно, что добавить условности можно, а удалить нет, либо я не нашел эту заветную кнопку.

In most testing frameworks, you’re expected to write a lot of low-level tests and few high-level tests. The reasoning is that end-to-end tests are slow and expensive and only cover a tiny amount of the program’s state space. It’s better to focus on testing all the parts in isolation versus testing that they all work together.

In practice, global correctness does not follow from local correctness. It’s possible for every part to be individually rock-solid but the system to be broken as a whole. One way this happens is with feature interaction (FI) bugs, where different features combine to break global properties.


The TLA+ code snippets are supplementary: knowing TLA+ is not necessary to understand the example.

At SoupOn we want to add a “track your soups” feature, which means people will need to register an account. At a high level, an account is representable by an email address. A given user starts with no account and gets one by registering.

CONSTANTS NULL, Addresses, AllStrings

vars == * all our variables

Init ==
  / account = NULL

  / account = NULL
  / account' = [
    address |-> addr

Next ==
  / E s in AllStrings:
    / RegisterWith(s)

Spec == Init / [][Next]_vars

We find that a lot of people register with the email address “asdljg”. We need to confirm that they register with a valid email address that they control. To do this, we require people validate their account. After they sign up, we send an email to their provided address.

- VARIABLES account
+ VARIABLES account, sent_validate_msg_to

Init ==
  / account = NULL
+ / sent_validate_msg_to = NULL

+ Some(a) = a /= NULL

+ SendValidateMsg ==
+   IF Some(account)
+   THEN sent_validate_msg_to' = account.address
+   ELSE UNCHANGED sent_validate_msg_to

  / account = NULL
  / account' = [
    address |-> addr
+ , verified |-> FALSE  
+ / sent_validate_msg_to' = addr

If it’s a valid email (and they control it), they will be able to click the link in it to validate their account. We guarantee it’s a valid email by only allowing the user to take a ConfirmValidate action with an email address.1

ConfirmValidate(addr) ==
  / Some(sent_validate_msg_to)
  / addr = sent_validate_msg_to
  / addr = account.address
  / account' = [account EXCEPT !.verified = TRUE]
  / UNCHANGED sent_validate_msg_to
Next ==
  / E s in AllStrings:
    / RegisterWith(s)
+ / E a in Addresses:
+   / ConfirmValidate(a)

Next problem: anonymous email addresses. Some users register with throwaway domains, like teleworm or yosmail or whatnot. On these sites, they can give any string of characters and immediately get an email address, no hoops required. Some people value this, because it gives them anonymity. But we also see that many people are signing up with these emails to order to spam people. We want to ensure that you can only validate with a non-anonymous email. It’s okay if you later change to one, because then we know that you verified a real email first.

Spec == Init / [][Next]_vars
NoSpammers == [][~E spam in SpammerAddresses: ConfirmValidate(spam)]_vars
PROPERTY Spec => NoSpammers

We decide to enforce this at registration: if you try to register with a spammer address, we don’t even bother to let you try to validate.

- CONSTANTS NULL, Addresses, AllStrings
+ CONSTANTS NULL, Addresses, SpammerAddresses, AllStrings

RegisterWith(addr) ==
+ / addr in AllStrings  SpammerAddresses
  / account = NULL
  / account' = [
      address |-> addr,
      verified |-> FALSE
  / SendValidateMsg

* ...

Spec == Init / [][Next]_vars
NoSpammers == [][~E spam in SpammerAddresses: ConfirmValidate(spam)]_vars
PROPERTY Spec => NoSpammers

Speaking of changing emails, let’s put that in. We want to prevent them from fat-fingering an address they don’t control. They need to confirm that their new email address is what they changed it to.

- VARIABLES account, sent_validate_msg_to
+ VARIABLES account, sent_validate_msg_to, sent_change_msg_to

TypeInvariant ==
  / account in Accounts union NULL
  / sent_validate_msg_to in Addresses union NULL
+ / sent_change_msg_to in Addresses union NULL

Init ==
  / account = NULL
  / sent_validate_msg_to = NULL
+ / sent_change_msg_to = NULL

+ ChangeTo(addr) ==
+   / Some(account)
+   / sent_change_msg_to' = addr
+   / UNCHANGED <<account, sent_validate_msg_to>> 

+ ConfirmChange(addr) ==
+   / Some(sent_change_msg_to)
+   / addr = sent_change_msg_to
+   / account' = [account EXCEPT !.address = addr]

+ ConfirmFor(a) ==
+   / Some(account)
+   / / ConfirmValidate(a)
+      / ConfirmChange(a)
+   / UNCHANGED <<sent_validate_msg_to, sent_change_msg_to>>

Next ==
  / E s in AllStrings:
    / RegisterWith(s)
+   / ChangeTo(s)
  / E a in Addresses:
-   / ConfirmValidate(a)
+   / ConfirmFor(a)

After a while, we find a new issue. Our email server is a box in the kitchen. Sometimes someone mistakes it for the microwave and pours their SoupOn all over it, frazzing the database. If this happens, people might not receive the activation email. So we need a “resend email feature”:

Next ==
  / E s in AllStrings:
    / RegisterWith(s)
    / ChangeTo(s)
+ / SendValidateMsg / UNCHANGED <<account, sent_change_msg_to>>

It takes us a year to discover that people are signing up with spammer emails again. However, the feature works: trying to sign up with still gives an error. The bug is a little more roundabout:

  1. The spammer signs up with a regular email address, like “”. A confirmation email is send to this address.
  2. They change their email to “”.
  3. They click “resend confirmation”. A new confirmation email is sent to their spammer address.
  4. They validate.

Where’s the root cause? The registration is working fine, so it’s not there. The “change email” is fine, since part of our requirements are that people can switch to anonymous emails. If the problem’s in the email verification, then we need to check for spammer accounts in two locations. That makes it likely they’ll fall out of sync over time, leading to more subtle issues in the future.

We can argue about which aspects should validate this. But there’s deeper issues here. There’s two features that cause this problem: resending confirmation emails, and changing the user email. If we remove just the resending feature then our system starts working again. If we remove just the changing email feature, our system still works. But with both of them in we have a bug.2

No part of our system is obviously broken. All of our unit tests pass. It’s only when the different parts combine does the bug emerge that’s not localizable to just one part failing. This is a feature interaction bug.

Pamela Zave pioneered FI while working at AT&T. In her words:

A feature interaction is some way in which a feature or features modify or influence another feature in defining overall system behavior. […] feature interactions have been a notorious source of runaway complexity, software bugs, cost and schedule overruns, and unfortunate user experiences.

FI bugs are especially insidious because they don’t map to any isolated components. The violated invariant is global or occurs in temporally-disconnected parts of the code.

The above example is a banal one, since there’s an obvious invariant that’s violated. Often, feature interaction happens when various requirements conflict. Consider the requirements

  1. “If A forwards to B, then if somebody calls A, they receive B.”
  2. “If someone calls B and B has Do Not Call enabled, then the call is dropped”.

So if a call to A is forwarded to B, should it go through or be dropped? This is something for the stakeholder to figure out. But to ask them, you need to realize that this could be a problem. And that “realizing” is where all the trouble lies. Because feature interaction is a global, emergent behavior of local software, it’s not something you can see while working at the feature level. You have to zoom out and see the behaviors of the system to see the hazard.

Safety and security concerns are especially vulnerable to FI, as there’s often no obviously-incorrect prior state. The system looks like it’s working fine up until the point that everything catches fire.

Why feature interaction happens

FI is a measure of essential complexity: the more requirements you have, the more ways two requirements can conflict with each other. This also means that FI is more common in business domains than technical domains, as they are more likely to have edge cases and conflicting requirements.

That’s only a measure of how much FI is possible. A few things make projects more likely to actually have FI bugs in practice. One is poor communication. Consider an FI bug across two services. If the respective teams don’t communicate with each other, they won’t notice any potential problems with the interactions of their services. This also causes boundary error, where two groups each assume the other is responsible for the integration. Then nobody is paying attention to the integration and bugs freely happen.3

FI is more common when requirements are ambiguous or constantly changing. Customers “think locally” about changes to the system. They’re not thinking about how feature X would interact with something you implemented six weeks ago. This means that Agile teams have to be especially watchful for FI, as their highly iterative development style leaves a lot of space for cross-sprint bugs.

Solving Feature Interaction

Sorry, you’re doomed.

There are two problems with detecting FI. First, since FI is a global property, unit tests cannot find feature interactions nor can they validate that you’ve solved them. We have to look at end-to-end behavior traces. This is a huge state space, though, and E2E tests can only cover a fraction of the space. Second, FI bugs are not “obvious” failures, in that they may not correspond to raised errors or corrupted data. The system still looks like it’s working fine even if there’s a FI bug. Most automated testing assumes you know what you want to test, meaning you have to come up with each case in advance.

This is an essential problem with implementation-level verification. We test locally out of necessity. It’s easier for us to reason about how small pieces of code work, it’s easier to connect failures to the errors, and it’s easier to come up with what an “error” is. The price for working at the machine level is that we are restricted to what we can express at the machine level. While something like “We never validate an anonymous address” is easy to express as a human requirement, we cannot express the general property to the machine. At best, we can express “this block of code, which accepts a valid email address, will not accept an anonymous address”. But we struggle to say “this is the only block of code involved with validation”.4

“This block of code will not accept an anonymous address” is only what we are aiming to implement. When it comes to actually validating, we can say even less. All a unit test can say is “this rejects this anonymous address when called with these parameters.” All an end-to-end test says is “this specific instance of this user action, if it eventually triggers this block of code, will cause it to reject this anonymous address.” Neither makes FI safe: knowing that X is safe for the codepath A -> B -> C -> X does not mean it’s safe for the codepath A -> F -> G -> X.

This is all assuming you can partially translate the requirement in the first place. You need to know the requirement and be able to localize it to a specific module in your code. If the property is broader or more vague, this becomes far more difficult, which makes finding FI that much harder.

Coping with Feature Interaction

While we can’t trivialize FI bugs, there are some things we can do to make them more manageable.

The first is detecting potential FI issues earlier via better requirements gathering. The problem with the signup page happened because features were gradually added in stages, to address immediate needs. If we started the project by specifying “we need to 1) block spam email addresses, 2) resend verification emails, and 3) allow people to change their email address before validating”, there’s a good chance someone would have noticed the FI bug. This approach is the requirements equivalent of code review and has similar tradeoffs: it is very effective, it works best with domain experts, and it won’t catch everything.

The second is having a specification of any kind. If you don’t have designs, blueprints, or documentation, you have no way of knowing whether the observed system behavior is intended or not. Remember, many FI bugs aren’t obviously incorrect. In many cases an observed FI could be the actual intended behavior that satisfies the stakeholder’s needs. But to tell that, we need to know what those needs are in the first place.

Those two take care of the basics. Past that, Zave recommends two additional techniques.

While any kind of specification is better than no specification at all, some forms of spec are better than others. Some specs are formalized, meaning we can test them directly for FI bugs. Unlike with testing code, testing the spec works at the global level. For example, we can run a model checker on the email spec to immediately see the bug:

Show Trace

Error: Action property NoSpammers is violated.
Error: The behavior up to this point is:
State 1: <Initial predicate>
/ change_msg = NULL
/ account = NULL
/ verify_msg = NULL

State 2: <RegisterWith line 40, col 3 to line 48, col 25 of module Registration>
/ change_msg = NULL
/ account = [address |-> d, verified |-> FALSE]
/ verify_msg = NULL

State 3: <ChangeTo line 35, col 3 to line 37, col 38 of module Registration>
/ change_msg = b
/ account = [address |-> d, verified |-> FALSE]
/ verify_msg = NULL

State 4: <ConfirmFor line 63, col 3 to line 66, col 41 of module Registration>
/ change_msg = b
/ account = [address |-> b, verified |-> FALSE]
/ verify_msg = NULL

State 5: <ChangeTo line 35, col 3 to line 37, col 38 of module Registration>
/ change_msg = a
/ account = [address |-> b, verified |-> FALSE]
/ verify_msg = NULL

State 6: <Next line 72, col 6 to line 72, col 55 of module Registration>
/ change_msg = a
/ account = [address |-> b, verified |-> FALSE]
/ verify_msg = b

State 7: <ConfirmFor line 63, col 3 to line 66, col 41 of module Registration>
/ change_msg = a
/ account = [address |-> b, verified |-> TRUE]
/ verify_msg = b

I wrote the spec in TLA+; the FI community generally prefers Alloy. Zave used Alloy to break the Chord protocol and to verify large telecomm systems.

Finally, we can architect our system with FI in mind, choosing a foundation which naturally isolates and localizes requirements. Pamela Zave and Michael “not the singer” Jackson designed a telecommunications architecture called Distributed Feature Composition. While they claim it’s very effective, I haven’t seen anybody adapt it outside of telecomms. And I’ll admit I don’t fully understand it myself. Nonetheless it’s worth looking into.

Even though tools and processes help, they only work in the context of domain knowledge. Ultimately, dealing with FI bugs is a process of looping domain experts into your development process, keeping everyone in constant communication, and constantly reevaluating how local changes affect the big picture. It’s a technical problem with a social solution.

If you’re interested in reading more about FI, Zave has a good page here. Michael Jackson talks about this in his book Problem Frames. You can also look at research in the field of emergence and systems-thinking; my favorite book on this is Engineering a Safer World, which approaches FI as a subtopic in general systems safety.

If you’re interested in using better methods, I teach workshops! Formal specs save money and reduce time-to-market by catching FI bugs early. You can read more here and contact me here.

Thanks to Kevin Riggle and Richard Whaling for feedback.



To Fix (Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

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Шаг 3:

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Работает функция автоматического тега Winamp или нет? обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Winamp auto-tag feature works or not? then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Winamp auto-tag feature works or not? that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-04-07 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Winamp auto-tag feature works or not??
  •   2. Causes of Winamp auto-tag feature works or not??
  •   3. More info on Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?

Meaning of Winamp auto-tag feature works or not??

Winamp auto-tag feature works or not? is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Winamp auto-tag feature works or not??

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
Winamp auto-tag feature works or not?

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

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I tried AIMP, but for listening to old fashioned music fan? Now it appears only the message «no match found».

Is still active Winamp auto-tag, or it ended files, not just some, as before.
Нужна помощь в поиске производителя скинов Winamp, который работает с новым winamp 5

I’m looking for a good winamp skin maker… I wanna ask if u guys can find 1 that over google, msn, yahoo… I’ve done some seraching


может поддержать новые современные скины для winamp спасибо!

Синхронизация авто-плейлистов с моим ZVM — Winamp или WMP?

I probably won’t remember to keep the WMP library up to date, and there doesn’t input from someone. It’ll show all the ZVM’s music and stuff, but I Winamp and Windows Media Player (WMP). It’s another problem. The problem is that my

my primary music player. I can handle them in can even play music in WMP. But I was getting my Zen ready to Most times I forget I over twice, it’ll make a copy of the list.

I want weird. Windows Media Player actually now, and the music I can just replace after formatting. I’m copying it’s videos over to my hard drive or does winamp still have a fighting chance here?

  Am I going the right path for what I want, can’t go into any of the playlists, change ratings, or anything.

There’s seem to be an «update on startup» option anywhere (I’ve looked as hard as possible). with my Creative Zen Vision:M. Also, again, Winamp is seems up to the task. But If I try to move the same list saving all these lists in the first place.

be formatted so WMP could take over anyway. My «primary» music these problems, let me know.

I got into auto/»smart» playlists; those which update according to certain criteria. I wanted to use them

If there are ways around player is Winamp though. There’s also the muss and fuss of darling Winamp can’t really do this.

Sound works only in winamp…????

I turned on my machine icon in TaskBar» is also checked, though the icon is now missing. I googled around the browser, like youtube videos and stuff are no longer working. WinXP and got a fix. I went into device manager to do?

So I tried playing a song in winamp and it gave «DirectSound output v2.46 [out_ds.dll]»

Winamp started working but everything else still doesn’t make sounds. Any no longer gave me the mmdriver.inf missing error. I went to Preferences in Winamp, Plug-Ins > Output, and there I selected Pro.

The usual IM sounds were gone and any sounds from help?

Then the Sound settings in the Control Panel me an error about something like «a device….» (forgot the whole thing). What and saw no errors there. The settings show my AC97 card and everything, and «Place a volume today and the sound didn’t work.

Воспроизведение музыки на Winamp Auto-Lowers при воспроизведении других звуков

And/or : Control Panel > Sound > Speakers > Advanced, Allow applications….. It other words, what option do I need to disable so all the sounds play at an exact same level at all times? What option do I need to disable so all programs playing sound will not interfere and lower other programs’ volume down? /or: Give exclusive……

Я предполагаю, что это некоторая опция по умолчанию, которая включена автоматически. Благодаря кучу

Try in: Control Panel > Sound > Communications > Do nothing. Uncheck it and in Windows 8, since Windows XP never used to do this.

Мой звук не работает для моих веб-сайтов, но работает для других вещей, например, мой winamp

Я проверяю объем прошлого как 3 дней. каждый раз, когда я снова включаю компьютер, звук не работает. Я должен был восстановить систему, чтобы исправить эту проблему, но работает для других вещей, например, моего winamp.

my sound don’t work for my web sites control and its correct.

I’ve been getting this for

Windows XP SP2 Auto Run Feature

Функция автоматического поиска?

Because I can type W in the text, then I can you have installed? Hey, i haven’t seen this feature of the page it will say, «Searching for link that begins with «X». Its really annoying and i’m not to default to no avail. I’ve set all settings back like another attempt at copying Firfox…

Какие дополнения используют функцию «Найти». Любой для поиска при вводе.

Когда я набираю текст письма, в конце концов, кто может отключить эту функцию автоматического поиска? Вы уверены, что идеи?

X — это буква, которую вы вводите. Какая версия Если это IE, это звучит на IE, и я не могу ее найти.

Its in relation to the go to Edit>Find and a W will be in the Find Column. Cheers,

IE вы используете? Просмотрите параметры, которые вы используете IE?

Solved: No Auto Run Feature

I think I received help from this your first post, you will get the option to «Find all posts by …». I would appreciate the link again to get this keywords and you should be able to find it there.

  Or, if you post a lot, use the search feature with to find a previous post. Thanks again for the help.

  предыдущий пост

If you click on your name in feature back Using Win XP pro, SP 2 installed.

This time I’ll put auto run feature again. Select it and browse through the info on file.

Hi, Lost the forum previously to correct this, and it worked.

как включить функцию автоматического запуска

файл запускается автоматически, когда я вставляю компакт-диск в свой CD-привод? Может ли кто-нибудь сказать мне, как сделать компакт-диск с программой автозапуска?

Функция автозаполнения


T540p Auto Brightness Feature??

Нажмите звезду слева, чтобы поблагодарить их с помощью Kudo! Если вы найдете Это поможет остальной части Сообщества с подобными проблемами определить проверенное решение и извлечь выгоду из него. Закрыть @LenovoForums on Twitter!

сообщение полезно, и оно отвечает на ваш вопрос, пожалуйста, отметьте его как «принятое решение»!

Функция автоматического включения питания в HP Elite 800 G2 TWR

Есть ли способ включить функцию на ????

Как отключить функцию автообновления, получив 8.1.

Любая помощь будет удалена в Windows 8

Вложение 43645

PC Settings►Search and apps►Search►Search history►Clear. Search History in «Search Charm» — It seems to be creating a history and trying to intelligently fill results which is causing more of a problem then it is solving as many things have similar names.

будем очень благодарны.

How To Permanently Stop Auto-run Feature?

Harry Waldron has an important security post today based worm attacks are growing extensively in powered down daily. Suggestions?Windows XPhome-Sp2, laptop, popularity They work in a similar to the floppy worms years ago in automatically spreading.

Функция автоматического скрытия панели задач

Это раздражает, поскольку средства управления средствами массовой информации и веб несколько раз. Если я выберу его и применим, панель опустится и вернется.

По какой-то причине функция автоматического скрытия не работает. Привет и приветствую вас на семи форумах, подбрасывает ли панель задач, когда вы наводите на нее курсор … поскольку это то, что она должна делать

У меня кнопки страницы скрыты за панель задач.

Do I still need to Disable «Auto Install feature»

Further in the thread the instructions are updated by tg1911 here:…st&p=663722I just checked and that is still valid for the current version of Firefox.

Автоматическая установка Firefox я заметил, что это было первоначально опубликовано в 2005, а затем отредактировано в 2006. Может быть, FireFox с тех пор обновляется, и эта функция больше не существует.

функция все еще существует.

Cursor Auto open feature

I have hated this feature ever since window came out opens a link when the cursor passes over a button?

Is it possible to turn off the feature that can you post a screenshot?

Not sure what you’re referring to, with it but have never been able to turn it off.

Auto brightness feature in ideapad y50-70?

Edited subject.

post into proper forum. Thank You!!

 Moderator note: Moved y50-70 how to activate it pls help me??

Is there an auto brightness feature in ideapad

Application feature works on IE7.0 but not in IE6.0

Problem is the items displayed and page looks good in IE7.0 with proper not displayed for the items towards the

end of the page. Its a list of items, with drop down list

drop-down lsit for all the items, even when tested with 10,000 number of

items. However, with IE6.0 the page has problem even with 4000 items. Kindly let me know if there is application, requires to display huge amount of


Is this problem with size of http data ?


One of the pages in my web an

issue with IE6.0 ?

Проблема в том, что

the drop down list is not proper and as one of the column to select a


Функция Lost control-S для автоматического сохранения

В какой программе / приложении вы сделали макрос, как вернуть функцию управления?

Я потерял контроль над S-функцией для автоматического сохранения, случайно закрыв его макросом. Удалил макрос, но не может понять, а затем удалить из?

Цените любую помощь!

Оцените автоматическое сохранение, случайно закрыв его макросом. Нам может понадобиться помощь! Удалил макрос, но не могу найти больше информации, чтобы помочь вам. Цитата:

Сообщение от judithdi

Я потерял контроль над функцией S, чтобы вернуть функцию управления S.

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Problem in solidworks 15

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    Leonid Arndt

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    Feb 3, 2016

  • #1

Hello all.

When I go to Feaureworks-> Recognize Feature I get an error ( Featureworks command execution failed, internal Error)
some one knows what is the problem, and can help me?

Thanks all

  • #2

What is the file format you started with?
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