Soundflower установщик обнаружил ошибку

если хотите Запись радиостанции твой любимый или играть музыку видеоигры на Mac Soundflower — самый популярный вариант. Для тех из вас, кто не знает, Soundflower — это программа, которая помогает направлять звуки в любое приложение Mac вместо динамиков по умолчанию для внутренней аудиозаписи. Пользуюсь Soundflower уже 3 года и никаких проблем не возникло. Однако после последних обновлений для macOS Последняя версия Soundflower перестала работать на Серия и Высокая серия. Если вы загрузили программу установки Soundflower из Google, вы, скорее всего, получите ошибку «Ошибка установки Soundflower».

[إصلاح] فشل تثبيت Soundflower: كيفية تسجيل الصوت الداخلي على Mac - Mac

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

После небольшого поиска я нашел ответ на StackExchange, согласно Автор: alecail , Это связано с защитой целостности системы. Для загрузки El Capitan и более поздних версий требуется подпись kext. Это устанавливает kext в  / Библиотека / Расширение / а не в / System / Library / Extensions Как было в предыдущих версиях

Однако его решение у меня не сработало. К счастью, после небольшого поиска мне удалось найти подписанную версию kext от разработчика. Следуйте шагам.

Исправить ошибку установки Soundflower

1. Загрузите подписанную копию Soundflower, используя эта ссылка. Загрузите файл с надписью «Soundflower-2.0b2.dmg» и установите dmg на свой Mac, как любое другое приложение. Просто запустите установщик пакета Soundflower, дважды щелкнув файл pkg. В зависимости от настроек macOS вы можете увидеть ошибку от GateKeeper.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

2. Чтобы обойти это, вам необходимо временно отключить привратник. Перейдите в «Системные настройки» и выберите «Безопасность и конфиденциальность», затем нажмите «Общие», затем, чтобы внести какие-либо изменения, вы должны нажать значок «Блокировка» в нижнем левом углу, чтобы разблокировать настройки. Затем нажмите «Все равно открыть» рядом с Soundflower.pkg заблокирован.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

3. Вы должны принять предупреждение системы безопасности, вернуться и щелкнуть пакет Soundflower. После этого вы сможете без проблем установить подписанную версию.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

4. Теперь откройте «Системные настройки» на вашем Mac, выберите «Звуки», перейдите на вкладку «Вывод» и установите Soundflower (2ch) в качестве устройства вывода звука. Быстрый способ проверить, работает ли Soundflower или нет, — запустить любой аудиофайл, в то время как Soundflower выбран для вывода ch2. Вы не должны ничего слышать.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

5. Теперь откройте Quicktime или любое программное обеспечение для записи звука. QuickTime позволяет пользователю Mac воспроизводить файлы фильмов, но его также можно использовать для записи аудиозаписей. Поскольку он бесплатный и включен, мы воспользуемся им в этом случае. Однако, если вам нужен больший контроль, вы можете использовать бесплатное приложение, например Простой регистратор. Мы использовали его, и он отлично работает.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

6. Перейдите в «Файл» и выберите «Аудиозапись», появится новое окно. Щелкните стрелку раскрывающегося списка рядом со значком «Запись» и установите источник звука, затем выберите Soundflower ch2 и начните запись звука. Ничего не будет слышно, за исключением того, что внутренний звук вашего Mac будет записан в фоновом режиме.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

Единственным недостатком является то, что вы не можете слышать желаемую запись, поэтому обязательно обратите особое внимание на временные метки звука, который вы хотите записать. После этого просто коснитесь значка остановки на значке QuickTime, чтобы остановить запись. Он покажет вам предварительный просмотр записанного файла.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

Опять же, помните, что вы ничего не сможете услышать, поскольку для источника вывода установлено значение Soundflower в настройках звука вашего Mac. Следовательно, вам нужно отменить сделанные там изменения (настроить аудиовыход на динамик или наушники) и прослушать запись. Если вас устраивает запись, сохраните ее на рабочий стол или что-то в этом роде. Вот и все.

[Исправить] Ошибка установки Soundflower: как записать внутренний звук на Mac - Mac

Как удалить Soundflower

Кроме как Приложение для Mac Во-вторых, вы не найдете Soundflower в папке «Приложения». В качестве альтернативы, чтобы удалить Soundflower, просто запустите Uninstall Soundflower.scpt, расположенный в папке Soundflower. Если у вас его нет, вы можете скачать его по ссылке выше.


Mac version is 10.13.4.
The error message is:- The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.


Same problem.
Console shows:
default 22:22:37.780358 +0200 kextd Kext rejected due to system policy: <OSKext 0x7fd3e43168e0 [0x7fff9a194af0]> { URL = «file:///Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext/», ID = «com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower» }
default 22:22:37.780457 +0200 kextd com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower failed security checks; failing.



If you’re using High Sierra, I read somewhere in a description somewhere that it will fail the first time, and then you need to go to your system preferences and allow an extension to be installed manually from the security and privacy pane, and then it should work.

The first attempt to install will display a security alert, then fail. Afterwards, you need to go into System Preferences «Security & Privacy — General» pane and give permission to allow the install signed by the developer «MATT INGALLS». After giving permission, you will be able to run the installer successfully.»

I have a similar problem, though. For me, I have to manually allow my mac to open the package that opens the installer, and then the installer failed, but it didn’t show another thing for me to allow permissions to open or install on my mac. I restarted my computer, and it still didn’t help!

Xtrem4, l443018, trubachev, eraydiler, taylorsabell, mwargan, dliakhov, leekycauldron, wapgear, Naser2, and 6 more reacted with thumbs up emoji


Still having the problem. Any update on this?



The problem occurs on High Sierra regardless of whether you’ve given security permission.

Step 1. Run the installer.
Step 2. Go to System Preferences Security & Privacy and give permission.
Step 3. Continue to run the installer (or quit it and run it again).
Step 4. «The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.»
Step 5. Grumble a lot and run the uninstallation script.



«For anyone struggling with a failed installation of soundflower 2, what you need to do is attempt the install, and when it says that it has failed, DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW. At that point make sure you quit system preferences, re-open system preferences, and under Security & Privacy, click allow where it says Matt Ingals has been blocked from opening. After that, close the window with the failed installation, and attempt the installation again. It should work properly.»

I found the solution in the comments section from Maximus De on Youtube to this video:
The method in the video itself did not work for me, but the comment from Maximus did.

mcrawfordd, gabelevi, lucapericlp, kellyruthw, suoonxie, elimau, juliehutchinson001, meldiwin, vibrains, gerardosandoval, and 58 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
XABUNO, AtAFork, firefinchdev, yAya-yns, giacomelli, and SHI-ZP reacted with laugh emoji
kellyruthw, meldiwin, gerardosandoval, Hannes-Endare, dayzcore, thiagoh, emerybarnes, a1k0n, asjustis, mciesielski2, and 12 more reacted with hooray emoji
dayzcore, thiagoh, brunofariasdeo, mciesielski2, robinsoncoulton, AtAFork, firefinchdev, akshay-bitcs, yAya-yns, giacomelli, and SHI-ZP reacted with heart emoji
meldiwin, jiveyTO, dayzcore, thiagoh, robinsoncoulton, clogwog, alan-bentley-dsg, AtAFork, qiaokang0, firefinchdev, and 4 more reacted with rocket emoji


That video has the feel of voodoo rather than solution.

However, I have been able to get Soundflower installed by bypassing the graphical installer entirely and using the «install» terminal command. Hopefully this repeatable positive example should be enough to help the developers nail down the problem with their installer package. It looks like something (perhaps a timeout?) is causing the graphical installer to fail prematurely.

  1. Unpack the Soundflower-2.0b2.dmg disk image.
  2. In the terminal, type:
    cd /Volumes/Soundflower-2.0b2
  3. Then:
    sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
    [type in your password if prompted]
  4. When you’re told that this has failed, go to “Security and Privacy” in System Preferences, and permit the software to load. You may need to click ”Allow…”, then select “MATT INGALLS”. Then do steps 2 and 3 again.
  5. Wait a long time. It takes quite a while to install for no good reason. [I suspect the problem with the package is here]
  6. At this point, SoundFlower2ch and 64ch will appear as audio devices.
lummish, Shaolo, AriSweedler, SametSahin10, andreazangheri, eyexx, jonassteph, cxk720, Gabbibada, idfx, and 9 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
andreazangheri, eyexx, Moshcrypto, firefinchdev, evansben87, and PaulMarcel reacted with hooray emoji
andreazangheri, eyexx, Moshcrypto, and firefinchdev reacted with heart emoji
andreazangheri, eyexx, Moshcrypto, firefinchdev, and Mahmoud-Hamam reacted with rocket emoji


@eclab Spent the last 3 Hours messing with Xcode project settings to no avail but this works beautifully!


eclabs instructions worked for me.


I had the same problem as ahaverdings, but in my case it was iMovie that was preventing the «Allow».


«For anyone struggling with a failed installation of soundflower 2, what you need to do is attempt the install, and when it says that it has failed, DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW. At that point make sure you quit system preferences, re-open system preferences, and under Security & Privacy, click allow where it says Matt Ingals has been blocked from opening. After that, close the window with the failed installation, and attempt the installation again. It should work properly.»

I found the solution in the comments section from Maximus De on Youtube to this video:
The method in the video itself did not work for me, but the comment from Maximus did.

Thanks so much, It worked perfectly.


On High Sierra — make sure you quit all applications before running the installer. I was having the same errors and then I quit everything and followed the Terminal installation instructions above and it finally worked. YMMV


@eclab it worked for me! thanks


The problem occurs on Mojave with no option to give security permission.

Step 1. Run the installer
Step 2. it fails «The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.»
Step 3. Tried installing from terminal sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
and brew cask install soundflower, same error
Step 4. Go to System Preferences Security & Privacy and do not see option to give permission.
Step 5. Continue to run the installer (or quit it and run it again), and restart System Preferences Security, same error, no prompt for permission

error from homebrew

installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)
Follow the instructions here:
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/system_command.rb:176:in `assert_success!'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/system_command.rb:53:in `run!'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/system_command.rb:29:in `run'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/system_command.rb:33:in `run!'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/artifact/pkg.rb:59:in `block in run_installer'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/artifact/pkg.rb:65:in `with_choices_file'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/artifact/pkg.rb:52:in `run_installer'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/artifact/pkg.rb:34:in `install_phase'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/installer.rb:218:in `block in install_artifacts'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/2.6.3/lib/ruby/2.6.0/set.rb:777:in `each'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/vendor/portable-ruby/2.6.3/lib/ruby/2.6.0/set.rb:777:in `each'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/installer.rb:209:in `install_artifacts'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/installer.rb:101:in `install'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd/install.rb:22:in `block in run'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd/install.rb:16:in `each'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd/install.rb:16:in `run'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd/abstract_command.rb:36:in `run'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd.rb:92:in `run_command'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd.rb:158:in `run'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cask/cmd.rb:123:in `run'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/cask.rb:9:in `cask'
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb:103:in `<main>'



That video has the feel of voodoo rather than solution.

However, I have been able to get Soundflower installed by bypassing the graphical installer entirely and using the «install» terminal command. Hopefully this repeatable positive example should be enough to help the developers nail down the problem with their installer package. It looks like something (perhaps a timeout?) is causing the graphical installer to fail prematurely.

  1. Unpack the Soundflower-2.0b2.dmg disk image.
  2. In the terminal, type:
    cd /Volumes/Soundflower-2.0b2
  3. Then:
    sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
  4. When you’re told that this has failed, go to “Security and Privacy” in System Preferences, and permit the software to load. You may need to click ”Allow…”, then select “MATT INGALLS”. Then do steps 2 and 3 again.
  5. Wait a long time. It takes quite a while to install for no good reason. [I suspect the problem with the package is here]
  6. At this point, SoundFlower2ch and 64ch will appear as audio devices.

Worked for me. Thanks


That video has the feel of voodoo rather than solution.

However, I have been able to get Soundflower installed by bypassing the graphical installer entirely and using the «install» terminal command. Hopefully this repeatable positive example should be enough to help the developers nail down the problem with their installer package. It looks like something (perhaps a timeout?) is causing the graphical installer to fail prematurely.

  1. Unpack the Soundflower-2.0b2.dmg disk image.
  2. In the terminal, type:
    cd /Volumes/Soundflower-2.0b2
  3. Then:
    sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
  4. When you’re told that this has failed, go to “Security and Privacy” in System Preferences, and permit the software to load. You may need to click ”Allow…”, then select “MATT INGALLS”. Then do steps 2 and 3 again.
  5. Wait a long time. It takes quite a while to install for no good reason. [I suspect the problem with the package is here]
  6. At this point, SoundFlower2ch and 64ch will appear as audio devices.

Worked for me as well!


«For anyone struggling with a failed installation of soundflower 2, what you need to do is attempt the install, and when it says that it has failed, DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW. At that point make sure you quit system preferences, re-open system preferences, and under Security & Privacy, click allow where it says Matt Ingals has been blocked from opening. After that, close the window with the failed installation, and attempt the installation again. It should work properly.»

I found the solution in the comments section from Maximus De on Youtube to this video:
The method in the video itself did not work for me, but the comment from Maximus did.

This works perfectly for me. Thank you!


The solution from moduloapparent worked well for me (as for others). It’s not «voodoo». It’s because the signing authority required isn’t remembered for non-apps after the program exits (which is super annoying). You could also turnoff integrity protection, I guess.


I am still having a failure after granting permission.

installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “Soundflower.pkg”.)


Having the same experience as @thomasbeauvais, on macOS Big Sur

sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
installer: Package name is Soundflower
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “Soundflower.pkg”.


Having the same experience as @thomasbeauvais, on macOS Big Sur

sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
installer: Package name is Soundflower
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “Soundflower.pkg”.

What do you see in the Console, associated with this error?


@gdudek what I posted above was the entire print-out, the following is with sudo installer -verbose -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /

installer: Package name is Soundflower
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: Preparing for installation….....
installer: Preparing the disk….....
installer: Preparing Soundflower….....
installer: Waiting for other installations to complete….....
installer: Configuring the installation….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Running package scripts….....
installer: Validating packages….....
installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “Soundflower.pkg”.)


Unfortunately I’m unable to get this installed on Macbook Pro 2021 with Big Sur. I get to the stage where I open Security & Privacy upon the failed installation but no option to say a blocked application from Matt Ingals shows. Has anyone else had success with Big Sur?


I have the same issue with Jahnzilla, I even restarted and went to startup security utility and cicked it to be from full security to reduced security and when i restarted it was the same situation. there is no option to allow anything else in security and privacy. and all this, because i am trying to cast sound from my desktop (VLC) to my chromecast. I would greatly appreciate a solution

Note: We recommend installing BlackHole rather than Soundflower. BlackHole works the same as Soundflower but easier to install. After installation, we recommend using Filmage Screen to record system sound!

Soundflower is a system extension that lets you channel audio from one application to another. While for Mac users, they will always be informed of an error message » The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.» It is because of Apple Provicy Policy which only valifies and allows identified developer’s softwares to be installed.

Please download Soundflower from our website.

Get a video tutorials about how to install Soundflower on macOS.

Please refer to the following insturctions:
1. Go Launchpad -> Other -> Terminal;
2. In the popped window, enter sudo spctl —master-disable and your password.
3. Go System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General -> under Allow From Anywhere, enable MATT INGALLS system software.
4. Reinstall Soundflower.

If these steps don’t work, please try:
1. Go Finder -> search Soundflower -> open Soundflower.dmg;
2. Find Uninstall Soundflower.scpt -> Click it->Click Run the script;
3. Restart your Mac;
4. Install Soundflower refer to steps mentioned before.

If you still cannot install Soundflower, please refer to:
1. Go Launchpad -> Other -> Terminal;
2. In the popped window, enter sudo mount -uw / && killall Finder and your password.
3. Install Soundflower refer to steps mentioned before.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Other FAQ

  • How can I convert video to GIFs?
  • How to convert M4V to MP4 and more formats?
  • How to convert VOB to MP4 and more formats?


This is a different issue comparing to #96

I migrated my macOS 10.15.4 Catalina from Mac Pro 2013 to a new Mac mini 2018. All kexts are auto-disabled. Soundflower kext driver doesn’t come to the System Security Preferences to allow me to allow it. I tried re-running the installer, installation fails; tried uninstall it completely and then install it again, the installer still fails during the installation step, saying that I need to ask the software vendor for assistance.


changed the title
macos10.15 cannot be installed. It fails installation.

macos10.15 cannot have it installed. It fails installation.

Jun 7, 2020


P.S.: I am fully aware that Soundflower is a driver-only installation.



I encountered the same problem today — at the end of installation after «Validating packages» it says «The installation failed».
I also tried running the installer on the command line to see if I could get a more detailer error, and it gave me:

% sudo installer -pkg Soundflower.pkg -target /
installer: Package name is Soundflower
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An error occurred while running scripts from the package “Soundflower.pkg”.)


hitting with the same error


Update: I hacked mattin’s latest pkg package and found the latest content of the post-installation script as follows:


Let me test whether «not touching /Library/Extensions» will work with this case.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the error output during post-installation when executing kextload:

Last login: Sun Jun 14 09:52:40 on ttys000
> /Library/Extensions ||||| sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext

/Library/Extensions/Soundflower.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) system policy prevents loading; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).


Jun 14 10:01:02 macMini-ShikiSuen[1] (homebrew.mxcl.unbound[95079]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1
Jun 14 10:01:02 macMini-ShikiSuen[1] (homebrew.mxcl.unbound): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.


At this point, the issue is related to how the kext will be written to handle the Service exited with abnormal code: 1 error. This is far from my ability range.

Calling @mattingalls for help.


Temporary workaround (steps):
(Notice to Japanese users: 解決方法でなく、一時的の応対方法です。)

  1. Logging into macOS Recovery mode (and log in your macOS admin account if prompted).
  2. Open terminal and run spctl kext-consent add 3G47DU9NXM and reboot your machine.
  3. Reboot back to the macOS and run the Installer again.
    — If prompts for kernel extension permission, approve it.
    — If not (or failed), go to System Preferences and manually approve all kexts from @mattingalls, and then run installer again if necessary. // Previously, his kexts are not shown in the approvable list. However, the terminal command executed in the Recovery OS made his kexts approvable now.

This should be good for all T2-equipped mac computer models.

Note that the 3G47DU9NXM indicates the development team certificate used in the kext file.

Источник проблемы

Сегодня я тестировал запись экрана Quicktime на Mac Pro, и это обернулось трагедией: есть только экранная информация, но нет записи звука. Сразу прошу помощи baidu, сказав, что установку SoundFlower можно сделать.

SoundFlower скачать

На GitHub。

Загрузите последний установочный пакет:。

Проблема с установкой

1. Mac Pro не допускает установку из небезопасных источников.

Это просто, включите «Безопасность и конфиденциальность» и откройте любой источник.

2. Цифровая подпись не может быть передана.

Снимок экрана с ошибкой выглядит следующим образом:

Еще один звонок в Baidu, причина ошибки следующая: Некоторое системное программное обеспечение заблокировано для загрузки «Автор MATT INGALLS был найден в разрешении.

Окончательное решение выглядит следующим образом:

(1) Откройте терминал Mac, введите в нем следующую команду и нажмите Enter.

sudo spctl --master-disable

Команда изменения предназначена для запуска всех подписанных приложений. Если вы опасаетесь проблем с безопасностью, после успешной установки просто отключите это и используйте sudo spctl —master-enable.

(2) Снова откройте «Безопасность и конфиденциальность», там есть дополнительная «Разрешить найти автора MATT INGALLS». Включите это разрешение. Установить снова, можно успешно установить.

(3) На начальной станции будет дополнительное приложение для настройки аудио MIDI. Как показано ниже.

(4) Разрешите программе увидеть устройство Soundflower. Как показано ниже.

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