@steelhouse, Вы хотя бы пишите, какой компилятор, ОС и что именно не работает. В Вашем случае (в линуксе), просто компилится (конечно, с флагом -std=c99 или gnu99) с предупреждениями, а дальше вполне себе работает, печатает единички и двойки. — А для компиляции без warnings добавьте, как уже говорили, time.h и возвращаемый main() тип int.
– avp
11 апр 2013 в 11:38
at the end of the #include
directives are the problem in your code. #include
directives don’t need (wrong to place indeed) semicolons at the end unlike C++
[Warning] extra tokens at end of #include directive [enabled by default]
It seems any character after >
in the directive causes this error/warning.
#include<iostream>a //error
Change to this:
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class Problem3 {
bool isPrime(long double num) {
return 0;
int main(){
cout<<"Hello Main";
Regarding the linker issue:
One suggestion is C++
expects types to be explicitly casted between types (more than C
). So, use a cast to convert time_t
which is returned by the time
to unsigned int
which is the input parameter type of srand
. (And of course this might not be the problem with linker error)
Instead of using stdlib.h
, try using <cstdlib>
, try if it helps. Because it uses namespace.
Apart from that, I have seen this snippet here. Use that pattern if it helps.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
srand(time(0)); //use current time as seed for random generator
int random_variable = rand();
cout << "Random value on [0 " << RAND_MAX << "]: "
<< random_variable << 'n';
there is already question in SO check if that helps Eclipse Method could not be resolved in a simple program C++
Never use time() to initialize srand()..
Now it seems many people got this kind of problem. I found a question How do I fix Eclipse CDT Error “Function ‘isdigit’ could not be resolved. He is facing the same problem. The asker suggested a work around to this in his question edit.
Quoted from that question:
I now believe this to be a Code Analysis problem. A better solution is
to edit the Code Analysis options to make «Function could not be
resolved» be a warning instead of an error. That way you can see the
warnings in Problems view, but continue to work. If the function is
REALLY missing, the compiler will tell you! I also have a new theory,
that the problem is with the Code Analyzer following symlinks, because
all of the «missing» functions are in symlinked include files. Would
love any input on this theory.
Hope that points to solve the problem.
Matroskin2 1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 20.01.2020 Сообщений: 7 |
1 |
24.02.2020, 22:12. Показов 6601. Ответов 7 Метки нет (Все метки)
Помогите. Компилятор выдает предупреждение :
0 |
Yetty 7427 / 5021 / 2891 Регистрация: 18.12.2017 Сообщений: 15,694 |
24.02.2020, 22:17 |
2 |
Matroskin2, пишите так:
1 |
1 / 1 / 0 Регистрация: 20.01.2020 Сообщений: 7 |
24.02.2020, 22:23 [ТС] |
3 |
С чем это связано? Я писал по методичке ну и в нете есть такие примеры как у меня .
0 |
hoggy 8725 / 4305 / 958 Регистрация: 15.11.2014 Сообщений: 9,752 |
24.02.2020, 22:35 |
4 |
srand((unsigned)time(0)); Код warning: use of old-style cast [-Wold-style-cast]
С чем это связано? методички пишут такие же балбесы, я пишут вот так:
1 |
2549 / 1208 / 358 Регистрация: 30.11.2013 Сообщений: 3,826 |
24.02.2020, 23:49 |
5 |
Добрый вечер, hoggy, а зачем перед Нету ли тут избыточности по типу
0 |
8725 / 4305 / 958 Регистрация: 15.11.2014 Сообщений: 9,752 |
25.02.2020, 00:00 |
6 |
а зачем перед std»::» ? оптимизация поиска имён. помогает тормозным и глупым
IDE чутка быстрее ориентироваться в коде.
1 |
Croessmah Неэпический 17815 / 10586 / 2044 Регистрация: 27.09.2012 Сообщений: 26,627 Записей в блоге: 1 |
25.02.2020, 00:12 |
7 |
rikimaru2013, а еще язык c++ прекрасен
1 |
4023 / 3280 / 920 Регистрация: 25.03.2012 Сообщений: 12,266 Записей в блоге: 1 |
25.02.2020, 01:13 |
8 |
С чем это связано? Я писал по методичке ну и в нете есть такие примеры как у меня . и что тебя смущает? warning это не ошибка
0 |
12 Years Ago
I can’t figure out why I am getting this error. I have tried #include several things and I have tried changing the location of srand.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <ctime>
class Horse {
int position;
Horse(); //Horse constructor??? Per UML
int random;
srand( time(0));
void advance(){
random = rand() % 2;
cout << random;
}//end advance function
int getPosition(int y){
return y;
}//end getPosition function
};//end Horse class
10 Years Ago
by Nick Evan because:
Fixed formatting
Recommended Answers
I haven’t dealt with classes yet, but i would assume you’d have to place it inside the function. Have you tried ?
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Junior Poster in Training
12 Years Ago
I haven’t dealt with classes yet, but i would assume you’d have to place it inside the function. Have you tried ?
Ancient Dragon
Achieved Level 70
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Featured Poster
12 Years Ago
you can not put function calls in class declaration unless they are inside inline code. Move that srand() line to main()
int main()
Depending on the compiler you are using you may have to typecase time() to unsigned int instead of time_t.
Practically a Master Poster
12 Years Ago
A class is made up of functions and variables so you can not randomly throw in a function call like srand() unless it is within one of it’s own functions. I would call srand() at the top of your main() function.
#include <iostream> //use iostream not iostream.h (.h is the c version)
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class Horse
int position;
int random;
Horse(){}; //note the two curly brackets (this is the default constructor that is made if you do not include a constructor)
void advance()
random = rand() % 2;
cout << random;
int getPosition( int y )
return y;
int main()
srand(time(0));//seed your random here.
Horse test;
return 0;
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- srand(time(NULL)) error message
srand(time(NULL)) error message
I’m not a programmer, but I want to get some C code to work for some study that I’m doing in cognitive psychology. It’s a mathematical model; it does a calculation and returns a value. The code was written in 1996, and when I try to compile it (I’m typing gcc filename), I get a number of error messages. The main one relates to the random number generator.
The original code was:Code:
#include "ran1.c" /* random seed */ long IDUM = -3;
I have replaced only the first line with:
#include <time.h> srand(time(NULL)); int r = rand();
but I get this message:
43:7: error: expected declaration specifiers or �...� before �time� 44:1: error: initialiser element is not constant
I think I’m heading in the right direction, but I don’t know enough about programming to get it right. I really don’t want it to return the wrong value.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
It would be immensely helpful to see the actual implementation you have versus a snip of code as you have provided.
A simple example of using srand() and rand() would be something like:
#include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> const unsigned int MAX_NUM = 1000; int main() { srand(time(NULL)); unsigned int num = rand() % MAX_NUM; // num can range from 0 through (MAX_NUM - 1) }
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
Just a note of caution about PRNGs — based on the name (ran1.c) and the negative-long seed (IDUM) it looks like you are trying to replace the Numerical Recipes implementation? If so, that’s a long-period floating point PRNG — depending what your model is doing (and how many times it’s doing it) the system rand() may or may not be a suitable replacement.
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
Thanks for your helpful comments. Any information I can gather is helpful.
Originally Posted by dwhitney67
It would be immensely helpful to see the actual implementation you have versus a snip of code as you have provided.
Does this make it clearer?
The attached model.txt file is the C code that I think might be relevant. I’ve just killed about 2/3 of the lines from the middle of the file.Just to recap, when I tried to compile this, I got an error message in relation to the random generator.
Thank you.Last edited by lisati; March 9th, 2013 at 04:34 AM.
Reason: Change HTML tags to QUOTE
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
Is there any particular reason you need to replace the original Numerical Recipes ran1 implementation? The license terms are not onerous afaik
I’d suggest including the necessary declarations and compiling the ran1.c file separately rather than doing #include «ran1.c» though
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
ok, Thanks again.
rip@Duck:/media/win/arjuna/current_study$ gcc memnew.c memnew.c:22:18: fatal error: ran1.c: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
Maybe I need to install something. This is Xubuntu Precise.
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
If it’s the routine I think it is, you would need to get it from Numerical Recipes
If you buy the book, you can just type it in (it’s only ~ 50 lines of code) — or you can get an electronic subscription
Re: srand(time(NULL)) error message
ran1.c includes base.h
The code I have ran1.c includes:
Where do I look for that?
Am I on the right track?I’d suggest including the necessary declarations and compiling the ran1.c file separately rather than doing #include «ran1.c» though
I’m not sure what the necessary declarations are. I’m very low level here. As I say, I’m interested in a mathematical model in cognitive psychology, I’m not a programmer.
Thanks again.
error in fprintf: should be struct
I’m asking for help with format in C. The code has this line:Code:
fprintf( OUTD , "%s" , SPARAM[ i ] );
And the error is:
HTML Code:
format �%s� expects argument of type �char *�, but argument 3 has type �struct PARAM� [-Wformat]
And I think you might need to know this:
/* strings used by the program */ #define NPARAM 12 struct PARAM { char *word; } SPARAM[ NPARAM ] = { "Length ", "Strength ", "Frequency ", "Criterion Used ", "Criterion ROC ",
I’ve cut it short here, but I think that’s enough.
I can see what the problem is, but my programming ability is very low level, and I have no idea about C. I need to change the «%s», right?
I need to get this old C code working. Fortunately, I’ve had some good help here, and this is the only error message left.
Comments gratefully received.