Sql ошибка 5001

SQL Server Error Message — Errors 5001 to 6000

A message number uniquely identifies each error message and the error message
text describes the problem.  The error message text often includes
placeholders for information (such as object names) to be inserted in the error
message when it is displayed.  Unfortunately, the error message text does
not tell you how to solve or work around the problem.  In this series of
Error Messages list, we will try to provide you with ways on how to overcome or
work around certain error messages.

Some error messages are self-explanatory and can easily be fixed, such as
«Invalid object name».  Others are harder to fix or work around, especially
by those who are new to SQL Server.  It is the intent of this page and
succeeding pages (to come) to assist you in addressing or working around
SQL Server error messages.

Error Severity Description
5001 16 User must be in the master database.
5002 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Check
5004 16 To use ALTER DATABASE, the database must be
in a writable state in which a checkpoint can be executed.
5005 10 Extending database by %.2f MB on disk
5006 16 Could not get exclusive use of %S_MSG
‘%.*ls’ to perform the requested operation.
5008 16 This ALTER DATABASE statement is not
5009 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. Some disk names
listed in the statement were not found. Check that the names exist and are
spelled correctly before rerunning the statement.
5010 16 Log file name cannot be generated from a
raw device. The log file name and path must be specified.
5011 14 User does not have permission to alter
database ‘%.*ls’.
5012 16 The name of the primary filegroup cannot be
5013 16 The master and model databases cannot have
files added to them. ALTER DATABASE was aborted.
5014 16 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ does not exist in
database ‘%.*ls’.
5015 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. The total size
specified must be 1 MB or greater.
5016 16 System databases master, model, and tempdb
cannot have their names changed.
5017 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. Database ‘%.*ls’ was
not created with ‘FOR LOAD’ option.
5018 0 File ‘%.*ls’ modified in sysaltfiles.
Delete old file after restarting SQL Server.
5019 10 Cannot find entry in sysaltfiles for file
5020 16 The primary data or log file cannot be
removed from a database.
5021 10 The %S_MSG name ‘%.*ls’ has been set.
5022 16 Log file ‘%ls’ for this database is already
5023 16 Database must be put in bypass recovery
mode to rebuild the log.
5024 16 No entry found for the primary log file in
sysfiles1. Could not rebuild the log.
5025 16 The file ‘%ls’ already exists. It should be
renamed or deleted so that a new log file can be created.
5026 16 Could not create a new log file with file
‘%.*ls’. See previous errors.
5027 16 System databases master, model, and tempdb
cannot have their logs rebuilt.
5028 16 The system could not activate enough of the
database to rebuild the log.
5029 10 Warning: The log for database ‘%.*ls’ has
been rebuilt. Transactional consistency has been lost. DBCC CHECKDB should be
run to validate physical consistency. Database options will have to be reset,
and extra log files may need to be deleted.
5030 16 The database could not be exclusively
locked to perform the operation.
5031 16 Cannot remove the file ‘%.*ls’ because it
is the only file in the DEFAULT filegroup.
5032 10 The file cannot be shrunk below page %ud
until the log is backed up because it contains bulk logged pages.
5035 16 Filegroup ‘%.*ls’ already exists in this
5036 16 MODIFY FILE failed. Specify logical name.
5037 16 MODIFY FILE failed. Do not specify physical
5038 16 MODIFY FILE failed for file «%.*ls». At
least one property per file must be specified.
5039 16 MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less
than current size.
5040 16 MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than
5041 16 MODIFY FILE failed. File ‘%.*ls’ does not
5042 16 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed
because it is not empty.
5043 16 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be found in %ls.
5044 10 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ has been removed.
5045 16 The %S_MSG already has the ‘%ls’ property
5046 10 The %S_MSG property ‘%ls’ has been set.
5047 16 Cannot change the READONLY property of the
PRIMARY filegroup.
5048 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify files in
filegroup ‘%.*ls’. The filegroup is read-only.
5049 16 Cannot extend file ‘%ls’ using this syntax
as it was not created with DISK INIT. Use ALTER DATABASE MODIFY FILE.
5050 16 Cannot change the properties of empty
filegroup ‘%.*ls’. The filegroup must contain at least one file.
5051 16 Cannot have a filegroup with the name
5053 16 The maximum of %ld filegroups per database
has been exceeded.
5054 16 Could not cleanup worktable IAM chains to
allow shrink or remove file operation. Please try again when tempdb is idle.
5055 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify file ‘%.*ls’.
The file is read-only.
5056 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify a file in
filegroup ‘%.*ls’ because the filegroup is offline.
5057 16 Cannot add, remove, or modify file ‘%.*ls’
because it is offline.
5058 16 Option ‘%.*ls’ cannot be set in database
5059 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ is in transition. Try the
ALTER DATABASE statement later.
5060 10 Nonqualified transactions are being rolled
back. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%.
5061 16 ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could
not be placed on database ‘%.*ls’. Try again later.
5062 16 Option ‘%.*ls’ cannot be set at the same
time as another option setting.
5063 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ is in warm standby. A
warm-standby database is read-only.
5064 16 Changes to the state or options of database
‘%.*ls’ cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a
user is currently connected to it.
5065 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be opened.
5066 16 Database options single user and dbo use
only cannot be set at the same time.
5068 10 Failed to restart the current database. The
current database is switched to master.
5069 16 ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
5070 16 Database state cannot be changed while
other users are using the database ‘%.*ls’
5072 16 ALTER DATABASE failed. The default
collation of database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be set to %.*ls.
5073 16 Cannot alter collation for database ‘%ls’
because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT.
5074 16 The ‘Primary Key Constraint Name‘ is dependent on ‘Primary Key Column Name‘.
5075 16 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ is dependent on %S_MSG.
5076 10 Warning: Changing default collation for
database ‘%.*ls’, which is used in replication. It is recommend that all
replication database have the same default collation.
Error Severity Description
5101 15 You must supply parameters for the DISK %hs
statement. Usage: %hs.
5102 15 No such statement DISK %.*ls.
5103 16 MAXSIZE cannot be less than SIZE for file
5104 16 File ‘%.*ls’ already used.
5105 16 Device activation error. The physical file
name ‘%.*ls’ may be incorrect.
5106 15 Parameter ‘%hs’ requires value of data type
5107 15 Value is wrong data type for parameter
‘%hs’ (requires data type ‘%hs’).
5108 10 Log file ‘%.*ls’ does not match the primary
file. It may be from a different database or the log may have been rebuilt
5109 16 No such parameter ‘%.*ls’.
5110 16 File ‘%.*ls’ is on a network device not
supported for database files.
5116 14 You do not have permission to run DISK
5117 16 Could not run DISK statement. You must be
in the master database to run this statement.
5122 10 Each disk file size must be greater than or
equal to 1 MB.
5123 16 CREATE FILE encountered operating system
error %ls while attempting to open or create the physical file ‘%.*ls’.
5126 16 The logical device ‘%.*ls’ does not exist
in sysdevices.
5146 16 The %hs of %d is out of range. It must be
between %d and %d.
5148 16 Could not set the file size to the desired
amount. The operating system file size limit may have been reached.
5149 16 MODIFY FILE encountered operating system
error %ls while attempting to expand the physical file.
5150 16 The size of a single log file must not be
greater than 2 TB.
5151 16 The %hs statement is obsolete and no longer
5157 16 I/O error encountered in the writelog
system function during backout.
5158 10 Warning: Media in device ‘%.*ls’ may have
been changed.
5159 16 Operating system error %.*ls on device
‘%.*ls’ during %ls.
5160 16 Cannot take ‘%.*ls’ offline because the
database is in use.
5162 16 Cannot find ‘%.*ls’ in sysdatabases.
5163 16 Cannot open ‘%.*ls’ to take offline.
5164 16 Usage: DBCC
5165 16 Cannot explicitly open or close master
5167 16 Database ‘%.*ls’ is already offline.
5168 16 File ‘%.*ls’ is on a network drive, which
is not allowed.
5169 16 FILEGROWTH cannot be greater than MAXSIZE
for file ‘%.*ls’.
5170 16 Cannot create file ‘%ls’ because it already
5171 16 %.*ls is not a primary database file.
5172 16 The header for file ‘%ls’ is not a valid
database file header. The %ls property is incorrect.
5173 16 Cannot associate files with different
5174 10 Each file size must be greater than or
equal to 512 KB.
5175 10 The file ‘%.*ls’ has been expanded to
prevent recovery from failing. Contact the system administrator for further
5176 10 The file ‘%.*ls’ has been expanded beyond
its maximum size to prevent recovery from failing. Contact the system
administrator for further assistance.
5177 16 Encountered an unexpected error while
checking the sector size for file ‘%.*ls’. Check the SQL Server error log for
more information.
5178 16 Cannot use file ‘%.*ls’ because it was
originally formatted with sector size %d and is now on a device with sector size
5179 16 Cannot use file ‘%.*ls’, which is on a
device with sector size %d. SQL Server supports a maximum sector size of 4096
5180 22 Could not open FCB for invalid file ID %d
in database ‘%.*ls’.
5181 16 Could not restart database ‘%.*ls’.
Reverting back to old status.
5182 16 New log file ‘%.*ls’ was created.
5183 16 File ‘%ls’ cannot be created. Use WITH MOVE
to specify a usable physical file name.
5184 16 Cannot use file ‘%.*ls’ for clustered
server. Only formatted files on which the cluster resource of the server has a
dependency can be used.
5701 10 Changed database context to ‘%.*ls’.
5702 10 SQL Server is terminating this process.
5703 10 Changed language setting to %.*ls.
5803 10 Unknown config number (%d) in
5804 16 Character set, sort order, or collation
cannot be changed because at least one database is not writable.
5805 16 Too few locks specified. Minimum %d.
5807 16 Recovery intervals above %d minutes not
recommended. Use the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE statement to force this
5808 16 Ad hoc updates to system catalogs not
recommended. Use the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE statement to force this
5809 16 Average time slices above %d milliseconds
not recommended. Use the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE statement to force this
5810 16 Valid values for the fill factor are 0 to
5812 14 You do not have permission to run the
RECONFIGURE statement.
5823 16 Cannot reconfigure SQL Server to use sort
order ID %d, because the row for that sort order does not exist in syscharsets.
5828 16 User connections are limited to %d.
5829 16 The specified user options value is
5830 10 The default collation for SQL Server has
been reconfigured. Restart SQL Server to rebuild the table indexes on columns of
character data types.
5831 16 Minimum server memory value (%d) must be
less than or equal to the maximum value (%d).
5904 17 Background checkpoint process suspended
until locks are available.

There are times when you want to change the text from the table to a proper case in SQL Server and here’s a small resuable function that lets you do it.

create function ConvertToTitleCase(@Text as varchar(8000))
returns varchar(8000)
  declare @Reset bit;
  declare @Ret varchar(8000);
  declare @index int;
  declare @c char(1);

  if @Text is null
    return null;

  select @Reset = 1, @index = 1, @Ret = '';

  while (@index <= len(@Text))
    select @c = substring(@Text, @index, 1),
      @Ret = @Ret + case when @Reset = 1 then UPPER(@c) else LOWER(@c) end,
      @Reset = case when @c like '[a-zA-Z]' then 0 else 1 end,
      @index = @index + 1
  return @Ret

You can call the function as shown below.

declare @input varchar(8000) = 'this is a developerpublish.com portal'

select [dbo].[ConvertToTitleCase](@input)

You should see the output as shown below

We have Powerbuilder app that ran fine on the 2000 db before we migrated to 2005. Now we get the following error:

sqlstate 5001 error «There is already an object named PKCURSOR in the

The partial code below has been modified by adding a drop contraint PKCURSOR . So the error does not pop up now for 2 of the dba’s who have powerbuilder installed and they run the app from their network drive. The other user runs it from her network drive and gets the error. I’ve also made that user a dbo and still gets the error.
Any ideas?


DECLARE @PROGRAM_YEAR                   CHAR(4),
        @ERROR_STRING                   CHAR(132),
        @ACTIVITY_CODE                  CHAR(3)

    PROGRAM_YEAR                CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    ACTIVITY_CODE               CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
-- Alter the temporary table to have a primary key of application number and program year.

    SELECT dbo.ACTIVITY_CODE.activity_code
        (dbo.ACTIVITY_CODE.activity_code LIKE 'P%%') 
        and (dbo.ACTIVITY_CODE.activity_code <> 'P01')
    ORDER BY dbo.ACTIVITY_CODE.activity_code





Msg 5001, Level 16, State 5, Procedure sp_set_firewall_rule, Line 1 [Batch Start Line 0]
User must be in the master database.

returned when trying to add a firewall rule for ABC database using

EXECUTE sp_set_firewall_rule @name = N’ContosoFirewallRule’,
@start_ip_address = ‘’, @end_ip_address = ‘’

from SQL management studio 17.5

Document Details

Do not edit this section. It is required for docs.microsoft.com ➟ GitHub issue linking.

  • ID: 79891897-a11e-6e20-9d41-e4fbbb84311e
  • Version Independent ID: c8317b35-e80a-7f5d-51bf-7a26b2279595
  • Content: Azure SQL Database and Data Warehouse firewall rules
  • Content Source: articles/sql-database/sql-database-firewall-configure.md
  • Service: sql-database
  • GitHub Login: @VanMSFT
  • Microsoft Alias: vanto


@TJHAutoLtd The T-SQL as you have it detailed above is going to return an error because spsetfirewallrule does not exist. The correct name for this SProc is: sp_set_firewall_rule

EXECUTE spsetfirewallrule @name = N'ContosoFirewallRule', @startipaddress = '', @endip_address = ''

Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 3
Could not find stored procedure ‘spsetfirewallrule’.

Please update your T-SQL statement to reflect the correct SProc reference.



As per my first comment I had indeed used the correct sp_set_firewall_rule which is also detailed on this page in the example, I did not use «spsetfirewallrule» which is also why you have a different error message than the one I received and posted about above?



I should add that I am connected using SQL authentication and leaving all other connection parameters as default, this rule did work but I now have 6 db that all show the same error when attempting to set db — level firewall rules



having reviewed all the information I have found that it was not entirely clear that the SPoc in this instance should have been sp_set_database_firewall_rule, command has now run successfully and i’ll update my notes


@TJHAutoLtd We will now proceed to close this thread. If there are further questions regarding this matter, please comment and we will gladly continue the discussion.

List of error messages between 5000 and 5999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text 5001 16 0 User must be in the master database. 5002 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Verify the name in sys.databases and try the operation again. 5003 16 0 Database mirroring cannot be enabled while the database has offline files. 5004 16 0 To use ALTER DATABASE, the database must be in a writable state in which a checkpoint can be executed. 5005 16 0 Specified recovery time of %I64d seconds is less than zero or more than the maximum of %d seconds. 5006 16 0 Could not get exclusive use of %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ to perform the requested operation. 5008 16 0 This ALTER DATABASE statement is not supported. Correct the syntax and execute the statement again. 5009 16 0 One or more files listed in the statement could not be found or could not be initialized. 5010 16 0 Log file name cannot be generated from a raw device. The log file name and path must be specified. 5011 14 0 User does not have permission to alter database ‘%.*ls’, the database does not exist, or the database is not in a state that allows access checks. 5012 16 0 The name of the primary filegroup cannot be changed. 5013 16 0 The master and model databases cannot have files added to them. ALTER DATABASE was aborted. 5014 16 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ does not exist in database ‘%.*ls’. 5015 16 0 ALTER DATABASE failed. The total size specified must be 1 MB or greater. 5016 16 0 Cannot change the name of the system database %.*ls. 5017 16 0 The AUTOGROW_ALL_FILES or AUTOGROW_SINGLE_FILE property cannot be modified on a FILESTREAM or MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup. 5018 10 0 The file «%.*ls» has been modified in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started. 5019 10 0 Cannot find entry in sys.master_files for file ‘%.*ls’. 5020 16 0 The primary data or log file cannot be removed from a database. 5021 10 0 The %S_MSG name ‘%.*ls’ has been set. 5022 16 0 Log file ‘%ls’ for this database is already active. 5023 16 0 The database must be suspect or in emergency mode to rebuild the log. 5024 16 0 No entry found for the primary log file in sysfiles1. Could not rebuild the log. 5025 16 0 The file ‘%ls’ already exists. It should be renamed or deleted so that a new log file can be created. 5027 16 0 System databases master, model, and tempdb cannot have their logs rebuilt. 5028 16 0 The system could not activate enough of the database to rebuild the log. 5029 10 1 Warning: The log for database ‘%.*ls’ has been rebuilt. Transactional consistency has been lost. The RESTORE chain was broken, and the server no longer has context on the previous log files, so you will need to know what they were. You should run DBCC CHECKDB to validate physical consistency. The database has been put in dbo-only mode. When you are ready to make the database available for use, you will need to reset database options and delete any extra log files. 5030 16 0 The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation. 5031 16 0 Cannot remove the file ‘%.*ls’ because it is the only file in the DEFAULT filegroup. 5032 10 0 The file cannot be shrunk below page %d until the log is backed up because it contains bulk logged pages. 5033 16 0 The maximum of %ld files per database has been exceeded. 5034 16 0 The file %ls is currently being autogrown or modified by another process. Try the operation again later. 5035 16 0 Filegroup ‘%.*ls’ already exists in this database. Specify a different name or remove the conflicting filegroup if it is empty. 5036 16 0 MODIFY FILE failed. Specify logical name. 5038 16 0 MODIFY FILE failed for file «%.*ls». At least one property per file must be specified. 5039 16 0 MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than or equal to current size. 5040 16 0 MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. 5041 16 0 MODIFY FILE failed. File ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. 5042 16 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed because it is not empty. 5043 16 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ cannot be found in %ls. 5044 10 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ has been removed. 5045 16 0 The %S_MSG already has the ‘%ls’ property set. 5046 10 0 The %S_MSG property ‘%ls’ has been set. 5047 16 0 Cannot change the READONLY property of the PRIMARY filegroup. 5048 16 0 Cannot add, remove, or modify files in filegroup ‘%.*ls’. The filegroup is read-only. 5050 16 0 Cannot change the properties of empty filegroup ‘%.*ls’. The filegroup must contain at least one file. 5051 16 0 Cannot have a filegroup with the name ‘DEFAULT’. 5052 16 0 %ls is not permitted while a database is in the %ls state. 5054 16 0 Could not cleanup worktable IAM chains to allow shrink or remove file operation. Please try again when tempdb is idle. 5055 16 0 Cannot add, remove, or modify file ‘%.*ls’. The file is read-only. 5056 16 0 Cannot add, remove, or modify a file in filegroup ‘%.*ls’ because the filegroup is not online. 5057 16 0 Cannot add, remove, or modify file ‘%.*ls’ because it is offline. 5058 16 0 Option ‘%.*ls’ cannot be set in database ‘%.*ls’. 5059 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ is in transition. Try the ALTER DATABASE statement later. 5060 10 0 Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. 5061 16 0 ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database ‘%.*ls’. Try again later. 5062 16 0 The option «%.*ls» conflicts with another requested option. The options cannot both be requested at the same time. 5063 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ is in warm standby. A warm-standby database is read-only. 5064 16 0 Changes to the state or options of database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it. 5065 16 0 The file «%ls» is currently being scanned or used by a background or user process. Try the operation again later. 5066 16 0 Database options single user and dbo use only cannot be set at the same time. 5067 16 0 The database option TORN_PAGE_DETECTION is incompatible with the PAGE_CHECKSUM option. 5068 10 0 Failed to restart the current database. The current database is switched to master. 5069 16 0 ALTER DATABASE statement failed. 5070 16 0 Database state cannot be changed while other users are using the database ‘%.*ls’ 5071 16 0 Rebuild log can only specify one file. 5072 16 0 ALTER DATABASE failed. The default collation of database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be set to %.*ls. 5073 16 0 Cannot alter collation for database ‘%ls’ because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT. 5074 16 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ is dependent on %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’. 5075 16 0 The %S_MSG ‘%.*ls’ is dependent on %S_MSG. The database collation cannot be changed if a schema-bound object depends on it. Remove the dependencies on the database collation and then retry the operation. 5076 10 0 Warning: Changing default collation for database ‘%.*ls’, which is used in replication. All replication databases should have the same default collation. 5077 16 0 Cannot change the state of non-data files or files in the primary filegroup. 5078 16 0 Cannot alter database options for «%ls» because it is READONLY, OFFLINE, or marked SUSPECT. 5079 10 0 Database «%.*ls» is %S_MSG for vardecimal storage format. 5080 16 0 Vardecimal storage format cannot be disabled for database «%.*ls» because the database is not under simple recovery model. Change the database recovery model to simple and then reissue the command. 5081 16 0 The value for change tracking option ‘%ls’ is not valid. The value must be a positive number. 5082 16 0 Cannot change the versioning state on database «%.*ls» together with another database state. 5083 16 0 The termination option is not supported when making versioning state changes. 5084 10 1 Setting database option %ls to %ls for database ‘%.*ls’. 5085 16 0 Alter database command failed because SQL Server was started with one or more undocumented trace flags that prevent enabling/disabling database for versioning. 5086 16 0 Cannot disable vardecimal storage format for database «%.*ls» because there are one or more tables that have vardecimal storage format enabled. Disable the vardecimal storage format on all tables before disabling the vardecimal storage format for the database. 5087 16 0 The file content type mismatches with the content type of the filegroup. 5088 16 0 Change tracking is already enabled for database ‘%.*ls’. 5089 16 0 Change tracking is disabled for database ‘%.*ls’. Change tracking must be enabled on a database to modify change tracking settings. 5090 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ is a system database. Change tracking settings cannot be modified for system databases. 5091 15 0 ALTER DATABASE change tracking option ‘%ls’ was specified more than once. Each option can be specified only once. 5092 15 0 The value for change tracking option ‘%ls’ is not valid. The value must be between %d and %d minutes. 5093 16 0 The operation cannot be performed on a database snapshot. 5094 16 0 The operation cannot be performed on a database with database snapshots or active DBCC replicas. 5095 16 0 A database or filegroup cannot be set to read-only mode when any files are subject to a RESTORE PAGE operation. Complete the restore sequence involving file «%ls» before attempting to transition to read-only. 5096 16 0 The recovery model cannot be changed to SIMPLE when any files are subject to a RESTORE PAGE operation. Complete the restore sequence involving file «%ls» before attempting to transition to SIMPLE. 5097 16 0 The container cannot be set to the offline state because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER DATABASE statement. 5098 16 0 The container can not be dropped because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER DATABASE operation. 5102 22 0 Attempted to open a filegroup for the invalid ID %d in database «%.*ls». 5103 16 0 MAXSIZE cannot be less than SIZE for file ‘%ls’. 5104 16 0 File ‘%.*ls’ already used. 5105 16 1 A file activation error occurred. The physical file name ‘%.*ls’ may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation. 5108 10 0 Log file ‘%.*ls’ does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database or the log may have been rebuilt previously. 5110 16 0 The file «%.*ls» is on a network path that is not supported for system database files. 5111 10 0 File activation failure. The physical file name «%.*ls» may be incorrect. 5112 10 1 FCB::SetSize dbid %d fileid %d oldSize %d newSize %d. To prevent this informational message from appearing in the error log, use DBCC TRACEOFF to turn off the trace flag. 5113 10 0 The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure. 5114 16 0 Log files, offline files, restoring files, and defunct files for database snapshots should not be specified. «%.*ls» is not an eligible file for a database snapshot. 5115 16 0 Only SQL Server database files can be specified for database snapshots. ‘%.*ls’ is not a SQL Server database file. 5118 16 0 The file «%ls» is compressed but does not reside in a read-only database or filegroup. The file must be decompressed. 5119 16 0 Cannot make the file «%.*ls» a sparse file. Make sure the file system supports sparse files. 5120 16 0 Unable to open the physical file «%.*ls». Operating system error %d: «%ls». 5121 16 0 The path specified by «%.*ls» is not in a valid directory. 5123 16 0 CREATE FILE encountered operating system error %ls while attempting to open or create the physical file ‘%.*ls’. 5124 16 1 The file header in ‘%ls’ does not match the expected contents for file ‘%ls’ of database ‘%ls’. The mismatch is possibly between the full-text catalog files and the related database. Perform a restore if necessary. 5125 24 0 File ‘%ls’ appears to have been truncated by the operating system. Expected size is %I64d KB but actual size is %I64d KB. 5127 16 0 All files must be specified for database snapshot creation. Missing the file «%ls». 5128 17 0 Write to sparse file ‘%ls’ failed due to lack of disk space. 5129 10 0 The log cannot be rebuilt when the primary file is read-only. 5130 10 0 The log cannot be rebuilt when database mirroring is enabled. 5131 10 0 The log was not rebuilt because there is more than one log file. 5132 16 0 The path specified by ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used for FILESTREAM files because it is a raw device. 5133 16 0 Directory lookup for the file «%ls» failed with the operating system error %ls. 5134 16 0 The path that is specified by ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used for FILESTREAM files because it is not on a supported file system. 5135 16 0 The path ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used for FILESTREAM files. For information about supported paths, see SQL Server Books Online. 5136 16 0 The path specified by ‘%.*ls’ cannot be used for a FILESTREAM container since it is contained in another FILESTREAM container. 5137 16 0 Snapshot database file and base database file are not allowed to be on the different type of storage. 5138 16 0 Trailing space is not allowed in SQL file name ‘%.*ls’ on cloud storage. 5139 16 0 Operation (%.*ls) failed on ‘%.*ls’. Operating system error %d: «%ls» 5140 16 0 Failed to lock credential object (Account: %.*ls, Container: %.*ls). Lock Mode: %.*ls. 5141 16 0 Failed to lock credential manager. Lock Mode: %.*ls. 5142 16 0 Failed to lock lease renewal manager. Lock Mode: %.*ls. 5143 16 0 Concurrent operation (%.*ls) failed on file ‘%.*ls’. Operating system error %d: «%ls» 5144 10 1 Autogrow of file ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’ was cancelled by user or timed out after %d milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size. 5145 10 1 Autogrow of file ‘%.*ls’ in database ‘%.*ls’ took %d milliseconds. Consider using ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH for this file. 5149 16 0 MODIFY FILE encountered operating system error %ls while attempting to expand the physical file ‘%ls’. 5150 16 0 The size of a single log file must not be greater than 2 TB. 5152 16 0 This operation is not supported for URL %.*ls. 5159 24 0 Operating system error %.*ls on file «%.*ls» during %ls. 5161 16 1 An unexpected file id was encountered. File id %d was expected but %d was read from «%.*ls». Verify that files are mapped correctly in sys.master_files. ALTER DATABASE can be used to correct the mappings. 5169 16 0 FILEGROWTH cannot be greater than MAXSIZE for file ‘%.*ls’. 5170 16 1 Cannot create file ‘%ls’ because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation. 5171 16 0 %.*ls is not a primary database file. 5172 16 0 The header for file ‘%ls’ is not a valid database file header. The %ls property is incorrect. 5173 16 1 One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup. 5174 16 0 Each file size must be greater than or equal to 512 KB. 5175 10 1 The file %.*ls has been expanded to allow recovery to succeed. After recovery completes, you can increase the size of the files in the database. Contact the system administrator for assistance. 5176 10 1 To allow recovery to succeed, the log file ‘%.*ls’ has been expanded beyond its maximum size. After recovery completes, you should either increase the size of the log file in the database or schedule more frequent backups of the log (under the full or bulk-logged recovery model). 5177 16 1 An unexpected error occurred while checking the sector size for file ‘%.*ls’. Move the file to a local NTFS volume, where the sector size can be retrieved. Check the SQL Server error log for more information. 5178 16 1 Cannot use file ‘%.*ls’ because it was originally formatted with sector size %d and is now on a volume with sector size %d. Move the file to a volume with a sector size that is the same as or smaller than the original sector size. 5179 16 1 Cannot use file ‘%.*ls’, because it is on a volume with sector size %d. SQL Server supports a maximum sector size of 4096 bytes. Move the file to a volume with a compatible sector size. 5180 22 1 Could not open File Control Block (FCB) for invalid file ID %d in database ‘%.*ls’. Verify the file location. Execute DBCC CHECKDB. 5181 16 0 Could not restart database «%.*ls». Reverting to the previous status. 5182 10 1 New log file ‘%.*ls’ was created. 5183 16 0 Cannot create the file «%ls». Use WITH MOVE to specify a usable physical file name. Use WITH REPLACE to overwrite an existing file. 5184 16 0 Cannot use file ‘%.*ls’ for clustered server. Only formatted files on which the cluster resource of the server has a dependency can be used. Either the disk resource containing the file is not present in the cluster group or the cluster resource of the Sql Server does not have a dependency on it. 5185 16 0 Cannot find the matching log file for FILESTRAM file ‘%.*ls’. 5186 16 0 Encountered an error (NT status code 0x%x) while attempting to start the Transactional File System Resource Manager ‘%.*ls’. 5188 16 0 Encountered error (NT status code 0x%x) while attempting to perform redo for transactional file system resource manager ‘%.*ls’. 5189 16 0 Encountered error (NT status code 0x%x) while attempting to perform undo for transactional file system resource manager ‘%.*ls’. 5190 16 0 Encountered error (NT status code 0x%x) while attempting to checkpoint transactional file system resource manager ‘%.*ls’. 5191 10 0 Local directory ‘%.*ls’ is used for tempdb in a clustered server. This directory must exist on each cluster node and SQL Server service has read/write permission on it. 5192 16 0 Maximum allowed file size is %I64dGB. 5193 21 0 Failed to access file due to lease mismatch. Bringing down database. 5194 16 0 The size for FILESTREAM log file ‘%.*ls’ must be greater than or equal to 1 MB. 5195 16 0 The Cluster Service function call ‘%s’ failed with error code ‘%s’ while verifying the file path. Verify that your failover cluster is configured properly. 5196 10 0 The file «%ls» has been uncompressed. 5197 16 0 Encountered an error (%ls) while attempting to uncompress the file «%ls». 5198 16 0 The path specified by «%.*ls» is a UNC path. UNC path is not supported in failover clustered environment. 5199 16 0 The path specified by «%.*ls» is a raw device. Raw device path is not supported in failover clustered environment. 5201 10 0 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: File ID %d of database ID %d was skipped because the file does not have enough free space to reclaim. 5202 10 0 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE for database ID %d is waiting for the snapshot transaction with timestamp %I64d and other snapshot transactions linked to timestamp %I64d or with timestamps older than %I64d to finish. 5203 10 0 DBCC SHRINKFILE for file ID %d is waiting for the snapshot transaction with timestamp %I64d and other snapshot transactions linked to timestamp %I64d or with timestamps older than %I64d to finish. 5204 16 0 Could not find allocation unit ID %I64d. Check sys.allocation_units. 5205 10 0 %.*ls: Moving page %d:%d failed. 5206 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it could not be read. 5207 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is a work table page. 5208 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is a work file page. 5209 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is a dedicated allocation page. 5210 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an invalid page type. 5211 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it was deallocated during shrink. 5212 10 0 %.*ls: System table SYSFILES1 Page %d:%d could not be moved to other files because it only can reside in the primary file of the database. 5213 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because its ownership was changed during shrink. 5214 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because its page type was changed during shrink. 5215 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because the partition to which it belonged was dropped. 5216 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because the table to which it belonged was dropped. 5217 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an empty non-leaf level index page. 5218 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because the table name could not be found. 5219 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved. 5220 10 0 %.*ls: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %d:%d could not be moved. 5221 10 0 %.*ls: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %d:%d from a dropped allocation unit could not be moved. 5222 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d from a dropped allocation unit could not be deallocated. 5223 10 0 %.*ls: Empty page %d:%d could not be deallocated. 5224 10 0 %.*ls: Empty large object page %d:%d could not be deallocated. 5225 10 0 %.*ls: Not all ghost records on the large object page %d:%d could be removed. If there are active queries on readable secondary replicas check the current ghost cleanup boundary. 5226 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d (type UNLINKED_REORG_PAGE) could not be deallocated. 5227 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d (type BULK_OPERATION_PAGE) could not be deallocated. 5228 16 0 Table error: object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID, row %d. DBCC detected incomplete cleanup from an online index build operation. (The anti-matter column value is %d.) 5229 16 0 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls) contains an anti-matter column, but is not a nonclustered index. 5230 10 0 The check statement was aborted. DBCC CHECKCATALOG cannot be run on TEMPDB. 5231 10 0 Object ID %ld (object ‘%.*ls’): A deadlock occurred while trying to lock this object for checking. This object has been skipped and will not be processed. 5232 10 0 DBCC CHECKDB will not check SQL Server catalog or Service Broker consistency because a database snapshot could not be created or because WITH TABLOCK was specified. 5233 16 0 Table error: alloc unit ID %I64d, page %S_PGID. The test (%.*ls) failed. The values are %ld and %ld. 5234 10 0 DBCC SHRINKDATABASE: File ID %d of database ID %d was skipped because trying to adjust the space allocation for the file was failed. 5235 10 0 %lsDBCC %ls (%ls%ls%ls)%ls executed by %ls terminated abnormally due to error state %d. Elapsed time: %d hours %d minutes %d seconds. 5236 10 0 Unable to process object ‘%ls’ because it is a four-part name, which is not supported by any DBCC command. 5237 10 0 DBCC cross-rowset check failed for object ‘%.*ls’ (object ID %d) due to an internal query error. 5238 16 0 Unable to process object ID %ld (object ‘%.*ls’) because it is a stored procedure or user-defined function, which is not supported by any DBCC command. 5239 16 0 Unable to process object ID %ld (object ‘%.*ls’) because this DBCC command does not support objects of this type. 5240 10 0 File ID %d of database ID %d cannot be shrunk as it is either being shrunk by another process or is empty. 5241 10 0 File ID %d of database ID %d cannot be shrunk as the target shrink size (%I64d KB) is greater than the actual file size (%I64d KB). 5242 16 0 An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database ‘%.*ls'(ID:%d) on page %S_PGID. Please contact technical support. 5243 16 0 An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation. Please contact technical support. 5244 16 0 Repair statement not processed. One or more files in the database are read-only and must be made writeable in order to run repair. 5245 16 0 Object ID %ld (object ‘%.*ls’): DBCC could not obtain a lock on this object because the lock request timeout period was exceeded. This object has been skipped and will not be processed. 5246 16 0 Repair operations cannot be performed on the MSSQLSYSTEMRESOURCE database. Consult Books Online topic «Resource Database» for more information. 5247 16 0 Repair: insert a secondary index row based on its base table row. 5248 10 0 Repair: Successfully %ls row in index «%ls» in database «%ls». 5249 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because shrink could not lock the page. 5250 16 0 Database error: %ls page %S_PGID for database ‘%.*ls’ (database ID %d) is invalid. This error cannot be repaired. You must restore from backup. 5251 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because maintaining NC indexes associated with the heap failed. 5252 10 0 File ID %d of database ID %d cannot be shrunk to the expected size. The high concurrent workload is leading to too many deadlocks during the shrink operation. Re-run the shrink operation when the workload is lower. 5253 10 0 The check statement was aborted. DBCC CHECKALLOC cannot be run on TEMPDB. 5254 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because the table to which it belonged was building the heap by another process. 5255 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is a sort page. 5256 16 0 Table error: alloc unit ID %I64d, page %S_PGID contains an incorrect page ID in its page header. The PageId in the page header = %S_PGID. 5257 10 0 %.*ls: File ID %d of database ID %d was skipped because the file size was changed in the middle of shrink operation. 5258 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because building computed column expression failed. 5259 10 0 %.*ls: Heap page %d:%d could not be moved because populating computed column expression failed. 5260 16 0 Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls): At least one record on page %S_PGID contains versioning information, but the VERSION_INFO bit in the page header is not set. 5261 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it has not been formatted. 5262 16 0 Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID, row %d: Row contains a NULL versioning timestamp, but its version chain pointer is not NULL. Version chain points to page %S_PGID, slot %d. 5263 10 0 Found incorrect count(s) for table ‘%.*ls’, index ‘%.*ls’, partition %ld: 5264 10 0 DATA pages %.*ls: From system table — %I64d pages; Actual — %I64d pages. 5265 10 0 USED pages %.*ls: From system table — %I64d pages; Actual — %I64d pages. 5266 10 0 RSVD pages %.*ls: From system table — %I64d pages; Actual — %I64d pages. 5267 10 0 ROWS count: From system table — %I64d rows; Actual — %I64d rows. 5268 10 0 DBCC %.*ls is performing an exhaustive search of %d indexes for possible inconsistencies. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 5269 16 0 Check terminated. The transient database snapshot for database ‘%.*ls’ (database ID %d) has been marked suspect due to an IO operation failure. Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. 5270 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an unmovable page in a critical system table. 5271 10 0 DBCC %ls could not output results for this command due to an internal failure. Review other errors for details. 5272 10 0 %.*ls: Index Allocation Map (IAM) page %d:%d could not be moved because the underlying object could not be accessed exclusively. 5273 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it belonged to an index/heap that was/is in build online. 5274 16 0 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID. %S_MSG is invalid for compressed page; the following internal test failed: %.*ls. Values are %ld and %ld. 5275 10 0 Exhaustive search of ‘%.*ls’ (database ID %d) for inconsistencies completed. Processed %d of %d total searches. Elapsed time: %I64d milliseconds. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 5276 10 0 Exhaustive search of ‘%.*ls’ (database ID %d) for inconsistencies failed due to exception %d, state %d. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 5277 10 0 Internal %lsdatabase snapshot has split point LSN = %08x:%08x:%04x and first LSN = %08x:%08x:%04x. 5278 10 0 DBCC encountered a page with an LSN greater than the current end of log LSN %S_LSN for its internal database snapshot. Could not read page %S_PGID, database ‘%.*ls’ (database ID %d), LSN = %S_LSN, type = %ld, isInSparseFile = %d. Please re-run this DBCC command.» 5279 16 0 Table error: object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, database fragment ID %d. The row on page (%d:%d), slot ID %d should be on fragment ID %d but was found in fragment ID %d. 5280 16 0 An unexpected protocol element was recevied during the execution of a consistency check command. Retry the operation. 5281 10 0 Estimated TEMPDB space (in KB) needed for %s on database %.*ls = %I64d. 5282 16 0 Table error: Object ID %d, index ID %d, partition ID %I64d, alloc unit ID %I64d (type %.*ls), page %S_PGID. The header of the page is invalid: the IS_IN_SYSXACT flag bit is set. 5283 10 0 The Cross Rowset check on nonclustered columnstore index object ID %d, index ID %d, partition number %d failed. Please rebuild the partition. 5284 16 0 The replicated index ‘%.*ls’ (object ID %d) and one or more of its clones do not contain the same rows. 5285 16 0 Nonclustered columnstore index ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ has a missing dictionary on column id %d and rowgroup id %d. Drop and recreate the nonclustered columnstore index. 5286 10 0 %.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it belongs to an active online index build with LOBs. 5287 10 0 DBCC THROWERROR bypass exception. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 5288 16 0 Columnstore index has one or more data values that do not match data values in a dictionary. Please run DBCC CHECKDB for more info. 5289 16 0 Clustered columnstore index ‘%.*ls’ column ‘%.*ls’ rowgroup id %d on table ‘%.*ls’ has one or more data values that do not match data values in a dictionary. Restore the data from a backup. 5290 16 0 Columnstore index has one or more data values that are inconsistent with data values within the metadata. Please run DBCC CHECKDB for more info. 5291 16 0 Clustered columnstore index ‘%.*ls’ column ‘%.*ls’ rowgroup id %d on table ‘%.*ls’ has one or more data values that are inconsistent with data values within the metadata. Restore the data from a backup. 5292 16 0 Column store index ‘%.*ls’ on table ‘%.*ls’ has erroneous content in its Delete Bitmap with rowgroup_id %d and tuple_id %d. 5293 16 0 Nonclustered columnstore index ‘%.*ls’ column ‘%.*ls’ rowgroup id %d on table ‘%.*ls’ has one or more data values that do not match data values in a dictionary. Drop and recreate the nonclustered columnstore index. 5294 16 0 Nonclustered columnstore index ‘%.*ls’ column ‘%.*ls’ rowgroup id %d on table ‘%.*ls’ has one or more data values that are inconsistent with data values within the metadata. Drop and recreate the nonclustered columnstore index. 5295 16 0 DBCC UPDATEUSAGE cannot acquire lock on object ‘sysallocunits’. Please try again later. 5296 10 0 Object ID %ld (object ‘%.*ls’): The operation is not supported with memory optimized tables. This object has been skipped and will not be processed. 5297 10 0 The Cross Rowset check between clustered columnstore index and nonclustered index (object ID %d, index ID %d, partition number %d) failed. Please rebuild the partition. 5298 16 0 Cannot display content of page %S_PGID. The rowset it belongs to is in tombstone state and pending removal. 5299 16 0 Query Store Error:%d State:%d Message:%.*ls 5301 16 0 Bulk load failed. User does not have ALTER TABLE permission on table ‘%.*ls’. ALTER TABLE permission is required on the target table of a bulk load if the target table contains triggers or check constraints, but the ‘FIRE_TRIGGERS’ or ‘CHECK_CONSTRAINTS’ bulk hints are not specified. ALTER TABLE permission is also required if the ‘KEEPIDENTITY’ bulk hint is specified. 5302 16 0 Mutator ‘%.*ls’ on ‘%.*ls’ cannot be called on a null value. 5303 16 0 The result of applying mutator ‘%.*ls’ on CLR type ‘%.*ls’ cannot be a null value. 5304 16 0 Bulk copy failed. User does not have ALTER TABLE permission on table ‘%.*ls’. ALTER TABLE permission is required on the target table of a bulk copy operation if the table has triggers or check constraints, but ‘FIRE_TRIGGERS’ or ‘CHECK_CONSTRAINTS’ bulk hints are not specified as options to the bulk copy command. 5305 16 0 The rowdump and lockres columns are only valid on tables and indexed views on which the NOEXPAND hint is specified. 5306 16 0 Cursor parameters are not allowed for functions. Variable ‘%.*ls’ is of type cursor. 5307 16 0 Invalid parameter specified for sp_cursoropen. 5308 16 0 Windowed functions, aggregates and NEXT VALUE FOR functions do not support integer indices as ORDER BY clause expressions. 5309 16 0 Windowed functions, aggregates and NEXT VALUE FOR functions do not support constants as ORDER BY clause expressions. 5310 16 0 Aggregates are not allowed in the VALUES list of an INSERT statement. 5311 16 0 Invalid quote character ‘%lc’. A remote server or user command used an invalid quote character. 5312 16 0 The input to the function ‘ntile’ cannot be bound. 5313 16 0 Synonym ‘%.*ls’ refers to an invalid object. 5314 16 0 The use of aggregates is not allowed in this context. 5315 16 0 The target of a MERGE statement cannot be a remote table, a remote view, or a view over remote tables. 5316 16 0 The target ‘%.*ls’ of the MERGE statement has an INSTEAD OF trigger on some, but not all, of the actions specified in the MERGE statement. In a MERGE statement, if any action has an enabled INSTEAD OF trigger on the target, then all actions must have enabled INSTEAD OF triggers. 5317 16 0 The target of a MERGE statement cannot be a partitioned view. 5318 16 0 In a MERGE statement, the source and target cannot have the same name or alias. Use different aliases for the source and target to ensure that they have unique names in the MERGE statement. 5319 16 0 Aggregates are not allowed in a WHEN clause of a MERGE statement. 5321 16 0 The ‘%ls’ function is not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. 5322 16 0 An aggregate function is not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. 5323 15 0 Subqueries are not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. 5324 15 0 In a MERGE statement, a ‘%S_MSG’ clause with a search condition cannot appear after a ‘%S_MSG’ clause with no search condition. 5325 15 0 The order of the data in the data file does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the BULK rowset ‘%.*ls’. The order of the data must match the order specified in the ORDER hint for a BULK rowset. Update the ORDER hint to reflect the order in which the input data is ordered, or update the input data file to match the order specified by the ORDER hint. 5326 15 0 The data in the data file does not conform to the UNIQUE hint specified for the BULK rowset ‘%.*ls’. The data in the data file must be unique if the UNIQUE hint is specified for a BULK rowset. Remove the UNIQUE hint, or update the input data file to ensure that the data is unique. 5327 15 0 The column ‘%.*ls’ does not have a valid data type for the ORDER hint specified for data source ‘%.*ls’. The text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and varbinary(max) data types cannot be used in the ORDER hint for a BULK rowset or CLR TVF. 5328 15 0 Cannot insert explicit value for the identity column ‘%.*ls’ in the target table ‘%.*ls’ of the INSERT statement when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. 5329 15 0 Windowed functions are not allowed in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. 5330 16 0 Full-text predicates cannot appear in the OUTPUT clause. 5331 16 0 Full-text predicates cannot appear in the %S_MSG clause when the FROM clause contains a nested INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. 5332 15 0 The order of the data in the stream does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the CLR TVF ‘%.*ls’. The order of the data must match the order specified in the ORDER hint for a CLR TVF. Update the ORDER hint to reflect the order in which the input data is ordered, or update the CLR TVF to match the order specified by the ORDER hint. 5333 16 0 The identifier ‘%.*ls’ cannot be bound. Only source columns and columns in the clause scope are allowed in the ‘WHEN NOT MATCHED’ clause of a MERGE statement. 5334 16 0 The identifier ‘%.*ls’ cannot be bound. Only target columns and columns in the clause scope are allowed in the ‘WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE’ clause of a MERGE statement. 5335 16 0 The data type %ls cannot be used as an operand to the UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operators because it is not comparable. 5336 16 0 Recursive references are not allowed on the right hand side of an EXCEPT operator in the recursive part of recursive CTEs. 5337 16 0 A constant folding error caused the creation or alteration of the %S_MSG to fail. Common causes for this error are arithmetic overflow, type conversion failure, and divide-by-zero in an expression in the %S_MSG. 5338 16 0 Format option cannot be specified together with SINGLE_BLOB, SINGLE_CLOB or SINGLE_NCLOB option. 5339 16 0 CSV format option is supported for char and widechar datafiletype options. 5501 16 0 The FILESTREAM filegroup was dropped before the table can be created. 5502 16 0 The FILESTREAM container is inaccessible. 5503 10 0 Unable to find entry in sys.database_files for FILESTREAM file ‘%.*ls’. 5504 15 0 ‘PRIMARY’ can only be specified for FILESTREAM log filegroup in a ‘CONTAINS’ clause. 5505 16 0 A table that has FILESTREAM columns must have a nonnull unique column with the ROWGUIDCOL property. 5506 15 0 FILESTREAM data or log file cannot be named ‘DEFAULT’. 5507 15 0 DEFAULT cannot be specified for FILESTREAM log filegroup ‘%.*ls’. 5508 15 0 FILESTREAM can only be declared for VARBINARY columns. 5509 15 0 The properties SIZE or FILEGROWTH cannot be specified for the FILESTREAM data file ‘%.*ls’. 5510 15 0 LOG ON cannot be used for non-FILESTREAM file group ‘%.*ls’. 5511 23 0 FILESTREAM’s file system log record ‘%.*ls’ under log folder ‘%.*ls’ is corrupted. 5512 16 1 Error 0x%x (%ls) was encountered while directory ‘%.*ls’ was being truncated. 5513 16 0 The name that is specified for the associated log filegroup for FILESTREAM filegroup ‘%.*ls’ is not valid. 5514 16 0 Transactional replication/Change Data Capture cannot proceed because Transactional File System Resource Manager at ‘%.*ls’ is not started. 5515 20 0 Cannot open the container directory ‘%.*ls’ of the FILESTREAM file. The operating system has returned the status code 0x%x. 5516 16 0 The FILESTREAM log filegroup ‘%.*ls’ cannot be referred to by more than one FILESTREAM data filegroup. 5517 16 0 FILESTREAM container MAXSIZE must be greater than or equal to 512 KB. 5518 16 0 FILESTREAM path ‘%.*ls’ is too long. 5519 16 0 A database must have primary FILESTREAM log filegroup and log file in order for it to contain other FILESTREAM filegroups. 5520 16 0 Upgrade of FILESTREAM container ID %d in the database ID %d failed because of container size recalculation error. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, and take the appropriate corrective actions. 5521 16 0 Error 0x%x (NT status code) was encountered when SQL Server attempts to retrieve ‘%.*ls’ from the Transaction File System Resource Manager located at ‘%.*ls’. 5522 16 0 FILESTREAM data file cannot be removed because its log file has not been backed up. 5523 16 0 FILESTREAM data file group cannot be added to refer to an empty FILESTREAM log file group. 5524 16 0 Default FILESTREAM data filegroup cannot be removed unless it’s the last FILESTREAM data filegroup left. 5525 16 0 The READ_ONLY and READ_WRITE property cannot be modified on a FILESTREAM log filegroup. 5526 16 0 The FILESTREAM log file ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed because it is being referenced by a FILESTREAM data filegroup. 5527 16 0 The primary FILESTREAM log file cannot be dropped because other FILESTREAM filegroups exist. 5528 16 0 A database can have at most one primary FILESTREAM log filegroup and log file. 5529 16 0 Failed to remove a FILESTREAM file. The database is a primary database in an availability group. Wait for the FILESTREAM data files to be hardened on every secondary availability replica. Then retry the drop file operation. 5531 16 0 Error 0x%x (NT status code) was encountered when SQL Server attempts to change the logging mode of Transaction File System Resource Manager located at ‘%.*ls’ from ‘%.*ls’ to ‘%.*ls’. 5532 16 0 SQL Server cannot obtain the Kernel Transaction Manager’s transaction context to perform file system operation. 5533 23 0 The FILESTREAM file system log record that has the LSN ‘%d:%d:%d’ is missing. Log folder ‘%.*ls’ is corrupted. Restore the database from a backup. 5534 23 0 SQL log record at LSN ‘%d:%d:%d’ for database ‘%.*ls’ is corrupted. Database cannot recover. 5535 23 0 FILESTREAM data container ‘%.*ls’ is corrupted. Database cannot recover. 5536 23 0 FILESTREAM deleted folder ‘%.*ls’ is corrupted. Database cannot recover. 5537 16 0 Function %ls is only valid on columns with the FILESTREAM attribute. 5538 16 0 Partial updates are not supported on columns that have a FILESTREAM as a source. 5539 16 0 The ROWGUIDCOL column associated with the FILESTREAM being used is not visible where method %ls is called. 5540 16 0 The FILESTREAM column cannot be used with method %ls because the associated ROWGUIDCOL of the base table is nullable or does not have a unique constraint. 5541 16 0 An open mode must be used when a FILESTREAM column is opened as a file. 5542 16 0 The FILESTREAM filegroup ‘%.*ls’ has no files assigned to it. FILESTREAM data cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added. 5543 10 0 FILESTREAM: effective level = %d (remote access disabled), configured level = %d, file system access share name = ‘%.*ls’. 5544 10 0 FILESTREAM: effective level = %d (remote access enabled), configured level = %d, file system access share name = ‘%.*ls’. 5545 10 0 FILESTREAM: connected to kernel driver %ls. This is an informational message. No user action is required. 5546 10 0 FILESTREAM: failed to connect to kernel driver %ls. 5552 16 0 FILESTREAM file named with GUID ‘%.*ls’ that belongs to FILESTREAM data file ID 0x%x does not exist or cannot be opened. 5553 16 0 SQL Server internal error. FILESTREAM manager cannot continue with current command. 5554 16 0 The total number of versions for a single file has reached the maximum limit set by the file system. 5555 16 0 The operation has failed because the FILESTREAM data cannot be renamed. 5556 16 0 The database ‘%.*ls’ does not exist or does not support FILESTREAM. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases. 5557 16 0 The FILESTREAM container ‘%.*ls’ does not exist or cannot be processed. Supply a valid FILESTREAM container name. To see available containers, use sys.databases_files. 5558 16 0 Database ‘%.*ls’ should be in single-user mode. 5559 16 0 Could not open the database ‘%.*ls’. 5560 16 0 Access to the FILESTREAM tombstone table for the database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be performed at the moment because it conflicts with another activity, such as background GC operation, backup operation, DBCC CHECK* operation or on-going snapshot creation. 5561 16 0 FILESTREAM garbage collector operation was aborted on the database ‘%.*ls’. 5570 16 0 FILESTREAM Failed to find the garbage collection table. 5571 23 0 Internal FILESTREAM error: failed to access the garbage collection table. 5572 23 0 Internal FILESTREAM error: failed to perform a filesystem operation because of a potential corruption. 5573 10 0 Internal FILESTREAM error: failed to access the tombstones table with HRESULT: 0x%x. 5574 16 0 A database cannot be enabled for both Database Mirroring and FILESTREAM or for both Database Mirroring and MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA storage. 5575 10 0 Operation ‘%ls’ failed with HRESULT: %ls in file ‘%hs’, line %d while executing sp_filestream_configure. 5576 10 0 FILESTREAM feature is enabled. This is an informational message. No user action is required. 5577 10 0 FILESTREAM access level has been changed to %d. Restart the instance of SQL Server for the settings to fully take effect. 5578 16 0 A failure occurred while FILESTREAM configuration was being changed or applied. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. 5579 10 0 FILESTREAM: effective level = %d, configured level = %d. 5580 16 0 FILESTREAM InstanceGuid is null. Registry settings might be corrupted. 5581 10 0 FILESTREAM feature has been disabled. Restart the instance of SQL Server for the settings to fully take effect. If you have data in FILESTREAM columns, it will not be accessible after the SQL Server instance has been restarted. 5582 10 0 Machine reboot is required before the FILESTREAM feature settings can take effect. 5583 16 0 The specified value for the enable_level parameter of the sp_filestream_configure stored procedure is not valid. The value must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. 5584 16 0 Another session is executing the sp_filestream_configure stored procedure. Check the updated configuration settings and retry the operation if necessary. 5585 10 0 FILESTREAM file I/O access could not be enabled. The operating system Administrator must enable FILESTREAM file I/O access on the instance using Configuration Manager. 5586 10 0 The FILESTREAM feature is already configured to the specified level. No change has been made. 5590 16 0 FILESTREAM operations are not supported on the platform. 5591 16 0 FILESTREAM feature is disabled. 5592 16 0 FILESTREAM feature doesn’t have file system access enabled. 5593 16 0 FILESTREAM feature is not supported on WoW64. The feature is disabled. 5594 16 0 The value specified for the computer_name_format parameter of the .%ls() function is not valid. 5595 16 0 .PhysicalPathName is disabled. 5596 10 0 FILESTREAM feature configuration might be inconsistent. To reset the configuration, use the sp_configure stored procedure. 5597 16 0 FILESTREAM feature could not be initialized. The operating system Administrator must enable FILESTREAM on the instance using Configuration Manager. 5598 10 0 FILESTREAM feature is not supported on user instances. 5599 16 0 .ContainerId is disabled. 5600 16 0 The Cross Database Chaining option cannot be set to the specified value on the specified database. 5601 16 0 The service master key could not be force regenerated as requested by the -F startup option. The error number is %ld. 5602 10 0 The service master key regeneration was successful. 5603 16 0 The password for SA could not be force regenerated as requested by the -K startup option. The error number is %ld. 5604 10 0 The password regeneration attempt for SA was successful. 5605 16 0 The password for SA account could not be force regenerated and/or SA account cannot be disabled as requested by the -K startup option and the -T1617 trace flag. 5701 10 0 Changed database context to ‘%.*ls’. 5702 10 0 SQL Server is terminating this process. 5703 10 0 Changed language setting to %.*ls. 5803 10 0 Unknown configuration (id = %d) encountered in sys.configurations. 5804 16 1 Character set, sort order, or collation cannot be changed at the server level because at least one database is not writable. Make the database writable, and retry the operation. 5805 16 0 Too few locks specified. Minimum %d. 5807 16 0 Recovery intervals above %d minutes not recommended. Use the RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE statement to force this configuration. 5808 16 0 Ad hoc update to system catalogs is not supported. 5810 16 0 Valid values for the fill factor are 0 to 100. 5812 14 0 You do not have permission to run the RECONFIGURE statement. 5828 16 0 User connections are limited to %d. 5829 16 0 The specified user options value is invalid. 5831 16 0 Minimum server memory value (%d) must be less than or equal to the maximum value (%d). 5832 16 0 The affinity mask specified does not match the CPU mask on this system. 5833 16 0 The affinity mask specified is greater than the number of CPUs supported or licensed on this edition of SQL Server. 5834 16 0 The affinity specified conflicts with the IO affinity mask specified. Change the affinity setting to use different CPUs than those specified in the IO affinity mask. 5835 16 0 Failed to start CPUs with the mask 0x%lx on the system. 5836 16 0 Lightweight pooling is not supported on this platform or in this edition of SQL Server. 5837 16 0 The service broker listen port cannot be dynamic. Valid port values are 1024-32767. 5838 16 0 The service broker connection authentication value is invalid. 5839 16 0 The service broker message forward store size cannot be set to 0. 5840 16 0 The service broker message forward mode is invalid. 5841 16 0 The default full-text language is not supported by the full-text search component. 5842 16 0 Too few worker threads are specified. The minimum is %d. 5844 16 0 User Instances are not supported in this edition of SQL Server. 5846 16 0 Common language runtime (CLR) execution is not supported under lightweight pooling. Disable one of two options: «clr enabled» or «lightweight pooling». 5848 10 1 Physical CPU id %u has been hot added to node id %u as logical CPU id %u. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 5849 10 1 Online CPU addition is not supported in the current edition of SQL Server. 5850 10 1 Online addition of CPU resources cannot be completed. A software non-uniform memory access (soft-NUMA) configuration was specified at SQL Server startup that does not allow online addition of CPU resources. To use the additional CPU resources, either add the new CPUs to the soft-NUMA configuration and restart SQL Server, or remove the soft-NUMA configuration and restart SQL Server. 5851 10 0 The AccessCheckResult quota must be greater than or equal to the bucket count 5852 10 0 The AccessCheckResult bucket count must be less than %d. 5853 16 0 The affinity range is invalid. The lower bound %d must be less than the upper bound %d. 5854 16 0 A %S_MSG value was specified more than one time in the range list for an ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET PROCESS AFFINITY statement. 5855 16 0 The affinity setting was not changed. This can be caused by low system resources. 5856 16 0 The %S_MSG range that specifies %S_MSG %d includes at least one %S_MSG that is not available to the current instance. The maximum %S_MSG number that is available to this instance is %d. 5857 10 0 CPU 5858 10 0 NUMANODE 5859 16 0 The current affinity setting specifies the use of more than 64 processors. Before you use sp_configure to change affinity settings, remove these processors by using ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION. 5860 10 0 Affinity changed for node %d: from 0x%0*I64x:%u to 0x%0*I64x:%u. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 5861 16 0 A %S_MSG with id %d does not exist on this system. Use sys.dm_os_schedulers to locate valid %S_MSGs for this system. 5862 16 0 The number of max worker threads is set too low. On this computer, the number must be more than %u. You should increase the number of max worker threads. 5863 16 0 Could not change the value of the ‘%.*ls’ property. Operating system error %ls 5864 16 0 IO affinity is not supported on this edition of sql server. 5865 10 0 Dynamic configuration setting %ls%ls has been changed to %ld. 5866 10 0 Max server memory specified — %I64d MB is greater than the buffer pool extension size — %I64d MB. Buffer pool extension would be disabled on restart. 5867 16 0 Changing AFFINITY is not supported when the sql server is running in agnostic affinity mode. 5901 16 0 One or more recovery units belonging to database ‘%.*ls’ failed to generate a checkpoint. This is typically caused by lack of system resources such as disk or memory, or in some cases due to database corruption. Examine previous entries in the error log for more detailed information on this failure. 5904 17 1 Unable to issue checkpoint: there are not enough locks available. Background checkpoint process will remain suspended until locks are available. To free up locks, list transactions and their locks, and terminate transactions with the highest number of locks.

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