Sql ошибка 156

May 28, 2013 by Muhammad Imran

UNION operator is one of the most frequent operators used in SQL Server scripting. As per MSDN  it is used to combine the results of two or more queries into a single result set that includes all the rows that belong to all queries in the union . But there is an issue with Union operator which prohibits order by for each table separately while using UNION / UNION ALL. It generates an error.

Let me explain this error in detail :

Message Number: 156

Severity : 15

Error Message: Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘UNION’.

Error Generation:

Let me create a sample to demonstrate this error.

USE tempdb

CREATE TABLE tbl_Sample1
 [ID] INT,
 [Grade] VARCHAR(50)
CREATE TABLE tbl_Sample2
 [ID] INT,
 [Grade] VARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO tbl_Sample1 VALUES (1,'Grade A')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample1 VALUES (2,'Grade B')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample1 VALUES (3,'Grade C')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample1 VALUES (4,'Grade D')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample1 VALUES (5,'Grade E')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample1 VALUES (6,'Grade F')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample2 VALUES (1,'1st')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample2 VALUES (2,'2nd')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample2 VALUES (3,'3rd')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample2 VALUES (4,'4th')
INSERT INTO tbl_Sample2 VALUES (5,'5th')

Once you created the above sample, lets make a UNION ALL query and try to ORDER BY each table separately.

USE tempdb
SELECT [ID],[Grade]
FROM tbl_Sample1
Order By [ID]


SELECT [ID],[Grade]
FROM tbl_Sample2
Order By [ID]

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘UNION’.

Ooopps…… I am unable to execute it.

It is very simple to resolve, just add one more column with any sorting number… either 1,2,3 or A,B,C and order on the basis of this column. Let me demonstrate it.

USE tempdb
		  'A' AS [Order ID]
		, [ID]
		, [Grade]
FROM tbl_Sample1


		  'B' AS [Order ID]
		, [ID]
		, [Grade]
FROM tbl_Sample2
Order By [Order ID]

Conclusion :

Remember, whenever you use UNION / UNION ALL and have to order by each table separately, just add one more column with any sorting value and order by on the basis of this column.

SQL Server 2016 Developer — duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2016 Enterprise — duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Core — duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2016 Standard — duplicate (do not use) SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1 SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows SQL Server 2017 Enterprise on Windows SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Core on Windows SQL Server 2017 Standard on Windows Еще…Меньше


Предположим, что вы используете Microsoft SQL Server 2016 и 2017 изменить сбор данных (CDC) для Oracle с помощью Attunity, чтобы реплицировать изменения данных из баз данных Oracle в базы данных SQL Server. Таблица в Oracle содержит столбец с именем «KEY», а этот столбец также является первичным ключом таблицы. В этой ситуации при использовании конструктора изменений данных для Oracle с помощью Attunity, чтобы добавить эту таблицу для изменений записи, может возникнуть сообщение об ошибке, подобное приведенному ниже.

Неправильный синтаксис около ключевого слова «KEY».

Неправильный синтаксис около ключевого слова WITH. Если этот оператор является общим табличным выражением, предложением XMLNAMESPACES или предложением контекста отслеживания изменений, Предыдущая инструкция должна заканчиваться точкой с запятой.

System. Data. SqlClient. SqlException (0x80131904): неправильный синтаксис около ключевого слова «KEY».

Неправильный синтаксис около ключевого слова WITH. Если этот оператор является общим табличным выражением, предложением XMLNAMESPACES или предложением контекста отслеживания изменений, Предыдущая инструкция должна заканчиваться точкой с запятой.

на странице Attunity. SqlServer. XdbCdcConfig. Core. Managers. CDCManagerImp. ExecuteBatchSqlInTransaction (строка dbName, IList ‘ 1 sqlCommand)

на странице Attunity. SqlServer. XdbCdcConfig. Core. Managers. CDCManagerImp. UpdateCaptureTables (CDCInstanceInfo cdcInfoForUpdate)

на странице Attunity. SqlServer. XdbCdcDesigner. UI. EditCDCInstanceForm. UpdateCaptureTables ()


Номер ошибки: 156, состояние: 1, класс: 15 


Эта проблема исправлена в перечисленных ниже накопительных обновлениях для SQL Server.

       Накопительное обновление 6 для SQL Server 2017

       Накопительное обновление 8 для SQL Server 2016 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1)


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  • Question

  • Hello

    I use SQL Server 2008 R2 SSMS, have the following code and keep getting the error message:

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘VIEW’.

                    WHERE TABLE_NAME = ‘vRandomNumber’)
      CREATE VIEW vRandomNumber
        SELECT RAND() * RAND() AS RandomNumber

    The create view command by itself works.

    I know, that the code works if I use Exists and then drop the view and recreate it, but I only want to create the view if it does not exist.

    Thanks for any help



  • I think , then you need to use dynamic sql:

                    WHERE TABLE_NAME = ‘vw_t’)
      declare @sql varchar(100)
      select @sql=’CREATE VIEW vRandomNumber
        SELECT 1  AS RandomNumber’      

      exec (@sql)

    And a great reading on dynamic sql :http://www.sommarskog.se/dynamic_sql.html

    Thanks and regards, Rishabh , Microsoft Community Contributor

    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:46 AM

  • hi

    This is one of the silly sql error’s.. 

    a work around I can think of is

                    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'vRandomNumber')
      exec('CREATE VIEW vRandomNumber
        SELECT RAND() * RAND() AS RandomNumber')

    May be someone in MS can answer this.. 


    Please mark answered if I’ve answered your question and vote for it as helpful to help other user’s find a solution quicker

    • Marked as answer by
      Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:49 AM

  • Do it this way:

              WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'vRandomNumber')
         EXEC('CREATE VIEW vRandomNunumber AS SELECT 1 AS x')
    ALTER VIEW vRandomNumber  AS
       SELECT RAND() * RAND() AS RandomNumber

    That is, use dynamic SQL to create a dummy view with dynamic SQL, and the create the real view with ALTER VIEW. In this example it may seem overkill, but with a real view definition running over 50 lines, there is a real benefit. Not talking about a stored
    procedure over several hundred lines.

    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se

    • Marked as answer by
      Naomi N
      Friday, January 13, 2012 2:29 AM

You cannot mix the simple and searched types of CASE expression. Remove the field name DMProject.dbo.TypeFourTraining.Column2 specified after the CASE.

Correct syntax for your query:

            WHEN Column2 between 181    AND 360 THEN '181-360' 
            WHEN Column2 between 0      AND 180 THEN '0-180' 
        END as score 
FROM    DMProject.dbo.TypeFourTraining 

Two types of CASE expressions:

There are two types of CASE expression namely Simple and Searched. You cannot combine Simple and Searched in the same expression.

Simple CASE:

CASE input
    WHEN 1 THEN 'a'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'b'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'c'
    ELSE ''

Searched CASE with simple example:

    WHEN input = 1 THEN 'a'
    WHEN input = 2 THEN 'b'
    WHEN input = 3 THEN 'c'
    ELSE ''

Searched CASE with slightly complex example:

This involves multiple columns. You can add multiple columns in each of the WHEN statements.

    WHEN input = 1 AND second_column = 2 THEN 'a'
    WHEN input = 2 AND third_column  = 3 THEN 'b'
    WHEN input = 3 AND (second_column = 4 OR third_column = 6) THEN 'c'
    ELSE ''

Getting an error, I’m sure it’s syntax related.


    @Rank = CASE 
               WHEN asn_name = 'AONE' THEN 1
               WHEN asn_name = 'ACHI' THEN 1
               WHEN asn_name = 'ATLARGE' THEN 1
               WHEN asn_name = 'IFD' THEN 1
               ELSE 0 
            END AS ASN_Rank
    mb_association_ext (nolock) ON asn_key = asn_key_ext
    asn_eweb_description_ext IS NOT NULL
    ASN_Rank ASC

I need to «group» my associations. If its not one of those associations listed then it needs to be listed first in ASC order else I need it to be listed lastly in ASC order. It looks like its telling me I have a syntax error but I’m not sure why its giving me the error. I don’t see any issues with the code and I’ve reviewed similar code.

I tried to approach it a different direction but got another error. I’m not very good with group by clause.

New Code:

select asn_key, asn_code, asn_name,  asn_eweb_description_ext
from mb_association join
     mb_association_ext (nolock)
     on asn_key = asn_key_ext
where asn_eweb_description_ext is not null
--order by (CASE WHEN asn_name in ('AONE', 'ACHI', 'ATLARGE', 'IFD') then 1 else 0 end);
GROUP BY (CASE WHEN asn_name in ('AONE', 'ACHI', 'ATLARGE', 'IFD') then 1 else 0 end);

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column ‘mb_association.asn_key’ is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Error 156

Severity Level 15
Message Text

Incorrect syntax near the keyword '%.*ls'.


This error indicates that the syntax of a Transact-SQL statement is incorrect and that the syntax error was detected near the keyword specified in the error message. The most frequent causes for syntax errors are misspellings of Transact-SQL keywords or operators, and specifying the syntax of a Transact-SQL statement in the wrong order.

One of the more complicated causes for this error may be a compatibility level mismatch for the current database. If the current database has a compatibility level other than 70, Microsoft® SQL Server™ will not recognize any of the keywords that a database with a compatibility level of 70 would recognize.


First, check the Transact-SQL statement syntax near the keyword specified in the error message. Because Transact-SQL language syntax can be very complex, SQL Server may incorrectly report the position of the syntax error as later in the Transact-SQL statement than it actually occurred. Second, reexamine the entire Transact-SQL statement that generated the error. Verify the syntax order of the statement.

Ensure that the database does not have a compatibility level of 65 and has a compatibility level of 70.

See Also

Backward Compatibility

Errors 1 — 999

Transact-SQL Overview

Reserved Keywords


Hi all,

I got an error message 156, when I executed the following code:


Use newDB


—-Creating dbo.Person as a Parent Table—-



FirstName varchar(25) NOT NULL,

LastName varchar(25) NOT NULL,

City varchar(25) NOT NULL,

State varchar(25) NOT NULL,

Phone varchar(25) NOT NULL)

INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, FirstName, LastName, City, State, Phone)

SELECT 1, «George», «Washington», «Washington», «DC», «1-000-1234567»


SELECT 2, «Abe», «Lincoln», «Chicago», «IL», «1-111-2223333»


SELECT 3, «Thomas», «Jefferson», «Charlottesville», «VA», «1-222-4445555»


—-Creating dbo.Book as a Child table—-



BookTitle varchar(25) NOT NULL,


INSERT dbo.Book (BookID, BookTitle, AuthorID)

SELECT 1, «How to Chop a Cherry Tree», 1


SELECT 2, «Valley Forge Snow Angels», 1


SELECT 3, «Marsha and ME», 1


SELECT 4, «Summer Job Surveying Viginia», 1


SELECT 5, «Log Chopping in Illinois», 2


SELECT 6, «Registry of Visitors to the White House», 2


SELECT 7, «My Favorite Inventions», 3


SELECT 8, «More Favorite Inventions», 3


SELECT 9, «Inventions for Which the World is Not Ready», 3


SELECT 10, «The Path to the White House», 2


SELECT 11, «Why I Do not Believe in Polls», 2


SELECT 12, «Doing the Right Thing is Hard», 2


—Try to obtain the LEFT OUTER JOIN Results for the Parent-Child Table




Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘NOT’.


(1)  Where did I do wrong and cause the Error Message 156?

(2)  I try to get  a Parent-Child table by using the LEFT OUTER JOIN via the following code statement:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘NOT’.

Can I get a Parent-Child table after the error 156 is resolved? 

Please help and advise.


Scott  Chang

Should you have problems with backup/restore, review this troubleshooting
checklist to find potential solutions.

1. Ensure that you are using the latest SQL Server service pack.

To check which SQL service pack are you running, see this link:
How can I check what SQL service pack am I running?

2. Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to make a backup/restore.

To backup a database or transaction log, you should have BACKUP DATABASE
or BACKUP LOG permissions granted to you, or you should be a member of
the sysadmin fixed server role, or of the db_owner or db_backupoperator fixed
database roles.

To restore a database, you should have CREATE DATABASE permissions if the database being restored does not exist. If the database
being restored does exist, you should have RESTORE permissions granted to you, or you should be a member of the sysadmin or dbcreator fixed server roles,
or you need to be the owner (dbo) of the database.

3. If you want to make a backup of the transaction log, check that the ‘trunc. log on chkpt’ option is turned off.

You cannot make a backup of the transaction log if the ‘trunc. log on chkpt’ option is turned on, because in this case the transaction
log will be truncated on checkpoint and will be empty.

4. If you encountered Error 156 during backup or restore operations, before attempting additional BACKUP or RESTORE statements, set the SQL Server compatibility level to 70 if you work with SQL Server 7.0, or to 70 or 80 if you work with SQL Server 2000.

The error 156 indicates that the syntax of a Transact-SQL statement is incorrect. One of the causes for this error may be that the database is in
SQL Server version 6.5 compatibility mode. Because the BACKUP and RESTORE keywords are valid only with SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 databases,
you should set the SQL Server compatibility level to 70 or 80.

5. If you encountered Error 1511 during restoring a database or transaction log dump, enable trace flag 3222 to disable the read ahead that is used by the recovery operation during roll forward operations.

To disable the read ahead, you can issue DBCC TRACEON (3222) on the same connection on which you attempt the restore operation. This is
a known SQL Server 7.0 bug; SQL Server 2000 does not contain such problems.

6. If you encountered Error 3023 during a backup operation, reissue the backup operation after the conflicting operation has completed.

The error 3023 indicates that the BACKUP statement cannot be performed at the same time as creating, deleting, or shrinking database files.
So, to resolve this error you should reissue the backup operation after the conflicting operation has finished.

7. If you encountered Error 3036 during a backup operation, use backups
from your primary server until operations have switched to the standby.

The error 3036 indicates that the database is in the warm-standby state
(set by executing RESTORE WITH STANDBY) and cannot be backed up until
the entire load sequence is completed.

8. If you encountered Error 3143 during a restore operation, use
RESTORE HEADERONLY to determine the backup contents.

The error 3143 indicates that the backup being restored is a valid
Microsoft Tape Format but is not a SQL Server backup. This error
may arise when the backup may have been written by another software
product. In this case, use RESTORE HEADERONLY to determine the backup

9. If you encountered Error 3154 during a restore operation, overwrite
the existing database by reissuing the RESTORE DATABASE command using
the WITH REPLACE clause, or restore the backup set to a different
database name.

The error 3154 indicates that you tried to restore database over
an existing database, but the existing database was created by a
different CREATE DATABASE statement than the database in the backup set.

10. If you encountered error 3206 or error 3209 during backup
operation, define the device using sp_addumpdevice, or refer
to the physical device directly by specifying the TAPE = or
DISK = syntax of the BACKUP statement.

These errors indicate that you have attempted to use a logical device
that is not a backup device.

11. If you encountered Error 3249 during a restore operation, replace
the current volume with a volume containing the start of the target
backup set.

The error 3249 indicates that the media family spans multiple volumes,
and the backup set to be processed by the restore operation starts on
an earlier volume than the one inserted into the named device.

12. If you encountered Error 3256 during a restore operation, restore
a different database backup and use log backups to roll forward, if
you were restoring a database backup; otherwise, restore the next log backup
if you were restoring a log backup.

This error indicates that the backup set is not complete because the
backup operation that created the backup set did not finish successfully.

13. If you encountered Error 3257 during restoring a large database
on Windows 98, try to create a database with the same size of the
database from which the backup was created and then restore over
the newly created database, or turn on trace flag 3104 and then
restore the database.

This error occurs when the file size of the restored database is
2 GB or greater and the database is being restored over an existing
database that is less than 2 GB. This error indicates that SQL Server
cannot correctly check the free space. To bypass checking for free
space, you can issue DBCC TRACEON (3104) on the same connection on
which you are attempting the restore operation.

14. If you encountered Error 3267 or Error 3627 during a backup or
restore operation, retry the operation after reducing the server

These errors indicate the server is too busy to perform the backup
or restore operation.

15. Perform a full database backup before backing up the transaction
log. Otherwise, you can encounter Error 4214 during the restore operation.

The error 4214 indicates that there is no current database backup.
To restore the database after failure, you should have a full database
backup or a complete set of file backups.

16. If you encountered Error 4305 during a restore operation, restore
the transaction log backups in the order they were created.

The error 4305 indicates that the restore operation found a gap between
the last restore and the transaction log that you attempted to apply.
So, to resolve this error you should restore transaction logs in the
same order in which they were backed up.


See All Articles by Columnist
Alexander Chigrik

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