Sql ошибка 547


Executed as user: ArrivalsDepartures.
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint «FK_DepartureStatusArchive_TechnicianName».

The conflict occurred in database «DatabaseName», table «dbo.Users», column ‘UserID’. [SQLSTATE 23000] (Error 547)  
The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621).  
The step failed.

Root Cause

Error is not referring to the table which is having foreign-key to the Users table rather it mentioned the constraint name FK_DepartureStatusArchive_TechnicianName.

Also, the procedure is inserting data from Table A to Table B. Table B is having the foreign key to Users Table. This foreign key column is accepting NULLs but the column in Users table is Primary Key.


Actually, the culprit table is Archive table and the table structure was changed recently as part of one change. As the table is Archive and does not require referential key to Users table. Dropped the foreign key and now the job executed successfully.

Drop Foreign Key: Expand the table B->expand the Keys->right-click and script the key to be deleted-> run it against the Database and the constraint is deleted.

547 is the error code used for any constraint violation, not just foreign keys, e.g.:

create table T (
    ID int not null,
    constraint CK_Not1 CHECK (ID != 1)
insert into T (ID) values (2)
update T set ID = 1

(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK_Not1". The conflict occurred in database "Flange", table "dbo.T", column 'ID'.
The statement has been terminated.

That being said, I can’t think of any other type of constraint, other than foreign key, that could be violated by a DELETE statement. (Hat tip to @onedaywhen)

If you look in sys.messages, you’ll see that 547 has to be for a constraint violation:

select text from sys.messages where message_id=547 and language_id=1033

The %ls statement conflicted with the %ls constraint «%.*ls». The conflict occurred in database «%.*ls», table «%.*ls»%ls%.*ls%ls.

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  • Question

  • Tool: SQL Server 2008

    Environment: Windows Vista

    Problem: The code works perfect in staging environment. However, when I executed the code in production, an error message occurred: 

    Msg 547
    The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint . The conflict occurred in database «Mocha», table

    The statement has been terminated.

    DELETE FROM  tbl_ppl WHERE id in (Select id  from temp )

    the error goes away. However, the required info is not deleted from table ppl which i wish to do so.

    What would you suggest to over come this issue.

    • Edited by

      Tuesday, October 30, 2012 9:09 PM


  • It sounds like you are violating a reference constraint, which likely means your relationships are not identical in your staging and production environments.  The other option is that you are incorrectly assuming that certain data exists in your
    production environment that is violating the reference constraint.  Take a look at your references for the tables listed in the error messages in both databases.  You can script out the create table statements, view dependencies, run sp_help, or
    likely several other ways to check on these. 

    Sam Lester (MSFT)

    My Blog

    This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights. Please remember to click «Mark as Answer» and «Vote as Helpful» on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:41 PM
    • Unmarked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:22 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Monday, August 13, 2012 8:27 AM

  • there is foreign key referential integrity enforced in your tables which referring to the key pn_id in the table ABC.

    When the referential interity is enforced. If you try to delete the records from the parent table, it will cause error.

    There are normally 3 ways to handle this:

    1. set up on delete cascade in the constraint definition for the child tables.

    2. use a trigger for delete to delete the records on the children tables first.

    3. you need to specifically delete the records in the children tables first.

    Certainly the option 1 is the best.

    View Steven Wang's profile on LinkedIn |
    Blog: MSBICOE.com |
    MCITP — BI, SQL Developer & DBA

    Hate to mislead others, if I’m wrong slap me. Thanks!

    • Edited by
      Steven Wang — Shangzhou
      Friday, August 3, 2012 11:25 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:39 PM
    • Unmarked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:22 PM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Naomi N
      Sunday, August 12, 2012 8:31 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Monday, August 13, 2012 8:23 AM
    • Unmarked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Monday, August 13, 2012 8:24 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Monday, August 13, 2012 8:24 AM

  • There are normally 3 ways to handle this:

    1. set up on delete cascade in the constraint definition for the child

    2. use a trigger for delete to delete the records on the children tables

    3. you need to specifically delete the records in the children tables

    Certainly the option 1 is the best.

    I would say that it depends. If you are deleting an order you probably want the order details to down the drain as well. Ergo, the FK constraint on OrderDetails to Orders could have ON DELETE CASACDE.

    But if you delete a product for which there are orders, you may be barking up the wrong tree. It would be very bad if the FK constraint on in OrderDetails to Products was cascadind.

    All we know is that Sandra got an FK error. This could be because constraints are different in staging in production. It could also be because data is different in staging there are no violations.

    The correct approach is check these foreign keys and then check against the requirements. Only if you have verified that the data in the referenced tables should be deleted, you should change the constraints. It could just as well be the other way round:
    these rows should not be deleted.

    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se

    • Proposed as answer by
      Chris Sijtsma
      Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:25 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Tuesday, August 7, 2012 3:41 PM
    • Unmarked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:22 PM
    • Marked as answer by
      Sandra VO
      Monday, August 13, 2012 8:28 AM

Home > SQL Server Error Messages > Msg 547 — DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint Constraint Name.  The conflict occurred in database Database Name, table Table Name, column Column Name.

SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 547 — DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint Constraint Name.  The conflict occurred in database Database Name, table Table Name, column Column Name.

SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 547

Error Message

Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE 
constraint Constraint Name.  The conflict occurred in
database Database Name, table Table Name, column
Column Name.
The statement has been terminated.


This error occurs if you are trying to delete a record from a table that has a PRIMARY KEY and the record being deleted is being referenced as a FOREIGN KEY in another table.

To illustrate, assuming that in your Loans System, you have two tables, a table containing the different loan types accepted by the system ([dbo].[Loan Type]) and a table containing the loan applications ([dbo].[Loan Application]). The Loan Type ID in the Loan Application table references the Loan Type ID in the Loan Type table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Loan Type] (

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Loan Application] (
    [Loan Type ID]   VARCHAR(20)  NOT NULL
                     REFERENCES [dbo].[Loan Type] ( [Loan Type ID] ),
    [Borrower]       VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

Here’s some sample records from the 2 tables:

[dbo].[Loan Type]
Loan Type ID  Name
------------- ------------------
CAR           Car Loan
HOME          Home Loan
HOME EQUITY   Home Equity Loan
PERSONAL      Personal Loan
STUDENT       Student Loan

[dbo].[Loan Application]
Loan ID  Loan Type ID  Borrower             
-------- ------------- -------------------- 
1        HOME          Old MacDonald
2        HOME          Three Little Pigs
3        CAR           Cinderella
4        STUDENT       Peter Pan

Due to changes in business requirements, you may be asked to delete the Student Loan from the available loan types accepted by the company.

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Loan Type]
WHERE [Loan Type ID] = 'STUDENT'

But since there’s an existing record in the Loan Application table that references the Student Loan loan type, you get the following error:

Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_Loan Appl_Loan'.
The conflict occurred in database 'TestDb', table 'Loan Application', column 'Loan Type ID'.
The statement has been terminated.

Solution / Work Around:

One way to avoid this error is to first delete all records from the other tables that reference the PRIMARY KEY.

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Loan Application]
WHERE [Loan Type ID] = ‘STUDENT’

DELETE FROM [dbo].[Loan Type]
WHERE [Loan Type ID] = ‘STUDENT’

But deleting records from other tables may not be acceptable because these records may still be needed. An alternative to the physical deletion of the record is the implementation of a logical deletion of the record.  This can be done by adding a new column in the table that will determine if the record is still active or not.  A bit column can serve as a status flag wherein a value of 1 means that the record is still active while a value of 0 means that the record is not used anymore.

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Loan Type]

UPDATE [dbo].[Loan Type]
SET [Status] = 0
WHERE [Loan Type ID] = ‘STUDENT’

Loan Type ID  Name               Status
------------- ------------------ ------
CAR           Car Loan           1
HOME          Home Loan          1
HOME EQUITY   Home Equity Loan   1
PERSONAL      Personal Loan      1
STUDENT       Student Loan       0
Related Articles :
  • Frequently Asked Questions — SQL Server Error Messages
  • Frequently Asked Questions — INSERT Statement
  • Frequently Asked Questions — SELECT Statement

Иногда, при рабо­те с уже име­ю­щи­ми­ся дан­ны­ми (напри­мер пере­нос дан­ных из MS Access) в базе дан­ных Microsoft SQL Server воз­ни­ка­ет ошиб­ка сер­ве­ра 547: The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “Key_FK00”. The conflict occurred in database “myDatabase”, table “dbo.Table”, column ‘Table_Id’.

Причина это­му очень про­ста: при созда­нии отно­ше­ния (неваж­но “один к одно­му” или “один ко мно­гим”) в исход­ном слолб­це содер­жат­ся дан­ные, кото­рые отсут­ству­ют в клю­че таб­ли­цы. Обычно это вме­сто зна­че­ния NULL име­ет­ся зна­че­ние 0, но могут быть и дру­гие данные.

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