Sql ошибка 245

Home > SQL Server Error Messages > Msg 245 — Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column of data type int.

SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 245 — Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column of data type int.

SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 245

Error Message

Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column
of data type int.


There are many ways this error may be encountered but the common reason is that you are trying to convert, either implicitly or explicitly, a varchar value to an int data type and the varchar value cannot be converted to an int data type.  You may have a varchar column that may have integer values on most records but where some have non-integer values.

One other common reason why this is encountered is when creating a dynamic SQL statement and the query involves combining a varchar variable with an integer variable.


SET @ID = 124
SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [ID] = ' + @ID

The reason why the error is encountered in this scenario is because an integer data type has a higher precedence over a varchar data type.  Since the integer data type has a higher precedence, the varchar data type is implicitly converted by SQL Server to an integer data type, and not the other way around as you would have assumed.

Solution / Work Around:

For the case of a varchar column that contains integer values but with a few non-integer values, you can use the ISNUMERIC function to determine if the column can be converted to an integer value or not.  To determine the rows where the column cannot be converted to an integer, you can do the following query:

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Table1] WHERE ISNUMERIC([VarcharIntColumn]) = 0

For the case of the dynamic SQL wherein a varchar variable is concatenated with an integer variable, you have to explicitly convert the integer variable to a varchar data type using either the CAST or CONVERT function.


SET @ID = 124
SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [ID] = ' + CAST(@ID AS VARCHAR(10))
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My problem is I cannot concat a varchar(4000) type variable to query in a stored procedure.

I tried many things to get it worked, diffrent combinations with quotes but no chance.

Here is my procedure :

@sirketkodu varchar(30) , 
@degerler varchar(4000),
@ORA_KULLANICI_KODU varchar(30) ,
@ORA_KULLANICI_TIPI varchar(30) ,
@ORA_KULLANICI_ROLU varchar(50) ,
@ORA_KULLANICI_SUBE varchar(30) ,
@ORA_KULLANICI_UZMAN varchar(30) ,
@ORA_TARIH varchar(30)
    UPDATE sirket 
    SET bolgeler = '' + CAST(@degerler AS VARCHAR(4000)) + '',
        kullanici = @ORA_KULLANICI_KODU,
        tarih  = @ORA_TARIH
    WHERE kod = @sirketkodu

This line of code:

bolgeler ='' + CAST(@degerler AS VARCHAR(4000)) + ''

is causing the problem. I tried the following:

bolgeler = @degerler,
bolgeler = '@degerler',
bolgeler = '' + @degerler + '',
bolgeler = CAST(@degerler AS VARCHAR(4000)),
bolgeler = ''' + @degerler + ''',

My @degerler data is a serialized string of php array like this :

string(23) "a:1:{s:2:"gd";s:1:"E";}"

and the error is:

Conversion failed while converting varchar to int



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    Hope if you have SQL Server 245 database error on your machine this user guide can help you. g.SQL Server Error Messages – Message 245 – Syntax error while pivoting a Varchar value into a column associated with the Int data type. The reason for the error in this example is that the integer data type ends up with a higher precedence than the varchar data type.

    SQL Server Error Messages – Msg 245 – Syntax error converting a Varchar value to a valid column of Int data type. The reason the error actually occurs in this scenario is because an integer datatype, integer index type, long integer, integer may allow their range to be greater than or equal to an integer standard on most of the same the same machine. In C, this is probably called long. It must contain at least 32 servings and may or may not be greater than the normal whole number. https://en.wikipedia.org ›wiki› Integer_ (Computer_science) Integer (Computer Science) – Wikipedia overrides the Varchar resource type.

    SQL Server Error Messages – Msg 245 – Syntax error converting Varchar value to Smile Int data type. The reason for the error in this business case scenario is that the integer datatype is the integer datatype dog. In the C language, it is literally called long. To help you, it must be at least 32-bit, so it may or may not be much larger than a standard integer. https://en.wikipedia.org ›RSS Feed› Integer_ (computer_science) The integer (computer) on Wikipedia takes precedence over the varchar data type.

    I use instructions for use often use of the developer. They use it in complex environments, and even I had the ability to recover and examine blocks of code when executed in pages using traditional CASE statements. This blog post can be caused by such errors using CASE statements. This is one of the common mistakes that many developers notice when using the case / when combination. To understand the reasonshave such an error, here is one that contains a simplified reproduction of the current error:

    @TempTable Declare TABLE (id INT PRIMARY KEY, STATUS INT, Score INT)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable VALUES (1,1200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable VALUES (2,2,200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable VALUES (3,1, 99)
    INSERT IN VALUES @TempTable ( 4,1,10)
    SELECT id
    , CASE
    IF STATUS is 2
    THEN 'Inactive'
    ELSE Score
    END 'Score'
    FROM @TempTable

    If we had run earlier in Management Studio, we would have encountered the following error

     id                Result 
     - ---------- ----------- 
     1                200 
     Msg 245 Level 16 , state 1, line 8 
     Conversion failed when converting varchar 'Inactive' gain to int data type. 

    Always remember the golden case / rule of thumb: “All companies are the same type.” Indeed, it is very important that all ideals contain the same data type. If we don’t, we will have conversion problems similar to those shown above. In my sample overall score, the column is an integer even though the Inactive value is a string. Because of this datatype precedence rule, the datatype in SQL Server tries to unconditionally Convert an inactive data record to an integer. SQL Server always returns data of the same type, regardless of whether or not a case / when expression is normally returned. For CASE, all motion expressions must be of the exact same type or implicitly convertible.

    There has always been another simple example that has been forgotten about.

    SELECT CASE WHEN RAND () <0.5 THEN 200 ELSE 'SQlAuthority' END SomeColumnName;

    Based on RAND () results, the concept will fail

     Msg 245, level 16, state 1, line 1 
     Conversion failed when converting variable prices 'SQlAuthority' to data type int. 

    This is usually a solution to the original problem.

    INSERT INTO @TempTable VALUES (1.1. 200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (2,2,200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (3,1,99)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (4, 1,10) SELECT ID
    WHEN, case
    STATUS = 2
    THEN "Inactive"
    ELSE CAS T (Score AS VARCHAR (10))
    END "Score"
    FROM @TempTable

    Here is someone’s output:

    Did you follow this coding practice? ? What are What are our workarounds for this type of case statement? Let me know if you have any comments.

    sql server database error 245

    Link: Pinal Dave (https://blog.sqlauthority.com)

    With CASE statements, I see a bit of a lot of developers helping. You use it in complex environments, and I have had the good fortune to fix bugs and investigate code locks that occur on pages, no doubt using standard case guidelines. This web post is inspired by one of those misconceptions that use CASE statements. This is, without a doubt, one of the most common mistakes that many developers observe when using a case-when combination. To understand the answer to such an error, here is just one of simplified reproductions of some errors:

    @TempTable Broadcast TABLE (id INT PRIMARY KEY, STATUS INT , Score INT)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (1,1200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (2,2,200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (3,1,99)
    INSERT IN @TempTable VALUES (4,1,10)
    , CASE
    IF STATUS is 2
    THEN "Inactive"
    ELSE Evaluation
    END "Evaluation"
    FROM @TempTable

    If we were working in Management Studio above, we would definitely get the following error

     id              Section 
     ---------- ---------- 
     1                  200 
     Msg 245 Level 16 State 1 Line 8 
     Conversion failed if most of the 'Inactive' varchar was converted to sorting int data. 

    Always remember a related case / where the golden rule is «All branches are the same type.» It is very important that the returned values ​​have the same data path. If we don’t, we’ll end up up in transformation situations like the one shown above. In our example, the score column is also an integer, and the «Inactive» value is a string. Because of the data types of the precedence rule, SQL Server attempts to implicitly convert the inactive data priority type to the Integer data file type. SQL Server always retrieves the same data types regardless of the case / branch when they actually return. For CASE, each of the expression expressions must be of the same type, or implicitly sports convertible types.

    What is the SQL Server Error MSG 245?

    SQL SERVER — Error: Msg 245 — Conversion failed while converting my varchar value «Inactive» to data source int

    Here’s another simple example Er, which probably should fail by mistake.

    SELECT CASE WHEN RAND () <0.5 THEN 200 ELSE 'SQlAuthority' END SomeColumnName;

    Based on RAND () results, it will fail with an error

     Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 
     Conversion failed if varchar, which is actually SQlAuthority, has been converted to int data type. 

    This is now legal. Problem solved.

    IN @TempTable VALUES INSERT (1.1200. ))
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (2,2,200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (3,1,99)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (4,1, 10)
    WHEN, case
    STATUS is 2
    THEN "Inactive"
    ELS E CAST (Score as VARCHAR (10))
    END "Score"
    FROM @ TempTable < / code>

    Here's just the result:

    Did you follow this procedure to encode HTML? What are your workarounds for a whole series of case instructions? Let people know about the comments.

    Link: Pinal Dave (https://blog.sqlauthority.com)

    Using CASE statements is something that many developers use. You use it in tricky areas and I was lucky that I was able to fix bugs and examine the city blocks of code that are executed in our own standard register instructions pages. These release web pages are inspired by one of those bugs using CASE statements. This is the most common mistake many developers see when using only case sensitive combinations. To understand why this error occurs, here's another simplified reproduction of this error:

    Why is there an error message in SQL Server?

    SQL Server error messages - Msg 245. Error message. Reasons: This error can occur in many different ways, but the most common reason is that you are trying to convert a varchar value to a different int data type, either unconditionally or explicitly, and the true varchar value cannot be converted to a conversion to int type.

    DECLARE go
    INSERT IN @TempTable VALUES (1,1200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (2,2,200)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (3,1,99)
    INSERT IN @ TempTable-VALUES (4,1,10)
    , CASE
    WHEN STATUS means 2
    THEN "Inactive"
    ELSE Score
    END "Score"
    FROM @TempTable

    When we train above in Management Studio we get the error below

    Why did I get error 245 in Informix?

    -245 Cannot be listed via index. I got a specific error when trying to update a table for a short time. This table has 8 indexes and the table contains approximately 30,000 rows. Database serverencountered an error while trying to display a string during a scan. See the included ISAM error code for more information.

     id          Assessment 
     ----------- ----------- 
     1                200 
     Msg 245 Level 16 State 1 Line 8 
     Conversion failed when converting a new "Inactive" varchar value to int data. 


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  • Always think of the golden rectangle when: "All branches are of the same type." It is very important that most of the values ​​have the same data class. If we don't, we will have a conversion problem like the one shown above. In our evaluation example, the column becomes an integer and the value "Inactive" becomes a string. Because of the data type precedence rule, the SQL Server data precedence type attempts to implicitly convert from an inactive to an information type, but effectively an integer. SQL Server always returns the same data type, regardless of which branch of the register word is actually returned. For CASE, virtually all expressions must be expressions of the same type, or have implicitly convertible types.

    sql server database error 245

    SELECT CASE WHEN RAND () <0.5 THEN 200 ELSE 'SQlAuthority' END AS SomeColumnName;

     Message level 245, 16, status 1, line 1 

    What causes error MSG 244, level 16 state 1?

    SQL SERVER - FIX: ERROR Msg 244, level 16, state 1 - FIX: ERROR Msg 245, level 16, state 1. This error can occur to help you convert a datatype to an incompatible datatype. Here are some examples: VARCHAR to INT, INT to TINYINT, etc.

     Conversion failed when varchar value 'SQlAuthority' was converted to data tags int. 

    INSERT @TempTable directly into VALUES (1.1200)
    > INSERT @TempTable into VALUES (2,2,200)
    INSERT @TempTable into VALUES (3,1,99)
    INSERT @TempTable into VALUES (4,1,10)
    . CASE
    IF STATUS 2 implies
    THEN "Inactive"
    END "Score"
    FROM @TempTable

    Were these rules followed during development? What are your workarounds for case statement types? Let everyone know in the comments.

    Speed up your PC today with this easy-to-use download.

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    Try this, it’s a cleaner approach and depending on your data types could have a different behaviour.

      ISNULL(d.DateofBirth, c.dob),
        CAST(NULLIF(c.datedeath, '00000000') AS DATE),

    If that doesn’t help, confirm the exact data types of the columns you are referencing in this expression.

    If that doesn’t help, divide an conquer your SP. As @JeroenMostert said; execute each part fo the SP in sequence until you have rigorously identified which part of it is actually generating the error.

    For example, in the expression above, if it’s generating an error you could try Just the COALESCE() part, and see if that works or not…

        CAST(NULLIF(c.datedeath, '00000000') AS DATE),

    Finally, for the love of all things good, consider amending your data structure so that dates are actually held as DATE and not VARCHAR or INT.

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    • Question

    • I have an Msg 245 conversion failed error keep popping up when I am trying to enter in values to a table. I have deleted and re-entered the column values several times now just to be sure I am not entering the value in wrong. But the column value the error
      keeps reoccurring in is set to varchar(125). I can see it displayed that way in the Object Explorer. However when I try to execute the query it always comes back with telling me it failed to convert to an int value. What am I missing? Is this a bug or me?
      Either way, how do I fix it?


    • If you had:

      INSERT INTO dbo.example(
      [Part1], [Part2], [Part3], [Part4])
      VALUES (‘a’, ‘n’, ‘d’, 0)
      (‘this’, ‘is’, ‘not’, exactly’), (‘what’, ‘i’, ‘wrote’, ‘just’), (‘trying’, ‘to’, ‘give’, ‘you’),
      (‘an’, ‘example’, ‘of’, ‘it’)

      This will indeed led the error you got. To understand this, we need to know that the above is the same

          SELECT ….
          UNION ALL
          SELECT …

      And in a UNION query, the data type for a column is always the one and the same. That is, different SELECTs in the UNION has different data types, this needs to be resolved. And the way, SQL Server does it is by applying its data-type precedence in which
      varchar ranks lower than int. So ‘exactly’ is converted to int, and this fails.

      • Marked as answer by

        Sunday, October 16, 2016 12:02 AM

    SQL Server Error : 245 Details

    SQL Server Error: 245
    Severity: 16
    Event Logged or not: No
    Conversion failed when converting the %ls value ‘%.*ls’ to data type %ls.
    Severity 16 Description:
    Indicates general errors that can be corrected by the user.

    SQL SERVER – Error: Msg 245 – Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘AllisWell’ to data type int

    Solution for Resolving SQL Server Error 245

    It’s critical that all return values be of the same data type when converting the data type. We’d wind up with conversion issues if we didn’t do this.

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'SQlAuthority' to data type int.

    The column to which we are converting is an integer, but the value “AllisWell” is a string, so it can not be converted and thus the error SQL Server Error 245. Data Type Precedence is due to the datatype precedence rule. SQL Server is attempting to convert the data type String to Integer implicitly.

    Make sure a integer values conversion possible values are input for any conversion functions. Otherwise this error message says that its not possible to convert the datatype.

    Reading sql server error log location from SQL Query

    Identifying SQL Server Error Log File used by SQL Server Database Engine can be done by reading SQL Server Error Logs. DBA can execute the XP_READERRORLOG extended stored procedure to read the SQL Server Error Log and search for its location used by the instance of SQL Server.

    USE master
    xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Logging SQL Server messages in file', NULL, NULL, N'asc'

    The parameters for XP_READERRRORLOG are:
    1. Value of error log file we would like to read. values are 0 = current, 1 = last one before current, 2 = second last before current etc…
    2. Log file type:- 1 or NULL = error log, 2 = SQL Agent log

    For other ways to read and find error log location please our artcile https://sqlserver-dba.co.uk/error-log/sql-server-identify-location-of-the-sql-server-error-log-file.html

    SQL Server Error Code and solution summary

    SQL Server Error: 245
    Severity: 16
    Event Logged or not: No
    Conversion failed when converting the %ls value ‘%.*ls’ to data type %ls.

    Make sure the input values which are tried for conversion to integer are not string values which will throw this error.

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    • Вопрос

    • It throws an below error msg

      Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘TB01MS010912091034530001’ to data type int.


      @ColumnLength2 VARCHAR(50),


















    • This line will give you an error because you are adding a string to an integer. SQL will try to convert the SUBSTRING result to INT to add it to 1 and that’s why it’s failing. What are you trying to do?



      Abdallah, PMP, ITIL, MCTS

      • Помечено в качестве ответа

        15 декабря 2009 г. 7:57

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