Sql код ошибки 100

The table below lists the SQL numeric error codes and their error messages for InterSystems IRIS® data platform. These codes are returned as the SQLCODE variable value.


While this document lists error codes as negative values, JDBC and ODBC clients always receive positive values. For example, if an ODBC or JDBC application returns error code 30, look up error code -30 in this table.

SQLCODE 0 and 100

There are two SQLCODE values that do not represent an SQL error:

SQL Error Codes 0 and 100

Error Code Description
0 Successful Completion
100 No (more) data
  • SQLCODE=0 indicates successful completion of an SQL operation. For a SELECT statement, this usually means the successful retrieval of data from a table. However, if the SELECT performs an aggregate operation, (for example: SELECT SUM(myfield)) the aggregate operation is successful and an SQLCODE=0 is issued even when there is no data in myfield; in this case SUM returns NULL and %ROWCOUNT=1.

  • SQLCODE=100 indicates that the SQL operation was successful, but found no data to act upon. This can occur for a number of reasons. For a SELECT these include: the specified table contains no data; the table contains no data that satisfies the query criteria; or row retrieval has reached the final row of the table. For an UPDATE or DELETE these include: the specified table contains no data; or the table contains no row of data that satisfies the WHERE clause criteria. In these cases %ROWCOUNT=0.

    In Embedded SQL, when SQLCODE=100 the output host variables specified in the INTO clause are nulled.


The SQLCODE -400 error “Fatal error occurred” is a general error. It is generated when a more specific SQLCODE error code is not available.

Retrieving SQL Message Texts

To determine the meaning of an SQLCODE numeric code, use the following ObjectScript statement:


This SQLCODE()Opens in a new tab method can also be called as a stored procedure: %SYSTEM_SQL.Functions_SQLCODE(-nnn).

When possible (usually at SQL compile time), error messages include the name of the field, table, view, or other element that caused the error. Placeholders for these names are shown using the <name> syntax convention.

The %msg variable may contain an additional message error text for certain errors. For further details, refer to System Variables in the “Using Embedded SQL” chapter of Using InterSystems SQL.

The message texts returned are shown below in their English versions. The actual message text returned depends upon your locale setting.

For information on generating ObjectScript general errors from SQLCODE errors, refer to the %SYSTEM.ErrorOpens in a new tab class in the InterSystems Class Reference.

Table of SQL Error Codes and Messages

For ease of use, the SQL Error Codes Table has been divided into the following sub-tables:

  • Error Codes 0 and 100

  • Error Codes -1 to -99

  • Error Codes -101 to -399

  • Error Codes -400 to -500

  • WinSock Error Codes -10050 to -11002

SQL Error Codes -1 to -99

Error Code Description
-1 Invalid SQL statement
-2 Exponent digits missing after ‘E’
-3 Closing quote («) missing
-4 A term expected, beginning with one of the following: identifier, constant, aggregate, %ALPHAUP, %EXACT, %MVR, %SQLSTRING, %SQLUPPER, %STRING, %UPPER, $$, :, +, -, (, NOT, EXISTS, or FOR
-5 Column number specified in ORDER does not match SELECT list
-6 ORDER BY column after UNION not found as SELECT column
-7 Exponent out of range
-9 Incompatible SELECT lists used in UNION
-10 The SELECT list of the subquery must have exactly one item
-11 A scalar expression expected, not a condition
-12 A term expected, beginning with one of the following: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$, :, (, +, -, %ALPHAUP, %EXACT, %MVR, %SQLSTRING, %SQLUPPER, %STRING, or %UPPER
-13 An expression other than a subquery expected here
-14 A comparison operator is required here
-15 A condition expected after NOT
-16 Quantifier SOME expected after the FOR in the for-expression
-17 A for-condition expected after the ( in the for-expression
-18 IS (or IS NOT) NULL predicate can be applied only to a field
-19 An aggregate function cannot be used in a WHERE or GROUP BY clause
-20 Name conflict in the FROM list over label
-21 Pointer->Field reference may not be modified by an INSERT or UPDATE statement
-22 ORDER must specify column names, not numbers, when after ‘SELECT *’
-23 Label is not listed among the applicable tables
-24 Ambiguous sort column
-25 Input encountered after end of query
-26 Missing FROM clause
-27 Field is ambiguous among the applicable tables
-28 Host variable name must begin with either % or a letter
-29 Field not found in the applicable tables
-30 Table or view not found
-31 Field not (found/unique) in table(s)
-32 Outer-join symbol ( =* or *= ) must be between two fields
-33 No field(s) found for table
-34 Optimizer failed to find a usable join order
-35 INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE not allowed for non-updateable view
-36 WITH CHECK OPTION (CHECKOPTION class parameter) not allowed for non-updateable views
-37 SQL Scalar/Aggregate/Unary function not supported for Stream fields
-38 No master map for table
-39 No RowID field for table
-40 ODBC escape extension not supported
-41 An extrinsic function call must have the form ‘$$tag^routine(…)’
-42 Closing quotes («») missing following pattern match
-43 Table is ambiguous within #IMPORT schema name list
-44 Duplicate method or query characteristic
-45 Duplicate method in ObjectScript query body
-46 Required method missing in ObjectScript query body
-47 Invalid method or query characteristic
-48 Invalid trigger REFERENCING clause for the trigger’s event
-49 Trigger REFERENCING clause cannot be specified when trigger language not SQL
-50 Trigger specifies UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause when trigger language not SQL
-51 SQL statement expected
-52 Cursor (Already/Was Not) DECLAREd
-53 Constant or variable expected as new value
-54 Array designator (last subscript omitted) expected after VALUES
-55 Invalid GRANT <role> TO or REVOKE <role> FROM
-56 GRANT/REVOKE Action not applicable to an object of this type
-57 Trigger specifies WHEN clause when trigger language not SQL
-58 Duplicate field found in trigger UPDATE OF <fieldlist> clause
-59 Cannot have more than one field
-60 An action (%ALTER, SELECT, UPDATE, etc.) expected
-61 Cursor not updateable
-62 Additional new values expected for INSERT/UPDATE
-63 Data exception — invalid escape character
-64 Incompatible SELECT list is used in INSERT
-65 Positive integer constant or variable expected
-66 Redundant fields found in SELECT list
-67 Implicit join (arrow syntax) not supported in ON clause
-68 Legacy outer join (=*, *=) not supported in ON clause
-69 SET <field> = <value expression> not allowed with WHERE CURRENT OF <cursor>
-70 Multi-Line field only valid for LIKE, Contains ([), or NULL Comparison.
-71 Multi-Line field must be the left operand of the Comparison.
-72 Multi-Line field not valid in ORDER BY clause
-73 Aggregates not supported in ORDER BY clause
-74 Duplicate <select-list> alias names found
-75 <trim_spec> and/or <trim_char> required before FROM in TRIM function.
-76 Cardinality mismatch between the SELECT-list and INTO-list.
-77 Qualified column reference not allowed in this JOIN context.
-78 Invalid transaction state.
-79 Referencing key and referenced key must be the same size
-80 Integer expected
-81 Column Constraint expected
-82 Multiple table %DESCRIPTION definitions found
-83 Multiple table %FILE definitions found
-84 Multiple table %NUMROWS definitions found
-85 Multiple table %ROUTINE definitions found
-86 Invalid field definition, no datatype defined
-87 Invalid table name
-88 Invalid field name
-89 Invalid index name
-90 Invalid view name
-91 Transaction mode cannot be specified more than once
-92 Level of isolation cannot be READ UNCOMMITTED or READ VERIFIED if READ WRITE specified
-93 number of conditions for the DIAGNOSTICS SIZE must be exact numeric
-94 Unsupported usage of OUTER JOIN
-95 Operation disallowed by operation table
-96 Specified level of isolation is not supported
-97 Duplicate select-list names found.
-98 License violation
-99 Privilege violation

SQL Error Codes -101 to -399

Error Code Description
-101 Attempt to open a cursor that is already open
-102 Operation (FETCH/CLOSE/UPDATE/DELETE/…) attempted on an unopened cursor
-103 Positioned UPDATE or DELETE attempted, but the cursor is not positioned on any row
-104 Field validation failed in INSERT, or value failed to convert in DisplayToLogical or OdbcToLogical
-105 Field validation failed in UPDATE
-106 Row to DELETE not found
-107 Cannot UPDATE RowID or RowID based on fields
-108 Required field missing; INSERT or UPDATE not allowed
-109 Cannot find the row designated for UPDATE
-110 Locking conflict in filing
-111 Cannot INSERT into a ‘Default Only’ RowID or RowID based on field
-112 Access violation
-113 %THRESHOLD violation
-114 One or more matching rows is locked by another user
-115 Cannot INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE on a read only table
-116 Cardinality mismatch on INSERT/UPDATE between values list and number of table columns.
-117 Aggregates not supported in views
-118 Unknown or non-unique User or Role
-119 UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint failed uniqueness check upon INSERT
-120 UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint failed uniqueness check upon UPDATE
-121 FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon INSERT of row in referencing table
-122 FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referencing table
-123 FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon UPDATE of row in referenced table
-124 FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon DELETE of row in referenced table
-125 UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY Constraint failed uniqueness check upon creation of the constraint
-126 REVOKE with RESTRICT failed.
-127 FOREIGN KEY Constraint failed referential check upon creation of the constraint
-128 Argument to scalar function %OBJECT() must be a stream field
-129 Illegal value for SET OPTION locale property
-130 Before Insert trigger failed
-131 After Insert trigger failed
-132 Before Update trigger failed
-133 After Update trigger failed
-134 Before Delete trigger failed
-135 After Delete trigger failed
-136 View’s WITH CHECK OPTION validation failed in INSERT
-137 View’s WITH CHECK OPTION validation failed in UPDATE
-138 Cannot INSERT/UPDATE a value for a read only field
-139 Concurrency failure on update: row versions not the same
-140 Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function
-141 Invalid input value passed to the CONVERT function
-142 Cardinality mismatch between the view-column-list and view query’s SELECT clause
-143 ORDER BY not valid in a view’s query
-144 A subquery is not allowed in an insert statement’s set/values clause
-145 SQLPREVENTFULLSCAN class parameter is 1 for this table. Query that performs full scan of data map is not allowed
-146 Unable to convert date input to a valid logical date value
-147 Unable to convert time input to a valid logical time value
-148 CREATE VIEW, ALTER VIEW, or a view’s query may not contain host variable references
-149 SQL Function encountered an error
-150 Optimistic concurrency locking for a class definition failed
-151 Index is not found within tables used by this statement
-152 Index is ambiguous within tables used by this statement
-153 SQL compile options comment contains invalid JSON string
-154 Cannot UPDATE fields that are part of the shard key
-155 INSERT/UPDATE into external (linked) cannot use an array variable for input of new values
-161 References to an SQL connection must constitute a whole subquery
-162 SQL Connection is not defined
-163 Heterogeneous queries via the JDBC gateway are not supported
-180 Model name not unique
-181 Model or Trained Model not found
-182 No query is defined for the model
-183 Predicting Column cannot appear in the specified WITH column list
-184 Provider class not found
-185 Predicting Column only has one unique value in the dataset
-186 Model’s Provider is unavailable on this instance
-187 ML Configuration not found
-188 ML Configuration property is not supported for this provider
-189 Cannot DROP the System Default ML Configuration
-190 IntegratedML not permitted with current license
-191 Model has no default trained model. It may not have been trained.
-192 ML Configuration name not unique
-193 Model Column / With Column type mismatch
-194 Cannot specify NOT DEFAULT when the Trained Model name is the same as the Model’s DefaultTrainedModel
-201 Table or view name not unique
-220 Gateway query error
-221 Gateway query GetConnection() failed
-222 Gateway query AllocStatement() failed
-223 Gateway query Prepare() failed
-225 Gateway query BindParameters() failed
-226 Gateway query Execute() failed
-227 Gateway query Fetch() failed
-228 Gateway query GetData() failed
-229 Foreign table query error
-230 Foreign tables Execute() failed
-231 Foreign tables Fetch() failed
-232 Foreign tables Close() failed
-233 Cardinality mismatch between COLUMNS/VALUES clause and number of table columns
-234 Invalid foreign server type
-235 Invalid foreign data wrapper
-241 Parallel query queue error
-242 Parallel query run-time error
-251 Sharded query queue error
-252 Sharded query run-time error
-253 Sharded INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE run-time error
-300 DDL not allowed on this table definition
-301 No Savepoint name
-302 Savepoint names starting with «SYS» are reserved
-303 No implicit conversion of Stream value to non-Stream field in UPDATE assignment is supported
-304 Attempt to add a NOT NULL field with no default value to a table which contains data
-305 Attempt to make field required when the table has one or more rows where the column value is NULL
-306 Column with this name already exists
-307 Primary key already defined for this table
-308 Identity column already defined for this table
-309 The left operand of %CONTAINS is not a property that supports the %Text interface
-310 Foreign key references non-existent table
-311 Foreign key with same name already defined for this table
-312 Invalid schema name. Must use delimited identifiers to reference this schema name
-313 Condition expression not supported for Stream fields
-314 Foreign key references non-unique key/column collection
-315 Constraint or Key not found
-316 Foreign key references non-existent key/column collection
-317 Cannot DROP Constraint — One or more Foreign Key constraints reference this Unique constraint
-319 Referenced table has no primary key defined
-320 Cannot DROP table — One or more Foreign Key constraints reference this table
-321 Cannot DROP view — One or more views reference this view
-322 Cannot DROP column — column is defined on one or more indexes or constraints
-324 Index with this name already defined for this table
-325 Index cannot be dropped because it is the IDKEY index and the table has data
-326 Duplicate TUNE TABLE option clause found
-327 Duplicate table option found
-328 Duplicate foreign server option found
-329 Required foreign server option missing
-333 No such index defined
-334 Index name is ambiguous. Index found in multiple tables.
-340 No such database (namespace) defined
-341 Database file already exists
-342 Cannot delete system namespace
-343 Invalid database name
-344 Cannot drop database that you are currently using or connected to
-350 An unexpected error occurred executing SqlComputeCode
-356 SQL Function (function stored procedure) is not defined to return a value
-357 SQL Function (function stored procedure) is not defined as a function procedure
-358 SQL Function (function stored procedure) name not unique
-359 SQL Function (function stored procedure) not found
-360 Class not found
-361 Method or Query name not unique
-362 Method or Query not found
-363 Trigger not found
-364 Trigger with same EVENT, TIME, and ORDER already defined
-365 Trigger name not unique
-366 Schema name mismatch between trigger name and table name
-370 SQL CALL, more arguments specified than defined in the stored procedure
-371 :HVar = CALL … Specified for a procedure which does not return a value
-372 Support for extrinsic function calls are disabled
-373 An extrinsic function call may not call a % routine
-374 Cannot alter the datatype of a field to/from a stream type when the table contains data
-375 Cannot ROLLBACK to unestablished savepoint
-376 Unsupported CAST target specified
-377 Field appears more than once in assignment list of insert or update statement
-378 Datatype mismatch, explicit CAST is required
-380 Invalid or Missing argument to scalar function
-381 Too many arguments to scalar function

SQL Error Codes -400 to -500

Error Code Description
-400 Fatal error occurred
-401 Fatal Connection error
-402 Invalid Username/Password
-405 Unable to read from communication device
-406 Unable to Write to Server
-407 Unable to Write to Server Master
-408 Unable to start server
-409 Invalid server function
-410 Invalid Directory
-411 No stream object defined for field
-412 General stream error
-413 Incompatible client/server protocol
-415 Fatal error occurred within the SQL filer
-416 Info Error
-417 Security Error
-422 SELECT request processed via ODBC, JDBC, or Dynamic SQL cannot contain an INTO clause
-425 Error processing stored procedure request
-426 Error preparing stored procedure
-427 Invalid stored procedure name
-428 Stored procedure not found
-429 Invalid number of input/output parameters for stored procedure
-430 Cannot initialize procedure context
-431 Stored procedure parameter type mismatch
-432 Function returned multiple rows when only a single value is expected
-450 Request timed out due to user timeout
-451 Unable to receive server message
-452 Message sequencing error
-453 Error in user initialization code
-454 Error sending external interrupt request
-456 SQL query execution interrupted by user
-459 Kerberos authentication failure
-460 General error
-461 Communication link failure
-462 Memory allocation failure
-463 Invalid column number
-464 Function sequence error
-465 Invalid string or buffer length
-466 Invalid parameter number
-467 Column type out of range
-468 Fetch type out of range
-469 Driver not capable
-470 Option value changed
-471 Duplicate cursor name
-472 A collection-valued property was expected
-473 Schema not found
-475 Schema is not empty
-476 Schema already exists
-478 Query recompiled: Result Set mismatch
-500 Fetch row count limit reached

WinSock Error Codes -10050 to -11002

Error Code Description
-10050 WinSock: Network is down
-10051 WinSock: Network is unreachable
-10052 WinSock: Net dropped connection or reset
-10054 WinSock: Connection reset by peer (due to timeout or reboot)
-10055 WinSock: No buffer space available
-10056 WinSock: Socket is already connected
-10057 WinSock: Socket is not connected
-10058 WinSock: Cannot send after socket shutdown
-10060 WinSock: Connection timed out
-10061 WinSock: Connection refused
-10064 WinSock: Host is down
-10065 WinSock: No route to host
-10070 WinSock: Stale NFS file handle
-10091 WinSock: Network subsystem is unavailable
-10092 WinSock: WINSOCK DLL version out of range
-10093 WinSock: Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed
-11001 WinSock: Host not found
-11002 WinSock: Nonauthoritative host not found

I have following query

SELECT a.col1 into v_acc_account FROM account_t a
WHERE a.col1=<input paramter> FOR UPDATE OF a.col1 NOWAIT;

The statement returns sqlcode of 100 and does not throw exception

From oracle documentation I understand that the errorcode is accompanied by an exception. What may be the reason behind this behavior.

The return code 100 explains ‘DATA NOT FOUND», we have data for the select query.

Data not found means, the select is failing or the locks not available.

any help much appreciated


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  • 3. Click «Repair» to fix any errors detected by the scan
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    You may have encountered an error code saying ora error 100. Now there are several ways to solve this problem, and we will return to them shortly. SQLCODE=100 indicates that the particular SQL operation completed successfully but found no data to process. This may be due to a number of related events. SELECT is concerned with the following: The specified table certainly does not contain data; the table does not contain data that primarily matches the query criteria; or the row fetch has reached the last band in the table.

    Find out the reason for fixing the ORA-00100 error message through Oracle.


    Stop wasting time with computer errors.

    Your computer is running slow and you�re getting errors? Don�t worry, ASR Pro can fix it. ASR Pro will find out what is wrong with your PC and repair Windows registry issues that are causing a wide range of problems for you. You don�t have to be an expert in computers or software � ASR Pro does all the work for you. The application will also detect files and applications that are crashing frequently, and allow you to fix their problems with a single click. Click this now:

    When clients encounter the ORA-00100 error, an appropriate error message is displayed:

  • ORA-00100: no data found
  • Reason

    What is Oracle error code for exception connection is null?

    Error code: 71. Reason. A null pointer exception occurs when you set the value instance of to differ from the value object.

    The application was trying to find data that was not available or didn’t exist.



    Possibility. 1

    This error should be handled as part of the approach. Set up the app accordingly.

      When start=”1″>

    1. Or When I Open The Application, I Get An Oracle Error Code -100.
      What Is Usual?

      thank You Not You

    2. ORA-00100: Data Found
      Cause. The App Referred To Unknown, Possibly Inaccessible Data.

      ora Error 100

      Action: Eliminate This Dilemma In The Application, Or Make Satisfactory Changes To The Application Code. Note. If The Application Uses SQL Mode In Oracle Instead Of SQL, ORA-01403 May Be Generated In Au Mode Instead Of ORA-00100.

      Sanjay G.
      Oracle Certified Professional 8i, 9i.

      “Details Of Normality In A Database Can Be Described As Inversely Proportional To Its Final DBA”

      < /quote>

    3. This is a standard error indicating that the data you are obviously looking for cannot be found. This type of error can only be detected by debugging the monitored application. Give your brain a little and find out for yourself


    Or At -100

    When I open the application I get an Oracle error code -100.
    What was it?

    What is the meaning of Sqlcode?

    SQLCODE is a powerful integer variable where the DBMS changes the state of the last executed SQL statement. See the Embedded Companion sql guide for details on your own declaration requirements.denial of the SQLCODE aspect in embedded programs.


    Sanjay is G.
    Oracle Certified Professional 8i, 9i.

    “The degree of normality in a brand new database is inversely proportional to the level of the DBA”


    ORA-00100: files not found
    Cause: The application referred to recognized or inaccessible data.

    How do I fix an ORA error?

    Option 1. You make it clear that the real TNSNAMES.ORA file is also located in the protection tools directory.Option 2: Make sure the names of the products and services you are connecting to include TNSNAMES in. ORA and it is correctly defined.Option 3: Make sure that some of these TNSNAMEs do not contain syntax errors. OPA file.

    Action: Eliminate this type of condition in the application, or make appropriate changes to the application code. Note. If the application uses Oracle mode instead of SQL in sql, ORA-01403 will be generated in Ansi mode instead of ORA-00100.

    ORA-00100: not found
    Reason: Data The application received a link to or unknown inaccessible computer files.

    ora error 100

    Action: Correct this condition in the application, or make appropriate changes to the application code. Note. If you see that the application is using SQL instead of mode, pleaseIn general Oracle, for SQL ORA-01403 is being developed in Ansi mode instead of ORA-00100.Color=”red”>”Der


    This is a known bug indicating that the data you are looking for cannot be found. These types of errors can only be tracked down by debugging the application. Give your brain a little exercise and find it yourself

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  • Blog entry about Oracle error codes? Maybe even curiosities?

    If buyers are in doubt that this could be any more affordable or interesting, schedule these two questions:

    Can a big bug in Oracle have more than one human code?What’s wrong?

    If you answered “Yes” yourself the first time, and then also answered “Yes” and “No”, you probably don’t need to hear this message.


    Oracle Errors With More Than One Error Code?

    But is it true that there is at least one bug that links two only different error codes at home and is one of the many common “bugs” you will run into in your favorite code:

    What is Ora 01403 No data found?

    The ORA-01403 error is related to SQL parsing, which was supposed to return all the data you needed, but the data was not found. The error is usually associated with SELECT INTO clauses, rows that can retrieve sets of columns from a list. Write an exception that “if nations NO_DATA_FOUND return ‘No content in selected variable’”.

    When I execute your SELECT INTO statement, Oracle returns NO_DATA_FOUND if no rows were found for the query. It fires too_many_rows when multiple rows can be found.


    Something that shows conforms to these rules. I’m creating a chart with no data. So my SELECT-INTO finds no rows and no error because the message displayed (there was no exception from this rule engine) shows that the error encodes -1403 (or is it something like 1403? I’ll look at that quirk later).

    CREATE TABLE t (n COUNT)/EXPLAIN   l_n NUMBER;BEGIN   N select INTO FROM l_n t;END;/ORA-01403: data not found 

    Now I will handle the exception, first with OTHERS, then with WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND, and I will display the profit returned by SQLCODE.

    EXPLAIN  L_n NUMBER;BEGIN    SELECT FROM nINTOL_n t;AN EXCEPTION   IF OTHER   THEN      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error code is || ' SQLCODE);END;/Error code 100EXPLAIN = l_n number;begin  SELECT n INTO l_n FROM t;AN EXCEPTION   IF no_data_found  THEN      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error code = || sqlcode code);End;/Error=100

    This is, of course, very strange. How can it be good? You say exactly that: buy the best answer, since the source in this case is the actual code of the STANDARD package, which defines many data types and exceptions in the PL/SQL.STANDARD language, the owners in will find:

    Click here to get a complimentary download of this powerful PC optimization tool.

    Of Een Fout 100
    Eller Fel 100
    Oder Fehler 100
    Blad Czasu 100
    Ili Oshibka 100
    Ora Erro 100
    오류 100
    Ou Une Erreur 100
    Ora Error 100
    Ora Errore 100

    Hudson Joseph

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    SQL Return Codes are used on a day-to-day basis for the diagnosis of programming failures as a result of SQL calls by IBM Db2 programs. An important feature of IBM Db2 programs is the error processing. The error diagnostic containing the SQL Return Code is held in the field SQLCODE within the Db2 SQLCA block.

    SQLCODE is no longer part of the SQL-standard. The SQL-standard replaced SQLCODE by the more detailed SQLSTATE.


    The SQL communications area (SQLCA) structure is used within the IBM Db2 program to return feedback to the application program.


    The SQLCODE field contains the SQL return code. The code can be zero (0), negative or positive:

    • 0 means that the execution was successful.
    • Negative values indicate an unsuccessful execution with an error.
      An example is -911, which means that a timeout has occurred with a rollback.
    • Positive value mean a successful execution with a warning.
      An example is +100, which means that no matching rows were found or that the cursor has reached the end of the table.

    Here is a more comprehensive list of the SQLCODEs for DB2. Note that this list is not exhaustive. Also note that some SQLCODEs may only occur in specific Db2 products; e.g., only on Db2 z/OS, only on Db2 LUW, or only on Db2 for IBM i.

    Zero (Successful)[edit]

      0    Successful

    Negative values (Errors)[edit]

    -007 The specified ‘character’ is not a valid character in SQL statements.
    -010 THE string constant beginning with string is not terminated properly.
    -029 INTO Clause required.
    -060 INVALID type SPECIFICATION : spec
    -084 Unacceptable SQL statement.
    -101 The statement is too long or too complex.
    -102 String constant is too long.
    -103 String constant is too long. Max is 128 characters.
    -104 Illegal symbol encountered in the SQL statement.
    -105 String constant is too long.
    -117 The number of values in the INSERT does not match the number of columns.
    -119 Error in GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
    -122 Column or Expression in the Select List is not valid
    -156 Invalid syntax near keyword.
    -180 Bad data in Date/Time/Timestamp.
    -181 Bad data in Date/Time/Timestamp.
    -188 The host variable in a DESCRIBE statement is not a valid string representation of a name.
    -199 Illegal use of the specified keyword.
    -204 Object not defined to Db2.
    -205 Column name not in table.
    -206 Column does not exist in any table of the SELECT.
    -207 Invalid column name.
    -209 Ambiguous column name
    -216 Not the same number of expressions on both sides of the comparison in a SELECT.
    -224 FETCH cannot make an INSENSITIVE cursor SENSITIVE.
    -229 The locale specified in a SET LOCALE statement was not found.
    -257 Implicit conversion in datatype is not allowed.
    -289 Db2 is running out of space in tablespace
    -305 Null indicator needed.
    -310 The value of a decimal is null
    -311 Varchar, insert or update. -LEN field with the right data length not set.
    -313 The number of host variables specified is not equal to the number of parameter markers.
    -401 The data types of the operands of an operation are not compatible.
    -404 The Sql Statement specified contains a String that is too long.
    -408 A value is not compatible with the data type of its assignment target. Target name is «<name>». (***OBS: Para alguns casos o CAST resolve )
    -413 Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion.
    -414 A like predicate is invalid because the first operand is not a string.
    -415 The corresponding columns, column-number, of the operands of a set operator are not compatible.
    -418 Use of parameter marker not valid.
    -420 The value of a string argument was not acceptable to the ‘function-name’ function
    -433 The data is too large
    -438 Application raised error with diagnostic text: text
    -440 Routine &1 in &2 not found with specified parameters.A function or procedure with the specified name and compatible arguments was not found.[1]
    -482 The procedure returned no locators.
    -501 Cursor not open on FETCH.
    -502 Opening cursor that is already open.
    -503 Updating column needs to be specified.
    -504 Cursor name not declared.
    -510 The Table designated by the cursor of the Update or Delete statement cannot be modified.
    -530 Referential integrity preventing the INSERT/UPDATE
    -532 Referential integrity (DELETE RESTRICT rule) preventing the DELETE.
    -536 Referential integrity (DELETE RESTRICT rule) preventing the DELETE.
    -545 Check constraint preventing the INSERT/UPDATE.
    -551 Authorization failure.
    -554 An authorization ID or a role cannot GRANT a privilege to itself.
    -601 You tried to create an object that already exists
    -602 Too many columns specified in a create index.
    -603 a unique index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified columns and periods
    -604 a data type definition specifies an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute
    -607 operation or option operation is not defined for this object
    -610 warning: a create/alter on object has placed object in pending
    -611 only lockmax 0 can be specified when the lock size of the tablespace is tablespace or table
    -612 identifier is a duplicate name
    -613 the primary key or a hash key or a unique constraint is too long or has too many columns and periods
    -614 the index cannot be created or altered, or the length of a column cannot be changed because the sum of the internal lengths of the columns for the index is greater than the allowable maximum
    -615 operation-type is not allowed on a package in use
    -616 obj-type1 obj-name1 cannot be dropped because it is referenced by obj-type2 obj-name2
    -617 a type 1 index is not valid for table
    -618 operation operation is not allowed on system databases
    -619 operation disallowed because the database is not stopped
    -620 keyword keyword in stmt-type statement is not permitted for a space-type space in the database-type database
    -621 duplicate dbid dbid was detected and previously assigned to database-name
    -622 for mixed data is invalid because the mixed data install option is no
    -623 cluster is not valid for table-name
    -624 table table-name already has a primary key or unique constraint with specified columns and periods
    -625 table table-name does not have an index to enforce the uniqueness of the primary or unique key
    -625 warning: the definition of table has been changed to incomplete
    -626 the alter statement is not executable because the page set is not stopped
    -627 the alter statement is invalid because the table space or index has user-managed data sets
    -628 the clauses are mutually exclusive
    -629 set null cannot be specified because foreign key name cannot contain null values
    -630 error: the WHERE NOT NULL specification is invalid for type 1 indexes
    -631 foreign key name is too long or has too many columns
    -632 the table cannot be defined as a dependent of table-name because of DELETE rule restrictions
    -633 the DELETE rule must be DELETE-rule
    -634 the DELETE rule must not be cascade
    -635 the DELETE rules cannot be different or cannot be set null
    -636 ranges specified for partition part-num are not valid
    -637 duplicate keyword-name keyword or clause
    -638 table table-name cannot be created because column definition is missing
    -639 a nullable column of a foreign key with a DELETE rule of set null cannot be a column of the key of a partitioned index
    -640 locksize row cannot be specified because table in this tablespace has type 1 index
    -642 too many columns in unique constraints
    -643 a check constraint or the value of an expression for a column of an index exceeds the maximum allowable length key expression
    -644 invalid value specified for keyword or clause keyword-or-clause in statement stmt-type
    -645 WHERE NOT NULL is ignored because the index key cannot contain null values
    -646 table table-name cannot be created in specified table space table-space-name because it already contains a table
    -647 bufferpool bp-name for implicit or explicit tablespace or indexspace name has not been activated
    -650 the alter statement cannot be executed, reason reason-code copyright 2014 TheAmericanProgrammer.com Unauthorized copying prohibited
    -651 table description exceeds maximum size of object descriptor.
    -652 violation of installation defined edit or validation procedure proc-name
    -653 table table-name in partitioned table space tspace-name is not available because its partitioned index has not been created
    -655 the create or alter stogroup is invalid because the storage group would have both specific and non-specific volume ids
    -658 a object-type cannot be dropped using the statement statement
    -660 index index-name cannot be created or altered on partitioned table space tspace-name because key limits are not specified
    -661 object-type object-name cannot be created on partitioned table space tspace-name because the number of partition specifications is not equal to the number of partitions of the table space
    -662 a partitioned index cannot be created on a table space, or a table space cannot be index-controlled. table space tspace-name, reason reason-code
    -663 the number of key limit values is either zero, or greater than the number of columns in the key of index index-name
    -664 the internal length of the limit-key fields for the partitioned index exceeds the length imposed by the index manager
    -665 the partition clause of an alter statement is omitted or invalid
    -666 stmt-verb object cannot be executed because function is in progress
    -667 the clustering index for a partitioned table space cannot be explicitly dropped
    -668 the column cannot be added to the table because the table has an edit procedure defined with row attribute sensitivity
    -669 the object cannot be explicitly dropped. reason reason-code
    -670 the record length of the table exceeds the page size limit
    -671 the bufferpool attribute of the table space cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the table space
    -672 operation drop not allowed on table table_name
    -676 the physical characteristics of the index are incompatible with respect to the specified statement. the statement has failed. reason reason-code
    -677 insufficient virtual storage for bufferpool expansion
    -678 the constant specified for the index limit key must conform to the data type data-type of the corresponding column column-name
    -679 the object name cannot be created because a drop is pending on the object
    -680 too many columns specified for a table, view or table function
    -681 column column-name in violation of installation defined field procedure. rt: return-code, rs: reason-code, msg: message-token
    -682 field procedure procedure-name could not be loaded
    -683 the specification for column, distinct type, function, or procedure data-item contains incompatible clauses
    -684 the length of constant list beginning string is too long
    -685 invalid field type, column-name
    -686 column defined with a field procedure can not compare with another column with different field procedure
    -687 field types incomparable
    -688 incorrect data returned from field procedure, column-name, msgno
    -689 too many columns defined for a dependent table
    -690 the statement is rejected by data definition control support. reason reason-code
    -691 the required registration table table-name does not exist
    -692 the required unique index index-name for ddl registration table table-name does not exist
    -693 the column column-name in ddl registration table or index name is not defined properly
    -694 the schema statement cannot be executed because a drop is pending on the ddl registration table table-name
    -694 the ddl statement cannot be executed because a drop is pending on the ddl registration table
    -695 invalid value seclabel specified for security label column of table table-name
    -696 the definition of trigger trigger-name includes an invalid use of correlation name or transition table name name. reason code=reason-code
    -697 old or new correlation names are not allowed in a trigger defined with the for each statement clause. old_table or new_table names are not allowed in a trigger with the before clause.
    -747 The table is not available.
    -803 Duplicate key on insert or update.
    -804 Error in input parameters for the SQL statement.
    -805 DBRM or package not found in plan.
    -811 More than one row retrieved in SELECT INTO.
    -818 Plan and program: timestamp mismatch.
    -902 Pointer to Essential Control Block(RDA/CT) has value 0, Rebind Required. This may also occur if one of the DB volumes is still present, but inaccessible.
    -904 Unavailable resource. Someone else is locking your data.
    -911 Deadlock or timeout. Rollback has been done.
    -913 Deadlock or timeout. No rollback.
    -922 Authorization needed.
    -924 Db2 Connection internal error.
    -927 The language interface was called but no connection had been made.
    -955 Sort memory cannot be allocated to process the statement.
    -964 The transaction log space is depleted or temporary increase in the number of active transactions.
    -970 wrong (also missing) permissions on Db2 file systems / Db2 filesystems owned by root.
    -998 Error occurred during transaction or heuristic processing.
    -2310 The utility could not generate statistics
    -3508 Load Error accessing scratch space. Error in accessing a file or path of type «TEMP_FILE» during load or load query. The scratch directory where the msg files in a load job are stored does not have the required permissions.
    -7008 The object that is specified is not valid for the requested operation.
    -10330 Permission denied to change database. Contact system administrator.
    -30090 Remote operation invalid for application execution environment.


    Positive Values (Warnings)[edit]

      +98 A dynamic SQL statement ends with a semicolon
    +100 Row not found or end of cursor.
    +222 Trying to fetch a row within a DELETE statement.
    +223 Trying to fetch a row within an UPDATE statement.
    +231 FETCH after a BEFORE or AFTER but not on a valid row.
    +304 A value with data type (data type 1) cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable in position (position number) with data type (data type 2)
    +354 A rowset fetch statement may have returned one or more rows of data. however, one or more warning conditions were also encountered. use the get diagnostics statement for more information regarding the conditions that were encountered
    +562 A grant of a privilege was ignored because the grantee already has the privilege from the grantor.
    +802 The null indicator was set to -2 as an arithmetic.


    1. ^ «IBM Docs».
    • «DB2 Version 9.1 for z/OS Codes» (PDF). September 2013.
    • «DB2 SQL CODE Description and solutions».
    • «SQL codes». September 2013.

    This page contains an Oracle SQLCODE list of errors that you may encounter when working with Oracle SQL. The codes are ANSI-standard, which means you should find them with all relational databases.s

    The list of SQLCODE messages is shown below.

    Code Explanation -7 Statement contains the illegal character character -10 The string constant beginning string is not terminated -29 Into clause required -60 Invalid type specification : spec -84 Unacceptable SQL statement -101 The statement is too long or too complex -102 Literal string is too long. string begins string -103 literal is an invalid numeric literal -104 Illegal symbol “token”. some symbols that might be legal are: token-list -105 Invalid string -107 The name name is too long. maximum allowable size is size -109 clause clause is not permitted -110 Invalid hexadecimal literal beginning string -111 A column function does not include a column name -112 The operand of a column function is another column function -113 Invalid character found in string, reason code – nnn -114 The location name location does not match the current server -115 A predicate is invalid because the comparison operator operator is followed by a parenthesized list or by any or all without a subquery -117 The number of insert values is not the same as the number of object columns -118 The object table or view of the insert, delete, or update statement is also identified in a from clause -119 A column identified in a having clause is not included in the group by clause -120 A where clause or set clause includes a column function -121 The column name is identified more than once in the insert or update statement -122 A select statement with no group by clause contains a column name and a column function in the select clause or a column name is contained in the select clause but not in the group by clause -125 An integer in the order by clause does not identify a column of the result -126 The select statement contains both an update clause and an order by clause -127 Distinct is specified more than once in a subselect -128 Invalid use of NULL in a predicate -129 The statement contains too many table names -130 The escape clause consists of more than one character, or the string pattern contains an invalid occurrence of the escape character -131 Statement with like predicate has incompatible data types -132 A like predicate is invalid because the second operand is not a string -133 A column function in a subquery of a having clause is invalid because all column references in its argument are not correlated to the group by result that the having clause is applied to -134 Improper use of long string column column-name or a host variable of maximum length greater than 254 -136 Sort cannot be executed because the sort key length is greater than 4000 bytes -137 Result of concatenation too long -138 The second or third argument of the substr function is out of range -144 Invalid section number number -150 The object of the insert, delete, or update statement is a view for which the requested operation is not permitted -151 The update statement is invalid because the catalog description of column column-name indicates that it cannot be updated -152 The drop clause clause in the alter statement is invalid because constraint-name is a constraint-type -153 The create view statement does not include a required column list -154 The create view failed because the view definition contains a union, a union all, or a remote object -156 The statement does not identify a table -157 Only a table name can be specified in a foreign key clause. object-name is not the name of a table. -158 The number of columns specified for the view is not the same as the number of columns specified by the select clause -159 Drop or comment on token identifies a(n) token rather than a(n) token -160 The with check option cannot be used for the specified view -161 The insert or update is not allowed because a resulting row does not satisfy the view definition -164 auth-id1 does not have the privilege to create a view with qualification authorization id -170 The number of arguments specified for function-name is invalid -171 The data type, length, or value of argument nn of function-name is invalid -173 UR is specified on the with clause but the cursor is not read-only -180 The string representation of a datetime value has invalid syntax -181 The string representation of a datetime value is not a valid datetime value -182 An arithmetic expression with a datetime value is invalid -183 An arithmetic operation on a date or timestamp has a result that is not within the valid range of dates -184 An arithmetic expression with a datetime value contains a parameter marker -185 The local format option has been used with a date or time and no local exit has been installed -186 The local date length or local time length has been increased and executing program relies on the old length -187 A reference to a current date/time special register is invalid because the mvs tod clock is bad or the mvs parmtz is out of range -188 The string representation of a name is invalid -189 Ccsid ccsid is unknown or invalid for the data type or subtype -191 A string cannot be used because it is invalid mixed data -197 Qualified column names in order by clause not permitted when union or union all specified -198 The operand of the prepare or execute immediate statement is blank or empty -199 Illegal use of keyword keyword. token token-list was expected -203 A reference to column column-name is ambiguous -204 name is an undefined name -205 column-name is not a column of table table-name -206 column-name is not a column of an inserted table, updated table, or any table identified in a from clause -208 The order by clause is invalid because column name is not part of the result table -198 The operand of the prepare or execute immediate statement is blank or empty -199 Illegal use of keyword keyword. token token-list was expected -203 A reference to column column-name is ambiguous -204 name is an undefined name -205 column-name is not a column of table table-name -206 column-name is not a column of an inserted table, updated table, or any table identified in a from clause -208 The order by clause is invalid because column name is not part of the result table -219 The required explanation table table-name does not exist -220 The column column-name in explanation table table-name is not defined properly -221 “set of optional columns” in explanation table table-name is incomplete. optional column column-name is missing -250 The local location name is not defined when processing a three-part object name -251 Token name is not valid -300 The string contained in host variable or parameter position-number is not nul-terminated -301 The value of input host variable or parameter number position-number cannot be used as specified because of its data type -302 The value of input variable or parameter number position-number is invalid or too large for the target column or the target value -303 A value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because the data types are not comparable -304 A value with data type data-type1 cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the host variable in position position-number with data type data-type2 -305 The NULL value cannot be assigned to output host variable number position-number because no indicator variable is specified -309 A predicate is invalid because a referenced host variable has the NULL value -310 Decimal host variable or parameter number contains non decimal data. -311 The length of input host variable number position-number is negative or greater than the maximum -312 Undefined or unusable host variable variable-name -313 The number of host variables specified is not equal to the number of parameter markers -314 The statement contains an ambiguous host variable reference -330 A string cannot be used because it cannot be translated. reason reason-code, character code-point, host variable position-number -331 A string cannot be assigned to a host variable because it cannot be translated. reason reason-code, character code-point, position position-number -332 Sysstrings does not define a translation from ccsid ccsid to ccsid -333 The subtype of a string variable is not the same as the subtype known at bind time and the difference cannot be resolved by translation -338 An on clause is invalid -339 The SQL statement cannot be executed from an ascii based drda application requestor to a v2r2 db2 subsystem -351 An unsupported SQLtype was encountered in position “” on a prepare or describe operation -400 The catalog has the maximum number of user defined indexes -401 The operands of an arithmetic or comparison operation are not comparable -402 An arithmetic function or operator arith-fop is applied to character or datetime data -404 The update or insert statement specifies a string that is too long column-name -405 The numeric literal literal cannot be used as specified because it is out of range -406 A calculated or derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column -407 An update or insert value is NULL, but the object column column-name cannot contain NULL values -408 An update or insert value is not comparable with the data type of its object column column-name -409 Invalid operand of a count function -410 The floating point literal literal contains more than 30 characters -411 Current SQLid cannot be used in a statement that references remote objects -412 The select clause of a subquery specifies multiple columns -414 A like predicate is invalid because the first operand is not a string -415 The corresponding columns, column-number, of the operands of a union or a union all do not have comparable column descriptions -416 An operand of a union contains a long string column -417 A statement string to be prepared includes parameter markers as the operands of the same operator -418 A statement string to be prepared contains an invalid use of parameter markers -419 The decimal divide operation is invalid because the result would have a negative scale -420 The value of a character string argument was not acceptable to the function-name function -421 The operands of a union or union all do not have the same number of columns -426 Dynamic commit not valid at an application server where updates are not allowed -427 Dynamic rollback not valid at an application server where updates are not allowed -440 The number of parameters in the parameter list does not match the number of parameters expected for stored procedure name, authid authid, luname luname. number parameters were expected. -444 User program name could not be found -450 Stored procedure name, parameter number number, overlayed storage beyond its declared length -469 SQL call statement must specify an output host variable for parameter number. -470 SQL call statement specified a NULL value for input parameter number, but the stored procedure does not support NULL values -471 SQL call for stored procedure name failed due to reason rc -500 The identified cursor was closed when the connection was destroyed -501 The cursor identified in a fetch or close statement is not open -502 The cursor identified in an open statement is already open -503 A column cannot be updated because it is not identified in the update clause of the select statement of the cursor -504 The cursor name cursor-name is not defined -507 The cursor identified in the update or delete statement is not open -508 The cursor identified in the update or delete statement is not positioned on a row -509 The table identified in the update or delete statement is not the same table designated by the cursor -510 The table designated by the cursor of the update or delete statement cannot be modified -511 The for update clause cannot be specified because the table designated by the cursor cannot be modified -512 Statement reference to remote object is invalid -513 The alias alias-name must not be defined on another local or remote alias -514 The cursor cursor-name is not in a prepared state -516 The describe statement does not identify a prepared statement -517 Cursor cursor-name cannot be used because its statement name does not identify a prepared select statement -518 The execute statement does not identify a valid prepared statement -519 The prepare statement identifies the select statement of the opened cursor cursor-name -525 The SQL statement cannot be executed because it was in error at bind time for section = sectno package = pkgname consistency token = x’contoken’ -530 The insert or update value of foreign key constraint-name is invalid -531 The primary key in a parent row cannot be updated because it has one or more dependent rows in relationship constraint-name -532 The relationship constraint-name restricts the deletion of row with rid x’rid-number’ -533 Invalid multiple-row insert -534 The primary key cannot be updated because of multiple-row update -536 The delete statement is invalid because table table-name can be affected by the operation -537 The primary key clause, a foreign key clause, or a unique clause identifies column column-name more than once -538 Foreign key name does not conform to the description of the primary key of table table-name -539 Table table-name does not have a primary key -540 The definition of table table-name is incomplete because it lacks a primary index or a required unique index -542 column-name cannot be a column of a primary key or a unique constraint because it can contain NULL values -543 A row in a parent table cannot be deleted because the check constraint check-constraint restricts the deletion -544 The check constraint specified in the alter table statement cannot be added because an existing row violates the check constraint -545 The requested operation is not allowed because a row does not satisfy the check constraint check-constraint -546 The check constraint constraint-name is invalid -548 A check constraint that is defined with column-name is invalid -549 The statement statement is not allowed for object_type1 object_name because the bind option dynamicrules(bind) in the object_type2 is in effect -551 auth-id does not have the privilege to perform operation operation on object object-name -552 auth-id does not have the privilege to perform operation operation -553 auth-id specified is not one of the valid authorization ids -554 An authorization id cannot grant a privilege to itself -555 An authorization id cannot revoke a privilege from itself -556 authid2 cannot have the privilege privilege on_object revoked by authid1 because the revokee does not possess the privilege or the revoker did not make the grant -557 Inconsistent grant/revoke keyword keyword. permitted keywords are keyword-list -558 Invalid clause or combination of clauses on a grant or revoke -559 All authorization functions have been disabled -567 bind-type authorization error using auth-id authority package = package-name privilege = privilege -571 The statement would result in a multiple site update -574 The specified default value conflicts with the column definition. -601 The name of the object to be created is identical to the existing name name of the object type obj-type -602 Too many columns specified in a create index -603 A unique index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified columns -604 A column definition specifies an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute -607 Operation or option operation is not defined for this object -611 Only lockmax 0 can be specified when the lock size of the tablespace is tablespace or table -612 column-name is a duplicate column name -613 The primary key or a unique constraint is too long or has too many columns -614 The index cannot be created because the sum of the internal lengths of the identified columns is greater than the allowable maximum -615 operation-type is not allowed on a package in use -616 obj-type1 obj-name1 cannot be dropped because it is referenced by obj-type2 obj-name2 -617 A type 1 index cannot be defined on a table in a table space with locksize row -618 Operation operation is not allowed on system databases -619 Operation disallowed because the work file database is not stopped -620 Keyword keyword in stmt type statement is not permitted for a table space in the work file database -621 Duplicate dbid dbid was detected and previously assigned to database-name -622 For mixed data is invalid because the mixed data install option is no -623 A clustering index already exists on table table-name -624 Table table-name already has a primary key -625 Table table-name does not have an index to enforce the uniqueness of the primary key -626 The alter statement is not executable because the page set is not stopped -627 The alter statement is invalid because the pageset has user-managed data sets -628 The clauses are mutually exclusive. -629 Set NULL cannot be specified because foreign key name cannot contain NULL values -630 The where not NULL specification is invalid for type 1 indexes -631 Foreign key name is too long or has too many columns -632 The table cannot be defined as a dependent of table-name because of delete rule restrictions -633 The delete rule must be delete-rule -634 The delete rule must not be cascade -635 The delete rules cannot be different or cannot be set NULL -636 The partitioning keys are not specified in ascending or descending order -637 Duplicate keyword keyword -638 Table table-name cannot be created because column definition is missing -639 A NULLable column of a foreign key with a delete rule of set NULL cannot be a column of the key of a partitioned index -640 Locksize row cannot be specified because table in this tablespace has type 1 index -642 Too many columns in unique constraints -643 Check constraint exceeds maximum allowable length -644 Invalid value specified for keyword keyword in stmt-type tatement -646 Table table-name cannot be created in partitioned/default table space tspace-name because it already contains a table -647 Bufferpool bp-name cannot be specified because it has not been activated -650 The alter index cannot be executed, reason reason -651 Table description exceeds maximum size of object descriptor. -652 Violation of installation defined edit or validation procedure proc-name -653 Table table-name in partitioned table space tspace-name is not available because its partitioned index has not been created -655 The create or alter stogroup is invalid because the storage group would have both specific and non-specific volume ids -660 Index index-name cannot be created on partitioned table space tspace-name because key limits are not specified -661 Index index-name cannot be created on partitioned table space tspace-name because the number of part specifications is not equal to the number of partitions of the table space -662 A partitioned index cannot be created on a non-partitioned table space tspace-name -663 The number of key limit values is either zero, or greater than the number of columns in the key of index index-name -665 The part clause of an alter statement is omitted or invalid -666 stmt-verb object cannot be executed because function is in progress -667 The clustering index for a partitioned table space cannot be explicitly dropped -668 The column cannot be added to the table because the table has an edit procedure -669 A table in a partitioned table space cannot be explicitly dropped -670 The record length of the table exceeds the page size limit -671 The bufferpool attribute of the table space cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the table space -672 Operation drop not allowed on table table_name -676 A 32k page bufferpool may not be used for an index -677 Insufficient virtual storage for bufferpool expansion -678 The literal literal specified for the index limit key must conform to the data type data-type of the corresponding column column-name -679 The object name cannot be created because a drop is pending on the object -680 Too many columns specified for a table -681 Column column-name in violation of installation defined field procedure. rt: return-code, rs: reason-code, msg: message-token -682 Field procedure procedure-name could not be loaded -683 Invalid column type for fieldproc, bit data, sbcs data, or mixed data option, column-name -684 The length of literal list beginning string is too long -685 Invalid field type, column-name -686 Column defined with a field procedure can not compare with another column with different field procedure -687 Field types incomparable -688 Incorrect data returned from field procedure, column-name, msgno -689 Too many columns defined for a dependent table -690 The statement is rejected by data definition control support. reason reason-code -691 The required registration table table-name does not exist -692 The required unique index index-name for ddl registration table table-name does not exist -693 The column column-name in ddl registration table or index table-name (index-name) is not defined properly -694 The ddl statement cannot be executed because a drop is pending on the ddl registration table table-name -713 The replacement value for special-register is invalid -715 Program program-name with mark release-dependency-mark failed because it depends on functions of the release from which fallback has occurred -716 Program program-name precompiled with incorrect level for this release. -717 Bind-type for object-type object-name with mark release-dependency-mark failed because object-type depends on functions of the release from which fallback has occurred. -718 Rebind for package package-name failed because ibmreqd of ibmreqd is invalid -719 Bind add error using auth-id authority package package-name already exists -720 Bind error, attempting to replace package = package_name with version = version2 but this version already exists -721 Bind error for package = pkg-id contoken = ‘contoken’x is not unique so it cannot be created -722 Bind-type error using auth-id authority package package-name does not exist -726 Bind error attempting to replace package = . there are enable or disable entries currently associated with the package -730 The parent of a table in a read-only shared database must also be a table in a read-only shared database -731 User-defined dataset dsname must be defined with shareoptions(1,3) -732 The database is defined on this subsystem with the roshare read attribute but the table space or index space has not been defined on the owning subsystem -733 The description of a table space, index space, or table in a roshare read database must be consistent with its description in the owner system -734 The roshare attribute of a database cannot be altered from roshare read -735 Database dbid cannot be accessed because it is no longer a shared database -736 Invalid obid obid specified -737 Implicit table space not allowed -741 A work file database is already defined for member member-name -742 Dsndb07 is the implicit work file database -751 A stored procedure has been placed in must_rollback state due to SQL operation name -752 The connect statement is invalid because the process is not in the connectable state -802 Exception error ‘exception-type’ has occurred during ‘operation-type’ operation on ‘data-type’ data, position ‘position-number’ -803 An inserted or updated value is invalid because the index in index space indexspace-name constrains columns of the table so no two rows can contain duplicate values in those columns. rid of existing row is x’rid’ -804 An error was found in the application program input parameters for the SQL statement. reason reason -805 Dbrm or package name location-name.collection-id.dbrm-name.consistency -token not found in plan plan-name. reason reason -807 Access denied: package package-name is not enabled for access from connection-type connection-name -808 The connect statement is not consistent with the first connect statement -811 The result of an embedded select statement is a table of more than one row, or the result of the subquery of a basic predicate is more than one value -812 The SQL statement cannot be processed because a blank collection-id was found in the current packageset special register while trying to form a qualified package name for program program-name.consistency-token using plan plan-name -815 A group by or having clause is implicitly or explicitly specified in an embedded select statement or a subquery of a basic predicate -817 The SQL statement cannot be executed because the statement will result in a prohibited update operation -818 The precompiler-generated timestamp x in the load module is different from the bind timestamp y built from the dbrm z -819 The view cannot be processed because the length of its parse tree in the catalog is zero -820 The SQL statement cannot be processed because catalog-table contains a value that is not valid in this release -822 The SQLda contains an invalid data address or indicator variable address -840 Too many items returned in a select or insert list -842 A connection to location-name already exists -843 The set connection or release statement must specify an existing connection -870 The number of host variables in the statement is not equal to the number of descriptors -900 The SQL statement cannot be executed because the application process is not connected to an application server -901 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that does not preclude the successful execution of subsequent SQL statements -902 Pointer to the essential control block (ct/rda) has value 0, rebind required -904 Unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource. reason reason-code, type of resource resource-type, and resource name resource-name -905 Unsuccessful execution due to resource limit being exceeded, resource name = resource-name limit = limit-amount1 cpu seconds (limit-amount2 service units) derived from limit-source -906 The SQL statement cannot be executed because this function is disabled due to a prior error -908 Bind-type error using auth-id authority bind, rebind or auto-rebind operation is not allowed -909 The object has been deleted -910 The SQL statement cannot access an object on which a drop or alter is pending -911 The current unit of work has been rolled back due to deadlock or timeout. reason reason-code, type of resource resource-type, and resource name resource-name -913 Unsuccessful execution caused by deadlock or timeout. reason code reason-code, type of resource resource-type, and resource name resource-name -917 Bind package failed -918 The SQL statement cannot be executed because a connection has been lost -919 A rollback operation is required -922 Authorization failure: error-type error. reason reason-code -923 Connection not established: db2 condition reason reason-code, type resource-type, name resource-name -924 Db2 connection internal error, function-code, return-code, reason-code -925 Commit not valid in ims/vs or cics environment -926 Rollback not valid in ims/vs or cics environment -927 The language interface (li) was called when the connecting environment was not established. the program should be invoked under the dsn command -929 Failure in a data capture exit: token -939 Rollback required due to unrequested rollback of a remote server -947 The SQL statement failed because it will change a table defined with data capture changes, but the data cannot be propagated -948 Distributed operation is invalid -950 The location name specified in the connect statement is invalid or not listed in the communications database -965 Stored procedure procname terminated abnormally -2001 The number of host variable parameters for a stored procedure is not equal to the number of expected host variable parameters. actual number SQLdanum, expected number opnum -30000 Execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that will not affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or SQL statements: reason reason-code (sub-code) -30020 Execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that caused deallocation of the conversation: reason -30021 Execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or SQL statements: manager manager at level level not supported error -30030 Commit request was unsuccessful, a distribution protocol violation has been detected, the conversation has been deallocated. original SQLcode=original-SQLcode and original SQLstate=original-SQLstate -30040 Execution failed due to unavailable resources that will not affect the successful execution of subsequent commands or SQL statements. reason type of resource resource name product id rdbname -30041 Execution failed due to unavailable resources that will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL statements reason type of resource resource name product id rdbname -30050 command or SQL statement invalid while bind process in progress -30051 Bind process with specified package name and consistency token not active -30052 Program preparation assumptions are incorrect -30053 Owner authorization failure -30060 Rdb authorization failure -30061 Rdb not found -30070 command not supported error -30071 object not supported error -30072 : parameter not supported error -30073 : parameter value not supported error -30074 Reply message with codepoint (svrcod) not supported error -30080 Communication error code (subcode) -30090 Remote operation invalid for application execution environment

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  • Sqlalchemy обработка ошибок
  • Sql вызвать ошибку
  • Sql функция если ошибка
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